: PP0074
PT plant Calculation A) Cooling Tower make-up Requirement Cooling Tower Flow (CW +ACW FLOW) Evaporation [email protected]% of Cooling tower flow (E) Drift [email protected]% of cooling tower flow(D) Cycles of Concentration (C') Refer Cooling tower calculation Assumption Assumption Assumption Formula used is Blowdown = (E-D(C-1))/(C-1) B + E +D
1 2 3 4
5 6
B) 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
Boiler blow down quenching water requirement Total steam flow for three units Specific Gravity of FW @147.4deg C Blowdown quantity for all three boiler @ 3% blowdown for each boiler Flashing in Blowdown tank (10% of Blow down assumed) Blowdown quantity to waste water Temperature of Blowdown water Service water temperature (Quenching Water) Maximum outlet temperature at outfall Service water makeup flow rate Service water makeup flow rate (SAY) Make-up requirement for District Heating System Total water requirement for district heating system Make-up considered Density at 70 deg C Flow per pump Three times the HBD CHP mode flow Assumed Steam Table tons/hr m3/h m3/hr m3/hr Deg C Deg C Deg C m3/hr m3/hr 1693.8 0.9193 55.27 5.53 49.75 100.00 26.00 60.00 58.53 60 HBD (TMCR case) Steam Table Assumption Assumption Assumption Assumption Assumption
1 2 3 4
Project: 450MW combined heat power plant ulaanbaatar Job no. : PP0074
1 2 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 E)
Make up to Cooling Tower HVAC Requirment Input to DM Plant (Considering 85 % as DM Plant Effciciency) (SAY) Service water requirements Boiler blowdown quenching water requirements(Service Water) Total service water required Make up for District Heating Requirement Ash Handling requirement Total Filtered Water Requirement (SAY)
Refer Calculation above Assumption Refer Calculation fior DM water requirement Assumption Refer Calculation above Refer Calculation above Assumption
Total raw water requirement (PT plant capacity) 1.05 times filtered water 1579.0765 requirement 1580
m3/hr m3/hr
Based on Nalco formular 1. Cooling tower Qh= R= Ti= To= Tad= T= Cn= Cp= DM= Hr= Km= 7179 kW 344 m3/hr 50.0 32 27 18.0 heat rejection capacity cooling water circulating flow rate cooling tower inlet temp. cooling tower outlet temp. ambient dry bulb temp. 15 temp. defference between C.W supply and C.W return
1 EA the number of cooling tower 1 kcal/kg specific heat 1 m3/hr 85 % 0.0019 water treatment capacity relative humidity evaporation contant, please refer to table
A) Evaporation loss (E) Ev(%)= T x[(Tad-1.6667)xKm + 0.1098] latent heat for water = E= = Et= 2.84 % R x Ev(%)/100 9.7696 m3/hr 9.7696 m3/hr total evaporation loss
B) Windage loss (W) Dp= Ds= Dt= 0.1 % 0.34 m3/hr 0.344 m3/hr total windage loss drop loss percent (0.05 - 0.2 %) Normally, 0.1 % has been used for plant
C) Blow down loss Cm= Cr= N= = 500 ppm 2500 ppm Cr Cm 5 TDS content in make-up water(mg/l) TDS content in recirculating water(mg/l) concentration factor
E (N-1) = 2.44 m3/hr 2.44 m3/hr total blow down loss 12.6 m3/hr
1. Cooling tower Qh= R= Ti= To= Tw= T= Cn= Cp= DM= 7179 kW 344 m3/hr 50.0 32.0 27 5 heat rejection capacity cooling water circulating flow rate cooling tower inlet temp. cooling tower outlet temp. wet bulb temp. approach temp. range
1 EA the number of cooling tower 1 kcal/kg specific heat 1 m3/hr water treatment capacity interpolation
A) Evaporation loss (E) E= R x Cp x (Ti-To) latent heat for water = 10.9 m3/hr
10.9 m3/hr
B) Windage loss (W) Dp= Ds= Dt= 0.1 % 0.34 m3/hr 0.344 m3/hr total windage loss drop loss percent (0.05 - 0.2 %) Normally, 0.1 % has been used for plant
" to be consider the water quality for following parameters" TDS content in make-up water(mg/l) TDS content in recirculating water(mg/l) concentration factor
