Astrological Dictionary
Astrological Dictionary
Astrological Dictionary
ASCENDANT Definition: The Ascendant is the degree of the Zodiac that is rising over the eastern horizon, at the moment in question. It sets the degree that begins the 360 degree circle of the astrological chart. The rising sign is the Zodiac sign of the ascendant. Also Known As: Rising Sign ASPECTS Definition: Aspects is a word used to describe the distance between planets. The angle they form is the aspect. You could see it as the dynamic between two planets in a chart. Aspects between planets create either ease, and are considered gifts, or friction, which are built-in challenges to overcome. Major aspects are the conjunction (0 degrees apart), sextile (60 degrees apart, square (90 degrees apart), trine (120 degrees apart) and opposition (180 degrees apart). Minor aspects are the semi-sextile (30 degrees apart), the semi-square (45 degrees apart), the quincunx (150 degrees apart), and the sesquiquadrate or sesquare (135 degrees apart). Examples: These days, Mars is in Cancer, aspecting my natal Saturn with a square. CONJUNCTION Definition: The conjunction is when two planets are in close orb, and the energies of both are amplified. If in the same degree, that's an exact conjunction, but planets within 10 degrees are considered affected by the dynamics of this aspect. It's considered the most powerful of the major aspects. CUSP Definition: This word is used to describe the line between two signs of the Zodiac. Those with the Sun sign in the last degrees of one sign, or earliest degrees of another are said to be born on the cusp. Astrologers disagree on whether that means the traits two signs are blended or not. It's my opinion that an early Cancer has trailings of Gemini, and a late one, the influence of Leo. And that the twelve
pieces of sky do not have fixed borders, but subtle shades of change in energy, as it moves into the next sign. Also Known As: On the Cusp DECAN Definition: The decan is a 10 degree increment that divides the 360 degree ecliptic into 36 pieces. There are three decans for each sign of the Zodiac. This gives more nuance to the general interpretation of a sign, within its decanate. Astrologers will refer to the first, second or third decanate of a sign. Also Known As: decanate DEGREE Definition: The degree is the unit that's used to measure an astrological chart. The twelve signs of the Zodiac are divided into 360 degrees. The circle of the astrological chart is also 360 degrees. DESCENDANT Definition: This is the point on the chart in exact opposition to the ascendant. It's the degree of the Zodiac that descends over the western horizon at the moment in question. it's the sign on the 7th House cusp. Also Known As: DSC EPHEMERIS Definition: The ephemeris is a table of planetary positions. It's useful in help you draw up a chart, and place the planets by their degree. An ephemerides is a resource that shows the yearly movements of the planets. Also Known As: ephemerides GRAND TRINE Definition: A grand trine is formed by three planets in the same element (water, fire, earth or air) that trine each other, creating a triangle. The element of the trine is expressed in a strong, pure way. INGRESS Definition: A word that describes the movement of a planet or luminary into a new sign. The four seasons are marked by the Sun's ingress into the cardinal signs (Aries, Cancer, Libra, Capricorn). Also Known As: ingresses
LUNATION Definition: The lunation begins with each new Moon. A lunation includes the period leading up to the full Moon, and lasts about 29 days. MOON VOID OF COURSE Definition: The Moon is void-of-course is when it has left its last major aspect in a sign, and has yet to enter a new sign. On a planetary calendar, it's noted as v/c. It's a time when Moon energies are more free floating, and it's harder to find traction. Actions taken when the Moon is Void of Course may not catch either, since decisions are made from an ungrounded place. See also Moon Void of Course. OPPOSITION Definition: An opposition occurs between planets exactly across from each other on the Chart wheel. The exact opposition would be planets at180 degrees apart. But planets in opposition within close orb will have that energetic tension. The opposition is considered a negative or stressful aspect, since it's a challenge of two opposing forces. But sometimes, like with any tense stand-off, opposing planets draw out the cumulative strengths, and have an anchoring effect. ORB Definition: The orb is the range in which an aspect is said to be in play. With powerful planets involved, astrologers will accept a longer orb, or a wider range of degree. Looking at the orb of an aspect (how exact it is), will help in determining how strong it will be. Also Known As: orb of influence POLARITY Definition: This word is used to describe the relationship between two opposite signs of the Zodiac. The polar sign is the one at 180 degrees in opposition. They are in opposition, but the polarity relationship is a particular dynamic. Opposites attract, and the polar signs have a natural affinity based on the potential to balance each other out. The polar signs are: Aries and Libra; Taurus and Scorpio; Gemini and Sagittarius; Cancer and Capricorn; Leo and Aquarius; Virgo and Pisces.
