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List of Journals For Civil

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Following are the list of standard Journals. The list may not be exhaustive but covers most journals published world-wide. 1. Accident Analysis & Prevention 2. ACI Materials Journal 3. ACI Structural Journal 4. Advances in Engineering Software 5. Applied Acoustics 6. Applied Mechanics Reviews 7. Applied Ocean Research 8. ASCE Journals - listing of all 12 online journals

Construction / Materials
Composites for Construction Construction Engineering and Management Materials in Civil Engineering

Environment and Water Resources

Environmental Engineering Hazardous, Toxic, and Radioactive Waste Management Hydraulic Engineering Hydrologic Engineering Irrigation and Drainage Engineering Water Resources Planning and Management

Geotechnical Engineering
Geotechnical and Geoenvironmental Engineering Geomechanics

Management / Professional Issues

Leadership and Management in Engineering

Management in Engineering Professional Issues in Engineering Education and Practice

Structural Engineering
Bridge Engineering

Structural Design and Construction Structural Engineering

Transportation and Urban Development

Infrastructure Systems Transportation Engineering Urban Planning and Development

Waterway, Ports, Coasts, and Oceans

Waterway, Port, Costal, and Ocean Engineering

Other Technical Areas

Aerospace Engineering

Architectural Engineering Cold Regions Engineering Computing in Civil Engineering Engineering Mechanics Energy Engineering Natural Hazards Review Performance of Constructed Facilities Surveying Engineering 9. ASTM Standardization News 10. Australian Journal of Earth Sciences 11. Automation in Construction 12. Bauingenieur 13. Bautenschutz + Bausanierung 14. Brick Bulletin 15. Building and Environment 16. Building Research and Information 17. Bulletin of Engineering Geology and the Environment 18. Canadian Journal of Civil Engineering 19. Cement and Concrete Composites 20. Cement and Concrete Research 21. Civil Engineering 22. Coastal Engineering 23. Communications in Numerical Methods in Engineering 24. Computer Methods in Applied Mechanics and Engineering 25. Computers and Geotechnics 26. Computers and Structures 27. Concrete International 28. Concrete Quarterly 29. Concrete Science and Engineering 30. Construction and Building Materials 31. Current Methods Journal - explores water resources engineering, with articles and current events in hydrology and hydraulics; from Haestad Methods. 32. Earth Surface Processes and Landforms 33. Earthquake Engineering & Structural Dynamics 34. Energy and Buildings 35. Engineering Computations 36. Engineering, Construction and Architectural Management 37. Engineering Failure Analysis 38. Engineering Structures 39. Finite Elements in Analysis and Design 40. Environmental Geology 41. Extremes 42. Fire Safety Journal

43. First Break 44. Forest Products Journal 45. Geological Magazine 46. Geology Today 47. Geophysical Prospecting 48. Geophysics 49. Geotextiles and Geomembranes 50. Holz als Roh- und Werkstoff 51. Hydrological Sciences Journal 52. IEEE Journal of Oceanic Engineering 53. Indoor Air-International Journal Of Indoor Air Quality And Climate 54. Indian Concrete Journal 55. Inside ITS 56. The Intelligent Highway 57. International Journal for Numerical Methods in Engineering 58. International Journal for Numerical Methods in Fluids 59. International Journal of Numerical Methods for Heat & Fluid Flow 60. International Journal of Rock Mechanics and Mining Sciences 61. ITE (Institute of Transportation Engineers) Journal 62. International Journal of Adhesion and Adhesives 63. International Journal of Computer-Integrated Design and Construction 64. International Journal of Plasticity 65. International Journal of Project Management 66. International Journal of Solids and Structures 67. International Journal of Water Resources Development 68. Journal of the Acoustical Society of America 69. Journal of Aerospace Engineering 70. Journal American Water Works Association 71. Journal of Architectural Engineering 72. Journal of the Audio Engineering Society 73. Journal of Bridge Engineering 74. Journal of Cold Regions Engineering 75. Journal of Computing in Civil Engineering 76. Journal of Construction Engineering and Management 77. Journal of Constructional Steel Research 78. Journal of Engineering Mechanics 79. Journal of Environmental Engineering 80. Journal of Fluid Mechanics 81. Journal of Geotechnical and Geoenvironmental Engineering 82. Journal of Hazardous Materials 83. Journal of Hydraulic Engineering 84. Journal of Hydrologic Engineering 85. Journal of Hydraulic Research- bimonthly published by the International Association of Hydraulic Engineering and Research (IAHR) 86. Journal of Hydrology 87. Journal of Infrastructure Systems 88. Journal of Irrigation and Drainage Engineering 89. Journal of Management in Engineering 90. Journal of Materials in Civil Engineering 91. Journal of Performance of Constructed Facilities 92. Journal of Professional Issues in Engineering Education and Practice 93. Journal of Public Transportation 94. Journal of Sound and Vibration 95. Journal of Structural Engineering SERC, Madras

96. Journal of Surveying Engineering 97. Journal of The American Water Resources Association 98. Journal of Transport Geography 99. Journal of Transportation Engineering 100. Journal of Urban Planning and Development 101. Journal of Water Resources Planning and Management 102. Journal of Waterway, Port, Coastal, and Ocean Engineering 103. Journal of Wood Science 104. The Leading Edge 105. Marine Structures 106. The Masonry Society Journal 107. Materials Technology 108. Mechanics of Materials 109. Natural Hazards 110. Natural Hazards Review 111. Numerical and Analytical Methods in Geomechanics 112. Ocean Engineering 113. Practice Periodical of Hazardous, Toxic, and Radioactive Waste Management 114. Practice Periodical on Structural Design and Construction 115. Proceedings of The Institution of Civil Engineers-Civil Engineering 116. Proceedings of The Institution of Civil Engineers-Municipal Engineer 117. Proceedings of The Institution of Civil Engineers-Structures And Buildings 118. Proceedings of The Institution of Civil Engineers-Transport 119. Proceedings of The Institution of Civil Engineers-Water Maritime And Energy 120. Public Roads 121. Reliability Engineering and System Safety 122. Regional Studies 123. Research in Engineering Design 124. Rock Mechanics and Rock Engineering 125. Soil Science 126. Stochastic Environmental Research And Risk Assessment 127. Structural Engineering International 128. Structural and Multidisciplinary Optimization 129. Structural Safety 130. Structural Survey 131. Swedish Building Research 132. Thin-Walled Structures 133. Transport in Porous Media 134. Transportation 135. Transportation Research Part A: Policy and Practice 136. Transportation Research Part B: Methodology 137. Transportation Research Part C: Emerging Technologies 138. Transportation Research Part D: Transport and Environment 139. Transportation Research Record 140. Water-Engineering & Management 141. Water Environment Research 142. Water Environment and Technology 143. Water Research 144. Water Resources Management 145. Water Science And Technology 146. Wood and Fiber Science Journal 147. Wood Design Focus 148. Wood Science and Technology

In addition to specific lists provided, Any journal listed in Science Citation Index, or Any journal listed in Science Citation Index (Extended), or Any journal having ISBN number, or Any journal having ISSN number.


1. Acoustics Research Letters Online (Acoustical Society of America) 2. Advances in Engineering Software 3. Applied Mathematical Modelling 4. Annals of the C.I.R.P. 5. ASME Journal of Dynamic Systems, Measurement & Control 6. ASME Journal of Energy Resource Technology 7. ASME Journal of Engineering for Industry 8. ASME Journal of Engineering Materials & Technology 9. ASME Journal of Fluids Engineering 10. ASME Journal of Manufacturing Science and Engineering 11. ASME Journal of Mechanical Design 12. ASME Journal of Solar Energy Engineering 13. ASME Journal of Tribology 14. ASME Journal of Vibration & Acoustics 15. Automatic 16. Australian Journal of Mechanical Engineering 17. Chinese Journal of Mechanical Engineering 18. Composite Structures 19. Computers in Industry 20. Computer Integrated Manufacturing Systems 21. Computers & Industrial Engineering 22. Computers & Operations Research 23. Control Engineering & Practice 24. Decision Sciences 25. Decision Support Systems 26. Design Studies (ELSEVIER) 27. Engineering Applications of Artificial Intelligence 28. Engineering Design & Automation Journal 29. Engineering Optimization 30. Ergonomics 31. European Journal of Operational Research 32. Evolutionary Computing 33. Expert Systems with Applications 34. Finite Element in Analysis Design 35. IEEE Manufacturing Engineer 36. IEEE Computer Aided Engineering Journal 37. IEEE Engineering Management Journal 38. IEEE Engineering Management Review 39. IEEE Expert 40. IEEE Journal of Micro Electro Mechanical Systems 41. IEEE Robotics & Automation Magazine

LIST OF JOURNALS IN MECHANICAL ENGINEERING CONTD. 42. IEEE Transactions on Engineering Management 43. IEEE Transactions on Evolutionary Computing 44. IEEE Transactions on Man, Machine & Systems 45. IEEE Transactions on Manufacturing Technology 46. IEEE Transactions on Mechatronics 47. IEEE Transactions on Neural Networks 48. IEEE Transactions on Product Engineering & Production 49. IEEE Transactions on Robotics 50. IEEE Transactions on Robotics & Automation 51. IEEE Transactions on Software Engineering 52. IEEE Transactions on Systems, Man & Cybernetics 53. IIE transactions 54. IMechE Part B: Journal of Engineering Manufacture 55. Indian Academy of Sciences, Proceedings in Engineering Sciences (Sadhana ISSN: 0256-2499) 56. Industrial Engineering Journal 57. Industrial Robot: An International Journal 58. INFORMS: The Journal of Computing 59. Integrated Computer Aided Engineering 60. International Communications in Heat & Mass Transfer (ELSEVIER) 61. Integrated Manufacturing Systems 62. International Journal for Manufacturing Technology & Research Department of Production Engineering Birla Institute of Technology, Mesra 835 215, Ranchi 63. International Journal of Advanced Manufacturing Technology 64. International Journal of Advanced Manufacturing System 65. International Journal of Agile Manufacturing 66. International Journal of Computational Methods in Engineering 67. International Journal of Computer Integrated Manufacturing 68. International Journal of Computers Applications in Technology 69. International Journal of Control 70. International Journal of Design Engineering 71. International Journal of Environmentally Conscious Design & Manufacturing 72. International Journal of Engine Research IMechE 73. International Journal of Engineering Science 74. International Journal of Flexible Manufacturing Systems 75. International Journal of Fracture 76. International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer 77. International Journal of High Performance Computing & Networking 78. International Journal of Industrial Ergonomics 79. International Journal of Industrial & System Engineering 80. International Journal of Intelligent Control and Systems 81. International Journal of Internet Manufacturing 82. International Journal of Interactive Design & Manufacturing 83. International Journal of Logistics Research & Applications 84. International Journal of Machine Tool & Manufacture 85. International Journal of Machine Tool Design and Research

LIST OF JOURNALS IN MECHANICAL ENGINEERING CONTD. 86. International Journal of Machine Tools & Manufacturing 87. International Journal of Machine Tools & Manufacture (ELSEVIER) 88. International Journal of Manufacturing Research 89. International Journal of Mechanical Sciences 90. International Journal of Mechanical Engineering Education 91. International Journal of Mechanics and Materials Design 92. International Journal of Metrology 93. International Journal of Optomechatronics 94. International Journal of Plasticity 95. International Journal of Production Economics 96. International Journal of Production Research 97. International Journal of Precession Engineering & Manufacturing 98. International Journal of Refrigeration (ELSEVIER) 99. International Journal of Robotic Research 100. International Journal of System Science 101. International Journal of Technology and Design Education 102. International Transactions on Operational Research 103. Iron & Steel 104. Journal of Artificial Intelligence Research 105. Journal of the Brazilian Society of Mechanical Sciences & Engineering 106. Journal of Computer Aided Design 107. Journal of Computing & Information Science in engineering 108. Journal of Design & Manufacturing 109. Journal of Energetic Materials 110. Journal of Energy Engineering 111. Journal of Energy Resources and Technology 112. Journal of Engineering Design 113. Journal of Engineering for Gas turbine and Power 114. Journal of Engineering Materials & Technology 115. Journal of Elasticity 116. Journal of Fluids Engineering 117. Journal of Intelligent Manufacturing 118. Journal of Intelligent and Robotic Systems 119. Journal of Japanese Society of Abrasive Technology 120. Journal of Japanese Society of Precision Engineering 121. Journal of Optimization Theory and Applications 122. Journal of Machining Science and Engineering 123. Journal of Machining Science and Technology 124. Journal of Manufacturing & Operations Management 125. Journal of Manufacturing Science & Engineering 126. Journal of Material Processing & Manufacturing Science 127. Journal of Materials Processing Technology 128. Journal of Maulana Azad National Institute of Technology, BHOPAL - 462 007(INDIA) 129. Journal of Mechanical Design 130. Journal of Mechanical Working Technology

LIST OF JOURNALS IN MECHANICAL ENGINEERING CONTD. 131. Journal of Mechanical Engineering (Institute of Materials and Machine Mechanics) Slovak Academy of Sciences, Bratislava 132. Journal of Operations Research Society of Japan 133. Journal of Quality & Maintenance Engineering 134. Journal of Scheduling 135. Journal of Solar Energy Engineering 136. Journal of Sound & Vibrations 137. Journal of Sustainable Product Design 138. Journal of Vibrations and Acoustics 139. Journal of Strain Analysis for Engineering Design 140. Journal of The Chinese Institution of Industrial Engineers 141. Journal of the Indian Institute of Science, Bangalore 142. Journal of The Institution of Engineers (India), (Mechanical Engg.) 143. Journal of The Institution of Engineers (India), (Production Engg.) 144. Journal of The Operations Research Society 145. JSME, Journal of Advanced Mechanical Design, Systems and Manufacturing 146. Leading Journal of Supply Chain Management 147. Machine Learning 148. Machining Science & Technology 149. Management Science 150. Manufacturing Engineering 151. Manufacturing Review 152. Manufacturing Technology & Management : Quarterly Journal of the Indian Institution of Production Engineers 153. Manufacturing Technology Today : Journal of the Central Manufacturing Technology Institute of India 154. Materials & Manufacturing Processes 155. Materials Science and Engineering: A 156. Mathematics of Operations Research 157. Mechanical Engineering 158. Mechanical Systems and Signal Processing 159. Mechanism and Machine Theory 160. Mechatronics 161. Measurement 162. Naval Research Logistics Quarterly 163. Non-Destructive Testing & Evaluation 164. Omega 165. Operation Research Letters 166. Operations Research 167. OPSEARCH, The Journal of Operations Research Society of India 168. OR Spectrum 169. ORSA Journal on Computing 170. Polymer-Plastics Technology & Engineering 171. Precision Metal 172. Proceedings of The Institution of Mechanical Engineering 173. Production & Inventory Management Journal

LIST OF JOURNALS IN MECHANICAL ENGINEERING CONTD. 174. Production, Planning & Control 175. Production, Planning & Control: The Management of Operations 176. Productivity, National Productivity Council Journal 177. Quality Engineering 178. Quality & Reliability Engineering International 179. Reliability Engineering & System Safety 180. Robotics and Computer Integrated Manufacturing 181. Robotics and Autonomous Systems 182. SME Journal of Manufacturing Systems 183. Society for Industrial & Applied Mathematics Journal of Discrete Mathematics 184. The Engineering Economist 185. The Open Mechanical engineering Journal 186. Transactions of Japanese Society of Mechanical Engineers 187. Transactions of the CSME 188. Tribology Transactions 189. UDYOG PRAGATI: The Journal for Practising Managers. National Institute of Industrial Engineering (NITIE) Vihar Lake, Mumbai- 400 087. 190. Virtual & Physical Prototyping 191. Welding International
In addition to specific lists provided, Any journal listed in Science Citation Index, or Any journal listed in Science Citation Index (Extended), or Any journal having ISBN number, or Any journal having ISSN number.