= 5 The recommended TDS limit for economical chemical treatment is about 2100 ppm, please reduce concentration factor value. *** Alkalinity limit for economical chemical treatment Cm= Cr= N= 300 ppm 1500 ppm Cr Cm = 5 The recommended Alkalinity limit for economical chemical treatment is about 400 ppm, please reduce concentration factor value. *** Chrolide limit for economical chemical treatment Cm= Cr= N= = Bs= E W (N-1) = Bt= 2.38 m3/hr 2.38 m3/hr 5 5 total blow down loss 13.6 m3/hr 132 ppm 660 ppm Cr Cm 5 The recommended Chrolide limit for economical chemical treatment is about 280 ppm, please reduce concentration factor value. Chrolide content in make-up water(mg/l) Chrolide content in recirculating water(mg/l) concentration factor Alkalinity content in make-up water(mg/l) Alkalinity content in recirculating water(mg/l) concentration factor
DM water
DM water consumption A) blow-down Sc= Bf= Bd= 4.8 t/h 3 % 0.144 m3/hr 3.456 m3/day B) Other water consumption for J.W cooler, LO cooler, etc. Ms= 0.02 m3/hr 0.48 m3/day C) Regeneration water waste(10 % of product) Wt= Rs= #REF! m3/hr #REF! m3/day #REF! m3/hr #REF! m3/day Regeneration water waste D) Condensate water return loss Cs= 0.024 m3/hr 0.576 m3/day Required sub-total make-up water 3. FO/LO Purifier water consumption A) FO purifier x B) LO purifier x 2 4 1012.8 /day 1113.6 /day #REF! m3/hr (Water loss rate 0.5 %) water treatment unit capacity Amount of water consumption total steam evaporation quantity boiler blow-down rate boiler blow-down 2) Feed Water Make up ) 1) Chemical Dilution Water( ) (1-M-CA-021:Calculation for ()) 1 :
4. Service water consumption for office A) Sp= 0.10 m3/hr Amount of water consumption based on B) Cw= 0.42 m3/hr Cleaning water Required sub-total make-up water 0.52 m3/hr 20 persons
DM water
1. Evaporation loss is the water loss to the atmosphere in the cooling process. The evaporation rate is dependent on the amount of water being cooled(R) and temperature difference, humidity and cooling water inlet temp. etc. 2. Windage loss Even though evaporating water is pure, some water driplets escape as mist throughout the evaporation equipment. ) HRSG Blow down () = Where, the windage loss in the conventional cooling tower is in the range of 0.05 to 0.2 % loss of the circulating cooling water flowrate (R). ) 3. Blow-down loss Deaerator Vent Steam() 1 : 1 :
( CES , Vendor data Update Since the water vapor is discharged by evaporation, the dissolved and suspended solids in the circulating water will be concentrated and bring and cause the massive scale and corrosion.
5. Regeneration water waste is the necessary water loss to regenerate the resin. The water loss is approximately in the range of 8 to 10 % of water treatment capacity. 2,500 /day 5 /day person 16 /day person 9 /day person 15 /day person 125 /day person 3) )
6. Service water is
on20 persons
- toilet bowl : 5 l/person x 1 frequency/day(8hrs) = - urine - washbowl - sink - shower : 2l/person x 8 frequency/day(8hrs) = : 3l/person x 3 frequency/day(8hrs) = : 5l/person x 3 frequency/day(8hrs)=
7. cleaning water : Width(m)Length(m) ater cleaning quantity(m) W 39.5 50.8 0.005 10,033 /day
DM water
based on
20 persons
B) Cw=
0.42 m3/hr
Cleaning water
0.42 m3/hr
Remarks)1. Evaporation loss is the water loss to the atmosphere in the cooling process. The evaporation rate is dependent on the amount of water being cooled(R) and temperature difference, humidity and cooling water inlet temp. etc. 2. Windage loss Even though evaporating water is pure, some water driplets escape as mist throughout the evaporation equipment. Where, the windage loss in the conventional cooling tower is in the range of 0.05 to 0.2 % loss of the circulating cooling water flowrate (R). 3. Blow-down loss Since the water vapor is discharged by evaporation, the dissolved and suspended solids in the circulating water will be concentrated and bring and cause the massive scale and corrosion.
