Chapter 3 Ho

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CHAPTER 3 EXCAVATING AND LIFTING 3-1 INTRODUCTION Excavating & Lifting Equipment: Major types of Excavators include: * Crane-Shovel

family (Shovels, draglines, hoes, clamshells) * Dozers, * Loaders, * Scrapers. This chapter will focus only on the Crane-Shovel family used for excavating and lifting operations. Excavator Production : Methods by which excavator bucket and dozer blade capacity are rated, are given in Table 3-1. * * * * Plate line capacity: Bucket volume contained within the bucket when following the outline of bucket sides. Struck capacity: Bucket capacity when the load is struck off flush with the bucket sides. Waterline capacity: Material level corresponds to the water level that would result if bucket is filled with water. Heaped volume: The maximum volume that can be placed in the bucket without spillage based on a specified angle of repose for the material in the bucket.

Bucket fill factor (Bucket efficiency factor) depends on the type of soil & also on the bucket used (Table 3-2) Example: - Estimate the actual bucket load in bank cubic yards for a loader bucket whose heaped capacity is 5 cu. yard (3.82 m3). The soils bucket fill factor is 0.90 and its load factor is 0.80. Solution: Bucket load = 5 0.90 = 4.5 LCY = 4.5 LCY 0.8 = 3.6 BCY

The Crane-Shovel Family: Members of this family include: Mobile crane, Shovel, Dragline, Backhoe, Clamshell and Pile driver. The Crane-Shovel consists of three major assemblies: 1-a 2-a 3-a Carrier or mounting, Revolving superstructure containing the power and control units (revolving deck or turntable), Front-end attachment.

Available carriers include crawler, truck & wheel mounting. Truck & wheel mountings provide greater mobility between job sites, but are less stable & require better surface to operate, Crawler mounting provides excellent on-site mobility, Truck mountings use a modified truck chassis as a carrier and thus have separate stations for operating the carrier and the revolving superstructure.

Wheel mountings, on the other hand, use a singe operator's station to control both the carrier and the crane-shovel mechanism. The name of a particular member of the crane-shovel family is determined by the front-end attachment used. Current trends are toward the use of hydraulically powered equipment.


SHOVELS Operation & Employment: The components of a cable-operated shovel are identified in Figures 3-3. A cable-operated shovel digs with a combination of crowd action and hoist action, as illustrated in Fig. 3-4.

The shovel is most efficient when digging from track level upto about the height of the shipper shaft. Optimum depth of cut : the vertical distance that permits the bucket to obtain a full load without undue crowding or hoisting. Optimum depth of cut varies with : * Shovel size, * Type of soil excavated.

Job Management : The two major factors controlling shovel production are, 1. Swing angle, 2. Lost time during production cycle 3.3 angle of swing should always be kept to a minimum haul units must be positioned to minimize time lost when only one loading position is available, shovel operator should utilize time between departure and arrival of haul units to move & smoothen the surface the floor of the cut should be kept smooth shovel should be moved up frequently to keep it at an optimum distance from the working face keep dipper teeth sharp.

DRAGLINES A very versatile machine that has the longest reach for digging & dumping of any member of the crane-shovel family. It can dig from above machine level to significant depths in soft to medium - hard material Components of a Dragline are shown in Figure 3-6 Bucket weight and teeth produce digging action as the drag cable pulls the bucket across the ground surface. Digging is also controlled by the position at which the drag chain is attached to the bucket (Figure 3-7). The higher the point of attachment, the greater the angle at which the bucket enters the soil. The Dragline does not have the positive digging action or lateral control of the shovel. The bucket may bounce or move sideway during hard digging. More spillage must be expected in loading operations than would occur with a shovel. The size of haul units used for dragline loading should be greater than that of those used with a similar-size shovel.

Production estimating: The PCSA has produced dragline production tables similar to those provided for shovel production. These tables are presented in Tables 3-6 to 3-8. The method of calculating expected hourly production is the same as that used for the shovel.

JOB MANAGEMENT : Trial operations may be necessary to select : * boom length * boom angle * bucket size and weight * attachment position of the drag chain to yield maximum production. The lightest bucket capable of satisfactory digging should be used. Maximum production is obtained with a minimum swing angle. It has been found that the most efficient digging area is located within 15 forward and back of a vertical line through the boom point as illustrated in Figure 3-8. Deep cuts should be excavated in layers whose thickness is as close to the optimum depth of cut as possible.


