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VALVE TYPES Although many different types of valves are used to control the flow of fluids, the basic

valve types can be divided into two general groups: stop valves and check valves. Besides the basic types of valves, many special valves, which cannot really be classified as either stop valves or check valves, are found in the engineering spaces. Many of these valves serve to control the pressure of fluids and are known as pressure-control valves. Other valves are identified by names that indicate their general function, such as thermostatic recirculating valves. The following sections deal first with the basic types of stop valves and check valves, then with some of the more complicated special valves. Stop Valves Stop valves are used to shut off or, in some cases, partially shut off the flow of fluid. Stop valves are controlled by the movement of the valve stem. Stop valves can be divided into four general categories: globe, gate, butterfly, and ball valves. Plug valves and needle valves may also be considered stop valves. GLOBE VALVES.- Globe valves are probably the most common valves in existence. The globe valve derives its name from the globular shape of the valve body. However, positive identification of a globe valve must be made internally because other valve types may have globular appearing bodies. Globe valve inlet and outlet openings are arranged in several ways to suit varying

Figure 9-18.-Types of globe valve bodies.

requirements of flow. Figure 9-18 shows the common types of globe valve bodies: straightflow, angle-flow, and cross flow. Globe valves are used extensively throughout the engineering plant and other parts of the ship in a variety of systems. GATE VALVES.- Gate valves are used when a straight-line flow of fluid and minimum restriction is desired. Gate valves are so named because the part that either stops or allows flow through the valve acts somewhat like the opening or closing of a gate and is called, appropriately, the gate. The gate is usually wedge shaped. When the valve is wide open, the gate is fully drawn up into the valve, leaving an opening for flow through the valve the same size as the pipe in which the valve is installed. Therefore, there is little pressure drop or flow restriction through the valve. Gate valves are not suitable for throttling purposes since the control of flow would be difficult due to valve design and since the flow of fluid slapping against a partially open gate can cause extensive damage to the valve. Except as specifically authorized, gate valves should not be used for throttling. Gate valves are classified as either RISINGSTEM or NONRISING-STEM valves. On the nonrising-stem gate valve shown in figure 9-19 the stem is threaded on the lower end into the gate. As the handwheel on the stem is rotated, the gate travels up or down the stem on the threads, while the stem remains vertically stationary. This type of valve almost always has a pointer-type indicator

Figure 9-19.-Cutaway view of a gate valve (nonrising-stem type). threaded onto the upper end of the stem to indicate valve position. The rising-stem gate valve, shown in figure has the stem attached to the gate; the gate and stem rise and lower together as the valve is operated.

Gate valves used in steam systems have flexible gates. The reason for using a flexible gate is to prevent binding of the gate within the valve when the valve is in the closed position. When steam lines are heated, they will expand, causing some distortion of valve bodies. If a solid gate fits snugly between the seat of a valve in a cold steam system, when the system is heated and pipes elongate, the seats will compress against the gate, wedging the gate between them and clamping the valve shut. This problem is overcome by use of a flexible gate (two circular plates attached to each other with a flexible hub in the middle). This design allows the gate to flex as the valve seat compresses it, thereby preventing clamping. BUTTERFLY VALVES.- The butterfly valve, one type of which is shown in figure 9-21 may be used in a variety of systems aboard ship. These valves can be used effectively in freshwater, saltwater, JP-5, F-76 (naval distillate), lube oil, and chill water systems aboard ship. The butterfly valve is light in weight, relatively small, relatively

Figure 9-20.-Cutaway view of a gate valve (rising-stem type).

Figure 9-21.-Butterfly valve. quick-acting, provides positive shut-off, and can be used for throttling. The butterfly valve has a body, a resilient seat, a butterfly disk, a stem, packing, a notched positioning plate, and a handle. The resilient seat is under compression when it is mounted in the valve body, thus making a seal around the periphery of the disk and both upper and lower points where the stem passes through the seat. Packing is provided to form a positive seal around the stem for added protection in case the seal formed by the seat should become damaged. To close or open a butterfly valve, turn the handle only one quarter turn to rotate the disk 90. Some larger butterfly valves may have a handwheel that operates through a gearing arrangement to operate the valve. This method is used especially where space limitation prevents use of a long handle. Butterfly valves are relatively easy to maintain. The resilient seat is held in place by mechanical means, and neither bonding nor cementing is necessary, Because the seat is replaceable, the valve seat does not require lapping, grinding, or machine work. BALL VALVES.- Ball valves, as the name implies, are stop valves that use a ball to stop or start the flow of fluid. The ball (fig 9-22) performs the same function as the disk in the globe valve. When the valve handle is operated to open the valve, the ball rotates to a point where the hole through the ball is in line with the valve body inlet and outlet. When the valve is shut, which requires only a 90-degree rotation of the handwheel for most valves, the ball is rotated so

Figure 9-22.-Typical seawater ball valve.

the hole is perpendicular to the flow openings of the valve body, and flow is stopped. Most ball valves are of the quick-acting type (requiring only a 90-degree turn to operate the valve either completely open or closed), but many are planetary gear operated. This type of gearing allows the use of a relatively small handwheel and operating force to operate a fairly large valve. The gearing does, however, increase the operating time for the valve. Some ball valves contain a swing check located within the ball to give the valve a check valve feature. Ball valves are normally found in the following systems aboard ship: seawater, sanitary, trim and drain, air, hydraulic, and oil transfer. Check Valves Check valves are used to allow fluid flow in a system in only one direction. They are operated by the flow of fluid in the piping. A check valve may be the swing type, lift type, or ball type. As we have seen, most valves can be classified as being either stop valves or check valves. Some

Figure 9-23.-Stop-check valve. valves, however, function either as stop valves or as check valves-depending on the position of the valve stem. These valves are known as STOPCHECK VALVES. A stop-check valve is shown in cross section in figure 9-23. This type of valve looks very much like a lift-check valve. However, the valve stem is long enough so when it is screwed all the way down it holds the disk firmly against the seat, thus preventing any flow of fluid. In this position, the valve acts as a stop valve. When the stem is raised, the disk can be opened by pressure on the inlet side. In this position, the valve acts as a check valve, allowing the flow of fluid in only one direction. The maximum lift of the disk is controlled by the position of the valve stem. Therefore, the position of the valve stem limits the amount of fluid passing through the valve even when the valve is operating as a check valve. Stop-check valves are widely used throughout the engineering plant. Stop-check valves are used in many drain lines and on the discharge side of many pumps. Special-Purpose Valves There are many types of automatic pressure control valves. Some of them merely provide an escape for pressures exceeding the normal pressure; some provide only for the reduction of pressure; and some provide for the regulation of pressure.

Figure 9-24.-Typical relief valve.

RELIEF VALVES.- Relief valves are automatic valves used on system lines and equipment to prevent overpressurization. Most relief valves simply lift (open) at a preset pressure and reset (shut) when the pressure drops only slightly below the lifting pressure. Figure 9-24 shows a relief valve of this type. System pressure simply acts under the valve disk at the inlet of the valve. When system pressure exceeds the force exerted by the valve spring, the valve disk lifts off its seat, allowing some of the system fluid to escape through the valve outlet until system pressure is reduced to just below the relief set point of the valve. The spring then reseats the valve. An operating lever is provided to allow manual cycling of the relief valve or to gag it open for certain tests. Virtually all relief valves are provided with some type of device to allow manual cycling. Other types of relief valves are the highpressure air safety relief valve and the bleed air surge relief valve. Both of these types of valves are designed to open completely at a specified lift pressure and to remain open until a specific reset pressure is reached-at which time they shut. Many different designs of these valves are used, but the same result is achieved.

Figure 9-25.-Pressure-reducing (spring-loaded) valve. SPRING-LOADED REDUCING VALVES.Spring-loaded reducing valves, one type of which is shown in figure 9-25 are used in a wide variety of applications. Low-pressure air reducers and others are of this type. The valve simply uses spring pressure against a diaphragm to open the valve. On the bottom of the diaphragm, the outlet pressure (the pressure in the reduced pressure system) of the valve forces the disk upward to shut the valve. When the outlet pressure drops below the set point of the valve, the spring pressure overcomes the outlet pressure and forces the valve stem downward, opening the valve. As the outlet pressure increases, approaching the desired value, the pressure under the diaphragm begins to overcome spring pressure, forcing the valve stem upwards, shutting the valve. You can adjust the downstream pressure by removing the valve cap and turning the adjusting screw, which varies the spring pressure against the diaphragm. This particular spring-loaded valve will fail in the open position if a diaphragm rupture occurs. REMOTE-OPERATING VALVES.-Remoteoperating gear is installed to provide a means of operating certain valves from distant stations. Remote-operating gear may be mechanical, hydraulic, pneumatic, or electric. Some remote-operating gear for valves is used in the normal operation of valves. For example, the main drain system manual valves are opened and closed by a reach rod or a series of reach rods and gears. Reach rods may be used to operate engine-room valves in instances where the valves are difficult to reach from the operating stations. Other remote-operating gear is installed as emergency equipment. Some of the main drain and almost all of the secondary drain system valves are equipped with remoteoperating gears. You can operate these valves locally, or in an emergency, you can

operate them from remote stations. Remote-operating gear also includes a valve position indicator to show whether the valve is open or closed. PRESSURE-REDUCING VALVES.- Pressurereducing valves are automatic valves that provide a steady pressure into a system that is at a lower pressure than the supply system. Reducing valves of one type or another are found, for example, in firemain, seawater, and other systems. A reducing valve can normally be set for any desired downstream pressure within the design limits of the valve. Once the valve is set, the reduced pressure will be maintained regardless of changes in the supply pressure (as long as the supply pressure is at least as high as the reduced pressure desired) and regardless of the amount of reduced pressure fluid that is used. Various designs of pressure-reducing valves are in use. Two of the types most commonly found on gas turbine ships are the spring-loaded reducing valve (already discussed) and the air-pilot operated diaphragm reducing valve. Air-pilot operated diaphragm control valves are used extensively on naval ships. The valves and pilots are available in several designs to meet different requirements. They may be used to reduce pressure, to increase pressure, as unloading valves, or to provide continuous regulation of pressure. Valves and pilots of very similar design can also be used for other services, such as liquid-level control and temperature control. The air-operated control pilot may be either direct acting or reverse acting. A directacting, air-operated control pilot is shown in figure 9-26. In this type of pilot, the controlled pressure-that is, the pressure from the discharge side of the diaphragm control valve-acts on top of a diaphragm in the control pilot. This pressure is balanced by the pressure exerted by the pilot adjusting spring. If the controlled pressure increases and overcomes the pressure exerted by the pilot adjusting spring, the pilot valve stem is forced downward. This action causes the pilot valve to open, thereby increasing the amount of operating air pressure going from the pilot to the diaphragm control valve. A reverse-acting pilot has a lever that reverses the pilot action. In a reverse-acting pilot, therefore, an increase in controlled pressure produces a decrease in operating air pressure.

Figure 9-26.-Air-operated control pilot.

Figure 9-27.-Diaphragm control valve, downward-seating type. In the diaphragm control valve, operating air from the pilot acts on the valve diaphragm. The superstructure, which contains the diaphragm, is direct acting in some valves and reverse acting in others. If the superstructure is direct-acting, the operating air pressure from the control pilot is applied to the TOP of the valve diaphragm. If the superstructure is reverse-acting, the operating air pressure from the pilot is applied to the UNDERSIDE of the valve diaphragm. Figure 9-27 shows a very simple type of directacting diaphragm control valve with operating air pressure from the control pilot applied to the top of the valve diaphragm. Since the valve in the figure is a downward-seating valve, any increase in operating air pressure pushes the valve stem downward toward the closed position. Now look a figure 9-28. This is also a directacting valve with operating air pressure from the control pilot applied to the top of the valve

Figure 9-28.-Diaphragm control valve, upward-seating type. diaphragm. Note that the valve shown in figure 9-28 is more complicated than the one shown in figure 9-27 because of the added springs under the seat. The valve shown in figure 9-28 is an upward-seating valve rather than a downwardseating valve. Therefore, any increase in operating air pressure from the control pilot tends to OPEN this valve rather than to close it. As you have seen, the air-operated control pilot may be either direct acting or reverse acting. The superstructure of the diaphragm control valve may be either direct acting or reverse acting. And, the diaphragm control valve may be either upward seating or downward seating. These three factors, as well as the purpose of the installation, determine how the diaphragm control valve and its air-operated control pilot are installed in relation to each other. To see how these factors are related, let's consider an installation in which a diaphragm control valve and its air-operated control pilot are used to supply controlled steam pressure.

Figure 9-29.-Arrangement of control pilot and diaphragm control valve for supplying reduced-steam pressure. Figure 9-29 shows one arrangement that you might use. Assume that the service requirements indicate the need for a direct-acting, upwardseating diaphragm control valve. Can you figure out which kind of a control pilot-direct acting or reverse actingshould be used in this installation? Try it first with a direct-acting control pilot, As the controlled pressure (discharge pressure from the diaphragm control valve) increases, increased pressure is applied to the diaphragm of the direct-acting control pilot. The valve stem is pushed downward and the valve in the control pilot is opened. This increases the operating air pressure from the control pilot to the top of the diaphragm control valve. The increased operating air pressure acting on the diaphragm of the valve pushes the stem downward, and since this is an upward-seating valve, this action OPENS the diaphragm control valve still wider. Obviously, this won't work for this application. An INCREASE in controlled pressure must result in a DECREASE in operating air pressure. Therefore, we made a mistake in choosing the direct-acting control pilot, For this particular pressure-reducing application, you should choose a REVERSEACTING control pilot. It is not likely that you will be required to decide which type of control pilot and diaphragm control valve is needed in any particular installation. But you must know how and why they are selected so you do not make mistakes in repairing or replacing these units.

Figure 9-30.-Priority valve. PRIORITY VALVES.- In systems with two or more circuits, it is sometimes necessary to have some means of supplying all available fluid to one particular circuit in case of a pressure drop in the system. A priority valve is often incorporated in the system to ensure a supply of fluid to the critical/vital circuit. The components of the system are arranged so the fluid to operate each circuit, except the one critical/vital circuit, must flow through the priority valve. A priority valve may also be used within a subsystem containing two or more actuating units to ensure a supply of fluid to one of the actuating units. In this case, the priority valve is incorporated in the subsystem in such a location that the fluid to each actuating unit, except the critical/vital unit, must flow through the valve. Figure 9-30 shows one type of priority valve. View A of figure 9-30 shows the valve in the priority-flow position; that is, the fluid must flow through the valve in the direction shown by the arrows to get to the noncritical/vital circuits or actuating units. With no fluid pressure in the valve, spring tension forces the piston against the stop and the poppet seats against the hole in the center of the piston. As fluid pressure increases, the spring compresses and the piston moves to the right. The poppet follows the piston, sealing the hole in the center of the piston until the preset pressure is reached. (The preset pressure depends upon the requirements of the system and is set by the manufacturer.) Assume that the critical/ vital circuit or actuating unit requires 1500 psi.

Figure 9-31.-Valve manifold showing cutaway view of the valves and typical combination of suction and discharge valves. When the pressure in the valve reaches 1500 psi, the poppet reaches the end of its travel. As the pressure increases, the piston continues to move to the right, which unseats the poppet and allows flow through the valve, as shown in view A of figure 9-30. If the pressure drops below 1500 psi, the compressed spring forces the piston to the left, the poppet seats, and flow through the valve stops. Figure 9-30 view B, shows the priority valve in the free-flow position. The flow of fluid moves the poppet to the left, the poppet spring compresses, and the poppet unseats. This allows free flow of fluid through the valve. VALVE MANIFOLDS Sometimes suction must be taken from one of many sources and discharged to another unit or units of either the same or another group. A valve manifold is used for this type of

operation. An example of such a manifold (fig. 9-31) is the fuel oil filling and transfer system where provision must be made for the transfer of oil from any tank to any other tank, to the service system, or to another ship. If, for example, the purpose is to transfer oil from tank No. 1 to tank No. 4, the discharge valve for tank No. 4 and the suction valve from tank No. 1 are opened, and all other valves are closed. Fuel oil can now flow from tank No. 1, through the suction line, through the pump, through the discharge valve, and into tank No. 4. The manifold suction valves are often of the stop-check type to prevent draining of pumps when they are stopped. VALVE HANDWHEEL IDENTIFICATION AND COLOR CODING Valves are identified by markings inscribed on the rims of the handwheels, by a circular label plate secured by the handwheel nut, or by label plates attached to the ship's structure or to the adjacent piping. Piping system valve handwheels and operating levers are marked for training and casualty control purposes with a standardized color code. Color code identification is in conformance with the color scheme of table 9-1. Implementation of Table 9-1.-Valve Handwheel Color Code

this color scheme provides uniformity among all naval surface ships and shore-based training facilities. MAINTENANCE

Preventive maintenance is the best way to extend the life of valves and fittings. Always refer to the applicable portion of the Standard Navy Valve Technical Manual, NAVSEA 0948-LP012-5000, if possible. When making repairs on more sophisticated valve types, use the available manufacturer's technical manuals. As soon as you observe a leak, determine the cause, and then apply the proper corrective maintenance. Maintenance may be as simple as tightening a packing nut or gland. A leaking flange joint may need only to have the bolts tightened or to have a new gasket or O-ring inserted. Dirt and scale, if allowed to collect, will cause leakage. Loose hangers permit sections of a line to sag, and the weight of the pipe and the fluid in these sagging sections may strain joints to the point of leakage. Whenever you are going to install a valve, be sure you know the function the valve is going to perform-that is, whether it must start flow, stop flow, regulate flow, regulate pressure, or prevent backflow. Inspect the valve body for the information that is stamped upon it by the manufacturer: type of system (oil, water, gas), operating pressure, direction of flow, and other information. You should also know the operating characteristics of the valve, the metal from which it is made, and the type of end connection with which it is fitted. Operating characteristics and the material are factors that affect the length and kind of service that a valve will give; end connections indicate whether or not a particular valve is suited to the installation. When you install valves, ensure they are readily accessible and allow enough headroom for full operation. Install valves with stems pointing upward if possible. A stem position between straight up and horizontal is acceptable, but avoid the inverted position (stem pointing downward). If the valve is installed with the stem pointing downward, sediment will collect in the bonnet and score the stem. Also, in a line that is subject to freezing temperatures, liquid that is trapped in the valve bonnet may freeze and rupture it. Since you can install a globe valve with pressure either above the disk or below the disk (depending on which method will be best for the operation, protection, maintenance, and repair of the machinery served by the system), you should use caution. The question of what would happen if the disk became detached from the stem is a major consideration in determining whether pressure should be above the disk or below it. If you are required to install a globe valve, be SURE to check the blueprints for the system to see which way the valve must be installed. Very serious casualties can result if a valve is installed with pressure above the disk when it should be below the disk, or below the disk when it should be above. Valves that have been in constant service for a long time will eventually require gland tightening, repacking, or a complete overhaul of all parts. If you know that a valve is not doing the job for which it was intended, dismantle the valve and inspect all parts. You must repair or replace all defective parts.

The repair of globe valves (other than routine renewal of packing) is limited to refinishing the seat and/or disk surface. When doing this work, you should observe the following precautions: When refinishing the valve seat, do not remove more material than is necessary. You can finish valves that do not have replaceable valve seats only a limited number of times. Before doing any repair to the seat and disk of a globe valve, check the valve disk to make certain it is secured rigidly to and is square on the valve stem. Also, check to be sure that the stem is straight. If the stem is not straight, the valve disk cannot seat properly, Carefully inspect the valve seat and valve disk for evidence of wear, for cuts on the seating area, and for improper fit of the disk to the seat. Even if the disk and seat appear to be in good condition, you should perform a spot-in check to find out whether they actually are in good condition. (Figure 9-32) shows a standard checkoff diagram for performing a routine inspection and minor maintenance of a valve. Spotting-In Valves The method used to visually determine whether the seat and the disk of a valve make good contact with each other is called spotting-in. To

Figure 9-32.-Valve maintenance checkoff diagram. spot-in a valve seat, you first apply a thin coating of prussian blue (commonly called Blue Dykem) evenly over the entire machined face surface of the disk. Insert the disk into the valve and rotate it one-quarter turn, using a light downward pressure. The prussian blue will adhere to the valve seat at those points where the disk makes contact. Figure 9-33 shows the appearance of a correct seat when it is spotted-in; it also shows the appearance of various kinds of imperfect seats. After you have noted the condition of the seat surface, wipe all the prussian blue off the disk face surface. Apply a thin, even coat of prussian blue to the contact face of the seat, place the disk on the valve seat again, and rotate the disk onequarter turn. Examine the resulting blue ring on the valve disk. The ring should be unbroken and of uniform width. If the blue ring is broken in any way, the disk is not making proper contact with the seat. Grinding-In Valves The manual process used to remove small irregularities by grinding together the contact surfaces of the seat and disk is called grinding-in. Grinding-in should not be confused with refacing processes in which lathes, valve reseating machines, or power grinders are used to recondition the seating surfaces.

To grind-in a valve, first apply a light coating of grinding compound to the face of the disk. Then insert the disk into the valve and rotate the disk back and forth about onequarter turn; shift

Figure 9-33.-Examples of spotted-in valve seats. the disk-seat relationship from time to time so the disk will be moved gradually, in increments, through several rotations. During the grinding process, the grinding compound will gradually be displaced from between the seat and disk surfaces; therefore, you must stop every minute or so to replenish the compound. When you do this, wipe both the seat and the disk clean before applying the new compound to the disk face. When you are satisfied that the irregularities have been removed, spot-in the disk to the seat in the manner previously described. Grinding-in is also used to follow up all machining work on valve seats or disks. When the valve seat and disk are first spotted-in after they have been machined, the seat contact will be very narrow and will be located close to the bore. Grinding-in, using finer and finer compounds as the work progresses, causes the seat contact to become broader. The contact area should be a perfect ring covering about one-third of the seating surface. Be careful to avoid overgrinding a valve seat or disk. Overgrinding will produce a groove in the seating surface of the disk; it will also round off' the straight, angular surface of the disk. Machining is the only process by which overgrinding can be corrected. Lapping Valves When a valve seat contains irregularities that are slightly larger than can be satisfactorily removed by grinding-in, the irregularities can be removed by lapping. A cast-iron tool (lap) of exactly the same size and shape as the valve disk is used to true the valve seat surface. The following are some precautions you should follow when lapping valves: Do not bear heavily on the handle of the lap.

Do not bear sideways on the handle of the lap. Change the relationship between the lap and the valve seat occasionally so that the lap will gradually and slowly rotate around the entire seat circle. Keep a check on the working surface of the lap. If a groove develops, have the lap refaced. Always use clean compound for lapping. Replace the compound frequently. Spread the compound evenly and lightly. Do not lap more than is necessary to produce a smooth even seat. Always use a fine grinding compound to finish the lapping job. Upon completion of the lapping job, spot-in and grind-in the disk to the seat. You should use only approved abrasive compounds for reconditioning valve seats and disks. Compounds for lapping valve disks and seats are supplied in various grades. Use a coarse grade compound when you find extensive corrosion or deep cuts and scratches on the disks and seats. Use a medium grade compound as a follow-up to the coarse grade; you may also use it to start the reconditioning process on valves that are not too severely damaged. Use a fine grade compound when the reconditioning process nears completion. Use a microscopic-fine grade for finish lapping and for all grinding-in. Refacing Valves Badly scored valve seats must be refaced in a lathe, with a power grinder, or with a valve reseating machine. However, the lathe, rather than the reseating machine, should be used for refacing all valve disks and all hard-surfaced valve seats. Work that must be done on a lathe or with a power grinder should be turned over to shop personnel. Repacking Valves If the stem and packing of a valve are in good condition, you can normally stop packing gland leaks by tightening up on the packing. You must be careful, however, to avoid excessive thread engagement of the packing gland studs (if used) and to avoid tightening old, hardened packing, which will cause the valve to seize. Subsequent operation of such a valve may score or bend the stem. Coils, rings, and corrugated ribbon are the common forms of packing used in valves. The form of packing to be used in repacking a particular valve will depend on the valve size,

application, and type. Packing materials will be discussed in more detail later in this chapter.

Figure 9-34.-Bucket-type steam trap. STEAM TRAPS Steam traps are installed in steam lines to drain condensate from the lines without allowing the escape of steam. There are many different designs of steam traps; some are suitable for high-pressure use and others for low-pressure use. TYPES OF STEAM TRAPS Some types of steam traps that are used in the Navy are the mechanical steam traps, bimetallic steam traps, and orifice-type steam traps. Mechanical Steam Traps Mechanical steam traps in common use include bucket-type traps and ball-float traps. The operation of the bucket-type steam trap, shown in figure 9-34 is controlled by the condensate level in the trap body. The bucket valve is connected to the bucket in such a way that the valve closes as the bucket rises. As condensate continues to flow into the trap body, the valve remains closed until the bucket is full. When the bucket is full, it

sinks and thus opens the valve. The valve remains open until enough condensate has blown out to allow the bucket to float, thus closing the valve.

Figure 9-35.-Ball-float steam trap. Figure 9-35 shows a ball-float steam trap. This trap works much in the same way as the bucket trap. Condensate and steam enter the body of the trap, and the condensate collects at the bottom. As the condensate level rises, the ball float rises until it is raised enough to open the outlet valve of the trap. When the outlet valve opens, the condensate flows out of the trap into the drain system, and the float level drops, shutting off the valve until the condensate level rises again. Bimetallic Steam Traps Bimetallic steam traps of the type shown in figure 9-36 are used in many ships to drain

Figure 9-36.-Bimetallic steam trap. condensate from main steam lines, auxiliary steam lines, and other steam components. The main working parts of this steam trap are a segmented bimetallic element and a balltype check valve. The bimetallic element has several bimetallic strips fastened together in a segmented fashion, as shown in figure 9-36. One end of the bimetallic element is fastened rigidly to a part of the valve body; the other end, which is free to move, is fastened to the top of the stem of the ball-type check valve. Line pressure acting on the check valve keeps the valve open. When steam enters the trap body, the bimetallic element expands unequally because of the different response to the temperature of the two metals; the bimetallic element deflects upward at its free end, thus moving the valve stem upward and closing the valve. As the steam cools and condenses, the bimetallic element moves downward, toward the horizontal position, thus opening the valve and allowing some condensate to flow out through the valve. As the flow of condensate begins, an unbalance of line pressure across the valve is created; since the line pressure is greater on the upper side of the ball of the check valve, the valve now opens wide and allows a full capacity flow of condensate. Orifice Steam Traps Aboard ship, continuous-flow steam traps of the orifice type are used in systems or services in which condensate forms at a fairly steady rate. Figure 9-37 shows one orifice-type steam trap. Several variations of the orifice-type steam trap exist, but all have one thing in commonthey have no moving parts. One or more restricted passageways or orifices allow condensate to trickle

Figure 9-37.-Constant-flow drain orifice. through but do not allow steam to flow through. Besides orifices, some orifice-type steam traps have baffles. MAINTENANCE A strainer is installed just ahead of each steam trap. The strainer must be kept clean and in good condition to keep scale and other foreign matter from getting into the trap. Scale and sediment can clog the working parts of a steam trap and seriously interfere with the working of the trap. Steam traps that are not operating properly can cause problems in systems and machinery. One way to check on the operation of a steam trap is to listen to it. If the trap is leaking, you will probably be able to hear it blowing through. Another way to check the operation of steam traps is to check the pressure in the drain system. A leaking steam trap causes an unusual increase in pressure in the drain system. When observing this condition, you can locate the defective trap by cutting out (isolating from the system) traps, one at a time, until the pressure in the drain system returns to normal. You should disassemble, clean, and inspect defective steam traps. After determining the cause of the trouble, repair or replace parts as required. In some steam traps, you can replace the main working parts as a unit; in others, you may have to grind in a seating surface, replace a disk, or perform other repairs. You should reseat defective trap discharge valves. Always install new gaskets when reassembling steam traps. FILTERS AND STRAINERS Fluids are kept clean in a system principally by devices such as filters and strainers. Magnetic

Figure 9-38.-Magnetic plugs. plugs (fig. 9-38) also are used in some strainers to trap iron and steel particles carried by fluid. Studies have indicated that even particles as small as 1 to 5 microns have a degrading effect, causing failures and hastening deterioration in many cases. There will always be controversy over the exact definitions of filters and strainers. In the past, many such devices were named filters but technically classed as strainers. To minimize the controversy, the National Fluid Power Association gives us these definitions: FILTER - A device whose primary function is the retention, by some porous medium, of insoluble contaminants from a fluid. STRAINER - A coarse filter. To put it simply, whether the device is a filter or a strainer, its function is to trap contaminants from fluid flowing through it. The term porous medium simply refers to a screen or filtering material that allows fluid flow through it but stops various other materials. MESH AND MICRON RATINGS Filters, which may be made of many materials other than wire screen, are rated by MICRON size. A micron is 1-millionth of a meter or 39-millionths of an inch. For comparison, a grain of salt is about 70 microns across. The smallest particle visible to the naked eye is about 40 microns. figure 9-39 shows the relationship of

Figure 9-39.-Relationship of micron sizes.

