Drug Study

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Medication Metronidazole

Classification Antibacterial Antiprotozoal Amebicide

Action (THERAPEUTIC) Hinders growth of selected organisms including most anaerobic bacteria and protozoal (CHEMICAL) Direct acting trichomonacide and amebicide that works at both intestinal and extraintestinal sites.

Indications Amebic hepatic abscess Intestinal amebiasis Trichomoniasis Refractory trichomoniasis Bacterial infection cause by anaerobic microorganism Post-operative infection Bacterial vaginosis

Contraindications Patients hypersensitivity to drugs and other metronidazole derivatives Use cautiously in patients receiving hepatotoxic drugs and on patients with history of blood dysecrasia, retinal or visual field changes hepatic disease or alcoholism

Adverse effect CNS: Depression Drowsiness Fever Headache Fatigue Irritability CV: Edema Flushing Thrombophlebitis EENT: Eye tearing GI: Abdominal cramping Anorexia Constipation Nausea and vomiting Diarrhea GU: Darkened urine Dysuria Incontinence

Nursing considerations Give drug with meals to minimize GI distress Give it at least 1-2 hours after meals Tell patient not to use alcohol or drugs that contain alcohol during therapy and at least 48 hours therapy is completed Instruct patient in proper hygiene Urge patient to complete full course of therapy even if he feels better



Exerts bacteriostatic activity by binding with SOS subunit of ribosomes and inhibiting protein synthesis

Serious infection when less potentially dangerous drugs are ineffective or contra indicated

Hypersensitivity to drug Sever renal or hepatic impairment Prophylaxis for bacterial infection Acute porphyria

CNS: Confusion Depression EENT: Optic neuritis Vision loss GI: Nausea and vomiting Diarrhea Dry mouth

Monitor patient for signs and symptoms of aplastic anemia; which may occur n weeks or months after therapy ends. Monitor CBC count closely

SKIN: Rash Itching Angioedema OTHERS: Fever anaphylaxis

Assess hepatic enzyme levels in patient with hepatic disease Monitor creatinine levels in patients with renal insufficiency

Generic name : Ampicillin Brand Name : Rimacilin


Destroys bacteria by inhibiting bacterial celwall synthesis during microbial multiplication

Hypersensitivity to penicillins, cephalosporins, imipenem or other beta lactamase inhibitors.

GI or urinary tract infection, including Neisseria gonorrheae infection in women

GI : >Nause and vomiting >Diarrhea >abdominal pain >Entercolitis >Gastritis >Stomatitis

>Watch out for sign and symptoms of hypersensitivit y reaction >Monitor for bleeding tendency or hemorrhage >Instruct patient to immediately report signs and symptoms of hypersesitivity reaction, such as rash, fever or chills >Watch out for sign and symptoms of hypersensitivit y reaction

Generic name : Ranitidine hydrochloride

Histamine receptor antagonist >Anti ulcer

Reduces gastric acid secretion and increase gastric mucus

>Active duodenal ulcer >Gastro

Hypersentivity to drugs.

GI : >Nausea and vomiting

Brand name : Zantac


and bicarbonate production, creating a protective coating on gastric mucosa

esophageal reflux disease

>Diarrhea >constipation >Abdominal discomfort or pain

>Monitor for bleeding tendency or hemorrhage >Instruct patient to immediately report signs and symptoms of hypersesitivity reaction, such as rash, fever or chills






Adverse Reaction

Nursing Consideration

Generic Name: Tetracycline Hydrochloride


Brand Name: Achromycin

Unknown. Thought to exert bacteriostatic effect by binding to the 30s and possibly 50s ribosomal subunits of microorganisms, thus inhibiting protein synthesis. Also, alter cytoplasmic membrane of susceptibe microorganisms.

Infection caused by susceptible gram positive and negative bacteria, including entamoeba hystolytica.

Contraindication to patient hypersensitive to drug or other tetracyclines.

- Intracranial hypertension - Glossitis, nausea and vomiting - neutropenia

- Obtain specimen for culture and sensitivity test before giving first dose. - Dont expose to heat. - Drug isnt indicated for treatment of neurosyphilis.

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