Unit-I: Oracle Product Detail

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Oracle product can be divided as Oracle server Development tools.

Oracle server:The oracle servers is the DBMS itself and includes many options and features such as Parallel query option, network protocol and advance system administration option.

Development Tools:Many oracle tools are available to developers to help them represent data and built complicated and advance oracle database application. Different tools are as follow:(a)SQL*Plus:SQL * plus is an interactive and batch query tool that is installed with every oracle database server or client installation. It has a command line user interface, a windows graphical user interface & the SQL * plus web based user interface. SQL * plus enables us to enter and execute SQL and PL/SQL command. (b)Oracle form developer:Oracle form developer provides a powerful tool for building form based application. Form developer is a fourth generation language (4GL). Developer supports a variety of clients such as client server PCs and java based client. (c)Oracle reports developer:Oracle reports developer provides a development & deployment environment for rapidly building & publishing web based reports. Data can be formatted in tables, group reports, graphs & combinations. (d)Oracle Jdeveloper:Oracle Jdeveloper is used to develop basic java application without writing code. Wizards are available in Jdeveloper to allow programmers create java objects without writing code.

(e)Oracle designer:Oracle designer provides a graphical interface for rapid application development (RAD) for the entire database development process. (f)Oracle portal:Oracle portal provides an HTML based tool for developing web applications. Portal includes wizards for developing application.


Two important components of RDBMS are the kernel which is the software and the data dictionary which consist of the system level data structure used by the kernel to manage the database.

(i)RDBMS Kernel:We may think RDBMS kernel as an operating system or set of subsystems designed specially for controlling data access. Its primary functions are storing, retrieving and providing security to data. Like an OS kernel manages & controls access to a given set of resources for concurrent database users. It maintains its own list of authorized user and their associated privileges. It controls locking, manages memory, dispatches & schedule request and manages space uses within table space structure.

(ii)Data dictionary:A fundamental difference between RDBMS and other database and file system is in the way that they access data. An RDBMS enables us to reference physical data in a more abstract and logical way which provides ease and flexibility in developing application code. This is possible because of the RDBMSs data dictionary. The data dictionary stores metadata for all the objects that reside in the database. Data dictionary is a set of table and database objects that is stored in a special area of the database & maintain by the kernel. Request to read or update the database are process by the kernel using the information in the data dictionary.




Access to database is managed By kernel. Application never Write directly to database.

RDBMS Kernal

Overview of oracle architecture

Client server computing and oracle
An oracle database system can easily take advantages of distributed processing by using its client/ server architecture. In this architecture the database system is divided into two parts- a front end or a client and a back end or a server.

The client:The client is a database application that initiate a request for an operation to be performed on the Server. It requests, processes and presents data managed by the server. The client work station can be Optimize for its job. For example it might not need large disk capacity or it might get benefit from better graphics capabilities. Generally the client runs on a different computer than the database server. Many clients can Simultaneously run against one server.

The server:-

The server runs oracle software and handles the function required for concurrent shared data access. The server receives & processes the SQL & PL/SQL statements that originate from client application. The computer that manages the server can be optimized for its duties. For Ex:. It can have large disk capacity & fast processers. Different components of oracle architecture are as follow:

(A)Oracle files
There are following types of files in oracle. (a)Data files:Every oracle database has one or more physical data files. The data files contain all the database data. The data of logical database structure such as tables and indexes is physically stored in the datafile allocated for a database.

(b)Control files:Every oracle database has a control file. A control file contains entries that specify the physical structure of database. It contains the following information: Database name Name and locations of datafiels & redo log files. Timestamp of database creation.

(c)Redo log files:Every oracle database has a set of two or more redo log files. The set of redo log files is known as the redo log for the database. The primary function of the redo log is to record all changes made to data. If a failure is occurred then the changes can be obtained from the redo log.The redo log files are used to recover the database. (d)Parameter files:Parameter files contain a list of configuration parameters for database. (e)Backup file:To restore a file, the file is to replace with a backup file .We use these file to restore a file when a failure or user error has damaged or deleted the original file.

(B)Oracle memory
Oracle creates and uses memory structures to complete several jobs. Two basis memory structure associated with oracle are the system global area (SGA) and the program global area (PGA). System Global Area(SGS):The SGA is a shared memory region that contains data and control information for oracle instance. The information stored in the SGA is devided into following types of memory structures. (a)Database buffer cache of the SGA:Database buffers store the most recently used blocks of data. The set of database buffers in an instance is the database buffer cache. (b)Redo log buffer of the SGA:This buffer stores redo entries i.e. a log of changes made to the database. (c)Shared pool of the SGA:This contains shared memory constructs such as shared SQL areas. (d)Cursor:A cursor is a name for a private SQL area in which information for processing a statement are kept. Program Global Area(PGA):The PGA is a memory buffer that contains data & control information for a server process. A PGA is created by oracle when a server process is started. The information in a PGA depends on the configuration of oracle.

(C)System and user Processes

(a)User(Client)Process:User processes are created & maintained to run the software code of an application program or an oracle tool. User processes also manage communication with the server processes through program interface.

(b)Oracle(system/Background)processes:System processes are invoked by other processes to perform functions on behalf of the invoking process. Oracle creates server processes to handle requestes from connected user processes .A server process communicate with the user process & interact with oracle to carry out request from the user process. Different types of system processes are as follow:Database Writer(DBWR):This process writes database block from the database buffer cache in SGA to the data files on the disk. Log writer (LGWR):This process writes the redo information from the log buffer in the SGA to all copies of the current redo log file on disk. System monitor(SMON):This process maintains the overall health & safety of an oracle instance. Process Monitor(PMON): This process watches over the user processes that access the database. Check point(CKPT):This process works with DBWR to perform checkpoint. Recover(RECO):This process automatically cleans up failed or suspended distributed transaction.

(D)System Database Objects

System database objects are the logical structure that refers directly to the database data. Database object includes structures like tables, view and indexes. Tables:Tables are the basic unit of data storage in an oracle database. Databases tables hold all user accessible data .Each table has columns and rows. Index:-

Indexes are optional structures associated with tables. Indexes can be created to increase the performance of data retrieval. An index provides an access path to table data. An index is automatically maintained & used by the DBMS. Views:Views are customized presentations of data in one or more tables. Views are considered as virtual table because they do not actually contain data rather they derive their data from the tables on which they are based. Views can be queried, updated, inserted into and deleted from with some restrictions. Synonym:A synonym is an alias for any table, view, sequence, procedure, function etc. Because a synonym is simply an alias, it requires no storage other than its definition in the data dictionary. Create synonym e for employee; Sequence:Oracle provides an object called a sequence that can generate numeric values. A sequence can be define to:1. Generating numbers in ascending or descending order. 2. Provide interval between numbers. 3. Caching of sequence numbers in memory to speed up their availability.


There are following datatypes in oracle:1. Char:This datatype is used to store character string values of fixed length. Specification - Char (Size) The size in ( ) determines the no. of characters can hold. The maximum size is 2000 bytes.

2. Varchar2/varchar:This datatype is used to store variable length alphanumeric data. The maximum size is 4000 bytes. The processing of varchar2() is slower than char.

3. Number: Specification:- Number(p,s)

Number(p) This data type is used to store numbers. The maximum value of precision (p) is 38. The scale (s) can be between -84 to 127. If scale is negative then data is rounded to scale digit to the left of decimal points. So for specification number (10,-3) for number 123456,the storage is 123000.

4. Date:Specification:-Date This data type is used to represent date and time. The standard format is DD-MON-YY (DD-MONYYYY). To enter date other than the standard format we can use the appropriate functions. 5. Long:This data type is used for storing variable length character string containing upto 2 GB. 6. Raw:The Raw/ Long Raw data type are used to store binary data such as digitized picture or image. Maximum size of raw data type is 2000 bytes & the maximum size of long raw datatype is 2GB. 7. Clob (Character large object):- Store characters upto 4GB.

