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Optical Multiplexer

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Three Windows: 850nm,1310nm,1550nm In 1550 there is conventional & long band 1) 1530nm-1563nm Conventional (C band) 2) 1570nm-1603nm Long Band(L


1) Optimux: Support upto eight optical channels in one direction(Optimux 6500 series).Features are shown below. Multiplex 4 Duplex Optical LAN/WAN High Speed Signals Individual Channel Bandwidth from 0 to 650 Mbps Transmit Synchronous and Asynchronous Data Up to 40 Km 100% Protocol Independent I/O Plug and Play No Bandwidth Penalty SNMP Option (Local Monitoring)

2) CWDM (Coarse Wave Division Multiplexing) For ex: in CWDM 2000 series features include.

Support for 4, 8, 12, 16 and 18 optical channels over ONE fiber.

20 nm channels spacing for standard CWDM. Epoxy-free optical path for durability and reliability. Thin-film filter technology used for low insertion loss and high isolation. Supported wavelengths include 1270, 1290, 310, 1330, 1350,1370, 1390, 1410, 1430, 1450, 1470, 1490, 1510, 1530, 1550, 1570, 1590 and 1610 nm. The standard multiplexer and de-multiplexer configuration supports up to 18 wavelengths in ONE direction. By using TWO de-multiplexers, the system will support up to 18 wavelengths in ANY direction. Optical performance guaranteed over the temperature range 0 to 70 degrees C. The Laser wavelength drift is less than +/- 3 nm over temperature.

3) DWDM Channel Spacing 0.8nm. In Optera LH 1600 we have 160 no: of 10GBps ,80 in C Band and 80 in L Band Presently we are using C-Band. So up to 0.8 Tbps is supported. C-Band is broken down into Grid 1 (40 s) and Grid 2 (40 s) L-Band to Grid 3 (40 s) and Grid 4 (40 s). In this Grid 1 & 3 are ITU-T Standard while the others are 50Ghz offset from the others. Optical Amplifier

1) Erbium Doped Fiber Amplifier

Erbium electrons are exited by pump photons. The exited electrons are then moved to meta stable state where tuning is possible. When sufficient energy is attained Meta stable electrons are converted to its

fundamental state. This tuning is termed as amplifier Stimulated Emission. The signal photons are amplified through the energy released by the ASE.


Principle of optical Amplifiers TR AN SI T ION METASTABLE STATE ASE Photons 1550 nm


FUNDAMENTAL STATE 2) Raman Amplifier


In Raman Amp another laser is pumped from the destination so as to boost the signal. In NBB 48F/24F with G.655(1550nm) cable. In MA 48F/12F In SDCA there is 12F with G.652 cable, at some place it is G.655.

Dispersion is the smearing (broadening) of the light pulse as it travels thru a medium(Fibre). Depends on Wavelength and bit rate. Linear:

1) Chromatic Dispersion- material dispersion, wave-guide dispersion

2) Modal Dispersion -which depends on core-cladding effect. Light can propagate through cladding
also. Since the Refractive Index is more light moves faster compared to that through Core, hence this results in broadening of the pulse. Non-Linear Effect: Polarization mode dispersion Zero dispersion Wavelength The at which 0 dispersion occurs is called Zero Dispersion Wavelength. This is the region of 1310nm and for a given fiber this window supports the maximum b/w. Optical fibers that exhibit zero dispersion phenomenons at 1310nm are Dispersion Unshifted Fibres (G.652). Optical fibers so manufactured that it offers Zero Dispersion at 1550nm are called DSF (G.653). i.e. DSF fibers exhibit zero dispersion at a significantly higher than 1310nm (typically near 1550nm). Optical Fibres that exhibit a small but finite Dispersion at 1550nm (so made to overcome other Non linear effects) are called NZDSF (G.655). 0.35-0.4 db/km 0.25-0.3 db/km 1310nm 1550nm

