User's Guide
Preface 1
....................................................................................................................................... 9 Introduction to the Software Development Tools ................................................................... 12 1.1 Software Development Tools Overview ................................................................................ 13 1.2 C/C++ Compiler Overview ................................................................................................ 14 1.2.1 ANSI/ISO Standard ............................................................................................... 14 1.2.2 Output Files ....................................................................................................... 15 1.2.3 Compiler Interface ................................................................................................ 15 1.2.4 Utilities ............................................................................................................. 15 Using the C/C++ Compiler .................................................................................................. 16 2.1 About the Compiler ........................................................................................................ 17 2.2 Invoking the C/C++ Compiler ............................................................................................ 17 2.3 Changing the Compiler's Behavior With Options ...................................................................... 18 2.3.1 Frequently Used Options ........................................................................................ 26 2.3.2 Miscellaneous Useful Options .................................................................................. 27 2.3.3 Run-Time Model Options ........................................................................................ 28 2.3.4 Symbolic Debugging Options ................................................................................... 29 2.3.5 Specifying Filenames ............................................................................................ 29 2.3.6 Changing How the Compiler Interprets Filenames ........................................................... 30 2.3.7 Changing How the Compiler Processes C Files ............................................................. 30 2.3.8 Changing How the Compiler Interprets and Names Extensions ........................................... 30 2.3.9 Specifying Directories ............................................................................................ 31 2.3.10 Assembler Options .............................................................................................. 31 2.3.11 Deprecated Options ............................................................................................. 32 2.4 Controlling the Compiler Through Environment Variables ........................................................... 32 2.4.1 Setting Default Compiler Options (MSP430_C_OPTION) .................................................. 32 2.4.2 Naming an Alternate Directory (MSP430_C_DIR) ........................................................... 33 2.5 Precompiled Header Support ............................................................................................ 34 2.5.1 Automatic Precompiled Header ................................................................................. 34 2.5.2 Manual Precompiled Header .................................................................................... 34 2.5.3 Additional Precompiled Header Options ....................................................................... 34 2.6 Controlling the Preprocessor ............................................................................................. 35 2.6.1 Predefined Macro Names ....................................................................................... 35 2.6.2 The Search Path for #include Files ............................................................................ 36 2.6.3 Generating a Preprocessed Listing File (--preproc_only Option) .......................................... 37 2.6.4 Continuing Compilation After Preprocessing (--preproc_with_compile Option) .......................... 37 2.6.5 Generating a Preprocessed Listing File With Comments (--preproc_with_comment Option) .......... 37
Generating a Preprocessed Listing File With Line-Control Information (--preproc_with_line Option) ............................................................................................................. 2.6.7 Generating Preprocessed Output for a Make Utility (--preproc_dependency Option) ................... 2.6.8 Generating a List of Files Included With the #include Directive (--preproc_includes Option) .......... 2.6.9 Generating a List of Macros in a File (--preproc_macros Option) .......................................... Understanding Diagnostic Messages ................................................................................... 2.7.1 Controlling Diagnostics .......................................................................................... 2.7.2 How You Can Use Diagnostic Suppression Options ........................................................ Other Messages ........................................................................................................... 2.6.6 37 38 38 38 38 39 40 41
Copyright 2012, Texas Instruments Incorporated
Generating Cross-Reference Listing Information (--gen_acp_xref Option) ........................................ Generating a Raw Listing File (--gen_acp_raw Option) .............................................................. Using Inline Function Expansion ........................................................................................ 2.11.1 Inlining Intrinsic Operators ..................................................................................... 2.11.2 Using the inline Keyword, the --no_inlining Option, and Level 3 Optimization .......................... Using Interlist ............................................................................................................... Controlling Application Binary Interface ................................................................................ Enabling Entry Hook and Exit Hook Functions ........................................................................ Invoking Optimization ..................................................................................................... Performing File-Level Optimization (--opt_level=3 option) ........................................................... 3.2.1 Controlling File-Level Optimization (--std_lib_func_def Options) ........................................... 3.2.2 Creating an Optimization Information File (--gen_opt_info Option) ........................................ Performing Program-Level Optimization (--program_level_compile and --opt_level=3 options) ................ 3.3.1 Controlling Program-Level Optimization (--call_assumptions Option) ..................................... 3.3.2 Optimization Considerations When Mixing C/C++ and Assembly ......................................... Link-Time Optimization (--opt_level=4 Option) ........................................................................ 3.4.1 Option Handling ................................................................................................... 3.4.2 Incompatible Types ............................................................................................... Accessing Aliased Variables in Optimized Code ...................................................................... Use Caution With asm Statements in Optimized Code .............................................................. Automatic Inline Expansion (--auto_inline Option) .................................................................... Invoking the Linker Through the Compiler (-z Option) ................................................................ 4.1.1 Invoking the Linker Separately ................................................................................. 4.1.2 Invoking the Linker as Part of the Compile Step ............................................................. 4.1.3 Disabling the Linker (--compile_only Compiler Option) ...................................................... Linker Code Optimizations ............................................................................................... 4.2.1 Generating Function Subsections (--gen_func_subsections Compiler Option) .......................... 4.2.2 Conditional Linking ............................................................................................... Controlling the Linking Process .......................................................................................... 4.3.1 Including the Run-Time-Support Library ....................................................................... 4.3.2 Run-Time Initialization ........................................................................................... 4.3.3 Initialization by the Interrupt Vector ............................................................................ 4.3.4 Initialization of the FRAM Memory Protection Unit ........................................................... 4.3.5 Global Object Constructors ..................................................................................... 4.3.6 Specifying the Type of Global Variable Initialization ......................................................... 4.3.7 Specifying Where to Allocate Sections in Memory ........................................................... 4.3.8 A Sample Linker Command File ................................................................................ Characteristics of MSP430 C ............................................................................................ Characteristics of MSP430 C++ ......................................................................................... Using MISRA-C:2004 ..................................................................................................... Using the ULP Advisor .................................................................................................... Data Types ................................................................................................................. Keywords ................................................................................................................... 5.6.1 The const Keyword ............................................................................................... 5.6.2 The interrupt Keyword ........................................................................................... 5.6.3 The restrict Keyword ............................................................................................. 5.6.4 The volatile Keyword ............................................................................................. C++ Exception Handling .................................................................................................. Register Variables and Parameters ..................................................................................... The asm Statement .......................................................................................................
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41 41 43 43 43 44 45 46 48 49 49 49 50 50 51 52 52 53 53 53 54 56 56 57 57 58 58 58 59 59 60 60 60 60 61 62 63 65 65 66 66 67 69 69 69 70 71 72 72 73
........................................................................................................ 47
........................................................................................................... 55
............................................................................ 64
5.11 5.12
5.13 5.14
Pragma Directives ......................................................................................................... 5.10.1 The BIS_IE1_INTERRUPT ..................................................................................... 5.10.2 The CHECK_MISRA Pragma .................................................................................. 5.10.3 The CLINK Pragma ............................................................................................. 5.10.4 The CODE_SECTION Pragma ................................................................................ 5.10.5 The DATA_ALIGN Pragma .................................................................................... 5.10.6 The DATA_SECTION Pragma ................................................................................ 5.10.7 The Diagnostic Message Pragmas ........................................................................... 5.10.8 The FUNC_CANNOT_INLINE Pragma ....................................................................... 5.10.9 The FUNC_EXT_CALLED Pragma ........................................................................... 5.10.10 The FUNC_IS_PURE Pragma ............................................................................... 5.10.11 The FUNC_NEVER_RETURNS Pragma ................................................................... 5.10.12 The FUNC_NO_GLOBAL_ASG Pragma ................................................................... 5.10.13 The FUNC_NO_IND_ASG Pragma ......................................................................... 5.10.14 The FUNCTION_OPTIONS Pragma ........................................................................ 5.10.15 The INTERRUPT Pragma .................................................................................... 5.10.16 The LOCATION Pragma ...................................................................................... 5.10.17 The NOINIT and PERSISTENT Pragmas .................................................................. 5.10.18 The NO_HOOKS Pragma .................................................................................... 5.10.19 The RESET_MISRA Pragma ................................................................................. 5.10.20 The RETAIN Pragma .......................................................................................... 5.10.21 The SET_CODE_SECTION and SET_DATA_SECTION Pragmas ..................................... 5.10.22 The vector Pragma ............................................................................................ The _Pragma Operator ................................................................................................... Application Binary Interface .............................................................................................. 5.12.1 COFF ABI ........................................................................................................ 5.12.2 EABI ............................................................................................................... Object File Symbol Naming Conventions (Linknames) ............................................................... Initializing Static and Global Variables in COFF ABI Mode .......................................................... 5.14.1 Initializing Static and Global Variables With the Linker ..................................................... 5.14.2 Initializing Static and Global Variables With the const Type Qualifier .................................... Changing the ANSI/ISO C Language Mode ........................................................................... 5.15.1 Compatibility With K&R C (--kr_compatible Option) ........................................................ 5.15.2 Enabling Strict ANSI/ISO Mode and Relaxed ANSI/ISO Mode (--strict_ansi and --relaxed_ansi Options) ............................................................................................................ 5.15.3 Enabling Embedded C++ Mode (--embedded_cpp Option) ............................................... GNU Language Extensions .............................................................................................. 5.16.1 Extensions ........................................................................................................ 5.16.2 Function Attributes .............................................................................................. 5.16.3 Variable Attributes ............................................................................................... 5.16.4 Type Attributes ................................................................................................... 5.16.5 Built-In Functions ................................................................................................ Compiler Limits ............................................................................................................
74 75 75 75 76 77 78 79 79 79 80 80 81 81 81 82 82 84 84 85 85 85 86 87 88 88 88 89 90 90 90 91 91 92 92 93 93 94 94 95 95 96
Run-Time Environment
...................................................................................................... 97
Memory Model ............................................................................................................. 98 6.1.1 Code Memory Models ........................................................................................... 98 6.1.2 Data Memory Models ............................................................................................ 98 6.1.3 Support for Near Data ........................................................................................... 98 6.1.4 Sections ............................................................................................................ 99 6.1.5 C/C++ Software Stack .......................................................................................... 100 6.1.6 Dynamic Memory Allocation ................................................................................... 101 6.1.7 Initialization of Variables in COFF ABI ....................................................................... 101 Object Representation ................................................................................................... 101
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6.3 6.4
6.2.1 Data Type Storage .............................................................................................. 6.2.2 Character String Constants .................................................................................... Register Conventions .................................................................................................... Function Structure and Calling Conventions ......................................................................... 6.4.1 How a Function Makes a Call ................................................................................. 6.4.2 How a Called Function Responds ............................................................................ 6.4.3 Accessing Arguments and Local Variables .................................................................. Interfacing C and C++ With Assembly Language ................................................................... 6.5.1 Using Assembly Language Modules With C/C++ Code ................................................... 6.5.2 Accessing Assembly Language Variables From C/C++ ................................................... 6.5.3 Sharing C/C++ Header Files With Assembly Source ...................................................... 6.5.4 Using Inline Assembly Language ............................................................................. Interrupt Handling ........................................................................................................ 6.6.1 Saving Registers During Interrupts ........................................................................... 6.6.2 Using C/C++ Interrupt Routines ............................................................................... 6.6.3 Using Assembly Language Interrupt Routines .............................................................. 6.6.4 Interrupt Vectors ................................................................................................ 6.6.5 Other Interrupt Information ..................................................................................... Using Intrinsics to Access Assembly Language Statements ....................................................... 6.7.1 MSP430 Intrinsics ............................................................................................... 6.7.2 The __delay_cycle Intrinsic .................................................................................... 6.7.3 The _never_executed Intrinsic ................................................................................ System Initialization ...................................................................................................... 6.8.1 System Pre-Initialization ....................................................................................... 6.8.2 Run-Time Stack ................................................................................................. 6.8.3 COFF ABI Automatic Initialization of Variables ............................................................. 6.8.4 EABI Automatic Initialization of Variables ................................................................... 6.8.5 Initialization Tables ............................................................................................. Compiling for 20-Bit MSP430X Devices .............................................................................. C and C++ Run-Time Support Libraries .............................................................................. 7.1.1 Linking Code With the Object Library ........................................................................ 7.1.2 Header Files ..................................................................................................... 7.1.3 Modifying a Library Function .................................................................................. 7.1.4 Minimal Support for Internationalization ...................................................................... 7.1.5 Allowable Number of Open Files .............................................................................. 7.1.6 Nonstandard Header Files in ...................................................................... 7.1.7 Library Naming Conventions .................................................................................. The C I/O Functions ..................................................................................................... 7.2.1 High-Level I/O Functions ....................................................................................... 7.2.2 Overview of Low-Level I/O Implementation ................................................................. 7.2.3 Device-Driver Level I/O Functions ............................................................................ 7.2.4 Adding a User-Defined Device Driver for C I/O ............................................................. 7.2.5 The device Prefix ................................................................................................ Handling Reentrancy (_register_lock() and _register_unlock() Functions) ....................................... Library-Build Process .................................................................................................... 7.4.1 Required Non-Texas Instruments Software ................................................................. 7.4.2 Using the Library-Build Process ............................................................................... 7.4.3 Extending mklib .................................................................................................
101 103 104 105 106 106 107 107 107 109 110 110 110 111 111 111 111 111 112 112 113 113 115 115 115 116 118 123 125 127 127 127 127 128 128 128 129 129 130 131 134 138 139 141 142 142 142 145
.................................................. 126
7.3 7.4
....................................................................................................... 146
Invoking the C++ Name Demangler ................................................................................... 147 C++ Name Demangler Options ........................................................................................ 147 Sample Usage of the C++ Name Demangler ........................................................................ 147
Copyright 2012, Texas Instruments Incorporated
......................................................................................................................... 150
Copyright 2012, Texas Instruments Incorporated
List of Figures
1-1. 6-1. 6-2. 6-3. 6-4. 6-5. 6-6. 6-7. 6-8. 6-9. 6-10. MSP430 Software Development Flow .................................................................................. 13 Memory Layout of var ................................................................................................... 103 Use of the Stack During a Function Call .............................................................................. 105
................................................................ .......................................................................................... Initialization at Load Time ............................................................................................... Autoinitialization at Run Time in EABI Mode ......................................................................... Initialization at Load Time in EABI Mode ............................................................................. Constructor Table for EABI Mode ..................................................................................... Format of Initialization Records in the .cinit Section ................................................................ Format of Initialization Records in the .pinit Section ................................................................
Format of Initialization Records in the .cinit Section Autoinitialization at Run Time
List of Tables
2-1. 2-2. 2-3. 2-4. 2-5. 2-6. 2-7. 2-8. 2-9. 2-10. 2-11. 2-12. 2-13. 2-14. 2-15. 2-16. 2-17. 2-18. 2-19. 2-20. 2-21. 2-22. 2-23. 2-24. 2-25. 2-26. 2-27. 2-28. 2-29. 2-30. 2-31. 2-32. 2-33. 3-1.
........................................................................................................ ..................................................................................................... Debug Options ............................................................................................................. Include Options ........................................................................................................... Control Options ........................................................................................................... Advanced Debug Options ................................................................................................ Language Options ......................................................................................................... Parser Preprocessing Options ........................................................................................... Predefined Symbols Options ............................................................................................ Diagnostics Options ....................................................................................................... Run-Time Model Options ................................................................................................. Advanced Optimization Options ........................................................................................ Entry/Exit Hook Options .................................................................................................. Library Function Assumptions Options ................................................................................. Assembler Options ........................................................................................................ File Type Specifier Options .............................................................................................. Directory Specifier Options ............................................................................................... Default File Extensions Options ......................................................................................... Command Files Options .................................................................................................. MISRA-C:2004 Options ................................................................................................... ULP Advisor Options ...................................................................................................... Linker Basic Options ...................................................................................................... File Search Path Options ................................................................................................. Command File Preprocessing Options ................................................................................. Diagnostic Options ........................................................................................................ Linker Output Options ..................................................................................................... Symbol Management Options ........................................................................................... Run-Time Environment Options ......................................................................................... Miscellaneous Options .................................................................................................... Compiler Backwards-Compatibility Options Summary ............................................................... Predefined MSP430 Macro Names ..................................................................................... Raw Listing File Identifiers ............................................................................................... Raw Listing File Diagnostic Identifiers .................................................................................. Options That You Can Use With --opt_level=3 ........................................................................
Processor Options Optimization Options
List of Figures
Copyright 2012, Texas Instruments Incorporated
18 18 19 19 19 19 19 20 20 20 21 21 22 22 22 22 23 23 23 23 23 24 24 24 24 25 25 25 25 32 35 41 42 49
3-2. 3-3. 3-4. 3-5. 4-1. 4-2. 4-3. 5-1. 5-2. 5-3. 6-1. 6-2. 6-3. 6-4. 6-5. 7-1.
............................................................................ Selecting a Level for the --gen_opt_info Option ....................................................................... Selecting a Level for the --call_assumptions Option .................................................................. Special Considerations When Using the --call_assumptions Option ............................................... Initialized Sections Created by the Compiler .......................................................................... Initialized Sections Created by the Compiler for EABI ............................................................... Uninitialized Sections Created by the Compiler for Both ABIs ...................................................... MSP430 C/C++ COFF ABI Data Types ................................................................................ MSP430 C/C++ EABI Data Types ...................................................................................... GCC Language Extensions .............................................................................................. Summary of Sections and Memory Placement ...................................................................... Data Representation in Registers and Memory ..................................................................... How Register Types Are Affected by the Conventions ............................................................. Register Usage and Preservation Conventions ...................................................................... MSP430 Intrinsics ........................................................................................................ The mklib Program Options ............................................................................................