8. Blob(Binary large object): Store binary data upto 4GB.

Working with table
1. Create table command:The create table command is used to create a table. This command defines each column of the table uniquely. Each column generally has 3 attribute and they are column name, column datatype and size. Syntax:Create table <table name> (<Column name1> <data type> (<size>), <Column name2> <data type> (<size>), .. .. <Column name n> <data type> (<size>) );

Eg:Emp Emp_id E_name E_address Dob

Create table Emp (Emp_id number(3), E_name varchar2(15), Dob date);

*Describe command (Desc):- To Show the structure of a table. Ex. Desc Emp;

2. Insertion of data into table:A record is inserted into a table by using the insert command. Syntax:Insert into <table name> (<column name1>,<column name2>) values (<value1>,<value2>); Eg.:- 1. Insert into emp(Emp_id,E_name)values(1,Ravi); 2. Insert into emp values (1, Ajay, Vns, 11-jan-1990); 3. Insert into emp(emp_id,e_name,e_address,DOB) values (3, Rakesh, Lko,15-Dec-1994); *We can also use insert command using substitution variables. Insert into emp values(&id,&name,&address,&DOB); Output:Enter the table for Id:4 Enter the value for name: Ajay Enter the value for address: VNS Enter the value for DOB 11-Jan-1990

By entering the values and pressing enter key we will get the message 1 row created. We can insert another record into the same table just by typing run or slash (/) and then by pressing enter key at the SQL prompt. Run or slash is user for executing a previously run command again. SQL>/ Enter the value for id: 5 Enter the value for name: khusi Enter the value for address: VNS Enter the values for DOB: 29-Aug-1991 SQL>/ 3. Viewing data in the table:Once data has been inserted into a table the next requirement is to view the inserted data. For this purpose we use select command. This command is use to retrieve the records from one or more tables. (a)To view all rows and all columns:Syntax: - Select * from <table name>; Eg: - Select * from emp; (b)To view selected column and all raws:Syntax: - Select <column name1>,<column name2>,from <table name>; Eg: - Select id, name from emp; (c)To view selected rows and all columns:Syntax: - Select * from <table name> where <condition>; Eg: - Select * from emp where address=VNS; (d)To view selected rows and selected column:Syntax:Select <column name1>,<column name2> from <table name> where <condition>; Eg: Select id, name from emp where address= VNS; (e)Sorting data in a table:We can retrieve records from the table in sorted order(either in ascending order or descending order) using order by clause. Syntax: Select * from <table name> order by <column name>[<sort order>]; Eg: (i) Select * from emp order by name; (ii) Select * from emp order by name desc; Note: - By default ascending order, use Desc for descending order.

Logical Operator There are following logical operator:1.OR operator:The or operator returns a true value if either of the specified condition is true. Emp Id 1 2 3 4 Name Ravi Ajay Amit Anil Address LKO ALD LKO VNS Salary 2000 3000 5000 8000

5 Rajesh LKO 20,000 Eg. Select * from emp where salary<5000 OR address= VNS; Id 1 2 4 Name Ravi Ajay Anil Address LKO ALD VNS Salary 2000 3000 8000

2. AND Operator:The AND operator return the true value if all the specified condition are true. The result of query display only those records where all of the condition specified using the And operator are satisfied. \ Select * from emp where salary <8000 AND address = LKO;

Id 1 3

Name Ravi Amit

Address LKO LKO

Salary 2000 5000

3.Not Operator:- The Not operator returns a TRUE value when the specified condition is false and vice versa.If we use Not operator with Condition then the oracle engine will process rows in a table and display only those records that do not satisfy the condition specified. Select * from emp where NOT(Salary < 8000 and address = Lko); Id Name Address Salary

2 4 5

Ajay Anil Rajesh


3000 8000 20,000

Range searching
In order to select data that is within a range of values, the Between operator is used. The Between operator allows the selection of rows that contain values within a specified lower and upper limit. The two values in between the range must be linked with the keyword AND (i) Select * from emp where salary between 2000 and 8000; Id 1 2 3 4 Name Ravi Ajay Amit Anil Address LKO ALD LKO VNS Salary 2000 3000 5000 8000

(ii)Select * from emp where salary not between 2000 and 8000; Id 5 Name Rajesh Address LKO Salary 20,000

Pattern Matching
1. Use of Like:- The like operator allows comparison of one string value with another string value which is not identical. This is achieved by using wild card characters. There are two wild card characters. (i)% To match zero or more character _ (underscore) To match exactly one character Eg. (i) If we want to get the records of those employees whose names begin with character A, we can use following query:Select * from emp where name like A%; (ii)If we want to match the last two character then Select * from emp where name like %sh; (iii)If we want to match 2nd character from begining then

Select * from emp where name like _a%; (iv)If we want to match 2nd character from last then, Select * from emp where name like %s_; 2. Use of IN: The equality operator (=) compares a single value to another single value. In case a value needs to be compared to a list of values IN operator can be used. (i)Select * from emp where address IN (VNS, LKO, ALD); (ii)Select * from emp where address NOT IN (VNS,LKO,ALD);

Creating a table from another table

Create table <table name>(<column name>,<column name>) As select <column name>,<column name> from <source table name>; Eg:Emp Id 1 2 3 Name Address A W B C X Y Salary 2000 3000 4000

Z 5000 D 4 1.Create table empsal(eid,esal) as select id, salary from emp; Empsal EId Esal 1 2000 2 3 4 3000 4000 5000

2.Create table empsal as select id, salary from emp; 3.Create table empsal2 as select * from emp; 4.Create table empsal3 as select * from emp where salary<3000; To create a target table without the records from the source table the select statement must have a condition that can not be satisfied by any source table records. Eg:- 1.Create table empsal4(eid, esal) as select id, salary from emp where id<0; 2. Create table empsal5 as select * from emp where 4=5;

Data constraints
The rules which are enforced on data in a table are called constraints. Once data constraints are part of a table column construct, the oracle database engine checks the data being entered into a table column against the data constraints. If the data passes this check, it is stored in the table column otherwise rejected. Even if a single column of the record fails a constraint, the entire record is rejected and not stored in the table.

Column level and table level constraints:1. Column level constraints:- If data constraints are defined as an attribute of a column definition while creating or altering a table structure, they are column level constraints. Column level constraints are applied to the current column. A column level constraint can not be applied if the data constraints span across multiple columns in a table. Eg.:-Create table emp(id number(3) primary key, name varchar2(20), age number(2) ); 2. Table level constraints: - If data constraints are define after defining all table column attributes when creating or altering a table, they are table level constraints. A table level constraint must be applied if the data constraints spans across multiple column in a table. Eg: - Create table Dep(id number(3) , dname varchar2(20), age number(2), primary key (id, dname) );

Defining different constraints on the table:-

There are two categories of data constraints that can be applied on a table. One type of constraint is called I/O constraint and other type of constraint is called business rule constraint.

I/O constraints:- There are following types of I/O constraints:

1. Primary key constraints:A primary key is one or more columns in a table used to unequally identify each record in a table. Primary key will not allow duplicate values and null values. A table can have only one primary key. A single column primary key is called a simple key while a multicolumn primary key is called composite key. A primary key can be defined in either a create table statement or an alter table statement. (i) Primary key defined at column level: Syntax:- <column name> <datatype>(<size>) primary key Eg: Create table emp (id number(3) primary key, name varchar2(20), age number(2) );

(ii)Primary key defined at table level:Syntax: - Primary key(<column name>,<column name>) Eg: Create table dep (id number(3) , dname varchar2(20), age number(2), primary key(id, dname) ); 2. Foreign key constraints:Foreign keys represent relationships between tables. A foreign key is a column (or a group of columns) whose values are derived from the primary key or unique key of some other table. The table in which the foreign key is defined is called a foreign table or detail table. The table that defines the primary key or unique key and is referenced by the foreign key is called the primary table or master table. A foreign key can be defined either in create table statement or an alter table statement. (i)Foreign key defined at column level: Syntax: - <column name> <datatype>(<size>) references<master table name>[(<column name>)] [ON DELETE CASCADE][ON DELETE SET NULL] Eg: Create table dep (did number(3) references emp (id) on delete cascade,

dname varchar2(20), dage number(2) ); Emp Id 1 2 3 Name Ravi Rajesh Ramesh Age 50 40 40 Di d 1 1 2 (ii)Foreign key defined at table level:2 Dep Dname Dage Sunita Sonu Kavita Monu 40 10 35 5

