Google Hacking

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Google hacking involves using advance operators in the Google search engine to locate specific strings of text within search results. Some of the more popular examples are finding specific versions of vulnerable Web applications. The following search query would locate all web pages that have that particular text contained within them. It is normal for default installations of applications to include their running version in every page they serve. Information which should be protected is very often publicly available, revealed by careless or ignorant users. The result is that lots of confidential data is freely available on the Internet just Google for it. Google serves some 80 percent of all search queries on the Internet, making it by far the most popular search engine. Its popularity is due not only to excel-lent search effectiveness, but also extensive querying capabilities. However, we should also remember that the Internet is a highly dynamic medium, so the results presented by Google are not always up-to-date some search results might be stale, while other relevant resources might not yet have been visited by Googlebot (the automatic script that browses and indexes Web resources for Google). Google makes it possible to reach not just publicly available Internet resources, but also some that should never have been revealed.

For hackers
Google has designed a page for their hackers for performing hacks in different networks. There is nothing in this world which is hidden from Google. Link is

Query operators
Summary of the most important and most useful query operators along with their descriptions.

Operator: - site Description: - restricts results to sites within the specified domain Sample query: - secure will find all sites containing the word secure, located within the * domain.

Operator: - intitle Description: - restricts results to documents whose title contains the specified phrase Sample query: - intitle:Indian hacker will find all sites with the word indian in the title and hacker in the text

Operator: - inurl Description: restricts results to sites whose URL Sample query: - inurl:ethical hacker will find all sites containing the word hacker in the text and ethical in the URL

Operator: - filetype, ext Description: - restricts results to documents of the specified type Sample query: - filetype:pdf hacking will return PDFs containing the word hacking, while filetype:xls record will return Excel spreadsheets with the word record

Operator: - link Description: - restricts results to sites containing links to the specified location Sample query: - will return documents containing one or more links to

Operator: - numrange Description: - restricts results to documents containing a number from the specified range Sample query: - numrange:1-100 fire will return sites containing a number from 1 to 100 and the word fire. The same result can be achieved with 1..100 fire

Queries for locating various Web servers

Query: - "Apache/1.3.28 Server at" intitle:index.of Server: - Apache 1.3.28

Query: - "Apache/* Server at" intitle:index.of Server: - any version of Apache

Query: - "Microsoft-IIS/6.0 Server at" intitle:index.of Server: - Microsoft Internet Information Services 6.0

Query: - "Microsoft-IIS/* Server at" intitle:index.of

Server: - any version of Microsoft Internet Information Services

Query: - "Oracle HTTP Server/* Server at" intitle:index.of

Server: - any version of Oracle HTTP Server

Query: - "IBM _ HTTP _ Server/* * Server at" intitle:index.of

Server: - any version of IBM HTTP Server

Query: - "Netscape/* Server at" intitle:index.of Server: - any version of Netscape Server.

Query: - "Red Hat Secure/*" intitle:index.of Server: - any version of the Red Hat Secure server

Query: - "HP Apache-based Web Server/*" intitle:index.of Server: - any version of the HP server

Queries for locating passwords

In theory, everyone knows that passwords should not reside on post-its stuck to the monitor or under the keyboard. In practice, however, surprisingly many people store passwords in text files and put them in their home directories, which (funnily enough) are accessible through the Internet. What's more, many such individuals work as network administrators or similar, so the files can get pretty big. It's hard to define a single method of locating such data, but googling for such keywords as account, users, admin, administrators, passwd, password and so on can be pretty effective, especially coupled with such filetypes as .xls, .txt, .doc, .mdb and .pdf. It's also worth noting directories whose names contain the words admin, backup and so forth a query like inurl:admin intitle:index.of will do the trick.

Query: - filetype:mdb inurl:"account|users|admin|administrators|passwd|password" Result: - mdb files, potentially containing password information

Database file created by Microsoft Access, a widely-used desktop relational database program; contains the database structure (tables and fields) and database entries (table rows) as well as data entry forms, queries, stored procedures, reports, and database security settings. Access is included with some Microsoft Office software packages, but it is only available for Windows. MDB files may be imported by a variety of other program

Query: - intitle:"Index of" pwd.db Result: - pwd.db files, potentially containing user names and encrypted passwords

Query: - inurl:admin inurl:backup intitle:index.of Result: - directories whose names contain the words admin and backup

Query: - ext:pwd inurl:(service|authors|administrators|users) "# -FrontPage-" Result: - files containing Microsoft FrontPage passwords

Query: - filetype:sql ("passwd values ****" | "password values ****" | "pass values ****" ) Result: - files containing SQL code and passwords inserted into a database

Query: - intitle:index.of trillian.ini Result: - configuration files for the Trillian IM

Query: - eggdrop filetype:user user Result: - configuration files for the Eggdrop ircbot

Query: - inurl:"wvdial.conf" intext:"password" Result: - configuration files for WV Dial

Some other queries for locating passwords. Query: - ext:ini eudora.ini Result: - configuration files for the Eudora mail client

Query: - filetype:mdb inurl:users.mdb Result: - Microsoft Access files, potentially containing user account information

Query: - intext:"powered by Web Wiz Journal" Result: - websites using Web Wiz Journal, which in its standard configuration allows access to the passwords file just enter http://<host>/journal/journal.mdb instead of the default http://<host>/journal/

