Do Investors Behave Myopically When Deciding To Invest in Office Buildings? An Empirical Study Using Tobins Q
Do Investors Behave Myopically When Deciding To Invest in Office Buildings? An Empirical Study Using Tobins Q
Do Investors Behave Myopically When Deciding To Invest in Office Buildings? An Empirical Study Using Tobins Q
Many studies have shown that the investments in new office buildings follow a cyclical pattern (see e.g. Wheaton 1999). There are of course both demand and supply variables that influence the level of production. For instance high volatility in office demand due to high volatility in the amount of people working in the office sector and preference changes that make tenants want more or less space per employer. Change in production cost due to, for instance, change labour cost or capital cost. Additional uncertainty is the time factor; the time it takes to plan a project, to get approval from the local authorities and for construction. In Sweden it can take many years to get approval from the authorities (Lind 2002). With these uncertain circumstances present it is an interesting question how an investor makes a decision. One way to deal with this investment problem for a rational investor is to use Tobins Q (TQ), i.e. compare the market price for the durable good with its replacement cost. The problem for an investor in the office-building sector is however that it takes some years to construct the building, which make the estimation of TQ at the delivery date difficult. The question is what TQ the investor will use when making the decision to invest? Do they use the current TQ or will they try to estimate TQ at the delivery date? We suspect that the investors pay much attention to the present circumstances. Assuming that the present circumstances will continue is called myopic behaviour, defined as short-sighted expectations. Myopic behaviour might, according to Wheaton (1999), lead to periods of overbuilding where new space come on the market when demand already has began to fall. Wheaton (1999) demonstrates that different types of real estate can have very different cyclical properties. In his model expected price at the date of delivery is a crucial variable to determine the level of new supply. On this point he makes a distinction between myopic and rational expectations about prices at this future date. Wheaton shows that strong cyclical behavior can arise if decision makers have myopic expectations and even stronger cycles if construction time is long and/or if the elasticity of supply is high (or higher than demand) and where the growth in demand is high. If there, on the aggregate level, seems to be deviations from what looks like rational behaviour. There might be, besides myopic behavior, explanations related to biases in investors behaviour. How are they influenced by old information and new information? How are they influenced by recent trends in the market? How do other investors influence them? How rapidly do they change opinion due to changed circumstances? An extensive description of these deviations and an empirical study about their roles can be found in Brunes (2005).
In this article our aim is to investigate whether investors had myopic expectations or not. The hypothesis is that if they have myopic expectations then there should be a strong relation between each years production and TQ at the date where the decision was made. Given historical patterns there are no reason to believe that situation on the market at the date of delivery would be the same as when the decision was made. If there were perfect forecasts of the future we should instead expect that the volume of production in one year to be explained 2
by TQ at the date when the buildings are ready. The strategy in this study is to regress TQ with different lags against production of new office buildings. Will production be better explained by using non-lagged or lagged exogenous variables? We are aware that there might be situations where it is rational to believe that the current situation will prevail. By this study it will not be possible to draw any definitive conclusions concerning the issue of myopic vs. rational expectations. The study can however add one piece to the puzzle of economic decision-making.
According to McDonald (2002), most econometric models of the supply side of the office market have been looking at a metropolitan area as a whole, and some have even done estimations at the national level. Most of these studies do not analyze a specific location within the metropolitan area. In some cases, for instance Wheaton, Torto and Evans (1997) and Hendershott, Lizieri and Marysiak (1999), they examine the office market in the Central Business District of a larger metropolitan area. In this study a smaller geographic submarket, Kista, outside the Central Business District of Stockholm will be analyzed. Kista is known for housing many companies in the electronics and IT sector. Kista was by Newsweek in 2000 characterized as a huge hub of wireless R&D and Kista has also been called The Swedish Silicon Valley. Companies like IBM, Oracle, Intel and Ericsson are situated here. Kista is situated approximately 10 kilometers north of central Stockholm. The suburb is divided by the underground into an area of residential houses and an area of commercial real estates. Kista has a good location near to highway E4 that connects Stockholm City with Arlanda airport. During the period under study there were a lot of excess land where new construction was possible. Office space dominates the commercial sites. The office buildings have historically been rather standard office buildings with about 3-7 floors, a framework of concrete with facing brick with no special extravagances. The buildings are mostly built on rock or gravel bed. Recently there has, however, been constructed more expensive buildings, for example a skyscraper with a height of 160 meters. Kista has a history of about 30 years. In the mid 1970s Kista started to develop. The early buildings were traditional industrial buildings with low level of exploitation and owned by the companies that used the buildings. There were very few transactions with office buildings in Kista in the 1970s. During the earlier 1980s office buildings were successively constructed and the supply of office space were increased from approximately 250 000 square meters to 750 000 square meters. This expansion was, among other things, due to the lack of space in Stockholm city. Kista became one of the suburban areas in which the Stockholm municipality was deeply committed. This large engagement reached its peak with the opening of Electrum, which is a part of Royal Institute of Technology of Stockholm. In 1990-1991 the demand for office space dropped considerably, this lead to a high vacancy rate in Kista and to low levels of new construction. During the whole 1990s the expansion
was very slow. But in the late 1990s demand for office space in Kista increased dramatically because of the IT-boom, this lead to the start of a number of substantial new constructions that increased the supply of office space with about 20 percent in the early 2000s. During the 1990s Kista increased its IT-profile substantially and in 2000 nearly 70% of the employees were found in IT-companies. In 2000 approximately 25 000 people worked in Kista.