BoardofStudiesinElectronics&TelecommunicationEngg. LISTOFSTANDARDJOURNALS




68. 69. 70. 71. 72. 73. 74. 75. 76. 77. 78. 79. 80. 81. 82. 83. 84. 85. 86. 87. 88. 89. 90. 91. 92. 93. 94. 95. 96. 97. 98. 99. 100. 101. 102. 103. 104. 105. 106. 107. 108. 109. 110. 111. 112. 113. 114.



115. 116. 117. 118. 119. 120. 121. 122. 123. 124. 125. 126. 127. 128. 129. 130. 131. 132. 133. 134. 135. 136. 137. 138. 139. 140. 141. 142. 143. 144. 145. 146. 147. 148. 149. 150. 151. 152. 153. 154. 155. 156. 157. 158. 159.



160. 161. 162. 163. 164. 165. 166. 167. 168. 169. 170. 171. 172. 173. 174. 175. 176. 177. 178. 179. 180. 181. 182. 183. 184. 185. 186. 187. 188.



189. 190. 191. 192. 193. 194. 195. 196. 197. 198. 199. 200. 201. 202. 203. 204. 205. 206. 207. 208. 209. 210. 211. 212. 213. 214. 215. 216. 217. 218. 219. 220.



221. 222. 223. 224. 225. 226. 227. 228. 229. 230. 231. 232. 233. 234. 235. 236. 237. 238. 239. 240. 241. 242. 243. 244. 245. 246. 247. 248. 249. 250. 251. 252. 253.



254. 255. 256. 257. 258. 259. 260. 261. 262. 263. 264. 265. 266. 267. 268. 269. 270. 271. 272. 273. 274. 275. 276. 277. 278. 279. 280. 281. 282. 283. 284. 285.



286. 287. 288. 289. 290. 291.


In addition to specific lists provided, Any journal listed in Science Citation Index, or Any journal listed in Science Citation Index (Extended), or Any journal having ISBN number, or Any journal having ISSN number.


LIST OF STANDARD JOURNAL IN INSTRUMENTATION ENGINEERING. 1] JournaloftheInstrumentsocietyofIndia. Publisher:Departmentofinstrumentation,IndianInstituteofScience, Bangalore. 2]IEEETransactiononInstrumentationandmeasurement. Publisher:IEEE. 3]IEEEInstrumentationandmeasurementMagazine. Publisher:IEEE. 4]SensorsandactuatorspartAandB. Publisher:ElsevierScience. 5]IEEESensorsJournal. Publisher:IEEE. 6]Sensorsandmaterials. Publisher:MaruzenCO.Ltd. 7]SensorsandInstrumentation. Publisher:ISA. 8]Automaticcontrol Publisher:IEEE. 9]Controlandautomationmagazine. Publisher:IEEE. 10]Biomedicalengineering Publisher:IEEE 11]AutomationscienceandEngineering. Publisher:IEEE. 12]EngineeringTechnology. Publisher:IEEE. 13]OpticalEngineering. Publisher:SPIE. 14]InternationalJournalsofEngineering. Publisher:IJES 15]JournalsofInstituteofEngineersIndia. Publisher:ElectronicsandTelecommunicationDivisionCalcatta. 16]JournalsofInstituteofEngineersIndia. Publisher:ElectricalDivisionCalcatta 17]ResearchJournal. Publisher:IETE. 18]ReviewJournal. Publisher:IETE. 19]InternationalJournalofcomputerscience

In addition to specific lists provided, Any journal listed in Science Citation Index, or Any journal listed in Science Citation Index (Extended), or Any journal having ISBN number, or Any journal having ISSN number.


List of Standard Journals (Environmental Engineering)

National Journals: 1. Journal of Environmental Health 2. Journal of Indian Waterworks Association. 3. Journal of Industrial Pollution Control-Pub-Enviromedia 4. Journal of Environmental Science & Engineering 5. Journal of New Cloth Market, New Delhi 6. Shivaji University Journal of Science & Technology. 7. Journal of Institute of Engineers (Public / Env. Engg / Geotech.Engg) 8. Journal of Nature, Env. & pollution control. 9. Journal of Environment pollution control. 10. Journal of Environment protection-Pub: Kanju Envitech Pvt. Ltd 11. The Icfai Journal of Infrastructure. 12. Journal of shivaji University, Kolhapur (Science & Tech) 13. Journal of Indian waterworks Association. International Journals 1. Journal of American Waterworks Association. 2. Journal of Water Resource Planning & Management (ASCE) 3. Journal of Environmental Engineering (ASCD) 4. Journal of Computing in Civil Engineering. 5. Journal of Geo Environmental Engineering. 6. Water research. 7. Water Science & Technology. 8. Waste Management. 9. Journal of Water Supply./(AQUA) 10. Journal of Ecology, Environment & Conservation Pub. 11. Journal of Industrial pollution Control, Enviromedia Publications 12. Asian Journal of Microbiology, Biotechnology, Env. Science 13. Asian Journal of Chemical & Environmental Research
In addition to specific lists provided, Any journal listed in Science Citation Index, or Any journal listed in Science Citation Index (Extended), or Any journal having ISBN number, or Any journal having ISSN number.



1) IEEE transactions on - (22) - Automatic control - Acoustics, speech and signal processing - Bio medical Engineering - Circuits and systems - Control systems technology - Dielectrics and Electrical Insulation - Energy conversion - Fuzzy systems - Image processing - Industrial electronics and control instrumentation - Industrial electronics - Instrumentation and measurement - Intelligent systems - Medical Imaging - Micro Electro Mechanical Systems (MEMS) journal - Mechatronics IEEE/ASME transactions - Nano technology - Neural Networks - Pattern recognition - Power Apparatus and Systems (PAS) - Power Delivery (PD) - Power Electronics 2) IEEE magazines/ news letters/ proceedings (8) - Acoustics, speech and signal processing news letter - Control systems magazine - Electrical Insulation magazine - Industrial electronics magazine - Instrumentation and measurement magazine - Power and Energy magazine - Power Electronics letters - Proceedings of IEEE 3) IET Proceedings/ journals/ magazines (formerly known as IEE) (13) - Circuits, devices and systems - Communications - Computer and digital techniques - Control theory and applications - Control and automation magazine - Electrical power applications - Generation, transmission and distribution - Image processing - Renewable power generation - Science, measurement and technology - Signal processing - Engineering and technology magazine - Power Engineer magazine 4) Elsevier journals and magazines (25) - Computers and electrical Engineering


5) 6) 7) 8) 9) 10) 11) 12) 13) 14) 15) 16) 17) 18) 19)

- Computer and information science multimedia systems and applications - Computer and information science Algorithms and computational theory - Computer and information science computer architecture - Computer and information science systems and control theory - Electrical and Electronics Engineering Antennas and propagation - Electrical and Electronics Engineering circuits and systems - Electrical and Electronics Engineering wireless and mobile communication - Electrical and Electronics Engineering Robotics and automation - Electrical and Electronics Engineering Power systems - International journal of power and energy systems - Electrical power systems research - Magnetism and magnetic materials - Systems engineering and electronics - Electrostatics - Measurements - Mechatronics - Microprocessors and Microsystems - Pattern recognition - Electrical power - Energy - Energy conversion and environment - Fossil fuels - Nuclear energy and engineering - Renewable energy and alternative technologies Electrical power components and systems journal (ISSN 1532-5016, 1532-5008), published by Taylor and Francis group, USA. Cogeneration and distributed generation journal (ISSN 1066-8683, 1545-7575), published by Fairmont press Inc. USA. Digital technical journal (ISSN 0898-901X), published by Digital equipment corporation, USA. Journal of Institution of Engineers India Electrical Engineering The Journal of the Institute of Electrical Engineers of Japan The Transactions of the Institute of Electrical Engineers of Japan Japanese journal of Applied physics Circuits, Systems & Signal Processing Springer ISSN 0278-081X Energy Efficiency Springer ISSN 1570-646X Electrical Engineering Archiv fr Elektrotechnik Springer ISSN 0948-7921 Engineering with Computers An International Journal for Simulation-Based Engineering Springer ISSN 0177-0667 Journal of Control Theory and Applications Springer ISSN 1672-6340 Journal of Dynamical and Control Systems - Springer ISSN 1079-2724 Journal of Real-Time Image Processing - Springer ISSN 1861-8200 Mathematics of Control, Signals, and Systems Springer ISSN 0932-4194 In addition to specific lists provided, Any journal listed in Science Citation Index, or Any journal listed in Science Citation Index (Extended), or Any journal having ISBN number, or Any journal having ISSN number.


List of technical journals in Chemical Engineering International

1 2 3 4 5

Name of journal
Chemical Engineering Chemical Engineering Education Chemical Engineering progress Hydrocarbon processing Modern plastics international

National Sr.No. Name of journal

1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. 16. 17. 18. 19. 20. 21. 22. 23. 24. 25. 26. 27. 28. 29. 30. 31. 32. 33. 34. 35.

Engineering world Chemical news Indian journal of envirimental protection Invention Intelligence Indian journal of Chemical technology Journal of the solar society of India --- ---Indian Chemical Engineers sec- A & B Indian journal of envirimental scince & engineering Indian journal of Engineering & material scince Chemical Business Chemical product finder Popular plastics & packaging Colourage Paint India Asia pacific ventures & oppourtunities Asia pacific technical monitor Vatis up date food processing Vatis update waste technology Vatis update Non conventional energy Vatis update ozone layer protection Chemical industry digest Teri information digest on energy environment Teri news write Teri terragreen Teri scope Resources energy & development Pollution research Journal of industry pollution control Ecology environment & conservation Rergularatory Enviromental pollution control Industrial safty cronical Cooperative sugar press news Enviromental pollution control

In addition to specific lists provided, Any journal listed in Science Citation Index, or Any journal listed in Science Citation Index (Extended), or Any journal having ISBN number, or Any journal having ISSN number.


AUTOMOBILE ENGINEERING List of National & International Journals Sr.No.

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47

Title of the Journal

Journal of The Institution of Engineers (India) Mechanical Div. Indian Journal of Marketing Bulletin of Materials Science Indian Journal of Engineering & Material Science Journal of Engineering &Technology Automotive Abstracts Indian Journal of Transport Management Applied Energy Composite Structure Construction and Building materials Nuclear structural Engineering Renewable Energy Transportation Research International Journal of Vehicle Design International Journal of Engine Research International Journal of Vehicle Mechanics & Mobility (Vehicle Systems Dynamics) International Journal of Rock Mechanics & Mining science & Geometrics Abstract Journal of Automobile Engineering (The International Multidisciplinary Journal for the Automotive Industry) International Journal of Reliability,Quality & Safety Engineering SAE Automotive Engineering SAE Aerospace The Icfaian Journal of Management Research International Journal of Vehicle Noise & Vibration International Journal of Vehicle Performance Combustion Theory & Modeling Applied Ergonomics Biomass & Bioenergy Journal of Reliability Quality and Safety Engineering Fortune Journal of Advanced Manufacturing Systems Applied Mechanics Reviews Journal of Applied Mechanics Journal of Biomechanical Engineering Journal of Computing and Information Science in Engineering Journal of Dynamic Systems, Measurement and Control Journal of Electronic Packaging Journal of Energy resourcesTechnology Journal of Engineering for GasTurbine and Power Journal of Engineering Materials and Technology Journal of Fluids Engineering Journal of Heat Transfer Journal of Manufacturing Science and Engineering Journal of Mechanical Design Journal of Offshore Mechanics and Arctic Engineering Journal of Pressure VesselTechnology Journal of Solar Energy Engineering Journal of Tribology


48 49 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 59 60 61 62 63 64 65 66 67 68 69 70 71 72 73 74 75 76 77 78 79 80 81 82 83 84 85 86 87 88 89 90 91 92 93 94 95 96 97 98 99 100 101 102

