Selection of Pumps
Selection of Pumps
Selection of Pumps
December 1994
Before you can select a pump that against increases. This is sketched A cost analysis of pumping will
will fit your needs, you must as curve B. The operating point of consider initial cost of capital
know four things: 1) the total the system occurs when the two investment, annual fixed cost and
head or pressure against which it curves cross. operating cost. All three costs are
must operate, 2) the desired flow In order to obtain a pumping sys- somewhat dependent on each
rate, 3) the suction lift, and tem that will meet your require- other. The type of pumping
4) characteristics of the fluid. ments, and meet them in an effi- equipment, size of pipelines, size
Aquaculture operations imply cient manner, you must match the of pumps and type of water sup-
that you will be pumping water, pump to the piping system and ply affect not only the initial cost
but you also need to know such required flow rate. Manufacturers but also the fixed cost as well as
things as the temperature range, should be able to supply a pump the operating cost. For example,
the corrosiveness (is it salty curve which shows the perfor- piping systems using large pipes
water?), and how much and what mance of the pump and the allow- may cost more but could allow
kind of trash or debris such as able operating ranges. Do not the use of smaller horsepower
sand, dirt, leaves, fish or twigs plan to operate outside of this rec- pumps which cost less, require
may be in the water. With this ommended range outside this smaller power sources and cost
knowledge, you and your dealer may damage the pump. Your less to operate than a piping sys-
can select the proper pump. dealer may also be able to help tem with small diameter pipe.
The total head, suction lift and you analyze or plan your piping The lowest priced system is not
flow rate are dependent upon the system. Information on piping always the best buy, especially if
piping system and the pump’s systems is also available in the the lower price means less effi-
characteristics. The piping system SRAC Publication No. 373, Piping cient pumps. To get the most effi-
and the pump interact to deter- Systems. cient pump, an analysis should be
mine the operating point of the made of all pumping require-
pump – flow rate and pressure. ments. Key points to consider are:
The pump cannot independently ● net positive suction head
control these parameters. As the (NPSH)
flow rate is increased the work to
● priming
move each unit of water or total
dynamic head the pump must ● flexibility
produce increases as shown in ● corrosion
curve A in Figure 1. A pump will ● useful life
typically have reduced capacity as ● maintenance
the pressure or head it is pumping
Figure 1. Pressure as a function of flow ● quantity pumped
*Louisiana Cooperative Extension Service, rate for a typical piping system (A) and a ● pumping head
Louisiana State University Agricultural typical centrifugal pump (B). ● power source
● economics.
The NPSH is the amount of ener- may look like an impeller, but the Operating a pump under a lift
gy in the water at the pump’s force imparted to the water is par- larger than it was designed for
inlet. The required NPSH is a allel to the propeller shaft. may cause cavitation. Cavitation
characteristic of the pump and is the formation of vapor (steam)
depends on pump design, size Operating principles bubbles when the pressure drops
and operating conditions. The below the vapor pressure of the
required NPSH is determined by To operate properly, a centrifugal water. This results in inefficient
the pump manufacturer. The pump must be submerged in a operation and will usually dam-
available NPSH must equal or source of water or be filled with age the pump. A pump that is
exceed the required NPSH. The water and connected through a cavitating may have a rattling
available NPSH is a characteristic water-filled, airtight pipe to the sound.
of the piping system. For the sys- water source. In the latter case,
tem shown in Figure 2, the NPSH water is pushed into the pump by
the difference between atmospher- Horizontal centrifugal
may be calculated as:
ic pressure and the pumps
pressure at the pump (for surface supply and shallow
(atmospheric pressure - vapor pressure)
- h - friction loss in pipe entrance. (The efficien- wells)
2.3 cy and capacity of the Horizontal centrifugal pumps are
pump is extremely sen- frequently used if the source of
The vapor pressure in this equa- sitive to any leak in the inlet pip- water is a surface supply, such as
tion is dependent upon water ing.) After the pump is started, a lake, stream, canal or pond, or a
temperature and both it and the the impeller throws the water it shallow well. A shallow well, as
atmospheric pressure are contains outward by centrifugal opposed to a deep well, is one in
expressed in pounds per square force and creates an area of low which the water level in the well
inch while h and friction loss are pressure at its center. This pres- is high enough to permit the vacu-
expressed in feet. sure is lower than atmospheric um at the pump to lift the water
pressure and is commonly called a and keep it flowing at an accept-
vacuum. Since atmospheric pres- able rate. As the name implies,
sure is pushing down on the sur- horizontal centrifugal pumps nor-
face of the source of supply, the mally have a horizontal shaft.
