Enrico Fermi Institute, Department of Physics, and Center for Cosmological Physics University of Chicago 5640 S. Ellis Avenue, Chicago, IL 60637, USA February 2, 2008
These proceedings summarize lectures that were delivered as part of the 2002 and 2003 Theoretical Advanced Study Institutes in elementary particle physics (TASI) at the University of Colorado at Boulder. They are intended to provide a pedagogical introduction to cosmology aimed at advanced graduate students in particle physics and string theory.
1 Introduction 2 Fundamentals of the Standard Cosmology 2.1 Homogeneity and Isotropy: The Robertson-Walker Metric 2.2 Dynamics: The Friedmann Equations . . . . . . . . . . . . 2.3 Flat Universes . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2.4 Including Curvature . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2.5 Horizons . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2.6 Geometry, Destiny and Dark Energy . . . . . . . . . . . . 3 Our 3.1 3.2 3.3 3.4 3.5 Universe Today and Dark Energy Matter: Ordinary and Dark . . . . . . . . Supernovae and the Accelerating Universe The Cosmic Microwave Background . . . . The Cosmological Constant Problem(s) . . Dark Energy, or Worse? . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4 4 4 8 11 12 13 15 16 16 19 21 26 30 35 35 36 40 42 43 45 47 53 54 54 55 56 57 58 58 59 59 60 62 63 63 65
4 Early Times in the Standard Cosmology 4.1 Describing Matter . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4.2 Particles in Equilibrium . . . . . . . . . . . . 4.3 Thermal Relics . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4.4 Vacuum displacement . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4.5 Primordial Nucleosynthesis . . . . . . . . . . . 4.6 Finite Temperature Phase Transitions . . . . . 4.7 Topological Defects . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4.8 Baryogenesis . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4.9 Baryon Number Violation . . . . . . . . . . . 4.9.1 B-violation in Grand Unied Theories 4.9.2 B-violation in the Electroweak theory. 4.9.3 CP violation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4.9.4 Departure from Thermal Equilibrium . 4.9.5 Baryogenesis via leptogenesis . . . . . 4.9.6 Aeck-Dine Baryogenesis . . . . . . . 5 Ination 5.1 The Flatness Problem . . . . . 5.2 The Horizon Problem . . . . . . 5.3 Unwanted Relics . . . . . . . . 5.4 The General Idea of Ination . 5.5 Slowly-Rolling Scalar Fields . . 5.6 Attractor Solutions in Ination . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Solving the Problems of the Standard Cosmology Vacuum Fluctuations and Perturbations . . . . . Reheating and Preheating . . . . . . . . . . . . . The Beginnings of Ination . . . . . . . . . . . .
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The last decade has seen an explosive increase in both the volume and the accuracy of data obtained from cosmological observations. The number of techniques available to probe and cross-check these data has similarly proliferated in recent years. Theoretical cosmologists have not been slouches during this time, either. However, it is fair to say that we have not made comparable progress in connecting the wonderful ideas we have to explain the early universe to concrete fundamental physics models. One of our hopes in these lectures is to encourage the dialogue between cosmology, particle physics, and string theory that will be needed to develop such a connection. In this paper, we have combined material from two sets of TASI lectures (given by SMC in 2002 and MT in 2003). We have taken the opportunity to add more detail than was originally presented, as well as to include some topics that were originally excluded for reasons of time. Our intent is to provide a concise introduction to the basics of modern cosmology as given by the standard CDM Big-Bang model, as well as an overview of topics of current research interest. In Lecture 1 we present the fundamentals of the standard cosmology, introducing evidence for homogeneity and isotropy and the Friedmann-Robertson-Walker models that these make possible. In Lecture 2 we consider the actual state of our current universe, which leads naturally to a discussion of its most surprising and problematic feature: the existence of dark energy. In Lecture 3 we consider the implications of the cosmological solutions obtained in Lecture 1 for early times in the universe. In particular, we discuss thermodynamics in the expanding universe, nite-temperature phase transitions, and baryogenesis. Finally, Lecture 4 contains a discussion of the problems of the standard cosmology and an introduction to our best-formulated approach to solving them the inationary universe. Our review is necessarily supercial, given the large number of topics relevant to modern cosmology. More detail can be found in several excellent textbooks [1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7]. Throughout the lectures we have borrowed liberally (and sometimes verbatim) from earlier reviews of our own [8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15]. Our metric signature is + ++. We use units in which h = c = 1, and dene the reduced 1/2 18 Planck mass by MP (8G) 10 GeV.
Cosmology as the application of general relativity (GR) to the entire universe would seem a hopeless endeavor were it not for a remarkable fact the universe is spatially homogeneous and isotropic on the largest scales. Isotropy is the claim that the universe looks the same in all direction. Direct evidence comes from the smoothness of the temperature of the cosmic microwave background, as we will discuss later. Homogeneity is the claim that the universe looks the same at every 4
F F C G B D r H x A E
Figure 2.1: Geometry of a homogeneous and isotropic space. point. It is harder to test directly, although some evidence comes from number counts of galaxies. More traditionally, we may invoke the Copernican principle, that we do not live in a special place in the universe. Then it follows that, since the universe appears isotropic around us, it should be isotropic around every point; and a basic theorem of geometry states that isotropy around every point implies homogeneity. We may therefore approximate the universe as a spatially homogeneous and isotropic three-dimensional space which may expand (or, in principle, contract) as a function of time. The metric on such a spacetime is necessarily of the Robertson-Walker (RW) form, as we now demonstrate.1 Spatial isotropy implies spherical symmetry. Choosing a point as an origin, and using coordinates (r, , ) around this point, the spatial line element must take the form d 2 = dr 2 + f 2 (r) d2 + sin2 d2 , (1)
where f (r) is a real function, which, if the metric is to be nonsingular at the origin, obeys f (r) r as r 0. Now, consider gure 2.1 in the = /2 plane. In this gure DH = HE = r, both DE and are small and HA = x. Note that the two angles labeled are equal because of homogeneity and isotropy. Now, note that EF EF = f (2r) = f (r) . Also Using (2) to eliminate /, rearranging (3), dividing by 2x and taking the limit x yields df f (2r) = . (4) dr 2f (r)
1 One of the authors has a sentimental attachment to the following argument, since he learned it in his rst cosmology course [16].
(2) (3)
AC = f (r + x) = AB + BC = f (r x) + f (x) .
We must solve this subject to f (r) r as r 0. It is easy to check that if f (r) is a solution then f (r/) is a solution for constant . Also, r, sin r and sinh r are all solutions. Assuming analyticity and writing f (r) as a power series in r it is then easy to check that, up to scaling, these are the only three possible solutions. Therefore, the most general spacetime metric consistent with homogeneity and isotropy is (5) ds2 = dt2 + a2 (t) d2 + f 2 () d2 + sin2 d2 , where the three possibilities for f () are f () = {sin(), , sinh()} . (6)
This is a purely geometric fact, independent of the details of general relativity. We have used spherical polar coordinates (, , ), since spatial isotropy implies spherical symmetry about every point. The time coordinate t, which is the proper time as measured by a comoving observer (one at constant spatial coordinates), is referred to as cosmic time, and the function a(t) is called the scale factor. There are two other useful forms for the RW metric. First, a simple change of variables in the radial coordinate yields ds2 = dt2 + a2 (t) where +1 k= 0 1
Geometrically, k describes the curvature of the spatial sections (slices at constant cosmic time). k = +1 corresponds to positively curved spatial sections (locally isometric to 3spheres); k = 0 corresponds to local atness, and k = 1 corresponds to negatively curved (locally hyperbolic) spatial sections. These are all local statements, which should be expected from a local theory such as GR. The global topology of the spatial sections may be that of the covering spaces a 3-sphere, an innite plane or a 3-hyperboloid but it need not be, as topological identications under freely-acting subgroups of the isometry group of each manifold are allowed. As a specic example, the k = 0 spatial geometry could apply just as well to a 3-torus as to an innite plane. Note that we have not chosen a normalization such that a0 = 1. We are not free to do this and to simultaneously normalize |k| = 1, without including explicit factors of the current scale factor in the metric. In the at case, where k = 0, we can safely choose a0 = 1. A second change of variables, which may be applied to either (5) or (7), is to transform to conformal time, , via t dt (t) . (9) a(t ) 6
Figure 2.2: Hubble diagrams (as replotted in [17]) showing the relationship between recessional velocities of distant galaxies and their distances. The left plot shows the original data of Hubble [18] (and a rather unconvincing straight-line t through it). To reassure you, the right plot shows much more recent data [19], using signicantly more distant galaxies (note dierence in scale). Applying this to (7) yields ds2 = a2 ( ) d 2 + dr 2 + r 2 d2 + sin2 d2 1 kr 2 , (10)
where we have written a( ) a[t( )] as is conventional. The conformal time does not measure the proper time for any particular observer, but it does simplify some calculations. A particularly useful quantity to dene from the scale factor is the Hubble parameter (sometimes called the Hubble constant), given by H a . a (11)
The Hubble parameter relates how fast the most distant galaxies are receding from us to their distance from us via Hubbles law, v Hd. (12)
This is the relationship that was discovered by Edwin Hubble, and has been veried to high accuracy by modern observational methods (see gure 2.2).
As mentioned, the RW metric is a purely kinematic consequence of requiring homogeneity and isotropy of our spatial sections. We next turn to dynamics, in the form of dierential equations governing the evolution of the scale factor a(t). These will come from applying Einsteins equation, 1 (13) R Rg = 8GT 2 to the RW metric. Before diving right in, it is useful to consider the types of energy-momentum tensors T we will typically encounter in cosmology. For simplicity, and because it is consistent with much we have observed about the universe, it is often useful to adopt the perfect uid form for the energy-momentum tensor of cosmological matter. This form is T = ( + p)U U + pg , (14)
where U is the uid four-velocity, is the energy density in the rest frame of the uid and p is the pressure in that same frame. The pressure is necessarily isotropic, for consistency with the RW metric. Similarly, uid elements will be comoving in the cosmological rest frame, so that the normalized four-velocity in the coordinates of (7) will be U = (1, 0, 0, 0) . The energy-momentum tensor thus takes the form
T =
where gij represents the spatial metric (including the factor of a2 ). Armed with this simplied description for matter, we are now ready to apply Einsteins equation (13) to cosmology. Using (7) and (14), one obtains two equations. The rst is known as the Friedmann equation, H2 a a
8G 3
k , a2
where an overdot denotes a derivative with respect to cosmic time t and i indexes all dierent possible types of energy in the universe. This equation is a constraint equation, in the sense that we are not allowed to freely specify the time derivative a; it is determined in terms of the energy density and curvature. The second equation, which is an evolution equation, is a 1 a + a 2 a
= 4G 8
k . 2a2
It is often useful to combine (17) and (18) to obtain the acceleration equation 4G a = a 3 (i + 3pi ) .
In fact, if we know the magnitudes and evolutions of the dierent energy density components i , the Friedmann equation (17) is sucient to solve for the evolution uniquely. The acceleration equation is conceptually useful, but rarely invoked in calculations. The Friedmann equation relates the rate of increase of the scale factor, as encoded by the Hubble parameter, to the total energy density of all matter in the universe. We may use the Friedmann equation to dene, at any given time, a critical energy density, c 3H 2 , 8G (20)
for which the spatial sections must be precisely at (k = 0). We then dene the density parameter total , (21) c which allows us to relate the total energy density in the universe to its local geometry via total > 1 k = +1 total = 1 k = 0 total < 1 k = 1 .
It is often convenient to dene the fractions of the critical energy density in each dierent component by i . (23) i = c Energy conservation is expressed in GR by the vanishing of the covariant divergence of the energy-momentum tensor, T = 0 . (24) Applying this to our assumptions the RW metric (7) and perfect-uid energy-momentum tensor (14) yields a single energy-conservation equation, + 3H( + p) = 0 . (25)
This equation is actually not independent of the Friedmann and acceleration equations, but is required for consistency. It implies that the expansion of the universe (as specied by H) can lead to local changes in the energy density. Note that there is no notion of conservation of total energy, as energy can be interchanged between matter and the spacetime geometry. One nal piece of information is required before we can think about solving our cosmological equations: how the pressure and energy density are related to each other. Within the uid approximation used here, we may assume that the pressure is a single-valued function of 9
the energy density p = p(). It is often convenient to dene an equation of state parameter, w, by p = w . (26) This should be thought of as the instantaneous denition of the parameter w; it need represent the full equation of state, which would be required to calculate the behavior of uctuations. Nevertheless, many useful cosmological matter sources do obey this relation with a constant value of w. For example, w = 0 corresponds to pressureless matter, or dust any collection of massive non-relativistic particles would qualify. Similarly, w = 1/3 corresponds to a gas of radiation, whether it be actual photons or other highly relativistic species. A constant w leads to a great simplication in solving our equations. In particular, using (25), we see that the energy density evolves with the scale factor according to 1 . (27) (a) 3(1+w) a(t) Note that the behaviors of dust (w = 0) and radiation (w = 1/3) are consistent with what we would have obtained by more heuristic reasoning. Consider a xed comoving volume of the universe - i.e. a volume specied by xed values of the coordinates, from which one may obtain the physical volume at a given time t by multiplying by a(t)3 . Given a xed number of dust particles (of mass m) within this comoving volume, the energy density will then scale just as the physical volume, i.e. as a(t)3 , in agreement with (27), with w = 0. To make a similar argument for radiation, rst note that the expansion of the universe (the increase of a(t) with time) results in a shift to longer wavelength , or a redshift, of photons propagating in this background. A photon emitted with wavelength e at a time te , at which the scale factor is ae a(te ) is observed today (t = t0 , with scale factor a0 a(t0 )) at wavelength o , obeying o a0 = 1+z . (28) e ae The redshift z is often used in place of the scale factor. Because of the redshift, the energy density in a xed number of photons in a xed comoving volume drops with the physical volume (as for dust) and by an extra factor of the scale factor as the expansion of the universe stretches the wavelengths of light. Thus, the energy density of radiation will scale as a(t)4 , once again in agreement with (27), with w = 1/3. Thus far, we have not included a cosmological constant in the gravitational equations. This is because it is equivalent to treat any cosmological constant as a component of the energy density in the universe. In fact, adding a cosmological constant to Einsteins equation is equivalent to including an energy-momentum tensor of the form T = g . (29) 8G This is simply a perfect uid with energy-momentum tensor (14) with = p 8G = , 10
so that the equation-of-state parameter is w = 1 . This implies that the energy density is constant, = constant . (32) Thus, this energy is constant throughout spacetime; we say that the cosmological constant is equivalent to vacuum energy. Similarly, it is sometimes useful to think of any nonzero spatial curvature as yet another component of the cosmological energy budget, obeying 3k curv = 8Ga2 k , (33) pcurv = 8Ga2 so that wcurv = 1/3 . (34) It is not an energy density, of course; curv is simply a convenient way to keep track of how much energy density is lacking, in comparison to a at universe. (31)
Flat Universes
It is much easier to nd exact solutions to cosmological equations of motion when k = 0. Fortunately for us, nowadays we are able to appeal to more than mathematical simplicity to make this choice. Indeed, as we shall see in later lectures, modern cosmological observations, in particular precision measurements of the cosmic microwave background, show the universe today to be extremely spatially at. In the case of at spatial sections and a constant equation of state parameter w, we may exactly solve the Friedmann equation (27) to obtain a(t) = a0 t t0
where a0 is the scale factor today, unless w = 1, in which case one obtains a(t) eHt . Applying this result to some of our favorite energy density sources yields table 1. Note that the matter- and radiation-dominated at universes begin with a = 0; this is a singularity, known as the Big Bang. We can easily calculate the age of such a universe: 1 da 2 t0 = = . (36) 3(1 + w)H0 0 aH(a) Unless w is close to 1, it is often useful to approximate this answer by
1 It is for this reason that the quantity H0 is known as the Hubble time, and provides a useful estimate of the time scale for which the universe has been around. 1 t0 H0 .
