Technical App Notes For LINK SPW Speed Programmed Winder

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SPW3 Speed Programmed Winder Application Handbook

Copyright 2000 by SSD Drives, Inc.

All rights strictly reserved. No part of this document may be stored in a retrieval system, or transmitted, in any form of by any means to persons not employed by a SSD Drives company without written permission from SSD Drives, Inc. Although every effort has been taken to ensure the accuracy of this specification, it may be necessary, without notice, to make amendments or correct omissions in this document. SSD Drives, Inc. cannot accept responsibility for damage, injury, or expenses resulting therefrom.

Printed in the United States of America

HA355297 Issue 3

WARNING Only qualified personnel who thoroughly understand the operation of this equipment and any associated machinery should install, start-up, or attempt maintenance of this equipment. Non-compliance with this warning may result in serious personal injury and/or equipment damage.

SPW3 Speed Programmed Winder

Warn. 1


Chapter 1 Chapter 2 Introduction Description
DIAMETER CALCULATOR............................................................................................................................................................................................................. 2 - 1 INERTIA COMPENSATION......................................................................................................................................................................................................... 2 - 1 START STOP........................................................................................................................................................................................................................................... 2 - 1 SPEED DEMAND ............................................................................................................................................................................................................................... 2 - 2 PID & GAIN PROFILERS.................................................................................................................................................................................................................. 2 - 2 WEB BREAK DETECTOR ............................................................................................................................................................................................................... 2 - 3 UP TO SPEED DETECTOR ............................................................................................................................................................................................................. 2 - 3 TENSION DEMAND......................................................................................................................................................................................................................... 2 - 3 Taper.................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................. 2 - 3 Stall Tension ................................................................................................................................................................................................................................. 2 - 3 Tension Boost ............................................................................................................................................................................................................................. 2 - 4 Tension Demand Ramp......................................................................................................................................................................................................... 2 - 4 Tension Demand and Dancer Loading....................................................................................................................................................................... 2 - 4 CURRENT MEMORY ...................................................................................................................................................................................................................... 2 - 4

Chapter 3 Using SPW

Scaling............................................................................................................................................................................................................................................... 590+ and 590 (DC Drive).................................................................................................................................................................................................... 690+ and 620 (AC Drive) ................................................................................................................................................................................................... Tension Enable............................................................................................................................................................................................................................. 3-1 3-1 3-1 3-1

QUICK SET UP ...................................................................................................................................................................................................................................... 3 - 1 Connections................................................................................................................................................................................................................................... 3 - 1 Inputs......................................................................................................................................................................................................................................... 3 - 2 Outputs.................................................................................................................................................................................................................................... 3 - 2 Parameters............................................................................................................................................................................................................................ 3 - 2 Running Checks .......................................................................................................................................................................................................................... 3 - 3 Setting Inertia Compensation Using Speed Control........................................................................................................................................ 3 - 3 Inertia Compensations................................................................................................................................................................................................. 3 - 3 Fixed Inertia........................................................................................................................................................................................................................ 3 - 4 Variable Inertia ................................................................................................................................................................................................................ 3 - 4

Chapter 4 Function Block Diagram Appendix A PID CONTROLLER

SPW3 Speed Programmed Winder

Cont. 1

Chapter 1


Chapter 1


SPW is the solution to closed-loop center winders (with loadcell or dancer trim) to produce constant tension throughout the roll. It provides the standard features required by a center winder including: Diameter Calculation with diameter memory and preset, Tension and Taper, PID for tension or dancer position control, Over/Under Winding, etc. Additional features provide Stall Tension, Tension Boost, Web Break Detection, Current Memory, and Inertia Compensation. SPW can control unwinds or rewinds for single spindle and turret winders. The function block can be used with the following SSD Drives AC and DC drives: 590L 590SPL 620L 584SV, 590+, and 690+ with a LINK Techbox Other LINK solutions are available to meet other common application requirements and are documented by their individual manuals.

SPW3 Speed Programmed Winder


Chapter 2


Chapter 2


This section describes the operation of the functions in the SPW LINK function Block.

The roll diameter is calculated by dividing the LINE SPEED by the WINDER SPEED (diameter is always positive and independent of the polarity of the speeds). The LINE SPEED input should be the actual web speed from the previous section motor speed (the next section in the case of an unwind). The WINDER SPEED is the spindle motor speed. Whenever the line is stopped, both the winder speed and line speed are zero. As a result, a preset diameter value (either Core 1, Core 2 or Ext Diameter) is used on power up and when the PRESET ENABLE is ON. It will be the output value as long as the minimum speed is not exceeded. Above minimum speed, the calculated diameter is the output. If the line slows below the minimum speed, the last calculated diameter is used. It will continue to be the output diameter until the preset diameter is enabled.
MIN DIAMETER is the calculated diameter value at full (100%) line speed and full (100%) winder speed.

The calculated DIAMETER output is filtered. The filter output tracks the diameter when TENSION ENABLE is ON and Line Speed is above Min Speed, otherwise the diameter is held at its current value. The diameter filter has a profiled time constant (TC) determined by the winder speed and the filter profiler. The profiler enables a smaller filter at high line speeds and small cores when the change in diameter is fast and a larger filter at larger diameters for stability. The filter profiler has a FILTER MAX TC at 0% winder speed, FILTER MID TC at FILTER MID SPEED, and FILTER MIN TC at 100% winder speed.

The SPW function block calculates the torque required to accelerate the mechanical inertia. It is composed of two parts, fixed and variable inertia. The FIXED INERTIA is the inertia of the motor, gearbox and core. The VARIABLE INERTIA is the inertia of the roll and a WIDTH input is available for setting the web width. The total inertia (Inertia Comp) is multiplied by the scaled acceleration rate to produce the torque demand and the polarity is set by the OVER/UNDER selection. Accelerating a rewind requires additional torque in the same direction as the tension producing torque whereas an unwind requires accelerating torque in the opposite direction to the tension torque. The Master Ramp function block supplies the acceleration rate and connects to the RATE input. If the Master Ramp is not being used, the line speed can be connected to the RATE SP input. The RATE SP input is differentiated to produce a rate. When the WINDER SPEED exceeds the BASE SPEED the current demand is increased to compensate for the reduced field flux to maintain constant torque demand. This is not required with the 620L or 690+ Vector drive so the BASE SPEED parameter should be left at 100% even when an extended speed range is used.

The SPW function block includes logic for START, STOP and JOG with a DRIVE START output to the drive. The drive READY latches the START and resets the START LATCH in the event of a drive fault, program stop, coast stop, or the STOP input. An M-START input is provided for a maintained start from a PLC or for starting using ConfigEd in Run time mode.

SPW3 Speed Programmed Winder


Chapter 2


A simple ramp in SPW uses the LINE SPEED SP or JOG SPEED to calculate the SPEED DEMAND. The ramp time is determined by the SPEED DELTA which is the percentage change per update. For example, if the LINE SPEED SP comes from the Master Ramp function block, the update is 100mS. Thus if the SPEED DELTA is set to 2%, the ramp output will change at 2% per 100mS and would take 5 seconds to change 100%. The ramped speed is summed with the closed-loop trim from the PID scaled by the range. Range, selected by EXTENSIBLE WEB, is either the RANGE NON-EXTN or RANGE EXTN settings. The combined speed demand is divided by the diameter to produce the SPEED DEMAND to the drive. The polarity of SPEED DEMAND is determined by the OVER-UNDER selection; it is positive for Over, when OVERUNDER = True. The SPEED DEMAND is triggered by the FEEDBACK to the PID; thus there must be a regularly updated signal connected to FEEDBACK to obtain a SPEED DEMAND output. An update rate of 30 to 50 mS is recommended.