Figure 9-40.-Inlet line filter.

Figure 9-41.-Inlet strainer. the various micron sizes with mesh and standard sieve sizes. A simple screen or a wire strainer is rated for filtering fineness by a MESH number or its near equivalent, STANDARD SIEVE number. The higher the mesh or sieve number, the finer the screen. When a filter is specified as so many microns, it usually refers to the filter's NOMINAL rating. A filter nominally rated at 10 microns, for example, would trap most particles 10 microns in size or larger. The filter's ABSOLUTE rating, however, would be a somewhat higher size, perhaps 25 microns. The absolute rating is the size of the largest opening or pore in the filter. Absolute rating is an important factor only when it is mandatory that no particles above a given size be allowed to circulate in the system. FILTER/STRAINER LOCATION There are three general areas in a system for locating a filter: the inlet line, the pressure line, or a return line. Both filters and strainers are available for inlet lines. Filters are normally used in other lines. Inlet Filters and Strainers Figure 9-40 shows the location of an inlet line filter. An inlet line filter is usually a relatively coarse mesh filter. A fine mesh filter (unless it is very large) creates more pressure drop than can be tolerated in an inlet line. Figure 9-41 shows a typical strainer of the type installed on pump inlet lines inside a reservoir. It is relatively coarse as filters go, being constructed of fine mesh wire. A 100mesh strainer protects the pump from particles about 150 microns in size.

Pressure Line Filters A number of filters are designed for installation right in the pressure line (fig 9-42) and can trap much smaller particles than inlet line

Figure 9-42.-Pressure line filter.

Figure 9-43.-Return line filter. filters. Such a filter might be used where system components, such as valves, are less dirt-tolerant than the pump. The filter thus would trap this fine contamination from the fluid as it leaves the pump. Pressure line filters must be able to withstand the operating pressure of the system. Return Line Filters Return line filters fig 9-43 also can trap very small particles before the fluid returns to the reservoir/tank. They are particularly useful in systems that do not have large reservoirs/tanks to allow contaminants to settle out of the fluid. A return line filter is nearly a must in a system with a high-performance pump, which has very close clearances and usually cannot be sufficiently protected by an inlet line filter.

FILTER/STRAINER MATERIALS The materials used in filters and strainers are classified as mechanical, absorbent, or adsorbent. Most strainer material is of the mechanical type, which operates by trapping particles between closely woven metal screens and/or disks, and metal baskets. The mechanical type of material is used mostly where the particles removed from the medium are of a relatively coarse nature. Absorbent filters are used for most minuteparticle filtration in fluid systems. They are made of a wide range of porous materials, including paper, wood pulp, cotton, yarn, and cellulose.

Figure 9-44.-Filter assembly using a surface-type element. Paper filters are usually resin-impregnated for strength. Adsorbent (or active) filters, such as charcoal and fuller's earth, are used mostly in gaseous or vapors systems. This type of filter material should not be used in hydraulic systems since they remove essential additives from the hydraulic fluid. CONSTRUCTION OF FILTER ELEMENTS Filter elements are constructed in various ways. The three most common filter element construction types are the surface type (most common), the depth type, and the edge type. Surface-type filter elements (fig 9-44) are made of closely woven fabric or treated paper with pores to allow fluid to flow through. Very accurate control of the pore size is a feature of the surface-type elements. A depth-type filter element (fig 9-45) is composed of layers of a fabric or fibers, which provide many tortuous paths for the fluid to flow through. The pores or passages vary in

size, and the degree of filtration depends on the flow rate. Increases in flow rate tend to dislodge trapped particles. This filter is limited to low-flow, low pressure-drop conditions.

Figure 9-45.-Depth-type filter element.

Figure 9-46.-Edge-type filter element. An edge-type filter element fig. 9-46 separates particles rom fluids passing between finely spaced plates. The filter shown features stationary cleaner blades that scrape out the collected contaminants when the handle is twisted to turn the element.

TYPES OF FILTERS In this section we will discuss the various filters (simplex, duplex, full flow, proportional flow, and indicator) that you will most frequently find installed in equipment. Simplex Filter The simplex filter has one or more cylindrically shaped fine mesh screens or perforated metal sheets. The size of the opening in the screens or the perforated metal sheets determines the size of particles filtered out of the fluid. The design of this type of filter is such that total flow must pass through a simplex filter. Duplex Filters Duplex filters are similar to simplex filters except in the number of elements and in provision for switching the flow through either element. A duplex filter may consist of a number of single element filters arranged in parallel operation, or it may consist of two or more filters arranged within a single housing. The full flow can be diverted, by operation of valves, through any single element. The duplex design is most commonly used in fuel or hydraulic systems because the ability to shift to an off-line filter when the elements are cleaned or changed is desirable without the system being secured. Full-Flow Filters The term full-flow applied to a filter means that all the flow into the filter inlet port passes through the filtering element. In most full-flow filters, however, there is a bypass valve preset to open at a given pressure drop and divert flow past the filter element. This prevents a dirty element from restricting flow excessively. Figure 9-47 shows a full-flow filter. Flow, as shown, is outto-in; that is, from around the element, through it to its center. The bypass opens when total flow can no longer pass through the contaminated element without raising the system pressure. The element is replaceable after removing a single bolt. Proportional-Flow Filters A proportional-flow filter may use the venturi effect to filter a portion of the fluid flow. The fluid can flow in either direction. As it passes through the filter body, a venturi throat causes an increase in velocity and a decrease in

Figure 9-47.-Full-flow filter.

Figure 9-48.-Proportional-flow filter, pressure. The pressure difference forces some of the fluid through the element to rejoin the main stream at the venturi. The amount of fluid filtered is proportional to the flow velocity. Hence, the name proportional-flow filter. Indicating Filters Indicating filters are designed to signal the operator when the element needs cleaning. There are various types of indicators, such as color-coded, flag, pop-up, and swing arm. Figure 9-49 shows a color-coded indicating filter. The element is designed so it begins to move as the pressure increases due to dirt accumulation, One end is linked to an indicator that shows the operator just how clean or dirty the element is. Another feature of this type of filter is the ease and speed with which the element can be removed and replaced. Most filters of this kind are designed for inlet line installation.

Figure 9-49.-Color-coded indicating filter.

Filter/Separator The filter/separator is a two-stage unit consisting of a coalescer stage and a separator stage within a single housing. Each stage is made up of replaceable elements, the number of which is determined by such considerations as the capacity of the elements in gallons per minute (gpm) and the elements dirt retaining properties. Coalescer elements filter solids from the fluid and cause small particles of undissolved water to combine (coalesce) into larger drops of water that, because of their weight, will settle in the filter/separator sump. Separator elements are provided to remove any remaining free water that has not

coalesced. Water that accumulates in the filter/separator sump is removed through a drain line, either automatically or manually. In-Line or Cone Filter In-line or cone filters have conical-shaped fine mesh screen or perforated metal sheet that is inserted into the system pipe and secured by a set of flanges. Its system application determines whether it is considered a filter or strainer. It is most commonly used in seawater systems, where it is considered a strainer. This type of filter is prohibited in fuel systems. MAINTENANCE Proper operation of filters, strainers, and filter separators is essential for satisfactory gas turbine and diesel engine performance. Besides clogging the systems with foreign matter, continued operation with unfiltered fluids results in accelerated pump wear and system degradation. Routine maintenance of filters, strainers, and filter/separators is adequately covered in NSTM, Chapter 541, "Petroleum Fuel Stowage, Use, and Testing," paragraphs 541-8.51 through 541-8.59. PIPING The control and application of fluid power would be impossible without a suitable means of conveying the fluid from the power source to the point of application. Fluid lines used for this purpose are called piping. They must be designed and installed with the same care applicable to other components of the system. To obtain this desired result, attention must be given to the various types, materials, and sizes of lines available for the fluid power system. The different types of lines and their application to fluid power systems are described in the first part of this section. The last part of this section is devoted to the various connectors applicable to the different types of fluid lines. IDENTIFICATION OF PIPING The three most common lines used in fluid power systems are pipe, tubing, and flexible hose. They are sometimes referred to as rigid (pipe), semirigid (tubing), and flexible piping. In commercial usage, there is no clear distinction between piping and tubing, since the correct designation for each product is established by the manufacturer. If the manufacturer calls its product pipe, it is pipe; if the manufacturer calls it tubing, it is tubing. In the Navy, however, a distinction is made between pipe and tubing. The distinction is based on the method used to determine the size of the product. There are three important dimensions of any tubular product-outside diameter (OD), inside diameter (ID), and wall thickness. The product is called tubing if its size is identified by actual measured outside diameter and by actual wall thickness. The product is called pipe if its size is identified by a nominal dimension and wall thickness.

PIPING MATERIALS The pipe and tubing used in fluid systems today are commonly made from steel, copper, brass, aluminum, and stainless steel. The hose assemblies are constructed of rubber or Teflon. Each of these materials has its own distinct advantages or disadvantages, depending upon its application.

Figure 9-50.-Types of flexible hose installations and fittings. Steel piping and tubing are relatively inexpensive, have a high tensile strength, are suitable for bending and flanging, and are very adaptable to high pressures and temperatures. Its chief disadvantage is a comparatively low resistance to corrosion. Copper and brass piping and tubing have a high resistance to corrosion and are easily drawn or bent. Pipe or tubing made from these materials is unsuitable for systems with high temperatures, stress, or vibration because they have a tendency to harden and break. Aluminum has many characteristics and qualities required for fluid systems. It has a high resistance to corrosion, is lightweight, is easily drawn or bent, and (when combined with certain alloys) will withstand high pressures and temperatures. Stainless steel piping or tubing is relatively lightweight and is used in a system that will be exposed to abrasion, high pressure, and intense heat. Its main disadvantage is high cost. FLEXIBLE HOSE ASSEMBLIES The flexible hose assembly is a specific type of flexible device that uses reinforced rubber hose and metal end fittings. It is used to absorb motions between resiliently

mounted machinery and fixed or resiliently mounted piping systems. The motions to be considered may be of either relatively large size due to high-impact shock or of smaller size due to the vibratory forces of rotating machinery. The configuration selected must contain enough hose to accommodate shock and vibratory motions without stressing the hose assembly or machinery to an unacceptable degree. Approved Flexible Hose Configurations The arrangements (or configurations) determined to give the best noise attenuation characteristics and to accommodate the motions of resiliently mounted equipment are shown in figures 9-50 and 9-51. The 90 "L" configuration

Figure 9-51.-Other approved single hose length configurations. (dogleg) is the preferred configuration; however, where space and piping arrangement prohibit the use of the "L" configuration, a 180 or "U" configuration may be used. The 90 "L" and 180 "U" configurations are shown as sketches A and B of figure 9-50. A configuration that uses a single length of hose bent to about 90 is approved where the hose does not bend below its specified minimum bending radius when the equipment

moves to the maximum limits allowed by its mounts (view A of fig 9-51). The straight single hose configuration and the 180 single hose bend (view B of fig 9-51) are also approved for use where the hose size is less than 1 inch ID. Flexible connections that use rubber hose are not used in systems where the maximum continuous operating temperature is in excess of 200F. Hose Identification Hose is identified by the manufacturer's part number and the size or dash number. The dash number is the nominal hose inside diameter in sixteenths of an inch. Hose built to military specification (MILSPEC) requirements have the number of the specification and, where applicable, the class of hose, the quarter and year of manufacture, and the manufacturer's trademark. This information is molded or otherwise permanently repeated periodically on the hose cover (sometimes referred to as the "lay line marking"). Other information permanently marked on the hose cover is the manufacturer's code and the date of manufacture. For interpretations of commercial lay line markings, refer to the appropriate manufacturer's catalog or manual. Fitting Identification Use special care in identifying hose fittings because their designation is more complex than hose. A fitting suitable for connecting to a given hose size can end in more than one size and type of connection to the piping. A fitting, therefore, must be identified by the manufacturer's part number, the size of the end connection that joins the piping system, and the dash size to show the size hose to which it makes up. For interpretation of manufacturer markings, consult the appropriate manufacturer's manual. Fittings meeting military specification requirements have the specification number, class of fitting (where applicable), type, size, and manufacturer's trademark. A cross index between the manufacturers' designations and military specifications and information to correctly identify approved hoses and fittings can be found in Piping Devices, Flexible Hose Assemblies, volume 1, NAVSEA S6430-AE-TED-010. Inspection of Hose and Fittings Prior To Make-Up The basic inspection methods for hose and fittings are listed as follows: 1. Ensure that the hose and couplings are the correct ones for the intended use and that the age of the rubber hose does not exceed a shelf life of 4 years. Teflon and metal hose have no limiting shelf life. 2. Inspect for signs that the hose has been twisted. Use the hose lay line for a guide to determine whether or not any twist is present. If twisted, reiect.

3. Inspect for signs that the hose has been kinked or bent beyond its minimum bend radius. If suspect, reiect. 4. Inspect for signs of loose inner liner. If found, cut the hose to see if this condition exists throughout the entire length. If suspect. reject. 5. Visually check the inner liner and outer rubber cover of the hose for breaks, hairline cuts, or severe abrasions. If any suspect areas are found. reiect. 6. Inspect the fittings for defects, such as cracked nipples and damaged threads. If suspect, or if defects are found, reject. Procedures for making up hoses and fittings can also be found in the NSTM, chapter 505, or the appropriate manufacturer's catalog or manual, and are not covered here due to the many types available. Visual Inspection After assembling the hose and fittings, visually inspect the entire configuration to ensure the following: 1. The hose inner liner and outer cover is intact and contains no cuts or harmful abrasions. 2. The hose has not been twisted (check the lay line). 3. The circumferential chalk line on the hose next to the coupling has been drawn before the hydrostatic test. 4. The internal spring (if installed) is evenly spaced and flat against the inner liner. Ensure a gap exists between one of the end fittings and the end of the spring. Hydrostatic Test Upon completion of visual inspection, hydrostatically shop test the hose assembly with fresh water. For each style and size of hose, test the pressure to ensure that it is twice the maximum allowable pressure shown in chapter 505 of the NSTM. When you test pressure, hold for not more than 5 minutes nor less than 60 seconds. When test pressure is reached, visually inspect the hose assembly for the following defects: 1. Leaks or signs of weakness 2. Twisting of the hose (this indicates that some twist existed before pressure was applied)

3. Slippage of the hose out of the coupling (a circumferential chalk line can help determine this) If any of these defects occur, reject the assembly. CAUTION Do not confuse hose elongation under pressure with coupling slippage. If the chalk line returns to near its original position, no slippage has occurred and the assembly is satisfactory. If there is any doubt, perform a second test. If doubt persists after the second test, reject the assembly. Air Test Hose assemblies intended for gas or air service must also be tested with air or nitrogen at 100 psi and the assembly immersed in water. Random bubbles may appear over the hose and in the fitting area when the assembly is first pressurized. Do not construe this as a defect. However, if the bubbles persist in forming at a steady rate at any particular point on the hose, reject the assembly. Installation of Flexible Hose Assemblies After completion of tests, proceed as follows: 1. Install as soon as possible. 2. Do not leave the hose assembly around on decks or on docks where they can be subjected to any form of abuse. 3. Make up hose assemblies as late as possible during the availability schedule to minimize the chances of damage while the ship is being overhauled. 4. Install plastic dust caps, plugs, or tape ends to protect threaded areas until the hose assembly is installed. When installing flexible base connections, observe the following requirements: 1. Ensure each leg of hose is free of twist between end fittings. 2. Ensure the fixed piping near the flexible configuration is properly supported so that it does not vibrate from the resiliently mounted equipment. 3. Ensure the configurations are clear of all surrounding structures and remain so when resiliently mounted equipment moves through its maximum excursion under shock. 4. Locate flexible connections as close as possible to the sound-mounted unit.

5. Support the free elbow of the configuration with an approved pipe hanger so as not to sag or otherwise unduly stress or distort the configuration. 6. Do not appreciably change the alignment of the hose configuration between the unpressurized and pressurized conditions. If you do, you could cause misalignment or improper support at the fixed end.

Figure 9-52.-Hose assembly identification tags. 7. Obtain metal hose assembly identification tags (fig 9-52) from your local SIMA and secure them onto one of the legs of the hose configuration. The tag is made of a noncorroding material. Do not remove or alter the tag once it is attached. 8. Leave the configuration in a condition where one end can hang down unsupported during installation or dismantling of piping. Otherwise, you can damage the hose wire reinforcement. Periodic Inspection By Ship's Force No less than once a quarter, preferably about once a month, visually inspect all flexible piping connections to determine whether any signs of weakness or unusual conditions exist. Inspect the hose in other systems semiannually. To assist you when performing this inspection, you should compile a checkoff list of hose assemblies and locations for your assigned spaces or equipment. This list will consist of all flexible devices installed (and their locations) together with a list of inspections to be performed on each flexible device. When you perform the listed inspections, note the following:

1. Evidence of leakage at fitting ends. 2. Discoloration of fittings (possible indication wire reinforcement is rusting). 3. Slippage of hose out of fitting. 4. Twisting of hose or other distortion or unusual appearance. 5. Cracking of outer rubber cover. 6. Rubber cover rubbed thin by abrasion or chafing. 7. High pulsations, fluid hammer, or whipping caused by pressure pulsations. 8. Large vibrations due to improper supports at the fixed end. 9. Large area of hose covered with paint. (The intent of this requirement is to eliminate having the flexible hose connections deliberately painted. The hose does not have to be replaced if a few paint drops inadvertently fall onto it. Do not attempt to clean off dried paint from the hose.) 10. Check hangers to ensure they have not broken off', become distorted, or been otherwise damaged. 11. Soft spots or bulges on hose body (indicates weakening of bond between outer rubber cover and wire braid or deterioration of the reinforcing wire). 12. If results of visual inspection indicates weakening of hose or fittings, or makes hose configuration suspect, replace the hose immediately, if at all possible. Keep under surveillance while under pressure until it is replaced. 13. If necessary to remove a flexible hose configuration from the system, examine the interior of the hose for cracks or other signs of deterioration of the inner liner. Do not damage the liner by trying to dislodge sea growth. Do not remove the end fittings from any section of hose that is to be installed. 14. Presence of identification tag. Storage The following guidelines are recommended for proper storage of hose and fittings: Hose-Hose should be stored in a dark, dry atmosphere away from electrical equipment; temperature should not exceed 125"F. Storage in straight lengths is preferred, but if hose is to be coiled, take care to ensure the diameter of the bend is not less than 3 feet. To prevent damage during storage, wrap the hose with burlap or other suitable material.

Reusable end fittings-Protect all threads with tape or other suitable material, and wrap the entire fitting in a protective covering to prevent nicking or other damage, Shelf Life The following are shelf life requirements for hose and reusable end fittings: Hose-Do not install reinforced rubber hose that is over 4 years old from the date of manufacture. This time is measured from the quarter and year of manufacture but does not include the quarter year of manufacture. Consider the shelf life of hose ended upon installation aboard ship. To ensure against its accidental use, dispose of any hose not installed that has exceeded the above shelf life. Reusable end fittings-There is no shelf life for end fittings. They should be replaced on an individual basis when examination makes them suspect. Servicing No servicing or maintenance is required since hose or fittings must be replaced at the slightest suspicion of potential failure. If a fitting is removed from a section of hose, that hose section must not be reused, regardless of its service life. Service Life of Rubber Hose All rubber hose has a periodic replacement time. All flexible rubber hose connections will be replaced every 5 years ( t 6 months) in critical systems and every 12 years in noncritical systems. Wire braided Teflon hose has no specified shelf or service life. Its replacement is based on inspection of the hose for excessive wear or damage. FITTINGS Some type of connector must be provided to attach the pipe, tube, or hose to the other components of the system and to connect sections of the line to each other. There are many different types of connectors (commonly called fittings) provided for this purpose. Some of the most common types of fittings are covered in the following paragraphs. Threaded Joints The threaded joints are the simplest type of pipe fittings. Threaded fittings are not widely used aboard modern ships except in low-pressure water piping systems. The pipe ends connected to the union are threaded, silver-brazed, or welded into the tail pieces (union halves); then the two ends are joined by setting up (engaging and tightening up on) the union ring. The male and female connecting ends of the tail pieces are carefully ground to make a tight metal-to-metal fit with each other. Welding or silver-brazing the ends to the tail pieces prevents contact of the carried fluid or gas with the union threading.

Bolted Flange Joints Bolted flange joints (fig 9-53) are suitable for all pressures now in use. The flanges are attached

Figure 9-53.-Four types of bolted flange piping joints.

Figure 9-54.-Various types of welded joints. to the piping by welding, brazing, screw threads (for some low-pressure piping), or rolling and bending into recesses. Those shown figure 9-53 are the most common types of flange joints used. Flange joints are manufactured for all standard fitting shapes, such as the tee, cross, elbow, and return bend. The Van Stone and the welded-neck flange joints are used extensively where piping is subjected to high pressures and heavy expansion strains. The design of the Van Stone flange makes it easier to line up the fastening holes in the two parts of the flange. Welded Joints The majority of joints found in subassemblies of piping systems are welded joints, especially in high-pressure piping. The welding is done according to standard specifications, which define the material and techniques. Three general classes of welded joints are fillet-weld, butt-weld, and socket-weld (fig 9-54). Silver-Brazed Joints Silver-brazed joints fig. 9-55 are commonly used for joining nonferrous piping when the pressure and temperature in the lines make their use practicable-temperatures must not exceed 425F; for cold lines, pressure must not exceed 3000 psi. The alloy is melted by heating the joint with an oxyacetylene torch. This causes the molten metal to fill the few thousandths of an inch annular space between the pipe and the fitting. Unions The union fittings are provided in piping systems to allow the piping to be taken down for

Figure 9-55.-Silver-brazed joints.

Figure 9-56.-Unions/threaded pipe connectors. repairs and alterations. Unions are available in many different materials and designs to withstand a wide range of pressures and temperatures. Figure 9-56 shows some commonly used types of unions/threaded pipe connectors. The union is most commonly used for joining piping up to 2 inches in size. Flared Fittings Flared fittings are commonly used in tubing lines. These fittings provide safe, strong, dependable connections without the necessity of threading, welding, or soldering the tubing. Flared fittings are made of steel, aluminum alloy, or bronze. Do not mix materials when using these fittings. For example, for steel tubing use only steel fittings and for copper or brass tubing use only bronze fittings, figure 9-57 shows the most common types of flared fittings. Flareless Fittings Flareless fittings (figs. 9-58 and 9-59) are suitable for use in hydraulic service and air

Figure 9-57.-Flared-tube fittings.

Figure 9-59.-typical flareless fitting. service systems at a maximum operating pressure of 3000 psi and a maximum operating temperature of 250F. Flareless fittings are installed to conserve space and to reduce weight, installation time, and system cleaning time. Do not use flareless fittings if you do not have enough space to properly tighten the nuts or if you have to remove the equipment or piping for access to the fittings. An exception to this rule is a gauge board. It is designed so it may be removed as a unit for repairs or alterations. Do not use flareless fittings where you cannot easily deflect the piping to permit assembly and disassembly. Before assembly, ensure the tubing end is square, concentric, and free of burrs. For an effective fitting, be sure the cutting edge of the sleeve or ferrule bites into the periphery of the tube; you can do this by presetting the ferrule. FLANGE SAFETY SHIELDS A fuel fire in the MER or an AMR can be caused by a leak at a fuel oil or lube oil pipe flange connection. Even the smallest leak can spray fine droplets of oil on nearby hot surfaces. To reduce this possibility, FLANGE SAFETY SHIELDS are provided around piping flanges of inflammable liquid systems, especially in areas where the fire hazard is apparent. The spray shields are usually made of aluminized glass cloth and are simply wrapped and wired around the flange. PIPE HANGERS Pipe hangers and supports are designed and located to support the combined weight of the piping, fluid, and insulation. They absorb the movements imposed by thermal expansion of the pipe and the motion of the ship. The pipe hangers and supports prevent excessive vibration of the piping and resilient mounts or other materials. They are used in the hanger arrangement to break all metal-to-metal contact to lessen unwanted sound transmissions. One type of pipe hanger you need to become familiar with is the variable spring hanger. This is used to support the ship's bleed air piping. It provides support by directly compressing a spring or springs. The loads carried by the hangers are equalized by adjustment of the hangers when they are hot. These hangers have load scales attached to them with a traveling arm or pointer that moves in a slot alongside the scale. This shows the degree of pipe movement from cold to hot. The cold and hot positions are marked on

the load scale. You should check the hangers when they are hot to ensure that the pointers line up with the hot position on the load scales. You can adjust hangers that are out of position by loosening the jam nut on the hanger rod and turning the adjusting bolt of the hanger. INSPECTIONS AND MAINTENANCE Reasonable care must be given to the various piping assemblies as well as to the units connected to the piping systems. Unless the piping system is in good condition, the connected units of machinery cannot operate efficiently and safely. You should be familiar with all the recommended maintenance procedures and observe the safety precautions when working on piping systems. The most important factor in maintaining piping systems in satisfactory condition is keeping joints, valves, and fittings tight. To ensure this condition, you need to make frequent tests and inspections. Piping should be tested at the frequency and test pressure specified following the PMS and the applicable equipment technical manual. Test pressure must be maintained long enough to show any leaks or other defects in the system. Instruction manuals should be available and followed for the inspection and maintenance of piping systems and associated equipment; however, if the manufacturer's instruction manual is not available, you should refer to the NSTM, chapter 505, for details of piping inspection and maintenance. PIPING SYSTEM IDENTIFICATION MARKING All piping should be marked to show the name of the service, destination (where possible), and direction of flow (fig 9-60)

Figure 9-60.-Pipe markings. The name of the service and destination should be painted on by stencil or hand lettering, or by application of previously printed, stenciled, or lettered adhesive-backed tape. Lettering will be 1 inch high for a 2-inch or larger OD bare pipe or insulation. For smaller sizes, lettering size may be reduced or label plates attached by wire or other suitable means.

