Pulling The Curtain On God

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Inside Cover

Pulling the Curtain on God


Legal Information
Pulling the Curtain on God Copyright 2011 by Mani-Om-Sah Institute (www.maniomsah.com) Smashwords Edition All rights reserved. No part of this book may be reproduced or transmitted in any form or by any means without written permission from the author. eISBN 978-1-937391-08-9 Printed in USA

Table of Contents

Preface Introduction The God of This World A Stroll Through the God Market Is God The Antichrist? A Celestial Basis for the Turaneusiam Gods Theft of a Legacy The Fall of God His Judgement Day Has Arrived The Aftermath Legal Information

This book is dedicated to all those warriors who have fought side by side, on this earth and in its astral realms, to bring understanding and enlightenment to a dark world.

This book is a culmination of separate articles that were published for the Mani-Om-Sah Institute and can be found by going to www.maniomsah.com. We have added a few new chapters to this book in order to create a continuity of thought throughout the book. Chapter four explains the origins of the term Turaneusiam which is referred to in chapters five, six and seven. In this book there are many references to the book Escaping Hell and we highly recommend downloading this free book at www.escsapinghell.com. You will discover that these two books complement each other and will help to give you a better understanding of the situation humanity finds itself faced with.

Fear is a tool that has been used for thousands of years to enslave most of humanity through the worship of God. Throughout history governments and religion have worked hand in hand to control and manipulate most of mankind into taxation and submission. The purpose of this book is to help you understand that the god that we are taught to worship, did not create us nor this world and does not have the power to help or hurt us, unless we allow it. Only by understanding the true nature of the God of this world, can we ever hope to overcome the fear that keeps us from fulfilling our true destiny in the universe.

Chapter One: The God of This World

Everyone Jews, Christians and Muslims alike, are all taught that the god to whom they pray is the highest authority in the universe, having created all of humanity, the earth upon which we live, and all the heavens including the stars, sun, and everything else in existence. Even the Hindus, Buddhists, American Indians, and New Agers believe in a god who created all this, even if their belief systems do not take on the form of organized religion with a book of laws and religious dogma. Does anyone ever stop to think about whom this god is, that they pray to? Do we ever stop to seriously consider the nature of this god? As was pointed out in the book Escaping Hell on page 21 (See: www.escapinghell.com) Mormons are taught, and many other Christians have been astute enough to realize that Lucifer is the god of this world. Still, though, everyone tends to believe that they pray to a god higher than the god of this world. Are there two gods then? It has been said that the god of this world has the power to bruise mans heels. Lets think about this for just a minute. Someone who has God status has only enough power to follow us around kicking at the backs of our heels? Does this make any sense to you? The presence of incongruities such as this one always indicates that there are important factors missing from the equation. Lets begin with the fact that Lucifer is only a nickname. Well get to that nickname in a little bit, but for now we should be aware of the fact that his real name is Dominion. We should also be aware of the fact that the Christian Church from which all others emerged (or at least whose Bible they utilize), has an ancient prayer to Dominus, or Dominium. This, of course, is the Latin form of Dominion. The prayer is in Latin: In manus tuas, Domine Into thy hands, O Lord. In discovering the nature of this god to whom everyone prays, we can draw from both Christian and Jewish sources. Even the Koran utilized by the Muslims, quotes heavily from the Old Testament which has god telling the Jews to slaughter all non-Jews without mercy, and not even to leave a dog alive. Taking such examples to heart, Muslims also have a history of slaughtering all non-Muslims, referring to them as Infidels. Christians have a bloody history of converting the so-called heathens not only at the point of a Christian sword wielded in the name of god, but also through cleverly devised methods of torture. Even in modern times, those who pray to god, go to war against one another for purposes of greed, power and control, all believing that god is on their side. By providing so-called miracles for all warring factions, god keeps them all believing that they are his favored ones. In this way, then, he sanctions what everyone does to each other, along with all the murder and mayhem that seems to be justified as long as governmental authority sanctions it. As was pointed out on pages 20&21 in the chapter entitled Hell of the book Escaping Hell, religionists notoriously absolve god from any responsibility for the atrocities committed in his name, by pointing out the fact that he gave us our free agency. Nevertheless, they believe that god continues to support those involved in such atrocities, as his miracles on the battlefield are acknowledgedfor all factions. From pulpits all over the world, religionists can be seen and heard telling stories of such miracles. On the other hand, we must critically examine the nature of this so called free agency if we are to come to an understanding of this god to whom we pray. The fact is, that if we dont do as god says, and in the way he says to do

it, while pretending to like it, then we get punished without mercy, just like the examples provided by his followers in the Old Testament, by those in the Muslim countries, and by the Christian Inquisition. The only difference is that gods punishment lasts for an eternity. In our religious teachings, we are taught that god is our loving, kind and benevolent Heavenly Father on the one hand, while on the other, we are taught that our failure to appease him will result in some sort of eternal punishment and damnation. In other words, we are taught to accept a god that seems to be bipolar. He loves and accepts us if we obey well enough, but those who fail for whatever reason, are hated by him his love, then, is conditional in the extreme. As chapter four of the book Escaping Hell pointed out, psychologists have noted that narcissists have unrealistic expectations of unconditional approval and admiration. Didnt god get mad and destroy the earth once because the people wouldnt pay attention to him? This fact should cause any thinking person to take pause and reconsider the implications in the commandment: Thou shalt have no other Gods before me. How can he have such unrealistic expectations of unconditional approval and admiration without extending the same to us and still be considered worthy of godhood? As chapter five pointed out, the Biblical god made a bet with a demon (some sources say it was Satan) that ended up causing Job a whole lot of pain and misery. Religionists excuse this petty little game of one-up-man-ship as a mere test for Job; but it literally pulls the curtain on god, who needed to prove to a demon that his followers would continue to worship him from a position on their knees, regardless of their suffering. It marks the god of this world as a narcissist. Even god himself doesnt seem to argue with this point of view. He says openly, that hes a jealous god; so why cant we all get a clue? Jealousy is an extreme form of envy, which is one of the seven deadly sins of narcissism as accepted by psychologists everywhere. The notion that the term jealousy may be an inadequate translation does not work, because the Bible is replete with examples of his bipolar nature, as noted above. Therefore, the god of this world is a bipolar narcissist. I would never make such accusations against the real creator of our universe. The bipolar god of this world, however, is not the original source of all creation. He simply took over, just like the huckster who took over Oz. The book Escaping Hell describes how Dominion trapped us here by converting the original magnetic time loop of this earth-realm, into an electromagnetic time loop. He pulled the opposite directional flow of light into the Sound aspect which is magnetic, and made it electromagnetic in nature, which provides the illusion of linear time. Thus, Dominion earned the nickname of Lucifer which means the bearer of light, or the light giver. This is indeed, the Biblical god who said: Let there be light. When we pray, our prayers do not go to a God that exists above and beyond the god of this world. First of all, we were all taught that the god we pray to is the Biblical god. Secondly, we exist in Dominions trap where his angels and archangels receive the power from all our thoughts, our emotions, and our prayers. Thirdly, we have never even contemplated the nature of a God existing above and beyond the Biblical god. We only know about the bipolar narcissist. This is the god that all religion teaches us about, and this is the only god we have ever known. In one way or another, everyone is taught to fear god. Those who say that they love god rather than fear him, say this only because they devote themselves to his service, obeying him and never questioning him. If they werent

so devout, however, then they would have cause to fear him. In this way, then, they do actually fear the god they pray to. He is a jealous god, and by personal admission, a vengeful one as well. For religionists, the Biblical god is a jealous and vengeful parent commanding all the inhabitants of Earth to humble themselves before him, to erect costly edifices to him from which his Word must be preached, and to sacrifice their time and money to his servants. Doesnt this sound just like Lucifer? Additional proof that Lucifer/Dominion is actually the Biblical god as well as the god of this world is provided by the 13th chapter of Romans. The New World Translation, the New International Version, and the Gideons Bible are most profound in this regard, while the King James Version is a bit more ambiguous. Comparing it with the others, however, leaves no doubt about the message it puts forth. Allow me to quote from the New International Version. Let everyone be subject to the governing authorities, for there is no authority except that which God has established. The authorities that exist have been established by God. Consequently, whoever rebels against the authority is rebelling against what God has instituted, and those who do so will bring judgment on themselves. For rulers hold no terror for those who do right, but for those who do wrong. Do you want to be free from fear of the one in authority? Then do what is right and you will be commended. For the one in authority is Gods servant for your good. But if you do wrong, be afraid, for rulers do not bear the sword for no reason. They are Gods servants, agents of wrath to bring punishment on the wrongdoer. Therefore, it is necessary to submit to the authorities, not only because of possible punishment but also as a matter of conscience. This is also why you pay taxes, for the authorities are Gods servants, who give their full time to governing. Give to everyone what you owe them: If you owe taxes, pay taxes; if revenue, then revenue; if respect, then respect; if honor, then honor. The claims of many, that their religious leaders do not preach this radical interpretation of the Bible do not hold water. It is a fact that unless we are legally married, then we are considered to be living in sin. In other words, if the government does not recognize our marriage, then neither does god. If the government tells us to go out and commit murder for political reasons, then it is sanctioned by god. In fact, everyone fighting for their own government against one another is committing murder that is sanctioned by god. Therefore, not only is it nonsensical to say that god is not responsible for the exercise of our own free agency, but we must acknowledge our responsibility under religious law, to uphold the laws of the land, which actually places all government authority in a supervisory position under the god of this world. For this reason, both the Mormon and Catholic churches have conducted so-called witch hunts against patriots within their memberships who promote the establishment of freedom. To say that the churches leadership must behave in this way in order to continue their existence, is to say that Lucifer who is the god of this world is actually in charge, and no other. It is not rational to think that the god provided by religions for us to pray to is any other than Lucifer himself.

