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chapter 1

Nutrition Screening and Nutrition Assessment

Pamela Charney, PhD, RD, and Mary Marian, MS, RD, CSO

Despite significant advancements made in medical care, the prevalence of malnutrition in hospitalized patients remains high, reportedly ranging from 30% to 50%, with a larger number at risk for becoming malnourished (13). It is generally agreed that a percentage of patients in acute, chronic, and alternate-site care settings may have more complications due to their poor nutritional state (1,2). These complications may lead to increased morbidity, mortality, length of stay, and cost of care (4,5). Timely, appropriate nutrition intervention may result in improved outcomes in many care settings (610). Therefore, nutrition screening, the entry to the Nutrition Care Process (NCP), ensures that patients or clients in a variety of health care settings receive appropriate and timely medical nutrition therapy and is a critical component of quality nutrition care (11).

Nutrition screening is defined as the process of identifying characteristics known to be associated with nutrition

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ADA Pocket Guide to Nutrition Assessment

problems with the purpose of identifying individuals who are malnourished or at nutritional risk (11,12). All populations, regardless of setting (acute care, subacute care, long-term care, outpatient, or home) or age, should be screened to determine the need for nutrition assessment. Screening is considered a supportive system to the Nutrition Care Process and Model (NCPM) because the screen can be conducted by individuals other than the registered dietitian (RD) (11). The importance of nutrition screening in the health care arena has been recognized. Patients in both acute and longterm care are at the highest risk of developing nutrient deficiencies and nutrition-related complications (13). Because nutrient deficiencies or excesses often exist before admission (14) and may not be readily apparent (15), screening for nutritional risk in outpatient settings including the emergency room, ambulatory clinics, and home careis important. Each facility or setting is responsible for determining the most appropriate mechanism for screening patients or clients. There are very few screens that have been validated (16,17). It is important to evaluate parameters used for screening to determine whether the screen is indeed identifying at-risk patients (Box 1.1).
Box 1.1 Criteria Often Used for Nutrition Screening
Height Weight Unintentional change in weight Food allergies Diet Laboratory data: albumin, hematocrit (only if laboratory turnaround time is rapid) Change in appetite Nausea/vomiting Bowel habits Chewing/swallowing ability Diagnosis

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Nutrition Screening and Nutrition Assessment

An effective screening process, which can be completed by any qualified health care professional, is: Simple Efficient Quick Reliable Inexpensive Low risk to the individual being screened, and Has acceptable levels of sensitivity, specificity, and positive and negative predictive values

Of the parameters listed in Box 1.1, only unintentional weight change and decreased appetite/intake have been validated as indicators of nutritional status (16,17). The use of laboratory values as a measure of nutritional status should be carefully scrutinized, as levels of serum hepatic proteins are indicators of severity of illness and do not reflect nutritional status. Performance of nutritional risk screening programs should be monitored and evaluated at regular intervals in order to determine whether the screen is accurately identifying those patients who require nutrition assessment and intervention. Protocols should be established in all health care settings to create a time frame for rescreening of those patients who did not require nutrition assessment at admission but have an extended length of stay. An intervention strategy should also be in place to ensure consistent and accurate communication of the results of the nutritional risk screen to the RD.

Guidelines and Sample Screens

The algorithm in Figure 1.1 (18) was developed by the American Society for Parenteral and Enteral Nutrition (ASPEN) to provide guidelines for adult nutrition screening and assessment.

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Figure 1.1 Adult Nutrition Screening and Assessment Alogrithm

Nutrition Screen for risk or presence of malnutrition
Acute care: within 24 hours Long-term care: on admission or within 14 days of admission Home care: on initial RN visit

Adults are considered at nutritional risk if any one of the following is present: Actual or potential for developing malnutrition (involuntary loss or gain of > 10% of usual body weight, within 6 months or > 5% of usual body weight in 1 month, or a weight of 20% over or under ideal body weight), presence of chronic disease, or increased metabolic requirements. Altered diets or diet schedules (receiving total parenteral or enteral nutrition, recent surgery, illness, or trauma). Inadequate nutrition intake including not receiving food or nutrition products (impaired ability to ingest or absorb food adequately) for > 7 days.

