Ielts Listening Task 5 Sentence Completion
Ielts Listening Task 5 Sentence Completion
Ielts Listening Task 5 Sentence Completion
Description This activity aims to introduce sentence completion questions and practise a procedure for answering them on the listening paper and to activate and apply student knowledge of paraphrasing, synonyms, grammatical structures and collocation. Time required: Additional materials required: 60 minutes ELTS Listening Recording 4 available at elts N.B. the worksheets and teachers questions here are only for use with this sample task but other worksheets can be easily made for other sample tasks as the ideas are transferable. Aims: to introduce sentence completion questions by raising awareness of paraphrasing, synonyms, grammatical structures and collocation.
Procedure 1. Write the following sentences on the board or use an OHP to show them to the whole class. Studying with the Open University demanded a great deal of . Studying and working at the same time improved Rachels skills. It was helpful that the course was structured in .. She enjoyed meeting other students at 2. Tell students that these sentences summarise a text. Elicit from students what the situation in the text might be, based on the key words given in these sentences. A possible answer could be that Rachel is talking about her experiences at the Open University, what it was like studying there, how she managed to study and work at the same time and details about the course itself. 3. Explain to students that in the exam they have to read a set of sentences summarising key information from either the whole listening text or from one part of it. They have to complete a gap in each sentence using information from the listening text. They usually have to write no more than three words and/or a number. (If candidates write more than the number of words asked for, they will lose the mark even if their answer includes the correct word(s). Contracted words will not be tested. Hyphenated words count as single words.) Explain also that to answer sentence completion questions, they need to read the sentence carefully both before and after the gap. They need to find an answer that fits both in terms of structure and content.
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IELTS Listening Task Type 5 (Sentence Completion) Activity Teachers Notes Page 1 of 8
4. Divide the class into pairs. Hand out the structure worksheet A to one student in each pair and the content worksheet B to their partner. Give students 5 minutes to work through their own worksheet before asking them to discuss their answers in pairs for another 10 minutes. 5. Explain that although the exact answers they need will be on the recording, the words in the question are likely to be slightly different. Elicit or explain that paraphrasing or synonyms will be used. Divide the class into 4 groups (or multiples of 4 if the class is large). Assign each group a sentence. Students brainstorm ways of paraphrasing their sentence or using synonyms to replace key words. (See key below) 6. Hold a feedback session with the whole class, with each group presenting their ideas. Accept any variations that are possible, without paying too much attention to accuracy at this stage. 7. Hand out the sample task. Explain to students that now they are ready to listen and complete the task. Remind them to keep in mind the possible paraphrasing and synonyms for the questions and to find answers that fit in terms of both content and structure. Elicit the instructions that they must use a maximum of two words. You should also explain that the words should be taken directly from the listening text and written in the space on their question paper to be transferred to the answer sheet later. 8. Play the recording linked to this activity. Give students 1 minute at the end to check their answers individually. Then students check in pairs. 9. Hand out tapescript. Students underline the parts which contain the answers.
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IELTS Listening Task Type 5 (Sentence Completion) Activity Teachers Notes Page 2 of 8
UCLES 2009. This material may be photocopied (without alteration) and distributed for classroom use provided no charge is made. For further information see our Terms of Use at
IELTS Listening Task Type 5 (Sentence Completion) Activity Answer Keys Page 3 of 8
Rachel You mean, because youre studying on your own, most of the time? Paul Mm.
Rachel Well it took me a while to get used to it. I found I needed to maintain a high level of motivation, because its so different from school. Theres no-one saying, Why havent you written your assignment yet?, and that sort of thing. Paul Oh dear.
Rachel Youll learn it, Paul. Another thing was that I got very good at time-management because I had to fit time for studying round a full-time job. Paul Well Im hoping to change to working part-time, so thatll help.
Rachel What makes it easier is that the degree is made up of modules, so you can take time off between them if you need to. It isnt like a traditional three- or four-year course, where youve got to do the whole thing of it in one go. Paul Thats good, cause Id like to spend six months travelling next year.
Rachel Huh, its all right for some. Then even though youre mostly studying at home, remember youve got tutors to help you, and from time to time there are summer schools. They usually last a week. Theyre great, because you meet all the other people struggling with the same things as you. Ive made some really good friends that way. Paul Sounds good. So how do I apply?
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IELTS Listening Task Type 5 (Sentence Completion) Activity Answer Keys Page 4 of 8
2. Which of the following collocations are not possible? A great deal of a) money b) patience c) books
3. Which of the following collocations is not a strong collocation? a) social skills b) money skills c) study skills
4. Which of the following collocations is a strong collocation? A course can be structured in a) terms b) classes c) schools
5. Which of the following cannot follow the preposition at? a) the classroom b) lectures c) weekends
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IELTS Listening Task Type 5 (Sentence Completion) Activity Students Worksheet A Page 5 of 8
1. What do you know about the Open University? How is it different from other types of university?
3. What would be the most difficult aspects of working and studying together?
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IELTS Listening Task Type 5 (Sentence Completion) Activity Students Worksheet B Page 6 of 8
Studying with the Open University demanded a great deal of 27 . Studying and working at the same time improved Rachels 28 skills. It was helpful that the course was structured in 29 .. She enjoyed meeting other students at 30 . .
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IELTS Listening Task Type 5 (Sentence Completion) Activity Sample Task Page 7 of 8
The other thing I wanted to ask you was, did you find it hard, studying with the Open University?
Rachel You mean, because youre studying on your own, most of the time? Paul Mm.
Rachel Well it took me a while to get used to it. I found I needed to maintain a high level of motivation, because its so different from school. Theres no-one saying, Why havent you written your assignment yet?, and that sort of thing. Paul Oh dear.
Rachel Youll learn it, Paul. Another thing was that I got very good at time-management because I had to fit time for studying round a full-time job. Paul Well Im hoping to change to working part-time, so thatll help.
Rachel What makes it easier is that the degree is made up of modules, so you can take time off between them if you need to. It isnt like a traditional three- or four-year course, where youve got to do the whole thing of it in one go. Paul Thats good, cause Id like to spend six months travelling next year.
Rachel Huh, its all right for some. Then even though youre mostly studying at home, remember youve got tutors to help you, and from time to time there are summer schools. They usually last a week. Theyre great, because you meet all the other people struggling with the same things as you. Ive made some really good friends that way. Paul Sounds good. So how do I apply?
UCLES 2009. This material may be photocopied (without alteration) and distributed for classroom use provided no charge is made. For further information see our Terms of Use at
IELTS Listening Task Type 5 (Sentence Completion) Activity Sample Task Page 8 of 8