Chapter Two: A Stroll Through The God Market

In chapter 1: The God of This World, we focused on Judaism and its offshoots, Islam and Christianity. The reason for this has to do with the fact that those three are most heavily steeped in obedience to laws that have been set down by a being with great technological power who claims to be God. Hindus, Buddhists, American Indians, and New-Agers, however, should not consider themselves to be exempt from the machinations of Dominion, just because they dont buy into the beliefs of organized religion. Dominions influence is not limited by our non-belief in him. In fact, there exists what can be viewed as a God Market of sorts, and this market is controlled by Dominion and those who serve him. Buddhists are not at all like Christians, in that they turn within for enlightenment through a process of meditation. On the other hand, nations that have established Buddhism as their national religion are governed by political leaders that are Draco/Human hybrids, and they are therefore subject to the dictates of Dominion. Politically free Zen Buddhists and Tibetan Buddhists may raise their vibratory frequencies far above this earthplane, but the numerous traps of Dominion will keep them reincarnating regardless, and they are, therefore, subject to his will. In this way then, even the God within is part of the market controlled by Dominion. Hindus constitute a wide variety of religionists, both exoteric and esoteric. Some sects claim the name of Krishna for God, while other sects claim other names. Regardless, however, as long as they turn without to someone they call God, that one will be Dominion. Turning within is fraught with problems in any case, because Dominion has succeeded in adding to the ego with the creation of an ego entity which has the capacity to mimic ones Higher Self when its existence becomes threatened by purification. For this reason, gurus have taken charge of their students in the area of spiritual development, and very few of these are free from the ruling hand of Dominion. The American Indians seem to have a spiritual tradition totally separate from everyone else, but this also, is an illusion. Their creator, known by various names, depending on a given tribal language goes back to Dominion through the Anunnaki, known as the Odedicron Reptilians. The Hopi tribe still performs an underground Snake Dance in honor of these creator gods. More recently, however, the New Age movement has begun to pollute the more ancient tradition of the American Indians by incorporating elements of Christianity, along with channelings from extraterrestrials. Some sources say that this is an embryonic stage of development for a new world religion which is intended to accompany the new world order. There are many factions associated with the New Age Movement, with some focusing heavily on the American Indian tradition, while others focus on the coming of extraterrestrials who are supposedly coming to straighten everything out for us, correcting our mistakes, and putting us on the right path, which is love for all of humanity. Doesnt this sound too warm and fuzzy to be true? Well, thats because it is. There is one group in Florida that recognizes the original source of creation, sometimes referred to as The One, and sometimes as The Source. They follow a law called The Law of One. Unfortunately, however, their association with a group of extraterrestrials called The Guardian Alliance has caused them to be infiltrated by the forces of Dominion, and in this way, they have been compromised. They dont seem to be aware of the fact that the

Guardian Alliance itself has been compromised. Therefore, being totally unaware of the violation of spiritual law involved in higher dimensional beings coming to interfere with our processes here on Earth, these people also look forward to the arrival of extraterrestrials, believing them to be of a positive nature. Surely, the ones to arrive will come with great blessings in order to secure our trust and confidence, but the ultimate price will be slavery heretofore unknown to us. Those coming to enslave us established the ancient Egyptian civilization after the Pyramid Wars. They were the Nefilim and Anunnaki enemies of the Turaneusiam who will be discussed in the following chapter. For now, however, just consider these Turaneusiam in the context of our ancestors. The Nefilim and Anunnaki just mentioned form not only the archangels and angels representing Dominion, but they also consist of the other extraterrestrials that assisted in the evolution of organized religion out of Egypt. A group calling themselves the Council of Nine or the Nine Principles claim to be the ancient Egyptian Gods the Heliopolitan Ennead. Some of the following information is from The Stargate Conspiracy by Lynn Picknett & Clive Prince. The renowned occultist Aleister Crowley went to the Cairo Museum in 1904, and performed a ritual known today, as the Cairo Working. This brought him into contact with an entity called Aiwass, who was supposedly one of the Secret Chiefs a group of discarnate entities who directed the Hermetic Order of the Golden Dawn. Only the highest initiates of the Golden Dawn, having direct contact with the Secret Chiefs were admitted into an Order called Silver Star. The Secret Chiefs, having made their connection from Egypt with Mr. Crowley through his magical working, are none other than the Nine Principles the Ennead. This Council of Nine was known to be connected with Sirius. Of course, the Anunnaki being from Sirius, are well known as the Sirian Anunnaki. Aleister Crowley practiced Cabalistic magic and conjured the spirit representing the Secret Chiefs (the Great Ennead) through a ritual derived from the magical practices of King Solomon. Robert Anton Wilson wrote that one of his many contacts from secret and esoteric societies, both in the U.S. and in Europe, told him that the secret of the 33rd degree was that the Craft was in contact with intelligent beings from Sirius. Every Masonic Lodge room is decorated with a symbol called the Blazing Star, which is considered by Masonic authorities to represent Sirius. Dick Farley, who resigned his position as director of program development at the Human Potential Foundation in 1994, expressed his concern about the increasing influence of the Council of Nine over politicians and decision-makers. He writes that the Nine: maintain a working network of physicists and psychics, intelligence operatives and powerful billionaires, who are less concerned about their source and its weirdness, than they are about having every advantage and new data edge in what they believe is a battle for Earth itself. Rod Lewis of the American Federation of Scientists explains government involvement in the demonic realm: Its a Greek word for disembodied intelligence. Apparently its something they take very seriously, and unfortunately theyre trying to use it for military purposes. The so-called Godfather of the New Egyptology, one R.A. Schwaller de Lubicz, wrote: Heliopolis teaches the metaphysics of the Cosmic Opus by revealing the creative act that scissions the Unity Nun; it also speaks of the Birth of the Nine Principles, the entire basis on which the sensorial world will establish itself in becoming accessible to human intelligence. He states that the Ennead are the Nine Principles born of Nun, the primordial waters.

These entities, also recognized as Nefilim and Anunnaki, are the extraterrestrials that the New Age Movement believes will come and straighten everything out. These are those who formed the spiritual hierarchy of the god of this world, and established Judaism, Judeo-Christianity (sometimes called Egypto-Christianity), and Islam. Further back in antiquity, existed a more ancient tradition established by our Turaneusiam ancestors. It was based in the Sanskrit language, and provided the spiritual practice of turning within, rather than looking outward to disembodied intelligences. I derived some of the following information from The Snow Leopard by Peter Matthiessen. The Sanskrit term Avalokita means: The divine within or The Lord who is seen within, and this is what has been sought by mystics of all faiths throughout history. We know this to be the Father as referenced by the ancient Essenes, the Hamingja in Old Norse, the Atman to the Hindus, and the Higher Self to the New Agers. The Bodhisattva Kanzeon or Kannon was known in China, as Kwan Yin, and in Southeast Asia as Quon Am. Highly revered in the New Age Movement today, I know Kwan Yin (a female) to be an Anunnaki-Human hybrid. This hybrid was known to Hindus as a male, and was called Padmapani. In Sanskrit he was called Avalokita. Actually, Avalokita was his mantel, and he was called Avalokita Ishvara The Lord who looks down (in compassion); and indeed, he was a reptilian hybrid. This situation speaks of the fact that the Sirian Anunnaki were undermining the spiritual tradition of our ancestors long before their establishment of the Egyptian traditions. Its no wonder, then, that the Sanskrit language eventually became what now is called a dead Language. It fell under the Anunnaki/Egyptian assault which promoted the Hebrew tradition instead. The universal forces were at one time, known to all. The Egyptians knew them as the Netters, while the Sanskrit term was Runas. It is believed that the Sanskrit language was highly esoteric, and possessed spiritual power from the higher dimensional realms. Therefore, the Sanskrit form of these universal forces, or Runas were the most powerful form. This fact is substantiated by my own personal experience. The common forms of Runas in the world today are the German and Old Norse Runes. When my Higher Self or Avalokita guided my research in discovering the Sanskrit forms, I presented them to one of my associates who immediately recognized them as the most powerful form he could have imagined. He was excited, to say the least. Shortly thereafter, he and another associate became angry with the original source of all creation the One or the All, falling under Dominions influence. From that point on, neither of them could use the Sanskrit form in their shamanic work because as one of them told me: The Sanskrit form hurts us. It didnt hurt them before that. All those who stand against the All, including the occultists who are aligned with the forces of Dominion the Biblical god of this world through the Anunnaki/Egyptian tradition must by necessity, remain opposed to the Runas. In this way, Mani-Om-Sah remains inaccessible to the forces of Dominion, and even to Dominion himself. His authorities and their armies may be able to break down our doors and haul us away or kill us, but they cannot access the World of Mani-Om-Sah, which name consists of the Sanskrit form of three Runas. Various factions within the New Age Movement follow St. Germain, Lord Maitraya, Lady Master Nada, the Archangel Michael, and a very long list of other Ascended Masters and Archangels. All of these, however, constitute Dominions hierarchy of Nefilim, Cherubim and Seraphim who guide and direct those so-called servants of the Lord known variously as Illuminati, Freemasons, Popes, Prophets, and other religious and political leaders.