(a) a3 a4 constant
Table 1: A summary of the behaviors of the most important sources of energy density in cosmology. The behavior of the scale factor applies to the case of a at universe; the behavior of the energy densities is perfectly general.
Including Curvature
It is true that we know observationally that the universe today is at to a high degree of accuracy. However, it is instructive, and useful when considering early cosmology, to consider how the solutions we have already identied change when curvature is included. Since we include this mainly for illustration we will focus on the separate cases of dust-lled and radiation-lled FRW models with zero cosmological constant. This calculation is an example of one that is made much easier by working in terms of conformal time . Let us rst consider models in which the energy density is dominated by matter (w = 0). In terms of conformal time the Einstein equations become 3(k + h2 ) = 8Ga2 k + h2 + 2h = 0 , (38)
where a prime denotes a derivative with respect to conformal time and h( ) a /a. These equations are then easily solved for h( ) giving h( ) = This then yields
1 cos( ) k=1 2 a( ) /2 k=0 . (40) cosh( ) 1 k = 1 One may use this to derive the connection between cosmic time and conformal time, which here is sin( ) k=1 3 k=0 t( ) /6 . (41) sinh( ) k = 1 Next we consider models dominated by radiation (w = 1/3). In terms of conformal time the Einstein equations become 3(k + h2 ) = 8Ga2 8G 2 a . k + h2 + 2h = 3 12
k=1 k=0 k = 1
It is straightforward to interpret these solutions by examining the behavior of the scale factor a( ); the qualitative features are the same for matter- or radiation-domination. In both cases, the universes with positive curvature (k = +1) expand from an initial singularity with a = 0, and later recollapse again. The initial singularity is the Big Bang, while the nal singularity is sometimes called the Big Crunch. The universes with zero or negative curvature begin at the Big Bang and expand forever. This behavior is not inevitable, however; we will see below how it can be altered by the presence of vacuum energy.
1 cos( ) t( ) 2 /2 cosh( ) 1
One of the most crucial concepts to master about FRW models is the existence of horizons. This concept will prove useful in a variety of places in these lectures, but most importantly in understanding the shortcomings of what we are terming the standard cosmology. Suppose an emitter, e, sends a light signal to an observer, o, who is at r = 0. Setting = constant and = constant and working in conformal time, for such radial null rays we have o = r. In particular this means that o e = re . (46)
Now suppose e is bounded below by e ; for example, e might represent the Big Bang singularity. Then there exists a maximum distance to which the observer can see, known as the particle horizon distance, given by rph (o ) = o e . (47)
The physical meaning of this is illustrated in gure 2.3. Similarly, suppose o is bounded above by o . Then there exists a limit to spacetime events which can be inuenced by the emitter. This limit is known as the event horizon distance, given by reh (o ) = o e , (48) 13
rph ( o )
rph ( o )
Figure 2.3: Particle horizons arise when the past light cone of an observer o terminates at a nite conformal time. Then there will be worldlines of other particles which do not intersect the past of o, meaning that they were never in causal contact.
Figure 2.4: Event horizons arise when the future light cone of an observer o terminates at a nite conformal time. Then there will be worldlines of other particles which do not intersect the future of o, meaning that they cannot possibly inuence each other.
with physical meaning illustrated in gure 2.4. These horizon distances may be converted to proper horizon distances at cosmic time t, for example t dt . (49) dH a( )rph = a( )( e ) = a(t) te a(t )
1 Just as the Hubble time H0 provides a rough guide for the age of the universe, the Hubble 1 distance cH0 provides a rough estimate of the horizon distance in a matter- or radiationdominated universe.
In subsequent lectures we will use what we have learned here to extrapolate back to some of the earliest times in the universe. We will discuss the thermodynamics of the early universe, and the resulting interdependency between particle physics and cosmology. However, before that, we would like to explore some implications for the future of the universe. For a long time in cosmology, it was quite commonplace to refer to the three possible geometries consistent with homogeneity and isotropy as closed (k = 1), open (k = 1) and at (k = 0). There were two reasons for this. First, if one considered only the universal covering spaces, then a positively curved universe would be a 3-sphere, which has nite volume and hence is closed, while a negatively curved universe would be the hyperbolic 3-manifold H3 , which has innite volume and hence is open. Second, with dust and radiation as sources of energy density, universes with greater than the critical density would ultimately collapse, while those with less than the critical density would expand forever, with at universes lying on the border between the two. for the case of pure dust-lled universes this is easily seen from (40) and (44). As we have already mentioned, GR is a local theory, so the rst of these points was never really valid. For example, there exist perfectly good compact hyperbolic manifolds, of nite volume, which are consistent with all our cosmological assumptions. However, the connection between geometry and destiny implied by the second point above was quite reasonable as long as dust and radiation were the only types of energy density relevant in the late universe. In recent years it has become clear that the dominant component of energy density in the present universe is neither dust nor radiation, but rather is dark energy. This component is characterized by an equation of state parameter w < 1/3. We will have a lot more to say about this component (including the observational evidence for it) in the next lecture, but for now we would just like to focus on the way in which it has completely separated our concepts of geometry and destiny. For simplicity, lets focus on what happens if the only energy density in the universe is a cosmological constant, with w = 1. In this case, the Friedmann equation may be solved
for any value of the spatial curvature parameter k. If > 0 then the solutions are a(t) = exp a0 sinh
t 3 t 3 t 3
k = +1 k=0 k = 1 , (50)
where we have encountered the k = 0 case earlier. It is immediately clear that, in the t limit, all solutions expand exponentially, independently of the spatial curvature. In fact, these solutions are all exactly the same spacetime - de Sitter space - just in dierent coordinate systems. These features of de Sitter space will resurface crucially when we discuss ination. However, the point here is that the universe clearly expands forever in these spacetimes, irrespective of the value of the spatial curvature. Note, however, that not all of the solutions in (50) actually cover all of de Sitter space; the k = 0 and k = 1 solutions represent coordinate patches which only cover part of the manifold. For completeness, let us complete the description of spaces with a cosmological constant by considering the case < 0. This spacetime is called Anti-de Sitter space (AdS) and it should be clear from the Friedmann equation that such a spacetime can only exist in a space with spatial curvature k = 1. The corresponding solution for the scale factor is a(t) = a0 sin t . 3
Once again, this solution does not cover all of AdS; for a more complete discussion, see [20].
In the previous lecture we set up the tools required to analyze the kinematics and dynamics of homogeneous and isotropic cosmologies in general relativity. In this lecture we turn to the actual universe in which we live, and discuss the remarkable properties cosmologists have discovered in the last ten years. Most remarkable among them is the fact that the universe is dominated by a uniformly-distributed and slowly-varying source of dark energy, which may be a vacuum energy (cosmological constant), a dynamical eld, or something even more dramatic.
In the years before we knew that dark energy was an important constituent of the universe, and before observations of galaxy distributions and CMB anisotropies had revolutionized the study of structure in the universe, observational cosmology sought to measure two numbers: the Hubble constant H0 and the matter density parameter M . Both of these quantities remain undeniably important, even though we have greatly broadened the scope of what we 16
hope to measure. The Hubble constant is often parameterized in terms of a dimensionless quantity h as H0 = 100h km/sec/Mpc . (52) After years of eort, determinations of this number seem to have zeroed in on a largely agreed-upon value; the Hubble Space Telescope Key Project on the extragalactic distance scale [21] nds h = 0.71 0.06 , (53) which is consistent with other methods [22], and what we will assume henceforth. For years, determinations of M based on dynamics of galaxies and clusters have yielded values between approximately 0.1 and 0.4, noticeably smaller than the critical density. The last several years have witnessed a number of new methods being brought to bear on the question; here we sketch some of the most important ones. The traditional method to estimate the mass density of the universe is to weigh a cluster of galaxies, divide by its luminosity, and extrapolate the result to the universe as a whole. Although clusters are not representative samples of the universe, they are suciently large that such a procedure has a chance of working. Studies applying the virial theorem to cluster dynamics have typically obtained values M = 0.2 0.1 [23, 24, 25]. Although it is possible that the global value of M/L diers appreciably from its value in clusters, extrapolations from small scales do not seem to reach the critical density [26]. New techniques to weigh the clusters, including gravitational lensing of background galaxies [27] and temperature proles of the X-ray gas [28], while not yet in perfect agreement with each other, reach essentially similar conclusions. Rather than measuring the mass relative to the luminosity density, which may be dierent inside and outside clusters, we can also measure it with respect to the baryon density [29], which is very likely to have the same value in clusters as elsewhere in the universe, simply because there is no way to segregate the baryons from the dark matter on such large scales. Most of the baryonic mass is in the hot intracluster gas [30], and the fraction fgas of total mass in this form can be measured either by direct observation of X-rays from the gas [31] or by distortions of the microwave background by scattering o hot electrons (the SunyaevZeldovich eect) [32], typically yielding 0.1 fgas 0.2. Since primordial nucleosynthesis provides a determination of B 0.04, these measurements imply M = B /fgas = 0.3 0.1 , (54)
consistent with the value determined from mass to light ratios. Another handle on the density parameter in matter comes from properties of clusters at high redshift. The very existence of massive clusters has been used to argue in favor of M 0.2 [33], and the lack of appreciable evolution of clusters from high redshifts to the present [34, 35] provides additional evidence that M < 1.0. On the other hand, a recent measurement of the relationship between the temperature and luminosity of X-ray clusters measured with the XMM-Newton satellite [36] has been interpreted as evidence for M near
unity. This last result seems at odds with a variety of other determinations, so we should keep a careful watch for further developments in this kind of study. The story of large-scale motions is more ambiguous. The peculiar velocities of galaxies are sensitive to the underlying mass density, and thus to M , but also to the bias describing the relative amplitude of uctuations in galaxies and mass [24, 37]. Nevertheless, recent advances in very large redshift surveys have led to relatively rm determinations of the mass density; the 2df survey, for example, nds 0.1 M 0.4 [38]. Finally, the matter density parameter can be extracted from measurements of the power spectrum of density uctuations (see for example [39]). As with the CMB, predicting the power spectrum requires both an assumption of the correct theory and a specication of a number of cosmological parameters. In simple models (e.g., with only cold dark matter and baryons, no massive neutrinos), the spectrum can be t (once the amplitude is normalized) by a single shape parameter, which is found to be equal to = M h. (For more complicated models see [40].) Observations then yield 0.25, or M 0.36. For a more careful comparison between models and observations, see [41, 42, 43, 44]. Thus, we have a remarkable convergence on values for the density parameter in matter: 0.1 M 0.4 . (55)
As we will see below, this value is in excellent agreement with that which we would determine indirectly from combinations of other measurements. As you are undoubtedly aware, however, matter comes in dierent forms; the matter we infer from its gravitational inuence need not be the same kind of ordinary matter we are familiar with from our experience on Earth. By ordinary matter we mean anything made from atoms and their constituents (protons, neutrons, and electrons); this would include all of the stars, planets, gas and dust in the universe, immediately visible or otherwise. Occasionally such matter is referred to as baryonic matter, where baryons include protons, neutrons, and related particles (strongly interacting particles carrying a conserved quantum number known as baryon number). Of course electrons are conceptually an important part of ordinary matter, but by mass they are negligible compared to protons and neutrons; the mass of ordinary matter comes overwhelmingly from baryons. Ordinary baryonic matter, it turns out, is not nearly enough to account for the observed matter density. Our current best estimates for the baryon density [45, 46] yield b = 0.04 0.02 , (56)
where these error bars are conservative by most standards. This determination comes from a variety of methods: direct counting of baryons (the least precise method), consistency with the CMB power spectrum (discussed later in this lecture), and agreement with the predictions of the abundances of light elements for Big-Bang nucleosynthesis (discussed in the next lecture). Most of the matter density must therefore be in the form of non-baryonic dark matter, which we will abbreviate to simply dark matter. (Baryons can be dark, but it is increasingly common to reserve the terminology for the non-baryonic component.) 18
Essentially every known particle in the Standard Model of particle physics has been ruled out as a candidate for this dark matter. One of the few things we know about the dark matter is that is must be cold not only is it non-relativistic today, but it must have been that way for a very long time. If the dark matter were hot, it would have free-streamed out of overdense regions, suppressing the formation of galaxies. The other thing we know about cold dark matter (CDM) is that it should interact very weakly with ordinary matter, so as to have escaped detection thus far. In the next lecture we will discuss some currently popular candidates for cold dark matter.
The great story of n de siecle cosmology was the discovery that matter does not dominate the universe; we need some form of dark energy to explain a variety of observations. The rst direct evidence for this nding came from studies using Type Ia supernovae as standardizable candles, which we now examine. For more detailed discussion of both the observational situation and the attendant theoretical problems, see [48, 49, 8, 50, 51, 15]. Supernovae are rare perhaps a few per century in a Milky-Way-sized galaxy but modern telescopes allow observers to probe very deeply into small regions of the sky, covering a very large number of galaxies in a single observing run. Supernovae are also bright, and Type Ias in particular all seem to be of nearly uniform intrinsic luminosity (absolute magnitude M 19.5, typically comparable to the brightness of the entire host galaxy in which they appear) [52]. They can therefore be detected at high redshifts (z 1), allowing in principle a good handle on cosmological eects [53, 54]. The fact that all SNe Ia are of similar intrinsic luminosities ts well with our understanding of these events as explosions which occur when a white dwarf, onto which mass is gradually accreting from a companion star, crosses the Chandrasekhar limit and explodes. (It should be noted that our understanding of supernova explosions is in a state of development, and theoretical models are not yet able to accurately reproduce all of the important features of the observed events. See [55, 56, 57] for some recent work.) The Chandrasekhar limit is a nearly-universal quantity, so it is not a surprise that the resulting explosions are of nearly-constant luminosity. However, there is still a scatter of approximately 40% in the peak brightness observed in nearby supernovae, which can presumably be traced to dierences in the composition of the white dwarf atmospheres. Even if we could collect enough data that statistical errors could be reduced to a minimum, the existence of such an uncertainty would cast doubt on any attempts to study cosmology using SNe Ia as standard candles. Fortunately, the observed dierences in peak luminosities of SNe Ia are very closely correlated with observed dierences in the shapes of their light curves: dimmer SNe decline more rapidly after maximum brightness, while brighter SNe decline more slowly [58, 59, 60]. There is thus a one-parameter family of events, and measuring the behavior of the light curve along with the apparent luminosity allows us to largely correct for the intrinsic dierences in brightness, reducing the scatter from 40% to less than 15% sucient precision to distinguish between cosmological models. (It seems likely that the single parameter can 19
Figure 3.5: Hubble diagram from the Supernova Cosmology Project, as of 2003 [70]. be traced to the amount of 56 Ni produced in the supernova explosion; more nickel implies both a higher peak luminosity and a higher temperature and thus opacity, leading to a slower decline. It would be an exaggeration, however, to claim that this behavior is well-understood theoretically.) Following pioneering work reported in [61], two independent groups undertook searches for distant supernovae in order to measure cosmological parameters: the High-Z Supernova Team [62, 63, 64, 65, 66], and the Supernova Cosmology Project [67, 68, 69, 70]. A plot of redshift vs. corrected apparent magnitude from the original SCP data is shown in Figure 3.5. The data are much better t by a universe dominated by a cosmological constant than by a at matter-dominated model. In fact the supernova results alone allow a substantial range of possible values of M and ; however, if we think we know something about one of these parameters, the other will be tightly constrained. In particular, if M 0.3, we obtain 0.7 . 20 (57)
This corresponds to a vacuum energy density 108 erg/cm3 (103 eV)4 . (58)
Thus, the supernova studies have provided direct evidence for a nonzero value for Einsteins cosmological constant. Given the signicance of these results, it is natural to ask what level of condence we should have in them. There are a number of potential sources of systematic error which have been considered by the two teams; see the original papers [63, 64, 69] for a thorough discussion. Most impressively, the universe implied by combining the supernova results with direct determinations of the matter density is spectacularly conrmed by measurements of the cosmic microwave background, as we discuss in the next section. Needless to say, however, it would be very useful to have a better understanding of both the theoretical basis for Type Ia luminosities, and experimental constraints on possible systematic errors. Future experiments, including a proposed satellite dedicated to supernova cosmology [71], will both help us improve our understanding of the physics of supernovae and allow a determination of the distance/redshift relation to sucient precision to distinguish between the eects of a cosmological constant and those of more mundane astrophysical phenomena.