water is forced through the suc- This type of pump is usually sub-
tion pipe to the lower pressure divided into two groups, single
area at the center of the impeller suction (end suction) and double
Figure 2. Simple pump system. to replace the water being thrown suction (often called split case).
outward. Thus, there is a continu- Either of these may be single or
Types of pumps ous flow of water through the multistage; that is, they may have
pump. only one impeller or they may
Pumps used in irrigation or aqua-
Theoretically, if a pump could be have two or more impellers.
culture often are a form of the
designed to produce a perfect vac- These impellers are so constructed
centrifugal pump. Two basic
uum at its center and was being that the water, in passing through
types of centrifugal pumps are
operated at sea level, the atmos- the pump, is conducted from the
horizontal and vertical. As the
pheric pressure of 14.7 pounds per discharge of one impeller to the
name implies, centrifugal pumps
square inch acting downward on suction of the second; thus, the
use centrifugal force to move
the surface of the water source total head is that developed by a
water from one point to another
would be capable of forcing water single impeller multiplied by the
and to overcome resistance to its
up the suction line to the pump a number of impellers in the pump.
flow. In its simplest form, this
pump consists of an impeller vertical distance of 34 feet. In The most common pump and the
fixed on a rotating shaft within a practice, this is impossible, lowest in cost is the end suction,
volute-type (spiral) casing. Water because a perfect vacuum cannot single stage (Figure 3). Available
enters at the center of the impeller be created at the center of the sizes vary with the manufacturers.
and is forced to the outer edge at impeller and because there are
a high velocity by the rotating losses caused by friction created Jet pumps
impeller. The water is discharged by the flow through the suction
line. There are also losses caused A jet pump is often used for very
by centrifugal force into the cas-
by turbulence at the entrance to low capacity requirements (5 to 20
ing where the high velocity head
the suction line and at the gpm), such as a home water sys-
is converted to pressure head.
entrance to the impeller. Usually, tem. This pump consists of a
The axial flow propeller pump is a vertical suction lift of about 15 small centrifugal pump located at
another type that is used. It is feet is considered the maximum ground level connected to a jet
often used in low-lift, high-vol- for reasonably efficient operation. installed below the water level in
ume situations. The propeller the well (Figure 4). By circulating
Axial flow propeller pumps bly in the well, provides a dis-
charge for water being deliv-
Axial flow propeller pumps are ered, and also accommodates
designed to operate efficiently for the driver for the pump.
aquacultural, irrigation or
drainage pumping at low head 4) Driver - this may be either an
and high volume (more than 500 electric motor or a right-angle
gpm). Their efficiency is high, gear for connection to a power
especially when the total head is unit. When an electric motor is
in the range of 8 to 20 feet. The used, the usual type is a verti-
pumping element of an axial flow cal hollow-shaft design that
propeller pump consists mainly of permits the pump shaft to
Figure 3. Diagram showing construction of a revolving propeller in a station- come up through its center for
the most commonly used pump and the ary bowl which contains vanes securing at the top. The right-
lowest in cost. above and below the propeller. angle gear also is usually the
Water enters the pump through hollow-shaft design type for
part of the water from the pump the intake bell. It is discharged the same reason and has a hori-
back through the jet, water is into the distributor section and zontal shaft for connection to
forced up to the impeller in the then out the discharge elbow. the engine drive or power take-
pump, and a continuous flow at Flowing in essentially a straight off. The internal gears are
reasonable pressure is provided. line along the pump axis keeps available in various ratios to
Shallow-well jet pumps operate friction and turbulence to a mini- accommodate any engine with
on the recirculation principle, but mum. The propeller of an axial an operating speed different
the jet is installed above ground flow pump must be submerged in
and the allowable lift is limited to the source of water (Figure 5).
