A Minor Project Report ON London Olympics 2012
A Minor Project Report ON London Olympics 2012
A Minor Project Report ON London Olympics 2012
Guru Gobind Singh Indraprastha University BBA VthSemester (Morning) Batch 2010-2013 Submitted to: byER.BharkaNarang Submitted Vikas Sharma, Anishsinghsehmbi, Ashish Samuel rao, Ishaanchawla
I am extremely grateful to Er. BharkaNarang, my mentor, for her invaluable guidance and cooperation during the course of the project. She provided me the assistance and support whenever needed that has been instrumental in completion of this project. The project was completed successfully with her valuable guidance, astute judgment, constructive criticism and an eye for perfection. The learning during the project was immense and invaluable. My work basically included using the html, css and Front page for presentation of site of London Olympics 2012.Last but not the least I am grateful to all those who helped me throughout the project.
5. Take action in order to strengthen the unity, to protect the independence of the Olympic Movement, and to preserve the autonomy of sport; 6. Act against any form of discrimination affecting the Olympic Movement 7. Encourage and support the promotion of women in sport at all levels and in all structures with a view to implementing the principle of equality of men and women 8. Lead the fight against doping in sporting 9. Encourage and support measures protecting the health of athletes 10. Oppose any political or commercial abuse of sport and athletes 11. Encourage and support the efforts of sports organizations and public authorities to provide for the social and professional future of athletes 12. Encourage and support the development of sport for all 13. Encourage and support a responsible concern for environmental issues, to promote sustainable development in sport and to require that the Olympic Games are held accordingly 14. Promote a positive legacy from the Olympic Games to the host cities and host countries 15. Encourage and support initiatives blending sport with culture and education 16. Encourage and support the activities of the International Olympic Academy (IOA) and other institutions which dedicate themselves to Olympic education
Summer Games: The Summer Games or Olympics take place every four years. Summer Games are a multi sport event. The Olympics began long back in 776 BC . The games were originally held in Olympia in Greece . Christian Byzantine Emperor Theodosius I ordered a banning of the Ancient Summer Games in 393 AD as a protest against paganism. In 1896 , the Summer Games were revived by Pierre Fredy, Baron de Coubertin , a French nobleman. From then the era of the Modern Summer Gamesstarted.
Origin of the Summer Games: In the year 776 BC , the first Summer Games were held at the wooded valley of Olympia in Elis, Greece . A gap of four years was maintained between two consecutive Games. In Elis , temples and statues were built in a grove dedicated to the supreme god Zeus . An ivory and gold statue of Zeus created by Phidias , the sculptor was the greatest shrine. According to some scholars, 776 BC Olympics were not the first games. Actually, it was the first Olympic after the Olympics were organized into festivals to be held every four years as a result of the peace agreement between the city states of Elis and Pisa . The people of Elis traced the founding of the Summer Games to King Iphitos . It is said that Delphi Oracle told King Iphitos to plant the olive tree from which winners' wreaths were made. At first, the only event in the Summer Games was a 200-yard dash, called a stadium . Then, in 724 BC a two-stadia race was added. The 24-stadia event began two years later, and the pentathlon and wrestling became part of the games in 708 . This pentathlon was a five-event match consisting running, wrestling, leaping, throwing the discus, and hurling the javelin . Later on, boxing, a chariot race , and other events were included in the schedule of Summer Games . The winners of the Games were crowned with wreaths from olive tree . They marched around the grove while admirers chanted songs written by a prominent poet.
Importance of Summer Games: From the very beginning, the games at Olympia served as a bond between Greeks . The games also strengthened the Greek sense of national unity . Ancient Greeks were highly competitive and their ultimate goal was to be the best. All aspects of life, especially athletics centered round this concept. So it was a great honor for a Greek to win a victory in Olympiad , even if there was no material reward for winning. Games were closely connected to worship in Greece . Summer Games were held as a part of the religious ceremonies in honor of heroes . Games were also a part of many ancient fertility festivals . The Greek calendar was based on the concept of the four year Olympiad . Every event was referred to in respect of the years between the two consecutive Summer Games . Messengers known as the "spondorophoroi" carried the word of the sacred truce and the dates of the SummerGames through outGreece . All hostilities were ceased in the country to give a safe passage to the athletes to and from Olympia.
