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Project: 450MW combined heat power plant ulaanbaatar Job no.

: PP0074


PT plant Calculation A) Cooling Tower make-up Requirement Cooling Tower Flow (CW +ACW FLOW) Evaporation [email protected]% of Cooling tower flow (E) Drift [email protected]% of cooling tower flow(D) Cycles of Concentration (C') Refer Cooling tower calculation Assumption Assumption Assumption Formula used is Blowdown = (E-D(C-1))/(C-1) B + E +D

1 2 3 4

m3/hr m3/hr m3/hr -

57110 942.315 1.1422 5

5 6

Blowdown (B) Filtered water required for makeup to cooling tower

m3/hr m3/hr m3/hr

234.43655 1177.8938 1178

B) 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10

Boiler blow down quenching water requirement Total steam flow for three units Specific Gravity of FW @147.4deg C Blowdown quantity for all three boiler @ 3% blowdown for each boiler Flashing in Blowdown tank (10% of Blow down assumed) Blowdown quantity to waste water Temperature of Blowdown water Service water temperature (Quenching Water) Maximum outlet temperature at outfall Service water makeup flow rate Service water makeup flow rate (SAY) Make-up requirement for District Heating System Total water requirement for district heating system Make-up considered Density at 70 deg C Flow per pump Three times the HBD CHP mode flow Assumed Steam Table tons/hr m3/h m3/hr m3/hr Deg C Deg C Deg C m3/hr m3/hr 1693.8 0.9193 55.27 5.53 49.75 100.00 26.00 60.00 58.53 60 HBD (TMCR case) Steam Table Assumption Assumption Assumption Assumption Assumption


1 2 3 4

kg/hr % kg/m3 m3/hr m3/hr

7711200 2 978.7008 157.58 160


Filtered Water requirement

Project: 450MW combined heat power plant ulaanbaatar Job no. : PP0074


1 2 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 E)

Make up to Cooling Tower HVAC Requirment Input to DM Plant (Considering 85 % as DM Plant Effciciency) (SAY) Service water requirements Boiler blowdown quenching water requirements(Service Water) Total service water required Make up for District Heating Requirement Ash Handling requirement Total Filtered Water Requirement (SAY)

m3/hr m3/hr m3/hr m3/hr m3/hr m3/hr m3/hr m3/hr m3/hr

1178 10 65.88 5 60 65 160 25 1503.88

Refer Calculation above Assumption Refer Calculation fior DM water requirement Assumption Refer Calculation above Refer Calculation above Assumption

Total raw water requirement (PT plant capacity) 1.05 times filtered water 1579.0765 requirement 1580

Total Raw Water Requirement PT Plant Capacity

m3/hr m3/hr


Based on Nalco formular 1. Cooling tower Qh= R= Ti= To= Tad= T= Cn= Cp= DM= Hr= Km= 7179 kW 344 m3/hr 50.0 32 27 18.0 heat rejection capacity cooling water circulating flow rate cooling tower inlet temp. cooling tower outlet temp. ambient dry bulb temp. 15 temp. defference between C.W supply and C.W return

1 EA the number of cooling tower 1 kcal/kg specific heat 1 m3/hr 85 % 0.0019 water treatment capacity relative humidity evaporation contant, please refer to table

A) Evaporation loss (E) Ev(%)= T x[(Tad-1.6667)xKm + 0.1098] latent heat for water = E= = Et= 2.84 % R x Ev(%)/100 9.7696 m3/hr 9.7696 m3/hr total evaporation loss

B) Windage loss (W) Dp= Ds= Dt= 0.1 % 0.34 m3/hr 0.344 m3/hr total windage loss drop loss percent (0.05 - 0.2 %) Normally, 0.1 % has been used for plant

C) Blow down loss Cm= Cr= N= = 500 ppm 2500 ppm Cr Cm 5 TDS content in make-up water(mg/l) TDS content in recirculating water(mg/l) concentration factor


E (N-1) = 2.44 m3/hr 2.44 m3/hr total blow down loss 12.6 m3/hr


Required total make-up water


1. Cooling tower Qh= R= Ti= To= Tw= T= Cn= Cp= DM= 7179 kW 344 m3/hr 50.0 32.0 27 5 heat rejection capacity cooling water circulating flow rate cooling tower inlet temp. cooling tower outlet temp. wet bulb temp. approach temp. range

1 EA the number of cooling tower 1 kcal/kg specific heat 1 m3/hr water treatment capacity interpolation

A) Evaporation loss (E) E= R x Cp x (Ti-To) latent heat for water = 10.9 m3/hr


10.9 m3/hr

total evaporation loss

B) Windage loss (W) Dp= Ds= Dt= 0.1 % 0.34 m3/hr 0.344 m3/hr total windage loss drop loss percent (0.05 - 0.2 %) Normally, 0.1 % has been used for plant

C) Blow down loss Cm= Cr= N= 600 ppm 3000 ppm Cr Cm

" to be consider the water quality for following parameters" TDS content in make-up water(mg/l) TDS content in recirculating water(mg/l) concentration factor

*** TDS limit for economical chemical treatment

= 5 The recommended TDS limit for economical chemical treatment is about 2100 ppm, please reduce concentration factor value. *** Alkalinity limit for economical chemical treatment Cm= Cr= N= 300 ppm 1500 ppm Cr Cm = 5 The recommended Alkalinity limit for economical chemical treatment is about 400 ppm, please reduce concentration factor value. *** Chrolide limit for economical chemical treatment Cm= Cr= N= = Bs= E W (N-1) = Bt= 2.38 m3/hr 2.38 m3/hr 5 5 total blow down loss 13.6 m3/hr 132 ppm 660 ppm Cr Cm 5 The recommended Chrolide limit for economical chemical treatment is about 280 ppm, please reduce concentration factor value. Chrolide content in make-up water(mg/l) Chrolide content in recirculating water(mg/l) concentration factor Alkalinity content in make-up water(mg/l) Alkalinity content in recirculating water(mg/l) concentration factor

