Power Wave I400.
Power Wave I400.
Power Wave I400.
May, 2012
Cleveland, Ohio 44117-1199 U.S.A. TEL: 1.216.481.8100 For Service in U.S. and Canada: Call 1.888.935.3877 FAX: 1.216.486.1751 WEB SITE: lincolnelectric.com For Non-U.S. Service: Email [email protected]
CALIFORNIA PROPOSITION 65 WARNINGS Diesel engine exhaust and some of its constituents are known to the State of California to cause cancer, birth defects, and other reproductive harm. The Above For Diesel Engines The engine exhaust from this product contains chemicals known to the State of California to cause cancer, birth defects, or other reproductive harm. The Above For Gasoline Engines
Read and understand the following safety highlights. For additional safety information, it is strongly recommended that you purchase a copy of Safety in Welding & Cutting - ANSI Standard Z49.1 from the American Welding Society, P.O. Box 351040, Miami, Florida 33135 or CSA Standard W117.2-1974. A Free copy of Arc Welding Safety booklet E205 is available from the Lincoln Electric Company, 22801 St. Clair Avenue, Cleveland, Ohio 44117-1199.
1.h. To avoid scalding, do not remove the radiator pressure cap when the engine is hot.
____________________________________________________ 1.c. Do not add the fuel near an open flame welding arc or when the engine is running. Stop the engine and allow it to cool before refueling to prevent spilled fuel from vaporizing on contact with hot engine parts and igniting. Do not spill fuel when filling tank. If fuel is spilled, wipe it up and do not start engine until fumes have been eliminated. ____________________________________________________ 1.d. Keep all equipment safety guards, covers and devices in position and in good repair.Keep hands, hair, clothing and tools away from V-belts, gears, fans and all other moving parts when starting, operating or repairing equipment. ____________________________________________________ 1.e. In some cases it may be necessary to remove safety guards to perform required maintenance. Remove guards only when necessary and replace them when the maintenance requiring their removal is complete. Always use the greatest care when working near moving parts. ___________________________________________________ 1.f. Do not put your hands near the engine fan. Do not attempt to override the governor or idler by pushing on the throttle control rods while the engine is running.
___________________________________________________ 1.g. To prevent accidentally starting gasoline engines while turning the engine or welding generator during maintenance work, disconnect the spark plug wires, distributor cap or magneto wire as appropriate.
3.a. The electrode and work (or ground) circuits are electrically hot when the welder is on. Do not touch these hot parts with your bare skin or wet clothing. Wear dry, hole-free gloves to insulate hands.
3.b. Insulate yourself from work and ground using dry insulation. Make certain the insulation is large enough to cover your full area of physical contact with work and ground. In addition to the normal safety precautions, if welding must be performed under electrically hazardous conditions (in damp locations or while wearing wet clothing; on metal structures such as floors, gratings or scaffolds; when in cramped positions such as sitting, kneeling or lying, if there is a high risk of unavoidable or accidental contact with the workpiece or ground) use the following equipment: Semiautomatic DC Constant Voltage (Wire) Welder. DC Manual (Stick) Welder. AC Welder with Reduced Voltage Control. 3.c. In semiautomatic or automatic wire welding, the electrode, electrode reel, welding head, nozzle or semiautomatic welding gun are also electrically hot. 3.d. Always be sure the work cable makes a good electrical connection with the metal being welded. The connection should be as close as possible to the area being welded. 3.e. Ground the work or metal to be welded to a good electrical (earth) ground. 3.f. Maintain the electrode holder, work clamp, welding cable and welding machine in good, safe operating condition. Replace damaged insulation. 3.g. Never dip the electrode in water for cooling. 3.h. Never simultaneously touch electrically hot parts of electrode holders connected to two welders because voltage between the two can be the total of the open circuit voltage of both welders. 3.i. When working above floor level, use a safety belt to protect yourself from a fall should you get a shock. 3.j. Also see Items 6.c. and 8.
WELDING and CUTTING SPARKS can cause fire or explosion.
6.a. Remove fire hazards from the welding area. If this is not possible, cover them to prevent the welding sparks from starting a fire. Remember that welding sparks and hot materials from welding can easily go through small cracks and openings to adjacent areas. Avoid welding near hydraulic lines. Have a fire extinguisher readily available.
6.b. Where compressed gases are to be used at the job site, special precautions should be used to prevent hazardous situations. Refer to Safety in Welding and Cutting (ANSI Standard Z49.1) and the operating information for the equipment being used. 6.c. When not welding, make certain no part of the electrode circuit is touching the work or ground. Accidental contact can cause overheating and create a fire hazard. 6.d. Do not heat, cut or weld tanks, drums or containers until the proper steps have been taken to insure that such procedures will not cause flammable or toxic vapors from substances inside. They can cause an explosion even though they have been cleaned. For information, purchase Recommended Safe Practices for the Preparation for Welding and Cutting of Containers and Piping That Have Held Hazardous Substances, AWS F4.1 from the American Welding Society (see address above). 6.e. Vent hollow castings or containers before heating, cutting or welding. They may explode. 6.f. Sparks and spatter are thrown from the welding arc. Wear oil free protective garments such as leather gloves, heavy shirt, cuffless trousers, high shoes and a cap over your hair. Wear ear plugs when welding out of position or in confined places. Always wear safety glasses with side shields when in a welding area. 6.g. Connect the work cable to the work as close to the welding area as practical. Work cables connected to the building framework or other locations away from the welding area increase the possibility of the welding current passing through lifting chains, crane cables or other alternate circuits. This can create fire hazards or overheat lifting chains or cables until they fail. 6.h. Also see item 1.c. 6.I. Read and follow NFPA 51B Standard for Fire Prevention During Welding, Cutting and Other Hot Work, available from NFPA, 1 Batterymarch Park, PO box 9101, Quincy, Ma 022690-9101. 6.j. Do not use a welding power source for pipe thawing.
Pour votre propre protection lire et observer toutes les instructions et les prcautions de sret specifiques qui parraissent dans ce manuel aussi bien que les prcautions de sret gnrales suivantes: Sret Pour Soudage A LArc 1. Protegez-vous contre la secousse lectrique: a. Les circuits llectrode et la pice sont sous tension quand la machine souder est en marche. Eviter toujours tout contact entre les parties sous tension et la peau nue ou les vtements mouills. Porter des gants secs et sans trous pour isoler les mains. b. Faire trs attention de bien sisoler de la masse quand on soude dans des endroits humides, ou sur un plancher metallique ou des grilles metalliques, principalement dans les positions assis ou couch pour lesquelles une grande partie du corps peut tre en contact avec la masse. c. Maintenir le porte-lectrode, la pince de masse, le cble de soudage et la machine souder en bon et sr tat defonctionnement. d.Ne jamais plonger le porte-lectrode dans leau pour le refroidir. e. Ne jamais toucher simultanment les parties sous tension des porte-lectrodes connects deux machines souder parce que la tension entre les deux pinces peut tre le total de la tension vide des deux machines. f. Si on utilise la machine souder comme une source de courant pour soudage semi-automatique, ces precautions pour le porte-lectrode sapplicuent aussi au pistolet de soudage. 2. Dans le cas de travail au dessus du niveau du sol, se protger contre les chutes dans le cas ou on recoit un choc. Ne jamais enrouler le cble-lectrode autour de nimporte quelle partie du corps. 3. Un coup darc peut tre plus svre quun coup de soliel, donc: a. Utiliser un bon masque avec un verre filtrant appropri ainsi quun verre blanc afin de se protger les yeux du rayonnement de larc et des projections quand on soude ou quand on regarde larc. b. Porter des vtements convenables afin de protger la peau de soudeur et des aides contre le rayonnement de larc. c. Protger lautre personnel travaillant proximit au soudage laide dcrans appropris et non-inflammables. 4. Des gouttes de laitier en fusion sont mises de larc de soudage. Se protger avec des vtements de protection libres de lhuile, tels que les gants en cuir, chemise paisse, pantalons sans revers, et chaussures montantes.
5. Toujours porter des lunettes de scurit dans la zone de soudage. Utiliser des lunettes avec crans lateraux dans les zones o lon pique le laitier. 6. Eloigner les matriaux inflammables ou les recouvrir afin de prvenir tout risque dincendie d aux tincelles. 7. Quand on ne soude pas, poser la pince une endroit isol de la masse. Un court-circuit accidental peut provoquer un chauffement et un risque dincendie. 8. Sassurer que la masse est connecte le plus prs possible de la zone de travail quil est pratique de le faire. Si on place la masse sur la charpente de la construction ou dautres endroits loigns de la zone de travail, on augmente le risque de voir passer le courant de soudage par les chaines de levage, cbles de grue, ou autres circuits. Cela peut provoquer des risques dincendie ou dechauffement des chaines et des cbles jusqu ce quils se rompent. 9. Assurer une ventilation suffisante dans la zone de soudage. Ceci est particulirement important pour le soudage de tles galvanises plombes, ou cadmies ou tout autre mtal qui produit des fumes toxiques. 10. Ne pas souder en prsence de vapeurs de chlore provenant doprations de dgraissage, nettoyage ou pistolage. La chaleur ou les rayons de larc peuvent ragir avec les vapeurs du solvant pour produire du phosgne (gas fortement toxique) ou autres produits irritants. 11. Pour obtenir de plus amples renseignements sur la sret, voir le code Code for safety in welding and cutting CSA Standard W 117.2-1974.
