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13 Calibration

Calibration and Reasons to Calibrate
When one buys gasoline for the car, one expects to get exactly one gallon of gas when paying for one gallon. When one takes a childs temperature, one needs to be assured that the reading is correct. When the remote level indicator on a tank indicates that it is 90% full, can one be sure that the tank is not running over? Can the manufacturer be sure the process control system is providing the proper mix for the product? When a combustible mixture is being heated to just under the flash point, can one be sure that it wont ignite?
Continuing calibration assures the equipment continually meets the specifications required at installation, and it should be checked regularly thereafter. Calibration after any maintenance ensures the equipment still conforms to the required calibration data. Customers require letters of conformance or certificates of calibration.

Calibration is a test during which known measurement values are applied to a device and a corresponding instrument reading is compared to a standard series of values the device was to measure, receive, or transmit. These known measurement values are usually obtained by using test equipment that has traceability to the National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST), formerly the National Bureau of Standards (NBS). Data so obtained are used to determine the locations at which scale graduations are to be placed, to adjust the output to bring it to the desired value within a specified tolerance, and to ascertain the error by comparing the device output reading against a standard. Chapter 13 gives particulars on procedures, standards, records, traceability, and calibration of specific types of equipment. Calibration may be defined as the process of checking the zero, span, and range of a device and its linearity or fit to a known calibration curve. Simply, this means how well the device duplicates the actual variable it is measuring, or how well the device duplicates the output it is being asked to follow. The device can be either a field device, such as a pressure transmitter, a thermocouple or a valve positioner, to mention a few, or it can be a panel or control room device, such as an indicator, a recorder, or a controller, and so on. The device used as a reference for the calibration should be traceable to the National Institute of Standards & Technology (NIST). That does not mean that the calibrator itself, must be calibrated at the national labs or some certified calibration lab. It only means that shop or field calibration devices should be checked against a certified standard (which could be the shop instrument NIST-certified gage), and any deviations from the test standard should be listed as a curve or correction factor to be added or subtracted from the field tester readings. All instrument shops should have at least one set of basic calibration standards that have NIST-traceable certificates. Calibration may be thought of as the simple adjustment of the zero, span, and linearity of a transmitter, but, in reality, calibration should include the transmitter,


the interconnecting cable, and the receiver, since what is wanted is to have the receiver read exactly what the transmitter sees. In some cases that may be pressure in pounds per square inch (psig) or flow in gallons per minute (gpm). In the case of flow, the transmitter may measure the pressure drop across an orifice plate or the voltage from a magnetic flowmeter tube, but the operator is interested only in the gallons per minute reading. If a pressure, as indicated by a panel reading, is suspected to be in error, both the transmitter and the panel meter should be checked independently. If they are both in calibration, the transmission (cable or tubing) should be checked, as well as the transmitter installation, to determine if some outside influence might be affecting the signal. From this short description of calibration, one can easily see that calibration isnt always a simple adjustment of a single device. Calibration can involve troubleshooting to discover and correct what was thought to be a simple calibration adjustment. The comments herein will, therefore, include some useful troubleshooting techniques that might help resolve a calibration problem. The calibration techniques for process control instrumentation have changed greatly in the past few years because of the following advancements: (1) High resolution transmitters (2) Digital-type receivers (3) Longer transmission lines The advent of newer digital-type receivers with their improved resolution plus longer transmission distances has required higher-accuracy calibrators and more loop consciousness. One no longer reads a process signal on an 8-inch strip chart with fat lines and thick needles, but on a digital control system, programmable controller, or digital readout that has more resolution than the analog world ever dreamed possible. As a result, many times calibration is performed in the field, in order to include the actual process variables of temperature, pressure, and electrical environment that may affect the loop accuracy and calibration. A creditable calibration should include five points of reference. Points at 0%, 25%, 50%, 75%, and 100% are usually sufficient. Zero % is important, because in most cases, for a quick check, the transmitter can be valved off from the process and vented to atmosphere. If only the zero seems to be off, many times a complete calibration is not needed. A complete calibration should include both an up and a down calibration in order to pick up any hysteresis or any lack of repeatability. Most modern transmitters have noninteracting zero and span adjustments, thereby reducing the number of calibration adjustments. Field calibrators available today are rugged, have the accuracy to provide laboratory-grade calibration, are battery powered, and are very portable.

Instruments may be checked in the shop, but the final check of calibration may be more meaningful if done in the field to include ambient effects, transmission cable and rack or control room readouts, and devices. Stray pickup, improper grounding, too much resistance in the loop, etc., can become a significant input to loop calibration.

Field Calibration
When adjusting span, always go back and verify zero.

Field calibration saves time since it does not usually require the removal of the instrument from the process or from its mounting bracket. In many cases it also allows the field device to be tested or calibrated at the true process and ambient conditions, which may be considerably different from instrument shop conditions. A proper field installation should allow easy disconnect of the field device from the process. In most cases the transmitter or device can be disconnected from the process by simply closing isolating valves. The device is then vented to atmosphere and the test or calibration signal, whether an imposed pressure or


Field Calibration

simply an electronic signal, can be connected to the device. This procedure is usually performed as a first step. If the transmitter is found to be out of calibration, it is simply field calibrated. If the transmitter has other problems, the rest of the loop is checked before the transmitter is replaced. This maintenance concept makes sense because it includes field effects, saves considerable time, and includes troubleshooting when necessary. Todays field calibration devices can be purchased with calibration accuracies equal to those of shop-type calibrators. They are made to withstand field abuse and have digital displays that maintain their accuracy and are easy to read. A discussion of the various types of calibrators is included under the section on basic variables.
Before disconnecting any pressure device attached to the process, determine what chemical or gas is being measured and at what pressure. Never simply loosen a process fitting or vent a transmitter before you have confirmed it is safe.

Pressure Calibration
Pressure calibration equipment must include a device to produce the calibration pressure, a device to accurately indicate the pressure being produced, and a readout of the transmitter output, either pneumatic or electronic. Some typical calibration equipment is described below.

These devices use the same pump arrangement as do the shop-type dead weight testers, but they substitute a test gage in place of the standard weights. This device is somewhat more portable than a dead weight tester and can tolerate more field abuse. The tester uses a standard-type pressure gage for readout and has a connection to attach the device being calibrated. The tester gage should be periodically checked against a certified standard gage; a correction curve kept with the field tester (see Figure 13-1).

These testers are relatively small, light in weight, and portable. They must be used in conjunction with an accurate test gage. Air-operated pumps can be handpressured to about 200 psig, but hydraulic hand pumps can calibrate to as high as 5000 psig (see Figure 13-2). Small hand-held pneumatic calibrators are available that are calibrated in inches of water ranges for differential pressure (dP) transmitters or draft gage calibration. They are also made to cover a range of 0-18 psig for troubleshooting 3-15 psig instrument loops. These are very portable and excellent devices for troubleshooting as well as field calibration of valve positioners and I/P transducers. (see Figure 13-3).
Any portable pressure tester receives hard use and must have its readout periodically checked against a dead weight tester or other traceable calibration device in order to guarantee its accuracy. When in doubt, always check the field calibrator against an NIST-traceable standard instrument.

There are many more versions of these types of testers. Some can generate a vacuum, some use standard gages, and some use electronic pressure sensors and digital readouts. Still others come in larger containers and include several gages, switching valves, and so on, to cover a wide range of pressures or higher accuracies than the small hand-held types. The instrument tech needs to try several types and choose one that fits his or her needs of portability, ruggedness, flexibility, and desired accuracy.



Figure 13-1. Portable Dead Weight Tester.

(Courtesy of Ametek)


Field Calibration

Figure 13-2. Hand-Held Comparator Tester.

(Courtesy of Ametek)



Figure 13-3. Hand-Held Pneumatic Calibrator.

(Courtesy of Transcat)

A major problem with pressure calibration is maintaining a constant calibrator pressure while making adjustments. To prevent leaks from the calibration source or any of the tubing, be sure fittings and any O-rings are clean and in good shape. TeflonTM tape is recommended on any screwed fittings. Tighten or adjust fittings until a fixed calibration pressure can be maintained long enough to make the adjustments.

When dealing with high pressures, care must be taken when bleeding the transmitter or tester to atmospheric pressure. Always bleed the tester before disconnecting the tubing and vent away from face or body. High pressure applications usually have a block-and-bleed manifold to allow controlled relief before disconnecting the process connection. Use the bleed valve before loosening any process fittings.

A technician brought a transmitter to the instrument shop, but nothing could be found wrong with it. The instrument was declared to be operational and was re-installed in the field. The output immediately went full scale. The cabling was checked and a ground loop was found. Full output when the transmitter is not at its upper limit usually indicates a ground loop. If the calibration equipment has the ability to supply 24-volt DC power, one can then power the instrument in the field, with the independent and isolated power supply inside the calibrator, and find out if the loop is performing properly. If the loop performs properly using the isolated 24-volt DC power from the calibrator but does not perform when it is back on the main power supply, this is al-


Field Calibration

most sure evidence that a ground loop exists, because there are two instruments using the same supply at different ground potentials, and a current is flowing between them. Figure 13-4 is a troubleshooting guide developed for a hand-held field calibrator instruction manual. This particular case illustrates a field-mounted pressure transmitter and the step-by-step procedures to follow in order to check calibration and transmitter operability in the field. The use of a guide helps newer technicians develop the thought processes necessary to become proficient in the field of instrument maintenance.