The people following all these footprints through the God Market eventually end up at Dominions doorstep. They might create their own societies, kingdoms and heavens, thinking themselves to be different from everyone else, and possessing a different god, but this is all part of the collective illusion sponsored by none other than Dominion himself. Even our top industrialists and bankers, cutting-edge scientists, popular entertainers, and key figures in military and intelligence circles who follow the occult leaders in their communications with the Nine Chiefs of the Great Ennead, are directly linked to Dominion. Atum, Shu, Tefnut, Geb, Nut, Osiris, Isis, Set, and Nepthys, both collectively and individually govern over the various occult organizations that rule this world through religion, politics, banking, and science. In this way, Dominion controls his kingdom through his hierarchy, while all the various factions consider themselves to be separate and sovereign entities. The God Market is like the Astral Carnival with all its clowns keeping us distracted, so that we dont recognize the huckster behind the curtain. There is only one way out of this mess. Since death will only see this place revisited over and over again, we must look for another avenue. Certainly, those who raise their vibratory frequencies through meditation must be commended. Sadly enough, however, this is not enough to escape Dominions traps and psychic time loops. It is time to quit running through the God Market, and instead, to begin thinking about how we can make our escape from all that which has kept us bound. Neither myself, nor the Mani-Om-Sah Institute are in the business of saving people, but we can and do provide an avenue by which those who are interested, may learn how to save themselves. The knowledge is available to you.

Chapter Three: Is God The Antichrist?

In beginning this discussion, lets first analyze what we mean by the term antichrist. This is the English translation of the Koine Greek, pronounced n-t-khr-stos. It is made up of two root words: anti + Christos. Although the root: anti is generally used in English to indicate something that is opposed to or against, it is commonly used in Greek, to mean substitution. When scripture says that Jesus died for his people, one of the prepositions used is anti, indicating that he died as a substitute for others. II Thessalonians 2 points out how Antichrist comes as an impostor of the Christ, and how there is a striking outward similarity between Antichrist and Christ. As some have postulated, Antichrist will claim to be God. Others postulate that in every way mimicking Christ, Antichrist will propose to be Christ. Some Christians still maintain that anti means in opposition to. They believe that the antichrist is anyone or anything that counterfeits the true gospel or plan of salvation and that openly or secretly is set up in opposition to Christ. Both 1st and 2nd John are quoted in support of this position. The Greek Christos actually means The Anointed One; so we could say, then, that Antichrist is a reference to one who steps in as a substitute for Christ, but who is actually opposed to him. As the book Escaping Hell has made abundantly clear, Dominion (the god of this world) used his hierarchy of angels to establish Christianity which supposedly represents Christ and his church. The problem, however, is that the early church destroyed the esoteric group of Essenes which Christ belonged to, as well as the Gnostics, the Vitkar of Northern Europe, and any others that were found to teach as Christ did, preaching the Gospel of the Kingdom of God being within. Those religions that have appeared on the scene more recently, cannot deny their complicity in this matter, because they also claim the Kingdom of God to be without. In fact, the emissaries of Dominion who established the occult forces in the world also established the ruling bloodlines which are enslaving the people in their New World Order. The occult forces doing this consist of the Illuminati and its off-shoot organizations, such as Freemasonry, the Order of the Golden Dawn, Skull and Bones, and many others. The most influential Christian leaders in the world belong to this network of occultists, and therefore are all a part of the overall agenda. Would Christ approve of this agenda? Would he approve of the mass slaughter that has been going on in all the wars financed for the success of this agenda? Would Christ approve of the usury system with which the people of this world have been enslaved financially; especially after he had to chase the Pharisees out of the temple with a whip for the exact same practice? Would Christ approve of Dominions effort and that of his established churches to keep us from turning within to find the Kingdom of God? All these things stand in opposition to Christ, and they are supported by the Christian world which has been set up as a substitute for Christ, and pretending to speak for him. This is the plural form of Antichrist as used in 1st John, while the one principle agent also noted by John is none other than Dominion himself the god of this world. Would Christ approve of Dominions karma brokerage as revealed in the book Escaping Hell? Would he approve of all the senseless karmic violence just so the god of this world can maintain his power over those who are indebted to him? How can we say, then, that when Christ said: The Father and I are one, he was referring to the

Biblical god? As the book also points out, Christ was an Essene, and he was therefore, referring to the Higher Self which resides in the Kingdom of Godwithin. Christ never did, nor does he now, have anything to do with Christianity. Christians have been duped by an impostor who actually stands in opposition to Christ and everything he taught. They have been embracing the antichrist all this time, in the very god they pray to. There will never be a political and an ecclesiastical empire as pointed out in Revelation 13, aside from that which is set up by the ruling bloodlines, religious authorities, and the god of this world who is over them. In other words, the antichrist is them, and any presentation of Christ will be through them. Anyone who feels that he or she can contemplate the essence of Christ and get a feeling for what would or would not be acceptable to him will have to agree that the whole idea of the Rapture and Final Judgment is antichrist in nature. Im not saying that its not intended, but Id be hesitant to place Christ into the equation. In order to properly understand these concepts, we must first become acquainted with the needs of the karma broker as Dominion was referred to in the book, Escaping Hell. Contrary to what the New Agers have been saying, the earth is not moving forward on an evolutionary cycle, humanity is not becoming more spiritual, and both light and positive energy are actually diminishing. Dominions activities as a karma broker necessarily create more karma, which he must transfer to Earth along with that of his clients, in the form of allotted karma. There is naturally a snowball effect necessitating more and more negativity in the form of rape, murder, financial plunder, political tyranny, natural-type disasters, and wars. Of course, the more of this he brings to us, the more karma he must pass off. If all this were to stop, he would selfdestruct. Between his own karma and that of his clients, Dominion hasnt been able to afford a major world-wide catastrophe because there must be a significant number of people left on Earth to provide bodies for those who are reincarnating, otherwise he cannot continue to dump the karma required to keep the ball rolling. The world is getting worse, because we who inhabit Earth must continually absorb more negative karma, just like a nation absorbing more debt from a government that operates on debt money. Dominions plan has been to bleed some pressure off to the 1st and 2nd dimensional realms. On the surface this may seem to be beneficial to us here in the 3rd dimension, but in actuality it is not. This would allow Dominion to bring about mass destruction on Earth, because those of us who were destroyed could then be reincarnated in the lower two realms. The 1st and 2nd dimensional realms are darker due to there being less light, the mentality of the inhabitants is much dimmer, and there is more desolation. Their astral planes encompass the hell worlds we know of, which put this hell we are presently in, to shame. Many Christians believe in a Rapture where half of the inhabitants of Earth will be taken up, while the unfaithful making up the other half will be destroyed by the fire which will encompass the Earth. Many people believe that after this cleansing, the righteous ones will return here to live with Christ. Again, Id be hesitant to include him in all of this mayhem, especially if he actually believed that loving our enemies and turning the other cheek was a spiritual principle. Anyway, by preserving one half and destroying the other who are to be sent to the underworld, Dominion will be in a position to continue business as usual, without having to be destroyed by his own karma.

So, who are these righteous or meek ones who shall inherit the Earth? Obviously, they are those who form the ranks of the Illuminati, Freemasonry, and other occult organizations including the major world religions and their faithful followers. In other words, the religious leaders are right. Everyone has cause to fear god, and only in this way, will we be motivated to attend church, perform the rituals, pray, and give our money. But in return, religion offers salvation from destruction and the lower worlds. Of course, if everyone got on board, they still couldnt save half of them, because Dominions purpose must be served. Then again, what about those sects that are not connected to god through the Illuminati? Well, it so happens that they are counted among the wicked. Dominion has his hierarchy after all, and those who are not on board with him will be destroyed. Those who are on board, however, should be forewarned that the salvation being offered to them is not eternal, because everyone must be reincarnated. On the other hand, we are not alone in the universe, and there are many benevolent beings who would love to assist us, and bring the karma broker to justice. However, they have been encumbered by spiritual law which precludes higher dimensional beings from interfering in the processes of those residing in the lower dimensional realms. Spiritual law requires that we become aware of those who are willing to lend their assistance, and to request that they do so. Their plan is to prevent Dominion from being able to open up the 1st and 2nd dimensions, or any other worlds for that matter, for the purpose of expanding his brokerage operation. This would preclude the so-called rapture and its accompanying Final Judgment. In this way also, Dominion, all his clients, angels, the White Brotherhood of Ascended Masters, and even the Illuminati will be forced into accepting responsibility for their own karma. The Mani-Om-Sah Institute has a plan for those who may feel a bit uncomfortable with the plan of salvation being offered by Dominion. We plan to work with those in the higher realms who are of a positive nature (indicated by their adherence to spiritual law). After we who are bold make our escape, the meek can inherit anything they like. In Christian theology, the term antichrist refers to a leader who fulfills Biblical prophecies concerning an adversary of Christ, while resembling him in a deceptive manner. The antichrist will seemingly provide the needs of the people but deny them ultimate salvation. Christ offered salvation. The god of this world is offering salvation through his hierarchy, but he cant deliver ultimate salvation, because hes the karma broker. The Mani-Om-Sah Institute does not offer salvation at all. It does, however, offer the knowledge required for all of humanity to save themselves by simply following the admonition of all spiritual adepts, including Christ. That is to turn within to the Kingdom of God. Then, of course, each ones own Higher Self can lead them as co-workers with those in the higher realms who are being of assistance to us. In this way, then, turning within to find the Kingdom of God, allows ones Higher Self to provide ultimate salvation. Is God the Antichrist? Certainly, everyone has an opinion as to who or what the antichrist is or will be. If all the various religions could ever get together and hold elections for the exalted honor of Antichrist, we at the ManiOm-Sah Institute would nominate God.

