Herbal Cures
Herbal Cures
Herbal Cures
fo, Common Ailments
VALERIAN/or stress and anxiety
PASSION FLOWER for insomnia DONG QUAI/or PMS and menopa,use SAW PALMETTO for prostate problems
FEVERF"EW for he adache s GINKO/or heart disease ANISE/or asthma GARLIC .for diabetes
is intended as a reference volume only, not as a medical manual. While the information is based on material provided by researchers, the book does not presume to give medical advice. Be sure to contact your physician before beginning any therapeutic program.
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Since the beginning of this century, we've had rather limited choices when it comes to curing what ails us. Basically, the choice has been between over-the-
counter and doctor-prescribed medications. We weren't even aware that there were other options. But that's finally changing. Herbal products, homeopathic remedies and other alternative medicines are -becoming popular once again. Once only available to those willing to deff the medical establishment, they are beginning to take their place on pharmacy shelves
alongside aspirin, cold remedies, antacids, etc. But change conies slowly, and pil1s are still the fust things that come to mind when we think of treating an illness. It's no wonder we have such faith in the power of the pill. When you consider the stunning success of antibiotics for the treatment of infections, why wouldn't we believe in pills? Pneumonia, fuberculosis and other serious infections were the leading causes of death 60 years ago, but today they are rare, thanks to antibiotics. But ironically, because we've come to rely so heavily on antibiotics, the bacteria that cause these illnesses are quickly becoming resistant to them. According to the Public Health Service, we're facing a health care crisis in this country due to our continued reliance on drugs and surgery. The biggest health problems we face today are debilitating chronic degenerative diseases such as arthritis, chronic pain, allergies, diabetes, viral infections, depression, mental illness, colitis, multiple sclerosis, cancer and cardiovascular (heart) disease. For these ailments, standard medicine is not very effective. In the 1994 report Alternative Medicine: Expanding Medical Horizons, the Public Health Service stated, "many health problems today require multimodal treatment and prevention approaches." In other words, there is no "magic bullet,' for what ails us today. We have to try a number of different approaches in order to achieve results. That means going beyond pills and operations. This helps explain the growing popularify of alternative medicine and natural healing methods. Americans are demanding non-drug remedies that take mental, emotional, and spiritual factors - in other words, the whole person into account.
Although they were considered to be on the "lunatic fringe" a few years ago, acupuncfure, massage, guided imagery and homeopathy are just a few of the approaches now receiving serious attention and respect from the scientific community. Early in the 1990s, the National Institute of Health created the Office of Alternative Medicine (OAM) to establish the worth of these and other treatments.
Even the American Cancer Society says alternative therapies are no longer
questionable. A key concept of alternative healing is prevention. Some of the mainstream techniques of preventive medicine a.re prenatal care, regular checkups, blood pressure screening, cholesterol testing and following reconmended dietary and exercise guidelines. As far as conventional preventive medicines are concerned, there are very few. Sunscreens, acid-blockers and motion-sickness pills are the only compounds we have that stop conditions before they develop. Although America turned her back on natural remedies and herbs, they have been and are being used successfully abroad. Foreign medical journals are
(FDA) has approved aspiring for both the prevention and treatment of coronaries. Echinacea, astragalus, and ginseng can strengthen the immune system. Milk thistle extract protects and heals the liver from damage due to pollution, environmental chemicals, alcohol, and a wide variefy of legal and illegal drugs. Saw palmetto and pygeum have been proven to prevent and stop prostate disease. The list goes on
and on.
One of the major advantages of herbs is there is their safefy; toxic side effects are rare. (Please note: Some herbs are dangerous and should be avoided. A list of these herbs ts available at the back of this book.) Most of the herbs we will examine in this book are available to the American public through health food stores, mail-order catalogs, and in sorne cases, grocery stores. In general, they have an excellent safety record and you can take them with confidence. Unless you grow your own, you will buy products prepared for retail sale and they alrnost always come with easy-to-follow directions. Remember to treat herbs with respect: Th"y are powertrrl medicines. Use them only when you're sick, unless you know that the herb in question is intended as a preventive tonic. Discover what possible side effects there may be before you take an herb. If you do this and use herbs according to the instructions, you can be confident they are safe and gentle. F'inally, when you use herbs, you are choosing to take personal responsibility for your own health. In this book, we're going to examine, ai'lpe11t by ailment, which herbs work, how and why. It's set up in an easy-to-use fashion. Al1 you have to do is turn to the specific illness you're interested in treating, look up which herbs provide the best treatment and follow the directions on how to use them.
Acne occurs when the skin produces too much oil, also called sebum. This sebum mixes with dead cells on the surface of the skin forming a paste that clogs pores and leads to blackheads, whiteheads, and pimples. Flucfuations in hormones
can aggravate the process.
Although acne is most coiltmon during puberty, it's not just a teenage problem. Half of all acne cases are adults, and almost all of those adults are
and ointments. They are effective in the treatment of acne, but they lead to many side effects. They burn, sting, and dry the skin. In fact, some anti-acne chemicals are so strong they've been known to cause birth defects. There are genuine risks to clearing up your complexion, but luckily you have choices.
Bacteria in and around the hair follicles have much to do with the formation of blackheads and whiteheads. When topically applied, basil kills bacteria. Native American researchers have successfully used it to treat acne. To receive the full benefits of the basil, you must apply it directly to the affected areas. You can use a ready made oil available in health food stores or herb supply houses, or you can apply an infusion to your skin. To make an infusion, put two to four teaspoons of dried basil leaves in a cup of boiling water. Steep it for 10 to 20 minutes and let cool before applying.
NUTRIEI{TS - Although they aren't herbs, the following nutrients are helpful for preventing acne from occurring in the flrst place. They will also improve the
effectiveness of any herbal remedy you are using:
Vitamin A - Studies show it can reduce sebum production, therefore reducing the likelihood of pimple formation. For maximum effectiveness, you should take 10,000 to 15,000 IU of pre-formed vitamin A (not beta carotene) per day. For
safety sake, do not exceed this intake.
This nutrient helps restore normal levels of hormones, especially testosterone and estrogen, which contribute to acne flare-ups. Take 50 mg three
Vitamin 86
times a day.
Vitamin E * This antioxidant boosts the effectiveness of certain enzymes needed for good skin health. In clinical studies, men and women acne sufferers noticed improvement after taking 400 ru per day.
Selenium - This trace mineral is a powerful antioxidant on its own, but it boosts the potency of vitamin E when the two are taken together. The proper dose is between 50 and 200 mcg (micrograms) per day.
This essential mineral has been shown to be even more effective than antibiotics for good skin health. Take 30 to 45 mg per day.
Qi1 from the leaves of the native Australian Melaleuca alternifolia tree contain antiseptic compounds that act as a highly effective skin
Wales, Australia, found that a five-percent tea tree oil solution was just as effective as the traditional five-percent benzol peroxide solution - but some experts recofirmend a stronger tea tree oil solution - 10 to 15 percent). You can buy tea tree oil in health food stores and herb supply houses. Follow the directions on the package. As an additional measure, change your diet so it is rich in natural, wholesome foods such as vegetables, fruits, whole grains, and beans. Keep your fat intake to a minimum. Eliminate refined sugars, processed flour and foods, and baked products. Avoid all foods containing trans-faffy acids. These include cookies, chips, margarine, shortening, and hydrogenated fats. Don't eat fried foods and stay away from chocolate - the high fat and sugar content make it doublely dangerous.
Over 40 million Americans, or 16 percent of the population, suffer from one type of allergy or another, according to the Centetr fot Disease Control and Prevention. Allergies happen when the immune system perceives a normally harmless substance, such as dust or pollen, as a dangerous germ. This prompts thl immune system to initiate a defensive chemical reaction thit leads to the release of powerful chemicals called histamines, which bombard the foreign ,.invader,,. Histamines cause swelling and inflammation as well as a number of allergic symptoms, depending upon where in the body they are released. In the naial passages' they cause sinus congestion; in the air passages the result is asthma; in the skin, hives and eczema; in the joint linings, arthritistevelops, and in the brain,
There are many over-the-counter and prescription drugs that relieve allergic reactions, but at a high price. The following herbs ian help: EYBBRIGHT - It can greatly relieve ,or", itchy du" to allergies. It,s especially good for those who suffer from hay fever. "y", You can take it internally (one capsule up to three times daily or 15 to 40 drops of extract every three to four houis) or apply it externally as an eyewash. You can find already prepared eyewasher .ontiining eyeurilnt (also called euphrasia) plus goldenseal, bayberry, raspberry leaves and other herbs. NETTLE - This folk remedy for hay fever and other allergies really works. It relieves inflammation and clears up teary eyes, runny nose, scratchy throat and chest congestion. In a study at the National College oi l.lurrropathic Medicine, 57 percent of patients who took nettle found it to be moderatety to nigruy effective for relief of allergy symptoms. Many of those interviewed said it w;s as good as, or better than, over-the-counter hay fever medications they had taken. The proper dose is one to fwo tablets, three or four times a d,ay as you need 2+
People who suffer from anemia don't produce enough red blood cells. That means that their blood isn't able to carry as much oxygen as it normally should. This leads to a wide vyigrY oi symptoms io.tuoiog difficulry brearhing during act|ity, dizziness, headach", inrofuoia, and pale skin. you can arso rose your appetite and suffer from an unsettled stomach and irregular heartbeats. There are many different kinds of anemia, but the most corrunon is nutritional anemia. q'vrllrcr' caused by lack of iron, folic acid, or vitami n812. certain rr"io,
prevent and treat anemia due to folic acid deficiency. Eat 12 spears per day. _ cHrvES - This easy-to-giow herb is rich in vitamin raw.
ASPARAGUS - This"tasty vegetable is a nutritional powerhouse. It is high in folic acid' which prompts the production of red
iron-defi ciency anemia. Take one capsule three times daily or 10 to 30 drops of extract mixed in juice or water once a d'ay- Dandelion products are available in health food stores.
DANDELTON - You may consider this flowering yellow weed the curse of your lawn' but it has a number of beneficial medicinai qualities. It i;, for example, a natural diuretic and digestive aid. It is also extremely rich in minerals and can help prevent
- This is a chinese herb best knowl for treating a wide range of gynecological or menstrual problems. It is esfeciarly good ior regulating the menstrual cycle, easing cramps, ulg:uppressinj pMS (p"remenstruar syndrome). since it's arso rich in vitamins A, B tz,iiaE, iimay prevent anemia in both men and women.
Take one capsule three times daily. - Because it is so rich in viiamin c and iron, it helps to promote the formation of red blood cells. Nettle is available in the form of extract, capsules, or dried herb. Take according to package directions.
Dol{G QuAr
If you suspect you are anemic, have a doctor examine you to find out what,s causing your anemia and to determine if there is a serious underlying problem.
Every house needs a frst-aid kit for cuts, scrapes, burns, bruises, and other wounds to stop the bleeding, seal them and heal them. Nature has supplied many of the remedies you need. Many of the plants we are going to examine in this section have been used for healing since the dawn of time. Some of those listed below were popular with the ancient Egyptians; others were used by Native Americans. The following herbs promote skin repair, form a protective barrier that keeps geflns out, kill geflns that have already infiltrated a wound and prevent scars. You can find many in your garden or at a grocery store. The others are available in health food stores. Here are the herbs you need in a first-aid kit:
For over 3,500 years, people have held the healing powers of this plant in the highest regard. Egyptian physicians used it in the treatment of infections, skin disorders, and as a laxative. Modem science has proved that these ancient healers knew what they were talking about all along. If you've ever had a bad sunburn, there's a good chance you've gone out into the garden, cut off an aloe 1eaf, sliced it open, and slathered the ge1 over your skin. It reaily takes the sting out. You may not need scientists telling you that aloe gel is an excellent treatment for burns, scalds, and sunburn, but it may comfort you to learn that science confirms what you already know. Scientists flrst discovered aloe's ability to speed up the healing process of flrst-and second-degree burns in 1935. That's when investigators learned the herb could ease burns caused by X-ray (radiation) treatments. In recent years, University of Texas investigators have tested the use of aloe on a wide variety of burns and found it highty effective. What they learned was that aloe keeps wounds moist yet sterile. Stanford University researchers have recently shown that keeping a wound moist is the best way to promote healing. Aloe also forms a protective barrier that genns can't penetrate. lf germs have already invaded the wound, aloe has proven effective in neutralizing many of the bacteria. When treating a burn or wound, clean the affected area well. Cut a leaf off the aloe plant, slice it open lengthwise, smear the ge1 directly on the wound and let it dry. You can reuse the aloe leaf until there is no more ge1. For even more cooling relief, keep the cut aloe leaf in the refrigerator. Appty every three or four hours. BALM - Known generically as Melissa, this herb has traditionally been used as a treatment for headaches, flafulence, high blood pressure, stress, bronchitis, asthma,
and co1ic. While modern science has not been able to confirm all those actions, it has documented some powerful antiseptic and healing properties. Chemicals in bahn called phlyphenols repel several types of bacteria, including streptococci and mycobacteria. Balm also contains eugenol, a nafural
numbing agent for pain relief. German studies show balm can combat herpes and other viruses. In Germany, pharmacies sell an ointment for the treatment of cold sores and herpes infections with balm as its active ingredientNatural healing expert Michael Castleman says the best way to treat a wound with balm is to crush some fresh leaves and apply them directly to the wound. Or make a hot compress by putting two teaspoons of dried leaves in one cup of water and boil Jor 10 minutes. Let is cool slightly, then saturate a clean cloth with the mixture and apply to the wound.