Electromagnetic Compatibility (EMC)
Conformance Products displaying the CE mark are in conformity with European Community Council Directive of 15 Dec 2004 on the approximation of the laws of the Member States relating to electromagnetic compatibility, 2004/108/EC. It was manufactured in conformity with a national standard that implements a harmonized standard: EN 60974-10 Electromagnetic Compatibility (EMC) Product Standard for Arc Welding Equipment. It is for use with other Lincoln Electric equipment. It is designed for industrial and professional use. Introduction All electrical equipment generates small amounts of electromagnetic emission. Electrical emission may be transmitted through power lines or radiated through space, similar to a radio transmitter. When emissions are received by other equipment, electrical interference may result. Electrical emissions may affect many kinds of electrical equipment; other nearby welding equipment, radio and TV reception, numerical controlled machines, telephone systems, computers, etc. Be aware that interference may result and extra precautions may be required when a welding power source is used in a domestic establishment. Installation and Use The user is responsible for installing and using the welding equipment according to the manufacturers instructions. If electromagnetic disturbances are detected then it shall be the responsibility of the user of the welding equipment to resolve the situation with the technical assistance of the manufacturer. In some cases this remedial action may be as simple as earthing (grounding) the welding circuit, see Note. In other cases it could involve construction of an electromagnetic screen enclosing the power source and the work complete with associated input filters. In all cases electromagnetic disturbances must be reduced to the point where they are no longer troublesome. Note: The welding circuit may or may not be earthed for safety reasons according to national codes. Changing the earthing arrangements should only be authorized by a person who is competent to access whether the changes will increase the risk of injury, e.g., by allowing parallel welding current return paths which may damage the earth circuits of other equipment. Assessment of Area Before installing welding equipment the user shall make an assessment of potential electromagnetic problems in the surrounding area. The following shall be taken into account: a) other supply cables, control cables, signaling and telephone cables; above, below and adjacent to the welding equipment; b) radio and television transmitters and receivers; c) computer and other control equipment; d) safety critical equipment, e.g., guarding of industrial equipment; e) the health of the people around, e.g., the use of pacemakers and hearing aids; f) equipment used for calibration or measurement g) the immunity of other equipment in the environment. The user shall ensure that other equipment being used in the environment is compatible. This may require additional protection measures; h) the time of day that welding or other activities are to be carried out.
Electromagnetic Compatibility (EMC)
The size of the surrounding area to be considered will depend on the structure of the building and other activities that are taking place. The surrounding area may extend beyond the boundaries of the premises. Methods of Reducing Emissions Mains Supply Welding equipment should be connected to the mains supply according to the manufacturers recommendations. If interference occurs, it may be necessary to take additional precautions such as filtering of the mains supply. Consideration should be given to shielding the supply cable of permanently installed welding equipment, in metallic conduit or equivalent. Shielding should be electrically continuous throughout its length. The shielding should be connected to the welding power source so that good electrical contact is maintained between the conduit and the welding power source enclosure. Maintenance of the Welding Equipment The welding equipment should be routinely maintained according to the manufacturers recommendations. All access and service doors and covers should be closed and properly fastened when the welding equipment is in operation. The welding equipment should not be modified in any way except for those changes and adjustments covered in the manufacturers instructions. In particular, the spark gaps of arc striking and stabilizing devices should be adjusted and maintained according to the manufacturers recommendations. Welding Cables The welding cables should be kept as short as possible and should be positioned close together, running at or close to floor level. Equipotential Bonding Bonding of all metallic components in the welding installation and adjacent to it should be considered. However, metallic components bonded to the work piece will increase the risk that the operator could receive a shock by touching these metallic components and the electrode at the same time. The operator should be insulated from all such bonded metallic components. Earthing of the Workpiece Where the workpiece is not bonded to earth for electrical safety, not connected to earth because of its size and position, e.g., ships hull or building steelwork, a connection bonding the workpiece to earth may reduce emissions in some, but not all instances. Care should be taken to prevent the earthing of the workpiece increasing the risk of injury to users, or damage to other electrical equipment. Where necessary, the connection of the workpiece to earth should be made by a direct connection to the workpiece, but in some countries where direct connection is not permitted, the bonding should be achieved by suitable capacitance, selected according to national regulations. Screening and Shielding Selective screening and shielding of other cables and equipment in the surrounding area may alleviate problems of interference. Screening of the entire welding installation may be considered for special applications1. _________________________ 1 Portions of the preceding text are contained in EN 60974-10: Electromagnetic Compatibility (EMC) product standard for arc welding equipment.
vii for selecting a QUALITY product by Lincoln Electric. We want you to take pride in operating this Lincoln Electric Company product as much pride as we have in bringing this product to you!
Thank You
CUSTOMER ASSISTANCE POLICY The business of The Lincoln Electric Company is manufacturing and selling high quality welding equipment, consumables, and cutting equipment. Our challenge is to meet the needs of our customers and to exceed their expectations. On occasion, purchasers may ask Lincoln Electric for advice or information about their use of our products. We respond to our customers based on the best information in our possession at that time. Lincoln Electric is not in a position to warrant or guarantee such advice, and assumes no liability, with respect to such information or advice. We expressly disclaim any warranty of any kind, including any warranty of fitness for any customers particular purpose, with respect to such information or advice. As a matter of practical consideration, we also cannot assume any responsibility for updating or correcting any such information or advice once it has been given, nor does the provision of information or advice create, expand or alter any warranty with respect to the sale of our products. Lincoln Electric is a responsive manufacturer, but the selection and use of specific products sold by Lincoln Electric is solely within the control of, and remains the sole responsibility of the customer. Many variables beyond the control of Lincoln Electric affect the results obtained in applying these types of fabrication methods and service requirements. Subject to Change This information is accurate to the best of our knowledge at the time of printing. Please refer to www.lincolnelectric.com for any updated information.
This statement appears where the information must be followed exactly to avoid serious personal injury or loss of life.
This statement appears where the information must be followed to avoid minor personal injury or damage to this equipment.
Installation .......................................................................................................Section A Technical Specifications - POWER WAVE i400...........................................A-1, A-2 Safety Precautions.................................................................................................A-3 Location and Mounting ..........................................................................................A-3 Environmental Considerations...............................................................................A-3 Lifting .....................................................................................................................A-3 Stacking .................................................................................................................A-3 Electromagnetic Compatibility ...............................................................................A-4 Input and Grounding Connections .........................................................................A-4 Input Connection....................................................................................................A-4 Reconnect Diagram ...............................................................................................A-5 Connection Diagrams and Systems................................................................A-6,A-7 Fanuc R30iA Controller Mounting ...................................................................A-8 Typical Integrated Systems (Single Arm)........................................................A-9 Typical Stand Alone Systems (Single Arm) ..................................................A-10 Typical Master / Slave System (Dual Arm) ...................................................A-11 Typical F355i Retrofit (Single Arm) ...............................................................A-12 Electrode and Work Connections, General Guidelines .......................................A-13 Cable Inductance, and its Effects on Welding .....................................................A-14 Remote Sense Lead Connections .............................................................A-14,A-15 Sense Lead Diagrams of Circumferential Applications........................................A-16 Control Cable Connections..................................................................................A-17 Common Equipment Connections ..............................................................A-17,A-18 DeviceNet Configuration, Other Set-up Issues...................................................A-18 ________________________________________________________________________ Operation .........................................................................................................Section B Safety Precautions.................................................................................................B-1 Graphic Symbols ...................................................................................................B-2 Product Description ...............................................................................................B-3 Recommended Processes and Equipment ...........................................................B-3 Recommended Processes ..............................................................................B-3 Process and Equipment Limitations................................................................B-3 Case Front Controls ................................................................................B-4, B-5 Case Back Controls ........................................................................................B-5 Internal Controls, Power Up Sequence...........................................................B-6 Duty Cycle.......................................................................................................B-6 Basic Welding Controls ...................................................................................B-7 Constant Voltage Welding...............................................................................B-7 Pulse Welding .................................................................................................B-8 ________________________________________________________________________ Accessories .....................................................................................................Section C Optional Equipment ...............................................................................................C-1 Factory Installed..............................................................................................C-1 Field Installed..................................................................................................C-1 Compatible Lincoln Equipment .......................................................................C-1 ________________________________________________________________________ Maintenance ....................................................................................................Section D Safety Precautions ................................................................................................D-1 Routine and Periodic Maintenance........................................................................D-1 Calibration Specification, Chassis Removal Procedure ........................................D-1 Capacitor Discharge Procedure ............................................................................D-2 ________________________________________________________________________ Troubleshooting ..............................................................................................Section E How to use Troubleshooting Guide .......................................................................E-1 Using the Status LED to Troubleshoot System Problems .....................................E-2 Error Codes For POWER WAVE..................................................................E-3, E-4 Troubleshooting Guide...........................................................................E-5 thru E-14 ________________________________________________________________________ Wiring Diagram.............................................................................................Section F-1 Dimension Print............................................................................................Section F-2 ________________________________________________________________________ Parts Lists...............................................................................................................P-565 ________________________________________________________________________
Model Duty Cycle Input Voltage 10% Input Amperes (incl. robot and aux. load) 54/49/28/25/20 (73/66/38/33/26) 50/45/26/23/18 (69/62/36/31/25) 40/37/21/18/15 (59/54/31/27/21)
40% rating K2669-1 60% rating K2673-1 (Chassis Only) 100% rating
Process Duty Cycle 40% GMAW GMAW-Pulse FCAW GTAW-DC 60% 100% Volts at Rated Amperes 35 34 31.5 Amperes 420 400 350
80 70 50 40 30
1 Wire and Fuse Sizes based upon the U.S. National Electric Code and maximum output for 40C (104) ambient. 2 Also called inverse time or thermal/magnetic circuit breakers; circuit breakers that have a delay in tripping action that decreases as the magnitude of current increases.
