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WORD PROCESSING Definition: Word-processing is essentially typing, editing, and manipulation of a document in a desired form. Units of the Document: Since word-processing is concerned with preparation of a document (in a desired form), it is essential to know the units of the document: 1. Character: It refers to the alphabets, numerical digits, punctuations and other special symbols which are commonly used in the text. 2. Word: A word is group of characters that are separated from other group of characters by some delimiters like, comma, full stop and space. 3. Sentence: A sentence is a group of words preceded and followed by appropriate delimiting characters. 4. Paragraph: It is a group of one or more sentences, paragraphs are separated by leaving blank lines between them. 5. Pages: It is the amount of text that can be printed on one page of a paper. 6. Chapters: It is a collection of pages 7. Documents and files: It is a group of chapters. Usually, a complete document may be very short such as a memo(or letter) or very long such as a book consisting of several chapters. These documents are referred as Files. Features of Word-processing:

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1. Word-wrap: In word-processing packages, the text can be continuously typed and the computer automatically starts a fresh line when a line is filled up. As soon as the length of a sentence exceeds the right margin, the corresponding word is automatically adjusted in the following line. This is called word-wrap. A paragraph is created only when carriage control is externally given for a sentence. 2. Cursor Control: The four directional keys of the keyboard ( for editing in much the similar manner as that of a pointer or pencil. 3. Editing: Words or lines can be entered (inserted) or deleted in any part of the text with proper alignment . Similarly, there is a facility to recover the text which is deleted by mistake or accidentally. Another important facility is that any word can be replaced by a new word through out the file, wherever the old word appears. In addition to these, a block of text(which is frequently used) can be prepared and moved or copied wherever desired in the file. ) helps in locating the text

1. Word-wrap 2. cursor control 3. editing 4. formatting 5. spell-check 6. thesaurus 7. macros 8. printing 9. file management 10. mail merge printing



4. Formatting : The text formatting refers to the way the text is desired to appear on a page. This includes following functions setting left and right margins paragraph settings line spacing selecting font specifications such as underline, bold, italics, superscripts and subscripts setting foot-notes

number of lines per page printing page numbers and headings for Header and Footer table of contents indexing the text 5. Spell-check: Word-processing packages provide checking of spellings facility 6. Thesaurus: It provides synonyms (or words with similar meanings) 7. Macros: A macro is a character or word that represents a series of keystrokes. The ability to define macros allows us to save a lot of time by replacing common combinations of keystrokes. 8. Printing: It gives a hard copy of the text. The printing can be controlled after printing a fixed number of pages or can be resumed from any specified page number. 9. File management: This facility allows to create, delete, move & search for files. 10. Mail merge printing: This facility helps in printing same original letter with different addresses, so that each letter is original and not a carbon copy. Word-processing Packages: Several word-processing packages are available. Some of these are listed below:




MS- Word is a word processor. The extension name of MS- word is .doc. It is an application used to create, edit, print and save a document. It allows the user to insert pictures, tables, charts, drawings & features that will make the text richer & more interactive. ( The term document refers to a file created using word processor) Starting MS-Word: Start All Programs MS-office MS-word MS-word icon is w.

The default Word document includes the following layout tools: Title bar: displays the document name and the application. Menu bar: Contains the list of menus available inside word, each menu contains a specific set of commands. Standard toolbar: provides shortcuts in the form of buttons for frequently performed tasks. Formatting toolbar: Contains a list of formatting options available inside the format menu. Horizontal & Vertical rulers: used for measurement purposes like any normal ruler; the default unit of measure is in inches. White page area: is the space area where you type, edit and format your document. Insertion point : is the blinking vertical line that indicates the position on the screen where text or graphics will be placed. Task pane : is a small window within the word window that provides shortcuts to commonly used tasks. Scroll bars : are used to move up and down or left and right in a document. Status bar: displays the details such as the page number the user is working on, section no., page no. out of the total pages found in the document, line number, column number etc.



Standard Toolbar:
This toolbar contains buttons to allow you to perform the basic operations such as opening and closing a document, moving and printing data.