The fruit, leaves, and bark of this tree are loaded with healing agents, many of which are particularly good for the skin. When it's applied directly to the skin, black walnut acts as an antiseptic and is capable of ngtrting bacterial infection. It is also helpful in cases of eczema, herpes, psoriasis,
Rub extract of black walnut directly on a properly cleaned wound two to three times a day and cover the wound after each application.
it's a powerful antiseptic, capable of killing bacteria, fungi, and viruses. Like
- This spice is good for more than just toast and cookies. Studies
eugenol, so while
same time
You can sprinkle cinnamon directly on cuts once they have been thoroughly
ECHII',{ACEA - This amazing plant is one of the best antibiotics available. Taken internally, it combats colds and viral illnesses. The Native Americans used it externally to heal wounds, burns, abscesses, and insect bites, says naturopathic 'WA, and author of physician Michael T. Munay, ND, of Bastyr College in Seattle, Natural Alternatives to Over-the-Counter and Prescription Drugs (Morrow, 1994, $zs;. Clinical studies have since confirmed echinacea's value as a topical antiseptic. The herb contains echinacoside, an ingredient that prevents harmful genns from attacking wlnerable tissue and accelerates healing by triggering the formation of new tissue. Echinacea is good for cuts, burns, psoriasis, eczem4 genital herpes, and cold sores. Make a compress by boiling two teaspoons of the root in a cup of water. Turn the heat down and let it sirnmer for 15 minutes. Let the tea cool slightly, then
soak a clean cioth in the mixture and apply to the affected area. There are also many over-the-counter preparations available. Simply follow the directions on the label.
The term "wonder drug" is not too strong a description for this aromatic bu1b. Garlic, it is safe to say, is the most thoroughly researched and best understood natural medicine in the world. Historical mention of it dates back to
3000 BC.
Modern studies have confirmed nearly all the traditional folk uses - and more. It's a broad-spectrum antibiotic, good for everything frorn ear infections to minor skin wounds. It's a cardiovascular tonic capable of fending off heart disease, high blood pressure and stroke. It's also a blood-sugar regulator that may
keep the lid on diabetes, an immune system enhancer, a possible anti-cancer agent and more. For minor skin infections, mash a clove of garlic, mix it with water to form a loose paste and spread it over the affected area. Or put a mashed clove over a cut or scrape, cover it with a bandage and leave it on overnight. The garlic will kilt genns, prevent infection, and promote healing. (It has the same antibacterial power as 100,000 units of penicillin; the typical oral dose of penicillin contains 500,000 to 1 million units.) There have also been reports that applying garlic in this manner to skin cancers (held in place by a bandage) will kill the tumor and restore healthy skin. WARNIIIG: Do not try this without the knowledge of your doctor. Even
if your skin cancer is the most curable malignancy, it is still cancer, and
therefore dangerous, and must be seen by a doctor.
directly to the skin, they have special healing properties. Th"y are a good antiseptic, says Earl Mindell, RPh, PhI), author of EarI Mindell's Herb Bible
(Fireside, 1994). Put a slice over the sore and hold it in place with a bandage or pour a teaspoon of onion juice directly over the wound. Onion also combats fungal infections, making it useful in treating athlete's foot. Simply rub onion juice between your toes. To make onion juice, puree one raw onion in a blender or food processor. Strain through a cheesecloth and refrigerate.
- Anything that garlic can do, onions can do (almost as well). Applied
You can buy tea tree oil in health food stores and herb supply
Follow the directions on the package.
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It is important to keep an eye on any skin wound as it heals. If you see pus at the site or inflammation and redness spreading from the wound, see a doctor. Infection is nothing to take lightly, and if left untreated, it may cause fuither
It is the modern American ailment, the result of too much stress. It is so pervasive that we accept it as a normal part of life and even make jokes about it.
The realify is, however, that there's nothing funny about anxiefy when you are in its grip. But what we don't realize is that anxiely is not natural and we don't have to accept it. Many experts believe that the antidote to anxiety is a period of relaxation and tranquility. There are many ways to accomplish this. Perhaps the best is to learn how to meditate or practice fuil-body relaxation. Sometimes, though, you may need extra help. We're all acquainted with tranquilizers. For many years they've been mainstays of modern medicine. Valium, Xanax, and Placodil are some of the more popular ones. And they do indeed relax you. But at a very high,cost. These are addictive drugs that can impair your mental abilities, slow your reflexes, damage your liver, and leave you in generally poor shape. Herbs provide an effective, natural alternative for those times you need added protection from anxiety. Nature must have foreseen the era of modern stress, because it has provided such an abundance of plants capable of calming us and making a moment of serenity possible - even in our fast-paced world. Each of the following herbs can sooth yonr frayed nerves and cdm you - without severe narcotic effects or adverse reactions.
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BALM - In Germany, where scientists and physicians take the powers of herbs seriously, researchers have shown that balm oil is capable of calming you down. It
is widely used as a tranqurlttzet and sedative. A fascinating way to cash in on the tranquilizing properties of balm is to add it to a warm bath. Tie a handful in a piece of cheesecloth and toss it into the water. Its lemony aroma wiil quickly put you at ease. Another way to take advantage of its calming effects is to drink it as a tea. Balm tea is easy to make - use two teaspoons per cup of hot water and steep for 10 lo 20 minutes. You can safely drink two or three cups per day, but it's most
effective when taken at night before retiring. Commercial preparations available. Simply follow the package directions.
This herb contains chemicals called nepetalactone isomers that are the chemical cousins to the sedating chemicals found in valerian.
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Those catnip chemicals are the ones that drive cats wild, but experts suggest they also account for the traditional use of catnip as a mild tranquilizer. Catnip's pleasant, minff taste is best enjoyed as a tea. When making this tea, don't boil the water. Simply add two teaspoons catnip to a cup of hot water and let it steep for 10 to 20 minutes. It is safe to drink up to three cups per day.
Modern science has proven it does indeed sooth frayed nerves because it actually slows down the central nervous system. Try it in your bath or sip a cup of chamomile tea when you are feeling uptight. It also has the added benefit of easing the indigestion that may accompany your anxious state.
in England
prescribes this nutrient-rich oil as an effective treatment for arthritis, particularly rheumatoid arthritis. Researchers at Dalhousie University in Newfoundland, Canada, have concluded that evening primrose can alleviate anxiety. Studies show that it's also capable of reducing high blood pressure and easing symptoms of PMS, such as irritability, headaches, breast tenderness, and bloating. As an added benefit, it may also lower cholesterol. In one study, people who took it daily for three months saw their cholesterol drop by 31.5 percent. Investigators attribute the therapeutic value of evening primrose oil to its high content of gamma linoleic acid (GLA), an essential polyunsaturated fatty acid. The body converts this into hormones cal1ed prostaglandins that are crucial to many different body functions. Evening primrose comes in capsules and is available at most health food stores. Take 254 mg up to three times a day.
LAVENDER - This popular fragrance is a staple of aromatherapy for relaxation. Studies in England show it really works. People who sit in a room filled with
lavender fragrance show physiological signs of relaxation. For total relaxation, put five drips of the essential oil in wann bath water. Another option is to buy an aromatherapy lamp, put a few drops of lavender oil in with water, heat and 1et the lovely fragrance fil1your bedroom. You can drink lavender tea for a mild sedative effect that will also relieve a "gassy" stomach.
MOTHERWORT - This herb has mild sedative properties. It also helps with insomnia or 'Jittery nerves". As an added benefit, it may lower your blood pressure (if it's high to begin with.) For the ful1 effect, drink one or two cups of tea per day. Use one or two teaspoons of dried herb per cup or mix 10 to 15 drops of extract in warm water.
PASSIONFLOWTR - You would expect an herb with a name like this to rev you up, not seffle you down. But this herb is one of nafure's best tranquilizers, containing at least three tanqurLrzing or sedating compounds - maltol, ethylmaltol, and flavonoids. It relieves muscle tension and insornnia. Herbalists recommend this remedy if you are having trouble sleeping and experiencing emotional turmoil. As an added bonus, you may also gain some headache relief. You can find commercially prepared capsules, or you can mix 15 to 60 drops of extract in water and drink it once daily (at night before bed). You can also make a hot tea from one teaspoon of dried leaves in a cup of boiling water; steep for 10 to 15 minutes. WARNING: Do not drive or operate heavy machinery after asing
This herb has a calming effect on the body. Many times anxiety leads to muscle tension. Skullcap counteracts that with its antispasmodic properties. It has also been used successfully for menstrual cramps, stress-induced muscle pain and insomnia. Take one capsule up to three times daily. Make a tea by mixing one tablespoon of dried herb with wann water and steep for 10 minutes. Drink one cup before bed. You can also mix three to 12 drops of extract in cool water and drink.
ST. JOIII{S WORT - This herb has been used as a mild tranquilizer for centuries. Accordiag to German researchers, not only is it effective for treating anxiety and emotional problems, but it can also effectively treat depression. It is also a muscle relaxer with no dangerous side effects. Mix 10 to 15 drops of extract in liquid to make a cup of tranquibzingtea.
prescription drug Valium. Chemically, the drug and the herb are not related, but the end result is the same - they both soothe frazzled, jangled nerves. For centuries, valerian has been the treatment of choice of herbalists around the world for both anxiety and insomnia, and studies prove those herbalists have been right all along. The truly great thing about valerian is that it is much milder and safer than pharmaceutical tranquilizers. Take one capsule up to three times a day to relieve anxiety, or make yourself a iup of tea by mixing two teaspoons of dried herb with boiling water, then steep for 15 minutes and drink.
- It was from valerian that scientists came up with the name for the
Since the dawn of history, people have searched for something to enhance their love life - love potions, if you will. But there's a lot more wishful thinking than fact available. To this day, there's no scientific evidence to prove that any aphrodisiac works. (Viagra is not and aphrodisiac, but a powerful, sometimes dangerous, drug that counteracts male impotency.) We've listed several intriguing possibilities, all of which are safe, so it couldn't hurt to try. And you never know where they might lead. . ..
ARTICHOKE - The flbwer or head of this edible plant enjoys a reputation for enhancing sexual desire. That has never been scientffically proven, but if you eat them, you will reap several other benefits. First, it relieves excess water weight. Studies show eating artichokes reduces cholesterol, and Japanese researchers have shown it improves the function of the liver. So, as long as you don't douse your artichoke with high-fat sauces or butter, you'll be doing your health a favor, and that's always good for the libido.