MODEL K2669-1 K2673-1 HEIGHT 22.7 in. (577 mm) 21.0 in. (533 mm) WIDTH 24.4 in. (620 mm) 22.6 in. (574 mm) DEPTH 21.5 in. (546 mm) 18.5 in. (470 mm) WEIGHT 209 lbs. (95 kg.) 147 lbs. (66.8 kg.)
3 Chassis ratings applicable only when installed as a replacement in the POWER WAVE i400 cabinet. 4 K2670-[ ] CE Filter Kit is required to meet CE and C-Tick conducted emission requirements.
Read this entire installation section before you start installation.
ELECTRIC SHOCK can kill. Only qualified personnel should perform this installation. Turn the input power OFF at the disconnect switch or fuse box before working on this equipment. Turn off the input power to any other equipment connected to the welding system at the disconnect switch or fuse box before working on the equipment. Do not touch electrically hot parts. Always connect the POWER WAVE grounding lug (located inside the reconnect input access door) to a proper safety (Earth) ground. -----------------------------------------------------------------------
Dirt and dust that can be drawn into the POWER WAVE i400 should be kept to a minimum. The use of air filters on the air intake is not recommended because normal air flow may be restricted. Failure to observe these precautions can result in excessive operating temperatures and nuisance shutdown. Do not use the POWER WAVE i400 in an outdoor environment. The power source should not be subjected to falling water, nor should any parts of it be submerged in water. Doing so may cause improper operation as well as pose a safety hazard. The best practice is to keep the machine in a dry, sheltered area.
Lift only with equipment of adequate lifting capacity. Be sure machine is stable when lifting. Do not lift this machine using lift bail if it is equipped with a heavy accessory such as trailer or gas cylinder. FALLING Do not lift machine if lift bail is EQUIPMENT can damaged. cause injury. Do not operate machine while suspended from lift bail. ----------------------------------------------------------------------POWER WAVE i400: Lift the machine by the corner mounted lift bails only. Do not attempt to lift the POWER WAVE i400 with accessories attached to it. POWER WAVE i400 with the Fanuc R30iA Controller: When properly mounted the complete integrated unit (power source and controller) can be lifted using the lift hooks provided on the Fanuc R30iA controller. Consult the Fanuc instruction manual for details and precautions. NOTE: The POWER WAVE i400 external corner mounted lift bales must be removed when mounted to the Fanuc R30iA controller. POWER WAVE i400 Replacement Chassis: Lift the chassis by the lift bail on top of the harmonic filter assembly.
DO NOT MOUNT OVER COMBUSTIBLE SURFACES. Where there is a combustible surface directly under stationary or fixed electrical equipment, that surface shall be covered with a steel plate at least .06(1.6mm) thick, which shall extend not less than 5.90(150mm) beyond the equipment on all sides. -----------------------------------------------------------------------
The POWER WAVE i400 will operate in harsh environments. Even so, it is important that simple preventative measures are followed in order to assure long life and reliable operation. The POWER WAVE i400 must be located where there is free circulation of clean air such that air movement in the louvered sections of the machine will not be restricted.
The POWER WAVE i400 cannot be stacked.
Choose input and grounding wire size according to local or national electrical codes. Using input wire sizes, fuses or circuit breakers smaller than recommended may result in "nuisance" shut-offs from welder inrush currents, even if the machine is not being used at high currents. Input Voltage Selection (See Figure A.1) The POWER WAVE i400 is shipped connected for the highest input voltage listed on the rating plate. To move this connection to a different input voltage, see the diagram located on the inside of the reconnect access door, also illustrated below. If the Auxiliary lead (indicated as A) is placed in the wrong position, there are two possible results. If the lead is placed in a position higher than the applied line voltage, the welder may not come on at all. If the Auxiliary lead is placed in a position lower than the applied line voltage, the welder will not come on, and the fuse located in the reconnect area will open. If this occurs, turn off the input voltage, properly connect the auxiliary lead, replace the fuse, and try again. Power Supply Connection for the Fanuc R30iA Controller The POWER WAVE i400 is equipped with a dedicated robot power terminal block (4TB) specifically designed to feed input power directly to the Fanuc R30iA controller through the power source rotary ON/OFF switch. The K2677-1 Integration kit provides the proper cable and installations instructions to make this connection.
ELECTRIC SHOCK can kill. Only a qualified electrician should connect the input leads to the POWER WAVE. Connections should be made in accordance with all local and National Electrical Codes and the connection diagram located on the inside of the reconnect / input access door of the machine. Failure to do so may result in bodily injury or death. ----------------------------------------------------------------------Use a three-phase supply line. A 1.75 inch (45 mm) diameter access hole for the input supply is located on the case back. Connect L1, L2, L3 and ground according to the input supply and ground connection decals located near the input power terminal block (1TB) and ground block inside of the rear input reconnect box. Input Fuse and Supply Wire Considerations Refer to Specification in Installation Section for recommended fuse, wire sizes and type of the copper wires. Fuse the input circuit with the recommended super lag fuse or delay type breakers (also called "inverse time" or "thermal/magnetic" circuit breakers).
The POWER WAVE i400 on/off switch is not intended as a service disconnect for this equipment. Only a qualified electrician should connect the input leads to the POWER WAVE. Connections should be made in accordance with all local and national electrical codes and the connection diagram located on the inside of the reconnect access door of the machine. Failure to do so may result in bodily injury or death.
Do not attempt to back feed input power though the robot power terminal block (4TB) into the POWER WAVE i400. This is not its intended purpose and may result in machine damage, bodily injury or death. -----------------------------------------------------------------------
Part No. Description POWER WAVE i400 Power Source (includes S26064 POWER WAVE Utilities CD)
K2669-1 K2677-1
Integration Kit for Fanuc R30iA Controller. Includes industrial ethernet cable, power cable, protective grommets, mounting plate, and dust proof strain relief. AutoDrive 4R90 Wire Drive
Weld Cables
K2163-xx -orK1842-xx
Welding Power Cables Power Source to Wire Drive, and Power Source to Work K2163 Series cables sold in pairs. K1842 Series cables sold individually. See Price Book for details and bulk cable availability.
System Identifier Sense Lead Kit DeviceNet Kit Part No. Description Remote Sense Lead Kit. Recommended for sensitive or critical applications to more accurately monitor the arc voltage. DeviceNet Kit. Allows Power Wave i400 to communicate via DeviceNet protocol. Sync-Tandem Kit. Allows two Power Wave i400s to perform synchronized tandem pulse welding. Includes all necessary harnesses and cabling for 2 machines. Also provides access to special Sync-Tandem welding software. CE Filter Kit. Required to meet CE and C-Tick conducted emission requirements. Input voltage limited to 380-415/3/50/60 with kit installed ArcLink Control Cable (5 pin). Required for earlier controllers communicating via traditional ArcLink over a standard 2 wire CAN based network. K2683 Recommended on Sever Duty application. Ethernet Switch, Cables, etc. Required for external Ethernet system connectivity typically associated with multiple arm or multiple power source applications. DeviceNet Cables, Tees, and Terminators (5 pin sealed "mini style") Typically required for PLC or earlier model controllers communicating via DeviceNet. For additional information refer to the DeviceNet Cable Planning and Installation Manual (Allen Bradley publication DN-6.7.2).