Chapter Four: A Celestial Basis for the Turaneusiam

Anyone who examines that which is published by the Mani-Om-Sah Institute will note the references made to Odin, Omin, the Indo-Europeans, and to the Runes. Those who either see a video, or see me in person, will note the fact that I have tattoos and conclude that since I did time in prison, I must therefore be a racist. The question that will naturally follow, then, is whether or not the Institute is a racist Institute. Allow me to state up front right now, that neither the Institute, nor I are supremacist in nature, nor do we promote racial prejudice in any way. You are probably wondering at this point, what all this has to do with the title of this article. As you will soon discover, the term Turaneusiam has its origin in the celestial realms, but also relates to the origins of Odin, Omin, the Indo-Europeans, and to the Runes. A discussion of the origins of humanity in this world, with Dominion having set his trap, and the requirements for our transcendence, cannot occur without acknowledgement of the major actors involved in the drama. It just so happens that the Indo-Europeans were major actors, and it also happens that I am one of their descendents. I have been made aware of the fact that I cannot utilize the original name for my race as written in the original language of my race, without alienating many people, Including White people. It seems that they have been brainwashed and duped into accepting the false notion that any reference to European heritage somehow constitutes racism and/or supremacy. Any time a race of people can be denied its identity, the genocide of that race will soon follow. The Dark Age phenomenon in Europe saw the destruction of my ancestors native culture, spiritual tradition, and knowledge of their origins. Therefore, I consider it my sacred honor to help preserve a sense of identity among my people. If that is to be considered racism on my part, then I guess well have to point that finger of accusation at everyone in the world, except the Caucasians who care nothing for their race, or even care about its genocide. Before discussing the term Turaneusiam, allow me to first discuss the original name of the White race, as it occurs in our original language. According to East Indian history, blue-eyed, blond-haired Aryans came out of Tibet and conquered the Indus Valley, establishing their culture, spiritual tradition, and the Sanskrit language. They called themselves Arya from the Sanskrit Aryan, which means Noble. L.A. Waddell established the fact that the father of the first historical Aryan King of India (as recorded in the Mahabharata epic, and in Indian Buddhist history) was the last historical King of the Hittites in Asia Minor. The Hittites, the Phoenicians, the Goths, etc. were all Aryans. Stone circles all over the world are often called Hare-Stones which, according to L.A. Waddell, evolved through Harri or Heria, which is the title for the ruling Goths, as well as through the Hittite title of Harri, Arri, or Aryan. Hare Stones, then, are Aryan Stones, just as Hari Krishna means Aryan Krishna. The term Aryan, besides its Sanskrit origin, also comes from a Phoenician word, Arri, which means noble one. Thus, we get the names Sum-Arian, and aristocracy, or Arian-stock-racy. Aryan, then, contrary to what we have been taught, is not a reference to White Supremacy. However, since my use of that term in its proper context as the name of my race will inevitably bring accusations of racism, I choose to use the term Turaneusiam instead.

Prior to Dominion having trapped us here on Earth in the 3rd dimension, we lived on Tara in the 4th dimensional realm. As a white-skinned people, we carried a 12-strand DNA package, denoting us as a race that was to gradually ascend through the dimensional realms, until finally emerging as Silent Ones destined to work in the service of the source of all creation, known variously as the Source, the One, and the All. We were called Turaneusiam. There is no racial connotation associated with the use of this term on Earth, however, because it is understood that Dominion has mixed us all up, and anyone could have been Turaneusiam, originally. On the other hand, since the white-skinned race is descended from those Turaneusiam who were seeded in the 3rd dimension, and whose original language was Sanskrit, I will apply the name Turaneusiam to them for identity purposes. To say that we are White, is to state our skin color. To say that we are Caucasian, European or Scandinavian is to state a geographical or national origin, which denies our identity as a race. The Sanskrit term Aryan has been demonized in this world of Dominions, but no one can deny our use of the Taran term of Turaneusiam. This is, after all, our original name in a celestial context, and the basis of our existence as a people.

Chapter Five: Gods Theft of a Legacy

Due to a general tendency among the people to separate in their minds, the one we call Dominion and the Biblical God, I have chosen to reference God in the title, even though I am talking about Dominion. People still do not wish to acknowledge the fact that they pray to Dominion every day. The age-old questions, Who am I, Where did I come from, and Why am I here, have not been adequately dealt with by either science or religion. The scientific community as we know, is under the controlling hand of those authorities who serve the agenda that keeps the masses of sheep ignorant, lying to us, even regarding the true nature of the sun and how it warms the earth. In order to keep us believing that life could not exist elsewhere in our solar system, official science tells us that the sun is a ball of gases on fire, which heats the earth with radiant heat. In other words, that heat travels through space until it hits the earth. We are told that if we were too close to the sun, we would burn up. If we were too far away, we would freeze, and there could not be life on any other planet in our solar system, for that reason. The fact is, however, that if we go up on a mountain, getting closer to the sun, it gets colder. If we get closer to the sun in an airplane or jet, we better have a de-icer, or everything will freeze up, and well crash. Even closer to the sun yet, in outer space, temperatures are so low, as to stagger the imagination. So, where then, is the radiant heat? There is none. We have been lied to, just like the children in Europe were lied to after the establishment of Catholicism, when they were taught that the earth was flat. The truth of the matter is that energy rays from the sun strike our atmosphere, and heat is then generated. It is colder in the thinner atmosphere, and it gets warmer at sea level, because of the denser atmosphere. So, under the control of those serving an agenda to keep us ignorant, the scientific community lies to us. It remains silent on the subject of extraterrestrial visitations to Earth, and then teaches the false notion of our evolution through sub-human species from one common ancestor for all the races. Religion obscures our origins by keeping us focused on one common ancestor who was supposedly created by God in some miraculous burst of air from his lungs, into the dust of the earth. The answer to the question who am I, then, becomes: I am a child of God. Anyone with a rational mind, of course, knows that this is no answer at all. It provides no clear concept of who we were before our existence here, and it denies Dominions theft of our legacy. The answer to the question where did I come from is obscured by the same simple-minded concept (I came from God), while the answer to the question why am I here, comes cloaked in the same kind of arrogant dismissal. We are told that as immature souls, we had to come here to receive bodies so that we could grow and learn to be tested and gain wisdom in order to return to God one day. In other words, we are told that we have been sent off to a school of sorts. If this is a school, then its the most dysfunctional school I could ever have imagined. The teacher is nowhere to be seen, but we have fellow students telling us that they get to speak to him. Each one tells us something different, of course, and if we dont get this all figured out somehow, then we fail the test, and are punished for eternity. On the other hand, if we find the right student to follow, and succeed in being obedient, then regardless of what weve learned or not learned, we get passed on the test, and graduate to heaven with honors. And what about the babies who die without being tested? The students who have taken charge, tell us that they are more valiant souls, and

therefore dont need the experience of Earth. No school for them and no testing either. I guess school isnt really that important after all not that were in a real school anyway, mind you. The sad fact is that Dominion has succeeded in not only stealing our legacy, but also in hiding the fact of a legacy from us. Instead, he has us believing in fairy tales, afraid to question him, or even the other students who are in charge of us. Both science and religion, under the guiding hand of Dominions student teachers, have done a fairly efficient job of withholding just the right information to keep us believing in certain things, and disbelieving others. It is important to them that we believe ourselves to be alone in the universe, and to believe that all of humanity was created by the same humanoid god, and evolved from one common ancestor. To question any of this is to risk eternal punishment. I wont go into a lot of detail regarding the events that brought us here, because I covered them in the book Escaping Hell, and in the 1st Discourse entitled: The Serpents Dance. I will, however, discuss the age-old questions. Who am I; or more accurately, who are we? We are very ancient souls who have been gaining experience in the universe for longer than we can imagine. The Creator is known variously as: the One, the Source, and the All. It is in everything, feeding everything, and It is everything. As tonal frequency of Light and Sound, everything in existence is of the All; everything is alive, and has consciousness. Since our existence is essentially that of tonal frequency, it is easy, then, to understand our relationship to everything else in existence, as being an exchange of tonal frequencies. Our personal identity, for example, is established by a particular vibratory harmony to the Sound Current. The Sound Current by the way, is a matrix of sorts, consisting of Sound quanta that moves in waves, and serves as the foundation for all manifested existence. Therefore, our personal identity is part and parcel of the Creator, and we share an energetic oneness with all of creation. So, we are ancient souls with consciousness, personal identity, and personal will. In addition, we have evolved through the mineral kingdom, the plant kingdom, the insect, and animal kingdoms, and finally into human form to continue our evolutionary process. Still, in light of all this, our human existence goes further back than we could ever hope to remember. We evolved in human form through the dimensional realms, and attained 4th dimensional existence, living on Tara with great technologies. On Tara, we were called Turaneusiam. This was a race which was provided with a 12-strand DNA package denoting us as those who were to gradually ascend through the various dimensional realms until finally emerging as Silent Ones destined to work in the service of the All, or the Source of all Creation. Although this previous existence of ours carried great significance in the universe, it does not make us great beings, especially today. It does, however, give us a clue as to who we are, as well as a perception of the nature of the legacy which was stolen from us. Although we are the creations of a source we can call God if we wish, we can also see that we possess an identity that has been lost to us somehow. As we proceed in this article, the exact nature of that identity, as well as how it was lost, will be made clear. Who we were and how we lost our identity, has everything to do with the loss of our legacy.