By making use of a calibrators ability to measure an unknown signal and to output a test signal simultaneously, it is possible to measure an unknown resistance. Measuring an unknown resistance with the calibrator involves driving a known current through the unknown resistance and measuring the voltage generated across the resistance. The unknown resistance can then be calculated using the formula R = V/I, where R = resistance, V = voltage, and I = current. To minimize the required arithmetic, use one of the following values for the known current signal: 0.01 mA, 0.1 mA, 1 mA, or 10 mA. The voltage value read on the digital display must be multiplied by the proper factor (see below) to obtain the unknown resistance value in ohms. For instance, assume that the current output is 1 mA. A reading of 1 volt = 1000 ohms, and a reading of 0.5 volts = 500 ohms. Known Current Signal 0.01 mA 0.1 mA 1 mA 10 mA Multiplication Factor 100,000 10,000 1,000 100

To measure resistance, follow the instructions listed below: (1) Connect a test lead from the black () mA OUT terminal on the calibrator to the resistance. (2) Connect a test lead from the red (+) mA OUT terminal on the calibrator to the resistance. (3) Connect a test lead from the black () V IN terminal on the calibrator to the resistance. (4) Connect a test lead from the red (+) V IN terminal on the calibrator to the resistance. (5) Set the Display Mode Switch to OUT. (6) Set the Output Function Switch to mA. (7) Turn the Output Adjust Controls counterclockwise three full turns. (8) Lift the Power Switch to ON. (9) Adjust the Course and Fine Output Adjust Controls until the readout displays the desired signal input to the resistance. (10) To monitor the voltage drop across the resistance, set the Display Mode Switch to IN and the Input Function Switch to V. Alternate the display mode using the Display Mode Switch as required. (11) Perform the necessary calculations to obtain the resistance in ohms. (This illustrated procedure uses a Transmation Calibrator, but any calibrator with a dual input and output can be used.) Excessive loop resistance usually shows up as a drop in the receiver reading as it approaches its maximum reading or in its inability to go to the higher portion of the scale. This is not a device calibration problem (which can be determined by


Figure 13-4. Typical Field Troubleshooting Flowchart.

(Courtesy of Transmation Inc.)

testing only the transmitter); it is simply too much resistance in the loop. Someone probably has added another device. The loop must be reduced to a lower resistance by removing a device from the loop, or a 1:1 repeater or signal conditioner can be inserted somewhere in the loop to handle the added resistance. Instruments often are added in series to a current loop, and the total resistance of all the devices in the loop exceeds the ability of the power source for the twowire instrument loop to drive the signal full scale. The following is a method for using a field calibrator to measure loop resistance.


Field Calibration

Differential Pressure Calibration

Calibration pressure is generated in the same manner as for pressure, but in most cases the differential pressure is quite small. The low side of the dP device is usually vented, and the test pressure applied to the high side of the device. The low side of the body of the dP device should be vented or drained to remove any source of potential pressure. Three-valve manifolds allow equalizing the dP transmitter at line pressure or valving off the transmitter from the process for calibration or removal of the transmitter. Five-valve manifolds allow draining the sensing legs to the transmitter without disconnecting the transmitter process side tubing.
Although the differential pressure may be small (in only inches of water), the line pressure may be at hundreds and even thousands of pounds pressure, or the liquid seal, if vented, may quickly become high temperature steam. Be certain of what is in the transmitter and any connecting tubing before disconnecting a transmitter from the process.

When valving off a transmitter, always open the equalizing valve first to prevent possible overranging of the sensing cell.

When calibrating a field dP flow transmitter, check that both taps come off the orifice or flow device at the same height or are piped to the same height before dropping to the transmitter. This will establish a solid zero when there is no flow through the meter. When the down legs (tubing to the transmitter) need to be refilled with water after a calibration, it is a good practice to provide filling tees at the high point of the process connection tubing. When differential pressure transmitters are used for flow measurement transmitters, their calibration is in the inches of water range. Most orifice plate measurements are 0 to 100 inches of water but can range from as low as 50 inches to a high of 250 inches of water or higher. Pitot or averaging Pitot tube flow measurement ranges are usually just a few inches of water and require careful calibration and special low range calibrators. See the section on flow calibration for more information on the use of differential pressure to determine flow.

Level Calibration
When a standard differential pressure transmitter is used to measure level by sensing liquid back pressure, calibration is the same as for pressure or differential pressure, with one exception. When a pressurized tank level is measured and a wet leg is used, the differential pressure transmitter is reverse calibrated so that, with no pressure on the level-measuring side (high side), the back pressure from the filled reference leg (low side) will cause the transmitter output to be 3 psi or 4 mA (zero level), and the output will be 15 psig or 20 mA (100% level) when the high side pressure equals the low side pressure, i.e., the differential is zero. Bubble-tube level measurements use differential pressure or low pressure transmitters to sense bubble-tube back pressure and are calibrated the same as any pressure transmitter application. When a diaphragm-type level transmitter is to be calibrated, a special fitting must be used that will allow the level transmitter sensing head to sense the pressure-calibrating medium. Various special fittings can be shop-built or purchased to handle any type of pressure-sensing head transmitter that needs calibration. For level applications, most of the pressures do not exceed 30 to 40 psig, and instrument air is used as the pressure medium. The three- or four-inch flanged connection on the level transmitter is connected to the special calibration fitting, and instrument air to the fitting is adjusted to the desired pressure for calibration. A test pressure gage on the calibration fitting indicates the set calibration pressure.

When calibrating differential pressure transmitters for orifice plate or other square root signal sensing devices, finalize the calibration by checking zero. This is the most sensitive portion of the scale and, if off by even a small amount, can contribute to flow indications or totalizers counting when there is no flow. If the transmitter has a low signal cutoff or the system has a software scheme to allow for a stable zero display and use, the absolute zero is not as important as when there is no method to take care of this sensitivity.



Diaphragm-type level transmitters must be removed from the tank, chest, vessel, etc., for calibration when the vessel level cannot be adjusted for a wet calibration. If the vessel cannot be emptied easily, a special flanged gate valve must be initially installed between the vessel flange and the diaphragm level transmitter so the vessel opening can be closed before removing the transmitter. These gate valves must have special flanges to mate with both the tank and the transmitter. They also have a ratchet-type actuating handle, since the transmitters are so close to the tank that a standard circular handle will not fit. Several valve manufacturers can supply this special isolating valve. Capacitance, resistance, infrared (IR), sonar, radar, and other special level transmitters do not rely on the standard testers. Most of these transmitters have built-in calibration procedures that allow one to calibrate against the actual tank level. These procedures are spelled out in the vendor instruction books. Many older, special types of level transmitters, especially the capacitance type, had built-in calibration adjustments, but some adjustments had to be made by nonmetallic screwdrivers or special tools supplied with and sometimes attached within the housing of the transmitter. Most modern transmitters are now digital and require simple push button programming. Always replace, correctly, any special covers or shielding material used to protect the transmitter from radio frequency interference (rfi).

Flow Calibration
There are about a dozen basic flow-measuring instruments. Some work on similar and generally accepted principles, while others use very different and more complex principles.

The orifice plate is still probably the most used flow device, but magnetic flowmeters, vortex shedding meters, and Coriolis meters are rapidly replacing the orifice plate. Accuracy, linearity, no flow restrictions, mass flow capability, and actual lower cost of ownership has made these newer flow-measuring devices very popular. Flow measurement using an orifice plate relies on a differential pressure device to sense the difference between the upstream tap pressure and the downstream tap pressures. With clean fluids or gases, the measurement is relatively easy. Location of the dP transmitter is important in order to either keep the transmitter body full of the flowing medium or free of liquids when a gas flow is being measured. Locating the transmitter above or below the measuring point with the proper process line slope to the transmitter and special blowdown pots, when required, is essential and will affect the calibration of the transmitter once it is valved into the process.
Proper manipulation of the three valves on the 3-valve manifold that connects the dP transmitter to the process is essential to preventing the accidental overpressuring of the dP cell.

To valve-out a transmitter, first close the high side (to prevent flow), close the low side, then slowly open the bypass valve (to equalize pressure). To valve-in a transmitter, with the high and low side valves closed and the equalizing valve open, slowly open the low side valve (to apply equal pressure to the high and low sides). Close the equalizing valve, and then slowly open the high side valve (this prevents sudden pressure surges that can cause a calibration shift in some older instruments).


Field Calibration
On steam service or very hot liquids, prefill the high and low side process legs with water or cool product before opening any of the process connections. Always check that the downcomers are the same length to produce zero differential when there is no flow. Steam flow dP transmitter lines should always be filled with water during instrument commissioning and after recalibration. This prevents hot steam or condensate from filling the body of the dP transmitter and damaging the instrument when it is valved back into the line.