K940-xx K2780-1
Sync-Tandem Kit
CE Filter Kit ArcLink Digital Communication Cable External Ethernet Network Equipment DeviceNet Cables and Accessories
2 Cables can be connected end to end to extend length (recommended maximum 200 ft [61.0m]).
System Identifier Part No. Description
Coax Cable. Recommended to minimize the effects of the weld cable loop inductance and maximize performance in critical high speed pulse applications. Note: K1796 coaxial cable is equivalent to 1/0 standard cable. K2539 coaxial cable is equivalent to AWG #1 standard cable. Connecting coaxial cables in parallel to increase current carrying capacity can significantly reduce their inductance minimizing properties, and is therefore NOT RECOMMENDED. Consult the Output Cable Guidelines for further information. External Dress Cable. Heavy duty externally mounted 14pin wire feeder cable for use with robot arms not equipped with an integral cable. IBM Compatible PC (Windows NT SP6, Windows 2000, Windows XP, or greater) required for use with all POWER WAVE Utilities POWER WAVE i400 Replacement Chassis. Complete inverter power section. Intended only as a replacement to be installed in the POWER WAVE i400 cabinet (includes S26064 POWER WAVE Utilities CD).
External Dress Cable for Robot Arm Personal Computer Replacement Chassis
* Power cable
R O * Refer to Output Cable guidelines for recommended cable size in PowerWave i400 Instruction Manual.
Electrode Connection
Wire Feeder
Wire Feeder Connector Voltage Sense Connector ArcLink Connector ArcLink XT Ethernet Connection
* Refer to Output Cable Guidelines for recommended cable size in PowerWave i400 Instruction Manual.
Wire Feeder
Wire Feeder Connector Voltage Sense Connector ArcLink Connector ArcLink XT Ethernet Connector
Electrode Connection FANUC Robotics R-30iA "a-cabinet" Controller with Integrated Op Box (Slave)
Wire Feeder
Gas FANUC Robotics R-30iA "a-cabinet" Controller with Integrated Op Box (Master) Power Wave i400 K2669-1 Optional Work Sense Lead (21) Work Piece Optional Work Sense Lead (21) Work Piece * Work Cable (-) Power Wave i400 K2669-1 Wire Feeder Connector Voltage Sense Connector Wire Feeder Control Cable K1785-XX ArcLink XT Ethernet cable (Internal) ArcLink Connector ArcLink XT Ethernet Connector Circuit Breaker (15 Amp) Devicenet Connector
Electrode Connection
Wire Feeder
Robotic Torch
ArcLink Control Cable K1543-XX Power Wave i400 K2669-1 * Electrode Cable (+) K2163-xx or K1842-xx Circuit Breaker (15 Amp) Devicenet Connector
Wire Feeder
Wire Feeder Connector Voltage Sense Connector ArcLink Connector ArcLink XT Ethernet Connector
Select the appropriate size cables per the Output Cable Guidelines in Table A.1. Excessive voltage drops caused by undersized welding cables and poor connections often result in unsatisfactory welding performance. Always use the largest welding cables (electrode and work) that are practical, and be sure all connections are clean and tight. Note: Excessive heat in the weld circuit indicates undersized cables and/or bad connections. Route all cables directly to the work and wire feeder, avoid excessive lengths and do not coil excess cable. Route the electrode and work cables in close proximity to one another to minimize the loop area and therefore the inductance of the weld circuit. Always weld in a direction away from the work (ground) connection. In Table A.1 are copper cable sizes recommended for different currents and duty cycles. Lengths stipulated are the distance from the welder to work and back to the welder again. Cable sizes are increased for greater lengths primarily for the purpose of minimizing cable drop.
Negative electrode polarity operation WITHOUT use of a remote work sense lead (21) requires the Negative Electrode Polarity attribute to be set. See the Remote Sense Lead Specification section of this document for further details.
For additional Safety information regarding the electrode and work cable set-up, See the standard SAFETY INFORMATION located in the front of this Instruction Manual. TABLE A.1
0 to 50 Ft. 200 200 225 225 250 250 250 250 300 325 350 400 400 500 60 100 20 40 & 30 30 40 60 100 60 100 60 60 100 60 2 2 4 or 5 3 3 2 1 1 1 2/0 1/0 2/0 3/0 2/0
200 to 250 Ft. 1/0 1/0 1/0 1/0 1/0 1/0 1/0 1/0 2/0 3/0 3/0 4/0 4/0 4/0
** Tabled values are for operation at ambient temperatures of 40C and below. Applications above 40C may require cables larger than recommended, or cables rated higher than 75C.
General Guidelines for Voltage Sense Leads
Sense leads should be attached as close to the weld as practical, and out of the weld current path when possible. In extremely sensitive applications it may be necessary to route cables that contain the sense leads away from the electrode and work welding cables.
Voltage sense leads requirements are based on the weld process as follows: TABLE A.2 Process Electrode Voltage Work Voltage Sensing (67 lead) 1 Sensing (21 lead) 2 GMAW 67 lead required 21 lead optional 3 GMAW-P 67 lead required 21 lead optional 3 FCAW 67 lead required 21 lead optional 3 GTAW Voltage sense at studs Voltage sense at studs
1 The electrode voltage sense lead (67) is automatically enabled by the weld process, and integral to the to the 14 pin wire feeder control cable (K1785). 2 The work voltage sense lead (21) is manually enabled, but overridden by constant current weld processes defined for stud sensing.
3 Negative polarity semi-automatic process operation WITHOUT use of a remote work sense lead (21) requires the Negative Electrode Polarity attribute to be set. This establishes which output stud the electrode voltage sense lead (67) will be referenced to.
Electrode Voltage Sensing The remote ELECTRODE sense lead (67) is built into the standard wire feeder control cable (K1785) and is always connected to the wire drive feed plate when a wire feeder is present. Enabling or disabling electrode voltage sensing is application specific, and automatically configured by the active weld mode. The remote ELECTRODE sense lead (67) is also available in the remote Voltage Sense Connector for applications that do not use the standard wire feeder control cable (K1785). This can be easily accessed with the optional K940 Sense Lead kit.
If the remote voltage sensing is enabled but the sense leads are missing, improperly connected, or if the electrode polarity attribute is improperly configured extremely high welding outputs may occur. -----------------------------------------------------------------------
Work Voltage Sensing
The POWER WAVE i400 is configured at the factory to sense work voltage at the negative output stud (positive output polarity with remote Work Voltage Sensing disabled).
Negative electrode polarity operation WITHOUT use of a remote work sense lead (21) requires the Negative Electrode Polarity attribute to be set via the Fanuc Teach Pendant or with the Weld Manager Utility (included on the Power Wave Utilities and Service Navigator CDs or available at www.powerwavesoftware.com). ----------------------------------------------------------------------While most applications perform adequately by sensing the work voltage directly at the output stud, the use of a remote work voltage sense lead is recommended for optimal performance. The remote WORK sense lead (21) can be accessed through the four-pin voltage sense connector located on the control panel by using the K940 Sense Lead Kit. It must be attached to the work as close to the weld as practical, but out of the weld current path. For more information regarding the placement of remote work voltage sense leads, see the section entitled "Voltage Sensing Considerations for Multiple Arc Systems."
If a remote work voltage sense lead is used, it must be enabled through the Fanuc Teach Pendant or with the Weld Manager Utility (included on the Power Wave Utilities and Service Navigator CDs or available at www.powerwavesoftware.com). ----------------------------------------------------------------------Voltage Sensing Considerations for Multiple Arc Systems Special care must be taken when more than one arc is welding simultaneously on a single part. Multiple arc applications do not necessarily dictate the use of remote work voltage sense leads, but they are strongly recommended. If Sense Leads ARE NOT Used: Avoid common current paths. Current from adjacent arcs can induce voltage into each others current paths that can be misinterpreted by the power sources, and result in arc interference. If Sense Leads ARE Used: Position the sense leads out of the path of the weld current. Especially any current paths common to adjacent arcs. Current from adjacent arcs can induce voltage into each others current paths that can be misinterpreted by the power sources, and result in arc interference. For longitudinal applications, connect all work leads at one end of the weldment, and all of the work voltage sense leads at the opposite end of the weldment. Perform welding in the direction away from the work leads and toward the sense leads. (See Figure A.3)
For circumferential applications, connect all work leads on one side of the weld joint, and all of the work voltage sense leads on the opposite side, such that they are out of the current path.
Genuine Lincoln control cables should be used at all times (except where noted otherwise). Lincoln cables are specifically designed for the communication and power needs of the POWER WAVE / Power Feed systems. Most are designed to be connected end to end for ease of extension. Generally, it is recommended that the total length not exceed 100 ft. (30.5 m). The use of nonstandard cables, especially in lengths greater than 25 ft. (7.6 m), can lead to communication problems (system shutdowns), poor motor acceleration (poor arc starting), and low wire driving force (wire feeding problems). Always use the shortest length of control cable possible, and DO NOT coil excess cable.