DAMIANA - As a folk
remedy, this herb is both a sexual stimuiant and a remedy for impotence. Modern herbalists use it as a gentle laxative and say it relieves anxiety and acts as a mood lifter. Try one capsule up to three times per day before meals, or mix 10 to 30 drops of extract in a glass of water. The American Indians used ginseng as an aphrodisiac, as did the Chinese and Japanese for thousands of years. No one has ever studied this scientifically, but reports of its stimulating effects have been consistent over the cenfuries. One thing is for certain; Ginseng can produce a wide array of benefits. It sharpens concentration, improves memory and enhances learning. It boostsphysical endurance, increases energy, helps the body adjust to stress and reduces cholesterol. Improving your health overall will give you the energy and stamina to enjoy yourself when love comes about on its own. Take one capsule three times daily or drink a cup of tea in the morning (ginseng tea bags are widely available now). You could also mix five to 10 grams of powder in a liquid such as water or juice daily and drink it.
calms the nerves and settles the stomach. Folklore holds that jasmine oi-l can arouse sexual deske when it's rubbed on the body. Who knows? It couldn't hurt, and a body massage with any oil (especially one as pleasant smelling as this) is
tea. It
Jasminetea is also
-d Fl
This disease requires little introduction. The name itself means joint
inflammation. People with arthritis suffer from painful, inflamed, swollen joints that make normal functions very difficult. There are three types of arthritis: osteoarthritis, rheumatoid arthritis, and gout. Some 60 million Americans may suffer from one form or another, according to the Arthritis F'oundation. Osteoarthritis, sometimes called the "wear-and-tear" arthritis, afflicts more than 40 million Americans. The cumulative effects of stress and use cause the joints to break down. The weight-bearing joints, such as the knees and hips, as well as the joints in the hands are most often affected. Rheumatoid arthritis is a chronic inflammatory condition. It affects the entire body, but shows up mostly in the form of joint pain and inflammation. Specialists call it an "autoimmune disease", which means the immune system manufactures antibodies that attack and destroy healthy tissue in the joints. The hands, feet, wrists, ankles, and knees are the usual targets. Some 14 million
Americans may be afflicted. Gout is a highly specific form of arthritis caused by an excess of uric acid in the blood and lymph fluid. This leads to the formation of hard crystals that settle in joints, usually of the toes, and cause excruciating pain. The usual triggers for gout are excessive consumption of food, especially rich, fatty foods and alcohol. The standard treatment for most kinds of arthritis involves taking nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs). Aspirin is such a drug. No matter how common and simple is may seem, it is highly effective at relieving pain and inflammation. But did you know it is a derivative of the bark of the white willow tree? Or that you can obtain this bark and use it instead of aspirin? The reason you may want to do that is because there is evidence that even though NSAIDs may produce short-term benefits, they may acfually promote the progression of arthritis and joint destruction. At the same time, there's other evidence to suggest that proper nutrition and natural therapies, such as herbs, can strengthen and tone the body, improve general health, and enable the system to cope with arthritis more effectively, without adding any toxins to your system. That's why trying white willow bark, or any one of a number of other herbs, is a good idea. To stifle arthritis, you should make sure your diet is extremely low in fat and high in fiber. Include a wide variety of fruits, vegetables, and whole grains. Some studies indicate that a vegetarian diet alone may be therapeutic for rheumatoid arthritis - and it may be beneficial for osteoarthritis too.
the best:
potatoes). Have yourself tested to make sure you are not allergic. At the same time, you should eat more fish - up to three times per week. Studies indicate the high content of EPA (eicosapentaenoic acid) in cold-water fish such as mackerel, herring, sardines, and salmon reduces arthritis inflammation and pain. Flaxseed oil, canola oil, and prirnrose oil supply similar benefits. There are also many herbs that can ease arthritii suffering. Here are some of
You should also realtze that cefiain foods can provoke allergic reactions and aggravate arthritis. The worst are wheat, corn, milk, and other datry products, beef and vegetables from the nightshade family (including eggplant, tomatoes, and
of use as an arthritis remedy. Modern Japanese researchers have since discovered it contains anti-ilflammatory
ASPARAGUS - This vegetable contains compounds called steroidal glycosides that have an anti-inflammatory action. Asparagus is also a strong diuretii, so it's good for combating water retention and slightly elevated blood pressure, but not a good idea to eat it if your kidneys are ailing. To reap the benefits, eat fresh, young spears. Asparagus seed. is available in powdered form. Mix one teaspoon daily in juice and drink
inflammation and pain. Make tea by boiling two teaspoons of dried bark in one cup of water for 10 minutes; drink three cups a day. Be warned the taste is very bitter so have some honey and lemon or maple syrup on hand to sweeten it.
It's the bark of this North American native that contains the active properties. It contains the chemical salicin, which is closely related to salicyclic acid, the main ingredient of aspirin. As a result, it can relieve arthritis
This herb enjoys a reputation as a purifier it increases the flow of urine and promotes sweating, all of which rid the body of toxins. In the process, it may also soothe the swelling, inflammation, and pain of artbritis. Take one to three capsules daily or mix 10 to 25 drops of extract in liquid and drink daily.
confirming its value as a fold remedy for arthritis inJlammation and pain.
BUTCIIER'S BROOM - French scientists have discovered that this plant contains steroid-like compounds that can relieve inflammation natuially,
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Take one to three capsules per day or mix 10 to 20 drops of extract in liquid and drink daily.
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CHAMOMILE - An all-around soother, chamomile has also been used to ease the pain of arthritis. Laboratory studies indicate it can relieve inflammation in animals, and while no one can say for sure it will do so for people, chamomile tea
certainly couldn't hurt. This herb is so widely available today, all you have to do is buy some chamomile tea bags at a health food or herb store and follow label directions; drink three cups or more per day.
This herb has been used for over 250 years in Africa and Europe, mainly to ease arthritis pain. Recent sludies in France and Germany have confirmed it has anti-inflammatory compounds that are almost as strong as the drugs cortisone and phenylbutazone, but without any side effects. Take it in capsule form, one to three times daily.
EUCALYPTUS OIL - The oil of the eucalyptus tree is a mainstay of coughsuppressing formulas. It also relieves arthritis pain when rubbed on the skin. It
draws blood to the affected area, producing a feeling of warmth. WARNII{G: Do not take eucalyptus oil internally or rub irritated skin.
it on broken,
GINGER - This kitchen standby has some amadng healing properties. It quells nausea and eases motion sickness, among other things. But for our purposes, it
contains fairly potent anti-infl ammatory substances. In one clinical sfudy, seven rheumatoid arthritis patients who had failed to get significant relief from conventional drugs took either one gram of powdered ginger or five grams of fresh ginger daily. Th"y all reported substantial improvements, including less pain, greater joint mobility, and decreased swelling and stiffness. Commercial ginger tablets are a convenient way to take it. Take up to five grams daily. For your information: Ginger ale, provided it acfually contains real ginger, not artiflcial flavoring, supplies up to 1,500 mg of ginger per l2-ounce
* It's good for more than just candy. Its main active compound,
glycyrrhetinic acid, or GA, has anti-inflammatory and pain-relieving properties. It also stimulates production in the body of two nafural steroids, cortisone, and aldosterone, which counteract arthritis. Take one capsule three times a day, or make a tea with one-half teaspoon of powdered herb per cup of boiling water (steep for 10 minutes). Drink fwo cups a
day or take one-half to one fuil teaspoon of tincfure (more diluted than fluid extracts) twice a day. Sadly, most so-called licorice candies in the llnited States are flavored with anise, which does not combat arthritis, instead of the real thing. WARNII{G: Pregnant and nursing women, and anyone with diabetes, glaucoma, high blood pressure, stroke, or heart disease should not use this herb.
Fr A*,
TURMERIC - This herb is very well known in India, where it is an indispensable feafure of everyday cooking. But it's also a healer, capable of treating wounds, aiding digestion, protecting the liver and heart, and easing arthritis pain. A major component of this herb is the chemical curcumin, which sfudies show is able to
relieve the pain of inflammation. Use a teaspoon of powder in a cup of warm milk to make a healing up to three cups per day.
drixk. Drink
This is a cofitmon lung disorder. Affacks range from mild to severe and involve coughing, wheezing, and breathlessness. Problems arise when the airways become too narrow due to muscle spasms in the lungs, a buildup of excess mucus or inflammation, and swelling of the airways. There are several types of asthma. Allergic asthma comes about from breathing an allergen (an airborne substance that triggers an allergic attack). Intrinsic asthma is a non-allergic form of the disease that usually starts later in 1ife. It tends to be chronic and long-lasting rather thaii episodic (coming in attacks). Pollution, smoke, dust'particles, aerosols, and strong cooking odors can trigger symptoms. Another form is exercise-induced asthma, brought on by strong
exertion There are effective prescription medications, but herbs offer an effective, gentle, non-drug alternative. Here is a selection of the best:
Once again, German researchers have uncovered'another gem. Researchers have discovered ttris herb relaxes the windpipe, which may make it useful for asthma sufferers as well as other respiratory ailments such as colds and
Drink two cups of tea per day. Prepare it by adding a teaspoon of powdered seeds or leaves to a cup of boiling water, then let it steep far 2A minutes. The taste may be bitter, so add a bit of honey and lemon. Use one-half to one teaspoon of tincture twice a day. Traditionally, folk healers have recommended this flavorful herb for asthma, coughs, and bronchitis. Modern studies show there's something to that advice. Anise contains compounds, creosol, and alpha-pinene, that loosen bronchial secretions, making it easier to clear them.
properties. It contains only about 10 to 20 percent of the caffeine you would find in coffee, so tt may provide gentle stimulation without the nerve-wracking
- Rejoice and be glad. This chocolaty-tasting substance is actually good for you. Two chemicals, caffeine and theobromine, give cocoa its healing
How does all of this relate to asthma? A standard treatment for the disorder is theophylline. That's the stuff used in inhalers. It just so happens that both caffeine and theobromine are chemically related to theophylline and can open the air passageways in the lungs.
Enjoy two cups a day; use one to two heaping teaspoons in a cup of hot water or milk and sweeten to taste. COFFEE - When you need the big gun, turn to java. It contains many times more caffeine than cocoa (65 to 72A mg per cup, versus 10 to 20 mg per cup of cocoa). Studies show coffee is higtrly effective at opening up air passages. Even doctors recofl]mend it. Drixk up to three cups per day. Remember, coffee may give you the jitters and cause an increase in your blood pressure, cholesterol, and heart and respiration rates. Caffeine also causes insomnia and irritability so don't exceed the
recofilmended amount.
F .-1 :|'
GINKGO - The healing action of this herb comes from its ability to block the action of a nafural body substance called platelet activation factor (PAF). This substance plays an important role in many biological processes including organ transplant rejection, blood flow, and the formation of blood clots in arteries that induce heart attacks and strokes. PAF is also a central player in asthma attacks.
By blocking PAF, ginkgo can prevent bronchial constriction. This herb is widely available in commercial preparations. Simply follow
package directions.
This tropical nut has enough caffeine in it to prevent attacks. Even the Journal of the American Medical Association recommend.s cola drinks for the management of childhood asthma, because children like them better than
medications or coffee. If you don't want to drink a carbonated cola drink, you can make a tea by placing one or two teaspoons of powdered nuts in a cup of water and bringing it to a boil. Let it simmer for 10 minutes. Drink up to three cups per day.
PARSLEY - This herb is a good expectorant and helps combat coughs and asthma. Eat it raw or steep the chopped leaves and stems in hot water for 10
ATSLETE,'s ^Foor
Athlete's foot is a long-term fungal infection of the foot that shows up on the skin between the toes and on the soles of the foot. The antibiotic griseofulvin is the most cotnmon treatment and there are several anti-fungal drugs that are also available. However, even with treatment, recurrence is common. There are a couple of nafural remedies that can clear up the condition and spare you the side effects.
APPLE CIDER VINEGAR - This granddaddy of folk medicine has just the right acid and mineral composition to do wonders for athlete's foot. Rub it on the affected area several times a day. It might sting at first, but don't be alarmed, it's not that bad. Stick with it, the stinging will pass. You'll be glad you did, because it really works.
this "wonder bulb" can't do? In addition to being an excellent antibiotic, garhc can also hunt down and kil1 fungi, and several sfudies show it can effectively fteat the particular fungi that cause athlete's foot. Apply garlic directly to severe outbtreaks by rubbing a raw clove over the atea. To prevent recurrences, eat a clove or two daily.
- Is there anything
TEA TREE OIL - Tea Tree Oil attacks fungi, making it a perfect natural remedy. Swab some oil on the affected area with a cotton ball. Two or three applications
for three to five days should be sufficient.
This vague but painful condition afflicts over 37 million Americans. The fundamental causes of backache are muscular weakness (due to inactivity) and obesity. Those you can control with exercise and proper diet, thereby bringing lasting relief. But for painful flare-ups, you need immediate help. you coulO always reach for aspirin but that may upset your stomach. Certain herbs can ease your discomfort.
F..l;,i E3'
BURDOCK - This herb has diuretic action and helps rid the body of excess water weight. It can also soothe the pain of arthritis and backache. Take one to three capsules daily or mix 10 to 25 drops of extract in liquid and drink as tea.
nervous stomach. But Europeans have been using it for nearly four cenfuries as a remedy for backache, neuralgia, arthritis, and insornnia.
teaspoons of dried herb per cup of boiling water. Steep for 10 minutes, strain, and enjoy.) Or take one capsule three times per day or mir 10 to 20 drops of extract in water and drink up three times daily.
- The main use of this herb is for relieving stress and calming a
Drink three cups of tea daily. (Buy cornmercial tea bags or use two
MUSTARD - Mustard seeds, both white and black, create heat a greatdeal of it, in fact - when applied to the skin. Th-y are excellent for arthritis pain, backache, and sciatica- The best way to enjoy the healing properties of mustard is with mustard oi1. Dilute it with rubbing alcohol and apply it to the painful area of rhe back (or any painful joint). Do not use undiluted oil because it can cause serious skin irritation. Alternatively, you could make a mustard plaster by mixing prepared mustard powder with cold water to make a thick paste. Spread inir purl"tn u clean cloth, then cover the paste with a layer of gauie (so the mustard doesn't touch the skin directly). Place it on your back for 10 minutes. Don't leave it on any longer or it may burn or irritate your skin.