Required sub-total make-up water

DM water
DM water consumption A) blow-down Sc= Bf= Bd= 4.8 t/h 3 % 0.144 m3/hr 3.456 m3/day B) Other water consumption for J.W cooler, LO cooler, etc. Ms= 0.02 m3/hr 0.48 m3/day C) Regeneration water waste(10 % of product) Wt= Rs= #REF! m3/hr #REF! m3/day #REF! m3/hr #REF! m3/day Regeneration water waste D) Condensate water return loss Cs= 0.024 m3/hr 0.576 m3/day Required sub-total make-up water 3. FO/LO Purifier water consumption A) FO purifier x B) LO purifier x 2 4 1012.8 /day 1113.6 /day #REF! m3/hr (Water loss rate 0.5 %) water treatment unit capacity Amount of water consumption total steam evaporation quantity boiler blow-down rate boiler blow-down 2) Feed Water Make up ) 1) Chemical Dilution Water( ) (1-M-CA-021:Calculation for ()) 1 :

HRSG Continuous Blow down Tank Spray Water(

, Blow down MCR 2%

Required sub-total make-up water

2126.4 /day 0.09 m3/hr

4. Service water consumption for office A) Sp= 0.10 m3/hr Amount of water consumption based on B) Cw= 0.42 m3/hr Cleaning water Required sub-total make-up water 0.52 m3/hr 20 persons

*** Total water consump. (1+2+3+4)

#REF! m3/hr #REF! m3/day

DM water
1. Evaporation loss is the water loss to the atmosphere in the cooling process. The evaporation rate is dependent on the amount of water being cooled(R) and temperature difference, humidity and cooling water inlet temp. etc. 2. Windage loss Even though evaporating water is pure, some water driplets escape as mist throughout the evaporation equipment. ) HRSG Blow down () = Where, the windage loss in the conventional cooling tower is in the range of 0.05 to 0.2 % loss of the circulating cooling water flowrate (R). ) 3. Blow-down loss Deaerator Vent Steam() 1 : 1 :

Feed Water Flow(315.3 ton/h) 0.023%, As = 1 :

( CES , Vendor data Update Since the water vapor is discharged by evaporation, the dissolved and suspended solids in the circulating water will be concentrated and bring and cause the massive scale and corrosion.

4. Boiler blow-down rate is approximately 5%(design max.)

Laboratory () 0.05 m3/h 1 :

5. Regeneration water waste is the necessary water loss to regenerate the resin. The water loss is approximately in the range of 8 to 10 % of water treatment capacity. 2,500 /day 5 /day person 16 /day person 9 /day person 15 /day person 125 /day person 3) )

Sampling Devices(#2 )() (1) (2)

6. Service water is


on20 persons

- toilet bowl : 5 l/person x 1 frequency/day(8hrs) = - urine - washbowl - sink - shower : 2l/person x 8 frequency/day(8hrs) = : 3l/person x 3 frequency/day(8hrs) = : 5l/person x 3 frequency/day(8hrs)=

B/D water 15 Spray 8 .

: 80l/person x 1 frequency/day(8hrs)= 80 /day person

Total service water consumption per 1 person :

7. cleaning water : Width(m)Length(m) ater cleaning quantity(m) W 39.5 50.8 0.005 10,033 /day


GT & HRSG Area Cleaning()



DM water

based on

20 persons

B) Cw=

0.42 m3/hr

Cleaning water

Required sub-total make-up water

0.42 m3/hr

*** Total water consump. (1+2+3+4)

14.0 m3/hr 337 m3/day

Remarks)1. Evaporation loss is the water loss to the atmosphere in the cooling process. The evaporation rate is dependent on the amount of water being cooled(R) and temperature difference, humidity and cooling water inlet temp. etc. 2. Windage loss Even though evaporating water is pure, some water driplets escape as mist throughout the evaporation equipment. Where, the windage loss in the conventional cooling tower is in the range of 0.05 to 0.2 % loss of the circulating cooling water flowrate (R). 3. Blow-down loss Since the water vapor is discharged by evaporation, the dissolved and suspended solids in the circulating water will be concentrated and bring and cause the massive scale and corrosion.

4. Boiler blow-down rate is approximately 5%(design max.) 5. Regeneration water waste is the necessary water loss to regenerate the resin. The water loss is approximately in the range of 8 to 10 % of water treatment capacity. 6. Service water is based on20 persons 2,500 - toilet bowl : 5 l/person x 1 frequency/day(8hrs) = 5 - urine : 2l/person x 8 frequency/day(8hrs) = 16 - washbowl : 3l/person x 3 frequency/day(8hrs) = 9 - sink : 5l/person x 3 frequency/day(8hrs)= 15 - shower : 80l/person x 1 frequency/day(8hrs)= 80 Total service water consumption per 1 person : 125 /day /day person /day person /day person /day person /day person /day person

7. cleaning water : Width(m)Length(m) ater cleaning quantity(m) W 39.5 50.8 0.005 10,033 /day

DM water

Chemical Dilution Water( ) (1-M-CA-021:Calculation for ()) 1.6 t/day Feed Water Make up HRSG Continuous Blow down Tank Spray Water() , Blow down MCR 2% . HRSG HP Drum Pressure Temperature Steam Flow Enthalpy Blow down rate : 101 : 310.3 : 288.6 : 335.4 : 5.77 kg/cm2.a t/h kcal/kg t/h (2% B/D)