Most of the radiation we observe in the universe today is in the form of an almost isotropic blackbody spectrum, with temperature approximately 2.7K, known as the Cosmic Microwave Background (CMB). The small angular uctuations in temperature of the CMB reveal a great deal about the constituents of the universe, as we now discuss. We have mentioned several times the way in which a radiation gas evolves in and sources the evolution of an expanding FRW universe. It should be clear from the diering evolution laws for radiation and dust that as one considers earlier and earlier times in the universe, with smaller and smaller scale factors, the ratio of the energy density in radiation to that in matter grows proportionally to 1/a(t). Furthermore, even particles which are now massive and contribute to matter used to be hotter, and at suciently early times were relativistic, and thus contributed to radiation. Therefore, the early universe was dominated by radiation. At early times the CMB photons were easily energetic enough to ionize hydrogen atoms and therefore the universe was lled with a charged plasma (and hence was opaque). This phase lasted until the photons redshifted enough to allow protons and electrons to combine, during the era of recombination. Shortly after this time, the photons decoupled from the now-neutral plasma and free-streamed through the universe. In fact, the concept of an expanding universe provides us with a clear explanation of the origin of the CMB. Blackbody radiation is emitted by bodies in thermal equilibrium. The present universe is certainly not in this state, and so without an evolving spacetime we would have no explanation for the origin of this radiation. However, at early times, the density and energy densities in the universe were high enough that matter was in approximate thermal equilibrium at each point in space, yielding a blackbody spectrum at early times. 21
We will have more to say about thermodynamics in the expanding universe in our next lecture. However, we should point out one crucial thermodynamic fact about the CMB. A blackbody distribution, such as that generated in the early universe, is such that at temperature T , the energy ux in the frequency range [, + d] is given by the Planck distribution 1 3 d , (59) P (, T )d = 8h c eh/kT 1 where h is Plancks constant and k is the Boltzmann constant. Under a rescaling , with =constant, the shape of the spectrum is unaltered if T T /. We have already seen that wavelengths are stretched with the cosmic expansion, and therefore that frequencies will scale inversely due to the same eect. We therefore conclude that the eect of cosmic expansion on an initial blackbody spectrum is to retain its blackbody nature, but just at lower and lower temperatures, T 1/a . (60) This is what we mean when we refer to the universe cooling as it expands. (Note that this strict scaling may be altered if energy is dumped into the radiation background during a phase transition, as we discuss in the next lecture.) The CMB is not a perfectly isotropic radiation bath. Deviations from isotropy at the level of one part in 105 have developed over the last decade into one of our premier precision observational tools in cosmology. The small temperature anisotropies on the sky are usually analyzed by decomposing the signal into spherical harmonics via T = T alm Ylm (, ) ,
where alm are expansion coecients and and are spherical polar angles on the sky. Dening the power spectrum by Cl = |alm |2 , (62) it is conventional to plot the quantity l(l + 1)Cl against l in a famous plot that is usually referred to as the CMB power spectrum. An example is shown in gure (3.6), which shows the measurements of the CMB anisotropy from the recent WMAP satellite, as well as a theoretical model (solid line) that ts the data rather well. These uctuations in the microwave background are useful to cosmologists for many reasons. To understand why, we must comment briey on why they occur in the rst place. Matter today in the universe is clustered into stars, galaxies, clusters and superclusters of galaxies. Our understanding of how large scale structure developed is that initially small density perturbations in our otherwise homogeneous universe grew through gravitational instability into the objects we observe today. Such a picture requires that from place to place there were small variations in the density of matter at the time that the CMB rst decoupled from the photon-baryon plasma. Subsequent to this epoch, CMB photons propagated freely through the universe, nearly unaected by anything except the cosmic expansion itself.
Figure 3.6: The CMB power spectrum from the WMAP satellite [72]. The error bars on this plot are 1- and the solid line represents the best-t cosmological model [73]. Also shown is the correlation between the temperature anisotropies and the (E-mode) polarization.
However, at the time of their decoupling, dierent photons were released from regions of space with slightly dierent gravitational potentials. Since photons redshift as they climb out of gravitational potentials, photons from some regions redshift slightly more than those from other regions, giving rise to a small temperature anisotropy in the CMB observed today. On smaller scales, the evolution of the plasma has led to intrinsic dierences in the temperature from point to point. In this sense the CMB carries with it a ngerprint of the initial conditions that ultimately gave rise to structure in the universe. One very important piece of data that the CMB uctuations give us is the value of total . Consider an overdense region of size R, which therefore contracts under self-gravity over a 1 timescale R (recall c = 1). If R HCMB then the region will not have had time to collapse 1 over the lifetime of the universe at last scattering. If R HCMB then collapse will be well underway at last scattering, matter will have had time to fall into the resulting potential well and cause a resulting rise in temperature which, in turn, gives rise to a restoring force from photon pressure, which acts to damps out the inhomogeneity. Clearly, therefore, the maximum anisotropy will be on a scale which has had just enough 1 time to collapse, but not had enough time to equilibrate - R HCMB . This means that we expect to see a peak in the CMB power spectrum at an angular size corresponding to the horizon size at last scattering. Since we know the physical size of the horizon at last scattering, this provides us with a ruler on the sky. The corresponding angular scale will then depend on the spatial geometry of the universe. For a at universe (k = 0, total = 1) we expect a peak at l 220 and, as can be seen in gure (3.6), this is in excellent agreement with observations. Beyond this simple heuristic description, careful analysis of all of the features of the CMB power spectrum (the positions and heights of each peak and trough) provide constraints on essentially all of the cosmological parameters. As an example we consider the results from WMAP [73]. For the total density of the universe they nd 0.98 total 1.08 (63)
at 95% condence as mentioned, strong evidence for a at universe. Nevertheless, there is still some degeneracy in the parameters, and much tighter constraints on the remaining values can be derived by assuming either an exactly at universe, or a reasonable value of the Hubble constant. When for example we assume a at universe, we can derive values for the Hubble constant, matter density (which then implies the vacuum energy density), and baryon density: h = 0.72 0.05 M = 1 = 0.29 0.07 B = 0.047 0.006 . If we instead assume that the Hubble constant is given by the value determined by the HST key project (53), we can derive separate tight constraints on M and ; these are shown graphically in Figure 3.7, along with constraints from the supernova experiments. 24
Figure 3.7: Observational constraints in the M - plane. The wide green contours represent constraints from supernovae, the vertical blue contours represent constraints from the 2dF galaxy survey, and the small orange contours represent constraints from WMAP observations of CMB anisotropies when a prior on the Hubble parameter is included. Courtesy of Licia Verde; see [74] for details. Taking all of the data together, we obtain a remarkably consistent picture of the current constituents of our universe: B = 0.04 DM = 0.26 = 0.7 .
Our sense of accomplishment at having measured these numbers is substantial, although it is somewhat tempered by the realization that we dont understand any of them. The baryon density is mysterious due to the asymmetry between baryons and antibaryons; as far as dark matter goes, of course, we have never detected it directly and only have promising ideas as to what it might be. Both of these issues will be discussed in the next lecture. The biggest mystery is the vacuum energy; we now turn to an exploration of why it is mysterious and what kinds of mechanisms might be responsible for its value.
Hence, there is a natural expectation for the scale of the cosmological constant, namely (guess) L2 , P or, phrased as an energy density,
4 (guess) MP (1018 GeV)4 10112 erg/cm3 . vac
In classical general relativity the cosmological constant is a completely free parameter. It has dimensions of [length]2 (while the energy density has units [energy/volume]), and hence denes a scale, while general relativity is otherwise scale-free. Indeed, from purely classical considerations, we cant even say whether a specic value of is large or small; it is simply a constant of nature we should go out and determine through experiment. The introduction of quantum mechanics changes this story somewhat. For one thing, Plancks constant allows us to dene the reduced Planck mass Mp 1018 GeV, as well as the reduced Planck length LP = (8G)1/2 1032 cm . (65) (66)
We can partially justify this guess by thinking about quantum uctuations in the vacuum. At all energies probed by experiment to date, the world is accurately described as a set of quantum elds (at higher energies it may become strings or something else). If we take the Fourier transform of a free quantum eld, each mode of xed wavelength behaves like a simple harmonic oscillator. (Free means noninteracting; for our purposes this is a very good approximation.) As we know from elementary quantum mechanics, the ground-state 1 or zero-point energy of an harmonic oscillator with potential V (x) = 1 2 x2 is E0 = 2 h. 2 Thus, each mode of a quantum eld contributes to the vacuum energy, and the net result should be an integral over all of the modes. Unfortunately this integral diverges, so the vacuum energy appears to be innite. However, the innity arises from the contribution of modes with very small wavelengths; perhaps it was a mistake to include such modes, since we dont really know what might happen at such scales. To account for our ignorance, we could introduce a cuto energy, above which ignore any potential contributions, and hope that a more complete theory will eventually provide a physical justication for doing so. If this cuto is at the Planck scale, we recover the estimate (67). The strategy of decomposing a free eld into individual modes and assigning a zeropoint energy to each one really only makes sense in a at spacetime background. In curved spacetime we can still renormalize the vacuum energy, relating the classical parameter to the quantum value by an innite constant. After renormalization, the vacuum energy is completely arbitrary, just as it was in the original classical theory. But when we use general relativity we are really using an eective eld theory to describe a certain limit of quantum gravity. In the context of eective eld theory, if a parameter has dimensions [mass]n , we expect the corresponding mass parameter to be driven up to the scale at which the eective description breaks down. Hence, if we believe classical general relativity up to the Planck scale, we would expect the vacuum energy to be given by our original guess (67). 26
However, we claim to have measured the vacuum energy (58). The observed value is somewhat discrepant with our theoretical estimate: (obs) 10120 (guess) . vac vac (68)
This is the famous 120-orders-of-magnitude discrepancy that makes the cosmological constant problem such a glaring embarrassment. Of course, it is a little unfair to emphasize the factor of 10120 , which depends on the fact that energy density has units of [energy]4 . We can express the vacuum energy in terms of a mass scale,
4 vac = Mvac ,
We should think of the cosmological constant problem as a discrepancy of 30 orders of magnitude in energy scale. In addition to the fact that it is very small compared to its natural value, the vacuum energy presents an additional puzzle: the coincidence between the observed vacuum energy and the current matter density. Our best-t universe (64) features vacuum and matter densities of the same order of magnitude, but the ratio of these quantities changes rapidly as the universe expands: = a3 . (72) M M As a consequence, at early times the vacuum energy was negligible in comparison to matter and radiation, while at late times matter and radiation are negligible. There is only a brief epoch of the universes history during which it would be possible to witness the transition from domination by one type of component to another. To date, there are not any especially promising approaches to calculating the vacuum energy and getting the right answer; it is nevertheless instructive to consider the example of supersymmetry, which relates to the cosmological constant problem in an interesting way. Supersymmetry posits that for each fermionic degree of freedom there is a matching bosonic degree of freedom, and vice-versa. By matching we mean, for example, that the spin-1/2 electron must be accompanied by a spin-0 selectron with the same mass and charge. The good news is that, while bosonic elds contribute a positive vacuum energy, for fermions the contribution is negative. Hence, if degrees of freedom exactly match, the net vacuum energy sums to zero. Supersymmetry is thus an example of a theory, other than gravity, where the absolute zero-point of energy is a meaningful concept. (This can be traced to the fact that supersymmetry is a spacetime symmetry, relating particles of dierent spins.) We do not, however, live in a supersymmetric state; there is no selectron with the same mass and charge as an electron, or we would have noticed it long ago. If supersymmetry exists 27
in nature, it must be broken at some scale Msusy . In a theory with broken supersymmetry, the vacuum energy is not expected to vanish, but to be of order Mvac Msusy , (theory) (73)
4 with vac = Mvac . What should Msusy be? One nice feature of supersymmetry is that it helps us understand the hierarchy problem why the scale of electroweak symmetry breaking is so much smaller than the scales of quantum gravity or grand unication. For supersymmetry to be relevant to the hierarchy problem, we need the supersymmetry-breaking scale to be just above the electroweak scale, or
In fact, this is very close to the experimental bound, and there is good reason to believe that supersymmetry will be discovered soon at Fermilab or CERN, if it is connected to electroweak physics. Unfortunately, we are left with a sizable discrepancy between theory and observation:
(obs) Mvac 1015 Msusy .
Compared to (71), we nd that supersymmetry has, in some sense, solved the problem halfway (on a logarithmic scale). This is encouraging, as it at least represents a step in the right direction. Unfortunately, it is ultimately discouraging, since (71) was simply a guess, while (75) is actually a reliable result in this context; supersymmetry renders the vacuum energy nite and calculable, but the answer is still far away from what we need. (Subtleties in supergravity and string theory allow us to add a negative contribution to the vacuum energy, with which we could conceivably tune the answer to zero or some other small number; but there is no reason for this tuning to actually happen.) But perhaps there is something deep about supersymmetry which we dont understand, and our estimate Mvac Msusy is simply incorrect. What if instead the correct formula were Mvac Msusy Msusy ? MP (76)
In other words, we are guessing that the supersymmetry-breaking scale is actually the geometric mean of the vacuum scale and the Planck scale. Because MP is fteen orders of magnitude larger than Msusy , and Msusy is fteen orders of magnitude larger than Mvac , this guess gives us the correct answer! Unfortunately this is simply optimistic numerology; there is no theory that actually yields this answer (although there are speculations in this direction [75]). Still, the simplicity with which we can write down the formula allows us to dream that an improved understanding of supersymmetry might eventually yield the correct result. As an alternative to searching for some formula that gives the vacuum energy in terms of other measurable parameters, it may be that the vacuum energy is not a fundamental quantity, but simply our feature of our local environment. We dont turn to fundamental 28
theory for an explanation of the average temperature of the Earths atmosphere, nor are we surprised that this temperature is noticeably larger than in most places in the universe; perhaps the cosmological constant is on the same footing. This is the idea commonly known as the anthropic principle. To make this idea work, we need to imagine that there are many dierent regions of the universe in which the vacuum energy takes on dierent values; then we would expect to nd ourselves in a region which was hospitable to our own existence. Although most humans dont think of the vacuum energy as playing any role in their lives, a substantially larger value than we presently observe would either have led to a rapid recollapse of the universe (if vac were negative) or an inability to form galaxies (if vac were positive). Depending on the distribution of possible values of vac , one can argue that the observed value is in excellent agreement with what we should expect [76, 77, 78, 79, 80, 81, 82]. The idea of environmental selection only works under certain special circumstances, and we are far from understanding whether those conditions hold in our universe. In particular, we need to show that there can be a huge number of dierent domains with slightly dierent values of the vacuum energy, and that the domains can be big enough that our entire observable universe is a single domain, and that the possible variation of other physical quantities from domain to domain is consistent with what we observe in ours. Recent work in string theory has lent some support to the idea that there are a wide variety of possible vacuum states rather than a unique one [83, 84, 85, 86, 87, 88]. String theorists have been investigating novel ways to compactify extra dimensions, in which crucial roles are played by branes and gauge elds. By taking dierent combinations of extradimensional geometries, brane congurations, and gauge-eld uxes, it seems plausible that a wide variety of states may be constructed, with dierent local values of the vacuum energy and other physical parameters. An obstacle to understanding these purported solutions is the role of supersymmetry, which is an important part of string theory but needs to be broken to obtain a realistic universe. From the point of view of a four-dimensional observer, the compactications that have small values of the cosmological constant would appear to be exactly the states alluded to earlier, where one begins with a supersymmetric state with a negative vacuum energy, to which supersymmetry breaking adds just the right amount of positive vacuum energy to give a small overall value. The necessary ne-tuning is accomplished simply by imagining that there are many (more than 10100 ) such states, so that even very unlikely things will sometimes occur. We still have a long way to go before we understand this possibility; in particular, it is not clear that the many states obtained have all the desired properties [89]. Even if such states are allowed, it is necessary to imagine a universe in which a large number of them actually exist in local regions widely separated from each other. As is well known, ination works to take a small region of space and expand it to a size larger than the observable universe; it is not much of a stretch to imagine that a multitude of dierent domains may be separately inated, each with dierent vacuum energies. Indeed, models of ination generally tend to be eternal, in the sense that the universe continues to inate in some regions even after ination has ended in others [90, 91]. Thus, our observable 29
universe may be separated by inating regions from other universes which have landed in dierent vacuum states; this is precisely what is needed to empower the idea of environmental selection. Nevertheless, it seems extravagant to imagine a fantastic number of separate regions of the universe, outside the boundary of what we can ever possibly observe, just so that we may understand the value of the vacuum energy in our region. But again, this doesnt mean it isnt true. To decide once and for all will be extremely dicult, and will at the least require a much better understanding of how both string theory (or some alternative) and ination operate an understanding that we will undoubtedly require a great deal of experimental input to achieve.