Selecting a File-Level Optimization Option
List of Tables
Copyright 2012, Texas Instruments Incorporated
SLAU132G May 2012
Notational Conventions
This document uses the following conventions: Program listings, program examples, and interactive displays are shown in a special typeface. Interactive displays use a bold version of the special typeface to distinguish commands that you enter from items that the system displays (such as prompts, command output, error messages, etc.). Here is a sample of C code:
#include <stdio.h> main() { printf("hello, cruel world\n"); }
In syntax descriptions, the instruction, command, or directive is in a bold typeface and parameters are in an italic typeface. Portions of a syntax that are in bold should be entered as shown; portions of a syntax that are in italics describe the type of information that should be entered. Square brackets ( [ and ] ) identify an optional parameter. If you use an optional parameter, you specify the information within the brackets. Unless the square brackets are in the bold typeface, do not enter the brackets themselves. The following is an example of a command that has an optional parameter:
cl430 [options] [filenames] [--run_linker [link_options] [object files]] Braces ( { and } ) indicate that you must choose one of the parameters within the braces; you do not enter the braces themselves. This is an example of a command with braces that are not included in the actual syntax but indicate that you must specify either the --rom_model or --ram_model option: {--rom_model | --ram_model} filenames [--output_file= name.out]
cl430 --run_linker
--library= libraryname
Related Documentation
In assembler syntax statements, column 1 is reserved for the first character of a label or symbol. If the label or symbol is optional, it is usually not shown. If it is a required parameter, it is shown starting against the left margin of the box, as in the example below. No instruction, command, directive, or parameter, other than a symbol or label, can begin in column 1.
symbol .usect "section name", size in bytes[, alignment] Some directives can have a varying number of parameters. For example, the .byte directive. This syntax is shown as [, ..., parameter].
Related Documentation
You can use the following books to supplement this user's guide: ANSI X3.159-1989, Programming Language - C (Alternate version of the 1989 C Standard), American National Standards Institute ISO/IEC 9899:1989, International Standard - Programming Languages - C (The 1989 C Standard), International Organization for Standardization ISO/IEC 9899:1999, International Standard - Programming Languages - C (The C Standard), International Organization for Standardization ISO/IEC 14882-1998, International Standard - Programming Languages - C++ (The C++ Standard), International Organization for Standardization The C Programming Language (second edition), by Brian W. Kernighan and Dennis M. Ritchie, published by Prentice-Hall, Englewood Cliffs, New Jersey, 1988 The Annotated C++ Reference Manual, Margaret A. Ellis and Bjarne Stroustrup, published by AddisonWesley Publishing Company, Reading, Massachusetts, 1990 C: A Reference Manual (fourth edition), by Samuel P. Harbison, and Guy L. Steele Jr., published by Prentice Hall, Englewood Cliffs, New Jersey Programming Embedded Systems in C and C++, by Michael Barr, Andy Oram (Editor), published by O'Reilly & Associates; ISBN: 1565923545, February 1999 Programming in C, Steve G. Kochan, Hayden Book Company The C++ Programming Language (second edition), Bjarne Stroustrup, published by Addison-Wesley Publishing Company, Reading, Massachusetts, 1990 Tool Interface Standards (TIS) DWARF Debugging Information Format Specification Version 2.0, TIS Committee, 1995 DWARF Debugging Information Format Version 3, DWARF Debugging Information Format Workgroup, Free Standards Group, 2005 (
MSP430x3xx, MSP430x1xx, MSP430x4xx, MSP430x2xx, MSP430x5xx, MSP430 are trademarks of Texas Instruments. All other trademarks are the property of their respective owners. SLAU132G May 2012 Submit Documentation Feedback
Copyright 2012, Texas Instruments Incorporated
Chapter 1
SLAU132G May 2012
The MSP430 is supported by a set of software development tools, which includes an optimizing C/C++ compiler, an assembler, a linker, and assorted utilities. This chapter provides an overview of these tools and introduces the features of the optimizing C/C++ compiler. The assembler and linker are discussed in detail in the MSP430 Assembly Language Tools User's Guide.
1.1 1.2
C/C++ compiler
Assembler source
Macro library
Object files
Library-build utility
Debugging tools
Run-timesupport library
EPROM programmer
Absolute lister
Cross-reference lister
The following list describes the tools that are shown in Figure 1-1: The compiler accepts C/C++ source code and produces MSP430 assembly language source code. See Chapter 2. The assembler translates assembly language source files into machine language relocatable object files. The MSP430 Assembly Language Tools User's Guide explains how to use the assembler. The linker combines relocatable object files into a single absolute executable object file. As it creates the executable file, it performs relocation and resolves external references. The linker accepts relocatable object files and object libraries as input. See Chapter 4. The MSP430 Assembly Language Tools User's Guide provides a complete description of the linker.
SLAU132G May 2012 Submit Documentation Feedback Introduction to the Software Development Tools
Copyright 2012, Texas Instruments Incorporated
The archiver allows you to collect a group of files into a single archive file, called a library. Additionally, the archiver allows you to modify a library by deleting, replacing, extracting, or adding members. One of the most useful applications of the archiver is building a library of object files. The MSP430 Assembly Language Tools User's Guide explains how to use the archiver. The run-time-support libraries contain the standard ISO C and C++ library functions, compiler-utility functions, floating-point arithmetic functions, and C I/O functions that are supported by the compiler. See Chapter 7. You can use the library-build utility to build your own customized run-time-support library. See Section 7.4. Source code for the standard run-time-support library functions for C and C++ are provided in the self-contained file. The hex conversion utility converts an object file into other object formats. You can download the converted file to an EPROM programmer. The MSP430 Assembly Language Tools User's Guide explains how to use the hex conversion utility and describes all supported formats. The absolute lister accepts linked object files as input and creates .abs files as output. You can assemble these .abs files to produce a listing that contains absolute, rather than relative, addresses. Without the absolute lister, producing such a listing would be tedious and would require many manual operations. The MSP430 Assembly Language Tools User's Guide explains how to use the absolute lister. The cross-reference lister uses object files to produce a cross-reference listing showing symbols, their definitions, and their references in the linked source files. The MSP430 Assembly Language Tools User's Guide explains how to use the cross-reference utility. The C++ name demangler is a debugging aid that converts names mangled by the compiler back to their original names as declared in the C++ source code. As shown in Figure 1-1, you can use the C++ name demangler on the assembly file that is output by the compiler; you can also use this utility on the assembler listing file and the linker map file. See Chapter 8. The disassembler decodes object files to show the assembly instructions that they represent. The MSP430 Assembly Language Tools User's Guide explains how to use the disassembler. The main product of this development process is an executable object file that can be executed in a MSP430 device.
1.2.4 Utilities
These features are compiler utilities: Library-build utility The library-build utility lets you custom-build object libraries from source for any combination of runtime models. For more information, see Section 7.4. C++ name demangler The C++ name demangler (dem430) is a debugging aid that translates each mangled name it detects in compiler-generated assembly code, disassembly output, or compiler diagnostic messages to its original name found in the C++ source code. For more information, see Chapter 8. Hex conversion utility For stand-alone embedded applications, the compiler has the ability to place all code and initialization data into ROM, allowing C/C++ code to run from reset. The COFF files output by the compiler can be converted to EPROM programmer data files by using the hex conversion utility, as described in the MSP430 Assembly Language Tools User's Guide.
Chapter 2
SLAU132G May 2012
The compiler translates your source program into machine language object code that the MSP430 can execute. Source code must be compiled, assembled, and linked to create an executable object file. All of these steps are executed at once by using the compiler.
About the Compiler ........................................................................................... Invoking the C/C++ Compiler .............................................................................. Changing the Compiler's Behavior With Options ................................................... Controlling the Compiler Through Environment Variables ...................................... Precompiled Header Support .............................................................................. Controlling the Preprocessor .............................................................................. Understanding Diagnostic Messages ................................................................... Other Messages ................................................................................................ Generating Cross-Reference Listing Information (--gen_acp_xref Option) ................ Generating a Raw Listing File (--gen_acp_raw Option) ........................................... Using Inline Function Expansion ......................................................................... Using Interlist ................................................................................................... Controlling Application Binary Interface ............................................................... Enabling Entry Hook and Exit Hook Functions .....................................................
2.1 2.2 2.3 2.4 2.5 2.6 2.7 2.8 2.9 2.10 2.11 2.12 2.13 2.14
17 17 18 32 34 35 38 41 41 41 43 44 45 46
For a complete description of the assembler and the linker, see the MSP430 Assembly Language Tools User's Guide.
The arguments to the compiler are of three types: Compiler options Link options Filenames The --run_linker option indicates linking is to be performed. If the --run_linker option is used, any compiler options must precede the --run_linker option, and all link options must follow the --run_linker option. Source code filenames must be placed before the --run_linker option. Additional object file filenames can be placed after the --run_linker option. For example, if you want to compile two files named symtab.c and file.c, assemble a third file named seek.asm, and link to create an executable program called myprogram.out, you will enter:
cl430 symtab.c file.c seek.asm --run_linker --library=lnk.cmd --library=rts430.lib --output_file=myprogram.out
Alias -v
Effect Selects the instruction set Selects application binary interface. Default is coffabi. Specifies the code memory model Specifies the data memory model Specifies what data must be near. Default is globals.
Section Section 2.3.3 Section 2.13 Section 6.1.1 Section 6.1.2 Section 6.1.3
Effect Optimizes register usage Uses -O0 optimizations and optimizes locally Uses -O1 optimizations and optimizes globally (default) Uses -O2 optimizations and optimizes the file Uses -O3 optimizations and performs link-time optimization Controls speed over space (0-5 range) (Default is 4.)
Section Section 3.1 Section 3.1 Section 3.1 Section 3.1 Section 3.2 Section 3.4
Note: Machine-specific options (see Table 2-11) can also affect optimization.
--preproc_includes[=filename] --preproc_macros[=filename]
-ppi -ppm
--preproc_only --preproc_with_comment
-ppo -ppc
--preproc_with_compile --preproc_with_line
-ppa -ppl
Specifies that the module contains variables modified from outside Section 3.3.1 the source code provided to the compiler but does not use functions called from outside the source code Specifies that the module contains no functions or variables that are Section 3.3.1 called or modified from outside the source code provided to the compiler (default) Specifies that the module contains functions that are called from outside the source code provided to the compiler but does not use variables modified from outside the source code Disables the optimization information file Produces an optimization information file Produces a verbose optimization information file Disables all high level optimization; compiler uses --opt_level=0 by default if no --opt_level option is specified. Section 3.3.1
Interlists optimizer comments with assembly statements Removes entry/exit hooks for auto-inlined functions Inlines functions that are only called once Section 2.14 -Section 3.5
Note: Machine-specific options (see Table 2-11) can also affect optimization.
Identifies filename as an object code file regardless of its extension. Section 2.3.6 By default, the compiler and linker treat .obj files as object code files.
Specifies a temporary file directory. By default, the compiler uses the Section 2.3.9 current directory.
The following tables list the linker options. See the MSP430 Assembly Language Tools User's Guide for details on these options. Table 2-22. Linker Basic Options
Option --output_file=file --map_file=file --stack_size=size --heap_size=size --use_hw_mpy[={16|32|F5}] Alias -o -m [-]-stack [-]-heap Description Names the executable output file. The default filename is a.out. Produces a map or listing of the input and output sections, including holes, and places the listing in filename Sets C system stack size to size bytes and defines a global symbol that specifies the stack size. Default = 128 bytes Sets heap size (for the dynamic memory allocation in C) to size bytes and defines a global symbol that specifies the heap size. Default = 128 bytes Replaces all references to the default integer/long multiply routine with the version of the multiply routine that uses the hardware multiplier support.
Suppresses the linker and overrides the --run_linker option, which specifies linking. The --compile_only option's short form is -c. Use this option when you have --run_linker specified in the MSP430_C_OPTION environment variable and you do not want to link. See Section 4.1.3. Predefines the constant name for the preprocessor. This is equivalent to inserting #define name def at the top of each C source file. If the optional[=def] is omitted, the name is set to 1. The --define option's short form is -D. If you want to define a quoted string and keep the quotation marks, do one of the following: For Windows, use --define=name="\"string def\"". For example, -define=car="\"sedan\"" For UNIX, use --define=name='"string def"'. For example, -define=car='"sedan"' For Code Composer Studio, enter the definition in a file and include that file with the --cmd_file option. Displays the syntax for invoking the compiler and lists available options. If the --help option is followed by another option or phrase, detailed information about the option or phrase is displayed. For example, to see information about debugging options use --help debug. Adds directory to the list of directories that the compiler searches for #include files. The --include_path option's short form is -I. You can use this option several times to define several directories; be sure to separate the --include_path options with spaces. If you do not specify a directory name, the preprocessor ignores the --include_path option. See Section Retains the assembly language output from the compiler or assembly optimizer. Normally, the compiler deletes the output assembly language file after assembly is complete. The --keep_asm option's short form is -k. Suppresses banners and progress information from all the tools. Only source filenames and error messages are output. The --quiet option's short form is -q. Runs the linker on the specified object files. The --run_linker option and its parameters follow all other options on the command line. All arguments that follow --run_linker are passed to the linker. The -run_linker option's short form is -z. See Section 4.1.
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Copyright 2012, Texas Instruments Incorporated
--tool_version --undefine=name
Compiles only. The specified source files are compiled but not assembled or linked. The --skip_assembler option's short form is -n. This option overrides --run_linker. The output is assembly language output from the compiler. Invokes the interlist feature, which interweaves optimizer comments or C/C++ source with assembly source. If the optimizer is invoked (-opt_level=n option), optimizer comments are interlisted with the assembly language output of the compiler, which may rearrange code significantly. If the optimizer is not invoked, C/C++ source statements are interlisted with the assembly language output of the compiler, which allows you to inspect the code generated for each C/C++ statement. The --src_interlist option implies the --keep_asm option. The --src_interlist option's short form is -s. Prints the version number for each tool in the compiler. No compiling occurs. Undefines the predefined constant name. This option overrides any -define options for the specified constant. The --undefine option's short form is -U. Displays progress information and toolset version while compiling. Resets the --quiet option.
--printf_support={full| nofloat|minimal}
Enables support for smaller, limited versions of the printf and sprintf run-time-support functions. The valid values are: full: Supports all format specifiers. This is the default. nofloat: Excludes support for printing and scanning floating-point values. Supports all format specifiers except %f, %F, %g, %G, %e, and %E. minimal: Supports the printing and scanning of integer, char, or string values without width or precision flags. Specifically, only the %%, %d, %o, %c, %s, and %x format specifiers are supported There is no run-time error checking to detect if a format specifier is used for which support is not included. The --printf_support option precedes the --run_linker option, and must be used when performing the final link. Enables or disables the reassociation of saturating arithmetic.
--data_model={restricted|large| small}
Case Sensitivity in Filename Extensions Case sensitivity in filename extensions is determined by your operating system. If your operating system is not case sensitive, a file with a .C extension is interpreted as a C file. If your operating system is case sensitive, a file with a .C extension is interpreted as a C++ file.
For information about how you can alter the way that the compiler interprets individual filenames, see Section 2.3.6. For information about how you can alter the way that the compiler interprets and names the extensions of assembly source and object files, see Section 2.3.9.
You can use wildcard characters to compile or assemble multiple files. Wildcard specifications vary by system; use the appropriate form listed in your operating system manual. For example, to compile all of the files in a directory with the extension .cpp, enter the following:
cl430 *.cpp
No Default Extension for Source Files is Assumed If you list a filename called example on the command line, the compiler assumes that the entire filename is example not example.c. No default extensions are added onto files that do not contain an extension.
For example, if you have a C source file called file.s and an assembly language source file called assy, use the --asm_file and --c_file options to force the correct interpretation:
cl430 --c_file=file.s --asm_file=assy
The following example assembles the file fit.rrr and creates an object file named fit.o:
cl430 --asm_extension=.rrr --obj_extension=.o fit.rrr
The period (.) in the extension is optional. You can also write the example above as:
cl430 --asm_extension=rrr --obj_extension=o fit.rrr
--asm_directory=directory --list_directory=directory
Specifies the destination directory for assembly listing files and crossreference listing files. The default is to use the same directory as the object file directory. For example:
cl430 --list_directory=d:\listing
--obj_directory=directory --output_file=filename
Specifies a compilation output file name; can override --obj_directory . For example:
cl430 --output_file=transfer
Specifies a preprocessor file directory for object files (default is .). For example:
cl430 --pp_directory=d:\preproc
--asm_listing --asm_undefine=name
For Code Composer Studio, enter the definition in a file and include that file with the --cmd_file option. Performs preprocessing for assembly files, but instead of writing preprocessed output, writes a list of dependency lines suitable for input to a standard make utility. The list is written to a file with the same name as the source file but with a .ppa extension. Performs preprocessing for assembly files, but instead of writing preprocessed output, writes a list of files included with the #include directive. The list is written to a file with the same name as the source file but with a .ppa extension. Produces an assembly listing file. Undefines the predefined constant name. This option overrides any -asm_define options for the specified name.
--cross_reference --include_file=filename
--output_all_syms --syms_ignore_case
Copies the specified file for the assembly module; acts like a .copy directive. The file is inserted before source file statements. The copied file appears in the assembly listing files. Produces a symbolic cross-reference in the listing file. Includes the specified file for the assembly module; acts like a .include directive. The file is included before source file statements. The included file does not appear in the assembly listing files. Puts labels in the symbol table. Label definitions are written to the COFF symbol table for use with symbolic debugging. Makes letter case insignificant in the assembly language source files. For example, --syms_ignore_case makes the symbols ABC and abc equivalent. If you do not use this option, case is significant (this is the default).
Environment variable options are specified in the same way and have the same meaning as they do on the command line. For example, if you want to always run quietly (the --quiet option), enable C/C++ source interlisting (the --src_interlist option), and link (the --run_linker option) for Windows, set up the MSP430_C_OPTION environment variable as follows:
set MSP430_C_OPTION=--quiet --src_interlist --run_linker
In the following examples, each time you run the compiler, it runs the linker. Any options following -run_linker on the command line or in MSP430_C_OPTION are passed to the linker. Thus, you can use the MSP430_C_OPTION environment variable to specify default compiler and linker options and then specify additional compiler and linker options on the command line. If you have set --run_linker in the environment variable and want to compile only, use the compiler --compile_only option. These additional examples assume MSP430_C_OPTION is set as shown above:
cl430 cl430 cl430 cl430 *c ; compiles and links --compile_only *.c ; only compiles *.c --run_linker lnk.cmd ; compiles and links using a command file --compile_only *.c --run_linker lnk.cmd ; only compiles (--compile_only overrides --run_linker)
For details on compiler options, see Section 2.3. For details on linker options, see the Linker Description chapter in the MSP430 Assembly Language Tools User's Guide.
The pathnames are directories that contain input files. The pathnames must follow these constraints: Pathnames must be separated with a semicolon. Spaces or tabs at the beginning or end of a path are ignored. For example, the space before and after the semicolon in the following is ignored:
set MSP430_C_DIR=c:\path\one\to\tools ; c:\path\two\to\tools
Spaces and tabs are allowed within paths to accommodate Windows directories that contain spaces. For example, the pathnames in the following are valid:
set MSP430_C_DIR=c:\first path\to\tools;d:\second path\to\tools
The environment variable remains set until you reboot the system or reset the variable by entering:
Operating System UNIX (Bourne shell) Windows Enter unset MSP430_C_DIR set MSP430_C_DIR=
Carefully organizing the include directives across multiple files so that their header files maximize common usage can increase the compile time savings when using precompiled headers. A precompiled header file is produced only if the header stop point and the code prior to it meet certain requirements.