about 22 feet. Deep-well jet One of the advantages of this
pumps, however, have a maxi- pump is that it will handle some
mum lift of about 65 feet. debris.
from the desired pump-operat- Water-lubricated pump column includes a tube which encloses the
ing speed. assembly is provided with fluted shaft. Inside the tube are bronze
Because of the limited diameter of rubber bearings to permit the shaft bearings threaded on the
its impellers, each impeller devel- water being pumped to lubricate outside to serve as couplings.
ops a rather low head, and it is the shaft. If the pump is to be Alternatively the tube may have
necessary in the average applica- operated at less than about 2,200 oil-impregnated redwood bear-
tion to stack several impellers in rpm, these bearings, which are ings. Lubricating oil is fed into the
series one above the other with fixed in the column pipe coupling, top of the tubing and passes by
each in its own bowl or diffuser are usually placed at 10-foot inter- gravity over surfaces of the bear-
housing. This is called staging. vals. For higher speeds, the bear- ings. At the bottom of the column
Thus, a four-stage bowl assembly ings are on 5-foot spacings. is an opening that lets oil flow out
contains four impellers, all Water-lubricated turbine pumps (Figure 7).
attached to a common shaft are simpler, cheaper and more To maintain the pump, drain and
through the separate housing or commonly used. If more than clean the oil reservoir each year
bowls. The bowl shaft is attached four or five of the rubber shaft and then fill the reservoir with the
to the line shaft through the center bearings are above the water level proper turbine oil specified by the
of the pump column pipe and and become dry when the pump individual pump supplier. Take
must be long enough to locate the is not operating, some means of care that the oil reservoir contains
bowl assembly below the level of pre-lubrication, such as a small enough liquid to lubricate the
the water in the well when pump- pre-lub tank from which water
ing at required capacity. can be spilled
For any given capacity and speed, over the bearings
each impeller develops a certain before starting
amount of head. For example, the pump (Figure
assume that a well has a 10-inch 6), is required.
casing and a static water level 60 With smaller
feet below the surface and that a pumps, a foot
pump is needed to deliver 1,500 valve can be
gpm. In this example the static installed below
water level is 60 feet below the the bowl assem-
surface. When water is being bly to keep the
pumped from the well, the water column pipe full
level will fall. This distance the of water. Because
level falls when pumping is called of friction loss, it
drawdown. Drawdown varies is impractical to
with localities, the formation into use a foot valve
which the well is drilled and the for applications
amount of water pumped. requiring large
Assuming in this case the draw- flows.
down is 40 feet (at a pumping rate When the water
of 1,500 gpm), then the total dis- level is very
tance to the surface becomes 100 deep, oil lubrica-
feet. In addition we have pipe tion is normally
friction and inlets and outlets used. Although
which add 21 feet of head. There- there is no defi-
fore, the total head the pump nite point at
must develop is 100 feet plus 21 which it becomes
feet, or 121 feet. If an impeller necessary, it is
were available that delivered usually recom-
1,500 gpm at a head of 22 feet, a 6- mended for
stage pump would be required. depths of more
than 150 to 200
Optional vertical turbine feet.
pump features Oil-lubricated
pump column
You can get most pumps with assembly
construction features to suit indi- includes a tube
vidual preferences and particular which encloses Figure 6. This diagram of a water-lubricated pump column assembly
applications. the shaft. Inside shows the parts of the surface discharge head and the pump bowl
face (Figure 8). the vanes and the bowl seat is
This type is avail- increased, and water is allowed to
able in a wide circulate through this area. This
range of capacities makes possible a variation in how
for 4-inch wells the pump performs at any given
and larger. speed. Thus, by adjustment of the
Most submersi-ble impeller clearance, a specific per-
pumps used for formance can be maintained even
aquaculture though there is a change in the
require three- water level. With enclosed
phase electrical impellers, performance and effi-
service. ciency are not affected by small
differences in their position, and
constant performance can be
Enclosed vs. maintained.