Fr .:
It's embarrassing for most of us, but for some people it can be so bad it almost qualifles as an ailment. Even if it's not an illness, per se, it certainly leads
to some very painful and awkward social situations. Bad breath is caused by a buildup of germs in your mouth. They come from decaying food and beverage residue. These genns then produce waste products, heavily laden with sulfur compounds. Most corlmercial mouthwashes contain a lot of alcohol and may offer temporary relief, but in the long run, they end up making bad breath worse. For[unately, nafure has'supplied several herbs that can help contain the odor.
A11 plants are rich in chlorophyl1, but alfalfa has in particular abundance and in a form that is readily accessible. Chlorophyll happens to be the
active ingredient in many breath freshening products. Sip alfalfa tea several times a day to keep your breath fresh. Simply add one or two teaspoons of dried leaves to a cup of boiling water and steep 10 to 20 minutes. You can also find alfalfa leaf tablets in herb stores or health food stores. They may help freshen your breath and can also confer protection against heart attack and stroke.
- Fennel is great for bad breath. Slowly chew a few leaves, allowing your saliva to become coated with the femel's various properties. Another way is to empty a fennel capsule onto a small plate and mix it with an equal amount of baking soda. Wet your toothbrush and dip it into the mixture, then brush your teeth, gums, and tongue. Repeat every few hours, or on an ,,as needed" basis. Fluid extract can also be used. Saturate a cotton ball with some of the solution and rub it on your gums, teeth, and tongue.
to dress up a plate. Peop1e have used it as a breath freshener since the days of ancient Rome. It has one of the highest chlorophyll contents of any herb. Simply chew a few fresh, raw sprigs.
WAfuNING: Pregnant and nursing women should not ase this herb.
The amount of sugar, or glucose, in your blood regulates how you function and feel. If it's too high, you are in serious trouble because you're flirting with diabetes. You are also in trouble if it's too low; that leads to a condition called hypoglycemia that causes a wide range of very unpleasant symptoms. Low blood sugar was the "disease of the decade" in the 1970s, but today, conventional medical authorities say genuine hypoglycemia is rare. Nonetheless, many doctors - and hundreds of afflicted people - will te1l you that blood sugar levels that are not low enough to qualify as true hypoglycemia can stil1 leave people feeling lousy. Here are some herbs that can help you keep your glucose levels in balance. WARNI^IG: If you have diubetes and are under trestmentfor this disease, do not discontinue your medication. Corusult yaur doctor before taking any
APPLES - Who hasn't heard the old saying about an apple a day? Well, among other things, it can chase blood sugar problems away. These delicious fruits are rich in soluble fiber that regulates blood sugar levels. Its main benefit is to prevent rapid blood sugar drops that can leave you feeling irritable, disoriented, and sick. One type of soluble fiber, pectin, also lowers cholesterol levels and lowers the risk
of heart disease.
To get the most out of apples, eat one or two a day. Modern shipping techniques make it possible to have apples year-round in most parts of the United
FE|{UGREEK - This medicinal plant has long been used for coughs and colds and, when used h a gargle, it can relieve sore throats. Native American researchers have shown it may be useful for the prevention and treatment of
diabetes. Researchers gave insulin-dependent diabetics pulverized fenugreek seeds and discovered that the seeds lowered high blood sugar and also brought down high cholesterol and triglycerides. The best way to take fenugreek is orally in capsule form up to three times a
This plant is especially good for allergies, stuffy nose, watery eyes, and other hay fever symptoms. Animal studies indicate it can also lower blood
Take one or two capsules four times daily or mix one tablespoon of dried herb or five to 10 drops of extract in eight ounces of warm water daily and drink. WARNING: Do not take nettle if you have high blood pressure.
This herbal remedy is actually the bark of a BrazIltan tree. Research shows it contains immune-stimulating compounds capable of fighting certain kinds of cancer. It also lowers blood sugar levels. Take one capsule three times per day or you can drink your pau d'arco as tea or by mixing 25 to 40 drops of extract in eight ounces of water three times daily.
E \,
This ailment probably needs no introduction. Who hasn't had a touch of it at one time or another? You may refer to it as a chest cold, but by any name, it's uncomfortable. Bronchitis means inflammation of the mucus membranes in the air passages that lead to the lungs beyond the windpipe. Symptoms include congestion, bad cough, release of sputum, fever, and even back pain. You may get a bad case of it that clears up in a week or two, or you may be one of those unfortunate types who gets chronic bronchitis, meaning your lungs are infected at least three months every two years. Antibiotics and cough medications are the usual treatments and they work weil. But in this day of failing antibiotics and drug-resistant genns, it's best to seek alternate remedies whenever you can. Fortunately, nature has supplied a variety of herbs that can help.
This herb contains a substance cailed berberine that possesses remarkable infection-fighting properties. Studies show it can kill bacteria and viruses and therefore it's of great value against bronchitis. This medicinal plant also stimulates the immune system, giving you an extra edge against infections. Studies show it activates macrophages, or large white blood cells that gobble up
Drink one cup of barberry tea per day. Toss % teaspoon of powdered root bark into a cup of boiling water and simmer for 15 to 30 minutes. Le it cool before drinking. Mask the bitter taste with sugar or another flavoring you enjoy.
people medicine. But so it is. In Europe it is a popular bronchitis remedy. And even though it sends felines into a frenzy, it's a mild sedative for humans. This effect may enable you to get the rest you need when you are down with bronchitis. You can take it in capsule form, one to three daiiy, or mix on-half to one teaspoon of extract in warm water and drink it.
- It amuses folks to think that the herb that drives kitties crazy is also
ECHINACEA - This is one of the best infection fighters around. Sfudies show it ki1ls many different viruses, bacteria, fungi, and other disease-causing genns. German researchers have used it successfully to treat colds, flu, bronchitis,
tuberculosis, wounds, abscesses, ear infections, and other ailments. It has a littie something extra too, accordirig to Varro Tyler, PhD, and herbal experf at Purdue University in Lafayette, Indiana. Test-tube experiments indicate it may behave like interferon, a virus-killing chemical produced naturally in the
body. Cells bathed in Echinacea were able to resist infection when exposed to the flu or herpes viruses. Take one capsule or a teaspoon of tincture three times per day. If using an extract, mix 15 to 30 drops in liquid and drink every three hours. To make tea, boil two teaspoons of dried root per cup of water and simmer for 15 minutes. Drink
three cups per day.
weapon against germs. The studies that attest to its effectiveness are too numerous to mention. Perhaps the most intriguing experiments occurred at Brigham Young University in Provo, [Jtah, during the mid-1980s. Researchers found garlic pulverizes viruses, bacterta, and fungi with nearly 100 percent effectiveness. To fight infections, eat several cloves of raw garlic per day.
GOLDENSEAL - This potent antibiotic is one of the most important medicinal plants native to North America. Like barberry, it contains berberine and attacks bacteria, viruses, and other bugs. It's probably not strong enough for a really bad case of bronchitis, but if you use it in the early stages, it's quite helpful. Make tea by adding a teaspoon of powdered root to a cup of boiling water and steep for 10 minutes. Drink up to two cups per day. Or take one teaspoon of tincture twice aday. WARNIIT{G: I)o not give this herb to children under two years of age. HORSERADISH - This tangy herb can make your cough "productive". That is, it will liquefy bronchial secretions and help you pass mucus, says Andrew Weil, MD, author of l{atural Health, Natural Medicine (Houghton Mifflin, 1990). Eat a
teaspoon or so of freshly prepared horseradish a few times a day.
This is an old-time remedy for bronchitis and dry coughs. It is an expectorant, meaning it clears out congestion and opens air passages. Mix 25 to 40 drops of extract in water or juice and drink it three to four times a day. Or make tea with one tablespoon if dried herb in eight ounces of boiling water. Steep for 10 minutes and drink two cups aday.
Minor burns from fire, steam, hot appliances, or the sun can leave your skin screaming in pain. Any burn that covers a large area, chars the skin, or becomes
infected needs irnmediate medical attention. Bu for the everyday variety, immediately immerse the affected area in cold water for five to 10 minutes. If you do this within 25 minutes of the injury, it will soothe inflammation and slow the swelling process. After that, turn to herbs. These medicinal plants are meant for external use only.
may be no better home remedy for burns. Some experts recornmend you keep a potted aloe plant in your kitchen in case of an accident. Starting in 1935, scientific studies have documented what regular folk have known for thousands of years: This plant'speeds the healing of frst- and seconddegree burns. It also works for other kinds of wounds and poison ily rashes. To cash in on its healing powers, select a large lower leaf near the center stalk, cut off the spines, and split the leaf lengthwise. Use the knife to loosen and score the gel, then slather it directly on the burn. It shouid provide immediate relief. Keep applyilg it every half hour for as long as you can, then two or three times per day. Refrigerate the leaf because you can reuse it until the gel is gone.
- This succulent is a long, spiny leaf filled with juicy gel. There
CALENDULA - The sooner you place a cold pack on a burn, the better. Doing so will reduce the leakage of fluid into injured tissue; in other words, it prevents swelling, and'thus, pain. By accomplishing that, you reduce the threat and spread
of infection and make way for healing to occur. To speed that healing process, you can also apply a calendula tincture or lotion. The bright orange flowers of this plant make a great skin treatment and is especially soothing for burns. You can buy it in lotions, tinctures, or creams. Andrew Weil, MD, of the University of Arizona in Tucson recommends washing your skin in a tea made of leaves, then applying a ready-made calendula skin product. You can find it at most health food stores.
CHAMOMILE - You may be most familiar with chamomile tea, renowned for its soothing, stress-relieving properties. But did you know there's such a thing as chamomile oil? It's a great topical treatment for minor burns. Evidence indicates
that chamomile neutralizes certain genns and prevents infection. Studies show that chamomile oil applied to the skin speeds the healing time.
you can't find chamomile oil, just brew a strong pot of chamomile tea and let it cool completely. Soak a clean, sterile cloth in the tea and then apply it as
a compress.
spectrum of bacteria, fungi, viruses, and other genns. It contains a nafural antibiotic called echinacoside and a compound called echinacein, which neutralizes the ability of many genns to dissolve the protective barriers around cells and keeps genns out of body tissue. This same chemical also speeds up the repair of damaged tissue by improving the efficiency of tissueforming cells called fibroblasts. The best application when using echinacea for burns is to apply it directly to the injury. Put a few drops on a sterile gauze and apply to the wound. Echinacea is available at a1l health food stores.
It kilis a broad
GII.IGER - When using ginger as a healing agent, you need the whole ginger root. We all know its uses for quelling nausea, but it also helps mend burns and skin inflammations, says a report in the Journal of New Chinese Medicine. It takes the hot, stinging sensation out of the injury and spurs tissue repair. Just crush the ginger root, squeeze the juice out and apply to the burn.
Unrelated to the cola nut used to make soft drinks, gotu kola makes an excellent poultice for minor wounds. It has astringent qualities and draws fluid out of tissue. A study published in Annals of Plastic Surgery indicates it speeds the healing of burns and reduces the amount of eventual scarring. For a gotu kola poultice, make an infusion with one-half teaspoon of dried herb per cup of boiling water. Let rt cool completely, then soak a clean cloth in the liquid and apply to the burn. ST. JOHIVS WORT - This herb contains a variety of healing chemicals. Among them are flavonoids, which boost the effectiveness of immune cells, and hypericin, which suppresses the activity of viruses. Studies also show it contains other substances that repel bacteria and fungi while counteracting inflammation. Applied directly to burns and other wounds, the hypericin and other antibiotic compounds in St. John's Wort oi1 help prevent infection and the flavonoids reduce in{larnmation. A German sfudy showed an ointment made of herb substantially cut burn healing time and lessened scarring. There are no products cofi]mercially available in the lJnited States, but you can make your own remedy by simply applying crushed leaves and flowers to youf burn. Leave them on for 10 to 20 minutes.
ECHINACEA - This proven immune booster is a real plus when you have a cold. There's evidence it may mimic the action of interferon, a natural chemical of the human body that is capable of shielding ceils from viral invasion. It also increases levels of infection-fighting T-lymphocyte cells by 30 percent, according
to German researchers. At the first sign of a cold, make Echinaceatea (boil two teaspoons of root pef cup of water and simmer for 15 minutes), or take a teaspoon of tincture three times per day. You may also find coilrmercially prepared capsules or extracts. Simply follow label directions.
ELDERBERRY - This is a traditional Gypqy cold remedy, reports Dr. Earl Mindell, professor of -nutrition at Pacific Western University in Los Angeles, and author of The Herb Bible ffireside, 1994). Elderberry is loaded with vitamins A,
B, and C.
