Practicing Wesleyan-Holiness Spiritual Formation Student Workbook
Practicing Wesleyan-Holiness Spiritual Formation Student Workbook
Practicing Wesleyan-Holiness Spiritual Formation Student Workbook
Student Guide
Copyright 2002 Nazarene Publishing House, Kansas City, MO USA. Created by Church of the Nazarene Clergy Development, Kansas City, MO USA. All rights reserved. All scripture quotations except where otherwise noted are from the Holy Bible, New International Version (NIV). Copyright 1973, 1978, 1984 by the International Bible Society. Used by permission of Zondervan Publishing House. All rights reserved. JB: From the Jerusalem Bible (JB), copyright 1966 by Darton, Longman & Todd, Ltd., and Doubleday, a division of Bantam Doubleday Dell Publishing Group, Inc. Used by permission. KJV: From the Holy Bible, King James Version (KJV). Published by the Syndics of the Cambridge University Press. Used by permission. NASB: From the New American Standard Bible (NASB), copyright the Lockman Foundation 1960, 1962, 1963, 1968, 1971, 1972, 1973, 1975, 1977, 1995. Used by permission. NKJV: From the New King James Version (NKJV). Copyright 1979, 1980, 1982 Thomas Nelson, Inc. Used by permission. NRSV: From the New Revised Standard Version (NRSV) of the Bible, copyright 1989 by the Division of Christian Education of the National Council of the Churches of Christ in the USA. Used by permission. All rights reserved. TEV: From Todays English Version (TEV). Copyright by American Bible Society, 1966, 1971, 1976, 1992. Used by permission. Notice to educational providers: This is a contract. By using these materials you accept all the terms and conditions of this agreement. This Agreement covers all Faculty Guides, Student Guides, and instructional resources included in this Module. Upon your acceptance of this Agreement, Clergy Development grants to you a nonexclusive license to use these curricular materials provided that you agree to the following: 1. Use of the Modules. You may distribute this Module in electronic form to students or other educational providers. You may make and distribute electronic or paper copies to students for the purpose of instruction, as long as each copy contains this Agreement and the same copyright and other proprietary notices pertaining to the Module. If you download the Module from the Internet or similar online source, you must include the Clergy Development copyright notice for the Module with any online distribution and on any media you distribute that includes the Module. You may translate, adapt, and/or modify the examples and instructional resources for the purpose of making the instruction culturally relevant to your students. However, you must agree that you will not sell these modified materials without express, written permission from Clergy Development. 2. Copyright. The Module is owned by Clergy Development and is protected by United States Copyright Law and International Treaty provisions. Except as stated above, this Agreement does not grant you any intellectual property rights in the Module. 3. Restrictions. You may not sell copies of this Module in any form except to recover the minimum reproduction cost of electronic media or photocopy expense. You may not modify the wording or original intent of the Module for commercial use. 4. Unpublished rights reserved under the copyright laws of the United States. Clergy Development Church of the Nazarene 6401 The Paseo Kansas City, MO 64131 USA The Modular Course of Study is an outcome-based curriculum designed to implement the educational paradigm defined by the Breckenridge Consultations. Clergy Development is responsible for maintaining and distributing the Modular Course of Study for the Church of the Nazarene.
Members of the development committee for the Modular Course of Study were Michael W. Vail, Ph.D., Series Curriculum Editor Ron Blake, Director, Clergy Development Jerry D. Lambert, Commissioner, International Board of Education Al Truesdale, Ph.D., Nazarene Theological Seminary (retired) Robert L. Woodruff, Ph.D., World Mission Educational Coordinator David Busic, Pastor, Central Church of the Nazarene, Lenexa, KS Michael W. Stipp, Clergy Development Series Foreword written by Al Truesdale Journaling Essay written by Rick Ryding
Principal contributors for each module are listed in specific Faculty Guides.
Series Foreword
A Vision for Christian Ministry: Clergy Education in the Church of the Nazarene
The chief purpose of all personsindeed, all of the creationis to worship, love, and serve God. God has made himself known in His deeds of creation and redemption. As the Redeemer, God has called into existence a people, the Church, who embody, celebrate, and declare His name and His ways. The life of God with His people and the world constitutes the Story of God. That story is recorded principally in the Old and New Testaments, and continues to be told by the resurrected Christ who lives and reigns as Head of His Church. The Church lives to declare the whole Story of God. This it does in many waysin the lives of its members who are even now being transformed by Christ, through preaching, the sacraments, in oral testimony, and in mission. All members of the Body of Christ are called to exercise a ministry of witness and service. No one is excluded. In Gods own wisdom He calls some persons to fulfill the ministry of proclaiming the gospel and caring for Gods people in a form that is referred to as the ordained ministry. God is the initial actor in this call, not humans. In the Church of the Nazarene we believe that God calls and that persons respond. They do not elect the Christian ministry. All persons whom God calls to the ordained ministry continue to be amazed that He would call them. They should continue to be humbled and amazed by Gods call. The Manual of the Church of the Nazarene states, we recognize and hold that the Head of the Church calls some men and women to the more official and public work of the ministry. It adds, The church, illuminated by the Holy Spirit, will recognize the Lords call (Manual, Church of the Nazarene, paragraph 400). An ordained Christian minister has as his or her chief responsibility to declare in many ways the whole Story of God as fulfilled in Jesus of Nazareth. His or her charge is to tend the flock of God . . . not under compulsion, but willingly, not for sordid gain but eagerly. Do not lord it over those in your charge, but be examples to the flock (1 Pet 5:2-3, NRSV). The minister fulfills this charge under the supervision of Christ, the chief Shepherd (1 Pet 5:4). Such ministry can be fulfilled only after a period of careful preparation. Indeed, given the ever-changing demands placed upon the minister, preparation never ceases. A person who enters the Christian ministry becomes in a distinct sense a steward of the gospel of God (Titus 1:7). A steward is one who is entrusted to care for what belongs to another. A steward may be one who takes care of another person or who manages the property of someone else. All Christians are stewards of the grace of God. But in addition, in a peculiar sense a Christian minister is a steward of the mystery of God, which is Christ, the Redeemer, the Messiah of God. In all faithfulness, the minister is called to make known with boldness the mystery of the gospel (Eph 6:19, NRSV). Like Paul, he or she must faithfully preach the boundless riches of Christ, and to make everyone see what is the plan of the mystery hidden for ages in God who created all things; so that through the church the wisdom of God in its rich variety might now be made known to the rulers and authorities in the heavenly places (Eph 3:8-10, NRSV). In fulfilling this commission, there is plenty of room for diligence and alertness, but no room for laziness or privilege (Titus 1:5-9). Good stewards recognize that they are
stewards only, not the owners, and that they will give an account of their stewardship to the master. Faithfulness to ones charge and to the Lord who issued it is the stewards principal passion. When properly understood, the Christian ministry should never be thought of as a job. It is ministryuniquely Christian ministry. No higher responsibility or joy can be known than to become a steward of the Story of God in Christs Church. The person who embraces Gods call to the ordained ministry will stand in the company of the apostles, the Early Fathers of the Church, the Reformers of the Middle Ages, the Protestant Reformers, and many persons around the world today who joyfully serve as stewards of the gospel of God. Obviously, one who does not recognize, or who understands but rejects, just how complete and inclusive a ministers stewardship must be should not start down the path that leads to ordination. In a peculiar sense, a Christian minister must in all respects model the gospel of God. He or she is to shun the love of money. Instead, the minister must pursue righteousness, godliness, faith, love, endurance, gentleness. He or she must fight the good fight of the faith and take hold of the eternal life, to which you were called (1 Tim 6:11-12, NRSV). Hence, the Church of the Nazarene believes that the minister of Christ is to be in all things a pattern to the flockin punctuality, discretion, diligence, earnestness; in purity, understanding, patience and kindness; in the Holy Spirit and in sincere love; in truthful speech and in the power of God; with weapons of righteousness in the right hand and in the left (2 Cor 6:6-7) (Manual, Church of the Nazarene, paragraph 401.1). The minister of Christ must be above reproach as God's steward, not selfwilled, not quick-tempered, not addicted to wine, not pugnacious, not fond of sordid gain, 8but hospitable, loving what is good, sensible, just, devout, self-controlled, 9 holding fast the faithful word which is in accordance with the both to exhort in sound doctrine and to refute those who contradict. (Titus 1:7-9, NASB). In order to be a good steward of Gods Story one must, among other things, give oneself to careful and systematic study, both before and after ordination. This will occur not because he or she is forced to do so, but out of a love for God and His people, the world that He is working to redeem, and out of an inescapable sense of responsibility. It cannot be too strongly emphasized that the attitude one brings to preparation for the ministry reveals much about what he or she thinks of God, the gospel, and Christs Church. The God who became incarnate in Jesus and who made a way of salvation for all gave His very best in the life, death, and resurrection of His Son. In order to be a good steward, a Christian minister must respond in kind. Jesus told numerous parables about stewards who did not recognize the importance of what had been entrusted to them (Mt 21:33-44; 25:14-30; Mk 13:34-37; Lk 12:35-40; 19:11-27; 20:9-18). Preparationones education in all its dimensionsfor ministry in Christs Church should be pursued in full light of the responsibility before God and His people that the ministry involves. This requires that one take advantage of the best educational resources at his or her disposal. The Church of the Nazarene recognizes how large is the responsibility associated with the ordained Christian ministry and accepts it fully. Part of the way we recognize our responsibility before God is seen in the requirements we make for ordination and the practice of ministry. We believe that the call to and practice of Christian ministry is a gift, not a right or privilege. We believe that God holds a minister to the highest of religious, moral, personal, and professional standards. We are not reluctant to expect
that those standards be observed from the time of ones call until his or her death. We believe that Christian ministry should first be a form of worship. The practice of ministry is both an offering to God and a service to His Church. By the miracle of grace, the work of the ministry can become a means of grace for Gods people (Rom 12:1-3). Ones education for ministry is also a form of worship. The modules that comprise the Course of Study that may lead a person to candidacy for ordination have been carefully designed to prepare one for the kind of ministry we have described. Their common purpose is to provide a holistic preparation for entrance into the ordained Christian ministry. They reflect the Churchs wisdom, experience, and responsibility before God. The modules show how highly the Church of the Nazarene regards the gospel, the people of God, the world for which Christ gave His life, and Christian ministry. Completing the modules will normally take three or four years. But no one should feel pressured to meet this schedule. The careful study for which the modules call should show that before God and His Church one accepts the stewardly responsibility associated with ordained ministry.
Every manual is the accumulation of effort by many people. Someone writes the original manuscript, others offer suggestions to strengthen the content and make the material more easily understood, and finally an editor formats the manual for publication. This manual is not different. Many people have contributed to this manual. Every effort has been made to accurately represent the original intent of the principal contributors. Though many teachers, students, and editors have given valuable input into this course, the principal creator and writer was Wesley D. Tracy. Dr. Tracy has fieldtested many of the course materials in classes in North America and in Manila at AsiaPacific Nazarene Theological Seminary. Wesley Tracy has coauthored several books on spiritual formation. The Upward Call: Spiritual Formation and the Holy Life, written with Morris Weigelt, Janine Tartaglia, and Dee Freeborn, was published in 1994 by Beacon Hill Press of Kansas City and has gone through several printings in English and Spanish. Dr. Tracy was the principal author of Reflecting God, a laymans textbook on spiritual formation published by Beacon Hill Press of Kansas City and the Christian Holiness Partnership and sponsored by the 23 supporting denominations of CHP. This book is supported by three other items written by Wesley Tracy: The Reflecting God Workbook, Reflecting God Leaders Guide, and The Reflecting God Journal. Dr. Tracy holds five higher education degrees, including degrees from Southern Nazarene University, Nazarene Theological Seminary, and two doctorates from San Francisco Theological Seminary. He has published more than 1,000 articles and has written or coauthored some 25 books. He has served as a pastor, as editor of eight Christian periodicals, and as an educator at MidAmerica Nazarene University, Nazarene Theological Seminary, as well as special adult education projects in Europe, Latin America, and Asia.
Series Foreword............................................................................................... 4 Acknowledgments ............................................................................................ 7 Syllabus ......................................................................................................... 9 Unit 1: Foundations for Spiritual Formation Lesson Lesson Lesson Lesson Lesson Lesson 1: 2: 3: 4: 5: 6: What is Spiritual Formation?.....................................................20 Who Needs Transformation? .....................................................26 Three Key Questions ...............................................................31 Devastated By Sin ..................................................................37 What Is God Like?...................................................................42 Whats So Special About Jesus? ................................................50
Unit 2: Transforming Grace Lesson 7: Transforming Moment: A New Start with a New Heart ..................58 Lesson 8: Sanctifying Grace: The Transforming Moment .............................63 Lesson 9: Sanctifying Grace: The Transforming Journey .............................73 Unit 3: The Personal Spiritual Disciplines Lesson Lesson Lesson Lesson Lesson 10: 11: 12: 13: 14: Three Ways to Read the Bible .................................................82 Prayer: Adoration, Praise, and Thanksgiving .............................90 Prayer: Confession, Intercession, and Petition ...........................98 Journaling As a Spiritual Discipline......................................... 108 Fasting and the Disciplines of Abstinence ................................ 116
Unit 4: The Spiritual Disciplines of Community Lesson Lesson Lesson Lesson 15: 16: 17: 18: Formative Christian Worship ................................................. 125 The Sacramental Means of Grace........................................... 134 Companions on the Spiritual Journey ..................................... 140 Faith Mentors and Spiritual Friends ........................................ 145
Unit 5: The Spiritual Disciplines of Service Lesson 19: The Spiritual Disciplines of Service......................................... 152 Lesson 20: Wesleyan-Holiness Spirituality: An Overview ........................... 160
3. What should students, as a result of and in response to this course, DO? The psychomotor objectives of the course include: Demonstrating their growing knowledge by successfully completing written and verbal exercises Demonstrating, in class and beyond the classroom in formal and informal ways, a growing desire to make the quest for Christlikeness the central aim of life Incorporating into their formal and informal acts of ministry, both now and in the future, the principles of spiritual formation encountered in this course
Educational Assumptions
1. The work of the Holy Spirit of Christ is essential to any process of Christian education at any level. We will consistently request and expect the Spirits presence within and among us. 2. Christian teaching and learning is best done in the context of community (people being and working together). Community is the gift of the Spirit but may be enhanced or hindered by human effort. Communities have common values, stories, practices, and goals. Explicit effort will be invested to enhance community within the class. Base Groups and other group work will take place in every lesson. 3. Every adult student has knowledge and experience to contribute to the class. We learn not only from the learning leader and the reading assignments, but also from each other. Each student is valued not only as a learner but also as a teacher. That is one reason that so many exercises in this course are cooperative and collaborative in nature. 4. Journaling is an ideal way to bring theory and practice together as students synthesize the principles and content of the lessons with their own experiences, preferences, and ideas. 5. One universal teaching-learning device is storytelling. Stories almost always mean more than they say. Thus they inspire reflection, analysis, and dialogue. Stories usually have more than one level of meaning. Thus, everyone can relate at some level to the story.