Not-at-Risk Rescreen at:

regularly specied intervals or when nutritional/ clinical status changes

At-Risk Nutrition Assessment including:

review of nutrition history evaluation of anthropometric data, biochemical indices of nutrition status review of clinical status nutritionally focused physical exam

Stable NutritionallyAt-Risk

Develop Nutrition Care Plan based on:

an interdisciplinary approach objectives of care, including: immediate and long-term goals of nutrition therapy, educational needs, discharge planning, and/or home training design of nutrition prescription Enteral and Parenteral Nutrition Support Pathways

Reassessment based on:

change in clinical status Enteral and Parenteral Nutrition Support Pathways organizational protocol
Reprinted from reference 18. A.S.P.E.N. Board of Directors. Clinical Pathways and Algorithms for Delivery of Parenteral and Enteral Nutrition Support in Adults. Silver Spring, MD: A.S.P.E.N.; 1998:5, with permission from the American Society for Parenteral and Enteral Nutrition (A.S.P.E.N.). A.S.P.E.N. does not endorse the use of this material in any form other than its entirety.

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Nutrition Screening and Nutrition Assessment

Table 1.1 (16) is an example of a rapid screen that can be completed, by nursing or other ancillary personnel, when a patient is admitted to the hospital. This tool has been found to be valid and reliable in identifying patients in acute-care settings who require nutrition assessment.
Table 1.1 Rapid Nutrition Screen for Hospitalized Patients (Malnutrition Screening Tool)
Have you lost weight recently without trying? No Unsure If yes, how much weight (kilograms) have you lost? 15 610 1115 > 15 Unsure Have you been eating poorly because of a decreased appetite? No Yes Total
Score of 2 or more = patient at risk for malnutrition. Reprinted with permission from Ferguson M, Capra S, Bauer J, Banks M. Development of a valid and reliable malnutrition screening tool for adult acute hospital patients. Nutrition. 1999;15:458464.

0 2

1 2 3 4 2

0 1

Table 1.2 (19) is an example of another simple nutrition screening tool that includes an assessment of the severity of illness and body mass index (BMI). This tool has also been shown to be valid and reliable in acute-care settings. Table 1.3 is a screening tool for use in inpatient adult populations (20,21). Figure 1.2 is another inpatient screen used in adult acute-care populations.

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Table 1.2 Malnutrition Universal Screening Toola

Step 1: BMI (kg/m )* 20 (> 30 obese) 18.520 < 18.5 Step 2: % weight loss (unplanned in past 36 months) <5 510 > 10 Step 3: If patient is acutely ill and has been or is likely to be without intake for > 5 days Total score 0 1 >2

0 1 2 0 1 2 2 Risk Low Medium High

If unable to obtain height and weight, see MUST Explanatory Booklet for alternative measurements and use of subjective criteria. Adapted with permission from Malnutrition Advisory Group. Malnutrition Universal Screening Tool (MUST). British Association for Parenteral and Enteral Nutrition (BAPEN). Last update 2006. http://www.bapen.org.uk/must_tool.html. Accessed January 4, 2008.

Table 1.3 The Short Nutritional Assessment Questionnairea

Did you lose weight unintentionally? > 6 kg in past 6 mo > 3 kg in the past month Did you experience a decreased appetite over the past month? Did you use supplemental drinks or tube feeding over the past month?

3 2 1 1

Patients who scored 0 or 1 points were classified as well-nourished and did not receive intervention. Patients who scored 2 points were classified as moderately malnourished and received nutritional intervention. Patients who scored 3 points were classified as severely malnourished and received nutritional intervention and treatment by a dietitian.

Reprinted with permission from Kruizenga HM, Van Tulder MW, Seidell JC, Thijs A, Ader HJ, Van Bokhorst-de van der Schueren MA. Effectiveness and costeffectiveness of early screening and treatment of malnourished patients. Am J Clin Nutr. 2005;82:10821089.

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