FOUR WAVE MIXING If 1,2,3 are used in DWDM Technology nonlinear effect comes into picture. 4 = 1+2-3 Here 4 is undesirable. It is found that Dispersion Effect can be used to de-limit Four Wave mixing. G.655 cable is designed with this feature. Other nonlinear effects includes SPM,XPM and DMD. Concepts of Dispersion Compensation Dispersion parameter D =(2c/2) (d2/d 2) Dispersion Compensation is achieved by using a Fibre type which has a large negative Dispersion Parameter(D) Generally a relation of below type hold good Lt*Dt + Ld*Dd = 0 Lt -Length of Transmitting Fibre Dt Dispersion Parameter of transmitting fibre Ld -Length of Dispersion Compensation Fibre Dd Dispersion Parameter (-ve value) for Compensation Fibre What we saw is simple if only single is employed. But if multiple s are employed accurate dispersion compensation will be difficult as Dt depends on Here Lt * dDt/d + Ld * dDd/d = 0 holds good Thus both the above equations leads to a factor R called Reduced Dispersion Slope R = (1/D) * D/ DSCM(Dispersion Slope Compensation Module) uses a sufficient length of such types of fibres that has the same R value as transmitting fibre

OPTERA LH 1600 Applications Open System/Closed System Line Application: 1600G amplifier, MOR Plus Amplifier Service application: 1) Wavelength Combiner 2) Wavelength Translator: Translate non-ITU standard wavelengths to ITU standard wavelengths. 3) Dense Regenerator ODPR (Optical Dedicated Protection Ring)

SC(Shelf Controller)-slot6 of Control Shelf Bay requires one shelf processor, the shelf controller (SC), in slot 6 of the control shelf. Interfaces with all software-based circuit packs and serves as a message gateway for DCC, external RS-232, and Ethernet. SC functions include alarm reporting, system fault detection, isolation and protection,software download and upgrade and restart capability form the local non-volatile flash on the MI circuit pack.Optera LH requires a 32-Mbytes SC. MI(Maintenance Interface)-slot9 of Control Shelf Operates in conjunction with the SC. Contains 128 Mbytes of flash memory,used for configuration and code storage Alarm reporting, processor sanity, circuit pack inventory and status Contains Ethernet/RS-232 port drivers. Code storage: codes are used for each NE for identification purpose. Message Exchange Card(MX)- slot 10/slot 11 Handles internal communication between control shelf packs and optical circuit packs as well as DCC routing. Connects Shelf Controller to all software-based circuit packs in the Optera LH through internal LAN. Main Shelf

Extn shelf1

OPC (Operation Partitioned Control)- Can Handle upto 34 NEs(LH). Partitioned OPC Control a) Storage - POPS b) Control -POPC c) Interface - POPI

If Wavelength Translator or other LH configuration is there another OPC for that is required. OSC Card It carries SDH overheads but no extraction is possible. So it provides a communication channel across the optical link. 1480 and 1510 nm is used for OSC channels. For full DCC Operation, administration, maintenance and Provisioning of NEs is available only through this channel in the optical line/MS. Dual Amplification (15.5 dbm): Bi-directional amplification is possible. First amplifier in any amplifier configuration. Booster 21: 21 dBm amplification Support upto 40 wavelengths. As the no: of wavelengths increases more power is required for amplification. Mid stage Access parameter: Spectrum analysis, Dispersion Slope compensation Between Dual amp and Booster 21 M.S.A is provided. DSCM contains dispersion slope compensation fiber that applies a predefined level of dispersion to reconstruct the optical pulses after they have been broadened over a given length of fiber. So an initial analysis is done on the optical path so as to find the dispersion effect and decide the compensation required.

Amplifier General Parameters:

1.Fiber Type:- used by the power optimizer to generate appropriate power recommendations 2.Target Number of Channels:- Total no: of s being amplified (excluding OSC) 3.Grid:- Which grid of s being amplified 4.AM mode:- used to set the analog Mtce mode to match the mode of the Tx AM1 or AM2 5.Power Control Mode:- Total or Gain(Default to Total) Total- A power target based on the total measure optical power of all s Gain- A flat gain target is set based on the expected I/p vs. the Desired O/p 6.Input Shut-off mode:- This is the shut off mode selected when the I/p power (in dbm) crosses a provisioned minimum threshold Soft- The amplifier gain is decreased when the threshold is crossed, maintains OSC link Hard- The amplifier gain is shut off when the threshold is crossed 7.Peak Power clamp state:- A power target for one with a total power clamp to limit the total power output (Enabled/Disabled Default to Disabled) 8.Optical Reflectometer state:- The OTR circuit packs have an advanced switch to read the ORL (Enabled/Disabled Default to Enabled) 9.Automatic Line(Laser) Shut off state:- When enabled the amplifier output power is reduced to 40dBm.Shut down ocurs in less than 3 sec after a fault is detected.(Default to Enabled) 10. SRS Compensation state:- To compensate SRS tilt( a multi inter-channel energy transfer due to SRS that affects the accuracy of power estimations) 11. Total Output Power target:- When Power control mode is Total the target output power value is averaged for all s in the band based on the optical link budget Range is 20.0dBm to +21.0 dBm Default to +15.5dBm for Dual amp 12. Peak Output power target:- Target o/p power value for a band is set to the value representing the largest individual o/p of a Tx 13. Gain Target:- When the Power Control Mode is Gain the o/p value is based on the average incoming power plus the amount of gain specified in this target (Range is 0 to 40 dB) 14. Input LOS threshold:- The Rx optical power value to raise an LOS alarm (Range is 35dBm to +10 dBm) Default to 20 dBm.