As we become aware of this previous existence, we will come to a realization of the truth behind the mythological version of the so-called war in heaven. This explanation also answers the question as to where we came from, and provides an avenue for answering the question why are we here? Some readers are wondering about the improbability of all this, but if we consider it in the context of the fairy tales we have already accepted, not only is it easier to accept, but it also makes sense. As I noted earlier, there is no need for me to go into a lot of detail regarding our arrival here and the establishment of Dominions kingdom, because I have covered that elsewhere. However, to answer the question regarding our status as victims in Dominions agenda, as well as that of other negative forces in the universe, an understanding of Dominions nature as an entity is required. Allow me to discuss just briefly, the actual hierarchy from the All, downward. We know, of course, that the universal forces we call the runic forces (or just Runes), are first, as direct extensions of the All. Sound and Light quanta were manifested as dual aspects of the All in these worlds of dualism below the Great Abyss. Odin was manifested as a direct extension in conscious form, from the Sound Current. We are not speaking of the mythological concept of Odin in manifested form on Earth, but rather in the form of pure spirit. It just so happens, that the Turaneusiam and their descendants, the Indo-Europeans still understood their origins, and used Odins name. Odins counterpart was Omin, who was manifested as a direct extension in conscious form, from the Light. She appears in the myths as Frigga. Sound makes up the positive pole of the universe which carries the male attributes in these worlds of dualism, while Light makes up the negative pole which carries the female attributes. Together, Odin and Omin manifested a conscious spiritual being from the runic force known in Sanskrit as H (Hyoong), which embodies both Light and Sound. Then they manifested two others; one from the Rune Ska (Soo-ee-ka), and the other from the Rune Sh (Saw). Each of these possesses Light and Sound combined as a balanced polarity, but Ska manifests the fire element, while Sh manifests the water element in the form of ice. We can understand the basic nature of all five of these beings, by conceptualizing the pure spiritual intelligence within us, known variously as the Atman, Avalokita, Manitu, the Hamingja, and the Higher Self. Basically, this is their nature, and we all have a Higher Self; but rather than being direct manifestations of Sound, Light, or of certain runic forces, our Higher Selves consist of electro-tonal, energy-identities with specific harmony to the Sound Current. In other words, Odin and Omin are direct spiritual manifestations of Sound and Light respectively, while the other three are direct spiritual manifestations of specific universal forces known as runic forces. The Higher Selves of all of humanity are electro-tonal, energy-identities, given personal identity through their specific vibratory harmony to the Sound Current. Now, lets apply these concepts to an understanding of Dominion. It was intended for H to manifest in the material worlds of dualism, and eventually serve as a balancing force between the positive and negative polarities. In an unprecedented move for power, E.T. races which were already unbalancing the universe and manipulating Sound and Light to support personal agendas, succeeded in gaining the cooperation of this extraordinary being called H. Thus, he became known as Dominion, which is derived from the names Odin and Omin. Turning against the All, Dominion deprived the universe of its up and coming Silent Ones, by blowing the energy grids on Tara with radio waves designed to kill all the Turaneusiam. The spiritual adepts had protected us only well enough to prevent total destruction, and we were sucked into this 3rd dimensional realm where Dominion

now keeps us trapped. This is the real story behind the war in heaven, and it describes how Dominion stole our legacy which would have been our emergence as Silent Ones working in the service of the All. Other E.T. races attempted to release us from Dominions trap, and what were called the Electric Wars, ensued. That which has been written by other authors on this subject is only about 30% true, but the writings are accurate regarding the fact that during these wars, the various races which had been seeded here were held temporarily, on other planets where they were again seeded. The white-skinned cloister race known as Hibiru, had subdivided into the Hebrew and Aryan races, as they were called at that time. The Aryan race was taken to Mars. When the E.T. race of Sirian Anunnaki blew the energy grids of Mars one million years ago, fourteen of the original twenty-one Aryan tribes made it back to Earth, carrying the Turaneusiam 12-strand DNA package. Their star gate portal opened up in the Caucasus Mountains. This explains several facts as follow: 1. A 1999 Scientific American article revealed an archaeological discovery in Spain, of ancient Europeans with modern faces in a mass grave, dating back 800,000 years. 2. The Giza plateau, where the Great Pyramid was built, was formerly known as El-Kahira, which was derived from the Arabic noun, El-Kahir, which was their name for Mars. For a long time the Sphinx was painted red, the color associated with Mars. The Egyptians used to call Mars: Hor Dshr, or Horus the Red. According to researchers, Mars was also known as Horakhti or Eastern Star, and the east-facing sphinx was also known as Horakhti, orMars. Its interesting to note that the Pyramid Wars noted by Zechariah Sitchin in his writings of the ancient Sumerian texts, actually constituted wars fought between the Sirian Anunnaki and the Aryan Turaneusiam. Unfortunately, the Anunnaki won those wars, and established the Reptile-based tradition of the pharos that we study in history classes today. 3. The words on a tomb in Rome dating back prior to the 4th century A.D. state: I am a son of the Earth and the stars of the sky, but I am of the celestial race. May the knowledge be passed on! 4. King Arthurs Camelot means: Martian City, or City of Mars. 5. When White people of European descent are immersed in sensory deprivation tanks for long periods, their circadian rhythm has a frequency of 24hrs. 37min., which corresponds not to the rotational period of Earth around the sun, but to that of Mars. In destroying the libraries in Tunisia, Libya, and in Alexandria Egypt, the early Christian church assisted Dominion in stealing a very significant legacy, and turning it into something entirely different. To fully understand this however, we must go back into history, and examine the embodiment of the other four beings associated with Dominion prior to his sojourn in the material worlds of dualism. Odin and Omin took embodiment on Earth because they were responsible for Dominion. According to spiritual law, they could not interfere with the natural course of events occurring in the lower dimensional realms without those inhabiting these realms, requesting their assistance. Therefore, Odin and Omin (Frigga) gave birth to Ska calling him Baldur, while Nep and Nokkvi gave birth to Sh, calling her Nanna. Together, these four were to gain awareness of the Higher Self, and begin to facilitate the journey home for the Turaneusiam. Unfortunately, Dominions loyal followers were able to effectuate the death of Baldur, and Nanna chose to take the funeral pyre with him.

Odin and Omin continued with others of the sir, but having to fight a physical battle (known mythologically as Ragnarok), kept them within the collective unconscious controlled by Dominion. This led to the mythological phenomenon known as the doom of the gods, because Dominion will not be beaten by us, on his own turf. A prophecy, however, also found its way into the myths. This was the prophecy of Baldurs return. The great question which has perplexed mythologists for centuries is What did Odin whisper into Baldurs ear on the funeral pyre? The simple answer to this question is: Youre coming back, and well try it again. The prophecy of Baldurs return may have been relegated to mythology, but his trip to Hellas realm is a sure indication of his intended rebirth, because to the Northern Europeans, Hel was a place of stasis where the deceased prepared to be reborn. In Old Norse, this was called afturburdhr. The account of Baldurs return after Ragnarok specifically references a second Ragnarok, since he didnt return to fulfill that prophecy, following the one which occurred around 10,000 B.C.E. The second Ragnarok has been ongoing since January of 2004, and when the time comes, Baldur will fulfill his duty, and a gateway for our people will open, allowing us passage out of Dominions trap. Most people will not accept this passage however, because they lack the capacity to critically examine that which they have been taught since their birth. For them, Jesus has taken the place of Baldur, and they have forfeited their legacy. For others, the mental discipline required in such examination is simply non-existent. Even those who have already embraced the old tradition existing prior to organized religion, its easier to accept the idea of Baldurs return sometime in the future, than it is to accept the fact of his return now. Have we even thought about how Baldur would make his appearance? Certainly, coming from the sky in a blazing chariot is out of the question; and trust me when I say that he could never waltz into the offices of either the Odinic Rite or the satru Alliance to announce his return without being chased out and probably arrested. Consequently, only a few will recognize their passage from Dominions trap, and take full advantage of it. The enemy had to destroy the libraries in Tunisia, Libya, and in Alexandria, in order to usher in the Dark Ages. Only in this way, could they make descendents of the Turaneusiam forget their origins and their legacy, giving us spiritual slavery in return. Our salvation lies not in a savior from among the Jews, who was put to death. It lies in our acceptance of personal responsibility, and a willingness to learn that which is required in transcending this 3rd dimensional trap. Only in this way, can we ever hope to regain our legacy. Who are we? We are ancient souls who have evolved through eons of time. We were once Tarans who were destined to transcend the material worlds of dualism, and to assist in the governing of the universe, answering to no one but the All. We are Turaneusiam who have a responsibility to our Creator, to regain our legacy. Where did we come from? As you have seen, this is a complicated situation. We came first from the All, then from Tara against our will, then from various planets, including Mars. Why are we here? Because we have been trapped by Dominion, and duped by his loyal servants into serving the purpose of his agenda. Although both aspects of our legacy that of Baldur, and that of the Turaneusiam fell under organized religion, ultimate responsibility for this theft falls on Dominion, the god of this world. It is our sacred duty to take back from Dominion, that which he has stolen from us.