If general relativity is correct, cosmic acceleration implies there must be a dark energy density which diminishes relatively slowly as the universe expands. This can be seen directly from the Friedmann equation (17), which implies a2 a2 + constant . (77)
From this relation, it is clear that the only way to get acceleration (a increasing) in an expanding universe is if falls o more slowly than a2 ; neither matter (M a3 ) nor radiation (R a4 ) will do the trick. Vacuum energy is, of course, strictly constant; but the data are consistent with smoothly-distributed sources of dark energy that vary slowly with time. There are good reasons to consider dynamical dark energy as an alternative to an honest cosmological constant. First, a dynamical energy density can be evolving slowly to zero, allowing for a solution to the cosmological constant problem which makes the ultimate vacuum energy vanish exactly. Second, it poses an interesting and challenging observational problem to study the evolution of the dark energy, from which we might learn something about the underlying physical mechanism. Perhaps most intriguingly, allowing the dark energy to evolve opens the possibility of nding a dynamical solution to the coincidence problem, if the dynamics are such as to trigger a recent takeover by the dark energy (independently of, or at least for a wide range of, the parameters in the theory). To date this hope has not quite been met, but dynamical mechanisms at least allow for the possibility (unlike a true cosmological constant). The simplest possibility along these lines involves the same kind of source typically invoked in models of ination in the very early universe: a scalar eld rolling slowly in a potential, sometimes known as quintessence [92, 93, 94, 95, 96, 97]. The energy density of a scalar eld is a sum of kinetic, gradient, and potential energies, 1 1 = 2 + ()2 + V () . 2 2 (78)
For a homogeneous eld ( 0), the equation of motion in an expanding universe is dV = 0 . + 3H + d (79)
If the slope of the potential V is quite at, we will have solutions for which is nearly constant throughout space and only evolving very gradually with time; the energy density in such a conguration is V () constant . (80) Thus, a slowly-rolling scalar eld is an appropriate candidate for dark energy. However, introducing dynamics opens up the possibility of introducing new problems, the form and severity of which will depend on the specic kind of model being considered. Most quintessence models feature scalar elds with masses of order the current Hubble scale, m H0 1033 eV . (81)
(Fields with larger masses would typically have already rolled to the minimum of their potentials.) In quantum eld theory, light scalar elds are unnatural; renormalization eects tend to drive scalar masses up to the scale of new physics. The well-known hierarchy problem of particle physics amounts to asking why the Higgs mass, thought to be of order 1011 eV, should be so much smaller than the grand unication/Planck scale, 1025 -1027 eV. Masses of 1033 eV are correspondingly harder to understand. On top of that, light scalar elds give rise to long-range forces and time-dependent coupling constants that should be observable even if couplings to ordinary matter are suppressed by the Planck scale [98, 99]; we therefore need to invoke additional ne-tunings to explain why the quintessence eld has not already been experimentally detected. Nevertheless, these apparent ne-tunings might be worth the price, if we were somehow able to explain the coincidence problem. To date, many investigations have considered scalar elds with potentials that asymptote gradually to zero, of the form e1/ or 1/. These can have cosmologically interesting properties, including tracking behavior that makes the current energy density largely independent of the initial conditions [100]. They do not, however, provide a solution to the coincidence problem, as the era in which the scalar eld begins to dominate is still set by nely-tuned parameters in the theory. One way to address the coincidence problem is to take advantage of the fact that matter/radiation equality was a relatively recent occurrence (at least on a logarithmic scale); if a scalar eld has dynamics which are sensitive to the dierence between matter- and radiation-dominated universes, we might hope that its energy density becomes constant only after matter/radiation equality. An approach which takes this route is k-essence [101], which modies the form of the kinetic energy for the scalar eld. Instead of a conventional kinetic energy K = 1 ()2 , in k-essence 2 we posit a form K = f ()g(2) , (82) where f and g are functions specied by the model. For certain choices of these functions, the k-essence eld naturally tracks the evolution of the total radiation energy density during 31
radiation domination, but switches to being almost constant once matter begins to dominate. Unfortunately, it seems necessary to choose a nely-tuned kinetic term to get the desired behavior [102]. An alternative possibility is that there is nothing special about the present era; rather, acceleration is just something that happens from time to time. This can be accomplished by oscillating dark energy [103]. In these models the potential takes the form of a decaying exponential (which by itself would give scaling behavior, so that the dark energy remained proportional to the background density) with small perturbations superimposed: V () = e [1 + cos()] . (83) On average, the dark energy in such a model will track that of the dominant matter/radiation component; however, there will be gradual oscillations from a negligible density to a dominant density and back, on a timescale set by the Hubble parameter, leading to occasional periods of acceleration. Unfortunately, in neither the k-essence models nor the oscillating models do we have a compelling particle-physics motivation for the chosen dynamics, and in both cases the behavior still depends sensitively on the precise form of parameters and interactions chosen. Nevertheless, these theories stand as interesting attempts to address the coincidence problem by dynamical means. One of the interesting features of dynamical dark energy is that it is experimentally testable. In principle, dierent dark energy models can yield dierent cosmic histories, and, in particular, a dierent value for the equation of state parameter, both today and its redshift-dependence. Since the CMB strongly constrains the total density to be near the critical value, it is sensible to assume a perfectly at universe and determine constraints on the matter density and dark energy equation of state; see gure (3.8) for some recent limits. As can be seen in (3.8), one possibility that is consistent with the data is that w < 1. Such a possibility violates the dominant energy condition, but possible models have been proposed [105]. However, such models run into serious problems when one takes them seriously as a particle physics theory [106, 107]. Even if one restricts ones attention to more conventional matter sources, making dark energy compatible with sensible particle physics has proven tremendously dicult. Given the challenge of this problem, it is worthwhile considering the possibility that cosmic acceleration is not due to some kind of stu, but rather arises from new gravitational physics. there are a number of dierent approaches to this [108, 109, 110, 111, 112, 113] and we will not review them all here. Instead we will provide an example drawn from our own proposal [112]. As a rst attempt, consider the simplest correction to the Einstein-Hilbert action,
2 Mp S= 2
4 d4 x g R R
d4 x g LM .
Here is a new parameter with units of [mass] and LM is the Lagrangian density for matter. The fourth-order equations arising from this action are complicated and it is dicult to extract details about cosmological evolution from them. It is therefore convenient to transform from the frame used in 84, which we call the matter frame, to the Einstein frame, where 32
68% 95%
Figure 3.8: Constraints on the dark-energy equation-of-state parameter, as a function of M , assuming a at universe. These limits are derived from studies of supernovae, CMB anisotropies, measurements of the Hubble constant, large-scale structure, and primordial nucleosynthesis. From [104].
68% 95% 99%
the gravitational Lagrangian takes the Einstein-Hilbert form and the additional degrees of freedom (H and H) are represented by a ctitious scalar eld . The details of this can be found in [112]. Here we just state that, performing a simultaneous redenition of the time coordinate, in terms of the new metric g , our theory is that of a scalar eld (x ) minimally coupled to Einstein gravity, and non-minimally coupled to matter, with potential
2 V () = 2 Mp exp 2
2 3 Mp
2 1 . 3 Mp
Now let us rst focus on vacuum cosmological solutions. The beginning of the Universe corresponds to R and 0. The initial conditions we must specify are the initial values of and , denoted as i and i . For simplicity we take i Mp . There are then three qualitatively distinct outcomes, depending on the value of i . 1. Eternal de Sitter. There is a critical value of i C for which just reaches the maximum of the potential V () and comes to rest. In this case the Universe asymptotically evolves to a de Sitter solution. This solution requires tuning and is unstable, since any perturbation will induce the eld to roll away from the maximum of its potential. 2. Power-Law Acceleration. For i > C , the eld overshoots the maximum of V () and the Universe evolves to late-time power-law ination, with observational consequences similar to dark energy with equation-of-state parameter wDE = 2/3. 3. Future Singularity. For i < C , does not reach the maximum of its potential and rolls back down to = 0. This yields a future curvature singularity. In the more interesting case in which the Universe contains matter, it is possible to show that the three possible cosmic futures identied in the vacuum case remain in the presence of matter. By choosing 1033 eV, the corrections to the standard cosmology only become important at the present epoch, making this theory a candidate to explain the observed acceleration of the Universe without recourse to dark energy. Since we have no particular reason for this choice, such a tuning appears no more attractive than the traditional choice of the cosmological constant. Clearly our choice of correction to the gravitational action can be generalized. Terms of the form 2(n+1) /Rn , with n > 1, lead to similar late-time self acceleration, with behavior similar to a dark energy component with equation of state parameter we = 1 + 2(n + 2) . 3(2n + 1)(n + 1) (86)
Clearly therefore, such modications can easily accommodate current observational bounds [104, 73] on the equation of state parameter 1.45 < wDE < 0.74 (95% condence level). In the asymptotic regime n = 1 is ruled out at this level, while n 2 is allowed; even n = 1 is permitted if we are near the top of the potential. Finally, any modication of the Einstein-Hilbert action must, of course, be consistent with the classic solar system tests of gravity theory, as well as numerous other astrophysical 34
dynamical tests. We have chosen the coupling constant to be very small, but we have also introduced a new light degree of freedom. Chiba [114] has pointed out that the model with n = 1 is equivalent to Brans-Dicke theory with = 0 in the approximation where the potential was neglected, and would therefore be inconsistent with experiment. It is not yet clear whether including the potential, or considering extensions of the original model, could alter this conclusion.
In the rst lecture we described the kinematics and dynamics of homogeneous and isotropic cosmologies in general relativity, while in the second we discussed the situation in our current universe. In this lecture we wind the clock back, using what we know of the laws of physics and the universe today to infer conditions in the early universe. Early times were characterized by very high temperatures and densities, with many particle species kept in (approximate) thermal equilibrium by rapid interactions. We will therefore have to move beyond a simple description of non-interacting matter and radiation, and discuss how thermodynamics works in an expanding universe.
Describing Matter
In the rst lecture we discussed how to describe matter as a perfect uid, described by an energy-momentum tensor T = ( + p)U U + pg , (87) where U is the uid four-velocity, is the energy density in the rest frame of the uid and p is the pressure in that same frame. The energy-momentum tensor is covariantly conserved, T = 0 . (88)
In a more complete description, a uid will be characterized by quantities in addition to the energy density and pressure. Many uids have a conserved quantity associated with them and so we will also introduce a number ux density N , which is also conserved N = 0 . (89)
For non-tachyonic matter N is a timelike 4-vector and therefore we may decompose it as N = nU . (90)
We can also introduce an entropy ux density S . This quantity is not conserved, but rather obeys a covariant version of the second law of thermodynamics S 0 . 35 (91)
Not all phenomena are successfully described in terms of such a local entropy vector (e.g., black holes); fortunately, it suces for a wide variety of uids relevant to cosmology. The conservation law for the energy-momentum tensor yields, most importantly, equation (25), which can be thought of as the rst law of thermodynamics dU = T dS pdV , (92)
with dS = 0. It is useful to resolve S into components parallel and perpendicular to the uid 4-velocity S = sU + s , (93)
where s U = 0. The scalar s is the rest-frame entropy density which, up to an additive constant (that we can consistently set to zero), can be written as s= +p . T (94)
In addition to all these quantities, we must specify an equation of state, and we typically do this in such a way as to treat n and s as independent variables.
Particles in Equilibrium
The various particles inhabiting the early universe can be usefully characterized according to three criteria: in equilibrium vs. out of equilibrium (decoupled), bosonic vs. fermionic, and relativistic (velocities near c) vs. non-relativistic. In this section we consider species which are in equilibrium with the surrounding thermal bath. Let us begin by discussing the conditions under which a particle species will be in equilibrium with the surrounding thermal plasma. A given species remains in thermal equilibrium as long as its interaction rate is larger than the expansion rate of the universe. Roughly speaking, equilibrium requires it to be possible for the products of a given reaction have the opportunity to recombine in the reverse reaction and if the expansion of the universe is rapid enough this wont happen. A particle species for which the interaction rates have fallen below the expansion rate of the universe is said to have frozen out or decoupled. If the interaction rate of some particle with the background plasma is , it will be decoupled whenever H , (95) where the Hubble constant H sets the cosmological timescale. As a good rule of thumb, the expansion rate in the early universe is slow, and particles tend to be in thermal equilibrium (unless they are very weakly coupled). This can be seen from the Friedmann equation when the energy density is dominated by a plasma with T 4 ; we then have T H T . (96) Mp 36
Thus, the Hubble parameter is suppressed with respect to the temperature by a factor of T /Mp . At extremely early times (near the Planck era, for example), the universe may be expanding so quickly that no species are in equilibrium; as the expansion rate slows, equilibrium becomes possible. However, the interaction rate for a particle with crosssection is typically of the form = n v , (97) where n is the number density and v a typical particle velocity. Since n a3 , the density of particles will eventually dip so low that equilibrium can once again no longer be maintained. In our current universe, no species are in equilibrium with the background plasma (represented by the CMB photons). Now let us focus on particles in equilibrium. For a gas of weakly-interacting particles, we can describe the state in terms of a distribution function f (p), where the three-momentum p satises E 2 (p) = m2 + |p|2 . (98)
The distribution function characterizes the density of particles in a given momentum bin. (In general it will also be a function of the spatial position x, but we suppress that here.) The number density, energy density, and pressure of some species labeled i are given by ni = i pi gi (2)3 gi = (2)3 gi = (2)3 fi (p)d3 p E(p)fi (p)d3 p |p|2 fi (p)d3 p , 3E(p)
where gi is the number of spin states of the particles. For massless photons we have g = 2, while for a massive vector boson such as the Z we have gZ = 3. In the usual accounting, particles and antiparticles are treated as separate species; thus, for spin-1/2 electrons and positrons we have ge = ge+ = 2. In thermal equilibrium at a temperature T the particles will be in either Fermi-Dirac or Bose-Einstein distributions, f (p) = 1 eE(p)/T 1 , (100)
where the plus sign is for fermions and the minus sign for bosons. We can do the integrals over the distribution functions in two opposite limits: particles which are highly relativistic (T m) or highly non-relativistic (T m). The results are shown in table 2, in which is the Riemann zeta function, and (3) 1.202. From this table we can extract several pieces of relevant information. Relativistic particles, whether bosons or fermions, remain in approximately equal abundances in equilibrium. Once they become non-relativistic, however, their abundance plummets, and becomes exponentially suppressed with respect to the relativistic species. This is simply because it becomes progressively harder for massive particle-antiparticle pairs to be produced in a plasma with T m. 37
Relativistic Bosons ni i pi
(3) g T3 2 i 2 g T4 30 i 1 3 i
Relativistic Fermions
3 4 7 8 (3) g T3 2 i 2 g T4 30 i 1 3 i
Non-relativistic (Either) gi
mi T 2 3/2
emi /T
mi ni ni T i
Table 2: Number density, energy density, and pressure, for species in thermal equilibrium. It is interesting to note that, although matter is much more dominant than radiation in the universe today, since their energy densities scale dierently the early universe was radiation-dominated. We can write the ratio of the density parameters in matter and radiation as M0 M0 a M = = (1 + z)1 . (101) R R0 a0 R0 The redshift of matter-radiation equality is thus 1 + zeq = M0 3 103 . R0 (102)
This expression assumes that the particles that are non-relativistic today were also nonrelativistic at zeq ; this should be a safe assumption, with the possible exception of massive neutrinos, which make a minority contribution to the total density. As we mentioned in our discussion of the CMB in the previous lecture, even decoupled photons maintain a thermal distribution; this is not because they are in equilibrium, but simply because the distribution function redshifts into a similar distribution with a lower temperature proportional to 1/a. We can therefore speak of the eective temperature of a relativistic species that freezes out at a temperature Tf and scale factor af : af . (103) a For example, neutrinos decouple at a temperature around 1 MeV; shortly thereafter, electrons and positrons annihilate into photons, dumping energy (and entropy) into the plasma but leaving the neutrinos unaected. Consequently, we expect a neutrino background in the current universe with a temperature of approximately 2K, while the photon temperature is 3K. A similar eect occurs for particles which are non-relativistic at decoupling, with one important dierence. For non-relativistic particles the temperature is proportional to the 1 kinetic energy 2 mv 2 , which redshifts as 1/a2 . We therefore have Tirel (a) = Tf Tinonrel (a) = Tf 38 af a
In either case we are imagining that the species freezes out while relativistic/non-relativistic and stays that way afterward; if it freezes out while relativistic and subsequently becomes non-relativistic, the distribution function will be distorted away from a thermal spectrum. The notion of an eective temperature allows us to dene a corresponding notion of an eective number of relativistic degrees of freedom, which in turn permits a compact expression for the total relativistic energy density. The eective number of relativistic degrees of freedom (as far as energy is concerned) can be dened as g =
Ti T
7 Ti + gi 8 fermions T
(The temperature T is the actual temperature of the background plasma, assumed to be in equilibrium.) Then the total energy density in all relativistic species comes from adding the contributions of each species, to obtain the simple formula = 2 g T 4 . 30 (106)
We can do the same thing for the entropy density. From (94), the entropy density in relativistic particles goes as T 3 rather than T 4 , so we dene the eective number of relativistic degrees of freedom for entropy as gS =
Ti T
7 Ti gi 8 fermions T
Numerically, g and g S will typically be very close to each other. In the Standard Model, we have 100 T > 300 MeV g gS 10 300 MeV > T > 1 MeV (109) 3 T < 1 MeV . The events that change the eective number of relativistic degrees of freedom are the QCD phase transition at 300 MeV, and the annihilation of electron/positron pairs at 1 MeV. Because of the release of energy into the background plasma when species annihilate, it is only an approximation to say that the temperature goes as T 1/a. A better approximation is to say that the comoving entropy density is conserved, s a3 . (110)
This will hold under all forms of adiabatic evolution; entropy will only be produced at a process like a rst-order phase transition or an out-of-equilibrium decay. (In fact, we expect 39
that the entropy production from such processes is very small compared to the total entropy, and adiabatic evolution is an excellent approximation for almost the entire early universe. One exception is ination, discussed in the next lecture.) Combining entropy conservation with the expression (108) for the entropy density in relativistic species, we obtain a better expression for the evolution of the temperature, T gS a1 .