Syntax:- Foreign key (<column name>) references <master table name>[(<column name>)] [ON DELETE CASCADE][ON DELETE SET NULL] Eg:- Create table dep (did number(3), dname varchar2(15), dage number(2), foreing key (did) references emp(id) on delete set null);

Foreign key emposes the following restriction (a) Insertion: Master table No Foreign table- Yes (b) Updation: Master table Yes Foreign table- Yes (c) Deletion: Master table Yes Foreign table- No

3. Unique key constraints:If we want to make a column or more than one columns unique other than primary key we use the unique constraint. The unique constraint allows NULL values. (i)Unique constraint defined at column level: Syntax: <column name> <data type>(<size>) unique; Eg:- create table emp(id number(3) primary key, name varchar2(10), mobile varchar2(10) unique,

Address varchar2(10) ); (ii)Unique constraint defined at table level:Syntax:-Unique(<column name>,<column name>) Eg:- create table emp(id number(3) primary key, name varchar2(10), mobile varchar2(10), address varchar2(10), unique(mobile) );

Business Rule constraints:Business rules can be implemented in oracle by using CHECK constraints. Check constraints can be implemented either using create table or alter table command. (i)Check constraints defined at column level:Syntax: Eg: <column name> <data type>(<size>) check(<logical expression>)

Create table emp(id number(3) primary key, name varchar2(10), age number(2) check (age>=18 and age<=60), address varchar2(10) );

(ii)Check constraints defined at table level:Syntax:check(<logical expression>)

Eg: Create table emp(id number(3) primary key, name varchar2(10), age number(2), address varchar2(10), check (age>=18 and address=vns) ); Assigning user defined name to constraints:

Syntax:- Constraint <constraint name> <constraint definition> Eg:- Create table emp(id number(3) constraint const_pk primary key, name varchar2(10), age number(2), address varchar2(10), Constraint chk_age check (age>=18 and age<=60) ); The User_constraints Table:This table stores information about constraints. Ex. Select constraint_name, constraint_type from user_constraints where table name = Emp;

Modifying the structure of table using alter table command

With the help of alter table command we can add or delete columns, change the datatype and size of existing column, renaming columns, dropping columns and adding or dropping constraints. (a)Adding new column:Syntax:- Atler table <table name> add(<column name> <data type>(<size>)); Eg:Alter table emp add(phone varchar2(10));

(b)Modifying Column:Syntax:Alter table <table name> modify(<column name> <data type>(<size>)); Eg:- Alter table emp modify(name varchar2(15)); (c)Dropping column:Syntax:- Alter table <table name> drop column <column name>; Eg:Alter table emp drop column phone;

(d)Renaming column:Syntax:- Alter table <table name> rename column <old column name> to <new column name>; Eg:- Alter table emp rename column name to emp_name; (e)Defining integrity constraints through alter table command:-

Integrity constraint can be defined using the constraint clauses in the alter table command. Oracle will not allow constraint defined using the alter table command to be apply to the table if data previously placed in the table violate such constraints. *Constraints for primary key: Syntax:- Alter table <table name> add constraint <constraint name> Primary key(<column name>) Eg:(i) Alter table emp add constraint con_pk primary key(emp_id); ii) Alter table emp add primary key(emp_id); *Constraints for forign key: Syntax: Alter table <table name> add constraint<constraint name> foreign key(<column name>) references <parent table name> (<column name>); Eg: Alter table dep add constraint con_fk foreign key(did) references emp(emp_id); *Constraints for unique Key:Syntax:- Alter table <table name> add constraint <constraint name> unique(<column name>); Eg: Alter table emp add constraint con_Uk unique(mobile); *Constraints for Check:Syntax:- Alter table <table name> add constraint <constraint name) check(<logical expression>) Eg: Alter table emp add constraint chk_age check (age>=18and age<=60); Dropping Integrity Constraint through alter table command:Syntax: Alter table <table name> drop constraint<constraint name>; Eg: Alter table emp drop constraint chk_age;

Dropping table
Syntax: Drop table <table name>; Eg.: Drop table Emp;

Truncate table
Truncate table empties a table completely. Syntax: Truncate table <table name>; Eg: Truncate table emp;

Manipulating Data in SQL

Different Data manipulation operations are: 1. Select 2. Insert 3. Update 4. Delete

Updating contents of a table

The update command is used to change or modify data values in a table. Update command can either update all thee rows of a table or selected records of the table. (a)Updating all the records:Syntax:- Update <table name> set <column name>=<value>,<column name>=<value>; Eg: Update emp set salary= salary+1000; (b)Updating selected record:Syntax:- Update <table name> set <column name>=<value>,<column name>=<value> where <condition>; Eg1: Update emp set salary = salary +1000 where salary <4000;

Eg2:Update emp set salary = salary +1000 where id =2;

Delete operation
The delete command deletes records from the table that satisfies the condition provided by its where clause and returns the number of records deleted. With the delete command either we can delete all the records from a table or selected records from the table. (a)To delete all the record:Delete from <table name>; Eg. Delete from emp; Note:- Difference between delete operation and truncate table operation is that truncate table operation drops and recreates the table which is much faster than deleting rows one by one. In addition to this in case of truncate table the number of deleted rows is not returned. (b)To delete selected records:-

Delete from <table name> Where <condition>; Delete from emp where salary<5000;

Inserting data into a table from another table

Syntax:Insert into <target table name>(<column name>,<column name>) Select (<column name>,<column name>) from <source table name> where <condtion>; Ex. Insert into empvns(eid,ename) select id, name from emp where address = VNS;

Grouping data from table in SQL

(i)Group by clauses:Group by clauses can be used with select statement. This optional clause tells oracle to group records based on distinct values that exist for specified column. Eg. Select dep_id, sum(salary) from emp group by dep_id;

(ii)Having clauses:The having clause is used to provide condition on the group by clause. It further filters the group created by the group by clause. Eg:- Select dep_id, sum(salary) from emp group by dep_id having sum(salary)>10000;


Oracle functions are used to manipulate data item & return a result. Oracle functions can be categorised as: *Group function/Aggregate function *Scaler function/Single row function. Group function/Aggeregate function:These functions act on a set of values & returns one values as a result.A group function returns a single row for a group of queried rows. There are following types of group function:(a)Avg(); This function calculates the average of the specified column in a set of rows of a table.

Ex:- Select Avg(salary) Average salary from emp; (b)Max(); This function returns the maximum value from the specified column in a set of rows. Ex:- Select Max(salary) Maximum salary from emp; (c)Min(); This function returns the minimum value from the specified column in a set of rows. Ex:- Select Min(salary) Minimum salary from emp; (d)Sum(); This function calculate the sum of the value from the specified column in a set of rows. Ex:- Select Sum(salary) Total salary from emp; (e)Count(expr); Returns the no. of rows whre expr is not NULL. Ex:- Select Count(mobile) No. of mobile from emp;

(f)Count(*); Returns the no. of rows in a table including duplicate & those with NULL. Values. Ex:- Select Count(*) from emp; Scalar function(Single row functions):Single row functions accept one or more arguments and return one value for each row that is returned by the query. There are following categories of scalar functions: (A)Numeric Functions: (a)Abs(n): Returns absolute value of n. Ex. select Abs(-20) absolute from dual; Output:- 20 (b)CEIL(n): Return the smallest integer value greater than or equal to n. Ex: Select ceil(15.8) from dual;