Outcome Statements
This module contributes to the development of the following abilities as defined in the U.S. Sourcebook for Ministerial Development. PROGRAM OUTCOMES CN23 Ability to identify and explain the Doctrine of Holiness from a Wesleyan perspective CP21 Ability to envision, order, participate, and lead in contextualized theologically grounded worship, and to develop and lead appropriate services for special occasions (i.e. weddings, funeral, baptism, and Lords Supper) CH6 Ability to pursue holy character (Christlikeness) by practicing Christian formation and the classic spiritual disciplines as means of grace CH7 Ability to locate, understand, and use the resources for individual and corporate spiritual formation CH8 Ability to take responsibility for his or her own continuing spiritual development CH9 Ability to apply understanding of his or her ongoing developmental needs across the life course of the minister to the pursuit of holy character
CH10 Ability to demonstrate a realistic self-understanding including personal strengths, gifts, weaknesses, and areas of needed growth CN19 Ability to identify and explain the main characteristics of the nature of God, Christ, the Holy Spirit, the Human Person, Sin, Salvation, the Christian Life, the Church and Sacraments, and Eschatology ADDITIONAL OUTCOME STATEMENTS Ability to partner with a mentor/mentee community for accountability concerning spiritual growth, personal development, and ethical behavior Ability to explain the history and movements of Christian spirituality Ability to become acquainted with diverse spiritual disciplines Ability to sustain spiritual growth throughout the students life Ability to learn the classical and contemporary devotional literature Ability to distinguish the difference between faddish spiritualities and distinctively, truly Christian spirituality Ability to discern and nurture Gods call on ones life to fulfill His mission within the community of faith
Recommended Reading
Throughout the course many sources are recommended. Though we have no official textbook, the following are especially recommended. The Greathouse book is a biblical theology of holiness. The others are Wesleyan spiritualities organized according to the ordo salutis, the plan of salvation. William Greathouse. Wholeness in Christ. Kansas City: Beacon Hill Press of Kansas City, 1998. Wesley Tracy, E. Dee Freeborn, Janine Tartaglia, Morris Weigelt. The Upward Call: Spiritual Formation and the Holy Life. Kansas City: Beacon Hill Press of Kansas City, 1994. Wesley Tracy, et al., Reflecting God. Kansas City: Beacon Hill Press of Kansas City and Christian Holiness Partnership, 2000. Wesley Tracy, Reflecting God Workbook. Wesley Tracy, Reflecting God Leaders Guide. Wesley Tracy, The Reflecting God Journal (available 2002).
Course Requirements
1. Class attendance, attention, and participation are especially important. Students are responsible for all assignments and in-class work. Much of the work in this course is Base Group work. Cooperative, small-group work cannot be made up. That makes attendance imperative. Even if one does extra reading or writing the values of discussion, dialogue, and learning from each other are thwarted. If one or more lessons are missed, the learning leader will require extra work before completion can be acknowledged. If three or more classes are missed, the student will be required to repeat the whole module. 2. Base Group Work. Nothing is more important in this course than the Base Group work. The class members will be assigned to Base Groups of three to four students each. The group members will serve as study partners for many group explorations and discussion throughout the module. Base Groups will stay together for the whole course or the learning leader may reorganize them after Unit 2, at his or her discretion. Each Base Group should have persons assigned to the following roles.
Leader-Convenerpresides at all meetings, in class or beyond the class. Represents his or her group to the learning leader. Takes general responsibility for the progress of the group. Keeps members on-task during meetings. Recordertakes notes and keeps records of important decisions, topics, and events in a group life journal (nothing formal, a legal pad or three-ring notebook or laptop computer will do fine). Reporterthe spokesperson for the group when report, teaching, and sharing times come. He or she does not have to do all the talking and may recruit his or her group members to help with the reports. Pastorserves as the encourager, peacemaker, and healer of hurt feelings. Contacts absentees. Leads devotional exercises for the group in classroom and beyond-the-classroom meetings. If the class is small, the Base Groups may have only three members. The office of pastor would then be omitted. 3. Assignments Journaling: The only term assignment is your journal. It is to be used regularly, if not daily. On two occasions during the term the journals will be checked by the learning leader. One whole session is given to journaling as a spiritual discipline, but journaling begins with the first class meeting. Each week the homework assignment includes Journal Prompts, which start you on interpretation and application of the themes of the lesson. The journal should become the students friend and treasury of insights, devotions, and ideas. Here the integration of theory and practice occurs. The spiritual life nature of the journal helps guard against the course of study being merely academic as you are repeatedly called upon to apply the principles studied to your own heart and your own ministry situation. This journal is not a diary, not a catchall. It is, rather, a guided journal or a focused journal in which the educational experience and its implications are selected for reflection and writing. The framers of this curriculum are concerned about the way that students fall into learning about the Bible, or about the spiritual life rather than learningthat is coming to know and internalize the Bible and spiritual principles. The journaling experience ensures that the Be component of Be, Know, and Do is present in the course of study. Be faithful with all journaling assignments. Daily Work: This course has regular homework assignments. It is called daily work because even though the class may meet once a week the student should be working on the course on a daily basis. Sometimes the homework assignments are quite heavy. The assignments are important. Even if homework is not discussed in class every session, the work is to be handed in. This gives the learning leader regular information about the students progress in the course. That is much to be preferred to waiting until a final exam or a term paper reveals only at the end of the course that a student is having difficulty. The normal time for homework to be handed in is at the beginning of each class session. All assignments are to be completed.
Some daily work is not homework. At several times during the course students will be asked to write a two-minute paper on the theme right there in class. Whatever you write is to be handed in. This is not to catch you by surprise. It helps you synthesize the lesson information and it helps your learning leader know whether or not communication is taking place. In-class and homework assignments sometimes give the student a choice of assignments among several options. This recognizes that students have different learning styles.
Unit 1: Foundations for Spiritual Formation 1. What Is Spiritual Formation? 2. Who Needs Transformation? 3. Three Key Questions 4. Devastated by Sin 5. What Is God Like? 6. Whats So Special About Jesus? Unit 2: Transforming Grace 7. Transforming Moment: A New Start with a New Heart 8. Sanctifying Grace: The Transforming Moment 9. Sanctification: The Transforming Journey Unit 3: The Personal Spiritual Disciplines 10. Three Ways to Read the Bible 11. Prayer: Adoration, Praise, and Thanksgiving 12. Prayer: Confession, Intercession, and Petition 13. Journaling as a Spiritual Discipline 14. Fasting and the Disciplines of Abstinence Unit 4: The Spiritual Disciplines of Community 15. Formative Christian Worship 16. The Sacramental Means of Grace 17. Companions on the Spiritual Journey 18. Faith Mentors and Soul Friends
Unit 5: The Spiritual Disciplines of Service 19. The Spiritual Disciplines of Service 20. Wesleyan-Holiness Spirituality: An Overview
Course Evaluation
The learning leader, the course itself, and the students progress will be evaluated. These evaluations will be made in several ways. The progress of students will be evaluated with an eye for enhancing the learning experience by: 1. Carefully observing the Base Group work, noting the competence of reports, the balance of discussion, the quality of the relationships, the cooperation level, and the achievement of assigned tasks 2. Noting in-class assignments of art, writing, analysis, and discussion 3. Careful reading of homework assignments 4. Journal checks The evaluation of the course materials and the teacher will be evaluated by: 1. Frequently asking and discussing the effectiveness and relevance of a certain method, experience, story, lecture, or other activity. 2. The curriculum and the teaching will be evaluated by all students using the questionnaire that is a part of the last lesson of the course. Some evaluation cannot be made during the class itself. Some objectives will not be measurable for years to come. If students encounter the transforming power of God at deeper levels than ever before, learn devotional skills and practice them with discipline, and incorporate the best of this course into their own ministries, the fruit of this educational endeavor could go on for a long time. In truth, that is what we expect.
Additional Information
A reasonable effort to assist every student will be made. Any student who has handicaps, learning disabilities, or other conditions that make the achievement of the class requirements exceedingly difficult should make an appointment with the learning leader as soon as possible to see what special arrangements can be made. Any student who is having trouble understanding the assignments, lectures, or other learning activities should talk to the learning leader to see what can be done to help.
It seems that we have been suggesting that journaling is a handwritten exercise. Some may be wondering about doing their work on a computer. Traditionally, there is a special bond between hand, pen, and paper. It is more personal, direct, aesthetic. And it is flexible, portable, and available. With regular use, your journal is the repository of your journey. As important as it is to make daily entries, it is equally important to review your work. Read over each weeks record at the end of the week. Make a summary statement and note movements of the Holy Spirit or your own growth. Do a monthly review of your journal every 30 days. This might best be done on a half-day retreat where you can prayerfully focus on your thoughts in solitude and silence. As you do this, you will begin to see the accumulated value of the Word, your course work, and your experience in ministry all coming together in ways you had not considered possible. This is integration, weaving together faith development with learning. Integration moves information from your head to your heart so that ministry is a matter of being rather than doing. Journaling will help you answer the central question of education: Why do I do what I do when I do it? Journaling really is the linchpin in ministerial preparation. Your journal is the chronicle of your journey into spiritual maturity as well as content mastery. These volumes will hold the rich insights that will pull your education together. A journal is the tool for integration. May you treasure the journaling process!
Barclay, William. Daily Study Bible, Letters of John and Jude. Philadelphia: Westminster, 1976. Barnard, Thomas. How to Grow an Adult Class. Kansas City: Beacon Hill Press of Kansas City, 1983. Craddock, Fred B. As One Without Authority, 3rd ed. Nashville: Abingdon Press, 1983. Daloz, Laurent. Effective Teaching and Mentoring. San Francisco: Jossey-Bass, 1987. Davis, Ron Lee. Mentoring: The Strategy of the Master. Nashville: Thomas Nelson, 1991. Dunning, H. Ray. Grace, Faith, and Holiness. Kansas City: Beacon Hill Press of Kansas City, 1988. Foster, Richard J. Prayer: Finding the Hearts True Home. San Francisco: Harper San Francisco, 1992. Greathouse, William. Wholeness in Christ. Kansas City: Beacon Hill Press of Kansas City, 1998. Grenz, Stanley J. What Christians Really Believe and Why. Louisville, KY: Westminster John Knox Press, 1998.
Grider, J. Kenneth. A Wesleyan-Holiness Theology. Kansas City: Beacon Hill Press of Kansas City, 1994. Harper, A. F., and Elwood A. Sanner. Exploring Christian Education. Kansas City: Beacon Hill Press of Kansas City, 1978. Klug, Ronald. How to Keep a Spiritual Journal. Minneapolis: Augsburg, 1993. Knight, John A. All Loves Excelling. Kansas City: Beacon Hill Press of Kansas City, 1995. Lawrenz, Mel. The Dynamics of Spiritual Formation. Grand Rapids: Baker Books, 2000. Leadingham, Everett, ed. Discover the Word. Kansas City: Beacon Hill Press of Kansas City, 1997. Leadingham, Everett, ed. Worshiping God. Kansas City: Beacon Hill Press of Kansas City, 1996. Leupp, Roderick T. Knowing the Name of God. Downers Grove, IL: InterVarsity Press, 1996. Lewis, Ralph L. Inductive Preaching. Weschester, IL: Crossway Books, 1983. Lowery, Eugene L. The Homiletical Plot. Atlanta: John Knox Press, 1980. McKenna, David L. What a Time to Be Wesleyan! Kansas City: Beacon Hill Press of Kansas City, 1999. Miller, Calvin. Marketplace Preaching. Grand Rapids: Baker Book House, 1995. Muto, Susan A. Pathways to Spiritual Living. Petersham, MA: St. Bedes Publications, 1984. Outler, Albert C., ed. The Works of John Wesley. Nashville: Abingdon Press, 1984. Peace, Richard. Spiritual Journaling. Colorado Springs: NavPress, 1998. Pointer, Lyle, and Jim Dorsey. Evangelism in Everyday Life. Kansas City: Beacon Hill Press of Kansas City, 1998. Spindle, Richard. A Breath of Fresh Air. Kansas City: Beacon Hill Press of Kansas City, 1989. Staples, Rob L. Outward Sign and Inward Grace. Kansas City: Beacon Hill Press of Kansas City, 1989. Steele, Les. On the Way. Grand Rapids: Baker Book House, 1990. Sugden, Edward H., ed. Wesleys Fifty-Three Sermons. Nashville: Abingdon Press, 1983.
Taylor, Barbara Brown. The Preaching Life. Boston: Cowley Publications, 1993. Taylor, Richard S., ed. Beacon Dictionary of Theology. Kansas City: Beacon Hill Press of Kansas City, 1983. Tracy, Wesley. How to Teach Adults Without Really Suffering. Kansas City: Beacon Hill Press of Kansas City, 1976. Tracy, Wesley, et al. The Hunger of Your Heart. Kansas City: Beacon Hill Press of Kansas City and Christian Holiness Partnership, 1997. Tracy, Wesley D. John Wesley, Spiritual Director, Wesleyan Theological Journal Vol. 23, Spring-Fall, 1988, 148-62. Tracy, Wesley. New Testament Evangelism Today. Kansas City: Beacon Hill Press of Kansas City, 1973. Tracy, Wesley, et al. Reflecting God. Kansas City: Beacon Hill Press of Kansas City and Christian Holiness Partnership, 2000. Tracy, Wesley. Reflecting God Leaders Guide. (Kansas City: Beacon Hill Press of Kansas City and Christian Holiness Partnership, 2000. Tracy, Wesley. Reflecting God Workbook. Kansas City: Beacon Hill Press of Kansas City and Christian Holiness Partnership, 2000. Tracy, Wesley, et al. The Upward Call: Spiritual Formation and the Holy Life. Kansas City: Beacon Hill Press of Kansas City, 1994. Tracy, Wesley. Whats a Nice God like You Doing in a Place like This? Kansas City: Beacon Hill Press of Kansas City, 1990. Wainwright, Geoffrey. Doxology. New York: Oxford University Press, 1980. Weber, Robert E. Worship Old and New. Grand Rapids: Zondervan Publishing House, 1994. Weigelt, Morris, and E. Dee Freeborn. The Lords Prayer: Design for Spiritual Formation. Kansas City: Beacon Hill Press of Kansas City, 2001. White, James F. Protestant Worship. Louisville, KY: Westminster John Knox Press, 1989. Willard, Dallas. The Spirit of the Disciplines. San Francisco: Harper San Francisco, 1988. Willimon, William, and Stanley Hauerwas. Lord Teach Us: The Lords Prayer and the Christian Life. Nashville: Abingdon Press, 1996. Wynkoop, Mildred Bangs. A Theology of Love. Kansas City: Beacon Hill Press of Kansas City, 1972.
We all shrivel up like a leaf, and like the wind our sins sweep us away. Isaiah 64:6 We all, like sheep, have gone astray, each of us has turned to his own way. Isaiah 53:6 For God so loved the world that he gave his one and only Son, that whoever believes in him shall not perish but have eternal life. John 3:16
Reading Assignment: Examine the lesson for next session, Who Needs Transformation? In addition, read any of these sources you can find. Dunning, H. Ray, Grace, Faith and Holiness. (Kansas City: Beacon Hill Press, 1988), chapter 9, Humanity as Sinful. Grider, J. Kenneth, A Wesleyan-Holiness Theology. (Kansas City: Beacon Hill Press, 1994), chapter 10, The Doctrine of Sin. Tracy, Wesley, et al., Reflecting God student textbook. (Kansas City: Beacon Hill Press, 2000) chapters 1 and 4, Somehow I Expected More, and What Went Wrong, Anyway. Weigelt, Morris, et al., The Upward Call. (Kansas City: Beacon Hill Press, 1994), chapter 2, Sabotaged By Sin.
Resource 1-1
Instructions: In groups of fourknee-to-knee and eye-to-eyediscuss the story. Then in one sentence write the significance of this story for spiritual formation. Each group will write one answer. Each groups answer is to be shared with the whole class.
Resource 1-2
Dimensions of Transformation
To transform means to change.
The NT word for changing nature, personality, or character is metamorphoo (Rom 12:2; 2 Cor 3:18).
Biblical nature and character transformation comes in at least two brands. Instantaneous Transformation (2 Cor 5:17; Acts 15:9)
Resource 1-3
Spiritual Formation Is
The whole person in relationship with God, within the community of believers, growing in Christlikeness, reflected in a Spirit-directed, disciplined lifestyle, and demonstrated in redemptive action in our world.
