Monthly Income: Pie Chart
Monthly Income: Pie Chart
Monthly Income: Pie Chart
1. Look at the following pie chart, which shows the different ways Mr. Gupta spends his monthly income. Write a paragraph presenting the information contained in the chart. In about 100 words, write whether Mr. Gupta is spending his income wisely or not.
Monthly Income
The pie chart given is a diagrammatic representation of the ways in which Mr. Gupta spends his monthly income. A major part of his income, that is, 40% is spent on food. One-fourth of his income is spent on house rent. The amount spent on entertainment is 20%. Out of his income, 5% is utilized for transport and 5% for wages. The remaining 5% is saved. Interpretation: At the very outset, it may be stated that Mr. Gupta does not know how to set apart his income judiciously. To spend 40% of a persons income on food does not seem to be a sensible idea. If he sacrifices on the kind of food consumed (still maintaining the balanced norms of diet and nutrition), he may be able to cut down on the expenses. Again, Mr. Gupta spends 25% on house rent. This is also a huge amount comparatively. One-fourth of his income on house rent is not a wise decision. If his intention is to live in style, then he should cut down on entertainment, or else 45% of his income (25 and 20%) would be to live in style when there are other things to be taken care of, for example, medical expenses, accident expenses, incidental expenses, etc. The money spent on transport (5%) cannot be critically commented upon, because it depends on many factors. But the same 5% spent on wages is too much. If Mr. Guptas family members cooperate with one another, they can do away with the wages. Finally, the amount saved by Mr. Gupta is too little. Let us suppose that Mr. Gupta is a jolly-good fellow who has no thought of the future, unfortunately. He is, undoubtedly, not a good example of the man of a house whose is supposed to plan his life and that of his family for the future.
2. The percentage of the annual expenditure on books and periodicals available in the local library of a particular village is given below in a pie chart. Convert the information into a running paragraph of 200 words.
The local library of the above-mentioned village utilizes 40% of its annual expenditure for novels in the local language by famous authors. 10% is spent on daily newspapers, 20 % on periodicals and magazines, 5% on translation from other languages, 12% on books on science and fiction and 13% on comics and childrens book. Interpretation: The annual expenditure of the local library seems to be well planned out and executed. The major part of the expenditure (40%) is spent on novels in the local language written by famous authors. This money is well spent because villages are interested in reading novels. But if 10% out of that 40% is spent on English novels it would be reasonable because there may be many people, especially students, who would like to read novels in English. The 10% spent on daily newspapers can be raised to 15% in order to include English newspapers. This is because many homes in the villages contribute to newspapers only in the local language. Children of such homes will benefit tremendously if they visit the local library to read English newspapers. 20% on periodicals and magazines and 5% on translation are both ideal. The 12% on books of science and fiction and 13% on comics and childrens books may be reduced to 10% each in order to compensate for the increase suggested with regard to newspapers. The amount set aside for particular sections of the library may be varied according to the need of the readers of the village.
3. The pie chart shown below shows the ingredients used to make a sausage-and-mushroom pizza. The percentage of each ingredient of the pizza shown in the pie chart is as follows. Convert the information into a running paragraph of 200 words.
The pie chart given shows the ingredients used to make a sausage-and-mushroom pizza. The percentage of each ingredient in the pie chart is as follows: 50% of the pizza is the crust, whereas 25% is cheese, 12.5% tomato sauce, 7.5% sausage and 5% mushroom. Interpretation: The major part of the pizza is the crust whereas the least part is mushroom. 50% of the pizza as crust is understandable because the pizza is usually taken as a whole meal. 25 % of the pizza is cheese which is a tempting ingredient. But from the point of view of health it is better to reduce the quantity of cheese to 20%. Similarly 12.5% of tomato sauce can be cut down to 10% so as to include vegetables which are insufficient in the given recipe. Vegetables like tomato, capsicum and onions may be added to the pizza to make it lip-smacking. 7.5 % of vegetables added to the 5% mushroom and 7.5 sausage can make the pizza a wholesome food. The given pizza can be made a class product if the crust is reduced to 45% and mushroom raised to 10%. Though pizza is originally an Italian recipe, it has become so common in fast food centres and homes, that each time a pizza is baked, it is a new experiment.