Description Expands to the compilation date in the form mmm dd yyyy Expands to the current source filename Defined if --code_model=large is specified Defined if --data_model=large or data_model=restricted is specified Expands to the current line number Defined when --data_model=large is specified. Indicates ptrdiff_t is a long. Always defined Defined if --silicon_version=mspx is specified Defined if --silicon_version=mspx is specified Set to the type of ptrdiff_t. Determined by the --data_model option. Defined if char types are signed by default (--plain_char=signed) Set to the type of size_t. Determined by the --data_model option. Defined to indicate that compiler conforms to ISO C Standard. See Section 5.1 for exceptions to ISO C conformance. C standard macro Defined to a 7-9 digit integer, depending on if X has 1, 2, or 3 digits. The number does not contain a decimal. For example, version 3.2.1 is represented as 3002001. The leading zeros are dropped to prevent the number being interpreted as an octal. Defined to 1 if the EABI is enabled (see Section 2.13); otherwise, it is undefined. Defined if GCC extensions are enabled (the --gcc option is used); otherwise, it is undefined. Defined if strict ANSI/ISO mode is enabled (the --strict_ansi option is used); otherwise, it is undefined. Expands to the compilation time in the form "hh:mm:ss" Defined if char types are unsigned by default (default or plain_char=unsigned) Defined when --data_model=large is specified. Indicates size_t is an unsigned long. Expands to 1 if optimization is used (--opt_level or -O option); undefined otherwise. Regardless of any optimization, always undefined when --no_inlining is used.
_ _LONG_PTRDIFF_T_ _ _ _MSP430_ _ _ _MSP430X_ _ _ _MSP430X461X_ _ _ _PTRDIFF_T_TYPE_ _ _ _signed_chars_ _ _ _SIZE_T_TYPE_ _ _ _STDC_ _ (1) _ _STDC_VERSION_ _ _ _TI_COMPILER_VERSION_ _
You can use the names listed in Table 2-31 in the same manner as any other defined name. For example,
printf ( "%s %s" , __TIME__ , __DATE__);
The --include_path option names an alternate directory that contains #include files. The --include_path option's short form is -I. The format of the --include_path option is: --include_path=directory1 [--include_path= directory2 ...] There is no limit to the number of --include_path options per invocation of the compiler; each -include_path option names one directory. In C source, you can use the #include directive without specifying any directory information for the file; instead, you can specify the directory information with the -include_path option. For example, assume that a file called source.c is in the current directory. The file source.c contains the following directive statement:
#include "alt.h"
Assume that the complete pathname for alt.h is: UNIX Windows /tools/files/alt.h c:\tools\files\alt.h
The table below shows how to invoke the compiler. Select the command for your operating system:
Operating System UNIX Windows Enter cl430 --include_path=/tools/files source.c cl430 --include_path=c:\tools\files source.c
Specifying Path Information in Angle Brackets If you specify the path information in angle brackets, the compiler applies that information relative to the path information specified with --include_path options and the MSP430_C_DIR environment variable. For example, if you set up MSP430_C_DIR with the following command:
MSP430_C_DIR "/usr/include;/usr/ucb"; export MSP430_C_DIR
2.6.6 Generating a Preprocessed Listing File With Line-Control Information (-preproc_with_line Option)
By default, the preprocessed output file contains no preprocessor directives. To include the #line directives, use the --preproc_with_line option. The --preproc_with_line option performs preprocessing only and writes preprocessed output with line-control information (#line directives) to a file named as the source file but with a .pp extension.
2.6.8 Generating a List of Files Included With the #include Directive (--preproc_includes Option)
The --preproc_includes option performs preprocessing only, but instead of writing preprocessed output, writes a list of files included with the #include directive. If you do not supply an optional filename, the list is written to a file with the same name as the source file but with a .pp extension.
Diagnostic messages have an associated severity, as follows: A fatal error indicates a problem so severe that the compilation cannot continue. Examples of such problems include command-line errors, internal errors, and missing include files. If multiple source files are being compiled, any source files after the current one will not be compiled. An error indicates a violation of the syntax or semantic rules of the C/C++ language. Compilation continues, but object code is not generated. A warning indicates something that is valid but questionable. Compilation continues and object code is generated (if no errors are detected). A remark is less serious than a warning. It indicates something that is valid and probably intended, but may need to be checked. Compilation continues and object code is generated (if no errors are detected). By default, remarks are not issued. Use the --issue_remarks compiler option to enable remarks. Diagnostics are written to standard error with a form like the following example:
"test.c", line 5: error: a break statement may only be used within a loop or switch break; ^
By default, the source line is omitted. Use the --verbose_diagnostics compiler option to enable the display of the source line and the error position. The above example makes use of this option. The message identifies the file and line involved in the diagnostic, and the source line itself (with the position indicated by the ^ character) follows the message. If several diagnostics apply to one source line, each diagnostic has the form shown; the text of the source line is displayed several times, with an appropriate position indicated each time.
38 Using the C/C++ Compiler
Copyright 2012, Texas Instruments Incorporated
Long messages are wrapped to additional lines, when necessary. You can use the --display_error_number command-line option to request that the diagnostic's numeric identifier be included in the diagnostic message. When displayed, the diagnostic identifier also indicates whether the diagnostic can have its severity overridden on the command line. If the severity can be overridden, the diagnostic identifier includes the suffix -D (for discretionary); otherwise, no suffix is present. For example:
"Test_name.c", line 7: error #64-D: declaration does not declare anything struct {}; ^ "Test_name.c", line 9: error #77: this declaration has no storage class or type specifier xxxxx; ^
Because an error is determined to be discretionary based on the error severity associated with a specific context, an error can be discretionary in some cases and not in others. All warnings and remarks are discretionary. For some messages, a list of entities (functions, local variables, source files, etc.) is useful; the entities are listed following the initial error message:
"test.c", line 4: error: more than one instance of overloaded function "f" matches the argument list: function "f(int)" function "f(float)" argument types are: (double) f(1.5); ^
In some cases, additional context information is provided. Specifically, the context information is useful when the front end issues a diagnostic while doing a template instantiation or while generating a constructor, destructor, or assignment operator function. For example:
"test.c", line 7: error: "A::A()" is inaccessible B x; ^ detected during implicit generation of "B::B()" at line 7
Without the context information, it is difficult to determine to what the error refers.
--display_error_number Displays a diagnostic's numeric identifier along with its text. Use this option in determining which arguments you need to supply to the diagnostic suppression options (--diag_suppress, --diag_error, --diag_remark, and -diag_warning). This option also indicates whether a diagnostic is discretionary. A discretionary diagnostic is one whose severity can be overridden. A discretionary diagnostic includes the suffix -D; otherwise, no suffix is present. See Section 2.7. --emit_warnings_as_ Treats all warnings as errors. This option cannot be used with the -errors no_warnings option. The --diag_remark option takes precedence over this option. This option takes precedence over the --diag_warning option. --issue_remarks Issues remarks (nonserious warnings), which are suppressed by default. --no_warnings Suppresses warning diagnostics (errors are still issued). --set_error_limit=num Sets the error limit to num, which can be any decimal value. The compiler abandons compiling after this number of errors. (The default is 100.) --verbose_diagnostics Provides verbose diagnostics that display the original source with line-wrap and indicate the position of the error in the source line --write_diagnostics_file Produces a diagnostics information file with the same source file name with an .err extension. (The --write_diagnostics_file option is not supported by the linker.)
If you invoke the compiler with the --quiet option, this is the result:
"err.c", line 9: warning: statement is unreachable "err.c", line 12: warning: statement is unreachable
Because it is standard programming practice to include break statements at the end of each case arm to avoid the fall-through condition, these warnings can be ignored. Using the --display_error_number option, you can find out the diagnostic identifier for these warnings. Here is the result:
[err.c] "err.c", line 9: warning #111-D: statement is unreachable "err.c", line 12: warning #111-D: statement is unreachable
Next, you can use the diagnostic identifier of 111 as the argument to the --diag_remark option to treat this warning as a remark. This compilation now produces no diagnostic messages (because remarks are disabled by default). Although this type of control is useful, it can also be extremely dangerous. The compiler often emits messages that indicate a less than obvious problem. Be careful to analyze all diagnostics emitted before using the suppression options.
Other Messages
Other Messages
Other error messages that are unrelated to the source, such as incorrect command-line syntax or inability to find specified files, are usually fatal. They are identified by the symbol >> preceding the message.
Definition Normal line of source Expanded line of source. It appears immediately following the normal line of source if nontrivial preprocessing occurs. Skipped source line (false #if clause) Using the C/C++ Compiler 41
The --gen_acp_raw option also includes diagnostic identifiers as defined in Table 2-33. Table 2-33. Raw Listing File Diagnostic Identifiers
Diagnostic Identifier E F R W Definition Error Fatal Remark Warning
Diagnostic raw listing information is displayed in the following format: S filename line number column number diagnostic S filename line number column number diagnostic One of the identifiers in Table 2-33 that indicates the severity of the diagnostic The source file The line number in the source file The column number in the source file The message text for the diagnostic
Diagnostics after the end of file are indicated as the last line of the file with a column number of 0. When diagnostic message text requires more than one line, each subsequent line contains the same file, line, and column information but uses a lowercase version of the diagnostic identifier. For more information about diagnostic messages, see Section 2.7.
2.11.2 Using the inline Keyword, the --no_inlining Option, and Level 3 Optimization
Definition-controlled inline function expansion is performed when you invoke the compiler with optimization and the compiler encounters the inline keyword in code. Functions with a variable number of arguments are not inlined. In addition, a limit is placed on the depth of inlining for recursive or nonleaf functions. Inlining should be used for small functions or functions that are called in a few places (though the compiler does not enforce this). You can control this type of function inlining with the inline keyword. The inline keyword specifies that a function is expanded inline at the point at which it is called, rather than by using standard calling procedures. The semantics of the inline keyword follows that described in the C++ standard. The inline keyword is identically supported in C as a language extension. Because it is a language extension that could conflict with a strictly conforming program, however, the keyword is disabled in strict ANSI C mode (when you use the --strict_ansi compiler option). If you want to use definition-controlled inlining while in strict ANSI C mode, use the alternate keyword _ _inline. When you want to compile without definition-controlled inlining, use the --no_inlining option.
NOTE: Using the --no_inlining Option With Level 3 Optimizations When you use the --no_inlining option with --opt_level=3 (aliased as -O3) optimizations, automatic inlining is still performed.
Using Interlist
The --c_src_interlist option prevents the compiler from deleting the interlisted assembly language output file. The output assembly file, function.asm, is assembled normally. When you invoke the interlist feature without the optimizer, the interlist runs as a separate pass between the code generator and the assembler. It reads both the assembly and C/C++ source files, merges them, and writes the C/C++ statements into the assembly file as comments. Using the --c_src_interlist option can cause performance and/or code size degradation. Example 2-1 shows a typical interlisted assembly file. For more information about using the interlist feature with the optimizer, see . Example 21. An Interlisted Assembly Language File
;****************************************************************************** ;* MSP430 C/C++ Codegen Unix v0.2.0 * ;* Date/Time created: Tue Jun 29 14:54:28 2004 * ;****************************************************************************** .compiler_opts --mem_model:code=flat --mem_model:data=flat --symdebug:none ; acp430 -@/var/tmp/TI764/AAAv0aGVG .sect ".text" .align 2 .clink .global main ;----------------------------------------------------------------------; 3 | int main() ;----------------------------------------------------------------------;****************************************************************************** ;* FUNCTION NAME: main * ;* * ;* Regs Modified : SP,SR,r11,r12,r13,r14,r15 * ;* Regs Used : SP,SR,r11,r12,r13,r14,r15 * ;* Local Frame Size : 2 Args + 0 Auto + 0 Save = 2 byte * ;****************************************************************************** main: ;* ---------------------------------------------------------------------------* SUB.W #2,SP ;----------------------------------------------------------------------; 5 | printf("Hello, world\n"); ;----------------------------------------------------------------------MOV.W #$C$SL1+0,0(SP) ; |5| CALL #printf ; |5| ; |5| ;----------------------------------------------------------------------; 7 | return 0; ;----------------------------------------------------------------------MOV.W #0,r12 ; |7| ADD.W #2,SP ; |7| RET ; |7| ; |7| ;****************************************************************************** ;* STRINGS * ;****************************************************************************** 44 Using the C/C++ Compiler
Copyright 2012, Texas Instruments Incorporated
The presence of the hook options creates an implicit declaration of the hook function with the given signature. If a declaration or definition of the hook function appears in the compilation unit compiled with the options, it must agree with the signatures listed above. In C++, the hooks are declared extern "C". Thus you can define them in C (or assembly) without being concerned with name mangling. Hooks can be declared inline, in which case the compiler tries to inline them using the same criteria as other inline functions. Entry hooks and exit hooks are independent. You can enable one but not the other, or both. The same function can be used as both the entry and exit hook. You must take care to avoid recursive calls to hook functions. The hook function should not call any function which itself has hook calls inserted. To help prevent this, hooks are not generated for inline functions, or for the hook functions themselves. You can use the --remove_hooks_when_inlining option to remove entry/exit hooks for functions that are auto-inlined by the optimizer. See Section 5.10.18 for information about the NO_HOOKS pragma.
Chapter 3
SLAU132G May 2012
The compiler tools can perform many optimizations to improve the execution speed and reduce the size of C and C++ programs by simplifying loops, software pipelining, rearranging statements and expressions, and allocating variables into registers. This chapter describes how to invoke different levels of optimization and describes which optimizations are performed at each level. This chapter also describes how you can use the Interlist feature when performing optimization and how you can profile or debug optimized code.
Invoking Optimization ........................................................................................ Performing File-Level Optimization (--opt_level=3 option) ...................................... Performing Program-Level Optimization (--program_level_compile and -opt_level=3 options) .......................................................................................... Link-Time Optimization (--opt_level=4 Option) ...................................................... Accessing Aliased Variables in Optimized Code ................................................... Use Caution With asm Statements in Optimized Code ........................................... Automatic Inline Expansion (--auto_inline Option) .................................................
48 49 50 52 53 53 54
Invoking Optimization
Invoking Optimization
The C/C++ compiler is able to perform various optimizations. High-level optimizations are performed in the optimizer and low-level, target-specific optimizations occur in the code generator. Use high-level optimization levels, such as --opt_level=2 and --opt_level=3, to achieve optimal code. The easiest way to invoke optimization is to use the compiler program, specifying the --opt_level=n option on the compiler command line. You can use -On to alias the --opt_level option. The n denotes the level of optimization (0, 1, 2, and 3), which controls the type and degree of optimization. --opt_level=0 or -O0 Performs control-flow-graph simplification Allocates variables to registers Performs loop rotation Eliminates unused code Simplifies expressions and statements Expands calls to functions declared inline The compiler uses --opt_level=0 (-O0) as the default if you do not use the --opt_level (-O) option at all. You can use --no_high_level_opt to disable most optimization. --opt_level=1 or -O1 Performs all --opt_level=0 (-O0) optimizations, plus: Performs local copy/constant propagation Removes unused assignments Eliminates local common expressions --opt_level=2 or -O2 Performs all --opt_level=1 (-O1) optimizations, plus: Performs loop optimizations Eliminates global common subexpressions Eliminates global unused assignments Performs loop unrolling The optimizer uses --opt_level=2 (-O2) as the default if you use --opt_level (-O) without an optimization level. --opt_level=3 or -O3 Performs all --opt_level=2 (-O2) optimizations, plus: Removes all functions that are never called Simplifies functions with return values that are never used Inlines calls to small functions Reorders function declarations; the called functions attributes are known when the caller is optimized Propagates arguments into function bodies when all calls pass the same value in the same argument position Identifies file-level variable characteristics If you use --opt_level=3 (-O3), see Section 3.2 and Section 3.3 for more information. --opt_level=4 or -O4 Performs link-time optimization. See Section 3.4 for details. The levels of optimizations described above are performed by the stand-alone optimization pass. The code generator performs several additional optimizations, particularly processor-specific optimizations. It does so regardless of whether you invoke the optimizer. These optimizations are always enabled, although they are more effective when the optimizer is used.
--gen_opt_info=1 --gen_opt_info=2
In certain circumstances, the compiler reverts to a different --call_assumptions level from the one you specified, or it might disable program-level optimization altogether. Table 3-5 lists the combinations of -call_assumptions levels and conditions that cause the compiler to revert to other --call_assumptions levels.
In some situations when you use --program_level_compile and --opt_level=3, you must use a -call_assumptions option or the FUNC_EXT_CALLED pragma. See Section 3.3.2 for information about these situations.
Situation Your application consists of C/C++ source code and assembly source code. The assembly functions are interrupt service routines that call C/C++ functions; the C/C++ functions that the assembly functions call are never called from C/C++. These C/C++ functions act like main: they function as entry points into C/C++. Solution Add the volatile keyword to the C/C++ variables that may be modified by the interrupts. Then, you can optimize your code in one of these ways: You achieve the best optimization by applying the FUNC_EXT_CALLED pragma to all of the entry-point functions called from the assembly language interrupts, and then compiling with -program_level_compile --opt_level=3 --call_assumptions=2. Be sure that you use the pragma with all of the entry-point functions. If you do not, the compiler might remove the entry-point functions that are not preceded by the FUNC_EXT_CALLED pragma. Compile with --program_level_compile --opt_level=3 --call_assumptions=3. Because you do not use the FUNC_EXT_CALLED pragma, you must use the --call_assumptions=3 option, which is less aggressive than the --call_assumptions=2 option, and your optimization may not be as effective. Keep in mind that if you use --program_level_compile --opt_level=3 without additional options, the compiler removes the C functions that the assembly functions call. Use the FUNC_EXT_CALLED pragma to keep these functions.
Some options are incompatible when performing link-time optimization. These are usually options which conflict on the command line as well, but can also be options that cannot be handled during link-time optimization.