Wesley Tracy, Morris Weigelt, Dee Freeborn, Janine Tartaglia, The Upward Call: Spiritual Formation and the Holy Life (Kansas City: Beacon Hill Press of Kansas City, 1994), 12.
Resource 1-4
As you weep over the ugliness of your sin, remember that you are more than a sinner. You are created in Gods image. Mirrored in the eyes of the Savior you will first come to see your true beauty, the beautiful Christian that you can become. Have you experienced an instant transformation like that?
Resource 2-1
Resource 2-2
Resource 2-3
Resource 2-4
Too late I loved you, O Beauty of ancient days, yet ever new! Too late I loved you . . . You called and shouted and burst my deafness. You flashed, shone and scattered my blindness. I . . . pant for you. I taste and hunger and thirst. You touched me, and I burned for your peace . . . Lord, have pity on me . . . I hide not my wounds; You are the Physician, I the sick . . . All my hope is . . . in your exceeding great mercy.
Resource 3-1
Step 2: Join your Base Group members to share and consolidate your discoveries.
Step 3: Working as a group, examine these Scriptures for answers to the three questions of the day: Hebrews 2:6-8 Isaiah 26:8-9
Deuteronomy 28:65
1 John 3:1-2
Step 4: Share with the class your groups best brief answers to the questions based on your study of these Scriptures.
Resource 3-2
1. You are an animal. Hamsters, horses, humansall chained to the same drives and behavior patterns, according to the sociobiologist. 2. You are a cipher, a zero. They were born, they suffered, they died. Thats the meaningless story of the human race. 3. You are a human computer. Artificial intelligence with a biological motherboard. 4. You are an immortal soul? You have a soulbut is that what you are? Been listening to Plato and Eastern religion gurus a lot lately? 5. You are a godling. On your way from Homo sapien to Homo divinus. A warm and cozy but subChristian notion.
1. You are an embodied person created by God and in the very image of God (Gen. 1:27). Echoes of Gods image within include the ability to transcend self, to reason, make moral choices, and above all, to love. 2. You are the object of Gods love. The Christian response to Descartes dictum cogito ergo sum, I think, therefore I am, is sum amatus ergo sum, I am loved, therefore I am. 3. You are a unity of body, soul, spirit, mind, and heart. Body and soul, even body, soul and spirit, is inadequate to describe the complex unitary being that God created you to be. 4. You are a person who is free and responsible. Though environment influences you, but because of prevenient grace, it does not have the last word.
So . . .who do you think you are? Try to do better than Schopenhauers feeble, I wish I knew.
Resource 3-3
Excerpt 2: Everywhere you see people lost, lonely, hungry, and searching for something. Confusing as this life is, they often do something as dumb as the three car thieves in Larkspur, CA, who tried to steal a pickup truck. The owner saw them and chased them yelling. He hailed a policeman and he too gave chase. The thieves made a valiant effort to escape. They scrambled over a tall fence with barbed wire ripping their pants and scratching the blood out of their shins. But it was worth it. The rotund truck owner and the middle-aged cop could never scale a fence like that. They didnt have to. The cop looked through the wires and said, Congratulations, men. You just broke into San Quentin! (Homiletics, Nov./Dec. 1995, 63).
Resource 3-4
Why Am I Here?
The Bible says that the Lord put us in authority over the earth.
Resource 3-5
Rebeccas Story
If Rebecca Thompson had only known that she was so much more than her shame. But she didnt know. There are Fremont Canyon Bridges all over the landscape. And Rebeccas in every town, every street. Women and men acquainted with humiliation, violation, shame. They think they know who they are. Each thinks his or her name is spelled Worthless, Stained, Hopeless, Humiliated, Violated, Shamed. In your journal complete the following sentence stems as you think about Rebeccas story. 1. This story made me feel . . . 2. If some Christian or some church had reached out to Rebecca, maybe . . . 3. If I had had a chance to speak with Rebecca before that fatal plunge, I would have told her . . . 4. One thing I would like to do for Rebeccas daughter (now 12 years old) is ... 5. Shame is more powerful than . . . 6. The only way to survive a brutal attack is to . . . 7. One person I know who might be so shamed and depressed that he or she is looking for the Fremont Canyon Bridge is . . . 8. One thing I can do for him or her is . . .
Resource 4-1
Key Concepts 1. Disbelief or unfaith 2. Pride as egocentricity and selfidolatry 3. Disobedience 4. Darkness that may be felt 5. Every one of them have lounged at your table and laughed at your jokes 6. No preeminence over the goat
3. 4. 5.
7. He sees the snare and abhors it 7. and runs into it. 8. An ancient Yoruba proverbial greeting 9. The most empirically verifiable of all Christian doctrines 8.
Resource 4-2
2. Greek (New Testament) Words for Sin Term Hamartia Adikia Parabasis Paraptoma Anomia Meaning To miss the mark Unrighteousness, injustice, injury Transgress, trespass Transgress, trespass, offense Lawlessness, indifference to Gods law or ignoring it References Mt 1:21; Lk 5:21; Rom 3:23; 1 Pet 3:18 Rom 2:8; 1 Jn 5:17; 2 Pet 2:13 Rom 2:23; Heb 9:15 Rom 5:15-20; Eph 2:5; Col 2:13 1 Cor 9:21; Heb 1:9; Mk 15:28
Resource 4-3
(All assignments are take-home and due at the beginning of the next session.) 1. The Doctrine of Sin Here are representative views on human nature. Which one describes humanity as you know it? Which best represents the Christian faith? 1. Human beings are born totally depraved, incapable of one good deed or one good thought. 2. Human beings are born good. 3. Human beings are born neutral, like a blank sheet of paper. Society or environment makes them good or evil or both. No one should be praised or blamed. 4. There is no such thing as sin or good or evil. What we perceive as evil or good are illusions. 5. We are born with a powerful inclination to evil. But this is somewhat countered by the image of God within and by prevenient grace whereby we are given the ability to choose God and good if we will. 1. What the Bible says about the human heart. 1. Job 15:14, 16: What is man, that he could be pure . . . [he] is vile and corrupt, [he] drinks up evil like water. 2. Psalm 51:5: Surely I was sinful at birth, sinful from the time my mother conceived me. 3. Jeremiah 17:9: The heart is deceitful above all things, and desperately wicked: who can know it? (KJV). 4. John 3:19: This is the verdict: Light has come into the world, but men loved darkness instead of light because their deeds were evil. My verdict on the human heart is ____________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________ 2. What does human sinfulness mean to me? Which of the following do you believe are accurate statements? 1. Adam and Eve not only preceded us, but also represented us, the whole race. 2. Our first parents bequeathed to their descendants just what they had to pass on: a broken relationship with God, fragmented natures, and a propensity to sin. 3. We do not understand how sinfulness is passed on, we just know that sin imprisons each and every generation. 4. Like Adam and Eve, we are able to stand, but free to fall and we face the same temptations they did. 5. Though Adam and Eve passed on a terrible legacy, we must admit that their story is our story. Just like them, each one of us chose disbelief, disobedience, and selfish pride.
3. Bible study: Im a sinnerso what? Look up these scriptures and respond to the questions that follow. (1) Psalm 34:21 (5) 1 Thessalonians 1:8-9 (2) Matthew 25:41, 46 (6) Matthew 10:28 (3) 1 Timothy 5:24 (7) Psalm 95:10-11 (4) Romans 6:23 (a) Which one(s) of these passages say that sin will destroy the sinner? (b) Which one(s) show that sins payday is death? (c) Which one(s) describe hell as everlasting destruction and separation from the presence of the Lord? (d) Which passage describes hell as eternal fire reserved for the devil, his angels, and sinners? (e) Which passage(s) shows that God takes sin very seriously? 4. From the grim to the gracious Though sin and death entered this world through the failure of the first Adam, a Second Adam to the rescue came. Jesus Christ, the Second Adam, was sinless. Thus He reversed the evil that the first Adam brought on us. In the long run, considering this life and the next, Jesus Christ restores all that was lost in the Fall, even more. Study these passages in your quiet time today. Note the key concept on this worksheet. John 1:10-13 _______________________________________________________ Isaiah 53:4-6 ______________________________________________________ 1 John 1:9 _________________________________________________________ 5. Facing the reality of sin is important to spiritual formation and holy living because: _____________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________
Resource 5-1
1. God is actually in the flowers and the growing grass and all the little chirping, singing things (Agnes Sanford, charismatic Episcopal missionary). 2. In a short story (Teddy) a spiritually sensitive boy gets an insight while watching his sister pour a glass of milk. All of a sudden I saw that she was God and the milk was God. I mean, all she was doing was pouring God into God (J. D. Salinger, American Jewish author). 3. In The Color Purple Shug Avery says, God is inside you and inside everybody else. You come into the world with God. But only them that search for it inside find it. . . . I believe that God is in everything (Alice Walker, African American novelist). 4. No matter how much we may like to pussyfoot around it . . .God wants us to become Himself (or Herself or Itself) (M. Scott Peck, The Road Less Traveled). 5. Be still and know that you are God, teaches Maharishi Mahesh Yogi, rewriting Psalm 46:10, which says, Be still and know that I am God. 6. There need be no guilt or recrimination, where at last the self is indistinguishable from God (Alan Watts, Episcopal priest turned Zen master).
Resource 5-2
Cluster 1 Rudolf Otto St. Augustine 1 John 4:16 Celtic Christians Genesis 17:1
Cluster 3 H. Ray Dunning Bette Midler Stanley Grenz Charles Wesley Colossians 1:16
Cluster 2 Pursuit Magazine Roderick Leupp John Greenleaf Whittier J. Kenneth Grider Psalm 11:7
Cluster 4 2 Corinthians 13:14 2 Chronicles 7:3 George Lucas Swami Vivekananda Athanasian Creed
Resource 5-3
Rudolf Otto and John G. Gammie described the overwhelming holiness of God using these Latin terms 1. Tremendumawefulness, plenitude of power that evokes dread and fear 2. Majestasabsolute unapproachableness, overpoweringness, plenitude of being 3. Energicumenergy that the mystic experiences as consuming fire, urgency, vitality, force, energy 4. Mysteriumbeing the Wholly Other, in a category separate to himself, transcendent, supernatural 5. Fascinanscompelling, fascinating, spiritually intoxicating, rapture, exaltation*
B. Study Exodus 19
A careful reading of this chapter reveals all five dimensions of Gods holiness.
Resource 5-4
The Trinity
The Celtic Christians of old spoke of the Trinity in such natural and devotional terms that faith is not strained:
Three folds in the cloth, yet only one napkin is there, Three joints in the finger, but still only one finger fair, Three leaves of the shamrock, yet no more than one shamrock to wear, Frost, snowflakes, and ice, all in water their origin share, Three Persons in God; to one God alone we make prayer.
Esther De Waal, The Celtic Way of Prayer (New York: Doubleday, 1997), 39-40.
Resource 5-5
2. Jesus Christ We believe in Jesus Christ, the Second Person of the Triune Godhead; that He was eternally one with the Father; that He became incarnate by the Holy Spirit and was born of the Virgin Mary, so that two whole and perfect natures, that is to say the Godhead and manhood, are thus united in one Person very God and very man, the God-man. We believe that Jesus Christ died for our sins, and that He truly arose from the dead and took again His body, together with all things appertaining to the perfection of mans nature, wherewith He ascended into heaven and is there engaged in intercession for us. 3. The Holy Spirit We believe in the Holy Spirit, the Third Person of the Triune Godhead, that He is ever present and efficiently active in and with the Church of Christ, convincing the world of sin, regenerating those who repent and believe, sanctifying believers, and guiding into all truth as it is in Jesus.
Resource 5-6
1. Special Resources (1) The Bible, (2) Hymnals (the Nazarene Hymnal, Sing to the Lord, has a whole section of trinitarian hymns), (3) the lectionary texts. Old Testament Gen 1:12:3 Deut 4:32-40 Isa 6:1-8 Ex 34:4-9 Psalm/Wisdom Ps 8 Ps 29 Ps 33:1-12 Prov 8:22-31 Lectionary Texts Epistle 2 Cor 13:5-14 Rom 8:12-17 Rom 5:1-5 Gal 4:1-7 Gospel Jn 3:16-17 Mt 28:16-20 Jn 16:12-15
2. Elements of the Service 1. Call to Worship (trinitarian scripture) _________________________________ 2. Prayer of Invocation (brief, trinitarian) ________________________________ 3. Old Testament Reading from the Lectionary selections or another of your choice (give the reference only) ________________________________________ 4. First Trinitarian Hymn or Song ______________________________________ 5. New Testament Reading (Epistle) ____________________________________ 6. Second Trinitarian Hymn, Song, or Chorus _____________________________ 7. The Creed (Apostles or Nicene) _____________________________________ 8. Pastoral Prayer: Cite key words of praise, thanksgiving, intercession and petition that harmonize with the theme of Trinity Sunday and the needs of the people. 9. The Offering (with trinitarian music) __________________________________ 10. The Sermon: Give the text and title of a sermon that could live and breathe in the worship atmosphere that the service plan seeks to create. Title ___________________________________________________________ Text(s) _________________________________________________________ 11. Response to the sermon and to the Lord: Psalm or Wisdom Literature Reading __________________________________ Closing Hymn or Song _____________________________________________ 12. Charge or Commission to Go and Serve _______________________________ _______________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________ 13. Benediction (biblical, trinitarian) _____________________________________
Resource 5-7
(Hos 11:8).
(Hos 11:8).
Resource 6-1
A. Luke 24:25-27 B. John 1:1 C. Hebrews 4:15 D. John 3:16-17 E. Matthew 16:16 F. Matthew 3:16-17 G. 1 Peter 3:18 H. Romans 8:34 I. 1 John 2:1 J. Isaiah 53:3-6 K. Ephesians 1:5 L. Romans 8:14-17 M. Luke 7:7-10 N. Ephesians 2:7-10 O. 2 Corinthians 5:17 P. John 1:29 Q. Revelation 5:16 R. Acts 4:12 S. Matthew 12:8;25:31 T. 1 Peter 1:18-19 U. Ephesians 1:7 V. 1 Peter 1:3 W. 1 Cor 15:53-57 X. John 17:1-2 Y. Ephesians 2:19-22 Z. Mark 2:10 AA. 1 Peter 2:25; 5:4 BB. John 10:11 CC. 2 Cor 5:19-21 DD. Colossians 1:22 EE. John 1:14 FF. 1 John 1:1-4 GG. Hebrews 6:6 HH. Colossians 1:4 JJ. Ephesians 1:7-8 KK. Romans 5:1-2 LL. Mark 10:45 MM. 1 Timothy 2:6 NN. Revelation 1:13
Resource 6-2
1. The Incarnation
Resource 6-3
Cross Ways
A sermon by Dr. Wesley D. Tracy Sermon Text: Praise be to the God and Father of our Lord Jesus Christ! In his great mercy he has given us new birth . . . through the resurrection of Jesus Christ from the dead (1 Peter 1:3 emphasis added).