The differential developed across an orifice plate produces a square root signal. This signal can be square root extracted in the dP transmitter if the transmitter is purchased with this feature. In most DCS systems, the square root signal is transduced in the DCS, using software. Sometimes the signal is used in its original square root form, and a special square root chart or scale is used. The only advantage in using the square root signal occurs if one is not controlling and usually operates above 50% flow. The wider scale divisions provide better visual readout. However, most flow signals are linearized and digitally converted for ease of use. Calibration of the dP transmitter in the shop does not guarantee that the transmitter will produce an accurate flow measurement. An accurate flow reading depends heavily on the physical installation of the flowmeter and transmitter. If the flow transmitter calibration does not produce accurate flow readings, proceed as follows: (1) Check for the type of tap connections being used, then check the orifice sizing sheet for use of the correct sizing equation. (2) Check for proper upstream and downstream distances of straight pipe before and after the orifice as well as for correct distances of tap locations for vena contracta or pipe taps, if either of these methods of installation is used, rather than flange taps. (3) Check that the sharp edge of the orifice is facing the flow. (4) Check density, temperature, pressure, etc., of the medium and compare with the orifice specifications. Perhaps some variable has changed. (5) Check that the orifice edge is not worn, the orifice plate is correctly installed in the line, and the process line is clean of trash, etc. (6) Check all process tubing. Are transmitter and process valves open, as required? (7) Is transmitter, controller, or DCS damping adjusted too high? (8) Check for transmitter vibration, high ambient temperature, and the physical condition of the transmitter. (9) Is the line kept full of fluid with no air in the line, or kept dry if a gas is being measured? These are a few of the more obvious things to check when troubleshooting an orifice plate flow reading or a flow calibration problem, but if the problem still exists, do not limit the search only to these suggestions. Other pressure drop devices develop three halves or five halves flow signals. If nonlinear outputs are developed, a multisegment linearizer will have to be programmed into the calibration.

Before calibrating any flow transmitter, look at the piping (or process) and instrumentation drawings and any available logic and loop drawings to determine if and where the square root conversion is being done. This prevents confusion or possible double conversion during calibration and determines what hardware or software is required.

These flowmeters produce linear signals, which is the reason they are so popular. Calibration of the newer versions of these types of transmitters are usually integral in the transmitter and do not require an outside source calibrator. Most require only simple key strokes at the transmitter. These devices are precalibrated at


the factory, but if an actual product flow calibration is necessary, a volume check must be made using a bucket, barrel, or container that can be measured to hold a fixed volume or can be easily weighed. Accurate cutoff of the flow is required, and the calibration runs should be repeated until the numbers are consistent with the standards desired. This method works only on small flows. For large flowmeters, a certified flow lab would have to be contracted to do the calibration. See the individual instruction books for details about specific transmitters. With these flowmeters, correct installation is important to obtain the accuracies stated by the vendor. The installation manuals should be carefully read when the calibration does not produce an accurate flow measurement. Some magnetic flowmeter vendors use a standard Schedule 40 pipe flow table as a calibration reference, and the ft/sec velocity relating to the flow, as read off the pipe tables, is used to establish the calibration. Others use a meter calibration factor that is specific to each meter. This factor must be used when performing a field calibration. The factor is stamped on the flowmeter identification tag affixed to the meter. These meters require a special field calibrator that is specific to the brand of magnetic flowmeter being calibrated. The newer digital transmitters can usually be programmed in the field, on a digital pad that is integral within the transmitter, without a calibrator, or they can be remotely calibrated using a handheld programmer. Check the instrument manual for the exact procedure to use.

These devices can be checked only by confirming that each revolution produces a pulse output. The meter must always be kept full with no air in the line. The instrument does not know if the cavities are full or half full. The installation must be designed to keep the meter full when product is flowing through it, otherwise there will be large errors. The turbine meter has a minimum flow cutoff or inaccurate flow area that usually covers the first 5% to 10% of the range. Check the instruction book for this break point when doing a calibration.

If solids flow is being measured inferentially by counting the revolutions of a flight conveyer or the speed of a pulley, etc., check that there are sufficient pulses per revolution to obtain good flow resolution and a positive zero when the device is stopped. Also check that the speed pickup is mounted the proper distance from the notch, bump, magnetic material, or gear tooth to obtain a positive signal 100% of the time. Use a frequency generator/counter to check calibration and be certain of any pulse-to-rpm ratios that are part of the gearing or sensing. Some solids flowmeters use capacitance, radiation, or other principles. Refer to the vendors instruction or maintenance book for details of calibration.
When calibration does not solve an accuracy problem, remember that all meters rely on the fact that the line is full and there is no trapped air in the line. For liquid flows, a vertical line with the flow flowing up is the best installation. A low spot in the line, where the pipe is kept full, is also a good location when a liquid is flowing to an open vessel. Liquid flows should not be measured at the high point of a line, as air bubbles form in these areas and cause errors in measurement. Gas flowmeters are best placed in a vertical line. If steam is being measured by an orifice plate in a horizontal line, provide a bleed hole in the bottom of the orifice to allow trapped condensate to pass through the orifice plate. Sometimes calibration involves troubleshooting the installation or checking software.


Field Calibration

Before the advent of portable temperature calibration devices, the technician had to make his or her own field calibration device. Depending on the temperature range required, the technician would heat water or oil, using any available bucket and a steam hose or blow torch. Obviously, this method is not highly accurate, and there are definitely safety hazards when calibrating to the higher temperatures. This method is not recommended unless there are no other choices.
Safety should be the highest priority, and extreme care must be taken when using hot oil. Since one cannot maintain a steady temperature, the calibration is poor at best, but it is better than no calibration. If this method is used, a test thermometer must be used as a reference. When using a test thermometer, be sure to emerse the thermometer to the correct depth. Most glass test thermometers have a marked point on the stem, called the emersion point. Emerse the thermometer only to this point for an accurate reading. This method of field temperature calibration is not recommended, but since it may still be used, it is mentioned only to cover all the possible methods used for temperature calibration.


It is usually preferable to use TC and RTD transmitters when the signal is used in a control loop or a high degree of accuracy is required, with minimum field interference.

The modern way to calibrate a temperature probe is to use a dry block calibrator. These devices are portable, have accuracies to within 0.3C (0.5F) with resolution to 0.1 degree and stability to within 0.1C (0.2F). They are safe since they do not use liquids as heat transfer medium and, therefore, do not have flash points to consider or noxious fumes and do not require an air supply. Ranges are from 25C (35F) to 650C (1200F). Readouts are selectable between C and F. Ranges depend on the manufacturer and may require two different models of the calibrator. The units can be purchased with multiple-sensor insert holes for various diameter bulbs or TC or RTD probes and can have fast heat and cool cycles plus other automatic features. Dry block calibrators are very simple to use. Just place the sensor in the appropriate insertion tube, switch the unit on, select the readout in degrees, and dial in the temperature required. Wait for the temperature to stabilize (some have alarms that sound when the desired temperature is reached), and then calibrate the device to this point. Continue to select calibration points that provide a good sampling of the span of the sensor being calibrated. Some sophisticated types of dry block calibrators have an RS-232C interface to a personal computer.

Calibration of the probe is sometimes not required if a well or protecting tube protects the sensing element and the element is new. The easiest check is to calibrate the transmitter using a hand-held TC or RTD simulator-type tester. The simulator produces an electromagnetic force (emf) or resistance that duplicates the output of these two types of sensors. If this check verifies a zero or span correction is needed, recalibrate the transmitter, using the simulator. Reconnect the sensor to the sensing head and check the output reading against any local temperature reading that is available and is accurate. For a complete calibration, remove the TC or RTD from the well, line, or piece of equipment, and, using a dry block sensor calibrator, calibrate the sensor. If these two calibrations do not correct the temperature readings, the fault could be in the receiving device or in any software associated with this loop; or it could be a grounding or induced voltage problem or some other problem that must be corrected before the temperature loop reads correctly.




Figure 13-5 illustrates a ground loop caused by buildup of condensation and corrosion inside a thermowell that results in a grounded thermocouple. Always specify input-to-output isolation on 2-wire, field-mounted thermocouples, RTDs, and low-level millivolt transmitters.

Figure 13-5. Transmitter Isolation Eliminates Ground Loops.

Note also that an RTD is not grounded, but some problems appear on the signal due to the lines of force created by large electric motors and other high-voltage electronic equipment that may exhibit a surge on start-up. The natural resistance and capacitance in the isolation circuit acts as an R/C filter, which helps to attenuate these stray interfering electrical noises. Thus, isolation does more than merely isolate input-to-output, it is also an electronic filter.

Figure 13-6 illustrates radio frequency interference (rfi) from a hand-held FM transceiver (handi-talkie) commonly used for plant communication. Sometimes a poorly functioning temperature or other type of transmitter is the result of rfi interference. If the terminal block of the temperature transmitter is not protected electronically via feed-through capacitors and ferrite beads, which forms an L/C low pass filter, or if the case is not made of a conductive material with no cracks or openings, radio frequency energy can be picked up from handi-talkie transmitters. Test field transmitters for radio frequency pickup by triggering a handitalkie held 1 to 3 feet from the transmitter that is suspect. If the loop is a control loop or has an alarm trip as part of the loop, be sure to have the operator place the loop on manual before doing the test.


