Cics Admin

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Troubleshooting and Maintaining the CICS system and applications.

- CICS Up gradation: - Maintaining CICS table entries (RDO), concatenate libraries, etc. - Upgrading and Migrating CICS and its supported products. - Worked on the Change Coordinator notifying Customers about the changes to be i mplemented and performing the changes. - Attending Change control meetings, Performing Changes. - Co-ordinate changes with other teams like MVS, RACF, ACF2, DB2, IMS, MQ, Autom ation, and Storage. - Participated in Disaster Recovery tests at off-site facilities as the Focal Pe rson - Organized and participated for the DST change and Spring time Change. - Worked with IPCS to determine issues. - Knowledge/Familiar with SERVICE PACKS for upgrading third party tools through SMPE

CICS ADMINISTRATION Defining Transaction, File, Map and Program entries in CICS control region. Forcing Looping Tasks. Scheduling Backups for CICS Datasets.

Introduction to CICS What is CICS?; A Resource Manager; CICS Tables; CICS Information Center; CICS or ganisation; Management; Domains; Reliability; Monitoring; Intercommunication; Se rvice; Applications; Application Support; Application Services; CICS domains; CI CS Tables; Example Tables; Creating the CICS data sets; Example jobs; CICS start up messages. Table generation Resource Definition; Resource Definition macro; Using SIT parameters; RDO compon ents; CICS Global Catalog; CICS CSD; Resource Definitions; Resource Definition G roups; Group Lists; Resource commands; List commands; General commands; General Resource Definitions; Add; Remove; Append; Copy; Move; Rename; Display; Expand; Install; Single Resource Install; Check Group; DFHCSDUP Parameters; DFHCSDUP - O ffline Utility Program; CSD File Size

CEMT Master Terminal Transaction CEMT; CEMT Help ; PF1 Help; PF3 End; CEMT from a console; Using ?; CEMT Inquire; CEMT Inquire System; CEMT Inquiry Terminal; CEMT Inquiry Task; Problem Determin ation; Result; Forcepurge: Purge; Variations; CEMT Inq Trans(*); Purgeable; Tcla ss(Value); File Inquiry; CEMT Inq File(*); Closed Attribute; Tsqueue Inquire; CE MT Inq Tsq; Transclass Inquiry; CEMT Inq Tranclass; Jmodel Inquiry; CEMT Inq Jmo del; Journalname Inquiry; CEMT Inq Journalname; Tdqueue Inquiry; CEMT Inq Tdq; U ow Inquiry; CEMT Inq Uow; Set Options; CEMT Set; CEMT Set Dumpds; Perform Option s; Discard Options; Discard. System Initialization Table CICS Initialization; Assembling the SIT; SIT Parameters; Parameters that cannot be coded in the SIT; Supplied SIT DFHSIT6.