Journal of Turbo Machinery Journal of Vibration and Acoustics Applied Acoustics Applied Thermal Engineering Combustion and Flame Communications in Nonlinear Science and Numerical Simulation Computers and fluids Design Studies Engineering Failure Analysis Engineering Fracture Mechanics European Journal of Mechanics A/Solids European Journal of Mechanics B/Fluids Experimental Thermal and Fluid Science Flow measurement and Instrumentation Fluid Dynamics Research Fusion Engingeering and Design International Communication in Heat and Mass Transfer International Journal of Fatique International Journal of Heat and Fluid Flow International Journal in Heat and Mass Transfer International Journal of Impact Engineering International Journal of Machine Tool Design and Research International Journal of Mechanical Science International Journal of Multiphase Flow International Journal of Non-linear Mechanics International Journal of Plasticity International Journal of Pressure Vessel and Piping International Journal of Refrigeration International Journal of Thermal Sciences Journal of Applied Mathematics and Mechanics Journal and Fluids and Structures Journal of Mechanisms Journal of Non-Newtonian Fluid Mechanics Journal of Terramechanics Journal of the Mechanics and Physics of Solids Journal of Wind Engineering and Industrial Aerodynamics Mechanics Research Communications Mechanism and Machine Theory Mechatronics NDT International Precision Engineering Probabilistic Engineering Mechanics Proceedings of the Combustion Science Pump Industry Analyst Reliability Engineering Sealing Technology Sensors and Actuators A: Physical Sensors and Actuators A: Physical Theoretical and Applied Fracture Mechanics Tribology World Patent Information World Pumps Journal of Material ProcessingTechnology International Journal of EngineeringScience Advanced Engineering Informatics


103 104 105 106 107

Mechanics Research Communications International Journal of Heat and Fluid Flow. Experimental Thermal and Fluid Science International Journal of Refrigeration Proceedings of the Combustion Institute

In addition to specific lists provided, Any journal listed in Science Citation Index, or Any journal listed in Science Citation Index (Extended), or Any journal having ISBN number, or Any journal having ISSN number


Architecture Engineering List of National & International Journals

1) Time, Space & People- Council of Architecture, New Delhi 2) Journal of the Indian Institute of Architects (JIIA) Mumbai 3) Journal of the Indian Institute of Town Planners (IITP)- New Delhi 4) Journal of the Shivaji University, Kolhapur- Science & Technology 5) Journal of the Institution of Engineers- India In addition to specific lists provided, Any journal listed in Science Citation Index, or Any journal listed in Science Citation Index (Extended), or Any journal having ISBN number, or Any journal having ISSN number



1. Acoustics Research Letters Online (Acoustical Society of America) 2. Advances in Engineering Software 3. Applied Mathematical Modelling 4. Annals of the C.I.R.P. 5. ASME Journal of Dynamic Systems, Measurement & Control 6. ASME Journal of Energy Resource Technology 7. ASME Journal of Engineering for Industry 8. ASME Journal of Engineering Materials & Technology 9. ASME Journal of Fluids Engineering 10. ASME Journal of Manufacturing Science and Engineering 11. ASME Journal of Mechanical Design 12. ASME Journal of Solar Energy Engineering 13. ASME Journal of Tribology 14. ASME Journal of Vibration & Acoustics 15. Automatica 16. Australian Journal of Mechanical Engineering 17. Chinese Journal of Mechanical Engineering 18. Composite Structures 19. Computers in Industry 20. Computer Integrated Manufacturing Systems 21. Computers & Industrial Engineering 22. Computers & Operations Research 23. Control Engineering & Practice 24. Decision Sciences 25. Decision Support Systems 26. Design Studies (ELSEVIER) 27. Engineering Applications of Artificial Intelligence 28. Engineering Design & Automation Journal 29. Engineering Optimization 30. Ergonomics 31. European Journal of Operational Research 32. Evolutionary Computing 33. Expert Systems with Applications 34. Finite Element in Analysis Design 35. IEEE Manufacturing Engineer 36. IEEE Computer Aided Engineering Journal 37. IEEE Engineering Management Journal 38. IEEE Engineering Management Review 39. IEEE Expert 40. IEEE Journal of Micro Electro Mechanical Systems 41. IEEE Robotics & Automation Magazine 42. IEEE Transactions on Engineering Management 43. IEEE Transactions on Evolutionary Computing 44. IEEE Transactions on Man, Machine & Systems 45. IEEE Transactions on Manufacturing Technology 46. IEEE Transactions on Mechatronics 47. IEEE Transactions on Neural Networks 48. IEEE Transactions on Product Engineering & Production 49. IEEE Transactions on Robotics


50. IEEE Transactions on Robotics & Automation 51. IEEE Transactions on Software Engineering 52. IEEE Transactions on Systems, Man & Cybernetics 53. IIE transactions 54. IMechE Part B: Journal of Engineering Manufacture 55. Indian Academy of Sciences, Proceedings in Engineering Sciences (Sadhana ISSN: 0256-2499) 56. Industrial Engineering Journal 57. Industrial Robot: An International Journal 58. INFORMS: The Journal of Computing 59. Integrated Computer Aided Engineering 60. International Communications in Heat & Mass Transfer (ELSEVIER) 61. Integrated Manufacturing Systems 62. International Journal for Manufacturing Technology & Research Department of Production Engineering Birla Institute of Technology, Mesra 835 215, Ranchi 63. International Journal of Advanced Manufacturing Technology 64. International Journal of Advanced Manufacturing System 65. International Journal of Agile Manufacturing 66. International Journal of Computational Methods in Engineering 67. International Journal of Computer Integrated Manufacturing 68. International Journal of Computers Applications in Technology 69. International Journal of Control 70. International Journal of Design Engineering 71. International Journal of Environmentally Conscious Design & Manufacturing 72. International Journal of Engine Research IMechE 73. International Journal of Engineering Science 74. International Journal of Flexible Manufacturing Systems 75. International Journal of Fracture 76. International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer 77. International Journal of High Performance Computing & Networking 78. International Journal of Industrial Ergonomics 79. International Journal of Industrial & System Engineering 80. International Journal of Intelligent Control and Systems 81. International Journal of Internet Manufacturing 82. International Journal of Interactive Design & Manufacturing 83. International Journal of Logistics Research & Applications 84. International Journal of Machine Tool & Manufacture 85. International Journal of Machine Tool Design and Research 86. International Journal of Machine Tools & Manufacturing 87. International Journal of Machine Tools & Manufacture (ELSEVIER) 88. International Journal of Manufacturing Research 89. International Journal of Mechanical Sciences 90. International Journal of Mechanical Engineering Education 91. International Journal of Mechanics and Materials Design 92. International Journal of Metrology 93. International Journal of Optomechatronics 94. International Journal of Plasticity 95. International Journal of Production Economics 96. International Journal of Production Research 97. International Journal of Precession Engineering & Manufacturing 98. International Journal of Refrigeration (ELSEVIER) 99. International Journal of Robotic Research


100. International Journal of System Science 101. International Journal of Technology and Design Education 102. International Transactions on Operational Research 103. Iron & Steel 104. Journal of Artificial Intelligence Research 105. Journal of the Brazilian Society of Mechanical Sciences & Engineering 106. Journal of Computer Aided Design 107. Journal of Computing & Information Science in engineering 108. Journal of Design & Manufacturing 109. Journal of Energetic Materials 110. Journal of Energy Engineering 111. Journal of Energy Resources and Technology 112. Journal of Engineering Design 113. Journal of Engineering for Gas turbine and Power 114. Journal of Engineering Materials & Technology 115. Journal of Elasticity 116. Journal of Fluids Engineering 117. Journal of Intelligent Manufacturing 118. Journal of Intelligent and Robotic Systems 119. Journal of Japanese Society of Abrasive Technology 120. Journal of Japanese Society of Precision Engineering 121. Journal of Optimization Theory and Applications 122. Journal of Machining Science and Engineering 123. Journal of Machining Science and Technology 124. Journal of Manufacturing & Operations Management 125. Journal of Manufacturing Science & Engineering 126. Journal of Material Processing & Manufacturing Science 127. Journal of Materials Processing Technology 128. Journal of Maulana Azad National Institute of Technology, BHOPAL - 462 007(INDIA) 129. Journal of Mechanical Design 130. Journal of Mechanical Working Technology 131. Journal of Mechanical Engineering (Institute of Materials and Machine Mechanics) Slovak Academy of Sciences, Bratislava 132. Journal of Operations Research Society of Japan 133. Journal of Quality & Maintenance Engineering 134. Journal of Scheduling 135. Journal of Solar Energy Engineering 136. Journal of Sound & Vibrations 137. Journal of Sustainable Product Design 138. Journal of Vibrations and Acoustics 139. Journal of Strain Analysis for Engineering Design 140. Journal of The Chinese Institution of Industrial Engineers 141. Journal of the Indian Institute of Science, Bangalore 142. Journal of The Institution of Engineers (India), (Mechanical Engg.) 143. Journal of The Institution of Engineers (India), (Production Engg.) 144. Journal of The Operations Research Society 145. JSME, Journal of Advanced Mechanical Design, Systems and Manufacturing 146. Leading Journal of Supply Chain Management 147. Machine Learning 148. Machining Science & Technology 149. Management Science 150. Manufacturing Engineering


151. Manufacturing Review 152. Manufacturing Technology & Management: Quarterly Journal of the Indian Institution of Production Engineers 153. Manufacturing Technology Today: Journal of the Central Manufacturing Technology Institute of India 154. Materials & Manufacturing Processes 155. Materials Science and Engineering: A 156. Mathematics of Operations Research 157. Mechanical Engineering 158. Mechanical Systems and Signal Processing 159. Mechanism and Machine Theory 160. Mechatronics 161. Measurement 162. Naval Research Logistics Quarterly 163. Non-Destructive Testing & Evaluation 164. Omega 165. Operation Research Letters 166. Operations Research 167. OPSEARCH, The Journal of Operations Research Society of India 168. OR Spectrum 169. ORSA Journal on Computing 170. Polymer-Plastics Technology & Engineering 171. Precision Metal 172. Proceedings of The Institution of Mechanical Engineering 173. Production & Inventory Management Journal 174. Production, Planning & Control 175. Production, Planning & Control: The Management of Operations 176. Productivity, National Productivity Council Journal 177. Quality Engineering 178. Quality & Reliability Engineering International 179. Reliability Engineering & System Safety 180. Robotics and Computer Integrated Manufacturing 181. Robotics and Autonomous Systems 182. SME Journal of Manufacturing Systems 183. Society for Industrial & Applied Mathematics Journal of Discrete Mathematics 184. The Engineering Economist 185. The Open Mechanical engineering Journal 186. Transactions of Japanese Society of Mechanical Engineers 187. Transactions of the CSME 188. Tribology Transactions 189. UDYOG PRAGATI: The Journal for Practising Managers. National Institute of Industrial Engineering ( NITIE ) Vihar Lake, Mumbai- 400 087. 190. Virtual & Physical Prototyping 191. Welding International

In addition to specific lists provided, Any journal listed in Science Citation Index, or Any journal listed in Science Citation Index (Extended), or Any journal having ISBN number, or Any journal having ISSN number


Journal list of Pharmacy

Sr. No. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. 16. 17. 18. 19. 20. 21. 22. 23. 24. 25. 26. 27. 28. 29. 30. 31. 32. 33. 34. 35. 36. 37. 38. 39. 40. 41. 42. 43. Name of the Journal Pharmacy AAPS Pharmsci AAPS Pharmscitech AAPS-Pharmaceutical Sciences Accounts of Chemical Research Acta Chimica Slovenica Acta Farmaceutica Bonaerense (Argentina) Acta Pharmaceutica (Croatia) Acta Pharmaceutica Hungarica (Hungary) Acta Pharmaceutica Sinica (China) Acta Pharmaceutica Turcica (Turkey) Acta Poloniae Pharmaceutica - Drug Research (Poland) Advanced Bio Tech (India) Advanced Drug Delivery Reviews Advanced Materials Advanced Synthesis and Catalysis Advances In Pharmaceutical Sciences (England) Advances In Therapy (USA) Adverse Drug Reaction Bulletin (England) Adverse Drug Reaction Journal (China) African Journal Of Pharmacy And Pharmacology Agrobios (India) Aids Aldrichimica Acta Alternative and Complementary Therapies (England) Alternative Therapies In Health And Medicine Americas Pharmacist (USA) American Heart Journal (USA) American Journal of Cardiology American Journal of Clinical Dermatology (New Zealand) American Journal of Geriatric Pharmacotherapy (USA) American Journal of Health-System Pharmacy (USA American Journal of Managed Care (USA) American Journal of Nursing (USA) American Journal of Obstetrics And Gynecology (USA) American Journal of Pharmaceutical Education (USA) American Journal of Psychiatry American Journal of Public Health (USA) American Journal of Respiratory And Critical Care Medicine (USA) Amino Acids Analytica Chimica Acta Analytical Biochemistry Analytical Chemistry: An Indian Journal Anesthesiology


Sr. No. 44. 45. 46. 47. 48. 49. 50. 51. 52. 53. 54. 55. 56. 57. 58. 59. 60. 61. 62. 63. 64. 65. 66. 67. 68. 69. 70. 71. 72. 73. 74. 75. 76. 77. 78. 79. 80. 81. 82. 83. 84. 85. 86. 87.

Name of the Journal Pharmacy Angewandte Chemie Angewandte Chemie International Edition Annales De Chimie Science Des Matriaux Annales Pharmaceutiques Belges (Belgium) Annales Pharmaceutiques Francaises (France) Annals of Internal Medicine Annals of Pharmacotherapy (USA) Annual Reports on The Progress of Chemistry Section B (Organic Chemistry) Antimicrobial Agents And Chemotherapy (USA) Applied Biomaterials Applied Catalysis - Now Supplied As Applied Catalysis A And Applied Catalysis B Applied Catalysis A: General Applied Catalysis B: Environmental Applied Composite Materials Applied Magnetic Resonance Applied Organometallic Chemistry Applied Radiation And Isotopes Apps-Pharmaceutical Technology Arch De Pharmazie Archiv Der Pharmazie (Weinheim, Germany) Archives of Dermatology (USA) Archives of General Psychiatry Archives of Internal Medicine Archives of Pharmacal Research (Korea) Arthritis And Rheumatism (USA) Arzneimittel-Forschung (Germany) Asian Journal of Chemistry Asian Journal of Microbiology, Biotechnology And Enviro.Sci. Asian Journal of Pharmaceutical and Chemical Research Asian Journal of Pharmaceutical Science Asian Journal of Pharmaceutics (India) Australian Journal of Chemistry Australian Journal of Pharmacy (Australia) Bioconjugate Chemistry Biodrugs (New Zealand) Biological Chemistry Biomacromolecules Biomaterials Biomedicine (India) Bioorganic and Medicinal Chemistry Bioorganic and Medicinal Chemistry Letters Bioorganic Chemistry Biopharm Biopharmaceutics And Drug Disposition (England)


Sr. No. 88. 89. 90. 91. 92. 93. 94. 95. 96. 97. 98. 99. 100. 101. 102. 103. 104. 105. 106. 107. 108. 109. 110. 111. 112. 113. 114. 115. 116. 117. 118. 119. 120. 121. 122. 123. 124. 125. 126. 127. 128. 129. 130. 131.