HRSG LP Drum Pressure Temperature Steam Flow Enthalpy Blow down rate : 6.3 : 159.7 : 26.7 : 161.0 : 0.53 kg/cm2.a t/h kcal/kg t/h (2% B/D)

HP+LP Blow down Mixed Steam ( = Blow down rate Enthalpy 5.77 x 320.7 335.4 + kcal/kg : 6.3 t/h (0.53+5.77) 0.53 x 161 ) / (

Continuous Blowdown Tank (Assumed) - Pressure

: 2 : 146.2 : 119.9

kg/cm2.a kcal/kg kcal/kg

Continuous Blow down Tank Blow down - Steam ( = Water 5.77 + 2.403648109 t/h : 3.37 t/h 0.53 ) x ( 320.7 119.9 ) / (

Blow down Tank - Pressure Temperature

: 1 : 100 : 638.2 : 100.1

kg/cm2.a (sat) kcal kcal

Blow down Tank Hot Water - Steam = = Hot water 3.37 1.381568482 t/h : 1.99 t/h x ( 320.7 100.1 ) / ( 638.2

DM water
Spray Water - Spray Water B/D Water Spray Water = 1.99 = 1 : 0.429271429 t/h 0.43 t/h x 24 hr = 10.32 t/day x ( 100.1 -

: 15 : 85 85

) / ( 85

HRSG Blow down () 1.99 t/h + 1 : 0.43 t/h = 58.1 t/day 2.42 t/h

Deaerator Vent Steam() Feed Water Flow(315.3 ton/h) 0.023%, Assumed ( CES , Vendor data Update) 315.3 1 : x 1.75 t/day : 1 t/day 2 0.00023 = 0.072519 t/h

Laboratory () 0.05 m3/h 1 : 1.2 t/day

Sampling Devices(#2 )() 8 : 1,000cc/min x 60min/h x 8 = 0.48 t/h 1 : 11.52 t/day : B/D water 15 Spray 85 . : 12


GT & HRSG Area Cleaning()

: : :



DM water


DM water

5.77 t/h (0.53+5.77)




100.1 )


DM water
















RAW WATER: 20.69 M3/HR







0.70 M3/HR

NOTE) - Office: 120 liter/day/person(Based on 40 persons) - The blow-down loss of cooling tower is based on concentration factor 5 and TDS 313 ppm of water quality at cooling tower inlet and discharge limit 1565 ppm.

water quality for CT

Company Name

Based on Han Su LTD. Recommended Cooling Tower make-up water quality 6.5-7.5 <1 <2 < 100 < 250 < 50 < 400 < 60

Based on Han Su LTD. Recommended Cooling Tower circulating water quality(economical treatment) <7 <14 < 1750 < 350 < 280 < 420

Based on Nalco Korea Recommended Cooling Tower circulating water quality(economical treatment) 7.0-8.5 < 100 < 20 < 2000 < 3000 50-600 < 4500 50-600

Based on Han Su LTD. Max. circulating water quality for chemical treatment 8.0-9.0 < 25 < 20 < 1800 < 350 50- 500

Based on Nalco Korea Max. circulating water quality for chemical treatment 7.0-8.5 < 200 < 30 < 1500 < 4000 < 1000 < 6000 < 1000

UNIT PH Suspended Solid(SS) Turbidity T-hardness NH4-N Total Dissolved Solid(TDS) Alkalinity(Methyl orange) Conductivity Ca++ Mg++ Aluminium Na+ HCO3SO42Cl- (Chloride) SiO2 K+ NO3FIron Remaining Cl T-PO4

ppm NTU ppm as CaCO3 ppm as CaCO3 ppm ppm micro mhos/cm ppm as CaCO3 ppm as CaCO3 as Al ppm as ion ppm as ion ppm as ion ppm as Clppm ppm as ion ppm as ion ppm as ion ppm as Fe ppm as R-Cl ppm

< 600 < 40 <5 < 280 < 35 < 600 < 50 < 350 <100

< 1000 < 1000 <100

< 0.2 -

< 1.4 0.5-1.0(3hrs/day) 3.5

<2 0.5-1.0(3hrs/day) 3.5

0.5-1.0(3hrs/day) 2.5-4.5

<3 0.5-1.0(3hrs/day) 2.5-4.5

water quality for CT

Based on HEC Circulating water quality requirement for CT 7.5-8.5 < 100 < 500 < 2500 < 400

< 750(960*) *:max. design valvue <100

Purifier data(samgong)

Description Actual capacity Regulating water Replacement water Drained water from operating water drain side l/h l/time l/time

SJ10FH SJ15FH SJ30FH SJ40FH SJ50FH SJ80FH 990 1 0.4 1.5 24 42 84 1500 1 0.4 1.5 24 42 84 2750 1.1 1 1.5 24 42 84 4250 2 1.6 2.5 24 54 108 5250 3.4 2.5 2.5 24 54 108 8100 3.9 3.5 3.5 24 54 108


high press. water l/time Low press. water l/day Total l/day l/day

Discharged Discharged sludge l/day water & sludge from l/day sludge Total l/day outlet side l/day l/day







79.2 158.4

79.2 158.4

88.8 177.6

139.2 278.4

205.2 410.4

253.2 506.4

Water consumption

58.8 117.6

58.8 117.6

67.2 134.4

97.2 197.4

124.8 249.6

142.8 285.6


1. 2. 1) 2) 3.

