Contoh Format Business Plan 3
Contoh Format Business Plan 3
Contoh Format Business Plan 3
(business name)
Department of Business Economic and Regional Development, Northern Territory Government, 2001
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TABLE OF CONTENTS Executive Summary 1. The Marketing Plan 1.1 Environmental analysis 1.2 Product(s)/service(s) 1.3 Customer demographics 1.4 Competition and competitive advantage 1.5 Price strategy 1.6 Advertising and promotional strategy 1.7 S.W.O.T. analysis 1.8 Market research 1.9 Market targets The Operations Plan 2.1 Business structure 2.2 Scope of operation 2.3 Regulatory issues 2.4 Insurance 2.5 Business premises 2.6 Location 2.7 Production arrangements 2.8 Distribution (place) arrangements 2.9 Credit terms 2.10 Plant and equipment 2.11 Quality control 2.12 Memberships and affiliations 2.13 Communications 2.14 Trading hours 2.15 Commencement date The Organisation Plan 3.1 Organisation structure 3.2 Skills required 3.3 Personnel 3.4 Resumes The Financial Plan 4.1 Financial strategy 4.2 Establishment costs and source of funds 4.3 Balance Sheet projections 4.4 Profit and Loss projections 4.5 Expected Cash Flow projections 4.6 Break Even Cash Flow projections
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This section should be completed AFTER the business plan is finished. It is a ONE PAGE SUMMARY. Introduction The Introduction is the readers first impression of the business and should cover the following areas briefly but informatively: the business name the business structure key personnel and their relevant experience description of the product and/or service its current market position and the potential for growth the business objectives both in the short and long terms the reason the business will be successful financial projections funds sought and usage.
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Product(s)/service(s) A full description of the range of products sold and/or services offered, emphasising differences, improvements, innovations etc. compared to other products/service on the market.
Customer demographics Indicate who your customers will be in each segment, their age, sex, lifestyle, interests, geographic location. How many are there in the areas you are going to service?
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Competition and competitive advantage List three of your major competitors. Make a realistic assessment of their strengths and weaknesses. How will you address their strengths and capitalise on their weaknesses? How many staff do they have? How long have they been in business? What position do they have in the market? (E.g. quality, price, service). Do they have a waiting list for their product/service? Indicate why you think people would change their current buying habits to become your customers. How will your competitors react when you enter the market? Will your business have any adverse effect on other competing businesses? What is your competitive advantage?
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Price strategy What pricing technique will you use? Explain why. What are your prices? Include a list of prices. Classify your goods and services (ie, GST taxable supply, GST free or input taxed)
Advertising and promotional strategy List the methods you will use and the cost of bringing your product/service to the attention of prospective customers, e.g. in which publication will you advertise. Will you use direct marketing campaigns, if appropriate. What promotional literature will you be developing, i.e. flyers, etc. What other promotional tools will you use? Prepare a timetable for 12 months of all promotional activities, remember to include the costings in your cash flow.
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S.W.OT. analysis A grid identifying your Strengths, Weaknesses, Opportunities and Threats. Include a discussion of how you will take advantage of the strengths and opportunities and what action you will take to counter the weaknesses and threats.
Strengths Weaknesses
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Market research Details of the results of your market research produced from primary and secondary resources. Include details of any surveys/questionnaires used. Include tables and charts as appropriate.
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Market targets How many products (or hours of service) are you going to sell. The targets need to be realistic, achievable and sufficient to make a profit. Present them in a table showing your targets for the first 12 months of operation. Make allowance for seasonal factors and the time required to go from a new business to full operation.
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Scope of operation How big is your business? This can be measured by: - how many employees you have - the expected level of turnover - the areas you are going to service (local, all of Northern Territory, Australia, international).
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Regulatory issues Discuss any local, state or commonwealth government regulatory requirements that will be required by your business (e.g. Council approval, health and safety permit, etc). If applicable, indicate any patents or other proprietary features of the product or service. Is the business required to register for Goods and Services Tax (GST)? For further information on qualifications and other regulatory requirements for setting up business, contact the Territory Business Centre on (08) 8924 4280 or 1800 193 111. Include a copy of the BLIS Report for your business from the Territory Business Centre.
Provide an estimate of applicable insurance requirements for your business. Quotations from an insurance company can be included as an appendix.