Function of commonly used buttons New: Creates a new blank document based on the default template Open: Opens or finds an existing file Save: Saves the active file with its current file name, location and file format Print: Prints the active file - for more print options go to the File menu and select Print Print preview : Shows how the document will look when you print it. Spelling & Grammer: Spelling, grammar and writing style checker Cut : Removes the selection from the document and places it on the clipboard Copy : Copies the selected item(s) to the clipboard Paste : Places the content of the clipboard at the insertion point Format painter : Copies the format from a selected object or text and applies to other objects Undo : Reverses the last command, use pull-down menu to undo several steps Redo : Reverses the action of the Undo button, use the pull-down menu to redo several steps Insert table: Insert a table into the document, or make a table of selected text Insert Excel worksheet: Inserts an Excel spreadsheet into the Word document Columns : Changes the number of columns in a document Drawing: Displays or hides the Drawing toolbar

Zoom (100%): Enlarge or reduce the display of the active document

Formatting Toolbar:
The formatting Tool bar is the easiest way to change many attributes of a text.

Style menu: Allows you to make your text Bold, Italic, underlined depending on the style you choose. Font : Allows you to change the font by clicking on the drop-down arrow on the right of the font name box. You can view a list of fonts available, you can scroll down to view more fonts and select the font name you wish to use by clicking on its name.

Font size : Allows you to change the font size by clicking inside the Font size box and entering a value or by clicking on the drop-down arrow on the right of the box to view a list of sizes available. Select then a size by clicking on it. Note : A Font size of 11 or 12 is best for paragraphs of text.

Bold, Italic, Underline : Each button respectively allows you to make your text appear as bold, italic or underlined. Alignment : Each button respectively allows you to make your text aligned to the left, center or right side of the page. You can also justify the text across the page using the justify button. Line spacing : Allows you to set the amount of space that word puts when go to a new line. Text orientation : Allows you to change the typing direction of your text, from left to right or right to left manner. 30


Numbering, Bullets : Allows you to make your text appear as a bullets list or as a numbering list. Increase / Decrease indent : Allows you to increase or decrease the indentation of your paragraph in relation to the side of the page. Outside Border : Allows you to add a border around a text selection. Highlight color : Allows you to change the color behind a text selection. Font colour : Allows you to change the colour of the text.

Features of FILE MENU ( ALT F):

1. New 2. Open 3. Save

- Opens new Word file (Blank Document file) - Opens the existing files - Saves the file with one name

4. Save as -Saves the file with more than one name( with different formats) 5. Save as Web page This is used to save a document in a Web style. (with HTML extension) 6. Versions - This is used to do the parts of work in small parts. i.e a bulk ( big/ more) work can be done in small parts. 7. Web Page Preview This shows the web page in printable form. 8. Page set up - To set the margin, paper size, Orientation 9. Print - To get the printout.( Specified pages and no. of copies).

10. Properties - This gives the details about the document ( the type of file, the size of file, the date of creation, date of modification and file location) 11. Send - This is used to send the file document to internet mail to some other person. 12. Exit - To close the Ms-word. To insert a new page, press Ctrl + Enter



Features of EDIT MENU (ALT E):

Undo Redo Cut Copy Paste Del Find

- Will take the previous command (ctrl +Z) - Will take the opposite action of undo ( Ctrl + Y) - Can cut a selected text ( Ctrl + X) - Can copy a selected text ( Ctrl + C) - Can paste the selected text ( Ctrl + V) - Removes the selected text - Used to find the part of text word \ character in the file (Ctrl + F)

Find Next (F3) Finding \ finding next : Used to repeat the finding process. Replace - Used to replace any part of Text / word / Character with another word/ character.(Ctrl + H) Paste special This will paste the copied (or) cut text in a form of an object. It will paste in box which

Go To - Curser goes to the specified page, specified line, specified paragraph.(Ctrl + G) Features of FORMAT MENU ( ALT + O)

Cannot be altered.

1. Font - used to change the font face, style, size etc. 2. Paragraph - Used to set the space between paragraphs and also between the lines 3. Bullets - Used to highlight points in number wise / bullet wise. 4. Borders & Shades - Used to apply different borders to the table / to the page. 5. Columns Used to write the text in column wise. To have a break in columns, a column break is used ( insert menu break Columns) Ctrl + Shift + Enter 6. Drop Cap - Used to drop the letter to different lines.



7. Text direction - Used to change the direction of drop cap (Note : To use text direction, drop cap must be used first) 8. Change case - Used to change the case of the text. 9. Toggle This converts lower case letters to upper case & vice versa in a word. 10. Back Ground - This is used to change the back ground colour of the document but the color can be seen only in the web layout. 11. Theme - This is used to change the document, backgrounds with some existing design background. This shows the background only in the web layout. 12. Style - This is used to change the writing fashion of the document which are already existing. 13. Frames - Frames are used to write different documents in one single document.