Inlining and Code Size NOTE: Expanding functions inline increases code size, especially inlining a function that is called in a number of places. Function inlining is optimal for functions that are called only from a small number of places and for small functions. To prevent increases in code size because of inlining, use the --auto_inline=0 and --no_inlining options. These options, used together, cause the compiler to inline intrinsics only.
Chapter 4
SLAU132G May 2012
Invoking the Linker Through the Compiler (-z Option) ........................................... 56 Linker Code Optimizations ................................................................................. 58 Controlling the Linking Process .......................................................................... 59
When you specify a library as linker input, the linker includes and links only those library members that resolve undefined references. The linker uses a default allocation algorithm to allocate your program into memory. You can use the MEMORY and SECTIONS directives in the linker command file to customize the allocation process. For information, see the MSP430 Assembly Language Tools User's Guide. You can link a C/C++ program consisting of object files prog1.obj, prog2.obj, and prog3.obj, with an executable object file filename of prog.out with the command:
cl430 --run_linker --rom_model prog1 prog2 prog3 --output_file=prog.out --library=rts430.lib
[options] [--output_file= name.out] --library= library [lnk.cmd] The --run_linker option divides the command line into the compiler options (the options before -run_linker) and the linker options (the options following --run_linker). The --run_linker option must follow all source files and compiler options on the command line. All arguments that follow --run_linker on the command line are passed to the linker. These arguments can be linker command files, additional object files, linker options, or libraries. These arguments are the same as described in Section 4.1.1. All arguments that precede --run_linker on the command line are compiler arguments. These arguments can be C/C++ source files, assembly files, or compiler options. These arguments are described in Section 2.2. You can compile and link a C/C++ program consisting of object files prog1.c, prog2.c, and prog3.c, with an executable object file filename of prog.out with the command:
cl430 prog1.c prog2.c prog3.c --run_linker --rom_model --output_file=prog.out --library=rts430.lib
Order of Processing Arguments in the Linker The order in which the linker processes arguments is important. The compiler passes arguments to the linker in the following order: 1. Object filenames from the command line 2. Arguments following the --run_linker option on the command line 3. Arguments following the --run_linker option from the MSP430_C_OPTION environment variable
If the --rom_model or --ram_model option is specified during the linker and the entry point for the program (normally c_int00) is not resolved by any specified object file or library, the linker attempts to automatically include the best compatible run-time-support library for your program. The chosen run-time-support library is linked in after any other libraries specified with the --library option on the command line. Alternatively, you can force the linker to choose an appropriate run-time-support library by specifying libc.a as an argument to the --library option, or when specifying the run-time-support library name explicitly in a linker command file. The automatic selection of a run-time-support library can be disabled with the --disable_auto_rts option. If the --issue_remarks option is specified before the --run_linker option during the linker, a remark is generated indicating which run-time support library was linked in. If a different run-time-support library is desired, you must specify the name of the desired run-time-support library using the --library option and in your linker command files when necessary. Example 4-1. Using the --issue_remarks Option
cl430 --issue_remarks main.c --run_linker --rom_model <Linking> remark: linking in "libc.a" remark: linking in "rts430.lib" in place of "libc.a"
You should use the --library linker option to specify which MSP430 run-time-support library to use. The -library option also tells the linker to look at the --search_path options and then the MSP430_C_DIR environment variable to find an archive path or object file. To use the --library linker option, type on the command line: cl430 --run_linker {--rom_model | --ram_model} filenames --library= libraryname
Generally, you should specify the run-time-support library as the last name on the command line because the linker searches libraries for unresolved references in the order that files are specified on the command line. If any object files follow a library, references from those object files to that library are not resolved. You can use the --reread_libs option to force the linker to reread all libraries until references are resolved. Whenever you specify a library as linker input, the linker includes and links only those library members that resolve undefined references. By default, if a library introduces an unresolved reference and multiple libraries have a definition for it, then the definition from the same library that introduced the unresolved reference is used. Use the --priority option if you want the linker to use the definition from the first library on the command line that contains the definition.
Global constructors are called after initialization of other global variables and before the function main is called. Global destructors are invoked during the function exit, similar to functions registered through atexit. Section discusses the format of the global constructor table for COFFABI mode and Section for EABI mode..
.const .mspabi.exidx .mspabi.extab .init_array .name.load .ppdata .ppinfo .rodata .switch .text
Table 4-3. Uninitialized Sections Created by the Compiler for Both ABIs
Name .args .bss .stack .sysmem Contents Linker-created section used to pass arguments from the command line of the loader to the program Global and static variables Stack Memory for malloc functions (heap)
When you link your program, you must specify where to allocate the sections in memory. In general, initialized sections are linked into ROM or RAM; uninitialized sections are linked into RAM. With the exception of .text, the initialized and uninitialized sections created by the compiler cannot be allocated into internal program memory. See Section 6.1.4 for a complete description of how the compiler uses these sections. The linker provides MEMORY and SECTIONS directives for allocating sections. For more information about allocating sections into memory, see the MSP430 Assembly Language Tools User's Guide.
to to to to
use autoinitialization at run time set the C stack size at 0x140 bytes set the heap size to 0x120 bytes use an archive library file, rts430.lib
: : : : : : : : : :
{} {} {} {} {} {} {} {} {} {}
> > > > > > > > > >
/* /* /* /* /* /* /* /* /* /*
*/ */ */ */ */ */ */ */ */ */
Chapter 5
SLAU132G May 2012
The C/C++ compiler supports the C/C++ language standard that was developed by a committee of the American National Standards Institute (ANSI) and subsequently adopted by the International Standards Organization (IS0). The C++ language supported by the MSP430 is defined by the ANSI/ISO/IEC 14882:1998 standard with certain exceptions.
Characteristics of MSP430 C .............................................................................. Characteristics of MSP430 C++ ........................................................................... Using MISRA-C:2004 .......................................................................................... Using the ULP Advisor ....................................................................................... Data Types ....................................................................................................... Keywords ......................................................................................................... C++ Exception Handling ..................................................................................... Register Variables and Parameters ...................................................................... The asm Statement ............................................................................................ Pragma Directives ............................................................................................. The _Pragma Operator ....................................................................................... Application Binary Interface ............................................................................... Object File Symbol Naming Conventions (Linknames) ........................................... Initializing Static and Global Variables in COFF ABI Mode ...................................... Changing the ANSI/ISO C Language Mode ........................................................... GNU Language Extensions ................................................................................. Compiler Limits .................................................................................................
5.1 5.2 5.3 5.4 5.5 5.6 5.7 5.8 5.9 5.10 5.11 5.12 5.13 5.14 5.15 5.16 5.17
65 65 66 66 67 69 72 72 73 74 87 88 89 90 91 93 96
Characteristics of MSP430 C
Characteristics of MSP430 C
The compiler supports the C language as defined by ISO/IEC 9899:1990, which is equivalent to American National Standard for Information Systems-Programming Language C X3.159-1989 standard, commonly referred to as C89, published by the American National Standards Institute. The compiler can also accept many of the language extensions found in the GNU C compiler (see Section 5.16). The compiler does not support C99. The ANSI/ISO standard identifies some features of the C language that are affected by characteristics of the target processor, run-time environment, or host environment. For reasons of efficiency or practicality, this set of features can differ among standard compilers. Unsupported features of the C library are: The run-time library has minimal support for wide and multi-byte characters. The type wchar_t is implemented as int. The wide character set is equivalent to the set of values of type char. The library includes the header files <wchar.h> and <wctype.h>, but does not include all the functions specified in the standard. So-called multi-byte characters are limited to single characters. There are no shift states. The mapping between multi-byte characters and wide characters is simple equivalence; that is, each wide character maps to and from exactly a single multi-byte character having the same value. The run-time library includes the header file <locale.h>, but with a minimal implementation. The only supported locale is the C locale. That is, library behavior that is specified to vary by locale is hardcoded to the behavior of the C locale, and attempting to install a different locale by way of a call to setlocale() will return NULL.
Using MISRA-C:2004
Using MISRA-C:2004
You can alter your code to work with the MISRA-C:2004 rules. The following enable/disable the rules: The --check_misra option enables checking of the specified MISRA-C:2004 rules. The CHECK_MISRA pragma enables/disables MISRA-C:2004 rules at the source level. This pragma is equivalent to using the --check_misra option. See Section 5.10.2. RESET_MISRA pragma resets the specified MISRA-C:2004 rules to the state they were before any CHECK_MISRA pragmas were processed. See Section 5.10.19. The syntax of the option and pragmas is: --check_misra={all|required|advisory|none|rulespec} #pragma CHECK_MISRA ("{all|required|advisory|none|rulespec}"); #pragma RESET_MISRA ("{all|required|advisory|rulespec}"); The rulespec parameter is a comma-separated list of these specifiers: [-]X [-]X-Z [-]X.A [-]X.A-C Enable Enable Enable Enable (or disable) all rules in topic X. (or disable) all rules in topics X through Z. (or disable) rule A in topic X. (or disable) rules A through C in topic X.
Example: --check_misra=1-5,-1.1,7.2-4 Checks topics 1 through 5 Disables rule 1.1 (all other rules from topic 1 remain enabled) Checks rules 2 through 4 in topic 7 Two options control the severity of certain MISRA-C:2004 rules: The --misra_required option sets the diagnostic severity for required MISRA-C:2004 rules. The --misra_advisory option sets the diagnostic severity for advisory MISRA-C:2004 rules. The syntax for these options is: --misra_advisory={error|warning|remark|suppress} --misra_required={error|warning|remark|suppress}
Data Types
Data Types
Table 5-1 lists the size, representation, and range of each scalar data type for the MSP430 compiler for COFF ABI. See Table 5-2 for the EABI data types. Many of the range values are available as standard macros in the header file limits.h. Table 5-1. MSP430 C/C++ COFF ABI Data Types
Range Type char, signed char unsigned char, bool short, signed short unsigned short, wchar_t int, signed int unsigned int long, signed long unsigned long long long, signed long long unsigned long long enum float double long double pointers, references, pointer to data members MSP430X large-data model pointers, references, pointer to data members (2) MSP430 function pointers MSP430X function pointers
(1) (2) (3) (3)
Size 8 bits 8 bits 16 bits 16 bits 16 bits 16 bits 32 bits 32 bits 64 bits 64 bits 16 bits 32 bits 32 bits 32 bits 16 bits 20 bits
Representation ASCII ASCII 2s complement Binary 2s complement Binary 2s complement Binary 2s complement Binary 2s complement IEEE 32-bit IEEE 32-bit IEEE 32-bit Binary Binary
Minimum -128 0 -32 768 0 -32 768 0 -2 147 483 648 0 -9 223 372 036 854 775 808 0 -32 768 1.175 495e-38 (1) 1.175 495e-38 (1) 1.175 495e-38 0 0
Maximum -127 255 32 767 65 535 32 767 65 535 2 147 483 647 4 294 967 295 9 223 372 036 854 775 807 18 446 744 073 709 551 615 32 767 3.40 282 35e+38 3.40 282 35e+38 3.40 282 35e+38 0xFFFF 0xFFFFF
16 bits 20 bits
Binary Binary
0 0
Figures are minimum precision. MSP430X large-data model is specified by --silicon_version=mspx --data_model=large MSP430X devices are specified by --silicon_version=mspx
Data Types
Size 8 bits 8 bits 16 bits 16 bits 32 bits 32 bits 32 bits 32 bits 64 bits 64 bits 32 bits 32 bits 64 bits 64 bits 32 bits
Representation ASCII ASCII 2s complement Binary 2s complement Binary 2s complement Binary 2s complement Binary 2s complement IEEE 32-bit IEEE 64-bit IEEE 64-bit Binary
Minimum -128 0 -32 768 0 -2 147 483 648 0 -2 147 483 648 0 -9 223 372 036 854 775 808 0 -2 147 483 648 1.175 494e-38 (1) 2.22 507 385e-308 0
Maximum 127 255 32 767 65 535 2 147 483 647 4 294 967 295 2 147 483 647 4 294 967 295 9 223 372 036 854 775 807 18 446 744 073 709 551 615 2 147 483 647 3.40 282 346e+38 1.79 769 313e+308 1.79 769 313e+308 0xFFFFFFFF
The MSP430 C/C++ compiler supports the standard const, restrict, and volatile keywords. In addition, the C/C++ compiler extends the C/C++ language through the support of the interrupt keyword.
Using the const keyword, you can define large constant tables and allocate them into system ROM. For example, to allocate a ROM table, you could use the following definition:
const int digits[] = {0,1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9};
The name c_int00 is the C/C++ entry point. This name is reserved for the system reset interrupt. This special interrupt routine initializes the system and calls the function main. Because it has no caller, c_int00 does not save any registers. Use the alternate keyword, __interrupt, if you are writing code for strict ANSI/ISO mode (using the -strict_ansi compiler option).
HWI Objects and the interrupt Keyword NOTE: The interrupt keyword must not be used when BIOS HWI objects are used in conjunction with C functions. The HWI_enter/HWI_exit macros and the HWI dispatcher contain this functionality, and the use of the C modifier can cause negative results.
Keywords Interrupt sub-routine (ISR) warning NOTE: The linker emits a warning for any device specific interrupts that do not have an associated interrupt sub-routine. For more details, see the MSP430 Assembly Language Tools User's Guide section for Section directive type=VECT_INIT.
Example 5-2 illustrates using the restrict keyword when passing arrays to a function. Here, the arrays c and d should not overlap, nor should c and d point to the same array. Example 5-2. Use of the restrict Type Qualifier With Arrays
void func2(int c[restrict], int d[restrict]) { int i; for(i = 0; i < 64; i++) { c[i] += d[i]; d[i] += 1; } }
For more information about restrict see, especially the Performance Tuning with the "Restrict" Keyword article.
However, in this example, *ctrl is a loop-invariant expression, so the loop is optimized down to a singlememory read. To get the desired result, define ctrl as:
volatile unsigned int *ctrl;
Here the *ctrl pointer is intended to reference a hardware location, such as an interrupt flag. Volatile must also be used when accessing memory locations that represent memory-mapped peripheral devices. Such memory locations might change value in ways that the compiler cannot predict. These locations might change if accessed, or when some other memory location is accessed, or when some signal occurs. Volatile must also be used for local variables in a function which calls setjmp, if the value of the local variables needs to remain valid if a longjmp occurs. Example 5-3. Volatile for Local Variables With setjmp
#include <stdlib.h> jmp_buf context; void function() { volatile int x = 3; switch(setjmp(context)) { case 0: setup(); break; default: { printf("x == %d\n", x); /* We can only reach here if longjmp has occured; because x's lifetime begins before the setjmp and lasts through the longjmp, the C standard requires x be declared "volatile" */ break; } } }
The inserted code must be a legal assembly language statement. Like all assembly language statements, the line of code inside the quotes must begin with a label, a blank, a tab, or a comment (asterisk or semicolon). The compiler performs no checking on the string; if there is an error, the assembler detects it. For more information about the assembly language statements, see the MSP430 Assembly Language Tools User's Guide. The asm statements do not follow the syntactic restrictions of normal C/C++ statements. Each can appear as a statement or a declaration, even outside of blocks. This is useful for inserting directives at the very beginning of a compiled module. Use the alternate statement __asm("assembler text") if you are writing code for strict ANSI/ISO C mode (using the --strict_ansi option).
NOTE: Avoid Disrupting the C/C++ Environment With asm Statements Be careful not to disrupt the C/C++ environment with asm statements. The compiler does not check the inserted instructions. Inserting jumps and labels into C/C++ code can cause unpredictable results in variables manipulated in or around the inserted code. Directives that change sections or otherwise affect the assembly environment can also be troublesome. Be especially careful when you use optimization with asm statements. Although the compiler cannot remove asm statements, it can significantly rearrange the code order near them and cause undesired results.
Pragma Directives
Pragma Directives
Pragma Directives
Pragma Directives
Pragma Directives
Pragma Directives
The syntax of the pragmas in C is: #pragma DIAG_XXX [=]num[, num2, num3...] The diagnostic affected (num) is specified using either an error number or an error tag name. The equal sign (=) is optional. Any diagnostic can be overridden to be an error, but only diagnostics with a severity of discretionary error or below can have their severity reduced to a warning or below, or be suppressed. The diag_default pragma is used to return the severity of a diagnostic to the one that was in effect before any pragmas were issued (i.e., the normal severity of the message as modified by any command-line options). The diagnostic identifier number is output along with the message when the -pden command line option is specified.
Pragma Directives
#pragma FUNC_EXT_CALLED ( func ); The syntax of the pragma in C++ is: #pragma FUNC_EXT_CALLED; Except for _c_int00, which is the name reserved for the system reset interrupt for C/C++programs, the name of the interrupt (the func argument) does not need to conform to a naming convention. When you use program-level optimization, you may need to use the FUNC_EXT_CALLED pragma with certain options. See Section 3.3.2.
Pragma Directives
Pragma Directives
Interrupt sub-routine (ISR) warning NOTE: The linker emits a warning for any device specific interrupts that do not have an associated interrupt sub-routine. For more details, see the MSP430 Assembly Language Tools User's Guide section for Section directive type=VECT_INIT.
Pragma Directives
The noinit pragma may be used in conjunction with the location pragma to map variables to special memory locations; see Section 5.10.17.
Pragma Directives
Pragma Directives
Pragma Directives
The pragmas apply to both declarations and definitions. If applied to a declaration and not the definition, the pragma that is active at the declaration is used to set the section for that symbol. Here is an example: Example 5-12. Setting a Section With SET_CODE_SECTION Pragma
#pragma SET_CODE_SECTION("func1") extern void func1(); #pragma SET_CODE_SECTION() ... void func1() { ... }
In Example 5-12 func1 is placed in section func1. If conflicting sections are specified at the declaration and definition, a diagnostic is issued. The current CODE_SECTION and DATA_SECTION pragmas and GCC attributes can be used to override the SET_CODE_SECTION and SET_DATA_SECTION pragmas. For example: Example 5-13. Overriding SET_DATA_SECTION Setting
#pragma DATA_SECTION(x, "x_data") #pragma SET_DATA_SECTION("mydata") int x; int y; #pragma SET_DATA_SECTION()
In Example 5-13 x is placed in x_data and y is placed in mydata. No diagnostic is issued for this case. The pragmas work for both C and C++. In C++, the pragmas are ignored for templates and for implictly created objects, such as implicit constructors and virtual function tables.
The EMIT_PRAGMA macro is needed to properly expand the quotes that are required to surround the section argument to the DATA_SECTION pragma.