Workers compensation insurance is compulsory if you employ staff. A householders insurance policy will not cover business assets, unless specifically indicated as an addition to the policy!
Business premises
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Provide lease/rental details - landlord/agent, setup costs, bond, rent outgoings. Preferred location of the business (consider several in case the first option is not available. Provide a sketch indicating the layout of the premises (include maps where relevant). Provide a description of the facilities required to operate the business, i.e. three phase power, etc. Also include the expected running and maintenance costs. If applicable, provide details of security, power, water.
Location Where are the premises? Why have you chosen this particular (geographic) location?
Production arrangements
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How will the product/service be produced? Including a monthly activity schedule. If applicable, describe the process involved in producing your product (including any sub-contractors and/or suppliers of raw materials. If relevant, discuss any waste disposal. What type of waste is involved, how do you plan to dispose of it and at what cost? (Compliance with government regulations regarding waste disposal should be investigated).
Distribution (place) arrangements How will the product/service be distributed? Describe the facilities required to sell and distribute your product/service (e.g. will you sell it yourself or will you use agents or distributors). If relevant, discuss any margin to be given to sales representatives, retailers, distributors or wholesalers and identify any royalties or commissions you will have to pay.
Credit terms
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What credit policy will be adopted and what is the standard for your type of business? If any, what credit terms have you arranged with your suppliers. If any, what terms will you offer your customers. Do you credit terms fit in with your GST reporting cycle (cash flow)?
2.10 Plant and equipment List the plant and equipment necessary to start production or to provide the services offered. Indicate equipment suppliers purchasing or leasing and the time required to order and install equipment. Also indicate the expected running and maintenance costs.
Already Own $ Purchase $
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2.11 Quality control What measures will you put in place to ensure that all work is to the standard you require?
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2.12 Memberships and affiliations Are you a member of any relevant associations (e.g. industry associations, Chamber of Commerce etc.)?
2.13 Communications How will you be contacted? What communication systems will you use (e.g. telephone, mobile, fax, web/internet, etc.)? Include numbers.
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Organisation Chart
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Skills required What skills are needed for each position? Do you have them now? If not, what will you do to get them?
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Resumes Include brief resumes of the main personnel. (If they are detailed, it is better to include them as an appendix.)
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ESTABLISHMENT COSTS: Accountant fees Solicitor fees Advance rent/lease deposit Initial insurance premiums (list)
Initial workers compensation Other EQUIPMENT PURCHASES: Equipment/machinery Vehicles Mobile phone Fax machine Other Other Other Other INITIAL RAW MATERIALS WORKING CAPITAL TOTALS
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Balance Sheet projections Include a balance sheet (for commencement) and discuss.
Current Assets
Current Liabilities
Fixed Assets
Total Assets
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Profit and Loss projections Include a projected profit and loss at end of first 12 months and discuss.
Amount (GST inclusive) GST component
SALES less Cost of Goods Sold less GST collected GROSS PROFIT GST exclusive OVERHEAD COSTS Accounting fees Advertising Bank charges Bank interest Depreciation Electricity and gas Equipment hire/lease Insurance Legal fees Motor vehicle expenses Postage, telephone and fax Stationery Rent Repairs and maintenance Security Sundries Superannuation Transport/courier costs Wages Workers compensation Other Other
(C) (D)
TOTAL OVERHEAD COSTS less GST on overhead costs NET PROFIT GST exclusive
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My Business - MONTHLY SALES ESTIMATES Month: GST inclus. Price 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 TOTAL Next year
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Present full cash flow chart based on your market targets for the first 12 months and for the second year in total. Discuss.
NB: GST inclusive.
My Business - CASH FLOW FORECAST Month: Income Product/service 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 TOTAL Next Year
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Month: Wages Workers Comp. Other 1 Other 2 Other 3 Other 4 Other 5 Other 6 TOTAL EXPENDITURE Surplus/ deficit Opening Balance BAS/GST (payment or refund) Business Position Less Drawings Cash Position
Next Year
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Present full cash flow chart based on the minimum level of sales required to achieve the break even point as determined by you for first 12 months only and discuss.
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Examples of, but not limited to, the following:
Questionnaire used in market survey and list of people surveyed Photographs of processes and equipment Contracts with suppliers, major customers Lease documents Business name registration Insurance documents Resumes of key personnel
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