Dispatching Dispatcher Domain; Dispatcher; Maximum Task (MXT); Purpose; Transaction Class (T RANSCLASS); Purpose; View Tranclass; Group; Maxactive; Purgethresh; Transclass N ames; Tranclass(name): Task Priority (0-255); Prtyage; Region Exit Interval ICV; ICVTSD; Runaway Task (ICVR); Purpose; TCB Modes; Use of TCBs; TCBS at CICS/TS 1 .3; Open Transaction Environment; MAXOPENTCBS; FORCEQR={NO|YES}; SSLTCBS; TCPIP; OPENTCBS; DB2 OTE Exploitation; TCB Switching. Transaction Definition CEDA Define Transaction; the Indoubt Attributes. Profile definition CEDA Define Profile. Program Definition CEDA Define Program. Mapset Definition Mapset Definition; Program Autoinstall; SIT Parameters; User Replaceable Area; C OMMAREA Layout; Program Autoinstall; Program models; Summary. Program List Table Program List Table; Macro coded PLT; DFHPLT TYPE=INITIAL; DFHPLT TYPE=ENTRY; PRO GRAM=DFHDELIM; PLTPI; PLTSD. Storage Startup Parameters; The CICS Region; Dynamic Storage Areas; Subsystem Storage Pr otection; Extended Read Only DSA; CICS DSAs; Shared DSAs; User DSAs; DSA Limits; Improved Storage Management; DSALIM; EDSALIM; Short on Storage; Events proceedi ng SOS; Events when SOS; *DSASZE={0K|number}; Transaction Isolation; TRANISO; Ex tents; DSA Extents; Kernel Changes; Kernel stacks; CEMT Inq System; Storage Para meters; CEMT Inq DSAs; DSALIMITS. Terminal Definition Terminal Autoinstall; When to use; SIT Parameters; CEDA Define Terminal. TYPETERM Definition CEDA Define TYPETERM. Communications VTAM Applid; MRO/ISC; An Implementation; CEMT Inquire VTAM; CEMT Set VTAM; Inter System Communication; Multi-Region Operation /EXCI; LU 6.2 / MRO connections; S essions; CEMT Inq Terminal Options; CEMT Inq Terminal. TCP/IP & Web Services CWS Resource Definition; TCPIPSERVICE definitions; Doctemplate definitions; CICS /TS JCL Changes; SSL; Templates; DFHHTML; 3270 Bridge; MVS requirements; CWS RDO ; TCPIPSERVICE Definition; Security and Encryption; Sample Analysers; SSL enable ment; SSL SIT parameters; ENCRYPTION; SSL SIT parameters; SSLDELAY; Full SSL Han dshake; Overheads; Client Certificates; Extract Certificate; Extracting RACF USE RID; DFH$RING; Web Services - Pipeline; Pipeline; Web Services - Webservice; Web Services - Urimap; URIMAP - General and Server Options; URIMAP - Client and Pip eline Options; URIMAP ValidityMatrix. Document Templates Trace Tracing Activity; Transaction and Terminal Tracing; Reducing the cost of Trace; Component Tracing; Component Trace Options.

File Definition CEDA Define File; Shared Data Tables; Data Table Types; CICS Maintained; USER Ma intained; Coupling Facility Data Tables (CFDTs); Defining Pools and Starting Ser vers; IXCMIAPU CFRM Policy Definition. LSRPOOL Definition CEDA Define Lsrpool; Hyperspace Buffers. Enq. Models CECI Transaction CECI; Command Interpreter; Read/Update; Variables; The Record Data Displayed; Th e Record Data In Hex/Char; Make a Change; Rewrite the Modified Record. Transient Data Transient Data; Queue Types; Destination Control Table (DCT); CEDA Define TDQUEU E; Extra Partition Parameters; CEDA Define TDQUEUE; Intra Partition Parameters; Indirect parameters; IBM supplied TD QUEUES. Temporary Storage Temporary Storage; MAIN vs AUX VS Coupling Facility; Define Tsmodel; TS Coupling Facility Pool; TSServer; CFRM policy. CEBR Transaction CEBR; Help; CEBR Commands; QUEUE XXXXXXXX; TERMINAL XXXX; PURGE; TOP; BOTTOM; CE BR; FIND/STRING; LINE nnnn; COLUMN nnnn; GET XXXX; PUT XXXX. MVS LOGGER Log Manager Concepts; Coupling Facility; DASD Only Logging; The CICS Log; CHAIN INSTANCES; CICS BUFFERS; Log Trimming; Offloading; Chain Moving; How does it tie together?; CICS/TS Activity - Key Pointing; Journal Models; Coupling Facility E xample; DASD Model Example; Logger statistics; SMF 88 record fields. CICS Hangs & Abends Transaction Dump Datasets; CEMT Inquire Dumpds; Printing Transaction Dumps; Syst em Dumps; IPCS; CICS640 components; Managing CICS Transaction Dumps; CICS Transa ction Dump Table; Managing CICS System Dumps; CICS Dump Table; SIT Options. DB2 Defining DB2 Connections with CEDA; Defining DB2 Entries with CEDA; Defining DB2 Transactions with CEDA; Starting the Attachment.