Output:- 16 (c)Floor(n):Returns largest integer less than or equal to n. Ex: Floor(15.8) from dual; Output: 15 (d)Mod(m,n):Returns remainder when m divided by n. Ex: select mod(15,9) from dual; Output:- 6 (e) Power(m,n) :Returns m raised to the nth power. Ex: Select power (2,5) from dual; Output:- 32 (f) Trunc(n [,decimal places]):Returns a number truncated to a certain number of decimal places . Ex:- Select trunk(123.48) from dual; Output:- 123

(g) Sqrt(n):Returns square root of n. Ex:-select Sqrt(36) from dual; Output: 6 (h) Round(n[,m]): Return n rounded to m places to the right of a decimal point. If m in not given, n is rounded to zero places.m can be negative to round off digits to the left of the decimal point. Ex:- Select Round (123.763,1) from dual; Output:- 123.7 Select Round (123.763,2) from dual; Output:- 123.76 Select Round (123.763) from dual; Output:- 124 Select Round (123.363) from dual;

Output:- 123 Select Round (128.76,-1) from dual; Output:- 130 (i)Greatest(expr1,expr2); Returns the greatest value in a list of expression(According to ASCII value) Ex:- Select greatest(10,5,11) from dual; Output: 11 Ex:- Select greatest(10,5,11) from dual; Output: 5 Ex:- Select greatest(10,5,11) from dual; Output: 11 Ex:- Select greatest(10,5,11) from dual; Output: 5 (j)Least(expr1, expr2, ..); Retrun the least values in a list of expression. Ex:- Select least (10,5,11) from dual; Output: 5 Ex:- Select least (10,5,11) from dual; Output: 10 Ex:- Select least (10,5,11) from dual; Output: 5 Ex:- Select least (10,5,11) from dual; Output: 10 (B)String function:(a)Lower(); Returns all the characters in lower case. Ex: Select lower(MIIT) from dual; Output:- miit; Select ename, lower(ename) from emp; (b)Upper(); Returns all the character in upper case. Ex:- Select upper(miit) from dual;

Output:- MIIT Ex:- Select ename,upper(ename) from emp; (c)Initcap(); Returns a string with the first letter of each word in upper case. Ex:- Select initcap(amit kumar) from dual; Output:- Amit kumar Ex:- Select ename, Initcap(ename) from emp; (d)Substr(): Specification:Substr(string,m[,n]); Returns a substring of a character beginning of character at m & going up to n character long. If n is not given the result returned upto last character in the string. Ex:- Select substr(Varanasi,4,3) from dual; Output:- ana (e)Length(); Return the length of string. Ex:- Select length(varanasi)from dual. Output:- 8

(f)LPAD(); LPAD (string, n [,char]) Returns string left padded to length n with sequence of character specified in char, If char is not given oracle uses blank by default . Ex:- select lpad(varanasi,12, *) from emp; Output:- ****varanasi (g)RPAD:- returns string right padded to length with sequence of character specified in char, If char is not given oracle uses blank by default . Ex:- select rpad(varanasi,12, *) from emp; Output:- varanasi**** (h)Trnslate():

Replaces a sequence of character in a string with another set character. It replaces one character at a time. Syntax:- Translate(string, <string to replace>, <replacement string>) Ex: select translate(varansi,ans,boc) from dual; Output:- vbrbobci; (i)LTRIM(); Removes characters from the left of string with initial characters removed upto the first character not in the set. Syntax:- LTRIM(String[,set]) Ex:- select LTRIM(varansi,v) from dual; Output:- aransi; (j)RTRIM(): Removes character from the right of string with initial characters removed upto the first character not in the set. Syntax:- RTRIM(String,set) Ex:- select RTRIM(varansi,i) from dual; Output:- varans;

(C)Conversion function:(a)To_number():Convert a character string expressing a number to a number data type. Syntax: To_number(string) Ex:- Select to_number(substr($125,2,3)) + 500 total from dual; Output:- 625 (b)To_char():This function has two variant. (i) To_char() for number coversino.:- Convert a value of number datatype to a character datatype. Syntax:- To_char(number[, format])

Ex:- Select to_char(12344, $099999) from dual; Output:- $012344 (ii) To_char() for date converstion:- convert a value of a date data type to character value. Ex:- Select to_char(sysdate,day dd/mm/yyyy) from dual; Output: tuesday 14/08/2012 (c) To_date(); This function converts a character value into a date value. Syntax:- To_date(char, [, format]) Ex1: Select to_date(11/01/95,dd/mm/yy) from dual; Output:- 11-jan-95 Ex2. Select to_char(to_date(31-mar-2012),day)) from dual; Ouput:- Saturday (D)Date function:(i)Add_months(): Returns the date after adding the no. of months specified in the function. Syntax:- Add_months(date,n) Ex:- select add_months(sysdate,2) from dual; Ouput:- 30-may-12

(ii)Last_day(): Returns the last date of the month specified with the function. Syntax:- Last_day(date) Ex:- select sysdate, last_day(sysdate) from dual; Output: sys date 30-mar-12 Last date 31 mar-12

(iii)Months_between:Returns no. of months between two dates. Syntax:- Months_between(d1,d2) Ex:- select months_between(sysdate,30-jan-2012) from dual; Output:- 2 (iv)Next_day();

Returns the date of the first weekday named by char that is after the date given. Syntax:- Next_day(date, char) Ex:- Select next_day(sysdate,monday) from dual; Output:- 1-Apr-12;

Subquery means a select statement which retrieves the value from the table and passes these value as argument to the main or calling select statement.Subquery is also known as nested query. Different types of subqueries are:(i)Single row sub query (ii)Multiple row sub query (iii)Multiple column sub query (iv)Correlated sub query. Consider the following relations: Teacher(t_no,name,salary,joiningdate,dob,title) Class(c_no,t_no,room_no) 1. Single row sub query:Single row sub query is the query that returns only one value or row to the calling select statement.

For example. Display the t_no and name of those teachers having maximum salary:Select t_no,name from teacher where salary = (select max(salary) from teacher); 2. Multiple row sub-query:Multiple row sub queries are the queries that return more than one value or rows to the calling select statement. For ex: To display the list of all teachers who are earning equal to any teacher who have join after 31dec-2005 Select t_no, name from teacher where salary in (select salary from teacher where joining date>31dec-2005); 3. Multiple column sub-query:Multiple column sub-query is the query that returns more than one column to the calling select statement. For ex To display the list of all teachers whose title and salary is same as the teacher whose name is Amit. Select t_no., name from teacher where(title,salary)=(select title, salary from teacher where name=Amit);

4.Correlated sub-query:This is another type of sub-query where the sub query is executed for each and every record retrieve by the calling select statement.A correlated sub query returns only a Boolean value (True/fasle). The operator exists can be use for this type of sub query. For ex Display the record in the format given below for all class teachers. Amit is a class teacher Ravi is a class teacher Select name || is a class teacher from teacher where exists(select * from class where class.t_no.= teacher.t_no);

Join means retrieving data from more than one table through single query. To perform join operation there must be a common type column in both tables. There are following types of join:-

(i)Inner join(Equi join):- The join operation which is used to combine related informations from more than one table is called inner join.This type of join can be used in situation where only those records ,that have values in common in the columns specified in the join condition, are required. For this type of join equality operator (=) is used in join condition. Ex: To display the names of all teachers who are class teacher (i)Theta style: Select name class teacher ,c_no from teacher, class where teacher.tno.= class.t_no; (ii)Ansi style: Select name class teacher , c_no from teacher inner join class on teacher.t_no= class.t_no;

(ii)Outer join:- This type of join can be used in situation where it is required to select all records from the left or right or both table regardless of whether or not they have matching records in other table. NULL value is inserted where data is missing. Eg.:- Display names and class no. of all the teacher the result should also include the names of those teacher who are not class teacher. (i)Theta style(Left outerJoin) Select name ,c_no from teacher, class where teacher.tno.= class.t_no(+); (ii)Ansi style: Select name , c_no from teacher left outer join class on teacher.t_no= class.t_no;

(iii)Self Join:- In some situation it is necessary to join a table to itself. This is referred as a self join.In a self join two records of the same table combine to form a resultant row. To join a table to itself,Two copies of the same table have to be opened in memory. Since the tables names are the same, each table is open using an alias . Ex. Employee Emp.no. Emp.name Mgr 1 Amit 2 2 3 4 5 Ravi Ajay Mohit Rajesh 2 4 4 4

Q.Display name of all employees with the name of their managers.

