MR Questionnaire

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1. Gender: o Male o Female 2. Ages: o 12- 19 years o 20- 29 years o 30- 39 years o 40- 49 years o above 49 years3. 3.

How often do you drink soft drinks in a week? o 1-3 times o 4-6 times a week o 7-9 times o more than 9 4. What is your brand preference? o Coca Cola o Sprite o Pepsi o Others 5. Advertising play an important role in selecting a brand o Strongly Agree o Agree o Neutral o Disagree o Strongly Disagree .

6. Brand personality may influence you to choose a brand o Strongly Agree o Agree o Neutral o Disagree o Strongly Disagree 7. Sales promotion can attract your attention towards a particular brand o Strongly Agree o Agree o Neutral o Disagree o Strongly Disagree 8. Price can be an important factor in selecting a brand o Strongly Agree o Agree o Neutral o Disagree o Strongly Disagree 9. Increase in price can influence you to change your preferred brand o Strongly Agree o Agree o Neutral o Disagree o Strongly Disagree 10. Colorful packaging attracts you to taste a new band o Strongly Agree o Agree o Neutral o Disagree o StronglyDisagree 11. Packaging should contain product information ( Ingredients, manufacturing & expiring dates) o Strongly Agree o Agree o Neutral o Disagree o Strongly Disagree 12. You will stay with your prefer brand even if the color changes. o Strongly Agree o Agree o Neutral

o Disagree o Strongly Disagree 13. Taste is the important factor in creating brand loyalty. o Strongly Agree o Agree o Neutral o Disagree o Strongly Disagree 14. If a soft drink brand come up with a new flavor that will gain o Strongly Agree o Agree o Neutral o Disagree o Strongly Disagree 15. Lack of distribution efficiency can create dissatisfaction towards yourpreferred brand. o Strongly Agree o Agree o Neutral o Disagree o Strongly Disagree

1. Which brands of soft drinks are you aware of? o Pepsi [ ] o Thums Up [ ] o Coke [ ] o Mirinda [ ] o Maaza [ ] o 7 UP [ ] o Sprite [ ] o All [ ] 2. Which brand of soft drink you have consumed the most? o Pepsi [ ] o Thums Up [ ] o Coke [ ] o Mirinda [ ] o Maaza [ ] o 7 UP [ ] o Sprite [ ] 3. What attributes and factors influence your purchase of softdrinks? (Order of Preference). o Availability [ ] o Price [ ] o Taste [ ] o Advertisement [ ] o Flavor [ ] 4. How do you rate the preferred brand of soft drink? o Excellent [ ] o Very Good [ ] o Good [ ] 5. How often do you consume soft drinks? o Daily [ ] o Thrice a week [ ] o Weekly [ ] o Occasionally [ ] o Seasonally [ ] 6. Do you shift from one brand to another brand? o Yes [ ] o No [ ] If Yes, state the reason: a) Due to non-availability of your regular brand [ ] b) Due to non-availability of chilled drink [ ]

c) For tasting different flavors [ ] d) Influenced by friends [ ] e) Other Reasons 7. Which is the package that you prefer most? o 200ml [ ] o 300ml [ ] o 500ml [ ] 1 Litre [ ] o 1.5 Litre [ ]2 Litre [ ] o Tins [ ] o Tetra Pack [ ] o Fountain Glass [ ]. 8. How do you rate the present price of soft drinks? o High [ ] o Reasonable [ ] o Low [ ]. 9. Rank the media in the order of effectiveness for advertisingof soft drinks o Newspapers [ ] o Television [ ] o Magazines [ ] o Hoardings [ ] o Posters [ ] o Glow Sign Boards [ ] 10. What appeals to you in the advertisement of thepreferred brand? o Model/Celebrity is good [ ] o Slogan is good [ ] o Theme of concept is good [ ] o Sponsored event is good [ ] o Execution (Photography/still) is good [ ] 11. Do you think the present slogans are impressive? o Yes [ ] o No [ ]
If Yes, which of the following o PEPSI o COKE o THUMS UP o MIRINDA o SPRITE o MAAZA o 7 UP Yeh Dil Mange More Aahaa! Jo Chahe Ho Jaye Coca Cola Enjoy! Taste the Thunder Zor Ka Jhatka Dheere Se Lage Dikhavon pe na jao, apni akal lagao Taaza Mango, Maaza Mango Cool, Light & Easy [] [] [] [] [] [] []

QUESTIONNAIRE on Soft Drinks Dear Sir / Madam:

This questionnaire is part of a market study being conducted by me. The aim of the study is to analyze the strategies adopted by Lifebuoy in the various stages of its lifecycle. Any information provided would be used only for academic purpose and kept confidential. 1. Name: 2. Age: 3. Occupation: 4. Do you drink Soft Drinks ? Yes / No 5. If yes, which Soft Drinks ? 6. Carbonated Drinks / Fruit Drinks 7. Which fruit Drinks u like most ? MAZZA SLICE FROOTI REAL TROPICANA 8. Do u know Frooti is available in many flavour ? Yes /No 9. If yes what are they? Mango Green mango flavour Other . 10. Should Frooti come in other flavour ? Yes/ No 11. If yes , which flavour ?

Orange Apine apple Grape Other 12. Is Frooti a health drinks ? Yes/ No 13. Is Frooti a child drink ? Yes /No 14. Is Frooti readily available ? 15. Do you think advertising influence you to drink Frooti ? Yes/No 16.Which drink give you more value ? Frooti Mazza Slice Real Tropicana Jumping 17. Do you know Frooti is available in many packages ? Yes/ No Pet bottle Glass bottle Tetra pack 18.Which packages do u prefer most ? Pet bottle Glass bottle Tetra pack 19. Do you know Frooti is available in many quantity?

65 ml 200 ml 500 ml

1000 ml

20. Which quantity do you prefer most? 65 ml 200 ml

500 ml 1000 ml 21.What is your opinion of the brand? Excellent Good Fair

Poor 22. What is your monthly consumption? 23. Would you visit another store X, if you do not find it at your store? 24. Any recommendation , suggestion , you want to give for Frooti for betterment of product .

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