Query: - intext:"BiTBOARD v2.0" "BiTSHiFTERS Bulletin Board" Result: - websites using the Bitboard2 bulletin board application, which on default settings allows the passwords file to be obtained enter http://<host>/forum/admin/data _ passwd.dat instead of the default http://<host>/forum/forum.php

Query: - "Powered by DUclassified" "Powered by DUcalendar" "Powered by DUdirectory" "Powered by DUclassmate"

"Powered by DUdownload" "Powered by DUpaypal" "Powered by DUforum" intitle:dupics inurl:(add.asp | default.asp| view.asp | voting.asp) Result: - websites using the DUclassified, DUcalendar, DUdirectory , DUclassmate, DUdownload, DUpaypal, DUforum or DUpics applications, which by default make it possible to obtain the passwords file for DUclassified, just enter http://<host>/duClassified/ _private/duclassified.mdb instead of http://<host>/duClassified/

Query: - "http://*:*@www" site Result: - passwords for site, stored as the string ""

Query: - filetype:bak inurl:"htaccess|passwd|shadow|htusers" Result: - file backups, potentially containing user names and passwords

Query: - "Index of/" "Parent Directory" "WS _ FTP.ini" filetype:ini WS _ FTP PWD Result: - WS_FTP configuration files, potentially containing FTP server access passwords

Query: - filetype:conf slapd.conf Result: - configuration files for OpenLDAP

For finding Personal Information and Confidential Documents

In India the legal regulations are in place to protect our privacy. Unfortunately, it is frequently the case that all sorts of confidential documents containing our personal information are placed in publicly accessible locations or transmitted over the Web without proper protection. To get our complete information, an intruder need only gain access to an e-mail repository containing the CV we sent out while looking for work. Address, phone number, date of birth, education, skills, and work experience it's all there. Thousands of such documents can be found on the Internet just by simple Google Query. Finding contact information in the form of names, phone number and e-mail addresses is equally easy. This is because most Internet users create electronic address books of some description. While these may be of little interest to your typical intruder, they can be dangerous tools in the hands of a skilled sociotechnician, especially if the contacts are restricted to one company. All these also apply to instant messaging applications and their contact lists if an intruder obtains such a list, he may be able to pose as our IM friends. Interestingly enough, a fair amount of personal data can also be obtained from official documents, such as police reports, legal documents or even medical history cards. The Web also contains documents that have been marked as confidential and therefore contain sensitive information. These may include project plans, technical

documentation, surveys, reports, presentations and a whole host of other companyinternal materials. They are easily located as they frequently contain the word confidential, the phrase Not for distribution or similar. As with passwords, all we can do to avoid revealing private information is to be cautious and retain maximum control over published data. Companies and organizations should (and many are obliged to) specify and enforce rules, procedures and standard practices for handling documents within the organization, complete with clearly defined responsibilities and penalties for infringements.

Query: - filetype:xls inurl:"email.xls"

Result: - email.xls files, potentially containing contact information

Query: - "phone * * *" "address *" "e-mail" intitle:"curriculum vitae" Result: - CVs

Query: - "not for distribution" confidential Result: - documents containing the confidential clause

Query: - buddylist.blt Result: - AIM contacts list

Query: - intitle:index.of mystuff.xml Result: - Trillian IM contacts list

Query: - filetype:ctt "msn" Result: - MSN contacts list

Query: - filetype:QDF QDF Result: - database files for the Quicken financial application

Query: - intitle:index.of finances.xls Result: - finances.xls files, potentially containing information on bank acounts, financial summaries and credit card numbers

Query: - intitle:"Index Of" -inurl:maillog maillog size Result: - maillog files, potentially containing e-mail

Query: - "Network Vulnerability Assessment Report" "Host Vulnerability Summary Report"

filetype:pdf "Assessment Report" "This file was generated by Nessus" Result: - reports for network security scans, penetration tests etc.

Queries for locating network devices

Many administrators downplay the importance of securing such devices as network printers or webcams. However, an insecure printer can provide an intruder with a foothold that can later be used as a basis for attacking other systems in the same network or even other networks. Webcams are, of course, much less dangerous, so hacking them can only be seen as entertainment, although it's not hard to imagine situations where data from a webcam could be useful (industrial espionage, robberies etc.).

Query: - inurl:"printer/main.html" intext:"settings" Device: - Brother HL printers

Query: - intext:centreware inurl:status Device: - Xerox Phaser 4500/6250/8200/8400 printers

Query: - inurl:hp/device/this.LCDispatcher Device: - HP printers

Query: - "Copyright (c) Tektronix, Inc." "printer status" Device: - PhaserLink printers

Query: - intitle:"Dell Laser Printer" ews Device: - Dell printers with EWS technology

Query: - intitle:liveapplet inurl:LvAppl Device: - Canon Webview webcams

Query: - intitle:"EvoCam" inurl:"webcam.html" Device: - Evocam webcams

Query: - inurl:"ViewerFrame?Mode=" Device: - Panasonic Network Camera webcams

Query: - (intext:"MOBOTIX M1" | intext:"MOBOTIX M10") intext:"Open Menu" ShiftReload

Device: - Mobotix webcams

Query: - inurl:indexFrame.shtml Axis Device: - Axis webcams

Query: - SNC-RZ30 HOME Device: - Sony SNC-RZ30 webcams

Query: - intitle:"my webcamXP server!" inurl:":8080" Device: - webcams accessible via WebcamXP Server

Query: - allintitle:Brains, Corp. camera Device: - webcams accessible via mmEye

Query: - intitle:"active webcam page" Device: - USB webcams

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