Connection Between Power Source and ArcLink XT Compatible Controllers or Ethernet Networks. Newer model controllers, such as the Fanuc R30iA, communicate via ArcLinkXT over an industrial Ethernet connection. To facilitate this, the Power Wave i400 is equipped with an IP67 rated ODVA compliant RJ-45 Ethernet connector, which is located on the recessed control panel above the output studs. A special access chute is provided above the Ethernet connection on the Power Wave i400 to accommodate seamless integration with the Fanuc R30iA controller. The K2677-1 Integration Kit includes a specially designed industrial rated Ethernet cable for this purpose. It is highly recommended that all external Ethernet equipment (cables, switches, etc.), as defined by the connection diagrams, be obtained through the Lincoln Electric Automation Division. It is critical that all Ethernet cables external to either a conduit or an enclosure are solid conductor, shielded cat 5e cable, with a drain. The drain should be grounded at the source of transmission, such as a network switch or the Fanuc R30iA ground strip. Ethernet cables will achieve optimal performance levels at distances up to 25 feet. Special attention to layout may be required to support distances greater than 25 feet, including specialized network equipment. For best results, always route Ethernet cables away from weld cables, wire drive control cables, or any other current carrying device that can create a fluctuating magnetic field. For additional guidelines refer to industry standard documents for industrial Ethernet networks. Failure to follow these recommendations can result in an Ethernet connection failure during welding. The ethernet port of the Power Wave i400 is factory configured with a dynamic IP address. This is required for seamless operation with the Fanuc R30iA controller. Connection Between Power Source and ArcLink Compatible Controllers (K1543 or K2683 ArcLink Control Cable) Earlier model Fanuc controllers communicate via traditional ArcLink over a standard 2 wire CAN based network. In these systems, the 5 pin ArcLink control cable connects the power source to the controller. The control cable consists of two power leads, one twisted pair for digital communication, and one lead for voltage sensing. The sense leads and power leads are typically unused in this application. The 5 pin ArcLink connection on the POWER WAVE i400 is located on the recessed control panel above the output studs. The control cable is keyed and polarized to prevent improper connection. Best results will be obtained when control cables are routed separate from the weld cables, especially in long distance applications. The recommended combined length of the ArcLink control cable network should not exceed 200ft(61.0m).
Regarding cable placement, best results will be obtained when control cables are routed separate from the weld cables. This minimizes the possibility of interference between the high currents flowing through the weld cables, and the low level signals in the control cables. These recommendations apply to all communication cables including ArcLink and Ethernet connections. -----------------------------------------------------------------------
Connections Between Power Source and Optional DeviceNet PLC Controller. Hard Automation applications and some earlier model controllers may require DeviceNet connectivity to control the power source. DeviceNet can also be used to monitor welding data, and system status information. The optional K2780-1 DeviceNet Kit is available for this purpose. It includes a 5 pin DeviceNet sealed mini style receptacle that mounts on the recessed control panel of the Power Wave i400, above the output studs. The DeviceNet cable is keyed and polarized to prevent improper connection. For best results, route DeviceNet cables away from weld cables, wire drive control cables, or any other current carrying device that can create a fluctuating magnetic field. DeviceNet cables must be sourced locally by the customer. For additional guidelines refer to the DeviceNet Cable Planning and Installation Manual (Allen Bradley publication DN6.7.2). The DeviceNet MAC ID and baud rate of the POWER WAVE i400 can be configured with the Diagnostics Utility (included on the POWER WAVE Utilities and Service Navigator CDs or available at www.powerwavesoftware.com).
Read this entire section of operating instructions before operating the machine.
Unless using cold feed feature, when feeding with gun trigger, the electrode and drive mechanism are always electrically energized and could remain energized several seconds after the welding ceases. Do not touch electrically live parts or electrodes with your skin or wet clothing. Insulate yourself from the work and ground. Always wear dry insulating gloves.
U0 U1 U2 I1 I2
Dangerous Voltage
General Physical Description The POWER WAVE i400 is intended as a replacement for the PW355i using an updated power and control platform to enhance performance and reliability. The POWER WAVE i400 includes an integrated wire drive module and 14-pin MS-Style connection to support the PF-10R and Auto Drive 4R90. ArcLink communication is supported through the 5 pin MSstyle interface. The new ArcLinkXT communication protocol is supported through an RJ-45 type Ethernet connection, which also provides access for the POWER WAVE Utilities software tools. In addition, the DeviceNet communication protocol is supported by a 5 pin sealed mini style receptacle. Access to remote voltage sensing is available through the 4 pin sense lead connector (work and electrode), at the feeder via the 14 pin MS-style connector (electrode only), or at the 5 pin MS-style ArcLink connector (electrode only). Optional features include DeviceNet or Sync-Tandem capability, and an internal filter kit to achieve CE compliance. The POWER WAVE i400 includes an innovative new case design featuring a removable slide mounted power section for ease of service. The case is designed to support the Fanuc R30iA controller and op box (up to 300lbs), matching both the controllers footprint and styling. Mounting is externally accessible for simplified integration. The flexibility of the POWER WAVE i400 also allows it to be operated as a stand alone unit. Input power for the Fanuc R30iA controller is supplied through the POWER WAVE i400 on/off switch. The ArcLinkXT connection is provided through Ethernet. Both power and communication leads are routed to the controller via access holes in the top of the power source. The K2677-1 Integration Kit includes all necessary cables and hardware to complete this task. General Functional Description The POWER WAVE i400 is a high performance, multi-process, digitally controlled inverter power source, designed as a pedestal to support the Fanuc R30iA controller. It may also be used with other controllers as a standalone power source. It is capable of producing a welding output from 5-420 amperes, and is rated for 350A, 100%.
The POWER WAVE i400 utilizes the latest generation high speed digital controls, and communicates via ArcLink XT to the Fanuc controller. The inverter power section utilizes state of the art power electronics and is re-connectable for 3 phase input voltages from 208 to 575VAC. A 15A auxiliary receptacle is provided for fume extraction and water cooler accessories. The POWER WAVE i400 is fully CE compatible when equipped with a K2670-1 CE Filter kit*. * Input voltage limited to 380-415/3/50/60 with kit installed.
The software based weld set of the POWER WAVE i400 limit the process capability within the output range and the safe limits of the machine.
The POWER WAVE i400 is not directly compatible with analog machines or interfaces. The input power pass-through connection (Terminal Block - 4TB) of the POWER WAVE i400 is intended to supply power exclusively to the Fanuc R30iA controller. It is designed to support a 3kW maximum robot controller load through cable provided with the K26771 Integration Kit.
10 6 11 3
5 7
4 2
1. Machine Status Indicator: A two color LED that indicates system errors. The POWER WAVE i400 is equipped with two indicators. One is for the inverter power source, while the other indicates the status of the feeder control system. Normal operation is a steady green light. . Basic error conditions are indicated in the table below. For more information and a detailed listing, see the troubleshooting section of this document or the Service Manual for this machine.
Light Condition Steady Green Meaning
NOTE: The POWER WAVE i400 status light will flash green, and sometimes red and green, for up to one minute when the machine is first turned on. This is a normal situation as the machine goes through a self test at power up
System is okay. Power source communicating normally with the wire feeder and its components. Occurs during a reset and indicates the POWER WAVE i400 is mapping (identifying) each component in the system. Normally this occurs for the first 1-10 seconds after power is turned on or if the system configuration is changed during operation. Non-recoverable system fault. Errors are present in the POWER WAVE i400. Read the error code before the machine is turned off. Error code interpretation through the Status light is detailed in the Trouble Shooting section. Individual code digits are flashed in red with a long pause between digits. If more than one code is present, the codes will be separated by a green light. To clear the error, turn power source off, and back on to reset. See Troubleshooting section.
Blinking Green
F G H I J K L M N 847 841 844 Open GND-A 842 843 846 67A / 67B Single Tach input +15V Tach supply Tach common Reserved for future use Shielding drain Tach 1A differential signal Tach 1B differential signal Tach 2B differential signal Electrode Voltage Sense
2. THERMAL INDICATOR (THERMAL OVERLOAD): A yellow light that comes on when an over temperature situation occurs. Output is disabled and the fan continues to run, until the machine cools down. When cool, the light goes out and output is enabled. 3. CIRCUIT BREAKER (CB1 - 15 AMP): Protects the 40 volt DC supply for the feeder and machine controls. 4. VOLTAGE SENSE CONNECTOR: Allows for separate remote electrode and work sense leads. Pin 3 1 Leads 21 67C Function Work Voltage Sense Electrode Voltage Sense
8. NEGATIVE OUTPUT TERMINAL 9. POSITIVE OUTPUT TERMINAL 10. ARCLINK RECEPTACLE: Pin Leads Function A 153A / 153B Communication Bus L B 154A / 154B Communication Bus H C 67B / 67C Electrode Voltage Sense D 52 / 52A +40V DC E 51 / 51A 0 VDC 11. ON / OFF SWITCH: Controls input power to the POWER WAVE i400, and when properly integrated, the Fanuc R30iA Controller.
