L a n d o f f o r t s
January 2007
Chettinad, a unique and little known architectural heritage ............................................................................................................... Deserted palaces, prey to pillaging ............................................................................................................... A movement for bringing about a change ............................................................................................................... The development project proposed by ArcHe-S ............................................................................................................... P. 11 A museum of architectural heritage ............................................................................................................P. 13 First step : Creation of a Protection for Sector Protection Plan ............................................................................................................... P. 14 The Heritage House and the cultural centre ............................................................................................................... P. 17 The ecomuseum: the mainstay of the development project ............................................................................................................... P. 20 A centre for training and production of handicrafts and applied arts ............................................................................................................... P. 24 An international exchange centre, catalyst for similar projects ............................................................................................................... P. 25 Experimental tourism ............................................................................................................... P. 27 The initial work ............................................................................................................... P. 28 Supervision and evaluation of the development project ............................................................................................................... P. 29 P. 8 P. 7 P. 5
The palaces of Chettinad are being dismantled and destroyed one after another, and the sale of the architectural elements of these houses to Western countries has fuelled a lucrative antiques business.
Centre, are the t o w a r d s guaranteeing the future of this land with rich an past, end to an and the extraordinarily towards current putting process
of destruction.
The economic pressure and land speculation in the big cities of Tamil Nadu have eliminated almost all the traditional houses. Chettinad is the only remaining site which bears testimony to Tamil architecture and urban planning. The houses, which evolved over two centuries, are veritable palaces. Constructed on mounds, the verandas, the reception halls and court rooms are situated along the length of a longitudinal axis. This organisation mirrors the structure of the society and the rules of the community. On the ground floor, the architecture is typically Tamil, while one can see Western influences on the higher floors. This reflects the way of life of the Chettiars who knew how to combine their vibrant traditions with the global economy. In order to build these palaces, materials and expertise from all over the world were used, only adding to the cultural glory of Chettinad. This region went into decline about sixty years ago as a result of major economic difficulties following the independence of Burma (Myanmar) and Malaysia. This in turn led to the gradual disappearance of the urban and architectural heritage.
Kanadukkathan : map of the village
There is always someone in the house : either family members, old people or pregnant women or mothers with small children who come here to enjoy the serene atmosphere. In some cases, the external portions of the house are rented out, for example the porch at the entrance could be rented out to students. 2 - In contrast, a considerable number of houses have been completely demolished and only the mounds on which they were built remain. All that could have been recycled has been taken. The structure of the house has been destroyed. 3 - Finally there are endangered houses, whose number has yet to be determined. Their destruction seems almost inevitable various reasons: for
dismantling for purposes of sale, and damage to the structure. This could totally wipe out the living evidence of a way of life, of an extraordinary page in history. This is the category on which our work focuses. The dismantling of houses has led to a lucrative antiques business and many architectural elements ( pillars and doors, in paritcular) have been exported all over the world from Mumbai and Delhi. In 1947 there were 96 villages in Chettinad. Today there are only 75 What will remain of their unique heritage in ten years? Kochi, Chennai,
Stopping the process of destruction and starting the process of developing the sites.
The authorities: The Government of Tamil Nadu will shortly be adopting UNESCO Asia's " heritage passport " programme in which Chettinad would be a pilot project. The District Collector, who is the local representative of the Government, supports the implementation of a plan for the preservation of Chettinad's heritage and is supportive of initiatives for developing cultural tourism. The inhabitants: We have already seen that to prevent the destruction of the houses, the owners who can no longer live in them have been renting them out partially. This presence is enough to prevent pillaging. Moreover, some Chettiars are of the opinion that the production of handicrafts can replace the current destructive practices. The inhabitants have really mobilised themselves to protect the architectural heritage and create an awareness, by means of numerous small initiatives, which together could have a significant impact. The initiative taken by a few families has led to high quality tourism, for example the Bangala, Heritage Hotel in Karaikudi.