Calibrating in Hazardous Locations

Figure 13-6. Radio Frequency Interference.

(Courtesy of Transmation Inc.)

Calibrating in Hazardous Locations

The use of electrical instruments and control devices in areas where explosion hazards are present carries with it the potential for disaster unless specific preventive measures are taken. Hazards exist in the form of escaped flammable gases such as acetylene, hydrogen, propane, and others. Metal, coal, flour, and other dusts as well as some fibers suspended in air are capable of being ignited, with destructive consequences. In order that the seriousness of calibration in hazardous areas be understood, the following information on hazardous locations is presented. Plant locations within which specific hazards may be present because of the handling of flammable materials must be classified as outlined in Article 500 of the National Electrical Code. Table 13-1 indicates the classification scheme in abbreviated form. Attention is drawn particularly to Division 1 locations. There, flammables may be handled openly and the risk of fire and/or explosion is ever present. Such locations require the ultimate in safety measures and practices. The recognition of safety hazards is not limited to the U.S. Other countries throughout the world have either originated or adopted location and hazard classifications. Table 13-2 compares the location classifications of some countries. Many countries distinguish between locations that are continuously or predominantly hazardous and those that are intermittently hazardous. Table 13-3 gives an approximate comparison of the hazard groupings. The test gas groups are made up of a number of gases with the most easily ignited of any given group furnishing the group name. The groupings are not quite the same for the different safety codes. Comparison is further made difficult by multiple codes that exist in
When calibrating any temperature system, check the device to determine if the measurement is linear. Check that the scale or readout is compatible with the sensing device. Sometimes the differences are small, but this may be the reason that it is difficult to read correctly through the entire span of the device.



Table 13-1. Area and Materials Hazardous Classifications (NEC).

Class I Flammable gases and vapors Class II Combustible dusts Class III Flyings

Group A Atmospheres Chemical acetylene Group B Atmospheres acrolein (inhibited)2 arsine butadiene1 ethylene oxide2 hydrogen manufactured gases containing more than 30% hydrogen (by volume) propylene oxide2 propylnitrate Group C Atmospheres acetaldehyde allyl alcohol n-butyraldehyde carbon monoxide crotonaldehyde cyclopropane diethyl ether diethylamine epichlorohydrin ethylene ethylenimine ethyl mercaptan ethyl sulfide hydrogen cyanide hydrogen sulfide morpholine 2-nitropropane tetrahydrofuran unsymmetrical dimethyl hydrazine (UDMH 1, 1-dimethyl hydrazine) Group D Atmospheres acetic acid (glacial) acetone acrylonitrile ammonia3 benzene butane

Chemical 1-butanol (butyl alcohol) 2-butanol (secondary butyl alcohol) n-butyl acetate isobutyl acetate di-isobutylene ethane ethanol (ethyl alcohol) ethyl acetate ethyl acrylate (inhibited) ethylene diamine (anhydrous) ethylene dichloride ethylene glycol monomethyl ether gasoline heptanes hexanes isoprene isopropyl ether mesityl oxide methane (natural gas) methanol (methyl alcohol) 3-methyl-1-butanol (isoamyl alcohol) methyl ethyl ketone methyl isobutyl ketone 2-methyl-1-propanol (isobutyl alcohol) 2-methyl-2-propanol (tertiary butyl alcohol) petroleum naphtha pyridine octanes pentanes 1-pentanol (amyl alcohol) propane 1-propanol (propyl alcohol) 2-propanol (isopropyl alcohol) propylene styrene toluene vinyl acetate vinyl chloride xylenes

Division I A location where the hazard is expected to be present in the normal operation of the plant Division II A location where the hazard exists only in the event of failure in the processing equipment or plant

Notes: 1 Group D equipment shall be permitted to be used for atmospheres containing butadiene, provided all conduit runs into explosionproof equipment are provided with explosionproof seals installed within 450 mm (18 in.) of the enclosure. 2Group C equipment shall be permitted to be used for atmospheres containing allyl glycidyl ether, n-butyl glycidyl ether, ethylene oxide, propylene oxide, and acrolein, provided all conduit runs into explosionproof equipment are provided with explosionproof seals installed within 450 mm (18 in.) of the enclosure. 3 For classification of areas involving ammonia atmosphere, see Safety Code for Mechanical Refrigeration (ANSI/ ASHRAE 15-1994) and Safety Requirements for the Storage and Handling of Anhydrous Ammonia (ANSI/CGA G2.1-1989). 4 A saturated hydrocarbon mixture boiling in the range 20135C (68275 F). Also known by the synonyms benzine, ligroin, petroleum ether, or naphtha. 5 Flyings are materials not normally in suspension in air, i.e., they are of larger particle size than dusts. Flyings include materials such as cotton linters, sawdust, textile fibers, and other large pargicles that are usually more a fire hazard than an explosion hazard. *Reprinted with permission from NFPA 497-2003, Copyright 2003, National Fire Protection Association, Quincy, MA 02269. This reprinted material is not the complete and official position of the NFPA on the referenced subject, which is represented only by the standard in its entirety.


Calibrating in Hazardous Locations

Europe and are in various stages of being coordinated. Those who must deal professionally with classifications and groupings are well advised to resort to the code or standard documents applicable to their tasks. Electricity in the form of a spark is an ideal agent to commence the ignition process. Sparks might be generated in the process of opening switches, at loose wires on terminal blocks, and within any number of faulty electrical components. Neither the avoidance of hazardous situations brought on by the open handling of flammables nor the use of electrical equipment is always practical or even desirable. The taking of precautionary measures, even though they may be expensive, is then indicated. Purging, explosionproofing, and intrinsic safety are the three dominant techniques used to guard against the electrically induced explosion hazard.

Purging is the act of surrounding the potential ignition-causing electrical device within a housing with a stream of uncontaminated air or inert gas such as nitrogen, at some pressure slightly above atmospheric, in such a way that the clean air or inert gas leaks away from the electrical device. By this act the dust or vapors are prevented from getting to the potential ignition mechanisms and safety is promoted. The purging method requires interlocks between clean air or inert gas pressure and electrical power. In the event of failure of the former, the latter is turned off. This safety measure, while effective when working as intended, can be easily defeated by unauthorized modification of the interlock circuit, and it is not always deemed acceptable. ISA12.04.012003 (IEC 600792 MOD)Electrical Apparatus for Explosive Gas AtmospheresPart 2 Pressurized Enclosures gives further details and requirements.
Table 13-2. Comparison of Hazardous Location Classifications USA and Canada Location Continuously Hazardous Location Intermittently Hazardous Location Hazardous under ABNORMAL Conditions *International Electrotechnical Commission Division 1 Division 1 Division 2 IEC* and Europe Zone 0 Zone 1 Zone 2

Table 13-3. Comparison of Hazardous Materials Classification Test Gas Groups Acetylene Hydrogen Ethylene Propane Methane USA and Canada Group A B C D D Group per IEC and EN 60079-10 IIC IIC IIB IIA I

When required to calibrate an instrument or system located in a purged enclosure, the enclosure must be opened. Before opening the enclosure, call the safety inspector or engineer and have a sniff or explosive limit test made in the surrounding area. If the area is safe, then and only then may the enclosure be opened to the atmosphere. The atmosphere must be monitored while the enclosure is open. When the work is complete, button up the enclosure and test the purge system before leaving the area.




Explosionproofing requires that the electrical equipment and wiring be contained within substantial boxes, containers, and pipes in such a manner that an explosion within any enclosure is contained within the enclosure and none of the resulting hot gases leaks out at a temperature that would promote flame or explosion propagation. The method is effective but also very expensive. It requires the rigid adherence of codified installation and maintenance procedures to function as intended i.e., to relieve pressure but still retard flame propagation. It is the only method by which high-power electrical and lighting equipment can be rendered safe in hazardous locations. When opening an explosionproof enclosure, the same sniff or explosive limit test must be made and the area declared safe by the safety person. If the enclosure uses a bolted cover, carefully remove the bolts, place the cover with the mating side up.
Never place the cover face down in the dirt, gravel, or cement; the surface of the joint may be scratched or pick up some material that will prevent a proper seal once the cover is re-bolted to the enclosure.

Always inspect both the face of the cover and the face of the enclosure before reassembling the enclosure, and always replace and tighten all bolts to maintain the explosionproof integrity of the enclosure. See Chapter 17 for more safety-related information.

Intrinsic safety (IS) can be applied to the characteristically low power needs of instrumentation and can gain significant economic benefits for the user. Intrinsically safe equipment and wiring is designed and constructed to be incapable of releasing sufficient electrical or thermal energy under normal or abnormal conditions to cause ignition of a hazardous atmospheric mixture in its most readily ignitable concentration. The concept of intrinsic safety recognizes that an energy discharge limit exists below which ignition cannot be brought about. The concept also recognizes the possibility of failure within the electrical equipment and requires that safety not be impaired by the occurrence of faults within the equipment or protective mechanism. ANSI/ISARP12.06.01-2003, Recommended Practice for Wiring Methods for Hazardous (Classified) Locations Instrumentation Part 1: Intrinsic Safety, gives further details.