The PID provides Proportional, Integral and Derivative control. It supplies the closed-loop trim to the speed demand to control the web tension. Note. See the SIGNALP::PID function block data sheet in Appendix for the block diagram, transfer function and functional description of the PID. The PID calculates an output whenever the FEEDBACK input receives an input. If the PID ENABLE is disabled, the output is zero. The Proportional and Derivative terms and the drive speed loop gain via the DRIVE P GAIN output are controlled by gain profilers. The gain profilers provide increasing gain as a function of increasing diameter. The Drive P Gain modifies the speed loop gain to compensate for the increased roll inertia as the diameter increases. The PID Proportional Gain profiles can vary the PID Proportional Gain as a function of diameter. The Derivative Gain profile can be used with dancer position control applications to provide damping at large diameters.
Underdamped % Feedback Overdamped Critically Damped Time % Setpoint

Figure 1 - System Response to a Step-function Input

In each gain profiler, the Min Gain term is a percentage of the Max Gain term. The default Min Gain setting of 100% provides constant gain, equal to Max Gain, throughout the diameter range. The Exponent term determines how quickly the gain falls off as the diameter decreases. At the minimum setting of 1, the profiling is linear. At the maximum setting, 10, maximum gain occurs at maximum diameter and drops of very quickly as diameters decrease.


SPW3 Speed Programmed Winder

Chapter 2


Figure 2 - Gain Profiler


The web break detector monitors the FEEDBACK signal, comparing it to the WB THRESHOLD setting.
WB THRESHOLD is set just below minimum tension for loadcell feedback or to the dancer slack limit for dancer feedback. If FEEDBACK is less than WB THRESHOLD, the diameter is held at the current value and the WEB BREAK output goes low indicating a web break. WB DELAY sets the web break delay timer that eliminates nuisance trips.

The WEB BREAK output is overridden when STALL ENABLE is enabled.

The up to speed detector compares the actual line speed with the winder speed multiplied by diameter. When they are the same, within the UTS THRESHOLD, the UP TO SPEED output goes high.

The Tension Demand section modifies the tension setpoint for taper, stall tension, tension boost and a tension demand ramp.

The Tension Demand can be modified by one of two Taper profiles. Linear Taper linearly reduces the TENSION SP as the diameter increases. Hyperbolic Taper reduces the TENSION SP more quickly near the core and less as the diameter approaches the full roll.

Stall Tension
Stall tension is a reduced tension used when the line is stopped. When STALL ENABLE is high, the tension demand is STALL TENSION if STALL SELECT is Fixed, or STALL TENSION multiplied by the TENSION SP if STALL SELECT is Proportional. For example, if the TENSION SP is 80% and the STALL TENSION is 50%, then the tension demand at stall is 50% if the STALL SELECT is Fixed or 40% if Proportional.

SPW3 Speed Programmed Winder


Chapter 2


Tension Boost
Tension boost increases the tension demand when BOOST ENABLE is high. BOOST SELECT has Fixed and Proportional settings similar to Stall. The fixed or proportional boost is added to the TENSION SP.

Tension Demand Ramp

The Tension Demand Ramp has a TENSION DELTA that sets the rate. The delta is the output change per update where the update is the TENSION TICK TIME, which is normally set to 300mS. For example, if the TENSION DELTA is 10%, TENSION DEMAND can change 10% in 300mS. This setting would require three seconds for a 100% tension change.

Tension Demand and Dancer Loading

The TENSION DEMAND output is the tension demand modified by the taper, stall, boost and ramp. With a loadcell, the TENSION DEMAND is connected to the PID Setpoint for a winder. With a dancer, the PID setpoint is the dancer position setpoint which will be a fixed value of typically 50% for mid position. The loading on the dancer sets the web tension. To control the tension, the DANCER LOADING output is connected via an analog output to an E/P converter that sets the air pressure to load the dancer. The latched TENSION ENABLE input controls the DANCER LOADING output. It permits two DANCER LOADING outputs to control one dancer for a twin-turret winder. The TENSION ENABLE for each drive is connected to the other drives OTHER ENABLE input to switch the control for the dancer. DANCER CAL provides scaling of the DANCER LOADING output to adjust the desired maximum tension.

This function provides short term open-loop tension control by sampling the motor torque and then setting the motor torque at the memorized value. This can be used during transients or when the closed-loop feedback is temporarily isolated from the roll such as during a transfer on an unwind. The motor current (torque for the 620L or 690+) is filtered and fed to a Track and Hold. The current value is held by MEMORY HOLD or MEMORY ENABLE. MEMORY ENABLE also changes the drive from speed control to torque control by adding an OVERSPEED to speed demand and setting the current limit clamp to the memorized value. Current boost is available, either fixed or proportional set by CM BOOST SELECT, enabled by the CM BOOST ENABLE. The positive or negative current limit clamp is selected by the REWIND-UNWIND and OVER-UNDER selections. When the Current Memory is not enabled the positive and negative current limits are at the default 200%. The 590L Current Scaler must be set at 100% to give the correct scaling, but the Main Current limit can be set as required to limit the maximum current, typically at 125%. With the 620L or 690+ Vector drive, the POSITIVE CLAMP and NEGATIVE CLAMP outputs connect to the positive and negative torque limits respectively. Note. The drive must be set for independent positive and negative clamps. See Chapter 3 for the proper settings.


SPW3 Speed Programmed Winder

Chapter 3 Using SPW

Chapter 3 Using SPW


LINK uses a value range of -1 to +1, normally displayed as -100.00% to +100.00%. To interface with the drive, a Speed value of 1 in LINK is equivalent to 120% in the drive and is displayed as 120% in the SPW function block. Similarly a Current or Torque value of 1 in LINK is equivalent to 200% in the drive and is displayed as 200% in the SPW function block.

590+ and 590 (DC Drive)

The SPW function block controls the Positive and Negative Current clamps (in the current memory mode) in the 590 DC drive and the BASE SPEED parameter sets the compensation for the field range (for the inertia compensation). The Current Scaler must be set to 100%, as this scales the clamps, but the Main Current limit may be set as required. BIPOLAR CLAMPS must be enabled.

690+ and 620 (AC Drive)

With a 690+ or 620 Vector drive, the SPW function block controls the Positive and Negative Torque Limits. SYMMETRIC TQ LIMIT must be false. Since torque is controlled directly, the BASE SPEED parameter is left at the 100% default, as additional compensation above base speed is not required. The Main Torque limit and the Current limit can be set as required.

Tension Enable
The SPW function block has two modes of operation for controlling twin-turret winders. With the TENSION ENABLE disabled, the drive is speed controlled with the speed compensated by the roll diameter to provide the roll surface speed matched to line speed. This also provides jog with constant surface speed. In this mode the diameter can be preset. It is used when the web is not connected to the winder. When the TENSION ENABLE is enabled and PID ENABLE is enabled, the closed-loop trim PID trim maintains tension or dancer position. The diameter is calculated as the roll builds up (or builds down for an unwind).

This sections covers a basic single-spindle rewind with loadcell or dancer feedback. It requires the user to have DSD or ConfigEd configuration software to program the SPW function block and make the connections to the drive as part of a LINK network.

See drawing RF354823 for connections and the detailed block diagram.

SPW3 Speed Programmed Winder


Chapter 3 Using SPW Inputs Feedback Line Speed SP Line Speed Winder Speed Rate Tension Enable PID Enable Preset Enable Tension SP Taper SP Start Stop Jog Ready Outputs Drive Start 590L to Start input slot 52 620L to Start input tag 38 590+ and 690+ Drive Start 590L to Speed Input 0 slot 2066 620L to Main Spd Spt tag 176 590+ and 690+ Speed Setpoint 590L to Speed Loop Prop Gain slot 2130 620L to Speed Loop Prop Gain tag 161 590+ and 690+ Speed Loop P Gain 590L to Current Loop Aux current demand slot 2116 620L to Aux Torque Demand tag 559 590+ and 690+ Aux I Demand Connect to Tension Enable and PID Enable inputs Connect to Setpoint input Connect to dancer E/P to set dancer tension From a dancer or loadcell via an Analog Input with a 30 mS update rate From the Master Ramp Output Should be the actual web speed from the previous section motor speed (or the next section for an unwind) Spindle motor speed From the Master Ramp Rate Output From SPW Start Latch output From SPW Start Latch output Used to reset the diameter to core (from pushbutton) From the Tension potentiometer From the Taper potentiometer Pushbutton inputs

From the drive ready output

Speed Demand

Drive P Gain

Aux I Demand

Start Latch Tension Demand (loadcell only) Dancer Loading (dancer only) Parameters Min Diameter Core 1

Core Diameter Full Roll Diameter 100% (for 60 full roll and 6 core, Min Diameter = 10% Core Diameter Full Roll Diameter 100% (for 60 full roll and 6 core, Core = 10%

Note. All other parameters should be at default values.