What do you see when you look at the Cross? I mean really look at the Crossnot when you note the cross on the bell tower that lets you know thats the place you turn to get to the One Hour Photo shop, not the way you look at a cross-shaped locket to see how it sets off an indigo blouse. What do you visualize, feel, and think when you look at the Cross of Christ? I fear that the doctrine of the Cross, the doctrine of at-one-ment (atonement) has become a matter of assumption, an almost glib been there done that level of consideration. But the mysterium tremendum of the atonement deserves more attention than that. Only in heaven will we fully comprehend all the dynamics of this miracle of love and grace. Sometimes our preachers and songwriters, themselves, get a bit careless in slinging around Cross talk. The ideas we preach, teach, and sing sometimes go down crossways to the person really seeking to know the God behind and the God on the Cross. We certainly will not probe all the sacred depths of the mystery of the atonement in this sermon today. I cannot answer all the questions. But let me ask some questions that evangelicals need to look at given the offhand Cross talk that abounds today. 1. When you look at the Cross with the eyes of your heart, do you see primarily punishment? I spoke on the phone the other day to a young woman, a graduate of a Nazarene college; she is active in the youth program and conducts a Bible study in her home. She was complaining about her pastors sermonnot so unusual, I know. Seems that her pastor had preached on the awfulness of sin. And he failed, according to the young woman, to tell them that, and I now quote her, Jesus had taken the punishment for our sins. This young woman is very dear to me (my granddaughter), but I had to stop her and ask, Where in the Bible does it say that Jesus was punished for our sins? Of course, she couldnt come up with any reference. And you couldnt either, because, as Nazarene theologian H. Ray Dunning says, the notion that Jesus bears punishment for mans sin is totally foreign to the New Testament (Grace, Faith, and Holiness, 372). J. Kenneth Grider, another Nazarene theologian who disagrees with Dunning every chance he gets, actually agrees with him on this point. The sacrificial death of Jesus was not an act of punishmentor if it was, the divinely inspired New Testament writers missed it. But evangelicals and Fundamentalists often use that imagery. Looking over the second grade curriculum of a leading evangelical publisher I read this sentenceI mean, I held the paper in my hand and read it myselfGod killed Jesus for your sins. Who could blame the little kids for feeling sorry for Jesus and being mad at God the Father? And thats the problem with that kind of language, it impugns the good name of God the Father. It paints a picture of a dad enraged and outraged at life in general and at his kids in particular. He grabs one of his sons and flogs him, thrashes him to the door of death. His rage finally appeased, he announces, I forgive you. What? If the son could speak he would say (and I quote theologian J. Kenneth Grider, a longtime member of this church), the son would say, No, you did not forgive meyou punished me (A Wesleyan-Holiness Theology, 329). Grider, my teacher at seminary, goes on to say, If the Fathers justice must be . . . satisfied by punishment, then no forgiveness is possible. It is either punishment or forgiveness, surely, not punishment and forgiveness (329). Clark H. Pinnock, Canadian evangelical theologian, reminds us, God is not sadistically crucifying His beloved Son. . . Jesus did not die to change Gods attitude toward us but to change our attitude toward God. . . The Cross was not a sacrifice without which God could not love or forgive us; it was a sacrifice without which we would not have been able to accept forgiveness (Unbounded Love, [InterVarsity Press, 1994], 103). Another problem with punishment talk is that we separate the Persons of the Trinity and pit them one against the other as in God killed Jesus. The Trinity is a unity, a community of love that cannot be separated or divided. The Christian faith teaches that there is one divine essence, three distinct Persons, with the totality of the Essence dwelling in each Person. The God revealed in Jesus is one God revealed, as our Articles of Faith declare, as Father, Son, and Spirit. Baptist theologian Stanley J. Grenz says, This God is one, for the three [Persons] share the same will, nature, and essence. Christians are not polytheists, for we do not worship three distinct Gods . . . we serve . . . the one God who is Father,
Resource 6-3, page 2 Son, and Spirit (What Christians Really Believe and Why, [Louisville, KY: Westminster John Knox, 1998],71). What does this mean? Many things, but one thing it means is that wherever we find one Person of the Trinity we find them all. As the Bible says, God [the Father] was in Christ [on the Cross] reconciling the world to himself (see 2 Cor 5:19). If when you pray visualizing the Cross you see punishment, perhaps you are missing something. Have you conjured up a fierce God who is not about to offer any grace or forgiveness until somebody bleeds? Who could call that forgiveness? God the Father deserves better from us. Let us be careful how we use punishment language when we speak of the Father who is after all, according to St. Paul, the Father of compassion . . . the God of all comfort (2 Cor 1:3). 2. When you look at the Cross, do you see a debt paid off? Put more simply: Suppose you owe me $100. I demand full paymentwith interest. You pay your tab in full. I then say, I forgive you the debt. How false. How oxymoronic. If the debt is paid, how can I say it was forgiven? If the Cross was a payment to God, He could not forgive us. How could He accept payment and then say He forgives? If God accepted payment for all the sins of all the sinners, how could anyone at any time be condemned or end up in hell because of their sins? Not only does this create a logical problem, it puts a black mark on the character of God the Father. To say that God the Father ordered Jesus to pay the penalty for sin not only divides the indivisible Trinity but makes of the Father a fierce ogre who belligerently refuses to forgive a single sin until the bill is paid in full. Some have actually taught that mankind was held captive by Satan, and Jesus was the ransom price paid to the kidnapper. Then, like a cagey lawyer, God tricked the devil and got His Son back. That kind of theology does not inspire confidence. God the Father did not sit down at some cosmic bargaining table and strike a deal with the devil giving up Jesus like a slave trader. Nor was there some transaction whereby Jesus contracted to buy off a stubborn God the Father. Knowing the unity of the Trinity, we understand that where one Person is, all are present. Thus, the Bible says, God was in Christ, reconciling the world unto himself (2 Cor 5:19, KJV). That is to say, God absorbed within himself the suffering needed to produce at-onement. He did it not because someone finally met His price; He did it because He is love, holy love. When we say that God was in Christ reconciling us we mean that there was no third party in the wings writing out a paid-in-full receipt. God is at once the offerer and the offering for sin. Every Person of the Holy Trinity acted in unison as God absorbed within himself the suffering required for our redemption (Wes Tracy, Reflecting God, 46). 3. When you see the Cross, does it block your view of the Resurrection?
When you think of the Cross, do you think of a debt being paid? Think about this: Who paid what? To whom? And why? I hate to blame the lawyers like everyone else does. But a lawyer got Protestants to think of the atonement as a legal transaction in which Jesus paid the debt for our sins. John Calvin was a great, great man, but he was a lawyer first and a theologian second. His Cross talk was legalese from beginning to end. To Calvin, one of the greatest of the Protestant Reformers, God was a stern Judge who is mad at us and must be appeased. Jesus stepped up and paid the debt and that made God stop being mad and start loving and forgiving us. In his Institutes brother Calvin makes it seem that God wanted Jesus to die and predestined Pilate and Caiaphas to make it happen. Surely notJesus is Gods beloved Son. The Father and the Son are not divided or in opposition (Pinnock, 102). Nazarene theologian J. Kenneth Grider rejects the Cross as debt-paying. He says, Even as one cannot punish and also forgive, one cannot accept payment for a debt and still forgive (331). Grider points out that Scripture indeed says, You are not your own; you were bought at a price (1 Cor 6:1920). This no doubt means that we are bought with the price of Christs suffering, not the price of a debt being paid. The Bible does speak of one dimension of the atonement as a ransom, but even in those three cases no third party collecting accounts payable is noted. Grider goes on to say, Neither a human being nor God, surely, can accept payment for a debt and still forgive the debt. And forgiveness, sheer forgiveness, is unique to Christianity, of all the religions, and must be protected (331).
The way some of us preachers go on, you would think that salvation was achieved, completed, finished, wrapped up when Jesus went to the Cross. The Resurrection then appears as a sort of light dessertmaybe angel food cakeat the end of a five-course meal at which the main entre was the Cross. Even on Easter we preachers cant resist looking at the crucifixion. Whoever preaches next Easter in this church will almost certainly remind us that there is no Easter without Calvary. Is the central human problem guilt or death? Those who think it is guilt often diminish the Resurrection in favor of the Cross. If the problem is essentially
Resource 6-3, page 3 guilt and the atonement is about punishment and debt paying, then the Cross is all they need. The Resurrection has little or no saving value. But those of us who see the great human problem as essentially death know that the Resurrection also has great saving power. St. Paul knew that, For if . . . we were reconciled . . . through the death of his Son, how much more . . .shall we be saved through his life! (Rom 5:10, emphasis added). St. Peter knew that: In his great mercy he [God] has given us new birth into a living hope through the resurrection of Jesus Christ (1 Pet 1:3). Peter also wrote concerning baptism saying that it saves you by the resurrection of Jesus Christ (1 Pet 3:22). Make no mistake, both guilt and death are great human problems. But in the Cross and the Resurrection both problems are fully dealt with. Forgiveness of sin and eternal lifewhat more could we ask from a loving Redeemer? Sometimes we need to be reminded that without the Resurrection we would probably have never heard of Jesus of Nazareth. No Resurrection; no Christianity! The bodily resurrection of Jesus stands as the cornerstone of the Church. What about all those commandments, parables, and the miracles of Jesus? What about the crucifixion? Without the resurrection of Jesus you would never have heard of any of thosenot one! His life and death would have been anonymously buried by the sand of time. Not a footprint would have been left by the Nazarene without the Resurrection. Josephus, the ancient historian, wrote that during the first century AD the Romans crucified 1.1 million Jews. When the Roman legions tore down the Temple, Josephus says that the soldiers crucified Jews on every standing tree in Jerusalem. When they ran out of trees, they nailed them to walls. The blood of crucified Jews ran in rivers down the streets. Jesus would have been just one in a millionexcept for the Resurrection which validated His Incarnation, miracles, teachings, and His sacrificial death. Today Resurrection power fuels the experience of eternal life! What Jesus did had never been done before in the whole history of the universe. C. S. Lewis says, He has forced open a door that has been locked since the death of the first man. He has met, fought, and beaten the King of Death (The Joyful Christian, 65). Do not think that the resurrection of Jesus proves merely the immortality of the soul. The Resurrection is not about the survival of the human spirit. If that is all that happened, then Jesus simply did what all men dothe body dies, the soul escapes to a bodyfree, ghostly existence in some never-never land. If that were the case, then the only thing new about Jesus experience would be that we got to see it happen (see C. S. Lewis, 66) But the Resurrection of Jesus included the resurrection of the body. We, too, then look forward to being raised imperishable . . . For the perishable must clothe itself with the imperishable, and the mortal with immortality. . . . Death has been swallowed up in victory (1 Cor 15:52-54). We do not know nearly all we would like to about that resurrection body but we know that we shall be like the risen Christ (1 Jn 3:2). For those first Christians teaching and preaching about Jesus was primarily proclaiming the Resurrection. Paul wrote, I passed on to you as of first importance: that Christ died for our sins . . . [and] he was raised on the third day (1 Cor 15:34). Truly Jesus in His incarnation, crucifixion, and resurrection is our Light and our Hope. As you think of the Cross and all its redemptive truth, please notice that it is silhouetted by the redemptive glow of Easter. 4. When you look at the Cross, do you see primarily agony endured or love outpoured? When we gaze upon the Cross, the agony endured on our behalf breaks our heart. That agony was intense, real, and greater than any pain I have volunteered to bear. But the Cross is much more than agony endured. It is love poured out. William Barclay, in the Daily Study Bible, reminds us, There is something tragically wrong in any emphasis on the agony of the Cross which dimmed the brightness of the Resurrection, [something wrong with] any suggestion that it was endured pain rather than over-coming love that secured mans salvation (James and Peter, 185). Is the Cross more than endured pain for you? The physical pain that His murderers inflicted upon Jesus was not greater than many others endured. Those who have been butchered and burned at the stake or tortured to death in other ways have endured as much or more physical pain than Jesus did. We need to know that Jesus voluntarily suffered intensely for us. Preachers like me sometimes leave the impression, however, that the Cross was all about agony. I remember when Jim Bishops book The Day Christ Died came out. He described in authentic detail the excruciating death on the Cross. I developed a sermon on the agony of the Cross that shamed several people to an altar of prayer. Some Christians in the Catholic tradition have been so mesmerized by the suffering on the Cross that the epitome of spirituality for them was to so agonize with the pain of Jesus that the wounds of Christ would appear on their own bodies, blood would actually flow from their palms in sympathy with Jesus. While such devotion is not to be scoffed
Resource 6-3, page 4 at, perhaps they saw the Cross as agony endured rather than love outpoured. Our Eastern Orthodox friends are quick to tell us western Christians that seeing the Cross as primarily pain is a flaw in our spirituality. Instead they see the Cross as triumphant love. Some of you have read Kahlil Gibran. Gibran was the son of a Christian priest. In his book Jesus, the Son of Man, he reports the experience of Simon of Cyrene, the man who was forced to carry the Cross when Jesus faltered and fell under its weight. Simon tells of the hammer and nails of the crucifixion. But looking at Christ hanging there he says, My heart did not think to pity Him, for I was too filled with wonder (Alfred A. Knopf, 1966, 202). In one of Gibrans devotional essays, written on Good Friday, he stands before the Cross and says, If Humanity were wise, she would stand today and sing in strength the song of conquest and the hymn of triumph . . Thou art on the Cross, more glorious and dignified than one thousand kings upon one thousand thrones in one thousand empires . . . Thou art in the agony of death, more powerful than a thousand generals in a thousand wars . . . . Discussion Starters With Thy sorrows, Thou art more joyous than the Spring with its flowers . . . Thy wreath of thorns is more brilliant and sublime than the crown of Bahram . . . The nails piercing Thy hands are more beautiful than the scepter of Jupiter . . . The splatters of blood upon Thy feet are more resplendent than the necklace of Ishtar. Forgive the weak who lament Thee today . . . 3. Forgive them for they do not know that Thou hast conquered death with death, and bestowed life upon the dead . . . Forgive them for they do not know that Thy strength awaits them. (The Treasured Writings of Kahlil Gibran, Castle, 1975, 233). George Hunter (111) tells a story about the First Methodist Church in Czechoslovakia. Czechoslovakia had more than 100 laws limiting what the church could do. They couldnt witness, evangelize, or even put up a church sign. Then came the day when Communism collapsed. All 100 antichurch laws were repealed at once. The elders at First Methodist, Prague, met to consider what to put on their very first church sign. The meeting lasted late into the 4. 5. 6. 7. One thing I think I disagree with is . . . One illustration I would suggest for the sermon is . . . Pastor, did I hear you say . . . How does this relate to my daily life? One new insight I gained was . . . Some pastors have reflection committees who meet them after every Sunday morning sermon. The committee members counsel and advise the pastor on various issues. Take the role of a reflection committee and discuss this sermon with the preacher. Use these thought starters if you wish: 1. 2. The most helpful part of the sermon was . . . The part of the sermon that needs more clarification is . . . night. They discussed, prayed, meditated, and voted. Next morning found this sign in front of the church: The Lamb Wins (Herald of Holiness, May, 1993, 4). While not diminishing the agony of the Cross, you and I need to sometimes behold our crucified Savior and shout, The Lamb wins!
.This sermon was preached by Wesley Tracy, guest preacher, at the First Church of the Nazarene, Kansas City, MO, September 9, 2001.
All of us with unveiled faces, seeing the glory of the Lord as though reflected in a mirror, are being transformed into his likeness with everlasting glory. 2 Cor 3:18, NRSV, emphasis added
Resource 7-1
How do they differ from each other and from your personal experience?