Direction of flow will be indicated by an arrow 3 inches long pointing away from the lettering. For reversible flow, arrows are to be shown on each end of the lettering. Black is used for lettering and arrows. However, on dark-colored pipe (including oxygen piping), white is used. Markings will be applied to piping in conspicuous locations, preferably near the control valves and at suitable intervals so every line will have at least one identification marking in each compartment through which it passes. Piping in cabins and officers' wardrooms will not normally be marked. PACKING AND GASKET MATERIAL Packing and gasket materials are required to seal joints in steam, water, gas, air, oil, and other lines and to seal connections that slide or rotate under normal operating conditions. There are many types and forms of packing and gasket materials available commercially. PACKING AND GASKET SELECTION To simplify the selection of packing and gasket materials commonly used in naval service, the Naval Sea Systems Command has prepared a packing and gasket chart, Mechanical Standard Drawing B-153. It shows the symbol numbers and the recommended applications for all types and kinds of packing and gasket materials. The symbol number used to identify each type of packing and gasket has a four-digit number. The first digit shows the class of service with respect to fixed and moving joints; the numeral 1 shows a moving joint (moving rods, shafts, valve stems), and the numeral 2 shows a fixed joint (flanges, bonnets). The second digit shows the material of which the packing or gasket is primarily composed-asbestos, vegetable fibre, rubber, metal, and so forth. The third and fourth digits show the different styles or forms of the packing or gasket made from the material. Practically all shipboard packing and gasket problems can be solved by selection of the correct material from the listings on the packing and gasket chart. The following examples show the kind of information that you can get from the packing and gasket chart. Suppose you are required to repack and install a valve in a 150-psi seawater service system. Under the subhead Symbols and Specifications for Equipments, Piping and Independent Systems, you find that symbol 1103 indicates a suitable material for repacking the valve. Notice that the first digit is the numeral 1, indicating that the material is for use in a moving joint. Under the List of Materials, you find the packing is asbestos rod, braided. For installing the valve, you need proper gaskets. By use of the same subhead, you find that symbols 2150, 2151 type II, 2152, and 2290 type II are all suitable for installing the

valve. Notice that the first digit is the numeral 2, which indicates that it is designed for fixed joints. Again, by referring to the List of Materials, you can determine the composition of the gasket. Besides the Naval Ship Systems Command drawing, most ships have a packing and gasket chart made up specifically for each ship. The shipboard chart shows the symbol numbers and the sizes of packing and gaskets required in the ship's piping system, machinery, and hull fittings. PACKING OF MOVING JOINTS Valves are components used to control the transfer of liquids and gases through fluid piping systems. Most valves have moving joints between the valve stem and the bonnet. When fluid is on one or both sides of a moving joint, the joint may leak. Sealing the joint prevents this leakage. Sealing a moving joint presents a problem because the seal must be tight enough to prevent leakage, yet loose enough to let the valve stem turn without binding. Packing is the most common method of sealing a moving joint. Packing is a sealing method that uses bulk material (packing) that is reshaped by compression

Figure 9-61.-Types of packing. to effectively seal a moving joint. Figure 9-61 shows several types of packing in common use today. Packing is inserted in STUFFING BOXES that have annular chambers located around valve stems and rotating shafts. The packing material is compressed to the necessary extent and held in place by gland nuts or other devices.

A corrugated ribbon packing has been developed for universal use on valves. This packing comes in four widths (1 inch, 3/4 inch, 1/2 inch, and 1/4 inch) and is easily cut to length, rolled on the valve stem, and pushed into the stuffing box to form a solid, endless packing ring when compressed (fig 9-62) Corrugated ribbon packing is suitable for use in systems of high temperatures (up to 1200F

Figure 9-62.-Corrugated ribbon packing. and 2000 psi). It is easily removed since it does not harden. PACKING OF FIXED JOINTS Figure 9-63 shows gasket material used for fixed joints. At one time, fixed joints could be satisfactorily sealed with gaskets of compressed asbestos sheet packing (view A fig 9-63) Today the 15 percent rubber content of the packing makes it unsatisfactory for modern, hightemperature, high-pressure equipment. Two types of gaskets (metallic or semimetallic) are in use in present day high-temperature and high-pressure installations. Gaskets of corrugated copper or of asbestos and copper are sometimes used on lowand medium-pressure lines. Serrated-face metal gaskets (view B of fig 9-63) made of steel, Monel, or soft iron have raised serrations to make a better seal at the piping flange joints. These gaskets have resiliency. Line pressure forces the serrated faces tighter against the adjoining flange. The gaskets shown are of two variations. Spiral-wound, metallic-asbestos gaskets (view C of fig 9-63) are made of interlocked strands of preformed corrugated metal and asbestos strips, spirally wound together (normally called the FILLER), and a solid metal outer or centering

Figure 9-63.-Fixed-joint gaskets. A. Sheet asbestos gaskets. B. Serrated-face metal gaskets. C. Spiral-wound, metallic-asbestos gaskets. ring (normally called the RETAINING RING). The centering ring is used as a reinforcement to prevent blowouts. The filler piece is replaceable. When renewing a gasket, you should remove this piece from the retaining metal ring and replace it with a new filler. Do not discard the solid metal retaining outer or centering ring unless it is damaged. You can compress the gaskets to the thickness of the outer or centering ring. When renewing a gasket in a flange joint, you must exercise special precautions when breaking the joint, particularly in steam and hot water lines, or in saltwater lines that have a possibility of direct connection with the sea. Be sure to observe the following precautions: 1. No pressure is on the line. 2. The line pressure valves, including the bypass valves, are firmly secured, wired closed, and tagged. 3. The line is completely drained.

4. At least two flange-securing bolts and nuts diametrically opposite remain in place until the others are removed, then slackened to allow breaking of the joint, and removed after the line is clear. 5. Precautions are taken to prevent explosions or fire when breaking joints of flammable liquid lines. 6. Proper ventilation is ensured before joints are broken in closed compartments. These precautions may prevent serious explosions, severe scalding of personnel, or flooding of compartments. You should thoroughly clean all sealing and bearing surfaces for the gasket replacement. Check the gasket seats with a surface plate, and scrape as necessary. This affords uniform contact. Replace all damaged bolt studs and nuts. In flange joints with raised faces, the edges of gaskets may extend beyond the edge of the raised face. O-RINGS Another method of preventing leakage in fluid systems is by use of O-ring seals. Figure 9-64 shows an O-ring seal with two cross-sectional views. An O-ring is a doughnutshaped, circular seal (view A of fig 9-64) that is usually a molded rubber compound. An O-ring seal has an O-ring mounted in a groove or cavity (usually called a gland).

Figure 9-64.-O-ring seal with two cross-sectional views. When the gland is assembled (view B of fig 9-64) the O-ring cross section is compressed. When installed, the compression of the O-ring cross section enables it to seal low fluid pressures. The greater the compression, the greater is the fluid pressure that can be sealed by the O-ring. The pressure of the O-ring against the gland walls equals the pressure caused by the recovery force of the compressed O-ring plus the fluid pressure. The fluid pressure against the walls of the gland and the stiffness of the O-ring prevent fluid from leaking past the O-ring. If the downstream clearance is large, the O-ring is forced into this clearance (view C of fig 9-64). The stiffness of the O-ring material prevents the O-ring from being forced completely through the downstream clearance unless that clearance is abnormally large or the pressure is excessive. 0-rings are commonly used for sealing because of their simplicity, ruggedness, low cost, ease of installation, ease of maintenance, and effectiveness over wide pressure and temperature ranges. Failure of an 0-ring can sometimes begin with the removal of an old 0-ring. If you incorrectly remove an 0-ring with pointed or sharp tools, you can scratch or dent critical surface finishes that can result in seal failure.

Before installing a new 0-ring, inspect the sealing surfaces for any abrasions and wipe them free of any dust, dirt, or other contaminants. Before installation, inspect the 0-ring for any damage. If faulty, discard it. When you install the 0-ring, lubricate it. In most cases it is already coated with the system fluid or petrolatum grease. Do not stretch the 0-ring more than twice its original size during installation, and do not roll or twist it into place. This may leave a permanent twist in the 0-ring and reduce its effectiveness and shorten its life. When installing an 0-ring, take extreme care to avoid forcing it over sharp edges, corners, and threaded sections. You should use some type of sleeve or cover to avoid damaging the 0-ring. FASTENERS The proper use of fasteners is very important and cannot be overemphasized. Many shipboard machinery casualties have resulted from fasteners that were not properly installed. Machinery vibration, thermal expansion, and thermal contraction will loosen the fasteners. At sea, loosening effects are increased by the pitch and roll of the ship. You are familiar with such standard fasteners as nuts, bolts, washers, wingnuts, and screws. In this section we will discuss some of the new developments in fastener technology, such as the various types of locknuts, which you may not be familiar with. THREADED LOCKING DEVICES An important part of fastener technology has included the development of several methods for locking mated threads of fasteners. Many of the latest methods include the locking device or method as an integral part of the fastener assembly and are referred to as self-locking nuts or bolts. Self-locking fasteners are more expensive than some older methods but compare favorably in cost with pin or wiring methods. Length of Protrusion Male threads on threaded fasteners, when installed and tightened, will protrude the distance of at least one thread length beyond the top of the nut or plastic locking ring. Excessive protrusion is a hazard, particularly where necessary clearances, accessibility, and safety are important. Where practicable, the number of threads protruding should not exceed five. In no case should thread protrusion exceed 10 threads unless specifically approved by the work supervisor. (This is the 1-to-10 rule.) Where screw threads are used for setting or adjusting (such as valve stem packing glands and travel stops) or where installed threaded fasteners do not strictly follow the 1-to-10 rule but have given satisfactory service, the rule does not apply. An example of an acceptable existing installation would be where a male thread is flush with the top of a nut or where more than 10 threads protruding is of no foreseeable consequence.

Repair of Damaged Threads You can remedy damaged external threads by replacing the fastener. In large equipment castings you must repair damaged internal threads to save the part. You can repair internal threads by redrilling the damaged thread; clean and either install a solid wall insert or tap for a helical coil insert. These inserts, in effect, return the tapped hole to its original size so it takes the original mating fastener. LOCKNUTS Locknuts are used in special applications where you want to ensure that the components joined by the fasteners will not loosen. Two types of locknuts are in common use. The first type applies pressure to the bolt thread and can be used where frequent removal may be required. The second type deforms the bolt thread and is used only where frequent removal is unnecessary. The first type includes plastic ring nuts, nylon insert nuts, jam nuts, spring nuts, and spring beam nuts. The second type includes distorted collar nuts and distorted thread nuts; they are not commonly found in gas turbine equipment and will not be covered in this section.

Figure 9-65.-Plastic ring nut.

Figure 9-66.-Nylon insert nut. Plastic Ring Nuts Plastic ring nuts (fig 9-65) deform the plastic insert when they are installed. The resilient plastic material is forced to assume the shape of the mating threads, creating large frictional forces. Nylon Insert Nuts

Nylon insert nuts (fig 9-66), have plastic inserts (plugs) that do not extend completely around the threads. They force the nut to the side, cocking it slightly. This produces frictional forces on one side of the bolt thread. Although the plastic insert locks without seating, proper torque applied to the nut stretches the bolt, creating clamping forces that add to the locking abilities of the nut. Before reusing nylon insert nuts, check the inserts. If worn or torn, discard the nut. Install the nut (on clean lightly lubricated threads) finger tight. If you can install the nut to the point where the bolt threads pass the insert without a wrench, discard the nut and use a new one. Jam Nuts You should install jam nuts fig 9-67 with the thinner nut to the working surface and the thicker nut to the outside. The thin nut is deformed by the wider nut and pressed against the working surface and threads.

Figure 9-67.-Jam nuts.

Figure 9-68.-Spring nuts.

Figure 9-69.-Spring beam nuts. Spring Nuts

Spring nuts (fig 9-68) lock by the side grip on the bolt. When tightened, the spring nut flattens, or straightens, a spring section. Many types of spring nuts use curved metal springs, bellows, and coil springs. All spin on and off without locking until the pressure against the working surface straightens the spring. You should always consult equipment manuals for the proper torque value. Be sure threads are always clean and lightly lubricated with the proper lubrication. Discard any with damaged threads. Spring Beam Nuts Spring beam nuts (fig 9-69) are formed with a light taper in the threads toward the upper portion of the nut. Slots are cut in the outer portion, forming segments that can be forced outward when the nut is installed. Elastic reaction causes the segments to push inward, gripping the bolt. Like the nylon insert nut, this nut does not deform the bolt threads and can be used on frequently removed items. If you can thread the nut past the deflection segments without a wrench, discard the nut and replace it with a new one. LOCKWASHERS Many installations on board naval ships still use lockwashers to prevent threaded fasteners from loosening. If loosening has not been a problem, you may replace worn lockwashers with an identical type; however, if loosening has been a problem, you should use self-locking fasteners instead of lockwashers. The most common lockwasher used is the helical spring washer. Other types are the conical and toothed tab. Helical Spring Lockwashers The helical spring lockwasher (split ring) (fig 9-70) is flattened when the bolt is torqued down, When torqued, it acts as a flat washer contributing normal friction for locking the screw or bolt and the working surface; it also maintains the tension on the bolt. Because of the helical spring lockwashers small diameter, it is usually not used on soft materials or with oversized or elongated holes. Curved or Conical Spring Lockwashers Curved or conical spring lockwashers have almost the same properties as the helical spring lockwasher. They provide a constant tension on the bolt or screw when loosened. The tension produced is usually less than that produced by the helical spring lockwasher. Like any locking device relying on tension, spring lockwashers may loosen on shock loading. When the bolt stretches more

Figure 9-70.-Helical spring lockwasher.

Figure 9-71.-Toothed lockwashers. than the spring distortion from the shock loading, the washer serves no further purpose. Recheck the washer, where possible, when shock is sufficient to suspect loosening. Some spring lockwashers have teeth on the outer edge. These teeth do not aid in locking, but they prevent side slippage and turning. Toothed Lockwashers Toothed lockwashers fig 9-71 have teeth that are twisted or bent to prevent loosening. Cutting edges engage both working surfaces on the nut and bolt or screw. Some have teeth on the inner diameter for applications where teeth projecting beyond the nut are not desired, The most common type have teeth on the outer diameter. Washers with teeth on both inside and outside diameters are used for soft materials and oversize holes. The teeth are twisted, so as the nut is installed and torqued down, the rim of the washer supports the pressure. Any backing off of the nut or bolt releases tension that allows the teeth to dig into the working surfaces of the nut and bolt. INSULATION The purpose of insulation is to retard the transfer of heat FROM piping that is hotter than the surrounding atmosphere or TO piping that is cooler than the surrounding atmosphere. Insulation helps to maintain the desired temperatures in all systems. In addition, it prevents sweating of piping that carries cool or cold fluids. Insulation also serves to protect personnel from being burned by coming in contact with hot surfaces. Piping insulation represents the composite piping covering, which consists of the insulating material, lagging, and fastening. The INSULATING MATERIAL offers resistance to the flow of heat; the LAGGING, usually of painted canvas, is the protective and confining covering placed over the insulating materials; and the FASTENING attaches the insulating material to the piping and to the lagging. Insulation covers a wide range of temperatures, from the extremely low temperatures of the refrigerating plants to the very high temperatures of the ship's waste heat boilers. No one material could possibly be used to meet all the conditions with the same efficiency

INSULATION MATERIALS The following QUALITY REQUIREMENTS for the various insulating materials are taken into consideration by the Navy in the standardization of these materials: 1. Low heat conductivity 2. Noncombustibility 3. Lightweight 4. Easy molding and installation capability 5. Moisture repellant 6. Noncorrosive, insoluble, and chemically inactive 7. Composition, structure, and insulating properties unchanged by temperatures at which it is to be used 8. Once installed, should not cluster, become lumpy, disintegrate, or build up in masses from vibration 9. Verminproof 10. Hygienically safe to handle Insulating material is available in preformed pipe coverings, blocks, batts, blankets, and felts. Refer to NSTM, Chapter 635, "Thermal, Fire, and Acoustic Insulation," for detailed information on insulating materials, their application, and safety precautions. The insulating cements are comprised of a variety of materials, differing widely among themselves as to heat conductivity, weight, and other physical characteristics. Typical of these variations are the asbestos substitute cements, diatomaceous cements, and mineral and slag wool cements. These cements are less efficient than other high-temperature insulating materials, but they are valuable for patchwork emergency repairs and for covering small irregular surfaces (valves, flanges, joints, and so forth). Additionally, the cements are used for a surface finish over block or sheet forms of insulation, to seal joints between the blocks, and to provide a smooth finish over which asbestos substitute or glass cloth lagging may be applied. REMOVABLE INSULATION Removable insulation will be found on the bleed air systems and waste heat boiler systems. Removable insulation is also installed in the following locations:

Flange pipe joints adjacent to machinery or equipment that must be broken when units are opened for inspection or overhaul Valve bonnets of valves larger than 2 inches internal pipe size (IPS) that operate at 300 psi and above or at 240F and above All pressure-reducing and pressure-regulating valves, pump pressure governors, and strainer bonnets GENERAL INSULATION PRECAUTIONS You should observe the following general precautions relative to the application and maintenance of insulation: 1. Fill and seal all air pockets and cracks. Failure to do this will cause large losses in the effectiveness of the insulation. 2. Seal the ends of the insulation and taper off to a smooth, airtight joint. At joint ends or other points where insulation is liable to be damaged, use sheet metal lagging over the insulation. You should cuff' flanges and joints with 6-inch lagging. 3. Keep moisture out of all insulation work. Moisture is an enemy of heat insulation just as much as it is in electrical insulation. Any dampness increases the conductivity of all heat-insulating materials. 4. Insulate all hangers and other supports at their point of contact from the pipe or other unit they are supporting; otherwise, a considerable quantity of heat will be lost via conduction through the support. 5. Keep sheet metal covering bright and unpainted unless the protective surface has been damaged or has worn off. The radiation from bright-bodied and light-colored objects is considerably less than from rough and dark-colored objects. 6. Once installed, heat insulation requires careful inspection, upkeep, and repair. Replace lagging and insulation removed to make repairs as carefully as when originally installed. When replacing insulation, make certain that the replacement material is of the same type as had been used originally. 7. Insulate all flanges with easily removable forms. These forms are made up as pads of insulating material, wired or bound in place, and the whole covered with sheet metal casings, which are in halves. 8. Asbestos control: Inhalation of excessive quantities of asbestos fibre or filler can produce severe lung damage in the form of disabling or fatal fibrosis of the lungs. Asbestos has also been found to be a casual factor in the development of cancer of the

membrane lining the chest and abdomen. Lung damage and disease usually develop slowly and often do not become apparent until years after the initial exposure. If your plans include a long and healthy Navy retirement, you have no business doing asbestos lagging rip-out without proper training, protective clothing, and supervision. Most systems of today's modern Navy have been purged of asbestos and an asbestos substitute material installed in its place. Some of the older class vessels may still have some asbestos insulation installed. Use caution when handling lagging and insulation from these vessels. If in doubt, contact your supervisor and request the medical department conduct a survey of the material in question. SUMMARY This chapter has given you general information on pumps, valves, and piping. It would be a good idea to get some hands-on experience aboard your ship. Trace various systems out and see how they are set up. Ask your LPO to explain the systems and how each part in the system works. The key phrase here is ASK QUESTIONS! CHAPTER 10 AUXILIARY MACHINERY AND EQUIPMENT Ships depend on the reliability of auxiliary systems. Proper maintenance and operation of auxiliary systems will enhance the performance of main propulsion machinery. As a Fireman, you will gain a thorough knowledge of main propulsion auxiliary machinery and systems. In this chapter, we will discuss the operation of refrigeration and airconditioning equipment, air compressors, dehydrators, distilling plants, and purifiers. Other auxiliary machinery includes the steering gear, the anchor windlass and capstan, cranes, elevators, winches, and galley and laundry equipment. REFRIGERATION Most Navy refrigeration systems use R-12 as a refrigerant: Chemically, R-12 dichlorodifluoromethane (CC 1425F425). R-12 has such a low boiling point that it cannot exist as a liquid unless it is confined in a container under pressure. The cycle of operation and the main components of R- 12 systems are basically the same as those in other refrigeration and air-conditioning plants. FUNDAMENTALS OF REFRIGERATION Refrigeration is a general term. It describes the process of removing heat from spaces, objects, or materials and maintaining them at a temperature below that of the surrounding atmosphere. To produce a refrigeration effect, the material to be cooled needs only to be exposed to a colder object or environment. The heat will flow in its NATURAL direction-that is, from the warmer material to the colder material. Refrigeration, then, usually means an artificial way of lowering the temperature. Mechanical refrigeration is a mechanical system or apparatus that transfers heat from one substance to another.

It is easy to understand refrigeration if you know the relationships among temperature, pressure, and volume, and how pressure affects liquids and gases. Refer back to chapter 2 for a review. REFRIGERATION TON The unit of measure for the amount of heat removed is known as the refrigeration ton. The capacity of a refrigeration unit is usually stated in refrigeration tons. The refrigeration ton is based on the cooling effect of 1 ton (2,000 pounds) of ice at 32F melting in 24 hours. The latent heat of fusion of ice (or water) is 144 Btus. Therefore, the number of Btus required to melt 1 ton of ice is 144 x 2,000= 288,000. The standard refrigeration ton is defined as the transfer of 288,000 Btus in 24 hours. On an hourly basis, the refrigeration ton is 12,000 Btus per hour (288,000 divided by 24). The refrigeration ton is the standard unit of measure used to designate the heat-removal capacity of a refrigeration unit. It is not a measure of the ice-making capacity of a machine, since the amount of ice that can be made depends on the initial temperature of the water and other factors. MECHANICAL REFRIGERATION SYSTEMS Various types of refrigerating systems are used for naval shipboard refrigeration and air conditioning. The one usually used for refrigeration purposes is the vapor compression cycle with reciprocating compressors. Figure 10-1 shows a general idea of this type of refrigeration cycle. As you study this system, try to understand what happens to the refrigerant as it passes through each part of the cycle. In particular, you need to understand (1) why the refrigerant changes from liquid to vapor, (2) why it changes from vapor to liquid, and (3) what happens in terms of heat because of these changes of state. In this section, the refrigerant is traced through its entire cycle, beginning with the thermostatic expansion valve (TXV). Liquid refrigerant enters the TXV that separates the high side of the system and the low side of the system. This valve regulates the amount of refrigerant that enters the cooling coil. Because of the pressure differential as the refrigerant passes through the TXV, some of the refrigerant flashes to a vapor. From the TXV, the refrigerant passes into the cooling coil (or evaporator). The boiling point of the refrigerant under the low pressure in the evaporator is about 20F lower than the temperature of the space in which the cooling coil is installed. As the liquid boils

and vaporizes, it picks up latent heat of vaporization from the space being cooled. The refrigerant continues to absorb latent heat of vaporization until all the liquid has been vaporized. By the time the refrigerant leaves the cooling coil, it has not only absorbed this latent heat of vaporization. It has also picked up some additional heat; that is, the vapor has become superheated. As a rule, the amount of superheat is 4 to 12F. The refrigerant leaves the evaporator as lowpressure superheated vapor. The remainder of the cycle is used to dispose of this heat and convert the refrigerant back into a liquid state so that it can again vaporize in the evaporator and absorb the heat again. The low-pressure superheated vapor is drawn out of the evaporator by the compressor, which also keeps the refrigerant circulating through the system. In the compressor cylinders, the refrigerant is compressed from a low-pressure, low-temperature vapor to a high-pressure vapor, and its temperature rises accordingly. The high-pressure R-12 vapor is discharged from the compressor into the condenser. Here the refrigerant condenses, giving up its superheat (sensible heat) and its latent heat of condensation. The condenser may be air or watercooled. The refrigerant, still at high pressure, is now a liquid again. From the condenser, the refrigerant flows into a receiver, which serves as a storage place for the liquid refrigerant in the system. From the receiver, the refrigerant goes to the TXV and the cycle begins again. This type of refrigeration system has two pressure sides. The LOW-PRESSURE SIDE extends from the TXV up to and including the intake side of the compressor cylinders. The HIGH-PRESSURE SIDE extends from the discharge valve of the compressor to the TXV. Figure 10-2 shows most of the components on the high-pressure side of an R- 12 system as it is installed aboard ship. MAIN PARTS OF THE R-12 SYSTEM The main parts of an R- 12 refrigeration system are shown diagrammatically in figure 103 The six primary components of the system include the 1. TXV, 2. evaporator, 3. capacity control system, 4. compressor, 5. condenser, and 6. receiver.

Figure 10-2.-High-pressure side of an R-12 installation aboard ship. Additional equipment required to complete the plant includes piping, pressure gauges, thermometers, various types of control switches and control valves, strainer, relief valves, sight-flow indicators, dehydrators, and charging connections. In this chapter, we will deal with the R-12 system as though it had only one evaporator, one compressor, and one condenser. As you can see from figure 10-3 however, a refrigeration system usually has more than one evaporator, and it may include an additional compressor and condenser units. Thermostatic Expansion Valve (TXV) Earlier, you learned that the TXV regulates the amount of refrigerant to the cooling coil. The amount of refrigerant needed in the coil depends, of course, on the temperature of the space being cooled. The thermal control bulb, which controls the opening and closing of the TXV, is clamped to the cooling coil near the outlet. The substance in the thermal bulb varies, depending on the refrigerant used. The expansion and contraction (because of temperature change) transmit a pressure to the diaphragm. This causes the diaphragm to be moved downward, opening

the valve and allowing more refrigerant to enter the cooling coil. When the temperature at the control bulb falls, the pressure above the diaphragm decreases and the valve tends to close. Thus, the temperature near the evaporator outlet controls the operation of the TXV. Evaporator The evaporator consists of a coil of copper, aluminum, or aluminum alloy tubing installed in the space to be refrigerated Figure 10-4 shows some of this tubing. As mentioned before, the liquid R-12 enters the tubing at a reduced pressure and, therefore, with a lower boiling point. As the refrigerant passes through the evaporator, the heat flowing to the coil from the surrounding air causes the rest of the liquid refrigerant to boil and vaporize. After the refrigerant has absorbed its latent heat of vaporization (that is, after it is entirely vaporized), the refrigerant continues to absorb heat until it becomes superheated by approximately 10F. The amount of superheat is determined by the amount of liquid refrigerant admitted to the evaporator. This, in turn, is controlled by the spring adjustment of the TXV. A temperature range of 4 to 12F of superheat is considered desirable. It increases the efficiency of the plant and evaporates all of the liquid. This prevents liquid carry-over into the compressor. Compressor The compressor in a refrigeration system is essentially a pump. It is used to pump heat uphill from the cold side to the hot side of the system. The heat absorbed by the refrigerant in the evaporator must be removed before the refrigerant can again absorb latent heat. The only way the vaporized refrigerant can be made to give up the latent heat of vaporization that it absorbed in the evaporator is by cooling and condensing it. Because of the relatively high

Figure 10-4.-Evaporator tubing. temperature of the available cooling medium, the only way to make the vapor condense is to compress it. When we raise the pressure, we also raise the temperature. Therefore, we have raised its condensing temperature, which allows us to use seawater as a cooling medium in the condenser. In addition to this primary function, the compressor also keeps the refrigerant circulating and maintains the required pressure difference between the high-pressure and low-pressure sides of the system. Many different types of compressors are used in refrigeration systems. The designs of compressors vary depending on the application of the refrigerants used in the system. Figure 10-5 shows a motor-driven, single-acting, two-cylinder, reciprocating compressor, such as those commonly used in naval refrigeration plants. Compressors used in R-12 systems may be lubricated either by splash lubrication or by pressure

lubrication. Splash lubrication, which depends on maintaining a fairly high oil level in the compressor crankcase, is usually satisfactory for smaller compressors. High-speed or large-capacity compressors use pressure lubrications systems. Capacity Control System Most compressors are equipped with an oil-pressure-operated automatic capacity control system. This system unloads or cuts cylinders out of operation following decreases in the refrigerant load requirements of the plant. A cylinder is unloaded by a mechanism that holds the suction valve open so that no gas can be compressed. Since oil pressure is required to load or put cylinders into operation, the compressor will start with all controlled cylinders unloaded. But as soon as the compressor comes up to speed and full oil pressure is developed, all cylinders will become operative. After

Figure 10-5.-Reciprocating compressor.

the temperature pulldown period, the refrigeration load imposed on the compressor will decrease, and the capacity control system will unload cylinders accordingly. The unloading will result in reduced power consumption. On those applications where numerous cooling coils are supplied by one compressor, the capacity control system will prevent the suction pressure from dropping to the low-pressure cutout setting. This will prevent stopping the compressor before all solenoid valves are closed.

