Seven Laws of The Son of Man

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The Seven Laws of the Son Man

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Do not look for the law in Our writing, since the Law is the Life, whereas the written thing is dead. Really I say to them that Moses did not receive from God his laws in writing, but across the alive word. The Law is the Alive Word of the alive God, started to the alive prophets for the alive men. In anywhere that there should be life the law is written. They can find it in the grass, in the tree, in the river, in the mountain, in the birds of the sky, in the fish of the sea; but look for it principally in you yourselves . GHP. 4, 3. The Celestial Father is love. Our Earthly Mother is love. The Son of Man is love . GHP. 11. 1 And it was the bed of a river where many patients were fasting and praying with the god's angels for seven days and seven nights. And big was his reward, since they were following Jess's words. And after the seventh day finished all his pains they left them. And when the sun got up on the horizon of the ground, they saw that Jess was coming towards them from the mountain, with the resplendence of the nascent sun about his head. GHP. 21, 1. And one said then. Moses, the biggest of Israel, allowed our forefathers to eat the meat of clean animals, and only it prohibited the meat of the impure animals. Why, then, do you prohibit us the meat of all the animals? What law comes from God, that of Moses or yours? And Jess answered: " God gave, across Moses, ten orders to his forefathers. These orders are hard , said his forefathers and could not fulfill them. When Moses saw this, he had compassion of his peoples and did not want that they were getting lost. And he gave them then ten times ten orders, less hard, so that they were following them. Really I say to them that if his forefathers should be capable of following ten God's orders, Moses would never have had need of his ten times ten orders. Since that one which feet are strong as the mountain of Zion, does not need crutches; whereas that one which members weaken, comes further with crutches than without them. And Moses said to the Lord: ' My heart is full of sadness, since my people will get lost. Because they have no knowledge, they are not capable of comprising your orders. They are like small children as whom they cannot understand even the words of his father. He consents, Lord, who gives them other laws, so that they do not get lost. If they cannot be with you, Lord, that at least are not against you; that could be supported by themselves, and when the moment has come and they are mature for your words, reveal your laws .

That's why Moses broke two stones tables where ten orders were written, and gave to them in his place ten times ten. And of these ten times ten, the Scribes and the Pharisees have done hundred times ten orders. And they have put unbearable charges on his shoulders; neither that nor they themselves carry. Since the nearer to God the orders are, the less we need; and the more distant they are of God, the more we need. That's why innumerable are the laws of the Pharisees and of the Scribes, seven the laws of the Son of the Man three those of the angels, And one that of God . That's why I only teach them the laws that they can understand, so that they turn into men and continue seven laws of the Son of the Man. Then his laws will reveal also the angels, so that the God's Holy Spirit descends on you and guides them towards his law .GHP. 22, 4-11.


Neither kill men nor to animals, nor even the food that you take to your mouth. So if you eat alive food, it itself will vivify you; but if you kill the food, the dead meal will kill you also. Since the life comes only from the life, and from the death the death always comes. Because quite all that kills your food, kills also your bodies. And quite all that kills your bodies also kills your souls. And your bodies turn what is your food, just as the spirit turns what are your thoughts. Therefore, do not eat anything that the fire, the ice or the water has destroyed. Since the burnt, frozen or rotten food will be burning hot, freeze and corrupt also your body . GHP. 23, 4.

Let the God's angels prepare your bread. Dampen your wheat so that the angel of the water penetrates it. Put it then to the air, so that the angel of the air embraces it also. And leave it from the morning until the evening under the sun, so that the angel of the light of the sun descends on him. And the blessing of three angels will do soon that the germ of the life sprouts in your wheat. Grind then your grain and do thin waffles, since your forefathers did when they departed from Egypt, the residence of the slavery. Put it again under the sun as soon as it appears and, when it is in the highest of the skies, turn round it so that the angel of the light of the sun embraces them also for the other side, and make it like that until the sun puts itself. Since the angels of the water, of the air and of the light of the sun fed and matured the wheat in the field, and they have to prepare equally also your bread. And the same sun that, with the fire of the life, did that the wheat was growing and maturing, must cook his bread with the same fire. Since the fire of the sun gives life to the wheat, to the bread and to the body. GHP 24, 1-6.

Bear it in mind therefore, and do not profane with all kinds of abominations the temple of your bodies. Be satisfied with two or three types of food, which you will always find in the table of our Earthly Mother. And do not want to devour

everything all that you see in your surroundings. Since really I say to you that if you mix in your body all kinds of food, then it will stop the peace in your body and an endless war will come untied in you. And one will annihilate your body as the hearths and the kingdoms that divided between, assure their own destruction. GHP 25, 2-3, 5-6.

Take care the weight of your daily food may not be less than one mine, (between 431 and 630 grams), but watch that it does not exceed two. Then will always serve you the God's angels and tyou will never fall down in the slavery of Satan and of his illnesses. Do not hinder the work of the angels in your body eating too often. Since really I say that who eats more of twice daily does in him the work of Satan. GHP 26, 4-6 Eat only when the sun is in the highest of the skies, and again at the sunset. And you will never know illness, since it finds approval to the eyes of the Lord and if you wish the angels to take pleasure in your body and that Satan avoids you for far, sit down then only once a day to the God's table. And then your days will be numerous on the ground, since this is pleasant to eyes of the Lord. GHP: 26, 7.

Always eat when the God's table is served before you, and always eat of what you find on the God's table. Since really I say to them that God knows well what your body needs and when he needs it . And enter only the sanctum of the Lord when you feel in you the call of his angels, since all that you eat with sadness, or with anger, or without desire, it turns into poison into your body. Since the breath of Satan corrupts everything . Put with happiness his gifts on the altar of your body, and leave that all your bad thoughts move away from you on having received in your body the power of God coming from his table. And never sit to the God's table before he calls you by means of the angel of the appetite. GHP: 26, 8; 28, 7-9.

And when you eat, have over you the angel of air, and under you the angel of water. Breathe it chatters and deeply in all your meals so that the angel of air blesses your food. And chew it well with your teeth, so that turns water and that the angel of water turns it inside your body into blood. And eat slowly, as if it was a prayer that you were doing to the Lord, since really I say to you that the power of God penetrates in you if you eat in such a way in his table. Since the table of the Lord is like an altar, and the one who eats in the God's table is in a temple. Since really I say to you that the body

of the Children of the Man turns into a temple, and his entrails into an altar, if they fulfill the God's orders. GHP: 28, 2-3, 5.

And do not forget that every seventh day is holy and is dedicated to God. For six days feed your body with the gifts of the Earthly Mother, more on the seventh day sanctify your body for Celestial Father. On the seventh day do not eat any earthly food, but live only of the God's words. And be the whole day with the angels of the Lord in the kingdom of the Celestial Father. And on the seventh day leave that the God's angels raise the kingdom of the skies in his body, since they were employed for six days at the kingdom of the Earthly Mother. And do not leave that any food obstructs the work of the angels in your body throughout the seventh day. And God will grant to them long life on the ground, so that they have eternal life in the kingdom of heaven. Since really I say to you that if you do not know any more illnesses on the ground, you will live forever in the kingdom of heaven. GHP. 29, 2-7.





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