D. List at least four things we learn about how to find Christ and how to lead others to a transforming encounter with Him from Paul, Philip, and the Ethiopian? 1. ___________________________________________ 2. ___________________________________________ 3. ___________________________________________ 4. ___________________________________________
Resource 7-2
Resource 7-3
Resource 7-4
Key Scriptures:
Key Scriptures:
4. Assurance
Key Scriptures:
Key Scriptures:
Resource 8-1
Those who complicate the doctrine of sanctification or reduce it to a lockstep formula should read this more than once:
The heaven of heavens is love. There is nothing higher in religion; there is, in effect, nothing else; if you look for anything but more love you are looking wide of the mark . . . And when you are asking others, Have you received this or that blessing? if you mean anything but more love, you mean wrong; you are leading them out of the way, and putting them on a false scent. Settle it in your heart, that from the moment God has saved you from all sin, you are to aim at nothing more, but more of that love described in the thirteenth [chapter] of Corinthians. You can go no higher than this. John Wesley, Works, 11:430
Resource 8-2
to them, and thought that some were gradually sanctified and some instantaneously. But as I have not found, in so long a space of time, a single person speaking thus: as all who believe they are sanctified declare with one voice that the change was wrought in a moment, I cannot but believe that sanctification is commonly, if not always, an instantaneous work (On Patience, Works, 6:491). In his classic A Plain Account of Christian Perfection, John Wesley said: Beyond all possibility of exception . . . my brother and I maintained . . . That this [sanctification] is received merely by faith . . . given instantaneously, in one moment. . . . There is a gradual work of God in the soul . . . generally speaking, it is a long time . . . before sin is destroyed. There is a gradual work both before and after that moment [of sanctification] (Works, 11:393, 423). The saints in every age have reported a crisis experience of God after conversion that ushered them into the deeper life. The testimony of Billy Graham and of Lloyd Ogilvie come to mind among contemporary well-known Christians who long after conversion found a place of utter consecration that led to a pivotal deeper experience of God. The Problem of Inner Sin and the Need for Cleansing One thing that prevents many believers from finding the deeper life is remaining inner sin. As you follow the Spirit into the sunrise of sanctifying grace, you become more aware of the love and holiness of God. The closer you get to Him, the more your own lack of love and your own unholy attitudes and feelings show up. Though you have been born againgiven a new start with a new heartand though you have renounced the acts of sin that characterized your former life, you are now forced to admit that though sin does not rule in your heart it does remain. Inward sin is not something you have, it is something you are. You grieve, for at the deepest level you want to be like Christ. But theres a part of you that treasures lust, or harbors a lurking self-idolatry, or nourishes the need to control, or thirsts for praise, or protects a touchy ego, or affirms a cultural prejudice, or shelters unworthy motives, or rebels against continual obedience to God. A. W. Tozer called these the hyphenated sins of the human spirit. He named some: self-sufficiency, selfrighteousness, self-love, self-pity, and self-admiration (Reflecting God, 79). The Spirit of the Lord is both tender and firm. Faithfully, He confronts you with your sinful nature. At first you may dismiss His gentle revelations. But He keeps bringing you back to the mirror of the divine Light where you can admit that you need to have your very inmost heart cleansed of sin. You find yourself ready to pray the Wesley hymn, Show me as my soul can bear the depth of inbred sin. If you pray such a prayer, tighten your spiritual seat belt. You may be in for a jolting ride through some sin-stained slums of your inner world that are as ugly as sin.
When that happens do not cast away your confidence (Heb 10:35, NKJV). Rather, wrap the robe of faith around you and hold on to God. Think of the wonderful things that God has already done in giving you a new start with a new heart. Do not despair over what God has not yet done for you. You have been born again. To that truth the Spirit bears witness as does your changed life. Take comfort in these facts. One of Satans devices is to so bully the believer on the way to sanctification until he or she despairs over remaining sin rather than praise God for the regeneration miracle that He has already wrought. The Spirit will gently lead you to loving submission to God so that you can be cleansed from everything that contaminates body and spirit, perfecting holiness out of reverence for God (2 Cor 7:1). The Need for Self-surrender The key to the deeper life of holiness is self-surrender. The sinful self must be crucified with Christ (Rom 6:6). This is a truth verified by 20 centuries of Christian discipleship. Those who have experienced it call it self-denial, self-transcendence, self-crucifixion, self-surrender, or, as the saints of the Middle Ages called it, self-donation. One researcher reports a study of 200 of the best known works on Christian spirituality produced over 20 centuries. A common denominator showed up in the experience and writings of the pilgrims in the works studiedself-surrender. This was the case whether the author was a liberal or conservative, modern or ancient, Catholic or Protestant. One womans 1112-page Ph.D. dissertation summed it up: The secret to the holy life is self-surrender, always has been, always will be. Who says this better than our hymn writers? Charles Wesley: Show me as my soul can bear The depth of inbred sin; All the unbelief declare, The pride that lurks within. Take me whom Thyself hast bought Bring into captivity Every high aspiring thought That would not bow to Thee. Charles Wesley, Open Lord, My Inward Ear Wesley Hymns, Lillenas, 1982, 37 Frances Ridley Havergal: Take my will and make it Thine It shall be no longer mine. Take my heartit is Thine own; It shall be Thy royal throne. Take my lovemy Lord I pour At Thy feet its treasure store.
Take myself and I will be Ever, only, all for Thee. Frances Ridley Havergal, Take My Life and Let It Be Sing to the Lord, 455 Perhaps you will like this one transliterated from the Pidgin English of the hymnal used by Christians in Papua New Guinea. It has no title, just hymn 119 but is to be sung to the tune of Have Thine Own Way, Lord. You boss me, God, You boss me. You are the Papa, me pickinini (child). Suppose me got sin you straighten me. Me cry long [to] you, you come boss me. Wewak: Papua New Guinea: Christian Books, Melanesia, 1979.
Resource 8-3
As you listen to the lecture, The Transforming Moment of Sanctification, try to flag the questions that go with these answers.
The Answer: The sinful self of Romans 6:6. The Question: __________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________ The Answer: empirical evidence The Question: __________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________ The Answer: He wrote A Plain Account of Christian Perfection. The Question: __________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________ The Answer: The hyphenated sins of the human spirit. The Question: __________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________ The Answer: The sin-stained slums of your inner world. The Question: __________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________ The Answer: Its one of Satans devices. The Question: __________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________ The Answer: This Bible verse says we are to be cleansed from everything that contaminates body and spirit. The Question: __________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________ The Answer: It is the secret to the holy life; always has been, always will be. The Question: __________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________ The Answer: Ever, only, all for Thee. The Question: __________________________________________________________________
__________________________________________________________________ 10. The Answer: You boss me, God. The Question: __________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________
Resource 8-4
4. What idea, in this book or article, was most appealing to you personally?
Resource 8-5
6. In faith believing, accept Gods gracious gift of the fullness of the Spirit.
7. A prayer for sanctifying grace: O God, I praise You for all that You have done for me and my brothers and sisters in Christ. Holy is Your name! I now open my heart to its depths before You. Cleanse by the fire of Your Spirit anything that is unlike Christ. Purge my attitudes, my spirit, my affections. Consume all my sinfulness. Fill me with Your love until I love even those who persecute or mistreat me. Make me a flame of holy love. Take all that is mineI hold nothing back. I claim no right to my wealth, position, or reputation. I give You my body, my soul, my freedom, and my life. Do with me as You wish. I wish only to know You better and to serve You better all the days of my life. If in Your sovereign will I am ready to receive full sanctification, please bestow that gift on my unworthy heart. If the time is not yet, if there is work yet to be done to prepare me for the fullness of the Spirit, then, Lord, help me to wait patiently and give me eyes to see what You are teaching me in order to prepare my heart.
Resource 8-6
A Prayer of Consecration
Make this prayer from John Wesleys hand-written prayer journal your own prayer of loving submission:
O Lord Jesus, I give thee my body, My soul, My substance [wealth], My fame, My friends, My liberty, and my life: Dispose of me and all that is mine As it seems best to thee. I am now not mine, but thine: Therefore claim me as thy right, Keep me as thy charge, and love me as thy child. Fight for me when I am assaulted, Heal me when I am wounded, And revive me when I am destroyed. Amen.
Resource 9-1
Resource 9-2
A Heros Journey
A Case from Classic Literature
Resource 9-3
she could not feed her young, she quickly flew away and brought the shamir and it shattered the glass in a second. But Solomons men began to throw rocks at the hoopoe, and she dropped the shamir. Solomons men quickly grabbed it, put it in a lead box, and headed for Jerusalem. The hoopoe, having failed in its duty to keep the shamir safe, committed suicide. But what did Solomon care, he now had the tool to cut the stones and the House of God could be built. Asmodeus then said to Solomon, You have the shamir, so why do you leave me in these chains. Let me go; set me free. Solomon replied, I will let you go on one condition. You must tell me the secret of your power. You, the chief of demons, rule kingdoms far and near. What is the secret of your power? Asmodeus, trying to hide a sly smile on his demon face, muttered, Take off these chains, give me your ring that bears the secret name of God, and I will gladly show you the secret of my power. Solomon, the wisest of the wise, agreed. He quickly unchained the demon, slipped the ring off his finger and dropped it into the palm of Asmodeus, Now keep your word, he demanded, and show me the secret of your power. Asmodeus instantly swelled to enormous stature with one wing that touched the ground and one that reached up into the clouds. He sucked up Solomon in his mouth and spit him out into a wilderness land 400 parasangs (about 1,500 miles) distance from Jerusalem. Asmodeus then threw the ring with the secret name of God on it far out into the ocean.
Lost in the Desert Solomon wandered lost and hungry in the wilderness. He had to beg bread to stay alive. He became emaciated, dirty, and ragged. To those he met he would pitifully say, I am Solomon. King was I in Jerusalem. But the people only laughed. I am Solomon, king was I in Jerusalem. But the village children made fun of him and set their dogs on the tattered old beggar. One day Solomon came upon a pool of water and looking in saw his reflection. His own image frightened him. It was scary for Solomon, technically the king, but what he saw in the reflecting pool was a wild man, a starved man, a beggar. There was no regal bearing, no noble, kingly air, no crownand no ring that bore the secret name of God. I am Solomon. He called out at the top of his voice to himself, King was I in Jerusalem. And he trembled as those empty words echoed back to him in that lonely valley. For years Solomon wandered, bereft, hungry, lost, trying to find his way home. Empty, humbled, impoverished he roamed on looking for Jerusalem the city of God, never forgetting that he had once been king. He prayed to God but got only the echo of his own voice. It seemed that God was gone. Gods gifts were gonethe ring, the throne, the wisdom. But it was not God who had deserted Solomon. What had deserted Solomon was his false image of God. He thought that he was so great that God would wink at his sins, his pride, his building shrines to the idols of his many wives, his deals with the devil. Solomon depended on his powerhe was fiercely jealous of it. He depended on his fabulous wealth. But here in the desert he had no wealth and he had no power.
So Solomon wandered helpless in the desert stripped of wealth and the power and the wisdom that had been his very identity, the very things he depended on mostgone. Solomon would second the motion of St. Paul who thought sure he was going to die for his faith and was brought to the point of utter hopelessness. Why? Paulthe Ph.D., the member of the supreme court, the resourceful missionarysaid it was so he would learn to depend on God and not on himself (2 Cor 1:9). Meanwhile Back at the Ranch . . . As soon as Asmodeus had disposed of Solomonspitting him 400 parasangs from relevancehe took over Solomons throne. He took on the appearance, voice, crown, and throne of Solomon. The people had no clue that their king was gone and that the devil ruled in Jerusalem, the City of God. And that is the genius of the devil, says philosopher Jacob Needleman. He can deceive us by taking on the very appearance, voice, and garb of the true self that is made in Gods image, the self that wears the signet ring with the secret name of God engraved on it. The false, sinful self can rule wearing the kings clothes. Sounds like Solomonbut he really is Asmodeus. Asmodeus looked like Solomon. He wore Solomons robe, he carried himself like Solomon when he mounted the throne as the seven heralds dutifully called out their assigned lines, which were seven warnings for the king not to betray the trust put in him. Asmodeus walked just like the true king and stepped by the golden ox, lion, wolf, lamb the leopard, the goat, the eagle and the peacock, the falcon and the rooster, the hawk and the sparrowall the solid gold animals and birds that decorated the lofty throne of Solomon. He walked like
Solomon, sounded like Solomon, looked like Solomonmust be Solomon! So what if some of his judgments and actions seemed strangewhich lowly subject would challenge the wisdom of Solomon, who was, after all, the wisest of the wise? Asmodeus, acting as Solomon, the legend says, committed three grievous sins. 1. He procured a thousand wives and concubines. He could engage in a different dalliance every day for three years! No Jewish king should behave like that, the wise men saidbut then Solomon was the wisest of them all. 2. He acquired many horses, and heaps and heaps of silver and gold. (Today we would say cars and stocks and bonds.) 3. He enslaved people to make them build the house of God, the Temple. Know who Solomon enslaved? Ethnic minoritiesnope, Im not making this up; its right there in the Bible! All the non-Jew males were recruited and enslaved, a sort of holocaust in reverse! Think about thatenslaving people to build Gods house. The false king acted in sexual excess, in grabbing riches, in seizing more power. Even more succinctly, the masked sins were lust, greed, and poweran unholy trinity that will destroy any of us. If the false self, the unsanctified self, rules in useven if he is dressed for churchthe same sins will rule, maybe in disguise. Solomons Journey Home The years go by as Solomon tries to find his way home. Solomon, once king, now beggar finally gets a jobgood signthe one-time king is now a dishwasher in the kitchen of the King of Ammon. He is soon promoted to cook and meets the kings daughter, Princess Naamah, as he serves her a spinach souffl or maybe it was crme brle. Her name means The
Lovely or The Lovely one. At any rate Princess Lovely likes the food and loves the cook. And Solomon is nuts about her too. They fall in love. She is determined to marry the cook; her father, the king, is determined that she will not. When the lovers will not take no for an answer the king orders them executed. In the end the king moderates his anger and exiles them penniless in a wilderness of a land far away. Solomon and Naamah struggle through many trials. Then, near the end of his three-year journey, Solomon and Naamah wander near the seashore. There fishermen are selling their catch. Solomon has one coin left. He approaches a fisherman and offers him his last coin for a large fish flopping in the basket. The fisherman looks at the coin. Solomons own crowned head is engraved upon it. But Solomon doesnt point that out anymore. He doesnt look like a king and no one has bowed to him in three years. The fisherman examines the coin and laughs out loud. Not enough to buy that fish. He pockets the coin, pulls a smaller fish out of the basket and shoves it toward Solomon. Solomon takes the fish to Naamah and they prepare for what may be their last meal. As the good wife opens the fish she sees something sparkling. Look, Solomon, my husbanda ring! Solomon looks and recognizes the ring that God had given him, the ring with the six-pointed star engraved with the secret name of God. The very ring that Asmodeus threw into the ocean three years earlier. For three long years Solomon has been trying to tell others, I am Solomon, King was I in Jerusalem. Now he puts on the ring and declares, I am Solomon. King am I in Jerusalem. The legend says that the regal glory returned to his face and that he stood before Naamah like a sturdy cedar. Though he was still dressed in beggars
rags it was plain that he was the king and the son of a king. Philosopher Jacob Needleman, in the book Money and the Meaning of Life, says, I too am Solomon, remembering that I was once a king, but having lost the gift, the ring with the secret name of God, I wander lost, impoverished, empty while the false self sits on the inner throne. But when the ring of God, the gift of Gods grace is found, I become king. And the true self engraved with the very secret name of God, ascends the throne. Solomon now knew his way home. He marches straight to Jerusalem. Showing his ring finger he confronts Asmodeus the chief of demons. As soon as the demon sees the ring with the secret name of God he quickly surrenders and flees to the mountains of darkness. If we were to write that ending, we would describe some cataclysmic battle, some fierce struggle, the clashing of war chariots, a gladiatorial win for Solomon, maybe a dramatic sword fight worthy of Crouching Tiger; Hidden Dragon. But the legend is wiser than we are. There is no battle. In the presence of the true self bearing the signet ring of the most high God, the false self who has been ruling in the heart with lust, greed, and power-grabbing, simply flees. That is to say: when the heart is truly open to the grace and dominion of God, transformation happens and the false self flees away like Asmodeus heading far away to the mountains of darkness on the doublethere is no room for greed, lust, and power-grabbing (or any of their cousins) in the transformed heart. It is as John Wesley described it, Love expelling sin.
