Enroute To Global Occupation

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A High Ranking Government Liaison

Exposes the Secret Agenda

for World Unification
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En Route to
Huntington House Publishers
Copyright 1992
All rights reserved. No part of this book may be reproduced
without permission from the publisher, except by a reviewer
who may quote brief passages in a review; nor may any part of
this book be reproduced, stored in a retrieval system or copied
by mechanical, photocopying, recording or other means,
without permission from the publisher.
Huntington House Publishers
P.O. Box 53788
Lafayette, Louisiana 70505
Ubrary of Congress Card Catalog Number
ISBN (}910311-97-8
Unless otherwise indicated all Scripture quotations are taken from
the New International Version, 1978 by New York International
Bible Society and published by Zondervan Corp.
To the memory of my mother-in-law, Marcella Uechty, who
went to be with the Lord during the writing of this book. It was
her godly example and steadfast encouragement that helped
me to keep writing when times were difficult Her prayers and
heartfelt desire for people to know jesus Christ as Lord live on
with this book.
Chapter !-Global Economics
Chapter 2-Global Politics
Part 1
Chapter 3-America's Shadow Government 51
Chapter 4-The New Age Movement 66
Chapter 5-Freemasonry-The Hidden Catalyst 87
Chapter 6-The Secret Teachings of the New World Order 120
Chapter 7-The Coming World Crisis 141
Part 2
World Constitution and Parliament Association Exhibits 164
Notes 214
During the early 1980s, I was on the fast track of a successful
government career, which took me around the world dealing with
American embassies, foreign government officials, international busi-
ness leaders, and, at times, members of the press and media. It was
in many respects the perfect job, the kind that most people only dream
of having. The last thing I ever thought I'd do was to research and
write a book on the seemingly obscure subject of globalism and the
occult But I now realize that God had different plans.
Through my travels lind job-related contacts, I became aware
of plans being laid worldwide for the establishment of a one-world
government, most frequently referred to by insiders as the New World
Order. Most of my insights were gained over a three year period as a
result of several experiences. Had I learned about this information
from someone on the streets, I probably would have dismissed it as
nonsense. However, because of the circumstances surrounding my
experiences and the caliber of people through whom I learned of these
things, I had no choice but to take the information seriously.
Each trip, it seemed, provided a new insight or discovery, tak-
ing me further and further into a New World Order plot Whenever
a deception or contradiction was brought to my attention, I would
begin to look into the matter for myself in search of the truth-I am
by nature a curious person who likes to get to the bottom of things.
My investigation ultimately extended around the world, from
Taiwan to Israel to the Soviet Union. In the meantime, I also became
aware of preparations being made for the New World Order here in
the United States. I soon realized that this movement was not only
economic in nature, but also contained a political dimension, and
indeed, a spiritual motivation. I found the inter>nnections between
the three to be extensive.
Unless one is already aware of the far-reaching influence of
occult societies in global politics and corporate boardrooms, one might
find much of this information difficult to believe. However, more than
ten thousand hours of research have led me to conclude that we are
rapidly being pushed toward a one-world government by powerful
Luciferic forces rooted in age-old secret societies.
Introduction 7
These forces, incredibly evil in intent, fully expect to accomplish
their mission during the 1990s. I myself have had a rare glimpse into
the forming of the world government by being involved in an orga-
nization participating in this effort One of these organizations is the
the World Constitution and Parliament Association (WCPA) whose
plans and documents have been reproduced in the exhibits in Part
Two of this book. This material should serve as ample evidence that
the drive to create a one-world government is for real. Only a few
thousand people currently know about the WCPA. However, this will
soon change.
The WCPA's efforts have become increasingly blatant in recent
months as it is preparing to launch its public campaign. Unless this
book reaches significant numbers of people quickly, the organization
could soon be operating out in the open. Its campaign will be ex-
tremely deceptive and will receive the full support of unsuspecting
people throughout the world.
Although Bush, Gorbachev, De Cuellar, and various members
of Congress have openly been talking about the "New World Order,"
none of these leaders has dared to explain the true meaning of the
term. This is because the public would try to stop them if they un-
derstood what it really meant Secrecy has been crucial to the progress
of the plan. By communicating in their own esoteric language, insid-
ers hope to be able to further their plan with little resistance, to the
point where it will soon be impossible to stop.
I have chosen to release this message at this time because of
my belief that the New World Order is drawing near. I have taken
this stand at a considerable risk to myself and my family. It is my
prayer that those reading this book would spread the message ~
quickly as possible while there is still time to effectively expose thts
satanic deception.
As the present age draws to a close, it is important for us to be
apprised of the relentless strategies employed by the prince of this
world to bring humanity under his rule. Only if we are adequately
informed and prepared can we effectively carry out God's plan dur-
ing the time that remains. This book will help equip you with the
knowledge and spiritual discernment needed both for the present and
for the days ahead.
Part 1
The Emerging World
Why do the nations rage and the peoples plot in vain? The kings of
the earth take their stand and the rulers gather together against
the Lord and against his Anointed One.
Psalm 2:1-2
Chapter 1
Global Economics
It all began one day when my department received an invita-
tion from an international corporation to tour their plant We were
informed that they were preparing to announce a major expansion
and wanted us to become familiar with their operation. My guess is
that the company was laying the groundwork to approach the gov-
ernment for some financial assistance for their expansion.
Two of us went as representatives of our department to meet
with these corporate officials, along with members of a U.S. senator's
office and the mayor's office.
After receiving an impressive tour of the facility, one of the
members in our group asked why the firm was planning such a ma-
jor expansion. The corporate official in charge of the tour replied,
"We are one of three companies being considered by the U.S. Trea-
sury Department to build the printing presses that will be printing
the new U.S. currency."
We all looked at each other as if to say, "What new U.S. cur-
rency?" But no one said anything. Here we were, all of us government
officials learning about the planned new currency through the grape-
vine from a private non-governmental source. The corporate official,
when probed about the matter, claimed he didn't know much beyond
Global Economics 9
what he had already told us. However, as I returned to my office, I
couldn't help but wonder what this was really all about
Over the next few weeks I spent my free time investigating the
new currency and the purpose behind it I discovered that other people
were asking questions as well. One of those individuals was Congress-
man Ron Paul of Texas who served on the congressional committee
dealing with the Treasury Department on this matter.
To make a long story short, I learned that the plans to issue a
new currency were international in scope; at least a dozen major
countries were also planning to come out with new money. They in-
cluded Switzerland, the United Kingdom, japan, Canada, France, Ger-
many, Australia, Brazil, and others.
I did some more digging and discovered that several countries
had already issued new currencies in various denominations. Most of
these currencies had two things in common-they had bare spots about
the size of a fifty-cent piece, usually on the left-hand side of the bill;
and they contained metallic strips, enabling special devices to detect
the currencies as they passed through airports or across international
boundaries. (Some of these currencies are pictured on the following
If the currencies are held over a light, a three-dimensional im-
age (or hologram) becomes apparent in the area of the blank spot.
The images, barely visible to the naked eye, are always of prominent
world figures and cannot be reproduced on copiers. The effort was
clearly being internationally coordinated. Rumor had it that the cur-
rencies might later receive a common image linking them together
in an international monetary system.
Several years have passed since I first learned about the pro-
posed new currency; for some unknown reason the issuance of new
money has been delayed. Based on my information, if we were to
enter into a world government within the near future, the next step
from a monetary standpoint would still include the establishment of
an international currency system. However, because of the rapid ad-
vances in electronic banking technology and the proven willingness
of consumers to quickly adapt to these changes, the chances of by-
passing the next step entirely and going directly to an electronic (cash-
less) system are increasing. If the powers-that-be perceive the public
to be prepared for such a move, I believe they wouldn't hesitate to
make this jump all at once, in spite of the large investment that has
already been made toward the new currency.
If this were to be the case, the main focus of international fi-
nance would shift toward promoting the debit cards,.which are already
Bank of England 5 pound note (reduced)
I 705686
\ ~ J l m 1 N
Banque de France 20 franc note (reduced)
I " (.0
j l'
Australian 10 doUar note (reduced)
German 10 deutschemark note (reduced)
En Route to Global Occupation
gaining acceptance rapidly because of their convenience. To make a
purchase your card is passed through a scanning device. After mak-
ing a po;itive identification your bank account is automatically deb-
ited. The willingness of consumers to accept a single card for world-
wide use is already being tested by the credit card and telecommuni-
cations industries-by now, most people have seen AT&Ts intriguing
television commercial, "One World ... One Card."
Once the debit card has become widely accepted, everything
would be in place for the next and final step, which would be to force
each individual to be tagged with a personal identification code with-
out which he would be unable to buy or sell. The technology for such
a worldwide electronic system is already in place, and experiments
with such a mark have been conducted in several countries.
Other developments are underway as well. In the not too dis-
tant future, products on our grocery shelves may become labelled with
an invisible bar code. The Universal Product Code (UPC), which many
have complained is an eye sore on product packaging, will still be
there. However, only the scanner will be able to read it Once this
transition to an invisible code begins to take place, it will only be a
matter of time before humans are tattooed with a similar mark.
It is not unrealistic to expect this process to come to fruition
during the 1990s or the first part of the next century. If globalists
have their way, such a system could be operational as soon as 1994.
While looking into these global financial developments, I dis-
covered that our money was controlled by just a few people devoted
to the cause of world government
Recently passed interstate banking laws have made this central-
ization possible by allowing big banks to swallow up smaller banks
at an alarming rate. Over a twelve state region stretching from New
England to the Carolinas, for example, three New York super-banks
now control over 85 percent of the banking assets.
Small local banks were first bought out by larger in-state. Big-
ger regional banks then purchased these large state banks. Once this
process had been completed, the regional banks were merged with
the New York super-banks in unprecedented acquisitions until a few
banks controlled nearly everything. This all happened during the late
1970s and early 80s. This same process is now being repeated
throughout the rest of the country.
Little did I know at this point that I was still only scratching
the surface on these matters. I would soon discover that the same
forces behind the big bank mergers already controlled the American
banking industry indirectly via the Federal Reserve System. This has
Global Economics
been the case ever since the Fed's establishment in 1913. Contrary
to public belief, the Federal Reserve is not a government institution.
It is a privately held corporation owned by stockholders. Until a few
years ago, however, the names of those who owned the Federal Re-
serve was one of the best kept secrets of international finance due
to a proviso on passage of the Federal Reserve Act agreeing that the
identities of the Fed's Class A stockholders not be revealed.
Mr. RE. McMaster, the publisher of a financial newsletter called
"The Reaper," was able to determine who the Fed's principal owners
were through his Swiss and Saudi Arabian contacts. According to
McMaster, the top eight stockholders are Rothschild Banks of London
and Berlin; Lazard Brothers Banks of Paris; Israel Moses Self Banks
of Italy; Warburg Bank of Hamburg and Amsterdam; Lehman Broth-
ers Bank of New York; Kuhn, Loeb Bank of New York; Chase Manhat-
tan BankofNewYork; and Goldman, Sachs BankofNewYork. These
interests own the Federal Reserve System through approximately
three hundred stockholders, all of whom are known to each other
and are sometimes related to one another.
A great deal of big bank maneuvering and deception surrounded
the passage of the Federal Reserve Act The original proposal calling
for a central bank operated by private interests was presented by
Senator Nelson Aldrich (the maternal grandfather of today's
Rockefeller brothers) under the Aldrich Bill. Congress, however, see-
ing through the hidden motives of those sponsoring the bill and aware .-
of the unconstitutionality of such a system, voted the bill down with ::::-..
strong backing from the small bank lobby. A short time later, how-
ever, the same bill with only a few minor modifications was reintr<>-
duced under a different name and passed as the Federal Reserve Act
(officially, the Owen-Glass Act).
Those who had led the congressional opposition to the Aldrich
Bill felt that the battle had been won and were guilty of letting their
guard down. Many of these individuals had already left for the Christ-
mas holidays when the bill was reintroduced and rammed through
Congress on 23 December 1913.
Because of the way in which the Federal Reserve System was
designed by its founders, whoever controls the Federal Reserve Bank
of New York essentially controls the system. For all practical purposes
the Federal Reserve Bank of New York "is" the Federal Reserve. Cur-
Article 1, Section 8 of the U.S. Constitution prohibits private Interests from
Issuing money or regulating the value thereof. This power belongs only to
Congress. Thus, according to our Constitution, the Federal Reserve System Is an
illegal enterprise.
En Route to Global Occupation
rently, more than ninety of the one hundred largest banks in the
United States are located within this district
Class A stockholders control the system by owning the stock
of the largest member banks in the New York Federal Reserve Bank.
The controlling interest is held by fewer than a dozen international
banking establishments, only four of which are based in the United
States. The rest of the interests are European, with the most influen-
tial of these being the Rothschild family of London. Each of the Ameri-
can interests are in some way connected to this family. Included
among these are the Rockefellers who are by far the most powerful
of the Fed's American stockholders. (The Rockefeller's holdings in the
Federal Reserve are primarily through Chase Manhattan Bank.)
The Rothschild family, I would later discover, has been allied
with the Masonic Order (Freemasonry) since the late 1700s. At that
time they were still a relatively small, although ambitious, banking
concern based in Frankfurt, Germany. By cooperating with the secret
societies, however, the Rothschilds would be able to expand their
banking operations into other European countries, benefiting from
the extensive international business and political contacts of Freema-
sonry, which was already well established throughout the continent
Freemasonry, on the other hand, needed money to finance its efforts
to build a New World Order, and the Rothschilds would be able to
provide such funds. Thus, each party would benefit from the other.
By the 1820s, the Rothschilds had become the dominant bank-
ing family of Europe, controlling the fastest growing banking houses
in France, England, Austria, Italy, and Germany. Operations in these
countries were overseen by the five Rothschild brothers, each of
whom controlled a different country. Those bankers who allied them-
selves with the Rothschilds and the Masonic Order became wealthy
in their own right Those who didn't would find the going tough.
During the late 1800s, the Rothschilds began to finance vari-
ous American industrialists as well. They would do so primarily
through the Warburgs of Germany who were partners in Kuhn, Loeb,
and company of New York. In this fashion, Rothschild/Masonic inter-
ests would gain a foothold in the administration of this country's fi.
nances. Both the Warburgs and Kuhn Loeb would later become prin-
cipal stockholders in the Federal Reserve-with Paul Warburg becom-
ing the first chairman of the Federal Reserve Board.
J.P. Morgan, the famous banker, was a major ally of the New World Order as weU.
Ills family had a long history of supporting globalism stretching all the way back
to Alexander Hamilton, who was the fttSt U.S. Treasury Secretary and Morgan's
distant relative. J
Global Economics 15
Through their U.S. and European agents, the Rothschilds would
go on to finance the Rockefeller Standard Oil dynasty, the Carnegie
steel empire, as well as the Harriman railroad system. The
Rockefellers, who later became intermarried with the Carnegies,
would go on to finance many of America's leading capitalists through
Chase Manhattan and Citibank, both of which have long been
Rockefeller family banks. Many of these capitalist families would also
become intermarried with the Rockefellers so that by 1937 one could
trace "an almost unbroken line of biological relationships from the
Rockefellers through one-half of the wealthiest sixty families in the
OWing much of their wealth to the Rockefellers, these families
have become loyal allies of "the family." The Rockefellers, on the other
hand, owing their colossal fortune to the Rothschilds, have for the
most part remained loyal to them and their European interests. As a
result of this chain, much of America's corporate wealth is ultimately
traceable to the old money of Europe and the one-world interests of
By 1890, Standard Oil of Ohio, owned by john D. Rockefeller,
was refining 90 percent of aU crude oil in the United States and had
already begun its international expansion.
Although J.D. and his fam-
ily were the subject of repeated congressional investigations because
of antitrust violations and alleged conspiracy, the investigations had
little effect on the family's progress. They always managed to stay a
step or two ahead of the federal government
In 1911, for example, the Supreme Court ruled that Standard
Oil of New jersey was in violation of the Sherman Anti-Trust Law.
The holding company was thereupon dissolved and its shares distrib-
uted among thirty-three companies in an attempt to break up the mo-
nopoly. However, it soon became evident that aU of the new compa-
nies were owned by the same people Oohn D. Rockefeller had 25 per-
cent of the stock in each of the firms) "and that there wasn't a shred
of competition among any of them."' Offshoots of the original Stan-
dard Oil Trust included Standard Oil of New Jersey (today Exxon),
Standard Oil of New York (today Mobil), Standard Oil of California,
Standard Oil of Indiana, Standard Oil of Ohio (Sohio ), Marathon,
Phillips 66, and Chevron.
In 1966, as a result of congressional investigations headed by
By the 1970s, the Rockefeller-controiJed banks, which by this time included
Chemical Bank, accounted for about 25 percent of all the assets of the fifty largest
commercial banks in the country and for about 30 percent of all the assets of the
fifty largest life insurance companies.'
En Route to Global Occupation
Representative Wright Patman of Texas, it was discovered that four
of the world's seven largest oil companies were under the control of
the Rockefeller famlly.
According to an earlier New York Times re-
port, the largest of these, Standard Oil of New jersey (Exxon) alone
controlled 321 other companies, including Humble Oil and
Venezuela's Creole Petroleum, themselves among the largest corpo-
rations in the world.
By 1975, the Rockefellers had gained control
of the single largest block of stock in Atlantic Richfield (ARCO) and
were believed to be in control of Texaco as well.
It was also discov-
ered that the Rockefellers were operating major joint ventures with
Royal Dutch Shell, which was already in the hands of European one-
world interests.
Ever since the founding of the Federal Reserve System, consis-
tent efforts have been made by conservative congressional leaders
to put a stop to the Fed and the forces behind it, with each decade
producing at least one valiant attempt to expose the conspiracy. Con-
gressman Charles Lindbergh, Sr., father of the famous aviator, was
among those who fought the passage of the Act and later conducted
an investigation into the cartel. His life was made difficult as a re-
At the time the Federal Reserve Act was passed, Lindbergh
This Act establishes the most gigantic trust on earth.
When the President [Wilson] signs this bill the invisible
government of the Monetary Power will be legaJ.
ized ... the worst legislative crime of the ages is perpe-
trated by this banking and currency bill.
Undbergh's efforts to expose the plot were followed by those
of Congressman Louis T. McFadden who chaired the House Banking
and Currency Committee for ten years during the 1920s and 30s.
Three attempts were made on his life. First, he was shot at in Wash-
ington, DC. Then his food was poisoned. The third attempt was un-
fortunately successful. His mysterious death occurred while on a visit
to New York City. The cause of death on his death certificate was given
as "heart failure," although it was widely believed that he had been
During the 1950s, Congressman Carroll Reece of Tennessee
headed what became known as the Reece Committee, which con-
ducted a thorough investigation of the major t a x ~ x e m p t foundations
linked to the international money cartel. The investigation centered
on those foundations and trusts controlled by the Rockefellers, Fords,
and Camegies, as well as the Guggenheim foundations. The findings
Global Economics 17
regarding the wealth and power of these institutions were so over-
whelming that many in Congress found the information difficult to
During the 1960s and early 1970s, Congressman Wright Patman
of Texas would also look into manipulation by foundations and the
Federal Reserve. Using his influence as Chairman of the House Bank-
ing Committee, and later, as Chairman of the Subcommittee on Do-
mestic Monetary Policy, he repeatedly tried to expose the one-world
plot by calling for audits of the Federal Reserve and even trying to
have the Federal Reserve Act repealed. However, the findings of each
of his committees, for some strange reason, were unable to attract
any attention from the media. Patman, like those who had gone be-
fore him, frequently vented his frustration over this lack of coverage.
On one occasion he stated, "Our exposes of the Federal Reserve Board
are shocking and scandalous, but they are only printed in the daily
Congressional Record, which is read by very few people."
In the 70s and 80s, Congressman Larry P. McDonald would be
the one to spearhead efforts against the New World Order. In 1976
he wrote the introduction to The Rockefo/Jer File, a book exposing
the Rockefellers' financial holdings and secret intentions. The book
revealed that the Rockefellers had as many as two hundred trusts and
foundations and that the actual number of foundations controlled by
the family might number in the thousands. Such control is possible
because Rockefeller banks, such as Chase Manhattan, have become
the trustees for many other U.S. foundations as well, possessing the
right to invest and to vote the stock of these institutions through the
bank's trust department McDonald warned the American public with
the following statement:
The RockefeUer File is not fiction. It is a compact, pow-
erful and frightening presentation of what may be the
most important story of our lifetime-the drive of the
Rockefellers and their allies to create a one-world gov-
ernment combining super<apiW.ism and Communism
under the same tent, all under their control.
For more than one hundred years, since the days when
john D. Rockefeller Sr. used every devious strategy he
could devise to create a gigantic oU monopoly, enough
books have been written about the Rockefellers to fill
a library. I have read many of them. And to my knowl-
edge, not one has dared reveal the most vital part of
the Rockefeller story: that the Rockefellers and their
allies have, for at least fifty years, been carefully follow-
ing a plan to use their economic power to gain politi-
18 En Route to Global Occupation
cal control of first America, and then the rest of the
Do I mean conspiracy? Yes I do. I am convinced there
is such a plot, international in scope, generations old in
planning, and incredibly evil in intent
McDonald's warning was written on a congressional letterhead
dated November 1975. During the years that followed, frustrated by
the media's refusal to report his findings, he began to take his mes-
sage to the streets by speaking out against these forces publicly
throughout the country. McDonald's courageous efforts, however,
came to an abrupt end on 31 August 1983 when he was killed aboard
the Korean Airlines 007 flight which "accidentally" strayed over So-
viet airspace and was "accidentally" shot down.
Media reporting on this event was scant and short-lived; and
as a result, the incident was soon forgotten. Even though his activi-
ties were widely known among the media and on Capitol Hill, not a
single mention was publicly made about the fact that McDonald had
been heading a congressional effort to expose what he called a dan-
gerous international conspiracy. Had this fact been made known to
the American people, it would have completely altered the way in
which we viewed this incident
The chance of a U.S. congressman being aboard a commercial
airliner shot down by the Soviet military is less than one in a mil-
lion. Depending on the variables entered into the equation, it may
be closer to one in a billion. Yet we are expected to believe that it
was a pure coincidence; just as we are supposed to believe that the
recent deaths of Sen. John Heinz and former Sen. John Tower in two
separate plane crashes were a coincidence as well.
Tower had been an outspoken critic of the Eastern Establish-
ment (a term frequently used by conservative lawmakers to describe
one-world interests). Although Tower had himself been associated
with various one-world organizations, he also had a strong sense of
right and wrong, particularly on matters concerning our national
security, and was known for bucking the tide. This backfired when
certain members of Congress, loyal to the one-world cause, banded
together against him in a smear campaign resulting in the denial of
Tower's confirmation as U.S. Secretary of Defense. Outraged over the
undocumented allegations made to slander his name, Tower set out
to write a book telling his side of the story. His controversial book,
which heav.ily criticizes his adversaries in Congress, was published
recently. His plane crash on 5 April1991 came shortly after the book's
Global Economics
One day earlier ( 4 April), Senator John Heinz died in a fiery
plane crash near Philadelphia. The plane's landing gear had suddenly
malfunctioned. A helicopter was sent up as a result, allegedly to check
out the gear, only to end up crashing into the plane itself. Two freak
accidents in one-first the landing gear fails, then the rescue aircraft
slams into the plane.
Heinz and Tower had both been members of a prominent one-
world society known as the Council on Foreign Relations. They had
also served on powerful Senate banking and finance committees and
knew a great deal about these matters. Could they have known too
much? Although accidents do happen, how much longer are we sup-
posed to believe that all of these are mere cointidence?
Since the earlier death of Congressman Larry McDonald, Sena-
tor Jesse Helms has led efforts to expose the plot Thus far, nothing
has happened to him. I am sure he would appreciate the prayers of
America's Christians for his safety.
The vivid remarks and statements of Senator Helms, like those
of his predecessors, have been entered into the Congressional Record
without receiving any network coverage. The only attention Helms
manages to get is in the form of public ridicule over his conservative
voting record.
During the 1960s and 70s, thanks to the efforts of Congress-
men Wright Patman, Larry McDonald, and others, the message had
begun to reach the American people. Action groups were formed by
various citizens in an urgent attempt to get this information into the
hands of the public. However, without coverage from the media, their
efforts have had only limited results, as these groups have been forced
to rely primarily on newsletters, privately published books, and
unpublicized speaking engagements to get the word out
Lt Col. Archibald Roberts is one individual who has made an
impact As Director of the Committee to Restore the Constitution, he
began testifying before state legislatures informing our elected offi-
cials at the state level about the deception surrounding the Federal
Reserve. His campaign, urging state legislatures to repeal the Federal
Reserve Act, was launched on 30 March 1971 when he testified be-
fore the Wisconsin House of Representatives. The text of Roberts'
address was subsequently entered in the Congressional Record on 19
Aprill971 (E3212-E3224) by Louisiana Congressman John Rarick.
As a result of Roberts' work, in which he was assisted by Wash-
ington State Senator Jack Metcalf and a number of supporting groups,
by the mid-1980s approximately twenty states had taken action to
pass legislation calling either for an audit of the Federal Reserve or
En Route to Global Occupation
for the repeal of the Federal Reserve Act However, there still has been
virtually no media coverage and the American public is still largely
unaware about the intense battle going on behind-the-scenes.
By the late 1980s, the battle being waged at the state level had
once again reached Congress. Representative Henry Gonzales ofTexas
introduced House Resolution 1469, calling for the abolition of the
Open Market Committee of the Federal Reserve System, and then H.R.
1470, calling for the repeal of the Federal Reserve 1913. Dur-
ing the same session, Representative Phil Crane of IllinOis introduced
H.R. 70, calling for an annual audit of the Federal Reserve. However,
all of these efforts, like those of others before them, have failed ..
It is difficult to get the public behind a legitimate cause or Is-
sue if the media refuse to cover it This coverage is necessary in or-
der to get the public to put the kind of pressure on Congress that will
lead to action. This is particularly true of a Congress in which one-
world interests now hold the upper hand.
As I continued my research, I discovered more specifics on how
one-world money was being used to influence society.