5. OPTIONAL DEVICENET OR SYNC-TANDEM CONNECTOR: Available as optional kits to support either DeviceNet communication, or synchronized tandem pulse welding. These options cannot coexist. DEVICENET CONNECTOR (5 PIN - SEALED MINI STYLE): Pin Lead Function 2 894 +24 VDC DeviceNet 3 893 Common DeviceNet 4 892 DeviceNet H 5 891 DeviceNet L
The POWER WAVE i400 ON/OFF switch is NOT intended as a Service Disconnect for this equipment. ----------------------------------------------------------------------12. FEEDER STATUS INDICATOR (See Item 1)
SYNC-TANDEM CONNECTOR (4 PIN MS STYLE): Pin Lead Function A White Ready H B Black/White Ready L C Green Kill H D Black/Green Kill L
6. ETHERNET CONNECTOR (RJ-45): Used for ArcLink XT communication. Also used for diagnostics and reprogramming the POWER WAVE i400. Pin 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 Function Transmit + Transmit Receive + ----Receive -----
1 2
7. WIRE FEEDER RECEPTACLE (14-PIN): For connection to the Auto Drive 4R90 and Power Feed 10R wire feeders. Pin A B C D E Leads 539 541 521 522 845 Function Motor + Motor Solenoid + Solenoid Common Tach 2A differential signal
5. CHASSIS POWER TERMINAL BLOCK (3TB): Power connection for internal chassis. Provides power for the inverter and all auxiliary supplies. 6. INPUT POWER TERMINAL BLOCK (1TB): Input power connection from main service disconnect. 7. GROUND TERMINAL: Earth ground connection. 8. PC BOARD DIPSWITCHES (NOT SHOWN): PC Board dipswitches are set at the factory to allow configuration of the POWER WAVE i400 via the Fanuc Teach Pendant or with the Weld Manager Utility (included on the POWER WAVE Utilities and Service Navigator CDs or available at www.powerwavesoftware.com). The factory default settings are as follows: Control Board (G4800 Series Hardware): S1large = OFF S2small = ON Feed Head Board (L11087 Series Hardware): S11 thru 8 = OFF
The POWER WAVE i400 will typically be powered up at the same time as the robotic controller. The status lights will blink green for about a minute while the system is configuring. After this time, the status lights will turn a steady green indicating the machine is ready.
The POWER WAVE i400 is rated at 350 amps at 31.5 volts with a 100% duty cycle. It is further rated to provide 400 amps at 34 volts with a 60% duty cycle and 420 amps at 35 volts with a 40% duty cycle. The duty cycle is based on a ten-minute period. A 60% duty cycle represents 6 minutes of welding and 4 minutes of idling in a ten-minute period. Note: The POWER WAVE i400 is capable of producing a peak output current of 700 amps. The allowable maximum average output current is time dependent, but ultimately limited to 450 amps over any 2 second period. If the maximum average is exceeded, the output is disabled to protect the machine. Under these conditions, normal operation can be resumed by cycling the output command.
This input power pass-through connection is intended to supply power exclusively to the Fanuc R30iA controller. It is designed to support a 3kW maximum robot controller load through cable provided with the K2677-1 Integration Kit.
MAKING A WELD The serviceability of a product or structure utilizing the welding programs is and must be the sole responsibility of the builder/user. Many variables beyond the control of The Lincoln Electric Company affect the results obtained in applying these programs. These variables include, but are not limited to, welding procedure, plate chemistry and temperature, weldment design, fabrication methods and service requirements. The available range of a welding program may not be suitable for all applications, and the build/user is and must be solely responsible for welding program selection. -----------------------------------------------------------------------
----------------------------------------------------------------------ELECTRIC SHOCK CAN KILL. DO NOT ATTEMPT TO BACK FEED INPUT POWER THROUGH THE ROBOT POWER TERMINAL BLOCK (4TB) INTO THE POWER WAVE I400. THIS IS NOT ITS INTENDED PURPOSE, AND MAY RESULT IN MACHINE DAMAGE, BODILY INJURY OR DEATH. -----------------------------------------------------------------------
Choose the electrode material, electrode size, shielding gas, and process (GMAW, GMAW-P etc.) appropriate for the material to be welded. Select the weld mode that best matches the desired welding process. The standard weld set shipped with the Power Wave i400 encompasses a wide range of common processes that will meet most needs. If a special weld mode is desired, contact the local Lincoln Electric sales representative. To make a weld, the Power Wave i400 needs to know the desired welding parameters. The robot controller sends the parameters from the teach pendant (arc voltage, wire feed speed, UltimArcTM value, etc.), to the Power Wave i400 via the ArcLink communication protocol over the control, Ethernet or optional DeviceNet cables.
In non-synergic modes, the WFS control behaves like a conventional power source where WFS and voltage are independent adjustments. Therefore, to maintain proper arc characteristics, the operator must adjust the voltage to compensate for any changes made to the WFS. Volts In constant voltage modes (GMAW), this control adjusts the welding voltage. Trim In pulse synergic welding modes (GMAW-P), the Trim setting adjusts the arc length. Trim is adjustable from 0.50 to 1.50. 1.00 is the nominal setting and is a good starting point for most conditions. Note: The Power Wave i400 can also be configured to display Trim as a voltage value. This allows the operator to pre-set an approximate welding voltage rather than a unitless Trim value. The pre-set voltage is limited based on the process, and provides the same range of operation as the corresponding Trim value. This alternate configuration is regionally enabled based on the robot controller software. Refer to the Fanuc documentation for manual configuration information. UltimArcTM UltimArcTM allows the operator to vary the arc characteristics from soft to crisp. UltimArcTM is adjustable from 10.0 to +10.0 with a nominal setting of 0.0.
Non Synergic CV In non-synergic modes, the machine behaves like a conventional power source. The WFS and voltage are independent adjustments. Therefore, to maintain the arc characteristics, the operator must adjust the voltage to compensate for any changes made to the WFS. UltimArcTM UltimArc TM adjusts the apparent inductance of the wave shape. The UltimArcTM adjustment is similar to a pinch function in that it is inversely proportional to inductance. UltimArcTM is adjustable from 10.0 to +10.0 with a nominal setting of 0. Increasing UltimArcTM results in a crisper, hotter arc. Decreasing the UltimArcTM provides a softer, colder arc.
Pulse welding modes are synergic; using wire feed speed as the main control parameter. As the wire feed speed is adjusted, the power source adjusts the waveform parameters to maintain good welding characteristics. The Power Wave i400 can also be configured to use amperage as the dominant control parameter. In this configuration, as the amperage is adjusted, the power source selects the appropriate wire feed speed, and adjusts the waveform parameters to maintain good welding characteristics. In either case, trim is used as a secondary control to change the arc length for material conditions or individual preference. UltimArc TM adjusts the focus or shape of the arc. UltimArcTM is adjustable from -10.0 to +10.0 with a nominal setting of 0.0. Increasing the UltimArc TM increases the pulse frequency and background current while decreasing the peak current. This results in a tight, stiff arc used for high speed sheet metal welding. Decreasing the UltimArcTM decreases the pulse frequency and background current while increasing the peak current. This results in a soft arc good for out of position welding. The Power Wave utilizes adaptive control to compensate for changes in the electrical stick-out (distance from the contact tip to the work piece) while welding. The Power Wave waveforms are optimized for a 5/8 to 3/4 stick out depending on the wire type and wire feed speed. The adaptive behavior supports a range of stick outs from approximately to 1-1/4. At low or high wire feed speeds, the adaptive range may be less due to physical limitations of the welding process.
Pulse Welding
When pulse welding, the power source primarily regulates the arc current, not the arc voltage. During a pulsing cycle, arc current is regulated from a low background level to a high peak level and then back down to the low background level. The average arc voltage increases and decreases as the average arc current is increased or decreased. The peak current, back ground current, rise time, fall time and pulse frequency all affect the average voltage. Since the average voltage for a given wire feed speed can only be determined when all the pulsing waveform parameters are known, a unitless value called trim is used for adjusting the arc length. Trim adjusts the arc length and ranges from 0.50 to 1.50 with a nominal value of 1.00. Increasing the trim value increases the arc length. Decreasing the trim value decreases the arc length. Alternately, trim can be displayed as a quasi-voltage value. This allows the operator to pre-set an approximate welding voltage rather than a unitless trim value. The pre-set voltage is limited based on the process, and provides the same range of operation as the corresponding trim value.
None Available.