In section 2 we develop the economic theory that supports our model. In section 3 there is a literature review concerning the modeling of the supply side of the real estate market. In section 4 we build a model based on TQ. In section 5 the results from the regression analysis are presented. In section 6 we draw some conclusions and discuss further research.
In this section we will develop the theory behind the econometric models that will be used in this study. The theory is based on the stock-flow model (Poterba (1984)) and we have primarily used the interpretation of the model presented in Jaffe (1994).
Stock-flow model
The stock-part The supply of office space at a specific point in time is the actual stock at that point of time. The demand for office space is determined by, as mentioned earlier, the amount of people working in offices and the demand for space per employer. This is in turn determined by the overall performance of the economy such as growth, employment rate, interest rates and so on. Equilibrium price for offices space is where demand equal supply. The flow-part The production of new office space, the flow part, is determined by the possibility to make profits, which are given by the quota between the price of the existing stock and the cost for new buildings. In the short run, TQ could be above one and there should be construction going on forcing TQ down towards one. TQ can also be below one and then no construction would take place until increased demand (and perhaps reduced supply) raises the price of the office buildings so TQ increase to 1.
First we will demonstrate a model which assumes that the price adjust to the equilibrium level immediately. Price
MC = long run supply
P1 P0
Figure 1. Perfect adjustment to demand shock. Regard Figure 1 where the stock adjusts directly to a demand shift from D0 to D1 , cause by e.g. higher GDP. The price changes from
stock from S 0 to S1 . In this model TQ is always equal to 1 (P=MC) as new production immediately come on the market when the price of office buildings is higher than the production cost. However, due to the time it takes to complete new buildings, this model of the adjustment on the market is usually not correct.
MC = long run supply
P2 P1 P0
Figure 2. Rigid adjustment to demand shock A more realistic description of the market can be found in Figure 2. In the short-run supply is not easily changed. The first thing that happens when demand increase is that the price will increase to P2 , considerably higher than the long-run equilibrium This means that TQt is above its long run equilibrium value of 1 ( P > MC ). New construction is profitable and in the long run the price will slowly fall to P1 and the stock will rise to S1 .
We assume that the firm is a price taker with constant return to scale. Then according to Hayashi (1982) the average and marginal TQ is equal. The problem that TQ actually is the ratio of the market value of an additional unit of capital to its replacement cost is then avoided and we can use what is observable, namely the average TQ, the ratio of the market value of existing building to its replacement cost. According to Dipasquale and Wheaton (1994) and Riddel (2004) the market for houses exhibit disequilibrium. Dipasquale and Wheaton (1994) uses data from the US housing market and include price, change in employment and price for land as exogenous variables, and level of construction as endogenous variable. They find that the speed of adjustment in the housing market is remarkably low at a value of 2%. They conclude that the earlier results that the price adjusts instantaneously to the long run level are obviously wrong. They also conclude that with this slow adjustment housing prices are not a sufficient statistic for describing the situation on the market. Riddel (2004) extends the model, which is a two-step model, by decomposing the disequilibrium into partly supply and partly demand related causes. Riddel (2004) concludes, using the model on US housing market, that a market clearing supply is an anomaly rather than the typical feature. We suspect this disequilibrium and rigidity also to be present in the office market. We should therefore be aware of that prices on market are not equilibrium prices. We will still use present market prices though we suspect investors to be more prone to regard these actual prices rather than hypothetical prices on a non-rigid market. The econometric research of the office-building sector has the last decades been without TQ. We find support for our model in Jud and Winkler (2003), and of course Tobin (1969). Jud and Winkler (2003) perform analysis of the housing market in US for the period 1980-2000 using house price index, new home prices (representing construction cost) and level of construction represented by building permits and housing starts. They perform several regressions including TQ lagged several times. Their findings suggest that the market function according to TQ and that housing suppliers appears to respond to the demand of housing consumers, building new homes when existing home price are high relative to new home prices.