Chapter 6: The Fall of God His Judgment Day Has Arrived

The fall of God you say? Who could think such a thing? Is this guy insane? Is he actually trying to be destroyed, or is he somebody who has been employed to test us? It wouldnt matter whether I was to be destroyed for speaking against the god of this world, or whether he had employed me to test everyone; either way, his narcissistic nature would be proven, and so would my claims against him. For those who have open minds, and who are thus still with me, allow me to provide some background information which will dispel the mythological perceptions of the Biblical God that most of us still carry with us from our childhood. Whether we are Jewish, Muslim or Christian, were taught that God is omnipresent (present everywhere), omniscient (all-knowing) and omnipotent (all-powerful). Its a fact that Dominion and his E.T. angelics possess great technologies which allow them to tap into the Akasha or collective unconscious in order to learn anything they want about anyone. They can do just like Santa Clause, and know if weve been naughty or nice. In fact they can view any of us at any time they desire; but there is nothing so godly about that, because shamans and occultists can do the same thing, and even governments have trained agents who can peek in on us, and then send the troops to haul us off if they dont like what they see. They call it remote viewing. They try not to advertize such activities to us, perhaps to keep us believing that there is something ominous about the god of this world. We need to realize that he didnt create this world any more than the Wizard of Oz created Oz. Each one merely took control of what already existed. It is now time for certain truths to come forward, which is the purpose of my book, the discourses, and the Mani-Om-Sah Institute which facilitates our knowledge of the trap in which we have been caught, as well as how we can become free. This article in particular, will clarify the nature of the god of this world as already expressed elsewhere. It will clarify our actual position relative to this so-called god, and it will clarify the apparent insanity of those of us who are attempting to transcend his controlling influence. In this article, I will briefly repeat certain facts that I have written about elsewhere, because some of you may not have had an opportunity to read the other material as of yet. Those of you who have will find that by repeating certain things, I can more easily maintain continuity throughout this article. Now lets build a foundation for understanding how it is that the god of this world can indeed, take a fall. For most of us, human existence goes back to Tara in the 4th dimensional realm, where we were called Turaneusiam. We were thrust into this 3rd dimensional realm by an attack from Dominion and his so-called Angelics. Our technologies, as well as our knowledge of math, science and philosophy which was then called Ariosophy, was kept in libraries, along with the knowledge of our origins. These libraries in Tunisia, Libya and Alexandria Egypt were all destroyed by enemies of the Turaneusiam who are now establishing a new world order through their human hybrids here on Earth, who follow what historically have been known as the ancient Sumerian gods. These enemies of ours have given us Judaism, Judeo-Christianity and Islam in an effort to secure our blind faith, and they have established governments, kingships, and other principalities in order to control our social

relationships and political affairs. The new world order now threatens to fully enslave the world, and to prevent the escape of those of us who are capable of transcending this 3rd dimensional realm. Our capacity in this regard is rapidly diminishing, however, due to the subconscious programming that we receive from television, F.M. radio, and video games which open up the subconscious mind, and therefore serve as effective tools in keeping us distracted, subservient, and lacking in a vibratory frequency sufficient for transcendence of this plane of existence. Ive already written on gods theft of our legacy, but let me now state that in addition to the seasonal festivals of the pagans, the authors of Christianity seized upon the greatest legend ever perceived by humanity. The Christian story of God, Jesus and Lucifer is only a pathetic imitation of that legend. The Christian story states basically, that Lucifer wanted to come down here and force us all to obey God, so that we could all return to heaven. Jesus, on the other hand, felt that we should have our free agency, as opposed to just agency which consists of duties imposed by those in authority over us. Since God favored the plan of Jesus, Lucifer became angry and rebelled against him. For this, he was cast out of heaven, but allowed to serve as a tempter of mankind, with the agreement that he could take all those who followed him to hell. Not every Christian sect tells that story exactly the same, but I think it included enough of the various elements, that everyone would agree that my version is at least generally correct. Since Christians consider everyone to be sinful, and because, as they say, there can be no sin in the presence of god, they tell us that Jesus was sent to die for our sins. In this way, then, those choosing to follow Christ rather than Lucifer could be accepted into heaven. As I stated above, this story is only a pathetic imitation of a legend which provides a foundation for understanding the legacy that was stolen from us. Those who have read the book Escaping Hell, my first discourse entitled: The Serpents Dance and the website article entitled: Gods Theft of a Legacy should be able to remember that: 1. Lucifers real name is Dominion. 2. Rather than desiring to force us all into heaven, Dominions plan has always been to keep us trapped here. 3. Rather than Dominion becoming angry over Gods favor of the plan of Jesus for us, he became angry at the Turaneusiam for rejecting his authority and leadership on Tara. 4. Rather than Dominion being cast out of heaven, Dominion thrust the Turaneusiam from Tara to Earth, and now claims to be our god. Never, did Christ claim to be the Savior of mankind. He merely told his disciples to follow in his footsteps and to seek the Kingdom of God within, as he had done. In keeping us from turning within, those who gave us religion focused our attention outward on Christ (and on the Church) as our savior. The concept of Christs return emerged not as an original concept, but as a theft of one more aspect of the legacy belonging to the Turaneusiam. This has to do with the prophecy of Baldurs return, which was relegated to the mythologies. Of course, those of us who are in the know so to speak realize that his return was to occur through the process of reincarnation. In the Dictionary of Norse Myth and Legend it is said that Baldur is best, and that everyone praises him. In Norse Mythology A to Z, it is suggested and many scholars believe, that the portrayal of the beautiful, good, passive god Baldur was influenced by early Christian views of Jesus Christ. This is very likely true, since the name

Baldur literally means the bold one. It is a fact, however, that with Nanna (his wife), he was very gentle in spite of his warrior nature. The Creed of Iron states that Baldur is the god of summer and sunlight, and that he is to rein as supreme god after Ragnarok. Let me make clear the fact that neither Baldur, nor any of the others in the Norse pantheon were actually gods and goddesses. They were spiritually advanced ancestors of the Turaneusiam who became deified in the myths by scalds and bards. Baldur was known for his wisdom, his runic knowledge and his ability to heal others with herbs, which is why he was referred to as being pure, good, bright, and beautiful. In Old Norse, by the way, there are two words meaning beautiful. Legur is in reference to males, and fallegar is used in reference to females. Baldurs ability to heal with herbs surpassed that of most others because of his state of consciousness which allowed his Higher Self to guide him in the use of those herbs. This is why he was praised above all others. The wisdom that he was noted for, was esoteric wisdom gained from his knowledge of, and experience with the Runes. So, this is the one who is prophesied to return at the end of the final conflict of Ragnarok, and to lead his people to freedom, above and beyond this world. This final conflict, by the way, has been raging since January of 2004, and the Einherjar (Odins Chosen) are doing a wonderful job. The mythologies were in Christian hands for many centuries, so there have been many confusing occurrences between fact and myth, including the relegation of prophesies to myth. Sometimes Ragnarok (the doom of the gods, or the twilight of the gods) is referred to in the past tense, and sometimes in the future. In actuality, two Ragnaroks are being referenced. Baldurs death heralded the beginning of the destruction of a Turaneusiam tribe known as the sir in the fateful conflict with the enemies of our folk at Ragnarok. That Ragnarok occurred around 10,000 years ago in the Indus valley hence the term Indo Europeans. Mostly, however, the Twilight of the gods refers to the second Ragnarok as told prophetically, especially as regards the regeneration and return of Baldur. This is told in the future tense, and there is no record of it ever having happened in the past. The prophecy of Baldurs return may have been relegated to the mythologies, but his trip to Hellas realm is a sure indication of his intended rebirth, since the original concept of hell was a place of stasis where the deceased prepared for what was called afturburdhr, or rebirth/reincarnation. Christianity changed the concept of hell into a fire and brimstone punishment for those who displeased an obviously angry and vengeful god. Ragnarok has been raging in the astral realms, but more recently the enemys attacks have been manifesting in this 3rd dimensional physical realm. Ultimately, we cannot win against Dominion on his turf within the collective unconscious any more than the sir were able to ten-thousand years ago. Neither can Dominion win against us on our turf, however. The concept of escaping hell has everything to do with taking the battle off his turf, while providing safe ground for those who have responsibilities other than direct engagement of the enemy. Before concluding our discussion on the fall of god and his judgment day, however, we need to gain a few more perceptions. In the book Escaping Hell, we identified Dominion as a karma broker who dumps not only the karma of his clients, but also that of his own into the collective unconscious of this world. It also becomes the allotted karma of those who reincarnate into this world. Many readers have wondered about the mechanics of this process, and exactly what constitutes karma, that it can actually be transferred. Lets begin with a brief analysis of quanta.