Some important features of Tools menu: Spelling &Grammar : Used to check the spelling and correct the words with related word. ( F7) Thesaurus Mail merge : Used to know the synonym (meaning) of the word. (Shift +F7) : used to type the letters with the same matter but different addresses. MS WORD working with files: Creating a New document: Click the New Blank document button on the standard tool bar. (or) From the Menu bar, choose File New, the New document task pane will open, and select Blank document. Opening Existing documents: Click the open button found on the Standard tool bar. (or) From the task pane, select getting started and the select more (or) From the Menu bar, select File Open Saving a document: Click the Save button on the Tool bar. (or) From the Menu bar, select File Save (or) Follow the key sequence Ctrl + S Save dialog box appears. Type the name and click Save. Printing a document : Select File Print (or) Click on the Print button on the Standard Tool bar (or) Click Ctrl + P Print dialog box appears. Select All pages (or) Current page (or) type the page numbers and also select number of copies according to the requirement and click O.K Closing a document: Select File close Click on the small X found on the right top next to the Menu bar and the Title bar. MS WORD - Editing Text : Typing and Inserting Text: To enter text in your document, position the insertion point i.e a vertical blinking line, where you want the text to appear and type it in. Word will automatically wrap text as it reaches the end of a line. Press enter to start a new paragraph. When you reach the end of a page, word will automatically break text onto the next page. If you want, you can start a new page at any point by inserting a page break. To do so, press ctrl + Enter. 33



Word offers two modes for adding text to your documents: Insert mode and overwrite mode. In Insert mode, characters typed are inserted into the text to the left of the insertion point, pushing any characters to the right of the insertion point further to the right. In overtype mode, the text you type will replace the existing text. Note: The Insert key is a toggle key. This means that the same key can be used to switch back and forth between two different modes. Selecting Text: In order to change the format of the text you just typed, it must be first highlighted, i.e selected with the mouse cursor. To highlight the whole text or part of it, locate the mouse at the start of the text you wish to highlight and click the left button, then drag the mouse over the desired text while keeping the left mouse button pressed. Shortcuts used for selecting a portion of the text: Whole word : Double click within the word. Whole paragraph: Triple click within the paragraph. Sentence : ctrl + click in a sentence Entire document : Edit select all ( ctrl + A) Deleting text: Use the BACKSPACE or the DELETE key to delete text. BACKSPACE key will delete text to the left of the cursor and DELETE key will erase text to the right.

press the DELETE key. Moving, copying and pasting text: Cut text: Highlight the text you need to move and follow one of the methods listed below: From the Menu bar, select Edit cut (or)

To delete a large section of text, highlight the text using any of the methods outlined above and

From the standard tool bar, click on the cut button. (or) Follow the key sequence Ctrl + X From the Menu bar, select Edit copy (or) From the standard toolbar, click the Copy button (or) Follow the key sequence Ctrl + C

Copy text:

Paste Text: To paste previously cut or copied text, move the cursor to the location you want to move the text to and follow one of the methods listed below: From the menu bar, select Edit Paste (or) (or)

From the standard Tool bar, click the Paste button Follow the key sequence Ctrl + V




MS -EXCEL Spreadsheet is a software that helps to substitute the paper worksheets in the offices. Spreadsheet displays data in the form of rows and columns. An intersection of row and column is known as a cell. MS-Excel is a window based spreadsheet developed by Microsoft corporation. It includes all features of a spreadsheet package like recalculation, graphs & functions. It also provides many Mathematical, Financial & Statistical functions. Thus it is used in many scientific and engineering environments for analyzing data. Excel can even hold graphic objects like pictures & images. Some important features of MS-Excel: 1. Window based application: Excel like all other applications has Toolbars, Shortcut Menus, Auto correct, Online help and Wizards. 2. Workbooks: Workbooks are the files in which worksheets related to a project are held. 3. OLE support: Object linking and Embedding is a feature through which Excel can contain any object like a document, a picture etc. 4. Maintaining high volume of data: Excel can contain large volume of data. A worksheet can contain 65536 rows and 256 columns. A single cell can contain a maximum of 255 characters. One workbook can contain a maximum of 256 worksheets. 5. Availability of functions: Several Mathematical, financial & statistical functions are available in an Excel package. 6. Availability of Charts & Graphs: MS-Excel allows users to view data entered as tables in a graphical form as charts, which helps the user to easily understand, analyze data & compare data. 7. Data Analysis Tools: MS-Excel provides a set of data analysis tools called Analysis Tool pack.

order. 9. Auto fill feature: Excel has the feature which allows to fill cells with repetitive data such as chronological dates or numbers and repeated text.

