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Technical Site Survey Report

For Collocation Site


Project: Region Site ID: Site Name: ZTE Engineer: Sub Contractor name: Sub Contractor Engineer: Survey Date:

Mobitel Stage-VII ZTE Ericsson Huawei


1. Current Information
Site Type 2G 900 2G 1800 3G

1.1 Site Basic Information

Survey Item Site locatin information Site Owner Information Survey Contents Site address: Coordinates Owner : Telephone: Name Mobitel regional leader Telephone: Equipment room location Roof top Greenfield Building Floor No(Excluding Ground Floor): Site environment checking Other Distance of Manual Transport required, (Flat land, Rocky land, or Hill), if the distance is >50m Hand Carry to Rooftops Any Special Delivery System Required? The Distance to the Site from Colombo Access Restriction Yes No Access on 7 Day Yes No Equipment installation cabinet: Shelter Building Outdoor Cabinet Latitude: Operator: Mobile phone: Longitude: Altitude:

Flat land Floors No.

Rocky land


Is there any evidence of flooding near the site? Ie water stained,wall.


No 4WD

Crane Boomtruck < 50km 50<D<150km Please specify: If No,Please specify:

Twenty-four hours Yes No If No,Please specify: Prior appointment for access ( person to be informed before site access ) No Site access information Contact person: Site access key Parking space available Mobitel Access Key No Yes Hand No Lift Crane Other(mention in remarks) Landlord Key Other Access Key Yes Telephone:

Equipment delivery to its position by Yes No

Safe access to all equipment parts & antennas (lifeline systems, fall arrest systems, anchors.) If NO, please specify missing items: Some information is unusual,please remark here: Remarks

1.2 Site Existing Information

Meter Cubical Meter Cubical installed SPD AC Voltage: Armod cable length from MC to ACPDB Armod cable dimension Additional space for ZTE ACPDB: Spare Total Breaker Qty: Power supply Spare Total Breaker capacity: Additional breaker Qty: Additional Breaker capacity: Spare AC outlet Qty for test equipment: V Yes NO YES ` DC Voltage: V A Spare breaker Qty: Breaker/Per capacity: Rectifier Qty. Rectifier 1Type out Put Amperage: Rectifier 2 Type out Put Amperage: Battery Type and capacity: Battery Type and capacity: Yes No Is Meter To ACPDB length > 20m?

Three phase Single phase If more than 1 BTS present, Are the AC power cable laid in the same path? If No, please specify the power cable length in path 2: Avaible ECB Qty (Outdoor): Spare ECB holesQty(Outdoor): Required ECB Qty (Outdoor): Gap between available ECBs of the tower: Tower Type: Tower Tower Leg Qty Self Support tower (SST) Monopole Tower 3LEGS 4LEGS Tower Leg type: Anguar

Available ECB Qty (Indoor): Spare ECB holes Qty(Indoor): Required ECB Qty (Indoor): Guyed Mast tower (GMT) Pole Tubular


Tower Height: Qty of spare antenna poles : Transmission Remarks Equipment type MW Optical transceiver

1.3 Existing GSM System information

System 1 Type GSM 900 Ericsson Huawei Existing equipment information ZTE 2207 2206 3012 3012AE 3900 3900A 8900 8900A Rack Qty Indoor Frequency Ant. Type Spare port Type Antenna Azimuth () Downtilt () Height (m) Jumper (Ant.) Length (m) Jumper connector type to Ant Din or N Type E M E M E M Can Ajust the tilt Elec Mech Spare port condition Good Sector 1 Outdoor 900MHz Single Band 900MHz Bad 1800MHz With Dust Cap Sector 2 Sector 3 Rack Qty Indoor 1800MHz Dual Band Outdoor 2100MHz Tri Band 2100MHz Without Dust Cap ZTE Huawei BTS Qty Ericsson DCS 1800 2207 2206 3012 3012AE 3900 3900A 8900 8900A BTS Qty

IF use TMA TMA TMA Qty Type Type Feeder Jumper (BS) connector type Length (m) Length (m)