The values mentioned in the above indicate the quantity(presumed value) per one(1) set of Oil Purifier Number of times of sludge discharge Marine diesel oil and lubricating oil for cross head engine : Normal 12 times/day Heavy fuel oil and lubricating oil for trunk piston engine : Normal 24 times/day In the case of SJ-FH, we assumed no sludge discharge caused by the working of Water Detector.


Purifier data(samgong)


et of Oil Purifier



Water expansion 1000 liter x Expansion Evaporation pressure

liters % mWG (10mWG = 1bar)

10 1000 -

20 1002 0.2 -

30 1004 0.4 -

40 1008 0.8 -



50 1012 1.2 -

60 1017 1.7 -

70 1023 2.3 -

80 1029 2.9 -

90 1036 3.6 -

100 1043 4.3 0.4

110 1052 5.2 4.7

120 1060 6 10.3

130 1069 6.9 17.5


water treatment summary

1) Objective of boiler water treatment

The need or objective for boiler water treatment can be explained with respect to following problems on waterside - corrosion - Scale & deposit - Carryover The dissolved oxygen, carbon dioxide which converts into carbonic acid in condensate line, high dissolved solids, Low PH are the main reasons behind corrosion in boiler system. Hardness compounds like Calcium, Magnesium form scale in boiler. Phosphate based chemicals form sludge in boiler. Due to corrosion several leakages, tube failure occur, whereas scale and deposits decrease heat transfer, damage tubes, turbine blades, etc. Carryover problems also lead to improper functioning of whole boiler network. To take care & provide preventive measures, not only external treatment, but also right and compatible internal treatment is required, which will inhibit the problems mentioned above. Dissolved oxygen is the main culprit behind corrosion(pitting corrosion) in boiler system. This dissolved oxygen if not scavenged quickly, shall attack the base metal and oxidise it, Localised attack of oxygen result into puncturing, pin-holes, tube failures, and so on. Hence, oxygen scavenging forms heart of boiler water management.

2) Objective of water treatment for cooling tower cooling water

Corrosion, scale deposition, fouling and microbiological growths have for long posed challenges for proper management of cooling water treatments, the heart of any cooling medium. It is this water if not treated properly, which can damage equipment, impair product quality and threaten productivity, So main objective of any cooling water chemical treatment is to control - Corrosion - Scale & Deposition - Fouling - Microbiological growth Corrosion The physical factors contribting to corrosion are high temperature, low or high velocity and metallurgy. The high temperature always increase the corrosion by oxygen depolarization The high velocity promotes erosion corrosion, whereas low velocity permits sedimentation and hence under deposit corrosion by developing diffential aeration cell. Surface flows, grain boundaries, stress on metal, difference in type of adjacent metal can also cause galvanic and stress corrosion. The chemical factors, that affect corrosion are mainly pH, dissolved solids, dissolved gases, suspended solids and micro-organisms either present in the make up water source or from contamination. Generally ferrous metals are observed to be more susceptible to acidic PH whereas noble metals havent's any effect f pH on them. The hardness and bicarbonates can form barrier of deposits and may decrease corrosion or may also pose under doposits and may decreas corrosion or may also pose under deposit corrosion. The aggresive ions like chlorides, sulfattes promote local attack I.e pitting due to their antagonistic properties. Carbon dioxide dissolved oxygen oxygen, hydrogen sulfide may promote acid or local corrosive to copper based


water treatment summary

metals, the suspended solids and micro organisms may promote localized attack, under deposits corrosion, etc Scale deposition Deposition is nothing but the conglomerates that accumulate on water wetted surface. The formation of insoluble particles in the bulk water and the subsequent adherence of these particles to metal is termed as scale. Anything dissolved in cooling water has potential to develop scale due to it's primary characteristic of having inverse solubility at and with increased temperature or elevated pH. Problems which are caused by scale and deposits include loss of heat transfer efficiency, reduction of water flow, increased under deposit corrosion and in most cases, higher usage of water due to increased blow down. Calcium and bicarbonates are almost present in water. The addition of heat or sharp rise in pH cause bicarbonate ions to decompose to carbon dioxide and carbonates. The calcium carbonates is reported to be having low solubility due to which it forms scale by precipitation. Another most common scale found in cooling water system is calcium sulfate, which is 50 times more soluble than calcium carbonate.

This phenomenon provides that basis for sulfuric acid addition to avoid calcium carbonate formation. But excess sulphate may cause scale deposition problems. Due to phosphate deposits are found tobe very common in cooling water system. The salts of silicious matters, magnesium, metal oxides, iron and corrosive products are other reported scales and deposit in cooling water system. The low velocity, bulk water, heat transfer surface temperature, cooling water temperature, high heat flux, bio fouling have a serious impact on scale and deposits formation. Fouling Water borne deposits, commonly known as foulants are loose,porous, insoluble materials suspended in water. They include particulate matter scrubbed from air, migrated corrosion products, silt, clay and suspended in make-up water, organic matter, biological matter and floc carry over from clarifiers, etc. Fouling can reduce heat transfer, interference with flow of cooling water by plugging the exchanger tubes. High flow velocity( 1 to 3 m/sce) can sweep away ordinary fouling deposits, but low flow velocity less than(0.8 m/sec) cause the suspended foulants to drop out and deposit over metal surface. These low velocity conditions exists in shell side cooling compressor jackets, water boxes and cooling tower basins. Microbiological growth Recirculating cooling water systems are ideal incubator for promoting the growth and proliferation of micro-organism. Water saturated with oxygen, exposed to sunlight with a temperature between 30 deg.C to 60 deg.C and having a pH between 6 to 9 ensure abundant nutrients and appropriate for life sustaining growth of micro-organisms. The build up of biofilm is initiated with the absorption or organic material on metal surface and grows through assimilation of nutrients. Eventually some of the biofilm is sheared away and re-entrained in the water stream to repeat the biofilm development process elsewhere. Biofilm can cause losses in heat transfer of its insulating property. The soft elastic rippled surface of biofilm absorbs the kinetic energy from the flowing water. Increased pumping energy is required to overcome the frictional resistance of the biofilm.