The energy flow into the hazardous location is limited with the safety barrier. Safety barriers may be of the positive, negative, or AC type and admit that form of energy with reference to ground. Safety barriers may be of single-, dual-, or multiple-circuit construction. A safety barrier typically contains resistors to limit the current through the barrier to a safe value, and zener diodes, or TRIACs plus zener diodes, to limit the voltage that may appear at the terminals in the hazardous area to an acceptable value. At least two of each of these components are used in such a way that the failure of one does not render the arrangement unsafe. Finally, a fuse is used to open the circuit when excessive current threatens the circuit. All components are encapsulated to prevent tampering, and the failure of any component, particularly the fuse, renders the device useless and in need of replacement. No repairs to a barrier may be made; however, some recent types support replaceable fuses. Figure 13-7 shows the circuit of a typical single-circuit safety barrier. The barrier is grounded by a dual connection that carries any excess or fault currents to ground, thus preventing its entry into the hazardous location.


Calibrating in Hazardous Locations

Figure 13-7. Safety Barrier Schematic.

(Courtesy of Transmation Inc.)

Figure 13-8 shows an example of how barriers might be used with a grounded thermocouple in the hazardous location. The barriers in this setting prevent the entry into the hazardous location of the power that is used to operate the receiving instrumentation.

Figure 13-8. Application of Barriers to Thermocouple Circuit.

(Courtesy of Transmation Inc.)

Barriers are available in a broad range of voltage and current ratings. High voltage ratings are associated with low current ratings and vice versa. Barriers always carry a limiting specification to the maximum voltage that may exist within the safe area equipment to which they are connected. For many barriers this is 240-V AC or DC.



The various combinations of voltage and current ratings of barriers are dependent upon the hazard classification assigned to the barrier by design-approving and design-certifying agencies. When applying barriers, the user must be sure that the barrier selected is compatible with equipment in the hazardous as well as the safe locations and that its hazard group rating is equal to or better than that which applies to the hazardous location. Installations that may use traditional wiring techniques generally require approval from local safety authorities and/or underwriters.

Barriers are the instrumentality by which nonintrinsically safe equipment in a nonhazardous location may be connected to approved and intrinsically safe equipment in hazardous locations. Barriers as such are the add-on equipment through which the connection between safe and hazardous locations become permissible. It is, however, not the only method. Manufacturers who supply equipment for use in hazardous as well as nonhazardous setting have found it expeditious to incorporate the components of safety barriers directly into their safe location equipment. This done and following its approval, that equipment, while located in a safe area, may then be connected to approved equipment items in hazardous locations of suitable classification without the further addition of safety barriers. The user is spared the cost of the barriers and their installation but has to pay a lesser premium for the intrinsically safe approved nonhazardous location instrument.

Test Equipment
Portable test equipment may be transported only into classified locations that have an equal or lower hazard rating than that which is plainly noted on the face of the equipment. Also, test equipment may be connected to intrinsically safe circuits only when the instruments and/or barriers in these circuits are especially approved for connection with the test equipment. Exceptions to this are thermocouples and resistance sensors not otherwise powered; these may be connected to approved test equipment without the sensors having specific combination approval with the test equipment. This information is not intended to be a substitute for the applicable codes and legislations that apply to hazardous location classification. Neither is this writing intended to substitute for the instructions and admonitions that must be supplied by equipment manufacturers in connection with instruments and testers that may be used in classified locations.
Classifications and restrictions of use specifically enumerated in codes and instructions and on the labels of instruments or required by local safety authorities must be adhered to at all times.

In many cases a field-mounted transmitter is installed in a hazardous location in a process plant or refinery. Calibration devices are available that are certified to work in the field under hazardous conditions. The two classifications are intrinsically safe and nonincendive. Many times a field-mounted transmitter, due to its location, is in an out-of-doors location and, therefore, will be considered to be Class I, Division 2 (see Table 13-1). Certain warnings must be observed when using an instrument in a hazardous location in order to meet the nonincendive classification. Groups A, B, C, and D refer to certain types of gases that could be present in a Division 2 hazardous location. In nonincendive Class I, II, III, Division 2, Groups A, B, C, D, or G locations, the following precautions should be taken, even when using a qualified calibrator:


Calibrating in Hazardous Locations

(1) Do not make any connections to circuitry and/or components inside an instrument in hazardous locations. Connect only to nonincendive field circuit wiring terminals in hazardous locations. (2) Do not connect to any circuit containing more than 50 V in hazardous locations. (3) Do not open the case or charge batteries in a hazardous location. (4) Maximum input parameters allowable are: Vmax = 50 V, Imax = 50 mA, Ci = 0.8 F, La = 90 mH (5) Always follow any warning attached to the test gear being used and follow safe operating procedures. When in doubt, call the plant safety officer or responsible person who issues working permits for hazardous areas. Note that in a Division 1 hazardous location, gases are usually present. In a Division 2 area, gases may be present under a fault condition. Since an outdoor location makes it more difficult to concentrate the gases, most outdoor locations are Division 2. Without a calibrator approved by a recognized testing agency for operation in such hazardous locations, one is forced to cut power, remove the instrument, and return it to the instrument shop for calibration. Thus, having a calibrator with Factory Mutual or another recognized testing agency approval can be a great time saver as well as provide a safe means of field calibration in a hazardous area. The concept of intrinsic safety recognizes that an energy discharge limit exists below which ignition cannot occur. Thus, intrinsically safe equipment and wiring are designed and constructed to be incapable of releasing sufficient electrical or thermal energy under normal or abnormal conditions to cause ignition of a hazardous atmospheric mixture in its most readily ignitable concentration. This includes the possibility of failure within the electrical equipment and requires that safety not be impaired by the occurrence of faults within the equipment or protective mechanism. In areas designed to be intrinsically safe, any electrical calibrator or piece of test gear must also be certified to be intrinsically safe. The possibility of an explosion still exists and the test equipment must also be incapable of causing a spark or generating sufficient energy to cause ignition of the hazardous atmosphere. In practice, intrinsic safety is realized by limiting the amount of energy brought into a hazardous location and limiting the effect to which energy may be stored in operating equipment. One common method by which nonintrinsically safe equipment can be used in a hazardous location is via safety barriers. Barriers are add-on devices through which the connection between safe and hazardous locations becomes permissible. The other popular method is the incorporation of the safety barrier components into the actual equipment. Such equipment, after being tested and approved, may be connected directly to equipment in hazardous locations without further safety barriers. The user is spared the cost of the barriers, but normally pays a premium for the intrinsically safe approved equipment. Two-wire transmitters, operating at the low energy level of a 4-20 milliamp signal, can potentially be approved as intrinsically safe devices and may subsequently be connected to the safe location via barriers or approved receiver/power supply devices. In the case of nonisolated transmitters, the power supply may not be grounded, and two barriers are required one for each output current conductor. When calibrating intrinsically safe loops, check that the correct type and number of barriers are being used, use an intrinsically safe calibrator, and follow the instructions carefully.



Resistance temperature detectors (RTDs) are favored in many applications for the measurement of temperature. Their outstanding stability, good predictability and high accuracy, among other factors, contribute to this favoritism. It cannot be taken as unusual then that users may wish to employ the RTD for making measurements in hazardous locations. Figures 13-9(a), 13-9(b), and 13-9(c) illustrate how RTDs are typically connected to the excitation and sensing circuits. The two-wire connection shown in Figure 13-9(a) is recommended when the connecting wires a-b and c-d combined have a value of resistance that is insignificantly small compared to the value of the resistance of the RTD. In this event, neither the connecting wire resistance nor its change with ambient temperature will affect the sensing circuit, which is composed of balancing resistors R1, R2, and Rb, excitation source E, and readout instrument G. When resistance of the connecting wires becomes a significant fraction, such as 1% or more, of the value of the RTD resistance, the simple twowire circuit becomes sensitive to connecting wire length and connecting wire ambient temperature. The sensing circuitry cannot distinguish between resistance changes due to the different causes. All are equated equal and interpreted to be temperature changes at the RTD. Going to the three-wire connection arrangement shown in Figure 13-9(b) solves the problem. The effectiveness of the three-wire arrangement rests on the replacement of two of the connecting wires into opposite bridge legs such that they mutually compensate for both total resistance and like resistance changes due to ambient temperature. The two wires in question are a-b and c-e. They must be equal in gage, length, and location to achieve the desired result. Third wire c-d is part of the excitation branch and needs only to be adequate to supply the required current. Though as a matter of practicality all three wires are normally of the same length, gage, and location, they often constitute a cable. The three-wire connection scheme is enhanced in the perfection of the wire compensation when resistances R1 and R2 are made many (10-1000) times larger than the value of the RTD resistance and its balancing resistor Rb. It may be noted that the current through the compensating leads a-b and c-e can be equal only to one measured temperature, being slightly different at all others. Large values of R1 and R2 make the currents less RTD- sensitive and, hence, promote quality of compensation. Current tracking circuits and other techniques are also used to improve the performance of the basic bridge circuit. The four-wire connection shown in Figure 13-9(c) is a classic in that the value of the RTD is determined by knowing the current through it and sensing the voltage across it. The results obtained are independent of the connecting wires and dependent only on the accuracy of the current source and the voltmeter. While this is the best solution as far as independence from connecting wire effects is concerned, it is not a perfect method. It, like the others, suffers due to the cable leakage resistance and thermal emfs at connection points. Care must always be taken to avoid these by using high quality insulated cables and by using only copper wire.