SPW3 Speed Programmed Winder

Chapter 3 Using SPW

Running Checks
This requires ConfigEd run time(SAM) to set and monitor the SPW function block and the drive. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. Check that the winder is safe to run and that E-stop is reset. Fit an empty core onto the winder. Do NOT splice a web onto the core or start the line. Verify that DIAMETER in SPW is at core, the diameter preset. Set TENSION SP to 50%. Start the winder in JOG. The winder should run at 5% speed in the correct direction. If the direction is wrong, change OVER-UNDER to Under. Change the JOG SPEED to 50%. Check the core surface speed, it should be at 50% of maximum rated web speed. Adjust the speed, if required, using the Tach or Encoder cal in the drive as appropriate. Use START to enable the TENSION ENABLE while maintaining the Jog. With the TENSION SP at 50% and no web, the speed should increase. Reduce TENSION SP to zero and apply force to the loadcell or move the dancer to the tight position. The winder should slow down. Remove the JOG and START; the drive should switch off. Enable the PRESET ENABLE. The DIAMETER should be preset to core.

10. Set the JOG SPEED back to 5%. This completes the Quick set up. The winder will now control tension but the dynamic performance may need optimizing.

Setting Inertia Compensation Using Speed Control

For this method of measuring the inertia compensation the drive is run independently of the SPW tension control. The drive is run in speed control using the drive ramp to control acceleration and deceleration. Typically the drive will be started and the speed demand to the ramp, set via SAM. Note. Where load is specified, read current demand for the 590L or 590+ and read torque demand for the 620L or 690+. Note. Where Base Speed is specified, this is the actual base speed (% of max speed) at the calibrated maximum volts, not necessarily the motor nameplate base speed. This is the same as the BASE SPEED parameter in SPW. Inertia Compensations Determine the fastest Master Ramp ramp time for the machine that maintains tension control. For example, if the run time is 30 seconds and the stop time is 20 seconds, use 20 seconds; ignore the E-stop settings. Set the RATE CAL in SPW to 20% Ramp time. This is a calibration setting and still permits the Master Ramp times to be reduced (up to 25%) or increased (no limit). For example, if the fastest specified ramp time is 20 seconds, set RATE CAL to 20% 20 = 1%.

SPW3 Speed Programmed Winder


Chapter 3 Using SPW Fixed Inertia 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. Install a core. Set the drive ramp time, accel and decel to the time used for the Rate Cal above. Start the drive at 1% speed and record the load and then set ramp speed demand to 100%. Read the change in load during acceleration. At full speed the load should return to a steady value; record the load. Set the ramp speed demand back to 1% and read the deceleration load change. The load at 1% speed should return to the same as recorded above. The acceleration and deceleration load changes should be equal and opposite. This value is the Fixed Inertia compensation. For example, the load at 1% speed = 0.5% and the load at 100% speed = 2%. When accelerating the load starts at 4% and increases to 5.5% just before full speed. This is 3.5% change. Decelerating the load starts at -1.5% and decreases to -3.0% just before zero speed. This is a 3.5% change. The average of the acceleration and deceleration load is the value for Fixed Inertia. With a Field Range 6. The procedure is exactly the same as without a field range, above, except the high speed demand must be limited to base speed (preferably just below). For example, the load at 1% speed = 0.5% and the load at base speed = 2%. When accelerating the load starts at 4% and increases to 5.5% just before base speed. This is 3.5% change. Decelerating the load starts at -1.5% and decreases to -3.0% just before zero speed. This is a 3.5% change. The average of the acceleration and deceleration load is the value for Fixed Inertia. Variable Inertia Determine the roll build up ratio. This is the maximum full roll diameter divided by the core diameter. The ramp rates and speed demand must be modified by the build up. The ramp time is multiplied by the build up and the speed demand divided by the build up. For this example the Core OD = 6, the Full Roll diameter = 48and the Ramp Time = 20 sec. The build up is 48/6 = 8. The drive accel and decel ramp time is set to 20 8 = 160sec. The high speed demand is 100 8 = 12.5%. This speed will be equal to or less than base speed so no special procedure is required for a field range. 1. 2. Fit a full roll or as near a full roll as possible (not larger). Measure the actual size; for the correction factor for less than full roll, see later section. Start the drive at 1% speed, then set ramp speed demand to value calculated above. Read the change in load during acceleration. Set the ramp speed demand back to 1% and read the change in load during deceleration. Take the average of the accel/decel load change values similarly to the Fixed Inertia procedure. Subtract the Fixed inertia component from the full roll accel/decel load change and then correct for the roll size. Variable Inertia = (load change value from Step 2 (Fixed Inertia Build up)) (100% Roll Size%)3 The following example has a build up = 8, Fixed inertia = 3.5% and Roll size = 90% of a full roll. The measured load change is 12%. Variable Inertia = (12 (3.5 8)) (100% 90%)3 = 15.86% Use this value for SPW Variable Inertia. If the winder uses a gearbox with multiple ratios or uses one or two motors, it will be necessary to measure the compensations for each motor and gearbox ratio combination. The different compensations must be switched into the SPW for each combination.

Without a Field Range



SPW3 Speed Programmed Winder

Chapter 4 Function Block Diagram

Chapter 4 Function Block Diagram

This chapter contains the software block diagrams for the SPW3 function Block. Diagrams printed on the following pages 4-2 through 4-4.

SPW3 Speed Programmed Winder

4 -1

Chapter 4 Function Block Diagram


SPW3 Speed Programmed Winder


Chapter 4 Function Block Diagram

SPW3 Speed Programmed Winder


4 -3

Chapter 4 Function Block Diagram


SPW3 Speed Programmed Winder



Proportional Term p(k) = Kp * e(k) Integral Term i(k) = Ki * Ts * e(k 1) + i(k 1) Derivative Term d(k) = (Kd / Ts) * [e(k) e(k 1)] Notes (k) = sample (k - 1) = previous sample Kp = P Gain Ki = I Gain Kd = D Gain Ts = Sample Period setting

SPW3 Speed Programmed Winder

App. A - 1


Winders/SPW3 - RG355297

App. A-- 2

SPW3 Speed Programmed Winder


This function block implements a Speed Programmed Winder. It is intended to perform the speed demand calculations and associated logic for a closed loop winder. This function block is made up of seven sub-function blocks (which are described separately): Diameter Calculator, Inertia Compensation, Speed Demand, Web Break Detector, Up to Speed Detector, Tension Demand, and Current Memory. All logic outputs have built in Logic Senders.

Lower case parameters with a * to them can be connected to the outside of a Macro for SAM purposes only. These parameters only have an output when in SAM mode.

Parameters are listed by sections as they appear in the configuration. If a parameter is not listed in this section, it cannot be preset and is listed in either Set Methods and/or Get Methods. Unless otherwise noted, all parameters are persistent and default value is listed in parenthesis at the end of the description.

Diameter Calculator - Main Parameters

Filter Max TC Filter Mid TC Filter Min TC Filter Mid Speed Diameter Hold Preset Enable Min Speed Min Diameter Diameter Tick Time Diameter filter value when winder speed is zero (0.94). Diameter filter value when winder speed is Filter Mid Speed (0.94). Diameter filter value when winder speed is 100% (0.94). Winder speed for Filter Mid TC (50%). Initial condition of Diameter Filter (Track). Initial condition of Diameter Preset. Preset loads value of Core or External Diameter into Diameter Filter (Disabled). Line Speed value below which Diameter is held (5%). Minimum value of Diameter Calculator output. 100% = Full Roll (10%). Clock period for Diameter calculation. Filter Time is proportional to Tick Time (300 ms).