In this section we give an overview of previous research on modeling the office market, particularly the supply side and the determinants of construction of new office buildings.
The last 20-years of research on modeling the supply-side of office buildings has been without explicit use of TQ. The construction cost has often been included in an additive form. Market price has not been included in these articles; one explanation might be the difficulty to attain data. In this section we present earlier research1 and for our purpose focus on what exogenous variables have been included. The articles are first presented in chronological order.
We focus on regression models and exclude articles about, for instance, option theory (Grenadier (1995)).
Rosen (1984) is one of the first to develop a statistical model of supply. The data used concerned San Francisco during the period 1961 1983. The model showed best result with a four-year distribution lag on vacancy. As Rosen points out, new construction is very volatile and therefore very difficult to fully explain in an equilibrium econometric model. Rosen used vacancy and rents as approximation of price. Hekman (1985) used data from fourteen cities for the period 1979-1983. His results, from a two-stage regression model, indicate that the market for new constructions responds to rent, and to the long-term growth rate of office employment. First rent was regressed on vacancy, income, employment on a nation scale and local unemployment. Then the supply of space was regressed on construction cost, interest rate, expected growth and rent (given from the first regression). Hekman makes regression both on larger areas and on suburban areas. The result showed that construction responds strongly to rents and employment rates. Wheaton (1987) uses a stock-flow model to explain the cyclical behavior of the office market. He uses data from thirty markets for the period 1967-1986 and ten markets for the period 1960-1986. The result from his construction equation (the flow part) indicates strong explanation from the employment growth, vacancy and current stock of space. The stock coefficient was used as a scaling factor all else equal a larger market should have higher construction levels simply to account for demolition and replacement. Pollakowski et al. (1992) test for structural differences in office markets across 21 metropolitan areas for the time period 1981-1990. Their model is based on Rosen (1984) and Wheaton (1987). They use a cross-section time-series model. The model is lagged for construction costs this is calculated by regarding the growth in employment that is used by suppliers to approximate future demand. They made a few regressions and best result was produced with a three-year lag on construction cost and two-year lag on operating costs, rents and rate of change in office employment. Using standard explanatory variables their results showed that larger markets are better modeled than smaller markets. This is partly due to that rents adjust quicker in large markets because there is more competition in the market. Clapp et al. (1992) studies how the market for office space is especially influenced by agglomeration effects, i.e. that the specialization of different branches in locations can explain the new supply of office space. They use a special location factor to differentiate between the areas. Data are from Boston metropolitan area for the period 1979-1987. Their conclusions are that growth potential (a measure of expected demand) lagged one year, tax considerations and population density explain the rate of new constructions. They also state that access to potential office employees is valuable for the rate of new constructions provided that enough land is available. DiPasqule and Wheaton (1996) build a model for the demand and supply side of the office market. Data are from San Francisco for the period 1967 - 1992. In their supply model current stock, vacancy in absolute values and absorption are exogenous variables (construction costs are omitted). The variables are all significant and the model as a whole has strong explanatory power. From the perspective of our study their argument that strong explanatory power of lagged exogenous variables does not necessarily indicate myopic behavior. Instead they argue that even rational investors also have to include current values in their decision-making. It is not possible only to look at expected future values.
Evans, Torto and Wheaton (1997) build a model to investigate the London office market. Data are from London for the time period 1970-1995. They first state an important feature of the office market; the slow adjustment of rents and vacancies due to behavior in the market such as long-term leases and the bargaining over lease-terms. They assume that the level of new constructions depends on the asset price for office space relative to its replacement cost. The asset price is then based on rents, vacancies and a capitalization rate. They finally concludes that their London model demonstrates that commercial property in European cities is forecast, to the extent that any economic variable is, dependent on a pattern of economic growth. The dynamic structure of property markets means that response of these markets to economic change will be quite different than that which occurs in the markets for other goods and services. Hendershott et al. (1999), model the London office market (similar to Wheatons earlier work). Data are from London for the time period 1983-1995. They use the concept of natural vacancies defined as vacancies that should occur even when the market is in equilibrium. They also use the concept real effective rents that must equate the user cost of capital. This is a product of replacement cost and the sum of the real interest rate, depreciation rate and the operating expense ratio. New office buildings are a function of the deviation between actual vacancy and natural vacancy together with the deviation between actual rents and real effective rents. They find that construction respond to lagged values of the gap between actual and equilibrium net rent when it is positive, and net space absorption is negatively related to rents and positively related to financial services employment growth. In Table 1 we have summarized and listed the variables used in modeling the supply side in the above articles. Most of the variables that have been used can be related to TQ. The only major exception is the interest rates. In an early stage a model with TQ and the interest rate was tested, but as it gave implausible results the study will focus on models only using TQ.
