Genetic Centre
Genetic Centre
Genetic Centre
Genetic Center Nucleus
Mind Development
The future of Health
Chromosome Genes
Vethathirian Holistic Sciences
Some Food for Thought
Life Biology
Life and mind,
are they made out of
lifeless and mindless
Molecules Chemistry
substrate physics?
Ordinary nonluminous
3.5 %
matter Nature of dark matter and
dark energy still unknown.
E.Gravity Strong Weak Electro Mag
Particle Wave
Repulsive Active
. Energy Space
Beyond Gravity
UNIVERSE Attractive Passive
Absolute Space
Prof. Dr. Madhavan – Bangalore Cell 0 98860 67232
Spreading Wave
- Taste 8
Organisms - Evolution of
Living Beings
Prof. Dr. Madhavan – Bangalore Cell 0 98860 67232
- Mind 10
1. Matter Body
- Particles
- Discreteness, reductionism
2. "Energy" Mind, Spirit, Soul,Vital Force
- Electromagnetic/ bioenergetic fields
- Continuity, holism
Prof. Dr. Madhavan – Bangalore Cell 0 98860 67232
Bio Magnetism
The Basics…
The cell is the structural
and functional unit of all
known living organisms,
and is sometimes called
the ‘building block of
The cell nucleus acts
like the brain of the
cell. It helps control
eating, movement, and
reproduction. If
something happens in a
cell, the nucleus
certainly comes to know
about it.
Formation of a Single
Celled Organism:
As per specific gravity
principle, a bio-cell is
formed with a denser
middle region due to
extreme compression
and a surrounding
region which is
generally loosely
Magnetism is
developed in a single
celled organism due to
the motion of life force
particles [vethans] in it.
As per specific gravity
principle, the generated
magnetic waves form a
wave packet at the
vortex region.
This wave packet
consists of all the
magnetic waves
generated from the
different molecules of
that cell and so it
contains the properties
of that single celled
organism. This wave
packet is termed as
‘Genetic Center’.
Prof. Dr. Madhavan – Bangalore Cell 0 98860 67232
Formation of Magnetic Wave Packet due to specific gravity in a single cell
In Eukaryotes, the
manifestation of specific
gravity is very effective
that a separate part
called nucleus is
formed. The genetic
code of that cell is
embedded with in that
In prokaryotes, the
nucleus is not fully
developed and the
genetic code floats in
the inner regions of the
Physics Background:
According to wave
Interaction Event
theory of Vethathiriam,
energy transfer takes
place in universal
Magnetism as well as in
Bio-Magnetism based
on five wave functions.
They are,
Clash Event
1. Clash.
2. Reflection.
Refraction Event
Penetration Event 3. Refraction.
4. Interaction.
Reflection Event
5. Penetration.
These five wave
functions play a major
role in the formation of
Wave Functions and Energy Transfer magnetic
Prof. Dr. Madhavan – Bangalore Cell 0 imprints.
98860 67232
Source Expense
- Food - Work
- Water - Rest
- Air - Digestion
- Cosmic Rays - Sex
- Earth Radiation - Thought forces
Life Energy spent - For Continuous dynamic balancing of changes
in environment and perceptions
- Mostly with sensory organs and thought
Streamlining of life - Quieting the thought process
Energy expense - Focussed thought
- By Meditation exercise
Prof. Dr. Madhavan – Bangalore Cell 0 98860 67232
Ether Prana
Energy Particle Life force - BM
Air Air
Bio Magnetism
Bio Magnetism
Fire Fire
Transfer Particle Nervous System
Water Water
Flowing Particle Blood circulation
Earth Earth
Massive Particle Physical Body
Impurities in GC
Unfulfilled desires
Telling lies
Hurting others feelings
Negative emotions (Anger, Vengeance etc)
Not adopting ‘Limit & Method’
Leading Lazy life and living in others efforts