Name of the Journal Pharmacy Blood Bollettino Chimico Farmaceutico (Italy) Bollettino Sifo (Della Societa Italiana Di Farmacia Ospedaliera -Italy) Brazilian Journal of Pharmaceutical Sciences (Brazil) Brazilian Journal of Pharmacognosy (Brazil) British Journal of Clinical Pharmacology (England) British Journal of Dermatology (England) British Medical Journal (England) Bulletin of Clinical Psychopharmacology (Turkey) Bulletin of Pharmaceutical Sciences (Assiut Universtiy-Egypt) Bulletin of The Chemical Society Of Japan Bulletin of The World Health Organization (Switzerland) California Journal of Health-System Pharmacy (USA) California Pharmacist (USA) Canadian Journal of Chemistry Canadian Journal of Emergency Medicine (Canada) Canadian Journal of Hospital Pharmacy (Canada) Canadian Medical Association Journal (Canada) Canadian Pharmacists Journal (Canada) Cancer Research (USA) Carbohydrate Polymers Carbohydrate Research Cardiovascular Drugs And Therapy Catalysis Communications Catalysis Today Catalysts and Catalysed Reactions Ceska A Slovenska Farmacie (Czech Republic) Chembiochem Chemfiles Chemical and Engineering News Chemical and Pharmaceutical Bulletin (Japan) Chemical Biology Virtual Journal Chemical Communications Chemical Record, The Chemical Society Reviews Chemistry and Biology Chemistry and Industry Chemistry In Britain Chemistry Letters Chemistry of Heterocyclic Compounds Chemistry of Materials Chemistry of Natural Compounds Chemistry: A European Journal Chemmedchem


Sr. No. 132. 133. 134. 135. 136. 137. 138. 139. 140. 141. 142. 143. 144. 145. 146. 147. 148. 149. 150. 151. 152. 153. 154. 155. 156. 157. 158. 159. 160. 161. 162. 163. 164. 165. 166. 167. 168. 169. 170. 171. 172. 173.

Name of the Journal Pharmacy Chemometrics And Intelligent Laboratory Systems-Incorporating Laboratory Automation and Information Management Chemtrap Chest Chimicaoggi (Italy) China Pharmacist (China) Chinese Journal of Antibiotics Chinese Journal of Chemistry Chinese Journal of Clinical Pharmacy (China) Chinese Journal of Hospital Pharmacy (China) Chinese Journal of Modern Applied Pharmacy (China) Chinese Journal of Natural Medicines (China) Chinese Journal of New Drugs (China) Chinese Journal of New Drugs And Clinical Remedies (China) Chinese Journal of Pharmaceutical Analysis (China) Chinese Journal of Pharmaceuticals (China) Chinese Journal of Pharmacoepidemiology (China) Chinese Pharmaceutical Journal (China) Chinese Traditional and Herbal Drugs (China) Chirality Christianity and Pharmacy (USA) Chronical Pharmabiz (India) Ciencia Y Tecnologia Pharmaceutica (Spain) Circular Farmaceutica (Spain) Circulation Clean Rooms (USA) Clinical and Experimental Allergy: Journal of the British Society for Allergy and Clinical Immunology Clinical Drug Investigation (New Zealand) Clinical Infectious Diseases Clinical Journal of Pain Clinical Pharmacokinetics (New Zealand) Clinical Pharmacology and Therapeutics (USA) Clinical Research and Regulatory Affairs (USA) Clinical Therapeutics Clinical Therapeutics (USA) Cns Drugs (New Zealand) Collection Of Czech Chem Comm Colloids And Surfaces B: Biointerfaces Color Research and Application Combinatorial Chemistry - An Online Journal Combinatorial Chemistry and High Throughput Screening Comptes Rendus Chimie- Formerly Known as Comptes Rendus De L'acadmie Des Sciences- Series Iic- Chemistry Comptes Rendus De L'acadmie Des Sciences- Series Iic- Chemistry- Now Known As


Sr. No. 174. 175. 176. 177. 178. 179. 180. 181. 182. 183. 184. 185. 186. 187. 188. 189. 190. 191. 192. 193. 194. 195. 196. 197. 198. 199. 200. 201. 202. 203. 204. 205. 206. 207. 208. 209. 210. 211. 212. 213. 214. 215. 216.

Name of the Journal Pharmacy Comptes Rendus Chimie Computers and Chemistry Computertalk (USA) Consultant Pharmacist (USA) Consumer Reports (USA) Contemporary Long Term Care (USA) Cosmetic Dermatology (USA) Cosmetics And Toiletries (USA) CRIPS (India) Critical Care Medicine Cronache Farmaceutiche (Italy) Crystal Engineering Crystal Growth and Design Crystal Research And Technology Crystengcomm CSIR News (India) Current Drug Delivery Current Literature on Science of Science Current Medical Research And Opinion (England) Current Medicinal Chemistry Current Medicinal Chemistry - Immunology, Endocrine and Metabolic Agents Current Medicinal Chemistry -Anti-Cancer Agents Current Medicinal Chemistry -Central Nervous System Agents Current Opinion in Biotechnology Current Opinion in Chemical Biology Current Opinion in Pharmacology Current Organic Chemistry Current Pharma Research Current Science Current Therapeutic Research Current Therapeutic Research, Clinical And Experimental Current Topics in Analytical Chemistry (India) Current Topics in Colloid and Interface Science (India) Current Topics in Medicinal Chemistry Current Topics in Pharmacology (India) Current Topics in Phytochemistry (India) Current trends in microbiology (India) Current Trends in Polymer Science (India) Daru Journal of the Faculty of Pharmacy, Tehran University of The Medical Sciences Iran) De Pharmazie Deutsche Apotheker, Der (Germany) Diabetes (USA) Diabetes Care Disease Management and Health Outcomes (New Zealand)


Sr. No. 217. 218. 219. 220. 221. 222. 223. 224. 225. 226. 227. 228. 229. 230. 231. 232. 233. 234. 235. 236. 237. 238. 239. 240. 241. 242. 243. 244. 245. 246. 247. 248. 249. 250. 251. 252. 253. 254. 255. 256. 257. 258. 259. 260.

Name of the Journal Pharmacy Dissolution Technologies (USA) Drug and Chemical Toxicology (USA) Drug and Therapeutics Bulletin (England) Drug Benefit Trends (USA) Drug Delivery (England) Drug Design and Discovery (Switzerland) Drug Development and Industrial Pharmacy (USA) Drug Development Research (USA) Drug Discovery Today (England) Drug Discovery Today Incorporating Pharmaceutical Science and Technology Today Drug Discovery World Drug Information Journal (USA) Drug Metabolism Drug News And Perspectives (Spain) Drug One Drug Safety (New Zealand) Drug Topics (USA) Drugs (New Zealand) Drugs and Aging (New Zealand) Drugs and Pharmaceuticals-Current R and D Highlights (India) Drugs and Society (USA) Drugs in R and D Drugs Made In Germany (Germany) Drugs of The Future (Spain) Drugs of Today (Spain) Drugs Under Experimental and Clinical Research (Switzerland) Dyes and Pigments E Journal of Chemistry Education World (India) Egyptian Medical Journal of the National Research Center (Egypt) Electronic Journal of Theoretical Chemistry Electronic Medicinal Chemistry Epidemiology Epilepsia Eurasian Journal of Analytical Chemistry European Journal of Dermatology (France) European Journal of Hospital Pharmacy Practice (Belgium) European Journal of Hospital Pharmacy Science (Belgium) European Journal of Lipid Science And Technology European Journal of Medicinal Chemistry European Journal of Organic Chemistry European Journal of Parenteral And Pharmaceutical Sciences (England) European Journal of Pharmaceutical Chemistry European Journal of Pharmaceutical Sciences (Netherlands)


Sr. No. 261. 262. 263. 264. 265. 266. 267. 268. 269. 270. 271. 272. 273. 274. 275. 276. 277. 278. 279. 280. 281. 282. 283. 284. 285. 286. 287. 288. 289. 290. 291. 292. 293. 294. 295. 296. 297. 298. 299. 300. 301. 302. 303. 304.

Name of the Journal Pharmacy European Journal of Pharmaceutics and Biopharmaceutics (Netherlands) European Polymer Journal Express Pharma Pulse (India) Fabad Journal of Pharmaceutical Sciences (Turkey) Farmaceuticky Obzor (Slovakia) Farmaceutico Hospitales, El (Spain) Farmaceutico, El (Spain) Farmaceutisch Tijdschrift Voor Belgie (Belgium) Farmaceutski Glasnik (Croatia) Farmacevtski Vestnik (Ljubljana, Slovenia) Farmacia (Rumania) Farmacia Hospitalaria (Spain) Farmacia Portuguesa (Portugal) Farmacja Polska (Poland) Farmaco, Il (Italy) Fda Consumer (USA) Fertility And Sterility (USA) Fett Lipid Fibre Chemistry Fitoterapia (Italy) Flavour and Fragrance Journal Florida Journal of Health-System Pharmacy (USA) Florida Pharmacy Today (USA) Folia Pharmaceutica Universitatis Carolinae (Czechslovakia) Food and Drug Law Journal (USA) Food Chemistry Food Hydrocolloids Food/Nahrung Formulary (USA) Foundations of Chemistry Fuel Cells Gastroenterology Genomics Giornale Italiano Di Farmacia Clinica (Italy) Green Chemistry Health (India) Health Affairs Health Care Distributor (USA) Health Data Management Health Screen (India) Health Services Research (USA) Helvetica Chimica Acta Hepatitis B-Annual (India) Hepatology


Sr. No. 305. 306. 307. 308. 309. 310. 311. 312. 313. 314. 315. 316. 317. 318. 319. 320. 321. 322. 323. 324. 325. 326. 327. 328. 329. 330. 331. 332. 333. 334. 335. 336. 337. 338. 339. 340. 341. 342. 343. 344. 345. 346. 347. 348.

Name of the Journal Pharmacy Herald of Health (India) Herald of Medicine (China) Herba Polonica (Poland) Herbal Tech Industries (India) Heteroatom Chemistry Heterocycles Hospital Materials Management (USA) Hospital Pharmacist (Great Britain) Hospital Pharmacist Report (USA) Hospital Pharmacy (USA) Hospital Topics (USA) Hospitals and Health Networks (USA) Hypertension Il Farmaco Immunopharmacology Indian Drugs (India) Indian Journal of Biochemistry and Biophysics (India) Indian Journal of Biotechnology (India) Indian Journal of Cancer Research (India) Indian Journal of Chemical Technology (India) Indian Journal of Chemistry Section-A (India) Indian Journal of Chemistry Section-B (India) Indian Journal of Experimental Biology (India) Indian Journal of Heterocyclic Chemistry (India) Indian Journal of Human Genetics (India) Indian Journal of Medical Etics (India) Indian Journal of Medical Informatics (India) Indian Journal of Medical Microbiology (India) Indian Journal of Medical Research (India) Indian Journal of Medical Sciences (India) Indian Journal of Microbiology (India) Indian Journal of Natural Products (India) Indian Journal of Pharmaceutical Education and Research (India) Indian Journal of Pharmaceutical Sciences (India) Indian Journal of Pharmacology (India) Indian Journal of Technical Education (India) Indian Journal of Traditional Knowledge (India) Indian Journal Pharmaceutical Education And Research Indian Pharmacist (India) Indian Science Abstracts (India) Indonesian Journal of Pharmacy (Indonesia) Infusion (USA) Integrative Cancer Therapies International Journal of Green Pharmacy (India)


Sr. No. 349. 350. 351. 352. 353. 354. 355. 356. 357. 358. 359. 360. 361. 362. 363. 364. 365. 366. 367. 368. 369. 370. 371. 372. 373. 374. 375. 376. 377. 378. 379. 380. 381. 382. 383. 384. 385. 386. 387. 388. 389. 390. 391. 392.

Name of the Journal Pharmacy International Journal of Pure and Applied Chemistry (India) Internal Medicine Journal International Drug Therapy Newsletter (USA) International Immunopharmacology International Journal of Chemical Sciences (India) International Journal of Clinical Pharmacology And Therapeutics (Germany) International Journal of Clinical Practice (Uk) International Journal of Cosmetic Science (England) International Journal of Drug Policy (England) International Journal of Green Pharmacy International Journal of Medicinal Mushrooms (USA) International Journal of Pharmaceutical Compounding (USA) International Journal of Pharmaceutical Medicine (England) International Journal of Pharmaceutics (Netherlands) International Journal of Pharmacy Education And Practice (USA) International Journal of Pharmacy Practice (England) International Journal of Risk And Safety In Medicine (Netherlands) International Pharmacy Journal Internet Journal of Chemistry Iranian Journal of Pharmaceutical Research (Iran) Iranian Journal of Pharmacology Irish Pharmacy Journal (Ireland) Japanese Journal of Hospital Pharmacy (Japan) Japanese Journal of Pharmaceutical Health Care And Sciences (Japan) Joint Commission Perspectives (USA) Journal De Pharmacie Clinique (France) Journal De Pharmacie De Belgique (Belgium) Journal Fr Praktische Chemie Journal of Aging And Pharmacotherapy (USA) Journal of Agricultural And Food Chemistry Journal of Allergy And Clinical Immunology Journal of Alternative And Complementary Medicine: Research On Paradigm, Practice, and Policy (USA) Journal of American Nutraceutical Association (USA) Journal of Applied Research In Clinical And Experimental Therapeutics (USA) Journal of Applied Therapeutic Research (USA) Journal of Beijing University Of Traditional Chinese Medicine (China) Journal of Biological Chemistry Journal of Bioluminescence And Chemiluminescence Journal of Biomedical Materials Research Part A Journal of Biomedical Materials Research Part B: Applied Biomaterials Journal of Cancer Research And Therapeutics Journal of Cannabis Therapeutics (USA) Journal of Cardiovascular Pharmacology Journal of Catalysis


Sr. No. 393. 394. 395. 396. 397. 398. 399. 400. 401. 402. 403. 404. 405. 406. 407. 408. 409. 410. 411. 412. 413. 414. 415. 416. 417. 418. 419. 420. 421. 422. 423. 424. 425. 426. 427. 428. 429. 430. 431. 432. 433. 434. 435. 436.