Each year billions of dollars are "earned" by Class A stockhold-
ers of the Federal Reserve. These profits come at the expense of the
U.S. government and American citizens paying interest on bank loans,
a portion of which ends up going to the Federal Reserve. Much of
this money, along with the annual profits stemming from hundreds
of corporations and banks owned by these same interests, is then fun-
neled into tax-exempt foundations where it is then re-invested into
American and foreign corporations and used to further influence our
economy. In this fashion, a small group of people apparently dedi-
cated to the establishment of world government has gained consid-
erable influence over global activity.
It is no coincidence that the forces responsible for the found-
ing of the Federal Reserve were also responsible for the passage of
laws permitting the creation of tax-exempt foundations. Private foun-
dations were intended to serve as tax shelters for the enormous
wealth generated by the international banking cartel. They have also
come in handy for the purpose of funding major think-tanks, which
influence virtually every aspect of American life.
The Reece Committee discovered the greatest influence of the
Rockefeller-Carnegie-Ford foundations to be in the areas of the so-
cial sciences, public education, and international affairs via contribu-
tions of huge sums of money to secondary or intermediary founda-
tions which then selected the ultimate recipients of grant money and
research funds. Among the secondary foundations investigated by the
Global Economics 21
Reece Committee and its legal Rene Wormser, were the Na-
tional Education Association, the john Dewey Society, the United Na-
tions Association, and the Council on Foreign Relations.
The committee's goal was to find out where the major founda-
tion money was really going. In the area of the social sciences, for
example, the committee discovered that the Rockefeller Foundation
was financing Dr. Alfred Kinsey's studies on sexual behavior through
the National Research Council. Kinsey used these funds to produce
his series of unscientific reports promoting sexual freedom (promis-
cuity).18 If you attended a college or university, there is a high prob-
ability that you took at least one class which espoused the findings
and te.achings of the Kinsey Institute, presenting them as if they were
fact I know I did!
The field of education is another area that the Rockefeller alli-
ance has attempted to dominate through its foundation money. In fact,
few, if any, of the major education associations have escaped the grasp
of these international forces. The Reece Committee found that the Na-
tional Education Association (and numerous other education organi-
zations) was producing and promoting curricula that advocated so-
cialism and globalism with the intent of preparing students for a one-
world society.
9 So extensive is foundation control over the field of
public education, an entire book could be written just on this one
However, no area has been more influenced by foundation
activity than the field of foreign affairs. The cartel has been able to
further its global agenda in this area through political think-tanks such
as the United Nations Association, the Institute of Pacific Relations,
and the Council on Foreign Relations, to name just a few. Rene
Wormser of the Reece Committee stated that the influence of the mi-
jor foundations had "reached far into government, into the
policymaking circles of Congress and into the State Department .. zo
He went on to explain how this had been accomplished.
This has been effected through the pressure of public
opinion, mobilized by the instruments of the founda
tions; through the promotion of foundation-favorites as
teachers and experts in foreign affairs; through a domi-
nation of the learned journals in international affairs;
through the frequent appointment of State Department
officials to foundation jobs; and through the frequent
appointment of foundation officials to State Department
Wormser also revealed that at least one foreign foundation was
En Route to Global Occupation
allied with the major U.S. foundations in shaping our foreign policy.
This institution originated with Cecil Rhodes, the famous British in
dustrialist and globalist. Rhodes, who was a close ally of the
Rothschllds and European Freemasonry, made his fortune in the dia-
mond mines of South Africa off the sweat and blood of black slaves.
A ruthless tyrant by nature, within a few short years during the 1870s
and 80s, he had gained control of nearly all the diamond production
in the world. Rhodes used his wealth liberally to advance the cause
of world government Following his death, his colossal fortune would
continue to be used to promote globalism through the Rhodes Schol-
arship Fund.
Wormser summarized the influence of the Rhodes Scholar Pro-
gram as follows:
Of a total of 1,372 American Rhodes scholars up to 1953,
431 held or hold positions in teaching and educational
administration (among them, 31 college presidents); 113
held government positions; 70 held positions in press
and radio; and 14 were executives in other foun-
At the time of the Reece Committee investigations, the presi-
dent of the Rockefeller Foundation, the director of the Guggenheim
Foundation, and the former president of the Carnegie Foundation
were all Rhodes Scholars.
More recently, the Nobel prize has been used in a similar fash-
ion to generate free publicity for one-world darlings. The Nobel Com-
mittee has assisted the cartel's efforts by consistently awarding a high
percentage of its prizes to people recognized for their globalistic views.
Since the time of these investigations, the influence of one-world
foundations in the areas of social science, education, and foreign policy
has only accelerated, accomplishing so much because of minimal foun-
dation-supported opposition. Since they were the ones who pushed
for the legalization of tax-6empt foundatio and were therefore the
first to establish them, they were able to get ff to a tremendous head
start Even if a sizable foundation-sponsor opposition were to de-
velop it would only be on a small seal ompared to the efforts of
the cartel's mega-foundations. The forces of evil, I believe, will always
have more power in "this world" because of the devious strategies
they are willing to employ to accumulate money and then to manipu-
late others with il
Chapter Two
Global Politics
Within months of first learning about these economic manipu-
lations, I would discover that these same forces were promoting their
agenda in the political realm as well. My first experience in this re-
gard came during a meeting with a prominent businessman in the
Far East In addition to being a leading entrepreneur, this gentleman
was also a member of the Associated Press and the head of a well-
known charitable organization. During our luncheon meeting a couple
of his country's political leaders stopped by to chat with him.
During the course of the meeting our conversation shifted to
the subject of international affairs. At one point, I shared with him
my concern over the disturbing trend I had noticed toward a central-
ized world banking system. He expressed the same concern. Appar-
ently realizing that we held similar political views, he asked me if there
was any way I could meet him again on the following evening for
dinner, adding that he had something important that he wanted to
show me. I checked my itinerary and found the following evening to
be free, so I agreed to meet with him. Little did I know the signifi-
cance of what I was about to learn.
The next day we met at my hotel for dinner, as planned. After
we had eaten, the gentleman pulled some papers out of his attache
case. Lowering his voice a bit, he began to tell me of what he believed
might be an international conspiracy to create a one-world govern-
ment The papers he held in his hands contained a list of people from
the United States who were believed to be involved in the plot He
handed the papers over to me for my examination.
The list of names read like a who's who of American leaders,
including high-level members of the government, private industry,
education, the press and media, the military, and high-finance. It in-
cluded some of the same names I had run across in my research on
the Federal Reserve and global economics. There seemed to be a
common denominator-everyone on the list was a member of either
the Council on Foreign Relations or the Trilateral Commission, with
some belonging to both organizations.
For the next few minutes we took turns filling each other in
En Route to Global Occupation
on what we already knew, which admittedly wasn't much at the time.
This information provided the tip I needed to lead me to investigate
the Council on Foreign Relations and the Trilateral Commission. Al-
though I had run across the names of these organizations before, I
had not yet made a concerted effort to look into them.
We finally wrapped up our meeting. On the way back to my
hotel room, my head pounded more than before-1 was experienc-
ing an information overload!
Had I learned of this information from someone else, I don't
know whether I would have taken it seriously. However, consider-
ing who this man was, I really had no choice but to at least consider
what he had said. Besides, when compared with the data I already
had on financial matters, it all made sense. His information supported
my own findings.
That night I didn't get much sleep. I kept wondering what all
of this meant and how it might affect my future. Why, of all people,
did this man share his information with me? Was this meeting just
another coincidence, or was God trying to get my attention?
Soon after returning to the states, I began what turned out to
be a time-consuming investigation of the Council on Foreign Relations
(CFR), the Trilateral Commission, and related organizations, all the
while continuing to gather information on global financial matters.
During the same year, I would also discover there was a spiritual side
to all of this. Soon I was spending most of my free time investigating
what I loosely referred to as the one-world movement The research
was exhausting, but I felt driven to do it; inside of me, I knew that
this was what God wanted me to do.
After nearly two years of research, I was able to piece together
a rough history of the CFR's development and influence on the United
States. I hoped to gain .an understanding of the organization's real
purpose and missi6n. This history begins with an organization known
as the Illuminati. ~
The Illuminati
The illuminati was a secret Luciferic order fou iied in Ingolstadt,
Bavaria (Germany) on 1 May 1776 by Adam..W.e aupt, a prominent
Freemason. The organization was an extension of high, or illuminized,
Freemasonry, existing as a special order withili an order. Its opera-
tions were closely connected with the powerful Grand Orient Masonic
Lodge of France. The order's name, meaning "the enlightened ones,"
signified that its members had been initiated into the secret teach-
ings of Lucifer, the supposed light-bearer or source of enlightenment,
according to the doctrines of illuminized Freemasonry.
Global Politics
The Illuminati had been designed for one purpose-to carry out
the plans of high Freemasonry to create a New World Order by gain-
ing a foothold in the key policy-making circles of European govern-
ments and attempting to influence the decisions of Europe's leaders
from within through these advisory positions.
In reference to the various governmental leaders, which the
Illuminati had targeted for subversion, Weishaupt remarked:
It Is therefore our duty to surround them with its [the
Illuminati's] members, so that the profane may have no
access to them. Thus we are able most powerfully to
promote its interests. If any person is more disposed to
listen to Princes Lltan to the Order, he is not fit for it,
and must rise no higher. We must do our utmost to
procure the advancement of Illuminati in to all impor-
tant civil offices.
By this plan we shall direct all mankind. In this man-
ner, and by the simplest means, we shall set all in mo-
tion and in flames. The occupations must be so allotted
and contrived, that we may, in secret, influence all po-
litical transactions.
For the order's strategy to succeed, its activities and the names
of its members had to remain confidential. Initiates were therefore
sworn to secrecy, taking bloody oaths describing what would happen
to them if they ever defected from the order or revealed its plans.
As another measure of security, the order's correspondence would
be conducted through the use of symbols and pen names. Weishaupt's
pseudonym, for example, was Spartacus.
The order was given a tremendous boost at the Masonic Con-
gress of Wilhelmsbad, held on 16 July 1782. This meeting "included
representatives of all the Secret Societies-Martinists as well as Free-
masons and Illuminati-which now numbered no less than three mil-
lion members all over the world."
It enabled the Illuminists to so-
lidify their control over the lodges of Europe and to become viewed
as the undisputed leaders of the one-world movement Historian Nesta
Webster observes:
What passed at this terrible Congress wlll never be
known to the outside world, for even those men who
had been drawn unwittingly into the movement, and
now heard for the first time the real designs of the lead
ers, were under oath to reveal nothing. One such hon-
est Freemason, the Comte de Vlrieu, a member of a
Martlniste lodge at Lyons, returning from the Congres
de Wilhelmsbad could not conceal his alarm, and when
En Route to Global Occupation
questioned on the tngic secrets" he had brought back
with him, replied: "I will not confide them to you. I can
only tell you that all this is very much more serious than
you think. The conspiracy which is being woven is so
well thought out that it will be, so to speak, impossible
for the Monarchy and the Church to escape from it."
From this time onwards, says his biographer, M. Costa
de Beauregard, "the Comte de Virieu could only speak
of Freemasonry with horror. "3
It was decided at the Congress that the headquarters of
illuminized Freemasonry should be moved from Bavaria to Frankfurt,
which was already becoming the stronghold of the Rothscbilds and
the international financiers.' The ensuing cooperation between the
Rothschilds and the Illuminati would prove to be mutually beneficial,
multiplying the influence of both throughout Europe.
After only about ten years in existence, the Illuminati was dis-
covered and exposed by the Bavarian government as a result of tips
received from several of the order's initiates. The leaders of Bavaria
moved quickly to confiscate the order's secret documents. These origi-
nal writings of the Illuminati were then sent to all the leaders of
Europe to warn them of the plot
However, some of these leaders
bad already fallen under the influence of the order. And those who
had not yet succumbed to the Illuminati, found its plans to be so
outrageous they didn't believe something like this possible-they re-
fused to take the warning seriously.
Disbelief remains as the single biggest factor working in
Freemasonry's favor. Decent people tend to find it difficult to believe
that there could be individuals so evil in nature as to actually try to
take control of the world on behalf of Lucifer (Satan). This sounds
like a theme more fitting of a James Bond movie than real life. How-
ever, as difficult as it may be to believe, this effort to create a Luciferic
New World Order, I discovered, was, and is, for real.
Although several members of the order were tt}timately pros-
ecuted by the Bavarian government, most of the d:iates managed
to get away and were taken in by various Eu opean leaders.
Weishaupt, for example, took up refuge wi uke of Saxe-Gotha
where he remained until his death in 1811.
By the time the Illuminati bad become exposed, its efforts bad
already spread into more than a dozen countries, including the United
States. Since 1776, at least three U.S. presidents have warned the
public of the Illuminati's activities in this country. One of those presi-
dents was George Washington.
Global Politics
I have heard much of the nefarious and dangerous plan
and doctrines of the illuminati. It was not my intention
to doubt that the doctrine of the illuminati and the prin-
ciples ofJacobinism had not spread in the United States.
Washington went on to denounce the order in two separate
letters written in 1798, and would once again warn America against
foreign influence in his farewell address. Concerned that the Ameri-
can people might fall under the sway of these corrupt powers, Wash-
ington stated:
Against the insidious wiles of foreign influence (l con-
jure you to believe me fellow citizens), the jealousy of
a free people ought to be constantly awake; since his-
tory and experience prove that foreign influence is one
of the most baneful foes of republican government But
that jealousy, to be useful, must be impartial, else it
becomes the instrument of the very influence to be
avoided, instead of a defense against it. Excessive par-
tiality for one foreign nation and excessive dislike for
another, cause those whom they actuate to see danger
only on one side, and serve to veil and even second the
arts of influence on the other. Real patriots, who may
resist the intrigues of the favorite, are Uable to become
suspected and odious; while its tools and dupes usurp
the applause and confidence of the people, to surren
der their interests.
The great rule of conduct for us, in regard to foreign na-
tions, is, in extending our commercial relations, to have
with them as Uttle political connection as possible. So
far as we have already formed engagements, let them
be fulfilled with perfect good faith. Here let us stop.9
If only America had listened to President Washington's sound
Although the lliuminati officially ceased to exist after its expo-
sure in the 1780s, the continuation of its efforts would be ensured
through the Grand Orient Lodge of France. Working through the
Grand Orient and the network of illuminized Masonic lodges already
put in place by Weishaupt, high-Freemasonry would continue with
its plans to build a New World Order.
One of the factors working in Freemasonry's favor is that it
rarely, if ever, does anything covert under its own name. In order to
advance its agenda it establishes other organizations, such as the ll-
luminati, to which it gives special assignments. This way, if anything
goes wrong and the operation gets exposed, Freemasonry remains
relatively unscathed, claiming it had nothing to do with the matter.
28 En Route to Global Occupation
Throughout the late 1700s and all of the 1800s, illuminized
Freemasonry would continue to operate in this fashion, creating new
organizations to carry out the task begun by the Jlluminati, often still
collectively referred to as the Jlluminati by some researchers.
The first major "accomplishment" of illuminized Freemasonry
was to incite the French Revolution through the }acobin Society and
Napoleon Bonaparte, who was one of their men. Jlluminized Freema-
sonry would also receive help from Voltaire, Robespierre, Danton and
Marat all of whom were prominent Masons. The }acobin Society's
and connections were revealed when it named Weishaupt
as its "Grand Pabiot "
The U.S. bad barely declared its independence when these same
European forces began efforts to bring America's young banking sys-
tem under their control Alexander Hamilton, believed by some to
have been an Jlluminist agent, was at the forefront of this drive. Presi-
dent Thomas Jefferson, keenly aware of the plot, argued:
If the American people ever allow private banks to con-
trol the issue of their currency, first by inflation and then
by deflation, the banks and the corporations that will
grow up around them, will deprive the people of all
property until their children wake up homeless on the
continent their fathers conquered.
During the mid 1800s, illuminized Freemasonry would be partly
responsible for inciting the U.S. Civil War. Charleston, South Caro-
lina, where the Successionist Movement began, also happened to be
the American headquarters of Scottish Rite Freemasonry at the time-
a little known fact which Freemasonry has successfully kept from the
public. The headquarters of the Scottish Rite were later moved to
Washington, DC, where they remain to this day.
Abraham Uncoin strongly resisted efforts by Jlluminist forces
to establish a privately controlled central bank. His foresight and
wisdom would prevent the establishment of such a syste for another
forty-eight years.
Shortly before his assassination, President Un warned:
As a result of the war, corporations have been ned
and an era of corruption in high places will follow and
the money power of the country will endeavor to pr<>-
long its reign by working on the prejudices of the people
until wealth is aggregated in the hands of a few and the
Republic is destroyed. I feel at this moment more anxi-
ety for the safety of my country than ever before, even
in the midst of war.
Global Politics 29
In 1913, the persistent efforts of illuminized Freemasonry fi-
nally paid off with the creation of the Federal Reserve System, en-
suring European Jlluminists a permanent role in America's finances,
along with giving them more money with which to further their cause.
Some of this money would eventually go toward financing the Coun-
cil on Foreign Relations whose formation was influenced by a man
named Edward Mandell House.
Colonel House, as be was called, was an Illuminist agent com-
mitted to the one-world interests of the Rothschild-Warburg-
Rockefeller serving as their point-man in the White House.*
He first gained national prominence in 1912 while working to get
Woodrow Wilson nominated as president After Wilson's election, he
became the president's most trusted personal advisor. House was to
Wilson what Henry Kissinger would later be to Richard Nixon; he was,
without question, the dominant figure in the White House, exerting
his influence particularly in the areas of banking and foreign policy.
His accomplishments as Wilson's chief advisor were many.
Among other things, be successfully persuaded Woodrow Wilson to
support and sign the Federal Reserve Act into law. Later, realizing what
he bad done, President Wilson remorsefully replied, "I have unwit-
tingly ruined my country."
During World War I, which began within a year after the Acfs
passage, House would make secret missions to Europe as Wilson's
chief foreign diplomat It didn't take long before he managed to drag
the United States into the war (April 1917). As the war came to an
end in 1918, House worked diligently to help plan the League of
Nations. Funded in part with Rockefeller money, the League was to
serve as the first political step toward the forming of a world gov-
ernment IS
President Wilson, as a result of House's would become
the leading spokesperson for the League of Nations, publicly viewed
as the League's chief architect, in spite of the fact that House was really
the one in charge.
However, much to Wilson's dismay and embarrassment, he
could not even persuade his own country to join the organization.
The American people strongly resisted this move toward globalization,
placing heavy pressure on Congress to reject the treaty, thereby keep-
ing the U.S. out of the League.
House's father, Thomas W. House, was a Rothschild agent who amassed a fortune
during the ClvU War by supplying the South with essentials from France and
En Route to Global Occupation
The non-entry of the United States into the League of Nations
represented a huge setback for Colonel House and the international-
ists. There could be no world government without the participation
of the world's leading power. The setback, however, proved to be only
temporary. The globalists would learn from this experience and would
never again underestimate the power of the American people or of
Congress. To make sure that a similar incident didn't happen again
the second time around, the cartel, working through House and his
accomplices, would establish the Council on Foreign Relations.
The Connell on Foreign Relations
The Council on Foreign Relations Handbook of 1936 provides
the following details concerning the organization's establishment
On May 30, 1919, several leading members of the del-
egations to the Paris Peace Conference met at the Ho-
tel Majestic in Paris to discuss setting up an international
group which would advise their respective governments
on international affairs. The U.S. was represented by
Gen. Tasker H. Bliss {Chief of Staff, U.S. Army), Col.
Edward M. House, Whitney H. Shepardson, Dr. James T.
Shotwell, and Prof. Archibald Coolidge. Great Britain
was unofficially represented by Lord Robert Cecil, Uonel
Curtis, Lord Eustace Percy, and Harold Temperley. It was
decided at this meeting to call the proposed organiza-
tion the Institute of International Affairs. At a meeting
on June 5, 1919, the planners decided it would be best
to have separate organizations cooperating with each
other. Consequently, they organized the Council on
Foreign Relations, with headquarters in New York, and
a sister organization, the Royal Institute of International
Affairs, in London, also known as the Chatham House
Study Group, to advise the British Government A sub-
sidiary organization, the Institute of Pacific Relations,
was set up to deal exclusively with Far Eastern airs.
Other organizations were set up in Paris and
Hamburg, the Hamburg branch being called the titut
fur Auswartige Politik, and the Paris br h being
known as Centre d'Etudes de Politicque Etrangere ....
Baron Edmond de Rothschild of France dominated the Paris
Peace Conference, and each of the founders of the Royal Institute
ended up being men who met Rothschild's approval.
The same was
true of the Council on Foreign Relations, which was not officially
formed until 29 july 192V
Money for the founding of the CFR came from J.P. Morgan,
Global Politics 31
Bernard Baruch, Otto Kahn, jacob Schiff, Paul Warburg, and John D.
Rockefeller, among others.
9 This was the same crowd involved in the
forming of the Federal Reserve. The Council's original board of di-
rectors included Isaiah Bowman, Archibald Coolidge, John W. Davis,
Norman H. Davis, Stephen Duggan, Otto Kahn, William Shepherd,
Whitney Shepardson, and Paul Warburg.
Prominent figures who have served as CFR directors since 1921
include Walter llppmann (1932-37), Adlai Stevenson (1958-62), Cyrus
Vance (1968-76, 1981-87), Zbigniew Brzezinski (197277), Robert 0.
Anderson (1974-80), Paul Volcker (1975-79), Theodore M. Hesburgh
(1926-85), Lane Kirkland (1976-86), George H.W. Bush (1977-79),
Henry Kissinger (1977-81), David Rockefeller (1949-85), George Shultz
(1980-88), Alan Greenspan (1982-88), Brent Scowcroft (1983-89),
Jeane J. Kirkpatrick (1985- ), and Richard B. Cheney (1987-89).
The most powerful man in the CFR during the past two decades
has been David Rockefeller, the grandson ofjohn D. Rockefeller. Along
with being a Council director for thirty-six years, David served as
chairman of the board from 1970-85 and remains as the organization's
honorary chairman.
During this time, David was also chairman of
Chase Manhattan Bank.
The Rockefellers are in no danger of losing control of the CFR
any time soon. Another generation of family members are being
groomed to continue their tradition. David, Jr.; John D. IV; and Rod-
man C. Rockefeller are all current members of the Council on For-
eign Relations.
As mentioned earlier, the Reece Committee found that the CFR
was being financed by both the Rockefeller and Carnegie foundations
and investigated it as well as its sister organization, the Institute of
Pacific Relations, stating that the CFR "overwhelmingly propagandizes
the globalist concept"
More recently, between the years 1987 and 1990, the CFR re-
ceived matching gifts and special contributions from leading organi-
zations and individuals, including Chemical Bank, Citibank/Citicorp,
Morgan Guaranty Trust, John D. and Catherine T. MacArthur Founda-
tion, ARCO Foundation, British Petroleum American, Inc., Mercedes-
Benz of North America, Inc., Seagram and Sons, Inc., Newsweek, Inc.,
Reader's Digest Foundation, Washington Post Company, Rockefeller
Brothers Fund, Rockefeller Family and Associates, the Rockefeller
Foundation, and David Rockefeller.
During the same period, the CFR received major grants from
other major corporations and foundations, including (partial list) the
American Express Philanthropic Program, the Asia Foundation, the
32 En Route to Global Occupation
Association of Radio and Television News Analysts, the Carnegie Cor-
poration of New York, the Ford Foundation, the General Electric Foun-
dation, the General Motors Corporation, the Hewlett Foundation, the
Andrew W. Mellon Foundation, the Rockefeller Foundation, the Alfred
P. Sloan Foundation, and the Xerox Foundation.
The Coundl currently has 2,670 members, of whom 952 reside
in New York City, 339 in Boston, and 730 in Washington, DC.
membership, as we shall see, reads like a Who's Who of America,
including most of the nation's top leaders in government, business,
education, labor, the military, the media, and banking. In addition to
its headquarters in New York City, the CFR has thirty-eight affiliated
organizations, known as Committees on Foreign Relations, located in
major cities throughout the United States.
Rear Admiral Chester Ward, a former CFR member for sixteen
years, warned the American people of the organization's intentions.29
The most powerful clique in these elitist groups have
one objective in common-they want to bring about the
surrender of the sovereignty and the national indepen-
dence of the United States.
A second clique of international members in the CFR
... comprises the Wall Street international bankers and
their key agents.
Primarily, they want the world banking monopoly from
whatever power ends up in the control of global gov-
Dan Smoot, a former member of the FBI headquarters staff in
Washington and one of the first researchers into the CPR, summarized
the organization's purpose as follows: "The ultimate aim of the Coundl
on Foreign Relations ... is ... to create a one-world socialist system
and make the United States an official part of it "
This of course
would all be done in the name of democracy.
Congressman John R. Rarick, deeply concerned ove the grow-
ing influence of the CFR, has been one of the members Congress
making a concerted effort to expose the organization
Rarick warns:
The Council on Foreign Relations-dedicated to one-
world government, financed by a number of the larg-
est tax-exempt foundations, and wielding such power
and influence over our lives in the areas of finance,
business, labor, mllltary, education, and mass commu-
nication media-should be famlllar to every American
concerned with good government and with preserving
and defending the U.S. Constitution arulour free-enter-
Global Politics
prise system.
Yet the Nation's "right-to-know-machinery"-the news
media-usually so aggressive in exposures to inform our
people, remain conspicuously silent when it comes to
the CFR, its members, and their activities. And I find that
few university students and graduates have even heard
of the Council on Foreign Relations.
The CFR is the establishment" Not only does it have
influence and power in key decision-making positions
at the highest levels of government to apply pressure
from above, but it also finances and uses individuals and
groups to bring pressure from below, to justify the high
level decisions for converting the United States from a
sovereign Constitutional Republic into a servile mem
ber state of a one-world dictatorshlp.