The temperature will consistently decrease under adiabatic evolution in an expanding universe, but it decreases more slowly when the eective number of relativistic degrees of freedom is diminished.
Thermal Relics
As we have mentioned, particles typically do not stay in equilibrium forever; eventually the density becomes so low that interactions become infrequent, and the particles freeze out. Since essentially all of the particles in our current universe fall into this category, it is important to study the relic abundance of decoupled species. (Of course it is also possible to obtain a signicant relic abundance for particles which were never in thermal equilibrium; examples might include baryons produced by GUT baryogenesis, or axions produced by vacuum misalignment.) In this section we will typically neglect factors of order unity. We have seen that relativistic, or hot, particles have a number density that is proportional to T 3 in equilibrium. Thus, a species X that freezes out while still relativistic will have a number density at freeze-out Tf given by nX (Tf ) Tf3 . (112)
Since this is comparable to the number density of photons at that time, and after freeze-out both photons and our species X just have their number densities dilute by a factor a(t)3 as the universe expands, it is simple to see that the abundance of X particles today should be comparable to the abundance of CMB photons, nX0 n0 102 cm3 . (113)
We express this number as 102 rather than 411 since the roughness of our estimate does not warrant such misleading precision. The leading correction to this value is typically due to the production of additional photons subsequent to the decoupling of X; in the Standard Model, the number density of photons increases by a factor of approximately 100 between the electroweak phase transition and today, and a species which decouples during this period will be diluted by a factor of between 1 and 100 depending on precisely when it freezes out. So, for example, neutrinos which are light (m < MeV) have a number density today of n = 115 cm3 per species, and a corresponding contribution to the density parameter (if they are nevertheless heavy enough to be nonrelativistic today) of 0, = m h2 . 92 eV 40 (114)
(In this nal expression we have secretly taken account of the missing numerical factors, so this is a reliable answer.) Thus, a neutrino with m 102 eV would contribute 2104 . This is large enough to be interesting without being large enough to make neutrinos be the dark matter. Thats good news, since the large velocities of neutrinos make them free-stream out of overdense regions, diminishing primordial perturbations and leaving us with a universe which has much less structure on small scales than we actually observe. Now consider instead a species X which is nonrelativistic or cold at the time of decoupling. It is much harder to accurately calculate the relic abundance of a cold relic than a hot one, simply because the equilibrium abundance of a nonrelativistic species is changing rapidly with respect to the background plasma, and we have to be quite precise following the freeze-out process to obtain a reliable answer. The accurate calculation typically involves numerical integration of the Boltzmann equation for a network of interacting particle species; here, we cut to the chase and simply provide a reasonable approximate expression. If 0 is the annihilation cross-section of the species X at a temperature T = mX , the nal number density in terms of the photon density works out to be nX (T < Tf ) 1 n . 0 mX MP (115)
Since the particles are nonrelativistic when they decouple, they will certainly be nonrelativistic today, and their energy density is X = mX nX . (116)
We can plug in numbers for the Hubble parameter and photon density to obtain the density parameter, n X . (117) X = 3 2 cr 0 Mp H0 Numerically, when h = c = 1 we have 1 GeV 2 1014 cm, so the photon density today is 3 n 100 cm 1039 GeV3 . The Hubble constant is H0 1042 GeV, and the Planck mass is Mp 1018 GeV, so we obtain X 1 . 0 (109 GeV2 ) (118)
It is interesting to note that this nal expression is independent of the mass mX of our relic, and only depends on the annihilation cross-section; thats because more massive particles will have a lower relic abundance. Of course, this depends on how we choose to characterize our theory; we may use variables in which 0 is a function of mX , in which case it is reasonable to say that the density parameter does depend on the mass. The designation cold may ring a bell with many of you, for you will have heard it used in a cosmological context applied to cold dark matter (CDM). Let us see briey why this is. One candidate for CDM is a Weakly Interacting Massive Particle (WIMP). The annihilation cross2 section of these particles, since they are weakly interacting, should be 0 W GF , where W 41
is the weak coupling constant and GF is the the Fermi constant. Using GF (300GeV)2 and W 102 , we get 2 0 W GF 109 GeV2 . (119) Thus, the density parameter in such particles would be X 1 . (120)
In other words, a stable particle with a weak interaction cross section naturally produces a relic density of order the critical density today, and so provides a perfect candidate for cold dark matter. A paradigmatic example is provided by the lightest supersymmetric partner (LSP), if it is stable and supersymmetry is broken at the weak scale. Such a possibility is of great interest to both particle physicists and cosmologists, since it may be possible to produce and detect such particles in colliders and to directly detect a WIMP background in cryogenic detectors in underground laboratories; this will be a major experimental eort over the next few years [13].
Vacuum displacement
Another important possibility is the existence of relics which were never in thermal equilibrium. An example of these will be discussed later in this lecture: the production of topological defects at phase transitions. Lets discuss another kind of non-thermal relic, which derives from what we might call vacuum displacement. Consider the action for a real scalar eld in curved spacetime: S= 1 d4 x g g V () . 2 (121)
If we assume that is spatially homogeneous (i = 0), its equation of motion in the Robertson-Walker metric (5) will be + 3H + V () = 0 , (122)
where an overdot indicates a partial derivative with respect to time, and a prime indicates a derivative with respect to . For a free massive scalar eld, V () = 1 m2 2 , and (122) 2 describes a harmonic oscillator with a time-dependent damping term. For H > m the eld will be overdamped, and stay essentially constant at whatever point in the potential it nds itself. So let us imagine that at some time in the very early universe (when H was large) we had such an overdamped homogeneous scalar eld, stuck at a value = ; the total energy 1 density in the eld is simply the potential energy 2 m2 2 . The Hubble parameter H will decrease to approximately m when the temperature reaches T = m Mp , after which the eld will be able to evolve and will begin to oscillate in its potential. The vacuum energy is converted to a combination of vacuum and kinetic energy which will redshift like matter,
as a3 ; in a particle interpretation, the eld is a Bose condensate of zero-momentum particles. We will therefore have a 1 (a) m2 2 2 a which leads to a density parameter today 0, 4 m 1019 GeV5
1/2 3
A classic example of a non-thermal relic produced by vacuum displacement is the QCD axion, which has a typical primordial value fPQ and a mass m 2 /fPQ , where QCD fPQ is the Peccei-Quinn symmetry-breaking scale and QCD 0.3 GeV is the QCD scale [1]. In this case, plugging in numbers reveals 0, fPQ 13 GeV 10
The Peccei-Quinn scale is essentially a free parameter from a theoretical point of view, but experiments and astrophysical constraints have ruled out most values except for a small window around fPQ 1012 GeV. The axion therefore remains a viable dark matter candidate [115, 116]. Note that, even though dark matter axions are very light (2 /fPQ 104 eV), QCD they are extremely non-relativistic, which can be traced to the non-thermal nature of their production process. (Another important way to produce axions is through the decay of axion cosmic strings [1, 117].)
Primordial Nucleosynthesis
Given our time constraints, even some of the more important concepts in cosmology cannot be dealt with in signicant detail. We have chosen just to give a cursory treatment to primordial nucleosynthesis, although its importance as a crucial piece of evidence in favor of the big bang model and its usefulness in bounding any new physics of cosmological relevance cannot be overstated. Observations of primordial nebulae reveal abundances of the light elements unexplained by stellar nucleosynthesis. Although it does a great disservice to the analytic and numerical work required, not to mention the diculties of measuring the abundances, we will just state that the study of nuclear processes in the background of an expanding cooling universe yields a remarkable concordance between theory and experiment. At temperatures below 1 MeV, the weak interactions are frozen out and neutrons and protons cease to interconvert. The equilibrium abundance of neutrons at this temperature is about 1/6 the abundance of protons (due to the slightly larger neutron mass). The neutrons have a nite lifetime (n = 890 sec) that is somewhat larger than the age of the universe at this epoch, t(1 MeV) 1 sec, but they begin to gradually decay into protons and 43
leptons. Soon thereafter, however, we reach a temperature somewhat below 100 keV, and Big-Bang nucleosynthesis (BBN) begins. (The nuclear binding energy per nucleon is typically of order 1 MeV, so you might expect that nucleosynthesis would occur earlier; however, the large number of photons per nucleon prevents nucleosynthesis from taking place until the temperature drops below 100 keV.) At that point the neutron/proton ratio is approximately 1/7. Of all the light nuclei, it is energetically favorable for the nucleons to reside in 4 He, and indeed that is what most of the free neutrons are converted into; for every two neutrons and fourteen protons, we end up with one helium nucleus and twelve protons. Thus, about 25% of the baryons by mass are converted to helium. In addition, there are trace amounts of deuterium (approximately 105 deuterons per proton), 3 He (also 105 ), and 7 Li ( 1010 ). Of course these numbers are predictions, which are borne out by observations of the primordial abundances of light elements. (Heavier elements are not synthesized in the Big Bang, but require supernova explosions in the later universe.) We have glossed over numerous crucial details, especially those which explain how the dierent abundances depend on the cosmological parameters. For example, imagine that we deviate from the Standard Model by introducing more than three light neutrino species. This would increase the radiation energy density at a xed temperature, which in turn decreases the timescales associated with a given 1/2 temperature (since t H 1 R ). Nucleosynthesis would therefore happen somewhat earlier, resulting in a higher abundance of neutrons, and hence in a larger abundance of 4 He. Observations of the primordial helium abundance, which are consistent with the Standard Model prediction, provided the rst evidence that the number of light neutrinos is actually three. The most amazing fact about nucleosynthesis is that, given that the universe is radiation dominated during the relevant epoch (and the physics of general relativity and the Standard Model), the relative abundances of the light elements depend essentially on just one parameter, the baryon to entropy ratio nB n n b = , s s (126)
where nB = nb n is the dierence between the number of baryons and antibaryons per b unit volume. The range of consistent with the deuterium and 3 He primordial abundances is 2.6 1010 < < 6.2 1010 . (127) Very recently this number has been independently determined to be = 6.1 1010
+0.31010 0.21010
from precise measurements of the relative heights of the rst two microwave background (CMB) acoustic peaks by the WMAP satellite. This is illustrated in gure (4.9) and we will have a lot more to say about this quantity later when we discuss baryogenesis.
Figure 4.9: Abundances of light elements produced by BBN, as a function of the baryon density. The vertical strip indicates the concordance region favored by observations of primordial abundances. From [47].
We have hinted at the need to go beyond perfect uid sources for the Einstein equations if we are to unravel some of the mysteries left by the standard cosmology. Given our modern understanding of particle physics, it is natural to consider using eld theory to model matter at early times in the universe. The eect of cosmic expansion and the associated thermodynamics yield some fascinating phenomena when combined with such a eld theory approach. One signicant example is provided by nite temperature phase transitions. Rather than performing a detailed calculation in nite-temperature eld theory, we will illustrate this with a rough argument. Consider a theory of a single real scalar eld at zero
temperature, interacting with a second real scalar eld . The Lagrangian density is 1 g 1 L = V (, T = 0) 2 2 , 2 2 2 with potential V (, T = 0) = (129)
2 2 4 + , (130) 2 4 where is a parameter with dimensions of mass and and g are dimensionless coupling constants. Now, consider what the eective theory for looks like if we assume that is in thermal equilibrium. In this case, we may replace by the temperature T to obtain a Lagrangian for only, with nite temperature eective potential given by V (, T ) = 1 gT 2 2 2 + 4 . 2 4 (131)
This simple example demonstrates a very signicant result. At zero temperature, all your particle physics intuition tells you correctly that the theory is spontaneously broken, in this case the global Z2 symmetry of the Lagrangian is broken by the ground state value = 0 (we shall see more of this soon). However, at temperatures above the critical temperature Tc given by Tc = , (132) g the full Z2 symmetry of the Lagrangian is respected by the nite temperature ground state, which is now at = 0. This behavior is know as nite temperature symmetry restoration, and its inverse, occurring as the universe cools, is called nite temperature spontaneous symmetry breaking. Zero temperature unication and symmetry breaking are fundamental features of modern particle physics models. For particle physicists this amounts to the statement that the chosen vacuum state of a gauge eld theory is one which does not respect the underlying symmetry group of the Lagrangian. The melding of ideas from particle physics and cosmology described above leads us to speculate that matter in the early universe was described by a unied gauge eld theory based on a simple continuous Lie group, G. As a result of the extreme temperatures of the early universe, the vacuum state of the theory respected the full symmetry of the Lagrangian. As the universe cooled, we hypothesize that the gauge theory underwent a series of spontaneous symmetry breakings (SSB) until matter was nally described by the unbroken gauge groups of QCD and QED. Schematically the symmetry breaking can be represented by G H SU(3)c SU(2)L U(1)Y SU(3)c U(1)em . (133)
The group G is known as the grand unied gauge group and the initial breaking G H and is expected to take place at 1016 GeV, as we discuss below. 46
Let us briey set up the mathematical description of SSB which will be useful later when we discuss topological properties of the theory. Consider a gauge eld theory described by a continuous group G. Denote the vacuum state of the theory by |0 . Then, given g(x) G, the state g(x)|0 is also a vacuum. Suppose all vacuum states are of the form g|0 but that the state |0 is invariant only under a subgroup H G. Then the symmetry of the theory is said to have been spontaneously broken from G to H. Let us dene two vacuum states |0 A and |0 B to represent the same state under the broken group if g|0 A = |0 B for some g G. We write |0 A |0 B and the distinguishable vacua of the theory are equivalence classes under and are the cosets of H in G. Then the vacuum manifold, the space of all accessible vacua of the theory, is the coset space M = G/H . (134)
Given that we believe the universe evolved through a sequence of such symmetry breakings, there are many questions we can ask about the cosmological implications of the scheme and many ways in which we can constrain and utilize the possible breaking patterns.