8. Sorting capability: Excel has the capability of sorting any data in Ascending or Descending

Getting started with Excel:

An Excel document is called a workbook. By default, Excel workbook contains 3 worksheets designated as sheet 1, sheet 2, sheet 3. The extension name of excel workbook is .xls We can start excel in many ways: 1. Start Programs Microsoft office Microsoft Excel hit enter. 2. Start Run Type Excel hit enter 3. Double click on the Microsoft application Icon.



Components of the Excel window: An Excel window has several unique elements identified in the figure below:

Rows, columns & cell: In a worksheet rows are numbered from top to bottom. The columns are labeled with letters from left to right. Rows are numbered from 1 to 65,536 and columns labeled from A to IV (256 columns).

Title bar: The title bar contains the name of the program Microsoft Excel and the default name of the workbook Book1 that would change as soon as you save your file and give another name. Menu bar : The Menu bar contains menus that include all the commands you need to use to work your way through Excel such as File, Edit, View, Insert, Format, Tools, Data, Window and Help.

Tool Bar: Tool Bars are usually shortcuts for menu items. Standard and formatting toolbars are displayed by default. Active cell: The cell in which you are currently working. Formula bar: displays the contents of the active cell. Name box: displays the cell address of the active cell. Column letter followed by the row number. Ex: B6

Worksheet area: The middle portion of screen which occupies a major area is called worksheet area. In this area, information or data (i.e.) either textual or numerical can be entered and the results can be displayed. A worksheet is a large work area of 65,536 rows and 256 columns.

Status bar: located at the very bottom of the screen displays brief information about activating features within the worksheet area. Sheet tabs: appear above the status bar displaying the names of the worksheets.

Standard Toolbar
The Standard toolbar, located beneath the menu bar, has buttons for commonly performed tasks like adding a column of numbers, printing, sorting, and other operations. Excel let's you customize the toolbar or even display multiple toolbars at the same time. The Standard Excel XP toolbar appears in the figure below.




Formatting toolbar
The Formatting toolbar, located beneath the Standard toolbar bar, has buttons for various formatting operations like changing text size or style, formatting numbers and placing borders around cells.

Formula bar & Name box

The formula bar is located beneath the toolbar at the top of the Excel worksheet. Use the formula bar to enter and edit worksheet data. The contents of the active cell always appear in the formula bar. When you click the mouse in the formula bar, an X and a check mark appear. You can click the check icon to confirm and completes editing, or the X to abandon editing.

Name box The Name box displays the reference of the selected cells in the form of column label followed by row number. Creating a New Workbook: The steps to create a new workbook are, 1. On the File menu, click New. The new workbook task pane appears at the right side of the screen. Click blank workbook. A new workbook with 3 worksheets appears. By default, the workbook is named as Book 1, and sheet 1 is the active worksheet & A1 is the active cell. Entering data: You can enter text, numbers and dates in an Excel worksheet. To enter data of any type, 1. Select the cell by clicking on it. 2. Type in the information. 3. Press the Enter key. When you begin typing, your data also appears in the formula bar. Editing text: The easiest way to edit the contents of a cell is to select the cell and then retype the entry. The new entry replaces the old contents. Alternatively, to edit the data in a cell, press F2. Ex: Suppose you find that in the cell A6, you have entered the marks as 78 instead of 87, then click on A6 and type 87 enter



You can also edit part of the data in a cell: 1. Double click the cell you want to edit. The insertion point appears within the cell. 2. Delete the part of the data that you do not wish to keep. 3. Retype the data & press enter. Formatting a worksheet: Changing the style or appearance of data in a worksheet is called formatting. You can format the data in a worksheet by: Changing the position of data in a cell Changing the font, size, style & colour.

Aligning data: By default, any text you enter in Excel is aligned to the left and any value or number is aligned to the Right. To change the default alignment, you can use the alignment buttons on the formatting tool bar.