4. Boiler blow-down rate is approximately 5%(design max.) 5. Regeneration water waste is the necessary water loss to regenerate the resin. The water loss is approximately in the range of 8 to 10 % of water treatment capacity. 6. Service water is based on20 persons 2,500 - toilet bowl : 5 l/person x 1 frequency/day(8hrs) = 5 - urine : 2l/person x 8 frequency/day(8hrs) = 16 - washbowl : 3l/person x 3 frequency/day(8hrs) = 9 - sink : 5l/person x 3 frequency/day(8hrs)= 15 - shower : 80l/person x 1 frequency/day(8hrs)= 80 Total service water consumption per 1 person : 125 /day /day person /day person /day person /day person /day person /day person
7. cleaning water : Width(m)Length(m) ater cleaning quantity(m) W 39.5 50.8 0.005 10,033 /day
DM water
Chemical Dilution Water( ) (1-M-CA-021:Calculation for ()) 1.6 t/day Feed Water Make up HRSG Continuous Blow down Tank Spray Water() , Blow down MCR 2% . HRSG HP Drum Pressure Temperature Steam Flow Enthalpy Blow down rate : 101 : 310.3 : 288.6 : 335.4 : 5.77 kg/cm2.a t/h kcal/kg t/h (2% B/D)
HRSG LP Drum Pressure Temperature Steam Flow Enthalpy Blow down rate : 6.3 : 159.7 : 26.7 : 161.0 : 0.53 kg/cm2.a t/h kcal/kg t/h (2% B/D)
HP+LP Blow down Mixed Steam ( = Blow down rate Enthalpy 5.77 x 320.7 335.4 + kcal/kg : 6.3 t/h (0.53+5.77) 0.53 x 161 ) / (
: 2 : 146.2 : 119.9
Continuous Blow down Tank Blow down - Steam ( = Water 5.77 + 2.403648109 t/h : 3.37 t/h 0.53 ) x ( 320.7 119.9 ) / (
Blow down Tank Hot Water - Steam = = Hot water 3.37 1.381568482 t/h : 1.99 t/h x ( 320.7 100.1 ) / ( 638.2
DM water
Spray Water - Spray Water B/D Water Spray Water = 1.99 = 1 : 0.429271429 t/h 0.43 t/h x 24 hr = 10.32 t/day x ( 100.1 -
: 15 : 85 85
) / ( 85
HRSG Blow down () 1.99 t/h + 1 : 0.43 t/h = 58.1 t/day 2.42 t/h
Deaerator Vent Steam() Feed Water Flow(315.3 ton/h) 0.023%, Assumed ( CES , Vendor data Update) 315.3 1 : x 1.75 t/day : 1 t/day 2 0.00023 = 0.072519 t/h
Sampling Devices(#2 )() 8 : 1,000cc/min x 60min/h x 8 = 0.48 t/h 1 : 11.52 t/day : B/D water 15 Spray 85 . : 12
: : :
DM water
DM water
100.1 )
DM water
0.70 M3/HR
NOTE) - Office: 120 liter/day/person(Based on 40 persons) - The blow-down loss of cooling tower is based on concentration factor 5 and TDS 313 ppm of water quality at cooling tower inlet and discharge limit 1565 ppm.