Revival of Summer Games: The Summer Games sports festival was held in Much Wenlok, Shropshire in England in the 17 thcentury . Then, in 19 thcentury , the National Summer Games were held. Later other events had been organized in France and
Greece . The ruins of ancient Olympia were discovered by German archeologists in the mid-nineteenth century . It was that time, when Baron Pierre de Coubertin campaigned for the revival of Summer Games as an international event. Coubertin thought this to be a way to bring the nations close together to compete in the sports, rather than fight in war. His urge was accepted and the Modern Summer Games were born in the year 1896 . Come July 2012 and London will become the first city to host the Olympic Games thrice. Earlier being the venue of the Olympic Games in 1908 and 1948 London once again proved itself by winning the bid from amongst the five powerful shortlisted contenders. Initially it was thought to be Paris but the home of Buckingham Palace gave a tough competition to the French Capital and emerged a winner. Bidding farewell to the Beijing Olympics, all eyes have now turned to 2012 London Olympics which will be held in two customary phases - Summer Olympics and Paralympics. Summer Olympics will start on 27th July 2012 and will go on till 12th August 2012 whereas Paralympics will commence on 29th August 2012 with concluding ceremony on 9th September 2012.
Venue & Sports Olympic Park in Lower Lea Valley, East London has been chosen as the major site for the 2012 London Olympics. The venue list includes Olympic Park (near Lea Valley)with four arenas - Aquatic Center, VeloPark, Olympic Stadium, Basketball arena, Handball area and Hockey Center - ,Earls Court Exhibition Center, ExCel, Hyde Park and Horse Guards Parade among others. The athletes will be competing in more than 300 events in 26 sports and 39 disciplines in 2012 London Olympics.
Accommodation ODA is doing its best to provide the first-class accommodation facilities to the athletes and Games officials coming for 2012 London Olympics. Olympic Village alongside Olympic Park is being built which will house more than 80 percent of the athletes and sports dignitaries coming from other countries. For spectators, London is getting more than 10,000 hotel rooms ready. Most of these hotels are located near the venue of the Games and commuting will not be a problem for the visitors.
2012 Olympic Tickets Tickets for 2012 London Olympics will be on sale from 2011 until the start of the event. It is estimated that around 7.7 million tickets will be on counter for 2012 Summer Olympics whereas for Paralympic Games there is a plan to sell 1.5 million tickets.
2012 Legacy 2012 London Olympics will be first of its kind because of its promised 2012 Legacy delivery. London has promised to change the way the Olympic events have been organized In bid to ensure top-class facilities environment has been put on stake in the past, but 2012 London Olympics will be environment friendly games. To minimize the after effects of the Games on environment London is focusing on five key areas 1. Combating Climate Change 2. Reducing Waste 3. Enhancing Biodiversity 4. Promoting Inclusion 5. Improving Healthy Living
Operating Environment
This site is developed by using HTML, CSS and MS Front Page. About Html
HTML is written in the form of HTML elements consisting of tags enclosed in angle brackets (like <html>), within the web page content. HTML tags most commonly come in pairs like <h1> and </h1>, although some tags, known as empty elements, are unpaired, for example <img>. The first tag in a pair is the start tag, the second tag is the end tag (they are also called opening tags and closing tags). In between these tags web designers can add text, tags, comments and other types of text-based content. The purpose of a web browser is to read HTML documents and compose them into visible or audible web pages. The browser does not display the HTML tags, but uses the tags to interpret the content of the page. HTML elements form the building blocks of all websites. HTML allows images and objects to be embedded and can be used to create interactive forms. It provides a means to create structured documents by denoting structural semantics for text such as headings, paragraphs, lists, links, quotes and other items. It can embed scripts in languages such as javascriptwhich affect the behavior of HTML webpages. Web browsers can also refer to Cascading Style Sheets (CSS) to define the appearance and layout of text and other material. The W3C, maintainer of both the HTML and the CSS standards, encourages the use of CSS over explicit presentational HTML markup. Access is a Relational Database Management System (RDBMS) that you can use to store and manipulate large amounts of information. Because its tools are user-friendly and because it is a powerful development environment, Access is equally appropriate for novices and MIS professionals.
About CSS
Cascading Style Sheets (CSS) is a style sheet language used for describing the presentation semantics (the look and formatting) of a document written in a markup language. Its most common application is to style web pages written in HTML and XHTML, but the language can also be applied to any kind of XML document, including plain XML, SVG and XUL.
CSS is designed primarily to enable the separation of document content (written in HTML or a similar markup language) from document presentation, including elements.such as the layout, colors, and fonts. This separation can improve content accessibility, provide more flexibility and control in the specification of presentation characteristics, enable multiple pages to share formatting, and reduce complexity and repetition in the structural content (such as by allowing for tableless web design). CSS can also allow the same markup page to be presented in different styles for different rendering methods, such as on-screen, in print, by voice (when read out by a speechbased browser or screen reader) and on Braille-based, tactile devices. It can also be used to allow the web page to display differently depending on the screen size or device on which it is being viewed. While the author of a document typically links that document to a CSS style sheet, readers can use a different style sheet, perhaps one on their own computer, to override the one the author has specified.