Any remaining doubts I had over the real intent of the CFR were
removed after becoming aware of the statements made over the years
by the CFR itself, advocating world government For example, on 17
February 1950 CFR member James Warburg, testifying before the
Senate Foreign Relations Committee, stated, "We shall have world gov-
ernment whether or not you like it-by conquest or consent "
On another occasion, in the April1974 issue of the CFR jour-
nal, Foreign Affairs (p. 558), Richard Gardner stated that the New
World Order "will have to be built from the bottom up rather than
from the top down. It will look like a great 'booming, buzzing confu-
sion,' ... but an end run around national sovereignty, eroding it piece
by piece, will accomplish much more than the oldfashioned frontal
And in Study Number 7, a CFR position paper published on 25
November 1959 the CFR stated that its purpose was to advocate the
"building [of] a new international order [which] may be responsible
to world aspirations for peace [and] for social and economic change.
... An international order ... including states labelling themselves
as Socialist (Communist]."
The term New WQrld Order (or New International Order) has
been used privately by the CFR since its inception to describe the
coming world government However, since the fall of 1990, CFR mem-
bers have, for the fl.rst time, begun using the term publicly to condi-
tion the public for what lies ahead. If the American people hear the
term often enough before the world government is formed, it is hoped
they will be less likely to resist the effort or feel threatened by it when
that day arrives.
The New World Order, it should be explained, is an expression
En Route to Global Occupation
that has been used by Uluminized Freemasonry since the days of
Weishaupt to signify the coming world government over which the
Antichrist would come to rule once it had been built. One of
illumbll.zed Freemasonry's secret symbols portraying this message was
placed on the back of our dollar bill during the administration of
Franklin D. Roosevelt 56 Roosevelt was himself a thirty-third degree
Mason and close associate of the CFR. This Masonic symbol consists
of a pyranud with the aU-seeing eye of Osiris or Baal above it Un-
derneath the pyramid is written "Novus Ordo Seclorum," which means
The New Order of the Ages (or The New World Order) in Latin.37
U.S. doUar (backside portion, enlarged)
This symbol was designed by Masonic Interests and became the offi-
dal reverse side of the Great Seal of the United States in 1782. What
was on the reverse side of the seal, although not a
largely unknown to the American people for more than 50 years
until it was placed on our one dollar Federal Reserve No . '
At the time the seal was designed the New Wor Order was
in the early stages of being built and was complete. This
lS symbolized by the capstone being separated from the rest of the
pyramid. However, once the New World Order has been built and the
one-world government is in place, the capstone will be joined to the
rest of the pyramid, symbolizing the completion of the task. The hi-
erarchy of and the occult societies, resembiJng a multi-
level pyranud structure, will now be complete, with the Antichrist
taking his seat of power atop the pyramid. As I continued my research,
I discovered that the CFR had more In common with the illuminati
than a mere use of the same
Global Politics 35
One of the reasons we have heard so little about the Council
on Foreign Relations is because its rules, like those of the Illuminati,
require that important meetings of the membership remain secret
Article II of the organization's bylaws contends that
it is an express condition of membership in the Coun-
cil, to which condition every member accedes by virtue
of his or her membership, that members will observe
such rules and regulations as may be prescribed from
time to time by the Board of Directors concerning the
conduct of Council meetings or the attribution of state-
ments made therein, and that any disclosure, publica-
tion, or other action by a member in contravention
thereof may be regarded by the Board of Directors in
its sole discretion as ground for termination or suspen-
sion of membership pursuant to Article I of the By-
Page 182 of the CFR's 1990 Annual Report further states that
"it would not be in compliance" with the organization's non-attribu-
tion rule for a meeting partidpant
(i) to publish a speaker's statement in attributed form
in a newspaper; (ii) to repeat it on television or radio,
or on a speaker's platform, or in a classroom; or (iii) to
go beyond a memo of Umited circulation, by distribut-
ing the attributed statement in a company or govern-
ment agency newsletter .... A meeting participant is
forbidden knowingly to transmit the attributed state-
ment to a newspaper reporter or other such person who
is likely to publish it in a public medium. The essence
of the Rule ... is simple enough: participants in Coun-
cil meetings should not pass along an attributed state-
ment in circumstances where there is substantial risk
that it will promptly be widely circulated or published.
So much for freedom of the press! What could be so important
that secrecy is required if the purpose of the CFR is not to influence
U.S. policy in the direction of world government?
In order to accomplish its mission of leading the American
people into a New World Order, the CFR has been using a strategy
very similar to that employed by Adam Weishaupt It would work to
surround leaders in high places with members of the Council, target-
ing especially the key advisory positions in the executive branch of
the U.S. government, until the Council's members were in complete
control. This tactic would also be applied to the fields of education,
the media, the military, and banking, with CFR members eventually
becoming the leaders in each of these fields.
36 En Route to Global Occupation
The .goal of the CFR, quite simply, was to influence all aspects
of society m such a way that one day Americans would wake up and
themselves in the midst of a one-world system whether they liked
1t or not Their hope was to get Americans to the point where enter-
ing a world government would seem as natural and American as base-
ball and apple pie. This all sounds preposterous until one realizes how
far the CFR's plans have already come.
Using illuministic tactics and with backing from the major glo-
bal foundations, the CFR has been able to advance its agenda rap-
idly and with relative ease. During the 1920s and 30s the organiza-
tion made significant strides toward gaining control of the Democratic
party and by the 1940s had established a foothold in the Republican
party as well.
With the start of World War II the CFR, thanks to the help of
Franklin Roosevelt, would gain control of the State Department and
therefore, our foreign policy. Rene Wormser, of the Reece Commit:
tee, explains how this happened.
[The 1 organization became virtually an agency of the
government when World War II broke out. The
Rockefeller Foundation had started and financed certain
studies known as The War and Peace Studies, manned
largely by associates of the Council; the State Depart-
ment, in due course, took these Studies over, retaining
the major personnel which The Council on Foreign
Relations had supplied.39
The United Nations
CFR control of the State Department would ensure U.S. mem-
bership in the United Nations following the war. In fact, the Council
on Relations would act through the State Departm nt to es-
tablish the U.N. These details were revealed in 1969 durin a debate
Lt. Col. Archibald Roberts and Congressman 'chard L.
Ottinger, Director, United States Committee on the Nations.
During that debate, Colonel Roberts testified:
... the United Nations was spawned two weeks after
Pearl Harbor in the office of Secretary of State, Cordell
Hull. In a letter to the President, Franklin D. Roosevelt,
date 22 Dec. 1941, Secretary Hull, at the direction of his
faceless sponsors ... recommended the founding of a
Presidential Advisory Committee on Post War Foreign
Policy. This Post War Foreign Policy CoOlJt!!ttee was in
fact the planning commission for the Upited Nations and
Global Politics
Colonel Roberts went on to identify the people who made up
the Committee, besides Secretary of State Hull. The list included vari-
ous State Department advisors and staff members, CFR officials, and
leaders in education, the media, and foreign policy research.
These are the real founders of the United Nations. Altogether,
ten of the fourteen Committee members belonged to the CFR. As Rob-
erts pointed out, "Each member of the Committee ... was without
exception, a member of the Council on Foreign Relations, or under
the control of the Council on Foreign Relations.

In 1945, at the U.N.'s founding conference, forty-seven mem-
bers of the CPR were in the United States delegation. Included among
these were Edward Stettinius, the new secretary of state; john Foster
Dulles; Adlai Stevenson; Nelson Rockefeller; and Alger Hiss, who was
the secretary general of the U.N.'s founding conference.43
To make sure that the United States would not back out of join-
ing the United Nations as it did with the League of Nations, the inter-
. national body would this time be located on American soil. This ges-
ture would make the American public less resistant to the move. The
land for the United Nations building was "graciously" donated by John
D. Rockefeller,
By getting the United States to join the U.N., which represents
a limited form of world government, the Council on Foreign Relations
had accomplished its first major objective. Using its influence in public
education and the media, the CFR would now proceed to cast a fa-
vorable image for the United Nations among the American public,
eventually leading step-by-step to U.S. participation in a full.blown sys-
tem of world government This, it was realized, would take some time.
Had the CFR tried to bring the U.S. into a world government
all at once, the effort would have failed. The American people would
have reacted full force against such an attempt The immediate pur-
pose of the U.N. was therefore merely to warm Americans up to the
idea of global government It was all part of the conditioning.
Since the U.N. was founded in 1945, its leaders have been guilty
of an array of outrageous actions. Alger Hiss, for example, was ex-
posed as a Soviet spy. Secretary General U Thant praised Lenin as a
leader whose "ideals of peace and peaceful coexistence among states
have won widespread international acceptance and they are in line
with the aims of the U.N. Charter." And Secretary General Kurt
Waldheim was discovered to be a Nazi foot soldier during World War
Yet, in spite of these revelations, most Americans today view the
United Nations as a "good organization." It is amazing what a little
favorable publicity from the media can accomplish!
En Route to Global Occupation
Along with being responsible for the United Nations, the Council
on Foreign Relations would go on to serve as a maJnspring for nu-
merous spin-off groups, such as the Bilderbergers, the Club of Rome,
and the each of which was designed to carry
out a specific task Within the broader mission of establishing a New
World Order. The creation of these new organizations would repre-
sent a mere restructuring of the one-world political hierarchy which
is always changing, revising, and adapting itself to current sihtations
in a way that will most effectively further its agenda.
The hierarchy, among other things, had called for world gov-
ernment to be achieved in stages through the forming of world ad-
ministrative regions. This was in accordance with the U.N. Charter,
which encourages the implementation and administration of world
government on a regional basis. [According to chapter 8, Articles 52
(2-3) and 53 (1) of the Charter, under "Regional Arrangements."]46
The strategy was simple. The countries of the world would first be
merged into several regions. This would serve to break down con-
cepts of national sovereignty, then, these regions would be merged
into a system of world government
However, it was soon realized that regionalized world govern-
ment would be next to impossible to achieve politically because of
resistance to the idea from the world's people. So the powers-that-be
decided to divide the world into economic regions first, hoping to
pave the way for later political unions based on these same geographi-
cal boundaries. In order to accomplish this feat, several special task
organizations were established to oversee the creation of regional
trade associations. The society responsible for Europe's economic in-
tegration would be the Bilderberg Group better known as the
Bilderbergers. '
The Bllderbergers
The public name for the group was derived from the ilderberg
Hotel in Oosterbeek, Holland, the site of the association' first meet-
ing in 1954Y The group consists of approximate} one hundred
power-elite from the member nations of NATO (North Atlantic Treaty
Its leadership is interlocked with that of the Council
on Foreign Relations, and may therefore be accurately categorized as
a CFR sister organization.
Funded by a number of major one-world institutions, includ-
ing the Rockefeller and Ford foundations, the express purpose of the
BUderberger Group was to regionalize Europe.
9 This goal was re-
vealed by Giovanni Agnelli, the head of Fiat and one of the leaders
Global Politics 39
of the Bilderbergers. Agnelli stated, "European integration is our goal
and where the politicians have failed we industrialists hope to suc-
George McGhee, the former U.S. ambassador to West Germany,
revealed that "the Treaty of Rome which brought the Common Mar-
ket into being was nurtured at the Bilderberg meetings. s In other
words, today's European Economic Community which is soon to be-
come a political union (on 31 December 1992) is a product of the
Bilderberg Group.
The overriding purpose of the Bilderbergers like that of its sis-
ter organizations-the Council on Foreign Relations and the United
Nations-is the establishment of a world government This philoso-
phy of the Bilderbergers was clearly explained by the group's first
chairman, Prince Bernhard of the Netherlands (whose family is a
principal owner of Royal Dutch Shell Oil Company). Bernhard wrote:
Here comes our greatest difficulty. For the governments
of the free nations are elected by the people, and if they
do something the people don't like they are thrown out
It is difficult to reeducate the people who have been
brought up on nationalism to the idea of relinquishing
part of their sovereignty to a supernational body .. . .
This is the tragedy.
Prominent American Bilderbergers have included David and
Nelson Rockefeller; Thomas Hughes of the Carnegie Endowment;
Winston Lord, former director of planning and coordination for the
State Department; Henry Kissinger; Zbigniew Brzezinski; Cyrus Vance;
Robert McNamara, former president of the World Bank; Donald
Rumsfeld; George Ball, former undersecretary of state and director
of Lehman Brothers; Robert Anderson, president of ARCO and asso-
ciated with the Aspen Institute; President Gerald Ford; Henry
Grunwald, Managing Editor of TIME; Henry]. Heinz II, chairman of
the board, H.J. Heinz Company; Father Theodore M. Hesburgh, former
president of Notre Dame University; and Shepard Stone of The As-
pen Institute for Humanistic Studies,.s3
Virtually every one of the American Bilderbergers is a current
or former member of the CFR. European participants have included
prime ministers, foreign ministers, and fmancial leaders such as
Helmut Schmidt of West Germany; Rumor ofltaly; Baron Edmond de
The Aspen Institute is also a sister organization of the CFR and the Bilderbergers,
and like both of these organizations, is heavily funded by the Ford and Rockefeller
Foundations. It has been described as a training and orientation school for
prospective world government administrators. 54
40 En Route to Global Occupation
Rothschild and Giscard d'Estaing of France; and Sir Eric Roll, chair-
man ofWarburg & Co. in England; to name just a few.ss
The Club of Rome
Another organization that has drawn a high percentage of its
members from the Council on Foreign Relations is the Club of Rome.
The Club of Rome (COR) claims to be an informal organization of less
than one hundred people who are, in their own words, . .. scien-
tists, educators, economists, humanists, industrialists, and national and
international civil servants .... "S6Included among these have been
members of the Rockefeller family.
Altogether, there are approxi-
mately twenty-five CFR members who belong to the American Asso.
dation for the Club of Rome. sa
The Club had its beginnings in April of 1968, when leaders from
ten different countries gathered in Rome at the invitation of Aurelio
Peccei, a prominent Italian industrialist with close ties to the Fiat and
Olivetti Corporations. S9The organization claims to have the solutions
for world peace and prosperity. However, these solutions always seem
to promote the concept of world government at the expense of na-
tional sovereignty.
The Club of Rome has been charged with the task of oversee-
ing the regionalization and unification of the entire world; the Club
could therefore be said to be one step above the Bilderbergers in the
one-world hierarchy. (COR's founder, Peccei, has been a close associ-
ate of the Bilderbergers.)
As far as I have been able to determine,
most of the directives for the planning of the world government are
presently coming from the Club of Rome.
The Club's findings and recommendations are published from
time to time in special, highly confidential reports, which are sent to
the power-elite to be implemented. On 17 September 1923 e Club
released one such report, entitled Regionalized and Adapti Model
of the Global World System, prepared by COR members hajlo
Mesarovic and Eduard Pestel.
The document reveals that the Club has dividec!Jh world into
ten political/ economic regions, which it refers to as "kingdoms." (This
sounds to me like a fulfillment of Daniel 7:15-28 and Revelation 13
in the making.) While these "kingdoms" are not set in concrete and
changes could still occur, it gives us an idea of what lies ahead.
Referring to the Mesarovic-Pestel study, Aurelio-Peccei, the
ouring the Nixon Administration the United States was further divided into ten
federal sub-regions for the alleged purpose of emergency management" and the
"decentralization of the Executive Branch."
Global Politics
Club's founder, states:
Their world model, based on new developments of the
multilevel hierarchical systems theory, divides the world
into ten interdependent and mutually interacting regions
of political, economic or environmental coherence ....
It will be recognized of course that these are still pro-
totype models. Mesarovic and Peste} have assumed a
Herculean task. The full implementation of their work
will take many years.
In 1974, only a year after the report's distribution to Club
members, Mesarovic and Pestel released their "findings" in a book
entitled Mankind at the Turning Point, which was intended for public
consumption. On page9161-164 of this book, the authors display the
same ten regions; only this time the word "kingdoms" has been omit-
ted. They obviously didn't want the public to know the true nature
of the Club's political ambitions.
What is particularly disturbing about all of this is that the Club
of Rome is being spiritually driven-spiritually as in occultism. On
pages 151 and 152 of Mankind at the Turning Point, Aurelio Peccei
reveals his pantheistic/New Age beliefs, talking about man's commun-
ion with nature and the transcendent and using the term "noosphere"
in referring to the collective field of intelligence of the human race.
This uncommon expression cannot be found in a dictionary. By use
of the term "noosphere" Peccei gives himself away as a student of
Pierre Teilhard de Chardin, a French Jesuit priest (now deceased)
whose occult ideas and writings, I would later discover, have had a
deep impact on the New Age movement In fact, Chardin is one of
the most frequently quoted writers by leading New Age occultists.
At the conclusion of the book, Peccei remarks: "Philosophers
have, from ancient times, stressed the unity of existence and the in-
terconnection of all the elements of nature, man and thought How-
ever, their teaching has seldom been reflected in political or social
behavior.ll63 The Club of Rome and its network of affiliated organiza-
tions would like to change all of that
COR's New Age slant is reflected in its American Association
membership, which included the late Norman Cousins, the long-time
honorary chairman of Planetary Citizens and possibly the best-known
and respected name at the forefront of the New Age movement Other
members are John Naisbitt, author of Megatrends; Amory Lovins,
speaker at John Denver's New Age center (Windstar, in Snowmass,
Colorado); Betty Friedan, the founding president of the National Or-
ganization for Women; and Jean Houston and Hazel Henderson, well-
Global Politics 43
known authors and speakers at New Age centers and conferences.
Robert 0. Anderson and Harlan B. Cleveland are also members. Both
men belong to the CFR and have been closely associated with the
Aspen Institute for Humanistic Studies. Four of our U.S. congressmen
are members, along with representatives of Planned Parenthood, of-
ficials of the United Nations, and people connected to the Carnegie
and Rockefeller foundations.M
These are more of the people who are at the forefront of es-
tablishing the New World Order! There ean be no mistaking the fact
that they have political intentions. On page 193 of The Limits to
Growth (COR's first book, published in 1972), the Club states, "We
believe in fact that the need will quickly become evident for social
innovation to match technical change, for radical reform of the insti-
tutions and political processes at all levels, including the highest, that
of world polity."
The Executive Committee of the Club of Rome concludes the
book with the following:
We believe that an unexpectedly large number of men
and women of all ages and conditions will readily re-
spond to the challenge and will be eager to discuss not
"if' but "how" we can create this new future.
The Club of Rome plans to support such activity in many
ways .... And, since intellectual enlightenment is with-
out effect if it is not also political, The Club of Rome also
will encourage the creation of a world forum where
. statesmen, policy-makers, and scientists can discuss the
dangers and hopes for the future global system without
the constraints of formal intergovernmental negotia-
In Mankind at the Turning Point, the Club is no less blatant
about its intentions. Referring to the problems of economic control,
food shortages, and the environment, the authors state:
"The solution of these crises can be developed only in
a global context" with full and explicit recognition of the
emerging world system and on a long-term basis. This
would necessitate, among other changes, a new world
economic order and a global resources allocation sys-
tem. . . . A "world consciousness" must be developed
through which every individual realizes his role as a
member of the world community .... It must become
part of the consciousness of every individual that "the
basic unit of human cooperation and hence survival is
moving from the national to the global level. n66
44 En Route to Global Occupation
The book closes with a commentary by COR Directors Aurelio
Peccel and Alexander King, who state:
The winds of change have begun to blow. A keen and
anxious awareness is evolving to suggest that fundamen-
tal changes will have to take place in the world order
and its power structures, in the distribution of wealth
and income, in our own outlook and behavior. Perhaps
only a new and enlightened humanism can permit man-
kind to negotiate this transition without irreparable
The Trilateral Commission
During the 1950s and 60s, the same congressional leaders who
had been actively campaigning against the Federal Reserve System
began to expose the Council on Foreign Relations. They received con-
siderable help from citizens' action groups who recognized the threat
and responded accordingly. As a result of these efforts and, particu-
larly, the congressional investigations of the late 60s and early 70s,
the truth was beginning to reach the American people in significant
numbers, in spite of the media's lack of coverage. For the first time,
a large number of Americans were aware of the fact that major seg-
ments of U.S. industries were falling under the control of just a few
Global planners realized that something had to be done in or-
der to avoid losing all the ground they had gained over the past fifty
years. Their strategy would involve funneling American and European
consumer money to Japanese industrialists and Arab oil magnates who
would promptly use it to acquire Western companies and real estate.
This way, if the American people were to blame anyone for their
difficult times, it would be the Japanese and the Arabs-not the
Rockefellers and their allies, who were really the ones
Even though Arab leaders had never been able to get along
before, they suddenly, almost overnight, came together to impose an
effective oil embargo in 1973. One possible catalyst for cooperation
could have been their commonly held Islamic religion. However, this
had never prevented them from quarreling in the past The only other
common denominator between Arab countries was oil, which was
being explored, drilled, and marketed for them by the American and
European oil cartel. All that Arab leaders had to do' was sit back and
watch as their silent partners made them rich. The fact was, and con-
tinues to be, that the Arab princes owe most of their wealth tb the
Rockefellers and their allies. /
Some of this oil money was immediately funneled, back into
Global Politics 45
American and European superbanks, such as Chase Manhattan, with
a few of the Arab sheiks actually becoming vice-presidents of these
same banks. Much of the rest of the money was reinvested into Ameri-
can industry and real estate.
The OPEC energy crisis would also have the effect of turning
Japan into an industrial giant Japan had the compact cars ready to
go. American consumers, forced to cut back their energy consump-
tion, flocked to purchase these inexpensive, fuel-efficient cars. Japa-
nese auto manufacturers could hardly keep up with the demand. All
of these activities would be protected under our liberal free-trade laws.
In the meantime, the U.S. auto industry was plunged into a deep re-
cession from which it has never fully recovered.
Japanese industrialists would invest their fortunes in other
budding Japanese industries. Before long the U.S. was being flooded
by inexpensive imported products, ranging from consumer electron-
ics to industrial robots. A good part of the money from these profits,
like the Arab oil money, has been used to buy real estate in the United
States and throughout the rest of the world.
As it turned out, the oil crisis would serve to build the New
World Order at a rate even faster than insiders could have hoped for.
By working through Japanese and Arab partners, the globalists would
be able to advance their agenda with little suspicion. The redistribu-
tion of the world's wealth would simply be used to foster a new era
of "global economic interdependence," a concept that would prove
useful in laying the groundwork for world government To accom-
modate these efforts, David Rockefeller formed the Trilateral Com-
mission in 1973.
The purpose of the Trilateral Commission would be to promote
world government by encouraging economic interdependence among
the superpowers. Steering the economies of the member nations into
a position where they would be completely intertwined, the Trilat-
eral Commission augments the regionalization efforts of its sister or-
ganizations, the Bilderbergers and the Club of Rome. Rockefeller's
main accomplice in this endeavor would be Zbigniew Brzezinski, who
drafted the Commission's charter and went on to become the
organization's first director (1973-1976).69
Brzezinski, who would later become Jimmy Carter's National
Security Advisor, wrote several books detailing his worldview. In one
these books, entitled Between Two Ages, written in 1970,
Brzezinski calls for a new international monetary system and prepares
the reader for the acceptance of a global taxation system.ro He also
reveals (on pg. 72) his views about the philosophies of Karl Marx.
46 En Route to Global Occupation
Marxism represents a further vital and creative stage in
the maturing of man's universal vision. Marxism is si-
multaneously a victory of the external, active man over
the inner, passive man and a victory of reason over
belief: it stresses man's capacity to shape his material
destiny-finite and defined as man's only reality.
Uke his fellow collaborator, Aurelio Peccei, of the Club of Rome,
Brzezinski favored the writings of the French Jesuit priest, Teilhard
de Chardin.
Marxism has served as a mechanism of human
"progress," even If its practice has often fallen short of
its ideals. Teilhard de Chardin notes at one point that
"monstrous as It Is, is not modem totalitarianism really
the distortion of something magnificent, and thus quite
near to the truth?" (pg. 73).
Brzezinski continues:
Marxism, disseminated on the popular level in the form
of communism, represented a major advance in man's
ability to conceptualize his relationship to his world (pg.
Guided by these Uluministic beliefs, the Trilateral Commission
has become a virtual carbon copy of the Council on Foreign Relations.
It is led by many of the same people, espouses the same philosophies,
and is funded by the same sources, with the Ford Foundation having
been the Trilateral Commission's largest contributor.
In fact, all eight
American representatives to the founding meeting of the Commission,
held at David Rockefeller's estate, were members of the CFR. n
Uke the CFR, the Commission is headquartered in New York
City. However, unlike the CFR, whose membership is drawn only from
the United States, the Trilateral Commission is composed of leaders
from the world's three economic superpowers-North America, West
em Europe, and Japan. Hence, the term "trilateral." (It is worth not-
ing that these are also the first three economic regions [kingdoms]
listed on the Club of Rome's global model) /
Another difference is that the Trilateral Commission is much
smaller than the CFR. Unlike its sister organization, w ~ c h has over
2,500 members, the Commission has only 325 members, of which
98 are from N. America, 146 from Europe, and 81 from japan. On a
per capita basis, Japan has by far the greatest number of members of
any nation. At least one director of nearly every major Japanese cor-
poration is represented.
The Commission's North American chairman continues to be
David Rockefeller; the European chairman is Georges Berthoin, bon-
Global Politics 47
orary chairman of the European movement, and the Japanese indus-
trialist, Isamu Yamashita, is the Commission's chairman for Japan. It
is worth mentioning that most, if not all of the important Frenchmen
who are members of the Commission, belong to the Grand Orient
Lodge of Freemasonry.73
By the late 1970s and early 80s, the growing influence of the
CFR and Trilateral Commission in our governmental affairs bad be-
come difficult to ignore. And the number of congressmen who were
willing to take a stand against these organizations was increasing.
Congressman Larry McDonald took the matter before Congress on 4
February 1981 calling for a comprehensive congressional investiga
tion of the CFR and the Trilateral Commission, following up Resolu-
tion 773 of the American Legion, which urged Congress to investi
gate these organizations to determine their influence on U.S. policy.
In spite of getting no coverage on this matter from the media
and having only limited results in Congress, McDonald refused to give
up. He did everything humanly possible to expose the plot right up
until his death aboard the Korean Airliner in 1983.
The 007 "acddent" backfired on the establishment as it set off
a wave of repulsion at the state level. Infuriated by McDonald's death
and the failure of the media to even mention the fact that he had
been exposing a conspiracy, those aware of the battle being waged
behind-the-scenes began to apply pressure on Congress to take action.
One of the states at the forefront of this effort was Indiana where
Resolution 773 had originated. (Indianapolis is the national headquar-
ters of the American Legion.)