If light is shined on a metal plate, an electric current is produced. A physicist by the name of Max Planck studied the relationship between the amount of light shining on the plate and the amount of electricity produced. His conclusion was that energy did not consist of a continuous wave; rather he demonstrated that energy is composed of individual units which he called quanta. A few years later, Einstein explained the photo-electric effect as light being composed of particles which he called photons. These photons of light struck the metal plate and knocked off electrons, producing electricity. It didnt take long for other physicists to also realize that all energy light or otherwise was composed of particles. In fact, it is now understood that all matter in the universe is formed of particles. Atoms are composed of heavy particles in the nucleus, with light electrons orbiting around the outside. The particles are discrete units, or quanta; and the theory describing how these particles behave is quantum theory. In their development of quantum technology, scientists have found that they cant be sure where the particles are, they cant measure them exactly, and they cant predict what they will do. Sometimes they behave like particles, and sometimes like waves. Sometimes two particles will interact with each other even though they are many miles apart. As elusive as quanta seem to be, however, quantum theory is the most proven theory in the history of science. Supermarket scanners, lasers, and computer chips all rely on quantum mechanics. In the 1990s several corporations undertook quantum research. Fujitsu Quantum Devices was established in 1991. IBM formed a quantum research team in 1993, under pioneer Charles Bennett. ATT and other companies soon followed, as did universities like Cal Tech, and even government facilities such as Los Alamos. Having its existence within the fundamental nature of subatomic reality, this new technology contradicts many of our long-held common sense notions of how the world works. As Ive stated before, our perceived reality is an illusion. The difficulty experienced by scientists in determining where quantum particles are, measuring them, and then predicting what they will do, lies in the fact that even their thoughts are made up of quanta. Therefore, when they pay attention to the particles, they produce an effect. Karma works in exactly this same way. Whether it is positive or negative in nature, our actions, especially when motivated by emotion, produce constructs of energy which are stored within the subconscious. Even our thoughts are stored in this way, as are our emotional reactions to that which we experience in life. As mental, emotional and physical composites, we literally function as quantum computers. In this way, we experience that which we are programmed to experience. Quanta are measured in terms of Sound and Light, but they manifest in many forms and at many different frequencies along the electromagnetic spectrum. Energetic transferences occur when electromagnetic fields come into contact with one another. We do this through physical intimacy with others, while sitting at a computer or in front of a television screen, and we do this by intentionally opening up our psychic faculties to others when offering healing, trying to feel what they feel, or making psychic contact during meditation. Being part of Dominions collective unconscious makes us automatic recipients of the worlds karma, and specific karma can be allotted to us at the astral centers through a process of particle transference effectuated by electromagnetic currents.

The logical question now, is: once Dominion and his clients have dumped their karma on us, how could they ever be made to answer for it in the future? In order to understand the answer to this question, we must be able to perceive the grand illusion of time and manifestation. Rather than go into great detail, Ill be brief, and just cover enough for a clear perception. Illusions are created by moving and/or refracting light. Since the present moment is in a constant state of flux, it is also a constant illusion which requires our shifting attention in order for us to recognize the shifting light, and thereby gain a perception of the reality which lies beyond the illusion. Obviously, this is easier said than done; therefore we must consider another approach to perceiving reality. As Ive stated before, everything ever thought, said or done is manifested as quantum particles in the Sound Matrix known variously as the Transduction Matrix, the Collective Unconscious, and the Akasha. Therefore, the past always exists someplace in the Matrix. In fact, all time exists within the matrix, which is why one could access any time desired, through a quantum computer by simply punching in the coordinates. As I stated earlier, we are mental, emotional and physical composites that function as quantum computers. This is why we can perceive through meditation, or as the government calls it, perform remote viewing, and literally view the past. It is even possible to access the future in this way. Cosmologically speaking, the Runes are divided into three tts; the first being creation, the second universal structure, and the third evolution and development of mankind. Its interesting to note that the first three Runes of the tt of universal structure are: which should be (future); and representing that which is (past); representing that

representing that which is becoming (present).

Runic wisdom teaches us that while the so-called present is in a constant state of flux shifting at the speed of light the future is actually accessed through the past. Therefore, Dominion and his clients can indeed, be made to answer for their karma through the proper application of runic forces. The Hindus speak of an accumulation of energies called samskaras, which eventually manifest as karma. In Old Norse, these energies are called wyrd, while karma itself is called rlg. I wont detail the process, but runic forces can be utilized to retrieve the past, and transfer it to Dominion and his clients in the form of allotted rlg or karma. Now, lets discuss exactly what is going on at this time. To maintain continuity here, allow me to reiterate some things from the article entitled: Is God the Antichrist? Since Dominions activities as a karma broker necessarily create more karma, there is a natural snowball effect necessitating more and more negativity. There must be a significant number of people left on Earth to provide bodies for those who are reincarnating, in order for him to continue dumping the karma; therefore, a major worldwide catastrophe such as his prophesied Final Judgment cannot occur without an alternate plan. The Final Judgment, therefore, has included a plan to open up the 1st and 2nd dimensional realms in order to bleed off some of the karmic pressure. This would allow Dominion to bring about mass destruction on Earth, because those of us who were destroyed could then be reincarnated in the lower two realms. Of course, these are darker realms, and their associated astral counterparts consist of what we know to be the hell worlds. For this reason,

it is not enough to simply escape from the clutches of Dominion; he must be stopped and made to face the consequences of his actions. The next logical question is this: How can a handful of us who are trapped by the collective unconscious, ever hope to bring about the fall of god, along with his judgment day? Actually, this could never happen without the assistance of massive forces working in our behalf, from beyond this realm. Many worlds are populated with beings that are of a positive nature. For this reason, they adhere to spiritual law which dictates that they are not to interfere in the processes of those of us who exist in the lower dimensional realms unless we specifically request their assistance. This, we have done. Just recently, Dominion discovered that he has been blocked from opening up the 1st and 2nd dimensional realms for bleeding off karmic pressure. He is also blocked from accessing other planets for this purpose as well. When this is finished, Dominion and all his loyalists will have their infamous judgment day visited upon their collective head. This will include not only Dominion himself, but also his Archangels, the Ascended Masters of the Great Whit Brotherhood, all the Anunnaki, Nefilim, Zeta Grays, Draconians, and Andromies, along with the Illuminati, their occult religious leaders, and even the individual occultists who have aligned themselves with the others, seeking power. All those who have attempted to escape their karma by dumping it on the rest of us, will answer for their greedy indiscretions. They will go down with the fall of their God, and they will share with him in his judgment day. Now, the final question is: What does all this mean for Buddhists, Hindus, agnostics, and others who have already transcended the concept of living to please someone called God? Those who are not actively empowering Dominion and his hosts of occult angelics with their prayers are to be commended. However, simply ignoring Dominion will not set us free from his trap. Therefore, whether or not our spiritual tradition acknowledges him, he must still be acknowledged and dealt with. The fact that a raging battle still ensues, indicates that the entire situation remains unstable. This could end in a day, or it could take another one-hundred years. A few of us have released ourselves from Dominions traps, and will be able to move on regardless, but the positive forces in the universe require our assistance in putting a stop to this maniac who has made countless enemies throughout the universe. More questions arise. What happens when Dominion and the others begin to suffer unimaginable karma? Will they go through it here on Earth? Will they be transported elsewhere in the universe? Will their karmic debt be so severe that some of them will simply implode and cease to exist? Will someone take Dominions place to keep the illusion going, or will positive forces assist humanity to evolve? Then again, what happens if Dominion and his angelics are killed in battle? Who will straighten out the electromagnetic time loop situation, and the space warp that brought Taras astral plane into the 3rd dimension? All these considerations will have to be dealt with by those who are engaged in this final conflict. In the meantime, those who can release themselves from this trap of Dominions, can escape to Mani-Om-Sah or to any other place of their choice, and leave this mess behind them. We need to leave it to all those who adamantly support the illusion, refusing to look behind the curtain which hides the carnival huckster. These are the meek that need to inherit this Earth.

Chapter Seven: The Aftermath

The questions left unanswered in the last chapter are the subject matter of this one. Dominion already realizes the fact that he has no way of bleeding off world karma to any other realms. Having to face unimaginable karma is not acceptable to him or anyone associated with him, so they have no alternative but to step up the battle in hopes of releasing the stranglehold they now find themselves in. In the meantime, things on Earth will get ugly, because the karma being dumped on the world will intensify. Economic situations will either worsen, or there will soon be total economic slavery worldwide. We will see more disasters, both natural and manmade, as well as people killed in wars or other conflicts. In addition, mans treatment of his/her fellow man will worsen as each ones karma becomes more severe. Eventually, the inhabitants of Earth will have reached a saturation point, and Dominion will be faced with either destroying the planet, or along with his clients, accepting some of his karmic debt. Either way, Dominions karmic situation is inevitable, because a major destruction would leave too few left on Earth to absorb much more karma for a very long time. As their karma worsens, Dominions clients (the Nefilim, Anunnaki, Dracos, Andromies, Archangels, Ascended Masters and others) will make war on other planets in an effort to subdue them for the purpose of dumping their karma. They certainly will not lower themselves to suffer with us. There are too many of them to even think about transporting them elsewhere, and its likely that their karmic ties will prevent their taking up residence too far from here in any case. Some of them, and Dominion is one, are responsible for so much karma spanning so many centuries, that they might undergo an implosion of sorts as extremely low frequencies in super high concentration cause spontaneous combustion to occur. If Dominion implodes, or if he and his archangels are killed in battle, then forces are ready to assist humanity to evolve out of its handicapped state, and to prevent anyone else from filling Dominions shoes. In the meantime, however, humanity in general is maintaining the trap, precluding any outside assistance by continuing to invoke Dominion and his hierarchy of angels and archangels through their prayers. The Illuminati and many other affiliated occultists, including the worlds ruling elite and top religious authorities have been dumping their karma on the world as well. This is why their auras are so big, and their vibratory frequencies are so high. They dont have enough negative karma left over to bring their auras down. This will begin to change, however, when their karma begins to accumulate once again. At this point, there may be attempts on my life and those of my associates in an attempt to break the connection we have to those working in our behalf from the higher realms. In this way, it might be possible for them to return things to the way they once were. With enough spirit warriors working hand in hand with the Einherjar, however, killing us would avail them nothing, and they may not even try. The Priory of Sion (seat of the Illuminati) is the fountainhead from which all the other occult organizations have sprung forth. Sion, by the way, is the French spelling for Zion. These are the world Zionists. Popes and Cardinals have formed the ranks of the Priory (despite their apparent conflicts), and Mormon Prophets have begun occupying seats in the Illuminati. All of the latter are also Freemasons.