Figure 10-6.-Capacity control system.

Several designs of capacity control systems are in use. One of the most common is shown in figure 10-6. The capacity control system consists of a power element and its link for each controlled cylinder, a step control hydraulic relay, and a capacity control valve. The system's components are all integrally attached to the compressor. The suction or crankcase pressure of the refrigeration plant is sensed by the capacity control valve to control the system. In other words, a change in the refrigeration load on the plant will cause a change in suction pressure. This change in suction pressure will then cause the capacity control system to react according to whether the suction pressure increased or decreased. The working fluid of the system is compressor oil pump pressure. Compressor oil pump pressure is metered into the system through an orifice. Once the oil passes the orifice, it becomes the system control oil and does work. Locate the following components or figure 10-6 and refer to them as you read the next two paragraphs. (A) Compressor oil pump pressure tap-off (B) Control oil strainer (C) Hydraulic relay (D) Hydraulic relay piston (E) Unloader power element (F) Unloader power element piston (G) Lifting fork (H) Unloader sleeve (I) Suction valve (J) Capacity control valve (K) Crankcase (suction) pressure sensing point The following functions take place when the compressor is started with a warm load on the refrigeration system. Compressor oil (A) is pumped through the control oil strainer (B) into the hydraulic relay (C). There the oil flow to the unloader power elements is controlled in steps by the movement of the hydraulic relay piston (D). As soon as pump oil pressure reaches a power element (E), the piston (F) rises, the lifting fork (G) pivots, and the unloader sleeve (H) lowers, permitting the suction valve (1) to seat. The system is governed by suction

pressure, which actuates the capacity control valve (J). This valve controls the movement of the hydraulic relay piston by metering the oil bleed from the control oil side of the hydraulic relay back to the crankcase. Suction pressure increases or decreases according to increases or decreases in the refrigeration load requirements of the plant. After the temperature pulldown period with a subsequent decrease in suction pressure, the capacity control valve moves to increase the control oil bleed to the crankcase from the hydraulic relay. There is a resulting decrease in control oil pressure within the hydraulic relay. This decrease allows the piston to be moved by spring action. This action successively closes oil ports and prevents compressor oil pump pressure from reaching the unloader power elements. As oil pressure leaves a power element, the suction valve rises and that cylinder unloads. With an increase in suction pressure, this process is reversed, and the controlled cylinders will load in succession. The loading process is detailed in steps 1 through 7 in figure 10-6. Condenser The compressor discharges the high-pressure, high-temperature refrigerant vapor to the condenser, where it flows around the tubes through which seawater is being pumped. As the vapor gives up its superheat (sensible heat) to the seawater, the temperature of the vapor drops to the condensing point. The refrigerant, now in liquid form, is subcooled slightly below its condensing point. This is done at the existing pressure to ensure that it will not flash into vapor. A water-cooled condenser for an R- 12 refrigeration system is shown in figure 10-7. Circulating water is obtained through a branch connection from the fire main or by means of an individual pump taking suction from the sea. The purge connection (fig 10-7) is on the refrigerant side. It is used to remove air and other noncondensable gases that are lighter than the R-12 vapor. Most condensers used for naval refrigeration plants are of the water-cooled type. However, some small units have air-cooled condensers. These consist of tubing with external fins to increase the heat transfer surface. Most air-cooled condensers have fans to ensure positive circulation of air around the condenser tubes. Receiver The receiver (fig 10-8) acts as a temporary storage space and surge tank for the liquid refrigerant. The receiver also serves as a vapor seal to keep vapor out of the liquid line to the expansion valve. Receivers are constructed for either horizontal or vertical installation.

Figure 10-7.-Water-cooled condenser for an R-12 refrigeration system ACCESSORIES In addition to the five main components of a refrigeration system, a number of controls and accessories are required. The most important of these are described briefly in the following paragraphs.

Figure 10-8.-Receiver.

Dehydrator A dehydrator, or dryer, containing silica gel or activated alumina, is placed in the liquid refrigerant line between the receiver and the TXV. In older installations, bypass valves allow the dehydrator to be cut in or out of the system. In newer installations, the dehydrator is installed in the liquid refrigerant line without any bypass arrangement. A dehydrator is shown in figure 10-9 Moisture Indicator A moisture indicator is located either in the liquid refrigerant line or built into the dehydrator. The moisture indicator contains a chemically treated element that changes color when there is an increase of moisture in the refrigerant. The color change is reversible and changes back to a DRY reading when the moisture is removed from the refrigerant. Excessive moisture or water will damage the moisture indicator element and turn it gray, which indicates it must be replaced. Solenoid Valve and Thermostatic Control Switch A solenoid valve is installed in the liquid line leading to each evaporator. Figure 10-10 shows a solenoid valve and the thermostatic control switch that operates it. The thermostatic control switch is connected by long flexible tubing to a thermal control bulb located in the refrigerated space. When the temperature in the refrigerated space drops to the desired point, the thermal control bulb causes the thermostatic control switch to

Figure 10-9.-Refrigeration dehydrator.

Figure 10-10.-Solenoid valve and thermostatic control switch. open. This action closes the solenoid valve and shuts off all flow of liquid refrigerant to the TXV. When the temperature in the refrigerated space rises above the desired point, the thermostatic control switch closes, the solenoid valve opens, and liquid refrigerant once again flows to the TXV. The solenoid valve and its related thermostatic control switch maintain the proper temperature in the refrigerated space. You may wonder why the solenoid valve is necessary if the TXV controls the amount of refrigerant admitted to the evaporator. Actually, the solenoid valve is not necessary on units that have only one evaporator. In systems that have more than one evaporator and where there is wide variation in load, the

solenoid valve provides additional control to prevent the spaces from becoming too cold at light loads. In addition to the solenoid valve installed in the line to each evaporator, a large refrigeration plant usually has a main liquid line solenoid valve installed just after the receiver. If the compressor stops for any reason except normal suction pressure control, the main liquid solenoid valve closes. This prevents liquid refrigerant from flooding the evaporator and flowing to the compressor suction. Extensive damage to the compressor can result if liquid is allowed to enter the compressor suction. Evaporator Pressure Regulating Valve In some ships, several refrigerated spaces of varying temperatures are maintained by one compressor. In these cases, an evaporator pressure regulating valve is installed at the outlet of each evaporator EXCEPT the evaporator in the space in which the lowest temperature is to be maintained. The evaporator pressure regulating valve is set to keep the pressure in the coil from falling below the pressure corresponding to the lowest evaporator temperature desired in that space. The evaporator pressure regulating valve is used * on water coolers, * on units where high humidity is required (such as fruit and vegetable stow spaces), and * in installations where two or more rooms are maintained at different temperatures by the use of the same refrigeration unit. A cross section of a common evaporator pressure regulating valve (commonly called the EPR valve) is shown in figure 10-11. The tension of the spring above the diaphragm is adjusted so that when the evaporator coil pressure drops below the desired minimum, the spring will shut the valve. The EPR valve is not really a temperature control; that is, it does not regulate the temperature in the space. It is only a device to prevent the temperature from becoming too low. Low-Pressure Cutout Switch The low-pressure cutout switch is also known as a suction pressure control switch. This switch is the control that causes the compressor to go on or off as required for normal operation of the refrigeration plant.

Figure 10-1l.-Exploded view of a typical evaporator pressure regulating valve. It is located on the suction side of the compressor and is actuated by pressure changes in the suction line. When the solenoid valves in the lines to the various evaporators are closed, the flow of refrigerant to the evaporators is stopped. This action causes the pressure of the vapor in the compressor suction line to drop quickly. When the suction pressure has dropped to the desired pressure, the low-pressure cutout switch stops the compressor motor. When the temperature in the refrigerated spaces rises enough to operate one or more of the solenoid valves, refrigerant is again admitted to the cooling coils. This causes the compressor suction pressure to buildup again. At the desired pressure, the low-pressure cutout switch closes, starting the compressor, and the cycle is repeated again. High-Pressure Cutout Switch A high-pressure cutout switch is connected to the compressor discharge line to protect the high-pressure side of the system against excessive pressures. The design of this switch is

essentially the same as that of the low-pressure cutout switch. However, the low-pressure cutout switch is made to CLOSE when the suction pressure reaches its upper normal limit, while the high-pressure cutout switch is made to OPEN when the discharge pressure is too high. As you already have learned, the low-pressure cutout switch is the compressor control for the normal operation of the plant. On the other hand, the highpressure cutout switch is a safety device only. It does not have control of the compressor under normal conditions. Water Failure Switch A water failure switch stops the compressor if there is a circulating water supply failure. The water failure switch is a pressure-actuated switch. Its operation is similar to the lowand high-pressure cutout switches previously described. If the water failure cutout switch fails to function, the refrigerant pressure in the condenser quickly builds up to the point that the high-pressure switch stops the compressor. Strainer Because of the solvent action of R-12, any particles of grit, scale, dirt, or metal that the system may contain are circulated through the refrigerant lines. To avoid damaging the compressor from foreign matter, a strainer is installed in the compressor suction connection. Water Regulating Valve A water regulating valve controls the quantity of circulating water flowing through the refrigerant condenser. The water regulating valve is actuated by the refrigerant pressure in the compressor discharge line. This pressure acts upon a diaphragm (or, in some valves, a bellows arrangement) that transmits motion to the valve stem. The primary function of the water regulating valve is to maintain a constant refrigerant condensing pressure. Basically, the following two variable conditions exist: 1. The amount of refrigerant to be condensed 2. Changing water temperatures The valve maintains a constant refrigerant condensing pressure by controlling the water flow through the condenser. By sensing the refrigerant pressure, the valve permits only enough water through the condenser to condense the amount of refrigerant vapor coming from the compressor. The quantity of water required to condense a given amount of refrigerant varies with the water temperature. Thus, the flow of cooling water through the condenser is automatically maintained at the rate actually required to condense the refrigerant under varying conditions of load and temperature. Pressure Gauges and Thermometers

A number of pressure gauges and thermometers are used in refrigeration systems. Figure 10-12 shows a compound R-12 gauge. The temperature markings on this gauge show the boiling point (or condensing point) of the refrigerant at each pressure; the gauge cannot measure temperature directly. The red pointer is a stationary marker that can be set manually to indicate the maximum working pressure. A water pressure gauge is installed in the circulating water line to the condenser to indicate failure of the circulating water supply. Standard thermometers of appropriate range are provided for the refrigerant system. CHARACTERISTICS OF REFRIGERANTS Pure R-12 (CC 1425F425) is colorless. It is odorless in concentrations of less than 20 percent by volume in air. In higher concentrations, its odor resembles that of carbon tetrachloride. It has a boiling point of -21F at atmospheric pressure. At ordinary temperatures under a pressure of approximately 70 psig to 75 psig, R-12 is a

Figure 10-12.-Compound R-12 pressure gauge. liquid. Because of R-12's low boiling point at atmospheric pressure, you must always protect your eyes from contact with liquid R-12; the liquid will freeze the tissues of the eyes. Always wear goggles if you are to be exposed to R-12. R-22 (CHClF425) and R-11 (CC1435F) are colorless, nonexplosive, nonpoisonous refrigerants with many properties similar to those of R-12. Because of the similarities between R-22, R-11, and R-12, only R-12 is discussed. Mixtures of R-12 vapor and air, in all proportions, will not irritate your eyes, nose, throat, or lungs. The refrigerant will not contaminate or poison foods or other supplies with which it may come in contact. The vapor is nonpoisonous. However, if R-12 concentration becomes excessive, it can cause you to become unconscious or cause death because of lack of oxygen to the brain.

R-12 is nonflammable and nonexplosive in either a liquid or vapor state. R-12 will not corrode the metals commonly used in refrigerating systems. R-12 is a stable compound capable of undergoing the physical changes required of it in refrigeration service without decomposing. It is an excellent solvent and has the ability to loosen and remove all particles of dirt, scale, and oil with which it comes in contact within a refrigerating system. HALOCARBONS HaloCarbons are organic chemical compounds containing hydrogen and one or more atoms of carbon, fluorine, bromine, chlorine, or iodine. These elements may be present in various combinations in the compound. WARNING Refrigerants are halocarbons. Personnel working with refrigerants may be injured or killed if proper precautions are not taken. You may be more familiar with the brand names of halocarbons, such as Freon(s) (refrigerants), Gentron, Gension D., Frigen, AFFF, or Carbon Tetrachloride. You will work with these compounds regularly aboard ship. Because you use them frequently, you gain a false sense of security that makes you forget their potential for danger. Halocarbons are especially dangerous when used in high concentration in confined or poorly ventilated spaces. PERSONAL SAFETY PRECAUTIONS R-12 is a powerful freezing agent. Even a very small amount can freeze the delicate tissues of the eye, causing permanent damage. All personnel must wear goggles when working in spaces were they maybe exposed to a refrigerant, particularly in its liquid form. If refrigerant does get into someone's eyes, get that person IMMEDIATE medical treatment to avoid permanent damage. In the meantime, put drops of clean olive oil, mineral oil, or other nonirritating oil in the eyes. Make sure that the person does not rub his/her eyes. CAUTION Do NOT use anything except clean, nonirritating oil for this type of eye injury. If R- 12 comes in contact with the skin, it may cause frostbite. This injury should be treated as any other cause of frostbite. Immerse the affected part in a warm bath for about 10 minutes, then dry carefully. Do not rub or massage the affected area. Know, understand, and use these safety precautions, and you can safely operate and maintain refrigeration plants.

HANDLING OF REFRIGERANT CYLINDERS (BOTTLES) Refrigerants are furnished in cylinders for use in shipboard refrigeration systems. The following precautions MUST BE OBSERVED in the handling, use, and storage of these cylinders: NOTE: Before handling refrigerant bottles, read OPNAVINST 5100.19. 1. NEVER drop cylinders nor permit them to strike each other violently. 2. NEVER use a lifting magnet or a sling (rope or chain) when you handle cylinders. A crane maybe used if a safe cradle or platform is provided to hold the cylinders. 3. Keep the caps provided for valve protection on cylinders except when the cylinders are being used. 4. When refrigerant is discharged from a cylinder, weigh the cylinder immediately. Record the weight of the refrigerant remaining in the cylinder. 5. NEVER attempt to mix gases in a cylinder. 6. NEVER PUT THE WRONG REFRIGERANT INTO A REFRIGERATION SYSTEM! N O REFRIGERANT EXCEPT THE ONE FOR WHICH A SYSTEM WAS DESIGNED SHOULD EVER BE INTRODUCED INTO THE SYSTEM. Check the equipment nameplate or the manufacturer's technical manual to determine the proper refrigerant type and charge. Putting the wrong refrigerant into a system may cause a violent explosion. 7. When a cylinder is empty, close the cylinder valve immediately to prevent the entrance of air, moisture, or dirt. Also, replace the valve protection cap. 8. NEVER use cylinders for other than their intended purpose. Do NOT use them as rollers and supports. 9. Do NOT tamper with the safety devices in the valves or cylinders. 10. Open cylinder valves slowly. NEVER use wrenches or other tools except those provided by the manufacturer. 11. Be sure the threads on regulators or other connections are the same as those on the cylinder valve outlets. NEVER force connections that do not fit. 12. Regulators and pressure gauges provided for use with a particular gas must NOT be used on cylinders containing other gases. 13. NEVER attempt to repair or alter cylinders or valves.

14. NEVER fill R-12 cylinders beyond 85 percent capacity. 15. Store cylinders in a cool, dry place, in an UPRIGHT position. If the cylinders are exposed to excessive heat, a dangerous increase in pressure will occur. If cylinders must be stored in the open, protect them against extremes of weather. NEVER store a cylinder in an area where the temperature will be above 125F. 16. NEVER ALLOW R-12 TO COME IN CONTACT WITH A FLAME OR RED-HOT METAL! When exposed to excessively high temperatures, R-12 breaks down into phosgene gas, an extremely poisonous substance. AIR CONDITIONING Air conditioning is a field of engineering that deals with the design, construction, and operation of equipment used to establish and maintain desirable indoor air conditions. It is used to maintain the environment of an enclosure at any required temperature, humidity, and purity. Simply stated, air conditioning involves the cooling, heating, dehumidifying, ventilating, and purifying of air. One of the chief purposes of air conditioning aboard ship is to keep the crew comfortable, alert, and physically fit. None of us can long maintain a high level of efficiency under adverse environmental conditions. We have to maintain a variety of compartments at a prescribed temperature with proper circulation. These compartments must have the proper moisture content, the correct proportion of oxygen, and an acceptable level of air contamination (dust, airborne dirt, etc.). We also have to provide mechanical cooling or ventilation in ammunition spaces to prevent deterioration of ammunition components. We have to provide them in gas storage spaces to prevent excessive pressure buildup in containers and contamination in the space caused by gas leaks. Finally, we must provide cooling and ventilation in electrical/electronic equipment spaces. his is done to maintain the ambient temperature and humidity, as specified for the equipment. To properly air-condition a space, the humidity, heat of the air, temperature, body heat balance, the effect of air motion, and the sensation of comfort is considered. HEAT OF AIR The heat of air is considered from three standpointssensible, latent, and total heat. SENSIBLE HEAT is the amount of heat, which, when added to or removed from air, changes the temperature of the air. Sensible heat changes can be measured by the common (dry-bulb) thermometer, Air always contains some water vapor. Any water vapor in the air contains the LATENT HEAT OF VAPORIZATION. (The amount of latent heat present has no effect on temperature and it cannot be measured with a dry-bulb thermometer.)

Any mixture of dry air and water vapor contains both sensible and latent heat. The sum of the sensible heat and the latent heat in any sample of air is called the TOTAL HEAT of the air. TEMPERATURES To test the effectiveness of air-conditioning equipment and to check the humidity of a space, you must consider two different temperatures-the dry-bulb and wet-bulb temperature. Measurement of Temperatures The DRY-BULB TEMPERATURE is the temperature of sensible heat of the air, as measured by an ordinary thermometer. In air conditioning, such a thermometer is known as a dry-bulb thermometer because its sensing bulb is dry. The WET-BULB TEMPERATURE is best explained by a description of a wet-bulb thermometer. It is an ordinary thermometer with a loosely woven cloth sleeve or wick placed around its bulb and which is then wet with distilled water. The water in the sleeve or wick is evaporated by a current of air at high velocity (see next paragraph). This evaporation withdraws heat from the thermometer bulb, lowering the temperature by several degrees. The difference between the dry-bulb and the wet-bulb temperatures is called the wet-bulb depression. when the wet-bulb temperature is the same as the drybulb, the air is said to be saturated; that is, evaporation cannot take place. The condition of saturation is unusual, however, and a wet-bulb depression is normally expected. The wet-bulb and dry-bulb thermometers are usually mounted side by side on a frame that has a handle and a short chain attached. This allows the thermometers to be whirled in the air, providing a high-velocity air current to promote evaporation. Such a device is known as a SLING PSYCHROMETER (fig 10-13) When using the sling psychrometer, whirl it rapidly-at least four times per second. Observe the wet-bulb temperature at intervals. The Point at which there is no further drop in temperature is the wet-bulb temperature for that space. MOTORIZED PSYCHROMETERS (fig 10-14) are provided with a small motor-driven fan and dry-cell batteries. Motorized psychrometer are generally preferred and are gradually replacing sling psychrometer. Relationships Between Temperatures You should clearly understand the definite relationships of the three temperatures-drybulb, wet-bulb, and dew-point. When air contains some moisture but is not saturated, the dewpoint temperature is lower than the dry-bulb temperature; the wet-bulb temperature lies between them. As the

amount of moisture in the air increases, the difference between the dry-bulb temperature and the wet-bulb temperature becomes less.

Figure 10-13.-A standard sling Psychrometer.

Figure 10-14.-Exposed view of motorized psychrometer. When the air is saturated, all three temperatures are the same.

By using both the wet-bulb and the dry-bulb temperature readings, you can find the relative humidity and the dew-point temperature on a psychometric chart (fig 10-15) DEW-POINT TEMPERATURE.- The wet-bulb temperature lines are angled across the chart (see fig 10-15). The dew-point temperature lines are straight across the chart (indicated by the arrows for wet bulb and dew point). Find where the wet-bulb and drybulb lines cross, interpolate the relative humidity from the nearest humidity lines to the temperature-line crossing point. Then, to find the dew point, follow the straight dewpoint line closest to the intersection across to the right of the chart and read the dew-point temperature. For example, find the wet-bulb temperature of 70F. Next, trace the line angling down to the right to the dry-bulb temperature of 95F. Finally, to find the dewpoint temperature, follow the dew-point temperature lines nearest the intersection straight across to the right of the chart. The dew-point line falls about one-third of the way between the 55F mark and the 60 mark. You can see that the dew-point temperature is about 57F. RELATIVE HUMIDITY.- To find the relative humidity (see fig 10-15), first find the dry-bulb temperature. Read across the bottom, find 95F and follow straight up to the intersection of the wet- and dry-bulb readings. The relative humidity arc nearest the intersection is 30 percent. However, the intersecting line is below 30 percent and higher than 20 percent. You can see that the relative humidity is about 28 percent. BODY HEAT BALANCE Ordinarily, the body remains at a fairly constant temperature of 98.6F. It is important to maintain this body temperature. Since there is a continuous heat gain from internal body processes, there must be a continuous loss to maintain body heat balance. Excess heat must be absorbed by the surrounding air or lost by radiation. As the temperature and humidity of the

environment vary, the body automatically regulates the amount of heat that it gives off. However, the body's ability to adjust to varying environmental conditions is limited. Furthermore, although the body may adjust to a certain (limited) range of atmospheric conditions, it does so with a distinct feeling of discomfort. The discussion that follows will help you understand how atmospheric conditions affect the body's ability to maintain a heat balance. Body Heat Gains The body gains heat by radiation, by convection, by conduction, and as a by-product of physiological processes that take place within the body. The heat gain by radiation comes from our surroundings. However, heat always travels from areas of higher temperature to areas of lower temperature. Therefore, the body receives heat from those surroundings that have a temperature higher than body surface temperature. The greatest source of heat radiation is the sun. Some sources of indoor heat radiation are heating devices, operating machinery, and hot steam piping. The heat gain by convection comes only from currents of heated air. Such currents of air may come from a galley stove or an engine.

The heat gain by conduction comes from objects with which the body comes in contact. Most bodes comes from within the body itself. Heat is produced continuously inside the body by the oxidation of foodstuffs and other chemical processes, friction and tension within the muscle tissues, and other causes. Body Heat Losses There are two types of body heat losses-loss of sensible heat and loss of latent heat. Sensible heat is given off' by radiation, convection, and conduction. Latent heat is given off in the breath and by evaporation of perspiration. EFFECT OF AIR MOTION In perfectly still air, the layer of air around a body absorbs the sensible heat given off' by the body and increases in temperature. The layer of air also absorbs some of the water vapor given off by the body, thus increasing its relative humidity. This means the body is surrounded by an envelope of moist air that is at a higher temperature and relative humidity than the ambient air. Therefore, the amount of heat that the body can lose to this envelope is less than the amount it can lose to the ambient air. When the air is set in motion past the body, the envelope is continuously being removed and replaced by the ambient air. This movement increases the rate of heat loss from the body. When the increased heat loss improves the heat balance, the sensation of a breeze is felt; when the increase is excessive, the rate of heat loss makes the body feel cool and the sensation of a draft is felt. SENSATION OF COMFORT From what you have just learned, you know that three factors are closely interrelated in their effects upon the comfort and health of personnel aboard ship. These factors are temperature, humidity, and air motion. In fact, a given combination of temperature, humidity, and air motion produces the same feeling of warmth or coolness as a higher or lower temperature along with a compensating humidity and air motion. The term given to the net effect of these three factors is known as the EFFECTIVE TEMPERATURE. Effective temperature cannot be measured by an instrument, but can be found on a special psychometric chart when the dry-bulb temperatures and air velocity are known. The combinations of temperature, relative humidity, and air motion of a particularly effective temperature may produce the same feeling of warmth or coolness. However, they are NOT all equally comfortable. Relative humidity below 15 percent produces a parched condition of the mucous membranes of the mouth, nose, and lungs, and increases susceptibility to disease germs. Relative humidity above 70 percent causes an accumulation of moisture in clothing. For best health conditions, you need a relative humidity ranging from 40 percent to 50 percent for cold weather and from 50 percent to 60 percent for warm weather. An overall range from 30 percent to 70 percent is acceptable.

VENTILATION EQUIPMENT Proper circulation is the basis for all ventilating and air-conditioning systems and related processes. Therefore, we must first consider methods used aboard ship to circulate air. In the following sections, you will find information on shipboard equipment used to supply, circulate, and distribute fresh air and to remove used, polluted, and overheated air. In Navy ships, the fans used with supply and exhaust systems are divided into two general classes-axial flow and centrifugal. Most fans induct systems are of the axial-flow type because they generally require less space for installation. Centrifugal fans are generally preferred for exhaust systems that handle explosive or hot gases. Because the motors of these fans are outside the air stream, they cannot ignite the explosive gases. The drive motors for centrifugal fans are less subject to overheating to a lesser degree than are motors of vane-axial fans. VANE-AXIAL FANS Vane-axial fans fig. 10-16 are high-pressure fans, generally installed in duct systems. They have vanes at the discharge end to straighten out rotational air motion caused by the impeller. The motors for these fans are cooled by the flow of air in the duct from the fan blades across the motor. The motor will overheat if it is allowed to operate while the supply air to the fan is shut off. TUBE-AXIAL FANS Tube-axial fans are low-pressure fans, usually installed without duct work. However, they do have sufficient pressure for a short length of duct. CENTRIFUGAL FANS Centrifugal fans (fig 10-17 view A) are used primarily to exhaust explosive or hot gases. However, they may be used in lieu of axial-flow fans if they work better with the arrangement or if their pressure-volume characteristics suit the installation better than an axial-flow fan. Centrifugal fans are also used in some fan-coil assemblies, which are discussed later in this chapter. PORTABLE FANS Portable axial fans (fig. 10-17 view B) with flexible air hoses are used aboard ship for ventilating holds and cofferdams. They are also used in unventilated spaces to clear out stale air or gases before personnel enter and for emergency cooling of machinery.

Figure 10-16.-Vane-axial fan: A. Exterior view. B. Cutaway view. C. Cutaway view of the fan motor. Most portable fans are of the axial-flow type, driven by electric, explosionproof motors. On ships carrying gasoline, a few air turbine-driven centrifugal fans are normally provided. You can place greater confidence in the explosionproof characteristics of these fans. CAUTION Never use a dc-driven fan to exhaust air that contains explosive vapor.

EXHAUSTS Many local exhausts are used to remove heat and odors. Machinery spaces, laundries, and galleys are some of the shipboard spaces where local exhausts are used. Most exhausts used on Navy ships are mechanical (contain an exhaust fan), although natural exhausts are sometimes used in ship's structures and on small craft.