On 3 April 1985 the Indiana House of Representatives intro-
duced Resolution No. 19 calling for a comprehensive investigation of
the Trilateral Commission and the Council on Foreign Relations, pur-
suant to the efforts of Larry McDonald. However, like other calls for
congressional investigations, this too would go unanswered, largely
because of a lack of public pressure on Congress--which was in part
the result of NO MEDIA COVERAGE.
McDonald's death gave other congressional leaders courage to
continue the fight. Though spearheading the effort, McDonald was not
It Is no coincidence that Indiana native Dan Quayle, who Is not a member of
the CFR or the TC, has been the focus of so much ridicule and criticism by the
media. Nor was it a coincidence that Bush chose Quayle as his running mate. With
one of the most conservative voting records in Congress and coming from a state
that has long been viewed as a bastion of conservatism, his appeal was
obvious.Maldng Dan Quayle vice president, I beUeve, was a superficial attempt
by George Bush to appease the conservative wing of the Republican party, which
48 En Route to Global Occupation
the only congressman trying to expose the plot to create a world
government While some congressmen decided to back off as a re-
sult of the Korean Airline incident, other leaders, such as Senator Jesse
Helms, would only intensify their efforts.
Since McDonald's death, Helms has become the most outsp<r
ken aitic of these organizations in Congress, repeatedly taking a stand
against the establishment Speaking before the Senate on 15 Decem-
ber 1987 Senator Helms launched into a detailed discussion of these
matters in an urgent appeal to his colleagues. Here are a few excerpts
from his important speech:
This campaign against the American people-against tra-
ditional American culture and values-Is systematic psy-
chological warfare. It is orchestrated by a vast array of
interests comprising not only the Eastern establishment
but il1so the radical left. Among this group we find the
Department of State, the Department of Commerce, the
money center banks and multinational corporations, the
media, the educational establishment, the entertainment
industry, and the large tax-exempt foundations.
Mr. President, a careful examination of what is happen-
ing behind the scenes reveals that all of these interests
are working in concert with the masters of the Kremlin
in order to create what some refer to as a new world
order. Private organizations such as the Council on
Foreign Relations, the Royal Institute of International
Affairs, the Trilateral Commission, the Dartmouth Con-
ference, the Aspen Institute for Humanistic Studies, the
Atlantic Institute, and the BUderberger Group serve to
disseminate and to coordinate the plans for this so-called
new world order in powerful business, financial, aca-
demic, and official circles ....
The psychological campaign that I am describing, as I
have said, is the work of groups within the Eastern es-
tablishment, that amorphous amalgam of wealth and
social connections whose power resides in its control
over our financial system and over a large portion of
our industrial sector. The principal instrument of this
did not trust him. The ensuing assault upon the vice president by the media only
served to give Bush the opportunity to "prove" himself to conservatives by
sticking it out with Quayle. This strategy worked. Many conservatives ended up
voting for Bush because of Quayle and because of the fact that if they didn't elect
Bush, Dukakis would become presidenl After the job the media has done on Dan
Quayle, few would now blame Bush if he dropped the former Indiana senator in
favor of another running mate in 1992.1t will be interesting to see what happens.
Global Politics
control over the American economy and money is the
Federal Reserve System. The policies of the industrial
sectors, primarily the multinational corporations, are in-
fluenced by the money center banks through debt financ-
Ing and through the large blocks of stock controlled by
the trust departments of the money center banks.
Anyone familiar with American history, and particularly
American economic history, cannot fall to notice the
control over the Department of State and the Cen-
tral Intelligence Agency which Wall Street seems to ex-
ercise ....
The influence of establishment insiders over our foreign
policy has become a fact of life in our time. This perva-
sive influence runs contrary to the real long-term na-
tional security of our Nation. It is an influence which, if
unchecked, could ultimately subvert our constitutional
The viewpoint of the establishment today is called
globalism. Not so long ago, this viewpoint was called the
one-world" view by its critics. The phrase is no longer
fashionable among sophisticates; yet, the phrase one-
world" is still apt because nothing has changed in the
minds and actions of those promoting policies consis-
tent with its fundamental tenets.
Mr. President, in the globalist point of view, nation-states
and national boundaries do not count for anything.
Political philosophies and political principles seem to
become simply relative. Indeed, even constitutions are
irrelevant to the exercise of power. Uberty and tyranny
are viewed as neither necessarily good nor evil, and
certainly not a component of policy.
In this point of view, the activities of international fl.
nancial and industrial forces should be oriented to
bringing this one-world design-with a convergence of
the Soviet and American systems as its centerpiece-into
being .... All that matters to this club is the maximiza-
tion of profits resulting from the practice of what can
be described as finance capitalism, a system which rests
upon the twin pillars of debt and monopoly. This isn't
real capitalism. It Is the road to economic concentration
and to political slavery.

I was about to discover just how far down this road we had
already comet
En Route to Global Occupation
Stepping Stones to Global Government
Founding Date Organization
Federal Reserve System
Washington, DC
(Headquarters for the
Board of Directors)
League of Nations
Royal Institute of
International Affairs
Council on Foreign New York
Branch Organizations:
Institute for Pacific New York
Centre d'Etudes de Paris
Politicque Etrangere
Institut fur Auswartige Hamburg
United Nations New York
The Bilderberger Oosterbeek,
The Netherlands
(Meeting sites vary.)
Club of Rome Rome
Trilateral Commission New York
Chapter 3
America's Shadow
After being on the CFR and Trilateral Commission mailing lists
for several years, and receiving their annual reports and literature, I
was prepared to do an analysis of the membership to see for myself
what control these institutions exercised over American politics. I
knew they were powerful, but I had no idea how far things had gone.
For the first time, I realized that I, as well as most Americans,
had been living in a "false reality." We thought that because we had
the right to vote and choose candidates that we, the people, were
somehow in control. But the fact is, we aren't!
From the time of Franklin D. Roosevelt, the influence of the
Council on Foreign Relations in the executive branch of government
has continued to grow. By the Nixon administration, at least 115 CFR
members held positions within the executive branch. And during the
Carter years, more than a dozen Trilateralists were appointed to top
positions in the administration. Those who weren't TC members were
often members of the CFR, while many were members of both orga
nizations. Each of the seven men on Carter's National Security Coun
cil, including Carter himself, currently or previously belonged to at
least one of the two groups (e.g., Walter Mondale, vice president, CFR/
TC; Zbigniew Brzezinski, national security advisor, CFR/TC; Cyrus
Vance, secretary of state, CFR/I'Ci Harold Brown, secretary of defense,
CFR/TC; Gen. David Jones, c h ~ a n of the Joint Chiefs of Staff, CFR;
and Stansfield Turner, director, Cl'A, -cPR).
(It is common practice for Trilateralists to resign from the Com
mission shortly before running for public office. The same holds true
for the CFR. However, these outward political gestures do not mean
that fonner members are no longer influenced by these organizations.)
The tradition continued during the Reagan years. Even though
Reagan had campaigned against the two groups; once elected, he ap-
pointed no less than seventy.five CFR and Trilateral Commission mem-
bers to key posts. The Bush administration, however, would shatter
52 En Route to Global Occupation
all previous records, as more than 350 CFR and TC members currently
hold positions within the executive branch. Top-level Bush officials
who are past or present members of the Council on Foreign Relations
and/or the Trilateral Commission include George Bush, president,
CFR/TC; Brent Scowcroft, national security advisor, CFR/I'C; Richard
Cheney, secretary of defense, CFR; Dick Thornburgh, attorney gen-
eral, CFR; Colin Powell, chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff, CFR; and
Carla Hills, U.S. trade representative, TC.
Given the subtlety of the Council on Foreign Relations and the
Trilateral Cc.mmission, I believe it is possible for a person to belong
to these organizations for a short period of time without recognizing
the danger or understanding their purpose. Some may simply join
for the prestige or to further their careers; while others are invited
in for "window dressing." However, someone naive enough to join
and remain in such organizations exercises very poor judgment and
does not deserve to hold a position of leadership in the United States
All of the executive departments, I would discover, are domi-
nated by establishment insiders. This has been the case for some time.
The State Department, which was penetrated by globalists during
World War ll, has been particularly hard hit Although Secretary of
State James Baker is not a member of the Council on Foreign Rela-
tions or the Trilateral Commission, just about everyone else of im-
portance is, including Deputy Secretary Lawrence S. Eagleburger, and
numerous U.S. ambassadors.
The Treasury Department is another division of the executive
branch, which has been dominated by the CFR and the TC, led by past
and present secretaries such as Nicholas F. Brady and Donald Regan.
Globalists within the Treasury Department have been assisted
by the efforts of their comrades at the Federal Reserve, including
Federal Reserve Chairman Alan Greenspan, CFR/TC; Harold Ander-
son, CFR; Cyrus R. Vance, CFR/TC; and Paul Volcker, CFR/I'C.
Through the Treasury Department and the Federal Reserve Sys-
tem the Rockefellers and their allles have been able to direct...___ l
America's fiscal and monetary policies, making U.S. economic poli-
cies synonymous with their own.
In addition to the areas of foreign affairs and economic policy,
the establishment has had a lock on the key positions dealing with
our national security. Since the Eisenhower administration, numer-
ous CFR/I'C members have served as national security advisors, in-
cluding Walt Rostow, CFR; Henry Kissinger, CFR/TC; Brent Scowcroft,
CFR/TC; Zbigniew Brzezinski, CFR/I'C; Robert McFarlane, CPR; Frank
America's Shadow Government
Carlucci, CFR/I'C; and Colin Powell, CFR.
Our national defense has been dominated by insiders as well.
Every U.S. defense secretary of the past thirty-five years, with the ex-
ception of Clark Clifford {1968-69), has belonged either to the Coun-
cil on Foreign Relations or the Trilateral Commission.
The same group has supplemented its efforts in the Defense
Department with the control of other strategic military posts. For
example, every Supreme Allied Commander in Europe has been a
member of the CFR or the TC.
Every U.S. ambassador to NATO has been a member of the CFR
or TC as well. And the Central Intelligence Agency (CIA}, which is so
critical to our national defense, has also been dominated by estab-
lishment insiders, with nine of its thirteen directors having been CFR
The list goes on and on, with virtually every area of the mili-
tary being dominated by members of the CFR. I was somewhat re-
lieved to discover that Gen. Norman Schwarzkopf was not among the
military leaders belonging to the CFR. However, this little
comfort when viewed against the background of the precedmg facts.
The four executive positions that have most frequently been
filled by CFR/TC members are probably also the most influential
positions in the U.S. government, apart from the presidency itself-
the secretary of the treasury, secretary of state, national security
advisor, and secretary of defense.
Altogether, since 1920, fifteen of twenty-one treasury secretar-
ies have been members of the CFR. Another twelve of our last four-
teen secretaries of state (since 1944) have been members. And since
the Eisenhower years, ten of thirteen national security advisors have
belonged to the CPR. During this same period of, time the had
twelve defense secretaries, eleven of whom were CFR membefs.
Of the sixty people who have held these strategic positions
during the years specified, forty-eight have been members of the
Council on Foreign Relations. This represents a total of 80 percent
If this isn't disturbing enough, consider the fact that every U.S.
president since World War II, with the possible exceptions of John F.
Kennedy and Ronald Reagan, has been either a Freemason, a mem-
ber of the CFR or a member of the Trilateral Commission. George
Bush is perhaps the most prominent insider ever to have attained
the position of president In addition to belonging to the Skull_and
Bones a secret society at Yale University, he has served as a Direc-
tor of lhe Council on Foreign Relations from 1977 to 1979 and is listed
by the Trilateral Commission as a Member in Public Service."
54 En Route to Global Occupation
The following is a list of our last nine presidents along with their
past or present organizational affiliations.
Franklin D. Roosevelt-Masonic Lodge
Harry S. Truman-Masonic Lodge
John F. Kennedy-aR
Lyndon B. Johnson-Masonic Lodge
Richard M. Nixon-CFR
Gerald R. Ford, Jr.-Masonic Lodge/CFR
James E. Carter, Jr.-CFR(I'C
Ronald W. Reagan-Masonic Lodge
George H.W. Bush-SB/CFR(l'C
Not only have our presidents belonged to these organizations,
but the candidates running on the opposing tickets have, almost with-
out exception, been members as well. A typical example of this came
during the 1980 presidential campaign when the establishment put
up John Anderson (CFR/l'C), Howard Baker (CPR), George Bush (CFR!
TC/SB), Jimmy Carter (CFR/l'C), and Ted Kennedy (CPR-Boston Af-
filiate) as candidates.
Only Ronald Reagan was not a member of one of these groups
at the time of the election. He won the race partially as a result of
this fact He had openly campaigned against the CPR and the Trilat-
One source lists JFK as having been a CPR member. However, the Council's
historical membership roster does not include him. One possJble explanation for
this d.lscrepancy Is that John F. Kennedy may at one time have belonged to a CPR
affiliate like his brother, Ted, who Is a member of Boston's Committee on Foreign
Although Gerald Ford Is a aurent member of the CPR, he did not belong to
the organization at the tlme of his presidency. He was, however, one of this
Jimmy carter was a member of the Trilateral Commission prior to his
presidency, but did not become a CPR member unti11983.
Ronald Reagan was made an honorary Freemason near the end of his second
term in office. Reagan turned down two previous opportunities to receive this
award before finally accepting it after a third invitation. However, controversy
surrounded the legitimacy of the award as Reagan apparently did not meet the
specified requirements for receiving the honorary degree. Therefore, while
unofficially being an Honorary Freemason. officially, Reagan is not
Although Bush is not officially a Freemason. he is a member of a powerful
secret society with Masonic overtones known as the Skull and Bones. Ron
Rosenbaum, a writer for Esi/Uire magazine, revealed in a 1977 article that the
S and 8 is linked to the Illuminati. The skull and bones also happens to be one
of the secret symbols of Freemasonry.
America's Shadow Government 55
eral Commission in the southern states, promising there would be
changes if he was elected. But for some reason (possibly the pres-
ence of V.P. George Bush) these changes never occurred.
Other losing presidential candidates include 1952, 1956 Adlai
Stevenson (CFR); 1964 Barry Goldwater ( M); 1972 George McGovern
( M/CFR/l'C); and 1988 Michael Dukakis (* CPR). Membership in
these organizations doesn't guarantee victory, it only guarantees you
the right to run!
This trend of stacking the ticket is likely to continue in the elec-
tions of 1992 and beyond. If you've been wondering why everything
continues to head in the same direction regardless of who gets elected,
now you know why! It is not unfair to say that the Council on For-
eign Relations and the Trilateral Commission run our government
In fact, any statement to the contrary, given the preceding informa-
tion, would be inaccurate. As we have seen, membership in these or-
ganizations has become a prerequisite of running for the presidency
or for being appointed to a significant position in the executive branch.
This represents a complete breakdown in our political process.
Even if the CPR and the Trilateral Commission were acting in
the best interests of the American people, would such concentration
of power be justified? Such a centralized political system cannot fairly
represent the public. Regardless of who gets elected, the same agenda
moves forward, because candidates from both parties are consistently
drawn from the same school of thought espousing universalism. We
aren't being presented with any real alternatives. This isn't democ-
racy. This is political manipulation!
If these same leadership positions were held by evangelical
Christians belonging to a particular church denomination, we could
rest assured that the media would cry conspiracy every day until
something was done to correct the situation. Yet the chances of 80
percent of our leaders consistently coming from a single church de-
nomination without e manipulation of the political process are far
greater than these s e leaders coming from the Council on Foreign
Relations and the ateral Commission-since many church denomi-
nations hav undreds of thousands, or even millions of members,
while the CFR and TC together have less than three thousand mem-
bers. In fact, the chances of a majority of our leaders consistently
Although Goldwater is a Mason. he has consistently taken stands opposing the
one-world movement He, like many other Masons, might not be aware of the true
nature of their order.
Joined the CPR some time after the election and is a current member.
56 En Route to Global Occupation
coming from such a small group of people as a matter of coincidence
are so remote as to not even warrant serious consideration. So why
has the media not informed us about these important matters? The
answer to this question would become clear as I continued to study
the membership lists.
Help from the Media
Walter Cronkite, the former "CBS News" anchor and long-time
Rockefeller admirer, once stated, "The Rockefellers are the epitome
of the nation's permanent Establishment: governments change, ec<r
nomics fluctuate, foreign alliances shift-the Rockefellers prevail."
statement certainly holds true for the media
Although I knew that certain members of the information in-
dustry had fallen under the influence of the Rockefeller
I was once again surprised by the extent of this control. I found that
each of the three major networks were almost completely dominated
by CFR/fC members. The list of media personalities belonging to these
organizations was so comprehensive that my driving question was
no longer "Who is involved in them?" but rather "Who is not involved
in them?" The following is a partial list of past present members:
CBS William Paley {CFR), Dan Rather {CFR), Harry Reasoner {CFR),
and Bill Moyers {CFR); from NBC/RCA Tom Brokaw {CFR),John Chan-
cellor {CFR), Marvin Kalb {CFR), and Irving R. Levine {CFR); from ABC
David Brinkley {CPR), John Scali {CFR), and Barbara Walters {CFR);
from Cable News Network {CNN) Daniel Schorr {CFR); and from the
Public Broadcast Service Robert McNeil (CFR),Jim Lehrer {CFR), and
Hodding Carter m {CFR).
. In addition to most of the major media personalities belong-
mg to the Rockefeller controlled CPR or TC, the television networks
are influenced by the Rockefeller's family bank. A July 1968 report,
issued by a House Banking subcommittee, revealed that Chase Man-
hattan Bank alone controlled 5.9 percent of the stock in CBS and that
it had gained interlocking directorates with ABC.2
A later report issued by Congress in 1974 indicated that Chase
Manhattan's stake in CBS had risen to 14.1 and that it had
made major inroads toward control of NBC by purchasing 4.5 per
cent of RCA Corporation, the parent of NBC. The same report disclosed
that Chase held stocks in twenty-eight broadcasting firms. The report,
entitled "Disclosure of Corporate Ownership," was the result of more
than two years of investigation and was published by the Senate sub-
committee on intergovernmental relations.3 Shortly after the release
of these findings, yet another study revealed that Chase had gained
control of 6.7 percent of ABC's stock as well.
America's Shadow Government
It should be pointed out that the preceding statistics were the
result of investigations in the 60s and 70s. The Rockefeller's share
in the three major networks was increasing rapidly at the time. Their
holdings today could be several times higher. Also, these statistics re-
veal only Chase Manhattan's stake in the networks. The holdings of
other Rockefeller banks and companies, which may own additional
shares in the same networks are not included. Nor do these findings
reveal the percentage of stock that Rockefeller allies might have in
the networks. When one considers that 5 percent ownership of the
stock of a widely-held corporation is usually enough to assure minority
control of that firm, the influence of just one family in the television
industry is truly mind-boggling.
The Rockefeller controlled Council on Foreign Relations has also
made significant strides toward gaining control of the wire services,
which supply much of our news. For example, wire service officials
Katharine Graham of the Associated Press, H.L. Stevenson of U.P.I.,
and Michael Posner of Reuters are past or present members of the
I am glad that the Associated Press member who tipped me off
about these organizations did not belong to them. It just goes to show
that there are still a few good reporters out there.
Independent newspapers have also been the target of establish-
ment takeovers and mergers. In 1983, the Congressional Research
Service reported that only 531 of the nation's 1, 700 dailies were still
independently owned. {Most of these were small town papers, which
have only a limited impact on shaping the nation's views.) This fig-
ure was down from 1,381 independent daily newspapers that existed
in 1945.s Some of the major newspapers influenced by the CFR in-
clude the New York Times Company with the largest number of past
or present CFR and/or TC members, Newsweek/Washington Post in-
cluding numerous leading syndicated columnists and owner Katharine
Graham, Dow Jones & Co. (Wall Street journal) with a number of
past or present CFR and/or TC members, sentation from the
Boston Globe, the Baltimore Sun, the Chicago un Times, the LA.
Times Syndicate, the Houston and th lnneapolis Star/lrl
bune. --
Other major newspapers with CFR interlocks are: the Arkan-
sas Gazette, Des Moines Register & Tribune, Gannett Co. (publisher
of USA Today and newspapers in more than forty cities from New
York to Hawaii), the Denver Post, and the LouisviJ/e Courier. The
further influences the press through its thirty-eight affiliated
Committees on Foreign Relations, whose members staff scores of ad-
En Route to Global Occupation
ditional newspapers all around the country.
Major magazines in the CFR orbit include: Fortune, Time, Life,
Money, People, and Sports Illustrated (all of which are under the
umbrella of Time, Inc.), Newsweek, Business Week, U.S. News &
World Report, Saturday Review, Reader's Digest, Atlantic Monthly,
McCall's, and Harper's Magazine.
These publications have aJso been influenced by a growing num-
ber of establishment banks and corporations whose advertisements
generate huge revenues for the magazines, such as Citicorp, Chase
Manhattan Corporation, Chemical Bank, Bankers Trust New York,
Manufacturers Hanover, Morgan Guaranty, Exxon, Atlantic
Richfield/ ARCO, Texaco, IBM, AT & T, General Electric, Mo-
tors Corporation, Ford Motor Company, and Chrysler Corporation.
Rockefeller-owned or -influenced oil companies, banks, and
blue-chip corporations are not the only buyers of advertising space.
One must include in this list the major department store chains, which
are probably the largest advertisers. R.H. Macy and Company, Feder-
ated Department Stores, Gimbel Brothers, Sears, Roebuck and Com-
pany, J.C. Penney Company, the May Department Stores Company,
and Allied Stores Corporation have all had on the board of directors
members of the CFR or partners from the CFR interlocked interna-
tional banking firms.6To this list must be added the hundreds of ad-
ditional corporations directly owned by the Rockefeller banks, oil com-
panies, and foundations who must also put their advertising money
Along with controlling the major networks, newspapers, and
magazines, the Rockefeller establishment has a lock on book publish-
ing as well. The following publishers have been represented on the
Council on Foreign Relations: MacMillan, Random House, Simon &
Schuster, McGraw-Hill, Harper Brothers, ffiM Publishing and Printing,
Xerox Corp., Yale University Press, Little Brown and Company, Vi-
king Press, Cowles Publishing, and Harper and Row. Many of these
specialize in publishing textbooks-which brings us to an important
If the mass communication industry is dominated by individu-
als and organizations committed to the advancement of global gov-
ernment then the only public medium left to warn us about this
danger public education. But how can this be accomplished if the
major textbook publishers are owned or influenced by establishment
Discovering this hidden influence prompted me to take a closer
look at the field of public education to see what the establishment
America's Shadow Government
was up to there. What I discovered was even more disillusioning than
the situation concerning the media. Although I knew that public edu-
cation was going through troubled times, I didn't realize that much
of this was due to the fact that it was one of the first areas targeted
for subversion. I finally understand why our schools are such a mess.
Using Publlc Education
John D. Rockefeller made his first move on education in 1902
when he formed the General Education Board (GEB).
To ensure con-
trol of this tax-exempt organization he put his assistant, Frederick T.
Gates, in charge as chairman.
Gates revealed the Rockefeller philoso-
phy on education in the board's "Occasional Letter, No.1."
In our dreams we have limitless resources and the
people yield themselves with perfect docility to our
moulding hands. The present educational conventions
fade from our minds, and unhampered by tradition, we
work our own good will upon a grateful and responsive
rural folk.9
The General Education Board would later expand its activities
to include the city folk as well
Between 1902 and 1907, John, Sr., would give a total of $43
million to the GEB. And from 1917 to 1919 he and his son,John D.,
Jr., gave a combined total of $200 million to the GEB, the Rockefeller
Foundation, and the Laura Spelman Rockefeller Memorial.
The to-
tal amount of Rockefeller funds given to influence education from
1902 to 1930, in today's money, would be equivalent to more than
$2 billion. This is an incredible sum of money going to promote
globalism and socialism within education, particularly when one con-
siders that there was little, if any, foundation-sponsored opposition
during this same period of time.
According to Gary Allen, who wrote '/be Rockefeller File,
the foundations (principally Carnegie and Rockefeller)
stimulated two-thirds of the total endowment funding
of all institutions of higher learning in America during
the first third of this century. During this period the
Carnegie-Rockefeller complex supplied twenty percent
of the total income of colleges and universities and
became in fact, if not in name, a sort of U.S. Ministry of
(It should be noted that the Rockefeller and Carnegie founda-
tions often had interlocking directorates and frequently acted in uni-
son. This is still the case today.)
These same foundations began in the early thirties to back john
60 En Route to Global Occupation
Dewey's Socialist philosophy with large amounts of money.
who became known as the "father of progressive education" went on
to influence the thinking of American educators more than any other
individual. What few people today realize about Dewey is that he was
one of America's leading atheists. He wrote:
There Is no God and no soul. Hence, there are no needs
for the props of traditional religion. With dogma and
creed excluded, then immutable (unchangeable) truth
Is also dead and buried. There is no room for fixed,
natural law or permanent moral absolutes.
One can see the results of Dewey's philosophy in the state of chaos
existing in our public school system today.
Dewey's association with the Rockefeller family went back a
long way as he taught four of the five Rockefeller brothers, includ-
ing David and Nelson. He started his educational career in 1894 at
the University of Chicago, which was one of the first schools to re-
ceive Rockefeller money.
Dewey worked there until1904, when he
resigned and moved to the Teacher's College at Columbia University.
He would spend the rest of his life teaching teachers. "Today, twenty
percent of all American school superintendents and forty percent of
all teacher college heads have advanced degrees from Columbia where
Dewey spent many years as the Department head. "
As Gary Allen explains:
Since America's public school system was decentralized,
the foundations had concentrated on inftuendng schools
of education (particularly Columbia, the spawning
ground for Deweyism), and on financing the writing of
t6tbooks which were subsequently adopted nation-
The Reece Committee realized this strategy and focused much
of its energy on investigating foundation control over teacher train-
ing schools. Rene Wormser, Counsel for the Committee, observed:
Research and experimental stations were established at
selected universities, notably Columbia, Stanford, and
Chicago. Here some of the worst mischief in recent edu-
cation was born. In these Rockefeller-and-Carnegie-es-
tablished vineyards worked many of the principal char-
acters in the story of the suborning of American educa-
tion. Here foundations nurtured some of the most ar-
dent academic advocates of upsetting the American sys-
tem and supplanting it with a Socialist state.