In an enclosed
impeller, vanes
are covered on
both top and bot-
tom edges; in a
impeller, only the
top edge of the
vanes is covered.
Figure 9 shows top
and bottom views.
The bottom edge Figure 9. Views of impellers.
of the vanes runs
with close clear- Choice of impellers
ance with the The impeller of the pump has a
pump bowl. By wear ring that must match with a
raising the setting similar wearing surface in the
Figure 7. An oil lubricated pump column assembly showing parts of the semi-open bowl of the pump. It is necessary
of the surface discharge head and the pump bowl assembly. impellers, the to maintain the proper clearance
clearance between between these two surfaces and to
pump at all times. A drip adjust- allow for the stretch of the drive
ment controlling the amount of oil shaft within the pump. Periodic
allowed to flow into the pump adjustment of the impeller clear-
should comply with the manufac- ance is essential for high efficiency
turer’s specifications. Do not operation. Contact your pump
over-lubricate the pump or leave installer at least once every five
the oil flowing when the pump is years to make the adjustments.
not operating. Too much lubrica- Pumpers who periodically adjust
tion flowing into the oil tube will the thrust nut to get impeller
cause additional friction loss that clearance should take care to
could cause the tube to plug and make the proper adjustment.
bearings to wear.
Nonreverse ratchet
Submersible pumps
At a small additional cost, either
The submersible pump consists of an electric motor or a right-angle
a multistage vertical turbine gear drive can be provided with a
pump connected directly to an ratchet to prevent the pump’s
electric motor designed to operate rotating in reverse. Some electric
under water. Both the pump and Figure 8. Parts of a submersible pump
motors will operate in either
motor are suspended in the well below ground connected by a pipe to the
direction. If it should be operated
below the water level by a pipe surface.
in the wrong direction because of
that conducts the water to the sur- phase reversal in the power sup-
ply, the pump may be damaged. A horsepower is defined as the pressure gauge. The gauge read-
Reverse spin can also occur after power required to raise a weight ing translated into feet registers
stopping because the water flow- of 33,000 pounds a vertical dis- the height to which the pump is
ing back down the pump column tance of 1 foot in 1 minute. The capable of elevating water. This is
through the impellers turns them rate of work performed by a known as the “shut off head.”
like a water wheel. Undue wear pump (in horsepower) is propor- If the valve is slowly opened, the
is caused by the shaft’s being tional to the weight of the water pressure gauge reading will fall as
turned in its bearings without it delivers per minute multiplied the flow increases, and this will
water for lubrication. by the total equivalent vertical continue until some point of max-
distance in feet through which it imum flow and minimum head is
Basic considerations is moved. For example, a pump reached. If the total head being
delivering 396 gallons per minute developed at any given rate of
If you must lift water, reducing at a total head of 10 feet is per-
the lift will improve the overall flow is plotted against the quanti-
forming work at the rate of 1 ty of water being delivered, the
efficiency of operation. Surface horsepower. If it were possible to
sources of water usually require result will be a performance curve
achieve 100 percent efficiency, it for this particular pump at this
much less lift than pumping from would only be necessary, in this
wells. Two common types of particular speed. If you observe
instance, to apply 1 horsepower the power required to turn the
pumps designed primarily for to the pump shaft. In practice the
low-lift operations are the pro- pump during this process, you
energy input must be greater will note that the power is at a
peller axial flow pump and the than 1 horsepower.