Safety barriers are electrical protection networks that prevent the flow of excessive electrical energy from the safe location into a hazardous location. A barrier is required to be inserted in each and every wire going from the safe to the hazardous location, except the grounded return wire if such is used. That wire may be grounded at the grounding bar of the safety barrier (see Figure 13-10). The end-to-end resistance of barriers increases with voltage rating and is at its lowest value, about 10 ohms, for a nominal 1-volt barrier. At 10 volts the resist320

Calibrating in Hazardous Locations

Figure 13-9. RTD Connections.

(Courtesy of Transmation Inc.)

ance is 80 ohms. Clearly, the resistance introduced by barriers into a circuit is not trivial. The protection diodes, which are internal to the barriers, contribute a leakage current that is also significant. The current may be held to be an acceptable value such as 1 micro-amp by operating the barrier well below its rated voltage. Thus, a 1-volt barrier might be operated at 0.1 volt, a 5-volt barrier at 0.5 volt, a 15-volt barrier at 11 volts, and a 28-volt barrier at 24 volts.


Figure 13-10. Single Circuit Safety Barrier.

(Courtesy of Transmation Inc.)

Given these factors, some general remarks about RTDs and barriers can be made. First, low resistance RTDs such as 10-ohm elements should be avoided. Three-wire circuits with 100 to 500 ohm RTDs are satisfactory when special barriers with tightly controlled and low temperature coefficient end-to-end resistances are used. The four-wire arrangement can handle all the exceptions and does not require special barriers. It is, however, the most expensive circuit to implement since at least three barrier circuits are required. The grounding of one conductor, shown in both Figures 13-11 and 13-12 is a common practice and saves a barrier circuit. RTD elements are normally well insulated from their protective tube, and this grounding introduces no special burden. It does, however, establish the grounding point for the readout equipment, which must not be grounded a second time. The choice of barrier in any given instance must take into account the voltage level of operation as established by the RTD and its associated current and the effect of any leakage current on the accuracy of the results. When freedom of choice exists, the use of a 100-ohm platinum RTD, operating at 3 mA or less, in association with 5-volt barriers and transmission circuits of AWG 20 for 500 feet or less, AWG 16 for 1000 feet, and AWG 14 for 1000 to 2000 feet will generally be found satisfactory. What is and is not satisfactory, of course, depends on the accuracy required. When the matter is critical, a detailed evaluation is necessary. While such an evaluation is beyond the scope of this writing, a few observations may be helpful. RTDs are not perfect. Their standard resistance accuracy is on the order of 0.1% at 0C increasing to larger values at higher and lower temperature. An optimum design tends to be one that no more than doubles the inherent inaccuracy of the sensor. Asking for better results is costly; asking for less saves little. Accuracy is degraded by barrier leakage. Its value at the maximum working voltage and maximum ambient temperature of the barrier should not be more than 1/1000 of the excitation current. Balanced conductors can be expected to differ in resistance by up to 5%. This is no problem in most cases and can be zeroed out. However, the 5% potential imbalance is subject to the cable ambient temperature variations. In outdoor service the temperature of the cable must be expected to range from 40 to 55C. Thus, putting all factors together, the cable resistance must be expected to change 2% through the season. With a 10-ohm conductor, this is 0.2 ohm. The barrier end-to-end resistance also has a temperature coefficient. Depending on manufacturer and type of barrier, this may range from 500 to 2000 ppm/C.

Calibrating in Hazardous Locations

Figure 13-11. Three-wire RTD Circuit with Barriers.

(Courtesy of Transmation Inc.)

Figure 13-12. Four-wire RTD Circuit with Barriers.

(Courtesy of Transmation Inc.)

Barriers, however, are often mounted indoors and are subject to a narrower environmental temperature range. Fifteen to 35C might be typical. Thus, the contribution of a low-temperature coefficient barrier might be 1% of its value, or 0.2 ohm. With two barriers in the sensing circuit and compensating each other to


within 1/20, the error from this source becomes about 1/20 of the 0.2 ohm or 0.01 ohm, a negligible value, but one that can become very significant when barrier resistance and/or temperature coefficient are large. Summarizing the cautions and conditions that lead to successful RTD and barrier combinations: (1) Keep RTD resistance high and connecting lead resistance low. (2) Operate RTD at a current that is as high as possible without introducing a self-heating effect and thereby minimize barrier leakage effects. (3) Maintain balance and symmetry in all circuits.
Thermocouples and RTDs require barriers when connected to equipment located outside the hazardous area. Thermocouples require two barriers; RTDs, depending on their wiring, may require up to three barriers. When calibrating these sensors be sure to connect the lead wires back to the proper barrier.

(4) Use only copper wire. (5) Lay out wiring and equipment to minimize ambient temperature changes. (6) For difficult applications, go to four-wire circuitry. (7) Make an expected error estimate and be satisfied with it before going ahead with purchases and equipment installation. There is a lot to know when choosing and working with intrinsically safe barriers. The information given is minimal. One should be well versed in intrinsic safety wiring and testing before working on such loops.

In-Shop Calibration
In-shop calibration is done in essentially the same fashion as field calibration, with the exception that the device or transmitter is disconnected from the process, cleaned as required, and taken to the shop, where it is visually given a good going over and then is mounted on a test stand at a calibration bench. The test bench provides all the necessary input and output indications to perform the calibration. The test equipment is certified, and any corrections to the test instrument are usually graphed, labeled, dated, and displayed next to the test instrument. A new instrument should have a calibration certification. A typical certification might state: The calibration of DC voltage, current, and resistance products is directly traceable to the National Institute of Standards and Technology (formally National Bureau of Standards) via our calibration standards, which have been certified by NIST and are subject to a program of periodic rectification. Each unit should carry a label that indicates the date of calibration and the date of future recalibration or maintenance required. The convenience of shop calibration is that the test area is clean, quiet, and well lit and has all the necessary tools within easy reach of the technician. Bench testing, however, will not find any problems or calibration inaccuracies due to installation, cable pickup, or ambient conditions. Portable test gear should be periodically checked against certified shop test equipment. Shop test instruments, particularly pressure gages, tend to be large 12-inch to 16-inch precision gages with mirrored scale surfaces to eliminate parallax. However, todays technology is driving towards precision digital test pressure indication that is NIST traceable. Whichever the case, shop test instruments do not require the ruggedness of field test instruments. Digital indicators usually cannot be overranged or damaged as easily as pointer movement indicators and are a good choice for field test equipment.

Bench Test
Bench testers generally consist of a standard gage and a means of producing a test pressure. The gage is usually 6 inches to 16 inches in diameter and is a

In-Shop Calibration

highly accurate standard type of gage. Digital pressure displays are becoming quite common, but the old reliable bench gage is still seen in most instrument shops. Instrument air is the medium used for testing to about 100 psig. A high precision air-reducing valve is used for the pressure adjustment. Either water or oil is used as a medium for the higher pressures. When a liquid is used, it is usually compressed, using a threaded plunger with a convenient handle that can be smoothly and accurately adjusted. When required, a bleed system is incorporated to allow lowering the calibration pressure, as needed. Most bench testers are constructed on the job site by the technicians; some are ordered from vendors as complete systems. The benches have the various hoses and pump devices labeled and arranged so that technicians can easily and quickly switch from low to higher pressure testing.

Deadweight Tester
Every instrument shop should have a deadweight tester. They come in many types and ranges but consist basically of a hand pump to increase the pressure, through a liquid medium or air, to a piston that multiplies the pressure to a floating cylinder that supports a series of standard weights and also has a connection for the device being calibrated (see Figure 13-13). Although they can be purchased as portable testers, most are bought as shop testers and remain in the shop where there is less chance of the test weights being nicked or damaged in a way that will reduce the accuracy of the tester. Deadweight testers are usually used to calibrate the portable test gages or test equipment, which is then used for field calibration work. The deadweight tester uses a standard weight or series of weights that are placed on a weight platform or pressure plate; the pressure is then pumped up until the weight platform begins to float freely on the fluid or air pad. The weight platform is generally spun slowly to make certain that the platform is not binding in any way. Test ranges start at about 10 lbs and go as high as 15,000 lbs. Most deadweight testers use oil as the pressure medium, but some models use water or air.

Fluidized Bath Calibrator

Most instrument shops have temperature baths for calibration of TCs, RTDs, and filled-tube systems. These can be oil-filled or sand-filled. When using an oil-filled calibration bath, always know the flash point of the oil used, and do not adjust the calibration too close to this point. Keep the exhaust fan and ducting clean of oily deposits, since the ducts can also catch fire. Fluidized hot sand is safer because it does not have a flash point, but one cannot tell the temperature of sand simply by looking at it. Be careful when working near or using a calibration bath, as they take some time to cool down and serious burns can occur if the temperature transfer medium is touched. Leave the exhaust fan on until the bath cools down to near ambient.