Traditionalist teachers, who had strongly resisted Deweyism,
were swamped by education propagandists backed with millions of
America's Shadow Government
Rockefeller-Carnegie dollars. The National Education Association
(NEA), the country's chief education lobby, was also being financed
largely by the Rockefeller and Carnegie foundations.
By 1934, the
NEA adopted John Dewey's philosophy of humanism socialism, and
globalism, and incorporated it into the classroom.
' it was interest-
~ g to learn that while all of this was going on, Dewey managed to
slip away to Russia for a time to help organize the Marxist educational
system there.20
The Rockefellers not only used their money to seize control of
America's centers of teacher training, they also spent millions of dol-
lars on rewriting history books and creating textbooks that under-
mined patriotism and free enterprise.
Among the series of public
school textbooks produced by Rockefeller grants was one called Build-
ing America. These books promoted Marxist propaganda to the ex-
tent that the California legislature refused to appropriate money for
Rene Wormser concluded:
It Is difficult to believe that The Rockefeller Foundation
and the National Education Association could have sup-
ported these textbooks. But the fact is that Rockefeller
financed them and the NBA promoted them very
The Rockefeller foundations have also worked through the sec-
ondary foundations and think-tanks to influence education and to
shape public opinion by financing the production of hundreds of re-
ports and studies that subdy promote a globalistic and socialistic view
of society. These findings" are then quoted in textbooks and identi-
fied by the media as fact, though in reality, most think-tanks are little
more than propaganda divisions of the Rockefeller establishment,
generating tainted data.
According to Shoup's "Imperial Brain Trust," as of 1969, the
Council on Foreign Relations had in its membership twenty-two trust-
ees of the Brookings Institute, twenty-nine officials from Rand Cor-
poration, fourteen from the Hudson Institute, and thirty-three from
the Middle East Institute. Among the major foundations, the CFR
boasted fourteen of nineteen trustees at the Rockefeller Foundation
ten of seventeen at the Carnegie Foundation and seven of sixteen at
the Ford Foundation. z
The establishment's influence in our schools has continued to
grow during the past few decades. Today its lock on public education
is nearly complete. This fact is evidenced in the numbers of teacher
colleg.e heads who belong to the Council on Foreign Relations, includ-
ing Michael I. Sovem, Columbia University (CFR); Frank H.T. Rhodes,
62 En Route to Global Occupation
Cornell University (CFR);john Brademus, New York University (CFR);
Alice S. Ilchman, Sarah Lawrence College (CFR); Theodore M.
Hesburgh, Notre Dame University (recently resigned) {CFR(I'C);
Donald Kennedy, Stanford University (CFR); Benno C. Schmidt, Jr.,
Yale University (CFR); Hannah Holbom Gray, University of Chicago
(CFR); Steven Muller, johns Hopkins University (CFR); Howard R.
Swearer, Brown University (CFR); Donna E. Shalala, University of
Wisconsin (CFR); and john D. Wilson, Washington and Lee Univer-
sity (CFR).
With these prestigious teacher training centers under the influ-
ence of globalists, regaining control of public education has become
a next to impossible task.
America's Role
After first learning about the establishment's lock on our po-
litical system, I was outraged. My intelligence had been insulted. I
didn't see how I could have gone as long as I did without knowing
anything about these matters. Until a few years ago, I had never even
heard of the Council on Foreign Relations or the Trilateral Commis-
After fmding out about the establishment's control of mass com-
munication, I was even more appalled, but now, at least, I understood
why I hadn't learned about the conspiracy any earlier. The
Rockefellers controlled every facet of the information industry, from
television to public education. Therefore, unless a person comes across
one of the citizen's groups trying to expose the conspiracy, or stumbles
onto some aspect of it, as I did, there is no way to fmd out about it
As I continued to investigate the one-world movement, the ques-
tion that kept recurring in my mind was, "Where does America fit into
the plans of the hierarchy? What role has it been destined to play?"
Reflecting on this matter, I am convinced that America's pur-
pose in the overall plan was to lay the necessary groundwork for the
world government; and then, having accomplished this mission, to
lead humanity to the threshold, if not actually into, the New World
Order. Only America, with its record of integrity and leadership (as
the hero of World Wars I and II and as the world's policeman in the
area of human rights) could accomplish such a feat. President Bush
made this point clear in his State of the Union address on 29 janu-
ary 1991. Consider the following excerpts from his speech:
As a further example of establishment dominance over the major training
schools, there are a total of sixty-nine CFR members on the faculty at the
University of Chicago, fifty-eight at Princeton, and thirty at Harvard.
America's Shadow Government
For two centuries, America has served the world as an
inspiring example of freedom and democracy. For gen-
erations, America has led the struggle to preserve and
extend the blessings of liberty. And today, in a rapidly
changing world, American leadership is indispensable.
Americans Jmow that leadership brings burdens and
But we also [Jmow] why the hopes of humanity tum to
us. We are Americans; we have a unique responsibility
to do the hard work of freedom.
We can find meaning and reward by serving some
higher p ~ r p o s e than ourselves-a shining purpose, the
illumination of a thousand points of light
Referring to the Persian Gulf War, Bush went on to reveal what
this higher purpose" was.
We know why we're there. We are Americans: part of
something larger than ourselves ...
What is at stake is more than one small country; it is a
big Idea: a new world order, where diverse nations are
drawn together in common cause to achieve the univer-
sal aspirations of mankind ...
With few exceptions, the world now stands as one ...
for the first time since World War ll, the international
community is united. The leadership of the United Na-
tions, once only a hoped-for ideal, is now confirming Its
founders' vision ....
The world can therefore seize this opportunity to ful-
fill the long-held promise of a new world order .... Yes,
the United States bears a major share of the leadership
in this effort. Among the nations of the world, only the
United States of America has had both the moral stand-
ing and the means to back it up. We are the only na-
tion on this Earth that could assemble the forces of
peace. This is the burden of leadership ....
The winds of change are with us now. The forces of free-
dom are together and united. And we move toward the
next century more confident than ever that we have the
will at home and abroad to do what must be done-the
hard work of freedom.n
... A New World Order-all in the name of freedom and de-
mocracy! Who would have believed it possible even a generation ago?
As Congressman McDonald pointed out, if the hidden forces
were to have any hope of establishing a one-world government, they
would first have to gain control of the United States, and use its eco-
64 En Route to Global Occupation
nomic influence to lead the rest of the nations into the new order.
Only America, with its vast resources, was capable of putting
the final pieces for a global system into place. It was the New York-
based international banks and American computer companies who
made this automation and centralization of global banking possible;
and it was our telecommunications companies who built the satellites
needed to enforce a system of global government
Only America was capable of producing the economic wealth
necessary for the super-capitalists to buy up the world. Many coun-
tries and foreign merchants have become rich off of the enormous
wealth of the United States, becoming loyal allies of the establishment
that made this possible. As a result of this wealth, English has become
the world's business language, and the U.S. dollar is the closest thing
to a world currency.
A one-world government could not be accomplished through a
perceived dictatorship. In order to be accepted, the New World Or-
der would have to ride in on the back of what appeared to be a trusted
democracy. America filled this description, being viewed as the world's
greatest bastion of freedom-the last great hope of mankind. Further-
more, America is the world's largest cosmopolitan nation-virtually
everyone in the world has at least one relative or friend living in the
United States. This goes a long way in alleviating distrust and build-
ing a favorable image for the New World Order.
The Gulf War, I believe, was only the latest tactic used by in-
siders to accomplish their goal As one who had a nephew on the front
lines during the war, I had mixed feelings about America's involve-
ment On the one hand I wanted to be supportive of our sons and
daughters who were putting their lives on the line. At the same time,
I felt in my heart that the war had been contrived by those in high
places to move us closer toward their objective.
The war would accomplish several purposes. It would serve as
an excuse for hiking up oil prices, thereby generating billions of dol-
lars of additional revenue for the establishment's oil companies. But
more importantly, it would unite the nations of the world against ~
common enemy-which was necessary to take humanity the final step
into a one-world system. Hussein played the role of the perfect vil-
lain who all decent people like to hate (like Hitler).
The war would also establish America as the undisputed leader
of the world and the enforcer of the New World Order, showing other
countries what they would encounter if they opposed the emerging
world system. It would make true patriots who opposed the concept
of a New World Order appear to be unpatriotic, while making
America's Shadow Government 65
globalists who supported the U.N. appear as patriots, essentially turn-
ing the tables upside down.
I have nothing against American leadership in the world if it is
the kind of leadership that espouses godly principles and virtues, and
sets a noble example for other nations to follow. I would like to be a
patriot of the America envisioned by the Pilgrims, by Abraham Un-
coln, Louis T. McFadden, Larry McDonald, and other leaders from our
past However, their vision did not include an America of material-
ism, corruption, and godlessness, which has become a stronghold for
the secret societies; nor did it include a nation that manipulates other
nations for the purpose of achieving a world government I believe
that a great many Americans would agree with me on this.
Having gained some idea of America's role in building the New
World Order, the only remaining question I had was "What will hap-
pen to the U.S. once it has fulflUed its mission?" There is some dis-
agreement among researchers on this question. Some believe that
once we have entered the New World Order, Europe will be made
the headquarters of the world government Others believe that the
seat of power for the world government will be in the United States,
speciflcally in New York City.
As things currently stand, New York would be the logical choice
to be the world's capitol, given the fact that it is the most powerful
and influential city in the world and that the United Nations, the
Council on Foreign Relations, and the Trilateral Commission are all
headquartered there. However, the secret hierarchy of Europe, which
is still ultimately in charge, might have different plans. If they intend
to locate the world capitol in Europe, they will flnd a way to do so.
Such a decision, however, would probably involve either the economic
devastation or physical destruction of New York City. This could be
accomplished in several ways-economically, through a planned col-
lapse of the stock market or a severe depression resulting from our
excessive national debt; or physically, as an act of terrorism, as a
nuclear accident," or through a limited nuclear war. Whatever
method would be selected, the European hierarchy, I believe, would
be capable of carrying it out (if God allows it).
Is New York d e s t i n e ~ for destruction? I don't know the answer
to this question, nor do I wish such a fate upon the people of that
city. However, the parallels between New York and the great, but
wicked, city described as Mystery Babylon in Revelation 17 and 18
are difficult to ignore. I can only hope these passages are describing
something else.
Chapter 4
The New Age Movement
Early on, I had become aware of the fact that the political and
economic efforts to create a world government were being
undergirded by a network of spiritually motivated organizations that
have collectively become known as the New Age movement My first
experience in this regard came during a business trip to a nearby city
where I met with officials from a small, but profitable, manufactur-
ing concern. After the meeting, I joined the company's representa-
tives for lunch at a restaurant
When our food arrived, I noticed that my hosts quietly bowed
their heads to pray over the meal. Being a Christian myself, I was
glad to be in the presence of other believers-something that didn't
happen very often in my business. Subsequently, during the luncheon
conversation, one of the officers shared the following incident, which
had just happened at their company.
Their corporation, known for its charity, had recently been
approached by a local "good works" organization to inquire whether
they could use the company's boardroom to house their monthly
meetings. They approved the request As part of the arrangement, a
member of the company's staff was going to assume the office of sec-
retary to take the minutes at the meetings of this newly formed or-
It did not take long for the company to figure out what was
happening. According to the secretary's testimony, the organization
was planning ways in which they could infiltrate and influence the
community with their "New Age" ideas and activities. It was all in the
name of peace and unity while meeting the needs of the community.
On the surface, it sounded very humanitarian. Had it not b ~ f o r
the fact that the secretary was herself a Christian, and that she sfi ed
her experiences with a fiance who was perceptive about such t-
ters, she would not have seen through the deception.
The company had not screened the organization very carefully
and, therefore, did not realize that the group was New Age. Even if
they had, it would have meant little to them since they had never
The New Age Movement 67
heard of the New Age movement (This was in the early 1980s when
a limited number of outsiders knew about such a network.)
After discussing the matter, the corporate officials asked their
employee to continue as secretary for the organization's meetings in
order to gather more information. In the meantime, the company had
organized its own mini-conference for the purpose of gaining an un-
derstanding of this SO<alled New Age. They told me that they had
asked a Christian gentleman who knew more about this subject to
come and give a presentation. Learning about my interest, they in-
vited me to attend this private session. Ironically, this meeting to
expose the movement would be held in the same boardroom that was
used by the New Age organization.
Prior to this, I had never heard about the New Age and did not
see the reason for all of the alarm. However, I was intrigued enough
by the secretary's reports to make the two hour drive back to attend
the meeting later that week.
I was unprepared for the heaviness of the conference. I am not
sure what I expected; but by the time the presentation was over, my
head was reeling with questions. The speaker, however, was articu-
late and patient and was able to provide intelligent answers to my
questions. I realized, both from what he said and from the documen-
tation that he shared, that he had insight into this subject It appeared
that this New Age movement" was real and that it presented a grow-
ing threat to our society. Uttle did I know at the time that this gentle-
man and I would become the best of friends and would later work
together as partners in researching this movement
The amazing thing about all of this was that my experiences
dealing with the new currency, the global societies and the New Age
movement all took place within an eight month period. It took these
three experiences to knock me out of my complacency. I believe this
was God's way of getting my attention. My life has never been the
same since. I was now prepared to do some serious investigation.
Within a few months, I was up to my ears in New Age research
material. Along with getting more information about the global po-
litical societies and doing some research on economic matters, I had
begun to visit various health food stores in our community. My new
friend-the lecturer-had informed me that the New Age movement
frequently used health food stores as fronts to distribute their litera-
ture and to propagate their ideas. He recommended I visit a few of
them and browse around; I decided to give it a try.
My friend was right The first health food store I walked into,
less than two miles from our home, carried everything from the New
68 En Route to Global Occupation
Age journal to Mother Earth News. The owner of the store was so
excited to see my interest that she decided to throw in a few old copies
of the New Age journal free of charge.
The next visit to a health food store was even worse. The store
carried a variety of blatant occult material. On its bulletin board was
pinned a flier with information on how one could join WICCA, the
national organization for witches. Beneath the invitation was writ-
ten Serious Students Only! I could hardly believe my eyes. I should
mention that I did find a few good oldfashioned health stores that
were not peddUng occult material, but they were in a minority.
After a few Saturdays of such legwork, I had accumulated a small
pile of New Age books, newsletters, and magazines. Using various alias
names, I got myself placed on several mailing lists by responding to
some of the advertisements in these New Age publications. By doing
so, I would be able to determine who was in contact with whom and
which organizations were networking with each other-at least to the
point of sharing mailing lists.
In just six months of doing this, I was getting New Age litera-
ture from all around the country; within a year, I was no longer able
to even scan through all the material I was receiving. Several large
boxes full of New Age/occult literature were piling up in my bouse.
I had gotten pretty good at playing the role of a New Ager and
would carry on extended conversations with the owners and manag-
ers of New Age bookstores. My goal was simply to determine where
they were coming from and why they believed as they did. Addition-
ally, I benefited from the research of my friend and several of his
friends. Before long, we had our own little network through which
we exchanged information and kept each other current We were all
drawn together by our mutual love for Christ and our commitment
to exposing the works of darkness.
After nearly two years of studying the New Age, I felt that I had
a grasp of the movement and its inner workings, and I believed that
I had accomplished my purpose in this area. I did not want to dwell
on the New Age writings any more than I had to. The material was
so dark and oppressive that I always felt weighed down after read-
ing it I believed God had called me to expose the movem other-
wise I would have stopped researching it much earlier. I do n t rec-
ommend that anyone do this type of research unless they are bso-
lutely certain it is God's will for them. Then, they should offset any-
thing they read by reading the Bible at least the same amount o time.
Satan isn't called the master deceiver for nothing. While some
New Age writings are so blatantly satanic that they pose little threat
The New Age Movement
to a grounded Christian, other writings are so subtle
that they are capable of derailing even the most committed believer.
Therefore I cannot be overly insistent that readers not take these
' .
matters lightly. . .
It is impossible to cover the entire New Age movement wtthin
the scope of this book. There are numerous outstanding books on the
market which delve more extensively into the evil crevices of the New
Age movement But, in a nutshell, here is what I learned.
New Age Mysticism
The religion of the New Age, simply put, is pantheism-the be-
lief that God is the sum total of all that exists. According to panthe-
ists, there is no personal God, instead their concept of God consists
of what they refer to as a god-force (or life-force). They teach
this energy, or god-force, flows through all living things-plants, ani-
mals-and human beings. Since this god-force flows through all of us,
they rationalize, we must therefore be gods or, at least, part of God.
Because of this belief, most pantheists will automatically sup-
port the concept of a one-world government since global unity is
essential to the proper flow of the god-force. Humanity will then,
presumably, take a leap" to a higher level of existence. The
result will be that all humans will suddenly receive mystical powers
to do what they could never do before. A new age of enlightenment-
a New World Order-will be born.
Pantheism also teaches that we will never die, and therefore,
we must face no personal judgement by God. We just keep coming
back in different life forms (reincarnation)-an acceptable concept to
pantheists since they believe that we are all "one with nature" any-
It is amazing that man has fallen for these deceptive teachings
since pantheism is clearly based on the two oldest lies of Satan-the
same lies that tripped up Adam and Eve. The serpent lured the first
couple into sin by promising them that if they ate of the forbidden
fruit I) they would never die, and 2) they would become like God.
But man it seems is willing to do just about anything to es-
cape accountability and to a higher auth?rity. The
that there is no accountability to a personal God, I bebeve, is the mam
appeal of pantheism. People would rather believe a delusive lie
be their own authority than to accept the truth and draw near to the1r
loving Creator.
Another thing that I discovered was that occult practices ema-
nate from pantheistic beliefs, best illustrated in the area of witchcraft
Contrary to popular belief, many (perhaps most) witches do not be-
70 En Route to Global Occupation
lieve in Satan; nor do they see themselves as practicing satanic ritu-
als. Most witches and sorcerers believe that witchcraft consists merely
of manipulating the forces of nature, or the god-force (pantheism).
Pantheism is Satan's religion. Although direct Satan worship
(satanism) has drawn some followers, most people will not embroil
themselves in it because of its blatantly evil overtones. Instead, some-
thing more subtle-such as pantheism-developed to draw in the
H occult practices emanate from pantheistic beliefs, it only fol-
lows that the leaders of the Eastern pantheistic religions must also
be the leading occult experts in the world. I found that hard-core New
Agers, those who were heavily involved in the occult, considered the
Eastern religious leaders to be the leading authorities on the occult-
subsequently Indian swamis and yogis have been able to attract large
followings in the West However, the most revered gurus among New
Agers are the Tibetan monks, resided over by their spiritual master,
the Dalai Lama. Many of the personalities, such as Alice Bailey and
Helena Petrovna Blavatsky of the Theosophical Society whose writ-
ings have had the most influence on the New Age of to-
day, studied for a time under the occult masters of the Far East
One of the misconceptions that has thrown people off track and
prevented them from making the connection between pantheism and
the occult is a misunderstanding of the word mystic or mysticism-
least in its usage. New Agers, I found, used the terms mys-
ticism and occultism interchangeably. In fact, the most popular diC-
tionary among New Agers is Nevill Drury's Dictionary of Mysticism
and the Occu/1. Time and time again in my research, I found these
words being used together or synonymously. I finally decided to look
up the word mystic in Webster's New Collegiate Dictionary to see
what it really meant One of the definitions is "of or relating to mys-
teries or esoteric rites: occult "I
Mysticism, as it turns out, is simply a kinder, gentler way of
saying occultism. What has thrown people even further off track is
the term "new age," which is even more pleasant sounding but has
come to be synonymous with mysticism and the occult In modem
language, being a New Ager, a mystic, or occultist all means the same
Because of these subtleties, many peo involved on the fringes
of the New Age movement are not aware of e fact that they are
embracing occult concepts. They do, eventually, iscover that they are
practicing occultism; however, by then they hav become so hooked
on their new beliefs and practices that they e often unwilling to
The New Age Movement 71
tum around and go back. The occult is seductive and incredibly ad-
dictive, possibly as much as, or more than, mind-altering drugs.
Perhaps the most addictive and dangerous aspect of occultism
is entering into, or inducing, an altered state of consciousness. I found
that achieving altered states was one of the chief unifying factors
among New Agers.
I believe that God created us with a type of protective dome to
shield us from the realm of the occult However, if we choose to dis-
obey God and His warnings, it is possible to break through this in-
visible shield to tap directly into the occult and to communicate with
the powers of darkness (demons). This can be achieved in many ways,
using a variety of concentration and meditation techniques--most of
which have the effect of inducing an altered state of consciousness.
Some people who go into altered (or trance) states do not have
a "significant experience" for some time; others have occult experi-
ences on the very first try. These phenomena include such things as
out-of-body travel (also referred to by New Agers as astral projection
or space travel); use of hypnosis to travel back into their "past lives"
(past life regression); distinct visions about future events (forms of
divination); or direct interaction with spirit beings (usually referred
to as spirit guides, or simply guides).
Going into an altered state is extremely dangerous. In fact, there
are New Age books available about techniques that will supposedly
protect against having bad experiences. Gurus in India take precau-
tionary measures as they delve deeper and deeper into meditative
states. They are horrified at the casualness of amateur practi-
tioners in the West
The fact that most Christians don't realize what this is all about
has only added to the problem. Few preachers, due to a lack of un-
derstanding or courage (or both}, have been willing to tackle such
issues from the pulpit As a result, apart from the warnings of the Bible
against occultism and spiritism, the public has been left open for
Satan's deception.
What few people realize is that going into an altered state could
give Satan a license to influence our thinking. It is possible that these
altered states break down our defense mechanisms. Some psycholo-
occult meditation is not to be confused wilh biblical meditation which we are
encounged to participate in. Unlike occult meditation, which involves going into
a trance state, biblical meditation, as referred to by David in lhe Psalms, is an
active process. To meditate upon God's Word, for example, means to think about,
or to reflect upon lhe principles and truths of the Bible and how lhey relate to
our Jives.
72 En Route to Global Occupation
gists believe that in a trance state, a person has little power to rea-
son or to screen out falsehood or deception. Satan is no fool He un-
derstands this. Is it possible that in this state a person has little sense
of right or wrong and is more likely to accept whatever the spirit (or
the hypnotist) says?
For example, if under a deep hypnosis you were told that you
rode a tricycle down the main street of your city yesterday, you might
believe it It could become a fact in your mind. This dangerous power
of the occult is demonstrated in the following incident
A few years ago an expert on hypnosis was invited to my niece's
high school to demonstrate "the art" He asked for volunteers to come
up to the platform, after which he succeeded at placing several of these
students into trances. Two years later when he came back to the same
school, he demonstrated that his power was still in effect over those
who had been hypnotized. He simply spoke a "trigger" word and the
sound of his voice allegedly put the previously hypnotized students
back into a trance. This spooked a number of the students ... as well
it should!
While this particular hypnotist appears to have been benevo-
lent up to this point, his practices are nevertheless cultish and should
be avoided. There is no such thing as good occultism or good (white)
magic. Both are of Satan. What appears to be good in the realm of
the occult only appears that way until the moment that Satan decides
to use it for his evil intentions. No one should allow themselves to
be fooled into thinking that they can use or manipulate occult pow-
ers to harmlessly accomplish good "positive changes." H they do, it
is they who are being manipulated, not the spirit world.
Something else I discovered while researching this subject was
that mind-altering drugs have been used for thousands of years to
accomplish this same purpose of inducing altered states. In fact, au-
thor Nevill Drury contends that the philosophers of ancient Greece
were known to use a drug very similar to LSD to place themselves
into trances. This drug was made from the ergot that grew on the
cereal crops in nearby fields and was frequently used before initiates
partook in the occult rituals of the Greek mysteries. Some of the
philosophers were particularly heavy into the occult and drugs and
had been initiated into the Mysteries of E l e u s ~ .
It is no coincidence that the use of dru and the practice of
occultism in this country exploded at the same tim during the 1960s.
The two go hand-in-hand. Mind-altering drugs, such LSD and heroin,
are merely the lazy man's way of achieving an al red-state, or tak-
ing a trip, which is really an occult experience. This is only one of
The New Age Movement 73
the reasons why drugs are so addictive. I know of one person who
gave up drugs after finding out that he could have the same experi-
ences by practicing occult meditation. It was less expensive and less
damaging to his body ... so he believed!
Some people, who regularly put themselves into trances may
eventually be directly approached by spirit beings during their trance.
Some theologians believe that these spirits, which are actually demons,
can take on any form they choose, depending on what that particu-
lar person believes. For example, a New Ager who has embraced pan-
theism along with its inherent belief in reincarnation, may, while in
a trance, encounter a spirit which approaches under the guise of be-
ing a more highly evolved being. This being, or ascended master,"
has gone through several incarnations, and is allegedly therefore able
to communicate in ways that less evolved humans cannot
Those in the fields of philosophy and psychology who have
delved into the occult, such as Carl Jung, have had similar experi-
ences-only they refer to these beings as archetypal images or "Ideal
Forms." Strict humanists, on the other hand, who do not believe in
the existence of a spirit realm, are more commonly approached by
beings posing as extraterrestrials who claim that they are higher forms
of life from other worlds and are able to communicate in ways that
humans have not yet discovered.
In short, demons will tell people whatever they want to hear
and are willing to accept It is amazing that so many people, who
refuse to believe in the existence of a God are not only willing, but
eager, to accept such lies. Not much has changed over the years. It
was the same way during the Old Testament era.
It was interesting to discover that all of the ancient mystery
religions from the Bible era were pantheistic. Pantheism originated
in the ancient city of Babylon in Mesopotamia and from there spread
rapidly in all directions to cover the face of the earth. Hinduism is
one of the off-shoots of the original Babylonian pantheism (via the
Aryans of ancient Persia). And Buddhism is an off-shoot of Hinduism.
All of the Eastern religions of today are ultimately traceable to an-
cient Babylon, where the post-flood rebellion against God began.
