Appendix F

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APPENDIX F Scoping Meeting Presentation

CalAm Monterey Peninsula Water Supply Project Scoping Report

ESA / 205335.01 November 2012

CalAm Monterey Peninsula Water Supply Project

EIR Scoping Meetings

October 2012

Meeting Agenda
Welcome and meeting purpose
Charles Gardiner, Moderator

CPUC project review process

Andrew Barnsdale, CPUC

CEQA requirements and project overview

Eric Zigas, CEQA Consultant

Next steps
Charles Gardiner, Moderator

Breakout into stations


Ground Rules
Be Respectful
Please silence all cell phones and electronic devices Please hold your questions for the breakout session Listen carefully to other participants Avoid sidebar discussions

Learn about the proposed project Discuss issues with the project team (at breakout stations) Submit written comments

No decisions are being made at this meeting


Purpose of EIR Scoping Meeting

Provide overview of the proposed project and
environmental review process

To provide resource agencies and the public an

opportunity to provide input on the scope and content of the EIR, including:
Range of actions Project alternatives Significant effects Mitigation measures

California Public Utilities Commission (CPUC)

Led by 5 governor-appointed commissioners Regulates privately-owned electric, natural gas,
telecommunications, water, railroad, rail transit, and passenger transportation companies

Serves the public interest by ensuring the provision of

safe, reliable utility service and infrastructure at reasonable rates, with a commitment to environmental enhancement and a healthy California economy

CEQA Lead Agency for the proposed project


CPUC Project Review Process

Cal-Am Submits Application for MPWSP CPUC Analyzes Project Need, Cost, and Rates CPUC Rate Hearings

CPUC Starts Independent Environmental Review Process CPUC Prepares Proposed Decision CPUC General Proceeding

EIR Scoping

CPUC Conducts Environmental Studies EIR Certification Draft EIR CPUC Issues Final Decision

Public Review of Draft EIR

Final EIR 6

California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA)

Requires that state and local agencies identify the
significant environmental impacts of their actions and avoid or mitigate those impacts, if feasible

Environmental Impact Report (EIR) identifies significant

impacts, mitigation to avoid or reduce such impacts, and project alternatives

Prior to preparation of Draft EIR, CEQA Lead Agency is

required to consult with persons and organizations it believes may be concerned about the environmental effects of the projects

MPWSP Subsequent EIR

Subsequent EIR is comprehensive stand-alone
document (previous EIR is not incorporated by reference)

CEQA Lead Agency may prepare a Subsequent EIR

when substantial changes to the project or to the circumstances in which a project is undertaken require major revisions of the previous EIR

Subsequent EIR is subject to the same notice and public

review requirements as the previous EIR

Overview of the Proposed Monterey Peninsula Water Supply Project

Project Background and History

Activity CalAm filed for a Certificate of Public Convenience and Necessity for the Coastal Water Project (Application A.04-09-019 ) CPUC published the Coastal Water Project Draft EIR CPUC prepared and certified the Coastal Water Project Final EIR CPUC approved implementation of the Regional Project Alternative and corresponding Water Purchase Agreement (Decision D.10-12-016) CalAm submitted an application for the Monterey Peninsula Water Supply Project (after terminating the Water Purchasing Agreement)(Application A.12-04-019) Date Fall 2004 January 2009 October 2009 December 2010

April 2012

Project Purpose and Need

To replace existing water supplies that are constrained by legal decisions affecting the Carmel River and Seaside Groundwater Basin:

SWRCB Order 95-10 requires that CalAm reduce

surface water diversions from the Carmel River in excess of legal entitlement (3,376 AFY)

Adjudication of Seaside Groundwater Basin effectively

reduces CalAms allocation of groundwater supplies to 1,474 AFY

SWRCB Order 2009-0060 requires that CalAm secure

replacement supplies for the Monterey District by December 2016

Regional Project Location


Proposed Project Facilities

Seawater intake system comprised of Eight (8) subsurface slant wells 9-mgd desalination plant Water conveyance facilities Improvements to existing Seaside Groundwater Basin Aquifer Storage and Recovery (ASR) system

Proposed Facilities North of Reservation Road


Seawater Intake System

Copyright (C) 2002-2006 Kenneth & Gabrielle Adelman, California Coastal Records Project


9-MGD Desalination Plant

Proposed on 46-acre parcel on Charles Benson Road Desalination Process:
Pretreatment contaminants removal of suspended and dissolved removal of salts and other adjust hardness, pH, and alkalinity;

Reverse Osmosis minerals Post-treatment disinfection

Brine would be discharged via existing Monterey

Regional Water Pollution Control Agency ocean outfall and diffuser

Proposed Facilities South of Reservation Road


Aquifer Storage and Recovery

Carmel River supplies and desalinated product
water injected into the groundwater aquifers during wet winter months for storage

Banked water extracted for delivery to

customers during summer months or peak demand periods

Proposed improvements to existing ASR system

would increase CalAms yield of Carmel River supplies

Key Issues to be Addressed in the MPWSP EIR Include:

Coastal erosion associated with coastal facilities Effects of seawater intake system on Salinas Valley
groundwater resources Effects of brine discharge on marine resources Effects of construction and facility siting on terrestrial biological resources Construction-related increases in traffic, noise, and air quality emissions Energy consumption Scenic resources Growth inducement potential

Preliminary Project Alternatives

5.4-mgd Desalination Plant + Groundwater Replenishment DeepWater Desal Peoples Moss Landing Desal Project Increased Conservation/Demand Management No Project

Other Potential Alternative Strategies

Alternative Facility Locations Alternative Facility Design


Tentative Project Review Schedule

Draft EIR publication June 2013 Draft EIR 45-Day Public Review Period
2013 June/July

Publication of Responses to Comments/Final EIR

November 2013

EIR Certification CPUC Decision

December 2013 December 2013/January 2014


How to Submit EIR Scoping Comments

Place your completed comment card in Comments
box during this meeting.

Mail comments to:

Andrew Barnsdale, CPUC c/o Environmental Science Associates 550 Kearny Street, Suite 800 San Francisco, CA 94108

Email comments to: [email protected] Fax comments to: (415) 896-0332

**Scoping period ends at 5pm on November 9, 2012**

Breakout Stations
1. About the Project
Purpose and Need, Relationship to the Coastal Water Project, Project Team and Participants Public Involvement Process and Schedule

2. 3. 4. 5.

Facilities North of Reservation Road Facilities South of Reservation Road Preliminary Project Alternatives and Alternative Strategies CPUC Process
CPCN Application, non-CEQA topics (rates, socioeconomics)


Breakout Station Format

Divide your time among the stations EIR team members and recorders are
available to record your comments

Goal is to record scoping comments and

respond to questions about environmental review process


To Learn More About the MPWSP Current+Projects/esa/mpwsp/index.html


Thank you for your participation and input.


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