Diameter Calculator - Inertia Compensation

Over-Under Fixed Inertia Selects winding direction (Over). Compensation value for the fixed inertia of the motor, coupling and core shaft. With the rate cal set as specified below the Fixed Inertia is set to the % current required to accelerate the empty core(below base speed) with the line (0%). Compensation for the roll inertia. With the rate cal set as specified below the Variable Inertia is set to the % current required to accelerate the full roll with the line (0%). Width of the web and roll as a percentage of the maximum width (100%). Compensates for a field weakening range. Base Speed is % that the motor base speed is of the applied full speed. This should correspond with the 590 calibration. The Base Speed parameter should be left at 100% with a Torque Demand as in the 620 (100%). Normalises the Rate input so that the Fixed and Variable Inertia parameters can be set directly as %FLC. With the Rate input from the Master Ramp the Rate Cal should be set to 20%/Ramp time (100%).

Variable Inertia Width Base Speed

Rate Cal

SPW3 Speed Programmed Winder

App. A - 3


Diameter Calculator - Core Parameters

Ext Diameter Ext Dia Select Core 1 Core 2 Core Select Initial value of External Diameter input (100% Full roll). Selects source of Diameter Preset. see Preset Enable (Core). Value of Core 1 (10% Full roll). Value of Core 2 (20% Full roll). Initial core selection. Core 1 = false, Core 2 = true (Core 1).

Speed Demand - Speed Parameters

Speed Delta Jog Speed Start Jog M-Start Ready Stop Overspeed Ramp increment per Tick Time (Speed Demand Tick determined by update rate of Line Speed SP input, typically 100ms). 2% in 100ms = Ramp time to 100% of 5 seconds (2%). Value of Jog Speed (5%). Initial condition Disabled, cannot be preset. Initial condition Disabled, cannot be preset. Maintained Start, Initial condition Low (Disabled), cannot be preset. Initial condition Low (Disabled), cannot be preset. Initial condition Low (Disabled), cannot be preset. Overspeed added in current control with Current Memory Enabled (12%).

Speed Demand - PID Parameters

Setpoint PID Enable Integral Enable Integral Dancer Position Setpoint or initial value for Tension Setpoint (50%). Initial condition of PID Enable (Disabled). Initial condition of PID Integral Enable (Enabled). Integral Time Constant in seconds (10).

Speed Demand - Profile Parameters

The Gain Profiler provides the ability to vary the gain with diameter. Three parameters are available: Max Gain which sets the output at maximum diameter, Min Gain which sets the percentage of Max Gain at minimum diameter, and Exponent which sets the profile between the max and min gain output values. Drive Max Gain Drive Min Gain Drive Exponent D Max Gain D Min Gain D Exponent P Max Gain P Min Gain P Exponent 590 Drive Speed loop proportional Gain at Maximum Diameter, if connected (20). Drive Speed loop proportional Gain at Minimum Diameter, if connected. Specified as a % of Max Gain (100%). Drive Speed loop proportional Gain profile between Drive Max gain and Drive Min gain (1). PID Derivative Gain at Maximum Diameter (0). PID Derivative Gain at Minimum Diameter. Specified as a % of Max Gain (100%). PID Derivative Gain profile between D Max Gain and D Min Gain (1). PID Proportional Gain at Maximum Diameter (2). PID Proportional Gain at Minimum Diameter. Specified as a % of Max Gain (100%). PID Proportional Gain profile between P Max Gain and P Min Gain (1).

App. A-- 4

SPW3 Speed Programmed Winder


Speed Demand- Web Break Parameters

WB Delay WB Threshold Delay between detecting a web break and the Web Break output being set low (5 sec). Threshold of Feedback below which a web break is detected (0%).

Tension Demand - Main Parameters

Tension Tick Time Stall Tension Stall Select Stall Enable Boost Boost Select Boost Enable Tension SP Taper SP Taper Select Clock period for Tension Demand calculation (300 ms). Tension value when Stall Enabled (50%). Stall value - "Fixed" = Stall Tension, "Proportional" = Stall Tension * Set Tension (Proportional). Initial condition of Stall Enable (Disabled). Determines Boost value when Boost Enabled (0%). Boost value - "Fixed" = Boost, "Proportional" = Boost x Set Tension (Proportional). Initial condition of Boost Enable (Disabled). Initial value of Tension Setpoint (0%). Initial value of Taper Setpoint (0%). Selects "Linear" or "Hyperbolic" Taper profile (Linear).

Tension Demand - Output Parameters

Dancer Cal Tension Delta Scaling of output for Dancer loading (100%). Tension Ramp increment per Tension Tick Time. For Tension Tick Time of 300 ms and Tension Delta of 33%, 100% ramp time = 1 second (33%).

Current Memory - Main Parameters

CM Boost CM Boost Select CM Boost Enable Memory Enable Memory Hold Memory Filter Rewind/Unwind Increase in current when CM Boost Enable enabled (0%). Boost value - "Fixed" = Boost, "Proportional" = Boost x Measured Current (Fixed). Enables Boost in Current Memory (Disabled). Initial condition of Current Memory Enable, Memory Enable also enables Memory Hold (Disabled). Initial condition of Memory Track and Hold, use if the current must be sampled before enabling current memory (Track). Memory Filter value = exp(-Tick Time/Filter Time), if Tick Time = 300ms and Filter Time = 1 second, then Filter value = 0.74 (.74). Selects Rewinding or Unwinding mode

Miscellaneous Parameters
UTS Threshold Tension Enable Range Non-Extn Range Extn Extensible Web Other Enable Up to Speed Threshold. Up to Speed Output is true when Winder Surface Speed is within Threshold of Line Speed (5%). Initial condition of Tension Enable. Enables diameter calculator (Disabled). Trim range, as a percentage of full speed, of the PID loop when Extensible Web is Disabled (10%). Trim range, as a percentage of full speed, of the PID loop when Extensible Web is Enabled (15%). Selects the PID Trim Range for two web types: Extensible or Non-Extensible (Disabled). Disconnects Dancer Loading output when other spindle Tension is Enabled (Disabled).

SPW3 Speed Programmed Winder

App. A - 5


Set Methods
Armature Current Base Speed Boost Boost Enable Boost Select CM Boost CM Boost Enable CM Boost Select Core 1 Core 2 Core Select D Exponent D Max Gain D Min Gain Dancer Cal Diameter Filter Diameter Hold Drive Exponent Drive Max Gain Drive Min Gain Ext Dia Select Ext Diameter Extensible Web Feedback Forward-Reverse Filter Max TC Filter Mid Speed Filter Mid TC Filter Min TC Fixed Inertia Integral Integral Enable Jog Jog Speed Line Speed Line Speed SP M-Start Memory Enable Memory Filter Current Memory input. Expects a value between -200% and 200%. Inertia Comp input. Expects a value between -120% and 120%. Tension Demand input. Expects a value between -100% and 100%. Tension Demand input. Expects Enabled (true) or Disabled (false). Tension Demand input. Expects Proportional (true) or Fixed (false). Current Memory input. Expects a value between 0 and 100%. Current Memory input. Expects Enabled (true) or Disabled (false). Current Memory input. Expects Proportional (true) or Fixed (false) Diameter Calc. input. Expects a value 0.1% to 100% Full Roll. Diameter Calc. input. Expects a value 0.1% to 100% Full Roll. Diameter Calc. input. Expects Core 2 (true) or Core 1 (false). Speed Demand input. Expects an ordinal between 1 and 10. Speed Demand input. Expects a value between -5 and 5. Speed Demand input. Expects a value 0 to 100% (of Max Gain). Tension Demand input. Expects a value between -100% and 100%. Diameter Calc. input. Expects a value between 0 and 1.0. Diameter Calc. input. Expects Hold (true) or Track (false). Speed Demand input. Expects an ordinal between 1 and 10. Speed Demand input. Expects a value between 0 and 200. Speed Demand input. Expects a value 0 to 100% (of Max Gain). Diameter Calc. input. Expects External (true) or Core (false). Diameter Calc. input. Expects a value 0.1% to 100% Full Roll. Speed Demand input. Expects Enabled (true) or Disabled (false). Speed Demand input. Expects a value between -100% and 100%. Diameter Calc. input. Expects Forward (true) or Reverse (false). Diameter Calc. input. Expects a value between 0 and 1.0 Diameter Calc. input. Expects a value between -120% and 120% Diameter Calc. input. Expects a value between 0 and 1.0 Diameter Calc. input. Expects a value between 0 and 1.0 Speed Demand input. Expects a value between 0% and 100%. Speed Demand input. Expects a value between 0-.1 and 15. Speed Demand input. Expects Enabled (true) or Disabled (false). Speed Demand input. Expects Enabled (true) or Disabled (false). Speed Demand input. Expects a value between -120% and 120%. Diameter Calc. input. Expects a value between -120% and 120%. Speed Demand input. Expects a value between -120% and 120%. Speed Demand input. Expects Enabled (true) or Disabled (false). Current Memory input. Expects Enabled (true) or Disabled (false). Current Memory input. Expects a value between 0 and 1.0.