The nation of Israel was completely surrounded by these oc-
cult societies. To the west were the Egyptian Mysteries (also known
as the Mysteries of Osiris), out of which God had delivered the Isra-
elites. To the south were the Arabian Mysteries; to the east were the
Babylonian and Persian Mysteries (respectively known as the Myster-
ies of Semiramis and the Mithraic Mysteries, or Zoroastrianism). To
the north were the Assyrian and Phoenician Mysteries (including Baal
74 En Route to Global Occupation
worship) and later on the Mysteries of Greece and Rome (referred
to as the Mysteries of Eleusis, Dionysus, Bacchus, etc.). All of these
pantheistic religions (at their base) were the same and were trace-
able to ancient Babylon and the time of Nimrod.
God scattered the people from Babylon at the building of the
Tower of BabeL but this did not put an end to occultism, it merely
broke it up and slowed its spread for a time. As new civilizations arose
in Egypt, Persia, India, etc., the occult practices of old were revived.
The people, as it turned out, had merely taken their beliefs and prac-
tices with them.
Although some changes and modifications took place in these
"new" mysteries to suit the developing cultures of the various lan-
guage groups, the basic tenets and practices remained the same. All
of the ancient mysteries, for example, had an occult priesthood, which
ruled the country or empire in association with the appointed priest-
king. In order to enter the priesthood, one always had to go through
a series of secret occult rituals and initiations. When an initiate reached
the highest level (or inner circle) of the priesthood, the secret doc-
trine was revealed. It always included the worship of Lucifer, more
frequently referred to in the mysteries as the God of Hades, or the
God of the Underworld and usually symbolized by the serpent or
dragon. This should have sent a clear message to the people of the
day that their religions were satanically inspired.
The highest priests took their orders directly from Satan or ~
demon messengers in altered states of consciousness. The techniques
for achieving these states were once the deepest, best kept, secrets
of the high priests. Later, they would be kept alive and carried for-
ward by the secret societies. Within the past generation, however,
these same techniques (or variations of these techniques) have made
it into the mainstream of Western society.
The demonic spirits with whom the priests communicated be-
came the gods and goddesses of the mystery religions. I further be-
lieve that the idols worshipped in these religions, in many instances,
were formed in the actual images of the demons as they appeared to
the priests. If this is true, the masses were worshipping more than
mere pieces of stone, clay, or metal; they were actually praying to
the demons portrayed by the images. This is why God w o ada-
mant in his commandments to Moses that the Israelites worsfi no
other gods.
And God spoke all these words:
I am the Lord your God, who brought you out of Egypt,
out of the land of slavery. You shall have no other gods
The New Age Movement
before me. You shall not make for yourself an idol in
the form of anything in heaven llhove or on the earth
beneath or in the waters below. You shall not bow down
to them or worship them; for I, the Lord your God, am
a jealous God. {Ex. 20:1-Sa)
God further warned the Israelites through Moses:
When you enter the land the Lord your God is giving
you, do not learn to imitate the detestable ways of the
nations there. Let no one be found among you who
sacrifices his son or daughter in the fire, who practices
divination or sorcery, interprets omens, engages in
witchcraft, or casts spells, or who is a medium or spirit-
ist or who consults the dead. Anyone who does these
things is detestable to the Lord, and because of these
detestable practices the Lord your God will drive out
those nations before you. (Deul 18:9-12)
In pursuing occult phenomena, such as altered states, a person
is playing with fire. He is breaking through the supernatural barrier,
which has been placed there by God for his protection. This is why
the Bible repeatedly warns us to steer clear of these practices. Addi-
tional passages, which deal specifically with this topic, include
Jeremiah 29:8-9; Zechariah 10:2; Isaiah 47:13-15; Leviticus 19:4, 26,
31 and 20:6.
Through willing or naive vessels who practice occult medita-
tion Satan is able to orchestrate his worldwide drive for a New World
O r d ~ r . Using secret occult hierarchies, he has systematically advanced
his plans with the only serious threat to his efforts coming from knowl-
edgeable, obedient Christians who stand in his path. Much of the
plan" is revealed piece-by-piece to individuals throughout the world
who are in regular contact with Satan's agents through altered states.
Not everyone practicing occult meditation actually comes into con-
tact with spirit entities; however, a great many do and these encoun-
ters are far more prevalent than most people realize or care to ad-
While it is impossible to know the exact number of individuals
in the United States who are involved in the occult, it is fair to say
that they have multiplied by the thousands during the past three
decades. This movement has its recognized leaders and authorities,
and it generates huge volumes of books and occult writings, which
are faithfully read by its followers. If I had to, I believe that I could
come up with a list of at least a thousand New Age organizations that
exist in this country alone. Some of these groups are as small as a
few dozen people whose reach is limited to a small community. Other
76 En Route to Global Occupation
organizations, particularly those built around major publications, have
tens of thousands on their mailing lists.
Many of the leaders of the New Age movement, I am convinced,
know exactly what they are doing and who they are in touch with
(demonic spirits). Many of the occult initiates directly under these
leaders, on the other hand, might not be aware of the actual Lucifer
worship going on at the top. They must, however, realize that the tech-
niques and rituals, which they are practicing, relate to the occult
A majority of New Agers, I believe, fall into neither of these cat-
egories. They operate along the fringes of the movement, naively un-
aware of what they are involved in. Such individuals may have be-
come associated with the movement because of one or more shared
beliefs or practices such as an obsession with the environment, ho-
listic health, world peace, the practice of Transcendental Meditation,
yoga, or other forms of occult meditation. I sympathize with these
people, as they have been drawn into the movement unwittingly.
Traditionally, the Theosophical Society has been at the forefront
of the movement, playing an important role in conditioning human-
ity to accept the New World Order. The organization has produced
many of the most widely read occult classics, such as The Destiny of
the Nations, 1be Reappearance of the Christ, Discipleship of the New
Age, and The Secret Doctrine, written by the society's founder, Hel-
ena-Petrovna Blavatsky.
On page 53 of 1be Secret Doctrine, Blavatsky quotes Milton's
Paradise Lost in reference to the MFallen One" or Satan, stating, MBetter
to reign in hell than serve in heaven!" On the same page, she declares,
"Better be man, the crown of terrestrial production, and king over
its opus operatum, than be lost among the will-less Spiritual Hosts in
On page 76 of The Secret Doctrine, Blavatsky, referring to Lu-
cifer, states, M ... it is this grandest of ldeals, this ever-living symbol-
nay apotheosis-of self-sacrifice for the intellectual independence of
humaility ... " She continues in the same section by approvingly quot-
ing Eliphas Levi as follows:
It {Satan) is that Angel who was proud enough to be-
lieve himself God; brave enough to buy his indepen-
dence at the price of eternal suffering and torture; beau-
tiful enough to have adored himself in full divine light;
strong enough to still reign in darkness amidst agony,
and to have made himself a throne out of this inextin-
guishable pyre ... the prince of anarchy, served by a
hierarchy of pure spirits.
The New Age Movement 77
I could continue, but it gets even worse. Some of the results of
The Secret Doctrine have already been witnessed, as the book
strongly influenced Hitler.s Blavatsky clearly understood that there
is a God and had clearly chosen to rebel against Him, taking the side
ofLucifer. Her position was again confirmed when she decided to pub-
lish a magazine entitled Lucifer, which was in circulation for a short
time before succumbing to public pressure and shutting down.
Another leader of the Theosophical Society, Alice Bailey, would
establish The Lucifer Press for the purpose of printing and distribut-
ing the society's literature. {This was around 1920.) Due to public
outrage, however, the name was soon changed to Lucis Press, Ltd.
Until a couple of years ago, Lucis Trust, the parent organization, was
appropriately headquartered at United Nations Plaza in New York. It
has over six thousand members and is among the many foundations
sponsoring the one-world movement
Some of the Luciferic organizations established by the Theo-
sophical network of Bailey and Lucis Trust include the Arcane Schools
(of New York, London, Geneva, and Buenos Aires); the Triangles; and
World Goodwill-aU founded during the 1920s and 30s.
The Arcane Schools are special training centers that place a per-
son on the fast track for service within the high level network of the
New Age movement Lucis Trust's Triangles program is another way
in which the organization helps to promote the New World Order.
The Triangles consist of hundreds of meditation groups of three
people who simultaneously imagine triangles of light as they recite
the Great Invocation for the return of "the Christ" (the Antichrist}.
World Goodwill, on the other hand, is composed of individu-
als who are collectively referred to as the MNew Group of World Serv-
ers," founded in 1933 and purposed to distribute literature worldwide
promoting theosophy's Luciferic views. In 1961, this group was joined
with another occult organization calling itself World Union9, which
is today heavily involved in the politics of planning and implement-
ing the world government
A number of the most powerful New Age organizations, such
as Lucis Trust and World Union, are well connected with the one-world
political societies and feed directly into the World Constitution and
Parliament Association, the organization charged with the task of
actually bringing us into the New World Order.
The World Constitution and Parliament Association
The World Constitution and Parliament Association (WCPA) was
founded in 1959 in Lakewood, Colorado, near Denver. The main fig-
78 En Route to Global Occupation
ure behind the organization's establishment and development has
been Philip Isely, who, since 1966, has served as the WCPA's secre-
tary general Under Isely's direction, as part of its role of putting the
final pieces into place, the association has assembled a Provisional
World Parliament Three sessions of the Parliament have already been
held since 1982, and a number of World Legislative Acts have been
adopted at these meetings. The fourth session of the Provisional World
Parliament will be held in the near future. A total of five sessions were
originally planned leading up to the New World Order.
At the third session, held in 1987, a Provisional World Presidium
and World Cabinet were appointed to serve as the equivalent of an
executive branch for the emerging world government In addition to
these activities the WCPA has found time to oversee the drafting of a
world constitution and lobbying to get this constitution ratified by
national parliaments and governments, many of which are already
dominated or strongly influenced by members of these same groups.
The final ratification campaign was officially launched in the
spring of 1991 at the meeting of the World Constituent Assembly in
Portugal. The amount of time it will take for this drive to gain accep-
tance depends largely on how many people can be warned about the
WCPA's plans in advance. To say that the matter is extremely urgent
is not an overstatement When one considers everyone who is in-
volved in this plot and the fact that the WCP A is composed of a glo-
bal W h o ~ Who, one is forced to take this threat seriously.
The strategy of the WCPA and its affiliated organizations has
been to quietly put as many pieces into place as possible, with no more
people knowing about their plans than was necessary to accomplish
the task. Then, once most of the groundwork had been laid, the WCP A
and its large New Age support network would rush forward as quickly
as possible, implementing the world government before people re-
ally have had a chance to think about what is happening or are able
to form an effective opposition.
The WCPA does not like the word "conspiracy." Instead, it
chooses to use the words collaborating" or "networking for change"
to describe its efforts. Though it has done all of its planning and schenr
ing of the past thirty years behind the backs of the Americ eople,
it has the audacity to claim that it is acting in the interests of emoc-
racy. It has even gone so far as to have its legislative acts and its odd
constitution copyrighted, seeking to protect its activities und the
U.S. Constitution-the very document that it is trying to repla .
Not too many years ago, people such as these would ha e been
tried for treason and hung in a public square. But after more than
The New Age Movement 79
three generations of seductive and cleverly planned global propa-
ganda, people have been conditioned to the point where the WCPA
now believes that it can go public and gain acceptance among a ma-
jority of the world's inhabitants.
The WCPA's plan, which includes a ten region world govern-
ment, has been taken straight out of the Club of Rome's handbook.
For example, among the WCPA's plans is a proposal calling for a new
international monetary system, referred to as the "New World Eco-
nomic Order" -the exact wording used by the Club of Rome to de-
scribe the same. The WCPA is also using the environment as its chief
argument for why a world government is required, similar to COR's
strategies and proposals.
I first became aware of the World Constitution and Parliament
Association in the spring of 1987 through a friend in our network of
researchers who had penetrated the organization by posing as a New
Ager. This friend had been invited by the WCPA to attend the 3d ses-
sion of the Provisional World Parliament, which was scheduled to
convene in june of that year in Miami Beach. My friend invited me
to attend the meeting, so that I too could get an inside look at the
organization. I proceeded to fill out my application form, trying to
portray myself as a globalist with New Age leanings. My International
Trade Specialist job and Yugoslav-German parents made it easy for
me to cast this international image. I was exactly the kind of person
they wanted in their network, and my registration was approved.
However, after making all the arrangements to attend the ses-
sion, I had to back out at the last moment due to my mother-in-law's
sudden death from a rapid form of cancer.
In spite of the fact that I cancelled my reservations, I contin-
ued to receive literature from the WCP A. I was startled by the bla-
tant nature of the documents, which clearly stated the organization's
intent to form a world government Reproductions of some of these
letters are found in the Exhibits in the back of this book.
You will notice in Exhibit B that Isely went out of his way to
create the impression that these meetings were normal and natural
as can be. Special functions were even planned for the delegates' chil-
dren, whom they were encouraged to bring along. One of these events
was called the "Children's Peace Circle" and was organized and re-
sided over by Yogi Shand Swaroop of India, who is the WCPA's offi-
cial "Spiritual Uaison."
The spiritual motivation behind the WCPA was once again dem-
onstrated in a letter revealing the list of speakers at the Provisional
World Parliament {Exhibit C). At the bottom of the page, under "World
80 En Route to Global Occupation
Spiritual Leaders," you will notice that the spiritual leaders" who were
to speak at the conference were all yogis or swamis from the Far East
Listed on the same page with these occult masters was the Reverend
Jesse Jackson, leader of the Rainbow Coalition and a presidential
candidate at the time. Jackson is also a current member of the Coun-
cil on Foreign Relations.
He is one of the few AfriC3J1-Americans (from
a percentage standpoint) who is involved in this scheme. Ramsey
Clark, former U.S. attorney general, was another of the recognized
American leaders who was to speak at the Parliament session. He is
also one of the vice presidents of the WCPA as well as being a former
member of the Council on Foreign Relations.
One indication that Isely was completely comfortable in what
he was doing was demonstrated in the fact that he encouraged del-
egates to publicize the event The fact that he felt sufficiently covered
by globalists in high government positions or safe enough to begin
operating out in the open with little or no fear shows how far things
have come.
After the Miami Beach session, I continued to receive informa-
tion on a regular basis. I did whatever I could to keep Isely from be-
coming suspicious by playing the part of a New Ager. During 1989
and the first part of 1990, however, I heard very little from the WCPA
and wondered if something was wrong. So on 14 March 1990 I con-
tacted Isely to keep the lines of communication open and to make
sure he was still convinced that I was one of them."
We chatted for some time, and I felt that everything was alright-
I did not sense any suspicion on his part For the first time, however,
I felt sorry for the man and had a real burden in my heart to share
the message of Christ with him. But I realized that this would pose
too great of a risk. I could not allow my cover to be blown-at least,
not yet
Isely went on to bring me up-to-date, sharing that a major
meeting of the World Constituent Assembly would be held later that
year to launch the final ratification campaign for the world constitu-
tion. It was clear from his standpoint that he expected the final pieces
to fall into place fairly quickly (within a few years) once this meet-
ing had been held. The site of the World Constituent Assem ly would
be Alexandria, Egypt
Isely agreed to keep me posted. Several months passed 'th-
out hearing anything. So in November, I decided to call him ag to
see where things stood. He informed me that the dates of the
ing had been pushed back until sometime in the spring of 19
was not yet certain of the exact dates.
The New Age Movement 81
By this time I had a sense of urgency that I had never had be-
fore. After much prayer, I believed that this was God's appointed time
for me to come forward with the organization and its plans. It was
during this time that I approached Huntington House Publishers with
my information. Things fell into place rapidly, and by the end ofJanu-
ary, I had already begun work on this book.
In the meantime, I received what would be my last personal
letter from Isely. Along with the letter, he sent me everything I would
need to effectively expose the conspiracy. He encouraged me to study
everything carefully in preparation for the upcoming session of the
World Constituent Assembly. Study carefully ... this I would do, but
not for the purpose of participating in the meeting!
The results of my study are presented in Part 2 of this book,
which has been devoted entirely to exposing the World Constitution
and Parliament Association. Parts of the organization's plans and docu-
ments have been reproduced in that section. If you have been a skep-
tic, wondering whether a plot to create an occult New World Order
really exists, this section is for you!
During the winter of 1991, I still planned to attend the World
Constituent Assembly to gather additional information. This is one
of the reasons I started out writing this book under a pseudonym-I
did not know bow soon the book would be completed, and I did not
want my cover blown before attending the meeting.
However, the last week in February I received a general letter
from the WCPA (Exhibit F), sent out to everyone in its network, ex-
plaining that the site of the meetings had been changed to a location
near Lisbon, Portugal
In reviewing the information packet, I also realized for the first
time that there were stringent conditions attached to my participa-
tion in the World Constituent Assembly, specifically to prove myself'
by personally promoting the Assembly and its call for a world gov-
ernment This could be done in several ways: 1) by getting the signa
tures of seven hundred or more people on election petitions approved
by the Preparatory Committee, 2) by publishing advertisements that
promoted the event in periodicals with a combined circulation of
twenty-five thousand or more, or 3) by getting an organization of five
thousand or more members to ratify the Call to the 1991 World Con-
stituent Assembly and to accept the Constitution for the Federation
of the Earth.
There were other ways of attending the convention as well, but
all of them were designed so that one would personally have to pro-
mote the world government in some way. I had known of the fact
82 En Route to Global Occupation
that I would have to obtain signatures to attend the Assembly even
before receiving this letter, but I did not realize the large numbers
involved. Up to this point, I had figured that I could get the neces-
sary signatures from friends who, knowing what they were doing,
would be willing to pta/' along. However, in order to get the large
number of signatures that the WCPA required, I would now have to
go beyond my circle of friends. This was something I could not do. I
was not willing to compromise my faith by actually promoting these
activities and possibly being responsible for dragging someone else
into supporting this Luciferic effort
I still wanted to attend the meetings; however, I finally yielded
to God. The line had been clearly drawn and I could not step across
it I realized that I had gone as far as I could go.
Realizing that I had been a Christian spy, I reflected upon the
lives of other spies who had been used by God in previous ages. I
wanted to see how they responded in similar predicaments. I did not
want to tell Isely outright lies as to why I was not attending the con-
vention, even though they may have been justified in this circum-
stance. But, if I told him the truth-that I would not .be attending the
meeting because my conscience did not allow it and because I would
be busy writing a book to expose his organization-! probably would
not live to get this message out Whatever I did, I could not give Isely
even a hint of what my real intentions were. After much thought and
prayer, I finally drafted a letter on 25 March.
Additionally, to Philip Isely, I wish to say this" ... I have noth-
ing against you individually. Perhaps you have even convinced your-
self that you are doing the right thing. However, what you have un-
dertaken is extremely dangerous and will result in threatening not
only the physical existence, but also the spiritual existence of those
you influence. Your endeavor is built upon a faulty foundation, one
that is based upon the occult and the supporting religions of panthe-
ism. This new age of enlightenment that you are seeking to usher in,
will in the end only bring chaos and destruction. Furthermore, you
have set yourself against God and disregarded all the warnings of His
Scripture against such an endeavor. For this reason your effort will
ultimately fail. Won't you please reconsider your position?"
I encourage everyone reading this book to draft their own per-
sonalletter, addressed to Philip Isely and the of the
WCPA, urging them to cease their activities and explainin why you
are opposed to what they are doing. The WCPA's address a ears on
letterheads in the Exhibits, along with the organization's fax d tele-
phone numbers. If you are fearful of giving out your name, it is not
The New Age Movement 83
necessary that you attach your name or address to the letter. The
message will get through just the same. But please write your letter
in a tactful fashion, just as Christ leads you. Perhaps if these people
hear from enough concerned Christians and realize the size of the
opposition, there is still a chance that they will see the light and cease
or delay their activities. Even if they do not, however, at least they
will know and understand why we are against such an endeavor, and
will have been warned about what is wrong with it
My reasons for exposing this deception are that I earnestly
believe that God has called me to do so, and because I do take this
threat seriously. One reason I waited as long a5 I did before going
public with this information was that I wanted to be absolutely cer-
tain that the WCPA was not some kind of fluke organized by a group
of mere wishful thinkers. If this were the case, there would be no
reason for alarm. However, after thoroughly examining the connec-
tions between the World Constitution and Parliament Association and
other powerful global societies who are working for a one-world gov-
ernment as well, I had no choice but to believe that this is in fact the
beginning of the final push to usher in the New World Order. After
considering the following information, and reviewing the material in
the Exhibits of this book, I believe the reader will agree.
The organization that has figured most prominently in the
WCPA's leadership is World Union. According to the letterhead of
February-April1987, presented in Exhibit D, the general secretary of
World Union, Sri A.B. is the WCPA's honorary president for life.
Mr. N.S. Rao, the chairman of World Union, on the other hand, is listed
as one of the WCPA's two co-presidents. According to Who's Who in
the World, Philip Isely is a member of World Union as well, although
the letterhead does not reveal this information.
And another letter
I received indicates that the new general secretary of World Union,
Samar Basu, is also an official of the WCPA.
As mentioned earlier, World Union joined with World Good-
will-a creation ofLucis Trust-in 1961. Lucis (or Lucifer) Trust is an
offshoot of the Theosophical Society, which is plugged into the high-
est levels of Freemasonry. Past and present members of Lucis Trust
include: Robert McNamara, Donald Regan, Henry Kissinger, David
Rockefeller, Paul Volcker, and George Shultz
-the same crowd that
runs the Council on Foreign Relations and the Trilateral Commission.
Besides the CFR/WCPA connection existing through Lucis Trust
and World Union, the WCPA has at least four CFR members directly
84 En Route to Global Occupation
in its ranks. They include current CFR members Gerard Dr. Ken-
neth B. Clark, and Dr. Glenn T. Seaborg, who are all WCPA honorary
sponsors; and Ramsey Clark who is a former CFR member. 13 Jesse
Jackson's affiliation with the two groups must also be considered. In
addition to this, one must not forget that the CFR is the real power
behind the United Nations, having conceived the organization. More
than 20 percent of the WCPA's honorary sponsors are identified with
that organization.
Another organization collaborating with lsely's World Consti-
tution and Parliament Association is the World Council of Churches.
Cynthia the WCC's president since 1975, is an honorary spon
sor of the Provisional World Parliament This is perhaps the most bla-
tant evidence yet of the WCC's hidden agenda. This organization has
come to represent the leadership of most of the mainline Protestant
church denominations in America and has privately been pushing for
unification with the Church of Rome. But it appears that the WCC is
only trying to "unite" Christianity in order to bring it into the New
World Order. This also makes it easier to understand why the Coun-
cil has been so active in promoting interfaithism-the merging of all
the world's major religions under one umbrella. This false unity was
all necessary in order to bring humanity into a world government
One can get an idea of the extent of the WCPA's network by
reviewing the list of organizations to which its director belongs. In
addition to being a member of World Union, Isely is a member of the
International Association of Educators for World Peace, World Fed-
eralist Association, Amnesty International, American Civil Uberties
Union (ACLU), American Academy of Political and Social Science, Glo-
bal Education Associates, Friends of the Earth, Sierra Club, Audubon
Society, the Wilderness Society, American Humanist Association, SANE,
Planetary Society, Worldwatch Institute, Planetary Citizens, and the
Global Futures Network (partial listing). Given his busy schedule, it
is difficult to imagine how he finds time to eat or sleep, or to run for
Congress-something he did in 1958.H
The greatest number of connections with the WCPA comes
through the World Future Society of which Isely is also a member.
From all appearances, the World Future Society has become that
"world forum," called for in the Club of Rome's 197 k, The lim-
its to Growth. In that book, the Club's Executive Commi e stated:
Since intellectual enlightenment is without effect if it is
not also political, The Club of Rome also wiU encourage
the creation of a world forum where statesmen, policy-
makers, and scientists can discuss the dangers and hopes
The New Age Movement 85
for the future global system without the constraints of
formal inter-governmental negotiation
The World Future Society is where the political, economic, and
spiritual aspects of the one-world government all come together. It
seems to be a type of common ground or clearinghouse for all of the
global societies. According to a World Future Society advertisement
from several years ago, the organization's include Arnold
Barach (Editor, Special Projects, The Kiplinger Washington Editors,
lnc.),John W. Gardner (Chairman, Independent Sector, formerly U.S.
Secretary of Health, Education, and Welfare), Barbara Marx Hubbard
(President, Futures Network), RobertS. McNamara (Former President,
World Bank), and Glenn T. Seaborg (Professor of Chemistry, Univer-
sity of California, formerly Chairman, U.S. Atomic Energy Commis-
sion), among others.
Clearly, the World Future Society is an organization that must
be reckoned with.
The Society sponsors an annual symposium that is attended by
the leading movers and shakers of the New Age/one-world movement
Since 1980 these meetings have focused on such issues as: Global
Community Networking; The Aquarian Conspiracy; The Future of In-
ternational Governance; and Thinking Globally, Acting Locally.
6 Per-
haps the most important symposium to date, however, was Worldview
84 (held in 1984), which was nothing less than a world government
planning session.
The World Constitution and Parliament Association emerged
from this meeting with the lead role for ushering in the New World
Order. It had already held the first of its Provisional World Parlia-
ment sessions prior to Worldview 84 and was in the process of plan-
ning its second session. However, this conference helped to solidify
the WCPA's position.
The WCPA endeavored to appear as a grassroots movement so
that the public would not become alarmed. For this reason, many of
the other better known organizations who are involved in the plot
have taken a temporary backseat so as not to blow the WCPA's cover
as a peoples' movement Every impression had to be created that "We,
the People" are really the ones in control of this historic move for
"world peace and unity."
Hundreds of organizations were represented at Worldview 84
and would therefore have to be aware of the WCPA's plans. Some of
the more important institutions include the American Humanist As-
sociation, Baha'i, the Brookings Institute, Club of Rome, Council on
86 En Route to Global Occupation
Foreign Relations, Fellowship of Inner Ught, Global2000 Project, In-
ternational Association of Educators for World Peace, National Orga-
nization for Women (N.O.W.), Planetary Initiative, The Hunger Project,
The International Monetary Fund, The World Bank, Trilateral Com-
mission, World Future Society, and Y.E.S.