Resource 9-4
A Three-Sentence Paper
In response to the story of Solomon and Asmodeus, write a threesentence paper. The first sentence begins: I too, am Solomon, for I ____________________________________________
____________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________ Students Name ________________________
Do your best to present yourself to God as one approved, not as a workman who does not need to be ashamed and who correctly handles the word of truth. . . . In a large house there are articles not only of gold and silver, but also of wood and clay; some are for noble purposes and some for ignoble. If a man cleanses himself . . . he will be an instrument for noble purposes, made holy, useful to the Master and prepared to do any good work. 2 Timothy 2:15, 20-21
Resource 10-1
6. Where would you find the Love Chapter? _____ A. Song of Songs 3 _____ C. 1 Corinthians 13 _____ B. Luke 5 _____ D. John 17 7. The Beatitudes are found in _____ A. Proverbs 30 _____ B. Isaiah 53
Resource 10-2
Resource 10-3
Text: The man who makes me his refuge will inherit the land and possess my holy mountain (v. 13). Emphatic Repetition: The man who makes me his refuge will inherit the land . . . The man who makes me [God] his refuge will inherit the land and possess Gods holy mountain. Meditation/Prayer: O my God, be my Refuge, my safe place. You are my safe place. But why do I seek You, my Refuge, so seldom? Make me hunger for Your land, long for Your holy mountain. May I thirst for You, my Refuge.
Text: This is what the high and lofty One wayshe who lives forever, whose name is holy: I live in the high and holy place, but also with him who is contrite and lowly in spirit, to revive the spirit of the lowly and to revive the heart of the contrite (v. 15). Emphatic Repetition: I live, I live . . . with him who is contrite. I live, I live . . . with him who is lowly in spirit. The high and lofty One . . . whose name is holy . . . lives with the contrite. To [in order to] revive the spirit of the lowly . . . To [in order to] revive the heart of the contrite. Meditation/Prayer: ___________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________
Resource 10-4
6. Interpret experience in the light of Scripture, not Scripture in the light of experience.
Resource 10-5
2. Interpretation:
3. Correlation:
4. Evaluation:
5. Application:
Resource 10-6
Resource 10-7
7. With what character did you identify most? Which did you resist most? 8. What did you perceive Jesus mood and attitude to be? 9. Did you get any new insights into the meaning of this Bible passage? Jot down your feelings, insights, ideas. D. Step Out of the Scene and Write a Letter Step out of the scene and think it over. Then write a letter (or e-mail message) to one of the characters. Tell him whatever is on your heart. Write only three or four paragraphs. Be prepared to share your letter with the group.
your work. Be prepared to teach the song to the class. Use guitar, piano, or recorded accompaniment. Young adult lesson plan: 1. Study the Song of Mary, Luke 1:46-55. Plan a lesson on prayer based on this prayer of praise. 2. Set your objectives by asking and answering these three questions: What do I want my students to KNOW? What do I want them to FEEL? What do I want them to DO? 3. Devise two or three learning activities that will help you reach your objectives. Journal Prompt You have selected one of the assignments above to complete and handin. Select another one to write about in your journal. You do not have to do the whole assignment, just reflect on it in your journal. Suppose you have no art talent, so you do not choose the art assignment about the lady with the torch and water. Nevertheless, you may want to journal your response to the questions that the image raises.
Resource 11-1
2. A Prayer Psalm: Psalm 90. Compare to the hymn O God Our Help in Ages Past (Sing to the Lord, 95)
4. St. Paul at Prayer: Three times in 1 Thessalonians Paul pauses for a short prayer for the believers. (1:2-3; 3:11-13; 5:23-24)
Resource 11-2
Praising God for His Own Sake: The Torch and the Pitcher
The 12th-century disciples of Bernard of Clairvaux made popular the vision of a woman carrying a pitcher of water in one hand and a torch in the other. All over France they carried drawings and preached sermons that said with the pitcher of water the woman would put out the fires of hell. With the torch she would burn up the pleasures of heaven. With the punishment of hell and the glories of heaven not scaring people or coaxing people into righteous living and self-serving prayers, people would be able to simply love God for His own sake and offer prayers of adoration and praise that had no vested self-interest. Make a drawing or sketch here of this woman. Will your art depict her on a horse, a hillside, a cloud, a busy street? How is she dressed? What color is her hair, her skin, her clothing? What expression does she have on her face, in her eyesholy awe, holy anger, the plea of a teacher or parent?
Resource 11-3
Reader 1: Verses 1-4, Majestic Creator Reader 2: Verses 5-9, Foundations of the earth Reader 3: Verses 10-13, Springs of water Reader 4: Verses 14-18, Fertility of creation Reader 1: Verses 19-23, Day and night Reader 2: Verses 24-26, The mighty sea and its creatures Reader 3: Verses 27-30, God, Sustainer of life All Readers: Verses 31-35, Let my soul praise Him
Resource 11-4
ZZenith of Glory
Resource 11-5
Analysis 1. List the things God has done for which Mary offers thanks.
2. List the words and phrases of praise for who God is.
Resource 11-6
For what three things do you wish to praise God for being rather than doing?
Resource 12-1
Resource 12-2
For Discussion of
1. You may ask for forgiveness without offering forgiveness. 2. You may bewail the sins of humanity, but not your own. 3. You can call your sin by a lesser name, like mistake or human frailty, tough love, or handing out justice. 4. You can come up with a thousand justifications for your sins. 5. You can look at your sorry record and declare that you are unredeemable. 6. You can deny that you have sinned. 7. You can daily morbidly focus on yourself rather than God or others who need prayer. 8. You can confess your sin and depravity with no hatred for it and with no intention or will to forsake it. 9. You can keep on confessing humiliating sins for which God has long ago forgiven you, praying as if you questioned His forgiveness. 10. You can confess a sin, but fail to make the restitution that God requires.
Resource 12-3
Resource 12-4
Teaching 3: In the intercessory prayer of suffering we voluntarily take unto ourselves the griefs and sorrows of others in order to set them free. Richard Foster
Teaching 4: By repenting for unsaved persons, We are taking their . . . guilt and perdition upon ourselves and pleading to God for them. We are doing vicariously what they cannot [or will not] do for themselves. Dietrich Bonhoeffer
Resource 12-5
Which of the following most nearly matches your own response to these teachings? A. Lord, forgive me for not praying more for others. B. I didnt know I could do so much to help. C. God would never listen to me. D. Intercession sounds heavy and depressing. E. I will plan to pray for others every daystarting today. F. I wish someone would pray for me like that.
Adapted from the Reflecting God Workbook, 79.
Resource 12-6
Three: Praying the Lords Prayer for Others Insert the name of the person for which you are praying into the blanks. ______________________s Father who art in heaven, Hallowed be thy name in ______________________________. Thy kingdom come in ______________________. Thy will be done in ______________________ on earth just as if she/he were with you in heaven. Give ________________this day her/his daily bread, and forgive ________________ her/his trespasses as she/he forgives those who trespass against her/him. Lead not ___________________ into temptation, but deliver her/him from the evil one. Let _______________s joy be your kingdom, your power, and your glory forever. Amen. In what church groups could this plan be used? Try praying for others in this way when you do not know how to pray for the person. Four: Five-Fingered Prayer This method is especially helpful for families with children who are learning to pray. Several versions of this exercise are in print. This one is adapted from the Reflecting God Leaders Guide, 31. In your group put this into practice. Think of ways this plan could be used by new Christians, families, or youth groups. 1. The Little Fingerthis is the smallest and weakest finger. Pray for someone who is weak and feeling vulnerable right now. 2. The Second Fingerthis finger is seldom used alone. Still it is an important part of the team. Pray for someone who quietly works behind the scenes without fanfare or acclaim. 3. The Middle Fingerthis is the tallest of the hand. Pray for someone in high office with heavy responsibilities. 4. The Index Fingerthis is the hardest working of all the fingers. Pray for someone who works very hard. 5. The Thumbthe thumb is the closest to you. Pray for someone you love very much.
Resource 12-7
Concept 3: Ways in which God answers our petitions: Yes, I thought you would never ask. Yes, and heres more. Not yet. No, I love you too much. No, but My grace is sufficient.
Concept 5: God is always listening, more ready to hear than we are to pray (William Barclay).
Concept 6: Thy kingdom come (Luke 11:2, KJV) is a petition not for what we want, but for what God wants. We are so apt to think that prayer is asking God for what we want, whereas true prayer is asking God for what He wants (William Barclay, The Letters of John and Jude, in The Daily Study Bible Series, 116). Concept 7: Jesus teaches us to pray, Thy will be done not Thy will be changed.
Resource 12-8
Resource 13-1
Resource 13-2
I do take growth in Christlikeness seriously. Therefore, I covenant with myself to start and finish this spiritual life devotional journey. I promise with all my heart to take some time each day for myself, my Lord, and my journal. My plan is to spend ______________ minutes a day for _______________ days each week with my journal for the duration of this course and for at least three additional months. Signed _____________________________ Date _______________________________
Resource 13-3
Resource 13-4
(Excerpts from December 22, 1776January 15, 1777) I returned to London; and on Sunday 22 buried the remains of Elizabeth Duchesne; a person eminently upright of heart, yet for many years a child of labour and sorrow. For near forty years she was zealous of good works, and . . . shortened her days by labouring for the poor beyond her strength. But her end is peace. She now rests from her labours, and her works follow her. Tues. 31We concluded the year with solemn praise to God [the New Years Eve watch night service]. . . . It has never been intermitted one year . . . since the year 1738; in which my brother and I began to preach that strange doctrine of salvation by faith. Wed. January 1We met, as usual, to renew our covenant with God [The Wesley Covenant Service]. It was a solemn season, wherein many found his power present to heal . . . . Thurs. 2I began expounding, in order, the book of Ecclesiastes. I never before had so clear a sight either of the meaning or the beauties of it. Neither did I imagine that the several parts of it were in so exquisite a manner connected together; all tending to prove the grand truththat there is no happiness out of [outside of] God. Wed. 8I looked over the manuscripts of that great and good man, Charles Perronet. I did
not think he had so deep communion with God. I know exceeding few that equal him; and had he had a University education, there would have been few finer writers in England. Mon. 13I took the opportunity of spending an hour every morning with the Preachers, as I did with my pupils at Oxford. . . . Wed. 15I began visiting those of our society who lived in Bethnal-Green hamlet. Many of them I found in such poverty that few can conceive of. . . . O why do not all the rich that fear God constantly visit the poor? Can they spend part of their spare time better? Certainly not. So they will find in that day when every man shall receive his own reward according to his own labour. Such another scene I was the next day. . . . I have not found any such distress, no, not in the prison of Newgate. One poor man was just creeping out of his sick-bed, to his ragged wife and three little children; who were more than half naked, and the very picture of famine; when one bringing in a loaf of bread, they all ran, seized upon it, and tore it to pieces in an instant.
The Works of John Wesley, ed. Thomas Jackson, 3rd ed., 14 vols. (London: Methodist Book Room, 1872; reprint, Kansas City: Beacon Hill Press of Kansas City, 1978), 4:91-92.
For Reflection and Discussion 1. Review the Types of Entries 2. Identify as many of the types of entries as you can in the excerpt from John Wesleys Journal and from the excerpt from Augustines Confessions (Resource 134). 3. What type of entry dominated Wesleys writing? Augustines? 4. What did you learn about John Wesley from this brief journal excerpt? 5. What did you learn about Aurelius Augustine from his journal? 6. What would a reader a hundred years from now learn about you if they dug up your journal from this class? 7. Are the concerns of Augustine and Wesley still relevant to us today? Would these same themes appear in journals of contemporary Christians?
Resource 13-5
Resource 13-6
2. Do you feel more strongly than ever that spiritual journaling can nourish your own spiritual life? A. Definitely B. Yes C. Not really
3. When you signed the Affirmation or pledge to do spiritual journaling even after this class is over what was your attitude? A. Gladly B. Okay C. Are you kidding?
4. How would you rate the experience of sharing from each others journal? A. Very helpful B. Useful C. Wasted time
Resource 14-1
Study Guide
Use this guide to process the content of Resources 14-2 through 14-7.
2. What traditional support can be found for this discipline? That is, what has the church generally taught on this subject?
3. List ideas from observation and experience about the value of this discipline for Christians today.
4. Create a list of three to five guidelines that could usefully serve in your church or ministry situation.
Resource 14-2
Thoughts on Fasting
Use Resource 14-1 to guide your reflection and discussion of this discipline of abstinence.
1. When you begin to deny the body food or drink (or sex) you will discover how used to being satisfied your body is. Its demand will be insistent, until fasting has become a usual discipline. purifying grace . . . to add. . . earnestness to our prayers. . . to avert the wrath of God, and to obtain all the . . . promises. . . made. . . in Jesus Christ (The Sermon
on the Mount, Discourse 7, Edward H. Sugden, ed., John Wesleys Fifty-Three Sermons [Nashville: Abingdon Press, 1983], 334.)
Fasting reveals how often we use food and drink as comfort sources because we lack emotional and spiritual health. Nothing promotes gluttony more than a low self-image, overwork, criticism, or failure in relationships.
10. Bible characters for whom fasting was very important included Moses, Elijah, David, Zechariah, Daniel, Jonah, Joel, Paul, Barnabas, Nehemiah, Isaiah, and Jesus of Nazareth.
Fasting shows trust in God because the fasting believer finds a source for sustenance beyond food. Our belly is not our god fasting regularly lets us and our body know that.
Fasting will certainly demonstrate how powerful and clever our body is in getting its own way against our strongest resolves (Willard, The Spirit
of the Disciplines, 166).
Fasting is giving up food so we can concentrate on the spiritual, not the physical. Fasting to lose weight or to participate in a hunger strike has little, if any, spiritual value.
Fasting leads to selfcontrol in other areas of life. Thomas Kempis, in The Imitation of Christ, wrote, Refrain from gluttony and thou shalt the more easily restrain all the inclinations of the flesh (cited by Willard,
John Wesley taught that fasting should always have the glory of God as its aim. We fast to express our sorrow and shame for transgressions; to wait for an increase in
Prayer needs fasting. Prayer is the one hand with which we grasp the invisible; fasting, the other, with which we let loose and cast away the
Resource 14-3
Thoughts on Chastity
Use Resource 14-1 to guide your reflection and discussion of this discipline of abstinence.
1. To practice the discipline of chastity we turn away from dwelling upon or engaging in the sexual dimensions of our relationships to others even our husbands or wives (Willard, 170). 6. The amount of human grief and suffering because of misuse of the sexual drive is horrifying. Therefore, the will of God . . . [is] that each of you know how to take a wife for himself in holiness and honor (1 Thess 4:4, RSV). Each of you should learn to control his own body in a way that is holy and honorable, not in the passion of lust like heathen who do not know God (1 Thess 4:4, NRSV). 9. Mastery over sexual conduct allows us to build friendships in the community of faith without sexual attraction always fouling the friendships. Chastity confirms us in the practice of being very close to people without sexual entanglements (Willard, 170). Augustine said, I fouled the springs of friendship with the concupiscence of lust.
Sex was Gods idea, and as an expression of love between married partners it is good, even sacred.
Some mistakenly think that getting married is a license to abandon all sexual self-control.
Though sexual union is a very important part of marriage, it cannot carry all the freight. Marriages built on sexual attraction alone soon die.
One evangelical denominations governing body passed a creedal statement noting that it is a violation of Christian propriety and the conscience of the church to treat ones souse like a pornographic object.
10. Sexuality reaches into the essence of our beings. To deny that is to live a lie. To submit sexuality to the discipline of the Spirit is to be a true disciple. The discipline of chastity calls us to proper life as males and females, refusing to let sex dominate and spoil the spiritual life.
Mutual abstention from sex in marriage can be an aid to the spiritual life (1
Cor 7:5).
Abstaining from sexual thoughts and acts in marriage for a given time allows the Christian couple to live out the truth that physical urges are not to govern us.
Resource 14-4
Thoughts on Solitude
Use Resource 14-1 to guide your reflection and discussion of this discipline of abstinence.