Company Name
Based on Han Su LTD. Recommended Cooling Tower make-up water quality 6.5-7.5 <1 <2 < 100 < 250 < 50 < 400 < 60
Based on Han Su LTD. Recommended Cooling Tower circulating water quality(economical treatment) <7 <14 < 1750 < 350 < 280 < 420
Based on Nalco Korea Recommended Cooling Tower circulating water quality(economical treatment) 7.0-8.5 < 100 < 20 < 2000 < 3000 50-600 < 4500 50-600
Based on Han Su LTD. Max. circulating water quality for chemical treatment 8.0-9.0 < 25 < 20 < 1800 < 350 50- 500
Based on Nalco Korea Max. circulating water quality for chemical treatment 7.0-8.5 < 200 < 30 < 1500 < 4000 < 1000 < 6000 < 1000
UNIT PH Suspended Solid(SS) Turbidity T-hardness NH4-N Total Dissolved Solid(TDS) Alkalinity(Methyl orange) Conductivity Ca++ Mg++ Aluminium Na+ HCO3SO42Cl- (Chloride) SiO2 K+ NO3FIron Remaining Cl T-PO4
ppm NTU ppm as CaCO3 ppm as CaCO3 ppm ppm micro mhos/cm ppm as CaCO3 ppm as CaCO3 as Al ppm as ion ppm as ion ppm as ion ppm as Clppm ppm as ion ppm as ion ppm as ion ppm as Fe ppm as R-Cl ppm
< 600 < 40 <5 < 280 < 35 < 600 < 50 < 350 <100
< 0.2 -
0.5-1.0(3hrs/day) 2.5-4.5
Based on HEC Circulating water quality requirement for CT 7.5-8.5 < 100 < 500 < 2500 < 400
Purifier data(samgong)
Description Actual capacity Regulating water Replacement water Drained water from operating water drain side l/h l/time l/time
SJ10FH SJ15FH SJ30FH SJ40FH SJ50FH SJ80FH 990 1 0.4 1.5 24 42 84 1500 1 0.4 1.5 24 42 84 2750 1.1 1 1.5 24 42 84 4250 2 1.6 2.5 24 54 108 5250 3.4 2.5 2.5 24 54 108 8100 3.9 3.5 3.5 24 54 108
high press. water l/time Low press. water l/day Total l/day l/day
Discharged Discharged sludge l/day water & sludge from l/day sludge Total l/day outlet side l/day l/day
79.2 158.4
79.2 158.4
88.8 177.6
139.2 278.4
205.2 410.4
253.2 506.4
Water consumption
58.8 117.6
58.8 117.6
67.2 134.4
97.2 197.4
124.8 249.6
142.8 285.6
1. 2. 1) 2) 3.
The values mentioned in the above indicate the quantity(presumed value) per one(1) set of Oil Purifier Number of times of sludge discharge Marine diesel oil and lubricating oil for cross head engine : Normal 12 times/day Heavy fuel oil and lubricating oil for trunk piston engine : Normal 24 times/day In the case of SJ-FH, we assumed no sludge discharge caused by the working of Water Detector.
Purifier data(samgong)
et of Oil Purifier
10 1000 -
20 1002 0.2 -
30 1004 0.4 -
40 1008 0.8 -
50 1012 1.2 -
60 1017 1.7 -
70 1023 2.3 -
80 1029 2.9 -
90 1036 3.6 -
This phenomenon provides that basis for sulfuric acid addition to avoid calcium carbonate formation. But excess sulphate may cause scale deposition problems. Due to phosphate deposits are found tobe very common in cooling water system. The salts of silicious matters, magnesium, metal oxides, iron and corrosive products are other reported scales and deposit in cooling water system. The low velocity, bulk water, heat transfer surface temperature, cooling water temperature, high heat flux, bio fouling have a serious impact on scale and deposits formation. Fouling Water borne deposits, commonly known as foulants are loose,porous, insoluble materials suspended in water. They include particulate matter scrubbed from air, migrated corrosion products, silt, clay and suspended in make-up water, organic matter, biological matter and floc carry over from clarifiers, etc. Fouling can reduce heat transfer, interference with flow of cooling water by plugging the exchanger tubes. High flow velocity( 1 to 3 m/sce) can sweep away ordinary fouling deposits, but low flow velocity less than(0.8 m/sec) cause the suspended foulants to drop out and deposit over metal surface. These low velocity conditions exists in shell side cooling compressor jackets, water boxes and cooling tower basins. Microbiological growth Recirculating cooling water systems are ideal incubator for promoting the growth and proliferation of micro-organism. Water saturated with oxygen, exposed to sunlight with a temperature between 30 deg.C to 60 deg.C and having a pH between 6 to 9 ensure abundant nutrients and appropriate for life sustaining growth of micro-organisms. The build up of biofilm is initiated with the absorption or organic material on metal surface and grows through assimilation of nutrients. Eventually some of the biofilm is sheared away and re-entrained in the water stream to repeat the biofilm development process elsewhere. Biofilm can cause losses in heat transfer of its insulating property. The soft elastic rippled surface of biofilm absorbs the kinetic energy from the flowing water. Increased pumping energy is required to overcome the frictional resistance of the biofilm.