horizontal PTO-driven centrifugal minimum for this typical centrifu-
pump. Axial flow propeller Some of the energy losses that gal pump when there is no water
pumps have very high efficiencies result in lower efficiency are fric- being discharged from the pump
and are capable of pumping large tion in the bearings that support and that the power required will
volumes. Horizontal centrifugal the pump shaft, friction between gradually increase as the rate of
PTO-driven pumps are less effi- the shaft and the packing in the flow increases and the head
cient but still maintain the capa- stuffing box, unavoidable leakage decreases. The maximum efficien-
bility of pumping large volumes between areas of high pressure cy will be about midway between
of water. They also are portable and adjacent areas of low pres- zero flow and maximum flow. A
and often fit into a flexible man- sure inside the pump case, and typical turbine pump perfor-
agement plan for aquaculture the friction caused by the water mance curve is shown in Figure
production. moving across the metallic sur- 10, a typical axial flow propeller
faces in the pump. There are also pump curve in Figure 11.
Pump efficiency other losses of a more complex A pump designer often must sac-
nature. rifice some degree of efficiency to
All segments of our economy, achieve some other desirable
including aquaculture and agri- Determining pump characteristics to provide a unit
culture, must make the most effi- efficiency with maximum usefulness.
cient use of available energy Available pump efficiencies vary
sources. Selecting a correct The efficiency of a pump is deter- with the pump size, type, etc., but
pumping plant not only will con- mined by actual tests. Referring usually should be between 65 per-
serve valuable energy supplies to the example just mentioned: If cent and 85 percent. However,
but also will reduce total annual 1.25 horsepower must be applied this does not mean that a pump
pumping costs. Inefficient pump- to the input shaft when the pump used in an aquaculture applica-
ing plants can increase costs dra- is doing work equivalent to 1 tion is either capable of or oper-
matically. horsepower, the pump efficiency ates at that range of efficiency.
will be 80 percent (1 divided by For example many pumps used in
Meaning of efficiency 1.25). crawfish production in Louisiana
The efficiency of a pump is a During a test, the total head that had efficiencies of less than 30
measure of the degree of its a centrifugal pump can develop percent. If you do not have a
hydraulic and mechanical perfec- is a function of the speed at pump curve for the pump or
tion. Pump efficiency is the ratio which the impeller is turned and haven’t determined its operating
of the output water horsepower the diameter of the impeller. If a point, you are just guessing or
to the input shaft horsepower pump impeller is being turned at gambling on its performance.
expressed as a percentage: its rated speed and a valve on the Where practical, select a pump
discharge side of the pump is which will operate near the point
GPM X Total Head X 100
closed, it will develop a certain of its curve where maximum effi-
Pump Efficiency = maximum head. Under these ciency is reached. This is referred
Input HP X 3,960 conditions, this head is read on a to as the “design point.”
ing that adequate water is avail-
able to flow into the well and that
encrusted wells are not the prob-
lem, then the surge is normally
caused by the pump not being
submerged enough to provide
water for intake. Where the
pump is located some distance
from the bottom of the well, it is
often possible to lower the pump
and reduce the amount of surg-
ing. This can require more power
since full water flow may be
obtained along with higher head.
This may overload the existing
motor. Ask your pump installer
to evaluate the capability of the
existing pump to provide the
required water. In some instances
Figure 10. A typical performance curve of an 8-inch turbine pump 1,760 rpm. you may have to add another
stage and change the motor to one
of greater horsepower.
When the pump is set near the
bottom of the well and it is impos-
sible to lower the pump to mini-
mize surging, consider other alter-
natives. Long-term solutions
resulting in higher efficiency
include pulling the pump and
trimming the impeller or replac-
ing the pump with a different
pump of a smaller capacity. It
might also be possible to decrease
the pump speed and thus
decrease the amount of water
which is pumped, but this could
result in a sizable decrease in effi-
These short-term solutions for a
single pumping season will result
in a decrease in efficiency; adjust-
ment of the impellers upward,
throttling of the discharge by clos-
ing a valve on the discharge side,
and, for belt-driven pumps, the
exchange of pulleys in such a way
to decrease rpm.