"The hot tea promotes sweating and is soothing for upper respiratory infections," says Mindell. It also relieves coughs. Try elderberry tea with honey,
three cups a day, at the first sign of a sniffle.
EUCALYPTUS - The leaves of this Australian tree are not just a favorite of the koala bear. Th"y are a storehouse for a healing oil containing the chemical eucalyptol. This helps loosen phlegm in the chest. Srudies done in Russia indicate eucalyptol can kill the influenza virus. It is a standard ingredient in many over-the-counter cough drops. In fact, it's what give Vicks Vap-O-Rub its distinctive fragrance. The vapors from eucalyptus oil can
temporarily clear a sfuffy nose and sluggish brain. Put a couple of drops of eucalyptus oil in water and boil or put it in a yaporrzer to make your own inhalant. You can also boil eucalyptus leaves and inhale their healing fumes. WAKNING: Never take eucalyptus oil internally.
This is one ailment that needs no introduction. The only cure for a cold is, oh, about eight days. Otherwise, the best you can do is ease symptoms so you don't cough, wheeze, splutter, sneeze, and blow your nose so often. This will enable you to sleep - and sleep helps you hea1. As you're probably aware, none of the over-the-counter cold remedies available are any better than the others. Most of them work well enough, but who knows what side effects they might cause? After all, aspirin, a major ingredient in many of these preparations, kills a couple hundred people ayear. Herbs won't suppress symptoms quite as intensely, but they bolster the immune system and speed the healing process. Quite a few may be of help. Here a"re some of the better ones:
frequently prescribe boneset for colds and flu. To make a tea, use one to two teaspoons of dried leaves per cup of boiling water. Steep 10 to 20 minutes and drink three cups a day. The taste is bitter, so you may wish to add honey or sugar. WARNING: Do not eat fresh boneset because tn high doses it contains toxic chemical thut cuuses n&usea, vomiting, weakness, muscle tremors, and even coma and deuth. For people with no history of alcoholism, carccer or liver disease, and who ure not pregnant, it is considered safe in recommended amounts.
This amazing herb suppresses fever. Maybe not quite as well as aspirin does, but it works. More importantly, it stimulates the white blood cells to ral7y against invading genns, say European researchers. This means it's valuable in the treatment of viral and bacterial infections. In Germany, where herbs are so much a part of mainstream medicine that people can go either to a regular pharmacy or an herbal pharmacy, doctors
vitamin C, iron, calcium, phosphorus, and B-Complex vitamins. Cayenne tea is excelient for a cold and chills because it heats you up and forces you to sweat out toxins. It also cleanses the digestive tract, further helping to rid your system of genns. Capsaicin, the compound that gives cayenne, chili, and other types of peppers their "zip", acts as an anti-inflammatory. You can take it in a capsule form, one to three per day, or as a tea. You can purchase cayenne teas in health food stores or make it out of dried herb.
Being constipated is usually a sign that you are not eating properly. It is not an illness. If you exercise regularly and eat the right foods, yo,r'tt eliminate the problem and it's unlikely to recur. Sometimes, though, you need a little help to rees tablish regulariry. Commercial laxatives can create many well-noted problems. Th-y work by stimulating the colon, and after continued use, the colon comes to rely on thesl artificial aids. It then becomes so Lazy it stops working on its own. It's a nasty
Herbs offer you relief with far less risk. Th"y work, more often than not, by increasing the amount of bu1k, or fiber, in your diet. To help the increased fiber intake relieve constipation, you must drink more fluid up to eight glasses of water per day. If you do, it will soon be smooth sailing, Keep the foilowing herbs in mind if you are having trouble.
This planr is loaded with nutrients, including eight essential amino acids, calcium, magnesium, potassium, and beta carotene. It's also a hightly effective nalural laxative. Take six alfaifa tablets daily when constipated and add alfalfa sprouts to
APPLES - An apple a day can keep many things away, including constipation. Apples are an excellent source of fibrous "bulk". Th"y contain several types of fiber, including solubie fiber and pectin. This increases the size of stools *m"f, then press on the colong wal1. This triggers natural bowel contractions. All vou need to eat is just one a day.
bowels). Other herbs that contain anthraquinones include aloe vera, buckthorn an6 rhubarb, but they are harsher than cascara sagrada. Turn to them last, and only after flust trying a high giber diet and regular exercise. If that fails, then turn to these others, but only in consultation with a doctor you trust. To make a useful tea of cascara sagrada, boil a teaspoon of dried bark in three cups of water for 30 minutes. Let it cool and, drink on" o, two cups before
CASCARA SAGRADA - This is an ingredient in numerous over-the-counter constipation remedies. The herb contains compounds called anthraquinones that stimulate intestinal contractions (these are what give you" the urge to move your
There are also many cornmercial preparations available that can help you. Simply follow label directions. For the most natural action, it's best to buy these products in a health food store or herb shop.
constipation by promoting contraction of the bowels, For its laxative effect, drink one or two ounces per day.
OLM OIL - It's good for your heart and an excellent laxative. It relieves
This is the main ingredient in Metamucil-type guii}my commercial laxatives. The coatiag of the psyllium seed is extremely rich in mucilage, a fibrous material that absorbs an incredible amount of water. Studies show this natural, high-fiber bulking agqnt can end the misery of constipation tout de sui.te. Not only does it enlarge and soften stools and stimulate bowel contractions, but it also helps to lubricate their passage. One teaspoon three times a day produces relief. Taking psyllium seed regulary will also lower your cholesterol, University of Kentucky researchers have found. It may also protect you against diabetes. NOTE: It's very important to drink a lot of water when taking psyllium.
you have and old-fashioned but quite effective dandruff remedy. Apply it before you shampoo. If your dandruff is really bad, allow the mixture to sit for 10 to 15 minutes.
ROSEMARY - Another popular herbal remedy that has a proven track record is rosemary oil or crushed rosemary leaves mixed with olive oil. Work it into the scalp, let it sit 15 minutes.
This disease afflicts nearly 20 million Americans. It's a leading cause of
death and disabiliry, and under no circumstances should you diagnose and treat it yourself. This condition absolutely requires medical care. Diabetes is a severe and chronic disorder of carbohydrate, fat, and protein metabolism that produces dangerously high levels of blood sugar (glucose). Diabetes increases a person's risk of heart disease, stroke, kidney disease, and blindness and can lead to loss of nerve function and loss of limbs. The classic
symptoms are insatiable thirst and frequent 'urination. If you notice these symptoms on a persistent basis, see a doctor for a blood glucose test. There are two forms of diabetes: lnsulin-dependent and non-insulin dependent. The second, non-insulin dependent, is by far the most common. Nine out of 10 diabetics have this form of the disease, also known as Type II, and there are medications to treat it. But dietary modification is of primaryimportance and, along with weight loss and regular exercise, can control the problem. Never discontinue your medication without your doctor's say-so. Having said all of the above, nature's medicine cabinet is full of plants that can help you keep the lid on this potentially deadly condition. I{ever substifute these herbs for your medical treatment and discuss the use of them with your doctor. But here's what they are and what they can do for you.
APPLES - Earlier we mentioned them in connection with constipation. Their high fiber content made them useful for that condition. One type of fiber in
particular, soluble fiber, has proven abilities to normalize blood sugar levels. Dr. James Anderson of the Veterans Administration Medical Center in Lexington, Kentucky, has shown soluble fiber such as that found in apples works so well on blood glucose levels that it may enable patients to reduce their medications and in some cases discontinue it - but only with a doctor's approval. One or two apples per day is enough to provide a protective effect. Other foods extremely rich in soluble fiber are all beans, peas, and lentils, oats, and oat
This is a tropical fruit, also known as balsam pear. It's shaped like a cucumber and covered with green bumps. "The blood sugar-lowering action of the fresh juice or extract of the unripe fruit has been clearly established," says Michael T. Murray, I{D, author of Natural Alternatives to Over-the-Counter and Prescription Drugs (Morrow, 1994). "The oral administration of fwo ounces of the juice has shown good results in clinical trials."
The fruit is available in Asian grocery stores. It's very bitter, says Murray, and even a spoonful of sugar won't make it go down easily. "If you desire the medicinal effects, it is best simply to plug your nose and take a two-ounce shot," he recommends.
CELERY SEED - Several studies indicate that this herb can reduce blood glucose levels. You may wish to incorporate it into your treatment regimen. Discuss this with your doctor. Celery seed tea may also protect you against stroke. Chinese researchers have shown it prevents intemrptions or blockages or circulation to the
You can make a celery seed tea with one or two teaspoons of freshly crushed seeds steeped in a cup of boiling water for 20 minutes. Drink up to three cups per duy. Tinctures are also available through most health food stores. Take one teaspoon three times per day.
properties. Garlic has been shown to lower glucose levels in both animal tests and human trials, although further research is still being conducted. Again, it's important to state that this is not a substitute for diabetes medication, but it is a useful addition to your current treatment plan. Taking a couple of cloves of fresh garlic per day is definitely good for your overall general health. Make sure you let your doctor know you are taking it. If nothing else, the garlic will reduce your risk of heart disease (which is a real problem for diabetics) and protect you from infections. To eliminate garlrc breath, chew parsley or fennel, two well-klown herbal
breath fresheners.
Add blood sugar control to the list of this amazing bulb's healing
Li E-../.
GINSENG - This highly versatile herbal remedy has proven itself capable of reducing blood sugar levels in tests done by researchers in the former Soviet Union. The most convenient way to take it is in capsule form. Follow package
G\TVINEMA S\T.VESTRE - This plant native to Indi; has long served as a diabetes "medication" in that part of the worid. Scientific sfudies at medical schools in India have confirmed its blood sugar-loweing ability. It works for both type I and type II conditions by controlling blood sugar levels. In tests, it has enabled fype I diabetics to reduce their insulin dosages, and type II diabetics have
been able to decrease or discontinue their oral medications. Gymnema sylvestre extract is available in health food stores, either in liquid or capsule form. The recommended dosage is 400 mg daily. The good thing about it is that it will lower your blood glucose only if it is high. It will not touch normal
blood suga"r levels, unlike diabetes drugs, that wilt drop normal blood sugar to
dangerously 1ow levels.
SAGE - One German study showed that sage tea lowers blood sugar in diabetics who drink a cup on an empty stomach. To brew an infusion, place one or two teaspoons of dried leaves in a cup of boiling water, steep for 10 minutes, strain and serve. Drink up to three cups per day.
This unpleasant condition is often the result of bacteria doing their nasfy work in the large intestine. A variety of herbs can knock out those genns and bring an end to your suffering. Here are a few examples: APPLE
Just as it's good for constipation, so too is sure to eat the entire apple including the skin.
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BAYBERRY - A chemical called myricitrin in the bark of this tree can fight many different gefins, including many bacteria responsible for diarrhea. It also contains tannins, which exert a drying or astringent effect that can be helpful in relieving
Drink two cups of tea per day until the problem goes away. Boil one teaspoon of powdered root bark for 10 to 15 minutes. You'll probably have to sweeten it since the taste is very biuer. A tincture will help you avoid the taste
This is a popular and proven remedy in Europe. When you have diarrhea, make a cup of tea by mixing one tablespoon of dried herb in a large cup of boiling water, steep for 10 milutes, strain, let cool, and drink. CATNIP
This is a traditional folk remedy for diarrhea. A modern European study shows it can kill one particular bacteria (Shigetla dysenteriae) responsible for the problem. Make a healing tea with one or two teaspoons of dried herb in a cup of boiling water, steep for 10 minutes. Drink as many as three cups per day during a bout of diarrhea.
earlier, these compounds have astringent qualities that can stop diarrhea. Just make a cup of your favorite tea and drink it whenever diarrhea is a problem.
- Both black and green teas are rich sources of tannins. As we mentioned
What parent hasn't awakened in the middle of the night to care for a crying child complaining of an earache? While earaches are hardly limited to children, they are far more cofilmon in kids than grown-ups. An earache is a sign of infection, and outer and middle ear infections are so cornmon in childhood that we view them as nonnal. At least that's what many doctors seem to be implying when they quickly resort to prescription antibiotics. These days, however, you are playing Russian roulette every time you or your child takes an agrtibiotic. Bacteria are becoming increasingly resistant to antibiotics, and the more of the drugs you take, the more wlnerable you become to these super bugs. There are better, natural, drug-free ways to relieve the pain of earaches, however. Here are some to try:
CALENDTILA OIL - It combines a mild pain-relieving action with germ-killing proper[ies. Apply it to an aching ear with a cotton swab to soothe the discomfort
and promote heaiing.
