NFPA 20 - Changes To The Standard On Fire Pumps - Consulting-Specifying Engineer
NFPA 20 - Changes To The Standard On Fire Pumps - Consulting-Specifying Engineer
NFPA 20 - Changes To The Standard On Fire Pumps - Consulting-Specifying Engineer
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Fire pumps serve as critical and essential components of many water-based fire protection systems such as sprinkler, standpipe, foam water, water spray, and water mist for a wide range of commercial and industrial applications. Where determined to be necessary through hydraulic analysis or other purposes, a fire pump installation provides for the required water flow and pressure for the fire protection system. Without a properly designed and installed fire pump, the fire protection system cannot be expected to meet its objectives. This article reports on certain key changes to the 2013 edition of NFPA 20, Standard for the Installation of Stationary Pumps for Fire Protection, which was released in the summer of 2012. It is assumed that the reader has a basic understanding of the use of fire pumps, fire pump installation requirements, and the role of NFPA in establishing these requirements. Overall, NFPA 20 received 264 proposals for revision, 135 official follow-up comments, and 2 successful floor actions at NFPAs 2012 Technical Reporting Session in Las Vegas. Fire pumps, whether centrifugal or positive displacement, are specifically listed as such, and the standard was revised to clarify that only fire pumps can be used for fire protection. The previous edition addressed other pumps with different design features than those addressed by the standard, and permitted such other pumps to be installed where listed by a testing laboratory. However, because all electric motor driven pumps are listed as electrical devices, some interpreted this provision as allowing the use of any electric motor driven pump as a fire pump. This was not the intent and the language was revised to better clarify this. To facilitate the review and approval by the authority having jurisdiction (AHJ) and other stakeholders involved with the fire pump installation, new provisions concerning design details and drawings have been added. The standard will now require that associated plans be drawn to an indicated scale on sheets of uniform size. Additionally, plans are now to include specific details about various features of the overall installation such as those pertaining to the pump make, model and size, water supply, suction piping, pump driver, controller, and pressure maintenance pump. Where a water flow test is used to determine the adequacy of the water supply connected to the fire pump, NFPA 20 will now require that test be completed not more than 12 months prior to the submission of working plans, unless otherwise permitted by the AHJ. There was concern that in some instances, old test data that did not properly reflect the current condition of the water supply was being used as a design basis for fire pump selection. In such situations, where the water supply is actually less than that indicated by the older test data, acceptance testing is likely to indicate that pump discharge pressures are less than calculated and not sufficient for the overall system demand. Water supply evaluation and testing is complex and requires an understanding of the water system arrangement and operation, and should only be done by competent personnel. Fire pump rooms Pump rooms and separate pump houses containing fire pump equipment require special protection as outlined in tabular form in NFPA 20. One of the entries in the associated table refers to unsprinklered pump rooms and pump houses. Some readers of NFPA 20 incorrectly interpreted this heading to imply that NFPA 20 permitted sprinklers to be omitted from such spaces in those buildings where a sprinkler system is required or being considered. Advisory language was added to explicitly state that the purpose for the Not Sprinklered heading in the table is to identify the type of fire protection for the fire pump in unsprinklered buildingsthat is, the pump room needs to be separated from the remainder of the building by 2-hour-rated construction, or the pump house needs to be located at least 50 ft from the building served by the pump house. The purpose of the heading is not to provide an exception for omitting sprinklers in the fire pump room in fully sprinklered buildings. NFPA 20 provides for protection of the fire pump equipment as well as for personnel that need to access the fire pump equipment during a fire situation. While NFPA 20 requires that access to the fire pump room be pre-planned with the fire department, it now requires that the location of the fire pump room also be pre-planned. In addition, NFPA 20 requires that an enclosed passageway from an enclosed stairway or exterior exit doorway to the pump room be provided for those pump rooms not directly accessible from the exterior of the building. The previous edition of NFPA 20 mandated that the passageway posses a minimum 2-hour fire-resistance rating. The 2013 edition has been revised to require that the passageway possess the same fire-resistance rating as that required for the pump room; that is, in fully sprinklered buildings including the pump room only a 1-hour fire resistance rating is required for the passageway. The fire-resistance rating of the passageway to the pump room need not exceed that required for the fire pump room. If the fire pump room and passageway were constructed as a single directly connected area, then the passageway would essentially become a part of the fire pump room and would only be required to be separated with the same fire resistance rating as that required for the fire pump room. Note that additional provisions on this subject pertain to high-rise buildings. Suction pipes To minimize turbulence at the suction flange, NFPA 20 prescribes the nominal size of the suction pipe based on the capacity of the fire pump. These prescribed pipe sizes are based on a maximum flow velocity of 15 ft/sec at 150% of the pumps rated capacity. Users of NFPA 20 will note that this provision has been removed from the body of the standard and added as footnote to a table. Some users of the standard were misinterpreting this velocity information as a condition of verification during pump acceptance testing. Rather, the purpose for including this information was to provide some background regarding the origin and development of the prescribed suction
