Guía Docente de Idioma Extranjero y Su Didáctica: Inglés
Guía Docente de Idioma Extranjero y Su Didáctica: Inglés
Guía Docente de Idioma Extranjero y Su Didáctica: Inglés
Titulacin Mdulo Materia Cdigo Carcter (obligatoria, optativa) Curso Cuatrimestre (especificar 1/2) Profesor coordinador Maestro de Educacin Infantil y Maestro de Educacin Primaria Idioma Extranjero y su Didctica: Ingls 351111122/351211303 Obligatoria Primero/Tercero Primer cuatrimestre/segundo cuatrimestre Jos Luis Saa Guimerns
Profesor responsable de la materia* Departamento rea Centro Despacho Horario de tutoras Correo electrnico
Jos Luis Saa Guimerns Lengua y Literatura Lengua Extranjera Escuela Universitaria de Magisterio-CEU
The very aim of this subject is for our students to acquire the ELEMENTARY-TO-PREINTERMEDIATE level of knowledge and competence of the English language, as well as some basic skills as to its teaching, by means of theoretical and practical class work, and the auxiliary use of some bibliographic and audiovisual material.
General competences
1 Good level in linguistics 2 Sense of ones own responsibility 3 Capacity to reflect on different subjects 4 An aptitude for the interpersonal relationship 5 Capacity to organize and make plans 6 An aptitude for looking up the right information
Specific competences
1 Capacity to work both individually and in a group 2 Good skill to look up new words in the dictionary 3 Full understanding of the basic phonetic symbols 4 Basic skills to communicate in the elementary English language 5 Basic skills to write elementary-to-pre-intermediate texts in the English language 6 Oral comprehension of the elementary English language 7 Written comprehension of the elementary-to-pre-intermediate English language 8 An aptitude, in conclusion, to use the correct pronunciation and spelling in this language
Objectives of the subject 1 2 3 4 5 To get used to the correct pronunciation of the English language To get used to the correct spelling of this foreign language To acquire a basic vocabulary which enables our students to achieve the elementary-to-preintermediate use of the English language To develop the four language skills, that is to say: Reading Comprehension, Listening Comprehension, Oral Expression, and Written Expression To know the specific methodology of the English language, and to become familiar with some basic didactic resorts to teach it
a) Function and Notion Formal and informal greetings. Meeting people: giving personal information about oneself and others. The world of work: jobs. Take it easy: leisure activities. Where do you live?: describing the parts of the house. Directions: telling the way. Can you speak English?: talking of languages and countries. Then and now: present actions/past actions. How long ago?: talking about past activities. Food you like: talking of likes and dislikes. Bigger and better: making comparisons. Looking good: describing people. Lifes an adventure: talking about the weather and making suggestions. How terribly clever!: describing feelings. Have you ever?: talking about experiences in our life. At the airport. b) Grammar points Verb to be: affirmative form. Possessive adjectives. Verb to be: negative and interrogative forms. Short answers. The possessive case (Saxon genitive). The simple present tense of verbs. There is/are. How many?/How much? Prepositions. Some/any. Demonstratives: this, that, these, those. Can/cant. Could/Couldnt. Was/were. Was born. The simple past tense or verbs. Regular and irregular verbs. Time expressions. Construction with ago. Countable and uncountable nouns. Do you like?/Would you like? Some and any. Much and many. Comparatives and superlatives. Have got. Present continuous. Whose is it? Possessive pronouns. Going to. Infinitive of purpose.
c) Vocabulary Everyday objects. Numbers. Members of the family. Marriage. Friendship. Types of jobs. Leisure activities: hobbies. Furniture. Countries and nationalities. Languages. Food and drinks. Politics and science. Town and country. Music. Clothes. The weather. Sports. Means of transport. Travelling: at the airport.
Horas presenciales Clases tericas Seminarios/Talleres Clases prcticas Prcticas externas Tutoras Aprendizaje/actividad dirigida (individual) Aprendizaje/actividad dirigida (en grupo) 30 30 10 autnoma autnoma 15
Total 30 30 10
30 15
Our classes will have both a theoretical and practical approach, although the practical one is going to really focus our attention. Sessions will be as active as possible, and the students will be asked to do many different types of tasks depending on the contents, skills or communicative functions required. According to this, the tasks will be done either in groups, pairs or just individually (a special interest will be taken in both Oral Expression and Listening Comprehension, the two linguistic skills which are usually neglected).
Recursos y fuentes de informacin bsica BASIC BIBLIOGRAPHY Liz and John SOARS (2008): New Headway English Course ELEMENTARY (students book). The third edition. Oxford University Press. Liz and John SOARS (2008): New Headway English Course ELEMENTARY (workbook without key). Oxford University Press.
Recursos y fuentes de informacin complementaria RECOMMENDED BIBLIOGRAPHY Any practical and comprehensive English grammar. A good English dictionary: Collins Spanish-English Dictionary. Oxford Elementary Learners Dictionary. Or any Oxford edition. Some other useful bibliography will be given along the course.