Table 1. Exogenous variables in earlier studies using regression analysis to explain the production of office buildings. Variable Number Articles of articles Interest rate 7 Clapp et al. (1992), Wheaton (1997), Evans et al. (1997) Rosen2 (1984), Hekman2 (1985), Wheaton2 (1987), Pollakowski et al.2 (1992) Rosen (1984), Wheaton (1987), Clapp et al. (1992), Dipasquale and Wheaton (1996), Evans et al. (1997), Wheaton et al. (1997), Hendershott et al. (1999) Pollakowski et al. (1992), Clapp et al. (1992), Evans et al. (1997), Wheaton et al. (1997) Rosen2 (1984), Hekman2 (1985), Wheaton2 (1987) Hekman (1985), Wheaton et al. (1997), Hendershott et al. (1999) Wheaton2 (1987), Pollakowski et al.2 (1992), Pollakowski et al. (1992), Clapp et al. (1992) Rosen2 (1984) Hekman (1985) Wheaton (1987), Dipasquale and Wheaton (1996) Wheaton (1987) Pollakowski et al.2 (1992) Pollakowski et al. (1992)
2 1
Rate of employment 1 growth Property tax Population density Absorption Demand variable Capitalization rate
1 1 1 1 1
Clapp et al. (1992) Clapp et al. (1992) Dipasquale and Wheaton (1996) Grenadier (1995) Evans et al.2 (1997)
The model used here is based purely on the investment rule of Tobin (1969), with support of the recent application of Jud and Winkler (2003) on the housing market. The model therefore becomes: Pt = + TQt m + t Where Pt is the production of office buildings that are completed at time t. TQt m is the quota between the price of the building at m years before completion and the replacement cost at m years before completion. 4.2 Data The data used here is a time-series for the period 1980-2002. The variables utilized in the models are presented in Table 2. Table 2. Definitions and units for the variables included in the regression models. Variable Definition Unit Pt TQt m Production of office space at time t. Ratio of price and cost per square meter at time t-m. Square meters
Production The production of office buildings in Kista is presented in Figure 3; it is measured by using the Swedish land registry. As mentioned earlier, the supply increased substantially each year from 1980 to 1989. Then a period of recovery took place until the late 1990s when an increase in real estate office investments took place again. The change in supply is stationary3, i.e. do not show any long-run trend during the period under study.
0 1980 1982 1984 1986 1988 1990 1992 1994 1996 1998 2000 2002 Years
TQ In Table 3 we present TQ-values for the research period. The TQ variable is stationary4, i.e. do not show any long-run trend during the period under study. To develop TQ we have estimated market value (M) and construction cost (C) for each year during the research period. We will first present how we estimated these variables. Table 3. TQ in Kista for year 1980-2002. Year Year TQ 1980 1,18 1992 1981 0,83 1993 1982 0,38 1994 1983 1,44 1995 1984 1,07 1996 1985 0,37 1997 1986 0,58 1998 1987 0,79 1999 1988 0,59 2000 1989 0,57 2001 1990 0,80 2002 1991 0,93
TQ 0,51 0,55 0,71 0,69 0,48 0,68 0,97 0,88 1,38 1,33 0,78
Price Finding data on market price for office buildings is difficult. We could have used rents as proxy to price as many researchers do. The problem with this is that data about rents are also difficult to attain due to the fact that real estate companies want to keep rents secret as an advantage in future negotiations with tenants. Another alternative is to use vacancy as a proxy for rents, but these figures were also difficult to attain. A proxy might mean that we lose explanatory value in the conversion process. To estimate the square meter price we used data from Statistics Sweden. The database included 342 price observations. Because of lack of trades it was not possible to estimate using only prices from Kista we have therefore included observations in nearby areas such as Bromma, Sollentuna, Sundbyberg and Spnga. We have eliminated data where the quota between price and taxation value were below 0,5. They are probably affected by special circumstances, e.g. the relationship between the parties in the transaction. Kista, as office market, is regarded as more attractive than the other areas and we therefore believe that the prices in Kista actually are a bit higher than prices in the other areas. We therefore suspect that the estimated price per square meter might be a bit low. We have divided the total sales sum for each year (t) with total area that has been sold each year (t) to get the square meter price (M). M = f ( pricet , areat ) To be able to appreciate the realism in our data we have constructed a square meter price index (MI) out of it with 1980 as base year. We have compared it with a modified, 1980 as base year, Price Index on Rental houses in Sweden (SI). This index represents prices for commercial buildings in Sweden, including rental houses, offices and warehouses. It was not possible to get data on only office buildings. The correlation between MI and SI was 76%5 and the trend that the MI display seems reasonable. See Figure 4, a similar feature of the two indices is that they climb to peak in the late 1980s. Then they both fall and start to recover to new high levels in the late 1990s. There is a higher volatility in MI compared to the SI. This is as mentioned earlier due to lack of data for some years. We chose to base the price variable on actual figures than to interpolate these uncertain years.