JD for CICS System Programmer: The CICS System Programmer will be responsible for the day-to-day support, maint enance, analyzing, testing, documenting and installing CICS systems software. 1.This resource will closely work with various Infrastructure and Operations org anizations such as z/OS Systems Engineering, Online/Database Subsystem teams, Pr oduction Assurance and Enterprise Command Center to ensure high availability and deliver quality support services. This job requires a balance of strong technic al skills and business processes, a sense of urgency in resolving issues, work s chedule flexibility, adaptability to changing business conditions and a commitme nt to customer satisfaction. 2.Should have hands-on experience in Installation and maintenance of CICS, CICS related Products and strong analytical skills. This job will encompass IBM and I SV product installs and upgrades related to CICS, such as CICS Transaction Serve rs, Expediter/CICS, Abend-Aid/CICS, Inter test/CICS, Omegamon/CICS, CEMT/Batch, CICS Message, etc. along with providing end user technical support. Must be a go

od team player who can provide hand-on support to all technical activities relat ed to CICS system programming. He should be proactive, a good team player with e xcellent communication skills. General Responsibilities: 1.Installation, Customization and Maintenance of IBM & ISV tools & products rela ted to CICS. 2.Provide day-to-day monitoring & Provide 24x7 on-call support. 3.Perform problem diagnostics and resolution. 4.Maintain reliability, availability, and serviceability of CICS systems softwar e. 5.Strong knowledge of ITIL processes and procedures 6.Perform peer review of change events, assessing impacts and risks. 7.Prepare for and Participate in disaster recovery exercises.

CICS - System support 1. Installation, upgrade and maintenance of CICS and related products. 2. Sound knowledge in SMPE 3. Experience in problem determination, performance tuning, setting security and web enabling CICS. 4. Setup and maintain CICS regions. 5. Technical guidance to the team. 6. Good Knowledge in Disaster Recovery

Job description for CICS ### The CICS System Programmer will be responsible for the day-to-day support, m aintenance, analyzing, testing, documenting and installing CICS systems software . This resource will closely work with various Infrastructure and Operations organ izations such as z/OS Systems Engineering, Online/Database Subsystem teams, Prod uction Assurance and Enterprise Command Center to ensure high availability and d eliver quality support services. This job requires a balance of strong technical skills and business processes, a sense of urgency in resolving issues, work sch edule flexibility, adaptability to changing business conditions and a commitment to customer satisfaction. Should have hands-on experience in Installation and maintenance of CICS, CICS re lated Products and strong analytical skills. This job will encompass IBM and ISV product installs and upgrades related to CICS, such as CICS Transaction Servers , Expediter/CICS, Abend-Aid/CICS, Inter test/CICS, Omegamon/CICS, CEMT/Batch, CI CS Message, etc. along with providing end user technical support. Must be a good team player who can provide hand-on support to all technical activities related to CICS system programming. He should be proactive, a good team player with exc ellent communication skills. ## General Responsibilities: Installation, Customization and Maintenance of IBM & ISV tools & products relate d to CICS. Provide day-to-day monitoring & Provide 24x7 on-call support. Perform problem diagnostics and resolution. Maintain reliability, availability, and serviceability of CICS systems software. Strong knowledge of ITIL processes and procedures Perform peer review of change events, assessing impacts and risks.

Prepare for and Participate in disaster recovery exercises.

CICS-Systems Programmer CICS system programmer with 2years of experience. Capabl e of Installing/upgrading CICS and related products on a mainframe. Capable of u pgrading to new CICS transaction servers, install/support commonly used products like Abendaid/CICS, XPEDITOR/CICS, Interest/CICS etc. Maintain reliabilty, avai lablility of CICS systems software. Good knowledge in usage of transactions like CEMT, CEDA etc., Perform trouble shooting and provide 24X7 oncall support to th e clients supported.

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