Formatting Numbers: Formatting data in a worksheet includes changing the number of decimal places, displaying dates, times & fractions and adding currency symbols. To format the number in a cell, the steps are: Format/Cell/N/umber/Decimal places/2

Formatting Text: Text can be formatted using the buttons on the formatting toolbar. Font of a cell, font size can be changed. The font style can also be changed to bold, Italic etc. Inserting Rows & Columns: In Excel, rows & columns can be inserted or deleted without affecting the surrounding rows, columns & cells. To insert a row, 1. Rest the mouse pointer over the row above which you want to insert the new row. 2. On the Insert menu, click rows. A row is inserted and the existing row moves down after the new row. Similarly, to insert a column, 1. Rest the mouse pointer over the column before which you want to insert the new Column. 2. On the Insert menu, click columns. Changing Row height & Column width: By default, every row is 12.75 points high and every column is 8.43 characters wide. As you fill it with data, however you have to change the size of rows & columns so that it is fitted to the length of the data. To Resize a column: 1. Rest the mouse pointer on the column boundary on the right side. 2. The shape of the mouse pointer changes to 3. Drag the boundary until the required width is obtained.



(OR) 1. The column which is to be adjusted is made active by clicking on column letter. 2. The column option is selected from the Format menu. 3. Click on the width option. A dialogue box is displayed. 4. Type in the required size of the column in the text box column width. Similarly, Row height can also be adjusted by selecting the rows. Sorting: Highlight the cells that should be sorted and click the sort Ascending (A-Z) button or Sort Descending (Z-A) button found on the Standard toolbar. Printing: To print the worksheet, select File Print from the Menu bar (or) click on the Print button from the Standard Toolbar (or) follow the key sequence Ctrl + p Inserting Page breaks: To set the page breaks within the worksheet, select the row you want to appear just below the page break by clicking the rows label. Then choose Insert page break from the Menu bar. When you attempt to print a worksheet Excel automatically inserts page breaks view. File menu page break preview The page breaks are shown in dasher lines. If the automatic allocation of page breaks does not satisfy with your requirements, you can add the page breaks in the required space. Step 1: select a cell above which the page break is needed. After that, select the full row until the data in the sheet exists. Step 2: select insert page break Saving a workbook:

Formulas: In Excel. One of the powerful features is formulas. A formula is an equation that is used to perform calculations on data in a worksheet. We can use formula to perform Mathematical, Statistical & date/time operations on a single value or a set of values by using operators. The cells in which formulas are stored, display the result of the calculation and not the formula. In Excel, a formula starts with an equal (=) sign and should be followed by the operation to be performed. We can use any number of operators in a single formula. MS- Excel evaluates the formula according to the order of precedence of the operators.

To save a workbook, File Save (or) Ctrl +S (or) click on the save button on the Tool bar. Save dialogue box appears. Type the name and click Save.

Operator ( ^ *, / + / & = / > /< )

Operation Bracket Exponentiation Multiplication , Division Addition, Subtraction Concatenation Comparisons

Order of precedence 1 2 3 4 5 6



Examples of the formula expressions: 1. Suppose the values in the cells B2, C2, D2 are 34, 28, 56 respectively. To add these values and to have the result in the cell F2, Step i) Click on the cell in which total marks is to be displayed, i.e F2 ii) Type = ( B2 + C2 + D2 ) iii) Press Enter The value 118 will be displayed in F2. 2. Suppose the value of the cell B6 is 78345. Divide the value by 5 and have it in the cell E6: Step i) Click the cell E6. ii) Type = (B6/5) iii) Press Enter The value 15669 will be displayed in the cell E6. 3. Multiply the value 549 of the cell C3 with the value 43 of the cell F3 and have the result in the cell I3. Step i) Click the cell I3 ii) Type = ( C3 * F3) iii) press Enter The result 23607 will be displayed in the cell I3. Functions : A function is a built-in, readymade and frequently used formula that accepts data, perform calculations & returns results.

i) Click the cell in which you want the result of the function to be displayed. Type = sign. ii) iii) iv) v) Type the function name. Type the cell range & other arguments within brackets. Press Enter. Note : To specify a range of cells, a colon (:) is used between the first & last cell addresses. Example: =Average(B1: B10) Calculates the average of the values in the cells B1 to B10 Mathematical functions with syntax and purpose: i) ii) iii) iv) v) Sum( number1, number2,) gives the sum of the values in a specified range Abs( number) Fact( number) Sqrt(number) Log(number) - gives the absolute value of the number - gives the factorial of the number - gives the square root of the number - gives the logarithm of the number