water treatment summary

System problems 1) High pH(>1.8) of circulating water further increases its scaling/fouling tendency in cooling system. Concentrated hardness salt come out of solution and adhere to heat transfer surfaces thus giving rise to scale. Scaling, fouling, and deposits formed above pH 8.5 are normally hard in nature and are extremely difficult to remove. 2) Open recirculating cooling tower acts as a natural scrubber for air and hence all the ari-borne impurities like dust etc. find their way in to cooling water thereby contributing to fouling and deposition on heat transfer surfaces. Fouling and deposition add to the problems caused by scaling. 3) Micro Biological Problem The cooling towers may suffer from severe algal growth/presence in the cooling system. These algae if not take care of lead to severe problems of nozzle choking in the tower deck. They also damage/block the fills and in heat exchangers they accumulate and flourish on heat transfer, efficiency and capacity of the system. 4) TDS in make up water gets further concentrated in cooling water thus making your cooling water an excellent. Electrolyte which creates a corrosive enviroment in the cooling system by accelerating the following Electro Chemical reaction. Fe ----> Fe ++ + 2eCu----> Cu++ + 2eO2 + H2O + 4e- ----> 40HAnode Cathode

The above dissolution of iron continues, leading to thining of metal etc. 5) Under deposit corrosion: This form of corrosion is considered to be the most dangerous form as it results into pin holes, punctures & tube failures. It normally occurs at places where scaling & fouling have formed. The driving force behind this form of corrosion is the creation of differential concentration oxygen cells in regions between the scale layer and metal surface. Leakages of MS pipelines occur because of under deposit corrosion due to high pH of recirculating water etc. Scale/Corrosion/Fouling control The calcium carbonates has very low solubility even at 20 deg.C in water than any other dissolved salt in it. whereas calcium carbonate scale formation. But only acid addition alone cannot effectively contol salt. Again as you are adding acid, it required some additives to take care against disadvantages of acid. The organophosphonate is reported to be having best calcium carbonate scale inhibition ability. It also can be used to protest metal from corrosion, It provides corrosion protection to metal by forming iron oxide and iron phosphate film over metal surface. The precipitation of this orgono phosphonate with calcium cannot be denied t at high temperature which can be avoided by the use of unique co-polymer TRC-233 of sulphonic acid/Acrylic acid manometer. The co-polymer not only inhibits calcium phosphate scale but also control carbonate, sulfate and other scale effectively. It also disperses precipitaed matter, silt, clay, suspended particles inhibition and dissolved solids in water. The high hardness support for corrosion inhibition due to its natural corrosion inhibition tendency. The Ortho/Poly/Organophospate combination increases rate of corrosion inhibition by dual corrosion protection methodology like anodic & cathodic inhibition


water treatment summary

Bio Control The high solid content, hardness and sulfate level as well as phosphate added as corrosion inhibitor may pose the problem of bio-growth with micro organisms like algae, fungus, sulfate reducing bacteria, iron oxidising slime forming bacteria in cooling water where cooling water temperature and pH is very ideal for their growth. This can get carried over to the system and may accelarate the biological problems. It may also decrease the pH of circulating water drastically and causes heavy corrosion. As volume of water used for cooling purpose is very high, the cheapest biocide available is Chlorine, but chlorine has its own limitations like handling compatibility with pH corrosive nature, inability to withstand and control all types of micro-organism. The performance of chlorine is also affected by contamination. The additionally used biodispersant works as dispersant, surfactant, penetrant and chlorine enhancer. This bio-dispersant enhance the performance of biocide by keeping cooling system very much clean. The use of biodispersant permits the TCV count within the set norms 5 x 10^5 with no adverse effect on cooling system. Precleaning and passivation Before starting any cooling water chemical treatment program, it is very much necessary to have clean cooling water system for better performance of selected program. So precleaning becomes first improtant step in any cooling water chemical treatment program. It is always better to have a frequent cleaning at least once in a year or two for better cooling water mangement However for new systems precleaning is not necessary. The corrosion process must be polarised completely to avoid further corrosion or to inhibit the same. Such polarization can be achieved by passivation. The complete and proper passivation ensures the successful performance of the treatment at least against corrosion. thus passivation plays very improtant key role in any cooling water chemical treatment programme and it must before starting regular treatment. The passive film by corrosion inhibitor has always to be on metal surface to protect it from corrosion. Any damage to this film allows acceleration of corrosion. This damage to passive film over metal surface is expected due to frequent shutdown, load fluctuations, cleaning of cooling system etc. This has to be taken care by passivating the cooling system again properly. if any damage to passive film occurs.


water treatment summary

R/O & IE(ion exchanger) /


water treatment summary

g problems on waterside

nd compatible internal

e metals havent's any

ntagonistic properties.

rrosive to copper based


water treatment summary

deposits corrosion, etc

hese particles to metal


water treatment summary

capacity of the system.