Figure 11. A typical axial flow propeller pump curve.
Consult your individual pump
Remember, the point at which the Pumping from a well installer for the best solution to
pump operates depends upon the your problem, realizing that year-
pump and upon the piping Changes in pumping heads by-year fluctuations in the water
arrangement. The pump’s operat- because of different operating sys- table may cause the problems.
ing range and environment tems usually require a change in Does your well pump sand? If
should also conform to the manu- the pumps to maintain greatest you observe sand in the discharge
facturer’s recommendation to pre- efficiency. after the initial period of develop-
vent damage. Does your pump surge? If you ment, remember that this sand is
observe a surge in the discharge, wearing the pump and that con-
the pump may be having difficul- tinuous maintenance and replace-
ty getting enough water. Assum- ment will be necessary to provide
the desired capacity and overall to get maximum capacity from a Pumping plant efficiency
efficiency. Sand in the water given well size. Maximum per-
wears the impeller and the bear- missible speed depends upon a A pumping plant is a combination
ings, and the pump must be number of factors, but for 4-inch, of a pump and power unit.
pulled periodically and worn 6-inch and even 8-inch pumps, a Overall efficiency is a product of
parts replaced. Sand is usually speed of 3,600 rpm is not uncom- both the pump’s and the power
caused by poor well design mon. For larger sizes, however, unit’s efficiency. Table 1 lists
and/or poor well screen selection. this speed is not advisable. Since obtainable efficiencies of the com-
If you cannot correct the problem nominal electric motor speeds ponents of a pumping plant.
you will need to be particularly used in pumping are either 1,760 For electric motors, the efficiency
concerned about loss of efficiency rpm or 3,450 rpm, intermediate ranges from about 85 percent to 92
and capacity. If your well is speeds may be achieved with percent. Typical thermal efficiency
pumping sand, monitor its perfor- right-angle gears of suitable ratio of an internal combustion engine
mance or ask your pump supplier or with belt and pulley drives. ranges from 5 percent to 37 per-
to determine the overall efficiency. The following are considered nor- cent. Typical efficiency of an indi-
If you can measure the appropri- mal maximum capacities expected vidual pump will vary between 25
ate quantities (flow rate, total head from deep wells: and 85 percent. Thus the greatest
and input horsepower) you can theoretical efficiency for a good
determine efficiency from the SIZE UP TO pumping plant seldom exceeds 70
equation for pump efficiency. percent.
Even without measurement you 4 - inch 90 gpm
Tests conducted in the field indi-
may be able to determine from the 6 - inch 400 gpm cate that pump efficiencies could
pump’s performance that it is vary from less than 10 percent to
8 - inch 600 gpm
operating inefficiently. If efficien- about 75 percent, but average 50
cy is low, pull the pump and make 10 - inch 1,000 gpm
percent to 60 percent. Pumps
the needed repairs. You may also 12 - inch 2,000 gpm operating at an efficiency of 60 to
consider whether a different type 70 percent seldom need major
of pump could handle the sand. These figures are not limiting. adjustments or major repairs, but
Much depends on the water level, they can be improved, usually by
Well size and capacity yield characteristics of water-bear- adjusting the impeller and follow-
limits ing formation and the pressure to ing recommendations for adjust-
be developed, but they serve as a ments and maintenance. Pumps
There are definite capacity limita- general guideline. In any case, with an overall efficiency of less
tions for a given diameter of well evaluate carefully the overall than 50 percent usually require
casing. To obtain this limit, the installation. For instance, major repairs and should have
pump must have sufficient capaci- although 1,000 gpm may be immediate attention to reduce
ty. The capacity of a centrifugal obtained from a 10-inch pump pumping costs.
pump varies directly with its with reasonably good efficiency, a
speed of operation. It may be nec- 12-inch pump may be better con-
essary to increase the pump speed sidering overall cost.
The work reported in this publication was supported in part by the Southern Regional Aquaculture Center through Grant No. 89-38500-4516 from
the United States Department of Agriculture.