Ans. Select e1.emp_name employee, e2.emp_name manager from employee e1, employee e2 where e1.mgr=e2.emp_no;

Cross Join or Cartesian Join:In this type of join each records of one table is join to each record of the other table. i.e join condition is not given in this type of join. Eg.: Select name, c_no from teacher, class;

Union Clause
Multiple queries can be put together and their outputs can be combined using the union clause. The union clause merged the output of two or more queries into a single set of rows & columns. Note:- The numbers of columns and datatypes of the corresponding columns being selected must be identical in all the select statements used in the query. The names of the columns need not be identical.

R1 A A1 A2 A4 A6 B B1 B2 B4 B6

R2 A A1 A3 A4 A5 B B1 B3 B4 B5

Query: Select A,B from R1 UNION Select A,B from R2; A A1 A2 A4 A6 A3 A5 B B1 B2 B4 B6 B3 B5. Result:

Query: Select A,B from R1 UNION ALL select A,B from R2; Result: A A1 A1 A2 A4 A4 A6 A3 A5 B B1 B1 B2 B4 B4 B6 B3 B5.

Intersect Clause
We can use intersect clause to combine the output of two or more queries. The intersect clause outputs only rows produced by both the queries intersected i.e. the output will include only those rows that are common to both the queries. Ex:- Select A,B from R1 Intersect Select A,B from R2 A B A1 B1 A4 B4

Minus clause:-

Minus clause can be used to put together multiple queries & combine their outputs. This clause outputs the rows produced by the first query after filtering the rows retrieve by the second query. Ex:- Select A,B from R1 MINUS Select A,B, from R2 A B A2 B2 A6 B6

Oracle Security
Oracle provides extensive security features in order to secure information stored in its tables from unauthorized viewing and damage. Depending on a users status and responsibility, appropriate rights on Oracles resources can be assigned to the user by the DBA.These rights are called Privileges. Objects that are created by a user are owned and controlled by that user.If a user wants to access any of the objects belonging to another user, the owner of the object will have to give permissions for such access. This is called Granting of privileges. Privileges once given can be taken back by the owner of the object. This is called Revoking of Privileges.

Security of data also implemented through creation of view.

Creating user:To create a new database user we use create user command. Syntax:- create user <user name> identified by <password> ; Ex:- create user miit identified by mcmt;

Creating role:Syntax: create role <role name>; Ex: create role clerk;

Granting privileges:To grant permission on an object to a user or role we use grant command Syntax : Grant <privileges> On <object name> To <user name/role>; Ex1: Grant select, update On emp to miit; Ex2: Grant all On Empsal to Clerk; We can also use grant command to grant a role to user. Syntax:- Grant <Role name> to <user name>; Ex:- Grant clerk to miit;

Revoking privileges:To revoke already granted privileges from a user/role we use revoke command. Syntax:- Revoke <privileges> on <object name> from <user name/Role>; Ex1: Revoke update On emp from miit; Ex2: Revoke all On Empsal from Clerk;

Granting permission with Grant option:The with grant option allows the grantee to grant object privileges to other users.

Syntax:- Grant <privileges> on <object name> to <user name/role> with grant option; Ex: Grant update, select on emp to miit with grant option;

Dropping user/Role:Syntax:- (i)Drop user <user name>; (ii)Drop role <role name>; Ex : (i)Drop user miit; (ii)Drop role clerk; Types of object privileges:There are two types of privielegs:System privilege:The kind of privilege allows a user to use DDL commands like create table, drop index etc. Object Privilege:This kind of privilege allows a user to use DML command like update, insert etc.

A view is a virtual table that consist of columns and rows of data referenced by a query. To reduce redundant data to the minimum possible oracle allows the creation of view. The columns and rows of a view are produced dynamically when a view is referenced. A view consists of logical data that does not exist as a stored set of data in a database. View are used to:1. Restricted a user to access specific row in a table. 2. Restricted a user to access specific columns in a table. 3. Join columns from multiple table in a single view. Some views are used only for looking at table data, they are called read only view. Other view can be Used to insert, update & deltetion table data as well as view data, they are called updatable view. Syntax:- Create view <view name> as select statement; Ex1:Create view teachsal

as Select t_no, name, salary from teacher; Ex2:Create view tclass as Select t_no, name, class_no from teacher, class where teacher.t_no.=class.t_no.

Selecting dataset from a view:Syntax: select <column name>, <column name> from <view name> where <condition>; Ex:(i)Select t_no, salary from teachsal; (ii)Select t_no, salary from teachsal where salary<5000;

Updatable view:View can also be use for data manipulation i.e. for insert, delete & update operation; these types of views are called updateable view. For a view to be updateable there should be following criteria. 1. Views defined from single table. 2. If the user wants to insert record with the help of view then the primary key columns & all the not Null columns must be included in the view. 3. The user can update, delete record with the help of view even if the primary column & not Null column are excluded from the view definition.

Destroying a view:For delete a view we can use drop view command. Syntax:- Drop view<view name>; Ex: Drop view tclass;

Renaming the column of a view:The columns of the view can take different names from the table columns, if required Ex : Create view tsal as select t_no tnum, name tname, salary tsalary from teacher;

Granting Permission on a view:To grant permission on a view to a user we use Grant command. For revoking the existing permission from a user on a view we use revoke command. Syntax:Ex: (i)Grant <privileges> on < view name> to <user name>; (ii)Revoke <privileges> on <view name> from <user name>; (i)Grant select, update on tsal to miit; (ii)Revoke update on tsal from miit; We can create a user:SQL>Create user miit identified by mcmt; SQL>Grant create session to miit; Ex:- SQL>conn Enter user name:Miit Enter password:Mcmt

Index is an oracle object that reduce the record retrieval time. It is an ordered list of content of a column (or a group of column) of a table. An index contains the row id & the values of the target columns. A row id is pointer that determines the location of the record.

Creation of Index:-Based on the number of columns included in an index there are two type of
index. 1.Simple Index:An index created on a single column of a table is called simple index. Syntax:- Create index <index name> on <table name>(<column name>); Eg:- Create index ind_name on emp(name); 2.Composite index:An index created on more than one column is called composite index. Syntax:- Create index <index name> on <table name>(<column name>,<column name>);

Ex:- Create index ind_nma on employee(f_name, l_name);

Creation of unique index:Indexes that deny duplicate values for the indexed column called unique index. Syntax:- Create unique index <index name> on <table name>(<column name>); Ex:- Create unique index Ind_mob on emp (mobile); Note:_When the user defines a primary key or a unique constraint at table or column level, the oracle automatically create a unique index on the primary key or unique columns.

Dropping Index
Syntax:Drop index <index name>; Ex:Drop index Ind_nm;

Working with sequences

Oracle provides an object called a sequence that can generate numeric values. A sequence can be defined to:4. Generating numbers in ascending or descending order. 5. Provide interval between numbers. 6. Caching of sequence numbers in memory to speed up their availability.

