Experimental Summary
A survey of monihybrid and dihybrid corncobs is taken to see if the ratio of traits coincides and supports Mendel's genetic theories.
After counting and tallying the different traits of the monohybrid and dihybrid corncobs, the ratio will closely match Mendel's genetic theories.
Monohybrid Corncob Dihybrid Corncob Dry-erase Marker
Methods Monohybrid Corncob Analysis 1. Obtain a monohybrid corncob. 2. Count the different phenotyoes of kernels. 3. Calculate the ratio of dominant phenotype to recessive. Dihybrid Corncob Analysis 1. Obtain a dihybrid corncob. 2. Count the different phenotyoes of kernels. 3. Calculate the ratio of dominant phenotype to recessive.
Dihybrid Corncob
Discussion After conducting the survey of the monohybrid corncob, the result of a 3.7:1 round(dominant) to wrinkled(recessive) kernels ratio closely matched Mendel's 3:1 dominant to recessive ratio. After conducting the survey of the dihybrid corncob, the result of the 5.3:2.7:1.5:1 round/black(dominant/dominant) to round/yellow(dominant/recessive) to wrinkled/black(recessive/dominant) to wrinkled/yellow (recessive/recessive) also closely matches Mendel's 9:3:3:1 ratio. A stray from the actual ratio could be due to the tape covering some rows of the corncob which led to a smaller count of the actual kernels on the cob.