5.12.2 EABI
EABI requires the ELF object file format which supports modern language features like early template instantiation and exporting inline functions. TI-specific information on EABI mode is described in Section 6.8.4. To generate object files compatible with EABI, you must use MSP430 compiler version 4.0 or greater; see Section 2.13. The __TI_EABI__ predefined symbol is defined and set to 1 if compiling for EABI and is not defined otherwise.
The linkname of foo is foo__Fi, indicating that foo is a function that takes a single argument of type int. To aid inspection and debugging, a name demangling utility is provided that demangles names into those found in the original C++ source. See Chapter 8 for more information. For EABI, the mangling algorithm follows that described in the Itanium C++ ABI (
int foo(int i) { } would be mangled "_Z3fooi"
Because the linker writes a complete load image of the zeroed .bss section into the output COFF file, this method can have the unwanted effect of significantly increasing the size of the output file (but not the program). If you burn your application into ROM, you should explicitly initialize variables that require initialization. The preceding method initializes .bss to 0 only at load time, not at system reset or power up. To make these variables 0 at run time, explicitly define them in your code. For more information about linker command files and the SECTIONS directive, see the linker description information in the MSP430 Assembly Language Tools User's Guide.
5.14.2 Initializing Static and Global Variables With the const Type Qualifier
Static and global variables of type const without explicit initializations are similar to other static and global variables because they might not be preinitialized to 0 (for the same reasons discussed in Section 5.14). For example:
const int zero; /* may not be initialized to 0 */
However, the initialization of const global and static variables is different because these variables are declared and initialized in a section called .const. For example:
const int zero = 0 /* guaranteed to be 0 */
This feature is particularly useful for declaring a large table of constants, because neither time nor space is wasted at system startup to initialize the table. Additionally, the linker can be used to place the .const section in ROM. You can use the DATA_SECTION pragma to put the variable in a section other than .const. For example, the following C code:
#pragma DATA_SECTION (var, ".mysect"); const int zero=0;
ANSI/ISO prohibits combining two pointers to different types in an operation. In most K&R compilers, this situation produces only a warning. Such cases are still diagnosed when --kr_compatible is used, but with less severity:
int *p; char *q = p; /* error without --kr_compatible, warning with --kr_compatible */
External declarations with no type or storage class (only an identifier) are illegal in ANSI/ISO but legal in K&R:
a; /* illegal unless --kr_compatible used */
ANSI/ISO interprets file scope definitions that have no initializers as tentative definitions. In a single module, multiple definitions of this form are fused together into a single definition. Under K&R, each definition is treated as a separate definition, resulting in multiple definitions of the same object and usually an error. For example:
int a; int a; /* illegal if --kr_compatible used, OK if not */ MSP430 C/C++ Language Implementation
Copyright 2012, Texas Instruments Incorporated
Under ANSI/ISO, the result of these two definitions is a single definition for the object a. For most K&R compilers, this sequence is illegal, because int a is defined twice. ANSI/ISO prohibits, but K&R allows objects with external linkage to be redeclared as static:
extern int a; static int a; /* illegal unless --kr_compatible used */
Unrecognized escape sequences in string and character constants are explicitly illegal under ANSI/ISO but ignored under K&R:
char c = '\q'; /* same as 'q' if --kr_compatible used, error if not */
ANSI/ISO specifies that bit fields must be of type int or unsigned. With --kr_compatible, bit fields can be legally defined with any integral type. For example:
struct s { short f : 2; };
5.15.2 Enabling Strict ANSI/ISO Mode and Relaxed ANSI/ISO Mode (--strict_ansi and -relaxed_ansi Options)
Use the --strict_ansi option when you want to compile under strict ANSI/ISO mode. In this mode, error messages are provided when non-ANSI/ISO features are used, and language extensions that could invalidate a strictly conforming program are disabled. Examples of such extensions are the inline and asm keywords. Use the --relaxed_ansi option when you want the compiler to ignore strict ANSI/ISO violations rather than emit a warning (as occurs in normal ANSI/ISO mode) or an error message (as occurs in strict ANSI/ISO mode). In relaxed ANSI/ISO mode, the compiler accepts extensions to the ANSI/ISO C standard, even when they conflict with ANSI/ISO C. The GCC language extensions described in Section 5.16 are available in relaxed ANSI/ISO mode.
5.16.1 Extensions
Most of the GCC language extensions are available in the TI compiler when compiling in relaxed ANSI mode (--relaxed_ansi) or if the --gcc option is used. The extensions that the TI compiler supports are listed in Table 5-3, which is based on the list of extensions found at the GNU web site. The shaded rows describe extensions that are not supported. Table 5-3. GCC Language Extensions
Extensions Statement expressions Local labels Labels as values Nested functions Constructing calls Naming types
Descriptions Putting statements and declarations inside expressions (useful for creating smart 'safe' macros) Labels local to a statement expression Pointers to labels and computed gotos As in Algol and Pascal, lexical scoping of functions Dispatching a call to another function Giving a name to the type of an expression typeof referring to the type of an expression Using question mark (?) and comma (,) and casts in lvalues Omitting the middle operand of a ?: expression Hexadecimal floating-point constants Data types for complex numbers Zero-length arrays Macros with a variable number of arguments Arrays whose length is computed at run time Structures with no members Any array can be subscripted, even if it is not an lvalue. Slightly looser rules for escaped newlines String literals with embedded newlines Arithmetic on void pointers and function pointers Non-constant initializers Compound literals give structures, unions, or arrays as values Labeling elements of initializers Casting to union type from any member of the union 'Case 1 ... 9' and such Mixing declarations and code Declaring that functions have no side effects, or that they can never return Formal syntax for attributes Prototype declarations and old-style definitions C++ comments are recognized. A dollar sign is allowed in identifiers. The character ESC is represented as \e Specifying the attributes of variables Specifying the attributes of types Inquiring about the alignment of a type or variable Defining inline functions (as fast as macros)
typeof operator Generalized lvalues Conditionals Hex floats Complex Zero length Variadic macros Variable length Empty structures Subscripting Escaped newlines Multi-line strings (1) Pointer arithmetic Initializers Compound literals Designated initializers Cast to union Case ranges Mixed declarations Function attributes Attribute syntax Function prototypes C++ comments Dollar signs Character escapes Variable attributes Type attributes Alignment Inline
Feature defined for GCC 3.0; definition and examples at MSP430 C/C++ Language Implementation
Copyright 2012, Texas Instruments Incorporated
However, the members of a packed struct are byte-aligned. Thus the following does not have any bytes of padding between or after members and totals 6 bytes:
struct __attribute__((__packed__)) packed_struct { char c1; int i; char c2; };
Subsequently, packed structures in an array are packed together without trailing padding between array elements. Bit fields of a packed structure are bit-aligned. The byte alignment of adjacent struct members that are not bit fields does not change. However, there are no bits of padding between adjacent bit fields. The packed attribute can only be applied to the original definition of a structure or union type. It cannot be applied with a typedef to a non-packed structure that has already been defined, nor can it be applied to the declaration of a struct or union object. Therefore, any given structure or union type can only be packed or non-packed, and all objects of that type will inherit its packed or non-packed attribute. The packed attribute is not applied recursively to structure types that are contained within a packed structure. Thus, in the following example the member s retains the same internal layout as in the first example above. There is no padding between c and s, so s falls on an unaligned boundary:
struct __attribute__((__packed__)) outer_packed_struct { char c; struct unpacked_struct s; };
It is illegal to implicitly or explicitly cast the address of a packed struct member as a pointer to any nonpacked type except an unsigned char. In the following example, p1, p2, and the call to foo are all illegal.
void foo(int *param); struct packed_struct ps; int *p1 = &ps.i; int *p2 = (int *)&ps.i; foo(&ps.i);
However, it is legal to explicitly cast the address of a packed struct member as a pointer to an unsigned char:
unsigned char *pc = (unsigned char *)&ps.i;
Packed can also be applied to enumerated types. On an enum, packed indicates that the smallest integral type should be used. The TI compiler also supports an unpacked attribute for an enumeration type to allow you to indicate that the representation is to be an integer type that is no smaller than int; in other words, it is not packed.
Compiler Limits
Chapter 6
SLAU132G May 2012
Run-Time Environment
This chapter describes the MSP430 C/C++ run-time environment. To ensure successful execution of C/C++ programs, it is critical that all run-time code maintain this environment. It is also important to follow the guidelines in this chapter if you write assembly language functions that interface with C/C++ code.
Memory Model .................................................................................................. 98 Object Representation ...................................................................................... 101 Register Conventions ....................................................................................... 104 Function Structure and Calling Conventions ....................................................... 105 Interfacing C and C++ With Assembly Language ................................................. 107 Interrupt Handling ............................................................................................ 110 Using Intrinsics to Access Assembly Language Statements ................................. 112 System Initialization ......................................................................................... 115 Compiling for 20-Bit MSP430X Devices .............................................................. 125
Run-Time Environment
Memory Model
Memory Model
The MSP430 compiler treats memory as a single linear block that is partitioned into subblocks of code and data. Each subblock of code or data generated by a C program is placed in its own continuous memory space. The compiler assumes that a full 16-bit address space is available in target memory.
Run-Time Environment
Copyright 2012, Texas Instruments Incorporated
NOTE: The linker, not the compiler, defines the memory map and allocates code and data into target memory. The compiler assumes nothing about the types of memory available, about any locations not available for code or data (holes), or about any locations reserved for I/O or control purposes. The compiler produces relocatable code that allows the linker to allocate code and data into the appropriate memory spaces. For example, you can use the linker to allocate global variables into on-chip RAM or to allocate executable code into external ROM. You can allocate each block of code or data individually into memory, but this is not a general practice (an exception to this is memorymapped I/O, although you can access physical memory locations with C/C++ pointer types).
6.1.4 Sections
The compiler produces relocatable blocks of code and data called sections. The sections are allocated into memory in a variety of ways to conform to a variety of system configurations. For more information about sections and allocating them, see the introductory object file information in the MSP430 Assembly Language Tools User's Guide. There are two basic types of sections: Initialized sections contain data or executable code. The C/C++ compiler creates the following initialized sections: For EABI only, the .binit section contains boot time copy tables. For details on BINIT, see the MSP430 Assembly Language Tools User's Guide for linker command file information. For COFF ABI only, the .cinit section contains tables for initializing variables and constants. The .pinit section for COFF ABI, or the .init_array section for EABI, contains the table of pointers to initialization routines for global C++ objects. For EABI only, the .mspabi.exidx section contains the index table for exception handling. The .mspabi.extab section contains un-winded instructions for exception handling. These sections are read-only. See the --exceptions option for details. The .const section contains string constants, switch tables, and data defined with the C/C++ qualifier const (provided the constant is not also defined as volatile). The .text section contains all the executable code as well as string literals and compiler-generated constants. Uninitialized sections reserve space in memory (usually RAM). A program can use this space at run time to create and store variables. The compiler creates the following uninitialized sections: For COFF ABI only, the .bss section reserves space for global and static variables. At boot or load time, the C/C++ boot routine or the loader copies data out of the .cinit section (which can be in ROM) and stores it in the .bss section. For EABI only, the .bss section reserves space for uninitialized global and static variables. The .stack section reserves memory for the C/C++ software stack. The .sysmem section reserves space for dynamic memory allocation. The reserved space is used by dynamic memory allocation routines, such as malloc, calloc, realloc, or new. If a C/C++ program does not use these functions, the compiler does not create the .sysmem section. The assembler creates the default sections .text, .bss, and .data. The C/C++ compiler, however, does not use the .data section. You can instruct the compiler to create additional sections by using the CODE_SECTION and DATA_SECTION pragmas (see Section 5.10.4 and Section 5.10.6). The linker takes the individual sections from different object files and combines sections that have the same name. The resulting output sections and the appropriate placement in memory for each section are listed in Table 6-1. You can place these output sections anywhere in the address space as needed to meet system requirements.
Run-Time Environment
Memory Model
You can use the SECTIONS directive in the linker command file to customize the section-allocation process. For more information about allocating sections into memory, see the linker description chapter in the MSP430 Assembly Language Tools User's Guide.
At system initialization, SP is set to a designated address for the top of the stack. This address if the first location past the end of the .stack section. Since the position of the stack depends on where the .stack section is allocated, the actual address of the stack is determined at link time. The C/C++ environment automatically decrements SP at the entry to a function to reserve all the space necessary for the execution of that function. The stack pointer is incremented at the exit of the function to restore the stack to the state before the function was entered. If you interface assembly language routines to C/C++ programs, be sure to restore the stack pointer to the same state it was in before the function was entered. For more information about using the stack pointer, see Section 6.3; for more information about the stack, see Section 6.4.
Stack Overflow NOTE: The compiler provides no means to check for stack overflow during compilation or at run time. A stack overflow disrupts the run-time environment, causing your program to fail. Be sure to allow enough space for the stack to grow. You can use the --entry_hook option to add code to the beginning of each function to check for stack overflow; see Section 2.14.
Run-Time Environment
Copyright 2012, Texas Instruments Incorporated
Object Representation
Object Representation
This section explains how various data objects are sized, aligned, and accessed.
Register Storage Bits 0-7 of register Bits 0-7 of register Bits 0-15 of register Bits 0-15 of register Entire register Entire register Entire register Two registers, which need not be adjacent Two registers, which need not be adjacent Two registers, which need not be adjacent Four registers, which need not be adjacent Four registers, which need not be adjacent Two registers, which need not be adjacent
Memory Storage 8 bits aligned to 8-bit boundary 8 bits aligned to 8-bit boundary 16 bits aligned to 16-bit boundary 16 bits aligned to 16-bit boundary 16 bits aligned to 16-bit boundary 16 bits aligned to 16-bit boundary 16 bits aligned to 16-bit boundary 32 bits aligned to 16-bit boundary 32 bits aligned to 16-bit boundary 32 bits aligned to 16-bit boundary 64 bits aligned to 16-bit boundary 64 bits aligned to 16-bit boundary 32 bits aligned to 16-bit boundary
The size of an enum varies by the size of the largest enum value and by whether it is packed or not. Neither 16 nor 32 is always correct. Run-Time Environment 101
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Object Representation
Pointer to member function objects are stored as a structure with three members, and the layout is equivalent to:
struct { short int d; short int i; union { void (f) (); long 0; } };
The parameter d is the offset to be added to the beginning of the class object for this pointer. The parameter I is the index into the virtual function table, offset by 1. The index enables the NULL pointer to be represented. Its value is -1 if the function is nonvirtual. The parameter f is the pointer to the member function if it is nonvirtual, when I is 0. The 0 is the offset to the virtual function pointer within the class object. Structure and Array Alignment
Structures are aligned according to the member with the most restrictive alignment requirement. Structures do not contain padding after the last member. Elements of arrays are stored in the same manner as if they were individual objects. Field/Structure Alignment
When the compiler allocates space for a structure, it allocates as many words as are needed to hold all of the structure's members and to comply with alignment constraints for each member. When a structure contains a 32-bit (long) member, the long is aligned to a 1-word (16-bit) boundary. This may require padding before, inside, or at the end of the structure to ensure that the long is aligned accordingly and that the sizeof value for the structure is an even value. All non-field types are aligned on word or byte boundaries. Fields are allocated as many bits as requested. Adjacent fields are packed into adjacent bits of a word, but they do not overlap words. If a field would overlap into the next word, the entire field is placed into the next word. Fields are packed as they are encountered; the least significant bits of the structure word are filled first. Example 6-1 shows the C code definition of var while Figure 6-1 shows the memory layout of var. Example 6-1. C Code Definition of var
struct example { char c; long l; int bf1:1; int bf2:2; int bf3:3; int bf4:4; int bf5:5; int bf6:6; };
Run-Time Environment
Copyright 2012, Texas Instruments Incorporated
Object Representation
When a string is used as an initializer, it is simply treated as an initialized array; each character is a separate initializer. For more information about initialization, see Section 6.8. In an expression. For example:
strcpy (s, "abc");
When a string is used in an expression, the string itself is defined in the .const section with the .string assembler directive, along with a unique label that points to the string; the terminating 0 byte is included. For example, the following lines define the string abc, and the terminating 0 byte (the label SL5 points to the string):
.sect ".const" SL5: .string "abc",0
String labels have the form SLn, where n is a number assigned by the compiler to make the label unique. The number begins at 0 and is increased by 1 for each string defined. All strings used in a source module are defined at the end of the compiled assembly language module. The label SLn represents the address of the string constant. The compiler uses this label to reference the string expression. Because strings are stored in the .const section (possibly in ROM) and shared, it is bad practice for a program to modify a string constant. The following code is an example of incorrect string use:
const char a[1] = 'x'; *a = "abc" /* Incorrect! */
Run-Time Environment
Register Conventions
Register Conventions
Strict conventions associate specific registers with specific operations in the C/C++ environment. If you plan to interface an assembly language routine to a C/C++ program, you must understand and follow these register conventions. The register conventions dictate how the compiler uses registers and how values are preserved across function calls. Table 6-3 shows the types of registers affected by these conventions.Table 6-4 summarizes how the compiler uses registers and whether their values are preserved across calls. For information about how values are preserved across calls, see Section 6.4. Table 6-3. How Register Types Are Affected by the Conventions
Register Type Argument register Return register Expression register Argument pointer Stack pointer Program counter Description Passes arguments during a function call Holds the return value from a function call Holds a value Used as a base value from which a function's parameters (incoming arguments) are accessed Holds the address of the top of the software stack Contains the current address of code being executed
Alias PC SP SR
Usage Program counter Stack pointer Status register Constant generator Expression register Expression register Expression register, argument pointer, return register Expression register, argument pointer, return register Expression register, argument pointer, return register Expression register, argument pointer, return register
Preserved by Function N/A N/A (2) N/A N/A Child Parent Parent Parent Parent Parent
The parent function refers to the function making the function call. The child function refers to the function being called. The SP is preserved by the convention that everything pushed on the stack is popped off before returning.
Run-Time Environment
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Callees argument block Callees local variables Register save area Callers argument block Callers local variables
Run-Time Environment
Run-Time Environment
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Run-Time Environment
The compiler assigns linknames to all external objects. Thus, when you are writing assembly language code, you must use the same linknames as those assigned by the compiler. See Section 5.13 for more information. Any object or function declared in assembly language that is accessed or called from C/C++ must be declared with the .def or .global directive in the assembly language modifier. This declares the symbol as external and allows the linker to resolve references to it. Likewise, to access a C/C++ function or object from assembly language, declare the C/C++ object with the .ref or .global directive in the assembly language module. This creates an undeclared external reference that the linker resolves. Any assembly routines that interface with MSP430x C programs are required to conform to the largecode model: Use CALLA/RETA instead of CALL/RET Use PUSHM.A/POPM.A to save and restore any used save-on-entry registers. The entire 20-bit register must be saved/restored. Manipulation of function pointers requires 20-bit operations (OP.A) If interfacing with C code compiled for the large-data model, data pointer manipulation must be performed using 20-bit operations (OP.A).