K940-Work Voltage Sense Lead Kit K2670-[ ] CE Filter Kit K2677-1 Integration Kit
ELECTRIC SHOCK can kill. Disconnect input power before servicing. Do not operate with covers removed. Do not touch electrically live parts. Only qualified persons should install, use or service this equipment. ----------------------------------------------------------------------(See Figure D.1) 1. Turn off input power to the power source and any other equipment connected to the welding system at the disconnect switch or fuse box before working on the equipment. 2. Remove the weld cables from the output studs, and disconnect all control cables including the Ethernet connection from the control panel. 3. Remove the screws securing the chassis to the cabinet as listed below: (6) 10-24 screws securing the reconnect access panel on the front of the machine (ON/OFF switch must be in the OFF position for removal). (2) 1/4-20 screws on either side of the control panel located on the right case side. (2) 1/4-20 screws just below the output studs located on the right case side. (12) 1/4-20 screws from the left case side. FIGURE D.1
ELECTRIC SHOCK can kill. Do not touch electrically live parts or electrode with skin or wet clothing. Insulate yourself from work and ground Always wear dry insulating gloves. ----------------------------------------------------------------------- Failed parts can explode or cause other parts to explode when power is applied. Always wear a face shield and long sleeves when servicing.
Routine maintenance consists of periodically blowing out the machine, using a low pressure airstream, to remove accumulated dust and dirt from the intake and outlet louvers, and the cooling channels in the machine.
Calibration of the POWER WAVE i400 is critical to its operation. Generally speaking the calibration will not need adjustment. However, neglected or improperly calibrated machines may not yield satisfactory weld performance. To ensure optimal performance, the calibration of output Voltage and Current should be checked yearly.
Output Voltage and Current are calibrated at the factory. Generally speaking the machine calibration will not need adjustment. However, if the weld performance changes, or the yearly calibration check reveals a problem, use the calibration section of the Diagnostics Utility to make the appropriate adjustments. The calibration procedure itself requires the use of a grid, and certified actual meters for voltage and current. The accuracy of the calibration will be directly affected by the accuracy of the measuring equipment you use. The Diagnostics Utility includes detailed instructions, and is available on the POWER WAVE Utilities and Service Navigator CDs or available at www.powerwavesoftware.com
4. Remove the left case side by pulling out from the bottom. 5. Disconnect the chassis input power leads (1E, 2E & 3E) from terminal block 3TB located in the cabinet reconnect area, and remove the chassis ground from the stud located in front the terminal block. 6. Carefully slide the chassis from the cabinet by pulling on the fan bracket. (see Location and Mounting section of this document for instructions on lifting the chassis).
Prior to transporting or servicing chassis it is important to verify the capacitors are completely discharged. ----------------------------------------------------------------------1. Use a DC voltmeter to check that NO voltage is present across the terminals of both capacitors. Note: Presence of capacitors voltage is also indicated by LEDs (See figure D.1a) 2. If voltage is present wait for capacitors to completely discharge (this may take several minutes) or discharge the capacitors as follows: Obtain a power resistor (25 ohms, 25 watts). Hold resistor body with electrically insulated glove. DO NOT TOUCH TERMINALS. CAPACITOR VOLTAGE MAY EXCEED 400VDC.Connect the resistor terminals across the two studs in the position shown. Hold in each position for 10 second. Repeat for both capacitors. Use a DC voltmeter to check that voltage is not present across the terminals of both capacitors. FIGURE D.1a
Service and Repair should only be performed by Lincoln Electric Factory Trained Personnel. Unauthorized repairs performed on this equipment may result in danger to the technician and machine operator and will invalidate your factory warranty. For your safety and to avoid Electrical Shock, please observe all safety notes and precautions detailed throughout this manual. __________________________________________________________________________ This Troubleshooting Guide is provided to help you locate and repair possible machine malfunctions. Simply follow the three-step procedure listed below. Step 1. LOCATE PROBLEM(SYMPTOM). Look under the column labeled PROBLEM (SYMPTOMS). This column describes possible symptoms that the machine may exhibit. Find the listing that best describes the symptom that the machine is exhibiting. Step 2. POSSIBLE CAUSE. The second column labeled POSSIBLE CAUSE lists the obvious external possibilities that may contribute to the machine symptom. Step 3. RECOMMENDED COURSE OF ACTION This column provides a course of action for the Possible Cause, generally it states to contact your local Lincoln Authorized Field Service Facility. If you do not understand or are unable to perform the Recommended Course of Action safely, contact your local Lincoln Authorized Field Service Facility.
If for any reason you do not understand the test procedures or are unable to perform the tests/repairs safely, contact your Local Lincoln Authorized Field Service Facility for technical troubleshooting assistance before you proceed.
The POWER WAVE i400 is equipped with two externally mounted status lights, one for the power source, and one for the wire drive module contained in the power source. If a problem occurs it is important to note the condition of the status lights. Therefore, prior to cycling power to the system, check the power source status light for error sequences as noted below. Included in this section is information about the power source and Wire Drive Module Status LEDs, and some basic troubleshooting charts for both machine and weld performance. The STATUS LIGHTS are dual-color LEDs that indicate system errors. Normal operation for each is steady green. Error conditions are indicated in the following Table E.1. TABLE E.1
Light Condition Steady Green Meaning
System OK. Power source is operational, and is communicating normally with all healthy peripheral equipment connected to its ArcLink network. Occurs during power up or a system reset, and indicates the POWER WAVE i400 is mapping (identifying) each component in the system. Normal for first 110 seconds after power is turned on, or if the system configuration is changed during operation. Under normal conditions indicates Auto-mapping has failed. Also used by the Diagnostics Utility (included on the POWER WAVE Utilities and Service Navigator CDs or available at www.powerwavesoftware.com) to identify the selected machine when connecting to a specific IP address.
Blinking Green
Alternating Green and Red Non-recoverable system fault. If the Status lights are flashing any combination of red and green, errors are present. Read the error code(s) before the machine is turned off. Error Code interpretation through the Status light is detailed in the Service Manual. Individual code digits are flashed in red with a long pause between digits. If more than one code is present, the codes will be separated by a green light. Only active error conditions will be accessible through the Status Light. Error codes can also be retrieved with the Diagnostics Utility (included on the POWER WAVE Utilities and Service Navigator CDs or available at www.powerwavesoftware.com). This is the preferred method, since it can access historical information contained in the error log. To clear the active error(s), turn power source off, and back on to reset. Steady Red Blinking Red Not applicable. Not applicable.
Observe all Safety Guidelines detailed throughout this manual
Indication Excessive Primary current present. May be related to a switch board or output rectifier failure. Low voltage on the main capacitors. May be caused by improper input configuration, or an open/short circuit in the primary side of the machine. Excess voltage on the main capacitors. May be caused by improper input configuration, excessive line voltage, or improper capacitor balance (see Error 43) Indicates over temperature. Usually accompanied by Thermal LED. Check fan operation. Be sure process does not exceed duty cycle limit of the machine. Capacitor precharge failed. Usually accompanied by codes 32 and 33. Unknown glitch has occurred on the fault interrupt circuitry. Sometimes caused by primary over current fault, or intermittent connections in the thermostat circuit. The maximum voltage difference between the main capacitors has been exceeded. May be accompanied by errors 32-35. May be caused by an open or short in the primary or secondary circuit(s). The long term average secondary (weld) current limit has been exceeded. This error will immediately turn off the machine output. NOTE: The long term average secondary current limit is 450 amps.
49 50 51 52 53 54
32 33 34 35 36
Capacitor A under voltage (right side facing the Switch PC Board) Capacitor bank "B" under voltage (left side facing the Switch PC Board) Capacitor "A" over voltage (right side facing the Switch PC Board) Capacitor "B" over voltage (left side facing the Switch PC Board) Thermal error
A complete list of error codes is available in the Diagnostics Utility (included on the POWER WAVE Utilities and Service Navigator CDs or available at see com- www.powerwavesoftware.com). plete listing Error codes that contain three or four digits are defined as fatal errors. These codes generally indicate internal errors on the Power Source Control Board. If cycling the input power on the machine does not clear the error, contact the Service Department
If for any reason you do not understand the test procedures or are unable to perform the tests/repairs safely, contact your Local Lincoln Authorized Field Service Facility for technical troubleshooting assistance before you proceed. POWER WAVE i400
Observe all Safety Guidelines detailed throughout this manual
Indication Long term average motor current limit has been exceeded. Typically indicates mechanical overload of system. If problem continues consider higher torque gear ratio (lower speed range). Absolute maximum motor current level has been exceeded. This is a short term average to protect drive circuitry. The Shutdown inputs on the POWER WAVE i400 have been disabled. The presence of these errors indicates the Feed Head Control PCB may contain the wrong operating software.
Motor Overcurrent
Shutdown #1
Shutdown #2
If for any reason you do not understand the test procedures or are unable to perform the tests/repairs safely, contact your Local Lincoln Authorized Field Service Facility for technical troubleshooting assistance before you proceed. POWER WAVE i400
Observe all Safety Guidelines detailed throughout this manual TROUBLESHOOTING GUIDE Observe Safety Guidelines detailed in the beginning of this manual.
Major physical or electrical damage is evident when the sheet metal covers are removed.
Improper Weld Procedure requiring output levels in excess of machine rating. Major physical or electrical damage is evident when the sheet metal covers are removed. No Input Power.