Name of the Journal Pharmacy Journal of Chemical Information And Computer Sciences Journal of Chemical Research Journal of Chemical Technology and Biotechnology Journal of Chilian Chemical Society Journal of China Pharmaceutical University (China) Journal of China Pharmacy (China) Journal of Chinese Materia Medica (China) Journal of Clinical Investigation (USA) Journal of Clinical Oncology (USA) Journal of Clinical Pharmacology (USA) Journal of Clinical Pharmacy And Therapeutics (England) Journal of Clinical Psychiatry Journal of Clinical Psychopharmacology (USA) Journal of Clinical Research (England) Journal of Colloid And Interface Science Journal of Combinatorial Chemistry Journal of Controlled Release (Netherlands) Journal of Cosmetic Science (England) Journal of Current Sciences (India) Journal of Dispersion Science And Technology (USA) Journal of Drug Assessment Journal of Drug Education (USA) Journal of Drug Research (Egypt) Journal of Drug Targeting (Switzerland) Journal of Enzyme Inhibition And Medicinal Chemistry Journal of Ethnicity In Substance Abuse Journal of Ethnopharmacology (Ireland) Journal of Ethopian Chemical Society Journal of Fluorine Chemistry Journal of Food Sciences and Technology (India) Journal of Forensic Sciences Journal of Herbal Medicine And Toxicology Journal of Herbal Pharmacotherapy (USA) Journal of Herbs, Spices, And Medicinal Plants (USA) Journal of Heterocyclic Chemistry Journal of Human Hypertension Journal of Indian Medical Association (India) Journal of Infectious Disease Pharmacotherapy (USA) Journal of Intellectual Property Rights (India) Journal of Intravenous Nursing (USA) Journal of Investigative Dermatology (USA) Journal of Japanese Society Of Hospital Pharmacists (Japan) Journal of Labelled Compounds And Radiopharmaceuticals Journal of Long-Term Effects Of Medical Implants (USA)


Sr. No. 437. 438. 439. 440. 441. 442. 443. 444. 445. 446. 447. 448. 449. 450. 451. 452. 453. 454. 455. 456. 457. 458. 459. 460. 461. 462. 463. 464. 465. 466. 467. 468. 469. 470. 471. 472. 473. 474. 475. 476. 477. 478. 479. 480.

Name of the Journal Pharmacy Journal of Managed Care Pharmacy (USA) Journal of Managed Pharmaceutical Care Journal of Materials Chemistry Journal of Materials Science Journal of Materials Science: Materials In Medicine Journal of Medical Economics (England) Journal of Medicinal and Aromatic Plant Sciences (India) Journal of Medicinal Chemical Sciences (India) Journal of Medicinal Chemistry Journal of Medicinal Food (USA) Journal of Microbial World (India) Journal of Molecular Catalysis B: Enzymatic Journal of Molecular Catalysis- Now Known As Journal Of Molecular Catalysis A: Chemical Journal of Molecular Modeling Journal of Nanoparticle Research Journal of Natural Products (USA) Journal of Natural Remedies (India) Journal of Nutraceuticals, Functional and Medical Foods Journal of Nutritional And Environmental Medicine (Uk) Journal of Oncology Pharmacy Practice (USA) Journal of Organic Chemistry Journal of Organometallic Chemistry Journal of Pain And Palliative Care Pharmacotherapy (USA) Journal of Palliative Medicine (USA) Journal of Parenteral and Enteral Nutrition (USA) Journal of Pediatric Pharmacology And Therapeutics (USA) Journal of Peptide Science Journal of Pharmaceutical and Biomedical Analysis (England) Journal of Pharmaceutical Care In Pain And Symptom Control (USA) Journal of Pharmaceutical Finance, Economics And Policy (USA Journal of Pharmaceutical Marketing And Management (USA) Journal of Pharmaceutical Medicine (England) Journal of Pharmaceutical Research (India) Journal of Pharmaceutical Science And Technology (Japan) Journal of Pharmaceutical Sciences (USA) Journal of Pharmaceutical Sciences And Technology Journal of Pharmacoepidemiology (USA) Journal of Pharmacokinetics And Biopharmaceutics (USA) Journal of Pharmacokinetics And Pharmacodynamics (USA) Journal of Pharmacology Journal of Pharmacy And Pharmacology (England) Journal of Pharmacy Pharmaceutical Sciences (Canada) Journal of Pharmacy Practice (USA) Journal of Pharmacy Teaching (USA)


Sr. No. 481. 482. 483. 484. 485. 486. 487. 488. 489. 490. 491. 492. 493. 494. 495. 496. 497. 498. 499. 500. 501. 502. 503. 504. 505. 506. 507. 508. 509. 510. 511. 512. 513. 514. 515. 516. 517. 518. 519. 520. 521. 522. 523. 524.

Name of the Journal Pharmacy Journal of Pharmacy Technology (USA) Journal of Photochemistry And Photobiology A: Chemistry Journal of Photochemistry And Photobiology B: Biology Journal of Physical Organic Chemistry Journal of Physics And Chemistry Of Solids Journal of Porphyrins And Phthalocyanines Journal of Post Graduate Medicine (India) Journal of Psychopharmacology Journal of Research In Pharmaceutical Economics (USA) Journal of Rheumatology Journal of Scientific and Industrial Research (India) Journal of Social And Administrative Pharmacy (Sweden) Journal of Solution Chemistry Journal of Structural Chemistry Journal of The American Academy Of Dermatology (USA) Journal of The American Chemical Society Journal of The American Colleges Of Cardiology Journal of The American Medical Association (USA) Journal of The American Medical Informatics Association Journal of The American Pharmaceutical Association Journal of The Iowa Pharmacy Association (USA) Journal of The Iranian Chemical Society Journal of The National Cancer Institute (USA) Journal of The National Medical Association (USA) Journal of The Pharmaceutical Society Of Japan (Japan) Journal of The Pharmacy Society Of Wisconsin (USA) Journal of The Science Of Food And Agriculture Journal of The Serbian Chemical Society Journal of Ultra Chemistry Keeposted (USA) Lab On A Chip Lancet, The (USA) Lecta: Revista De Farmacia E Biologia (Brazil) Letters In Peptide Science Lipid Fett Managed Care Interface (USA) Managed Healthcare Executive (USA) Manufacturing Chemist (England) Mass Spectrometry Bulletin (Msb) Medical Device Technology (England) Medical Letter On Drugs And Therapeutics (USA) Medicinal and Aromatic Plants abstracts (India) Medicinal Chemistry Research Medicinal Chemistry Research


Sr. No. 525. 526. 527. 528. 529. 530. 531. 532. 533. 534. 535. 536. 537. 538. 539. 540. 541. 542. 543. 544. 545. 546. 547. 548. 549. 550. 551. 552. 553. 554. 555. 556. 557. 558. 559. 560. 561. 562. 563. 564. 565. 566. 567. 568.

Name of the Journal Pharmacy Medicinal Research Reviews Medico legal Update (India) Medizinische Monatsschrift Fur Pharmazeuten (Germany) Mendeleev Communications Methods In Organic Synthesis Michigan Pharmacist (USA) Modern Drug Discovery Modern Healthcare (USA) Molecular Diversity Molecular Pharmaceutics Molecules Online Molecules, A Journal of Synthetic Chemistry And Natural Product Chemistry Monatshefte Fr Chemie/Chemical Monthly Morbidity And Mortality Weekly Report (USA) Nahrung/Food Nano Letters Nanomedicine: Nanotechnology, Biology And Medicine Natural Pharmacy (USA) Natural Product Rediance (India) Natural Product Reports Natural Product Updates Natural Products An Indian Journal Nature Nature Biotechnology Nature Materials Nature Medicine Nebraska Mortar And Pestle (USA) Neutraceuticals New England Journal Of Medicine (USA) New Ethicals Journal (New Zealand) New Journal of Chemistry New York State Journal of Health-System Pharmacy (USA) New Zealand Pharmacy (New Zealand) Nucleic Acids Research Nurse Practitioner (USA) Nursing (USA) Nutrition In Clinical Practice (USA) Oaz Osterriechesche Apotheker-Zeitung (Austria) Ohio Pharmacist (USA) Organic and Biomolecular Chemistry Organic Letters Organic Process Research and Development Organometallics Oriential Journal Of Chemistry


Sr. No. 569. 570. 571. 572. 573. 574. 575. 576. 577. 578. 579. 580. 581. 582. 583. 584. 585. 586. 587. 588. 589. 590. 591. 592. 593. 594. 595. 596. 597. 598. 599. 600. 601. 602. 603. 604. 605. 606. 607. 608. 609. 610. 611. 612.

Name of the Journal Pharmacy P and T (USA) Pakistan Journal Of Scientific And Industrial Research Pda Journal Of Pharmaceutical Science And Technology (USA) Pediatric Asthma, Allergy and Immunology (USA) Pediatric Drugs (New Zealand) Pediatrics (USA) Peptides Perfumer And Flavorist (USA) Perkin Transactions 1 Perkin Transactions 2 Perspectives In Drug Discovery and Design Pest Management Science Pesticide Outlook Pesticide Science Pharma BioWorld (India) Pharma Business and Technology (India) Pharma Buzz (India) Pharma Review (India) Pharma Times (India) Pharmaceutica Acta Helvetiae Pharmaceutical and Pharmacological Letters (Germany) Pharmaceutical Biology (Netherlands) Pharmaceutical Care and Research (China) Pharmaceutical Chemistry Journal (Russia) Pharmaceutical Development And Technology (USA) Pharmaceutical Executive (USA) Pharmaceutical Formulation And Quality Pharmaceutical Historian (England) Pharmaceutical Journal (England) Pharmaceutical Research (USA) Pharmaceutical Science and Technology Today (England) Pharmaceutical Science and Technology Today Incorporated Into Drug Discovery Today Pharmaceutical Statistics (Uk) Pharmaceutical Technology Pharmaceutisch Weekblad (Netherlands) Pharmaciae (South Africa) Pharmacoeconomics (New Zealand) Pharmacoepidemiology And Drug Safety (England) Pharmacognosy Magazine Pharmacological Research Pharmacological Research Communications Pharmacology And Therapeutics Pharmacotherapy (USA) Pharmactuel, Le (France)


Sr. No. 613. 614. 615. 616. 617. 618. 619. 620. 621. 622. 623. 624. 625. 626. 627. 628. 629. 630. 631. 632. 633. 634. 635. 636. 637. 638. 639. 640. 641. 642. 643. 644. 645. 646. 647. 648. 649. 650. 651. 652. 653. 654. 655. 656.

Name of the Journal Pharmacy Pharmacy council of Indian Bulletin (India) Pharmacy Education (Uk) Pharmacy In History (USA) Pharmacy In Practice (England) Pharmacy Practice (Canada) Pharmacy Practice News (USA) Pharmacy Times (USA) Pharmacy Today (USA) Pharmacy World And Science (Netherlands) Pharmazeutische Industrie (Germany) Pharmazeutische Zeitung (Germany) Pharmazie, Die (Germany) Photochemical and Photobiological Sciences Phrarmaceutical Discovery Phytochemistry Phytomedicine Phytopharma (India) Plant Indica (India) Planta Medica (Germany) Postgraduate Medicine Prescrire International (France) Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences Progress In Lipid Research Propellants, Explosives, Pyrotechnics Protein And Peptide Letters Pure and Applied Chemistry Qsar and Combinatorial Science Quality Assurance Journal (Great Britain) Quantitative Structure Activity Relationships (Qsar) Quebec Pharmacie (Canada) Research In Social And Administrative Pharmacy (USA) Research Journal of Pharmacy and Technology (India) Research Trends Revista Mexicana De Ciencias Farmaceuticas (Mexico) Rheumatology Russian Journal of Bioorganic Chemistry Russian Journal of Organic Chemistry Science Asia Scientific American India (India) Siddha System of Life (India) Silicon Chemistry Single Molecules South African Journal of Chemistry Starch/Strke


Sr. No. 657. 658. 659. 660. 661. 662. 663. 664. 665. 666. 667. 668. 669. 670. 671. 672. 673. 674. 675. 676. 677. 678.

Name of the Journal Pharmacy Steroids Synlett Synthesis Synthetic Communications Tetrahedron Tetrahedron Letters Tetrahedron: Asymmetry The Antiseptic (India) The Indian Journal of Hospital Pharmacy (India) The Indian Journal of Physiology and Pharmacology (India) The Journal of Phytochemistry The Pharma Review (India) Trends in Cancer Research (India) Trends in heterocyclic chemistry (India) Trends In Pharmacological Sciences Tropical Journal of Pharmaceutical Research Turkish Journal of Pharmaceutical Sciences Turkish Journal of Chemistry Ultrasound Sonochemistry Yoga The Sciences (India) Advances in Biology GMP and Industrial Pharmacy

Review Journals Sr. No. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. 16. 17. 18. Name of the Journal Advanced Drug Delivery Reviews (England) Annual Review of Pharmacology and Toxicology Annual Review of Public Health Cardiovascular Drug Reviews (USA) Clinical Microbiology Review CNS Drug Reviews Critical Reviews in Therapeutic Drug Carrier Systems (USA) GMP Review Pharmaceutical and Cosmetic Review (South Africa) Pharmacy Review (Australia) Advanced Drug Delivery Reviews Chemical Reviews Journal of Photochemistry and Photobiology C: Photochemistry Reviews Mass Spectrometry Reviews Nature Reviews Drug Discovery Russian Chemical Reviews Reviews in Computational Chemistry - a book series. Medicinal Research Reviews


Online Journals Sr. No. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. Name of the Journal Phrmainfo online.com CPR journal.com ( Current Pharma Reasearch Journal) Pharmainfo.net International Journal of Chemical and Analytical Sciences Journal of Pharmacy Research Onlinepharmacology

In addition to specific lists provided, Any journal listed in Science Citation Index, or Any journal listed in Science Citation Index (Extended), or Any journal having ISBN number, or Any journal having ISSN number


Civil Engineering Journals The World Famous Civil Engineering Journals and Magazines are listed below:


3. 4.