Example 6-2 illustrates a C++ function called main, which calls an assembly language function called asmfunc, Example 6-3. The asmfunc function takes its single argument, adds it to the C++ global variable called gvar, and returns the result. Example 6-2. Calling an Assembly Language Function From a C/C++ Program
extern "C" { extern int asmfunc(int a); /* declare external asm function */ int gvar = 0; /* define global variable */ } void main() { int var = 5; var = asmfunc(var); /* call function normally */
In the C++ program in Example 6-2, the extern "C" declaration tells the compiler to use C naming conventions (i.e., no name mangling). When the linker resolves the .global asmfunc reference, the corresponding definition in the assembly file will match. The parameter var is passed in R12, and the result is returned in R12.
Run-Time Environment
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Accessing uninitialized variables from the .bss section or a section named with .usect is straightforward: 1. Use the .bss or .usect directive to define the variable. 2. Use the .def or .global directive to make the definition external. 3. Use the appropriate linkname in assembly language. 4. In C/C++, declare the variable as extern and access it normally. Example 6-5 and Example 6-4 show how you can access a variable defined in .bss. Example 6-4. Assembly Language Variable Program
.bss .global var,4,4 var ; Define the variable ; Declare it as external
You can define global constants in assembly language by using the .set, .def, and .global directives, or you can define them in a linker command file using a linker assignment statement. These constants are accessible from C/C++ only with the use of special operators. For normal variables defined in C/C++ or assembly language, the symbol table contains the address of the value of the variable. For assembler constants, however, the symbol table contains the value of the constant. The compiler cannot tell which items in the symbol table are values and which are addresses. If you try to access an assembler (or linker) constant by name, the compiler attempts to fetch a value from the address represented in the symbol table. To prevent this unwanted fetch, you must use the & (address of) operator to get the value (_symval). In other words, if x is an assembly language constant, its value in C/C++ is &x. You can use casts and #defines to ease the use of these symbols in your program, as in Example 6-6 and Example 6-7. Example 6-6. Accessing an Assembly Language Constant From C
extern int table_size; /*external ref */ #define TABLE_SIZE ((int) _symval(&table_size)) . /* use cast to hide address-of */ . . for (I=0; i<TABLE_SIZE; ++I) /* use like normal symbol */
Run-Time Environment
Interrupt Handling
Because you are referencing only the symbol's value as stored in the symbol table, the symbol's declared type is unimportant. In Example 6-6, int is used. You can reference linker-defined symbols in a similar manner.
Using the asm Statement Keep the following in mind when using the asm statement: Be extremely careful not to disrupt the C/C++ environment. The compiler does not check or analyze the inserted instructions. Avoid inserting jumps or labels into C/C++ code because they can produce unpredictable results by confusing the register-tracking algorithms that the code generator uses. Do not change the value of a C/C++ variable when using an asm statement. This is because the compiler does not verify such statements. They are inserted as is into the assembly code, and potentially can cause problems if you are not sure of their effect. Do not use the asm statement to insert assembler directives that change the assembly environment. Avoid creating assembly macros in C code and compiling with the --symdebug:dwarf (or -g) option. The C environments debug information and the assembly macro expansion are not compatible.
Interrupt Handling
As long as you follow the guidelines in this section, you can interrupt and return to C/C++ code without disrupting the C/C++ environment. When the C/C++ environment is initialized, the startup routine does not enable or disable interrupts. If the system is initialized by way of a hardware reset, interrupts are disabled. If your system uses interrupts, you must handle any required enabling or masking of interrupts. Such operations have no effect on the C/C++ environment and are easily incorporated with asm statements or calling an assembly language function.
Run-Time Environment
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Interrupt Handling
If a C/C++ interrupt routine does not call any other functions, only those registers that the interrupt handler uses are saved and restored. However, if a C/C++ interrupt routine does call other functions, these functions can modify unknown registers that the interrupt handler does not use. For this reason, the routine saves all the save-on-call registers if any other functions are called. (This excludes banked registers.) Do not call interrupt handling functions directly. Interrupts can be handled directly with C/C++ functions by using the interrupt pragma or the interrupt keyword. For information, see Section 5.10.15 and Section 5.6.2, respectively.
Run-Time Environment
unsigned long
unsigned short unsigned short unsigned short unsigned short unsigned long void unsigned char unsigned long
_bic_SR_register(unsigned short mask); _bic_SR_register_on_exit(unsigned short mask); _bis_SR_register(unsigned short mask); _bis_SR_register_on_exit(unsigned short mask); _data16_read_addr(unsigned short addr); _data16_write_addr (unsigned short addr, unsigned long src); _data20_read_char(unsigned long addr); (1) _data20_read_long(unsigned long addr); (1)
_data20_read_short(unsigned long addr); (1) _data20_write_char(unsigned long addr, unsigned char src); (1) _data20_write_long(unsigned long addr, unsigned long src); (1)
_data20_write_short(unsigned long addr, unsigned short src); (1) _delay_cycles(unsigned long); _disable_interrupt(void); OR _disable_interrupts(void); _enable_interrupt(void); OR _enable_interrupts(void);
Intrinsic encodes multiple instructions depending on the code. The most common instructions produced are presented here. SLAU132G May 2012 Submit Documentation Feedback
Copyright 2012, Texas Instruments Incorporated
The _never_executed( ) intrinsic is specifically useful for testing the values of an MSP430 interrupt vector generator such as the vector generator for Timer A (TAIV). MSP430 vector generator values are mapped to an interrupt source and are characterized in that they fall within a specific range and can only take on even values. A common way to handle a particular interrupt source represented in a vector generator is to use a switch statement. However, a compiler is constrained by the C language in that it can make no assumptions about what values a switch expression may have. The compiler will have to generate code to handle every possible value, which leads to what would appear to be inefficient code. The _never_executed( ) intrinsic can be used to assert to the compiler that a switch expression can only take on values represented by the case labels within a switch block. Having this assertion, the compiler can avoid generating test code for handling values not specified by the switch case labels. Having this assertion is specifically suited for handling values that characterize a vector generator. Example 6-8 illustrates a switch block that handles the values of the Timer B (TBIV) vector generator.
Run-Time Environment
In Example 6-8 using the _never_executed( ) intrinsic asserts that the value of TBIV can only take on the values specified by the case labels, namely the even values from 0 to 14. Normally, the compiler would have to generate code to handle any value which would result in extra range checks. Instead, for this example, the compiler will generate a switch table where the value of TBIV is simply added to the PC to jump to the appropriate code block handling each value represented by the case labels. Using _never_executed With General Switch Expressions
Using the _never_executed( ) intrinsic at the default label can also improve the generated switch code for more general switch expressions that do not involve vector generator type values. Example 6-9. General Switch Statement
switch( val) { case 0: case 5: action(a); break; case 14: action(b); break; default: _never_executed(); }
Normally, for the switch expression values 0 and 5, the compiler generates code to test for both 0 and 5 since the compiler must handle the possible values 14. The _never_executed( ) intrinsic in Example 6-9 asserts that val cannot take on the values 14 and therefore the compiler only needs to generate a single test (val < 6) to handle both case labels. Additionally, using the _never_executed( ) intrinsic results in the assertion that if val is not 0 or 5 then it has to be 14 and the compiler has no need to generate code to test for val == 14. The _never_executed( ) intrinsic is only defined when specified as the single statement following a default case label. The compiler ignores the use of the intrinsic in any other context.
Run-Time Environment
Copyright 2012, Texas Instruments Incorporated
System Initialization
System Initialization
Before you can run a C/C++ program, you must create the C/C++ run-time environment. The C/C++ boot routine performs this task using a function called _c_int00. The run-time-support source library, rts.src, contains the source to this routine in a module named boot.c (or boot.asm). To begin running the system, the _c_int00 function can be called by reset hardware. You must link the _c_int00 function with the other object files. This occurs automatically when you use the --rom_model or -ram_model link option and include a standard run-time-support library as one of the linker input files. When C/C++ programs are linked, the linker sets the entry point value in the executable output file to the symbol _c_int00. The _c_int00 function performs the following tasks to initialize the environment: 1. Reserves space for the user mode run-time stack, and sets up the initial value of the stack pointer (SP) 2. It initializes global variables by copying the data from the initialization tables to the storage allocated for the variables in the .bss section. If you are initializing variables at load time (--ram_model option), a loader performs this step before the program runs (it is not performed by the boot routine). For more information, see Section 6.8.3 for COFF ABI mode and Section 6.8.4 for EABI mode. 3. Executes the global constructors found in the global constructors table. For more information, see Section for EABI mode and Section for COFF ABI mode. 4. Calls the function main to run the C/C++ program You can replace or modify the boot routine to meet your system requirements. However, the boot routine must perform the operations listed above to correctly initialize the C/C++ environment.
Run-Time Environment
System Initialization
Global variables are either autoinitialized at run time or at load time; see Section and Section Also see Section 5.14. In EABI mode, the compiler automatically zero initializes the uninitialized variables. See Section 6.8.4 for details. Initialization Tables
The tables in the .cinit section consist of variable-size initialization records. Each variable that must be autoinitialized has a record in the .cinit section. Figure 6-3 shows the format of the .cinit section and the initialization records. Figure 6-3. Format of Initialization Records in the .cinit Section
.cinit section Initialization record 1 Initialization record 2 Initialization record 3 Size in bytes Initialization record Pointer to .bss area Initialization data
Initialization record n
The fields of an initialization record contain the following information: The first field of an initialization record contains the size (in bytes) of the initialization data. The width of this field is one word (16-bit). The second field contains the starting address of the area within the .bss section where the initialization data must be copied. The width of this field is one word. The third field contains the data that is copied into the .bss section to initialize the variable. The width of this field is variable. Each variable that must be autoinitialized has an initialization record in the .cinit section. Example 6-10 shows initialized global variables defined in C. Example 6-11 shows the corresponding initialization table. Example 6-10. Initialized Variables Defined in C
int int i = 23; a[5] = { 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 };
Run-Time Environment
Copyright 2012, Texas Instruments Incorporated
System Initialization
; i @ 0
; ; ; ; ;
@ @ @ @ @
0 16 32 48 64
Autoinitializing variables at run time is the default method of autoinitialization. To use this method, invoke the linker with the --rom_model option. Using this method, the .cinit section is loaded into memory along with all the other initialized sections, and global variables are initialized at run time. The linker defines a special symbol called cinit that points to the beginning of the initialization tables in memory. When the program begins running, the C/C++ boot routine copies data from the tables (pointed to by .cinit) into the specified variables in the .bss section. This allows initialization data to be stored in ROM and copied to RAM each time the program starts. Figure 6-4 illustrates autoinitialization at run time. Use this method in any system where your application runs from code burned into ROM. Figure 6-4. Autoinitialization at Run Time
Object file Memory
.cinit section
cint Loader
Run-Time Environment
System Initialization
Initialization of variables at load time enhances performance by reducing boot time and by saving the memory used by the initialization tables. To use this method, invoke the linker with the --ram_model option. When you use the --ram_model link option, the linker sets the STYP_COPY bit in the .cinit section's header. This tells the loader not to load the .cinit section into memory. (The .cinit section occupies no space in the memory map.) The linker also sets the cinit symbol to -1 (normally, cinit points to the beginning of the initialization tables). This indicates to the boot routine that the initialization tables are not present in memory; accordingly, no run-time initialization is performed at boot time. A loader (which is not part of the compiler package) must be able to perform the following tasks to use initialization at load time: Detect the presence of the .cinit section in the object file Determine that STYP_COPY is set in the .cinit section header, so that it knows not to copy the .cinit section into memory Understand the format of the initialization tables Figure 6-5 illustrates the initialization of variables at load time. Figure 6-5. Initialization at Load Time
Object file Memory
Regardless of the use of the --rom_model or --ram_model options, the .pinit section is always loaded and processed at run time. Global Constructors for COFF
All global C++ variables that have constructors must have their constructor called before main. The compiler builds a table in a section called .pinit of global constructor addresses that must be called, in order, before main. The linker combines the .pinit section form each input file to form a single table in the .pinit section. The boot routine uses this table to execute the constructors. (See Section for global constructor details for EABI.)
In ANSI C, global and static variables that are not explicitly initialized, must be set to 0 before program execution. The C/C++ EABI compiler supports preinitialization of uninitialized variables by default. This can be turned off by specifying the linker option --zero_init=off. COFF ABI does not support zero initialization.
118 Run-Time Environment
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System Initialization
The EABI compiler uses direct initialization to initialize global variables. For example, consider the following C code:
int i = 23; int a[5] = { 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 };
The compiler allocates the variables 'i' and 'a[] to .data section and the initial values are placed directly.
.global i .data .align 4 i: .field .global a .data .align 4 a: .field .field .field .field .field 1,32 2,32 3,32 4,32 5,32 ; ; ; ; ; a[0] a[1] a[2] a[3] a[4] @ @ @ @ @ 0 32 64 96 128 23,32 ; i @ 0
Each compiled module that defines static or global variables contains these .data sections. The linker treats the .data section like any other initialized section and creates an output section. In the load-time initialization model, the sections are loaded into memory and used by the program. See Section In the run-time initialization model, the linker uses the data in these sections to create initialization data and an additional initialization table. The boot routine processes the initialization table to copy data from load addresses to run addresses. See Section Autoinitialization of Variables at Run Time in EABI Mode
Autoinitializing variables at run time is the default method of autoinitialization. To use this method, invoke the linker with the --rom_model option. Using this method, the linker creates an initialization table and initialization data from the direct initialized sections in the compiled module. The table and data are used by the C/C++ boot routine to initialize variables in RAM using the table and data in ROM. Figure 6-6 illustrates autoinitialization at run time in EABI Mode. Use this method in any system where your application runs from code burned into ROM. Figure 6-6. Autoinitialization at Run Time in EABI Mode
Object file Memory
C auto init table and data (ROM) Boot routine .data uninitialized (RAM)
Run-Time Environment
System Initialization
Autoinitialization Tables
In EABI mode, the compiled object files do not have initialization tables. The variables are initialized directly . The linker, when the --rom_model option is specified, creates C auto initialization table and the initialization data. The linker creates both the table and the initialization data in an output section named .cinit.
Migration from COFF to ELF Initialization NOTE: The name .cinit is used primarily to simplify migration from COFF to ELF format and the .cinit section created by the linker has nothing in common (except the name) with the COFF cinit records.
The linker defined symbols __TI_CINIT_Base and __TI_CINIT_Limit point to the start and end of the table, respectively. Each entry in this table corresponds to one output section that needs to be initialized. The initialization data for each output section could be encoded using different encoding. The load address in the C auto initialization record points to initialization data with the following format:
8-bit index Encoded data
The first 8-bits of the initialization data is the handler index. It indexes into a handler table to get the address of a handler function that knows how to decode the following data. The handler table is a list of 32-bit function pointers.
_TI_Handler_Table_Base: 32-bit handler 1 address
The encoded data that follows the 8-bit index can be in one of the following format types. For clarity the 8bit index is also depicted for each format. Length Followed by Data Format
8-bit index 24-bit padding 32-bit length (N) N byte initialization data (not compressed)
The compiler uses 24-bit padding to align the length field to a 32-bit boundary. The 32-bit length field encodes the length of the initialization data in bytes (N). N byte initialization data is not compressed and is copied to the run address as is. The run-time support library has a function __TI_zero_init() to process this type of initialization data. The first argument to this function is the address pointing to the byte after the 8-bit index. The second argument is the run address from the C auto initialization record.
120 Run-Time Environment
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System Initialization
The compiler uses 24-bit padding to align the length field to a 32-bit boundary. The 32-bit length field encodes the number of bytes to be zero initialized. The run-time support library has a function __TI_zero_init() to process the zero initialization. The first argument to this function is the address pointing to the byte after the 8-bit index. The second argument is the run address from the C auto initialization record. Run Length Encoded (RLE) Format
8-bit index Initialization data compressed using run length encoding
The data following the 8-bit index is compressed using Run Length Encoded (RLE) format. uses a simple run length encoding that can be decompressed using the following algorithm: 1. Read the first byte, Delimiter (D). 2. Read the next byte (B). 3. If B != D, copy B to the output buffer and go to step 2. 4. Read the next byte (L). (a) If L == 0, then length is either a 16-bit, a 24-bit value, or weve reached the end of the data, read next byte (L). (i) If L == 0, length is a 24-bit value or the end of the data is reached, read next byte (L). (i) If L == 0, the end of the data is reached, go to step 7. (ii) Else L <<= 16, read next two bytes into lower 16 bits of L to complete 24-bit value for L. (ii) Else L <<= 8, read next byte into lower 8 bits of L to complete 16-bit value for L. (b) Else if L > 0 and L < 4, copy D to the output buffer L times. Go to step 2. (c) Else, length is 8-bit value (L). 5. Read the next byte (C); C is the repeat character. 6. Write C to the output buffer L times; go to step 2. 7. End of processing. The run-time support library has a routine __TI_decompress_rle24() to decompress data compressed using RLE. The first argument to this function is the address pointing to the byte after the 8-bit index. The second argument is the run address from the C auto initialization record.
RLE Decompression Routine NOTE: The previous decompression routine, __TI_decompress_rle(), is included in the run-timesupport library for decompressing RLE encodings that are generated by older versions of the linker.