To enter a function in a cell,

Statistical functions with syntax and purpose: i) ii) iii) iv) v) Average( range of cells) Stdev(range of cells) Mean( range of cells) Max( range of cells) count( ) - calculates the average of the values in a specified range - calculates the standard deviation of the given data - calculates the mean of the given data - gives the maximum value within the range specified - counts how many numbers are there in the list of arguments



Function Wizard : The Function Wizard is a tool in Excel through which a user can enter formulas in the correct format without any errors. It contains all the functions according to the type such as Mathematical, Statistical, Date/time, Financial etc.

Steps to use the function Wizard: 1. The cell in which the function is to be inserted, is selected. 2. Select the function option from the Insert menu. The Function Wizard screen is displayed. It lists all the functions available. 3. The function needed is selected. Click O.K 4. A dialogue box is displayed in which arguments are accepted.

5. Enter the arguments. The selected cell on the worksheet will automatically contain the formula.

6. Click O.K. The result is shown in the selected cell. Creating Charts : Charts in Excel are used to represent data pictorially. We can use different types of charts to represent data. Types of charts which are available in Excel: 1. Column charts 2. Bar charts 3. Line 4. pie 5. XY (scatter) 6. Area 7. Doughnut 8. Radar 9. Surface 10. Bubble 11. Stock 12. Cylinder, Cone & Pyramid Creating a Chart : Step i) ii) iii) iv) vi) vii) Enter the data in a table. Open the Insert Menu and select Chart In the Chart Wizard Step 1 of 4, select the type of chart you want to make and click Next In the step 2 of 4, enter chart source data and click Next In the step 3 of 4, enter the chart options like label of the chart and click Next In the step 4 of 4, give the chart location where you want the chart to be located and press Finish. 41



Column Chart: Column charts are one of the most common types of graphs used to display data.
A column chart represents data in the form of a series of vertical bars. Each bar represents a value.

For example, to draw a column chart for the production of different crops in a region:
S.No. A crop Paddy Wheat Maize Groundnut B Production(tons) 53 24 18 82

1 2 3 4 To construct a bar chart for the above data: Step i) Enter the data in a table. ii) Open the Insert Menu and select Chart iii) In the Chart Wizard Step 1 of 4, select Column chart and click Next iv) In the step 2 of 4, enter chart source data v) In the step 3 of 4, enter the chart options like label of the chart vi) In the step 4 of 4, give the chart location where you want the chart to be located and press Finish.

production of crops
90 80 70 60 50 40 30 20 10 0 paddy wheat maize groundnut type of crop Series1




Pie Chart: A Pie chart is used to represent the distribution of a categorical data. In this chart, a circle is divided into sectors, whose area are proportional to the frequencies or percentages of cases under various categories. Data on each variable is entered in the Excel worksheet in a row or column with suitable headings. Then we select the data of the first series and choose pie chart and proceed as per the options given in the dialogue box. A separate chart pie chart should be drawn for each data set.

For example, to draw a pie chart for the production of different crops in a region:
S.No. A crop Paddy Wheat Maize Groundnut B Production(tons) 53 24 18 82

1 2 3 4

pr oduction of cr ops

30% 46%

paddy w heat maize

groundnut 14% 10%




Statistical Analysis Tools Microsoft Excel provides a set of data analysis tools called the Analysis Tool Pak that you can use to save steps when you develop complex statistical or engineering analyses. You provide the data and parameters for each analysis; the tool uses the appropriate statistical or engineering macro functions and then displays the results in an output table. Some tools generate charts in addition to output tables. Related to worksheet functions, Excel provides many other statistical, financial, and engineering worksheet functions. Some of the statistical functions are built-in and others become available when you install the Analysis Tool Pak. Accessing the data analysis tools: The Analysis Tool Pak includes the tools described below. To access these tools, click Data Analysis on the Tools menu. If the Data Analysis command is not available, you need to load the Analysis Tool Pak add-in program.