BACKHOES Operation & Employment : A backhoe (or simply hoe) is an excavator designed primarily for excavation below grade. The components of a hydraulic backhoe are identified in Figure 3-9. The backhoe shares two characteristics of positive digging action and precise lateral control with the shovel. Backhoe attachments are available for loaders and tractors. The backhoe is widely utilized for trenching work. In addition to excavating the trench, it can perform: * Laying pipe bedding * Pulling trench shields Production Estimating : No PCSA production tables have been prepared for the backhoe. However, production may be estimated by using Eq. 3-2 together with Tables 3-9 and 3-10 which have been prepared from Manufacturers' Data. 2) where, C = Cycles/h (Table 3-9) S = Swing-depth factor (Table 3-10) V = heaped bucket volume (LCY or Lm3) B = Bucket fill factor (Table 3-2) E = Job efficiency In trenching work, a fall-in factor should be applied to excavator production to account for the work required to clean out material that fall back into the trench from the trench walls. Normal excavator production should be multiplied by the appropriate value from Table 3-11 to obtain the effective trench production. Production (LCY/h) = C S V B E (3* Placing pipe * Backfilling the trench.

JOB MANAGEMENT In selecting the proper backhoe for a project, consideration must be given to: * The maximum depth * Dumping height required * Working radius * Available clearance for carrier, superstructure & boom during operation.

Do not use the bucket as a sledge in attempting to fracture rock. Light blasting, ripping or use of power hammer may be necessary to loosen rock sufficiently for excavation. When lifting pipe into place, do not exceed load given in the manufacturers' safe capacity chart for the situation.


CLAMSHELLS : When the crane-shovel is equipped with a crane boom and clamshell bucket, it becomes an excavator known as Clamshell. The clamshell is capable of excavating to great depths but lacks the positive digging action and precise lateral control of the shovel and backhoe. Clamshells are commonly used for excavating vertical shafts and footings, unloading and moving bulk materials. The components of a cable-operated clamshell are identified in Figure 3-10. Clamshell attachments are also available for the hydraulic excavator. A clamshell bucket is illustrated in Figure 3-11. Bucket penetration depends on bucket weight assisted by the bucket teeth. The orange peel bucket is shown in Figure 3-12. It is principally utilized for underwater excavation.

Production Estimating : The standard production tables are available for the clamshell; Production estimating is based on the use of Equation 2-1. EXAMPLE 3-5 : PROBLEM : Estimate the production in loose cubic yards per hour for a medium weight clamshell excavating loose earth. Heaped bucket capacity is 1 cu yd (0.75 m3). The soil is common earth with a bucket fill factor of 0.95. Estimated cycle time is 40 s. Job efficiency is estimated at 50 min/h. SOLUTION :
Production = 3600 50 1 0.95 = 71 LCY / h 40 60 50 3600 0.75 0.95 = 53 Lm 3 / H = 60 40

JOB MANAGEMENT The maximum allowable load (bucket weight plus soil weight) on a clamshell should be obtained from the manufacturers' clamshell loading chart for continuous operation. If a clamshell loading chart is not available, limit the load to 80% of the safe lifting capacity given by the crane capacity chart for rubber-tired equipment or 90% for crawler-mounted equipment. Use the lightest bucket capable of digging the material to enable a larger bucket to be used which will increase production.


Cycle time is reduced by organizing the job so that the dumping radius is the same as the digging radius. Keep the machine level to avoid swinging uphill or downhill. CRANES

Operating & Employment Cranes are used primarily for lifting, lowering, and transporting load. They move loads horizontally by swinging or traveling. Components of a crane are shown in Figure 3-13. (Figure 3-13) COMPONENTS OF A CRANE

The current trend toward the use of hydraulically operated equipment includes hydraulically powered telescoping boom cranes (Figures 3-14). Another special type of crane is the tower crane, shown in Figure 3-15. It is widely used on building construction projects because of its: 1) 2) Wide operating radius, Almost unlimited height capability

The major factor controlling the load that may safely be lifted by a crane is its operating radius (horizontal distance from the center of rotation to the hook). Some other factors influencing a crane's safe lifting capacity include: * * * * the position of the boom in relation to the carrier, whether or not outriggers are used, the amount of counter weight, the condition of the supporting surface.

JOB MANAGEMENT Figure 3-16 shows a number of attachments for cranes, High voltage lines present a major safety hazard for cranes, Crane accidents occur all too frequently in construction operating with long booms. Some suggestions for safe crane operations include the following:

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