Figure 10-17.-Miscellaneous ventilation fans: A. Centrifugal fan. B. Portable axial fan. MECHANICAL COOLING EQUIPMENT

Almost all working and living spaces on newer ships are air conditioned. The equipment used on these ships was carefully tested to see which types would best dehumidify and cool ship compartments. Two basic types of equipment have been found most effective and are now in general use. They are chilled water circulating systems and self-contained air conditioners. CHILLED WATER CIRCULATING SYSTEMS TWO basic types of chilled water air-conditioning systems are now in use. They are a vapor compression unit and a lithium bromide absorption unit. In the vapor compression unit, the primary refrigerant cools the secondary refrigerant (chilled water) that is used to cool the spaces. This type uses the vapor compression cycle and R-11 or R-114 as the primary refrigerant. The type of primary refrigerant depends on the size and type of compressor. The lithium bromide unit operates on the absorption cycle and uses water as the primary refrigerant. Lithium bromide is used as an absorbent. Vapor compression plants are used in most ships. However, lithium bromide plants are used in submarines because they require no compression, which means a quieter operation. Vapor Compression Units The vapor compression chilled water circulating system differs from a refrigerant circulating (direct expansion) air-conditioning system. In vapor compression chilled water circulating systems, the air is conditioned by using a secondary refrigerant (chilled water) that is circulated to the various cooling coils. Heat from the air-conditioned space is absorbed by the circulating chilled water. Heat is then removed from the water by the primary refrigerant system in the water chiller. In large ton vapor compression systems, the compressor is a centrifugal type that uses R-11 or R-114 as the primary refrigerant. The operating cycle of the centrifugal refrigeration plant fig. 10-18 is basically the same as other refrigeration plants except for the method of compression. The refrigerant gas is pressurized in the centrifugal turbocompressor. This then is discharged into the condenser where it is condensed by circulating seawater flowing through the condenser tubes. The condensed liquid refrigerant drains to the bottom of the condenser into a float chamber. When the refrigerant level is high enough, a float-operated valve opens. (NOTE: In some R-11 units, an orifice is installed instead of a float valve.) This allows the liquid highpressure refrigerant to spray out into the water chiller (evaporator). Water to be chilled flows through the tubes of the water chiller. As the refrigerant from the condenser sprays out over the tubes, the water within the tubes is chilled or cooled due to the vaporization of the liquid refrigerant. Then, the vaporized refrigerant reenters the suction side of the compressor to start the cycle again.

Figure 10-18.-Vapor compressor (centrifugal) unit.

The load on the air-conditioning plant is determined by the desired chilled water temperature. The compressor load is changed by either an increased or decreased demand of the chilled water temperature. Upon demand, the load is changed by the use of adjustable prerotation vanes. The vanes are located on the suction side of the compressor. The vanes act as dampers to increase or decrease the flow of refrigerant vapor into the suction of the compressor. This throttling action at the compressor suction allows an increase or decrease of the capacity of the compressor without changing the compressor speed. Figure 10-19 shows a centrifugal compressor with the inlet piping removed. Note that the prerotation vanes are in the fully open position. The vane position is normally controlled automatically through an electropneumatic control system. The control system senses and

maintains the chilled water outlet temperature of the chiller at a preset value by varying the position of the vanes. In some plants, the electric motor used In some plants, the electric motoerrive the compressor is hermetically sealed and is cooled by a flow of refrigerant through it. The compressor is lubricated by a force-feed lubrication system. This system normally consists of an auxiliary oil pump, an attached oil pump (integral with compressor), an oil cooler, and a set of oil filters. The auxiliary oil pump is used for starting and securing the plant. Several automatic controls are built into the centrifugal compressor control system. These devices increase the self-operating ability of the plant by automatically shutting down the compressor if a hazardous condition develops. Some of these conditions are high condenser pressure, low compressor lube oil pressure, seawater loss to the condenser, loss of chilled water, low refrigerant temperature, low chilled water temperature, and high discharge temperature.

Figure l0-19.-Suction end of a centrifugal compressor showing prerotation vanes. An oil heater keeps the oil warm in the oil sump of the compressor during plant shutdown. If the oil is not kept heated, it absorbs large amounts of refrigerant. This

results in excessive oil foaming when the unit is started. The heaters in most plants are connected so that they are automatically turned on when the compressor is off, and off when the compressor is on.. Figure 10-20 shows a centrifugal compressor air-conditioning unit. This particular plant has a 150-ton capacity and uses R-114 as the refrigerant. The gauges and controls for the plant are on the other side of the unit. Lithium Bromide Absorption Unit Water is used as a refrigerant in the lithium bromide absorption cycle. The absorption system differs from the compression-type refrigeration machines. The absorption cycle uses heat energy instead of mechanical energy to cause the change in conditions necessary for a complete refrigeration cycle. In other words, the compressor is replaced by steam heat. The following are the two principles that form the basis for the lithium bromide absorption refrigeration cycle: 1. Lithium bromide has the ability to absorb large quantities of water vapor. 2. When under a high vacuum, water boils (vaporizes) at a low temperature and, in doing so, absorbs heat. To understand the lithium bromide absorption cycle, follow along on figure 10-21 during as you read the following explanation. Notice that the EVAPORATOR and ABSORBER sections are in a common shell. The sections are separated by the refrigerant tray and baffles. This shell is under a high vacuum of about 29.8 in.Hg. Water boils at 35F (1.7C) at this pressure. (Note that this is only 3F above the freezing point of water.) The refrigerant pump circulates the refrigerant (water) through the evaporator. The water is sprayed out over 88the chilled water tubes through a spray header. This causes the water to vaporize (or flash) more readily. As the water vaporizes around the chilled water tubes, it removes heat from the circulating chilled water. The water vapor is floating about in the evaporator/absorber shell. Now, the absorber comes into play. Lithium bromide solution is sprayed out from a spray header in the absorber. The absorber pump provides the driving head for the spray. As the lithium bromide solution is sprayed out, it absorbs the water vapor, which is in the shell from the evaporation process. As the lithium bromide absorbs more and more water vapor, its ability to absorb decreases. This is

Figure 10-20.-R-114 centrifugal air-conditioning plant.

Figure 10-21.-Basic absorption cycle. known as a WEAK solution. Here, in the generator section of the plant, the weak solution is rejuvenated for reuse as a STRONG solution. The generator pump pumps the weak solution from the weak solution section of the absorber up to the generator. In the generator, the weak lithium bromide solution is sprayed out over steam tubes that heat the solution and drive the water vapor out of the solution. The strong solution thus produced flows back into the absorber for reuse. The water vapor driven out of the solution flows from the generator into the condenser where it is condensed by circulating seawater for reuse as a refrigerant. The condensed vapor flows into the evaporator and down to the refrigerant tray. A regenerative heat exchanger is provided in the system for the lithium bromide solution. The weak solution must be heated to drive out the water vapor; the strong solution must be cooled to absorb water vapor.

The regenerative heat exchanger aids in this process by cooling the strong solution and preheating the weak solution in the cycle. Seawater (condensing) flow is provided through the absorber section. It cools the strong solution returning from the generator and removes the heat produced as the lithium bromide solution absorbs the water vapor. The outlet seawater from the absorber is the inlet water for the condenser. The absorber pump and the generator pump are driven by a common electric motor. Therefore, the two pumps are referred to cumulatively as the absorber/generator pump. A purge system (not shown) consists of a pump, an eductor, and a purge tank. The system is provided with the lithium bromide absorption system to keep air and noncondensables out of the evaporator/absorber shell.

The maintenance of the high vacuum within the shell is important to the proper operation of the plant. Fan-Coil Assemblies Fan-coil assemblies (fig. 10-22) use chilled water to air-condition spaces. These assemblies are known as spot coolers. The chilled water is piped through the cooling coils of the units, and a fan forces air over the coils. Note the chilled water connections, the vent cock at the top, and the condensate collection tray at the bottom of the unit. The condensate collection tray collects the moisture condensed out of the air. The condensate is generally piped to the bilge or a waste water drain system. It is important that the drain for the collection tray be kept clear. If the condensate cannot drain out of the tray, it collects and evaporates, leaving impurities that can rapidly cause the tray to corrode. SELF-CONTAINED AIR CONDITIONERS Ships without central air conditioning may use self-contained air-conditioning units. Naval Sea Systems Command (NAVSEASYSCOM) approval is required. A selfcontained air-conditioning unit is simply the type of air conditioner you see installed in the windows of many homes. All that is required for installation is to mount the proper brackets for the unit case and provide electrical power. These units use nonaccessible hermetically sealed compressors (motor and compressor are contained in a welded steel shell). For this reason, shipboard maintenance of the motor-compressor unit is impractical. The thermal expansion valve used in these units is preset and nonadjustable. However, a thermostat and fan speed control are normally provided for comfort adjustment.

AIR COMPRESSORS The air compressor is the heart of any compressed air system. It takes in atmospheric air, compresses it to the desired pressure, and moves it into supply lines or into storage tanks for later use. Air compressors come in different designs and configurations and have different methods of compression. Some of the most common types used on gas turbine ships are discussed in this chapter. Before describing the various types of air compressors, you need to know about the composition of air and some of the things air may contain. This discussion should help you understand why air compressors have special features that prevent water, dirt, and oil vapor from getting into compressed air piping systems. Air is mostly composed of nitrogen and oxygen. At atmospheric pressure (within the range of temperatures for the earth's atmosphere), air is in a gaseous form. The

Figure 10-22.-Fan-coil assembly.

earth's atmosphere also contains varying amounts of water. Depending on weather conditions, water will appear in a variety of forms, such as rain (liquid water), snow crystals, ice (solid water), and vapor. Vapor is composed of tiny drops of water that are light enough to stay airborne. Clouds are an example of the existence of water vapor. Since air is a gas, it expands when heated. Consequently, heating air causes a given amount of air2routed through to expand, take up more space (volume), and hold more

water vapor. When a given amount of air at a given temperature and pressure is no longer able to soak up water vapor, the air is saturated, and the humidity is 100 percent. When air cools, its density increases; however, its volume and ability to hold water decrease, When temperature and pressure conditions cause the air to cool and to reach the dew point, any water vapor in the air condenses into a liquid state (water). In other words, one method of drying air out is to cool it until it reaches the dew point. Besides nitrogen, oxygen, and water vapor, air contains particles of dust and dirt that are so tiny and lightweight that they remain suspended in the air. You may wonder how the composition of air directly affects the work of an air compressor. Although one cubic foot of air will not hold a tremendous amount of water or dirt, you should realize that air compressors have capacities that are rated in hundreds of standard cubic feet per minute (cfm). This is a very high rate of flow. When a high flow rate of dirty, moisture-laden air is allowed to enter and pass through an air compressor, the result is rapid wear of the seals and load-bearing parts, internal corrosion (rust), and early failure of the unit. The reliability and useful life of any air compressor is extended by the installation of filters. Filters remove most of the dirt and dust from the air before it enters the equipment. On the other hand, most of the water vapor in the air at the intake passes directly through the filter material and is compressed with the air. When air is compressed, it becomes very hot. As you know, hot air is capable of holding great amounts of water. The water is removed as the compressed air is routed through the coolers. The coolers remove the heat from the airstream and cause some of the water vapor to condense into liquid (condensate). The condensate must be periodically drained from the compressor. Although the coolers will remove some of the water from the air, simple cooling between the stages of compression (intercooling) and cooling of the airstream after it leaves the compressor (aftercooling) will not make the air dry. When clean dry air suitable for pneumatic control and other shipboard systems are required air from the compressor is routed through air-drying units. Many air-drying units are capable of removing enough water vapor from the airstream to cause the dew point to be as low as -60F. Some of the more common devices used to remove water vapor from the airstream, such as dehydrators, are discussed later in this chapter. CLASSIFICATION OF AIR COMPRESSORS An air compressor may be classified according to pressure (low, medium, or high), type of compressing element, and whether the discharged air is oil free. Because of our increasing need for oil-free air aboard ship, the oil-free air compressor is gradually replacing most of the standard low-pressure and high-pressure air compressors. For this reason, most of this discussion is focused on the features of oil-free air compressors. The Naval Ships' Technical Manual (NSTM), chapter 551, lists compressors in three classifications:

1. Low-pressure air compressors (LPACs), which have a discharge pressure of 150 psi or less 2. Medium-pressure compressors, which have a discharge pressure of 151 psi to 1,000 psi 3. High-pressure air compressors (HPACs), which have a discharge pressure above 1,000 psi Low-Pressure or Ship's Service Air Compressors The two types of LPAAs that are used on naval ships are the screw type and the reciprocating type. SCREW TYPE.- The helical-screw type of compressor is a relatively new design of oilfree air compressor. This low-pressure air compressor is a single-stage, positivedisplacement, axial-flow, helical-screw type of compressor. It is often referred to as a screw-type compressor. Figure 10-23 shows the general arrangement of the LPAC unit. In the screw-type LPAC, compression is caused by the meshing of two helical rotors (a male and a female rotor, as shown in fig 10-24) located on parallel shafts and enclosed in a casing. Air inlet and outlet ports are located on opposite sides of the casing. Atmospheric air is drawn into the compressor through the filter-silencer. The air passes through the air cylinder-operated unloader (butterfly) valve and into the

Figure 10-23.-LPAC unit (screw type.)

Figure 10-24: LPAC, compressor section. inlet part of the compressor when the valve is in the open (load) position. Fresh water is injected into the airstream as it passes through the inlet port of the compressor casing. The injected fresh water serves two purposes: 1. It reduces the air discharge temperature caused by compression. 2. It seals the running clearances to minimize air leak. Most of the injected water is entrained into the airstream as it moves through the compressor. The compression cycle starts as the rotors unmesh at the inlet port. As rotation continues, air is drawn into the cavity between the male rotor lobes and into the grooves of the female rotor. The air is trapped in these grooves, or pockets, and follows the rotative direction of each rotor. As soon as the inlet port is closed, the compression cycle begins as the air is directed to the opposite (discharge) end of the compressor. The rotors mesh, and the normal free volume is reduced. The reduction in volume (compression) continues with a resulting increase in pressure, until the closing pocket reaches the discharge port.

The entrained water is removed from the discharged air by a combined separator and water holding tank. The water in the tank passes through a seawater-cooled heat exchanger. The cooled water then recirculates to the compressor for reinfection. During rotation and throughout the meshing cycle, the timing gears maintain the correct clearances between the rotors. Since no contact occurs between the rotor lobes and grooves, between the rotor lobes and casing, or between the rotor faces and end walls, no internal oil lubrication is required. This design allows the compressor to discharge oilfree air. For gear and bearing lubrication, lube oil from a force-feed system is supplied to each end of the compressor. Mechanical seals serve to keep the oil isolated from the compression chamber. RECIPROCATING TYPE.- All reciprocating air compressors are similar to each other in design and operation. The following discussion describes the basic components and principles of operation of a low-pressure reciprocating air compressor. The LPAC is a vertical, two-stage single-acting compressor that is belt-driven by an electrical motor. Two first-stage cylinders and one second-stage cylinder are arranged inline in individual blocks mounted to the crankcase (frame) with a distance piece (frame extension). The crankcase is mounted on a subbase that supports the motor, moisture separators, and a rack assembly. The intercooler, aftercooler, freshwater heat exchanger, and freshwater pump are mounted on the rack assembly. The subbase serves as the oil sump. Figure 10-25 shows the general arrangement of the reciprocating-type compressor.

Figure 10-25.-LPAC (reciprocating type). The compressor is of the crosshead design. Figure 10-26 shows shows cross-sectional views of the LPAC. The frame extension houses the crossheads and crosshead guides and is open to the atmosphere. It separates the cylinders, which are not oil lubricated, from the crankcase. Oil wiper assemblies (seals) are located in the frame extension to scrape lubricating oil off the piston rods when the compressor is in operation. Oil deflector plates are attached to the piston rods to prevent any oil that creeps through the scrapers from entering the cylinders. Oil that is scraped from the piston rods drains back to the sump. Air leak along the piston rods is prevented by full floating packing assemblies bolted to the underside of the cylinder blocks. During operation, ambient air is drawn into the first-stage cylinders through the inlet filter silencers and inlet valves during the downstroke. When the piston reaches the bottom of its stroke, the inlet valve closes and traps the air in the cylinder. When the piston moves upward, the trapped air is compressed and forced out of the first-stage cylinders, through the first-stage cooler and the first-stage moisture separator. When the second-stage piston starts its downstroke, the air is drawn into the second-stage cylinder. Then, it is further

Figure 10-26.-LPAC, cross-sectional views (reciprocating type.) compressed, followed by a cooling and moisture removal process similar to the first stage. High-Pressure Air Compressors The HPAC is a vertical, five-stage, reciprocating air compressor. It is driven by being directly connected to an electrical motor. Refer t0 figures 10-27 and 10-28 as we describe the compressor.

The subbase supports the compressor assembly, the electric drive motor, and the coolers and rack assembly. The crankcase is bolted directly to the subbase and is made up of the frame and frame extension. The frame houses the crankshaft and oil pump. The frame extension is open to the atmosphere and isolates the conventionally lubricated frame from the oil-free cylinders. The crosshead guides are machined in the frame extension. A uniblock casting contains the first three-stage cylinders and is mounted on the frame extension i- . The cylinders are arranged in line. The first stage is in the center, the second stage is at the motor end, and the third stage is outboard. The fourth stage is mounted above the second stage, and the fifth stage is above the third stage. The fourthand fifth-stage pistons are tandem mounted to the secondand third-stage pistons, respectively. During operation, ambient air is drawn into the first-stage cylinder through the inlet falter and inlet valves. The first stage is double acting, and air is drawn into the lower cylinder area as the piston is moving upward. At the same time, air in the upper cylinder is being compressed and forced out the upper discharge valve. As the piston moves downward, air is drawn into the upper cylinder; likewise, air in the lower cylinder is being compressed and forced out the lower discharge valve. Compressed air leaves the first-stage discharge valves and flows through the first-stage intercooler, and into the first-stage moisture separator. The first-stage separator has a small tank mounted on the side of the compressor frame below the gauge panel and a holding tank mounted below the cooler rack. The separators for the remaining stages handle smaller volumes of air due to compression; as a result, the separators and holding chambers are smaller and are integrated into one tank. Condensate is removed from the air as it collides with the internal tank baffles and collects in the holding chamber.

Figure 10-27.-HPAC.

Figure 10-28.-HPAC, cross-sectional views. Air from the first-stage separator is drawn into the single-acting, second-stage cylinder on tile upward stroke of the piston. As the piston travels downward, the air is compressed and forced out the discharge valve. The second-stage discharge air passes through the second-stage intercooler into the second separator.

The third stage draws air from the second separator and compresses it in the same manner as in the second stage. Third-stage air enters a pulsation bottle before passing through the third-interstage cooler. Pulsation bottles are used after the third and fifth compression stages to minimize the shock effect of inlet and discharge pulses as well as pressure changes due to condensate draining. After passing through the third-interstage cooler and moisture separator, the air is drawn into the fourth-stage cylinder on the downstroke of the piston. As the piston travels upward, the air is compressed and forced out the discharge valve. Then it passes through the fourth-stage intercooler and moisture separator. Air is drawn into the fifth-stage cylinder on the piston downstroke and is compressed and discharged on the upstroke. The discharge air passes through the fifth-stage pulsation bottle, the aftercooler, the moisture separator, a back-pressure valve, and a check valve before entering the ships' HP piping. SAFETY PRECAUTIONS Many hazards are associated with pressurized air, particularly air under high pressure. Dangerous explosions have occurred in high-pressure air systems because of DIESEL EFFECT. If a portion of an unpressurized system or component is suddenly and rapidly pressurized with high-pressure air, a large amount of heat is produced. If the heat is excessive, the air may reach the ignition temperature of the impurities present in the air and piping (oil, dust, and so forth). When the ignition temperature is reached, a violent explosion will occur as these impurities ignite. Ignition temperatures may also result from other causes. Some are rapid pressurization of a low-pressure dead-end portion of the piping system, malfunctioning of compressor aftercoolers, and leaky or dirty valves. Air compressor accidents have also been caused by improper maintenance procedures. These accidents can happen when you disconnect parts under pressure, replace parts with units designed for lower pressures, and install stop valves or check valves in improper locations. Improper operating procedures have resulted in air compressor accidents with serious injury to personnel and damage to equipment. You must take every possible step to minimize the hazards inherent in the process of compression and in the use of compressed air. Strictly follow all safety precautions outlined in the manufacturer's technical manuals and in the NSTM, chapter 551. Some of these hazards and precautions are as follows: 1. Explosions can be caused by dust-laden air or by oil vapor in the compressor or receiver if abnormally high temperatures exist. Leaky or dirty valves, excessive pressurization rates, or faulty cooling systems may cause these high temperatures. 2. NEVER use distillate fuel or gasoline as a degreaser to clean compressor intake filters, cylinders, or air passages. These oils vaporize easily and will form a highly explosive mixture with the air under compression.

3. Secure a compressor immediately if you observe that the temperature of the air being discharged from any stage exceeds the maximum temperature specified. 4. NEVER leave the compressor station after starting the compressor unless you are sure that the control and unloading devices are operating properly. 5. Before working on a compressor, make sure the compressor is secured. Make sure that it cannot start automatically or accidentally. Completely blow down the compressor, and then secure all valves (including the control or unloading valves) between the compressor and the receiver. Follow the appropriate tag-out procedures for the compressor control valves and the isolation valves. When the gauges are in place, leave the pressure gauge cutout valves open at all times. 6. Before disconnecting any part of an air system, be sure the part is not under pressure. Always leave the pressure gauge cutout valves open to the sections to which they are attached. 7. Avoid rapid operation of manual valves. The heat of compression caused by a sudden flow of high-pressure air into an empty line or vessel can cause an explosion if oil or other impurities are present. Slowly crack open the valves until flow is noted, and keep the valves in this position until pressure on both sides has equalized. Keep the rate of pressure rise under 200 psi per second DEHYDRATORS The removal of moisture from compressed air is an important feature of compressed air systems. As you have learned, some moisture is removed by the intercoolers and aftercoolers. Air flasks and receivers are provided with low-point drains so any collected moisture may drain periodically. However, many shipboard uses for compressed air require air with an even smaller moisture content than is obtained through these methods. Water vapor in air lines can create other potentially hazardous problems. Water vapor can cause control valves and controls to freeze. These conditions can occur when air at very high pressure is throttled to a low-pressure area at a high-flow rate. The venturi effect of the throttled air produces very low temperatures that cause any moisture in the air to freeze into ice. Under these conditions, a valve (especially an automatic valve) may become very difficult or impossible to operate. Also, moisture in any air system can cause serious water hammering (a banging sound) within the system. For these reasons, air dehydrators or dryers are used to remove most of the water vapor from compressed air. The Navy uses two basic types of air dehydrators and a combination of the two. These air dehydrators are classified as follows: 1. Type I-refrigeration 2. Type II-heater, desiccant

3. Type III-refrigeration, desiccant Each of these types meets the specified requirements for the quality of the compressed air used in pneumatic control systems or for clean, dry air used for shipboard electronic systems. Usually, specific requirements involve operating pressure, flow rate, dew point, and purity (percent of aerosols and size of particles). We will briefly discuss each of the types of air dehydrators. REFRIGERATION AIR DEHYDRATOR (TYPE I) Refrigeration is one method of removing moisture from compressed air. The dehydrator shown in figure 10-29 is a REFRIGERATION DEHYDRATOR or REFRIGERATED AIR DRYER. This unit removes water vapor entrained in the stream of compressed air by condensing the water into a liquid that is heavier than air. Air flowing from the separator/holding tank first passes through the air-to-air heat exchanger, where some of the heat of compression is removed from the airstream. The air then moves through the evaporator section of the dehydrator, where the air is chilled by circulating refrigerant. In this unit, the airstream is cooled to a temperature that is below the dew point. This will cause the water vapor in the air to condense so the condensate drain system can remove it. After leaving the evaporator section, the dehydrated air moves upward through the cold air side of the air-to-air heat exchanger.

Figure 10-29.-Dehydrator (type 1).

In the air-to-air heat exchanger, the dehydrated air is raised in temperature by the warm air entering the dehydrator. Heating the air serves to reduce thermal shock as the air enters the system. The exiting dry air flows into the receiver for availability to the ship's air system. DESICCANT AIR DEHYDRATOR (TYPE II) The desiccant is a drying unit. More practically, desiccant is a substance with a high capacity to remove (adsorb) water or moisture. It also has a high capacity to give off that moisture so the desiccant can be reused. DESICCANT-TYPE DEHYDRATORS fig. 1030 are basically composed of cylindrical flasks filled with desiccant. Compressed air system dehydrators use a pair of desiccant towers. One tower is in service dehydrating the compressed air, while the other is being reactivated. A desiccant

tower is normally reactivated when dry, heated air is routed through the tower in the direction opposite to that of the normal dehydration airflow. The hot air evaporates the collected moisture and carries it out of the tower to the atmosphere. The air for the purge cycle is heated by electrical heaters. When the reactivating tower completes the reactivation cycle, it is placed in service to dehydrate air, and the other tower is reactivated. REFRIGERATION AND DESICCANT AIR DEHYDRATOR (TYPE III) Some installations may use a combination of refrigeration and desiccant for moisture removal. Hot, wet air from the compressor first enters a refrigeration section, where low temperature removes heat from the airstream and condenses water vapor from the air. Then,

Figure 10-30.-Dehydrator (type 11).

the cold, partially-dried air flows into a desiccant section, where the desiccant absorbs additional moisture from the air. DISTILLING PLANTS Distilling plants are used to supply fresh water and boiler feedwater. Distillers use either steam, hot water, or electrical energy to boil seawater. The majority of Navy ships have steam-heated distilling plants. There are three types of steam-heated distilling plants-submerged tube, flash, and vapor compression. Of these types, the submerged-tube heat recovery and flash are the most widely used. Heat recovery units are used in vessels with engine propulsion or auxiliary engines. Two variations of the heat recovery types are used; both use the heat from engine cooling systems for evaporization of seawater. In one model of a heat recovery plant, the heat of the diesel engine jacket water is transferred to the seawater in a heat exchanger. The heated seawater is then flashed to freshwater vapor as in the flash-type distilling unit. In the second variation, the hot diesel engine jacket water is circulated through a tube bundle that is submerged in seawater. The seawater is boiled in a chamber that is under vacuum as in the submerged tube distilling unit. Refer to figure 10-31 which shows a simplified flow diagram for a 12,000 gpd (gallons per day), Model S500ST, submerged-tube recovery unit. In this recovery unit, jacket water from the ship's main propulsion diesels is fed to a tube bundle. The tube is submerged in the seawater that will be evaporated. The jacket water imparts its heat to the seawater surrounding the tubes, which induces seawater evaporation. The vapor created by the evaporating seawater is drawn through vapor separators to the distillate condensing tube bundle. The temperature of evaporation is maintained below the normal 212F boiling point by a feedwater-operated air eductor. The eductor mechanically evacuates air and gases entrained in the vapor formed in the evaporating process and creates an internal shell pressure as low as 2 1/2 psia. The flash-type distilling plant fig. 10-32 has preheater that heat seawater to a high temperature. Then, the seawater is admitted to a vacuum chamber where some of it flashes to vapor. The remaining seawater is directed to another vacuum chamber maintained at an even lower vacuum. Here, more seawater flashes to vapor. At this point, the remaining

Figure 10-31.-Simplified flow diagram-heat recovery unit.

