Minimum Shift Keying: Subhash Nanjunde Gowda Wright State University EE 737: Spread Spectrum Systems 24 May 2004
Minimum Shift Keying: Subhash Nanjunde Gowda Wright State University EE 737: Spread Spectrum Systems 24 May 2004
Minimum Shift Keying: Subhash Nanjunde Gowda Wright State University EE 737: Spread Spectrum Systems 24 May 2004
Subhash Nanjunde Gowda Wright State University EE 737: Spread Spectrum Systems 24 May 2004
The objective of this paper is to discuss the Generation and Detection of Minimum Shift Keying. This paper gives a brief look into different types of Shift keying Techniques, their waveforms and their general equations.
Table Of Contents
Digital Modulation: As in the case of analog communication , digital modulation of data transmission relies on the use of sinusoidal carrier wave to modulate the incoming data bit stream. In digital pass band transmission the incoming data stream is modulated onto a carrier with fixed frequency limits imposed by band pass channel of interest. In this event the modulation process making the transmission possible involves switching, or commonly known as keying, the amplitude , frequency , or the phase of the sinusoidal carrier in some fashion in accordance with the incoming data stream. Thus there are three basic signaling schemes 1. Amplitude shift keying : Amplitude is varied in accordance with the input data 2. Frequency shift keying : Frequency is varied in accordance with the input data
3. Phase shift keying : Phase is varied in accordance with the input data
In coherent detection of BFSK signal the phase information contained in the received signal is not fully exploited. It is used only to provide synchronization of the receiver to the transmitter. By the proper use of the phase it is possible to improve the noise performance of the receiver significantly. This is done through the use of MSK.
MSK Signals should satisfy two conditions 1. The modulating pulse must be symmetrical about t + Tb/2 and 0 otherwise 2. The modulated carrier has to have a constant envelope 6
Where Eb is the transmitted signal energy per bit, and Tb is the bit duration. The phase (0), denoting the value of phase at time 0 , sums up the past history of the modulation process up to time 0 the frequencies f1 and f2 are sent in response to binary symbols 1 and 0 appearing at the modulation input respectively.
Another method of representing the CPFSK signal is to express in the conventional form of angle modulated signal. S(t) = (2Eb/Tb) * Cos [2fct + (t)] Where (t) is the phase of the signal and it is a continuous function of time.
The phase (t) of the signal increases or decreases linearly with time during each bit duration of Tb seconds as shown by the following equation; (t) = (0) ( h / Tb) * t , 0 t Tb. The plus sign indicates to sending bit 1 and the minus sign corresponds to sending a 0 bit.
Combining the above equations we get the values for fc and h as follows fc = ( f1 + f2 ) / 2 h = Tb ( f1 - f2 ) Where fc is the nominal carrier frequency which is nothing but the arithmetic mean of the frequencies f1 and f2. the difference between the frequencies f1 and f2, normalized with respect to the bit rate (1/Tb), defined the parameter h, which is referred to as the deviation ratio.
Phase trellis
From the above equations when t = Tb (t) - (0) = h The plus sign indicates to sending bit 1 and the minus sign corresponds to sending a 0 bit. This is to say that when we send a bit 1 the phase is increased by h and sending a bit 0 decreases the phase by h of the CPFSK signal.
When deviation ratio h is assigned a special value of (1/2), we can find that the phase can take only two values of /2 at odd multiples of Tb and only the two values 0 and at even multiples of Tb as shown in the diagram. This graph is called the PHASE TRELLIS.
With h = (1/2) we find that the frequency deviation is half the bit rate. This is the minimum frequency spacing that allows the two FSK signals corresponding to symbols 1 and 0 to be coherently orthogonal, i.e. they do not interfere with each other in the process
of detection. It is for this reason that the CPFSK signal with the deviation ratio as (1/2) is commonly referred to as MINIMUM SHIFT KEYING
Consider the in phase components ; it consists of a half cycle cosine pulse defined as SI(t) = (2Eb/Tb) * Cos (t) = (2Eb/Tb) * Cos (/ 2Tb)t , -Tb t +Tb Where plus sign corresponds to (0) = 0 and minus sign corresponds to (0) = . Similarly we see that the in the interval , 0 t +2Tb quadrature component SQ(t) consists of a half cycle sine pulse, whose polarity depends on (Tb) as shown by SQ(t) = (2Eb/Tb) * Sin [(t)] = (2Eb/Tb) * Sin (/2Tb)t , 0 t +2Tb
Where plus sign corresponds to (Tb) = /2 and minus sign corresponds to (Tb) = -/2.
From the above discussion we see that since the phase states (0) and (Tb) can each assume one of two possible values, any one of the four possible values may arise as shown in the table below.
(0) 0 0
(Tb) /2 /2 - /2 ( 3 /2 modulo 2 ) - /2
Symbol 1 0 1 0
This means that MSK can signal may assume one of he four possible states depending on the values of (0) and (Tb).
From the expression S(t) = (2Eb/Tb) * Cos [2fct] Cos [ (t)] - (2Eb/Tb) * Sin [2fct] Sin[(t)]
We deduce the orthonormal basis functions 1(t) and 2(t) defined by 1(t) = (2/Tb) * Cos (/2Tb)t * Cos (2fct), 0 t Tb 2(t) = (2/Tb) * Sin (/2Tb)t * Sin (2fct), 0 t Tb
Where coefficients S1 and S2 are related to the phase states (0) and (Tb) S1 = S(t) * 1(t) dt , -Tb t +Tb
S2 = S(t) * 2(t) dt , This gives S1 = Eb * Cos (0), S2 = Eb * Sin (Tb), Signal Space Diagram
-Tb t +Tb
Decision Boundary
1. Message point m1 : symbol 0; [(0) = 0, (Tb) = -/2; Coordinates ( Eb , Eb) 2. Message point m2 : symbol 1; [(0) = , (Tb) = -/2; Coordinates ( Eb , - Eb) 3. Message point m3 : symbol 0; [(0) = , (Tb) = /2; Coordinates (- Eb , - Eb) 4. Message point m4 : symbol 1; [(0) = 0, (Tb) = /2; Coordinates ( Eb , - Eb)
Probability of Error
For AWGN the received signal is given by X(t) = S(t) + W(t), Where S(t) is the transmitted signal and W(t) is the sample function of white Gaussian noise process with zero mean and power spectral density N0/2. Referring to the signal space diagram, the decision made by the receiver is between message m1 and m3 for symbol 1 or between m2 and m4 for symbol 0. The corresponding decision whether (0) is 0 or and whether (Tb) is -/2 or /2 are made alternatively in the in phase and quadrature channels of the receiver. Using the statistical characteristics of the product integrator outputs of the channel we find that the bit error rate for the coherent MSK is Pe = (1/2) erfc (Eb/N0)
MSK is a special case of CPFSK The receiver structure is complex compared to that of CPFSK signal. The phase information is used to improve the noise performance of the receiver. Probability of error is a function of the SNR. MSK is used for direct sequence modulation The Synch technology used is Convolver. MSK has the lowest side lobe energy and the best non linear tolerance compared to BPSK and QPSK.
1. 2. 3. 4. 5. Simon Haykin , Communication Systems. Fourth edition. Robert C Dixon, Spread Spectrum Systems. Third edition.
101/navy/docs/es310/DigiComs/digicoms.htm 6. 7. 8. 9. Mattias Svanstrom , paper on MSK, 28th March 2000 Dr. Narayan B. Mandayam