Input Yes or No

Input 1/2",7/8"or 1 1/4" Din or N Type

System 2 Type GSM 900 Ericsson Huawei Existing equipment information ZTE 2207 2206 3012 3012AE 3900 3900A 8900 8900A Rack Qty Indoor Frequency Ant. Type Spare port QTY Spare port condition Good Antenna Azimuth () E Downtilt () Elec Height (m) Jumper (Ant.) Length (m) Jumper connector type to Ant IF use TMA TMA TMA Qty Type Type Feeder Jumper (BS) connector type Length (m) Length (m) Input DIN S/R or N type. Jumper connector type to BS Remarks Input 1/2",7/8"or 1 1/4" Din or N Type Din or N Type Input Yes or No Mech M E M E M Can Ajust the tilt Sector 1 Outdoor 900MHz Single Band 900MHz Bad 1800MHz With Dust Cap Sector 2 Sector 3 Rack Qty Indoor 1800MHz Dual Band Outdoor 2100MHz Tri Band 2100MHz Without Dust Cap ZTE Huawei BTS Qty Ericsson DCS 1800 2207 2206 3012 3012AE 3900 3900A 8900 8900A BTS Qty

System 3 Type GSM 900 Ericsson Huawei Existing equipment information ZTE 2207 2206 3012 3012AE 3900 3900A 8900 8900A Rack Qty Indoor Frequency Ant. Type Spare port QTY Spare port condition Good Antenna Azimuth () E Downtilt () Elec Height (m) Jumper (Ant.) Length (m) Jumper connector type to Ant IF use TMA TMA TMA Qty Type Type Feeder Jumper (BS) connector type Length (m) Length (m) Input DIN S/R or N type. Jumper connector type to BS Remarks System 4Type GSM 900 Ericsson Huawei Existing equipment information ZTE 2207 2206 3012 3012AE 3900 3900A 8900 8900A Rack Qty Indoor Frequency Ant. Type Spare port QTY Spare port condition Good Antenna Azimuth () Sector 1 Outdoor 900MHz Single Band 900MHz Bad 1800MHz With Dust Cap Sector 2 Sector 3 Rack Qty Indoor 1800MHz Dual Band Outdoor 2100MHz Tri Band 2100MHz Without Dust Cap ZTE Huawei BTS Qty Ericsson DCS 1800 2207 2206 3012 3012AE 3900 3900A 8900 8900A BTS Qty Input 1/2",7/8"or 1 1/4" Din or N Type Din or N Type Input Yes or No Mech M E M E M Can Ajust the tilt Sector 1 Outdoor 900MHz Single Band 900MHz Bad 1800MHz With Dust Cap Sector 2 Sector 3 Rack Qty Indoor 1800MHz Dual Band Outdoor 2100MHz Tri Band 2100MHz Without Dust Cap ZTE Huawei BTS Qty Ericsson DCS 1800 2207 2206 3012 3012AE 3900 3900A 8900 8900A BTS Qty

Antenna E Downtilt () Elec Height (m) Jumper (Ant.) Length (m) Jumper connector type to Ant IF use TMA TMA TMA Qty Type Type Feeder Jumper (BS) connector type Length (m) Length (m) Input DIN S/R or N type. Jumper connector type to BS Remarks Input 1/2",7/8"or 1 1/4" Din or N Type Din or N Type Input Yes or No Mech M E M E M Can Ajust the tilt

1.4 Existing UMTS 2100 Antenna, Feeder, TMA and RF information

UMTS 2100 Huawei Existing equipment information DBS 3800 DBS 3900 ZTE Rack Qty Indoor Share with Other System? Frequency Ant. Type Spare port QTY Antenna Spare port condition Good Sector 1 Azimuth () Downtilt () Height (m) Jumper (Ant.) Length (m) Jumper connector type to RRU Fiber from RRU to BBU Remarks Length (m) E M E M E M Can Ajust the tilt Elec Mech 900MHz Single Band 900MHz Bad 1800MHz With Dust Cap Sector 2 Sector 3 Outdoor No Indoor 1800MHz Dual Band 2100MHz Tri Band 2100MHz Without Dust Cap Outdoor Yes If yes,Please specify: BTS 3900 8900 8900A ZTE 8900 8900A BTS Qty

