Wrc-Canr-Df-Xx Series 4 Quick Start Guide: Sold and Supported by Prosoft Technology, Inc
Wrc-Canr-Df-Xx Series 4 Quick Start Guide: Sold and Supported by Prosoft Technology, Inc
Wrc-Canr-Df-Xx Series 4 Quick Start Guide: Sold and Supported by Prosoft Technology, Inc
2. Using on-board jumper W1, terminate each side of the CAN-Bus network, as appropriate. (This is especially critical at the higher baud rates.) For trunk lines, install W1 on both units. For a drop line install only the W1 jumper on the unit on the opposite network side of the trunk line.
3. Connect the fiber cables to the fiber connectors on one unit. Make sure they are clearly marked on both ends to differentiate between the two lines. 4. Make sure that there is power on the CAN-Bus Network and plug in the Network cable (a 5-pin round female MINI connector) into the CAN-Bus Extender. 5. The CANR-DF Extender will undergo its initialization sequence, flashing the LEDs. After approximately 5 seconds, the Module Status LED (labeled MS) will go on solid green and network LEDs (labeled NSA and NSB) will flash green. The DGN LED will be solid red until the fiber cables are connected to the other CANR and both CANRs are powered up. 6. Repeat steps 1-5 above for the second CANR-DF. Note: Be sure to connect the fiber from the TX port on one device to the RX port on the other. 7. Connect the desired network devices to both sides of the copper CAN bus. 8. Both Network A and B Status LEDs (NSA and NSB) will go on solid on each unit once a valid CAN message is received into either side of the Extender and the baudrate auto-detect has been successfully performed. 9. You may observe that the small green LEDs marked RXF and TXF, next to the fiber ports, illuminate when data is received or transmitted. The CAN-Bus Extender is now operating on the network and is ready to repeat messages from either Network A or Network B. Western Reserve Controls 1485 Exeter Road, Akron OH 44306 www.wrcakron.com