Topological Defects
In a quantum eld theory, small oscillations around the vacuum appear as particles. If the space of possible vacuum states is topologically nontrivial, however, there arises the possibility of another kind of solitonic object: a topological defect. Consider a eld theory described by a continuous symmetry group G which is spontaneously broken to a subgroup H G. Recall that the space of all accessible vacua of the theory, the vacuum manifold, is dened to be the space of cosets of H in G; M G/H. Whether the theory admits topological defects depends on whether the vacuum manifold has nontrivial homotopy groups. A homotopy group consists of equivalence classes of maps of spheres (with xed base point) into the manifold, where two maps are equivalent if they can be smoothly deformed into each other. The homotopy groups dened in terms of n-spheres are denoted n . In general, a eld theory with vacuum manifold M possesses a topological defect of some type if i (M) = 1 , (135) for some i = 0, 1, . . .. In particular, we can have a set of defects, as listed in table 3. In order to get an intuitive picture of the meaning of these topological criteria let us consider the rst two. If 0 (M) = 1, the manifold M is disconnected. (A zero-sphere is the set of two points a xed distance from the origin in R1 . The set of topologically equivalent maps with xed base point from such such a sphere into a manifold is simply the set of disconnected pieces into which the manifold falls.) Lets assume for simplicity that the vacuum manifold consists of just two disconnected components M1 and M2 and restrict ourselves to one spatial dimension. Then, if we apply boundary conditions that the vacuum at lies in M1 and that at + lies in M2 , by continuity there must be a point somewhere where the order 47
Table 3: Topological defects, as described by homotopy groups of the vacuum manifolds of a theory with spontaneously broken symmetry. parameter does not lie in the vacuum manifold as the eld interpolates between the two vacua. The region in which the eld is out of the vacuum is known as a domain wall. Similarly, suppose 1 (M) = 1. This implies that the vacuum manifold is not simplyconnected: there are non-contractible loops in the manifold. The order parameter for such a situation may be considered complex and if, when traveling around a closed curve in space, the phase of the order parameter changes by a non-zero multiple of 2, by continuity there is a point within the curve where the eld is out of the vacuum manifold. Continuity in the direction perpendicular to the plane of the curve implies that there exists a line of such points. This is an example of a cosmic string or line defect. Since we shall mostly concentrate on these defects let us now give a detailed analysis of the simplest example, the Nielsen-Olesen vortex in the Abelian Higgs model. Consider a complex scalar eld theory based on the Abelian gauge group U(1). The Lagrangian density for this model is 1 1 L = (D ) D F F V () , 2 4 (136)
where (x) is the complex scalar eld, the covariant derivative, D , and eld strength tensor F are dened in terms of the Abelian gauge eld A as D ( + ieA ) , F A A , and the symmetry breaking (or Mexican hat) potential is V () = ( 2 )2 . 4 (139) (137) (138)
Here e is the gauge coupling constant and is a parameter that represents the scale of the symmetry breaking. In preparation for our discussion of the more general cosmological situation, let us note that at high temperatures the Lagrangian contains temperature-dependent corrections given by V () V () + CT 2 2 + , (140) 48
where C is a constant. For T > Tc , where Tc is dened by Tc2 = we see that V () = 2 , 2C (141)
T2 1 + 2 ( ) + 2 2 4 2 Tc 4
is minimized by = 0. However, for T < Tc , minimizing the above expression with respect to yields a minimum at T2 2 = 2 1 2 . (143) Tc Thus, for T > Tc the full symmetry group G = U(1) is restored and the vacuum expectation value of the -eld is zero. As the system cools, there is a phase transition at the critical temperature Tc and the vacuum symmetry is spontaneously broken, in this case entirely: G = U(1) 1 = H . The vacuum manifold is M G/H = U(1)/1 = U(1) = { : = ei , 0 2} . The group U(1) is topologically a circle, so M = S1 . (146) (145) (144)
The set of topologically equivalent ways to map one circle to another circle is given by the integers. (We can wrap it any number of times in either sense.) The rst homotopy group is therefore the integers. Calculating homotopy groups in general is dicult, but for S 1 all of the other groups are trivial. We therefore have 0 (S 1 ) 1 (S 1 ) 2 (S 1 ) 3 (S 1 ) = = = = 1 Z 1 1. (147) (148) (149) (150)
The Abelian Higgs model therefore allows for cosmic strings. To see how strings form in this model, consider what happens as T decreases through Tc . The symmetry breaks and the eld acquires a VEV given by = ei , (151)
where may be chosen dierently in dierent regions of space, as implied by causality (we shall discuss this shortly). The requirement that be single valued implies that around any closed curve in space the change in must satisfy = 2n , 49 nZ . (152)
If for a given loop we have n = 0, then we can see that any 2-surface bounded by the loop must contain a singular point, for if not then we can continuously contract the loop to a point, implying that n = 0 which is a contradiction. At this singular point the phase, , is undened and = 0. Further, must be zero all along an innite or closed curve, since otherwise we can contract our loop without encountering a singularity. We identify this innite or closed curve of false vacuum points as the core of our string. We shall restrict our attention to the case where n = 1, since this is the most likely conguration. The rst discussion of string solutions to the Abelian Higgs model is due to Nielsen and Olesen. Assume the string is straight and that the core is aligned with the z-axis. In cylindrical polar coordinates, (r, ), let us make the ansatz = X(r)ei , 1 Y (r) . A = e The Lagrangian then yields the simplied equations of motion X X Y 2 X 2 + 2 + X(X 2 1) = 0 , r r 2 Y 2e2 2 X 2 Y + = 0, Y + r
where a prime denotes dierentiation with respect to r. It is not possible to solve these equations analytically, but asymptotically we have
This solution corresponds to a string centered on the z-axis, with a central magnetic core of width (e)1 carrying a total magnetic ux =
1/2 r
, Y = 1 + O(r 2 ) ; as r 0 ,
1/2 , Y O( re2 er ) ; as r .
A dx =
2 . e
The core region over which the Higgs elds are appreciably non-zero has width (1/2 )1 . Note that these properties depend crucially on the fact that we started with a gauged symmetry. A spontaneously broken global symmetry with nontrivial i (M) would still produce cosmic strings, but they would be much less localized, since there would be no gauge elds to cancel the scalar gradients at large distances. Strings are characterized by their tension, which is the energy per unit length. For the Nielsen-Olesen solution just discussed, the tension is approximately 2 . 50 (157)
Thus, the energy of the string is set by the expectation value of the order parameter responsible for the symmetry breaking. This behavior is similarly characteristic of other kinds of topological defects. Again, global defects are quite dierent; the tension of a global string actually diverges, due to the slow fall-o of the energy density as we move away from the string core. It is often convenient to parameterize the tension by the dimensionless quantity G, so that a Planck-scale string would have G 1. From the above discussion we can see that cosmology provides us with a unique opportunity to explore the rich and complex structure of particle physics theories. Although the topological solutions discussed above exist in the theory at zero temperature, there is no mechanism within the theory to produce these objects. The topological structures contribute a set of zero measure in the phase space of possible solutions to the theory and hence the probability of production in particle processes is exponentially suppressed. What the cosmological evolution of the vacuum supplies is a concrete causal mechanism for producing these long lived exotic solutions. At this point it is appropriate to discuss how many of these defects we expect to be produced at a cosmological phase transition. In the cosmological context, the mechanism for the production of defects is known as the Kibble mechanism. The guiding principle here is causality. As the phase transition takes place, the maximum causal distance imposed on the theory by cosmology is simply the Hubble distance the distance which light can have traveled since the big bang. As we remarked above, as the temperature of the universe falls well below the critical temperature of the phase transition, Tc , the expectation value of the order parameter takes on a denite value ( ei in the Abelian Higgs model) in each region of space. However, at temperatures around the critical temperature we expect that thermal uctuations in will be large so that as the universe cools it will split into domains with dierent values of in dierent domains. This is the crucial role played by the cosmological evolution. The Kibble mechanism provides us with an order of magnitude upper bound for the size of such a region as the causal horizon size at the time of the phase transition. The boundaries between the domains will be regions where the phase of changes smoothly. If the phase changes by 2n for some n = 0 when traversing a loop in space, then any surface bounded by that loop intersects a cosmic string. These strings must be horizon-sized or closed loops. Numerical simulations of cosmic string formation indicate that the initial distribution of strings consists of 80% horizon-sized and 20% loops by mass. If we consider the temperature at which there is insucient thermal energy to excite a correlation volume back into the unbroken state, the Ginsburg temperature, TG , then, given the assumption of thermal equilibrium above the phase transition, a much improved estimate for the initial separation of the defects can be derived and is given by (tG ) 1 1 , where is the self coupling of the order parameter. This separation is microscopic. Interesting bounds on the tension of cosmic strings produced by the Kibble mechanism arise from two sources: perturbations of the CMB, and gravitational waves. Both arise 51
because the motions of heavy strings moving at relativistic velocities lead to time-dependent gravitational elds. The actual values of the bounds are controversial, simply because it is dicult to accurately model the nonlinear evolution of a string network, and the results can be sensitive to what assumptions are made. Nevertheless, the CMB bounds amount roughly to [118, 119, 120, 121] G 106 . (158)
This corresponds roughly to strings at the GUT scale, 1016 GeV, which is certainly an interesting value. Bounds from gravitational waves come from two dierent techniques: direct observation, and indirect measurement through accurate pulsar timings. Currently, pulsar timing measurements are more constraining, and give a bound similar to that from the CMB [122]. Unlike the CMB measurements, however, gravitational wave observatories will become dramatically better in the near future, through operations of ground-based observatories such as LIGO as well as satellites such as LISA. These experiments should be able to improve the bounds on G by several orders of magnitude [123]. Now that we have established the criteria necessary for the production of topological defects in spontaneously broken theories, let us apply these conditions to the best understood physical example, the electroweak phase transition. As we remarked earlier, the GWS theory is based on the gauge group SU(2)L U(1)Y . At the phase transition this breaks to pure electromagnetism, U(1)em . Thus, the vacuum manifold is the space of cosets MEW = [SU(2) U(1)]/U(1) , (159)
This looks complicated but in fact this space is topologically equivalent to the three-sphere, S 3 . The homotopy groups of the three-sphere are 0 (S 3 ) 1 (S 3 ) 2 (S 3 ) 3 (S 3 ) = = = = 1 1 1 Z . (160) (161) (162) (163)
(Dont be fooled into thinking that all homotopy groups of spheres vanish except in the dimensionality of the sphere itself; for example, 3 (S 2 ) = Z.) Thus, the electroweak model does not lead to walls, strings, or monopoles. It does lead to what we called texture, which deserves further comment. In a theory where 3 (M) is nontrivial but the other groups vanish, we can always map three-dimensional space smoothly into the vacuum manifold; there will not be a defect where the eld climbs out of M. However, if we consider eld congurations which approach a unique value at spatial innity, they will fall into homotopy classes characterized by elements of 3 (M); congurations with nonzero winding will be textures. If the symmetry is global, such congurations will necessarily contain gradient energies from the scalar elds. The energy perturbations caused by global textures were, along with cosmic strings, formerly popular as a possible origin of
structure formation in the universe [124, 125]; the predictions of these theories are inconsistent with the sharp acoustic peaks observed in the CMB, so such models are no longer considered viable. In the standard model, however, the broken symmetry is gauged. In this case there is no need for gradient energies, since the gauge eld can always be chosen to cancel them; equivalently, texture congurations can always be brought to the vacuum by a gauge transformation. However, transitions from one texture conguration to one with a dierent winding number are gauge invariant. These transitions will play a role in electroweak baryon number violation, discussed in the next section.
The symmetry between particles and antiparticles [126, 127], rmly established in collider physics, naturally leads to the question of why the observed universe is composed almost entirely of matter with little or no primordial antimatter. Outside of particle accelerators, antimatter can be seen in cosmic rays in the form of a few antiprotons, present at a level of around 104 in comparison with the number of protons (for example see [128]). However, this proportion is consistent with secondary antiproton production through accelerator-like processes, p + p 3p + p, as the cosmic rays stream towards us. Thus there is no evidence for primordial antimatter in our galaxy. Also, if matter and antimatter galaxies were to coexist in clusters of galaxies, then we would expect there to be a detectable background of -radiation from nucleon-antinucleon annihilations within the clusters. This background is not observed and so we conclude that there is negligible antimatter on the scale of clusters (For a review of the evidence for a baryon asymmetry see [129].) More generally, if large domains of matter and antimatter exist, then annihilations would take place at the interfaces between them. If the typical size of such a domain was small enough, then the energy released by these annihilations would result in a diuse -ray background and a distortion of the cosmic microwave radiation, neither of which is observed. While the above considerations put an experimental upper bound on the amount of antimatter in the universe, strict quantitative estimates of the relative abundances of baryonic matter and antimatter may also be obtained from the standard cosmology. The baryon number density does not remain constant during the evolution of the universe, instead scaling like a3 , where a is the cosmological scale factor [130]. It is therefore convenient to dene the baryon asymmetry of the universe in terms of the quantity nB , (164) s dened earlier. Recall that the range of consistent with the deuterium and 3 He primordial abundances is 2.6 1010 < < 6.2 1010 . (165) Thus the natural question arises; as the universe cooled from early times to today, what processes, both particle physics and cosmological, were responsible for the generation of 53
this very specic baryon asymmetry? (For reviews of mechanisms to generate the baryon asymmetry, see As pointed out by Sakharov [131], a small baryon asymmetry may have been produced in the early universe if three necessary conditions are satised baryon number (B) violation, violation of C (charge conjugation symmetry) and CP (the composition of parity and C), departure from thermal equilibrium. The rst condition should be clear since, starting from a baryon symmetric universe with = 0, baryon number violation must take place in order to evolve into a universe in which does not vanish. The second Sakharov criterion is required because, if C and CP are exact symmetries, one can prove that the total rate for any process which produces an excess of baryons is equal to the rate of the complementary process which produces an excess of antibaryons and so no net baryon number can be created. That is to say that the thermal average of the baryon number operator B, which is odd under both C and CP , is zero unless those discrete symmetries are violated. CP violation is present either if there are complex phases in the Lagrangian which cannot be reabsorbed by eld redenitions (explicit breaking) or if some Higgs scalar eld acquires a VEV which is not real (spontaneous breaking). We will discuss this in detail shortly. Finally, to explain the third criterion, one can calculate the equilibrium average of B at a temperature T = 1/: B
where we have used that the Hamiltonian H commutes with CP T . Thus B T = 0 in equilibrium and there is no generation of net baryon number. Of the three Sakharov conditions, baryon number violation and C and CP violation may be investigated only within a given particle physics model, while the third condition the departure from thermal equilibrium may be discussed in a more general way, as we shall see (for baryogenesis reviews see [132, 133, 9, 10, 134, 135, 136].) Let us discuss the Sakharov criteria in more detail.