1.5 Existing MW Information

IDU Qty. Detail description of each unit: IDU Information IDU Installed in: DCDB switch for IDU Link type IF cable type Patch Panel Mounting Type MW Antenna Ant Qty: Does Antenna mounting with ODU? Remarks Yes No Yes Pole Mounting 19''Sevice Rack Yes BNC (L) SDH 75 No In NodeB/BTS Rack No BNC (S) PDH 120 If Yes,Qty : Tower Mounting Other SMB SMZ TX Cabinet Dimension:(No.of U)

E1 connecter type at end point:

Wall Mounting

1.6 Other Information not in the above Table

Other Information not in the above Tablesuch as

Description of discovered CW-defects or other deficiencies (include photos):

2. New ZTE equipment information

Site Type 2G 900 2G 1800 3G

2.1 Site information

Equipment Type Enough Space for cabinet? Need Site acquisition(Just for outdoor sites)? Enough vertical cable space? Need Extention Bars for Vertical Ladder Space Checking Enough Space for Extention Bars Extension Bars (Provide The Drawing) Enough horizontal cable space for fiber & power Need extention ladder from tower to cabinet? Enough Space for Ant?(Include Sectoral & MW) Need additional Ant-mount? Enough space for mount ZTE RRU In case of "No" for the above requirement,specify solution: Comments Need aditional ECBs for Tower ECB ECB interconnected ground cable Lenghth(35mm : CEB supply AC power available? AC Phase: MC To ACDB Power Cable Length (4X16mm2): Yes 3 Phase No 1 Phase

Indoor Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes No Yes Yes Yes No Yes

Outdoor No No No No No Yes Qty: No No No Yes Qty: No


Yes Qty:

2.2 GSM Solution

GSM System 1 GSM 900 ZTE BS8900 BC8910 PC8910 RC8910 2207 2206 3012 3012AE 3900 3900A Qty ZTE BS8900 DCS1800 BC8910 PC8910 RC8910 2207 2206 3012 3012AE 3900 3900A Qty

BTS Configuration

Ericsson Huawei

Ericsson Huawei

Equipment Base

Need Additional Steel Frame? Can share existing antennas Antenna Band 900MHz 1800MHz 2100MHz

No No New Ant. Cell1 Cell2 Cell3 No No

Yes Yes Ant.type

If Yes,Qty: System Type : Ant. Height Azimuth


Antenna and TMA


Need TMA? Need NSBT?

Yes Yes

If Yes,Qty: If Yes,Qty: Cell1 Cell 2 Cell 3

Jumper Length from Antenna To Feeder/TMA (m) Feeder, Jumper Feeder Length (m) etc. Jumper Length from Feeder/NSBT To BTS (m) If have TMA,Jumper Length from TMA To Feeder (m)
ACPDB To BTS Power Cable Length (4X6mm 2): SPD Ground Cable Length (25 mm2): Battety Cabinet Ground Cable Length (25 mm 2): BTS/BBU Ground Cable Length (25mm 2): SPD Pole Ground Cable Length (35 mm 2): GI Pipe from Meter to BTS PVC Pipe from the BTS to RRU (fiber & Power)

Cable & Pipe

E1 cable Lenghth: Remarks

Alarm cable Length:

GSM System 2 ZTE BS8900 GSM 900 BC8910 PC8910 RC8910 2207 2206 3012 3012AE 3900 3900A Qty ZTE BS8900 DCS1800 BC8910 PC8910 RC8910 2207 2206 3012 3012AE 3900 3900A Qty

BTS Configuration

Ericsson Huawei

Ericsson Huawei

Equipment Base

Need Additional Steel Frame? Can share existing antennas Antenna Band 900MHz 1800MHz 2100MHz

No No New Ant. Cell1 Cell2 Cell3 No No

Yes Yes Ant.type

If Yes,Qty: System Type : Ant. Height Azimuth


Antenna and TMA


Need TMA? Need NSBT?