A fluidized bath works on the principle that small particles (typically sand) can be fluidized by means of a suitable gas or air stream at a constant pressure circulating through the bath. Air supplied to the chamber is controlled by a valve into a diffuser. The diffuser ensures a uniform flow of air across a full section of the container and also acts as a support plate for the sand inside the unit. The control valve should be opened slowly to make sure that the solid bed of sand remains undisturbed and the air finds its way between the particles; therefore, the bed will behave as a fluid and is said to be fluidized. The air stream to accomplish this is normally 3 pounds per square inch, which can come from a pump or an air line that is usually contained inside the fluid bath calibrator. The fluidized bath is much cleaner than an oil bath, and the sensors do not have to be



Figure 13-13. Deadweight Tester.

(Courtesy of Ametek)

cleaned after they are removed from the bath. A light dusting is all that is required. The thermowell and temperature sensor must be clamped in the unit because the air rushing through the fluidized bath makes it quite buoyant. The air pump should include a safety valve and filtering to be sure that it is clean, dry air that is being passed through the bath at all times. Typical fluid baths are capable of being operated from 100C to +1100C, although a single bath cannot cover this complete range. Although some baths may have fast heating and cooling, it is practical to turn on a bath at least 1-1/2 hours before it will be used. Cooling time can be as long as 2 hours after power is removed.
A fluidized bath can be a source of toxic fumes. It is important that an adequate air extraction system is installed and that one takes precautions when breathing air directly over the bath.

When the bed does not fluidize, the most common problem is a blocked air line or incorrect air supply. Check the filters often since they may become blocked, and check for air leaks. Also, be sure the control valve is working correctly. The sand bed should be dry before being used. If the bath does not work properly and appears to be boiling in one spot, check the diffuser plate at the bot-


In-Shop Calibration

tom of the bed for cracks. The porous plate, which is the diffuser, is usually a readily available spare part and can be replaced. In operation, the RTD or thermocouple should be inserted in the bath and allowed to stabilize for at least one hour. Set the temperature at the desired point on the fluidized bed bath, then check the output in millivolts on the thermocouple either directly with the millivolt meter or with one of the newer digital readout thermometers. Check that the millivolt output of the thermocouple or the resistance of the RTD matches the temperature curve table within the limits of error, which is typically specified by the American Society for Testing and Materials (ASTM.) Thermocouples are typically within 2 or 3 degrees, while RTDs can be within 0.1 degree depending on span and type. Consult the manufacturers specification sheet for the accuracy specifications on any resistance temperature detectors. Most glass thermometers used with liquid or sand baths have a fixed insertion length (the point at which it was emersed when initially calibrated). When using a fixed emersion length test thermometer, emerse it to the emersion mark to obtain the specified reading accuracy. Agitation of oil and sand is essential for good heat conduction and transfer. Be sure to allow sufficient time between changing the bath temperature and using the reading for calibration. Most well equipped shops will have two baths so the device being calibrated can be quickly cycled between two temperatures without having to reset the bath temperature each time it is tested between, say, high and low. When doing an initial calibration of a thermocouple or RTD sensor and transmitter, it is best to calibrate the sensor with the transmitter. This way, the proper range, span, calibration curve, and linearization are automatically checked. If using a millivolt-only meter for thermocouples, remember to make the proper arithmetic calculations for the cold junction reference. Remember: you are measuring the millivolt output at room or ambient temperature, but the table is based on zero millivolts at 0C (32F); therefore, you must compensate for the difference between ambient and the freezing point of water. Carefully measure ambient temperature. Look up the millivolt value for that type of thermocouple in C or F and add this to the reading that you see on the millivolt meter when it is connected to the thermocouple.
Shop calibration does not take into account any misapplication or improper installation of the device. The device might pass shop calibration with flying colors but fail field calibration. Shop calibration is necessary, at times, to eliminate outside effects in order to help determine if a problem is in the sensor or the transmitter or is the result of some field effect; i.e., calibrating a valve without a positioner in the shop without the process pressure across the valve will produce a zero and span that are different from those produced under field conditions.

When calibrating TCs or RTDs, always confirm that the sensor is matched to the correct transmitter type. If you are using a Type J thermocouple, be sure you have the transmitter set up for the Type J input.

The red lead wire on thermocouples is always negative.

Testing of electronic parts, disassembly, and replacement of electronic instrument parts and cleaning of electronic components are best done in the instrument shop under clean conditions. All electronic parts should be kept in sealed plastic bags and stored in a clean atmosphere. Precautions should be taken to ground oneself when working on sensitive electronic components. Usually the vendor uses special packaging and warning stickers to alert of the possibility of damaging the hardware. Follow vendor rules under these circumstances, in order not to void any warranties.



Other Aspects of Calibration

Device Calibration
Device calibration infers the calibration of only one device. This could be a magnetic flowmeter transmitter, a single pressure transmitter, an I/P transducer, or simply a solenoid valve or limit switch. Each component of a system or loop is a single device, with the exception that a few devices may be coupled together such that both devices must be adjusted or manipulated in order to check out either of the devices. Examples are the stroking of a valve to check its position switch, and the stroking of an I/P and checking the valve position rather than the output of the I/P. These are slight deviations from the device concept, but conditions sometimes require deviations. Device calibration can refer to shop or field calibration.

Loop Calibration
Loop calibration involves more than one device. A simple loop could be pressure energizing a local alarm. Simply checking the pressure switch high alarm setting is not a loop calibration. The alarm light and horn must come on at the high setting and go off at some pressure below the setting. The pressure switch dead band, if adjustable, should be set to prevent chatter or continued cycling. A control loop calibration should include the calibration of the transmitter, the controller, any intermediate readouts, the I/P, the positioner, and the valve and a check of any alarms or interlocks associated with the loop. Transmitter failure modes should also be checked. Sometimes forgotten is a check that the transmitter range and the controller and associated readouts all have the identical ranges, scales, and curves. Sometimes a square root device is read out on a linear scale or may be extracted in two places. Loop calibration should involve a look at the P&IDs, loop drawings, and any DCS or other software involved with the loop.

Test Equipment Calibration and Traceability

Every instrument shop should have at least one standard test instrument for each variable requiring calibration that is traceable to the National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST). The calibrating devices or readouts that are used as shop standards should be sent back to NIST on a yearly basis for recalibration and certification. NIST calibration correction data should be prominently displayed next to the standard readout so that any deviations from the readings can be corrected by reference to the correction table. The standard test device should be at least one order of magnitude more accurate than the device being calibrated; i.e., calibrating a 0100 psig 1% gage would require a test gage with an accuracy of at least 0.1%. Thermocouples and RTDs have published standard accuracies and curves plus millivolt and resistance tables that can be used for calibration. Most modern temperature calibrators contain these curves, which are based on the type of sensor selected on the calibrator. These curves and accuracy comparisons can be obtained from most temperature sensor manufacturers.

Elevated and Suppressed Ranges

Elevated and suppressed ranges are usually associated with level measurements but apply equally to temperature, pressure, and other variables.


Other Aspects of Calibration


Range elevation is required when a transmitter is located below the bottom of a tank and the high side of the transmitter sees a pressure even when the tank is empty. In this case, the elevation can be adjusted until the output of the transmitter reads zero when the tank is empty. The elevation equals the distance the transmitter is below the zero level of the tank times the density of the tank liquid.

To suppress the range of a transmitter is to start the sensing at some point above zero; i.e., a suppression of 10 psig requires 10 psig to be applied to the transmitter before the output begins to move upscale. As an example, a pressure is critical to a process at around 250 psig and must to be read within 0.5 psig. The existing transmitter has a range of 0300 psig with an accuracy of 1/2% of span. In order to read 0.5 psig, the span cannot exceed 100 psig. The only way to do this is to calibrate the transmitter for a span of 100 psig and suppress the zero 200 psig. This will produce a range of 200 to 300 psig, with an accuracy of 1/ 2 psig and the critical sensing point at midscale. In order for this particular transmitter to be able to be recalibrated to the new suppressed range, the transmitter span must be capable of adjustment to a span of 1/3 the full range. Every transmitter has a minimum span and a maximum upper limit. The elevation plus the span of the transmitter cannot exceed the full range, or the upper limit, of the transmitter cell.

When suppressing a transmitter range, always check the maximum upper range limit and the available turndown ratio of the transmitter in order not to exceed the upper range limit of the transmitter or to find that the transmitter cannot be turned down to the span desired.

Accuracy versus Resolution

A very important step in the calibration of any instrument is the understanding of accuracy versus resolution specifications.