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SPW3 Speed Programmed Winder

Appendix A PID CONTROLLER Memory Hold Min Diameter Min Speed Neg FB Limit Other Enable Over-Under Overspeed P Exponent P Max Gain P Min Gain PG Limit PID Enable Pos FB Limit Preset Enable Range Extn Range Non-Extn Rate Rate Cal Rate SP Ready Rewind/Unwind Setpoint Speed Delta Stall Enable Stall Select Stall Tension Start Stop Taper SP Taper Select Tension Delta Tension Enable Tension SP UTS Threshold Variable Inertia WB Threshold WB Delay Width Winder Speed Current Memory input. Expects Hold (true) or Track (false). Diameter Calc. input. Expects a value 0.1% to 100% Full Roll. Diameter Calc. input. Expects a value between -120% and 120%. Speed Demand input. Expects a value between -100% and 100%. Tension Demand input. Expects Enabled (true) or Disabled (false). Tension Demand input. Expects Over (true) or Under (false). Speed Demand input. Expects a value between 0 and 120%. Speed Demand input. Expects an ordinal between 1 and 10. Speed Demand input. Expects a value between -30 and 30. Speed Demand input. Expects a value 0 to 100% (of Max Gain). Speed Demand input. Expects a value between -100% and 100%. Speed Demand input. Expects Enabled (true) or Disabled (false). Speed Demand input. Expects a value between -100% and 100%. Diameter Calc. input. Expects Enabled (true) or Disabled (false). Speed Demand input. Expects a value between -100% and 100%. Speed Demand input. Expects a value between -100% and 100%. Speed Demand input. Expects a value between -1.0 and 1.0 Speed Demand input. Expects a value between -100% and 100%. Speed Demand input. Expects a value between -120% and 120%. Returns the current state: Enabled (true) or Disabled (false). Current Memory input. Expects Rewind (true) or Unwind (false). Speed Demand input. Expects a value between 0 and 100%. Speed Demand input. Expects a value between 0 and 100%. Tension Demand input. Expects Enabled (true) or Disabled (false). Tension Demand input. Expects Proportional (true) or Fixed (false). Tension Demand input. Expects a value between -100% and 100%. Speed Demand input. Expects Enabled (true) or Disabled (false). Speed Demand input. Expects Active (low) or Inactive (high). Tension Demand input. Expects a value between -100% and 100%. Tension Demand input. Expects Hyperbolic (true) or Linear (false). Tension Demand input. Expects a value between 0 and 1.0. Tension Demand input. Expects Enabled (true) or Disabled (false). Tension Demand input. Expects a value between -100% and 100%. Up to Speed input. Expects a value between -120% and 120%. Speed Demand input. Expects a value between 0 and 100%. Speed Demand input. Expects a value between 0 and 100%. Speed Demand input. Expects a value between 0 and 3000 sec. Speed Demand input. Expects a value between 0 and 100%. General input. Expects a value between -120% and 120%.

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Get Methods
Get Aux Current Demand Returns the current state: Value between -200% and 200%. Get Base Speed Get Boost Get Boost Enable Get Boost Select Get CM Boost Get CM Boost Enable Get CM Boost Select Get Core Get Core 1 Get Core 2 Get Core Select Get D Exponent Get D Max Gain Get D Min Gain Get Dancer Cal Get Derivative Get Diameter Get Diameter Hold Get Diameter Preset Get Drive Exponent Get Drive Max Gain Get Drive Min Gain Get Drive P Gain Get Drive Start Get Ext Dia Select Get Ext Diameter Get Extensible Web Get Feedback Get Filter Max TC Get Filter Mid Speed Get Filter Mid TC Get Filter Min TC Get Filter TC Get Filtered Current Get Fixed Inertia Get In Tension Get Inertia Comp Get Integral Returns the current state: Value between -120% and 120%. Returns the current state: Value between -100% and 100%. Returns the current state: Enabled (true) or Disabled (false). Returns the current state: Proportional (true) or Fixed (false). Returns the current state: Value between 0% and 100%. Returns the current state: Enabled (true) or Disabled (false). Returns the current state: Proportional (true) or Fixed (false). Returns the current state: % (Full Roll = 100%). Returns the current state: % (Full Roll = 100%). Returns the current state: % (Full Roll = 100%). Returns the current state: Core 2 (true) or Core 1 (false). Returns the current state: Ordinal 1 to 10. Returns the current state: Value between 0% and 100%. Returns the current state: % of Max Gain. Returns the current state: Value between -100% and 100%. Returns the current state: Value between -5% and 5%. Returns the current state: % (Full Roll = 100%). Returns the current state: Holding (true) or Tracking (false). Returns the current state: % (Full Roll = 100%). Returns the current state: Ordinal 1 to 10. Returns the current state: Value between 0 and 200. Returns the current state: % of Max Gain. Returns the current state: Value between 0 and 200. Returns the current state: Enabled (true) or Disabled (false). Returns the current state: Enabled (true) or Disabled (false). Returns the current state: % (Full Roll = 100%). Returns the current state: Enabled (true) or Disabled (false). Returns the current state: Value between -100% and 100%. Returns the current state: Value between 0 and 1.0. Returns the current state: Value between -120% and 120%. Returns the current state: Value between 0 and 1.0. Returns the current state: Value between 0 and 1.0. Returns the current state: Value between 0 and 1.0. Returns the current state: Value between -200% and 200%. Returns the current state: Value between 0% and 100%. Returns the current state: Enabled (true) or Disabled (false). Returns the current state: Value between -200% and 200%. Returns the current state: Value between 0.1 and 15.

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SPW3 Speed Programmed Winder

Appendix A PID CONTROLLER Get Integral Enable Get Jog Get Jog Speed Get Line Speed Get Line Speed SP Get M-Start Get Memory Enable Get Memory Filter Get Memory Hold Get Min Diameter Get Min Speed Get Neg FB Limit Get Neg Clamp Get Other Enable Get Over-Under Get Overspeed Get P Exponent Get P Max Gain Get P Min Gain Get PG Limit Get PID Enable Get PID Output Get Pos FB Limit Get Pos Clamp Get Preset Enable Get Proportional Get Ramped Speed Get Range Get Range Extn Get Range Non-Extn Get Rate Cal Get Rate SP Get Ready Get Rewind/Unwind Get Scaled Rate Get Setpoint Get Speed Delta Get Speed Demand Get Stall Enable Get Stall Select Get Stall Tension Returns the current state: Enabled (true) or Disabled (false). Returns the current state: Enabled (true) or Disabled (false). Returns the current state: Value between -120% and 120%. Returns the current state: Value between -120% and 120%. Returns the current state: Value between -120% and 120%. Returns the current state: Enabled (true) or Disabled (false). Returns the current state: Enabled (true) or Disabled (false). Returns the current state: Value between 0 and 1.0. Returns the current state: Holding (true) or Tracking (false). Returns the current state: % (Full Roll = 100%). Returns the current state: Value between -120% and 120%. Returns the current state: Value between -100% and 100%. Returns the current state: Value between -200% and 200%. Returns the current state: Enabled (true) or Disabled (false). Returns the current state: Over (true) or Under (false). Returns the current state: Value between 0% and 120%. Returns the current state: Ordinal 1 to 10. Returns the current state: Value between 0% and 100%. Returns the current state: % of Max Gain. Returns the current state: Value between 0% and 100%. Returns the current state: Enabled (true) or Disabled (false). Returns the current state: Value between -100% and 100%. Returns the current state: Value between -100% and 100%. Returns the current state: Value between -200% and 200%. Returns the current state: Enabled (true) or Disabled (false). Returns the current state: Value between 0 and 200. Returns the current state: Value between -120% and 120%. Returns the current state: Value between -100% and 100%. Returns the current state: Value between -100% and 100%. Returns the current state: Value between -100% and 100%. Returns the current state: Value between -100% and 100%. Returns the current state: Value between -120% and 120%. Returns the current state: Not Ready (low) or Ready (high). Returns the current state: Rewind (true) or Unwind (false). Returns the current state: Value between -100% and 100%. Returns the current state: Value between -100% and 100%. Returns the current state: Value between 0% and 100%. Returns the current state: Value between -120% and 120%. Returns the current state: Enabled (true) or Disabled (false). Returns the current state: Proportional (true) or Fixed (false). Returns the current state: Value between -100% and 100%.