System problems 1) High pH(>1.8) of circulating water further increases its scaling/fouling tendency in cooling system. Concentrated hardness salt come out of solution and adhere to heat transfer surfaces thus giving rise to scale. Scaling, fouling, and deposits formed above pH 8.5 are normally hard in nature and are extremely difficult to remove. 2) Open recirculating cooling tower acts as a natural scrubber for air and hence all the ari-borne impurities like dust etc. find their way in to cooling water thereby contributing to fouling and deposition on heat transfer surfaces. Fouling and deposition add to the problems caused by scaling. 3) Micro Biological Problem The cooling towers may suffer from severe algal growth/presence in the cooling system. These algae if not take care of lead to severe problems of nozzle choking in the tower deck. They also damage/block the fills and in heat exchangers they accumulate and flourish on heat transfer, efficiency and capacity of the system. 4) TDS in make up water gets further concentrated in cooling water thus making your cooling water an excellent. Electrolyte which creates a corrosive enviroment in the cooling system by accelerating the following Electro Chemical reaction. Fe ----> Fe ++ + 2eCu----> Cu++ + 2eO2 + H2O + 4e- ----> 40HAnode Cathode
The above dissolution of iron continues, leading to thining of metal etc. 5) Under deposit corrosion: This form of corrosion is considered to be the most dangerous form as it results into pin holes, punctures & tube failures. It normally occurs at places where scaling & fouling have formed. The driving force behind this form of corrosion is the creation of differential concentration oxygen cells in regions between the scale layer and metal surface. Leakages of MS pipelines occur because of under deposit corrosion due to high pH of recirculating water etc. Scale/Corrosion/Fouling control The calcium carbonates has very low solubility even at 20 deg.C in water than any other dissolved salt in it. whereas calcium carbonate scale formation. But only acid addition alone cannot effectively contol salt. Again as you are adding acid, it required some additives to take care against disadvantages of acid. The organophosphonate is reported to be having best calcium carbonate scale inhibition ability. It also can be used to protest metal from corrosion, It provides corrosion protection to metal by forming iron oxide and iron phosphate film over metal surface. The precipitation of this orgono phosphonate with calcium cannot be denied t at high temperature which can be avoided by the use of unique co-polymer TRC-233 of sulphonic acid/Acrylic acid manometer. The co-polymer not only inhibits calcium phosphate scale but also control carbonate, sulfate and other scale effectively. It also disperses precipitaed matter, silt, clay, suspended particles inhibition and dissolved solids in water. The high hardness support for corrosion inhibition due to its natural corrosion inhibition tendency. The Ortho/Poly/Organophospate combination increases rate of corrosion inhibition by dual corrosion protection methodology like anodic & cathodic inhibition
g problems on waterside
nd compatible internal
ntagonistic properties.
conc in mg/l
37 x 1000 ---------------------------------------------------= 148.00 mg/l 250 Suspended solids, where such material is likely to be organic and/or biological in nature, are an improtant parameter of waset water. The suspended solids parameters is used to measure the quality of the wastewater influent, to monitor several treatment processes, and to measure the quality of the effuent. EPA has set a maximum suspended-solids standard of 30 mg/l for most treated wastewater discharges. 2) Turbidity A direct measurement of suspended solids is not usually preformed on samples from natural bodies of water or on potable water supplies. The nature of the solids in these waters and the secondary effects they produce are more important than the actual quantity. For such waters a test for turbidity is commmly used. Turbidity is a measure of the extent to which light is either absorbed or scattered by suspended material in water. Because absorption and scattering are influenced by size and surface characteristics of the suspended materials, turbidity is not a direct quantitive measurement of suspended solids. For example, one small pebble in a galss of water would produce virtually no turbidity. If this pebble were crushed into thousands of particles of collodal size, a measurable turbidity would result, even though the mass of solids had not changed. Sources Most turbidity in surface water results from the erosion of collodial material such as clay, silt,rock fragments, and metal oxides from the soil. Vegetable fibers and microorganisms may also contribute to turbidity. Household and industrial wastewaters may contain a wide variety of turbidity-producing material. Soaps, detergents, and emulsifying agents produce stable colloids that result in turbidity. Although turbidity measurements are not commonly run on wastewater, discharges of wastewater may increase the turbidity of
Use Although odors can be a problem with wastewater, the taste and odor parameter is only associated with potable water. EPA does not have a maximum standard for TON. A maximum TON of 3 has been recommended by the Public Health Service and serves as a guideline rather than a legal standard.[2-18] 2-6. Temperature Temperature is not used to evaluate directly either potable water or wastewater. It is, however, one of the most important paramters in natural surface-water systems. The temperature of surface waters governs to a large extent the biological species present and their rates of activity. Temperature has an effect on most chemical reactions that occur in natural water systems. Temperature also has a pronounced effect on the solubilities of gases in water.