1. Jesus repeatedly sought solitude. 2. Solitude as a spiritual discipline is more than just getting away to relaxthough that can enhance your spiritual life. Solitude is seeking to be alone in hope that God will soon join you as you commune about the things that really matter. 3. Solitude has risks. You have to look inside. You cant depend on sitcoms and game shows or business meetings or soccer practice to keep your soul distracted. 4. If you do not find yourself alone, you will not find yourself at all (Andre Gide). 5. It is not easy to be solitary unless you are born ruthless. Every solitary repudiates someone, wrote Jessamyn West in the Los Angeles Times (July 24, 1983, part 4, p. 3, cited by Willard, 161). That is, to be alone you almost always have to say no to a spouse, child, friend, or church committee. 6. We need to find solitude because the world in which we live, study, work, and do business is a world that conspires against God and godliness. 7. Solitude is especially important to the novice or rookie Christian. 8. We must scrutinize our schedules and find pockets of solitudeor we must change our lifestyles. 9. It is in solitude that we discover that being is more important than having, and the we are worth more than the result of our efforts. In solitude we discover that our life is not a possession to be defended, but a gift to be shared (Henri Nouwen, Out of Solitude [Notre Dame, Ind.: Ave Maria Press, 1974], 20).
Resource 14-5
Thoughts on Silence
Use Resource 14-1 to guide your reflection and discussion of this discipline of abstinence. 1. Solitude and silence go together, but silence goes beyond solitude. Silence is the way to make solitude a reality, wrote Henri Nouwen (cited by Willard, 163). 2. Susan Muto says that we shun silence because it evokes nameless misgivings, guilt feelings, strange disquieting anxiety (Pathways, 77). 3. Until you can sing and rejoice and delight in God as misers do in gold and kings in scepters you will not hasten to Him who calls you in the silences of your heart (Thomas Traherne and Thomas Kelly, cited in Reflecting God, 146). 4. Busyness rapes relationships. It substitutes shallow frenzy for deep friendships . . . It feeds the ego, but starves the inner man (Herald of Holiness, Jan. 1998, 25). 5. Silence is frightening because it strips us as nothing else does, throwing us upon the stark realities of our life. It reminds us of death, which will cut us off from this world and leave only us and God (Willard, 163). 6. Did you ever notice how hard it is to be silent in the presence of others? 7. Novelist, Faith Baldwin tells of New York visitors to her countryside home being unable to seep because of the deafening silence. 8. Silence allows us to hear the gentle God whose only Son will not . . . cry out; no one will hear his voice in the streets (Mt 12:19), but they will hear Him in the silence of their hearts. 9. Silence helps us learn the art of not speaking. Perhaps we then can take time to really listen for a change. 10. We often speak out when we should be quiet because we want others to know how important we are. When we develop a quiet confidence born in silence before God we may have the wisdom, when others come fishing for reassurance and approval send them to fish in deeper waters for their own inner quiet (Willard, 165).
Resource 14-6
2. Les L. Steele defines Christian simplicity as a willingness to disentangle ourselves from too many commitments, relieve ourselves of debts and obligations that keep us anxious and burdened (On the Way [Grand Rapids: Baker, 1990], 93).
7. A man who gave $600 million to charity explained that he could only wear one pair of shoes, only eat one hamburger. So why have millions stacked up? Others needed it more.
3. Christian simplicity is the opposite of the credit-card addiction that says I should have everything now.
8. Conspicuous consumption flaunted before the poor inspires them to disgust or envy.
4. In frugality we abstain from using money or goods . . . in ways that merely gratify our desires or our hungers for status, glamour, or luxury (Willard, 168).
9. Simplicity is making the journey of life with just enough baggage (Charles Warner, Herald of Holiness, Jan. 1998, 24).
Resource 14-7
Thoughts on Secrecy
Use Resource 14-1 to guide your reflection and discussion of this discipline of abstinence. 1. Dallas Willard describes the discipline of secrecy as abstaining from making our good deeds and qualities known (Spirit of the Disciplines, 172). 2. Self-promotion is important in the business world where artists, writers, actors, and business executives hawk their portfolios and rsums. Whole books are written on just how to promote yourself. But self-promotion in the spiritual realm is a sure sign of sickness or sin. 3. Several ministers were in a meeting. One mentioned his teaching trip to Russia from which he had just returned. A second man then told about his own educational trip to Russia. The third had to go back to high school days but told of a mission trip of two weeks in Moscow. The fourth man, I knew, had spent a whole year teaching pastors in Russia, but he remained silent. The discipline of secrecy, I thought. I almost envied him, because I was one of the three who just had to blab about my wonderful ministry in Russia! 4. A friend of mine recently gave a million dollars to a Christian school to construct a buildinga building that will carry another mans name above the door. The discipline of secrecy. 5. Troy Winslow spent 27 years as a missionary to the Philippines. He never made more than $15,000 in a yearuntil he retired and then he made a lot of money in the stock market. He never told me of his giving. But when I went to the Philippines to teach I kept running into gifts he had quietly bought for the field. A Jeep for the Jesus Film Ministry, a building for a Christian elementary school, a remodeled church, and several others. I had no idea he was quietly giving tens of thousands to missions. The discipline of secrecy. (From The Christians Guide to Financial Freedom, Bill Martin and Wes Tracy, a video course, Nazarene Publishing House, 2000). 6. How strong is what John Wesley used to call the thirst for praise. Only the divinely enabled grace of secrecy can help us overcome that thirst. 7. The practice of the discipline of secrecy helps us develop a relationship with God independent of the opinions of others (Willard, 17273). 8. Christian figures who are always bragging on themselves, showing off their credentials, and dropping names of the rich and famous are advertising more than their great achievements. They are also hawking their shallowness and their neglect of the grace of secrecy. Put them on your prayer list. 9. Read Philippians 2:3.
May the Lord make your love increase and overflow for each other . . . Therefore encourage one another and build each other up, just as in fact you are doing. 1 Thessalonians 3:12; 5:11 My purpose is that they may be encouraged in heart and united in love, so that they may have the full riches . . . [and] know the mystery of . . . Christ, in whom are hidden all the treasures of wisdom and knowledge. Colossians 2:2-3
The needs of people who will likely be in the congregation. The service should be formative. That is, it should help people grow spiritually. Make out the order of service in detail. Include objective and subjective, directive, and spontaneous elements. Cite the sermon text and theme. Journal Prompts: Cite some worship practice that seems to help others but leaves you cold and empty. Prayerfully explore the uses and aim of that worship practice as well as why it doesnt touch you. Carry on a written conversation with yourself probing this quotation: People argue about worship because they are talking about the most important thing in the universehow to reach God. No wonder they have strong opinions. But once you understand the nature and history of some worship practice that is different from your own you no longer fear or fight it (Noble Hansen).
Resource 15-1
Resource 15-2
New Testament worship used Old Testament ceremonies, but reinterpreted them as having been fulfilled in Christ.
New Testament worship affirmed orthodox belief through creeds and confessions of faith.
Resource 15-3
Resource 15-4
Pentecostal Worship
20th century
Frontier Worship
19th century
Methodist Worship
18th century
Quaker Worship
Separatist and Puritan Worship Reformed Worship Anglican Worship Lutheran Worship
17th century
Anabaptist Worship
16th century
Resource 15-5
Methodist Worship
Listening Team Guide The task of the Listening Team is to take careful notes on the lecture and at the time for discussion CLARIFY, AMPLIFY, and raise QUESTIONS in behalf of the class. Besides the lecture, look closely at Resource 15-4. 1. Origins and Nature of 18th-Century Methodist Worship Listen for such things as mission, use of preaching, teaching, music, sacraments, etc.
For Clarification
For Amplification
Resource 15-6
Frontier Worship
Listening Team Guide The task of the Listening Team is to take careful notes on the lecture and at the time for discussion CLARIFY, AMPLIFY, and raise QUESTIONS in behalf of the class. Besides the lecture, look closely at Resource 15-4. 1. Foundations of Frontier Worship, 19th Century
2. Practices of Frontier Worship A. Sacraments B. Preaching C. Music D. Prayer E. Order of Service F. Service G. The Church Year H. Confirmation I. Worship Space
For Clarification
For Amplification
Resource 15-7
2. Practices of Pentecostal or Contemporary Worship A. Sacraments B. Liturgy C. Music D. Prayer E. Tone and Texture F. Healing G. The Church Year H. Confirmation I. Worship Space
J. Preaching
For Clarification
For Amplification
Minister: Do you believe in the Holy Spirit? Renewing Believers: I believe in the Holy Spirit, the Lord and Giver of life, who proceedeth from the Father and the Son, who with the Father and the Son together is worshipped and glorified; who spoke by the prophets. 2. The Renewal Vows (taken from Hale, The Church Rituals Handbook, Beacon Hill Press, 1997, 16-19. Used by permission.) Minister: On behalf of Christ and the Church, I ask you: Do you renounce Satan and all the spiritual forces of wickedness that rebel against God? Response: I renounce them. Minister: Do you renounce the evil powers of this world that corrupt and that destroy the creatures of God? Response: I renounce them. Minister: Do you renounce sinful desires that draw you away from the love of God? Response: I renounce them. Minister: Have you repented of your sins, turned to Christ, and accepted Him as your Savior? Response: I have. Minister: Have you put your whole trust in His grace alone for your redemption? Response: I have. Minister: Do you promise to follow and obey Him as your redeeming Lord? Response: I do. Minister: Will you earnestly seek to purify yourself from everything that contaminates body and spirit, perfecting holiness out of reverence for Christ? Response: I will, with Gods help. Minister: Will you serve the present age, fulfilling in your life and ministry the call of Christ to make disciples of all nations? Response: I will, with Gods help.
Journal Prompt Respond to this as a way of preparing for the next lesson on face-toface groups: We are, each of us, an angels with only one wing, and we can only fly by embracing each other (Luciano de Crescenzo).
Resource 16-1
Frequently Asked Questions About Baptism
Take careful notes as your learning leader gives answers to these FAQs.
FAQ-3. What does the Church of the Nazarene say about baptism?
FAQ-7. What do we know about the actual baptism ceremony in the Early Church?
Resource 16-2
a. Jesus himself started this tradition? b. We are commanded to keep this sacrament in memory of Jesus? c. The Lords Supper points to the Second Coming? d. There is danger of betrayal even at the table of the Lord? e. We should examine our hearts before taking Communion? f. The privilege of the Lords Supper can be abused and cheapened? g. Holy Communion commemorates and renews the new covenant in Jesus blood? h. Prayers of thanksgiving should be a part of Communion? i. Holy Communion is the Christians Passover? j. All Christians are one body? k. The Communion cup is a cup of blessing that we bless? l. The bread and wine stand for the body and blood of Christ Jesus?
Resource 16-3
Resource 16-4
Consider the quotations about the Lords Supper given below. Write the number (or numbers) of the affirmation(s) in Resource 16-3 that each quote reinforces, amplifies, or clarifies. a. In the Supper our Lord is present. The Christ of Calvary, risen and ascended, sits with us in the Supper (J. Kenneth Grider, A Wesleyan-Holiness Theology, 519). b. Of thy sacramental feast this day, O Son of God, accept me as a partaker. . . . I will not give thee a kiss like Judas (The Liturgy of St. Basil). c. The question is not. Am I good enough to take communion? Rather it is, Am I willing to give my whole life in self-oblivious sacrifice in the name of Jesus? (Evelyn Underhill, The Mystery of Sacrifice [Harrisburg, PA: Morehouse Pub., 1991], 51). d. As our bodies are strengthened by bread and wine, so are our souls by these tokens of the body and the blood of Christ. . . . This gives strength to perform our duty and leads us on to perfection (John Wesley, Works, 7:148). e. As this piece [of bread] was scattered over the hills and then brought together and made one, so let your Church be brought together from the ends of the earth into your Kingdom (The Didache). f. The Lords Supper is the sacrament of memory (William Barclay). g. The Church is the Body of Christ, the organ of His eternal self-offering . . . each of her members accepts a sacrificial status, is willing to give all for the worlds need. In the Lords supper, the believer is stretching out the arms upon the cross . . .that they may embrace the whole world (Underhill, The Mystery of Sacrifice, 29). h. Our minds leap forward, too, in the Supper. We are to rehope at this time for the second coming of Christ to finalize our redemption (Grider, 510). i. In the Eucharist it may be that the soul is led into the very recesses of the Godhead, and by love made visible is snatched up to the Invisible Love (Underhill, 5). j. Consume the thorns of my offenses. Make clean my soul, make holy my mind (Underhill, The Greek Heiratikon, 74). k. It approaches the ridiculous to exclude fellow believers from Communion. . . . It is unfortunate, if not ridiculous, in a local church setting, when a visiting Christian is prohibited from receiving Communion . . . ! (Grider, 508). l. This meal need not be special, nor exhilaratingly meaningful (though sometimes it is both). This is the normal food of Christians. . . . We return again and again to the Lords table . . . as habitually . . . as we gather at the breakfast table (William Willimon, The Service of God, [Nashville: Abingdon Press, 1983], 127). m. The Eucharist was not a solemn, mournful occasion, but a festive one . . . .[with] the presence of Christ as the host of a present celebration (Rob Staples, Outward Sign and Inward Grace, 229, 245). n. In my hand no price I bring; / Simply to thy cross I cling (Augustus Toplady).
Resource 17-1
The Society
Resource 17-2
1. What spiritual failures have you experienced since our last meeting? What known sins, if any, have you committed?
2. What temptations have you battled with this week? Where do you feel the most vulnerable right now?
3. What temptations have you been delivered from this week? Please share with us how you won the victory.
4. Has the Lord revealed anything to you about your heart and life that makes you want us to join you in taking a second look at what might be sinful attitudes, lifestyle, or motivations?
5. Is there any spiritual problem that you have never been able to talk aboutto us or even to God?
Resource 17-3
8. If you were to organize a group that you selected in No. 7 above, what would the appropriate first steps be (permissions, ownership, scheduling, curriculum, group leader, etc.)?
Resource 17-4
Step 1. Opening Prayer Use both extemporary prayer and these words from Wesleys family prayers for Sunday: Almighty and eternal God, we desire to praise thy holy name. . . . How great was thy love to the sinful sons of men! . . . Compose our spirits to a quiet and steady dependence on thy good providence (John Wesleys Prayers, ed. Frederick C. Gill [New York: Abingdon, 1951], 59, 63). Step 2. Psalm Singing If psalm singing is too much for your family or group, select a hymn or gospel song rich in devotional content and sing it. If you like the challenge of psalm singing, try this excerpt from Psalm 103:13-14, 17-18, NKJV: As a father pities his children, So the Lord pities them who fear Him. For He knows our frame; He remembers that we are dust. The mercy of the Lord is From everlasting to everlasting . . . To such as keep His covenant, To those who remember His commandments. Step 3. Bible Study A. Select a passage for study, or use Psalm 103. B. Parents are to explain the passage. Concentrate on the timeless principles. Putting the Scriptures on the childs level usually requires advance study by the parent(s). Remember that children deal best with the concrete. Use examples from everyday life. C. Children are then to explain the passage back to the parents. Thus the parents have the opportunity and responsibility to guide the child to proper understanding of the Word. Step 4. Prayer Begin by reading one of these prayers used by Wesley. Explain the prayer. Mere recital of words that we do not quite understand does not help us much. If there are very young children in your family worship replace these following prayers with much more simple ones. After the written prayer, voice a prayer in your own words. A. Almighty God, to whom all hearts be open, all desires known, and from whom no secrets are hid. Cleanse the thoughts of our hearts, by the inspiration of thy Holy Spirit, that we may perfectly love thee, and worthily magnify thy holy name. Through Jesus Christ our Lord, Amen (Book of Common Prayer). B. O Lord, increase in us faith and devotion; give us humility and propriety, patience in adversity, and continual joy in the Holy Spirit. Give us modesty in our countenance, composure in our behavior, wisdom in our speech, holiness in our actions. Let thy mercy cleanse us from all our sins, and confirm us in all righteousness (quoted by Steven J. Harper, The Devotional Life of John Wesley 1703-1725, Unpublished Ph.D. dissertation, Duke University, 1981, 2:258). Step 5. Sing the Doxology Together Step 6. The Benediction A parent gives a benediction of their own, or a Bible verse or this benediction of Wesley: Pardon, O gracious Jesus, what we have been, With all thy holy discipline correct what we are. Order by thy providence what we shall be, And in the end crown all thy gifts. Amen (Prayers, Gill, 103). Step 7. The Blessing Each child shall say, Father (Mother) bless me in Jesus name. Parental response (never to be refused) ___(name)_______ I bless you in the name of Jesus who loves you and gave His life for you. May His forgiveness, grace, and peace be yours this day/night, and every day of your life. This service is adapted from The Upward Call (197-99) and used by permission of Beacon Hill Press of Kansas City.