ECHINACEA - German doctors prescribe Echinacea as often as they prescribe antibiotics. Echinacea contails a natural antibiotic called echinacoside and a compound called echinacein. These neutralize the enzymes produced by geilns that attack healthy tissue and invade cells. In general, Echinacea works by
cranking up the immune system. At the first sign of an ear infection, drinking one cup of Echinaceatea, three times per day, will help. Use two teaspoons of chopped root per cup of water, boil, then simmer for 15 minutes, strain and serve. You could also use a tincfure or extract - one teaspoon three times per day. I{OTE: Do not give this herb to children under the age of two.
Here is the wonder cure once agarn. But in this case, you put the garlic right where it will do the most good - in the ear. Place a small clove or piece of a clove in the ear and keep it in place with a wad of cotton. If you keep it in there long enough, it will dissolve. As it does, it will release all of its sulfur-rich, antibiotic compounds that will soon declare war
on genns.
Another option is to place a few drops of warm garlic oil in the ear, then close it off with a cotton wad. To make the oil, crush a few cloves of garlic in olive oil, close the container and let is stand a few days at room temperafure. Strain and refrigerate to have on hand for just such infirmities.
At the first sign of an earache, wann up a bit of the oil and apply it every four to six hours as needed. Another source of garlic oil is from a garlic capsule. Simply puncfure it with a pin and squeeze afew drops into the ear.
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powerful bacteria killer, working much the same way garlic does (although it's not nearly as powerful). As a treatment for ear infections, make an oj-l by steeping the leaves in olive oil. Then simply wafin it up a bit, put a few drops in the ear catal and close the passageway with cotton.
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You can't fool around with eye problems. Any inflammation, redness, or irritation could be a sign of infection, and that is a potential threat to vision. Yet most of us recognize that the occasional bout of "pinkeye" is not all that serious. For minor eyestrain, inflammations and other ailments, it's worth trying these herbs frst before you go pay to see the doctor and fil1 prescriptions. If your problem does not start to clear up within 24 hours, or if it gets worse, see a doctor
immediately. You may find, as I did recently, that these time-honored herbal remedies are exactly what the doctor would NOT order - but should. Not long ago, as I was getting off a plane - the "red eye" from California to Florida - I discovered it was the red eye in more that just name. My eye was itching and tearing. By the time I got home an hour later, I had a full-blown eye infection. A physician I know who practices traditional Chinese medicine (which relies heavily on herbs), recornmended I bathe my eye in plain green tea, once an hour. Another friend who is a very knowledgeable amateur herbalist recofilmended I add goldenseal to the tea. Within 24 hours the itching, redness, swel1ing, and pus were gone. In 48 hours my eye was nofinal again. It cost me about 50 cents to treat it instead of the $50 I would have spent with the doctor. Here are a few herbal eyewashes worfh your attention:
BARBERRY - This herb is rich in a natural antibiotic compound called berberine, which is an active constituent of several other herbs. In Gerrnany, it is the main healing substance in a preparation used for the treatment of pinkeye. Unfortunately, that product is not available in the United States, but you can soak a clean cloth with barberry tea and use it as a healing eye compress.
EYEBRIGHT - With a name like this, how could it not be beneficial in the treatment of eye ailments? Eyebright has served as a folk remedy for minor eye
ailments since the Middle Ages. You can buy commercially prepared herbal eyewash products containing eyebright (also called euphrasia) in health food stores. These products are likely to contain other herbs such as goldenseal, bayberry, raspberry leaves, perhaps even cayenne pepper. Use an eye cup to rinse the eye three or four times a day.
give the herb antibiotic properties. In other words, it kil1s genns, and it does so on
contact. That's why it is an important addition to an eyewash. You can add dropperful to saline solution or green tea and apply it four times a day.
GREEN TEA - The main value of green tea in the treatment of eye problems is its astringent quality. This means it draws out fluids from swollen, infected tissue and reduces swelling. This is important because the fluid in swollen tissue provides a perfect place for bacteria to colonize and reproduce. To use, boil up some leaves or tea bags, and let the tea brew. After it's cooled, bathe your eyes with it once an hour.
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When you have a headache, you take a pill and usually the pain goes away, right? Unforfunately, for some people, headaches can be a chronic problem and it's not a good idea to take aspirin a1l the time. Doing so can digestive "uos" troubles and stomachache. Luckily, nature has supplied a few herbs to ease the pounding in your head without drugs.
For migraines, and migraines only, this herb is highly effective. It can prevent them frop happening in the flrst place and make them less severe when they do occur. During the late 1980s, a study appeared in the medical journal Lancet. It is reported that feverfew cut the frequency of migraines by 24 percent and made attacks less violent, with milder nausea, vomiting, and other symptoms. English researchers took 72 sabjects, divided them into two groups, and. gave one group a powdered, freeze'dried feverfew (containing the equivalent of two leaves) ind another group took a placebo. Neither group knew which compound it was taking. At the end of the study, those who had taken feverfew had strikingly better results. For migraine relief, chew two frozen ieaves or take a pill or capsule containing 85 mg of leaf material. Feverfew tea may also lower blood pr"rrur", aid digestion, and ease menstrual discomfort.
PASSIONFLOWER - This is one of nafure's best tranquilizers. It eases stress by relieving muscular and nervous tension - the prime causes of the majority of
You can find it in capsule form. Take two as needed or mix 15 to 60 drops of extract into liquid and drink as needed WARNII'{G: Do not drive or operate machinery after using passionflower.
ROSEMARY - The essential oil of rosemary can ease the pain of headaches, especially of migraine, if you rub it on your temples. Rosemary tea eases nervous
tension and defuses tension headaches. Make atea with two teaspoons of dried herb in boiling water, simmer for 10 minutes, strain and drink. Don't take it more than once daily.
WHITE WILLOW BARK - This herb is commonly called 'herbal aspirin". It contains the same active ingredients, salicylates, as does aspirin; it's just that
it any time
you have pain and would use aspirin. Don't expect the herb to be as strong, but you can expect it to be safer and gentler. To -uf" ateaof white willow bark, soak one teaspoon of powdered bark in a cup of cold water for eight hours. Strain and drink as many as three cups a day (it's-bitter so add honey and lemon). It is also available in tablet form - take two every three hours.
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This is the leading killer of American men and women. While medical care is absolutely essential for known heart disease, we could still use ail the help we
can get.
Certain herbs are parttcularly healing for the heart. Th"y work best as preventive and protective agents before heart problems start. Prevention of heart disease is relatively easy with proper diet, exercise, and lifestyle, but treatment with drugs and surgery is a less certain prospect. Make sure you have regular checkups from the age of 35 on and discuss heart disease and what screening you should have and when with your physician. Then do it. Meanwftile, it couldn't hurt to fam]Tranze yourself with these plant medicines and put them to work for you. WARI,{I\{G: If you are currently tuking any heart medications, do not use herbs until you first talk to your doctor.
serves primarily as a rejuvenating tonic. Tests indicate it may increase fertility enhance strength and vitality. There is a possibility it has anti-tumor activity too. But of greatest interest is evidence that it may protect against heart disease and
prevent heart attacks by reducing blood pressure and keeping blood clots from forming in the arteries. It's available in health food stores in capsule form. Take one capsule three times daily.
GARLIC - This is nature's blood thinner par excellence. It keeps deadly clots from forming and promotes tip-top blood circulation. It also decreases blood pressure and reduces cholesterol levels. No medication can match the stunning versatility of this simple bulb. Two chemicals - allicin and ajoene - are
responsible for the cardiovascular benefits. Three cloves of garlic per day, up to 10, are what you need benefits.
to enjoy the
GINKGO - The principle action of this herb is to improve blood flow, especially to vital areas such as the heart and brain. It blocks a substance called platelet
activation factor (PAF), that can trigger the internal blood clots that lead to hear
attacks and strokes. Many studies have established that ginkgo can improve blood flow to the brain and prevent strokes. It even helps after a stroke and may speed recovery. In
the same way, ginkgo improves blood flow to the heart muscle and may reduce the risk of heart attack by preventing the blood clots that cause them. Ginkgo is available in commercial preparations. Simply follow the package directions and take it daily for preventive purposes. The flowers, leaves, and berries of the hawthorne plant have acted as valuable heart tonic for centuries, and modern scientists have shown that its reputation is valid. It seems to open coronary arteries, thereby improving the flow of blood to the heart. This improved blood supply dramatically reduces the likelihood of angina pectoris (severe chest pain associated with heart disease). The herb also strengthens the beating/pumping action of the heart muscle, making it more efficient. Hawthorne works ONLY if it's taken regularly and consistently over a long period of time. LJnlike nitroglycerin and other heart medications, it does not act instantly in the event of an angina attack or some other acute problem. No toxicity from the herb has ever been discovered so you can be assured it is safe to use. Consult your doctor about integrating it into your regimen. Take one teaspoon of tincture upon awakening and just before bed for about a month, then take two weeks off and start again. To make a tea, add two teaspoons of crushed leaves and berries to a cup of boiling water, steep for 20 minutes, strain and drink - up to two cups per day.
- About 10 years ago, headlines shouted Oat Bran Is I{o Good. Nothing could be farther from the truth! Admitedly, the oat bran craze of the mid 1980s got out of hand with people claiming it would do everything, including
make you young again. But the study that supposedly disproved oat bran's healing value was itself unproven. What the second study did was merely compare oat bran to other forms of fiber. Researchers then concluded that it worked no better than other forms of fiber. Subsequent tests have shown these tests were in error. Oat bran is one of the most effective ways to prevent heart attacks. It works by reducing cholesterol - in some tests by up to 20 percent and that translates to a 4A percent reduction in heart attack risk. If you incorporate it into your diet, just two to three ounces a day, you can expect to reduce you can expect to reduce your cholesterol by five to 10 percent (a 10 to 20 percent drop in heart disease risk). One large bowl of oatmeal with oat bran sprinkled on top for breakfast will give you all you need.
EE tt
What garlic can do, so can onion. Research at Tufts University in Boston has shown onions can raise "good" HDL cholesterol (preventing the formation of plaque deposits inside your arteries) almost as well as exercise can.
Eating onions also lowers total cholesterol and thins the blood, preventing internal blood blots. Half araw onion per day should do the trick.
We mentioned this herb earlier as an effective laxative. It has the added effect of lowering cholesterol. In some tests, it lowered total cholesierol by as much as 15 percent (when it was very high to begin with). There is also evidence it may elevate levels of "good" HDL cholesterol. Mix one tablespoon in a pint of water and drink two or three times a day.
a male problem, it
certainly affects
a man's partner.
incredible success of Viagra, the sometimes dangerous prescription drug, is proof of how widespread the problem is. Some 20 million men or more may suffer from it to some degree. It is simply the inability to achieve or maintain an erection for a iong enough period of time. There a-re many causes of impotence, some psycholo gical, some hormonal. One thing is certain, though. An erect penis depends upon proper blood flow. Arteries supplying that part of the body are subject to narrowing and blocking just like arteries elsewhere. If blockages impair circulation, it hampers the ability to have an erection. There are certain herbs that have positive effects on this intimate function.
- It has a reputation
as a sexual tonic for men and is safe to take up to capsule form at health food stores.
improved blood flow to the penis in men who had narrowing of the arteries that supply blood to that area of the anatomy. They were unable to achieve erections. The men in the study took 60 mg of ginkgo per day. By the end of ayear, half of them were healed. Anyone experiencing even occasional bouts of impotence might consider giving ginkgo a try. But if the problem persists, see a male specialist, a urologist, or one of the new men's health specialists. Help and effective treatments are available.
Everybody has the occasional bout of insomnia. It can take several forms. You might have trouble falling asleep or wake up in the middle of the night and have a rough time returning to sleep. If the problem persists for more than several nights in a row, it may be a signal that you are suffering from unresolved stress, tension, or woffy in your life. Examine your circumstances, and if something is troubling you, get to the bottom of it. Use a relaxation exercise or try meditation. Take it easy on the coffee and caffeinated drinks. Should the problem continue after this, see a doctor, because the insomnia iould be a symptom of a deeper, more serious condition. For the occasional episode of insomnia, however, a little help may be all you
PASSIOI{FLO\4IER - This herb contains a variety of chemicals that exert calming and tranquilizing effects. They are maltol, ethyl-maltol, and flavonoids. Michael A. Weiner, PhD, author of Earth Medicine, Earth Food (Fawcett, 1980)
says passionJlower "may be our best tranquilizer". Make a cup of passionflower tea with one teaspoon of dried leaves per cup of boiling water. Steep 10 to 15 minutes then strain. Drink a cup before going to
Passionflower directions.
is also available in
operat;e machinery
after taking
The menthol in peppermint is especially healing. It relieves muscular tension, says Dr. Mindell, and can help with insomnia. people usually think of this herb as a digestive aid and decongestant, which indeed it is. Since indigestion is a common cause of sleeping difficulties, the abilify of peppermint to sooth stomach upsets adds to its value as an insomnia buster. A cup or two of peppermint tea before bed or in the wee hours should put you right to sleep.