Figure 10-32.-Two-stage flash-type evaporator. seawater is pumped overboard. Some flash-type distilling plants have as many as five flash chambers through which the seawater passes before being pumped overboard. The vapor is condensed and routed to the ship's freshwater tanks. Distilling plants range in capacity from 2,000 to 100,000 gpd. The size depends on shipboard needs and space available. Some ships have only one distilling unit, while others have two or more. PURIFIERS When you operate and maintain a purifier, you should refer to the detailed instructions that come with each purifier. These manufacturers' technical manuals contain information on the construction, operation, and maintenance of the specific purifier. You need to follow these instructions carefully. This section of the TRAMAN contains a discussion and general information on the methods of purification and the

principles of operation of centrifugal purifiers. Centrifugal purifiers are used to purify both lube oil and fuel. However, we will discuss lube oil only since the principles are the same for both. A purifier may remove both water and sediment, or it may remove sediment only. When water is involved in the purification process, the purifier is usually called a SEPARATOR. When the principal contaminant is dirt or sediment, the purifier is used as a CLARIFIER. Purifiers are generally used as separators for the purification of fuel. When used for purification of a lube oil, a purifier may be used as either a separator or a clarifier. Whether a purifier is used as a separator or a clarifier depends on the water content of the oil that is being purified. The following general information will help you understand the purification process, the purposes and principles of purifier operation, and the basic types of centrifugal purifiers used by the Navy. PURIFIER OPERATION Centrifugal force is the fundamental operating principle used in the purification of fluid. Centrifugal force is that force exerted on a body or substance by rotation. Centrifugal force impels the body or substance out ward from the axis of rotation. Essentially, a centrifugal purifier is a container rotated at high speed. As it rotates, contaminated lube oil is forced through, and rotates with, the container. Only materials that are in the lube oil are separated by centrifugal force. For example, water is separated from lube oil because water and lube oil are immiscible, which means they are incapable of being mixed. Also, there must be a difference in the specific gravities of the materials before they can be separated by centrifugal force. You cannot use a centrifugal purifier to separate JP-5 or naval distillate from lube oil because it is capable of being mixed; likewise, you cannot remove salt from seawater by centrifugal force. When a mixture of lube oil, water, and sediment stands undisturbed, gravity tends to form an upper layer of lube oil, an intermediate layer of water, and a lower layer of sediment. The layers form because of the specific gravities of the materials in the mixture. If the lube oil, water, and sediment are placed in a container that is revolving rapidly around a vertical axis, the effect of gravity is negligible in comparison with that of the centrifugal force. Since centrifugal force acts at right angles to the axis of rotation of the container, the sediment with its greater specific gravity assumes the outermost position, forming a layer on the inner surface of the container. Water, being heavier than lube oil, forms an intermediate layer between the layer of sediment and the lube oil, which forms the innermost layer. The separated water is discharged as waste, and

Figure 10-33.-Disc-type centrifugal purifier. the lube oil is discharged to the sump. The solids remain in the rotating unit. Other factors that affect separation by centrifugal force include the size of the particles, the viscosity of the fluids, and the length of time the materials are subjected to centrifugal force. Generally, the greater the difference in specific gravity between the substances to be separated and the lower the viscosity of the lube oil, the greater the rate of separation. PURIFIER TYPES Two basic types of purifiers are used in Navy installations, and both types use centrifugal force. There are principal differences in the equipment design and operating speed of the rotating elements of the two machines. In one type, the rotating element is a bowl-like container that encases a stack of discs. This is the disc-type DeLaval purifier, which has a bowl operating speed of about 7,200 rpm. In the other type, the rotating element is a hollow cylinder. This machine is the tubular-type Sharples purifier, which has an operating speed of 15,000 rpm.

Disc-Type Purifier Figure 10-33 shows a cutaway view of a disc-type centrifugal purifier. The bowl is mounted on the upper end of the vertical bowl spindle, and driven by a worm wheel and friction clutch assembly. A radial thrust bearing at the lower end of the bowl spindle carries the weight of the bowl spindle and absorbs any thrust created by the driving action. Figure 10-34 shows the parts of a disc-type bowl. The flow of fluid through the bowl and additional parts are shown ir figure 10-35. Contaminated fluid enters the top of the revolving bowl through the regulating tube. The fluid then passes down the inside of the tubular shaft, out the bottom, and up into the stack of discs. As the dirty fluid flows up through the distribution holes in the discs, the high centrifugal force exerted by the revolving bowl causes the dirt, sludge, and water to move outward. The purified fluid is forced inward and upward, discharging from the neck of the top disc. The water forms a seal between the top disc and the bowl top. (The top disc is the dividing line between the water and the fluid.) The discs divide the space within the bowl into many separate narrow passages or spaces. The liquid confined within each pass is restricted so that it flows only along that pass. This arrangement minimizes agitation of the liquid passing through the bowl. It also forms shallow settling distances between the discs. Any water separated from the fluid, along with some dirt and sludge, is discharged through the discharge ring at the top of the bowl. However, most of the dirt and sludge remains in the bowl and collects in a more or less uniform layer on the inside vertical surface of the bowl shell. Tubular-Type Purifier A cutaway view of a tubular-type centrifugal purifier is shown in figure 10-36. This type of purifier consists of a bowl or hollow rotor that rotates at high speeds. The bowl has an opening in the bottom to allow the dirty fluid to enter. It also has two sets of openings

Figure 10-34.-Parts of a disc-type purifier bowl.

Figure 10-35.-Path of contaminated oil through a disc-type purifier bowl (Delaval). at the top to allow the fluid and water to discharge. The bowl of the purifier is connected by a coupling unit to a spindle. The spindle is suspended from a ball bearing assembly. The bowl is belt-driven by an electric motor mounted on the frame of the purifier. The lower end of the bowl extends into a flexibly mounted guide bushing. The assembly restrains movement of the bottom of the bowl, but it also allows the bowl enough movement to center itself during operation. Inside the bowl is a device with three flat plates that are equally spaced radially. This device is commonly referred to as the THREE-WING DEVICE, or just the three-wing. The three-wing rotates with the bowl and forces the liquid in the bowl to rotate at the same speed as the bowl. The liquid to be centrifuged is fed, under pressure, into the bottom of the bowl through the feed nozzle. After priming the bowl with water, separation is basically the same as it is in the disctype purifier. Centrifugal force causes clean fluid to assume the innermost position (lowest specific gravity), and the higher density water and dirt are forced outward towards the sides of the bowl. Fluid and water are discharged from separate openings at the top of the bowl. The location of the fluid-water interface within the bowl is determined by the size of a metal ring called a RING DAM or by the setting of a discharge screw. The ring dam or discharge screw is also located at the top of the bowl.

Any solid contamination separated from the liquid remains inside the bowl all around the inner surface. GENERAL NOTES ON PURIFIER OPERATIONS For maximum efficiency, you should operate purifiers at the maximum designed speed and rated capacity. Since reduction gear oils are usually contaminated with water condensation, the purifier bowls should be operated as separators and not as clarifiers. When a purifier is operated as a separator, you should prime the bowl with fresh water before any oil is admitted into the purifier. The water seals the bowl and creates an initial equilibrium of liquid layers. If the bowl is not primed, the oil is lost through the water discharge port. There are many factors that influence the time required for purification and the output of a purifier, such as the 1. viscosity of the oil,

Figure 10-36.-Tubular-type centrifugal purifier. 2. pressure applied to the oil, 3. size of the sediment particles,

4. difference in the specific gravity of the oil, 5. substances that contaminate the oil, and 6. tendency of the oil to emulsify. The viscosity of the oil will determine the length of time required to purify the oil. The more viscous the oil, the longer the time will be to purify it to a given degree of purity. Heating decreases the viscosity of the oil, and this is one of the most effective methods to make purification easier. Even though certain oils may be satisfactorily purified at operating temperatures, a greater degree of purification generally results if the oil is heated to a higher temperature. To do this, the oil is passed through a heater where the proper temperature is obtained before the oil enters the purifier bowl. Oils used in naval ships maybe heated to specified temperatures without adverse effects. However, prolonged heating at higher temperatures is not recommended because of the tendency of such oils to oxidize. Oxidation results in rapid deterioration. Generally, heat oil to produce a viscosity of approximately 90 seconds Saybolt universal (90 SSU). You should NEVER increase the pressure above normal to force a high-viscosity oil through the purifier. Instead, decrease the viscosity by heating the oil. Using excess pressure to force oil through the purifier results in less efficient purification. On the other hand, reducing the pressure at which the oil is forced into the purifier increases the length of time the oil is under the influence of centrifugal force and results in improved purification. To make sure that the oil discharged from a purifier is free of water, dirt, and sludge, you need to use the proper size discharge ring (ring dam). The size of the discharge ring depends on the specific gravity of the oil being purified. All discharge rings have the same outside diameter; but, they have inside diameters of different sizes. The information in this TRAMAN on purifiers is general, and it applies to both types of purifiers. Before you operate a specific purifier, refer to the specific operating procedures contained in the instructions that come with the unit ELECTROHYDRAULIC DRIVE MACHINERY Hydraulic units drive or control steering gears, windlasses, winches, capstans, airplane cranes, ammunition hoists, and distant control valves. In this part of the chapter, you will learn about some of the hydraulic units that will concern you. The electrohydraulic type of drive operates several different kinds of machinery better than other types of drives. Here are some of the advantages of electrohydraulic machinery.

Tubing, which can readily transmit fluids around corners, conducts the liquid which transmits the force. Tubing requires very little space. The machinery operates at variable speeds. Operating speed can be closely controlled from minimum to maximum limits. The controls can be shifted from no load to full load rapidly without damage to machinery. ELECTROHYDRAULIC SPEED GEAR. An electrohydraulic speed gear is frequently used in electrohydraulic applications. Different variations of the basic design are used for specific applications, but the operating principles remain the same. Basically, the unit consists of an electric motordriven hydraulic pump (A-end) and a hydraulic motor (B-end). The B-end (fig 10-37) is already on stroke and is rotated by the hydraulic force of the oil acting on the pistons. Movement of the pistons' A-end is controlled by a tilt box (also called a swash plate) in which the socket ring is mounted, as shown in part A of figure 10-37. The length of piston movement, one way or the other, is controlled by movement of the tilt box and by the amount of angle at which the tilt box is placed. The length of the piston movement controls the amount of fluid flow. When the drive motor is energized, the A-end is always in motion. However, with the tilt box in a neutral or vertical position, there is no reciprocating motion of the pistons. Therefore, no oil is pumped to the B-end. Any movement of the tilt box, no matter how slight, causes pumping action to start. This causes immediate action in the B-end because force is transmitted by the hydraulic fluid. When you need reciprocating motion, such as in a steering gear, the B-end is replaced by a piston or ram. The force of the hydraulic fluid causes the movement of the piston or ram. The tilt box in the A-end is controlled locally (as on the anchor windlass) or remotely (as on the steering gear). ELECTROHYDRAULIC STEERING GEAR The steering gear transmits power from the steering engine to the rudder stock. The steering gear frequently includes the driving engine and the transmitting mechanism. Many different designs of steering gear are in use, and they all operate on the same principle. One type of

Figure 10-37.-Electrohydraulic speed gear. electrohydraulic steering gear is shown in figure 10-38. It consists essentially of a ram unit and a power unit. Ram Unit The ram unit (view A) is mounted athwartship and consists of a single ram operated by opposed cylinders. The ram is connected by links to the tillers of the twin rudders. When oil pressure is applied to one end of the operating cylinder, the ram moves, causing each rudder to move along with it. Oil from the opposite end of the cylinder is returned to the suction side of the main hydraulic pump in the power unit. Power Unit

The power unit (view B) consists of two independent pumping systems. Two systems are used for reliability. One pump can be operated while the other is on standby. Each pumping system consists of a variable-delivery, axial-piston main pump and a vanetype auxiliary pump. Both are driven by a single electric motor through a flexible coupling. Each system also includes a transfer valve with operating gear, relief valves, a differential control box, and trick wheels. The whole unit is mounted on a bedplate that serves as the top of an oil reservoir. Steering power is taken from either of the two independent pumping systems. The pumps of the power unit are connected to the ram cylinders by high-pressure piping. The two transfer valves are placed in the piping system to allow for the lineup of one pump to the ram cylinders with the other pump isolated. A hand lever and mechanical link (not shown) are connected to the two transfer valves so that

both valves are operated together. This allows rapid shifting from the on-service pumping unit to the standby unit; it prevents lining up both pumps to the ram at the same time. The hand lever is usually located between the trick wheels. It has three positions marked P, N, and S. P denotes the port pump is connected to the ram; N denotes neutral (neither pump connected to the ram); and S denotes the starboard pump is connected to the ram. Also, the hand lever is usually connected to motor switches. This lets the operator connect the selected pump to the ram and start the pump drive motor in one quick operation. In most ships this valve is electrically controlled by the motor controller and by pressure switches. Principles of Operation The on-service hydraulic pump is running at all times and is a constant-speed pump. Unless steering is actually taking place, the tilt box of the main hydraulic pump is at zero stroke, and no oil is being moved within the main system. The auxiliary pump provides control oil and supercharge flows for the system. To understand the operation of the pump, let's assume that a steering order signal comes into the differential control box. It can come from either the remote steering system in the ship's wheelhouse or the trick wheel. The control box mechanically positions the tilt box of the main hydraulic pump to the required angle and position. NOTE: Remember that direction of fluid and flow may be in either direction in a hydraulic speed gear. It depends on which way the tilt box is angled. For this reason, the constant-speed, unidirectional motor can be used to drive the main hydraulic pump. The pump will still have the capability to drive the ram in either direction. With the main hydraulic pump now pumping fluid into one of the ram cylinders, the ram moves, moving the rudders. A rack and gear are attached to the rudder yoke between the rudder links. As the ram and the rudder move, the rack gear moves, driving the follow-up pinion gear. The pinions drive follow-up shafts that feed into the differential box. This feedback or servo system tells the differential control box when the steering operation is complete. As the ordered rudder angle is approached, the differential control box begins realigning the tilt box of the main hydraulic pump. By the time the desired rudder angle is reached, the tilt box is at zero stroke. This means that the ordered signal (from the pilot house or trick wheel) and the actual signal (from the follow-up shafts) are the same. If either of these change, the differential control box reacts accordingly; the main hydraulic unit pumps oil to one end or the other of the ram. The trick wheels provide local-hydraulic control of the steering system of the remote steering system fails. A hand pump and associated service lines are also provided for local-manual operation of the ram if both hydraulic pump units fail. Operation and Maintenance

The Machinist's Mate watch stander usually operates the steering equipment only in abnormal and emergency situations. For this reason, you should be thoroughly familiar with all emergency procedures, such as local-hydraulic steering with the trick wheel and local-manual steering with the hand pump. Operating instructions and system diagrams are normally posted near the steering gear. The diagrams describe the various procedures and lineups for operation of the steering gear. Be sure that the standby equipment is ready for instant use. General maintenance of the steering gear requires that you clean, inspect, and lubricate the mechanical parts and maintain the hydraulic oil at the proper level and purity. The Planned Maintenance System (PMS) lists the individual requirements for the equipment. The electricians maintain the electrical portion of the steering system, including the control system. ANCHOR WINDLASSES In a typical electrohydraulic mechanism, one constant-speed electric motor drives two variable-stroke pumps through a coupling and reduction gear. Other installations include two motors, one for driving each pump. Each pump normally drives one wildcat. However, if you use a three-way plug cock-type valve, either pump may drive either of the two wildcats. The hydraulic motors drive the wildcat shafts with a multiple-spur gearing and a locking head. The locking head allows you to disconnect the wildcat shaft and permits free operation of the wildcat, as when dropping anchor. Each windlass pump is controlled either from the weather deck or locally. The controls are handwheels on shafting that lead to the pump control. The hydraulic system requires your attention. Make sure the hydraulic system is always serviced with the specified type of clean oil. Normally, you will maintain three types of anchor windlasses-the electric, electrohydraulic, and hand-driven windlasses. Hand-driven windlasses are used only on small ships where the anchor gear can be handled without excessive effort by operating personnel. The major work on a hand windlass is to properly adjust the link, friction shoes, locking head, and brake and to keep them in satisfactory operating condition at all times. In an electrohydraulic windlass, your principal concern is the hydraulic system. A windlass is used intermittently and for short periods of time. However, it must handle the required load under severe conditions. This means that you must maintain and adjust the machinery when it is not in use. This practice will prevent deterioration and ensure dependable use. Windlass brakes must be kept in satisfactory condition if they are to function properly. Wear and compression of brake linings increases the clearance between the brake drum

and band after a windlass has been in operation. Inspect brake linings and clearances frequently. Make adjustments according to the manufacturer's instructions. You should follow the lubrication instructions furnished by the manufacturer. If a windlass has been idle for some time, lubricate it. This protects finished surfaces from corrosion and prevents seizure of moving parts. The hydraulic transmissions of electrohydraulic windlasses and other auxiliaries are manufactured with close tolerances between moving and stationary parts. Keep dirt and other abrasive material out of the system. When the system is replenished or refilled, use only clean oil. Strain it as it is poured into the tank. If a hydraulic transmission is disassembled, clean it thoroughly before reassembly. Before installing piping or valves, clean their interiors to remove any scale, dirt, preservatives, or other foreign matter. WINCHES Winches are used to heave in on mooring lines, to hoist boats, as top lifts on jumbo booms of large auxiliary ships, and to handle cargo. Power for operating shipboard winches is usually furnished by electricity and, on some older ships, by steam. Sometimes delicate control and high acceleration without jerking are required, such as for handling aircraft. Electrohydraulic winches are usually installed for this purpose. Most auxiliary ships are equipped with either electrohydraulic or electric winches. Cargo Winches Some of the most common winches used for general cargo handling are the double-drum, double-gypsy, and the single-drum, single-gypsy units. Four-drum, two-gypsy machines are generally used for minesweeping.. Electrohydraulic Winches Electrohydraulic winches (fig 10-39) are always drum type. The drive equipment is like most hydraulic systems. A constant-speed electric motor drives the A-end (variable-speed hydraulic pump), which is connected to the B-end (hydraulic motor) by suitable piping. The drum shaft is driven by the hydraulic motor through reduction gearing.. Normally, winches have one horizontally mounted drum and one or two gypsy heads. If only one gypsy is required, it is easily removed from or assembled on either end of the drum shaft. When a drum is to be used, it is connected to the shaft by a clutch. Electric Winches An electrically driven winch is shown in figure 10-40. This winch is a single-drum, single-gypsy type. The electric motor drives the unit through a set of reduction gears. A clutch engages or disengages the drum from the drum shaft. Additional features include an electric brake and a speed control switch.

CAPSTANS The terms capstan and winch should not be confused. A winch has a horizontal shaft and a capstan has a vertical shaft. The type of capstan installed aboard ship depends on the load requirements and type of power available. In general, a capstan consists of a single head mounted on a vertical shaft, reduction gearing, and a power source. The types, classified according to power source, are electric and steam. Electric capstans are usually of the reversible type. They develop the same speed and power in either direction. Capstans driven by ac motors run at either full, one-half, or one-third speed. Capstans driven by do motors usually have from three to five speeds in either direction of rotation.

Figure 10-39.-Electrohydraulic winch units.

Figure 10-40.-Electric winch.

Maintenance of Winches and Capstans You will maintain the winch or capstan similarly. Where band brakes are used on the drums, inspect the friction linings regularly and replace them when necessary. Take steps to prevent oil or grease from accumulating on the brake drums. Check the operation of brake-actuating mechanisms, latches, and pawls periodically. Inspect winch drums driven by friction clutches frequently for deterioration in the friction material. Check also to see if oil and grease are preventing proper operation. Lubricate the sliding parts of positive clutches properly. Check the locking device on the shifting gear to see if it will hold under load. CRANES Cranes are designed to meet the following criteria: 1. Hoist, lower, top, and rotate a rated load at the specified speed and against a specified list of the ship. 2. Handle 150 percent of rated load at no specified speed. 3. Withstand a static, suspended load of 200 percent of rated load without dam or distortion to any part of the crane or structure.

The types of cranes installed on ships vary according to the equipment handled. The crane equipment generally includes the boom, king post, king post bearings, sheaves, hook and rope, machinery platforms, rotating gear, drums, hoisting, topping and rotating drives, and controls. Some of the components of cranes include booms, king post bearings, sheaves and ropes, machinery platforms, rotating gear and pinions, and drums. Booms A boom, used as a mechanical shipboard appliance, is a structural unit used to lift, transfer, or support heavy weights. A boom is used with other structures or structural members that support it, and various ropes and pulleys, called blocks, which control it. King Post Bearings Bearings on stationary king posts take both vertical load and horizontal strain at the collar, located at the top of the king post. On rotating king posts, bearings take both vertical and horizontal loads at the base and horizontal reactions at a higher deck level. Sheaves and Ropes The hoisting and topping ropes are led from the drums over sheaves to the head of the boom. The sheaves and ropes are designed according to recommendations by NAVSEASYSCOM. This command sets the criteria for selection of sheave diameter, size, and flexibility of the rope. Sufficient fair-lead sheaves are fitted to prevent fouling of the rope. A shock absorber is installed in the line, hoisting block, or sheave at the head of the boom to take care of shock stresses. Machinery Platforms Machinery platforms carry the power equipment and operator's station. These platforms are mounted on the king post above the deck. Rotating Gear and Pinions Rotation of the crane is accomplished by vertical shafts with pinions engaging a large rotating gear. Drums The drums of the hoisting and topping winches are generally grooved for the proper size wire rope. The hoisting system uses single or multiple part lines as required. The topping system uses a multiple purchase as required. Operation and Maintenance of Cranes

The hoisting whips and topping lifts of cranes are usually driven by hydraulic variablespeed gears through gearing of various types. This provides the wide range of speed and delicate control required for load handling. The cranes are usually rotated by an electric motor connected to worm and spur gearing. They may also be rotated by an electric motor and hydraulic variable-speed gear connected to reduction gearing. Some electrohydraulic cranes have automatic slack line take-up equipment. This consists of an electric torque motor geared to the drum. These cranes are used to lift boats, aircraft, or other loads from the water. The torque motor assists the hydraulic motor drive to reel in the cable in case the load is lifted faster by the water than it is being hoisted by the crane. Electrohydraulic equipment for the crane consists of one or more electric motors running at constant speed. Each motor drives one or more A-end variable-displacement hydraulic pumps. The pump strokes are controlled through operating handwheels. START, STOP, and EMERGENCY RUN pushbuttons at the operator's station control the electric motors. Interlocks prevent starting the electric motors when the hydraulic pumps are on stroke. Bend hydraulic motors are connected to the A-end pumps by piping. They drive the drums of the hoisting and topping units or the rotating machinery. Reduction gears are located between the electric motor and the A-end pump and between the B-end hydraulic motor and the rotating pinion. Each hoisting, topping, and rotating drive has an electric brake on the hydraulic motor output shaft. This brake is interlocked with the hydraulic pump control. It will set when the hydraulic control is on neutral or when electric power is lost. A centering device is used to find and retain the neutral position of the hydraulic pump. Relief valves protect the hydraulic system. These valves are set according to the requirements of chapter 556 of the NSTM. Cranes usually have a rapid slack take-up device consisting of an electric torque motor. This motor is connected to the hoist drum through reduction gearing. This device works in conjunction with the pressure stroke control on the hydraulic pump. It provides fast acceleration of the hook in the hoisting direction under light hook conditions. Thus, slack in the cable is prevented when hoisting is started. Some cranes have a light-hook paying-out device mounted on the end of the boom. It pays out the heisting cables when the weight of the hook and cable beyond the boomhead sheave is insufficient to overhaul the cable as fast as it is unreeled from the hoisting drum. When the mechanical hoist control is in neutral, the torque motor is not energized and the cable is gripped lightly by the action of a spring. Moving the hoist control to LOWER energizes the torque motor. The sheaves clamp and pay out the cable as it is unreeled from the hoist drum. When the hoist control is moved to HOIST, the torque motor is

reversed and unclamps the sheaves. Alimit switch opens and automatically de-energizes the paying-out device. Maintain cranes according to the PMS requirements or the manufactured instructions. Keep the oil in the replenishing tanks at the prescribed levels. Keep the system clean and free of air. Check the limit stop and other mechanical safety devices regularly for proper operation. When cranes are not in use, secure them in their stowed positions. Secure all electric power to the controllers ELECTROHYDRAULIC ELEVATORS Some of the hydraulic equipment that you maintain is found in electrohydraulic elevator installations. Modern carriers use elevators of this type. The elevators described in this chapter are now in service in some of the ships of the CV class. These ships are equipped with four, deck-edge airplane elevators having a maximum lift capacity of 79,000 to 105,000 pounds. The cable lift platform of each elevator projects over the side of the ship and is operated by an electrohydraulic plant. Electrohydraulic Power Plant The electrohydraulic power plant for the elevators consists of the following components: 1. A horizontal plunger-type hydraulic engine 2. Multiple variable-delivery parallel piston-type pumps 3. Two high-pressure tanks 4. One low-pressure tank 5. A sump tank system 6. Two constant-delivery vane-type pumps (sump pumps) 7. An oil storage tank 8. A piping system and valves 9. A nitrogen supply The hydraulic engine is operated by pressure developed in a closed hydraulic system. Oil is supplied to the system in sufficient quantity to cover the baffle plates in the highpressure tanks and allow for piston displacement. Nitrogen is used because air and oil in contact under high pressure form an explosive mixture. Air should not be used except in an emergency. Nitrogen, when used, should be kept at 97 percent purity. The hydraulic engine has a balanced piston-type valve with control orifices and a differential control unit. This control assembly is actuated by an electric motor and can be

operated by hand. To raise the elevator, move the valve off center to allow high-pressure oil to enter the cylinder. High-pressure oil entering the cylinder moves the ram. The ram works through a system of cables and sheaves to move the platform upward. The speed of the elevator is controlled by the amount of pressure in the high-pressure tank and the control valve. When the elevator starts upward, the pressure in the high-pressure tank drops. The pressure drop automatically starts the main pumps. These pumps transfer oil from the low-pressure tank to the high-pressure system until the pressure is restored. An electrical stopping device automatically limits the stroke of the ram and stops the platform at the proper position at the flight deck level. To lower the elevator, move the control valve in the opposite direction. This lets oil in the cylinder flow into the exhaust tank. As the platform descends, oil is discharged to the low-pressure tank (exhaust tank). The original oil levels and pressures, except for leaks, are reestablished. The lowering speed is controlled by the control valve and the cushioning effect of the pressure in the exhaust tank. Leak is drained to the sump tanks. It is then automatically transferred to the pressure system by the sump pumps. An electrically operated stopping device automatically slows down the ram and stops the platform at its lower level (hangar deck). Safety Features The following list contains some of the major safety features incorporated into modem deck-edge elevators: 1. If the electrical power fails while the platform is at the hangar deck, there will be enough pressure in the system to move the platform to the flight deck one time without the pumps running. 2. Some platforms have serrated safety shoes. If all the hoisting cable should break on one side, the shoes will wedge the platform between the guide rails. This will stop the platform with minimum damage. 3. A main pump may have a pressure-actuated switch to stop the pump motors when the discharge pressure is excessive. They may also have to relieve the pressure when the pressure switch fails to operate. 4. The sump pump system has enough capacity to return the unloaded platform from the hangar deck to the flight deck. 5. The oil filter system maybe used continuously while the engine is running. This allows part of the oil to be cleaned with each operation of the elevater. ELECTROMECHANICAL ELEVATORS

Electromechanical elevators are used for freight, bombs, and stores. In this type of elevator, the platform is raised and lowered by one or more wire ropes that pass over pulleys and wind or unwind on hoisting drums. Hoisting drums are driven through a reduction gear unit by an electric motor. An electric brake stops and holds the platform. The motor has two speeds, full speed and low, or one-sixth, speed. Control arrangements allow the elevator to start and run on high speed. Low speed is used for automatic deceleration as the elevator approaches the selected level. The platform travels on two or four guides. Hand-operated or power-operated lock bars, equipped with electrical interlocks, hold the platform in position. LUBRICATING SYSTEMS Most equipment is provided with a lubricating system that supplies oil under pressure to the bearings. The system consists of a sump or reservoir for storing the oil, an oil pump, a strainer, a cooler, temperature and pressure gauges, and the necessary piping to carry the oil to the bearings and back to the sump. The location and arrangement of these parts vary with each piece of equipment. This system allows the lube-oil system to perform the following functions: 0 Supply lubrication to the bearings Cool the bearings Flush any wear products from the bearings The lube-oil pump is generally a gear-type pump. A definite pressure is maintained in the oil feed lines. A pressure relief valve allows excess oil to recirculate to the suction side of the pump. Quite often, dual strainers are connected in the line so that the system can operate on one strainer while the other one is being cleaned. The tube-in-shell type of cooler is generally used with seawater circulating through the tubes and the oil flowing around them. The temperature of the oil is controlled by adjusting the valve that regulates the amount of seawater flowing through the tubes. Oil must be supplied to the bearings at the prescribed pressure and within certain temperature limits. A pressure gauge installed in the feed line and a thermometer installed in the return line indicate oil system functioning. Thermometers are often installed in the bearings to serve as a warning against overheating. If there is a decided drop in oil pressure, shut down the equipment immediately. You should investigate even a moderate rise in the oil temperature. An oil-level float gauge indicates the amount of oil in the sump. Some bearings do not require a lot of cooling or flushing of wear products, so they are grease lubricated (like automobile steering joints). These bearings are usually fitted with a zerk fitting (grease fitting), but some may have grease cups installed. FUNCTIONS OF LUBRICATION

Lubrication reduces friction between moving parts by substituting fluid friction for sliding friction. Most lubricants are oils or greases; but other units, such as water, can be used for lubrication. When a rotating journal is set in motion, a wedge of oil is formed. This wedge (layer of oil) supports the rotor and substitutes fluid friction for sliding friction. The views shown in figure 10-41 represent a rotor (journal) rotating in a solid sleeve-type bearing. The clearances are exaggerated in the drawing so you can see the formation of the oil film. The shaded portion represents the clearance filled with oil. While the journal is stopped, the oil is squeezed from between the rotor and the bearing, As the rotor starts to turn, oil adhering to the rotor surfaces is carried into the area between the rotor and the bearing. This oil increases the thickness of the oil film, tending to raise and support the rotor. Thus, sliding friction has been replaced by fluid friction. LUBRICATING OILS AND GREASES Many different kinds of lubricating materials are in use, each of them filling the requirements of a particular set of conditions. Animal and vegetable oils and even water have good lubricating qualities, but they cannot withstand high temperatures. Mineral oils, similar to the oils used in an automobile engine, are the best type of

Figure 10-41.-Rotating journals in sleeve-type bearings. lubricant for modern machinery operating at high speeds and high temperatures. Mineral lubricating oils are derived from crude oil in the same process that produces gasoline, kerosene, and fuel oil. They vary according to the type of crude oil and the refining methods used. The same type of oil is usually made in several grades or weights. These grades correspond to the different weights of oil for an automobile, varying from light to heavy. Oils used in the Navy are divided into nine classes, or series, depending on their use. Each type of oil has a symbol number that indicates its class and viscosity. For example,

symbol 2190 oil is a number 2 class of oil with a viscosity of 190 SSU. The viscosity number represents the time in seconds that is required for 60 cubic centimeters (cc) of oil, at a temperature of 130F, to flow through a standard size opening in a Saybolt viscosimeter (fig 10-42). A 2190TEP oil is used for all propulsion turbines and reduction gears. The letters TEP indicate that the oil contains additive materials that increase its ability to displace water from steel and inhibit oxidation. Internal combustion engines (gasoline and diesel) use symbol 9110, 9170, 9250, or 9500 lubricating oils.