15. Input Shut-off threshold:- The Rx optical power value at which the amplifiers Lasers are shut off(w.r.t 6) 16. ORL threshold:- The threshold at which ORL alarm is raised (Range is 10 to 40 dB) Deafult is 24 dB. Input Shut-off mode are of two types Soft and hard In Soft shutoff mode, the output power is clamped at 9.5 dBm. In Hard shutoff mode, no power exits the amplifier output.



Note: Voice tolerates error, not delay Data tolerate delay not error. APPLICATIONS 1) Dense Regenerator

It reconstructs the optical signal in each direction at an intermediate point between two service-terminating locations. Tri FEC function will be disabled.

2) Wavelength Translator

3R regeneration (Reshape, reamplify and retime) without regenerating the entire SDH overheads. Due to its minimum overhead processing it is termed as Thin SONET/SDH regenerator. Tri FEC function will be disabled. 3) Wavelength Combiner


These three types of data communication interfaces located on circuit packs in the input/Output section of the Control Shelf and on LCAP allow you to perform specific tasks such as Connect a Terminal, modem or printer Connect to a LAN or WAN Connect OPC to a router(OSI ) Bridge DCC information between co-located NEs

Internal Data Communication Paths: The Shelf controller should communicate internally with other circuit packs in the NE For this requirement the circuit packs are classified into 2 types TCS based Circuit Packs (Transport Control Subsystem- cards equipped with a

TCS processor) eg:-OSC, Dual Amp, Booster etc Non TCS Based Circuit Packs eg:-PT,OPC Controller,Message Exchange (MX) For Data Communication purposes the SC reaches the other Circuit packs either via the MI or via the MX thru 4 specific internal buses 1.Processor Extension Bus(PEZ) {Between SC and MI} 2.GraceLAN bus 3.Serial Processor Extension Bus (S_PEZ) 4.Ethernet backplane bus

External Data Communication Paths: OSC over the fiber (using the two Out of the band s 1480nm & 1510nm) Ethernet LAN (an IP address can be assigned to SC by appropriate cabling and/or OPC Ethernet ports) Serial interfaces (RS-232 ports located on MI, POP-I & LCAP)

connected to MI

Every NE must be managed by an OPC. OPC provides specific services to the NEs such as: software downloads Event logs Central alarm collection System Commissioning(SLAT) All the NEs managed by one OPC constitute a Span Of Control. An OPC SOC can contain only OPTera LH 1600 NEs. An OPC SOC can have a maximum of 34 NEs

CONCATENATION lack of scalability in connection size Modern Ethernet links can provide b/w in very small increments using flow control and can be changed as needed The concatenated signals are obtained by gluing together the VC-4 payloads of the constituent signals, and they come in fixed sizes. These are called Synchronous Payload Envelopes (SPEs) and are expressed as VC-4-Xc where X is restricted to 1, 4, 16, 64, or 256. Three types of concatenation schemes are possible under SDH. These are: Standard contiguous concatenation Arbitrary contiguous concatenation Virtual concatenation Virtual Concatenation aims to address the bandwidth inefficiencies of standard contiguous concatenation by removing the restrictions on the number of components and their placement within a larger concatenated signal . The basic principle of virtual concatenation is really quite simple. A number of smaller containers are concatenated and assembled, to create a bigger container that carries more data per second.

The H4 POH byte carries information on how to reassemble the SPEs (Synchronous payload envelopes). A sequence of 16 H4 bytes makes a complete message. This message contains two important numbers; the multi-frame indicator, MFI, and the sequence number, SQ. The MFI indicator is a running frame number, which is incremented with each new frame.

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