SPW3 Speed Programmed Winder

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Appendix A PID CONTROLLER Get Start Get Start Latch Get Stop Get Taper SP Get Taper Select Get Tension Delta Get Tension Demand Get Tension Enable Get Tension SP Get Rewind-Unwind Get UTS Threshold Get Up to Speed Get Variable Inertia Get WB Delay Get WB Threshold Get Web Break Get Width Get Winder Speed Returns the current state: Started (true) or Off (false). Returns the current state: Enabled (true) or Disabled (false). Returns the current state: Active (low) or Inactive (high). Returns the current state: Value between -100% and 100%. Returns the current state: Hyperbolic (true) or Linear (false). Returns the current state: Value between -100% and 100%. Returns the current state: Value between -100% and 100%. Returns the current state: Enabled (true) or Disabled (false). Returns the current state: Value between -100% and 100%. Returns the current state: Rewind (true) or Unwind (false). Returns the current state: Value between -120% and 120%. Returns the current state: true or false. Returns the current state: Value between 0% and 100%. Returns the current state: Value between 0 and 3000 sec. Returns the current state: Value between 0% and 100%. Returns the current state: Enabled (true) or Disabled (false). Returns the current state: Value between 0% and 100%. Returns the current state: Value between -120% and 120%.

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SPW3 Speed Programmed Winder


SPW Function Block Manual

This function block implements a Speed Programmed Winder. It is intended to perform the speed demand calculations and associated logic for a closed loop winder. A simplified block diagram is shown below; detailed drawings can be found in the appendix.



0% D T 10% 5% D O D D 15% 10% R 50% D P 50% D L 0% D 0% D


This function block is made up of five sub-function blocks: "Diameter Calculator & Web Break Detector", "Up to Speed Detector", "Tension Demand", "Speed Demand", and "Current Memory". Each of these are described below. Unless otherwise noted, all parameters are persistent, can be preset, and have set and get methods. All logic
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outputs have built in Logic Senders.

SPW Function Block Manual

Diameter Calculator & Web Break Detector

This block performs the Diameter calculation used by the other sub-function blocks. Simply, the diameter is calculated by dividing the absolute value of the Line Speed by the absolute value of the Winder Speed. This result is scaled by the Build Up parameter1. This result goes to a filter block who's output can be held and is then clamped giving the final diameter output. Diameter Filter is used to set the filter rate and the diameter input to the filter is held when Preset Enable is false and Diameter Hold is true, or when Preset Enable is false and Tension Enable is false or Line Speed is less than Min Speed. Note that only the input diameter is held, the filter output may continue to change in the held state until it matches the held diameter. Min Diameter is the minimum diameter value for the the clamp. The Diameter output will not go below this value. It is also possible to use a Diameter Preset (Core 1, Core2 and External Diameter, selected by Core Select and Ext Dia Select). The Diameter Preset is used as both the input and output of the filter if Preset Enable is true and Tension Enable is false or Line Speed is less than Min Speed. The Diameter Preset is also loaded into the filter whenever the module is restarted. The Web Break Detector takes the difference between the computed diameter and the previously computed diameter and based on Rewind-Unwind and Forward-Reverse, adds or subtracts it to an internal accumulator2 . When the internal accumulator is greater than WB Threshold, the Web Break output becomes true, otherwise it is false. The internal accumulator can be reset to zero by either WB Reset going true or Tension Enable going false. Diameter Tick Time can only be preset and specifies the rate at which the diameter is calculated.

Up to Speed Detector
This block compares a computed line speed (uses Winder Speed, Diameter and Build Up) with Line Speed SP. If the absolute value of the difference is is less than UTS Threshold, the Up to Speed output is set true.

Tension Demand
The Link system uses a normalized numbering system. All values are represented as numbers between -1 and 1. When the result of a calculation would be a value outside this range, the result is saturated to -1 or 1 so that it will be a legal value. Thus, many intermediate calculations need to be scaled to prevent saturation. 2 The accumulator is clamped so that it never goes below 0. The sum added in is clamped to WB Threshold/4.
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SPW Function Block Manual

This block computes a tension demand. The first part of the tension demand calculation involves computing a taper term. This term is based on Diameter, Taper SP, the selected core (Core 1 or Core 2), and the type of Taper Selected (see drawings for details). The taper term is multiplied by Tension SP, and if Stall Enable and Boost Enable are false, is the input to the ramp. If Stall Enable is true, this term is multiplied by Stall Tension and input into the ramp if Stall Select is proportional, otherwise, just the Stall Tension term is presented to the ramp. If Boost Enable is true and Stall Enable is false, a boost is added before the value is input to the ramp. The amount of boost is based on Boost Select. If it is fixed, the amount of boost will be Boost. If it is proportional, the amount will Boost multiplied by the tension term. Tension Delta controls the ramp rate and specifies the amount the ramp may change each Tension Tick Time (the rate at which tension demand is calculated). The ramp output is also the Tension Demand output. The tension demand can be multiplied by Dancer Cal to compute the Dancer Loading output. This message is sent only when Tension Enable is true and Other Enable is false. This condition also sets the In Tension output.

Speed Demand
This block calculates the Speed Demand output. The Start and Jog select wether the Line Speed or the Jog Speed is input into the ramp. If either Start or Jog is true, Run Delta is use as the ramp rate, otherwise, Stop Delta is used for the stop rate and the ramp input is zero. The ramp output is divided by Build Up (see Diameter Calculator), then the scaled PID trim is added and finally it is divided by the signed Diameter (determined by Over-Under) to produce the Speed Demand output. See the G Profiler/Generic data sheet for a description on how the PID output is generated. This output is multiplied by the selected Range and added as a trim to the Speed Demand being calculated.

Current Memory
This block calculates the Current Demand output. This output is simply the filtered value of the Armature Current input (Memory Filter specifies the filter time constant) which has CM Boost (selected by CM Boost Select) added to it and is then passed through a track and hold block. The hold function is enabled by either the Memory Hold input being true or the Memory Enable input being in the enable state and Web Break (see "Diameter Calculator & Web Break Detector" description) being false.

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SPW Function Block Manual

Description Default

Diameter Calculator - Main Parameters Min Diameter Diameter Filter Minimum value of Diameter Calculator output. Full diameter = 100% Min = 100%/Build Up Diameter Filter value = e-Tick Time/Filter Time (if Tick Time = 300ms and Filter Time = 5 seconds, then Filter value = 0.94). Initial condition of Diameter Filter. Initial condition of Diameter Preset. Preset loads value of Core or External Diameter into Diameter Filter. Line Speed value below which Diameter is held. Ratio of Full Roll Diameter to Core Diameter. Clock period for Diameter calculation. Filter Time is proportional to Tick Time. 10% 0.94

Diameter Hold Preset Enable

Track Disabled

Min Speed Build Up Diameter Tick Time

5% 10 300 ms

Diameter Calculator - Web Break Parameters WB Threshold RewindUnwind ForwardReverse Internal accumulator threshold value to detect a web break. Represented as a % of full roll diameter. Selects application for Rewinding or Unwinding. Rewind = true, Unwind = false. See Forward-Reverse. Initial condition of line Direction. Only used in reversing lines. In Reverse, unwind becomes rewind and rewind becomes unwind. Forward = true, Reverse = false. Initial condition of Web Break Counter Reset. Initial condition of Tension Enable. 10% Rewind Forward

WB Reset Tension Enable

Disabled Disabled

Diameter Calculator - Core Parameters Ext Diameter Ext Dia Select Initial value of External Diameter input (% Full roll). Selects source of Diameter Preset (see Preset Enable). 100% Core

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Core 1 Core 2 Core Select

SPW Function Block Manual

10% 20% Core 1

Value of Core 1 (% Full roll). Value of Core 2 (% Full roll). Initial core selection (Core 1 = false, Core 2 = true).