Figure 10-42.-Viscosimeter tube.

These oils have been developed for lubrication of high-speed, high-output diesel engines. Grease lubrication is used in locations where the retention of lube oil would be difficult. Some of these locations include throttle links, pump bearings, small boat steering links, laundry equipment, etc. Grease is graded according to its intended use and the additives it may contain. Always be sure that you are using the specified lubricant for the individual machinery part, unit, or system you are responsible for operating or maintaining.

The manufacturer's technical manual for each unit of machinery is the basic reference for the correct lube oil, if no lubrication chart (based on manufacturer's instructions) is available. In addition, the table of recommended oils can be found in NSTM, chapter 262. GALLEY AND LAUNDRY EQUIPMENT The Navy uses a variety of galley and laundry equipment. The type of equipment depends on the size of the ship, the availability of steam, and other factors. You will need the equipment manufacturer's technical manual for each different piece of gear aboard. Schedule and perform preventive maintenance according to the 3-M systems. GALLEY EQUIPMENT In the following paragraphs, we will discuss some of the types of galley equipment with which you will deal. Steam-Jacketed Kettles Steam-jacketed kettles (fig. 10-43) come in sizes from 5 to 80 gallons. The kettles are made of corrosion-resisting steel. They operate at a maximum steam pressure of 45 psi. A relief valve in the steam line leading to the kettles is set to lift at 45 psi. Maintenance on these units is normally limited to the steam lines and valves associated with the kettles. Other steam-operated cooking equipment includes steamers (fig 10-44) and steam tables (fig 10-45). Steamers use steam at a pressure of 5 to 7 psi; steam tables use steam at a pressure of 40 psi or less. Dishwashing Equipment Dishwashing machines used in the Navy are classified as one-, two-, or three-tank machines. The three-tank machine is a fully automatic, continuous

Figure 10-43.-Steam-jacketed kettles racking machine. It scrapes, brushes, and provides two rinses. It is used at large activities. Bacteria in these tanks must be controlled at a satisfactory level. This is done by controlling the temperature of the water. The temperature ranges will vary in one-, twoand three-tank machines. SINGLE TANK.- Single-tank machines (fig 10-46) are used on small ships, where larger models are not feasible. The temperature of the washwater must be at least 140F and no greater than 160F. Lower temperatures will not control bacteria and higher temperatures are not efficient at removing some foods. These temperatures are controlled by a thermostat. The washing time is 40 seconds in the automatic machines. For rinsing, hot water is sprayed on the dishes from an external source. It is controlled by an adjustable automatic steam-mixing valve that maintains the rinse water between 180F and 195F. To conserve fresh water, the rinse time interval is usually limited to 10 seconds. When water supply is not a problem, a rinse of 20 seconds is recommended. Wash and rinse sprays are controlled separately by automatic, self-opening and closing valves in the automatic machine. DOUBLE TANK.- Double-tank machines (fig 10-47) are available in several capacities. They are used when more than 150 persons are to be served at one

Figure 10-44.-Steamer.

Figure 10-45.-Steam table. meal. These machines have separate wash and rinse tanks. They also have a final rinse of hot water that is sprayed on the dishes from an outside source. This spray is opened by the racks as they pass through the machines. The spray automatically closes when the rinse cycle is completed. The final rinse is controlled by an adjustable automatic steammixing valve that maintains temperature between 180F and 195F. double-tank machines are also equipped with a

thermostatically operated switch in the rinse tank. This switch prevents operation of the machine if the temperature of the rinse water falls below 180F. The racks pass through the machine automatically on conveyor chains. Utensils should be exposed to the machine sprays for not less than 40 seconds (20-second wash, 20-second rinse). Descaling Dishwashers You should prevent the accumulation of scale deposits in dishwashing machines for at least two reasons. First, excessive scale deposit on the inside of pipes and pumps will clog them. This will interfere with the efficient performance of the machine by reducing the volume of water that comes in contact with the utensils during the washing and sanitizing process. Second, scale deposits provide a haven for harmful bacteria. The supplies needed for descaling are available through Navy supply channels. See the following supply list:

Figure 10-46.-Typical semiautomatic single-tank dishwashing machine.

You should know the capacity of the dishwashing machine tanks. Measure (in inches) the inside dimensions of each tank and apply the following formula: length X width X depth (to water line) 231 = capacity in gallons. Steps and key points in descaling the machine: Steps and key points in descaling the machine. 1. Fill the tanks halfway to the overflow level with hot, clean water. If tanks do not have water level indicators, remove a section of the scrap tray in each tank so that you can see the overflow pipe. 2. Add the required amount of acid and detergent to the water to prepare the cleaning solution. Measure amounts carefully. Use 7 fluid ounces of orthophosporic acid 85 percent plus 1/2 fluid ounce detergent, general purpose. Use this measure for each gallon capacity of the tank when it is filled to the overflow level. 3. Complete filling the tanks. Fill to the overflow level. 4. Put scrap screens, spray pipes, and splash curtains in place. Remove scale deposits on all attachments. 5. Turn on the machine. Operate the machine at the highest permissible operating temperature for 60 minutes. 6. Turn off and drain the machine. Open the drain valves and allow all the cleaning solution to drain from the tanks. 7. Refill. Use fresh hot water. 8. Turn on the machine. Operate the machine at the highest temperature for 5 minutes. Repeat steps 7 and 8 several times. Repeat the entire method at such intervals as may be required for operation of the dishwashing machine. LAUNDRY EQUIPMENT Equipment used to clean, dry, and press clothing includes washers, extractors, dryers, dry-cleaning machines, and various types of presses. Most of the maintenance on this equipment is concerned with inspecting and lubricating the various parts.

Most laundry equipment is equipped with a number of safety devices. If disabled, these safety devices can and have caused shipboard fires and damage to equipment, clothing, and personnel. Pay special attention to these safety devices during preventive and corrective maintenance. Pay extra special attention to those devices designed to protect operator personnel. SUMMARY This chapter covered refrigeration equipment, cooling systems, air compressors, purifiers, and lubrication, electrohydraulic drive machinery, and weight-handling equipment. It also covered galley equipment, including steam kettles and dishwashers. Laundry equipment was covered briefly since most of your work is limited to inspection and lubrication. Think back over these broad areas. If you feel that you do not have a general understanding of your rate as it relates to a specific type of equipment, go back now and review that section. CHAPTER 11 INSTRUMENTS As a watch stander, you observe or monitor operating equipment and take the necessary steps to detect malfunctions and prevent damage to the equipment. The word monitor means to observe, record, or detect an operation or condition using instruments. Measurement, in a very real sense, is the language of engineers. The shipboard engineering plant has many instruments that indicate existing conditions within a piece of machinery or a system. By reading and interpreting the instruments, you can determine whether the machinery or the system is operating within the prescribed range. Recorded instrument readings are used to make sure the plant is operating properly. They are also used to determine the operating efficiency of the plant. The instruments provide information for hourly, daily, and weekly entries for station operating records and reports. The data entered in the records and reports must be accurate since they are used to determine the condition of the plant over a period of time. Remember, for accurate data to be entered on the records and reports of an engineering plant, you must read the instruments carefully. In this chapter, we describe various types of indicating instruments that you, as a Fireman, come in contact with while working and standing watch on an engineering plant. Upon completion of this chapter, you should be able to describe the various types of temperature and pressure measuring instruments, indicators, alarms, and the functions for which they are used. Engineering measuring instruments are typically classified into the following groups: Pressure gauges Temperature detectors Temperature measuring devices Electrical indicating instruments Liquid-level indicators

Revolution counters and indicators Salinity indicators Torque wrenches We will discuss each of these categories in the following sections. PRESSURE GAUGES The types of pressure gauges used in an engineering plant include Bourdon-tube gauges, bellows, diaphragm gauges, and manometers. Bourdon-tube gauges are generally used for measuring pressures above and below atmospheric pressure. Bellows and diaphragm gauges and manometers are generally used to measure pressures below 15 pounds-persquare-inch gauge (psig). They are also used for low vacuum pressure. Low vacuum pressure is slightly less than 14.7 pounds-per-square-inch absolute (psia). Often, pressure measuring instruments have scales calibrated in inches of water (in. H20) to allow greater accuracy. NOTE: On dial pressure gauges, set the adjustable red hand (if installed) at or slightly above the maximum normal operating pressure, or at or slightly below the minimum normal operating pressure, (Refer to Naval Ships' Technical Manual, chapter 504, for specific instructions.) BOURDON-TUBE GAUGES The device usually used to indicate temperature changes by its response to volume changes or to pressure changes is called a Bourdon tube. A Bourdon tube is a C-shaped, curved or twisted tube that is open at one end and sealed at the other (fig 11-1). The open end of the tube is fixed in position, and the scaled end is free to move. The tube is more or less elliptical in cross section; it does not form a true circle. The tube becomes more circular when there is an increase in the volume or the internal pressure of the contained fluid. The spring action of the tube metal opposes this action and tends to coil the tube. Since the open end of the Bourdon tube is rigidly fastened, the sealed end moves as the pressure of the contained fluid changes.

Figure 11-1.-C-shaped Bourdon tube. There are many types of Bourdon-tube gauges used in the Navy. The most common ones are the simplex, duplex, vacuum, compound, and differential pressure gauges. They operate on the principle that pressure in a curved tube has a tendency to straighten out the tube. This curved tube is made of bronze for pressure under 200 psi and of steel for pressures over 200 psi. Simplex Bourdon-tube Gauge Figure 11-2 shows a simplex Bourdon tube installed in a gauge case. Notice that the Bourdon tube is in the shape of the letter C and is welded or silver-brazed to the stationary base. The free end of the tube is connected to the indicating mechanism by a linkage assembly. The threaded socket, welded to the stationary base, is the pressure connection. When pressure enters the Bourdon tube, the tube tends to straighten out. The tube movement through linkage causes the pointer to move proptionally to the pressure applied to the tube. The simplex gauge is used for measuring the pressure of steam, air, water, oil, and similar fluids or gases. Duplex Bourdon-tube Gauge The duplex Bourdon-tube gauge (fig. 11-3) has two tubes and two separate gear mechanisms within the same case. As shown in view B, a pointer is connected to the gear mechanism of each tube. Each pointer operates independently. Duplex gauges are normally used to show pressure drops between the inlet and outlet sides of lube oil strainers. If the pressure reading for the inlet side of a strainer is much greater than the pressure reading for the outlet side, you may assume that the strainer is likely to be dirty and is restricting the flow of lube oil through the strainer. Bourdon-tube Vacuum Gauge, Compound Gauge, and Differential Pressure Gauge

Bourdon-tube vacuum gauges are marked off in inches of mercury (fig 11-4). When a gauge is designed to measure both vacuum and pressure, it is called a compound gauge. Compound gauges are marked off both in inches of mercury (in.Hg) and in psig (fig 115).

Figure 11-2.-Simplex Bourdon-tube pressure gauge.

Figure 11-3.-Duplex Bourdon-tube pressure gauge. Differential pressure may also be measured with Bourdon-tube gauges. One kind of Bourdon-tube differential pressure gauge is shown in figure 11-6. This gauge has two Bourdon tubes, but only one pointer. The Bourdon tubes are connected in such away that they are

Figure 11-4.-Bourdon-tube vacuum gauge.

Figure 11-5.-Compound Bourdon-tube gauge.

Figure 11-6.-Bourdon-tube differential pressure gauge.

Figure 11-7.-Bellows gauge. the pressure difference, rather than either of the two actual pressures indicated by the pointer. BELLOWS GAUGE A bellows gauge contains an elastic element that is a convoluted unit that expands and contracts axially with changes in pressure. The pressure to be measured can be applied to the outside or inside of the bellows. However, in practice, most bellows measuring devices have the pressure applied to the outside of the bellows (fig.11-7) . Like Bourdontube elements, the elastic elements in bellows gauges are made of brass, phosphor bronze, stainless steel, beryllium-copper, or other metal that is suitable for the intended purpose of the gauge. Most bellows gauges are spring-loaded; that is, a spring opposes the bellows, thus preventing full expansion of the bellows. Limiting the expansion of the bellows in this way protects the bellows and prolongs its life. In a spring-loaded bellows element, the deflection is the result of the force acting on the bellows and the opposing force of the spring. Although some bellows instruments can be designed for measuring pressures up to 800 psig, their primary application aboard ship is in the measurement of low pressures or small pressure differentials.

Figure 11-8.-Diaphragm gauge. Many differential pressure gauges are of the bellows type. In some designs, one pressure is applied to the inside of the bellows, and the other pressure is applied to the outside. In other designs, a differential pressure reading is obtained by opposing two bellows in a single case. Bellows elements are used in various applications where the pressure-sensitive device must be powerful enough to operate not only the indicating pointer but also some type of recording device. DIAPHRAGM GAUGES Diaphragm gauges are very sensitive and give reliable indication of small differences in pressure. Diaphragm gauges are generally used to measure air pressure in the space between the inner and outer boiler casings. Figure 11-8 shows the indicating mechanism of a diaphragm gauge. This mechanism consists of a tough, pliable, neoprene rubber membrane connected to a metal spring that is attached by a simple linkage system to the gauge pointer. One side of the diaphragm is exposed to the pressure being measured, while the other side is exposed to the atmosphere. When pressure is applied to the diaphragm, it moves and, through a linkage system, moves the pointer to a higher reading on the dial. When the

Figure 11-9.-A. Standard U-tube manometer. B. Single-tube manometer. pressure is lowered, the diaphragm moves the pointer back toward the zero point. MANOMETERS A manometer is perhaps the most accurate, least expensive, and simplest instrument for measuring low pressure or low-pressure differentials. In its simplest form, a manometer consists of either a straight or U-shaped glass tube of uniform diameter, filled with a liquid. The most common liquids used are water and oil. One end of the U-tube is open to the atmosphere, and the other end is connected to the pressure to be measured (fig. 11-9) . The liquid reacts to the amount of pressure exerted on it and moves up or down within the tube. The amount of pressure is determined by matching the liquid level against a scale within the manometer. TEMPERATURE MEASURING DEVICES Temperature is one of the basic engineering variables. Therefore, temperature measurement is essential to the proper operation of a shipboard engineering plant. As a watch stander, you will use both mechanical and electrical instruments to monitor temperature levels. You will frequently be called on to measure the temperature of steam, water, fuel, lubricating oil, and other vital fluids. In many cases, you will enter the results of measurements in engineering logs and records.

THERMOMETERS (MECHANICAL) Mechanical devices used to measure temperature are classified in various ways. In this section, we will discuss only the expansion thermometer types. Expansion thermometers operate on the principle that the expansion of solids, liquids, and gases has a known relationship to temperature change. The following types of expansion thermometers are discussed in this section: 0 Liquid-in-glass thermometers Bimetallic expansion thermometers Filled-system thermometers Liquid-in-Glass Thermometers Liquid-in-glass thermometers are the oldest, simplest, and most widely used devices for measuring temperature. A liquid-in-glass thermometer fig 11-10

Figure 11-10.-Liquid-in-glass thermometer.

Figure 11-11.-Effect of unequal expansion of a bimetallic strip. has a bulb and a very fine-bore capillary tube. The tube contains alcohol or some other liquid that uniformly expands or contracts as the temperature rises or falls. The selection of liquid is based on the temperature range for which the thermometer is to be used. Almost all liquid-in-glass thermometers are sealed so atmospheric pressure does not affect the reading. The space above the liquid in this type of thermometer may be a vacuum, or this space maybe filled with an inert gas, such as nitrogen, argon, or carbon dioxide. The capillary bore may be round or elliptical. In either case, it is very small; therefore, a relatively small expansion or contraction of the liquid causes a relatively large change in the position of the liquid in the capillary tube. Although the capillary bore has a very small diameter, the walls of the capillary tube are quite thick. Most liquid-in-glass thermometers have an expansion chamber at the top of the bore to provide a margin of safety for the instrument if it should accidentally overheat. Liquid-in-glass thermometers may have graduations etched directly on the glass stem or placed on a separate strip of material located behind the stem. Many thermometers used in shipboard engineering plants have the graduations marked on a separate strip because this type is generally easier to read. You will find liquid-in-glass thermometers in use in the oil and water test lab for analytical tests on fuel, oil, and water. Bimetallic Expansion Thermometers Bimetallic expansion thermometers make use of different metals having different coefficients of linear expansion. The essential element in a bimetallic expansion thermometer is a bimetallic strip consisting of two layers of different metals fused

together. When such a strip is subjected to temperature changes, one layer expands or contracts more than the other, thus tending to change the curvature of the strip. Figure 11-11 shows the basic principle of a bimetallic expansion thermometer. One end of a straight bimetallic strip is fixed in place. As the strip is heated, the other end tends to curve away from the side that has the greater coefficient of linear expansion. When used in thermometers, the bimetallic strip is normally wound into a flat spiral (fig. 11-12), a single helix, or a multiple helix. The end of the strip that is not fixed in position is fastened to the end of a pointer that moves over a circular scale. Bimetallic thermometers are easily adapted for use as recording thermometers; a pen is attached to the pointer and positioned so that it marks on a revolving chart. Filled-System Thermometers Generally, filled-system thermometers are used in locations where the indicating part of the instrument must be placed some distance away from the point where the temperature is to be measured. For this reason, they are often called distant-reading thermometers. However, this is not true for filled-system thermometers. In some designs, the capillary tubing is very short or nonexistent. Generally, however, filled-system thermometers are distant-reading thermometers. Some distant-reading thermometers have capillaries as long as 125 feet.

Figure 11-12.-Bimetallic thermometer (flat, spiral strip).

Figure 11-13.-Distant-reading, Bourdon-tube thermometer. There are two basic types of filled-system thermometers. One type has a Bourdon tube that responds primarily to changes in the volume of the filling fluid. The other type has a Bourdon tube that responds primarily to changes in the pressure of the filling fluid. A distant-reading thermometer fig. 11-13 consists of a hollow metal sensing bulb at one end of a small-bore capillary tube. The tube is connected to a Bourdon tube or other device that responds to volume changes or pressure changes. The system is partially or completely filled with a fluid that expands when heated and contracts when cooled. The fluid may be a gas, an organic liquid, or a combination of liquid and vapor. PYROMETERS Pyrometers are used to measure temperature through a wide range, generally between 300F and 3,000F. Aboard ship, pyrometers are used to measure temperatures in heat treatment furnaces, the exhaust temperatures of diesel engines, and other similar purposes. The pyrometer consists of a thermocouple and a meter (fig 11-14). The thermocouple is made of two dissimilar metals joined together at one end. It produces an electric current when heat is applied at its joined end. The meter, calibrated in degrees, indicates the temperature at the thermocouple. ELECTRICAL TEMPERATURE MEASURING DEVICES On newer propulsion plants, you will monitor temperature readings at remote locations. Expansion thermometers provide indications at the machinery locations or on gauge panels in the immediate thermometer area. To provide remote indications at a central

location, electrical measuring devices along with signal conditioners are used. The devices discussed in this section include the resistance temperature detectors (RTDs), resistance temperature elements (RTES), and

Figure 11-14.-Diagram arrangement of a thermocouple.

Figure 11-15.-Two typical types of RTDs. thermocouples. These devices sense variable temperatures at a given point in the system and transmit the signals to a remotely located indicater. Resistance Temperature Detectors The RTDs operate on the principle that electrical resistance changes in a predictable manner with changes in temperature. The elements of RTDs are made of nickel, copper, or platinum. Nickel and copper are used to measure temperatures below 600F. Platinum elements are used to measure temperatures above 600F. Figure 11-15 shows two typical types of RTDs. Like bimetallic thermometers, RTDs are usually mounted in thermowells. Thermowells protect the sensors from physical damage by keeping them isolated from the medium being measured. This arrangement also lets you change the RTD without securing the system in which it is mounted. This makes your maintenance job easier. As temperature increases around an RTD, the corresponding resistance also increases proportionally. The temperature applied to an RTD, if known, gives you a known resistance value. You can find these resistance values listed in tables in the manufacturers' technical manuals. Normally, only a few resistance values are given. To test an RTD, you need to heat it to a specific temperature. At this temperature, the resistance of the RTD should be at the resistance shown in the manufacturer's table. The most common method of heating an RTD is to use a pan of hot water and a calibrated thermometer. Some newer ships and repair activities test RTDs using. a thermobulb tester. This method is more accurate and easier to use. For specific instructions, refer to the manufacturers' technical manuals supplied with the equipment. The most common fault you will find with an RTD is either a short circuit or an open circuit. You can quickly diagnose these faults by using digital display readings or data log printouts. By observing the reading or the printout, you may find that the indication is either zero or a very low value. A malfunction of this type means a short circuit exists in either the RTD or its associated wiring. A very high reading, such as 300F on a 0F to 300F RTD, could indicate an open circuit. You should compare these readings to local thermometers. This precaution allows you to ensure that no abnormal conditions exist within the equipment that the RTD serves. If an RTD is faulty, you should replace it. Internal repairs cannot be made at the shipboard level. Until you can replace the faulty RTD, inform the watch standers that the RTD is unreliable. THe engine-room watch standers should take local readings periodically to make sure the equipment is operating normally. Resistance Temperature Elements

The RTEs are the most common type of temperature sensor found in gas turbine propulsion plants. The RTEs operate on the same principle as the RTDs. As the temperature of the sensor increases, the resistance of the RTE increases proportionally. All RTEs that you encounter have a platinum element. They have an electrical resistance of 100 ohms at a temperature of 32F. Four different temperature ranges of RTEs are commonly used, and you will find that the probe sizes vary. The four temperature ranges and their corresponding probe sizes are as follows:

You may find some RTEs connected to remote mounted signal conditioning modules. These modules convert the ohmic value of the RTE to an output range of 4 to 20 mA dc. However, most RTES read their value directly into the propulsion electronics as an ohmic value. The RTEs with temperature ranges from 0F to +400F and from -60 to +500F are commonly mounted in thermowells. Since you can change an RTE without securing the equipment it serves, maintenance is simplified. ELECTRICAL INDICATING INSTRUMENTS Electrical indicating instruments (meters) are used to display information that is measured by some type of electrical sensor. Although meters display units such as pressure or temperature, the meters on the control console are, in fact, do voltmeters. The signal being sensed is conditioned by a signal conditioner. This is

Figure 11-16.-An ac voltmeter. then converted to 0 to 10 volts dc, which is proportional to the parameters being sensed. Electrical values, such as power and current, are measured and displayed at ship's service switchboards. Normally, shipboard repair is not done on switchboard meters. If you suspect the switchboard meters are out of calibration or broken, you should have them sent to a repair facility. You can find more information on the theory of operation of these meters in the Navy Electricity and Electronics Training Series (NEETS), Module 3, Introduction to Circuit Protection, Control, and Measurement, NAVEDTRA 172-03-0079. VOLTMETERS Both do and ac voltmeters determine voltage the same way. They both measure the current that the voltage is able to force through a high resistance. This resistance is connected in series with the indicating mechanism or element. Voltmeters installed in switchboards and control consoles (fig 11-16) all have a fixed resistance value. Portable voltmeters, used as test equipment, usually have a variable resistance. For both installed and portable voltmeters, resistances are calibrated to the different ranges that the meters will display. The normal range for the switchboard and electric plant meters is 0 to 600 volts.

Figure 11-17.-An ac ammeter. AMMETERS Ammeters are used to measure the amount of current passing through a conductor (fig 11-17). Different types of ammeters are used to measure either ac or dc. Ammeters that are designed specifically to indicate ac will also measure dc, but with a lower degree of accuracy. Ammeters must be connected in series with the circuit to be measured. For this reason, installed ammeters are constructed so that they do not handle the current that passes through the conductor being measured. Since ammeters cannot handle the high switchboard current, the switchboard ammeters operate through current transformers. This arrangement isolates the instruments from the line potential. In its secondary, the current transformer produces a definite fraction of the primary current. This arrangement makes it possible for you to measure large amounts of current with a small ammeter. CAUTION The secondary of a current transformer contains a dangerous voltage. Never work around or on current transformers without taking proper safety precautions. FREQUENCY METERS Frequency meters 11-1 measure cycles per rate of ac. The range of frequency meters found on gas turbine ships is between 55 hertz (Hz) and 65 Hz. Frequency of the ac used on ships rarely varies below 57 Hz and seldom exceeds 62 Hz. A frequency meter may have a transducer that converts the input frequency to an equivalent do output. The transducer is a static device that has two separately tuned series-resonant

Figure 11-18.-Frequency meter. circuits, which feed a full-wave bridge rectifier. A change in frequency causes a change in the balance of the bridge. This causes a change in the do output voltage. KILOWATT METERS Matter is measured by computing values of current, voltage, and the power factor. The kilowatt meters (fig 11-19) used on ships automatically take these values into account when they are measuring kilowatts (kW) produced by a generator. Kilowatt meters are connected to both current and potential transformers so they can measure line current and voltage. Since each type of generator is rated differently, the scale is different on each class of ship. The amount of power produced by a generator is measured in kilowatts. Therefore, when balancing the electrical load on two or more generators, you should make sure the kW is matched. Loss of the kW load is the first indication of a failing generator. For example, if two generators are in parallel, and one of the two units is failing, you should compare the Kw reading. Normally, the generator with the lowest kW would be

Figure 11-19.-Kilowatt meter. the failing unit. There is one case, however, where this is not true. During an overspeed condition, both units increase in frequency, but the failing unit is the one with the higher load.