entration oxygen cells

, silt, clay, suspended


water treatment summary

ion inhibitor may pose eria, iron oxidising slime

limitations like handling

oling water mangement


water quality summary

Physical water-quality parameters Physical parameters define those characteristics of water that respond to the senses of sight, touch, taste, or smell. Suspended solids, turbidity, color, taste and odor, and temperature fall into this category. 1) Suspended solid Solids can be dispersed in water in both suspended and dissolved forms. Although some dissolved solids may be perceived by the physical senses, they fall more appropriately under the category of chemical parameters and will be discussed more fully in a later section. Sources Solids suspended in water may consist of inorganic or organic particles of of immiscible(not mixed) liquids. Inorganic solids such as clay, silt and other soil constituents are common in surface water. Organic material such as plant fibers and biological solids(algal cells, bateria,etc) are also common constituents of surface waters. These material is seldom a constituent of groundwater. Other suspended material may result from human use of the water, Domestic waste water usually contains large quantities of suspended solids that are mostly organic in nature. Industrial use of water may result in a wide variety of suspended impurities of either organic or inorganic nature. Immiscible liquids such as oils and greases are often constituents of waste water. Impacts Suspended material may be objectionable in water of several reasons. It is aesthetically displeasing and provides adsorption sites for chemical and biological agents. Suspended organic solids may be degraded biologically, resulting in objectionable by-products. Biologically active (live) suspended solids may include disease-causing organisms as well as organisms such as toxin-producting strains of algae. Measurement There are several tests available for measuring solids. Most are gravimetric tests involving the mass of residues. The total solids test quantifies all the solids in the water, suspened and dissoloved, organic and inorganic. This parameter is measured by evaporating a sample to drynesss and weighting the residue. The total quantity of residue is expressed as milligrams per liter(mg/L) on a dry-mass-of-solids basis. A drying temperature slightly above boiling temperature(104 deg. C) is sufficient to drive off the liquid and the water absorbed to the surface of the particles, while a temperature of about 180 deg. C is necessary to evaporate the occluded water. Most suspended solids can be removed from water by filtration. Thus, the suspended fraction of the solids in a water sample can be approximated by filtering the water, drying the residue and filter to a constant weight at 104 deg. C (+/- 1) and determining the mass of the residue retained on the filter. The results of this suspened solids test are also expressed as dry mass per volume(milligram per liter). The amount of dissolved solids passing through the filters, also expressed as milligrams per liter, is the difference between the total-solid and suspened soild content of a water sample. It should be emphasized that filtration of a water sample does not exactly divide the solids into suspended and dissolved solids fractions according to the definitions presented eariler. Some colloids may pass through the filter and be measured along with the dissolved solids absorb to the filter materials. The extent to which this occurs depends on the size and nature of the solids and on the pore size and surface characteristics of the filter material. For this reason, the terms filterable residues and nonfilterable residues are often used. Filterable residues pass through the filter along with the water and relate more closely to dissolved solids. While nonfilterable residues are retained on the filter and relate more closely to suspened solids. "Filterable residues" and "non-filterable residues" are terms more frequently used in laboratory analysis while the dissolved solids and suspened soilids are terms more frequently used in water-quality-management practice. For most practical applications, the distinction between the two is not necessary. Once samples have been dried and mesaured, the organic content of both total and suspened solids can be


water quality summary

determined by firing the residues at 600 deg. C for 1 hour. The toral organic fraction of the residues will be converted to carbon dioxide, water vapor, and other gased and will escape. The remaining material will represent the inorganic, or fixed, residue. When organic suspened solids are being measured, a filter made of glass fiber or some other material that will not decompose at the elevated temperature must be used. The following example illustrates the calculations involved in suspened solids analysis. ex1) Determining the concentration of suspended solids A fiterable residue analysis is run on a sample of water as follows. Prior to filtering , the crucible and fitler pad are kept overnight in the drying oven, cooled, and the dry mass(tare mass) of the pair determined to be 54.352 g . Two hundred and fifty milliliter of the sample is drawn through a filter pad contained in the porousbottom crucible. The crucible and fiter pad are then placed in a drying oven at 104 deg. C and dried until a constant mass of 54.389 g is reached. Determine the suspened solids concentration of the sample. Solution) 1. Determine the mass of solids removed. Tare mass + solids = 54.389 Tare mass = 54.352 ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Mass of solids = 0.037 g = 37 mg 2. Determine the concentration of the solids mg solids x 1000 ml/l --------------------------------------------------= ml of sample

conc in mg/l

37 x 1000 ---------------------------------------------------= 148.00 mg/l 250 Suspended solids, where such material is likely to be organic and/or biological in nature, are an improtant parameter of waset water. The suspended solids parameters is used to measure the quality of the wastewater influent, to monitor several treatment processes, and to measure the quality of the effuent. EPA has set a maximum suspended-solids standard of 30 mg/l for most treated wastewater discharges. 2) Turbidity A direct measurement of suspended solids is not usually preformed on samples from natural bodies of water or on potable water supplies. The nature of the solids in these waters and the secondary effects they produce are more important than the actual quantity. For such waters a test for turbidity is commmly used. Turbidity is a measure of the extent to which light is either absorbed or scattered by suspended material in water. Because absorption and scattering are influenced by size and surface characteristics of the suspended materials, turbidity is not a direct quantitive measurement of suspended solids. For example, one small pebble in a galss of water would produce virtually no turbidity. If this pebble were crushed into thousands of particles of collodal size, a measurable turbidity would result, even though the mass of solids had not changed. Sources Most turbidity in surface water results from the erosion of collodial material such as clay, silt,rock fragments, and metal oxides from the soil. Vegetable fibers and microorganisms may also contribute to turbidity. Household and industrial wastewaters may contain a wide variety of turbidity-producing material. Soaps, detergents, and emulsifying agents produce stable colloids that result in turbidity. Although turbidity measurements are not commonly run on wastewater, discharges of wastewater may increase the turbidity of