Yes Yes

If Yes,Qty: If Yes,Qty: Cell1 Cell 2 Cell 3

Jumper Length from Antenna To Feeder/TMA (m) Feeder, Jumper Feeder Length (m) etc. Jumper Length from Feeder/NSBT To BTS (m) If have TMA,Jumper Length from TMA To Feeder (m)
ACPDB To BTS Power Cable Length: SPD Ground Cable Length: Battety Cabinet Ground Cable Length: Cable & Pipe BTS/BBU Ground Cable Length: GI Pipe from Meter to BTS PVC Pipe from the BTS to tower (fiber & Power)

E1 cable Lenghth: Remarks

GSM System 3 ZTE BS8900 GSM 900 BC8910 PC8910 RC8910 2207 2206 3012 3012AE 3900 3900A Equipment Base Qty

Alarm cable Length:

ZTE BS8900

BTS Configuration

Ericsson Huawei

Ericsson Huawei

DCS1800 BC8910 PC8910 RC8910 2207 2206 3012 3012AE 3900 3900A


Need Additional Steel Frame? Can share existing antennas Antenna Band 900MHz 1800MHz 2100MHz

No No New Ant. Cell1 Cell2 Cell3 No No

Yes Yes Ant.type

If Yes,Qty: System Type : Ant. Height Azimuth


Antenna and TMA


Need TMA? Need NSBT?

Yes Yes

If Yes,Qty: If Yes,Qty: Cell1 Cell 2 Cell 3

Jumper Length from Antenna To Feeder/TMA (m) Feeder, Jumper Feeder Length (m) etc. Jumper Length from Feeder/NSBT To BTS (m) If have TMA,Jumper Length from TMA To Feeder (m)
ACPDB To BTS Power Cable Length: SPD Ground Cable Length: Battety Cabinet Ground Cable Length: Cable & Pipe BTS/BBU Ground Cable Length: GI Pipe from Meter to BTS PVC Pipe from the BTS to tower (fiber & Power)

E1 cable Lenghth: Remarks

Alarm cable Length:

GSM System 4 ZTE BS8900 GSM 900 BC8910 PC8910 RC8910 2207 2206 3012 3012AE 3900 3900A Equipment Base Qty ZTE BS8900 DCS1800 BC8910 PC8910 RC8910 2207 2206 3012 3012AE 3900 3900A Qty

BTS Configuration

Ericsson Huawei

Ericsson Huawei

Need Additional Steel Frame? Can share existing antennas Antenna Band 900MHz 1800MHz 2100MHz

No No New Ant. Cell1 Cell2 Cell3 No No

Yes Yes Ant.type

If Yes,Qty: System Type : Ant. Height Azimuth


Antenna and TMA


Need TMA? Need NSBT?

Yes Yes

If Yes,Qty: If Yes,Qty: Cell1 Cell 2 Cell 3

Jumper Length from Antenna To Feeder/TMA (m) Feeder, Jumper Feeder Length (m) etc. Jumper Length from Feeder/NSBT To BTS (m) If have TMA,Jumper Length from TMA To Feeder (m)
ACPDB To BTS Power Cable Length: SPD Ground Cable Length: Battety Cabinet Ground Cable Length: Cable & Pipe BTS/BBU Ground Cable Length: GI Pipe from Meter to BTS PVC Pipe from the BTS to tower (fiber & Power)

E1 cable Lenghth: Remarks

Alarm cable Length:

2.3 UMTS Solution

UMTS 2100 Node B Configuration Qty UMTS 2100 Qty

ZTE BS8700

BC8910 PC8910 R8880 &OLPB


DBS 3800 DBS 3900 BTS 3900

Equipment Base

Need Additional Steel Frame? Can share existing antennas Antenna Band Share with GSM 2100MHz

No No New Ant. Cell1 Cell2 Cell3

Yes Yes Ant.type

If Yes,Qty: System Type :

Ant. Height




GPS Location of Installation: Cable Length to BTS Cell1 Jumper Length from Antenna To RRU (m) Jumper, Fiber etc. RRU Power Cable Length from RRU to outdoor LPB (m) Fiber Length (m) OLPB Power Cable Length from Rectifier To Outdoor LPB (m) ACPDB To NODEB Power Cable Length: SPD Ground Cable Length: Battery Cabinet Ground Cable Length: Cable & Pipe BBU Ground Cable Length: GI Pipe from Meter to NODEB PVC Pipe from NODEB to tower (fiber & Power) E1 cable Lenghth: Alarm cable Length: Remarks Cell 2 Cell 3