Resource 18-1
One-on-One Relationships
Faith mentoring is the ministry of an experienced, mature, established Christian to a new convert, a young Christian, or even a not-yet-saved person. It is the spiritual equivalent of a journeyman-apprentice relationship. John Wesley called them spiritual fathers and nursing mothers.
Twin souls is the term Wesley used to describe two mature spiritual friends who meet with each other regularly as equals giving to each other support, accountability, discerning insight, concerned counsel, and love as they serve as Gods usher to one another.
Resource 18-2
1. Coach
2. Model
7. Advocate
3. Gift-giver
8. Guarantor
4. Map-maker
For Discussion 1. Which of the foregoing roles of faith mentors has someone served for you? Who has been your coach, guarantor, advocate, model, etc.? Be specific. Be prepared to share. 2. Which of the foregoing faith mentor roles have you served for someone else? Be specific. Be prepared to share. 3. Can you think of someone in your present ministry situation that needs a faith mentor? What roles would a faith mentor need to serve for him or her right now?
5. Sponsor
Resource 18-3
For Discussion 1. What keeps most Christians from making the commitments required of faith mentors? 2. Do you think that faith mentoring should be a same-gender relationship? Why? 3. What needs to be added [or subtracted] from the Faith Mentors Pledge?
Resource 18-4
6. 7. 8.
10. The single stone that marks the graves of poet Robert Frost and his wife in Bennington, VT are inscribed with the words, Wing to wing and oar to oar. Every Christian needs a spiritual companion wing to wing and oar to oar. 11. Old Chinese Proverb: If you are planting for a year, plant grain. If you are planting for a decade, plant trees. If you are planting for a century, plant people.
For Discussion Think about someone who has served as a mentor or as a spiritual friend. If you were to write them a letter of thanks today, what would you say? John Wesley taught that one cannot make the Christian journey without spiritual friends and companions on the way. In one place he said one would be crazy to try to live the spiritual life alone. What is your opinion?
Resource 18-5
10. A person who practices frankness and honesty. 11. A person who listens and shows tender respect. 12. A man or woman with the gift of patience. 13. A person of peace and tranquillity and free from greed. 14. A person who prefers God over things. 15. A man or woman who practices self-giving love, openness and vulnerability in relationships. 16. A person who knows forgiveness and is forgiving. 17. A person of experience in life and in prayer. 18. A person who loves the poor. 19. __________________________________________________________________ 20. __________________________________________________________________ For Discussion 1. As you read over the list of qualities above, open your heart to see faces and names. For example, when you read, A man or woman known for personal holiness or A person who knows the Scriptures who comes to mind? Match at least four persons and qualities.
2. If you were called upon to be a soul friend, which of the foregoing qualities would those who
know you say you have? Which ones would you say you most sorely lack?
Christs love compels us, because we are convinced . . . that those who live [in Christ] should no longer live for themselves.
2 Corinthians 5:14-15
Resource 19-1
Jesus knows what to do. Joseph has told him all about this ceremony at home many times. Jesus is ready. All eyes are upon Him. Carefully the boy begins to lick the honey off the slate. The honey, along with the chalk-written words, comes off the slate on His tongue. No snickers. No one laughs. This is serious business. As Jesus licks the slate clean, the teacher solemnly says to Him, May the Law of the Lord be sweet as honey to you as long as you live. You remember, dont you, that both Ezekiel and John the Revelator wrote something like, And I ate the book, and it was in my mouth as sweet as honey. They were both recalling the experience of their first day of school, and, of course, every Jewish reader of their words knew exactly what they were talking about. Sweet Cakes and Prayer Still later in the day, probably about noon, just before the school day was overit was so hot there that school ran from dawn until noonanother special event awaited the young Jesus. It was the ceremony of the sweet cakes. The teacher brought out an expensive dessert made of nuts, raisins, figs or dates, and honey. A rare treat and only the first-day student received it. The sweet cake was prepared in a special way. Sometimes the teacher would make it in the shape of a letter of the alphabet that stood for Torah or Law. Sometimes he decorated it with frosting or icing, writing letters that symbolized the Law or Torah. The teacher explains the shape and symbols on the sweet cake. And once again, Jesus repeats after the teacher. The Law shall be my calling. Once again, the teacher tells Jesus to eat the sweet cake. As He eats and the other kids watch, the teacher says, May the Holy Law, always be to you as sweet as the finest dessert. And as this food gives strength to your body, may your strength come from the Law of God all the days of your life. When the young Jesus finishes the sweet cake, it is time for prayer. The teacher puts his hand on Jesus curly little head and he prays the prayer of Two Petitions. First he prays and asks that the angels of God will open Jesus heart. Second, he prays that God will strengthen the boys mind and His memory so that He will never forget the day when He promised, The Law shall be my calling. And with the prayer of Two Petitions the first day of school was over for yet another Jewish boy. Well, would this type of education work? From that first day of school in which Jesus ate the book as sweet as honey, and when He ate the sweet cakes and promised, The Law shall be my calling, lets move ahead some 28 years. Would Jesus, a quarter of a century or more later, still think that the Law was His calling? Come with me. Jesus is preaching on the Mount of Beatitudes. Listen carefully. He speaks. Make no mistake, He says. Do not think that I have come to destroy the Law . . . I did not come to destroy the Law, but to fulfill it. Truly, I tell you that not one punctuation point of the Law shall pass away till heaven and earth pass away. And whoever breaks the least of these commandments and teaches men to do so shall be the least in the kingdom of heaven, but anyone who keeps the Law and teaches others to keep it, that one will be the greatest in the kingdom of heaven (authors paraphrase of Matt 5:17-20). I ask you, did it work? That first day of school was an educational experience that Jesus never got over (Reginald Cross. Used by permission of the author). For Reflection and Discussion List three important things about teaching and learning that the foregoing account brings to your mind. What teaching opportunities exist for preachers?
Resource 19-2
Read and discuss these quotes about preaching in your Base Group. Answer the questions that follow and prepare a report on preaching as a discipline of service for the class. There is, perhaps, no greater hardship at present inflicted on mankind in civilized and free countries, than the necessity of listening to sermons. No one but a preaching clergyman has . . . the power of compelling an audience to sit silent and be tormented. No one but a preaching clergyman can revel in platitudes, truisms and untruisms, and yet receive, as his undisputed privilege, the same respectful demeanour as though words of impassioned eloquence, or persuasive logic, fell from his lips.
Anthony Trollope, Borchester Towers, 1857
It is a sin to assemble a congregation each week and enter into the pulpit poorly prepared.
Arndt L. Halvorson, Authentic Preaching
Spiritual formation occurs through the ministry of preaching. . . . preaching acts as one of the greatest tools of spiritual formation within the church.
Mel Lawrenz, The Dynamics of Spiritual Formation
Formative preaching is an event of the Word. The living Word (Christ) and the written Word (the Scriptures), in conjunction with the spoken word (sermon), creates an event of the Word, as the servant of the Word proclaims upon the housetops what he or she has heard in secret.
Wesley Tracy, Whats a Nice God like You Doing in a Place like This? (Kansas City: Beacon Hill Press of Kansas City, 1990), 11.
In what ways is personal spiritual formation expressed in the service discipline of preaching?
Good preaching is based on the Good Book. Good preaching comes from good people. Good preaching needs good structure. How does spiritual formation contribute to these three statements about good preaching?
Resource 19-3
Read and discuss this story in your Base Broup. Answer the questions that follow and prepare a report on evangelism and mission as a discipline of service for the class. Who Will Answer Her Questions? Dr. Fred Craddock told in a sermon about attending a joint meeting of the American Academy of Religion and the Society of Biblical Literature. Some 3,000 of the worlds best scholars and teachers had gathered in Los Angeles to dig into papers, lectures, and panel discussions of the most scholarly sort. Craddock said it took a lot of energy just to listen to those deep papers, so he took a coffee break. In the lobby of the hotel where the meeting was being held a woman, about 40, stopped him just outside the coffee shop. Are you attending the meeting here of Bible people? she asked. Yes. Can anyone come? Well, to some of the lessons, yes. Well, I want to come, she said. Why? Craddock asked. She told him that since she was 16 she had walked the streets selling her body. The other night, she said, I caught my teenage daughter beginning to do the same thing. I want to become a Christian. Ive got to do something. She had a Bible, an old Bible with a zipper. I couldnt think of a lesson I could send her to, said Craddock. They went into the coffee shop. Dr. Craddock (a New Testament scholar) opened her Bible and read her some of it. They talked. He explained the gospel. They prayed. Then Craddock made a phone call to a church in the neighborhood. A pastor from that church came, and the pastor and the new believer drove away together. By this time Craddock had completely missed the lecture on A Postmodern Critique of the Bultmannian Hermeneutic. Scholarship is important. Without it the Church would sink in prejudice and sentimentality. Craddock explained why he missed the lesson. Somebody had to answer the womans questions. Reflection and Discussion 1. What does this true story tell you about ministerial priorities? 2. What does it tell you about the readiness of people to listen to the gospel? 3. What does this story say about the place of the Bible in personal evangelism? 4. Does this story say that scholarship is of little value? 5. What does this story say about the role of the local church in nurturing converts?
Resource 19-4
Pity Is Not Enough The French are great cyclists and the Tour de France the greatest bicycle race of all. If you watch the French team, you will see the domestique (the word means servant). He will not win the race. He is not intended to win. Yet mile after weary mile he pedals on. His job is to shield the top cyclist who will win the race. The domestique shields him from the wind and creates a draft in which the star cyclist will ride throughout the race. The domestique gets no trophy, no wild cheers from adoring fans. The one he has enabled to win the race is crowned and that is enough for him. Holy service is all about becoming a domestique for Christ and our fellow travelers (Wes Tracy, et al. Reflecting God, 158). It is not enough to occasionally feel pity for those in need. We must, if we are to be truly Christian domestique, step into identity and solidarity with those in any kind of need. Consider these thoughts on this topic. It is a fact that every time a man feels a noble impulse without taking action, he becomes less likely ever to take action. In a sense it is true to say that a man has no right to feel sympathy unless he at least tries to put that sympathy into action (William Barclay, Daily Study Bible, James and Peter, 76). Anyone can salve his conscience by an occasional foray into knitting for the spastic home. Did you ever take a real trip down inside the broken heart of a friend? To feel the sob of the soulthe raw, red crucible of emotional agony. . . . This is the beginning of compassion (Jess Moody, QuoteUnquote, [Wheaton, IL: Victor Books, 1977], 66). Christlike compassion is not knowing about the suffering and pain of others. It is in some way knowing that pain, entering in to it, sharing it and tasting it (Matthew Fox, A Spirituality Named Compassion [Minneapolis: Winston Press, 1971], 21). There should be less talk; a preaching point is not a meeting point. What do you do then? Take a broom and clean someones house. That says enough? (Mother Teresa of Calcutta, as quoted by Janine Tartaglia, et al. The Upward Call, 235). The church will not wax radiant until we learn how to receive love. . . . There is a certain superiority when we give love to others, and a certain helplessness when others offer love to us. When we give love we are in control. We pick the person or persons we will honor with our love, how much we will dole out at a time, and if and when we will give it. When we are on the receiving end of love and assistance we are no longer in control. The other person decides how, when, and how much. We are almost helpless as receivers, but we must learn to receive love from each other or settle for being a proudly grim bunch of believers (Reflecting God, 157).
Response Discuss these quotations about mercy and compassion and determine a story, true or imaginary, that demonstrates one or more of the points made in the quotations.
Resource 19-5
1. 2.
Resource 19-6
membership clubs
1. The names of people in my network who need to find the Lord include:
2. In what ways do you think the Lord wants you to minister to them? When?
Resource 20-1
2. A Soteriological Aim
4. An Ecumenical Spirit
12. Mutual Guidance, Accountability, and Encouragement Through Small Groups 13. The Church as Community
5. A Biblical Foundation
6. A Christ-Centered Focus
7. A Synthetic Method
18. Pure Hearts, Attitudes, and Motives 20. Holiness or Christian Perfection as Love
For Reflection and Discussion 1. In terms of spiritual formation and Christian nurture, the most Wesleyan thing that happens in the church I pastor or attend is . . . 4. One idea in the lecture that I want to know more about is . . .
2. At what points is the social setting in which you work like or unlike that of John Wesley?
3. The best idea about spiritual formation and the holy life that came to my mind during this lecture was . . .
6. After considering the elements in Wesleyan spirituality, what part of it is the hardest for you to maintain in your own personal devotional life? In your church?
A Brochure or Website
Starting with the 20 characteristics of Wesleyan-Holiness spirituality given in Resource 20-1, plan a brochure that defines what your local Wesleyan-Holiness church is and does. The target audience could include: Unchurched people in your neighborhood whom your calling teams visit Visitors to your church Candidates for membership in your church who are in a membership training course The brochure will have four pages. Working together, plan each page. Plan the words and the graphics for the cover and for each of the other three pages. You may choose to design, instead of a brochure, an Internet website that introduces your church. Start with the 20 characteristics given in the lecture.
Resource 20-3
How would you rate your overall Wesleyan Way to Spiritual Formation experience? Rate the effectiveness of The Wesleyan Way in enhancing community through spiritual friendship, faith mentoring, and Christian fellowship in your own life.
Are you now a better minister than you were before taking this course?
Evaluate the role of this course in enhancing personal spiritual growth in your life.
To what extent was the content relevant, fresh, insightful, and understandable?
To what extent were the stories, examples, quotations, etc., effective in communicating ideas and inspiration?
Evaluate the success of the writers and editors in putting the materials between too simple and too complex.
Grade the relevance of the material to your life and ministry situation.
11. How successful were the materials in communicating salvation by grace through faith in Jesus Christ?
12. Evaluate the presentation of confession, repentance, and adoption as the path to new life in Christ.
Below Avg.
13. How effective was the presentation of the holy life as transformation into Christlikeness?
14. To what extent was the privilege of intimacy with God made real?
15. To what extent was the presentation of loving submission or self-surrender as the key to the holy life clearly communicated?
16. Rate the effectiveness of the presentation of Wesleyan distinctives like sanctification and helping the needy as spiritual disciplines.
17. Grade the effectiveness of the module in emphasizing the need for faith mentoring, spiritual friends, and face-to-face groups.
18. How effective was the teaching about how to study the Bible?
19. How effective was the teaching of prayer and meditation skills?
20. How effective were the materials in teaching the importance of worship and the sacraments?
21. To what degree were the materials effective in teaching the use of music in the spiritual life?
23. Evaluate the use of the Jigsaw Method. 24. Evaluate the effectiveness of the journaling experience in terms of how it helped you clarify spiritual issues and helped you face up to them.
25. Rate the effectiveness of the journaling exercises in bringing theory and practice together. 26. Grade the weight of the homework assignments in terms of the golden mean of being just right without being too hard or too light.
Resource 20-4