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natural bodies of water. Impacts When turbid water in a small, transparent container, such as a drinking glass, is held up to the light, an aesthetically displeasing opaqueness or milky coloration is apparent. The colloidal material associated with turbidity provides absorbtion sites for chemicals that may be harmful or cause undesirable tastes and odors and for biological organisms that may be harmful . Disinfection of turbid waters is difficult because of the absorptive characteristics of some colloids and because the solids may partially shield organism from the disinfectant. In natural water bodies, turbidity may impart a brown or other color to water,depending on the light-absorbing properties of the solids, and may interfere with light penetration and photosynthetic reactions in streams and lakes. Accumulation of turbidity-causing particles in porous streambeds results in sediment deposits that can adversely affect the flora and fauna of the stream. Measurement Turbidity is measured photometrically by determining the percentage of light of a given intensity that is either absorbed or scattered. The original measuring apparatus, called a jacson turbidimeter, was based on light absorption and employed a long tube and standardized candle. the candle was placed beneath the glass tube that was then housed in a black metal sheath so that the light from the candle could only be seen from above the apparatus. The water sample was then pours slowly into the tube until the lighted candle was no longer visible, I.e., complete absorption has occured. The glass tube calibrated with readings for turbidity produced by suspensions of silica dioxide (SiO2) with one jackson turbidity unit(JTU) being equal to the turbidity produced by 1 mg SiO2 in l L of distilled water. In recent years this awkward apparatus has been replaced by a turbidity meter in which a standardized electric bulb produces a light that is then directed through a small sample vial. In absorption mode, a photometer measure the light intensity on the side of the vial opposite from the light source, while in the scattering mode, a photometer measures the light intensity at a 90 angle form the light source. Although most turbidity meters in use today work on scattering principle, turbidity caused by dark substances that absorb rather than reflect light should be measured by the absorption technique. Formazin, a chemical compound, provides more reproducible standards than SiO2 and has replaced it as a reference. Turbidity meter readings are now expressed as formain turbidity units, or FTUs, The nephelometry turbidity units(NTU) is often used to indicate that the test was run according to the scattering principle. Use Turbidity measurements are normally made on "clean" waters as opposed to wastewaters. Natural waters may have turbidities ranging from a few FTUs to several hundred. EPA drinking-water standards specify a maximum of 1 FTU, while the American water Works Association has set 0.1 FTU as its goal for drinking water. 3) Color Pure water is colorless but water in nature is often colored by foregin substances. Water whose color is partly due to suspended matter is said to have apparent color. Color contributed by dissolved solids that remain after removal of suspended matter is known as true color. Sources After contact with organic debris such as levels, conifer needless, weeds, or wood, water picks up tannins humic acid, and humates and takes on yellowish-brown hues, Iron oxides cause reddish water, and manganese oxides cause brown or paper production, food processing, chemical production, and mining, refining and slaughterhouse operations may add substaintial coloration to water in receiving streams. Impacts Colored water is not aesthetically acceptable to the general public. In fact, given a choice, consumers tend to choose clear, noncolored water of otherwise poorer quality over treated potable water supplies with an objectable color. Highly colored water is unsuitable or laundering, dyeing, papermaking, beverage manufacturing, dairy produection and other food processing and textile and plastic production. Thus, the color of water affects its marketability for both domestic and industrial use.


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While true color is not usually considered unsanitary or unsafe, the organic compounds causing true color may exert a chlorine demand and thereby seriously reduce the effectiveness of chlorine as a disinfectant. Perhaps more important are the products formed by the combination of chlorine with some color-producing organics. Phenolic compounds, common constituents of vegetative decay products, produce very objectable taste and odor compounds with chroline. Additionally, some compounds of naturally occuring organic acids and chlorine are either known to be, or are suspected of being, carcinogens(cancer-causing agents). Measurement Althrough several methods of color measurement are avialable, methods involving comparison with standardized colored materials are most often used. Color- comparison tubes containing a series of standards may be used for direct comparison of water samples that have been filtered to remove apparent color. Results are expressed in true color units(TCUs) where one unit is equivalent to the color produced by 1 mg/L of platinum in the form of chlorplatinate ions. For colors other than yellowish-brown hues, especially for colored waters originating from industrial waste effluents, special spectrophotometric techniques are usually employed. In fieldwork, instruments employing colored glass disks that are calibrated to the color standards are often used. Because biological and physical changes occurring storage may effect color. samples should be tested within 72 h of collection. Use Color is not a parameter usually included in wastewater analysis. In potable water analysis, the common practice is measure only the true color produced by organic acid resulting from decaying vegetation in the water. The resulting value can be taken as an indirect measurement of humic substances in the water. 4) Taste and Odor The terms and odor are themselves definitive of this parameter. Because the sensations of taste and smell are closely related and often confused, a wide variety of tastes and odors may be attributed to water by consumers. Substances that produce an odor in water will almost invariably impart a taste as well. The converse is not ture, as there are many mineral substances that produced taste but no odor. Sources Many substances with which water comes into contact in nature or during human use may impart perceptible taste and odor. These include minerals, metals , and salts from the soil, end products from biological reactions, and constituents of wastewater. Inorganic substances are more likely to produce tastes unaccompanied by odor. Alkaline material imparts a bitter taste to water, while metallic salts may give a salty or bitter taste. Organic material, on the other hand, is likely to produce both taste and odor. A multitude of organic chemicals may cause taste and odor problems in water, with petroleum-based products being prime offenders. Biological decomposition of organics may also result in taste-and odor-products liquids and gases in water. Principle among these are the reduced products of sulfur that impart a " rotten egg" taste and odor. Also, certain species of algae secrete an oily substance that may result in both taste and odor. The combination of two or more substances, neither of which would produce taste or odor by itselt, may sometimes result in taste and odor problems. This synergistic effect was noted earlier in the case of organics and chlorine. Impacts Consumers find taste and odor aesthetically displeasing for obvious reasons. Because water is thought of as tasteless and odorless, the consumer associates taste and odor with contamination and may prefer to use a tasteless, odorless water that might actually pose more of a health threat. And odors produced by organic substances may pose more than a problem of simple aesthetics, since some of those substances may be carcinogenic. Measurement