SKULLCAP - This herb is primarily an antispasmodic - that is, it relieves muscular pain due to stress and eases menstrual cramps. But it is also good for
Make skullcap tea with one tablespoon of the herb in two cups of boiling water. Steep for 10 minutes, strain and drink before bedtime. You can also find skullcap capsules - take one or two capsules at bedtime as a sleep aid, and no more
than three per day.
Does the name remind you of anything? How about Valium? Although the drug and the herb are chemically unrelated, they are both used to accomplish the same thing. Th"y calm you down, ease muscular tension and relieve insomnia. For centuries, this has been the preferred treatment of herbalists for panic affacks, stress (nervous tension), and sleeping problems. Make a cup of tea with two teaspoons of dried herb in a cup of boiling water; steep for eight to 12 minutes and drink before bedtime. You can also take up to three capsules daily or mix 10 drops of extract in liquid and drink. WARNING: None of the above herbs are addictive and they have few, if any, unpleasant side effects. But they are potent, so use them only as directed and
I j
Menopause is not technically a disease, but don't tell that to the women who are going through it. It is the change from childbearing to non-childbearing conditions, when a woman's menstrual cycle comes to an end. What makes it such a difficult time for so many women are the hormonal changes that occur when the ovaries stop producing estrogen. But many women experience no discomfort. In Japan and other parts of the Orient, suffering during menopause is virlually unheard of and there is no word for "hot flashes" in the Japanese language. Yet most Americans grow up believing agony is a necessary part of "the change". While our high fat diets and lack of physical activity make problematic menopause more likely, having a discomfort-free "change" is by no means unavoidable. You can avoid the suffering. Nature has been generous in its plant medicines for women in later middle age.
Two chemicals
chemically similar to the female hormone estrogen. (It is the disappearance of estrogen that brings about many of the typical problems of menopause.) The mild estrogenic activity of this herb may help relieve menopausal symptoms. Make a cup of tea with a teaspoon of anise seeds steeped in boiling water for 10 to 20 minutes. Drink three cups per day, or take a teaspoon of tincture in water or other liquid up to three times per day.
BLACK COHOSH This is another plant that contails 'phytoestrogens" (literally, plant-produced estrogens). Dr. Earl Mindell says phytoestrogen
compounds are what keep many Asian women from suffering during menopause their diets are high in phytoestrogens (it's abundant in soy foods) and low in fat. [Jp to a teaspoon of black cohosh tincture per day may ease discomfort. This is a stronger phytoestrogen than anise. It's a good idea to combine it with the hormone progesterone, because taking estrogen alone may raise the risk of uterine cancer. It is not clear if plant estrogens pose the same danger as synthetic hormones, but you should discuss the matter with a knowledgeable physician first. To make a tea, boil a half teaspoon of powdered root in a cup of water for 30 minutes.
i j
of gynecological problems. I
in China for the treatment of a wide range has a reputation for quelling painful menstrual
cramps, easing or eliminating the symptoms of PMS, and soothing hot flashes and other symptoms of menopause. Health food stores carry dong quai in capsule form
FENUGREEK - The seeds of this herb contain a phytoestrogen called diosgenin. Although it has yet to be proven by medical research, it has been said by those who take it that fenugreek tea helps to control menopausal symptoms. Do not discontinue other treatments your doctor has recommended, but it wouldn't hurt to give fenugreek atry. Make a tea with two teaspoons of seeds boiled in a cup of water, and let it simmer for 10 minutes. Drink three cups a day. It has a rather bitter taste so you may want to flavor it with a sweetener. Fenugreek is also available in tincture
GINSENG - This herb perfonns a long list of wonders. It is technically called an "adaptogen", which means it refurns many out-of-whack bodily functions to their normal levels. Russian and Chinese researchers say it can increase women's estrogen levels and therefore it is therapeutic for menopause. Take one to three capsules daily or drink one cup of tea per day (commercially preparcdteabags are widely available in health food stores).
RED CLOVER - This is another herb that is rich in phytoestrogens. Make atea with two teaspoons of dried flowers per cup of boiling water, steep for 12 minutes. Drink up to three cups per day.
a Cnnnnps
Many women suffer a great deal during certain points in their menstrual cycles. Symptoms such as mood swings, depression, irritability, bloating, headaches, and joint pain are common. Many experience painful cramps during their periods too. Most nafural health experts say certain measures can help. For example, eliminate caffeine from all sources (including chocolate), exercise regularly, and be especially intent on performing aerobic exercise, and avoid polyunsaturated vegetable oils (they can aggravate symptoms). In addition,
these herbs and herbalproducts can help:
BORAGE OIL and BLACK CURRANT OIL - These are both excellent sources of gamma linoleic acid (GLA). GLA is an effective anti-inflammatory agent that has no side effects. Both of these oils are an effective treatment for PMS, but they don't work instantaneously. You must take one or the other treatment for six to eight weeks before it takes effect and you notice changes. Black currant oil and
borage oi1 also contain an abundant amount of GLA.
teaspoon of borage oil in juice and drink it daily. Dr. Weil recommends 500 mg of black currant oil twice a day as the most economical form. This is an excellent diuretic and is usefu1 in relieving the bloating that is characteristic of PMS. To make a cup of tea, mix two teaspoons of dried leaves per cup of boiling water. Steep 20 minutes and drink three cups per day. Or take a teaspoon of tincture three times per day. WARNING: Pregnant and nursing women should not use this herb.
Mix a
DAINDELION - This another diuretic that helps relieve that uncomfortable, bloated feeling. Make atea with an ounce of dried leaves per cup of boiling water and steep for 10 minutes. Drink three cups a day. Or take fwo teaspoons of
tincfure three times a day. In addition, you can add dandelion greens to a salad but don't rely on greens alone to counteract bloating. Combine them with tea or tincture for maximum
WARNING: Pregnant and nursing women should not use this herb. DONG QUAI
can also relieve the unpleasant symptoms of PMS.
"scientific investigation has shown that dong quai produces a balancing effect on estrogen activify and a tonic effect on the uterus," says Michael T.
I{D, of Bastyr College, a fully-accredited school of naturopathic medicine in Seattle, WA. He says it is great for PMS symptoms and menstrual cramps. The herb also happens to be rich in vitamins A, BIZ, and E
JIJNIPER - Add this herb to your list of diuretics. It may come in handy for the bloating that occurs in the days just before your period. To make atea, place a teaspoon of bruised juniper berries in a cup of boiling water and steep for 15 to 20 minutes. Drink only two cups a day. WARNING: Pregnant and nursing women should not use this herb.
This is excellent for cramps as well as the irritability and headaches associated with PMS, says Dr. Mindell. Make a tea with two teaspoons of dried herb in a cup of boiling water and steep for 10 minutes. Or mix 10 to 15 drops of extract in warm liquid and drink
PARSLEY - Here's a diuretic that will also leave you with fresh breath. Mix two teaspoons of dried leaves in a cup of boiling water and steep for 15 minutes. Drink
three cups a day.
WARNING: Pregnant und nursing women should not use this herb. RASPBERRY LEAVES - This is an excellent anti-spasmodic that alleviates cramps. One teaspoon steeped for 10 minutes in a cup of boiling water makes an excellent tea. Drink one cup a day.
The prostate is a walnut-sized gland that surrounds the urethra which carries urine away from the bladder. Prostatitis, or inflammation of the gland, is common in young men. This condition often turns chronic and the gland becomes subject to infection, making it very dfficult to treat. Discomfort is extreme. In older men the gland enlarges (a condition called BPH, or benign prostatic hyperplasia) and interferes with normal urination. This ailment is extremely common. In fact, as many as one in three men over age 65 have this condition. Doctors have 1itt1e to offer beyond antibiotics or surgery. The drugs are relatively ineffective and surgery is highly painful and fraught with risks. There are natural means that can give you relief. There are herbs that can help but the most important thing a man can do is make the following lifestyle
. o o . o
Eliminate caffeine, alcohol, tobacco, red pepper, and spicy foods. They all irritate the prostate. Increase water intake to flush the urinary system. Avoid prolonged sitting. Get up and walk around every 30 to 40 minutes. You don't have to walk for a long period of time, less than a minute will do. The point is to take pressure off the area. Don't spend long periods of time on bicycles, motorcycles, or horseback riding. These activities jar the perineal (seat) area and irritate the prostate. Zinc picolinate can he1p. If you are currently having trouble, try 60 mg per day. For prevention, try 25 or 30 mg. Take 2,000 mg of vitamin C twice a day.
Once you've accomplished the above, try the following alternatives to prostate medication. (Be sure to see a doctor. Do not diagnose yourself.)
nearly 30 years as a prostate treatment. Studies have shown it to be safe and effective. It is available in health food stores. Take two 500 mg tablets three times
per day.
- European healers have been using this flower pollen extract for
This compound comes from alarge evergreen tree native to Africa. The bark has been shown to reduce prostate enlargement in clinical trials. First, it blocks the prostate's unwanted absorption of cholesterol (which clogs up the works). Second, it activates testosterone (which is good for prostate health). Finally, it has been proven helpful in reducing inflammation. Pygeum is available in capsule form at most health food stores. Take
This plant is a small, scrufr' palm native to the Atlantic coast of the United States from South Carolina to Florida. The berries of the plant are a traditional folk remedy for prostate problems. In modern clinical trials, the herb has proven its worth by greatly improving symptoms of BPH . Saw palmeffo acts in a simila-r manner to the expensive drug Proscar. Both slow down production of dihydrotestosterone, a hormone that causes irnchecked multiplication of prostate ce11s.'' But the herb actually outperforms the drug, says Dr. Murray. Not only does it block the formation of the hormone, but it also keeps the hormones from locking on the prostate cells. The pharmaceutical agent Proscar does not have this blocking action. Studies have shown the herb to be effective in nearly 90 percent of patients, whereas Proscar works in fewer than 50 percent. The herb is completely safe. Look for an extract standardizedto contain 85 to 95 percent fatty acids and sterols. Take 160 mg twice a day.
This is a strange disease but not a life-threatening one. Psoriasis occurs when something - although what that something is isn't certain - makes the skin grow too fast. This causes thickened, red, scaly patches that itch and cause
embarrassment. The elbows, knee-s, and scalp are where the lesions usually crop up. Exposure to sunlight is more helpful than anything else, experts say. Beyond that you may find some relief by using some of the following herbs:
ALLANTOIN - This compound comes from comfrey root. It softens the skin and promotes normal skin growth. It is useful for psoriasis welts and is safe, nonallergenic, and non-irritating.
This is a popular skin treatment in Europe. The extract contains compounds called flavonoids as well as essential oils, both of which have anti-inflammatory action.
Applying an extract of this healing herb directly to psoriasis lesions is worth a shot. Its healing effects on skin problems of all types - cuts, cold
sores, eczema, and herpes lesions - are legendary. Slather it with a cotton swab.
GOTU KOLA - In a small study, a cream made of gotu kola healed psoriasis lesions in five of seven patients within two months. There is no such product as a gofu kola cream, but herbalist Michael Castleman recommends soaking a clean
cloth in gotu kola tea and applying it to the affected area twice a day.
LICORICE EXTRACT - A compound in licorice called 18-beta-glycynhetinic acid acts like cortisone when applied to the skin and is therefore beneficial in the
treatment of psoriasis, eczema, and derrnatitis. But this cortisone-like compound has none of the adverse effects of the synthetic cortisone. In one study, 93 percent of psoriasis patients who applied 18-beta-glycyrrhetinic acid improved, versus 83 percent using cortisone. NOTE: Pregnant and nursing women, qnd anyone with diabetes, glaucoma, high blood pressure, stroke, or heart disease should not use this herb.
roadside weed contains a nafural chemical, called silymarin, that has a direct and potent healing effect on the liver. It may help people with psoriasis, says Andrew Weil, MD. He recommends taking two capsuies a day for at least three months.
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Sore throats are one of the most common complaints of childhood but they are no strangers to adults either. You cannot call a sore throat a disease, per se. It's a symptom of a wider-ranging illness, such as a cold or the flu. But a sore throat can be so uncomfortable that treating the symptoms can become a priority. Nafure has a treasure trove of herbs to relieve that scratchy, dry, painful feeling in your throat that makes it so tough to swallow.
FENUGREEK - One of the oldest known medicinal plants, this is a traditional folk remedy for colds and sore throats. It hetps because it's rich in mucila1a, a rype of fiber that coats the throat. it also helps relieve minor coughs so you don't continue irritating your throat, therefore giving it a chance to heal. Make a gargling solution with one tablespoon of pulvenzed seeds in eight ounces of hot water. Let it steep for 10 minutes. Strain and gargle every three to
four hours. Another option is fenugreek tea. Place two teaspoons of smashed seeds in a cup of boiling water and simmer for 10 minutes. The taste is kind of bitter so add honey, maple syrup (the herb has a faint maple flavor), lemon,,s1mix it with anise
or peppermint.