Analysis Tools:
ANOVA: Single factor ANOVA: Two-Factor with replication ANOVA: Two-Factor without replication Correlation Covariance Descriptive statistics F-test two-sample for variances Histogram Regression t-test: two sample assuming equal variances t-test: two sample assuming unequal variances Z-test: two sample for means Steps to use Analysis Tools: Step i) From the Menu bar choose Tools and click on Data Analysis ii) When the Data Analysis dialogue box appears, click on the one you want. iii) The corresponding dialogue box appears. Enter the Input range and Output range (addresses of the cells) iv) give the address of the cell where you want the result to be shown. iv) click OK v) The result will be given in the corresponding output format.



Ex 1: The following are the results of 5 preschool going children at different levels of protein content in diet. Compute the correlation coefficient using Excel Protein content (%) 5 7 10 12 13 Gain in weight(gm) 30 40 80 100 120

Step i) From the Menu bar, choose Tools and click on Data Analysis. ii) Select Correlation in the Data Analysis Dialogue box and click OK. iii) When the Correlation dialogue box appears, enter the Input range and also give the output range where you want the result to be shown, clock OK.

v) the result will be shown in the following format:

Summary output:
Protein content Protein content gain in weight 1 0.989783 1 gain in weight

Ex 2: Following is the data of head and body weights of 5 insects. Find the regression equation of y on x.

Head weight (X) 20 22 25 27 31

Body weight (Y) 60 64 72 80 84

Step i) From the Menu bar, choose Tools and click on Data Analysis. ii) Select Regression in the Data Analysis Dialogue box and click OK. iii) When the Regression dialogue box appears, enter the Input Y range and input X range. iv) give the output range where you want the result to be shown, clock OK.




v) The result will be shown in the following format.

SUMMARY OUTPUT Regression Statistics Multiple R 0.980316 R Square 0.961019 Adjusted R Square 0.948025 Standard Error 2.324953 Observations 5 ANOVA df Regression Residual Total 1 3 4 SS 399.7838 16.21622 416 Standard Error 6.836289 0.27027 MS 399.7838 5.405405 F 73.96 Significance F 0.003305

Intercept (X) Coefficients 13.89189 2.324324 t Stat 2.032081 8.6 P-value 0.135073 0.003305 Lower 95% -7.86423 1.464204 Upper 95% 35.64801 3.184445 Lower 95.0% -7.86423 1.464204 Upper 95.0% 35.64801 3.184445

Ex 3: The daily production of two pesticide factories is recorded as follows. Factory 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 A 12 16 9 13 15 17 20 23 B 8 13 21 16 11 12 Test whether there is any significant difference between two factories at probability level 0.05. Solution: Step i) From the Menu bar, choose Tools and click on Data Analysis. ii)Select t-test; two samples assuming equal variances in the Data Analysis Dialogue box and click OK. iii) Enter the variable 1 range, variable 2 range and set Hypothesized mean difference as zero. iv) Click the check box against Labels in the First row. iv) Give the output range where you want the result to be shown, click O.K




v) the result will be shown in the following format.

t-Test: Two-Sample Assuming Equal Variances A 15.625 19.98214 8 20.11458 0 12 0.877324 0.198768 1.782288 0.397535 2.178813 B 13.5 20.3 6

Mean Variance Observations Pooled Variance Hypothesized Mean Difference df t Stat P(T<=t) one-tail t Critical one-tail P(T<=t) two-tail t Critical two-tail





MS-ACCESS The Database is an organized collection of data related to a particular topic or purpose. The database serves as a base from which a desired information can be retrieved, many meaningful conclusions can be drawn. A database stored electronically has distinct advantages over a manually organized system. A database can be maintained in a computer by using a database management system(DBMS). DBMS is an application that enables to maintain data in a database. Maintaining data involves storing, organizing and retrieving data. MS-Access is a Relational Database Management System (RDBMS) that is used to store and manipulate large amount of information. The extension name of Ms-Access file is .mdb. To start MS-Access: 1. Start Programs MS office Ms-Access Enter 2. Start Run Ms-Access Enter An Access Database consists of 7 different Database objects. 1. Tables : Store database data in Rows (records) and columns (fields). Every row represents a Record. Each piece of information in a record is called a Field. Ex: A table can contain personal information about all the students in a college. Every row containing information about a student represents a record. The records in the student table can include fields such as Admission number, Student name, Address, Phone number etc. 2. Queries : used to retrieve information from a database based on specific conditions.