As discussed earlier, Grand Unied Theories (GUTs) [137] describe the fundamental interactions by means of a unique gauge group G which contains the Standard Model (SM) gauge group SU(3)C SU(2)L U(1)Y . The fundamental idea of GUTs is that at energies higher 54
than a certain energy threshold MGUT the group symmetry is G and that, at lower energies, the symmetry is broken down to the SM gauge symmetry, possibly through a chain of symmetry breakings. The main motivation for this scenario is that, at least in supersymmetric models, the (running) gauge couplings of the SM unify [138, 139, 140] at the scale MGUT 2 1016 GeV, hinting at the presence of a GUT involving a higher symmetry with a single gauge coupling. Baryon number violation seems very natural in GUTs. Indeed, a general property of these theories is that the same representation of G may contain both quarks and leptons, and therefore it is possible for scalar and gauge bosons to mediate gauge interactions among fermions having dierent baryon number. 4.9.2 B-violation in the Electroweak theory.
It is well-known that the most general renormalizable Lagrangian invariant under the SM gauge group and containing only color singlet Higgs elds is automatically invariant under global abelian symmetries which may be identied with the baryonic and leptonic symmetries. These, therefore, are accidental symmetries and as a result it is not possible to violate B and L at tree-level or at any order of perturbation theory. Nevertheless, in many cases the perturbative expansion does not describe all the dynamics of the theory and, indeed, in 1976 t Hooft [141] realized that nonperturbative eects (instantons) may give rise to processes which violate the combination B + L, but not the orthogonal combination B L. The probability of these processes occurring today is exponentially suppressed and probably irrelevant. However, in more extreme situations like the primordial universe at very high temperatures [142, 143, 144, 145] baryon and lepton number violating processes may be fast enough to play a signicant role in baryogenesis. Let us have a closer look. At the quantum level, the baryon and the lepton symmetries are anomalous [146, 147], so that their respective Noether currents jB and jL are no longer conserved, but satisfy
jB = jL = nf
g2 g 2 a W W a F F 32 2 32 2
where g and g are the gauge couplings of SU(2)L and U(1)Y , respectively, nf is the number of families and W = (1/2) W is the dual of the SU(2)L eld strength tensor, with an analogous expression holding for F . To understand how the anomaly is closely related to the vacuum structure of the theory, we may compute the change in baryon number from time t = 0 to some arbitrary nal time t = tf . For transitions between vacua, the average values of the eld strengths are zero at the beginning and the end of the evolution. The change in baryon number may be written as B = NCS nf [NCS (tf ) NCS (0)] . where the Chern-Simons number is dened to be NCS (t) g2 32 2 d3 x ijk Tr 55 2 Ai j Ak + igAiAj Ak 3 , (169) (168)
where Ai is the SU(2)L gauge eld. Although the Chern-Simons number is not gauge invariant, the change NCS is. Thus, changes in Chern-Simons number result in changes in baryon number which are integral multiples of the number of families nf (with nf = 3 in the real world). Gauge transformations U(x) which connects two degenerate vacua of the gauge theory may change the Chern-Simons number by an integer n, the winding number. (n) If the system is able to perform a transition from the vacuum Gvac to the closest one (n1) Gvac , the Chern-Simons number is changed by unity and B = L = nf . Each transition creates 9 left-handed quarks (3 color states for each generation) and 3 left-handed leptons (one per generation). However, adjacent vacua of the electroweak theory are separated by a ridge of congurations with energies larger than that of the vacuum. The lowest energy point on this ridge is a saddle point solution to the equations of motion with a single negative eigenvalue, and is referred to as the sphaleron [143, 144]. The probability of baryon number nonconserving processes at zero temperature has been computed by t Hooft [141] and is highly suppressed. The thermal rate of baryon number violation in the broken phase is sp (T ) = MW W T
3 4 MW exp
Esph (T ) T
where is a dimensionless constant. Although the Boltzmann suppression in (170) appears large, it is to be expected that, when the electroweak symmetry becomes restored at a temperature of around 100 GeV, there will no longer be an exponential suppression factor. A simple estimate is that the rate per unit volume of sphaleron events is sp (T ) = (W T )4 , (171)
with another dimensionless constant. The rate of sphaleron processes can be related to the diusion constant for Chern-Simons number by a uctuation-dissipation theorem [148] (for a good description of this see [134]). 4.9.3 CP violation
CP violation in GUTs arises in loop-diagram corrections to baryon number violating bosonic decays. Since it is necessary that the particles in the loop also undergo B-violating decays, the relevant particles are the X, Y , and H3 bosons in the case of SU(5). In the electroweak theory things are somewhat dierent. Since only the left-handed fermions are SU(2)L gauge coupled, C is maximally broken in the SM. Moreover, CP is known not to be an exact symmetry of the weak interactions. This is seen experimentally in the neutral kaon system through K0 , K0 mixing. Thus, CP violation is a natural feature of the standard electroweak model. While this is encouraging for baryogenesis, it turns out that this particular source of CP violation is not strong enough. The relevant eects are parameterized by a dimensionless constant which is no larger than 1020 . This appears to be much too small to account for the observed BAU and, thus far, attempts to utilize this source of CP violation for electroweak 56
baryogenesis have been unsuccessful. In light of this, it is usual to extend the SM in some fashion that increases the amount of CP violation in the theory while not leading to results that conict with current experimental data. One concrete example of a well-motivated extension in the minimal supersymmetric standard model (MSSM). 4.9.4 Departure from Thermal Equilibrium
In some scenarios, such as GUT baryogenesis, the third Sakharov condition is satised due to the presence of superheavy decaying particles in a rapidly expanding universe. These generically fall under the name of out-of-equilibrium decay mechanisms. The underlying idea is fairly simple. If the decay rate X of the superheavy particles X at the time they become nonrelativistic (i.e. at the temperature T MX ) is much smaller than the expansion rate of the universe, then the X particles cannot decay on the time scale < of the expansion and so they remain as abundant as photons for T MX . In other words, at some temperature T > MX , the superheavy particles X are so weakly interacting that they cannot catch up with the expansion of the universe and they decouple from the thermal bath while they are still relativistic, so that nX n T 3 at the time of decoupling. Therefore, at temperature T MX , they populate the universe with an abundance which is much larger than the equilibrium one. This overabundance is precisely the departure from thermal equilibrium needed to produce a nal nonvanishing baryon asymmetry when the heavy states X undergo B and CP violating decays. > The out-of-equilibrium condition requires very heavy states: MX (1015 1016 ) GeV > (1010 1016 ) GeV, for gauge and scalar bosons, respectively [149], if these heavy and MX particles decay through renormalizable operators. A dierent implementation can be found in the electroweak theory. At temperatures around the electroweak scale, the expansion rate of the universe in thermal units is small compared to the rate of baryon number violating processes. This means that the equilibrium description of particle phenomena is extremely accurate at electroweak temperatures. Thus, baryogenesis cannot occur at such low scales without the aid of phase transitions and the question of the order of the electroweak phase transition becomes central. If the EWPT is second order or a continuous crossover, the associated departure from equilibrium is insucient to lead to relevant baryon number production [145]. This means that for EWBG to succeed, we either need the EWPT to be strongly rst order or other methods of destroying thermal equilibrium to be present at the phase transition. For a rst order transition there is an extremum at = 0 which becomes separated from a second local minimum by an energy barrier. At the critical temperature T = Tc both phases are equally favored energetically and at later times the minimum at = 0 becomes the global minimum of the theory. The dynamics of the phase transition in this situation is crucial to most scenarios of electroweak baryogenesis. The essential picture is that around Tc quantum tunneling occurs and nucleation of bubbles of the true vacuum in the sea of false begins. Initially these bubbles are not large enough for their volume energy to overcome the competing surface tension and
they shrink and disappear. However, at a particular temperature below Tc , bubbles just large enough to grow nucleate. These are termed critical bubbles, and they expand, eventually lling all of space and completing the transition. As the bubble walls pass each point in space, the order parameter changes rapidly, as do the other elds, and this leads to a signicant departure from thermal equilibrium. Thus, if the phase transition is strongly enough rst order it is possible to satisfy the third Sakharov criterion in this way. A further natural way to depart from equilibrium is provided by the dynamics of topological defects [150, 151, 152, 153]. If, for example, cosmic strings are produced at the GUT phase transition, then the decays of loops of string act as an additional source of superheavy bosons which undergo baryon number violating decays. When defects are produced at the TeV scale, a detailed analysis of the dynamics of a network of these objects shows that a signicant baryon to entropy ratio can be generated if the electroweak symmetry is restored around such a higher scale ordinary defect. Although B-violation can be inecient along nonsuperconducting strings [154], there remain viable scenarios involving other ordinary defects, superconducting strings or defects carrying baryon number. 4.9.5 Baryogenesis via leptogenesis
Since the linear combination B L is left unchanged by sphaleron transitions, the baryon asymmetry may be generated from a lepton asymmetry [155, 156, 157] (see also [158, 159].) Indeed, sphaleron transition will reprocess any lepton asymmetry and convert (a fraction of) it into baryon number. This is because B + L must be vanishing and the nal baryon asymmetry results to be B L. In the SM as well as in its unied extension based on the group SU(5), B L is conserved and no asymmetry in B L can be generated. However, adding right-handed Majorana neutrinos to the SM breaks B L and the primordial lepton asymmetry may be generated by the c out-of-equilibrium decay of heavy right-handed Majorana neutrinos NL (in the supersymmetric version, heavy scalar neutrino decays are also relevant for leptogenesis). This simple extension of the SM can be embedded into GUTs with gauge groups containing SO(10). Heavy right-handed Majorana neutrinos can also explain the smallness of the light neutrino masses via the see-saw mechanism [157]. 4.9.6 Aeck-Dine Baryogenesis
Finally in this section, we mention briey a mechanism introduced by Aeck and Dine [160] involving the cosmological evolution of scalar elds carrying baryonic charge. Consider a colorless, electrically neutral combination of quark and lepton elds. In a supersymmetric theory this object has a scalar superpartner, , composed of the corresponding squark q and slepton elds. l An important feature of supersymmetric eld theories is the existence of at directions in eld space, on which the scalar potential vanishes. Consider the case where some com58
ponent of the eld lies along a at direction. By this we mean that there exist directions in the superpotential along which the relevant components of can be considered as a free massless eld. At the level of renormalizable terms, at directions are generic, but supersymmetry breaking and nonrenormalizable operators lift the at directions and sets the scale for their potential. During ination it is likely that the eld is displaced from the position = 0, establishing the initial conditions for the subsequent evolution of the eld. An important role is played at this stage by baryon number violating operators in the potential V (), which determine the initial phase of the eld. When the Hubble rate becomes of the order of the curvature of the potential m3/2 , the condensate starts oscillating around its present minimum. At this time, B-violating terms in the potential are of comparable importance to the mass term, thereby imparting a substantial baryon number to the condensate. After this time, the baryon number violating operators are negligible so that, when the baryonic charge of is transferred to fermions through decays, the net baryon number of the universe is preserved by the subsequent cosmological evolution. The most recent implementations of the Aeck-Dine scenario have been in the context of the minimal supersymmetric standard model [161, 162] in which, because there are large numbers of elds, at directions occur because of accidental degeneracies in eld space.
In our previous lectures we have described what is known as the standard cosmology. This framework is a towering achievement, describing to great accuracy the physical processes leading to the present day universe. However, there remain outstanding issues in cosmology. Many of these come under the heading of initial condition problems and require a more complete description of the sources of energy density in the universe. The most severe of these problems eventually led to a radical new picture of the physics of the early universe cosmological ination [163, 164, 165], which is the subject of this lecture. We will begin by describing some of the problems of the standard cosmology.
The Friedmann equation may be written as k , (172) H 2 a2 where for brevity we are now writing instead of total . Dierentiating this with respect to the scale factor, this implies ( 1) d = (1 + 3w) . (173) da a This equation is easily solved, but its most general properties are all that we shall need and they are qualitatively dierent depending on the sign of 1 + 3w. There are three xed points of this dierential equation, as given in table 4. 59
Fixed Point =0 =1 =
Figure 5.10: Past light cones in a universe expanding from a Big Bang singularity, illustrating particle horizons in cosmology. Points at recombination, observed today as parts of the cosmic microwave background on opposite sides of the sky, have non-overlapping past light cones (in conventional cosmology); no causal signal could have inuenced them to have the same temperature. Observationally we know that 1 today i.e., we are very close to the repeller of this dierential equation for a universe dominated by ordinary matter and radiation (w > 1/3). Even if we only took account of the luminous matter in the universe, we would clearly live in a universe that was far from the attractor points of the equation. It is already quite puzzling that the universe has not reached one of its attractor points, given that the universe has evolved for such a long time. However, we may be more quantitative about this. If the only matter in the universe is radiation and dust, then in order to have in the range observed today requires (conservatively) 0 1 1060 . (174) This remarkable degree of ne tuning is the atness problem. Within the context of the standard cosmology there is no known explanation of this ne-tuning.
The horizon problem stems from the existence of particle horizons in FRW cosmologies, as discussed in the rst lecture. Horizons exist because there is only a nite amount of 60
time since the Big Bang singularity, and thus only a nite distance that photons can travel within the age of the universe. Consider a photon moving along a radial trajectory in a at universe (the generalization to non-at universes is straightforward). In a at universe, we can normalize the scale factor to a0 = 1 (175) without loss of generality. A radial null path obeys 0 = ds2 = dt2 + a2 dr 2 , (176)
so the comoving (coordinate) distance traveled by such a photon between times t1 and t2 is r =
t2 t1
dt . a(t)
To get the physical distance as it would be measured by an observer at any time t, simply multiply by a(t). For simplicity lets imagine we are in a matter-dominated universe, for which t 2/3 a= . (178) t0 The Hubble parameter is therefore given by H = 2 1 t 3 = a3/2 H0 .
The comoving horizon size when a = a is the distance a photon travels since the Big Bang, (181)
The physical horizon size, as measured on the spatial hypersurface at a , is therefore simply
1 dhor (a ) = a rhor (a ) = 2H .
1 where H is the Hubble distance at that particular epoch. This approximate equality leads to a strong temptation to use the terms horizon distance and Hubble distance interchangeably; this temptation should be resisted, since ination can render the former much larger than the latter, as we will soon demonstrate.
Indeed, for any nearly-at universe containing a mixture of matter and radiation, at any one epoch we will have 1 dhor (a ) H , (183)
The horizon problem is simply the fact that the CMB is isotropic to a high degree of precision, even though widely separated points on the last scattering surface are completely outside each others horizons. When we look at the CMB we were observing the universe at a scale factor aCMB 1/1200; meanwhile, the comoving distance between a point on the CMB and an observer on Earth is
1 r = 2H0 (1 1 2H0 .
aCMB ) (184)
Hence, if we observe two widely-separated parts of the CMB, they will have non-overlapping horizons; distinct patches of the CMB sky were causally disconnected at recombination. Nevertheless, they are observed to be at the same temperature to high precision. The question then is, how did they know ahead of time to coordinate their evolution in the right way, even though they were never in causal contact? We must somehow modify the causal structure of the conventional FRW cosmology.
Unwanted Relics
We have spoken in the last lecture about grand unied theories (GUTs), and also about topological defects. If grand unication occurs with a simple gauge group G, any spontaneous breaking of G satises 2 (G/H) = 1 (H) for any simple subgroup H. In particular, breaking down to the standard model will lead to magnetic monopoles, since 2 (G/H) = 1 ([SU(3) SU(2) U(1)]/Z6 ) = Z . (186)
(The gauge group of the standard model is, strictly speaking, [SU(3) SU(2) U(1)]/Z6 . The Z6 factor, with which you may not be familiar, only aects the global structure of the group and not the Lie algebra, and thus is usually ignored by particle physicists.) Using the Kibble mechanism, the expected relic abundance of monopoles works out to be 3 TGUT mmono 0,mono 1011 . (187) 14 GeV 10 1016 GeV This is far too big; the monopole abundance in GUTs is a serious problem for cosmology if GUTs have anything to do with reality. In addition to monopoles, there may be other model-dependent relics predicted by your favorite theory. If these are incompatible with current limits, it is necessary to nd some way to dilute their density in the early universe.