About frontpage
FrontPage 2003 consists of a Split View option to allow the user to code in Code View and preview in Design View without the hassle of switching from the Design and Code View tabs for each review. Dynamic Web Templates (DWT) were included for the first time in FrontPage 2003 allowing users to create a single template that could be used across multiple pages and even the whole Web site. Interactive Buttons give users a new easy way to create Web graphics for navigation and links, eliminating the need for a complicated image-editing package such as Adobe Photoshop. The accessibility checker gives the user the ability to check if their code is standardscompliant and that their Web site is easily accessible for people with disabilities. An HTML optimizer is included to aid in optimizing code to make it legible and quicker to process. Intellisense, which is a form of autocompletion, is a key feature in FrontPage 2003 that assists the user while typing in Code View. When working in Code View, Intellisense will suggest tags and/or properties for the code that the user is entering which significantly reduces the time to write code. The Quick Tag Editor shows the user the tag they are currently in when editing in Design View. This also includes the option to edit the specific tag/property from within the Tag Editor.
Code Snippets give users the advantage of creating snippets of their commonly used pieces of code allowing them to store it for easy access whenever it is next needed. FrontPage 2003 includes support for programming in ASP.NET a server-side scripting language that adds interactivity to Web sites and Web pages. FrontPage 2003 includes support for macros in VBA.
Hardware Requirements: Hardware requirement are the basic need of the system or the package, which is been developed and will be deployed upon the system, which should have these basic components or fulfill these basic hardware needs of these package. The following hardware is recommended for the user. Microprocessor Memory Cache Memory Upgradeability HDD Floppy Drive Keyboard Mouse Graphics Monitor : : : : : : : : : : INTEL CORE I7 3.500 GHz. 4 GB SDRAM DIHM 2 MBL2 Processor, RAM and HDD Upgradeable 500 GB Wide ultra SCSI-3 HDD 24x CD ROM Drive (IDE) 104 Keys Enhanced Keyboard 2 Button Scroll Mouse 1024x768, 256 colors non-interlaced on PCL Local Bus 21 LED Color monitor
Software Requirements: Software requirement are the basic software needs of the system or the package to work properly & efficiently. Operating System: Windows-7
The function and performance allocated to software as part of system engineering are refined by establishing a complete information description, a detailed functional and behavioral description, an indication of performance requirements and design constraints, appropriate validation criteria, and other data pertinent to requirements. The outlines of system requirement specification are: Introduction: This System Requirement Specifications Document forms the basis for the design and development of the LONDON OLYMPICS 2012. The purpose of this document is to define all the processes Involved in the function of Retired officer data management. The requirements of the software relating to the functionality, interfaces, logical database requirements and various other aspects of the software are also explicitly defined. The SRS document will also act as the basis for understanding between the end-user and the designer/developer. InformationDescription: The development of this system assists in the maintenance of the information and to fulfill the complete software requirements of the package. FunctionalDescription: A processing narrative is provided for each function, design constraints are stated and justified, performance characteristics are stated and diagram is included. Validation and Criteria: For successful implementation of the system we should define the performance bounds, and expected software response. At the time of creating new entry, system performs different types of validations like user can not overwrite the existing information, it asks the user, this information already exist and also many feature.
Feasibility is the test of the system it helps in deciding whether it is viable to go through the project or not. Feasibility study studies the system & tells whether to develop the system or not. In lay mans terms it can be described as the test of the system & if the system passes in the test then it is viable to develop the project otherwise not or we can say feasibility study is check whether project is feasible or not. Feasibility has four solid dimensions: 1. 2. 3. 4. Technology Finance Time Resources
Technology: This system uses one of the simplest technologies in use, for the development purpose it uses simple to use & easily available technology. This system is based on windows like interface, which is very easy to use. The package is been developed for the department, which is not very familiar with software hence technology used, must be easily understandable, because of which windows like interface has been chosen.
Finance: This dimension measures the system in respect to money or we can say funds. This dimension checks whether its viable to spend the required amount on the system or it will be a waste. There is no problem of finance in this project because it uses simple technology, which is very easy to install.
Time: This particular dimension measures the systems worth in respect to time, which is one of the most important factors to be considered. In this project time factor is very important this system is scheduled to be installed in one months time. This system is
not very big & hence can be completed within the time period it requires approx. 30 man-days of work. Time is a crucial factor to be considered & we can say this system can be developed within the required time period.
With the help of all these dimension we can measure the feasibility of the system & can decide whether to go forward with the project or not. By take in count the dimension & their role in this particular system we can say this system is feasible from all these dimension point of view & it is viable to go through the project.