Speed Demand - Jog Parameters Run Delta Run Ramp increment per Tick Time (Speed Demand Tick determined by update rate of Line Speed SP input, typically 100ms). 2% in 100ms = Ramp time to 100% of 5 seconds. Stop Ramp increment, when Start and Jog are Disabled (see Run Delta above). Value of Jog Speed Initial condition of Start input Initial condition of Jog input 2%

Stop Delta Jog Speed Start Jog

2% 5% Disabled Disabled

Speed Demand - PID Parameters Setpoint PID Enable Integral Enable PG Limit Pos FB Limit Neg FB Limit Integral Dancer Position Setpoint or initial value for Tension Setpoint. Initial condition of PID Enable. Initial condition of PID Integral Enable. If absolute value of proportional output is > PG Limit, then Integral is held at current value. If Feedback value is > Pos FB Limit, then Integral is held at current value. If Feedback value is < Neg FB Limit, then Integral is held at current value. Integral Time Constant in seconds. 50% Disabled Enabled 100% 100% -100% 10

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SPW Function Block Manual

Speed Demand - Profile Parameters The Gain Profiler provides the ability to vary the gain with diameter. Three parameters are available: Max Gain which sets the output at maximum diameter, Min Gain which sets the percentage of Max Gain at minimum diameter, and Exponent which sets the profile between the max and min gain output values. Drive Max Gain Drive MinGain Drive Exponent D Max Gain D Min Gain D Exponent P Max Gain P Min Gain P Exponent 590 Drive Speed loop proportional Gain at Maximum Diameter (if connected). Drive Speed loop proportional Gain at Minimum Diameter (if connected). Drive Speed loop proportional Gain profile between Drive Max gain and Drive Min gain. PID Derivative Gain at Maximum Diameter. PID Derivative Gain at Minimum Diameter. PID Derivative Gain profile between D Max Gain and D Min Gain. PID Proportional Gain at Maximum Diameter. PID Proportional Gain at Minimum Diameter. PID Proportional Gain profile between P Max Gain and P Min Gain. 20 100% 1 0 100% 1 2 100% 1

Speed Demand - Loadcell Parameters LC Span LC 1 Sign LC 1 Zero LC 2 Sign LC 2 Zero Loadcell 2 LC Span is the Gain of the Loadcell Amplifier. Range is -10 to 10. Sign of Loadcell 1 input. 100% = Positive, -100% = Negative. Zero offset for Loadcell 1 input. Sign of Loadcell 2 input. 100% = Positive, -100% = Negative. Zero offset for Loadcell 2 input. Initial value of Loadcell 2 input. 1 100% 0% 100% 0% 0%

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SPW Function Block Manual

Tension Demand - Main Parameters Tension Tick Time Stall Tension Stall Select Stall Enable Boost Boost Select Boost Enable Tension SP Taper SP Taper Select Clock period for Tension Demand calculation. Tension value when Stall Enabled. 300 ms 50%

Stall value - "Fixed" = Stall Tension, "Proportional" = Stall Proportional Tension * Set Tension. Initial condition of Stall Enable Determines Boost value when Boost Enabled. Boost value - "Fixed" = Boost, "Proportional" = Boost x Set Tension. Initial condition of Boost Enable. Initial value of Tension Setpoint. Initial value of Taper Setpoint. Selects "Linear" or "Hyperbolic" Taper profile. Disabled 0% Proportional Disabled 0% 0% Linear

Tension Demand - Output Parameters Dancer Cal Tension Delta Scaling of output for Dancer loading. Tension Ramp increment per Tension Tick Time. For Tension Tick Time of 300 ms and Tension Delta of 33%, 100% ramp time = 1 second. 100% 33%

Current Memory - Main Parameters CM Boost CM Boost Select Memory Filter Increase in current when Current Memory enabled. Boost value - "Fixed" = Boost, "Proportional" = Boost x Measured Current. Memory Filter value = e-Tick Time/Filter Time (if Tick Time = 300ms and Filter Time = 1 second, then Filter value = 0.74). 0% Fixed .74

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SPW Function Block Manual

Current Memory - Control Parameters Memory Hold Initial condition of Memory Track and Hold (use if the current must be sampled before enabling current memory). Initial condition of Current Memory Enable (Memory Enable also enables Memory Hold). Track

Memory Enable


Miscellaneous Parameters UTS Threshold Up to Speed Threshold. Up to Speed Output is true when Winder Surface Speed is within Threshold of Line Speed. Selects Winding Direction. Also used for direction of Jog for payout and takeup. Trim range, as a percentage of full speed, of the PID loop when Extensible Web is Disabled. Trim range, as a percentage of full speed, of the PID loop when Extensible Web is Enabled. Selects the PID Trim Range for two web types: Extensible or Non-Extensible. Disconnects Dancer Loading output when other spindle Tension is Enabled. 5%

Over-Under Range Non-Extn Range Extn Extensible Web Other Enable

Over 10% 15% Disabled Disabled

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Operation Armature Current Boost Boost Enable Boost Select Build Up CM Boost CM Boost Select Core 1 Core 2 Core Select D Exponent D Max Gain D Min Gain Dancer Cal Diameter Filter Diameter Hold Drive Exponent Drive Max Gain Drive Min Gain Ext Dia Select Ext Diameter Extensible Web Feedback ForwardReverse Jog Jog Speed LC 1 Sign
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SPW Function Block Manual

Description Current Memory input. Expects a value between -200% and 200%. Tension Demand input. Expects a value between -100% and 100%. Tension Demand input. Expects Enabled (true) or Disabled (false). Tension Demand input. Expects Proportional (true) or Fixed (false). General Input. Expects a value between 1 and 20. Current Memory input. Expects Proportional (true) or Fixed (false). Current Memory input. Expects a value between -100% and 100%. Diameter Calc. input. Expects a value 0.1% to 100% Full Roll. Diameter Calc. input. Expects a value 0.1% to 100% Full Roll. Diameter Calc. input. Expects Core 2 (true) or Core 1 (false). Speed Demand input. Expects an ordinal between 1 and 10. Speed Demand input. Expects a value between -5 and 5. Speed Demand input. Expects a value 0 to 100% (of Max Gain). Tension Demand input. Expects a value between -100% and 100%. Diameter Calc. input. Expects a value between 0 and 1.0. Diameter Calc. input. Expects Hold (true) or Track (false). Speed Demand input. Expects an ordinal between 1 and 10. Speed Demand input. Expects a value between 0 and 200. Speed Demand input. Expects a value 0 to 100% (of Max Gain). Diameter Calc. input. Expects External (true) or Core (false). Diameter Calc. input. Expects a value 0.1% to 100% Full Roll. Speed Demand input. Expects Enabled (true) or Disabled (false). Speed Demand input. Expects a value between -100% and 100%. Diameter Calc. input. Expects Forward (true) or Reverse (false). Speed Demand input. Expects Enabled (true) or Disabled (false). Speed Demand input. Expects a value between -120% and 120%. Speed Demand input. Expects a value between -100% and 100%.
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LC 2 Sign LC 1 Zero LC 2 Zero LC Span Line Speed Line Speed SP Loadcell 1 Loadcell 2 Memory Enable Memory Filter Memory Hold Min Diameter Min Speed Other Enable Over-Under P Exponent P Max Gain P Min Gain Preset Enable Range Extn Range Non-Extn RewindUnwind Run Delta Stall Enable Stall Select Stall Tension Start Stop Delta