Run-Time Environment
System Initialization
The data following the 8-bit index is compressed using LZSS compression. The run-time support library has the routine __TI_decompress_lzss() to decompress the data compressed using LZSS. The first argument to this function is the address pointing to the byte after the 8-bit index. The second argument is the run address from the C auto initialization record. Initialization of Variables at Load Time in EABI Mode
Initialization of variables at load time enhances performance by reducing boot time and by saving the memory used by the initialization tables. To use this method, invoke the linker with the --ram_model option. When you use the --ram_model link option, the linker does not generate C autoinitialization tables and data. The direct initialized sections (.data) in the compiled object files are combined according to the linker command file to generate initialized output sections. The loader loads the initialized output sections into memory. After the load, the variables are assigned their initial values. Since the linker does not generate the C autoinitialization tables, no boot time initialization is performed. Figure 6-7 illustrates the initialization of variables at load time in EABI mode. Figure 6-7. Initialization at Load Time in EABI Mode
Object file Memory
.data section
Global Constructors
All global C++ variables that have constructors must have their constructor called before main. The compiler builds a table of global constructor addresses that must be called, in order, before main in a section called .init_array. The linker combines the .init_array section form each input file to form a single table in the .init_array section. The boot routine uses this table to execute the constructors. The linker defines two symbols to identify the combined .init_array table as shown below. This table is not null terminated by the linker. Figure 6-8. Constructor Table for EABI Mode
__TI_INITARRAY_Base: Address of constructor 1 Address of constructor 2
System Initialization
Initialization record n
The fields of an initialization record contain the following information: The first field of an initialization record contains the size (in bytes) of the initialization data. The second field contains the starting address of the area within the .bss section where the initialization data must be copied. The third field contains the data that is copied into the .bss section to initialize the variable. Each variable that must be autoinitialized has an initialization record in the .cinit section. Example 6-12 shows initialized global variables defined in C. Example 6-13 shows the corresponding initialization table. The section .cinit:c is a subsection in the .cinit section that contains all scalar data. The subsection is handled as one record during initialization, which minimizes the overall size of the .cinit section. Example 6-12. Initialized Variables Defined in C
int x; short i = 23; int *p = int a[5] = {1,2,3,4,5};
Run-Time Environment
System Initialization
; _I @ 0
.sect ".text" .global _I .usect ".bss:c",2,2 .sect .align .field ".cinit:c" 4 _x,32
; _p @ 0
.sect .align .field .field .field .field .field .field .field .set
; ; ; ; ;
@ @ @ @ @
0 32 64 96 128
.sect ".text" .global _a .bss _a,20,4 ;********************************************************************** ;* MARK THE END OF THE SCALAR INIT RECORD IN CINIT:C * ;********************************************************************** CIR: .sect ".cinit:c"
The .cinit section must contain only initialization tables in this format. When interfacing assembly language modules, do not use the .cinit section for any other purpose. The table in the .pinit section simply consists of a list of addresses of constructors to be called (see Figure 6-10). The constructors appear in the table after the .cinit initialization.
Run-Time Environment
Copyright 2012, Texas Instruments Incorporated
Address of constructor n
When you use the --rom_model or --ram_model option, the linker combines the .cinit sections from all the C/C++ modules and appends a null word to the end of the composite .cinit section. This terminating record appears as a record with a size field of 0 and marks the end of the initialization tables. Likewise, the --rom_model or --ram_model link option causes the linker to combine all of the .pinit sections from all C/C++ modules and append a null word to the end of the composite .pinit section. The boot routine knows the end of the global constructor table when it encounters a null constructor address. The const-qualified variables are initialized differently; see Section 5.6.1.
Run-Time Environment
Chapter 7
SLAU132G May 2012
Some of the features of C/C++ (such as I/O, dynamic memory allocation, string operations, and trigonometric functions) are provided as an ANSI/ISO C/C++ standard library, rather than as part of the compiler itself. The TI implementation of this library is the run-time-support library (RTS). The C/C++ compiler implements the complete ISO standard library except for those facilities that handle exception conditions, signal and locale issues (properties that depend on local language, nationality, or culture). Using the ANSI/ISO standard library ensures a consistent set of functions that provide for greater portability. In addition to the ANSI/ISO-specified functions, the run-time-support library includes routines that give you processor-specific commands and direct C language I/O requests. These are detailed inSection 7.1 and Section 7.2. A library-build utility is provided with the code generation tools that lets you create customized run-timesupport libraries. This process is described in Section 7.4 .
C and C++ Run-Time Support Libraries .............................................................. The C I/O Functions ......................................................................................... Handling Reentrancy (_register_lock() and _register_unlock() Functions) .............. Library-Build Process ......................................................................................
The EABI analog of the COFF library rts430x.lib is rts430x_lc_sd_eabi.lib. The EABI analog of the COFF library rts430xl.lib is rts430x_lc_ld_eabi.lib.
C I/O Mysteriously Fails If there is not enough space on the heap for a C I/O buffer, operations on the file will silently fail. If a call to printf() mysteriously fails, this may be the reason. The heap needs to be at least large enough to allocate a block of size BUFSIZ (defined in stdio.h) for every file on which I/O is performed, including stdout, stdin, and stderr, plus allocations performed by the user's code, plus allocation bookkeeping overhead. Alternately, declare a char array of size BUFSIZ and pass it to setvbuf to avoid dynamic allocation. To set the heap size, use the -heap_size option when linking (refer to the Linker Description chapter in theMSP430 Assembly Language Tools User's Guide).
The C I/O Functions NOTE: Open Mysteriously Fails The run-time support limits the total number of open files to a small number relative to general-purpose processors. If you attempt to open more files than the maximum, you may find that the open will mysteriously fail. You can increase the number of open files by extracting the source code from rts.src and editing the constants controlling the size of some of the C I/O data structures. The macro _NFILE controls how many FILE (fopen) objects can be open at one time (stdin, stdout, and stderr count against this total). (See also FOPEN_MAX.) The macro _NSTREAM controls how many low-level file descriptors can be open at one time (the low-level files underlying stdin, stdout, and stderr count against this todal). The macro _NDEVICE controls how many device drivers are installed at one time (the HOST device counts against this total).
Issuing the following compiler command compiles, links, and creates the file main.out from the run-timesupport library:
cl430 main.c --run_linker --heap_size=400 --library=rts430.lib --output_file=main.out
Open File for I/O #include <file.h> int open (const char * path , unsigned flags , int file_descriptor );
The open function opens the file specified by path and prepares it for I/O. The path is the filename of the file to be opened, including an optional directory path and an optional device specifier (see Section 7.2.5). The flags are attributes that specify how the file is manipulated. The flags are specified using the following symbols:
O_RDONLY O_WRONLY O_RDWR O_APPEND O_CREAT O_TRUNC O_BINARY (0x0000) (0x0001) (0x0002) (0x0008) (0x0200) (0x0400) (0x8000) /* /* /* /* /* /* /* open for reading */ open for writing */ open for read & write */ append on each write */ open with file create */ open with truncation */ open in binary mode */
Low-level I/O routines allow or disallow some operations depending on the flags used when the file was opened. Some flags may not be meaningful for some devices, depending on how the device implements files. The file_descriptor is assigned by open to an opened file. The next available file descriptor is assigned to each new file opened.
Return Value
The function returns one of the following values: non-negative file descriptor if successful -1 on failure
Close File for I/O #include <file.h> int close (int file_descriptor );
The close function closes the file associated with file_descriptor. The file_descriptor is the number assigned by open to an opened file.
Return Value
The return value is one of the following: 0 if successful -1 on failure Read Characters from a File #include <file.h> int read (int file_descriptor , char * buffer , unsigned count );
The read function reads count characters into the buffer from the file associated with file_descriptor. The file_descriptor is the number assigned by open to an opened file. The buffer is where the read characters are placed. The count is the number of characters to read from the file. The function returns one of the following values: 0 if EOF was encountered before any characters were read # number of characters read (may be less than count) -1 on failure Write Characters to a File #include <file.h> int write (int file_descriptor , const char * buffer , unsigned count );
Return Value
The write function writes the number of characters specified by count from the buffer to the file associated with file_descriptor. The file_descriptor is the number assigned by open to an opened file. The buffer is where the characters to be written are located. The count is the number of characters to write to the file. The function returns one of the following values: # number of characters written if successful (may be less than count) -1 on failure
Return Value
Syntax for C
Set File Position Indicator #include <file.h> off_t lseek (int file_descriptor , off_t offset , int origin );
The lseek function sets the file position indicator for the given file to a location relative to the specified origin. The file position indicator measures the position in characters from the beginning of the file. The file_descriptor is the number assigned by open to an opened file. The offset indicates the relative offset from the origin in characters. The origin is used to indicate which of the base locations the offset is measured from. The origin must be one of the following macros: SEEK_SET (0x0000) Beginning of file SEEK_CUR (0x0001) Current value of the file position indicator SEEK_END (0x0002) End of file The return value is one of the following: # new value of the file position indicator if successful (off_t)-1 on failure Delete File #include <file.h> int unlink (const char * path );
Return Value
The unlink function deletes the file specified by path. Depending on the device, a deleted file may still remain until all file descriptors which have been opened for that file have been closed. See Section 7.2.3. The path is the filename of the file, including path information and optional device prefix. (See Section 7.2.5.)
Return Value
Syntax for C
Rename File #include {<stdio.h> | <file.h>} int rename (const char * old_name , const char * new_name );
#include {<cstdio> | <file.h>} int std::rename (const char * old_name , const char * new_name );
The rename function changes the name of a file. The old_name is the current name of the file. The new_name is the new name for the file.
NOTE: The optional device specified in the new name must match the device of the old name. If they do not match, a file copy would be required to perform the rename, and rename is not capable of this action.
Return Value
Syntax Description
Open File for I/O int DEV_open (const char * path , unsigned flags , int llv_fd ); This function finds a file matching path and opens it for I/O as requested by flags. The path is the filename of the file to be opened. If the name of a file passed to open has a device prefix, the device prefix will be stripped by open, so DEV_open will not see it. (See Section 7.2.5 for details on the device prefix.) The flags are attributes that specify how the file is manipulated. The flags are specified using the following symbols:
O_RDONLY O_WRONLY O_RDWR O_APPEND O_CREAT O_TRUNC O_BINARY (0x0000) (0x0001) (0x0002) (0x0008) (0x0200) (0x0400) (0x8000) /* /* /* /* /* /* /* open for reading */ open for writing */ open for read & write */ append on each write */ open with file create */ open with truncation */ open in binary mode */
See POSIX for further explanation of the flags. The llv_fd is treated as a suggested low-level file descriptor. This is a historical artifact; newly-defined device drivers should ignore this argument. This differs from the low-level I/O open function.
This function must arrange for information to be saved for each file descriptor, typically including a file position indicator and any significant flags. For the HOST version, all the bookkeeping is handled by the debugger running on the host machine. If the device uses an internal buffer, the buffer can be created when a file is opened, or the buffer can be created during a read or write.
Return Value
This function must return -1 to indicate an error if for some reason the file could not be opened; such as the file does not exist, could not be created, or there are too many files open. The value of errno may optionally be set to indicate the exact error (the HOST device does not set errno). Some devices might have special failure conditions; for instance, if a device is read-only, a file cannot be opened O_WRONLY. On success, this function must return a non-negative file descriptor unique among all open files handled by the specific device. It need not be unique across devices. Only the low-level I/O functions will see this device file descriptor; the low-level function open will assign its own unique file descriptor.
Syntax Description
Close File for I/O int DEV_close (int dev_fd ); This function closes a valid open file descriptor. On some devices, DEV_close may need to be responsible for checking if this is the last file descriptor pointing to a file that was unlinked. If so, it is responsible for ensuring that the file is actually removed from the device and the resources reclaimed, if appropriate.
Return Value
This function should return -1 to indicate an error if the file descriptor is invalid in some way, such as being out of range or already closed, but this is not required. The user should not call close() with an invalid file descriptor. Read Characters from a File int DEV_read (int dev_fd , char * bu , unsigned count ); The read function reads count bytes from the input file associated with dev_fd. The dev_fd is the number assigned by open to an opened file. The buf is where the read characters are placed. The count is the number of characters to read from the file. This function must return -1 to indicate an error if for some reason no bytes could be read from the file. This could be because of an attempt to read from a O_WRONLY file, or for device-specific reasons. If count is 0, no bytes are read and this function returns 0. This function returns the number of bytes read, from 0 to count. 0 indicates that EOF was reached before any bytes were read. It is not an error to read less than count bytes; this is common if the are not enough bytes left in the file or the request was larger than an internal device buffer size.
Syntax Description
Return Value
Syntax Description
Write Characters to a File int DEV_write (int dev_fd , const char * buf , unsigned count ); This function writes count bytes to the output file. The dev_fd is the number assigned by open to an opened file. The buffer is where the write characters are placed. The count is the number of characters to write to the file. This function must return -1 to indicate an error if for some reason no bytes could be written to the file. This could be because of an attempt to read from a O_RDONLY file, or for device-specific reasons.
Return Value
Syntax Description
Set File Position Indicator off_t lseek (int dev_fd , off_t offset , int origin ); This function sets the file's position indicator for this file descriptor as lseek. If lseek is supported, it should not allow a seek to before the beginning of the file, but it should support seeking past the end of the file. Such seeks do not change the size of the file, but if it is followed by a write, the file size will increase.
Return Value
If successful, this function returns the new value of the file position indicator. This function must return -1 to indicate an error if for some reason no bytes could be written to the file. For many devices, the lseek operation is nonsensical (e.g. a computer monitor).
Syntax Description
Delete File int DEV_unlink (const char * path ); Remove the association of the pathname with the file. This means that the file may no longer by opened using this name, but the file may not actually be immediately removed. Depending on the device, the file may be immediately removed, but for a device which allows open file descriptors to point to unlinked files, the file will not actually be deleted until the last file descriptor is closed. See Section 7.2.3.
Return Value
This function must return -1 to indicate an error if for some reason the file could not be unlinked (delayed removal does not count as a failure to unlink.) If successful, this function returns 0.
Syntax Description
Rename File int DEV_rename (const char * old_name , const char * new_name ); This function changes the name associated with the file. The old_name is the current name of the file. The new_name is the new name for the file. This function must return -1 to indicate an error if for some reason the file could not be renamed, such as the file doesn't exist, or the new name already exists.
NOTE: It is inadvisable to allow renaming a file so that it is on a different device. In general this would require a whole file copy, which may be more expensive than you expect.
Return Value
Use Unique Function Names The function names open, read, write, close, lseek, rename, and unlink are used by the lowlevel routines. Use other names for the device-level functions that you write.
Use the low-level function add_device() to add your device to the device_table. The device table is a statically defined array that supports n devices, where n is defined by the macro _NDEVICE found in stdio.h/cstdio. The first entry in the device table is predefined to be the host device on which the debugger is running. The low-level routine add_device() finds the first empty position in the device table and initializes the device fields with the passed-in arguments. For a complete description, see the add_device function.
If no device prefix is used, the HOST device will be used to open the file.
Syntax for C
Add Device to Device Table #include <file.h> int add_device(char * name, unsigned flags , int (* dopen )(const char *path, unsigned flags, int llv_fd), int (* dclose )( int dev_fd), int (* dread )(intdev_fd, char *buf, unsigned count), int (* dwrite )(int dev_fd, const char *buf, unsigned count), off_t (* dlseek )(int dev_fd, off_t ioffset, int origin), int (* dunlink )(const char * path), int (* drename )(const char *old_name, const char *new_name));
Defined in Description
lowlev.c in The add_device function adds a device record to the device table allowing that device to be used for I/O from C. The first entry in the device table is predefined to be the HOST device on which the debugger is running. The function add_device() finds the first empty position in the device table and initializes the fields of the structure that represent a device. To open a stream on a newly added device use fopen( ) with a string of the format devicename : filename as the first argument. The name is a character string denoting the device name. The name is limited to 8 characters. The flags are device characteristics. The flags are as follows: _SSA Denotes that the device supports only one open stream at a time _MSA Denotes that the device supports multiple open streams More flags can be added by defining them in file.h. The dopen, dclose, dread, dwrite, dlseek, dunlink, and drename specifiers are function pointers to the functions in the device driver that are called by the low-level functions to perform I/O on the specified device. You must declare these functions with the interface specified in Section 7.2.2. The device driver for the HOST that the MSP430 debugger is run on are included in the C I/O library.
Return Value
Example 7-2 does the following: Adds the device mydevice to the device table Opens a file named test on that device and associates it with the FILE pointer fid Writes the string Hello, world into the file Closes the file
Example 7-2 illustrates adding and using a device for C I/O: Example 7-2. Program for C I/O Device
#include <file.h> #include <stdio.h> /****************************************************************************/ /* Declarations of the user-defined device drivers */ /****************************************************************************/ extern int MYDEVICE_open(const char *path, unsigned flags, int fno); extern int MYDEVICE_close(int fno); extern int MYDEVICE_read(int fno, char *buffer, unsigned count); extern int MYDEVICE_write(int fno, const char *buffer, unsigned count); extern off_t MYDEVICE_lseek(int fno, off_t offset, int origin); extern int MYDEVICE_unlink(const char *path); extern int MYDEVICE_rename(const char *old_name, char *new_name); main() { FILE *fid; add_device("mydevice", _MSA, MYDEVICE_open, MYDEVICE_close, MYDEVICE_read, MYDEVICE_write, MYDEVICE_lseek, MYDEVICE_unlink, MYDEVICE_rename); fid = fopen("mydevice:test","w"); fprintf(fid,"Hello, world\n"); fclose(fid); }
The arguments to _register_lock() and _register_unlock() should be functions which take no arguments and return no values, and which implement some sort of global semaphore locking:
extern volatile sig_atomic_t *sema = SHARED_SEMAPHORE_LOCATION; static int sema_depth = 0; static void my_lock(void) { while (ATOMIC_TEST_AND_SET(sema, MY_UNIQUE_ID) != MY_UNIQUE_ID); sema_depth++; } static void my_unlock(void) { if (!--sema_depth) ATOMIC_CLEAR(sema); }
The run-time-support nests calls to _lock(), so the primitives must keep track of the nesting level.
Library-Build Process
Library-Build Process
When using the C/C++ compiler, you can compile your code under a large number of different configurations and options that are not necessarily compatible with one another. Because it would be infeasible to include all possible run-time-support library variants, compiler releases pre-build only a small number of very commonly-used libraries such as rts430.lib. To provide maximum flexibility, the run-time-support source code is provided as part of each compiler release. You can build the missing libraries as desired. The linker can also automatically build missing libraries. This is accomplished with a new library build process, the core of which is the executable mklib, which is available beginning with CCS 5.1
All three of these programs are provided as a non-optional feature of CCS 5.1. They are also available as part of the optional XDC Tools feature if you are using an earlier version of CCS. The mklib program looks for these executables in the following order: 1. in your PATH 2. in the directory getenv("CCS_UTILS_DIR")/cygwin 3. in the directory getenv("CCS_UTILS_DIR")/bin 4. in the directory getenv("XDCROOT") 5. in the directory getenv("XDCROOT")/bin If you are invoking mklib from the command line, and these executables are not in your path, you must set the environment variable CCS_UTILS_DIR such that getenv("CCS_UTILS_DIR")/bin contains the correct programs.