SYNCHROSCOPES Before connecting a three-phase generator to bus bars already connected to one or more generators, you must make sure that certain conditions prevail. A synchroscope is the device you use to find out if the following required conditions have been met: 1. Phase sequence for the both generator and bus bars must be the same. 2. The generator and the bus-bar voltages must be the same. 3. The generator and bus-bar frequency must be the same. 4. The generator frequency must be practically constant for an appreciable period of time. 5. The generator and bus-bar voltages must be in phase. They must reach their maximum voltages at the same time; therefore, when connected, they will oppose excessive circulation of current between the two machines. Figure 11-20 shows a synchroscope. It is basically a power factor meter connection to measure the phase relationship between the generator and bus-bar voltages. The moving element is free to rotate continuously. When the two frequencies are exactly the same, the moving element holds a fixed position. This shows the constant phase relationship between the generator and bus-bar voltages. When the frequency is slightly different, the phase relationship is always changing. When this happens, the moving element of the synchroscope rotates constantly. The speed of rotation is equal to the difference infrequency; the direction shows whether the generator is fast or slow. The generator is placed on line when the pointer slowly approaches a mark. This mark shows that the generator and bus-bar voltages are in phase. PHASE-SEQUENCE INDICATORS A phase-sequence indicator (fig 11-21) is used to determine the sequence in which the currents of a three-phase system reach their maximum values. Ships have phase-sequence indicators installed in switchboards that may be connected to shore power. These instruments indicate whether shore power is in

Figure 11-20.-Synchroscope. the correct phase sequence with the ship before shipboard equipment is connected to shore power. Three-phase motors, when connected to incorrect phase-sequence power, rotate in the opposite direction. The phase-sequence indicator has three neon lamps that light when all three phases are energized. A meter connected to a network of resistors and condensers shows correct or incorrect sequence on a marked scale. LIQUID LEVEL INDICATORS As a watch stander, you monitor systems and tanks for liquid levels. Sometimes, you are only required to know if a level exceeds or falls below a certain preset parameter. At other times, you need to know the exact level. If only a predetermined limit is needed, you can use a float switch. When the set point is reached the float switch will make contact and sound an alarm. If you need to know a specific level, you must use a variable sensing device. The sensor used to indicate a tank level is commonly called a tank level indicator (TLI). This sensor tells you the exact amount of liquid in a tank. In the following paragraphs, we will describe the operation

Figure 11-21.-A phase-sequence indicator.

Figure 11-22.-Magnetic float switch. of each of these sensors and their applications. Refer to the manufacturers' technical manuals for more information on the procedures you should use to adjust each type of device. TANK LEVEL INDICATORS Many tank levels are monitored to provide the exact liquid level contained. For example, fuel tanks are monitored to make sure they do not overflow. They are also monitored to let the engineer officer know the amount of fuel aboard ship. The sensors used to monitor these levels are TLIs. Each of the level-monitored tanks contains a level transmitter. A typical transmitter section contains a voltage divider resistor network that extends the length of the section. Magnetic reed switches are tapped at 1-inch intervals along the resistor network. The reed switches are sequentially connected through series resistors to a common conductor. This network is enclosed in a stem that is mounted vertically in the tank. A float containing bar magnets rides up and down the stem as the liquid level changes. In many tanks, you may have to use more than one transmitter section to measure the full range. The physical arrangement of some tanks makes this necessary. When multiple sections are used, they are electrically connected as one continuous divider network.

Two types of floats are used. In noncompensated tanks, the float is designed to float at the surface of the fuel or JP-5. For seawater-compensated tanks, the float is designed to stay at the seawater/fuel interface. CONTACT LEVEL SENSORS Many times, you do not have to know the exact level of a tank until it reaches a preset level. When this type of indication is needed, you can use a contact or float switch. Two types of float level switches are used on gas turbine ships. One type of float level switch is the lever-activated switch, which is activated by a horizontal lever attached to a float. The float on this switch is located inside the tank. When the liquid level reaches a preset point, the lever activates the switch. The other type of level switch has a mag-net-equipped float that slides on a vertical stem. The stem contains a hermetically sealed, reed switch. The float moves up and down the stem with the liquid level.

Figure 11-23.-Revolution counter. It magnetically opens or closes the reed switch as the float passes over it. Figure 11-22 shows the construction of the magnetically operated float switch. Magnetic float switches may be constructed with more than one float on a stem. Magnetic float switches can be installed to detect multiple levels in the same tank; and this type of switch can activate a high- and low-level alarm.

REVOLUTION COUNTERS AND INDICATORS Measurements of rotational speed are necessary for the proper operation of pumps, forced-draft blowers, main engines, and other components of the engineering plants. Various types of instruments are used to measure equipment revolutions per minute (rpm) and count the number of revolutions a shaft makes. PROPELLER INDICATORS Propeller indicators are mounted on the throttle board. They indicate the speed and direction of rotation of the propulsion shaft or shafts. They also record the number of revolutions the propulsion shaft has made. The speed of rotation is important because it is related to the ship's speed. The total number of revolutions is used to determine the total distance traveled by the ship. A typical revolution counter is shown in figure 11-23

Figure 11-24.-stroboscope tachometer. OTHER REVOLUTION INDICATORS

Equipment speed is determined by either permanently installed mechanical or electrical tachometers or by portable tachometers. Portable tachometers are hand-held, mechanical types. They require access to the end of the rotating machinery shaft. Another type of tachometer is the stroboscope tachometer (fig 11-24). This device allows rotating machinery to be viewed intermittently, under flashing light, so that the rotation appears to stop. WARNING If you use a stroboscopic tachometer, NEVER reach into the rotating machinery. Although the machinery appears to be stopped, it is still rotating.

Figure 11-25.-Salinity cell and valve assembly. Because the light is intermittent, the eye receives a series of views rather than one continuous view. To measure the speed of a machine, find the rate of intermittent light at which the machinery appears to be stopped. Then, you either read the speed of rotation directly from the stroboscope's indicator or convert the strobe's flash rate to rpm. SALINITY INDICATORS

Electrical salinity indicating cells fig. 11-25 are installed throughout distilling plants to maintain a constant check on the distilled water. An electrical salinity indicator consists of a number of salinity cells in various locations in the plant. For example, an electrical salinity indicator might consist of salinity cells placed in the evaporators, the condensate pump discharge, and the air-ejector condenser drain. These salinity cells are all connected to a salinity indicator panel. Since the electrical resistance of a solution varies according to the amount of ionized salts in the solution, it is possible to measure salinity by measuring the electrical resistance. The salinity indicator panel is equipped with a meter calibrated to read directly, either in equivalents per million (epm) or grains per gallon (gpg). NOTE: Other dissolved solids, in addition to ionized salt, may change the electrical resistance of water. To be safe, always assume that any resistance change is caused by ionized salt. TORQUE WRENCHES At times, you will need to apply a specific force to a nut or bolt head. At these times, you will use a torque wrench. For example, equal force must be applied to all the head bolts of an engine. Otherwise, only one bolt may bear the brunt of the force of internal combustion, ullimately causing engine failure. A torque wrench will allow you to apply the specifically required force. The three most commonly used torque wrenches are the deflecting beam, the dialindicating, and the micrometer-setting types . When using a deflecting-beam or dialindicating torque wrench, you visually read the torque on a dial or scale mounted on the handle of the wrench. The micrometer-setting torque wrench, however, indicates the torque value by sound. To use the micrometer-setting torque wrench, you unlock the grip and adjust the handle to the desired setting on the scale; then, relock the grip. Next, install the required socket or adapter to the square drive of the handle. Place the wrench assembly on the nut or bolt and pull in a clockwise direction, using a steady, smooth motion. (A fast or jerky motion results in an improperly torqued unit. When the torque applied reaches the required torque value, a signal mechanism automatically issues an audible click; and the handle will release or break, moving freely for a short distance. The release and free travel are easily felt. his feature indicates that the torquing process is complete. You should use a torque wrench that reads about mid-range for the amount of torque to be applied. Manufacturers' and technical manuals generally specify the amount of torque to be applied. To make sure the correct amount of torque is applied to the fasteners, you must use the torque wrench according to the specific manufacturer's instructions. CAUTION

Be sure the torque wrench has been calibrated before you use it. Remember, the accuracy of torque measuring depends on how the threads are cut and the cleanliness of the threads. Make sure you inspect and clean the threads. If the manufacturer specifies a thread lubricant,

Figure 11-26.-Torque wrenches. use it. When using deflecting-beam or dial-indicating wrenches, hold the torque at the desired value until the reading is steady. Torque wrenches are delicate and expensive tools. When using them, always follow these precautions: When you use the micrometer-setting type, do not move the setting handle below the lowest torque setting. However, place it at its lowest setting before you return it to storage. Do not use the torque wrench to apply greater amounts of torque than its rated capacity. Do not use the torque wrench to break loose bolts that have been previously tightened. Do not drop the wrench. If a torque wrench is dropped, its accuracy will be affected. Do not apply a torque wrench to a nut that has been tightened. Back off the nut one turn with a nontorque wrench and retighten it to the correct torque with the indicating-torque wrench.

Calibration intervals have been established for all torque tools used in the Navy. When a tool is calibrated by a qualified calibration activity at a shipyard, tender, or repair ship, a label showing the next calibration due date is attached to the handle. Before you use a torque tool, check this date to make sure the tool is not overdue for calibration. SUMMARY Only a few of the many types of instruments used by Navy personnel have been covered in this chapter. For the operating principle of individual systems, you should consult the specific equipment technical manuals and the NSTM, chapter 504. Just as we monitor automobile instruments (oil pressure gauge/light, fuel tank level indicator, water temperature gauge, and so forth) to determine how an automobile is operating, we use instruments to determine how the engineering plant is operating. In addition to the use of visual indicating equipment in an engineering plant, audible alarms warn operating personnel of actions required or of unsafe conditions that are approaching. You may avoid machinery damage, personnel injury, and expensive and time-consuming repairs by taking proper operator action. However, proper operator actions can take place only when the instruments (temperature indicators, pressure gauges, and so forth) are properly calibrated and properly interpreted by operating personnel. CHAPTER 12 SHIPBOARD ELECTRICAL EQUIPMENT Aboard modern naval ships, most auxiliary machinery and equipment is run by electricity. Regardless of rate or rating, all personnel assigned to a ship will operate some electric devices in the performance of their duties. Electrical equipment is dangerous if handled incorrectly; therefore, you must observe all applicable safety precautions when working with or around electrical equipment. In this chapter, we will discuss basic concepts of electricity, electrical terms, electrical equipment, and applicable safety precautions. You will find additional information on the basic principles of electricity in the Navy Electricity and Electronics Training Series (NEETS), modules 1 and 2, NAVEDTRA 172-01-00-79 and NAVEDTRA 172-02-0079. INTRODUCTION TO ELECTRICITY Some materials will conduct electricity, and some offer more resistance than others. Metals such as silver, copper, aluminum, and iron offer little resistance and are called conductors. In contrast to conductors, some materials such as wood, paper, porcelain, rubber, mica, and plastics offer high resistance to an electric current and are known as insulators. Electric circuits throughout the ship are made of copper wires covered with rubber or some other insulator. The wire conductors offer little resistance to the current, while the insulation keeps the current from passing to the steel structure of the ship.

Definite units have been established so we can measure the electrical properties of conductors. Also, there are terms used to describe the characteristics of electric currents. A brief review of these fundamentals is given in the following sections. ELECTRIC CURRENT The flow of current through a wire can be compared to the flow of water through a pipe. Current is the rate at which electricity flows through a conductor or circuit. The practical unit, called the ampere, specifies the rate at which the electric current is flowing. Ampere is a measure of the intensity or the number of electrons passing a point in a circuit each second. ELECTROMOTIVE FORCE Before water will flow through a pipe, there must be water pressure; before an electric current can flow through a circuit, there must be a source of electric pressure. The electric pressure is known as electromotive force (eml) or voltage (E). The source of this force may be a generator or a battery. If you increase the pressure on the electrons in a conductor, a greater current will flow, just as an increased pressure on water in a pipe will increase the flow. RESISTANCE Electrical resistance (R) is that property of an electric circuit that opposes the flow of current. The unit of resistance is known as the ohm (4). WATT Power (P) is the rate of doing work. In a do circuit, power is equal to the product of the current times the voltage, or P = I x E. The practical unit of power is the watt (W) or kilowatt (kW) (1,000 watts). Power in an ac circuit is computed in a slightly different way. If you are interested in how ac power is computed, see chapter 4 of Introduction to Alternating Current and Transformers, NAVEDTRA 172-02-00-85. GENERATOR TYPES AND DRIVES A large amount of electricity is required aboard ship to power machinery that supplies air, water, food, and other services. Communications between the various parts of a ship also depend on the availability of electric power. The generator is the power source for the ship's electrical system. A generator operates most efficiently at its full-rated power output, and it is not practical to have one large generator operating constantly at reduced load. Therefore, two or more smaller generators that are operated at high load are installed aboard ship.

Two or more generators are usually installed aboard ship for another reason. If one generator is shut down because of damage or scheduled maintenance, there is still a source of power for lighting until the defective generator has been repaired. In addition, generators are widely spaced in the engineering spaces to decrease the chance that all electrical plants would be disabled by enemy shells. Most generators used aboard ships are ac generators. However, since some do generators are still in service, we will briefly discuss do generators before moving on to ac generators. DC GENERATORS AND EXCITERS A do generator is a rotating machine that changes mechanical energy to electrical energy. There are two essential parts of a do generator: 1. The yoke and field windings, which are stationary, and 2. the armature, which rotates. In the past, ship's service generators produced direct current. At present, practically all ships have 450-volt, 60-hertz (Hz), ac ship's service and emergency generators. The do generators used in Navy installations for ship's service or for exciters operate at either 120 volts or 240 volts. The power output depends on the size and design of the do generator. A typical do generator is shown in figure 12-1. AC GENERATORS AC generators are also called alternators. In an ac generator, the field rotates, and the armature is stationary. To avoid confusion, the rotating members of do generators are called armatures; in ac generators, they are called rotors. The general construction of ac generators is somewhat simpler than that of do generators. An ac generator, like a do generator, has magnetic fields and an armature. In a small ac generator the armature revolves, the field is stationary, and no commutator is required. In a large ac generator, the field revolves and the armature is wound on the stationary member or stator. The principal advantages of the revolving-field generators over the revolving-armature generators are as follows: The load current from the stator is connected directly to the external circuit without using a commutator.

Figure 12-1.-A do generator.

Figure 12-2.-Low-speed, engine-driven alternator. Only two slip rings are necessary to supply excitation to the revolving field. The stator winding is not subjected to mechanical stresses that are due to centrifugal force.

The ac generators (alternators) used by the Navy are divided into two classes: (1) lowspeed, engine-driven alternators and (2) high-speed, turbine-driven alternators. The low-speed, engine driven alternator fig. 12-2 has a large diameter revolving field, with many poles, and a stationary armature. The stator (view A) contains the armature windings. The rotor (view B) consists of protruding poles on which the do field windings are mounted. The high-speed alternator may be either steamer gas-turbine driven. The high-speed, turbinedriven alternator is connected either directly or through gears to a steam turbine. The

Figure 12-3.-High-speed, turbine-driven alternator. enclosed metal structure is part of a forced ventilation system that carries away the heat by circulating air through the stator (view A) and rotor (view B). SHIP'S SERVICE TURBINE-DRIVEN GENERATORS Ship's service generators furnish electricity for the service of the ship. Aboard most steamdriven ships of the Navy, these generators are driven by turbines. Large ships may have as many as six or eight ship's service generators and from one to three emergency diesel-driven alternators.

New cruisers and destroyers have three gasturbine-driven ship's service generators and smaller diesel-driven emergency generators. These generators are located in three different compartments and separated by at least 15 percent of the length between perpendiculars to make sure they survive.

Figure 12-4.-750-kW turbine generator set. The type of ship's service generator commonly used aboard ships in the Navy is shown in figure 12-4.1Although generator sets (turbogenerators) are built differently, all have the same arrangement of major parts. Turbines used for driving the ship's service generators differ from other auxiliary turbines; they usually operate on superheated steam. The service generator turbine exhausts to a separate auxiliary condenser that has its own circulating pumps, condensate pumps, and air ejectors. Cooling water for the condenser is provided by the auxiliary circulating pump through separate injection and overboard valves. Superheated steam is supplied to the ship's service generator turbine from either the main steam line or a special turbogenerator line that leads directly from the boiler. Aboard

some ships, the turbine-in the event of condenser casualty-may be discharged directly to the atmosphere or to the main condenser when the main plant is in operation. The ship's service generator must supply electricity at a constant voltage and frequency (hertz), which requires the turbine to run at a constant speed even when loads vary. Constant speed is maintained by a speed-regulating governor. The turbine also has overspeed and back-pressure trips, which automatically close the throttle if the turbine exceeds acceptable operating conditions. A manual trip is used to close the throttle quickly if there is damage to the turbine or to the generator. The shaft glands of the ship's service generator turbine are supplied with glandsealing steam. The system is similar to that used for main propulsion turbines. Other auxiliary turbines in naval use are seldom, if ever, provided with gland-sealing systems. DIESEL-DRIVEN GENERATORS Practically all Navy ships are equipped with diesel-driven emergency generators. Diesel engines are particularly suited for this application because of their quick starting ability. Emergency generators furnish power directly to the radio, radar, gunnery, and vital machinery equipment through an emergency switchboard and automatic bus transfer equipment. The typical shipboard plant consists of two diesel emergency generators, one forward and one aft, in spaces outside engine rooms and firerooms. Each emergency generator has its own switchboard and switching arrangement. This controls the generator and distributes power to certain vital auxiliaries and a minimum number of lighting fixtures in vital spaces. The capacity of the emergency units varies with the size of the ship. Regardless of the size of the installation, the principle of operation is the same. You may obtain detailed information concerning the operation of diesel-driven generators from appropriate manufacturers' technical manuals. MOTOR GENERATORS Aboard Navy ships, certain weapons, interior communications, and other electronics systems require closely regulated electrical power for proper operation. Special, closely regulated motor generator (MG) sets supply this power (usually 400 Hz). Any given ship has several MGs to provide power to specific loads. These MGs are often of different ratings. The rating of an MG set can be less than 1 kW or as large as 300 kW. MGs can also be used to provide electrical isolation. Isolation is required when certain loads cause distortion of the power and adversely affect the operation of other equipment. The MG set (fig 12-5) is generally a twobearing unit. (Older units often consist of a separate motor and generator connected together and mounted on a bedplate.) The frame is of onepiece construction. The stationary component parts of the motor and generator

are press fit into a welded steel frame. The rotating elements are mounted on a single one-piece shaft. The MG is usually deck mounted horizontally on its own integral feet; however, some specially designed, vertically mounted units are also provided. MGs with 100-kW power and larger are usually cooled by a water-air cooler mounted on top of the MG. Solid-state voltage and, often, frequency regulating systems are provided on MGs. They are mounted either in a control box, which is directly mounted on the MG for forced-air cooling, or in bulkhead-mounted control panels. The voltage

Figure 12-5.-Motor generator.

Figure 12-6.-30-kW motor generator.

regulator fig. 12-6 controls the voltage output of the generator portion of the MG. This voltage may be either 450 volts or 120 volts, depending on the application. The frequency

regulator controls the speed of the MG motor, and therefore the output frequency of the MG. Voltage- and frequency-sensing circuits continuously sample the output of the MG and provide feedback to their respective regulators. By doing this, they maintain the output voltage and frequency at the required level (usually to plus or minus one-half percent of the rated value). A magnetic controller is provided to start and stop the unit. It also protects the MG from operating at continuous overload and removes power to the MG if there is an undervoltage condition. STATIC FREQUENCY CHANGERS Frequency changers step up and refine the frequency of the ship's 60-Hz electrical power to 400 Hz. Most of the frequency changers installed on board combat ships are static frequency changers. Static frequency changers have no rotating parts-they are all solid state. Static frequency changers are reliable and efficient; they are the only ones that provide the high-quality power demanded by modern weapon systems. A static frequency changer usually consists of a three-phase rectifier and a three-phase inverter. The rectifier changes the 60-Hz ac incoming power. The inverter converts the do power delivered by the rectifier into 400-Hz output power through the use of many input filters and transformers. SHIPBOARD POWER DISTRIBUTION Most ac power distribution systems in naval ships are 450-volt, three-phase, 60-Hz, three-wire systems. The ship's service generator and distribution switchboards are interconnected by bus ties. This arrangement makes it possible to connect any switchboard to feed power from its generators to one or more of the other switchboards. The bus ties also connect two or more switchboards so that the generator plants can be operated in parallel. In large installations fig.12-7, distribution to loads is from the generator and distribution switchboards or switchgear groups to load centers, distribution panels, and the loads, or directly from the load centers to some loads. On some ships, such as large aircraft carriers, zone control of the ship's service and emergency distribution is provided. A load center switchboard supplies power to the electrical loads within the electrical zone in which it is located. Thus, zone control is provided for all power within the electrical zone. Emergency switchboards may supply more than one zone. GENERATOR AND DISTRIBUTION SWITCHBOARDS Ship's service 450-volt, ac switchboards are generally of the dead-front type (no live connections exposed). These switchboards are built to provide efficient and safe operation of the electrical system. A typical power distribution system in a destroyer consists of four generators (two forward and two aft) and two distribution switchboard. The distribution switchboards are set up so that each one controls two generators. All the necessary

apparatus for generator control and power distribution is incorporated in its associated switchboard (fig 12-8). The ship's forward distribution switchboard is also used as the control switchboard. This switchboard has instruments and controls for the aft generators. These instruments and controls are necessary to parallel the generators to equalize the load. An automatic voltage regulator is mounted on each switchboard to control the generator field excitation and to maintain a constant ac generator voltage during normal changes in load. Two emergency diesel generator sets provide electric power for limited lighting and for vital auxiliaries if the ship's service power should fail. These units are located in the forward and aft emergency generator rooms. The forward emergency switchboard is normally energized from the forward ship's service switchboard. The aft emergency switchboard is normally energized from the aft ship's service switchboard. Dc power distribution systems are in use on some older ships that have large deck machinery loads. These systems, which consist of the ship's service generator and distribution switchboards, are similar to the ac systems. On newer ships, do power is provided at the load with rectifiers that change the ac power to do power, when required. COMPONENTS OF A SWITCHBOARD Each switchboard includes one or more units, such as a bus tie unit, a power distribution unit, lighting distribution units or transformers, and

Figure 12-8.-1SB ship's service switchboard, DDG-2 class destroyer.

Figure 12-9.-Circuit breaker. lighting distribution panels. Large circuit breakers connect ship's service and emergency generators to the power distribution system. They are also used on bus ties and shore connection circuits. Smaller circuit breakers, rated according to the load they handle, are also installed on switchboards and on distribution panels throughout the ship. Circuit Breakers Circuit breakers are used to isolate faulty circuits, to provide a mechanical means to disconnect the electrical power for equipment maintenance, and to serve as overload protection. These circuit breakers are part of the switchboard equipment. Circuit breakers, rather than fuses, are used in circuits that carry large currents. They can be operated for an indefinite period, and their action accurately controlled. Circuit breakers open automatically when the current (load) on the circuit exceeds a preset value,

Circuit breakers used with shipboard equipment are not susceptible to tripping when subjected to heavy shocks (such as those caused by gunfire). Circuit breakers are used on all rotating electrical machinery and feeders to vital loads, such as gun mounts and searchlights. In addition to overload relays, reverse power trip relays are provided on ac generator circuit breakers. These units are designed to open and prevent motorizing a generator in the event of a power reversal. They are mounted within the generator switchboard. Voltage Regulators Voltage regulators are installed on the associated switchboards. They are used for ac ship's service and emergency generators. A voltage regulator maintains generator voltage within specified limits. The switchboard operator adjusts or sets the generator voltage at any value within certain limits. When additional loads are applied to a generator, there is a tendency for the voltage to drop. The automatic regulator keeps the voltage of a generator constant at various loads. Indicating Meters All the important switchboards aboard ship are provided with electrical meters. Electrical meters, somewhat like gauges and thermometers, show the operator what is taking place in the electrical machinery and systems. Electrical meters are of two general typesinstalled meters (on switchboards) and portable meters. Some of the most common meters used are voltmeters, ammeters, kilowatt meters, and frequency meters fig. 12-10 . ELECTRIC MOTORS Electric motors are used aboard ship to operate guns, winches, elevators, compressors, pumps, ventilation systems, and other auxiliary machinery and equipment. There are many reasons for using electric motors: they are safe, convenient, easily controlled, and easily supplied with power. A motor changes electrical energy into mechanical energy. There are important reasons for changing mechanical energy to electrical energy and back again to mechanical energy. One reason is that electric cables can be led through decks and bulkheads with less danger to

Figure 12-10.-Switchboard indicating meters. watertight integrity than steam pipes or mechanical shafts. Another reason is that damage to a steam line can cause steam to escape, resulting in personnel injury. If an electric cable is used and a fault occurs, the circuit breaker protecting the cable opens automatically. The ac motor is used extensively by the Navy because it is smaller and requires less maintenance than the do motor. Most ac motors used aboard ship use threephase, 60-Hz, 450-volt power. Although most ac motors operate at a single speed, some motors, such as the prime movers for fuel oil pumps, lube oil pumps, and ventilation fan motors, have two operating speeds. MOTOR CONTROLLERS Controlling devices are used to start, stop, speed up, or slow down motors. In general, these controllers are standard equipment aboard ship and are operated either manually,

semiautomatically, or automatically. They are dripproof and shock resistant. In some installations, the controllers are operated by remote control, with the switch at a convenient location. Motor control devices (controllers, master switches, and electric brakes) protect the equipment to which they are connected. Controllers provide protective and governing features for every type of shipboard auxiliary. Various types of master switches are used to govern the controllers. Electric brakes are used to bring a load to rest, or to hold it at rest, when electric power to the motor is cut off. Aboard ship, electric brakes are used primarily on hoisting and lowering equipment such as cranes, winches, and windlasses. Most controllers function simply to start or to stop auxiliary machinery; but, some controllers also provide for reversal of direction or multispeed operation. Motor controllers, sometimes called starters, have overload protective devices to prevent burning out the motor. Most controllers cut out automatically when the electric power fails, and they have to be restarted manually. This type of motor controller is called a low-voltage protection (LVP) controller. Another type of motor controller, which is used primarily with vital loads, is called a low-voltage release (LVR) controller. The LVR controller disconnects the motor from the supply voltage if the supply voltage drops below a predetermined level. When the supply voltage returns to a normal level, the LVR controller automatically restarts the motor. BATTERIES Aboard ship, batteries are one of the sources for emergency and portable power. Storage batteries are used to power emergency equipment, ship's boats, and forklifts. The storage battery is also used as a source of energy for emergency diesel generators, gyrocompasses, and emergency radios. You should be familiar with safety precautions you must follow when you work around batteries. Batteries must be protected from salt water, which can mix with the electrolyte (the acid solution) and release poisonous gases. Salt water in the electrolyte also sets up a chemical reaction that will ruin the battery. If a battery is exposed to salt water, notify the electric shop immediately. Storage batteries, when being charged, give off a certain amount of hydrogen gas. Battery compartments should be well ventilated to discharge this gas to the atmosphere. WARNING Flames or sparks of any kind, including lighted cigarettes, should never be allowed in the vicinity of any storage battery that is being charged. When the battery is in a low or discharged state and does not perform properly, you should notify the Electrician's Mate (EM).

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