450 400 350 300 Price index 250 200 150 100 50 0 1980 1982 1984 1986 1988 1990 1992 1994 1996 1998 2000 2002 Years
Figure 4. Square meter price index (MI) and Swedish index (SI).
Construction cost A specialist in the field has estimated the construction costs per square (C) meter for each year. There are substantial variances in the construction costs for different types of buildings and in different areas. We believe that the costs in Kista are on a somewhat lower level due to the fact that the buildings in Kista during this period are not of any special character. They are mostly of quite simple design. They are about five to six store high, with concrete as framework and facing brick. None of them have much glass faade and there has not been a lot of bursting and pile driving. For the years of 1980-1982, 1984 and 1986 we had to extrapolate and interpolate construction costs because lack of data. With the data we have constructed a cost index (CI). The purpose is to compare it with the real estate factor price index for Sweden (FPI), which is based on price information for residential houses. We had to be content with this because data on office buildings were not available. See Figure 5, the indices have obviously the same trend with a correlation of 97%6. The only difference is that FPI is smoother than CI.
400,0 350,0 Cost of construction index 300,0 250,0 200,0 150,0 100,0 50,0 0,0 1980 1982 1984 1986 1988 1990 1992 1994 1996 1998 2000 2002 Years CI FPI
Figure 5. Consultant construction index (CI) and factor price index (FPI). Land value is not included in cost of construction. Little reliable data is available on land price. This is a problem that we have dealt with by assuming that the land value probably has been constant in real term. The argument is that a great amount of land has been available during the investigated period, that the land has quite similar quality and therefore the price ought to be equal to the marginal cost of making the land ready for construction instead of a scarcity price.
The strategy in the empirical estimations is to regress the level of new production coming on the market against TQ at different years, starting 4 years before the completion of the building. As described in section 1, if there is a strong correlation between the level of completion and TQ three or four years before the completion, then this could be a sign of myopic expectations. The investors then start to build if the current situation looks good, assuming that this situation continues. If people used all available information for predicting TQ when the building is completed, then we should not expect a strong correlation between completion and TQ at the date when the decision were made.
Descriptive statistic
The descriptive statistic presented in Table 4 covers data from a period of 23 years (19802002). When m - the lag - is larger than zero then the total number of years used in the regression will be 23-m, {m} 0. Table 4. Descriptive Statistics for the variables included in the regression for the period of 1980-2002. Variable Mean Min Max Standard deviation name Pt TQt m 28 282 0,8052 0 0,37 115 421 1,44 35 731 0,30866
All variables have a large spread, especially the level of production that has a larger standard deviation than the mean value. This can reflect a very high volatility in demand, which according to Wheaton might cause overbuilding. There is also a high variance in TQ with some extreme low values in the years of 1982, 1985 and 1996. This is dependent on the weak price index we have. See Figure 4, there are high fluctuations in the mean price index. This is due to lack of sales making the index instable.
Correlation matrix
The correlation between Pt and TQt are as expected positive (Table 5). TQt 3 has the highest correlation with production ( Pt ) and is the only correlation that is statistically significant (at a 5% level). Table 5. Correlation between production and TQ at different time lags. TQt TQt 1 TQt 2 TQt 3 TQt 4 Variables Pt
0,06 0,30 0,14 0,50 0,47
The estimated equations and the results Four different regressions were carried out on the model Pt = + TQt m + t , by varying the
variable m between zero and four. The reason for limiting this to four is that the completion time for office buildings cannot be expected to be more than four years.