1. An Eye-catching Design What is attracting the visitors first is a very design of your website. It shouldnt be irritating neither dull nor too flashy. The main purpose of websites attractive design is to keep the visitor and make him stay online for further actions. In this case even color gamut will influence users mood and can win his or her favor or quickly lose it. So the first helpful hint for you is to think over your websites design thoroughly. If you succeed at this stage you can make use of the following points.
2. Convenient Navigation It is clear that you visit a lot of websites every day and not all of them please you while surfing. Coming to a website you want the interface to be easy and understandable, right? So let it not be a secret for you anymore your visitors want the same. Think about placing all the links on your website in such a way that the user wont become irritated by not knowing where to click at. It is a significant point not to confuse the visitor of your website and thus not to make him leave and forget about its existence.
3. Proper Content What the users like very much is a content they are promised to see on the website. You better not play with it. Once disappointed the visitor may not come again to see whether something has changed. So make sure your website contains enough useful information to make the user interested and then your further updates will really make sense.
Dont forget about some helpful information concerning your website operating. All the users appreciate the possibility to find the accurate answers for their questions.
4. Contact Information It is essential some problems may arise during someone is wandering pages of your website. Perhaps not problems but specific questions for sure. Anyway you should persuade the visitor that he or she may always rely on your support. It is not that good when a user cant find the way to contact you. So be attentive to put all necessary contact information (e-mail address, phone number, a link leading to a special contact form etc) in such a way that the visitor can easily find and make use of it. You should really mind that fact if you want your web presence to be evaluated not only as qualitative but also supportive and responsible one.
5. Search Option In case your website is crammed with different information it will be very convenient for the user to find the necessary content with the help of search field. All he/she has to do is type some keywords and then check the results of the search process. Providing the visitors with search option will let them find what they are eager to quickly and easily, and believe they will be much pleased with such possibility. You can use either a Google Search or your Content Management System to establish a search function on your website.
6. Sign-Up Form It is very important for the user not to spend hours in search of Sign-up or Register button.Remember that all the necessary fields and links have to be easily found by the visitor. Otherwise you may start losing your clients as only a few will send you an e-mail asking where they should subscribe at.
7. Sitemap Another useful option of your website is a sitemap which usually is of two types. One is for search engines and the other is for the very visitors. A website map itself is a list of links leading to all the pages your website contains. So by clicking the necessary link each of the visitors may quickly get at necessary section of your online presence and enjoy his or her stay.
8. Web Browsers Compatibility There is a number of web browsers used by the Internet users. And it is very important for your website to run properly in each of them, whether it is Internet Explorer, Firefox or other browser. It will be better for you not to prefer only certain web browsers and avoid others. That will somehow show your respect to the potential clients if you try to make your website compatible with as many web browsers as you can.
9. Images Building your website you of course paste a lot of images there to make your online presence look nice and eye-catching. So it is very important for all the pictures to be of
the proper format neither too large nor pixelated. 300dpi is considered to be the standard resolution for an image but in case of website creating you should choose lower one. Thus you will make an image file smaller and allow your visitors to download it quickly. Some image editors has the Save for webpage option which helps you to save your picture automatically with a proper size and resolution.
10. Analytics The last useful point concerns the very owners of the websites. Statistics and analytics function helps them to see how popular their web presence is and what aspects should be improved first of all.
About the System: It is basically a HTML package for the London Olympics 2012. All the details of London Olympics 2012 are managed by the package i.e. Personal details, Official details, Claim details & etc. The package is by the name of London Olympics 2012 Package. Package helps the various departments in maintaining & manipulating the data. London Olympics 2012 data are divided into Personal information, Official information, Medals &etc it helps in manipulating the divided parts of the data. This system is for the department maintaining retired officers records.
Platform: system is platform independent, it will work on any platform. Operating system recommended for this system is WindowsXp& upper versions.
How to use it? London Olympics 2012 package has a very user friendly environment &its interfaces are similar to windows, so it will not take time for the user to get acquainted with the system, there are few things that should be kept in mind before using the system those points are explained with the help of screen outputs.
Flow chart:
A flow chart depicts pictorially the sequence in which instructions / processes are carried out in a system. Flow charts are graphical representation of the processes that are carried out by the system, it depicts inputs, output and processing of the inputs and the stages at which processing is done. Flow chart not only helps in accessing the system but also in designing the algorithms for the system.
Objects used:
Processing Box
Decision Box
Limitation of any system is difference between the required system & the developed system: 1. It is developed for only stand-alone PC. 2. This system is quite easy to use this is not its limitation but its restrictive features are its limitation. 3. The back end used in the system is M S Access, which is not an RDBMS. 4. The system does not support multiple users. 5. There are few things, which should be kept in mind while using the system.