Company Commander Reference Sheet Updated

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Company Commander Reference Sheet Turn Sequence

1. 2.

Identify a leader figure. Form a group that is in LOS and within 6 from the leader.

Select the action the group will take. Then implement it. Repeat until you lose the Initiative.

Move Fire Command Rally Cautious Advance Retreat Charge *Move until your opponent achieves a Suppression result. Shoot a group at an enemy group. Target must be within a Bound of each other. 1-4 Success. 5-6 is Failure.. Rally Suppressed troops. Move 1 Bound, receiving the cover modifier when fired upon. Turn 180 and retreat. May not be fired at until exits terrain Move up to 2 Bounds to engage the enemy in close assault.

Roll dice equal to ROF vs. each figure in the target group. Base 5+ to Hit.
ROF Modifiers Three or more weapons firing/Rapid Fire Target is a stationary in the open Target is in cover Shooting in mist, rain, smoke, etc. Firing while performing a cautious advance Shooting at night or in dense cover/woods Target has Infiltrate +1 die +1 die -1 die -1 die -1 die -2 dice -1 die Hit To Modifiers Target is in cover Target is suppressed figure Firing while performing a Cautious Advance Explosive Blast Target is a small vehicle or cavalry/Crack Shot Target is a medium vehicle/Marksman Target is a large vehicle -1 -2 -1 -1 +1 +2 +3

*Trace your intended route. You may move up to 2 Bounds (Infantry) or 3 (vehicles). Fast Attack add a Bound.. If suppressed you may move up to a Bound from that point. Then pass Initiative to opponent.

Close Combat
Roll 1 die for each figure. The figure with the lower score is eliminated. Both figures remain the case of a tie.
Close Combat Modifiers Defending in terrain +1 Charging/Shock Trooper +1 2:1 Odds +1 3:1 or better odds +2 Unarmed -2 Opponent is suppressed +2

Armor Penetration
Roll 1d6+PEN-Armor rating. For AA fire roll 1d6+AA-armor rating.
Total Less than 0 0 1 Result No effect 1: Crew Shaken, 2-6: No effect 1: Vehicle KO 2-3: d, Crew Shaken, 4-6: No effect 1-2: Vehicle KO 3-4: d, Crew Shaken, 5-6: No effect 1-3: Vehicle KO 4-5: d, Crew Shaken, 6: No effect

Rally: Roll 1d10 <= Determination score.

If successful, roll 1d10: 1-5 = KIA 6-10 = OK.

3 or more

Artillery/Mortar Call Chart

Die Roll Delay in Initiatives 1-2 Request unable to get through 3-4 Three 5 Two 6 Next Initiative *Forward Observer adds +2 to die roll.

Anti-Aircraft Fire Chart

Weapon Type Small Arms Lmg s MMg s/Hmg s AA Guns smaller Caliber, Rpg AA Guns Large Caliber Shoulder fired AA Missile Vehicle Fired AA Missile AA Value 4 5 6 7 10 8 10

Must have LOS or present in same terrain feature. Must be in weapons Arc of Fire .

Fire Arcs
Vehicles/Heavy Weapons have 90 degree. Infantry have 360 in open and 180 in cover.

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