The results from the regression are presented in Table 6. Table 6. Coefficient on constant, on TQ, t-test on TQ and fitness of model 1 when regression made with different time lags on TQ.
Variable Coefficient on constant Coefficient on TQ t-test TQ Fitness of model (adjuster R-square) Autocorrelation in residuals
22354 7362 0,29 -0,04 No
TQt 1
1613 34549 1,42 0,05 Yes
TQt 2
14175 14346 0,61 -0,03 No decision
TQt 3
-18567 59101 2,48 0,21 No
TQt 4
-16258 55011 2,21 0,18 No decision
The best result in terms goodness of fit of the model and validity of the TQ coefficient was a regression with a three-year lag on TQ. It is presented below (t-test within parenthesis): Pt = 18567 + 59101 TQt 3 (-0,98) (2,48) (1)
This gives an adjusted R square of approximately 21%. Both exogenous variables are statistically significant at a 5% level. The whole model is significant at a 5% level. Another interesting result is the very low explanatory power of the equation with no lag. Incorporating production data for 2003 gives even better result for the three years lag. The equation then becomes: Pt = 23562 + 69749 TQt 3 (-1,44) (3,29) This gives an adjusted R square of approximately 33%. Both exogenous variables are statistically significant at a 5% level. The whole model is significant at a 5% level. This result cannot be compared with a non-lagged regression because lack of data for price and construction cost for 2003.
The explanatory power of the TQ model is quite good when a time lag of three to four years are included in the model. One interpretation of this is that the decision makers are characterized by myopic behaviour. If the model had fitted nice without any time lag we might have suspected that the investors did a pretty good job in forecasting the exogenous variables. A single empirical study like this can never disprove a specific hypothesis. It might have been the case that there were, at the time of decision, reason to believe that the current situation would continue. That this turned out to be a mistaken belief might simply be bad luck - this is something that can always happen because of long construction time, and a volatile demand.
If the same result were found looking at other submarkets and different time periods the hypothesis of bad luck would however seem less credible. One should also be aware of that using the current price on the market might be a reasonable procedure if the market is informational efficient. Then the current price includes all available information and it is not possible to know if the price will go up or down. There has been a long controversy about whether the real estate market is efficient or not (see e.g. Gatzlaff and Tirtiroglu 1995). Due to the fact that the real estate markets has substantial transaction costs, significant barriers to enter, costly information and that market participants are not generally price-takers ought to lead to inefficiency, especially in some submarkets. Models with meanreversion that indicate some long run cyclical pattern have also become popular in recent years. To cast further light on the questions weather myopic expectations has influenced the investors' decision in large extension we will continue this research by looking more directly at behavioral patterns of the investors, using interviews and questionnaires (Brunes 2005).
If Pt follows 1, it has a unit root if and only if = 1 . If Pt has a unit root then 1 is a random walk and random walks are non-stationary7. In that case the time series S t is also nonstationary. Therefore the null hypotheses is that Pt has a unit root: H 0 : = 1 . In almost al cases we are interested in the one-sided alternative: H 1 = < 1 .
To make things easier, the unit root test can be carried out by subtracting Pt 1 from both sides in 1 and to define = 1 : Pt = + Pt 1 + t (2)
This means that the hypothesis has changed to H 0 : = 0 and H 1 < 0 . To test these hypothesis we need to use Dickey-Fuller distribution. For the Dickey-Fuller test to be usable the error term, t , must not be auto correlated. If they are the Augmented Dickey-Fuller test can be used. Augmented Dickey-Fuller test When the residuals in equation 2 are auto correlated one must use the augmented DickeyFuller test. This means that equation 2 are extended in a way which reduce autocorrelation between residuals:
Pt = + Pt 1 + Pt i + t
i =1 t m
The number of lagged difference terms Pt i that should be included depend on when the residuals, t , is not auto correlated. When the right equation is used and no autocorrelation is at hand, the same decision rule is included as in Dickey-Fuller test. We have performed ADF test and result in Table 7 indicate that TQ is stationary and P is stationary.
Table 7. ADF-test on TQ and P.
Variable Testvariable t-test
TQt Pt
-3,62 -4,50
For an extended description see Gujarati D.N., Basic Econometrics, McGraw-Hill Higher Education (2003) 814-816 or Wooldridge, J.M., Introductory Economics, Thomson South-Western (2003) 608-609.
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