Steam Lab Manual
Steam Lab Manual
Steam Lab Manual
STUDY OF BOILERS, ACCESSORIES AND MOUNTINGS Date: Aim: To study low pressure boilers and their accessories and mountings. Apparatus: Models of low pressure boilers and their accessories and mountings. Theory: A boiler is a closed vessel in which water or other fluid is heated. The heated or vaporized fluid exits the boiler for use in various processes or heating applications. Boiler properties: 1. Safety: The boiler should be safe under operating conditions. 2. Accessibility: The various parts of the boiler should be accessible for repair and maintenance. 3. Capacity: Should be capable of supplying steam according to the requirements 4. Efficiency: Should be able to absorb a maximum amount of heat produced due to burning of fuel in the furnace. 5. It should be simple in construction. 6. Its initial cost and maintenance cost should be low. 7. The boiler should have no joints exposed to flames. 8. Should be capable of quick starting and loading. Boilers are classified mainly into two categories: 1. Fire tube or Low Pressure boilers. 2. Water tube or High Pressure boilers. Low pressure boilers are Vertical, Cochran, Lancashire, Cornish, Locomotives, etc.In fire tube boiler, hot gases pass through the tubes and boiler feed water in the shell side is converted into steam. Fire tube boilers are generally used for relatively small steam capacities and low to medium steam pressures. As a guideline, fire tube boilers are competitive for steam rates up to 12,000 kg/hour and pressures up to 18 kg/cm2. Fire tube boilers are available for operation with oil, gas or solid fuels.
Vertical Boilers: The vertical boiler is a simple type which consists of a firebox at the bottom and a copper barrel with a smoke tube. It typically is used to drive stationary engines and boats. Firing is accomplished by alcohol or solid fuel pellets. More sophisticated versions of the vertical boiler contain many small tubes and are sometimes fired by coal or charcoal.
Cochran Boilers: It is one of the best types of vertical multi-tubular boiler, and has a number of horizontal fire tubes it also a Low Pressure Boiler.
Construction: Cochran boiler consists of a cylindrical shell with a dome shaped top where the space is provided for steam. The furnace is one piece construction and is seamless. Its crown has a hemispherical shape and thus provides maximum volume of space. Working: The fuel is burnt on the grate and ash is collected and disposed of from ash pit. The gases of combustion produced by burning of fuel enter the combustion chamber through the flue tube and strike against fire brick lining which directs them to pass through number of horizontal tubes, being surrounded by water. After which the gases escape to the atmosphere through smoke box and chimney. Specifications: Shell diameter 2.75 m Height 5.79 m Working pressure 6.5 bar (max. pressure = 15 bar) Steam capacity 3500 kg/hr (max. capacity = 4000 kg/hr) Heating surface 120 m2 Efficiency 70 to 75% (depending on the fuel used)
Lancashire boilers: Lancashire is a stationary fire tube, internally fired, horizontal, natural circulation boiler. It is a e process work is also needed. commonly used in sugar mills and textiles industries where alongwith the power steam and steam for th