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Direct measurement of materials that produce taste and odors can be made if the causative agents are known. Several types of analysis are available for measuring taste-producing inorganics. Measurement of taste- and odor-causing organics can be made using gas or liquid chromatography. Because chromatorgraphic analysis is time-consuming and required expensive equipment. it is not routinely performed on water samples, but should be done if problem organics are suspected. However, because of the synergism noted earlier, qnantifying the sources does not necessarily quantify the nature or intensity of taste and odor. Quantitive tests that employ the human senses of taste and smell can be used for this purpose. An example is test for the threshold odor number(TON). varying amounts of odorous water are poured into containers and diluted with enough odor-free distilled water to make a 200-ml mixture. An assembled panel of five to ten noses is used to determine the mixture in which the odor is just barely detectable to the sense of smell. The TON of that sample is then calculated using the formula. A+B TON = --------------(2-1) A Where A is the volume of odorous water (mL) and B is the volume of odor-free water required to produce a 200 -mL mixture. Threshold odor numbers corresponding to various sample volumes are shown in Table 2-2. A similar test can be used to quantify taste, or the panel can simply rate the water qualitatively on an " acceptability" scale. Table 2-2 Threshold odor numbers corresponding to sample volume diluted to 200 mL Sample volume(A) mL 200 175 150 125 100 75 67 50 40 25 10 2 1 TON 1 1.1 1.3 1.6 2 2.7 3 4 5 8 20 100 200

Use Although odors can be a problem with wastewater, the taste and odor parameter is only associated with potable water. EPA does not have a maximum standard for TON. A maximum TON of 3 has been recommended by the Public Health Service and serves as a guideline rather than a legal standard.[2-18] 2-6. Temperature Temperature is not used to evaluate directly either potable water or wastewater. It is, however, one of the most important paramters in natural surface-water systems. The temperature of surface waters governs to a large extent the biological species present and their rates of activity. Temperature has an effect on most chemical reactions that occur in natural water systems. Temperature also has a pronounced effect on the solubilities of gases in water.

Sources The temperature of natural water system responds to many factors. the ambient temperature(temperature of the surrounding atmosphere being the most universal. Generally, shallow bodies of water are more affected by ambient temperature than are deeper bodies. The use of water for dissipation of waste heat in industry and the subsequent dischage of the heated water may result in dramatic, though perhaps localized, temperature changes in receiving streams, Removal of forest canopies and irrigation return flows can also result in increased stream temperature.


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Impacts Cooler waters ususally have a wider diversity of biological species. At lower temperatures, the rate of biological activity, I.e, utilization of food supplies, growth, reproduction, etc., is slower. If the temperature is increased, biological activity increases. An increase of 10 deg. C is usually sufficient to double the biological activity,if essential nutrients are present. At elevated temperature increased metabolic rates, organisms that are more efficient at food utilization and reproduction flourish, while other species decline and are perhaps eliminated altogether. Accelerated growth of algae often occurs in warm water and can become a problem when cells cluster into algae mats. Natural secretion of oils by algae in the mats and the decay products of dead algae cells can result in taste and odor problems. Higher-order species, such as fish, are a function of temperature. Game fish generally require cooler temperature and higher dissolved-oxygen levels. Temperature changes affect the reaction rates and solubility. levels of chemicals, a subject more fully explored in later sections of this cha Most chemical reactions involving dissolution of solids are accerated by increased temperatures. The solubility of gases, on the other hand, decreases at elevated temperature. Because biological oxidation of organics in streams and impoundments is dependant on an aduquate supply of dissolved oxygen. decrease in oxygen solubility is undesirable. The relationship between temperature and dissolved oxygen levels is shown in Table C-3 of the appendix. Chemical water-quality Parameters Water has been called the universal solvent, and chemical parameters are related to the solvent capabilities of water Total dissloved solid, Alkalinity, hardness, fluorides, metals, organics, and nutrients are chemical parameters of concern in water quality management. The following review of some basic chemistry related to solutions should be helpful in understanding subsequent discussion of chemical parameters. 2-7 chemistry of solutions An atom is the smallest unit of each of the elements. Atom are building blocks from which molecules of elements and compounds are constructed. For instance, two hydrogen atoms combine to form a molecule of hydrogen gas. H+H = H2 Adding one atom of oxygen to the hydrogen molecule results in one molecule of the compound water. A relative mass has been assigned to a single atom of each element based on a mass of 12 for carbon. The sum of the atomic mass of hydrogen is 1 and the atomic mass of oxygen is 16. Thus the molecular mass of the hydrogen is 2 and the molecular mass of water is 18. A mole of an element or compound is its molecular mass expressed in common mass units, usually grams. A mole of hydrogen is 2 g, while a mole of water is 18 g. One mole of a substance dissolved in sufficient water to make one lilter of solution is called a one molar solution. Bonding of elements into compounds is sometimes accomplished by electrical forces resulting from transferred electrons. When these compounds dissociate in water, they produce species with opposite charges. An example is sodium chloride. NaCl = Na+ + ClThe charged species are called ions, Positively charged ions are called cations, and negatively charged ions are called anions. The number of positive charges must equal the number of negative charges to preserve electrical neutrality in a chemical compound. The number of charges on an ion is refered to as the valence of that ion.


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