Accuracy indicates the limit that errors will not exceed when the instrument is operated under the specified conditions. Accuracy normally includes conformity, linearity, hysteresis, and dead band, expressed as % of full scale, % of span, and % of Reading. The tightest method is percent of reading, the most common is percent of full scale. Accuracy as % of Full Scale Example: Range equals 0200 psig. Accuracy equals 1% of full scale or 2.0 psig at any reading. At 200 psig, accuracy is 2.0 psig, which is 1% of reading. At 100 psig, accuracy is 2.0 psig, which is 2% of reading. At 50 psig, accuracy is 2.0 psig, which is 4% of reading. At 10 psig, accuracy is 2.0 psig, which is 20% of reading. The accuracy is poorest at the low end of the scale. Accuracy as % of span (using the same example) Range equals 0200 psig. Span equals 100 psig. If the span is set at 50150 psig for a span of 100 rather than 200, the accuracy equals 1% of span or 1.0 psig at any reading. By reducing the span to 100 psig, a 1% accuracy gives a 1.0 psig reading rather than the 2.0 psig reading, when the span was 200 psig At 150 psig, 1% of span is 1.0 psig, which is 0.66% of reading. At 100 psig, 1% of span is 1.0 psig, which is 1% of reading.



Although the accuracy is still 1%, since the span is half the original range, or 100 instead of 200, the absolute reading is 1.0 psig rather than 2.0 psig. By decreasing the span of a transmitter that is accurate to percent of span, the accuracy of the indication or reading can be improved. Accuracy as % of reading (using the same example) Range equals 0200 psig, Span equals 0200 psig. Accuracy equals 1% of reading. At 200 psig, accuracy is 1% of reading or 2.0 psig. At 100 psig, accuracy is 1% of reading or 1.0 psig. At 50 psig, accuracy is 1% of reading or 0.5 psig. At 10 psig, accuracy is 1% of reading or 0.1 psig. Obviously the percent of reading cannot apply as you approach a zero reading but accuracy as a percent of reading is certainly much better than as a percent of full scale accuracy or even percent of span accuracy. It is important that these three types of accuracy statements are understood when referring to the accuracy of a device.

Resolution is defined as the smallest increment that can be distinguished or displayed. The resolution of a pressure gage is usually considered to be half a graduation. If a 0100 psi gage has 100 graduations, the resolution would usually be considered as half pound or 1/2 a graduation. Depending on the size of the scale, if the scale were large enough to recognize 1/4 of a scale division, one could possibly read 1/4-pound increments. This is a judgment call and would depend on the lighting, condition of the pointer and scale, and the eyesight of the individual doing the calibration. The resolution of a digital calibrator depends on the number of digits in the display module. The accuracy of the calibrator is stated separately from the resolution of the readout. Most calibrators have a 0.1% or better accuracy, yet have readouts with 3 to 5 digits and resolutions as high as 1 part in 30,000.

Resolution can exceed accuracy, but accuracy cannot exceed resolution. A 3-1/2 digit indicator display divides the input signal into 1999 parts. Therefore, the smallest increment is 1 part in 1999 or 0.05%. This means the resolution is 0.05%, which limits the accuracy of the instrument to 0.05%. Decreasing the resolution will decrease the accuracy, but increasing the resolution will not increase the accuracy.

Assume a multimeter with 0.05% accuracy full scale, 0.005% resolution full scale, and a 4-1/2 digit display. The accuracy does not change the additional digit that is provided by the resolution. The least significant digit (LSD) is meaningless. Do not assume all digits are accurate; compare the accuracy to the resolution.


Other Aspects of Calibration

Maintenance and Calibration Records

Proper maintenance of process control equipment must always consider records and documentation of repairs and recalibration information. Each field device should be tagged when recalibrated. A simple stick-on tag should be affixed to the device where the technician can easily see it when checking the device. Preferably, the tag should be affixed to the inside cover of the device or any other area inside the device where it can be seen. It should not become unreadable with time. A typical stick-on tag is shown in Figure 13-14. After any recalibration, the tag should be removed and replaced with a new tag, using current dates and calibration data.

Figure 13-14. Calibration Tag.

As a general rule, instrument data points should include readings made at 0, 25, 50, 75, and 100% of the range of the instrument. Calibration should include both upscale and downscale testing to determine repeatability and hysteresis. Calibration and testing records of an instrument should always show the as received data, new calibration date, the final calibration data, initials of the technician who did the calibration, and the date when the next calibration is due. Figures 13-15 and 13-16 show two typical calibration report sheets. These are only two of many types used and are shown only to illustrate some of the items covered in a report. The newest types of calibration equipment are capable of storing calibration protocol for a group of instruments, performing the calibration, then downloading this data into a personal computer for record keeping. The record can include a linearity and an accuracy curve and a digital calibration record of each point calibrated. The information can be used as an electronic reminder of the required date of recalibration and checkout. (The frequency of calibration is to be determined based upon the condition of the equipment at the various times it is checked out and calibrated.) Test or recalibration intervals should be set up for each type of instrument and should be chosen to be 3 months, 6 months, or 1 year, depending upon the results of previous calibrations. Secondary standards used in the instrument shop should be rechecked for NIST certification at least once each year. Most manufacturers and several instrument repair companies can offer full traceability to NIST and certify that the equipment meets or exceeds manufacturers specifications. These companies should have test equipment that is certified directly by the National Institute of Standards and Technology in Washington, DC. By periodically reviewing the maintenance and calibration records, one can then determine the frequency of calibration and assign work orders at the proper 3- 6- 9- or 12-month intervals for rechecking the instruments in the field.



Figure 13-15. Typical Calibration Report. (Courtesy of Georgia-Pacific Corp.)


Other Aspects of Calibration

Figure 13-16. Typical Calibration Report.

(Courtesy of Georgia-Pacific Corp.)



Smart Device Calibration

The first smart transmitters were introduced in about 1983 by Honeywell to measure pressure and differential pressure. Many other companies have since brought out smart transmitters, some of which are designed to communicate only with the distributed control system of that particular company. Smart transmitters are becoming more intelligent with each new release. Their long-term drift and ambient temperature effects have less and less effect on their absolute accuracy. This does not mean, however, that calibration should not be checked on a periodic basis. Certainly, if all one needs is 1% accuracy and one has a 0.1% transmitter, calibration need not be checked every 3 months. Calibration must be checked when a plant operator complains about the readings or when there is a problem with the process readings. A smart transmitter can report certain problems, such as loss of signal, low power voltage, high resistance readings, etc., but the device does not know if it is off calibration by, say, 1%. They depend on high accuracy, improved compensation, and fewer parts but still require calibration at some point during their lifetime. A smart transmitter actually is digital from the sensor back to the distributed control system or programmable logic controller. As such, one must have more than just a serial interface; the interface must also know the protocol, the baud rate, and the other information that is required in order to communicate with the host computer. However, the digital signal of zeros and ones is not affected by stray pickup, minor power fluctuations, or the cabling effects of analog transmission. Another advantage of the smart transmitter is that most can be remotely addressed, ranged, zeroed, suppressed, elevated, recalibrated, configured, etc. For nonaccessable or difficult locations, remote addressing is an important maintenance feature. In some cases, a hand-held communicator made by the company that designed the smart transmitter is the only means of interfacing the transmitter. In other cases the DCS system or a standard lap top or small portable computer may be used to talk to the transmitter from the control room. Some calibrators affect the signal during programming, while others do not. If working on a controlled loop, it makes good sense to have the operator place the controller on manual before doing any remote configuration. It is much more convenient to be able to calibrate or interrogate a transmitter from the ground or the control room area. In addition, the smart electronics can continuously monitor ambient temperature and correct for any ambient temperature fluctuations that would cause a change in, say, the cold junction reference on a thermocouple transmitter. A big disadvantage with digital transmitters is that they are not universal at the present time. Until a universal standard is available (exact digital signal configuration (fieldbus)) each smart transmitter will have to be configured and used with its host distributed control system, which has the exact same transmission language. This interface information is often proprietary. Smart transmitters differ from standard transmitters in that they can be shipped with a specific tag name, calibration data, etc., embedded in the electronics, allowing them to be installed and checked out without an initial calibration, if one accepts the vendors factory stated accuracy.

It is good practice to ask the operator to go to manual control before you enter the loop and talk to a smart transmitter. Some smart transmitters should not be calibrated on-line, as programming may affect the controller output.

Smart Calibrators
Some smart calibrators have the capability to simulate and/or read virtually every process variable in use today. The list of variables depends on which calibrator is discussed.

Other Aspects of Calibration

The database field software package is menu-driven and operates on any MS DOS-compatible system. The database fields include all pertinent process data, instrument data, maintenance plan data, and calibration data. The calibration data includes the instrument setup, ideal input versus output, test points, error tolerances, and all historical calibration data. Up to 20 test points can be specified per instrument. Capacity is limited only by available hard drive storage. The software downloads to the calibrator information, which consists of tag number, test points, ideal input versus output, error tolerances, and technician ID. Through an RS-232 port, calibration parameters for many instruments can be downloaded into the calibrator storage. A tag number is selected from the display, and the calibrator sets the appropriate input and output configuration. The calibration test can then be done automatically, with the calibrator stepping through the prescribed test points, recording the actual input versus output, and the calibration status of each point (pass, fail, or alert). In the case of a pressure calibration, the pressure must be adjusted and the reading logged manually with an ENTER key. The calibrator prompts the technician for each test point in this case. When work in completed, the software will retrieve data from the calibrator, including the as found and as left data, the number of calibration attempts, the maximum error found, an analog trace, and a digital display of the calibration points, date and time of the test, calibrator ID number, and mode of data entry.


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