HYSSOP - This traditional cold and sore throat elixir has several active chemical constituents that make it the real deal. It contains several camphor-based compounds that soothe sore throats and an expectorant chemical (mamrbin) that breaks up congestion so it can be coughed up and expelled. Studies show it also has antiviral properties. To use as a gargle, mix a teaspoon in one half cup of warm water. Gargle with this three or four times a day for a sore throat.
Modern sfudies show the primary active compound in licorice, glycyrrhizin, has anti-inflammatory, antiviral, and antiallergic properties, making it very effective as a remedy for coughs, colds, or flu and sore throats. It is a superior expectorant and it numbs and soothes sore throats and eases hoarseness. At the same time, it is capable of kiliing Streptococci bacteria which is responsible for many sore throats. Take one capsule up to three times a'day for general protection and add a
pinch of powdered licorice to any herbal tea and sip.
NOTE: Pregnant und nursing women, and anyone with diabetes, glaucoma, high blood pressure, stroke, or heart disease should not use this herb.
LTNGWORT - The rather unpleasant sounding name of this herb suggests it is good for coughs, sore throats, hoarseness, and chest congestion. Mix one tablespoon of the herb in a cup of hot water; drink one cup daily.
This plant is rich in mucilage and can therefore reduce that feeling of rawness that accompanies sore throats, coughs, colds, and the flu. Marsh mallow is an herb - it js not the sugary treat (marshmallow) kids love to toast over campfires.
You can also make licorice tea by boiling one half teaspoon of powdered herb in cup of water for 10 minutes. Drink two cups per day.
it also contains so rnuch soothing, cooling mucilage. Take a teaspoon of tincture up to three times a day or drink three cups of tea. To make a tea, mix fwo teaspoons of dried leaves, flowers and roots in a cup of boiling water and steep for 10 minutes.
SLIPPERY ELM BARK - There is an extremely high level of mucilage in the bark of this tree. Take one lozenge up to three times per day. Lozenges are
available at most health food stores. NOTE: Experts w&rn that if you hqve a persistent cough that lasts two weeks or more, stop trying to self-medicate and get to a doctor.
estimates that stress-related complaints prompt over half the visits to the doctor's office. It can affect almost any organ of your body. Studies link stress to heart disease, strokes, cancet, diabetes, eczema, and psoriasis - you name it, stress can make it worse. But if you can calm down, you give you give your body a break from the corrosive effects of stress and that provides time to heal. In herbs you can find effective natural tranquilizers that are non-habit forming.
Studies show bahrr oil has tranquilizing properties. It is safe and gentle. In Germany bakn is one of the most widely used nafural sedatives. Take one teaspoon of tincture three times a day. Or make a tea with two teaspoons of dried herb in a cup of boiling wateq and steep for 20 minutes. Drink up to three cups per day.
Nepetalactone isomers, the same chemicals that drive cats crazy, can actually calm you down. These compounds are closely related to the sedating chemicals in valerian, called valepotriates, and have a mild tranquilizing effect on people. Try a cup of catnip tea when you are tense. Put two teaspoons of dried herb in a cup of boiling water. Steep for 15 minutes and strain. Drink up to three cups per day.
central nervous system, upholding its traditional use as a natural sedative. Take a teaspoon of tincture three times a day or make tea with three teaspoons of flowers per cup of boiling water. Steep for 20 minutes. Up to three cups a day is fine.
GINSENG - The Chinese have been using it for 5,000 years. Normally you think of this herb as an energizer, not a tranquilizer. But technically it belongs to a class of compounds cailed adaptogens, which means it normalizes the body when it's out of balance, no maffer how. For example, if your blood pressure is high; it will lower it, but if it's too low, it will raise it. In the same way, ginseng helps the body adapt to stressful situations, says Dr. Mindeil. Take one capsule up to three times a day, or drink a cup of ginseng tea at night (many cofirmercial preparations are now available). Or mix five to 10 grams of ginseng powder in eight ounces of liquid and drink it once a day.
tranquilizing chemicals and is an excellent natural sedative. To make atea, use one teaspoon of dried leaves per cup of boiling water and steep for 15 minutes. For insomnia, drink before going to bed. Otherwise, drink
three cups a day.
This is a traditional tranqurbzer. European researchers have validated long-standing claims that it can put a body and mind at ease. It appears
in many commercial sleep preparations in Europe. Make skullcap tea with two teaspoons of dried herb in a cup of boiling water. Steep for 15 lninutes. Skullcap has a bitter taste, so add sugar or other flavoring.
as a primary ingredient
VALERIAN - Valerian is an effective sedative capable of improving the quality of sleep. It will not cause grogginess the next day or lead to dependence and
addiction. This herb owes its action to chemicals called valepotriates. These produce a safe and gentle yet highly effective sedating effect. Researchers have discovered unrelated chemicals in the plant with additional sedative properties, so it's a winner on two fronts. As a side bonus, there is evidence valerian may lower blood pressure (if it's elevated to begin with). That's good news since stress is known to send blood pressure skyrocketing. Take a teaspoon of tincture before going to bed or make a cup of tea with two teaspoons of powdered root in a cup of boiling water; steep for 15 minutes and drink before bed. WARIr{ILIG: Children under two shouldn't be given the above herbs. Older children and people over 65 should begin with a weak preparation and gradually increase the strength if needed. While we're at it, we'll add that you should never drtve nor operate machinery after using skullcap or sny of the tranquilizing/sedating herbs. Finally, you should use this and other stress-busters at night before retiring.
sunburn at one time or another. Excessive sun exposure can age your skin prematurely and lead to several types of skin cancer including the deadly serious malignant melanoma. But we're not really here to talk about how to prevent skin cancer, but how to deal with the sting of a nasty burn despite your best efforts of prevention.
ALOE VERA - Since the days of Cleapatra, this plant has had a reputation as one of nafure's best moisfurizers. Earlier we recofirmended it for common burns. It works for sunburn too. Scientific sfudies in the United States and elsewhere have
confirmed its ability to promote burn healing. Currently scientists atthe University of Texas are actively exploring the full healiag potential of this plant. Even as they try to learn more about its powerful effects, you can cash in on the healing powers of aloe right now whenever you get a sunburn. Just cut off a frond of the plant, split it up the middle, spread the leaf wide open and smear the inner gel liberally over the burned area. Refrigerate the portion you don't use because you can reuse it until it's gone.
This soothing herb is great for skin problems, including sunburn, when used extemally. It stimulates the healing process, soothes irritated
nerves, and prevents infection (rarely a problem with sunburn, but it's nice to know the herb will repel genns anyway). Brew three or four teaspoons of flowers per cup of boiling water and let it steep fot 2A minutes. Then soak a clean cloth in the brew and apply as a compress to the affected area.
and externally. A chemical in the herb called echinacein not only repels germs but stimulates skin cell repair. Apply Echinacea tincfure or oil directly to burned skin, or soak a cloth in cooled Echinaceateato make a soothing compress.
the pulp to the area. It soothes the stinging sensation, says Dr. Earl Minde[.
- Pour the juice of crushed ginger root on the burned skin, then apply
IVITCH HAZEL- A liquid extract of this herb has anti-inflammatory action and is very soothing for sunburn or any minor cut, scrape, or bruise. Apply it several
times a day directly to the burned area with a cotton ba1l.
Toothaches are extremely unpleasant and often very painful. They are a signal that you need professional attention, but sometimes you can't get in to see the dentist immediately. A little temporary relief can help you until you get an appointment. Here Ne afew herbs you can use as lrst aid:
The oil of this herb contains the chemical eugenol, which studies show is an effective pain reliever. In fact, dentists use eugenol as a local anesthetic on teeth and gums. Apply directly to the spot(s) where it hurts, then get to the dentist.
rich in eugenol. Dentists use as a topical anesthetic. Rub it on the affected area until you get to the dentist.
Any infection is serious. Urinaty tract infections are no exception and.you need to monitor any you develop. But it is possible to treat them with the right herbs - and without antibiotics. If the irfection does not clear up in a week, see a doctor without delay.
infection fighter. Studies show it kills the bacteria responsible for urinary ftact infections (Escherichia coli). Make a tea with one half teaspoon of powdered root bark, then put it on low boil for 30 minutes. The taste is unpleasant, so you may wish to add natural sweeteners and flavorings.
Juice of this b"rry has been noted for its ability to prevent bladder and other urinary tract infections sirrce 1840. Modern studies show it works by preventing germs from burrowing into the lining of the urinary ftact. Drink a couple of glasses of cranberry juice (available in supermarkets) per day. If symptoms do not go away within a week, see a doctor.
Studies show the traditional use of this herb for urinary tract infections is valid. Its main ingredient, arbutin, has the ability to fight genns in the urinary tract. In addition, the herb contains several diuretics that help flush the urinary tract, leading to faster healing. It also has several tannins, which act as powerful astringents, drying out swollen, infected tissue. A thfud property of uva ursi is allantoin, which promotes lhe growth of new cells. For this herb to be effective, you must not eat or drink anything of an acidic nature such as citrus fruits or juices. Don't even take vitarnin C supplements while using it. To make a tea, soak the leaves in water overnight (to reduce the unpleasant taste). Then simmer one teaspoon per cup of boiling water for 10 minutes. Drink up to three cups per day or take one half to one teaspoon of tincture three times a day.
It's easy to understand why so many people are interested in herbal remedies these days. Impersonal doctors, the bureaucratic nightmare of managed care and soaring prescription costs, have us yearning to go back to basics. And considering statistics from the American Association of Poison Control Centers that show roughly 500 people die from medical drugs for every person killed by * herb, it seems like a very good idea to take the herbal remedy route. Herbal remedies can and do promote healing. Generally they are safe but remember, they work because they are powerfril. Certain herbs can cause harm if
you misuse them
But just because herbs come from plants does not mean they
automatically safe. It's precisely because they have the power to heal that you need to use them with caution - the same caution you should use with any medication. In our rush to embrace herbal healing, it may be tempting to overuse them or misuse them in a dangerous manner. Before you consider using herbs to treat any condition, make sure you educate yourself or consult a qualified professional. While most herbs are
completely safe when used properly, the following herbs require special
CHAPARRAL - Some claim it helps prevent or treat cancer and arthritis and promotes longevity. However, it contains the chemical NGDA and the Food and
Drug Administration warns that internal use could lead to liver damage.
other respiratory conditions, coltsfoot contains dangerous chemicals that can cause liver damage. A study in Japan determined that it caused liver tumors in rats. This herb is banned in Canada.
Some people take this herb for arthritis, gout, and infections. Comfrey contains the chemicals allantoin and pyrrolizidines, which cause serious liver damage. Canada has banned its use. Some healers still use it externally for minor cuts and scrapes.
purposes and to provide an energy boost. In the past for colds, asthma, and hay fever.
The FDA considers it an herb of "undefined safety" and has received over 400 reports of adverse reactions, including liver failure, elevated blood pressure, palpitations, and strokes. It has been attributed to 15 deaths. If you choose to use this herb, do so only under the care and guidance of your doctor.
The herb acts as an expectorant because lobeline, the active ingredient, loosens secretions in the respiratory tract, therefore helping to expel congestion and improve breathing. It's effective for pneumonia, asthma, and
bronchitis, says Michael T. Murray, ND, of Bastyr College in Seattle, Washington. Lobeline is chemicalty similar to nicotine and has been used as a smoking deterrent. While it's safe at prescribed levels, taking too much can cause sever nausea and vomiting. In extreme cases, it can depress breathing, cause rapid heart rate, and even lead to coma and death.
PENI\TrROYAL - The crushed leaves of this herb are relatively safe and hfusions (teas) have been used for years to treat coughs, congestion, and upset
But pennyroyal oil is a different matter. It is highly toxic. IJsed to induce abortions for over a century, the small amount needed to stimulate uterine contractions is extremely close to the lethal dose. No one should use the oil'
SEI'{NA - This herb is a strong stimulant laxative. It is widely available in heaith food stores, and the FDA has approved it as safe when it is properly labeled. But using senna for extended periods can leach your body of vital electrolytes (minerals) and disturb the heartbeat. Never use it for more than two weeks at a time. No one with chronic digestive problems such as ulcers, hemorrhoids, or colitis should use it at all.
It has been said that the bark of this tree has noted effects on male sexual performance. But the ingredient that makes for its aphrodisiac effect also raises blood pressure and causes nervousness and fatigge. Yohimbe also causes rashes when mixed with liver, cheese, or red wind. The trDA attributes both
The information provided in this handout was taken directly from Herbal Cures for Common Ailments by Globe Communications Corporation Boca Raton, FL New York, IrfY