Sources The temperature of natural water system responds to many factors. the ambient temperature(temperature of the surrounding atmosphere being the most universal. Generally, shallow bodies of water are more affected by ambient temperature than are deeper bodies. The use of water for dissipation of waste heat in industry and the subsequent dischage of the heated water may result in dramatic, though perhaps localized, temperature changes in receiving streams, Removal of forest canopies and irrigation return flows can also result in increased stream temperature.
Impacts Cooler waters ususally have a wider diversity of biological species. At lower temperatures, the rate of biological activity, I.e, utilization of food supplies, growth, reproduction, etc., is slower. If the temperature is increased, biological activity increases. An increase of 10 deg. C is usually sufficient to double the biological activity,if essential nutrients are present. At elevated temperature increased metabolic rates, organisms that are more efficient at food utilization and reproduction flourish, while other species decline and are perhaps eliminated altogether. Accelerated growth of algae often occurs in warm water and can become a problem when cells cluster into algae mats. Natural secretion of oils by algae in the mats and the decay products of dead algae cells can result in taste and odor problems. Higher-order species, such as fish, are a function of temperature. Game fish generally require cooler temperature and higher dissolved-oxygen levels. Temperature changes affect the reaction rates and solubility. levels of chemicals, a subject more fully explored in later sections of this cha Most chemical reactions involving dissolution of solids are accerated by increased temperatures. The solubility of gases, on the other hand, decreases at elevated temperature. Because biological oxidation of organics in streams and impoundments is dependant on an aduquate supply of dissolved oxygen. decrease in oxygen solubility is undesirable. The relationship between temperature and dissolved oxygen levels is shown in Table C-3 of the appendix. Chemical water-quality Parameters Water has been called the universal solvent, and chemical parameters are related to the solvent capabilities of water Total dissloved solid, Alkalinity, hardness, fluorides, metals, organics, and nutrients are chemical parameters of concern in water quality management. The following review of some basic chemistry related to solutions should be helpful in understanding subsequent discussion of chemical parameters. 2-7 chemistry of solutions An atom is the smallest unit of each of the elements. Atom are building blocks from which molecules of elements and compounds are constructed. For instance, two hydrogen atoms combine to form a molecule of hydrogen gas. H+H = H2 Adding one atom of oxygen to the hydrogen molecule results in one molecule of the compound water. A relative mass has been assigned to a single atom of each element based on a mass of 12 for carbon. The sum of the atomic mass of hydrogen is 1 and the atomic mass of oxygen is 16. Thus the molecular mass of the hydrogen is 2 and the molecular mass of water is 18. A mole of an element or compound is its molecular mass expressed in common mass units, usually grams. A mole of hydrogen is 2 g, while a mole of water is 18 g. One mole of a substance dissolved in sufficient water to make one lilter of solution is called a one molar solution. Bonding of elements into compounds is sometimes accomplished by electrical forces resulting from transferred electrons. When these compounds dissociate in water, they produce species with opposite charges. An example is sodium chloride. NaCl = Na+ + ClThe charged species are called ions, Positively charged ions are called cations, and negatively charged ions are called anions. The number of positive charges must equal the number of negative charges to preserve electrical neutrality in a chemical compound. The number of charges on an ion is refered to as the valence of that ion.
ary to evaporate
is the difference
ed until a constant
d on light absorption
e, I.e., complete sions of silica dioxide L of distilled water. dized electric bulb
th standardized
earlier, qnantifying
e of biological activity, I.e, ological activity increases. An present. At elevated temperature ourish, while other species decline
uster into algae mats. lt in taste and odor problems. oler temperature and higher
arbon. The sum of the he hydrogen is 2 and essed in common a substance dissolved in