Creating sequence
To create a sequence which can generate unique integers we use create sequence command. The minimum information required for generating numbers using a sequence is (a) The starting number (b) The maximum number that can be generated by sequence. (c) The increment value for generating the next number. Syntax:- Create sequence<sequence name> [Start with <value>

increment by [value] minvalue <value>/Nominvalue maxvalue <value>/nomaxvalue cache <value>/nocache cycle/no cycle]; Keywords and parameters: Increment by:Specifies the interval between sequence numbers. Cache:Specifies how many values of a sequence oracle preallocate and keeps in memory for faster access. Cycle:Specifies that a sequence continues to generate repeat value after reaching its maximum value. Ex:- Create sequence seql start with 1 minvalue 1 maxvalue 100 cache 10 cycle;

Refrecing a sequence
After creating a sequence we can get and display the current value of sequence with the help of following command. Syntax:- Select <sequence name>.currval from dual; Ex: Select seql.currval from dual; After creating a sequence we can get and display the next value of the sequence with the help of following Command Syntax:- Select <sequence name>.nextval from dual; Ex:- select seq1.nextval from dual; The most common use of sequence to generate values for column when we insert record in a table which contains that column. Consider the following relation:-

Emp(id,name,address) To insert the record in emp table with the help of sequence seq1 we can use following command. (i) (ii) (iii) Insert into emp values(seq1.nextval,Ravi,vns); Insert into emp (id,name) values(seq1.nextval,ajay); Insert into emp values(seq1.nextval,&name,&address);

Altering sequence
We can alter a sequence using alter sequence statement. Syntax:- Alter sequence <sequence name> [ increment by [value] minvalue <value>/Nominvalue maxvalue <value>/nomaxvalue cache <value>/nocache cycle/no cycle]; Ex:-Alter sequence seq1 increment by 2;

Dropping a sequence
Syntax:- Drop sequence <sequence name>; Ex: Drop sequence seq1;

(PROGRAMMIN LANGUAGE/SQL OR PROCEDURE LANGUAGE /SQL) PL/SQL is a development tool that extends the features provided in the SQL. PL/SQL allows to use SQL data manipulation language (DML) statement, the cursor control operations, transaction processing etc. we can also group a number of SQL statement and pass them as a single block, update and retrieve data from the tables using PL/SQL. In addition we can also use procedural techniques such as loops and branching statement etc. in PL/SQL SQL and PL/SQL differences: SQL is a limited language that allows us to directly interact with data base. We can write queries, manipulates object and data with SQL. How ever SQL does not include all the features that normal programming language have such as loop & if-then-else statement. PL/SQL is a

programming language that includes most of the features of other programming languages. Some of the differences between PL/SQL and SQL are as follow:1. SQL executes one statement at a time while PL/SQL is executed as a block of code. 2. SQL tells database what to do not how to do it (declarative/non procedure language). PL/SQL tells database how to do things (procedural). 3. SQL is generally used to code queries, DML and DDL statements. PL/SQL is used to code program blocks, triggers, functions, procedures etc. 4. We can embed SQL in a PL/SQL program but we can not embed PL/SQL within a SQL statement.

PL/SQL Block Structure:Declaration Declaration of memory variable, constant, cursor etc. in PL/SQL Begin SQL executable statements. PL/SQL executable Statements Exception SQL or PL/SQL code to handel error that may arise during the execution of the block of code between begin and exception section. END; The Declaration Section: Code block start with a declaration section in which memory variables and other oracle object can be declared or if required initialize. The begin Section: This section consists of a set of SQL and PL/SQL statements which describes processes that have to be applied to table data. Actual data manipulation retrieval, looping and branching are specified in this section. The Exception Section:This section deals with handling of errors that arise during execution of the data manipulation statement. Errors can arise due to syntax, logic or validation rule violation. The end section:This marks the end of a PL/SQL block.

PL/SQL Data types

The default datatypes that can be declared in PL/SQL are number, date, char, Boolean and other data types used in SQL. PL/SQL includes data types other than the datatypes used in SQL by using % type and % rowtype attribute. %type attribute:It is used to declare variables based on definition of column in a table. Ex:- esal emp.salary % type; % rowtype attribute:The % rowtype attribute provides a record type representing a row in a table. Ex:- If we want to declare a variable erec same as the row of the emp table so that it represents the name and data type of all the columns in the table. Erec emp%rowtype; Now we can use this data type to access different columns of the table emp as erec.id, erec.name and so on.

We can declare a constant by adding a keyword constant and assigning value to it. After that we can not assign any other value to the declared constant. Ex:- Discount1 constant number (2):=10; Discount2 Constant number(2,2):=10.25;

Variables in PL/SQL block are named locations. A variable name must begin with a character and can be followed by a maximum of 29 other character. A space can not use in a variable name. In PL/SQL a variable can have a PL/SQL or SQL data type. We can declare a variable as follow. Syntax:- <variable name> datatype(<size>); EX:- Ename varchar2(15); Esal number(6); Assigning values to a variables:(i) Using assignment operator(:=) Ex:- (i) N:=6; (ii)Esal number(6):= 5000; (ii) Selecting or fetching database value in the variable (using selectinto): Ex:- Select min(salary) into Esal from emp;

Comments:In PL/SQL two types of comments and they are: (i) (ii) single line comment: Using --(double hyphen) Multiple line comment : /*.*/

(a)Conditional control:PL/SQL allows the use of if statement to control the execution of the block of code. It allows specifying certain conditions under which a specific block of code should be executed. Syntax:- (i) If <condition> then <Action> END if; (ii)If <condition> then <Action> Else <Action> END if; (iii)If <condition> then <Action> Elsif <condition> then <Action> Else <Action> END if; Ex:--Program to update the salary of employees according to their current salary. Declare Eid emp.id%type:=&eid; Esal emp.salary%type; Begin Select salary into esal From emp where id = eid; If Esal>5000 then

Update emp Set salary= salary + 1000 Where id = eid; Else Update emp Set salary = salary + 500 Where id = eid; End if; Commit; End; /

(b)Iterative contol:
Iterative control indicates the ability to repeat section of a code block. PL/SQL supports the following structures from iterative control. (i)Simple Loop:In simple loop the keyword loop should be placed before the first statement in the repetitive sequence & the keyword End loop should be written at the end of the sequence to end the loop. Syntax:Loop <sequence of statement> End Loop;

Ex: --Program to display number from 1 to 10. Declare i number(3):=1; Begin Loop DBMS_OUTPUT.PUT_LINE (i); i:= i+1; Exit when i=11; END Loop; END; / (ii)While loop:While <condition> Loop

<Action> END loop; Ex:- --Program to display number from 1 to 100. Declare i number(3):=1; Begin While i<=100 Loop DBMS_OUTPUT.PUT_LINE(i); i:= i+1; END Loop; END; / (iii)For loop:The for loop statement allows to specify a range of integer and execute a sequence of statement for each integer in the specified range. Syntax:- For <variable> in [Reverse] Start..End Loop <Action> End loop; Ex: --Program to display number from 1 to 10. Begin Loop For i in 1..10 DBMS_OUTPUT.PUT_LINE(i); End Loop; END; / (iii)Sequencial Control In sequencial control we use goto statement to change the flow of control within a PL/SQL block. The entry point into such a block of code is marked using the tags <<User defined name>>. The GOTO statement can make use of this user defined name to jump into block of code for execution. Ex:Declare i number(3):=1;

Sum number(4):=0; el number(3):=&end_limit; Begin <<enter>> Sum:= Sum + i; i:=i+1; If i<el+1 then Goto enter; End if; DBMS_OUTPUT.PUT_line(sum is ||sum); End; /

The oracle engine uses a work area for its internal processing in order to execute an SQL statement, this work area is called a cursor. The data that is stored in the cursor is called the active date set. Types of cursor:Cursors are classified depending on the situation under which they are opened. There are two types of cursor. (a)Implicit Cursor:If the oracle engine opens a cursor itself for its internal processing it is called as implicit cursor. Implicit cursor attributes can be used to access information about the status of the last insert, update, delete or single row select statement. Ex:Begin Update emp Set address = VNS Where id = &id; If SQL % found then DBMS_OUTPUT.PUT_LINE (Record successfully updated); Else DBMS_OUTPUT.PUT_LINE (Invalid emp_id); End if; End; /

(b)Explicit cursor:A cursor that can use for processing data through a PL/SQL block on demand then such a user defined cursor is called explicit cursor. If a query returns multiple rows then we need to declare a cursor explicitly to process the rows. We can declare explicit cursor in the declare section of PL/SQL block. The open, fetch & close statements are used to control an explicit cursor.

Cursor attributes:(i)%Found:- Returns true if record was fetched successfully otherwise returns false. (ii)%Not found:- Returns true if record was not fetched successfully other wise returns false. (iii)%Isopen:- Returns true if cursor is open otherwise return fasle. (iv)%Rowcount:- Returns number of records processed from the cursor.