The linker looks for run-time-support libraries primarily through the MSP430_C_DIR environment variable. Typically, one of the pathnames in MSP430_C_DIR is your install directory/lib, which contains all of the pre-built libraries, as well as the index library libc.a. The linker looks in MSP430_C_DIR to find a library that is the best match for the build attributes of the application. The build attributes are set indirectly according to the command-line options used to build the application. Build attributes include things like CPU revision. If the library is explicitly named (e.g. rts430.lib), run-time support looks for that library exactly; otherwise, it uses the index library libc.a to pick an appropriate library.
Library-Build Process
The index library describes a set of libraries with different build attributes. The linker will compare the build attributes for each potential library with the build attributes of the application and will pick the best fit. For details on the index library, see the archiver chapter in the MSP430 Assembly Language Tools User's Guide. Now that the linker has decided which library to use, it checks whether the run-time-support library is present in MSP430_C_DIR . The library must be in exactly the same directory as the index library libc.a. If the library is not present, the linker will will invoke mklib to build it. This happens when the library is missing, regardless of whether the user specified the name of the library directly or allowed the linker to pick the best library from the index library. The mklib program builds the requested library and places it in 'lib' directory part of MSP430_C_DIR in the same directory as the index library, so it is available for subsequent compilations. Things to watch out for: The linker invokes mklib and waits for it to finish before finishing the link, so you will experience a onetime delay when an uncommonly-used library is built for the first time. Build times of 1-5 minutes have been observed. This depends on the power of the host (number of CPUs, etc). In a shared installation, where an installation of the compiler is shared among more than one user, it is possible that two users might cause the linker to rebuild the same library at the same time. The mklib program tries to minimize the race condition, but it is possible one build will corrupt the other. In a shared environment, all libraries which might be needed should be built at install time; see Section for instructions on invoking mklib directly to avoid this problem. The index library must exist, or the linker is unable to rebuild libraries automatically. The index library must be in a user-writable directory, or the library is not built. If the compiler installation must be installed read-only (a good practice for shared installation), any missing libraries must be built at installation time by invoking mklib directly. The mklib program is specific to a certain version of a certain library; you cannot use one compiler version's run-time support's mklib to build a different compiler version's run-time support library. Invoking mklib Manually
You may need to invoke mklib directly in special circumstances: The compiler installation directory is read-only or shared. You want to build a variant of the run-time-support library that is not pre-configured in the index library libc.a or known to mklib. (e.g. a variant with source-level debugging turned on.) Building Standard Libraries You can invoke mklib directly to build any or all of the libraries indexed in the index library libc.a. The libraries are built with the standard options for that library; the library names and the appropriate standard option sets are known to mklib. This is most easily done by changing the working directory to be the compiler run-time-support library directory 'lib' and invoking the mklib executable there:
mklib --pattern=rts430.lib Shared or Read-Only Library Directory If the compiler tools are to be installed in shared or read-only directory, mklib cannot build the standard libraries at link time; the libraries must be built before the library directory is made shared or read-only. At installation time, the installing user must build all of the libraries which will be used by any user. To build all possible libraries, change the working directory to be the compiler RTS library directory 'lib' and invoke the mklib executable there:
mklib --all
Some targets have many libraries, so this step can take a long time. To build a subset of the libraries, invoke mklib individually for each desired library.
Library-Build Process Building Libraries With Custom Options You can build a library with any extra custom options desired. This is useful for building a debugging version of the library, or with silicon exception workarounds enabled. The generated library is not a standard library, and must not be placed in the 'lib' directory. It should be placed in a directory local to the project which needs it. To build a debugging version of the library rts430.lib, change the working directory to the 'lib' directory and run the command:
mklib --pattern=rts430.lib --name=rts430_debug.lib --install_to=$Project/Debug --extra_options="g" The mklib Program Option Summary Run the following command to see the full list of options. These are described in Table 7-1.
mklib --help
--all --install_to=directory --compiler_bin_dir= directory --name=filename --options='str' --extra_options='str' --list_libraries --log=filename --tmpdir=directory --gmake=filename --parallel=N --query=filename --help or --h --quiet or --q --verbose or --v
Examples: To build all standard libraries and place them in the compiler's library directory:
mklib --all --index=$C_DIR/lib
To build one standard library and place it in the compiler's library directory:
mklib --pattern=rts430.lib --index=$C_DIR/lib
To build a custom library that is just like rts430.lib, but has symbolic debugging support enabled:
mklib --pattern=rts430.lib --extra_options="-g" --index=$C_DIR/lib --install_to=$Project/Debug -name=rts430_debug.lib
Library-Build Process
The underlying mechanism can be anything the vendor desires. For the compiler run-time-support libraries, mklib is just a wrapper which knows how to unpack Makefile from and invoke gmake with the appropriate options to build each library. If necessary, mklib can be bypassed and Makefile used directly, but this mode of operation is not supported by TI, and the you are responsible for any changes to Makefile. The format of the Makefile and the interface between mklib and the Makefile is subject to change without notice. The mklib program is the forward-compatible path. Libraries From Other Vendors
Any vendor who wishes to distribute a library that can be rebuilt automatically by the linker must provide: An index library (like 'libc.a', but with a different name) A copy of mklib specific to that library A copy of the library source code (in whatever format is convenient) These things must be placed together in one directory that is part of the linker's library search path (specified either in MSP430_C_DIR or with the linker --search_path option). If mklib needs extra information that is not possible to pass as command-line options to the compiler, the vendor will need to provide some other means of discovering the information (such as a configuration file written by a wizard run from inside CCS). The vendor-supplied mklib must at least accept all of the options listed in Table 7-1 without error, even if they do not do anything.
Chapter 8
SLAU132G May 2012
The C++ compiler implements function overloading, operator overloading, and type-safe linking by encoding a function's prototype and namespace in its link-level name. The process of encoding the prototype into the linkname is often referred to as name mangling. When you inspect mangled names, such as in assembly files, disassembler output, or compiler or linker diagnostics, it can be difficult to associate a mangled name with its corresponding name in the C++ source code. The C++ name demangler is a debugging aid that translates each mangled name it detects to its original name found in the C++ source code. These topics tell you how to invoke and use the C++ name demangler. The C++ name demangler reads in input, looking for mangled names. All unmangled text is copied to output unaltered. All mangled names are demangled before being copied to output.
Invoking the C++ Name Demangler .................................................................... 147 C++ Name Demangler Options .......................................................................... 147 Sample Usage of the C++ Name Demangler ........................................................ 147
By default, the C++ name demangler outputs to standard output. You can use the -o file option if you want to output to a file.
Executing the C++ name demangler demangles all names that it believes to be mangled. Enter:
dem430 calories_in_a_banana.asm
The result is shown in Example 8-4. The linknames in Example 8-2 ___ct__6bananaFv, _calories__6bananaFv, and ___dt__6bananaFv are demangled.
Example 84. COFF Result After Running the C++ Name Demangler
calories_in_a_banana(): ;* ----------------------------------------------------------------------------* SUB.W #4,SP MOV.W SP,r12 ; |10| ADD.W #2,r12 ; |10| CALL #banana::banana() ; |10| ; |10| MOV.W SP,r12 ; |11| ADD.W #2,r12 ; |11| CALL #banana::calories() ; |11| ; |11| MOV.W r12,0(SP) ; |11| MOV.W SP,r12 ; |11| ADD.W #2,r12 ; |11| MOV.W #2,r13 ; |11| CALL #banana::~banana() ; |11| ; |11| MOV.W 0(SP),r12 ; |11| ADD.W #4,SP RET
Example 85. EABI Result After Running the C++ Name Demangler
PUSH.W SUB.W MOV.W CALL MOV.W CALL MOV.W MOV.W CALL MOV.W ADD.W POP RET r10 #2,SP SP,r12 #banana::banana() SP,r12 #banana::calories() r12,r10 SP,r12 #banana::~banana() r10,r12 #2,SP r10
Appendix A
SLAU132G May 2012
absolute lister A debugging tool that allows you to create assembler listings that contain absolute addresses. assignment statement A statement that initializes a variable with a value. autoinitialization The process of initializing global C variables (contained in the .cinit section) before program execution begins. autoinitialization at run time An autoinitialization method used by the linker when linking C code. The linker uses this method when you invoke it with the --rom_model link option. The linker loads the .cinit section of data tables into memory, and variables are initialized at run time. alias disambiguation A technique that determines when two pointer expressions cannot point to the same location, allowing the compiler to freely optimize such expressions. aliasing The ability for a single object to be accessed in more than one way, such as when two pointers point to a single object. It can disrupt optimization, because any indirect reference could refer to any other object. allocation A process in which the linker calculates the final memory addresses of output sections. ANSI American National Standards Institute; an organization that establishes standards voluntarily followed by industries. archive library A collection of individual files grouped into a single file by the archiver. archiver A software program that collects several individual files into a single file called an archive library. With the archiver, you can add, delete, extract, or replace members of the archive library. assembler A software program that creates a machine-language program from a source file that contains assembly language instructions, directives, and macro definitions. The assembler substitutes absolute operation codes for symbolic operation codes and absolute or relocatable addresses for symbolic addresses. assignment statement A statement that initializes a variable with a value. autoinitialization The process of initializing global C variables (contained in the .cinit section) before program execution begins. autoinitialization at run time An autoinitialization method used by the linker when linking C code. The linker uses this method when you invoke it with the --rom_model link option. The linker loads the .cinit section of data tables into memory, and variables are initialized at run time. big endian An addressing protocol in which bytes are numbered from left to right within a word. More significant bytes in a word have lower numbered addresses. Endian ordering is hardware-specific and is determined at reset. See also little endian BIS Bit instruction set. block A set of statements that are grouped together within braces and treated as an entity. .bss section One of the default object file sections. You use the assembler .bss directive to reserve a specified amount of space in the memory map that you can use later for storing data. The .bss section is uninitialized.
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Copyright 2012, Texas Instruments Incorporated
Appendix A
byte Per ANSI/ISO C, the smallest addressable unit that can hold a character. C/C++ compiler A software program that translates C source statements into assembly language source statements. code generator A compiler tool that takes the file produced by the parser or the optimizer and produces an assembly language source file. COFF Common object file format; a system of object files configured according to a standard developed by AT&T. These files are relocatable in memory space. command file A file that contains options, filenames, directives, or commands for the linker or hex conversion utility. comment A source statement (or portion of a source statement) that documents or improves readability of a source file. Comments are not compiled, assembled, or linked; they have no effect on the object file. compiler program A utility that lets you compile, assemble, and optionally link in one step. The compiler runs one or more source modules through the compiler (including the parser, optimizer, and code generator), the assembler, and the linker. configured memory Memory that the linker has specified for allocation. constant A type whose value cannot change. cross-reference listing An output file created by the assembler that lists the symbols that were defined, what line they were defined on, which lines referenced them, and their final values. .data section One of the default object file sections. The .data section is an initialized section that contains initialized data. You can use the .data directive to assemble code into the .data section. direct call A function call where one function calls another using the function's name. directives Special-purpose commands that control the actions and functions of a software tool (as opposed to assembly language instructions, which control the actions of a device). disambiguation See alias disambiguation dynamic memory allocation A technique used by several functions (such as malloc, calloc, and realloc) to dynamically allocate memory for variables at run time. This is accomplished by defining a large memory pool (heap) and using the functions to allocate memory from the heap. ELF Executable and Linkable Format; a system of object files configured according to the System V Application Binary Interface specification. emulator A hardware development system that duplicates the MSP430 operation. entry point A point in target memory where execution starts. environment variable A system symbol that you define and assign to a string. Environmental variables are often included in Windows batch files or UNIX shell scripts such as .cshrc or .profile. epilog The portion of code in a function that restores the stack and returns. executable object file A linked, executable object file that is downloaded and executed on a target system. expression A constant, a symbol, or a series of constants and symbols separated by arithmetic operators. external symbol A symbol that is used in the current program module but defined or declared in a different program module.
Appendix A
file-level optimization A level of optimization where the compiler uses the information that it has about the entire file to optimize your code (as opposed to program-level optimization, where the compiler uses information that it has about the entire program to optimize your code). function inlining The process of inserting code for a function at the point of call. This saves the overhead of a function call and allows the optimizer to optimize the function in the context of the surrounding code. global symbol A symbol that is either defined in the current module and accessed in another, or accessed in the current module but defined in another. high-level language debugging The ability of a compiler to retain symbolic and high-level language information (such as type and function definitions) so that a debugging tool can use this information. indirect call A function call where one function calls another function by giving the address of the called function. initialization at load time An autoinitialization method used by the linker when linking C/C++ code. The linker uses this method when you invoke it with the --ram_model link option. This method initializes variables at load time instead of run time. initialized section A section from an object file that will be linked into an executable object file. input section A section from an object file that will be linked into an executable object file. integrated preprocessor A C/C++ preprocessor that is merged with the parser, allowing for faster compilation. Stand-alone preprocessing or preprocessed listing is also available. interlist feature A feature that inserts as comments your original C/C++ source statements into the assembly language output from the assembler. The C/C++ statements are inserted next to the equivalent assembly instructions. intrinsics Operators that are used like functions and produce assembly language code that would otherwise be inexpressible in C, or would take greater time and effort to code. ISO International Organization for Standardization; a worldwide federation of national standards bodies, which establishes international standards voluntarily followed by industries. K&R C Kernighan and Ritchie C, the de facto standard as defined in the first edition of The C Programming Language (K&R). Most K&R C programs written for earlier, non-ISO C compilers should correctly compile and run without modification. label A symbol that begins in column 1 of an assembler source statement and corresponds to the address of that statement. A label is the only assembler statement that can begin in column 1. linker A software program that combines object files to form an executable object file that can be allocated into system memory and executed by the device. listing file An output file, created by the assembler, that lists source statements, their line numbers, and their effects on the section program counter (SPC). little endian An addressing protocol in which bytes are numbered from right to left within a word. More significant bytes in a word have higher numbered addresses. Endian ordering is hardware-specific and is determined at reset. See also big endian loader A device that places an executable object file into system memory. loop unrolling An optimization that expands small loops so that each iteration of the loop appears in your code. Although loop unrolling increases code size, it can improve the performance of your code. macro A user-defined routine that can be used as an instruction. macro call The process of invoking a macro.
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macro definition A block of source statements that define the name and the code that make up a macro. macro expansion The process of inserting source statements into your code in place of a macro call. map file An output file, created by the linker, that shows the memory configuration, section composition, section allocation, symbol definitions and the addresses at which the symbols were defined for your program. memory map A map of target system memory space that is partitioned into functional blocks. name mangling A compiler-specific feature that encodes a function name with information regarding the function's arguments return types. object file An assembled or linked file that contains machine-language object code. object library An archive library made up of individual object files. operand An argument of an assembly language instruction, assembler directive, or macro directive that supplies information to the operation performed by the instruction or directive. optimizer A software tool that improves the execution speed and reduces the size of C programs. options Command-line parameters that allow you to request additional or specific functions when you invoke a software tool. output section A final, allocated section in a linked, executable module. parser A software tool that reads the source file, performs preprocessing functions, checks the syntax, and produces an intermediate file used as input for the optimizer or code generator. partitioning The process of assigning a data path to each instruction. pipelining A technique where a second instruction begins executing before the first instruction has been completed. You can have several instructions in the pipeline, each at a different processing stage.,filter4,filter5,filter7 pop An operation that retrieves a data object from a stack. pragma A preprocessor directive that provides directions to the compiler about how to treat a particular statement. preprocessor A software tool that interprets macro definitions, expands macros, interprets header files, interprets conditional compilation, and acts upon preprocessor directives. program-level optimization An aggressive level of optimization where all of the source files are compiled into one intermediate file. Because the compiler can see the entire program, several optimizations are performed with program-level optimization that are rarely applied during file-level optimization. prolog The portion of code in a function that sets up the stack. push An operation that places a data object on a stack for temporary storage. quiet run An option that suppresses the normal banner and the progress information. raw data Executable code or initialized data in an output section. relocation A process in which the linker adjusts all the references to a symbol when the symbol's address changes. run-time environment The run time parameters in which your program must function. These parameters are defined by the memory and register conventions, stack organization, function call conventions, and system initialization.
Appendix A
run-time-support functions Standard ISO functions that perform tasks that are not part of the C language (such as memory allocation, string conversion, and string searches). run-time-support library A library file, rts.src, that contains the source for the run time-support functions. section A relocatable block of code or data that ultimately will be contiguous with other sections in the memory map. sign extend A process that fills the unused MSBs of a value with the value's sign bit. simulator A software development system that simulates MSP430 operation. source file A file that contains C/C++ code or assembly language code that is compiled or assembled to form an object file. stand-alone preprocessor A software tool that expands macros, #include files, and conditional compilation as an independent program. It also performs integrated preprocessing, which includes parsing of instructions. static variable A variable whose scope is confined to a function or a program. The values of static variables are not discarded when the function or program is exited; their previous value is resumed when the function or program is reentered. storage class An entry in the symbol table that indicates how to access a symbol. string table A table that stores symbol names that are longer than eight characters (symbol names of eight characters or longer cannot be stored in the symbol table; instead they are stored in the string table). The name portion of the symbol's entry points to the location of the string in the string table. structure A collection of one or more variables grouped together under a single name. subsection A relocatable block of code or data that ultimately will occupy continuous space in the memory map. Subsections are smaller sections within larger sections. Subsections give you tighter control of the memory map. symbol A string of alphanumeric characters that represents an address or a value. symbolic debugging The ability of a software tool to retain symbolic information that can be used by a debugging tool such as a simulator or an emulator. target system The system on which the object code you have developed is executed. .text section One of the default object file sections. The .text section is initialized and contains executable code. You can use the .text directive to assemble code into the .text section. trigraph sequence A 3-character sequence that has a meaning (as defined by the ISO 646-1983 Invariant Code Set). These characters cannot be represented in the C character set and are expanded to one character. For example, the trigraph ??' is expanded to ^. unconfigured memory Memory that is not defined as part of the memory map and cannot be loaded with code or data. uninitialized section A object file section that reserves space in the memory map but that has no actual contents. These sections are built with the .bss and .usect directives. unsigned value A value that is treated as a nonnegative number, regardless of its actual sign. variable A symbol representing a quantity that can assume any of a set of values. word A 16-bit addressable location in target memory
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