5. 6. 7. 8.



11. 12.

13. 14. 15.


ASCE Journal of Infrastructure Systems Publish cross-disciplinary papers about methodologies for monitoring, evaluating, expanding, repairing, replacing, financing, or otherwise sustaining the civil infrastructure. Canadian Journal of Civil Engineering Bimonthly journal of the Canadian Society for Civil Engineering. Publishes articles in the fields of structure, construction, mechanics, materials,transportation, computer applications, hydrotechnical and environmental engineering. Civil Engineering Magazine Online Explore the latest contents of Civil Engineering magazine, the official publication of the American Society of Civil Engineers: Civil Engineering News Online An independent news source for information on engineered projects; consulting firm management; surveying GPS; rehabilitation of structures; construction materials methods; public works. Concrete Canoe Magazine Published annually and dedicated to students that are involved in the concrete canoe project. Engineering News-Record Site features headline news, searchable directories of engineers, contractors and industry job listings for architects, engineers, and other professionals. Geotechnical and Geological Engineering An international journal that covers the complete spectrum of geo-engineering including soil and rock engineering and hydrogeology. Grading and Ecavation Contractor Online Grading and Excavation Contractor is a professional journal covering the construction industry, published by Forester Publishing, Inc. Institution of Civil Engineers Virtual Library Provides searchable access to the institutes repository of full text civil engineering papers stretching back to 1836. Pay per view or subscription based. Journal of Composites for Construction Deals with composite materials consisting of continuous synthetic fibers and matrices for use in civil engineering structures and subjected to the loading and environments of the infrastructure. Observer Newsletter A newsletter for all engineers and those interested in the profession. Roads and Bridges Magazine Provides engineers, contractors and government information on equipment, materials, technology, and products targeted to transportation specifying/buying teams who design, build and maintain the facilities. Terra et Aqua International journal on public works, ports and waterways developments. Presents dredging related papers on important scientific and state-of-the-art subjects. Current MethodsJournal - explores water resources engineering, with articles and current events inhydrology and hydraulics. From Haestad Methods. Thomas Telford Journals- online journals include Geotechnique, Civil Engineering, Structural Concrete and the complete proceedings of the Institution of CivilEngineers Journal of Hydraulic Research- bimonthly published by the International Association of HydraulicEngineering and Research (IAHR) Various other useful links to Civil Engineering Journals and Magazines are:-

17. ACI Materials Journal 18. Applied Acoustics 19. ASTM Standardization News


20. 21. 22. 23. 24. 25. 26. 27. 28. 29. 30. 31. 32. 33. 34. 35. 36. 37. 38. 39. 40. 41. 42. 43. 44. 45. 46. 47. 48. 49. 50. 51. 52. 53. 54. 55. 56. 57. 58. 59. 60. 61. 62. 63. 64. 65. 66. 67. 68. 69.

Bulletin of Engineering Geology and the Environment Civil Engineering Concrete International Earth Surface Processes and Landforms Environmental Geology Extremes First Break Geological Magazine Geology Today Geophysical Prospecting Hydrological Sciences Journal The Intelligent Highway ITE (Institute of Transportation Engineers) Journal International Journal of Computer-Integrated Design and Construction International Journal of Project Management International Journal of Water Resources Development Journal of the Acoustical Society of America Journal of Architectural Engineering Journal of Bridge Engineering Journal of Cold Regions Engineering Journal of Computing in Civil Engineering Journal of Construction Engineering and Management Journal of Engineering Mechanics Journal of Environmental Engineering Journal of Fluid Mechanics Journal of Geotechnical and Geoenvironmental Engineering Journal of Hydraulic Engineering Journal of Hydrologic Engineering Journal of Infrastructure Systems Journal of Irrigation and Drainage Engineering Journal of Management in Engineering Journal of Materials in Civil Engineering Journal of Performance of Constructed Facilities Journal of Professional Issues in Engineering Education and Practice Journal of Public Transportation Journal of Structural Engineering Journal of Surveying Engineering Journal of Transportation Engineering Journal of Urban Planning andDevelopment Journal of Water Resources Planning and Management Journal of Waterway, Port, Coastal, and Ocean Engineering Journal of Wood Science The Leading Edge Materials Technology MeccanicaApplied Mechanics Natural Hazards Natural Hazards Review Practice Periodical on Structural Design and Construction Public Roads Research in Engineering Design


70. Rock Mechanics and Rock Engineering 71. Soil Science 72. Water Resources Management 73. Wood and Fiber Science Journal 74. Wood Design Focus 75. Wood Science and Technology 76. Accident Analysis & Prevention 77. ACI Materials Journal 78. ACI Structural Journal 79. Advances in Engineering Software 80. Applied Acoustics 81. Applied Mechanics Reviews 82. Applied Ocean Research 83. ASCE Journals - listing of all 12 online journals 84. ASTM Standardization News 85. Australian Journal of Earth Sciences 86. Automation in Construction 87. Brick Bulletin 88. Building Research and Information 89. Bulletin of Engineering Geology and the Environment 90. Cement and Concrete Composites 91. Cement and Concrete Research 92. Civil Engineering 93. Communications in Numerical Methods in Engineering 94. Computer Methods in Applied Mechanics and Engineering 95. Computers and Geotechnics 96. Computers and Structures 97. Concrete International 98. Concrete Quarterly 99. Concrete Science and Engineering 100. Construction and Building Materials 101. Current Methods Journal - explores water resources engineering, with articles and current

events in hydrology and hydraulics; from Haestad Methods.

102. Earth Surface Processes and Landforms 103. Earthquake Engineering & Structural Dynamics 104. Energy and Buildings 105. Engineering Computations 106. Engineering, Construction and Architectural Management 107. Engineering Failure Analysis 108. Engineering Structures 109. Finite Elements in Analysis and Design 110. Environmental Geology 111. Extremes 112. Fire Safety Journal 113. First Break 114. Forest Products Journal 115. Geological Magazine 116. Geology Today 117. Geophysical Prospecting 118. Geophysics


119. HolzalsRoh- und Werkstoff-European Journal of Wood and Wood Products 120. Hydrological Sciences Journal 121. Inside ITS 122. The Intelligent Highway 123. International Journal for Numerical Methods in Engineering 124. International Journal for Numerical Methods in Fluids 125. International Journal of Numerical Methods for Heat & Fluid Flow 126. International Journal of Rock Mechanics and Mining Sciences 127. ITE (Institute of Transportation Engineers) Journal 128. International Journal of Adhesion and Adhesives 129. International Journal of Computer-Integrated Design and Construction 130. International Journal of Plasticity 131. International Journal of Project Management 132. International Journal of Solids and Structures 133. International Journal of Water Resources Development 134. Journal of the Acoustical Society of America 135. Journal of Aerospace Engineering 136. Journal of Architectural Engineering 137. Journal of the Audio Engineering Society 138. Journal of Bridge Engineering 139. Journal of Cold Regions Engineering 140. Journal of Computing in Civil Engineering 141. Journal of Construction Engineering and Management 142. Journal of Constructional Steel Research 143. Journal of Engineering Mechanics 144. Journal of Environmental Engineering 145. Journal of Fluid Mechanics 146. Journal of Geotechnical and Geoenvironmental Engineering 147. Journal of Hydraulic Engineering 148. Journal of Hydrologic Engineering 149. Journal of Hydraulic Research - bimonthly published by the International Association of

Hydraulic Engineering and Research (IAHR) 150. Journal of Hydrology 151. Journal of Infrastructure Systems 152. Journal of Irrigation and Drainage Engineering 153. Journal of Management in Engineering 154. Journal of Materials in Civil Engineering 155. Journal of Performance of Constructed Facilities 156. Journal of Professional Issues in Engineering Education and Practice 157. Journal of Public Transportation 158. Journal of Sound and Vibration 159. Journal of Structural Engineering 160. Journal of Surveying Engineering 161. Journal of Transport Geography 162. Journal of Transportation Engineering 163. Journal of Urban Planning and Development 164. Journal of Water Resources Planning and Management 165. Journal of Waterway, Port, Coastal, and Ocean Engineering 166. Journal of Wood Science 167. The Leading Edge


168. Marine Structures 169. The Masonry Society Journal 170. Materials Technology 171. Meccanica Applied Mechanics 172. Mechanics of Materials 173. Natural Hazards 174. Natural Hazards Review 175. Numerical and Analytical Methods in Geomechanics 176. Ocean Engineering 177. Practice Periodical of Hazardous, Toxic, and Radioactive Waste Management 178. Practice Periodical on Structural Design and Construction 179. Public Roads 180. Reliability Engineering and System Safety 181. Regional Studies 182. Research in Engineering Design 183. Rock Mechanics and Rock Engineering 184. Soil Science 185. Structural Engineering International 186. Structural and Multidisciplinary Optimization 187. Structural Safety 188. Structural Survey 189. Swedish Building Research 190. Thin-Walled Structures 191. Thomas Telford Journals - online journals include Geotechnique, Civil Engineering,

Structural Concrete and the complete proceedings of the Institution of Civil Engineers 192. Transport in Porous Media 193. Transportation 194. Transportation Research Part A: Policy and Practice 195. Transportation Research Part B: Methodology 196. Transportation Research Part C: Emerging Technologies 197. Transportation Research Part D: Transport and Environment 198. Water Environment Research 199. Water Environment and Technology 200. Water Resources Management 201. Wood and Fiber Science Journal 202. Wood Design Focus 203. Wood Science and Technology 204. World Water and Environmental Engineering ASCE Research Library
205. InternationalJournalofGeomechanics 206. JournalofAerospaceEngineering 207. JournalofArchitecturalEngineering 208. JournalofBridgeEngineering 209. JournalofColdRegionsEngineering 210. JournalofCompositesforConstruction 211. JournalofComputinginCivilEngineering 212. JournalofConstructionEngineeringandManagement


213. JournalofEnergyEngineering 214. JournalofEngineeringMechanics 215. JournalofEnvironmentalEngineering 216. JournalofGeotechnical&GeoenvironmentalEngineering 217. JournalofHydraulicEngineering 218. JournalofHydrologicEngineering 219. JournalofInfrastructureSystems 220. JournalofIrrigationandDrainageEngineering 221. JournalofLegalAffairsandDisputeResolutioninEngineeringandConstruction 222. JournalofManagementinEngineering 223. JournalofMaterialsinCivilEngineering 224. JournalofPerformanceofConstructedFacilities 225. JournalofPipelineSystemsEngineeringandPractice 226. JournalofProfessionalIssuesinEngineeringEducation&Practice 227. JournalofStructuralEngineering 228. JournalofSurveyingEngineering 229. JournalofTransportationEngineering 230. JournalofUrbanPlanningandDevelopment 231. JournalofWaterResourcesPlanningandManagement 232. JournalofWaterway,Port,CoastalandOceanEngineering 233. LeadershipandManagementinEngineering 234. NaturalHazardsReview 235. PracticePeriodicalofHazardous,Toxic&RadioactiveWasteManagement 236. PracticePeriodicalonStructuralDesignandConstruction

S. No. A 2 Advances in Dynamical Research India Mathematics/Statistics
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Publication Name

Publisher Name

Subject Category

URL Address

Systems and Applications Publications 3 Advances in Fuzzy Mathematics 4 Advances in Theoretical and Applied Mathematics 5 Advances in Wireless and Mobile Communications 6 Ageing and Society Calcutta Metropolitan Engineering Mechanics/Materials Research India Publications Research India Publications Research India Publications Applied Science/Technology Mathematics/Statistics Mathematics/Statistics

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Institute of Gerontology 25 Anvesak Sardar Patel Institute of Economic & Social Research 27 ArthaVijnana Gokhale Institute of Politics & Economics 28 ArthaVikas Sardar Patel University Engineering Mechanics/Materials Engineering Mechanics/Materials Engineering Mechanics/Materials

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Asian Economic Review

The Indian Institute of Economics

Engineering Mechanics/Materials

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Asian Journal of Economics and Social Studies

Society of Asian Development

Engineering Mechanics/Materials

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Asian Journal of Water, Environment and Pollution

Asian Journal of Water, Environment and Pollution Serials Publications

Applied Science/Technology

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Asian-African Journal of Economics & Econometrics

Engineering Mechanics/Materials

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ASP Labour Digest

ASP Labour Digest

Engineering Mechanics/Materials

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B 36 BEDE ATHENAEUM :- A Journal of Research Papers 42 Bioinformatics India Bioinformatics Institute of India 43 Bulletin of Materials Science 44 Bulletin on Energy Efficiency C Indian Academy of Sciences Indian Renewable Energy Applied Science/Technology Development Agency Ltd Applied Science/Technology Applied Science/Technology Click Here
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St. Bede's College Shimla


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CBIP Newsletter

Central Board of Irrigation Applied Science/Technology and Power

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Chartered Accountant

Institute of Chartered Accountants of India

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Chartered Secretary

The Institute of Company Secretaries of India

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Communications in Mathematical Analysis

Research India Publications Institute of Economic Growth Computer Society of India Indian Academy of Sciences


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Contributions To Indian Sociology

Engineering Mechanics/Materials

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CSI Journal/CSI Communications

Engineering Mechanics/Materials

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Current Science & CD Roms D

Applied Science/Technology

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Defence Science Journal

Defence Scientific Information & Documentation Centre, Delhi

Applied Science/Technology

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DESIDOC Journal of Library & Information Technology

Defence Scientific Information & Documentation Centre, Delhi

Applied Science/Technology

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Engineering Mechanics/Materials

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Down to Earth

Centre for Science & Environment

Applied Science/Technology

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E 61 Economic & Political Weekly 62 Economic Affairs Economic Affairs Engineering Mechanics/Materials Sameeksha Trust Engineering Mechanics/Materials
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Energy Security Insights

The Energy and Resources Institute (TERI)

Applied Science/Technology

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Everymans Science

The Indian Science Congres Association

Applied Science/Technology

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F 65 Far and Near in Water & Energy 66 Finance India Central Board of Irrigation Applied Science/Technology and Power Indian Institute of Finance Engineering Mechanics/Materials
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Fire Engineer