QUINCUNX Definition: The quincunx is an an aspect formed when planets are five signs, or 150 degrees apart in the chart. It is referred to as a minor, negative aspect in classical astrology. The Parker's list it as a major aspect, and (from their book Astrology), write, "A quincunx indicates a point in the chart where something stressful may occur." In the natal chart, it points to an odd mix of energies that can lead to persistent frustration. The quincunx can cause a person to feel conflicted by this convergence of two very different signs. The quincunx is a challenge to harmonize awkward energies by giving both their due. As a result, a blended third energetic foundation emerges that serves as a new basis for that area in the chart. Like the square, it can be a burden or a strength, depending on how the energy is handled. Also Known As: Inconjunct RISING SIGN Definition: The rising sign is the Zodiac sign of the Ascendant. It's the sign on the first house cusp. It influences how others see you, your behavior, style and personality. The vibrational cloak of the rising sign is your garb for engaging with the world. The Zodiac sign of your Ascendant, is determined by where the Sun was rising on the eastern horizon at the moment of your birth. It's found on the center left of the wheel, and abbreviated with ASC. SEXTILE Definition: The sextile is an aspect formed when planets are two signs, or about 60 degrees apart. It is a positive harmony between planets that opens up new pathways for growth. The sextile brings ease to that area of the chart, along with helpful people. Not quite as powerful as the trine, the other positive aspect. SOLAR CHART Definition: This is an astrological chart drawn up with the Sun on the cusp of the first house. It's used when there's no birth time, but some astrologers use a noon chart (set for 12 pm), to set the chart. Sun Sign 'Scopes
Sun sign horoscopes are often written with the solar chart in mind, with predictions based on transits to the solar houses. That's why you'll read that "Jupiter is transiting your 2nd House of Money and Values" -- the astrologer has set the wheel with your Sun sign at the horizon. Then general predictions are made based on the planets' placement in those houses. Also Known As: Sun sign chart THE SQUARE Definition: The square aspect is found in a birth chart when planets are three signs, or roughly 90 degrees apart. The tension of the square shows areas of stress, and often bring obstacles. The square presents a challenge to manage and release the intensity it generates. The square creates energetic sparks, and an enormous amount of energy that has to be released. It's an aspect that can create fear, and that amplifies the energies already present. The potential for release makes it a dynamic aspect, full of potential to create a new blended structure out of the two conflicted energies. STELLIUM Definition: A stellium is a multiple conjunction of planets. It's a close cluster of three or more planets in one sign and/or house. The planets are clumped together (within 0 to 5 degrees). This puts an energetic emphasis in the sign and house where it is concentrated. This is something that stands out, when looking at a chart. A stellium in a birth chart is a special point of reference, and indicates the major themes of the chart. TRANSIT Definition: All the planets transit around the ecliptic (the Zodiac). When astrologers refer to a transit, they're talking about a specific event, like a planet aligning with the natal chart. Transiting planets make aspects to the "moment in time" planets of a chart for an event, entity or person (the birth chart). As the planets move, they aspect each other, and this also creates meaningful cosmic dynamics. Pronunciation: Tran-sit Also Known As: transits, transiting Examples:
Transiting Venus is moving through my 5th House (of love, romance and friendship), and I'm ready to be swept off my feet! TRINE Definition: Definition: The trine is an aspect formed when planets are three signs apart, or about 120 degrees apart. Go ahead and thank your lucky stars, for the trines in your birth chart. These are areas of natural grace, support and things falling into place. The trine in a birth chart is a point of ease, or harmony. It's where natural flow exists, and can be easily developed further. Perhaps, as some karmic astrologers say, it's a reward you've earned from a past life! It is an asset, but can be taken for granted and not fully utilized. The trine is often between planets of the same element (fire, earth, air and water). But it can also be between planets in different signs. The orb is up to 8 degrees for a wide orb, but more potent at 5 and under. Transiting planets also form aspects, including the trine. You can be "preparation awaiting opportunity," when you know a supportive trine is coming to draw out the potential of a natal planet. This is a practical way to look ahead and make the most of cosmic forces.