About The Church of Christ
About The Church of Christ
About The Church of Christ
What Is The
Church of
Welcome to the Richmond area. We invite you to come worship with us. But
first, an introduction. Please take a little time to learn more about us.
As you read this bulletin we hope you recongize us to be the New Testament
church found in the Bible. We do not have any confusing denominational
structures or additions of men. Do you desire to be a Christian and only a
Christian, without having to wear a prefix or suffix? If so, please read on!
Jesus Christ
1) Builder (Matt 16:18)
2) Buyer (Acts 20:28)
3) Owner (Matt 16:18)
4) Foundation
(1 Pet 2:6)
5) Head (Eph 1:22-23)
6) Savior (Eph 5:23)
As we have seen in the Old Testament prophecies, there would be a time and place that the
church of Christ, of the Kingdom of God, would be established by its founder, Jesus Christ.
After Jesus’ perfect life, His betrayal, His suffering and death where His cleansing blood was
shed, and His resurrection and ascension to His throne at the right hand of God, the church
was then established in Jerusalem at the day of Pentecost in approximately 33 AD.
The Origin Of The Church
-----------Acts 2----------
Previous to After
Pentecost Pentecost
The Bible speaks The Bible speaks
of the Kingdom in of the Kingdom in
Now that we know that Jesus established the church, we must answer the question what is the
meaning of the word “church?” The definition is shown below:
By this point in our study you may have noticed there are many things that are different and possibly
unique about the Lord’s church, the church of Christ. You may be thinking this “denomination” really
tries to follow the Bible and the Bible only. While we do try to love Jesus more and more everyday,
and our obedience to Christ is a fruit of that love and of a growing faith, it needs to made very clear
The Church is NOT:
We mean no personal offense in making this matter clear, but we also desire not to be misunderstood on
this point. The church of Christ, the body of Christ, is the very church that Jesus built in the Bible!
Remember the identifying marks of the church? We noticed the church in the Bible was established by
Jesus Christ in approximately 33 AD. Therefore, any church established AFTER 33 AD is, quite frankly,
ANOTHER CHURCH. Let’s quickly take a look at the various origins of some of the popular
denominational churches of our day and compare them to Jesus’ church that we read about in the
The Kingdom of Christ (the church of Christ) came with
POWER in 33 AD
In what year was the…
“Baptist church” started? 1607 AD 1574 years TOO LATE!
“Methodist church” started? 1739 AD 1706 years TOO LATE!
“Presbyterian church” started? 1536 AD 1503 years TOO LATE!
“Catholic church” started? 606 AD 573 years TOO LATE!
“Pentecostal church” started? 1914 AD 1881 years TOO LATE!
“Lutheran church” started? 1520 AD 1487 years TOO LATE!
“Episcopal church” started? 1534 AD 1501 years TOO LATE!
“Mormon church” started? 1830 AD 1797 years TOO LATE!
Please notice these organizations, no matter how honest or sincere they may be, are not the
church of the Bible!
Please do not take our word for it. Examine these matters for yourself. Open your Bible and
compare your church with the church you see in the scriptures. Remember to take a close
look at the signature features:
Blessings in Christ
1) Prayer to God Through Jesus!
(Romans 8:34: Hebrews 7:25; 1 John 2:1)
2) Remission of Sins Committed AFTER
obeying the Gospel! (Acts 8:22-24; 1 John 1:9)
3) Spiritual Fellowship with those of Like-Faith!
(Acts 2:42)
4) Victory in Jesus Over Death and Satan!
(1 Cor 15:54-57)
5) The Hope of Walking With Our Perfect and Loving
God Throughout All Eternity!
(Rom 8:18, 23-25; 2 Tim 4:7-8; John 14:1-3; Rev 21:1-7)
The saints in Richmond would like to express our sincerest gratitude for your interest in spiritual
visit us
You are
Schedule of Services:
Bible Study 9:30 A.M.
Worship Service 10:30 A.M.
Worship Service 6:00 P.M.
Bible Study 7:00 P.M.