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In some jurisdictions, a direct connection between the fire pump and the water source, such as from a municipal water main, is not permitted. In other cases the municipal or other water source is not capable of providing the maximum flow rate required by the fire protection system, or possesses a wide fluctuation in flow conditions. In both situations, the use of a break tank, which interrupts or breaks the connection to the water source, provides a potential design option. A break tank is a water tank providing suction to a fire pump, but the tanks capacity or size is less than that required by the fire protection systems served; that is, the tank cannot hold the amount of water necessary for the overall duration of fire protection system operation. Break tanks are most commonly used (1) as a means of backflow prevention between the water supply source and the fire pump suction pipe, (2) to eliminate fluctuations in the water supply source pressure, (3) to provide a stable and relatively constant suction pressure at the fire pump, and/or (4) to provide water storage to augment a water source that cannot provide the maximum flow rate required by the fire protection system. NFPA 20 requires that the break tanks be sized so that the water stored in the break tank added to the automatic refill capability must supply the maximum system demand flow rate and duration. The tank must also be sized for a minimum duration of 15 minutes with the fire pump operating at 150% of its rated capacity. Additionally, NFPA 20 includes provisions regarding tank refilling and requires that the refill mechanism be listed and arranged for automatic operation. Specific refilling provisions such as those pertaining to refilling lines, bypass lines, liquid level signals, etc., are based on the overall size of the tank. If the tank is sized so that its capacity is less than the maximum system demand for 30 minutes, one set of provisions applies. If the tank is sized so that its capacity provides at least 30 minutes of the maximum system demand, another set of provisions applies. The paragraphs addressing break tanks were revised and rearranged to clarify the applicable provisions based on the tank size. High-rise buildings NFPA provides additional guidance to facilitate preplanning activities with the fire department on locating and providing access to fire pump equipment in high-rise buildings. As noted in the new annex text, the location of a pump room in a high-rise building requires appropriate consideration. During a fire situation, personnel are typically dispatched to the pump room to monitor or control the operation of the pump. The most effective way of providing protection for these responding personnel is to make the pump room directly accessible from the exterior of the building. However, this arrangement is not always possible or practical for high-rise buildings. In numerous cases, pump rooms in high-rise buildings need to be located a number of floors above grade or at a location below grade. When the pump room is not at grade level, NFPA 20 requires protected passageways between the stairs and the fire pump room. The passageway must have the same fire resistance rating as that required for the exit stairwells providing access to the pump room. Many building and life safety regulations do not permit the pump room to open directly onto an enclosed exit stair as the pump room is not a normally occupied space. However, the passageway between the stairwell providing access to the pump room and the pump room on upper or lower floors needs to be as short as possible with as few openings to other building areas as possible. This provides for improved protection of responding personnel traveling to and from the pump room during a fire situation. Pump rooms also are to be located and arranged so that water discharge from pump equipment, such as from packing glands, and discharge and relief valves is safely disposed of. Very tall buildings The concept of very tall buildings was introduced to the 2013 edition as part of chapter 5. High-rise buildings are defined as those with a floor on an occupiable story more than 75 ft above the lowest level of fire department vehicle access. Previous provisions of NFPA 20 largely placed such buildings in the same category regardless of whether the building possessed a height of 200 ft or 2000 ft. However, some buildings are so tall that it is not possible for the pumping apparatus of the responding fire department to overcome the associated elevation and friction losses necessary to meet the fire protection system flow and pressure demands at the highest floors. While previous editions of NFPA 20 referred to structures or zones beyond the pumping capability of the fire department apparatus in certain cases, the 2013 edition makes the requirements for such very tall buildings more explicit. However, the reader should be aware that some provisions for such situations are also located chapter 9, which addresses power supplies for electric motor driven fire pump units. For very tall buildings, the fire pump installation needs to be provided with additional protection features and redundancies as noted below. Rather than tie the new provisions for very tall buildings to a specific building height, a performance-based requirement associated with the pumping capabilities of the responding fire department was put forth. Fire departments purchase different apparatus with different pumping capabilities, so a criterion based solely on a maximum building height would be rather limited. The design team will now need to specifically confirm the pumping capabilities of the responding fire department for each individual project. Additional provisions pertaining to redundant water tanks and fire pumps have also been added for very tall buildings. Redundant water tanks for very tall buildings Where the primary water supply source is a tank, two or more tanks are required. A single water tank capable of being divided into two compartments will be permitted provided that each compartment can function as an individual tank. The total volume of all tanks or compartments must be sufficient for the full fire protection demand of the associated systems. Each individual tank or compartment must be sized so that at least 50% of the fire protection demand is stored with any one compartment or tank out of service. Note that this provision does not require each individual tank or compartment to be capable of providing the entire system demand. However, each tank and/or tank compartment must have an automatic refill that can provide the full system demand. While the provision for redundant tanks or compartments was introduced for the 2010 edition, it was formalized for very tall buildings for the 2013 edition. Fire pump redundancy for very tall buildings Fire pumps serving zones that are partially or wholly beyond the pumping capability of the fire department apparatus must be provided with either a fully independent and automatic backup fire pump unit or units arranged so that all zones can be maintained in full service with any one pump out of service. Another option is to provide for an auxiliary means of providing the full fire protection demand that is acceptable to the AHJ. This second options allows for negotiation with the AHJ in providing the redundant fire pump capabilities. Properly designed gravity feed standpipe systems may be an option for meeting this requirement. Keep in mind that there might be more than one AHJ on a particular design project. Acceptance testing: Flushing The suction piping supplying a fire pump needs to be adequately flushed to ensure that stones, silt, and other debris will not enter the
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