It would be impossible to attend this meeting without under-
standing the fact that a world government was being planned. There-
fore, if all of these organizations came away from the symposium
supportive of the World Future Society, we know that they are also
involved in advancing the cause of global government and are pri-
vately supportive of the WCPA.
I believe the same can be said about the leaders of those cor-
porations who sponsor the World Future Society and its planning
sessions, such as AT&T, General ffiectric Corporation, General Motors
Incorporated, IBM Umited, Ortho Pharmaceutical Corporation, and
Xerox Corporation, among others.
(GE, GM and Xerox are among those that also support David
Rockefeller's Trilateral Commission.
From the looks of who was present at Worldview 84 and who
funds the World Future Society's efforts, one is forced to take the
World Constitution and Parliament Association seriously, since Isely
and his organization, as stated, emerged from the session with the
lead role. The preceding have been just a few of the WCPA's inter-
connections. Believe it or not, these represent just the tip of the ice-
berg; there are hundreds of organizations involved in the plot
Chapter Five
Freemasonry-The Hidden
More than two years before learning about the WCPA, I discov-
ered that the Theosophical Society and its sister organizations were
playing important roles in laying the groundwork for the New Age
movement-certainly no secret among New Age researchers. However,
it was not until the fall of 1985 that I first began to suspect the exist-
ence of an even higher center of direction, serving as the main coor-
dinator between the economic, political, and spiritual elements of the
one-world government This suspicion resulted from a phone call I
received from Don Boyer, Director of Marketing and Public Relations
for Sandi Patti Helvering, the popular Christian song artist
Don was an old college friend and had first learned about the
New Age movement earlier in the year. He explained how earlier that
summer he had conducted research in advertising and asked his as-
sistant to contact a number of magazines to obtain their advertising
"rate cards." Most of the publications were the likes of Better Homes
and Gardens, Reader's Digest, etc. However, unbeknownest to Don,
his assistant had also included the New Age Magazine, believing he
was simply inquiring about a health magazine.
In response to his assistant's request for information, Don re-
ceived the letter shown on the following page. He was surprised to
see the Masonic reference on the letterhead of the New Age Maga-
ztne, and for reasons he could not explain, he said that just holding
the letter gave him chills. He added that he sensed something very
unsettling, especially about the expressions "Mother Supreme Coun-
cil of the World" and "The Supreme Council of the Thirty-Third and
Last Degree." This is when he called me, wondering about the Free-
masons' involvement in the New Age movement
nue to unwanted adverse publicity, Masonic leaders recently changed the name
of this magazine to The Scottish Rite joUI'TIQ/.
88 En Route to Global Occupation
ACMI\. 0 .', C,\
...........o ..... ""
CH"t A, .... 0.. .).)0
...... , ............ ,.,......... ....
Mr. Oon E. Ioyer
17"U uc-nc.NfM 81'lll&CT. Ill . 'ff, ... HIM.TOH, Do C:
Augult 12, 1985
Director of Public Relations
The Helverlng Agency
530 Grond Avenue
Anderson, lndlano 46012
Dear Mr. Boyer:
Thonk you for your letter of Inquiry and Interest In The
Because we do not carry advertising 1
toiPTY- wlth your request.
With every good wish,
letter from Supreme Council to Don Boyer
As I had not previously been aware of any connection between
the New Age movement and Freemasonry, I began what turned out
to be several months of research on the topic. I realized the possibil-
ity of the magazine's name being just a coincidence, in which case
there would be no link between the two; but statements appearing
in a Lucis Trust publication entitled Thirty Work would prove
to the contrary. Thirty Work summarizes the books written
by Alice Bailey, former head of the Theosophical Society and the
founder of Lucis Trust and the Arcane Schools. According to this pub-
lication, Alice Bailey received frequent instructions on Freemasonry
through her spirit guide, Djwhal Khul, referred to as the Tibetan
master. It states:
The books written by Allee Bailey with the Tibe
tain many references to the Masonic Craft; to its ori ,
the course of its history over the centuries, and to e
significant part a revitalised and re-spiritualised Maso
can and will play in the future in carrying the light and
Freemasonry-The Hidden Catalyst
the energy of the Mystery teachings through the
Aquarian era.
Alice Bailey offers a more revealing personal account of Free-
masonry (or simply Masonry) in her book, The Externaltsatton of the
Hierarchy. On page 511 she writes:
The Masonic Movement when it can be divorced from
politics and social ends and from its present paralysing
condition of inertia, will meet the need of those who
can, and should, wield power. It is the custodian of the
law; it is the home of the Mysteries and the seat of ini-
tiation. It holds in Its symbolism the ritual of Diety, and
the way of salvation is pictorially preserved In its work.
The methods of Diety are demonstrated in its Temples,
and under the Alkeeing Eye the work can go forward.
It is a far more occult organisation than can be realised,
and is intended to be the training school for the com-
ing advanced occultists. In its ceremonials lies hid the
wielding of the forces connected with the growth and
life of the kingdoms of nature and the unfoldment of
the divine aspects of man.
Foster Bailey, the husband of Alice, was also involved with Free-
masonry and even wrote a book on the organization entitled The
Spirit of Masonry. In that book appears the text of a lecture deliv-
ered by Foster Bailey to a lodge in New Jersey. Also appearing in the
book is the text of an article by Alice Bailey first published in the
Master Mason Magazine.3
As I continued my investigation I learned that Bailey's forerun-
ners, Madame Blavatsky, founder of the Theosophical Society as well
as her successor, Annie Besant, were both heavily involved with Free-
masonry. Cardinal Caro y Rodriguez, archbishop of Santiago, Chile,
in his book, The Mystery of Freemasonry Unveiled, examines these
relationships. He states:
Madame Blavatsky, the promoter or founder of Theoso-
phy in Europe, was also a member of the Masonic
Lodges; her successor, Annie Besant, President of the
Theosophical Society In 1911 was Vice President and
Historically, with the exception of the Grand Orient Lodge, the Masonic Order
had been exclusively male. However in 1893. the French Lodge, "Freethinkers,
reversed the trend by adding the special feature of admitting women. This Lodge
became known as "The Great X Symbolic Lodge of France; or "Lodge of Hbman
Rights; and was the beginning of what is today known as fh.Masonry or adoptive
Masonry. This lodge is headquartered in Paris and has hundreds of affiliated
lodges throughout Europe and the Americas.
En Route to Global Occupation
great Teacher of the Supreme Council of the Interna-
tional Order of Co-Masonry . . . and among us, in our
city, the brother masons are the ones that contribute
mostly to spread the Theosophical Society.
Apparently, the leaders of illuminized Freemasonry decided that
it would create less suspicion if the most visible roles for preparing
the way for the New Age went to the women Masonic leaders of the
Theosophical Society {Blavatsky, Besant and Bailey). Since Freema-
sonry was viewed as a predominantly male organization, this would
prevent people from suspecting it as the center of direction.
According to Rodriguez:
The Inner circle [of the Theosophical Society], known
as the Esoteric Section, or rather the Eastern School of
Theosophy usually referred to as E.S., is in reality a se-
cret society, consisting in its tum of three further circles,
the innermost composed of the Mahatmas or Masters of
the White Lodge, the second of the Accepted Pupils or
Initiates, and the third of the Learners or ordinary mem-
bers. The E.S. and Co-Masonry thus compose two secret
societies within the open door controlled by people who
are frequently members of both.
Cardinal Rodriguez summarizes his research on Co-Masonry as
It is understood: The theosophical doctrines on the na-
ture of God and the soul and the relationship between
God and the soul, are the same doctrines as taught in
masonry. It is enough to read the books dealing with
the history of Theosophy to see that each theosophical
center is founded, almost without a doubt by members
of the Lodge.
Organizational Structure
Convinced of the fact that Freemasonry was closely connected
with Theosophy and therefore with the New Age movement, I set out
to learn more about the Masonic institution itself, studying its origin,
purpose, and beliefs. To gain insight on these matters I interviewed
a number of current as well as former Masons, eight of whom had
reached the level of either Thirty-Second or Thirty-Third degree.
What I learned from these conversations was that most Masons
initially joined the Lodge either out of peer pressure o i i ~ t h e sake
of camaraderie. Many also join because they feel it enh es their
social stature and helps them advance in their careers, si ce most
prominent businessmen and government officials, they e plained,
were Masons. The Order enables them to rub elbows wi society's
Freemasonry-The Hidden Catalyst 91
elite. On these points, present and past members agreed. But the simi-
larities ended there.
The testimonies of current Masons differed drastically from
those of Masons who had left the Order. Current members expressed
no knowledge whatsoever of any higher religious aims of the Order.
They were fiercely loyal to the lodge and told me that Freemasonry
was nothing more than an international secret fraternity based on
good works.
Former Masons, on the other hand, offered views that could not
have been more opposite from those of their counterparts. They told
me that the organization was anti.Christ and that it was dangerous,
particularly in its higher levels, citing the previous as their main rea-
son for leaving, adding that it was Luciferically-inspired. I could not
understand how such huge discrepancies could exist between the ex-
periences of past and present Masons. I concluded that current mem-
bers either would not reveal what they knew because of the oaths of
secrecy they had taken or else they truly were unaware of these things,
not yet having reached a level where they were exposed to the un-
derlying purpose of their Order.
Possibly the biggest factor working in Freemasonry's favor is
that a majority of its three million-plus members in this country think
of it as a noble and virtuous society. While they should know better
than to join a secret society to whom they must swear blind allegiance,
they are usually unaware of the hidden agenda of the Order.
Men wishing to become Masons typically apply for membership
through a friend who is already a member. The new member first
joins the Blue Lodge, the basic organization of Masonry, which con-
sists of three degrees: 1) Entered Apprentice, 2) Fellowcraft, and 3)
Master Mason. Initiates are instructed that each degree teaches moral
lessons. In order to earn the degree, they must learn the lessons and
participate in a ritual that illustrates them.
Once a member acquires the third degree, he may proceed in
either or both of the two branches of advanced Masonry, the Scot-
tish Rite and the York Rite. The Scottish Rite includes a total of twenty-
nine degrees ranging from the fourth through the thirty-third degree
and is probably the more powerful of the two branches.9
Unlike the other degrees in the Scottish Rite, the thirty-third
degree cannot be earned; it can only be bestowed upon a member
by the Supreme CounciL In this fashion, the Council chooses who
i>e(:omes part of its inner circle. According to the Supreme Coundl of
the Northern Jurisdiction, this degree is conferred upon a member
because of outstanding service to the Fraternity or for service to
92 En Route to Global Occupation
others which reflects credit upon the Order."
If a Mason chooses to advance in the York Rite, he may receive
a total of ten additional degrees, structured as follows: Degrees of the
Chapter include 4) Mark Master, 5) Past Master, 6) Most Excellent
Master, and 7) Royal Arch; Degrees of the Council include 8} Royal
Master, 9) Select Master, and 10} Super-Excellent Master; and Degrees
of the Commandery include 11) Knight of the Red Cross, 12) Knight
of Malta, and 13) Knight Templar.
Those Masons who have reached at least the thirty-second de-
gree in the Scottish Rite or the degree of Knight Templar in the York
Rite have the option of joining the Shrine, officially known as The
Ancient Arabic Order of Nobles of the Mystic Shrine.
Other Masonic affiliates include the Grotto (formally, the Mys-
tic Order of Veiled Prophets of the Enchanted Realm) and the Tall
Cedars of Lebanon.
Women's groups include the Order of the East
ern Star, the Order of the Amaranth, and the Order of the True Kin
dred.u Boys may Join the Order of DeMolay and the Order of Build
ers. Girls may join the Order of job's Daughters and the Order of
Rainbow. I also found that many, perhaps most, of the world's se-
cret societies view Freemasonry as their mother organization from
which their ceremonies, rituals, and beliefs emanate. World Book En-
cyclopedia supports this conclusion stating that Mmore than a hun-
dred fraternal organizations have a relationship with Masonry .... "
The former Masons, whom I had interviewed, recommended
that I read certain Masonic books such as Morals and Dogma and
Mackey's Encyclopedia of Freemasonry. These books, they said,
would give me a glimpse of what Freemasonry was all about In spite
of efforts to do so, I was unable to locate these books at the time.
However, a friend called my attention to a Masonic work en-
titled Freemasonry and the Ancient Gods, which was most reveal-
ing. Here are some excerpts from this book first published in 1921.
Freemasonry, to me, is the most wonderful thing in the
world. In It there is a spiritual vitality which has enabled
It to survive its worst enemies .. .. Despite ignorance,
despite deliberate attempts to destroy some of her most
glorious treasures, she yet survives, and, waxing in wis-
dom, strength, and beauty, spreads her branches over
the whole earth.
The plain man, who never studied the ancient wisdom,
and laughs at the message of the stars, can see the writ
log on the wall; but those who are grounded in the
ancient wisdom and the cosmic that
this is the age of Mars, the Destroyer. In dayw\ old the
Freemasonry- The Hidden Catalyst
Christ came when the point of the vernal equinox was
in the new sign Pisces, and that sign ushered in the new
dispensation and our modem world.
Today Pisces is fallen from his high estate, and a new
sign draws nigh. It is Aquarius, the sign of the perfected
man. Under his rule we may look to see a great awak
ening of the spiritual In man, an uplifting of man to-
wards the Godhead in place of the descent of the
Godhead Into man. This means a new dispensation, a
new type of religious outlook .... We are moving to-
wards a better, a more spiritual world, but before us lie
darkness, difficulties, and danger, it may even be the
Valley of the Shadow of Death, for Mars still has his work
to do ere the moon shines forth and proclaims the time
of change and is succeeded by the sun in all his glory,
and the reign of the new era Is established.
One thing I know will survive, as It has previously sur
vlved the wreck, not merely of mighty empires, but of
civilisations themselves-Freemasonry.
In the new age which is passing through the long-drawn
travail of its birth, Freemasonry will be there, as of old,
to Jay the broad foundations on which the new religion
will be built
(The author of this book, J.S.M. Ward, was a very prominent
Mason. Eight full lines in the title page are devoted to listing the im
portant positions he held within Freemasonry.)
It seemed as if I was reading straight out of a new age manual.
In addition to the obvious references to the coming reU.
gion of the Antichrist toward which Freemasonry is working, these
statements and other similar elaborations existing in other Masonic
writings indicated that Freemasonry deified man (exalted tpan to the
position of God) and was deeply involved in astrology, a form of oc
cult divination strictly forbidden in the Bible. I renewed my efforts
to dig deeper into the history of Freemasonry.
Masonic Origins
After months of getting nowhere, a door finally opened. One
Sunday evening in 1986 while sharing at a church in northern Indi
ana I met an elderly lady who introduced herself to me at the close
of the service. She inquired whether I knew anything about Freema
sonry and its influence on the New Age. I told her I was aware of its
involvement but that I still did not understand exactly what role the
Masonic Order played in the overall scheme of things.
She went on to share that she had been researching the Ma
EuropMII s.ctet
Political Soc:lellH
Banldng EIIIAI
World Council of
En Route to Global Occupation
Wltdlcnft, Sorcery,
DMnatlof\, Splrlllsm,
l'r8cllces, EuWn
Buddltlsm, Shintoism,
New Splrttual
Technology (Rotation
tapes, aubtlmlnsl
persuasion, etc.)
History of Occultism and One-World Movement
sonic movement for the past twenty years and had quite a collection
of materials on the Order (much of which she had obtained from
widows of deceased Masons who were unaware of the significance
of the Order and its literature). She would make her materials
available to me if I wanted them and explained that she had been un-
successful at getting anyone to listen to her because of her age and
the lack of a fancy job title. We ended up meeting several times at
her home to sort through her materials on Freemasonry. Whatever
this elderly saint did not have, it seemed she knew where to get
In the months that followed, I received quite an education while
combing through the major Masonic reference works. I found a re-
peated mention of such orders as the Illuminati, the Knights Templars,
and the Rosicrucians, along with other cultish groups, which I had
previously thought to be only myths. But I soon became convinced
to the contrary, not only learning that tl1ey existed, but that
Freemasonry was a modem-day continuation of Gnosticism and of the
ancient mystery religions.
While most sources placed the official birth of Freemasonry at
1717, Masonic references clearly indicated that the organization's
history went back much further than this. The above diagram, based
on my research in both Masonic and non-Masonic sources, depicts the
roots of the Order along with its modem-day lines of
influence. /
Freemasonry-The Hidden Catalyst
(A number of other false religions and subversive movements
have also had an influence on the Masonic Order. However, those
depicted above are the main sects and religions to which the exist-
ence of Freemasonry and the New Age movement may be attributed.
The names have changed, but the beliefs, tactics, and designs of the
groups have remained essentially the same.)
The history of Freemasonry, I discovered, was also the history
of the secret societies, and the history of the secret societies is the
history of organized occultism-particularly in the Western world. Per-
haps the most complete history of organized occultism has been pro-
vided by Albert Pike in his 861 page occult classic entitled Morals and
Dogma of the Ancient and Accepted Scottish Rite of Freemasonry
(more commonly referred to by Masons as simply Morals and
Dogma). Drawing from the sources available to him as the long-time
leader of Freemasonry (1859-1891), Pike was able to trace the chro-
nological growth and spread of the Mysteries over the face of the earth
from ancient Babylon down to the present-day Masonic Order.
In reference to the esoteric doctrines of the Mysteries, Pike
The communication of this knowledge and other secrets,
some of which are perhaps lost, constituted, under other
names, what we now call Masonry, or Free, or Frank-
Masonry .... The present name of the Order, and its
titles, and the names of the Degrees now in use, were
not then known. . . . But, by whatever name it was
known in this or the other country, Masonry existed as
it now exists, the same in spirit and at heart ... before
even the first colonies emigrated into Southern India,
Persia, and Egypt, from the cradle of the human race
[ancient Babylon ].
Pike goes on to remark, "We reproduce the speculations of the
Philosophers, the Kabalists, the Mystagogues and the Gnostics.''
Dozens of supporting statements are scattered throughout the same
volume, leaving no doubt that Pike meant what he said. Other Ma-
sonic reference works provide a similar account of the Order's roots.
The Freemason's Monitor, for example, explains:
Our records inform us, that the usages and customs of
Masons have ever corresponded with those of the Egyp-
tian philosophers, to which they bear a near affinity.
Unwilling to expose their mysteries to vulgar eyes, they
concealed their particular tenets, and principles of pol-
ity, under hieroglyphical figures; and expressed their
notions of government by signs and symbols, which they
96 En Route to Global Occupation
communicated to their Magi alone, who were bound by
oath not to reveal them.
I discovered that historical documents pertaining to the begin-
nings of Freemasonry and the spread of organized occultism had been
preserved in a number of Masonic libraries throughout the world. In
Europe, for example, a sizeable collection can be found in Freemason's
Hall located on Great Queen Street in the heart of London. In the
United States, on the other hand, a large depository of Masonic writ-
ings is located at the Grand Lodge of Iowa in Cedar Rapids. The most
extensive collection by far, however, can be found at the House of
the Temple in Washington, DC.
Along with serving as the headquarters for the Mother Supreme
Council of the World (the governing body of Freemasonry) and con-
taining a vast, exquisite Masonic shrine, the House of the Temple also
houses a universally renowned Masonic library. Henry C. Clausen, the
former Sovereign Grand Commander of the Scottish Rite referred to
this library in his book, Masons Who Helped Shape Our Nation,
written In 1976.
A priceless treasure of The Supreme Council is its li-
brary. One-third of the 175,000 volumes which it con-
tains deal with Freemasonry in all its branches, form-
ing one of the most comprehensive collections on this
subject in the entire world.
The Archives in the House of the Temple supplement the
library. More than tw<HLnd-a-half million papers, giving
details of the history of Masonry and of the Scottish Rite
are carefully filed and indexed.
Another prominent Masonic writer, H.L. Haywood, confirms
these figures, claiming the existence of "fifty or sixty thousand Ma-
sonic books. "
If Freemasonry were nothing more than a social organization,
as it publicly claims to be, then how could one account for the in-
credible number of books existing on the Order? What kind of social
organization would possess an archives of two-and-a-half million docu-
ments along with a library of sixty thousand books containing its
history? The mere existence of such a collection suggested that Free-
masonry was more than a large group of citizens organized for com-
munity service.
As a result of my research, I finally came to conclude that a
careful history of the occult had been maintained by the ancient priests
wherever the mysteries were practiced. This information was prof>.
ably initially passed along chiefly b ~ and possibly as-
Freemasonry-The Hidden Catalyst 97
sisted by the use of hieroglyphics and other forms of primitive writ-
ing developed among the ancient civilizations. However, as time pro-
gressed, this knowledge consisting of the secret rituals, beliefs and
practices of the occult priesthood, was put into writing on manuscripts,
providing a permanent record of these Ludferic activities.
Much of this ancient knowledge was allegedly first recorded by
some of the Greek and Roman philosophers, whose philosophical so-
cieties existed as special extensions of the occult priesthood. Accord-
ing to Masonic sources, this information has been meticulously pre-
served ever since, having been passed from one generation to the
next through an unbroken line of occult priests. The Masonic Order
claims to be the latest in a succession of occult orders who have served
as the guardians of this ancient knowledge.
Many specifics of the Order's diabolical legacy have been re
vealed in the works of Masonic historians such as Pike, Mackey,
Haywood, M.P. Hall, and others who have provided summaries of Ma-
sonic/occult history. While some discrepancies exist among the vari-
ous accounts, there is, nevertheless, a remarkable degree of unifor-
mity and consistency considering the complexity of the subject How-
ever, to understand the Masonic Order's complete role and where it
fits in, a bit of world history is required.
A Historical Perspective
By the days of Noah the world had become comptetely satu-
rated with the occult to the point where only one righteous family
was left As a result, God, who was grieved by man's sin and wicked-
ness, judged the world by sending a flood. After the flood, however,
it took only a few generations before man had once again begun to
embrace the occult This was evidenced at the building of the Tower
of Babel, which is believed to have been the first ziggurat-an ancient
occult worship tower with a shrine at the top. Under the umbrella of
pantheism, the ancient occult mysteries began to take hold and spread.
By the time of Abraham and Lot, the human state, at least in their
part of the world, had once again gotten out of control. Those were
the days of Sodom and Gomorrah when perversion and immorality
were taken to new heights.
Although Abraham was himself not perfect, he was a man who
sought to do right in the eyes of God. Because he and his family were
the only righteous ones left who were willing to acknowledge Him,
God would honor Abraham's faith by choosing to create a nation from
his seed. God would work through this nation, I s r a e ~ to keep His truth
and the way of righteousness alive in the midst of a dark, occult-rav-
aged world. After a few hundred years when Abraham's seed had
98 En Route to Global Occupation
sufficiently multiplied, there were enough Israelites to constitute a
physical nation. At that time, God led His people out of Egypt through
His servant Moses.
The history of Israel would be one of ups and downs. When
the Israelites were obedient to God, they prospered; and none of their
pantheistic neighbors could stand against them. However, when the
Israelites themselves began to fall for the spiritual lies of the surround-
ing nations, they were oppressed by these same powers. God sent a
steady stream of holy prophets to teach Israel His ways and to warn
them of what would happen if they did not obey. Much like the rela-
tionship between a loving father and his child, while longing for his
child {Israel) to be good and loving, there were times when that child
was rebellious and needed to be disciplined before something much
worse happened.
The Israelites, through Moses, had been instructed to bring
regular animal offerings or sacrifices before God. These sacrifices
symbolized the payment for their sins, reminding them that sin does
not come without a penalty. These offerings were also symbolic of
the coming supreme sacrifice of Jesus Christ, who would pay the
penalty for the sins of the entire world at the appointed time.
After the proper groundwork had been laid, God sent His Son.
The message of forgiveness and the promise of eternal life to those
who believe in Christ would be carried forward from Israel to all na-
tions. Although this gospel (the good news) spread in all directions
it would not be equally accepted by all peoples and would meet with
more resistance in some places than in others. Those missionaries,
for example, who carried the message into Babylon, Persia, and In
dia were violently rejected; and only a small number of people be-
lieved and received the truth there. Similarly, today, in spite of nearly
twenty centuries of missionary efforts in the Far East, with the ex-
ception of a few areas, the message of Christ has been overwhelm-
ingly rejected.
The hold of Satan on these countries was so complete and es-
tablished that, to this day, only a small percent of the orient believes
in Christ Hinduism-the oldest surviving pantheistic religion is still
being practiced by a majority of India's inhabitants.
The story would be different in the Mediterranean where the
gospel was accepted in large numbers, in spite of fierce persecution
against those who believed. Within a few generations there were so
many Christians in this region that the high priests of the Mysteries
of Greece, Rome, and Egypt began to loose their control. The teach-
Ings of Cbrlst went h .............. aplnst r beUefs and
Freemasonry-The Hidden Catalyst
occult practices of the priests, exposing them for what they were. The
more the believers were persecuted, the larger their numbers grew,
until finally the occult priests were forced to go underground in or-
der to keep their secret knowledge and traditions alive.
These occult teachings have been handed down from genera-
tion to generation ever since, kept alive in the Western world by the
secret societies, which are little more than a continuation of ancient
occult priesthoods. Satan's plan was to keep his priesthood and se-
cret doctrines alive until, being sufficient in number and power, the
priesthood could once again seize control over his lost territories.
Gnosticism, the most effective and widely accepted form of panthe-
ism, was more deceptive and clever than the others, developing the
occult's only major counter explanation to the message and person
of Christ The Gnostics were the chief adversaries of the Apostle Paul
and the early Church, relentlessly pursuing Christians wherever they
went, long before the mystery religions even began to crumble.
According to Albert Pike, Gnosticism was an offshoot of
Kabalism, an oral occult tradition, which was adhered to by a minor-
ity of the jews. At some point, which remains uncertain, these occult
teachings were reduced to writing, and the Kabalah was born. On page
626 of Morals and Dogma, Pike states, "The Kabalah is the key of
the occult sciences; and the Gnostics were born of the Kabalists."