3. Forms : used as interfaces for users to enter, view and modify data in a Table. 4. Reports : used to present data from tables or Queries in a format of our choice. i.e the printable form of the table or query or form. We cannot make changes to the data in a report. We can format the data in a report. 5. Pages : display shortcuts to data access pages in the database. A data access page displays data stored in a database over the internet. 6. Macros : used to automate frequently performed tasks. Ex: we can create a macro to print a report automatically. 7. Modules : used to perform advanced database operations, such as validating data against complex conditions. Creating a Database : A Database can be created by using the database Wizard or by using the Blank Database command. The database Wizard is used to create tables, forms, queries and reports by following a series of steps provided by the wizard. The Blank Database command is used to create a blank database. All database objects should be created manually. Click on File menu New Enter A window appears give a name to the database

Ex: A Query can be used to extract details about students studying in a particular class.




Creating a Table : 1. Open the database in which the table is to be created. The database window appears. 2. under objects, click Tables and then click New on the database window toolbar. The New Table dialog box appears. Commands in the New Table dialog box Command Create table by entering data Design view Table wizard Purpose Used to create a table by entering values directly in a row and column format

Used to assign fields for the new table and modify field properties Used to create a table through a guided sequence of steps I. Create Table by entering data: Click on Table (object) in the main switch board. Click on create table on Datasheet view now a window appears here we find fields ( field1, field2,) Give the field names ( Name, roll no., marks etc) Click on close button of the table and save the table with some name To enter details into the table, click on table in the main switch board and double click on the table name. Enter the details

Working with Database Fields : Microsoft Access database fields are created by entering a field name and a field data type in each row of the field entry area of the database table window.



Data types in MS-Access : The following list summarizes all the field data types available in MS- Access, their uses and their storage sizes. Text : used for text or combinations of text and numbers, such as addresses or for numbers that do not require calculations, such as phone numbers, or postal codes. Stores up to 255 characters. Memo : Used for lengthy text and numbers, such as notes or descriptions. Stores upto 64,000 characters. Number : used for data to be included in Mathematical calculations, except calculations involving money. Stores 1,2,4 or 8 bytes. Date / Time : used for dates and times. Stores 8 bytes. Currency : used for currency values and to prevent rounding off during calculations. Stores 8 bytes. Auto Number : used for unique sequential or random numbers that are automatically inserted when a record is added. Yes /No : used for data that can be only one of two possible values, such as yes/ No, True/False, On/Off. OLE object : used for OLE objects like pictures, graphs and other binary data. Stores up to 1 GB. II. Create a table in Design view: 1. click on table (object) in the main switch board.

2. Here click on create table in design view Now a window appears here type the field names and their data types respectively. Ex: Field name Roll No Name Marks Data types Auto Number Text Number

3. click on the close button of the table and save it with some name 4. To enter data into the table, double click on the table created. 5. Now enter the details. Primary & Foreign keys: Data should be checked for redundancy before it is stored in a database. Keys are used to maintain the integrity of data. Keys contain unique values that help to filter redundant information from the input data. Keys are of two types: primary & foreign. Primary key: The field in a table that uniquely identifies each record is called the primary key. Usually this field is sequentially numbered. Ex : Admission number field Foreign key : When a primary key of one table appears as a field in another table, the field is called the foreign key in the second table.



Queries : By using queries we can view, change and analyze data in different ways. You can also use them as the source of records for forms and reports. You can bring together data from multiple tables and sort it in a particular order. You can perform calculations on groups of records.

Forms : In a table, number of records are displayed at a time. But, if the table has many fields, then it may not be possible for a user to view all of them. The screen may be too small to fit it. The user may have to scroll horizontally or vertically to view the rest of the fields/ records. In forms, the data can be displayed as per the users requirement. The records are generally displayed one at a time. The fields can be arranged as the user wants it. Pictures can be added to a form. The display and contents of the form is controlled fully by the user. In forms there are 3 views, i. Design ii. Datasheet & iii. Form view

The datasheet view shows many records whereas form view displays single record. You can toggle between these three views using the View Tool.

Report: The data shown in a table, Query and forms are meant for displaying it on screen, but when you take the printout or the Hard copy, it is known as Report. In the database window, the open button is replaced by the preview button, when you click the report tab. Reports can be viewed either in print preview mode or design mode. Data cannot be edited in the reports. The report


preview shows how the data will appear on taking out the printouts.



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