2.4 ZTE MW Solution

IDU Qty: Need Rectifier for IDU in case of TX Indoor Enough space for Rectifier in TX Indoor Enough space for TX Rack Outdoor Enough Space for ZTE MW IDU Mount in the existing Rack (for the Capacity of existing MW is not enough) Space Checking IF yes mention rack type and Numbere of free U : Enough space for IF cable of ZTE MW Enough space for ZTE MW antenna Need new 19" rack for IDU Need separate Outdoor TX Rack for IDU Distance for E1 cable from BTS/NodeB Outdoor To TX Indoor(m) Comments In case of "No" for the above requirement,specify solution: / Dimension (No.ofU): Yes Yes Yes Yes , Yes Yes Yes Yes No No No No No No No No /

DCDB Cable (for TX Rack inside the cabin)

When ZTE MW IDU,need new DCDB E1 Cable Length Alam Cable Length Power Cable Length GI Pipe from TX Inside to BTS/NodeB Outside length E1 Cable Qty Alam Cable Qty



Any other information not above and any suspect obstacles for LOS (Line Of Sight) please remark here:


TSSR for Swap Site

3. Photos List
NO. Necessary photoes must provided:
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 18 19 20 21 22 23 26 27 28 29 30 31 Actual aerial view of sites ( fromTower top) Panoramic Photo(45Deg per)( Should be over lap) Equipment Room/Cabinet Outlook(Can be identify the cabin properly) Location of power source Close view of Existing antennna Ports (all direction ) (all port should be clearly visible) Existing Room/Cabinet inside (can have several photos to cover the place) Existing Equipment detail Inlook (close and inside veiw of the equipment) Existing Equipment detail Outlook (take with proper distance to fit to the hard copy) Existing ACPDB box inside(with labels) Existing Rectifier Rack inside DC Breakers with lable Existing RF antenna (all operator) (need to check the space to installe antennas)l Existing MW IDU Existing Tower Existing vertical cable ladder Existing horizontal cable ladder Evidence of Crane(if need Crane) Location for ZTE Equipment( if can pre-installation)(Proposed Location) IDU Grounding(ECB end) ODU Grounding(ECB or Tower end) All ECB connection ponit (Should be clearly visible) Cable Entry Port Photo(To be taken parralally to horiziontal) Meter Cubical Photo (front & back) CW Defects #1 CW Defects #2 Exisiting TMA (Sector A) Exisiting TMA (Sector B) Exisiting TMA (Sector C)