The horizon problem especially is an extremely serious problem for the standard cosmology because at its heart is simply causality. Any solution to this problem is therefore almost certain to require an important modication to how information can propagate in the early universe. Cosmological ination is such a mechanism. Before getting into the details of ination we will just sketch the general idea here. The fundamental idea is that the universe undergoes a period of accelerated expansion, dened as a period when a > 0, at early times. The eect of this acceleration is to quickly expand a small region of space to a huge size, diminishing spatial curvature in the process, making the universe extremely close to at. In addition, the horizon size is greatly increased, so that distant points on the CMB actually are in causal contact and unwanted relics are tremendously diluted, solving the monopole problem. As an unexpected bonus, quantum uctuations make it impossible for ination to smooth out the universe with perfect precision, so there is a spectrum of remnant density perturbations; this spectrum turns out to be approximately scale-free, in good agreement with observations of our current universe.
If ination is to solve the problems of the standard cosmology, then it must be active at extremely early times. Thus, we would like to address the earliest times in the universe amenable to a classical description. We expect this to be at or around the Planck time tP and since Planckian quantities arise often in ination we will retain values of the Planck mass in the equations of this section. There are many models of ination, but because of time constraints we will concentrate almost exclusively on the chaotic ination model of Linde. We have borrowed heavily in places here from the excellent text of Liddle and Lyth [7]. Consider modeling matter in the early universe by a real scalar eld , with potential V (). The energy-momentum tensor for is T = ( )( ) g 1 g ( )( ) + V () . 2 (188)
For simplicity we will specialize to the homogeneous case, in which all quantities depend only on cosmological time t and set k = 0. A homogeneous real scalar eld behaves as a perfect uid with = p 1 2 + V () 2 1 2 V () . = 2 (189) (190)
The equation of motion for the scalar eld is given by a dV =0, +3 + a d 63 (191)
which can be thought of as the usual equation of motion for a scalar eld in Minkowski space, but with a friction term due to the expansion of the universe. The Friedmann equation with such a eld as the sole energy source is H2 = 8G 1 2 + V () . 3 2 (192)
A very specic way in which accelerated expansion can occur is if the universe is dominated by an energy component that approximates a cosmological constant. In that case the associated expansion rate will be exponential, as we have already seen. Scalar elds can accomplish this in an interesting way. From (189) it is clear that if 2 V () then the potential energy of the scalar eld is the dominant contribution to both the energy density and the pressure, and the resulting equation of state is p , approximately that of a cosmological constant. the resulting expansion is certainly accelerating. In a loose sense, this negligible kinetic energy is equivalent to the elds slowly rolling down its potential; an approximation which we will now make more formal. Technically, the slow-roll approximation for ination involves neglecting the term in (191) and neglecting the kinetic energy of compared to the potential energy. The scalar eld equation of motion and the Friedmann equation then become V () , 3H H2
8G V () , (194) 3 where in this lecture a prime denotes a derivative with respect to . These conditions will hold if the two slow-roll conditions are satised. These are || 1 || 1 , where the slow-roll parameters are given by and
2 Mp 2
V . (197) V It is easy to see that the slow roll conditions yield ination. Recall that ination is dened by a/a > 0. We can write a = H + H2 , (198) a so that ination occurs if H > 1 . (199) H2
2 Mp
H , (200) H2 which will be small. Smallness of the other parameter helps to ensure that ination will continue for a sucient period. It is useful to have a general expression to describe how much ination occurs, once it has begun. This is typically quantied by the number of e-folds, dened by N(t) ln a(tend ) a(t) . (201)
But in slow-roll
Usually we are interested in how many efolds occur between a given eld value and the eld value at the end of ination end , dened by (end ) = 1. We also would like to express N in terms of the potential. Fortunately this is simple to do via N(t) ln a(tend ) a(t) =
tend t
H dt
1 2 Mp
V d . V
The issue of initial conditions for ination is one that is quite subtle and we will not get into a discussion of that here. Instead we will remain focused on chaotic ination, in which we assume that the early universe emerges from the Planck epoch with the scalar eld taking dierent values in dierent parts of the universe, with typically Planckian energies. There will then be some probability for ination to begin in some places, and we shall focus on those.
where m has dimensions of mass. We shall also assume initial conditions that at the end of 4 the quantum epoch, which we label as t = 0, Mp . The slow-roll conditions give that, at t = 0, = 0
2 Mp Mp , m
so that the scalar eld equation of motion becomes + 3 + m2 = 0 . This is solved by where m2 /3. Now, the slow-roll conditions remain satised provided that and therefore, (208) is valid for a time t tP 0 2 . (210) Mp = , m 12 (209) = 0 t , (208) (207)
Why is this important? This is important because (208) is an attractor solution! Lets see how this arises. Consider perturbing (208) by writing (t) (t) + (t) , (211)
where (t) is a small perturbation, substituting in to the equation of motion and linearizing in . One obtains + 3 = 0 . (212) This equation exhibits two solutions. The rst is just a constant, which just serves to move along the trajectory. The second solution is a decaying mode with time constant tc = (3)1 . Since tc t, all solutions rapidly decay to (208) - it is an attractor.
Lets stick with the simple model of the last section. It is rather easy to see that the Einstein equations are solved by 2 2 a(t) = a(0) exp ( 2 ) , (213) 2 Mp 0 as we might expect in ination. The period of time during which (208) is valid ends at t t, at which 2 (214) a(t) a(0) exp 2 , Now, taking a typical value for m, for which < 104 , we obtain a(t) a(0) 102.710 .
This has a remarkable consequence. A proper distance LP at t = 0 will inate to a size 8 1010 cm after a time t 5 1036 seconds. It is important at this point to know that 66
1 the size of the observable universe today is H0 andhasnothadenough1028 cm! Therefore, only a small fraction of the original Planck length comprises todays entire visible universe. Thus, homogeneity over a patch less than or of order the Planck length at the onset of ination is all that is required to solve the horizon problem. Of course, if we wait suciently long we will start to see those inhomogeneities (originally sub-Planckian) that were inated away. However, if ination lasts long enough (typically about sixty e-folds or so) then this would not be apparent today. Similarly, any unwanted relics are diluted by the tremendous expansion; so long as the GUT phase transition happens before ination, monopoles will have an extremely low density. Ination also solves the atness problem. There are a couple of ways to see this. The rst is to note that, assuming ination begins, the curvature term in the Friedmann equation very quickly becomes irrelevant, since it scales as a(t)2 . Of course, after ination, when the universe is full of radiation (and later dust) the curvature term redshifts more slowly than both these components and will eventually become more important than both of them. However, if ination lasts suciently long then even today the total energy density will be so close to unity that we will notice no curvature. A second way to see this is that, following a similar analysis to that leading to (173) leads to the conclusion that = 1 is an attractor rather than a repeller, when the universe is dominated by energy with w < 1/3. Therefore, is forced to be very close to one by ination; if the inationary period lasts suciently long, the density parameter will not have had time since to stray appreciably away from unity.
Recall that the structures - clusters and superclusters of galaxies - we see on the largest scales in the universe today, and hence the observed uctuations in the CMB, form from the gravitational instability of initial perturbations in the matter density. The origin of these initial uctuations is an important question of modern cosmology. Ination provides us with a fascinating solution to this problem - in a nutshell, quantum uctuations in the inaton eld during the inationary epoch are stretched by ination and ultimately become classical uctuations. Lets sketch how this works. Since ination dilutes away all matter elds, soon after its onset the universe is in a pure vacuum state. If we simplify to the case of exponential ination, this vacuum state is described by the Gibbons-Hawking temperature H V TGH = , (216) 2 Mp where we have used the Friedmann equation. Because of this temperature, the inaton experiences uctuations that are the same for each wavelength k = TGH . Now, these uctuations can be related to those in the density by = dV . d 67 (217)
Ination therefore produces density perturbations on every scale. The amplitude of the perturbations is nearly equal at each wavenumber, but there will be slight deviations due to the gradual change in V as the inaton rolls. We can characterize the uctuations in terms of their spectrum AS (k), related to the potential via A2 (k) S V3 6 Mp (V )2 ,
where k = aH indicates that the quantity V 3 /(V )2 is to be evaluated at the moment when the physical scale of the perturbation = a/k is equal to the Hubble radius H 1. Note that the actual normalization of (218) is convention-dependent, and should drop out of any physical answer. The spectrum is given the subscript S because it describes scalar uctuations in the metric. These are tied to the energy-momentum distribution, and the density uctuations produced by ination are adiabatic uctuations in the density of all species are correlated. The uctuations are also Gaussian, in the sense that the phases of the Fourier modes describing uctuations at dierent scales are uncorrelated. These aspects of inationary perturbations a nearly scale-free spectrum of adiabatic density uctuations with a Gaussian distribution are all consistent with current observations of the CMB and large-scale structure, and have been conrmed to new precision by WMAP and other CMB measurements. It is not only the nearly-massless inaton that is excited during ination, but any nearlymassless particle. The other important example is the graviton, which corresponds to tensor perturbations in the metric (propagating excitations of the gravitational eld). Tensor uctuations have a spectrum V A2 (k) . (219) T 4 Mp k=aH The existence of tensor perturbations is a crucial prediction of ination which may in principle be veriable through observations of the polarization of the CMB. Although CMB polarization has already been detected [166], this is only the E-mode polarization induced by density perturbations; the B-mode polarization induced by gravitational waves is expected to be at a much lower level, and represents a signicant observational challenge for the years to come. For purposes of understanding observations, it is useful to parameterize the perturbation spectra in terms of observable quantities. We therefore write A2 (k) k nS 1 S and A2 (k) k nT , T (221) where nS and nT are the spectral indices. They are related to the slow-roll parameters of the potential by nS = 1 6 + 2 (222) 68 (220)
and Since the spectral indices are in principle observable, we can hope through relations such as these to glean some information about the inaton potential itself. Our current knowledge of the amplitude of the perturbations already gives us important information about the energy scale of ination. Note that the tensor perturbations depend on V alone (not its derivatives), so observations of tensor modes yields direct knowledge of the energy scale. If large-scale CMB anisotropies have an appreciable tensor component (possible, although unlikely), we can instantly derive Vination (1016 GeV)4 . (Here, the value of V being constrained is that which was responsible for creating the observed uctuations; namely, 60 e-folds before the end of ination.) This is remarkably reminiscent of the grand unication scale, which is very encouraging. Even in the more likely case that the perturbations observed in the CMB are scalar in nature, we can still write Vination 1/4 1016 GeV ,
nT = 2 .
where is the slow-roll parameter dened in (196). Although we expect to be small, the 1/4 in the exponent means that the dependence on is quite weak; unless this parameter is 1/4 extraordinarily tiny, it is very likely that Vination 1015 -1016 GeV. We should note that this discussion has been phrased in terms of the simplest models of ination, featuring a single canonical, slowly-rolling scalar eld. A number of more complex models have been suggested, allowing for departures from the relations between the slow-roll parameters and observable quantities; some of these include hybrid ination [167, 168, 169], ination with novel kinetic terms [170], the curvaton model [171, 172, 173], low-scale models [174, 175], brane ination [176, 177, 178, 179, 180, 181, 182] and models where perturbations arise from modulated coupling constants [183, 184, 185, 186, 187]. This list is necessarily incomplete, and continued exploration of the varieties of inationary cosmology will be a major theme of theoretical cosmology into the foreseeable future.
Clearly, one of the great strengths of ination is its ability to redshift away all unwanted relics, such as topological defects. However, ination is not discerning, and in doing so any trace of radiation or dust-like matter is similarly redshifted away to nothing. Thus, at the end of ination the universe contains nothing but the inationary scalar eld condensate. How then does that matter of which we are made arise? How does the hot big bang phase of the universe commence? How is the universe reheated? For a decade or so reheating was thought to be a relatively well-understood phenomenon. However, over the last 5-10 years, it has been realized that the story may be quite complicated. We will not have time to go into details here. Rather, we will sketch the standard picture and mention briey the new developments. Ination ends when the slow-roll conditions are violated and, in most models, the eld begins to fall towards the minimum of its potential. Initially, all energy density is in the 69
inaton, but this is now damped by two possible terms. First, the expansion of the universe naturally damps the energy density. More importantly, the inaton may decay into other particles, such as radiation or massive particles, both fermionic and bosonic [188, 189]. To take account of this one introduces a phenomenological decay term into the scalar eld equation. If we focus on fermions only, then a rough expression for how the energy density evolves is + (3H + ) = 0 . (225) The inaton undergoes damped oscillations and decays into radiation which equilibrates rapidly at a temperature known as the reheat temperature TRH . In the case of bosons however, this ignores the fact that the inaton oscillations may give rise to parametric resonance. This is signied by an extremely rapid decay, yielding a distribution of products that is far from equilibrium, and only much later settles down to an equilibrium distribution at energy TRH . Such a rapid decay due to parametric resonance is known as preheating [190, 191]. One interesting outcome of preheating is that one can produce particles with energy far above the ultimate reheat temperature. Thus, one must beware of producing objects, such as topological relics, that ination had rid us of. However, preheating can provide some useful eects, such as interesting new ways to generate dark matter candidates and topological relics and to generate the baryon asymmetry [192, 193, 194, 195, 196, 197].
If ination begins, we have seen that it achieves remarkable results. It can be shown quite generally that the start of ination in a previously non-inating region requires pre-existing homogeneity over a horizon volume [198]. It seems unlikely that classical, causal physics could cause this and we may interpret this as an indication that quantum physics may play a role in the process of ination. Although it can be shown [199, 200, 201, 202, 203] that ination cannot be past eternal, one consequence of quantum mechanics is that ination may be future eternal [204, 205, 206, 207, 208]. To see this, consider ination driven by a scalar eld rolling down a simple potential as in gure (5.10). Imagine that, in a given space-like patch, ination is occurring with the scalar eld at a potential energy V1 . Although the classical motion of the scalar eld is towards the minimum of the potential, there is a nonzero probability that quantum uctuations will cause the inaton to jump up to a higher value of the potential V2 > V1 over a suciently large part of the inating patch. In the new region, the Friedmann equation tells us that the local Hubble parameter is now larger than in the inating background H2 = V2 > 2 3Mp V1 = H1 , 2 3Mp (226)
1 and requiring the region to be suciently large means that its linear size is at least H2 , which may be considerably smaller than the size of the background inationary horizon.
V( )
111 000 111 000 111 000 111 000 1 0 1 0 111 1 000 0 111 1 000 0 111 1 000 0 111 1 000 0 11 00 11 00 11 00 V 11 0 02 11 00 11 00 11 V1 0 0 11 00 11 00 11 00 11 00 11 00
Figure 5.11: Thus, ination occurs in our new region with a larger Hubble parameter and, because of the exponential nature of ination, the new patch very quickly contains a much larger volume of space than the old one. There are, of course, parts of space in which the classical motion of the inaton to its minimum completes, and those regions drop out of the inationary expansion and are free to become regions such of our own. However, it is interesting to note that, as long as the probability for ination to begin at all is not precisely zero, any region like ours observed at a later time comes from a previously inating region with probability essentially unity. Nevertheless, in this picture, most regions of the universe inate forever and therefore this process is known as eternal ination. If correct, eternal ination provides us with an entirely new global view of the universe and erases many of our worries about the initial condition problems of ination. However, some caution is in order when considering this model. Eternal ination relies on the quantum backreaction of geometry to matter uctuations over an extended spatial region. This is something we do not know how to treat fully at the present time. Perhaps string theory can help us with this.
We would each like the thank the TASI organizers (Howard Haber, K.T. Mahantappa, Juan Maldacena, and Ann Nelson) for inviting us to lecture and for creating such a vigorous and stimulating environment for students and lecturers alike. We would also like to thank the Kavli Institute for Theoretical Physics for hospitality while these proceedings were being completed. The work of SMC is supported in part by U.S. Dept. of Energy contract DE-FG02-90ER40560, National Science Foundation Grant PHY01-14422 (CfCP) and the David and Lucile Packard Foundation. The work of MT is supported in part by the National Science Foundation (NSF) under grant PHY-0094122. Mark Trodden is a Cottrell Scholar of Research 71
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