Explicit cursor management

(i)Explicit Cursor Declaration:We declare explicit cursor in declare section of a PL/SQL block. Cursor <cursor name> IS select statement;

(ii)Opening a cursor:Opening a cursor execute the query & create active data set that contains all rows that meet the query search criteria. Syntax:- Open <cursor name>; (iii)Fetching record from cursor:The fetch statement retrieves rows from the active set opened into memory variables declared in the PL/SQL code block one row at a time. Each time a fetch is executed the cursor pointer move to the next row in the active data set. Syntax: Fetch <cursor name> into <variable name1>,<variable name2>.; (iv)Closing a cursor:The close statement disables a cursor & the active set becomes undefined. This will release the memory occupied by the cursor & its data set. Syntax:- Close <cursor name>;

Ex:Declare Cursor c is select * from emp; Erec emp%rowtype; Begin Open c; Fetch c into erec; While c % found Loop DBMS_output.put_line(eid:|| erec.id); DBMS_output.put_line(ename:|| erec.name); Fetch c into erec; End loop; Close c; End; /

Cursor for loop

We can use a cursor for loop instead of the open, fetch & close statement of cursor. A cursor for loop opens a cursor, fetches rows of values from the data set & close the cursor when all the rows are processed. Syntax: For <memory variable> in <cursor name>; Ex:Declare Cursor c is select * from emp; Begin For erec in c Loop DBMS_outpu.putline(eid:||erec.id); DBMS_outpu.putline(ename:|| erec.name); End loop; End;

Parameterized cursor
A cursor that accept user defined values into its parameters is called a parameterized cursor. Syntax for declaration: Cursor <cursor name> (<parametername> <datatype>,) IS select statement; Syntax for opening:- Open <cursor name> (value/variable,); Ex:Declare eid employee.id%type:=&id; Cursor c(Eid employee.id%type) Is select * from employee where id := eid; Begin For erec in c(eid) Loop DBMS_output.put_line(eid: || erec.id); DBMS_output.put_line(ename:|| erec.name); End loop; End; /

Procedure and Function

A procedure or function is a logically grouped set of SQL and PL/SQL statements that performs a specific task.

Procedure:PL/SQL procedure is a named program block that is logically grouped set of SQL and PL/SQL Statements that perform a specific task. Procedures can be invoked or called by any PL/SQL block. A procedure consist of declare section, executable section, exception handling section & end section. Creating procedure:The syntax for creating a procedure is as follow: Syntax:- Create [or replace] <procedure> <procedure name> (argument {IN,OUT,IN OUT} data type,) IS <Variable declarations>;

<constant declarations>; Begin <PL/SQL subprogram body>; Exception <Exception handling code>; End [<procedure name>];

The keyward & parameters can be explain as follow:Replace:- Recreates the procedure if already exists. IN: OUT: Indicates that the parameter will accept a value from the user. Indicates that the parameter will return a value to the user.

IN OUT: Indicates that the parameter will either accept or return a value to the user. Ex: Is Sal emp.salary%type; Begin Select salary into sal from emp Where id= eid; DBMS-output.putline(salary of id ||id is ||sal); End; Execution of procedure:(i)To execute a procedure from command line we use exec[ute] command for ex. To execute above procedure getsal we write command as follow: SQL> Exec getsal(4); (ii)We can also use a created procedure in a PL/SQL block for specific purpose. Ex:Begin Getsal(eid); End; / Dropping procedure:Syntax:- Drop procedure <procedure name>; Declare Eid emp.id%type := &id; Create or replace procedure Getsal(id in emp.id%type) EMP id Nam e salar y

Ex:- Drop procedure getsal; Advantages of procedure:The various advantages of using procedure are: (i)Security:- Procedure allows to implement data security for ex: We can grant a user the permission for to access a procedure that can query a table without giving permission to access the table itself. (ii)Memory allocation:- A single copy of procedure is required to be loaded in memory for execution by multiple users so a procedure allow less usage of memory allocation. (iii)Productivity:- A procedure increases development productivity because redundant coding is avoided by writing a single procedure. (iv)Integrity:- A procedure improves intergrity because we need to test a procedure only once to ensure that the procedure returns an accurate result. /* program using out */ Create procedure sum(x in number, y in number, z out number) IS Begin z:=x+y; End; /

--Using above procedure in a pl/sql program. Ex:Declare a number(3):= &a; b number(3) := &b; c number(3); Begin Sum(a,b,c); DBMS_output.put_line(result=||c); End; / /*Program using IN OUT */ Create procedure square(x in out number) IS Begin

x:=x*x: End; / --Using above procedure in a pl/sql program. Ex:Begin square(a); DBMS_output.put_line(result=||a); End; / Declare

a number(3) := &a;

PL/SQL function is a named program block i.e logically grouped set of SQL & PL/SQL statements that performs a specific task. Functions are similar to procedure but in function definition we must explicitly return a value to the calling block through the return statement. Syntax:Create or replace function <function name>(argument {IN,OUT,IN OUT} < data type>,.) Return <data type> IS <variable declaration> <constant declaration> Begin < PL/SQL subprogram body> Exception <Exception handling code> End [<function name>]; The keyward & parameters can be explain of follow:REPLACE: Recreates the function if already exist . Return <data type>: indicates the datatype of the function return values. Ex:- Write a function which return salary of employee whose id is given by user: Create or replace function getsal1(eid in emp.id%type) Return number Is Sal number(6); Begin

Select salary into sal from emp where id = eid; Return sal; End; / Execution of function:(i)To execute a function from command line we use exec[ute] commnd: SQL>variable s number; SQL>Exec :s:=getsal1(10); SQL>Print s; (ii)We can also use a created function in a PL/SQL block for specific purpose: Declare Eid emp.id%type := &id; S number(6); Begin S:=getsal1(eid); DBMS.output.putling(salary is || s); End; / Deletion of function:Syntax:- Drop function <function name>; Ex:- Drop function getsal1; Advantages of function: As like procedure advantages.

Error/Exception handling
Error handling in PL/SQL refers to the process of handling exception when the code in a PL/SQL block is executed. Exceptions are the warnings or error conditions in PL/SQL. An exception is raised when an error occurs while executing the PL/SQL block. When an exception is raised, execution is stopped and the control is transferred to the exception section of the PL/SQL block. There are two types of exceptions & they are internal exception and user defined exception. The internal exceptions are raised automatically by the run time system where as the user defined exceptions are raised by the raise statement. When the exceptions are raised the exception handler are used to handle raised exception.

Built in exception(Internal exception):

Built in exceptions are raised implicitly when an error occurs in the PL/SQL block. Built in exception is also called predefined exception. Various predefined exceptions are as follow. (i)DUP_VAL_ON_INDEX: This exception is raised when an insert or update statement attempts to create duplicate values in a database column that is constrained by unique index. (ii)NO_DATA_FOUND:This exception is raised when a select into statement returns no rows. (iii)PROGRAM_ERROR:This exception is raised when PL/SQL has an internal problem. (iv)TOO_MANY_ROWS:This exception is raised when the select into statement returns more than one rows. (v)INVALID_CURSOR:This exception is raised when a program attempts to perform an illegal cursor operation such as closing and unopened cursor. (vi)ZERO_DIVIDE:This exception is raised when a program attempts to divide a no. by zero. (vii)OTHERS:Stands for all other exceptions not explicitly named.