The Foundations:
Muthiah Chettiar, Muthiah Chettiar. The Rajas of Chettinad have opened to the public their Kanatukkathan house, thus transforming it into a museum when the family is absent. M. RM. RM. Cultural Foundation The M. RM. RM. Cultural Foundation collects research material and documents on architecture, handicrafts and textiles of the Chettinad region. It actively encourages the survival and renewal of the local arts and crafts and helps it adapt to the evolution of the market. It supports artisans, particularly women who wish to enter the market. The M. RM. RM. Cultural Foundation is also planning an ethnographical museum. During her research, the founder Mrs V.Ramaswamy put together a collection of art objects and those used for rituals and in daily life. This collection could be the starting point of a reference collection that can be more fully exhibited in a building that has been restored for this purpose. Dakshinachitra Dakshinachitra, a foundation which is open to the public, is situated to the south of Chennai (Madras). Houses from South India - that is to say from Karnataka, Kerala, and Tamil Nadu (particularly from Chettinad) have been reconstructed here. Remarkable work has been done for the conservation of traditional methods of construction. Ethnographical collections have also been presented. There is also a centre for documentation on architecture, local arts and crafts. Moreover, many cultural activities such as concerts and dance are organised. Artists supported by the association sell their work on site.
Robert Dulau, Heritage curator Maisons et Palais du sud de l'Inde Published by the Institut franais de Pondichry A book on the architecture of the Chettinad palace-houses. The photographs in the book are the work of Arno Gisinger, and were presented at Galerie 779 (Paris, France) in large format during a 2003 exhibition. and Habiter en Pays Tamul L'Arnathan T.M. Mukundan, Akash Ganga Trust, Chennai
The Erys Systems of South India
The institutions :
The Institut Franais de Pondichry (French Institute of Pondicherry) has supported Mr. Robert Dulau's thesis mentioned previously and has put together an exhibition on Chettinad, part of which is permanently displayed at the Institute. Mr. Jean-Pierre Muller, the Director of the IFP is keen on supporting a scientific project as an extension of this work. This non exhaustive list of initiatives for the protection of this unique heritage reveals the favourable context and the unanimity
on which this development project is based. It is an ambitious, well-coordinated project, conceived in a spirit of cooperation. We hope this initiative will result in international recognition of this site. 10
1 - Identify endangered sites that are unique for their architecture, urban planning, history or environment. 2 - Implement a well-coordinated protection and restoration programme, financed by international sponsors. 3 - Find economic activities that have a " symbiotic relationship " with the conservation of buildings and, ultimately, to create conditions leading to a virtuous cycle where creative activities enrich heritage and vice versa. 4 - Create an international study group for developing a specific economy that can be integrated into the fragile context of sites which have a great heritage value or which are of great natural beauty. Our development project in Chettinad takes into account the full size of the concerned territory, but given the urgency of the situation, we have initially targeted measures on a smaller geographical area and on a few buildings that are representative of the architecture of the region. We believe that these sites will serve as an example and will help to create a general awareness as well as attract the attention of the public authorities towards the tragic state of these priceless masterpieces. Our objective is to preserve the structures of heritage value as well as to revive the site by introducing activities that are useful to the community and compatible with the conservation of the heritage and which can ensure its maintenance in the long term. Moreover, thanks to the restoration work, we will help to perpetuate the extraordinary traditions that made it possible to construct these houses. 11
1/3rd of the houses have been destroyed. 5 to 10% of the houses are maintained and are occupied occasionally. The rest of the houses are endangered.
b urban heritage : - the evolution, the structure, the composition, the sequences, - public areas, - private areas, courtyards and gardens, - the height of the constructions and the awnings, - fences, - other pertinent elements. c architectural heritage : - buildings that have an extraordinary historical, archeological and architectural value, - buildings that make up the urban settlement and that are typical of the locality (typology,structure, exceptional architectural details, materials), - other pertinent elements. 3 - Proposition for future orientations Based on the analysis and the diagnosis and taking into account all the stakes, the work group will put forth proposals for orientations which will be presented to the local bodies and inhabitants (objectives to be met, defining the limits of the sector to be preserved in the Chettinad territory, broad overview of the rules). These proposals will take into account all the development plans for the entire sector. 4 - Drawing up and handing over the final documents The final documentation of the survey will include: a - a presentation report giving the reasons and the objectives for creating the protection site as well as the historical, geographical, urban , architectural and landscape features of Chettinad territory b - a draft of the rules made up of recommendations and prescriptions, c - a graphical document showing the boundaries of the zone.