Institution of Fire Engineers (India)

Applied Science/Technology

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G 69 GAMS Journal of Mathematical Biosciences 70 Ganita BharataGanitaParisad Mathematics/Statistics Click Here 72 Gitam Journal of Management 73 Global Journal of Flexible Systems Management College of Management Studies GITAM Global Institute of Flexible Systems Management 74 Global Journal of Pure and Applied Mathematics 75 GYANODAYA - The Journal of Progressive Education H 79 Human Capital HR Information Services Engineering Mechanics/Materials
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Anamaya Publishers


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Research India Publications Integrated School of Education


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Hydrology journal

Indian Association of

Applied Science/Technology



Hydrologists I 81 IASLIC Bulletin Dr J N Satpathy Social Science


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Indian Association of Social Science Institutions

Social Science

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IETE Journal of Research Institute of Electronics and Telecommunication Engineers

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IETE Technical Review (Institution of Electronics and Telecommunication Engineers, India)

Institute of Electronics and Telecommunication Engineers

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Indian Concrete Journal (The)

The Associated Cement Cos. Ltd. National Co-operative Union of India Love 4 Cow Trust

Applied Science/Technology

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Indian Co-operative Review

Engineering Mechanics/Materials

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Indian Cow (The): The Scientific and Economic Journal

Social Science

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Indian Economic Journal

Indian Economic Association

Engineering Mechanics/Materials

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Indian Journal of Aerospace Medicine

Institute of AeropsaceMedicine Community Psychology Association of India Indian Association of Veterinary Microbiologists, Immunologists and Specialists in Infectious Diseases

Applied Science/Technology

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Indian Journal of Community Psychology

Engineering Mechanics/Materials

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Indian Journal of Comparative Microbiology, Immunology and Infectious Diseases

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Indian Journal of Environmental Health

National Environmental Engineering Research Institute

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Indian Journal of Environmental Protection

Kalpana Corporation

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Indian Journal of History of Science

Indian National Science Acadmey Indian Society of Labour Economics Indian Associations for the Cultivation of Science

Applied Science/Technology

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Indian Journal of Labour Economics

Engineering Mechanics/Materials

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Indian Journal of Physics

Applied Science/Technology

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Indian Journal of Political Science

The Indian Political Science Association Indian Institute of Public Administration Indian National Science Acadmey Indian Journal of Radiology & Imaging Tata Institute of Social Sciences Ministry of Labour and Employment

Engineering Mechanics/Materials

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Indian Journal of Public Administration

Engineering Mechanics/Materials

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Indian Journal of Pure &ApplMathamatics

Applied Science/Technology

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Indian Journal of Radiology& Imaging

Applied Science/Technology

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Indian Journal of Social Work

Engineering Mechanics/Materials

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Indian Labour Journal

Engineering Mechanics/Materials

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Indian Mineralogist (The)

Mineralogical Society of India

Applied Science/Technology

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Indian Register of Shipping

Indian Register of Shipping Rubber Research institute of India

Applied Science/Technology

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Indian Rubber Statistics

Applied Science/Technology

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Indian Shipping

Indian National Ship Owners Association

Applied Science/Technology

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Indian Social Science

Indian Council of Social

Engineering Mechanics/Materials



Review 183 Information Age

Science Research Dr.P S G Kumar Library Foundation Applied Science/Technology

Here Click Here Applied Science/Technology

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Information Studies

SaradaRanganathan Endowment for Library Science


International Journal of Applied Chemistry

Research India Publications Research India Publications


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International Journal of Applied Engineering Research

Applied Science/Technology

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International Journal of Applied Environmental Sciences

Research India Publications


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International Journal of Applied Mathematical Sciences

GBS Publishers & Distributers (India)


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International Journal of Development Planning Literature

Spellbound publications Pvt. Ltd.

Engineering Mechanics/Materials

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International Journal of Difference Equations

Research India Publications Research India Publications Research India Publications


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International Journal of Dynamics of Fluids

Applied Science/Technology

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International Journal of Educational Administration


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International Journal of Lakes and Rivers

Research India Publications Research India Publications Research India Publications


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International Journal of Materials Sciences

Applied Science/Technology

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International Journal of Mechanics & Solids

Applied Science/Technology

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International Journal of Oceans and Oceanography

Research India Publications


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International Journal of Petroleum Science and Technology

Research India Publications

Applied Science/Technology

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International Journal of

Research India

Applied Science/Technology

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Pure and Applied Physics Publications 208 International Journal of Regulation and Governance 209 International Journal of Statistics and Systems 210 International Journal of Theoretical and Applied Mechanics 212 IPPTA: Quarterly Journal of Indian Pulp and Paper Technical Association 213 Ireda News Indian Renewable Energy Applied Science/Technology Development Agency Ltd 214 ISET Journal of Earthquake Technology 215 ISH Journal of Hydraulic Engineering J 218 Journal of Applied Animal Garuda Scientific Research 219 Journal of Applied Horticulture 220 Journal of Astrophysics & Astronomy Publications Journal of Applied Horticulture Indian Academy of Sciences Applied Science/Technology Environment Applied Science/Technology Indian Society of Earthquake Technology The Indian Society for Hydraulics Applied Science/Technology Applied Science/Technology Indian Pulp and Paper Technical Association Applied Science/Technology The Energy and Resources Institute (TERI) Research India Publications Research India Publications Applied Science/Technology Mathematics/Statistics Applied Science/Technology

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Journal of Biosciences

Indian Academy of Sciences

Applied Science/Technology

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Journal of Cehimcal Science

Indian Academy of Sciences Research India Publications

Applied Science/Technology

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Journal of Computational Intelligence in Bioinformatics

Applied Science/Technology

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Journal of Digital Information Management

Digital Information Research Foundation The Academy of Environmental Biology, India Central Food Technological Research Institute Campus

Applied Science/Technology

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Journal of Ecophysiology& Occupational Health


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Journal of Food Science and Technology

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Journal of Genetics

Indian Academy of Sciences

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Journal of Higher Education

University Grants Commission ISAS

Engineering Mechanics/Materials

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Journal of Indian Society of Agricultural Statistics

Engineering Mechanics/Materials

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Journal of Indian Water Resources Society

Journal of Indian Water Resources Society Indian Water Works Association South Asia Publications on behalf of Management Science Association, Faculty of Management Studies, University of Delhi, Delhi

Applied Science/Technology

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Journal of Indian Water Works Association

Applied Science/Technology

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Journal of Management Research


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Journal of Marketing and Communication

NIILM Centre for Management Studies


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Journal of Metallurgy and Materials Science

National Metallurgical Laboratory Books and Journals Private Ltd. Optical Society of India

Applied Science/Technology

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Journal of Mines, Metals and Fuels

Applied Science/Technology

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Journal of Optics (India)

Applied Science/Technology

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Journal of Plant Disease Sciences

Association of Plant Pathologist Staff Society of Seth G.S.Medical College and K.E.M.Hospital Mumbai India


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Journal of Postgraduate Medicine


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Journal of Services Research

Institute for International Management of Technology (IIMT)

Engineering Mechanics/Materials

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Journal of Spacecraft Technology

ISRO Satellite Centre

Applied Science/Technology

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Journal of Structural Engineering (Madras)

SaradaRanganathan Endowment for Library Science

Applied Science/Technology

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Journal of the Indian Chemical Society

Indain Chemical Soceity

Applied Science/Technology

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Journal of the Indian Institute of Science

Indian Institute of Science Applied Science/Technology

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Journal of the Institute of Human Rights

Institute of Human Rights

Engineering Mechanics/Materials

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Journal of the Institution of Engineers (India), Part CP: Computer Engineering Division

Institution of Engineers (India)

Applied Science/Technology

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Journal of the Institution of Engineers (India), Part MM: Metallurgy and

Institution of Engineers (India)

Applied Science/Technology

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Material Science Division 281 Journal of the Institution of Engineers (India), Part MR: Marine Engineering Division 282 Journal of the Institution of Engineers (India), Part PR: Production Engineering Division 283 Journal of the Institution of Engineers (India), Part TX: Textile Engineering Division 284 Journal of the Institution of Engineers (India): Aerospace Engineering Journal 285 Journal of the Institution of Engineers (India): Agricultural Engineering Division 286 Journal of the Institution of Engineers (India): Architectural Engineering Division 287 Journal of the Institution of Engineers (India): Chemical Engineering Division 288 Journal of the Institution of Engineers (India): Civil Engineering Division 289 Journal of the Institution of Engineers (India): Electrical Engineering Institution of Engineers (India) Applied Science/Technology Click Here Institution of Engineers (India) Applied Science/Technology Click Here Institution of Engineers (India) Applied Science/Technology Click Here Institution of Engineers (India) Applied Science/Technology Click Here Institution of Engineers (India) Applied Science/Technology Click Here Institution of Engineers (India) Applied Science/Technology Click Here Institution of Engineers (India) Applied Science/Technology Click Here Institution of Engineers (India) Applied Science/Technology Click Here Institution of Engineers (India) Applied Science/Technology Click Here


Division 290 Journal of the Institution of Engineers (India): Environmental Engineering Division 291 Journal of the Institution of Engineers (India): Mechanical Engineering Division 292 Journal of the International Association on Electricity Generation Transmission and Distribution 293 Journal of The Tensor Society of India 299 Journal of Wavelet Theory and Applications K 300 Kanch All India Glass Manufacturers Federation 301 Khagol Inter-University Centre for Applied Science/Technology Astronomy & Astrophysics L 303 Labour& Development V.V. Giri National Labour Institute 304 LBS Journal of LalBahadurShastri Business/Economics/Management Engineering Mechanics/Materials Click Here
Click Here

Institution of Engineers (India)

Applied Science/Technology

Click Here

Institution of Engineers (India)

Applied Science/Technology

Click Here

International Association on Electricity Generation Transmission & Distribution

Applied Science/Technology

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The Tensor Society of India Research India Publications


Click Here

Applied Science/Technology

Click Here


Click Here Click Here

Management & Research Institute of Management 306 Lucknow Journal of Humanities Lucknow University Teacher's Academic Publication Society 307 Lucknow Journal of Lucknow University Social Science Social Science

Click Here




Teacher's Academic Publication Society



Lucknow Journal of Social Sciences

Lucknow University Teacher's Academic Publication Society

Social Science

Click Here

M 309 Management & Change Institute for Integrated Learning in Manangement 310 margin/Macro Track, Indian Policy National Council of Applied Economic Research 311 Maritime Affairs Anamaya Publishers Applied Science/Technology Click Here 312 Mass Communicator: A Journal of Communication Studies 313 Mausam India Meteorological Department N 318 Nagarlok Indian Institute of Public Administration 319 Nano Trends-A Journal of Nano Science and Nanotechnology and its Applications 320 National Geographic IBH Magazine Services Applied Science/Technology Click Here P 325 PEARL - A Journal of Library and Information Science 326 Perspective in Social College of Social Work, Engineering Mechanics/Materials Click Indian Renewable Energy Business/Economics/Management Development Agency Ltd
Click Here


Click Here

Engineering Mechanics/Materials

Click Here

Jagannath International Management School


Click Here

Applied Science/Technology

Click Here

Engineering Mechanics/Materials

Click Here

Applied Science/Technology

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Technology Consortium


Work 329 Philosophy and Social Action 330 Phytomorphology: An International Journal of Plant Morphology 333 Power Engineer Journal

NirmalaNiketan Philosophy and Social Action Scientific Publishers Applied Science/Technology Engineering Mechanics/Materials

Click Here

Click Here

The Society of Power Engineers (India)

Applied Science/Technology

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Pramana-Journal of Physics

Indian Academy of Sciences Integrated Academy of Management And Technology

Applied Science/Technology

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Pranjana:The Journal of Management Awareness


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ProceedingsMathemaitical Science

Indian Academy of Sciences Indian National Science Acadmey

Applied Science/Technology

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Proceedings of INSA-A Physical Science/B Biological Science

Applied Science/Technology

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Proceedings of the International Conference on Advances in Surface Applications, ASTRA

International Advanced Research Centre for Powder Metallurgy and

Applied Science/Technology

Click Here

Treatment: Research and New Materials (ARCI)


Proceedings-Earth & Planetary Science R

Indian Academy of Sciences

Applied Science/Technology

Click Here



The Energy and Resources Institute (TERI)

Applied Science/Technology

Click Here


Resonance Journal of Science Education

Indian Academy of Sciences The Energy and Resources Institute

Applied Science/Technology

Click Here


Resources, Energy, and Development

Applied Science/Technology

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(TERI) S 343 Sadhana (Engineering Science) 344 Samyukta: A Journal of womens Studies 345 Science & Culture Indian Science News Association 346 Science, Technology and Society 347 SESI Journal Society for Promotion of S&T Studies Solar Energy Society of India (SESI) 348 Social Action Indian Social Institute Engineering Mechanics/Materials Applied Science/Technology Engineering Mechanics/Materials Applied Science/Technology Indian Academy of Sciences Womens Initiatives Engineering Mechanics/Materials Applied Science/Technology
Click Here Click Here

Click Here Click Here

Click Here Click Here


Social Change

Council for Social Development

Engineering Mechanics/Materials

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Social Change and Development

Omeo Kumar Das Institute of Social Change & Development

Engineering Mechanics/Materials

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Social Scientist

Social Scientist

Engineering Mechanics/Materials

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South India Journal of Social Sciences

A P Academy of Social Sciences SaradaRanganathan Endowment for Library Science

Engineering Mechanics/Materials

Click Here


SRELS Journal of Information management

Applied Science/Technology

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Studies in History

Centre for Historical Studies

Engineering Mechanics/Materials

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T 355 TERI Information Digest on Energy and Environment The Energy and Resources Institute (TERI) Applied Science/Technology
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TERI Newswire

The Energy and Resources Institute (TERI)

Applied Science/Technology

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The Energy and Resources Institute (TERI)

Applied Science/Technology

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The Internet Journal of Biological Antropology

Internet Scientific Publications LLC Indian Society of Desert Technology

Applied Science/Technology

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Transactions of Indian Society of Desert Technology