All of these will continue to govern all those they can bring under their influence, so it would be a mistake to believe that the change in Dominions situation will in any way, better ours here on Earth. We understand as warriors, that we cannot change the collective unconscious, its illusory nature, or the fact of either Dominions control, or that of his loyalists in this realm which belongs to them. To attempt to do so from within the illusion is to act in an illusory fashion. This is similar to the man in his dream who tries to run, but try as he may, he just cant seem to make any headway. We can, however, escape the trap weve been in, and rest in Mani-Om-Sah. During this aftermath, many earth changes will occur. New Agers talk about the earth changes now, but the enemy has led their understanding astray; therefore, in order for us to effectively deal with upcoming events, we must properly understand what is going on. The concept of Earth moving away from linear time toward loop coil time must be understood from the perspective of a Phantom Earth, Earth itself, and what has been termed a Spiritual Earth. First of all, loop coil time is not different from what we already have. Linear time is established on a loop coil; its just that our linear time loop coil is of an electromagnetic nature, as opposed to one of a magnetic nature. What has erroneously been termed Spiritual Earth is actually a lens-shaped 4th dimensional field of protection that was sent ahead of the Turaneusiam who were thrust into 3rd dimensional existence. We existed there until we were seeded with 3rd dimensional bodies. This Spiritual Earth can be seen by some, and constitutes the world of the Wights known as fairies, Elves and Dwarfs; or Gnomes, such as Leprechauns. These are nothing more than mental constructs of the ancient Turaneusiam. The so-called merger of Earth with Tara is actually a merger of Spiritual earth with Tara. Real Earth will remain where it is. As Spiritual Earth touches the Bridge Zone during its gradual movement toward Tara, it is moving away from linear time, toward Taras magnetic loop coil time. Dominion built a Phantom Earth around a quantum computer, and merged it with the naturally occurring 3rd dimensional aspect of the planet (Real Earth) which was in place before Dominion arrived on the scene. If the Einherjar are successful in their endeavors, Phantom Earth will split off, and then Real Earths time loop coil can then be renewed to its original condition as a magnetic loop. Before discussing the time loop further, allow me to explain the fact that as Spiritual Earth makes its departure from Real Earth, there is a tearing of both our morphogenetic field, and our electromagnetic loop coil. Allow me to define the morphogenetic field for those who are unfamiliar with the term. Morpho, or Morph: form; shape; structure: morphogenesis. Morphogenesis: Evolutionary or embryological development of the structure of an organism or part. Morphogenetic Field: An electromagnetic field which serves as the structure from which organisms have evolved, and through which they are maintained. The tearing phenomenon during separation is why an immediate separation would destroy us. As spiritual Earth gradually moves toward Tara, Light speeds up, filling the gaps. This momentum is like a wind, and actually constitutes one source of what scientists refer to as a solar wind. It is this solar wind which is capable of causing the destruction we would experience if the merger of Spiritual Earth with Tara were to occur too quickly. On the other hand, some of us are moving toward Taras magnetic loop coil, at least in a frequency sense. Those of us whose vibratory rates are matched with that of Spiritual Earth, are having our astral bodies gradually pulled toward Taras loop coil, and can expect to experience periodic spacial shifts and time anomalies. This doesnt

necessarily mean that we are going to make a physical ascension soon, nor does it mean that we have attained any great spiritual heights. Its simply a natural part of the Earth changes that are occurring. It seems that nearly everyone believes in some sort of ascension. Christians have their Great Rapture where those who believe in Christ will be caught up into heaven during the final judgment, while the wicked are destroyed by fire. Certain Christian groups view this in terms of a resurrection of the physical body at the judgment day, and New Agers tend to believe that all of humanity is going to ascend from 3rd dimensional to 4th dimensional existence together. The notion of heaven relative to the ascension is a product of scripture written by those who were trying to understand things that were incomprehensible to them. The god of this world has his Chosen Ones who possess all 177 original books of the Old Testament which were stolen from the descendents of Adam. All of these books are now replete with Rabbinical Notes, and there is a Book of Enoch which claims that only the Satans have access to heaven. This may be a little confusing to some, but the first discourse: The Serpents Dance provided by the Mani-Om-Sah Institute explains who these Satans are. Enoch then describes the pathway and threshold which opens up to them about the time of the arrival of The Lord of The Spirits (Dominion). Then it describes the plight of those Satans who are not able to make their ascension. As descendents of Adam, Enoch and his people carried a corruption in the DNA that they inherited from the Anunnaki spoken of elsewhere, and which precludes any ascension process at all. Basically, the Satans are the Turaneusiam who originated on Tara, and are not, therefore, the creations of those who claim to be our creator gods. It is intended for us to return to Tara if and when we can, and it matters not what religious beliefs we have, if indeed we have any at all. What matters is our level of vibratory frequency relative to Spiritual Earth. There are many variables associated with the opening of this ascension window as many call it, and Dominions forces are attempting to prevent it from opening. The ascension window would provide an avenue out of this realm for the physical body, but lacking knowledge common to all others in the universe would require our placement in a state of quarantine (just another prison) until we could gain the required knowledge. Physical ascension may happen for some of us in any case, but we should also look forward to resting ourselves in Mani-Om-Sah while we are educated in the ways of the rest of the universe. On the other hand, if our vibratory frequencies are sufficiently high, ascension to the 5th dimensional realm would allow us to access ManiOm-Sah in the physical. In order to understand the returning of Real Earths time loop coil to its original condition as a magnetic loop, allow me to discuss both the difference between magnetic and electromagnetic loop coils, as well as what happened when Dominion converted our loop coil to one of electromagnetism. The magnetic nature of a time loop is not the same magnetism as that which relates to magnets or has the properties of a magnet. Although the magnetic time loop exerts an attraction, its nature is that of sound quanta, and it functions as a natural memory device like the transduction matrix or Akasha. This loop coil, however, stores the information required in maintaining one single octave, as the multiple integrals of the frequency fundamental are traversed. Although the electromagnetic spectrum consists of the entire range of radiation (in order of decreasing frequency: cosmic rays, gamma rays, x-rays, ultraviolet radiation, visible light, infrared radiation, microwaves, and radio waves), our linear time loop coil existing on the spectrum does not operate through the entire range of

radiation. As the multiple integrals of the frequency fundamental are traversed, it operates through ultraviolet radiation, x-rays, gamma rays, and cosmic rays, projecting it into higher octaves. A problem arises with the concept of restoring Earths original magnetic loop, in that when it was first turned into one of electromagnetism, Earths astral plane became like an electric storm, and was thus uninhabitable. Dominion then effectuated a time warp, which placed Taras astral plane in the 3rd dimensional arena for our use. Since then, Tarans who are killed have had to go through the cycle of births and deaths here on Earth with us. Psychics, who claim to have visited the Great Abyss, have actually visited the Great Deserted Sea where Taras astral plane once existed. The ability of Tarans to stand against the forces of Dominion has diminished now, due to a fear of being killed and having to become trapped in this realm for eternity. Therefore, the New Age concept of higher dimensional beings taking embodiment here in order to help us is only a distortion of the truth by our enemies. Dominion turned Taras astral time loop 180 degrees to reverse circumstances, which interfaced it with 3rd dimensional time, rather than 4th dimensional. As Earths original time loop is restored, then, our astral time loop will have to be turned back 180 degrees in order to return it to Tara. The energy required in distorting loop coil frequencies sufficiently for producing a time warp, consists of tonal proton energy produced by a combination of protons and electromagnetic energy. This energy is sent to the time loop coil, then activated by a beam of proto-positrons (a synthesis of protons with anti-matter) combined with additional protons. As Earths original time loop is restored, our rightful astral plane will become habitable once again, all on its own. When this occurs, Dominions phantom Earth will split away with no astral plane at all, inhabited by all those of Dominions loyalists that the Einherjar can trap there. It will take a thousand years for Phantom Earth to disappear into a black hole in the sun. Meanwhile, having no astral plane, it will be plagued by disembodied spirits as the population dies. In this way, the lower realms of the universe will be restored to their natural mode of operation, and begin to serve the evolutionary purpose that was originally intended by the All the Source of all creation. The leader of the criminals in the universe will certainly face his judgment day, but until that time arrives, he will continue to operate as the god of this world, fighting to maintain control of Earths inhabitants. It would be possible for him to hold out for another two or three-hundred years, but it is hoped that his fall will occur within the next four years, which would take us to the year 2015. Dominion faces another dilemma, in that he requires the strength provided by millions of daily prayers; but expediency calls for greater debauchery in order to accommodate greater amounts of negative karma. Itll be interesting to see which way the god of this world goes with it. As for those of us associated with Mani-Om-Sah, we will neither empower Dominion, nor engage in the debauchery promoted by his loyalists here on Earth. We follow each of our Higher Selves by turning within, and are thus guided away from politics, religion and all the dishonorable corruption surrounding the lower passions and their egoistic power struggles. We rest in Mani-OmSah.

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