SPW Function Block Manual

Speed Demand input. Expects a value between -100% and 100%. Speed Demand input. Expects a value between -100% and 100%. Speed Demand input. Expects a value between -100% and 100%. Speed Demand input. Expects a value between -10 and 10. Diameter Calc. input. Expects a value between -120% and 120%. Speed Demand input. Expects a value between -120% and 120%. Speed Demand input. Expects a value between -100% and 100%. Speed Demand input. Expects a value between -100% and 100%. Current Memory input. Expects Enabled (true) or Disabled (false). Current Memory input. Expects a value between 0 and 1.0. Current Memory input. Expects Hold (true) or Track (false). Diameter Calc. input. Expects a value 0.1% to 100% Full Roll. Diameter Calc. input. Expects a value between -120% and 120%. Tension Demand input. Expects Enabled (true) or Disabled (false). Tension Demand input. Expects Over (true) or Under (false). Speed Demand input. Expects an ordinal between 1 and 10. Speed Demand input. Expects a value between -30 and 30. Speed Demand input. Expects a value 0 to 100% (of Max Gain). Diameter Calc. input. Expects Enabled (true) or Disabled (false). Speed Demand input. Expects a value between -100% and 100%. Speed Demand input. Expects a value between -100% and 100%. Tension Demand input. Expects Rewind (true) or Unwind (false). Speed Demand input. Expects a value between 0 and 100%. Tension Demand input. Expects Enabled (true) or Disabled (false). Tension Demand input. Expects Proportional (true) or Fixed (false). Tension Demand input. Expects a value between -100% and 100%. Speed Demand input. Expects Enabled (true) or Disabled (false). Speed Demand input. Expects a value between 0 and 100%.

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Taper SP Taper Select Tension Delta Tension Enable Tension SP UTS Threshold WB Threshold WB Reset Winder Speed Get Boost Get Boost Enable Get Boost Select Get Build Up Get CM Boost Get CM Boost Select Get Core Get Core 1 Get Core 2 Get Core Select Get Current Demand Get D Exponent Get D Max Gain Get D Min Gain Get Dancer Cal Get Diameter Get Diameter Filter

SPW Function Block Manual

Tension Demand input. Expects a value between -100% and 100%. Tension Demand input. Expects Hyperbolic (true) or Linear (false). Tension Demand input. Expects a value between 0 and 1.0. Tension Demand input. Expects Enabled (true) or Disabled (false). Tension Demand input. Expects a value between -100% and 100%. Up to Speed input. Expects a value between -120% and 120%. Diameter Calc. input. Expects a value between 0 and 100%. Diameter Calc. input. Expects Enabled (true) or Disabled (false). General input. Expects a value between -120% and 120%. Returns the current state: Value between -100% and 100%. Returns the current state: Enabled (true) or Disabled (false). Returns the current state: Proportional (true) or Fixed (false). Returns the current state: Value between 1 and 20. Returns the current state: Value between -100% and 100%. Returns the current state: Proportional (true) or Fixed (false). Returns the current state: % (Full Roll = 100%). Returns the current state: % (Full Roll = 100%). Returns the current state: % (Full Roll = 100%). Returns the current state: Core 2 (true) or Core 1 (false). Returns the current state: Value between -200% and 200%. Returns the current state: Ordinal 1 to 10. Returns the current state: Value between 0% and 100%. Returns the current state: % of Max Gain. Returns the current state: Value between -100% and 100%. Returns the current state: % (Full Roll = 100%). Returns the current state: Value between -1.0 and 1.0.

HA354464 issue 2

page 11

Eurotherm Drives Inc 1808 Michael Faraday Court Reston Virginia 22090 USA

Get Diameter Hold Get Diameter Preset Get Drive Exponent Get Drive Max Gain Get Drive Min Gain Get Drive P Gain Get Ext Dia Select Get Ext Diameter Get Extensible Web Get Feedback Get Filtered Current Get ForwardReverse Get Jog Get Jog Speed Get LC 1 Sign Get LC 2 Sign Get LC 1 Zero Get LC 2 Zero Get LC Span Get Line Speed Get Line Speed SP
HA354464 issue 2

SPW Function Block Manual

Returns the current state: Holding (true) or Tracking (false). Returns the current state: % (Full Roll = 100%). Returns the current state: Ordinal 1 to 10. Returns the current state: Value between 0 and 200. Returns the current state: % of Max Gain. Returns the current state: Value between 0 and 200. Returns the current state: Enabled (true) or Disabled (false). Returns the current state: % (Full Roll = 100%). Returns the current state: Enabled (true) or Disabled (false). Returns the current state: Value between -100% and 100%. Returns the current state: Value between -200% and 200%. Returns the current state: Forward (true) or Reverse (false). Returns the current state: Enabled (true) or Disabled (false). Returns the current state: Value between -120% and 120%. Returns the current state: Value between -100% and 100%. Returns the current state: Value between -100% and 100%. Returns the current state: Value between -100% and 100%. Returns the current state: Value between -100% and 100%. Returns the current state: Value between -10 and 10. Returns the current state: Value between -120% and 120%. Returns the current state: Value between -120% and 120%.

page 12

Eurotherm Drives Inc 1808 Michael Faraday Court Reston Virginia 22090 USA

Get Loadcell 1 Get Loadcell 2 Get Memory Enable Get Memory Filter Get Memory Hold Get Min Diameter Get Min Speed Get Other Enable Get Over-Under Get P Exponent Get P Max Gain Get P Min Gain Get Preset Enable Get Ramped Speed Get Range Get Range Extn Get Range NonExtn Get RewindUnwind Get Run Delta Get Speed Delta Get Speed Demand Get Stall Enable

SPW Function Block Manual

Returns the current state: Value between -100% and 100%. Returns the current state: Value between -100% and 100%. Returns the current state: Enabled (true) or Disabled (false). Returns the current state: Value between 0 and 1.0. Returns the current state: Holding (true) or Tracking (false). Returns the current state: % (Full Roll = 100%). Returns the current state: Value between -120% and 120%. Returns the current state: Enabled (true) or Disabled (false). Returns the current state: Over (true) or Under (false). Returns the current state: Ordinal 1 to 10. Returns the current state: Value between 0% and 100%. Returns the current state: % of Max Gain. Returns the current state: Enabled (true) or Disabled (false). Returns the current state: Value between -120% and 120%. Returns the current state: Value between -100% and 100%. Returns the current state: Value between -100% and 100%. Returns the current state: Value between -100% and 100%. Returns the current state: Rewind (true) or Unwind (false). Returns the current state: Value between 0% and 100%. Returns the current state: Value between 0% and 100%. Returns the current state: Value between -120% and 120%. Returns the current state: Enabled (true) or Disabled (false).

HA354464 issue 2

page 13

Eurotherm Drives Inc 1808 Michael Faraday Court Reston Virginia 22090 USA

Get Stall Select Get Stall Tension Get Start Get Stop Delta Get Taper SP Get Taper Select Get Tension Delta Get Tension Demand Get Tension Enable Get Tension SP Get UTS Threshold Get Up to Speed Get WB Threshold Get WB Reset Get Web Break Get Winder Speed

SPW Function Block Manual

Returns the current state: Proportional (true) or Fixed (false). Returns the current state: Value between -100% and 100%. Returns the current state: Started (true) or Off (false). Returns the current state: Value between 0% and 100%. Returns the current state: Value between -100% and 100%. Returns the current state: Hyperbolic (true) or Linear (false). Returns the current state: Value between -100% and 100%. Returns the current state: Value between -100% and 100%. Returns the current state: Enabled (true) or Disabled (false). Returns the current state: Value between -100% and 100%. Returns the current state: Value between -120% and 120%. Returns the current state: true or false. Returns the current state: Value between 0% and 100%. Returns the current state: Enabled (true) or Disabled (false). Returns the current state: Enabled (true) or Disabled (false). Returns the current state: Value between -120% and 120%.

HA354464 issue 2

page 14

Eurotherm Drives Inc 1808 Michael Faraday Court Reston Virginia 22090 USA

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