If taken


27 , 10

TSSR for Swap Site

4. Site Sketch(The drawing should be clear) 4.1 Site Location Map

TSSR for Swap Site

4.2 Outside existing layout diagram (outside of cabin) : Include all operators

TSSR for Swap Site

4.3 ZTE proposed Outside layout sketch

TSSR for Swap Site

4.4 Inside site layout diagram (inside cabin): Include all operators

TSSR for Swap Site

4.5 ZTE proposed Equipment location Inside Cabin layout sketch

TSSR for Swap Site

4.6 Cable ladder diagram for inside cabin separately.

TSSR for Swap Site

4.7 Elevation of Tower for Existing Antenna ( All antenna mounted points should clearly visible)

TSSR for Swap Site

4.8 Elevation of Tower for proposed ZTE Antenna ( All antenna mounted points should clearly visible)

TSSR for Swap Site

4.9 Vertical cable ladder diagram ( for additional cable and additional ladder or Extension Bars)

TSSR for Swap Site

4.10 Horizontal cable ladder diagram( plan View) ( for additional cable and additional ladder)

TSSR for Swap Site

4.10 Horizontal cable ladder diagram( Elevation View) ( for additional cable and additional ladder)

TSSR for Swap Site

4.11 RF Connection Scheme(include the feeder,fiber and power cables) (from antenna to BTS/Nodeb in all detail).

No 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 46 47 48

GSM Material list Detail Description ZXDU 68 w201 Rack with CSU Battery Temp Sensros BBU with all cards(With ALL CARDS CC / UBPG/ FS,etc) ZXDU 68 W201 Accesseries |+ZXD2400(V4.0) 30A Rectifier| -3+ Battery Cable 12V135Ah Gel VRLA Battery Battery Racks(For 2 BB) RC 8910 Rack assembly(1800) RSU 80W 900M RSU to FS Fiber RRU 1800M Installation Accessories Feeder Cable Fiber Cable Feeder Clamp Fiber Clamp Power clamp Feeder earth kit Fiber earth Kit ECBs ANT Jumper Cable(RF-08700-029) L ANT Jumper Cable (RF-96514-016) S RF Feeder Connector SFP ports FCE monitor combine cable (between 2 BC8910 FCE) blue outdoor cable 25mm black outdoor cable 25mm Ground cab cable 25mm Green outdoor cable 35mm Digital Distribution Moudle |FMPX529-DDF75//SM19JA DC Cable (16mm) Black DC Cable(16mm) Blue Inter RSU Cables (TX/RX) TMA Bias t Bais t cabes Antenna -900 Antenna - 1800 Clamps - 738546 for 1800 KATHREIN Antenna Bracket - 732317 for 1800 KATHREIN Antenna Antenna - Dual band Antenna - Triple-band 46mm2 power cord 416mm2 power cord Metal tube with PVC surface 1800

QTY 1 1 1 16 1 1 3 3 1

UNIT Box Box Box

Box Box Box m m


6 1 16 16 10 1 15 15 6 3 3 3 0 3 3 6 0 0 10 0 25

Pcs Pcs M M M Pcs M M Pcs Pcs Pcs Pcs Pcs Pcs Pcs Pcs Pcs Pcs M M M

49 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 59 60 61 62 63 64 65 66 67

yellow/green Grunding cable 16mm2 ACDB for outdoor site SPD1 V25-B+C/3 320V,C25-B+C/NPE-255V SRF SF340A-NE-SG 40A4P MCB 3900 Convertion Plates 39012 Convertion Plates APM 200 Convertion Plates ZTE Pinth GF ZTE Pinth RT Cabe Tray GF Cabe Tray RT Extension Bar Nut & Bolt for Plinth GI pipe for power cable with connection joints (units in Bars, 1 Bar=5.8 m) Antenna Bracket (Antenna Mounting Poles ) SPD ACBD POLE Without Base Plate GF with End Cap SPD ACBD POLE With Base Plate RT with End Cap

20 1 1 1 3

M set set set Pcs Each Each Each Pcs Pcs Pcs Pcs Pcs

12 0 3 1 1

Pcs Pcs Set Each Each

Meter Cubical

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34

UMTS Material list Detail Description ZXDU 68 w201 Rack with CSU Battery Temp Sensros BBU with all cards(With ALL CARDS CC / UBPG/ FS,etc) ZXDU 68 W201 Accesseries |+ZXD2400(V4.0) 30A Rectifier| -3+ Battery Cable 12V135Ah Gel VRLA Battery Battery Raks(For 2 BB) RC 8910 Rack assembly(1800) RRU Installation Accessories Fiber Cable Fiber Clamp Power clamp Fiber earth Kit ECBs Digital Distribution Moudle |FMPX529-DDF75//SM19JA Antenna - Dual band Directional Antenna | 5755.00//742266//CNPX308M-4P-E1//DBXLH-6565C-VTM Antenna - Triple-band 65degree dual porlarization (6ports) RET Antenna RF-08700-029 | 626970000100 V1.5 Metal tube with PVC surface Earth Cable 25mm Earth Cable 35mm DC Cable (16mm) Black DC Cable(16mm) Blue 3900 Conversion Plate 3012 Converstion Plate 3012 Battery Converstion Plate APM200 Converstion Plate ACDB for outdoor site SPD1 V25-B+C/3 320V,C25-B+C/NPE-255V SRF SF340A-NE-SG 46mm2 power cord 416mm2 power cord GI pipe for power cable with connection joints (units in Bars, 1 Bar=5.8 m) Nut & Bolts for Plinth

QTY 1 1 1 16 1 1 3 1

UNIT Box Box Box

Box Box

1 1 0 3 6 20 20 15 15 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 10 0 1 4

Box Pcs Pcs Pcs Pcs M M M M M Pcs Pcs Pcs Pcs set set set M M Pcs Pcs

Meter Cubical

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