Contact your local authorized Lincoln Electric Field Service facility for technical assistance. Make sure input supply disconnect has been turned ON. Check input fuses. Make certain that the Power Switch (SW1) on the power source is in the ON position. Power Down and replace the fuse. Power Down and reset CB1.
Fuse F1 (in reconnect area) may have blown. Circuit breaker CB1 (on the control panel) may have tripped. Improper input voltage selection (multiple input voltage machines only).
Power down, check input voltage reconnect according to diagram on reconnect cover.
If for any reason you do not understand the test procedures or are unable to perform the tests/repairs safely, contact your local authorized Lincoln Electric Field Service Facility for technical assistance. POWER WAVE i400
Observe all Safety Guidelines detailed throughout this manual Observe Safety Guidelines detailed in the beginning of this manual.
Machine wont weld, cant get any 1. Input voltage is too low or too high. output. (CR1 will not pull in.) This problem will normally be accompanied by an error code. 2. Thermal Error. Error codes are displayed as a series of red and green flashes by the status light(s). See Status 3. Primary current limit has been exceeded. (the main contactor Light section of this document for drops out when output is initiatadditional information. ed see error 31).
If for any reason you do not understand the test procedures or are unable to perform the tests/repairs safely, contact your local authorized Lincoln Electric Field Service Facility for technical assistance. POWER WAVE i400
Observe all Safety Guidelines detailed throughout this manual Observe Safety Guidelines detailed in the beginning of this manual.
2. Power down and replace the fuse. 1. Replace the battery (Type: BS2032)
1. Wire feed problem. 1. Check for feeding problems. Check actual WFS vs. preset. Verify proper wire drive and gear ratio has been selected. 2. Check for bad connections, excessive loops in cable, etc. NOTE: The presence of heat in the external welding circuit indicates poor connections or undersized cables. 3. Verify gas flow and type are correct. 4. Select the correct weld mode for the application. 5. Verify the calibration of the output current and voltage. 6. Long term average current is limited to 450A. Adjust procedure to reduce output demand. 1. Check sense lead connections. Check the sense lead configuration and arc polarity. Make sure Electrode and Work connections are not reversed. 2. Check for feeding problems. Verify proper wire drive and gear ratio has been selected.
2. Cabling problems.
3. Loss of, or improper Shielding Gas. 4. Verify weld mode is correct for process.
5. Machine calibration.
Wire burns back to tip when the arc 1. Voltage sense lead problem. is initiated.
If for any reason you do not understand the test procedures or are unable to perform the tests/repairs safely, contact your local authorized Lincoln Electric Field Service Facility for technical assistance. POWER WAVE i400
Observe all Safety Guidelines detailed throughout this manual
1. Burnback Time. 1. Reduce burnback time and/or workpoint. 1. A non-recoverable inverter fault will interrupt welding, and open the main contactor. This condition will also result in an alternating red and green status light on the control panel. See the Status Light section for more information. 1. Make certain that the input voltage is proper, according to the Rating Plate located on the rear of the machine. 2. Calibrate secondary current and voltage. 1. Check for feeding problems. Verify proper wire drive and gear ratio has been selected. 2. Check sense lead connections. Check the sense lead configuration and arc polarity. Make sure Electrode and Work connections are not reversed. 3. Verify gas flow and type are correct. 4. Calibrate secondary current and voltage. 1. Check for feeding problems. Verify proper wire drive and gear ratio has been selected. For larger diameter wire, consider the highest torque / lowest range gear ratio available to suit the application.
Wire burns back to tip at the end of the weld. Machine output shuts down during a weld.
1. Input voltage may be too low, limiting output capability of the power source.
2. Machine calibration.
If for any reason you do not understand the test procedures or are unable to perform the tests/repairs safely, contact your Local Lincoln Authorized Field Service Facility for technical troubleshooting assistance before you proceed. POWER WAVE i400
Observe all Safety Guidelines detailed throughout this manual
2. Conduit leading to the wire feeder has bends or twists, which can reduce the wire feed speed. 3. Conduit leading up to the wire feeder from the wire reel is too long. 2. Remove bends and twists in conduit leading to the feeder.
Device does not go on Line.
1. 24v bus power.
2. Baud rate.
4. Termination
5. Wiring.
If for any reason you do not understand the test procedures or are unable to perform the tests/repairs safely, contact your Local Lincoln Authorized Field Service Facility for technical troubleshooting assistance before you proceed. POWER WAVE i400
Observe all Safety Guidelines detailed throughout this manual
1. Interference / Noise.
2. Termination.
3. Shielding.
4. Power Supply.
3. Passive Mode.
4. Welding Cables.
5. Output Disabled
If for any reason you do not understand the test procedures or are unable to perform the tests/repairs safely, contact your Local Lincoln Authorized Field Service Facility for technical troubleshooting assistance before you proceed. POWER WAVE i400
Observe all Safety Guidelines detailed throughout this manual
6. Other modules faulted.
6. Analog Hysteresis
7. Limit Error
8. Fan Out
9. Gas
If for any reason you do not understand the test procedures or are unable to perform the tests/repairs safely, contact your Local Lincoln Authorized Field Service Facility for technical troubleshooting assistance before you proceed. POWER WAVE i400
Observe all Safety Guidelines detailed throughout this manual
Analog Inputs dont respond or dont 1. Analog Scans Between Updates. respond quickly.
3. Analog Hysteresis.
4. Passive Mode.
1. Out of gas.
3. Passive Mode.
4. Gas Lines.
If for any reason you do not understand the test procedures or are unable to perform the tests/repairs safely, contact your Local Lincoln Authorized Field Service Facility for technical troubleshooting assistance before you proceed. POWER WAVE i400
Observe all Safety Guidelines detailed throughout this manual
1. Burnback Disabled.
2. Burnback Time.
4. Limit Error reported at the end of a 4. Verify all welding settings for weld. Burnback and Crater states. 5. Fan Out. 5. From the DeviceNet tab of the Diagnostics Utility, select Monitor. Verify under Analog Input Fan Out that Burnback is present for all analogs in. 6. Verify Burnback set points for work point, trim, and wave values. 7. From the DeviceNet tab of the Diagnostics Utility, select Configure. Verify in Analog Input Channels that the Hysteresis settings are all 0. 8. Verify Gas is turned on. 1. The DeviceNet tab of the Diagnostics Utility displays the POWER WAVEs Analog Scans Between Updates and I/O Scans/Sec. Verify that Analog Scans Between Updates is of I/O Scans/Sec value. 2. Verify voltage sense leads are properly connected and configured as described in the instruction manual. 3. From the DeviceNet tab of the Diagnostics Utility, select Configure. Verify in Analog Input Channels that the Hysteresis settings are all 0.
7. Analog Hysteresis.
3. Analog Hysteresis
If for any reason you do not understand the test procedures or are unable to perform the tests/repairs safely, contact your Local Lincoln Authorized Field Service Facility for technical troubleshooting assistance before you proceed. POWER WAVE i400
Observe all Safety Guidelines detailed throughout this manual
Cannot Connect.
2. IP address information.
3. Ethernet Speed.
1. Cable Location.
If for any reason you do not understand the test procedures or are unable to perform the tests/repairs safely, contact your Local Lincoln Authorized Field Service Facility for technical troubleshooting assistance before you proceed. POWER WAVE i400
NOTE: This diagram is for reference only. It may not be accurate for all machines covered by this manual. The specific diagram for a particular code is pasted inside the machine on one of the enclosure panels. If the diagram is illegible, write to the Service Department for a replacement. Give the equipment code number.
25.05 19.49
Do not touch electrically live parts or electrode with skin or wet clothing. Insulate yourself from work and ground. No toque las partes o los electrodos bajo carga con la piel o ropa mojada. Aislese del trabajo y de la tierra. Ne laissez ni la peau ni des vtements mouills entrer en contact avec des pices sous tension. Isolez-vous du travail et de la terre. Berhren Sie keine stromfhrenden Teile oder Elektroden mit Ihrem Krper oder feuchter Kleidung! Isolieren Sie sich von den Elektroden und dem Erdboden! No toque partes eltricas e electrodos com a pele ou roupa molhada. Isole-se da pea e terra.
Keep your head out of fumes. Use ventilation or exhaust to remove fumes from breathing zone. Los humos fuera de la zona de respiracin. Mantenga la cabeza fuera de los humos. Utilice ventilacin o aspiracin para gases. Gardez la tte lcart des fumes. Utilisez un ventilateur ou un aspirateur pour ter les fumes des zones de travail. Vermeiden Sie das Einatmen von Schweibrauch! Sorgen Sie fr gute Be- und Entlftung des Arbeitsplatzes! Mantenha seu rosto da fumaa. Use ventilao e exhausto para remover fumo da zona respiratria.
Noprez pas avec les panneaux ouverts ou avec les dispositifs de protection enlevs.
No opere com as tampas removidas. Desligue a corrente antes de fazer servio. No toque as partes eltricas nuas.
Mantenha-se afastado das partes moventes. No opere com os paineis abertos ou guardas removidas.
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