Shane Ryan CV
Shane Ryan CV
Shane Ryan CV
Telephone: +353 (0) 85 758 5410 Email:[email protected] Citizenship: Irish/Canadian Developer and 9+ Years IT Experience Specialist in artificial intelligence and financial derivatives.
I am a C++ senior developer with 9 years experience in the commercial IT industry. Most recently I have developed in C++ and C# and my latest work necessitated brief work in several other languages (Adobe Actionscript, PHP, Java, Unreal Script). Plus, I have a solid understanding of Java from professional work earlier in my career. I have a keen interest in development and have recently created several Android apps for personal use and built a Facebook game.
2009-2011: National Digital Research Centre (Dublin, Ireland)
The NDRC specialises in the commercialisation of research from academia. The purpose of the Game Brains project was to explore the potential for an artificial intelligence middleware toolkit for the video game industry. I was the project manager and senior developer in a collaboration that included stakeholders from UCD, NDRC, and industry. Game Brains Project Manager/Senior Developer
Actively developed a GUI in C# and a runtime in C++. GUI communicated via TCP and UDP to the C++ runtime. Developed several prototype runtimes in various languages (Actionscript 3, Javam Unreal Script) that produced a restricted subset of the C++ runtime functionality. Created an optimised integration of Recast Navmesh into the Torque Game Engine. Wrote proposal for successfull bid for project funding of 300k from the NDRC; Directly managed a team of four; Reported directly to the NDRC executive; Dealt with multiple stakeholders and provided regular project status updates and presentations to assure continued funding; Managed the project through all phases of the project including: initial proposal, analysis, design, development, and the testing; Designed a new product using an interview driven process. Lead development and architecting of all project output. Coordination of other developers. Debugging and problem solving own work and assisting other developers in debugging and problem solving when needed. C/C++, C#, .Net Framework, XML, Visual Studio, Eclipse, Java, PHP, Actionscript 3, XML, Subversion.
Successfully bid for and won grants from Enterprise Ireland, the Hothouse Programme and the Dublin Business Innovation Centre. Developed a suite of visualisation and analysis tools using neural evolutionary methodologies (artificial intelligence and genetic algorithms) through grant funding. Developed applications of proprietary analysis for gaming and derivatives trading in C++. Collabortated with the University College Dublin. Lead development and architecting of all project output. Coordination of other offshore developers. Debugging and problem solving own work and assisting other developers in debugging and problem solving when needed. C/C++, Visual Studio, Genetic Algorithms, Neural Networks, CVS.
I was a developer team leader. I designed and implemented in C++ a complete multi-threaded, multi-exchange futures gateway for order management, risk management and disseminating pricing feeds.
Created a live trading system that handled 100Million messages per day. With multiple fail over systems to handle hardware or software errors and automatically allow the resumption of trading without loss of trading order messages. Remote and local messaging was done via Tibco RV and UDP multicast and FIX. The risk management module features pre and post trade risk analysis and a dynamic risk data feed for centralised risk monitoring. The system was capable of connecting to LIFFE and CME for both order flow and pricing data. Created an implied pricing calculations data feed. Implemented the market data and trading connections to CME and LIFFE. Worked on a daily basis with the traders to help streamline the order entry system and develop advanced trading functionality. Lead development and architecting of server side portion of application development. Bug fixing. Debugging issues with the QA team or traders and problem solving. Debugging and problem solving own work and assisting other developers in debugging and problem solving when needed. C/C++, Visual Studio, Tibco, Oracle DB, CVS.
Developed C++/Open GL based visualisation tools and user interfaces. Developed a molecular modelling framework. Implemented a molecular dynamics simulator from first principles. Design and implementation of GUIs and simulations. Bug Fixing. Debugging and problem solving own work and assisting other developers in debugging and problem solving when needed. C/C++, Visual Studio, Open GL, MySQL, CVS.
Developed mobile applications. Worked closely with sales team and clients to aid in technical negotiations. Design and implementation of server based WAP applications.. Bug Fixing. Debugging and problem solving own work. Java, WAP.
2009-2011 2006-2007 1995-2003 MBA, UCD Michael Smurfit Graduate Business School, Ireland Postgraduate Degree in New Business Development, Dublin Institute of Technology, Ireland BSc Computer Science, University of Victoria, Canada
SOFTWARE DEVELOPMENT Java C++ C# PHP/Python/Perl Microsoft Visual Studio Eclipse HTML Google App Engine Adobe Actionscript MySQL Database SQL Server Database Facebook API Tibco Rendezvous XML and XLST Knowledge of TCP/IP protocols Microsoft Access FIX Protocol PROJECT MANAGEMENT TOOLS Visio Microsoft Project OPERATING SYSTEMS Macintosh, Windows Linux OTHER TOOLS & SOFTWARE Adobe Photoshop Microsoft Excel
Second degree black belt in Wado Kai Karate and Ive also instructed children and adults. 8th Grade Piano I enjoy sailing, jogging and other outdoor pursuits.