March 2006
August 2006
December 2006
The heritage house, the heritage centre : first phase of the development project.
and villages in order to define a comprehensive strategy for the conservation of the site (incentives, regulations): conservation plan, town development plan, tourism plans, legislative and legal suggestions. This will be subjected to the approval of the District Collectors, of the various Panchayats (village councils) and the inhabitants. The team will prepare the dossiers for classifying the site at different levels: national, federal and international. The Heritage House will also receive researchers and residential artists and will publicize their work and contribution through exhibitions and publications. It will propose and explore the feasibility of future development projects (science, education, tourism). To do this, a research centre, offices, a library and lodging facilities will be created. Refer to development plan. . The Visitor Centre will receive national and international visitors and will offer them many services (utilities, cafeteriarestaurant, handicraft shop, book shop, etc), practical and cultural information (site plan, conferences, shows, demonstrations of skills, workshops for adults and children, etc.) temporary exhibitions for two or three years (handicrafts, history, customs and way of life, natural and building heritage), and will conceive medium term projects (eco museum, Centre for training and production of handicrafts and applied art, centre for international exchanges).
The society museum : mainstay of the second phase of the development project.
1 House for : Heritage house and visitor center 1 House for : Museum of society 1 House for :
The objectives:
Constitution of a collection of art objects and ethnographical objects that serve as a reference. Conservation and restoration of the architectural heritage. Presentation to the public made up of tourists and academicians in the form of an educational exhibition. Spreading knowledge and awareness by means of cultural and tourism development. Archives for the local population and expatriates. Resource centre for those involved in the global project An important link for promoting the production of handicrafts. The workshops will be visited and the products sold to the visitors. A cultural centre organising programmes within the premises of the museum, such as the dances of South India, readings of books by Indian authors, exhibitions of the work of the inhouse artists, etc. 20
A centre for training and production of handicrafts and applied arts 4 1 House for : An international exchange centre 1 House for :
Carving and sculpture of teak wood from Burma. Carving and sculpture of satin wood from Ceylan. Polished granite Floors from Madras. Marble from Italy. Ceramics from Japan and Great-Britain. Frescos. Art of bronze Gold and silver engraving. Jewellery. Decorative stucco. Stained-glass windows.
Experiental tourism
State of urgency
The objectives of this initial work: Understanding the framework. Initial evaluation of the state of the buildings in the territory on the whole and a diagnosis on a selection of buildings that can be chosen. (in progress) Definition of the social and environmental context of the project (in progress) Learning about the political and administrative context as well as the procedures (in progress)
Formulation a development programme Setting up a process of local participation (in progress) Establishing international partnerships (in progress) Evaluation of local resources (in progress) Definition of the organisation chart (in progress) Definition of a programme of operational studies (in progress) Finding the right tools and people for developing local and international skills (in progress) Definition of the methods of evaluation. Financial feasibility Estimation of the investment budget (in progress) Estimation of the working budget, expenses/receipts (in progress) Fixing the time schedule Evaluation of the expected economic results Positioning for the future Estimation of the positive effects after external aid has been withdrawn. 28
A committed venture
The association ArcHe-S, Architecture Heritage Safeguard programme leaders:
Bernard Dragon, an interior designer with a degree from the Ecole Camondo and Michel Adment, architect with a government diploma, have skills in the field of : - architecture for international cultural projects. They have participated in ongoing projects at the National Grand Theater in Beijing and the Oriental Art Centre in Shanghai (China ) ; -Museography ; They were part of the team that conceived and built the Osaka Marim Museum (Japan) and the Bibracte museum (Bourgogne, France) ; - consulting for heritage preservation project management ; Michel Adment has worked in this field for seven years with the management of Muses de France ( French museums). He has also worked on the technical aspects of the Louvre Museum. - applied art, since they market their own line of furniture and their collection of decorative objects made in collaboration with Indian artisans. Bernard Dragon helped to revive Moroccan applied art as a member of the team of architects working for HM Hassan II, the King of Morocco. Last but not the least, they have a thorough knowledge of South India as they have travelled extensively in the region for more than 6 years.
The team is motivated by a passion for creation but they believe that there can be no creation without history or diversity. This is why they have initiated this project and brought together in their association people who believe in the importance of cultural diversity and dialogue between cultures. 29
Catherine Minguella, a specialist in territory development and a Professor of cultural marketing and management, is also participating in this project and will therefore use her expertise for developing initiatives in favour of tourism and culture.
A rchitectural Heritage S a f e g u a r d 41, BD de la Libert 13001 MARSEILLE FRANCE Ph : 33 611 64 05 95 Email : [email protected]