Applied Science/Technology

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Transactions of the SAEST (Society for Advancement of Electrochemical Science and Technology)

Society for Advancement of Electrochemical Science and Technology

Applied Science/Technology

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Trends in Biomaterials and Artificial Organs

SreeChitraTirunal Institute for Medical Sciences & Technology

Applied Science/Technology

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Tropical Ecology

International Society for Tropical Ecology

Applied Science/Technology

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W 367 Water and Energy Abstract 368 Water and Energy International 369 Water and Energy Research Digest Central Board of Irrigation Applied Science/Technology and Power Central Board of Irrigation Applied Science/Technology and Power Central Board of Irrigation Applied Science/Technology and Power
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Sr.No. 1 2 3

TITLE ACI Structural Journal ACI Materials Journal Concrete International


Sr.No. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22

TITLE Indian Highways Civil Engg.& Construction Review Journal Indian Concrete Journal. The Bridge and structural Engineering Indian Concrete Institute Journal Indian Geotechnical Journal. NICMAR JOURNAL Research Alert. Civil Engg. Architectural Engg. Journal of Indian Roads Congress Journal of Structural Engg. Environmental Engg. Inside Outside. Bhagirath. Indian Railways Sub.No.1131 ISET Journal of earthquake technology (Life Membership ) Maharshtra Sinchan Vikas Indian water works Association Earthquake Engg. Practice Better Interiors Society Interiors


Department of Civil Engineering List of Essential Journals Advanced Engineering Informatics Automation in Construction Building and Environment Coastal Engineering Composite structures Computers and Geotechnics Construction and Building Engineering Structures Fire safety journal Fusion Engineering and Design Geotextiles and Geomembranes Graphical Models International Journal of Pressure Vessels and Piping Journal of Constructional Steel Research Journal of Sound and Vibration Journal of Wind Engineering and Industrial Aerodynamics Marine Structures Mechanics of Materials Nuclear Engineering and Design Progress in Energy and Combustion Science Renewable Energy Soil Dynamics and Earthquake Engineering Structural Safety Thin-Walled Structures Transportation Research Part A : Policy and Practice Tunnelling and Underground Space technology Incorporating Trenechless Technology Research World Patent Information


List of Journal Civil Engineering 1. International Journal Soils and Foundation of The Japanese Geotechnical Society, Tokyo, Japan 2. Indian Geotechnical Jolurnal, 3. IJSS 4. ASCE JEM 5. ASME-Journal of Applied Mechanics 6. The Indian concrete Journal 7. Structural Engineering Journal 8. International Journal of Hydrometeorology, American Meteorological Society

ISH Journal of Hydraulic Engineering

In addition to specific lists provided, Any journal listed in Science Citation Index, or Any journal listed in Science Citation Index (Extended), or Any journal having ISBN number, or Any journal having ISSN number


Journal list of Mechanical Engineering

a) Journals listed in Science Citation Index b) Journals listed in Science Citation Index (Extended) c) Journal having ISBN or ISSN nos. Guideline list of International Journal Titles for publishing research paper In the field of Production, Quality and Industrial Engineering 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. 16. 17. 18. 19. 20. 21. 22. 23. 24. 25. 26. 27. 28. International Journal of Mechanical Engineering International Journal of manufacturing Technology and Management International Journal of Advanced Manufacturing Technology International Journal of Manufacturing Technology and research International Journal of manufacturing Science and production International Journal of manufacturing Science and management International Journal of manufacturing Science and engineering International Journal of manufacturing Science and Technology International Journal of Manufacturing research International Journal of manufacturing excellence (IJME) International Journal of manufacturing engineering International Journal of Manufacturing Technology and Industrial Engineering International Journal of manufacturing research Assembly Automation International Journal of Material in Engineering Applications Journal of Material Processing Technology Journal of Manufacturing Technology Management International Journal of Industrial Engineering and Production Research International Journal of Industrial Engineering Technology Review Journal of Industrial Engineering & Management Journal of Industrial Engineering European Journal of Industrial Engineering International Journal of Industrial Engineering & Technology Journal Industrial Engineering International Computers and Industrial Engineering Jordan Journal of Mechanical and Industrial Engineering (JJMIE) International Journal of Applied Industrial Engineering (IJAIE)


29. 30. 31. 32. 33. 34. 35. 36. 37. 38. 39. 40. 41. 42. 43. 44. 45. 46. 47. 48. 49. 50. 51. 52. 53. 54. 55. 56. 57. 58. 59. 60. 61. 62.

International Journal of Industrial Engineering Practices (IJIEP) Industrial Engineering and Data Systems International Journal of Industrial Economics International Journal of Man-Machine Studies The International Journal of Productivity and Quality Management International Journal of Quality Engineering and Technology International Journal of Total Quality Management and Business Excellence Accelerated Quality and Reliability Solutions Quality Journal Quality Engineering Journal Quality Progress Journal Journal for Quality and Participation Journal of Quality Technology Quality Management Journal.R Training for Quality Journal International Journal of Six Sigma and Competitive AdvantageR Six Sigma Forum Magazine Software Quality Professional Journal Quality Management for the Technology Sector Journal International Journal of Quality & Reliability Management International Journal of Quality & Service Sciences International Journal of Productivity and Performance Measurement International Journal of Production Research International Journal of Production Economics International Journal of Production Planning and Control Journal of Operational Research International Journal of Production and Quality Engineering (IJPQE) International Journal of Production Technology and Management International Journal of Production Design International Journal of Modeling in Operations Management Journal Services and Operations Managements Journal of Operations Managements ICFAI Journal of Operations Management International Journal of Operations & Production Management


63. 64. 65. 66. 67. 68. 69. 70. 71. 72. 73. 74. 75. 76. 77. 78. 79. 80. 81. 82. 83. 84.

International Journal of Organizational Analysis Technometrics Journal International Journal of Engineering Research and Technology International Journal of Engineering Research and Industrial Applications International Journal of Multidisciplinary Research and Advances in Engineering International Journal of Emerging Technologies and Application in Engineering Technology and Sciences Journal of Information, knowledge and Research in Mechanical Engineering Journal of Achievement in Materials and Manufacturing Engineering Journal of Indian Business Research Hydraulics and Pneumatics International Journal of Business Process Integration & Management Journal of Modeling in Management Performance Modeling in Management Journal of Small Business Management International Journal of Management Practice Benchmarking: An International Journal Supply chain Management: An International Journal International Journal of Advanced Mechatronics and Robotics International Journal of Fluid Mechanics International Journal of Metrology American Machinist Machine Design Mechanical/Automobile Engineering

1. International Journal on Mechanical and Automobile Engineering In addition to specific lists provided, Any journal listed in Science Citation Index, or Any journal listed in Science Citation Index (Extended), or Any journal having ISBN number, or Any journal having ISSN number


List of Standard Journals for Computer Science and Engineering

1. IEEE Transactions on Knowledge and Data Engineering 2. IEEE Transactions on Software Engineering 3. IEEE Transactions on Computer 4. IEEE Transactions on Evolutionary Computation 5. IEEE Transactions on Fuzzy Systems 6. IEEE Transactions on Image Processing 7. IEEE Transactions on Mobile Computing 8. IEEE Transactions on Multimedia 9. IEEE / ACM Transactions on Networking 10. IEEE Transactions on Parallel and Distributed Systems 11. IEEE Transactions on Neural Networks 12. IEEE Transactions on Information Forensics and Security 13. IEEE Transactions on Information Theory 14. IEEE transactions on Software Engineering 15. ACM transactions on Software Engineering & Methodology 16. IEEE Journal on Computer Architectures and Intelligent Machines 17. International Journal of Computational Science 18. Journal of CSI 19. ISTE Journal 20. Dr. Dobbs Journal 21. Linux Journal 22. Proceeding of National and International Conference 23. Springer link 24. Science Direct Computer Science Journals 25. AMS Journals 26. The Directory of Computing Science Journals (SPU) 27. ACM Journals and magazines 28. Journals of Computer and System sciences 29. Journals from Connect Journals (CJ) 30. Indian Journals.com 31. Academic Journals 32. SIAM Journal on Computing 33. International Journal of Computer Science & Applications (IJCSA) 34. Journal of Indian Institute of Science 35. IJCSST International Journal of Computer Science and Software Technology 36. IJCSIS International Journal of Computer Science and Information Security 37. International Journal of Computer Sciences and Information Technology from Indiana (INDJ 04912) 38. IETE Journal of Research 39. Indian Journal of Engineering, Science and Technology (IJEST) 40. International Journal of Information & Computer Security 41. International Journal of Computer Science and Application 42. Journal of Computer Science and Technology (JCST) 43. ICFAI Journal of Information Technology & Computer Sciences 44. Journal of Information Science : Principles and Practice


45. The Journal of Computer Science and Security (IJCSS) 46. The Advances in Computer Science and Engineering Journal 47. Science Publications Journal of Computer Science 48. Oriental Journal of Computer Science and Technology 49. Advances in Computational Sciences and Technology (ACST) 50. IADIS Journal of Computer Science and Information Systems 51. Informatica An International Journal of Computing and Informatics 52. Global Journal of Computer Science and Technology 53. IAENG International Journal of Computer Science 54. JUCS, Journal of Universal Computer Science 55. International Journal of Computer Science & Information Technology (IJCSIT) 56. International Journal of Information and Computer Security (IJICS) 57. Wiley Annual Review of Information Science and Technology 58. Sage Journals 59. The IUP Journal of Information Technology 60. The ICFAI University Journal of Computer Sciences 61. Invertis Journal of Science and Technology 62. Journal of Engineering Education 63. Journal of Advances in Information Technology (JAIT) 64. Journal of Emerging Techniques in Web Intelligence (JETWI) 65. Journal of Computers (JCP) 66. International Journal of Computer Science and Engineering (IJCSE) 67. Journal of Institution of Engineers Computer Engineering 68. International Journal of Computer & Network Security (IJCSNS) 69. International Journal of Foundations of Computer Science (IJFCS) 70. Web Journal 71. Journal of Computing Information Science 72. Journal of Information Science and Engineering 73. International Journal of Computer Science Issues (IJCSI) 74. International Journal of Computer Sciences and Engineering Systems (IJCSES) 75. Journal of Universal Computer Science (JUCS) 76. Journal of Computer Systems Science and Engineering All journals which have Science Citation Index / Extended Science Citation Index / ISBN / ISSN no. International and National Conference Proceedings.

In addition to specific lists provided, Any journal listed in Science Citation Index, or Any journal listed in Science Citation Index (Extended), or Any journal having ISBN number, or Any journal having ISSN number


List of Standard Journals for Information Technology

1. IEEE Transactions on Knowledge and Data Engineering 2. IEEE Transactions on Software Engineering 3. IEEE Transactions on Computer 4. IEEE Transactions on Evolutionary Computation 5. IEEE Transactions on Fuzzy Systems 6. IEEE Transactions on Image Processing 7. IEEE Transactions on Mobile Computing 8. IEEE Transactions on Multimedia 9. IEEE / ACM Transactions on Networking 10. IEEE Transactions on Parallel and Distributed Systems 11. IEEE Transactions on Neural Networks 12. IEEE Transactions on Information Forensics and Security 13. IEEE Transactions on Information Theory 14. IEEE transactions on Software Engineering 15. ACM transactions on Software Engineering & Methodology 16. IEEE Journal on Computer Architectures and Intelligent Machines 17. International Journal of Computational Science 18. Journal of CSI 19. ISTE Journal 20. Dr. Dobbs Journal 21. Linux Journal 22. Proceeding of National and International Conference 23. Springer link 24. Science Direct Computer Science Journals 25. AMS Journals 26. The Directory of Computing Science Journals (SPU) 27. ACM Journals and magazines 28. Journals of Computer and System sciences 29. Journals from Connect Journals (CJ) 30. Indian Journals.com 31. Academic Journals 32. SIAM Journal on Computing 33. International Journal of Computer Science & Applications (IJCSA) 34. Journal of Indian Institute of Science 35. IJCSST International Journal of Computer Science and Software Technology 36. IJCSIS International Journal of Computer Science and Information Security 37. International Journal of Computer Sciences and Information Technology from Indiana (INDJ 04912) 38. IETE Journal of Research 39. Indian Journal of Engineering, Science and Technology (IJEST) 40. International Journal of Information & Computer Security 41. International Journal of Computer Science and Application 42. Journal of Computer Science and Technology (JCST) 43. ICFAI Journal of Information Technology & Computer Sciences 44. Journal of Information Science : Principles and Practice


45. The Journal of Computer Science and Security (IJCSS) 46. The Advances in Computer Science and Engineering Journal 47. Science Publications Journal of Computer Science 48. Oriental Journal of Computer Science and Technology 49. Advances in Computational Sciences and Technology (ACST) 50. IADIS Journal of Computer Science and Information Systems 51. Informatica An International Journal of Computing and Informatics 52. Global Journal of Computer Science and Technology 53. IAENG International Journal of Computer Science 54. JUCS, Journal of Universal Computer Science 55. International Journal of Computer Science & Information Technology (IJCSIT) 56. International Journal of Information and Computer Security (IJICS) 57. Wiley Annual Review of Information Science and Technology 58. Sage Journals 59. The IUP Journal of Information Technology 60. The ICFAI University Journal of Computer Sciences 61. Invertis Journal of Science and Technology 62. Journal of Engineering Education 63. Journal of Advances in Information Technology (JAIT) 64. Journal of Emerging Techniques in Web Intelligence (JETWI) 65. Journal of Computers (JCP) 66. International Journal of Computer Science and Engineering (IJCSE) 67. Journal of Institution of Engineers Computer Engineering 68. International Journal of Computer & Network Security (IJCSNS) 69. International Journal of Foundations of Computer Science (IJFCS) 70. Web Journal 71. Journal of Computing Information Science 72. Journal of Information Science and Engineering 73. International Journal of Computer Science Issues (IJCSI) 74. International Journal of Computer Sciences and Engineering Systems (IJCSES) 75. Journal of Universal Computer Science (JUCS) 76. Journal of Computer Systems Science and Engineering In addition to specific lists provided, Any journal listed in Science Citation Index, or Any journal listed in Science Citation Index (Extended), or Any journal having ISBN number, or Any journal having ISSN number.


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