Structure of exception section in Pl/SQL:Exception When <exception name> then <user defined action> Example of built in exception:Declare Eid emp.id%type:=&id; Ename emp.name%type; Begin Select name into ename from emp where id= eid; DBMS_output.put_line(name of employee is||ename); Exception When No_Data_Found then DBMS_output.put_line(invalid employee id); End; /

User defined exception:-

The user defined exceptions are used to take care of the abnormal conditions which are application specific. Such conditions can be treated like exceptions. We can declare user defined exception in the declare section of the PL/SQL block as follow: Declare <exception name> exception; To raise user defined exception we use raise statement as follow:Raise <exception name>; Ex:Declare E exception; Eid emp.id%type:=&id; Ename emp.name%type; Begin Select salary into esal from emp where id= eid; If esal>15000 then Raise e; Else Update emp Set salary = salary + 500 Where id = eid; DBMS_output.put_line(update successfully); Commit; End if; Exception When No_Data_Found then DBMS_output.put_line(invalid employee id); When E then DBMS_output.put_line(salary is too high); End; /

The Raise_application_error procedure:The oracle engine provides a procedure named RAISE_APPLICATION_ ERROR that allows programmers to issue user defined error message. Syntax: Raise_application_error(<error number>, <message>); Where error number is a negative integer in the range -20000 to -20999 and message is character string upto 48 bytes. An application can call raise_application_error while executing a stored procedure, function & database trigger. It is generally used in database trigger.

Raise_application_error ends the subprogram ,rolls back any database changes it made & returns a user defined error message with error no. to the application. Ex:Declare E exception; eid emp.id%type:=&id; esal emp.salary%type; Begin Select salary into esal from emp where id= eid; If esal>15000 then Raise e; Else Update emp Set salary = salary + 500 Where id = eid; End if; Commit; DBMS_output.put_line(update successfully); Exception When No_Data_Found then DBMS_output.putline(invalid employee id); When e then RAISE_APPLICATION_ERROR(-20444,SALARY IS TO HIGH); End; /

A series of one or more SQL statements that are logically related or a series of operations performed on oracle table data is known as a transaction. A transaction is a group of events that occur between Connecting to oracle and any of the following events. (a) Disconnecting from oracle. (b)Committing changes to the database table. (c)Rollback.

Closing transaction
A transaction can be closed by using either a commit or a rollback statement.

Using commit

A commit ends the current transaction & makes permanent any changes made during the transaction. Syntax:- Commit;

Using Rollback
A rollback ends the transaction but undoes any changes made during the transaction. Syntax:- Rollback [To <save point name>];

Creating a save point:Save point marks & saves the current point in the processing of a transaction. When a save point is used with a rollback statement, parts of a transaction can be undone. Syntax: Savepoint <savepoint name> A rollback operation performed without the savepoint does the following:(a) Ends the transaction. (b) Undoes all the changes in the current transaction. (c) Erases all the save points in that transaction. (d)Releases the transactional locks. Account Ex:Declare acn account.acc_no. %type:=&account_number; amt account.balance%type:=&withdrawal_amt; bal account.balance%type begin savepoint noup; update account set balance = balance -amt; where acc_no. = acn; select balance into bal from account where acc_no. = acn; if bal<1000 then rollback to noup; DBMS_output.put_line(Insufficient balance); Else Commit; Acc _no Nam e Bala nce

DBMS_output.put_line(updation successfully completed); End if; End; /

The technique implemented by the oracle to protect table data when several users are accessing it, is called concurrency control. Oracle uses a method called locking to implement concurrency control. Locks are mechanism used to ensure data integrity while allowing maximum concurrent access to data.

Imlicit Locking
When oracle engine automatically locks table data while executing SQL statements, this type of locking is called implicit locking. Oracles implicit locking is fully automatic and requires no user intervention. The two types of locks supported by oracle are: (i)Shared locks:Shared locks are placed on resources whenever a read operation (select) is performed. Multiple shared locks can be applied on a resource simultaneously. (ii)Exclusive locks: Exclusive locks are placed on resources whenever write operation (insert, update and deleter) are performed. Only one exclusive lock can be placed on a resource at a time. Levels of Locks:Oracle provides the following three levels of locking. (a)Row level:If the where clause evaluates only one row in the table, a row level lock is used. (b)Page level:If the where clause evaluates to a set of data, a page level lock is used. (c)Table level:If there is no where clause a table level lock is used.

Explicit locking
The technique of lock taken on a table or its resources by a user is called explicit locking. A user can lock tables he owned or any table on which he has been granted table privileges. User defined explicit locking always overrides oracles default locking strategy.

Tables or rows can be explicitly locked by using either the select..for update statement or lock table statement.

Using Select ..for update statement:Two client machine client A and client B are recording the transaction perform on emp table. Client A tries the following statement. Client A>select * from emp for update; When the above select statement is fired the oracle engine locks the emp table. This lock is released when a commit or rollback is fired by client A. Now client B fires a select statement client B> select * from emp for update; The oracle engine will ensure that the client B waits for the lock to be released by a commit or rollback statement fired by client A. In order to avoid unnecessary waiting time a nowait option can be used. ClientB>select * from emp for update nowait; SQL>

Using Lock table:Lock table <table name> IN { share, exclusive } mode [nowait]; Ex; Lock table emp in exclusive mode nowait;

Releasing lock
Locks are released under the following circumstances: (i)The transaction is committed using the commit. (ii)A rollback is performed. (iii)A rollback to a savepoint will release locks set after the specified savepoint.

Database Triggers:A trigger is a PL/SQL block in the database. The oracle engine allows the definition of procedure that are executed by the oracle engine itself (implicitly executed), when an insert, update or delete command is issued against a table, these procedures are called database triggers. The main feature of trigger is that they are fired implicitly by the oracle engine itself & not explicitly i.e. triggers are not called by the user.

Use of triggers:

(i) A trigger can permit DML statements against a table only if they are issued during regular business hour or on predetermined week days. (ii)A trigger can also be used to keep an audit trail of a table that is to store the modified & deleted records of the table along with the operation perform & the time on which the operation was performed. (iii)It can be used to prevent invalid transactions. (iv)Enforce complex security authorization.

Database triggers Vs procedure:

(i) (ii) A trigger is executed implicitly by the oracle engine itself on modification of a table or its data. To execute a procedure, it has to be explicitly called by the user. Triggers do not accept parameters while procedure can accept parameter.

How to apply database triggers:A trigger has 3 basic parts. (a)Triggering event or statement:It is a SQL statement that causes a trigger to be fired. It can be insert, update or delete statement for a specific table. (b)Trigger restriction:A trigger restriction specifies a Boolean expression that must be true for the trigger to fire. It is an option available for triggers that are fired for each row. A trigger restriction is specify using a WHEN clause. (c)Trigger action:A trigger action is the PL/SQL code to be executed,when a triggering statement is encountered and any trigger restriction evaluates to true.

Types of Trigger:(i)Row Trigger:A row trigger is fired each time a row in the table is affected by the triggering statement for ex.: If an update statement update multiple rows of a table, a row trigger is fired once for each row affected by the update statement. (ii)Statement trigger:-

A statement trigger is fired once on behalf of the triggering statement, independent of the number of rows the triggering statement affects. (iii)Before trigger:Before triggers execute the trigger action before the triggering statement. (iv)After trigger:After trigger executes the trigger action after the triggering statement is executed. Combination trigger:Different combinations of triggers are Before statement trigger, After statement trigger , Before row trigger, After row trigger.

Syntax for creating trigger

Create [or replace] trigger <trigger name> {Before,After}{update, delete, insert} [of <column name>] on <table name> [for each row[when (condition)]] Declare <variable declaration> <constant declaration> Begin < PL/SQL subprogram body> Exception <Exception handling code> End; Keywords and parameters For each row:- It represent the trigger a row trigger. Statement trigger example:Create or replace trigger noup Befor update ON emp Begin If (to_char(sysdate,Dy) in(SAT,SUN)) then RAISE_ APPLICATION_ ERROR(-20340, Updation is not possible today); End if;

End; / Row trigger example:Create trigger casup After update of id on emp For each row Begin Update dep Set did:= :new.id Where did := :old.id; End; / More Ex:Trigger To insert deleted or old record(before updation) in a table :Create or replace trigger audit After update or delete on emp For each row Begin Insert into temp Values(:old.id, :old.name, sysdate, user); End; / Note:Here temp is a table used for keeping old records for auditing purpose.

Deleting trigger
Syntax: Drop trigger <trigger name>; Ex:- Drop trigger casup;

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