Kabalism was merely a unique version of the ancient myster-
ies specifically designed to deceive God's chosen people. Unlike the
other mysteries, its teachings dealt specifically with Israel, offering
occult counter-explanations to the revelations of the prophets, com-
plete with a cleverly disguised occult interpretation of the history of
Israel. Moses, for example, rather than being the righteous prophet
of God who led the Israelites out of Egypt, was made out to be an
occult figure whose purpose was to initiate the Israelites into the
enlightened and more advanced teachings of Egypt
If Kabalism could be viewed as the occult counter-explanation
of the Old Testament, Gnosticism, existing as a further development
of Kabalism and taking into account Satan's Mnew problem" posed by
the risen Christ, would serve as the main occult counterattack against
the New Testament Thus, Kabalism and Gnosticism combined, com-
posed a type of occult parallel to the Old and New Testaments.
Gnosticism, although originally composed of jewish occultists,
rapidly gained Gentile followers until it soon became predominantly
Gentile. As the priesthoods were forced to take on new forms, Gnos-
ticism became a magnet for these occult adepts. Branches of Gnosti
cism represented the first significant sea:et societies of the post-res-
100 En Route to Global Occupation
urrection era, with various degrees or levels of initiation and the in-
ner circle of initiates worshipping Lucifer.
A significant amount of space has been devoted to the discus-
sion of Gnosticism in Masonic reference works. Morals and Dogma,
for example, has allotted more than forty pages to Gnosticism and
its connection with Freemasonry. Albert Pike, the book's author, of-
fers the following explanation of Gnosticism:
The Gnostics derived their leading doctrines and ideas
from Plato and Philo, the Zend-avesta and the Kabalah,
and the Sacred boob of India and Egypt; and thus in-
troduced into the bosom of Christianity the cosmologi-
cal and theosophical speculations, which had formed the
larger portion of the ancient religions of the Orient,
joined to those of the Egyptian, Greek, and Jewish doc-
trines, which the New-Platonists had equally adopted in
the Occident
Gnosticism flourished through various offshoots such as the
Manlcheans of the third century, the Euchites of the fourth century,
the Paulldans of the seventh century, and the Bogomils of the ninth
It is not possible within the scope of this book to identify
and define each branch of Gnosticism that has existed over the cen-
turies, but the following teaching of the Bogomils will give us an idea
of what beliefs the Knights Templars embraced before passing them
on to Freemasonry.
God, the Supreme Father, has two sons, the elder
Satanael, the younger jesus. To who sat on the
right hand of God, belonged the right of governing the
celestial world, but, filled with pride, he rebelled against
his Father and fell from Heaven. Then, aided by the
companions of his fall, he created the visible world,
image of the celestial, having like the other its sun,
moon, and stars, and last he created man and the ser-
pent which became his minister. Later Christ came to
earth in order to show men the way to Heaven, but His
death was for even by descending into Hell
He could not wrest the power from Satanael, i.e., Satan.
This belief in the impotence of Christ and the necessity
therefore for placating Satan, not only *the Prince of this
world," but its creator, led to the further doctrine that
Satan, being should be adored.u
At the base of each form of Gnosticism existed this adoration
or worshlp of Satan, as wellos a pro( for Christ and hls
Freemasonry-The Hidden Catalyst
teachings. It was perversions such as these, handed down in an un-
broken tradition from the earliest Gnostics, that were eventually em-
braced by the Knights of the Temple {Knights Templars) in the twelfth
Knights Templars
The Knights Templars were a military and religious order first
established in AD 1118 in Jerusalem by nine French knights under
the leadership of Hugues de Payens of Champagne and Godefroi de
5Their stated mission was to protect pilgrims on their way
to the Holy Land during the crusades.
They also fought in various
battles of the crusades and became famous for their bravery.27
*Baldwin II, King of Jerusalem, gave the Knights Templars
in his palace, built on the site of Solomon's Temple."za From this, the
order derived its name-Knights of the Temple.
Membership in the Knights Templars was originally limited to
nobles.29However, later on, the order opened its ranks to other men
who it felt could be used to further its aims. The order grew rapidly
and in the year 1128 was taken under the special protection of the
During the Crusades, the Knights Templars established local
offices in all the Christian countries to encourage enlistment in the
crusading armies and to take care of funds for the pilgrims.
pilgrims gave donations to the Order-which existed as a tax-exempt
organization-in exchange for protection to and from Jerusalem.) The
Templars, being composed mostly of nobles, were also granted favors
by many European rulers and gained possession of property through-
out the continent32Through gifts of land and money, the Templars
became extremely wealthy and powerful.
After the fall of}erusalem to Saladin in 1187, the order estalr
lished its headquarters in Acre. The Templars were forced to relocate
once again in 1291 when Acre fell to the Muslims. This time their
headquarters were moved to the island of However, by then
the Templars, through their enormous wealth and wide-
spread organization, had become the bankers of Europe,
and the order was no longer primarily a military one.
It was especially influential in Spain, France, and En-
gland, where commanderies of knights, men-at-arms,
and chaplains were organized, each under its own su-
perior, subordinate to the Grand Master of the order.
Morals and Dogma adds, "Their watchword was, to become
wealthy in order to buy the world. They became so, and in 1312 they
possessed in Europe alone more than nine thousand seignories."
En Route to Global Occupation
seignory refers to the estate or dominion of a noble or feudallord.37)
The Knights Templars were probably corrupt from the begin-
ning. But whether the order started out degenerate or became this
way later, it is certain that the Templars had, during their exploits in
the Middle East, become strongly influenced by both the Gnostics and
the Assassins (a ruthless Arabic military order). It is a fact that sev-
eral of the founders of the Knights Templars were initiates in the sect
of the Assassins.
The Templars, while adopting the religious beliefs
of the Gnostics, received many of their organizational and political
traits from the Assassins. The Templars represented the first wide-
scale attempt to organize and mobilize the forces of occultism for the
purpose of gaining control of the world.
Occult historian Edith Starr Miller summarizes the demise of the
Templars as follows:
Having embraced Gnosticism while in Palestine, and in
touch with the sect of the Assassins, the Templar order
degenerated, and some of its members, under the influ-
ence of that sect, were said to practice Phallicism or sex-
worship and Satanism and to venerate "The Baphomet,"
the idol of the Luclferians. The crime of Sodomy was a
rite of Templar initiation.39
"In 1307 the Templars were charged with heresy and
rality by a former member of the order."<IO As a result, Philip IV of
France launched an investigation looking into the alleged misdeeds
of the organization.
On 13 October 1307 the king had the Templars
of France arrested and brought before the Inquisitor for France by
whom they were examined.
The knights confessed to a variety of
notorious crimes and admitted to taking blasphemous oaths against
Jesus Christ upon admission into the order.
[T]hey said, they had been shown the cross on which
was the figure of Christ, and had been asked whether
they believed in Him; when they answered yes, they
were told in some cases that this was wrong (dixit sibi
quod male credebal), because He was not God, He was
a false prophet (quia fa/sus propheta erat, nee erat
Deus). Some added that they were then shown an idol
or a bearded head which they were told to worship; one
added that this was of such "a terrible aspect that it
seemed to him to be the face of some devil, called in
French, "un maufe," and that whenever he saw it he was
so overcome with fear that he could hardly look at it
without fear and trembling." All who confessed declared
that they had been the crucifix, and
very many that they had bived the Injunction to com-
Freemasonry-The Hidden Catalyst 103
mit obscenities and to practise unnatural vice. Some said
that on their refusal to carry out these orders they had
been threatened with imprisonment, even perpetual im-
prisonment; a few said they had actually been incarcer-
ated; one declared that he had been terrorized, seized
by the throat, and threatened with death.
Pope Clement V, however, refused to respond to the charges
and confessions of the Templars.
Clement V, deeply resenting the King's interference with
an Order which existed entirely under papal jurisdiction,
wrote in the strongest terms of remonstrance to Philippe
le Bel urging their release, and even after their trial,
neither the confessions of the Knights nor the angry
expostulations of the King could persuade him to believe
in their guilt.
The pope wa5 not only slow to respond to the confessions but
actually did what he could to protect the order. Later on, however,
he gave the following reasons for his actions (in his own words):
Because it did not seem likely nor credible that men of
such religion who were believed often to shed their
blood and frequently expose their persons to the peril
of death for Christ's name, and who showed such great
and many signs of devotion both in divine offices as well
as in fasts, as in other devotional observances, should
be so forgetful of their salvation as to do these things,
we were unwilling ... to give ear to this kind of insinu-
ation ... (hujusmodi insinuactoni ac delaciont
ipsorum ... aurem no/ulmus inc/inare).
Due to mounting pressure from a suspicious pubUc and because
a number of the confessions before Philip IV were allegedly made
under torture, the pope finally decided to mount his own investiga-
tion consenting to receive in private audience "a certain Knight of
the Order, of great nobility and held by the same Order in no slight
esteem."46 Upon being questioned by the pope, the Knight "testified
to the abominations that took place on the reception of the Breth-
ren, the spitting on the cross, and other things which were not law-
ful nor, humanly speaking, decent "
Pope Clement V then decided to examine seventy-two other
French Knights at Poictiers in order to discover whether their ear-
lier confessions before the Inquisitor for France were true. These hear-
ings were conducted without torture, with the witnesses taking an
oath promising "the full and pure truth." The Templars' Grand Mas-
ter, Jacques de Molay and the French leaders of the order were like-
wise questioned in the presence of three Cardinals, four pubUc nota-
104 En Route to Global Occupation
ries and many Before these many witnesses the Templars
admitted their crimes as previously confessed during the trials of King
Philip JV.49Tbe Knights Templars, as it turned out, had been masters
of deception, experts in duplicity, appearing to serve Christ on the
surface while worshipping Lucifer within their inner rites.
Morals and Dogma confirms this character.
The templars, like all other Secret Orders and Associa-
tions, had two doctrines, one concealed and reserved
for the Masters ... the other public. . . . Thus they de-
ceived the adversaries whom they sought to supplant 50
"The Pope, however, still refused to take action against the
whole Order merely because the Master and Brethren around him had
'gravely sinned.'"S
Instead, he decided to hold a papal commission
in Paris which took place in November 1309. Sl But by then, the word
about the Templars was out and the public had become outraged. In
addition to Italy and France, "Templars in England, Germany, Spain,
and Portugal also stood trials, but most were acquitted. "S3
Philip IV of France, more than any other monarch, pursued the
members of the Order and sentenced many of them to death, charg-
ing them with conspiracy and Satan worship. On 12 May 1310 he had
fifty-four French Templars burned alive in Paris.
In 1312, Pope Clem-
ent V was finally persuaded to abolish the Order.ss And on 18 March
1314 the Grand Master, jacques de Molay, along with three of his
highest ranking officers, were burned at the stake.S6 It is this diaboli-
cal knight after whom today's Masonic Order of De Molay, reserved
for young men, was named.
Following the death of De Molay, the Templars found refuge
in Portugal King Dinis II who became their protector. 5
The Or-
der suffered a temporary setback resulting from the confiscation of
most of its property; but it remained influential, continuing to oper-
ate underground. Morals and Dogma attests to the survival of the
Knights Templars stating that De Molay, prior to his execution,
created four Metropolitan Lodges, at Naples for the East,
at Edinburg for the West, at Stockholm for the North,
and at Paris for the South. [The Initials of his name .
. . found in the same order in the first three Degrees,
are but one of the many internal and cogent proofs that
such was the origin of modem Free-Masonry . . . ]SS
In a continued reference to the Templar order, Morals and
Dogma adds:
. . . it lived, under other names and governed by un-
known Chiefs, revealing ilserto tho., who, In
Freemasonry-The Hidden Catalyst
passing through a series of Degrees, had proven them-
selves worthy to be entrusted with the dangerous Se-
The Rosicrucians
Evidence suggests that the surviving Knights Templars either
founded or merged with an existing secret order in the early 1300s,
later referred to as the Order of the Rose-Croix (the Rosicrucians).
Very few details are known about its actual beginnings due to this
order's ability to conceal its activities.
Morals and Dogma however, establishes a definite link between
the Rosicrucians and the Templar Order.
The Successors of the Ancient Adepts Rose-Croix, aban
doning by degrees the austere and hierarchial Science
of their Ancestors in initiation, became a Mystic Sect,
uniting with many of the Templars, the dogmas of the
two intermingling . . . 6o
By the early 16o0s, more than three hundred years had passed
since the Templars had been abolished. As a result, the secret order
decided to test the waters to see how the public would respond to
its occult philosophies. For obvious reasons, the Order could not share
its real history linking it to the Templars, so it devised an allegory of
its history around a mythical character by the name of Christian
This tale was published in a document known as the "Fama
Fraternitatis," which the Order circulated throughout Europe. The
story elaborates how Rosenkreuz traveled to Syria and then Egypt to
study the occult After learning from all of the great masters of oc-
cult philosophy in the Middle East and Northern Africa, he returned
to Europe to spread his "enlightenment" throughout that continent
But he was unfavorably received and therefore, returned home to Ger-
many where he hoped to establish a society based on his teachings.
This fictitious life of Christian Rosenkreuz symbolically conveyed the
story of the Templars.
According to Mackey's Encyclopedia of Freemasonry, " .. the
fiction was readily accepted as a truth by most people, and the invis-
ible society of Rosenkreuz was sought for with avidity by many who
wished to unite with it
However, the Order only wanted to test the
reaction it would prompt and did not respond. (A number of societ-
ies sprang up claiming to possess the occult secrets of Rosenkreuz;
but these aberrations were not the real Rosicrucian Order.)
This well calculated move by the secret Order allowed tlwm to
monitor Europe's openness to the occult without revealing the tnw
En Route to Global Occupation
identity of the Order or the names of its members. It also created a
renewed interest in the occult throughout the Continent But nearly
another century would pass before the Order would begin to expand
by publicly enlisting initiates.
Some contemporary leaders of the Masonic movement have
denied any connections between their Order and the Knights Templars
and Rosicrucians. However, enough evidence exists, which, if consid-
ered along with earlier statements from Morals and Dogma, clearly
reveals that modem-day Freemasonry is a continuation of the pre-
ceding Orders. One outstanding example is in the names of the last
three degrees of the York Rite-the Knight of the Red Cross, Knight
of Malta and Knight Templar-and the eighteenth degree of the Scot-
tish Rite-Sovereign Prince of Rose-Croix, which together with the
seventeenth degree 'is known as the Chapter of Rose Croix.
The Birth of Freemasonry
If the Rosicrucians were to progress toward their goal of e s t a ~
lishing a New World Order, they would eventually have to go public
to enlist the support of more people to carry out their task. In the
tradition of the Templars, they decided to take on the outer appear-
ance of a benevolent organization of good works in order to continue
their occult traditions within. They merged with and finally took over
the stone mason guilds of Europe, retaining many of their symbols
from the building trade. The stone masons became referred to as
Operative Masons, as they were actually employed in the building
profession; unlike the occult adepts who took over their guilds, who
became known as Speculative Masons.
The builders' guilds had become a natural target for the take-
over, since the Templars, centuries before, had themselves been great
builders. With their enormous wealth, they constructed scores of
castles and princely estates of their own pleasure and as monuments
to their success and viewed themselves as great builders. They were
even known to conceal themselves at times under the name of Breth-
ren Masons.o6J
With the construction of cathedrals on the decline, the opera-
tive guilds were shriJiking in size and were in danger of going un-
der. If they wanted to keep their traditions alive, they would have to
open up their ranks to outsiders. Thus, with the two groups in need
of each other, the marriage was sealed. The operative guilds, in time,
became known as speculative guilds as they were flooded by esoteric
This transition from Operative to Speculative Masonry took
seven! decades .. rompleter whlch began as wly as the
Freemasonry-The Hidden Catalyst 107
'1640s, culminated in the forming of the world's first Grand Lodge in
London in 1717. By way of this gradual takeover, the torch was passed
to the Masonic order, with the Rosicrucians embedding themselves
deep within its structure and hierarchy to become the Adepts, or the
Princes of Freemasonry.
The new" Order expanded rapidly. By the late 1700s, it had
become firmly established as an organization known for its good
works, and was, for the most part, viewed favorably by the public.
With the groundwork successfully laid, the Adepts were once again
free to pursue their age-old ambition of re-establishing the Luciferic
World Order. Morals and Dogma states:
The Initiates, in fact, thought in the eighteenth century
that their time had arrived, some to found a new Hier-
archy, others to overturn all authority, and to press
down all the Social Order under the level of Equality.
Toward this end, a new ultra-secret society was formed, enlist-
ing in its ranks members from the highest degrees of the Masonic
Order. This Order within an Order would come to be known as the
The illuminati
The Masonic historian, Albert G. Mackey, describes the Illumi-
nati as a *secret society, founded on May I, 1776, by Adam Weishaupt,
who was professor of canon law at the University of Ingolstadt o6S In
his biographical sketch of Weishaupt, Mackey opens with the follow-
ing words, "He is celebrated In the history of Masonry as the founder
of the Order of Illuminati of Bavaria"" (italics mine). Mackey later
adds, "His ambition was, I think, a virtuous one; that it failed was his,
and perhaps the world's misfortune.o6
Any lingering doubts I had over whether the Order was
Masonically inspired were removed when I discovered that H.L.
Haywood, another highly esteemed Masonic historian, also included
Weishaupt's biography in his book Famous Masons and Masonic
Presidents. Weishaupt's esteemed summary is one of only one hun-
dred biographical sketches appearing in the book, indicating that he
had to have been a very prominent Mason.
John Robison, an eighteenth century historian and a prominent
Mason, was entrusted with some of the original documents and cor-
respondence of the Illuminati. In his book, Proofs of a Conspiracy,
written in 1798, he reproduced major segments of the Illuminati's
original writings. Robison stated, *the express aim of the Order was
to abolish Christianity, and overturn all dvil government o69 He went
on to quote Weishaupt as stating that the plan for a New World Or-
108 En Route to Global Occupation
der can succeed "in no other way but by secret associations, which
will by degrees, and in silence, possess themselves of the government
of the States, and make use of those means for this purpose .... "
Using deception and intrigue, Weishaupt and his inner circle
of adepts succeeded at gaining the support of Germany's Masonic
lodges. "All these branches were controlled by the twelve leading
adepts beaded by Weishaupt, who at the lodge in Munich held in his
hands the threads of the whole conspiracy. "
Mackey admits to the
initial success of the Illuminati, commenting:
The Order was at first very popular, and enrolled no less
than two thousand names upon its registers, among
whom were some of the most distinguJshed men of Ger-
many. It extended rapidly Into other countries, and its
Lodges were to be found in France, Belgium, Holland,
Denmark, Sweden, Poland, Hungary, and Italy.
In 1782, at the Masonic Congress ofWilhelmsbad, Weishaupt's
Illuminati solidified its position among Europe's secret societies as
the undisputed leader of the occult one-world movement Around the
same time, Weishaupt also succeeded at forging an alliance between
illuminized Freemasonry and the growing Rothschild banking net-
work, thereby giving the Order the financial means to begin to carry
out its plans.
As a result of this alliance with the international financiers, the
Freemasons regained the banking prominence once held by the
Templars, and the Illuminati gained momentum. H.L. Haywood ob-
serves, "It took root, it grew, it flourished, it gathered into itself more
men of royal and noble titles than were possessed by the Hohenzollem
family; even the jesuits joined it "
Although Weishaupt's Illuminati was exposed within ten years,
he had accomplished more to further ~ e plan" during this time than
all of Freemasonry's efforts of the previous fifty years combined. One
reason for his success was that he had gotten many Christian lead-
ers to join the Order by convincing them that the Illuminati was a
Christian organization purposed to unify the world for the sake of
Christ. Robison states, "In this scheme of Masonic Christianity,
Spartacus (Weishaupt] and Philo [Baron Von Knigge) laboured seri-
ously together. Spartacus sent him the materials, and Philo worked
them up."7SThis apostate teaching, which was presented to Christian
initiates, was explained by Von Knigge.
Jesus Christ established no new Religion; he would only
set Religion and Reason In their ancient rights. For this
purpose be would unite men In a common bond. He
Freemasonry-The Hidden Catalyst
would fit them for this by spreading a just morality, by
enlightening the understanding, and by assisting the
mind to shake off all prejudices. He would ~ all men,
in the first place, to govern themselves. Rulers would
then be needless, and equality and liberty would take
place without any revolution, by the natural and gentle
operation of reason and expedJency. This great Teacher
allows himself to explain every part of the Bible in con-
formity to these purposes; and be forbids all wrangllng
among his scholars, because every man may there ftnd
a reasonable application to his peculiar doctrines. Let
this be true or false, it does not signify. This was a simple
Religion, and it was so far Inspired; but the minds of his
hearers were not fitted for receiving doctrines. I told
you, say he, but you could not bear it Many therefore
were called, but few were chosen. To these elect were
entrusted the most important secrets; and even among
them there were degrees of Information. There was a
seventy, and a twelve. All this was In the natural order
of things, and according to the habits of the Jews, and
Indeed of all antiquity. The Jewish Theosophy was a mys-
tery; like the EleuslnJan, or the Pythagorean, unfit for
the vulgar, and thus the doctrines of Christianity were
committed to the Adeptl, In a Dlsctpllna Arcanl. By
these they were malntaJned,llke the Vestal Fire. They
were kept up, only In hidden societies, who handed
them down to posterity; and they are now possessed by
the genuine Free Masons."
Using this cover of working for worldwide Christian unity,
Weishaupt was able to gain the backing of numerous credulous lead-
ers who thought they were working for a noble cause. In fact their
every move was designed by Weishaupt to nudge the Illuminists one
step closer to world domination.
I can think of more than a few Chris-
tian leaders who could learn a lesson from this. Christian unity is not
something that can be organized; it comes naturally among those who
share a common love for Christ The false ecumenical/interfaith unity
being promoted today by the World Council of Churches-an organi-
zation that is strongly influenced by Freemasonry-is nothing new. It
has been used for centuries to try to further the cause of world gov-
ernment As long as Christians do not unite with the peoples of other
religions, there can be no world government This unwillingness of
Christians to compromise their faith has been the chief obstacle for
the conspirators.
Weishaupt received a spedal thrill out of being able to deceive
En Route to Global Occupation
Christians in this fashion. On one occasion, after having persuaded a
Protestant leader to join his unification effort.'' he wrote:
You can't imagine what respect and ruriosity my priest-
degree has raised; and, which is wonderful, a famous
Protestant divine, who is now of the Order, is persuaded
that the religion contained ln It is the true sense of
Christianity. 0 MAN, MANITO WHAT MAY'ST mou NOT
BE PERSUADED. Who would imagine that I was to be
the founder of a new religion?
Although the Illuminati's efforts officially ceased in the 1780s,
unofficially its agenda continued to move forward through the net-
work of illuminized Masonic lodges that had already been set in place.
The main catalyst for this continued drive seemed to come from the
Grand Orient Lodge of France, and later on, from the Masonic lead-
ers of Italy and the United States.
On American Soil
Already dominating the political affairs of Europe, the Masonic
Order had made significant progress in the United States by the late
1700s. In fact, many of this country's political founding fathers were
Masons. Most of them, like George Washington, were decent men who
knew of no higher aims of the Order and who even spoke out against
the activities of the Illuminati. However, with the Masonic lodges
having gained acceptance in America, the Illuminati finally had in
place the network through which it could recruit members and carry
on its work. As a result, the first Supreme Council of Scottish Rite Free-
masonry was established in Charleston, South Carolina, in 1801.
According to a Masonic publication entitled Facts of Scottish
Rite "all other regular Supreme Councils throughout the world are
desc'ended from it ""The tremendous potential of the United States
somehow had to be harnessed and brought under control if the plan
for a New World Order was ever to succeed. Therefore, during the
1800s, as the U.S. emerged as a world power, the Illuminati gradu-
ally shifted its attention from Europe to the United States.
Freemasonry experienced tremendous growth during the nine-
teenth century, particularly during the second half of the century when
Freemasonry flourished as never before. This was also a time of rapid
Jn 1813 the Northern Supreme Council was established as an extension of the
group. The Northern jurisdiction today consists of fifteen states and
is headquartered In Boston. The Southern jurisdiction, whose h.ave
been relocated from Charleston to Washington, DC, covers the remammg thirty
five states the District of Columbia, and U.S. territories and possessions. It Is
today the Mother Supreme Council of the World.

Freemasonry-The Hidden Catalyst 111
growth for Masonically inspired religious cults. In addition to found-
ing the Theosophical Society, Freemasonry participated in the rise and
spread of Christian Science and Unitarianism; and Masons Rutherford
and .Russell founded the jehovah's Witnesses. All of these cults have
served to subtly direct people away from the truth of Christ The larg-
est of these religious offshoots, however, would be the Mormon
Church, which was founded by joseph Smith, another high ranking
Smith was already heavily into the occult prior to becoming a
Mason and had published his Book of Mormon in 1830, some twelve
years before joining the Order. However, on 15 March 1842 Smith
received his first degree in Freemasonry, and he was raised to the
level of Sublime Master of the Royal Secret on the very next day, some-
thing virtually unheard of.
"Six weeks later, on May 2, 1842, Smith
was teaching these Masonic secrets as his own 'revelations' to Mor-
mon leaders as the temple Endowment "
"Into the fabric of Freema-
sonry he wove his own peculiar brand of occultism, claiming it to be
'revelation' from on high ....
Brigham Young, the other significant early
Mormon leader, was also a Mason and contributed to the rise of this
occult hierarchy."'
Several books have been written during the past few years by
former Mormons, exposing the connection between Mormonism and
Freemasonry. Included among these are What's Going On In There?,
by Chuck Sackett; and The God Makers, by Ed Decker,
with Dave Hunt, a non-Mormon. These books reveal how Mormonism's
Masonic heritage is reflected in everything from its symbols to its
rituals and secret doctrines.
Mormonism today has over four million members, and is, per
capita the wealthiest "church" in the world. "Its influence politically
and otherwise is enormous. tt8S
The New Super-Rite
During this same period of time, the Masonic Order was mak-
ing major inroads in American politics and economics. By the late
1800s, Freemasonry had grown so large that it had become ineffi-
cient and difficult to manage. Its many divisions, sects, and rites lacked
a sense of unity and direction. Thus, in an effort to centralize the au-
thority of Universal Freemasonry a new ultra-secret governing body
was established on 20 September 1870.
Thls represented the first
major restructuring (or perestroika) of illumlnized Freemasonry. At
the center of this creation was Albert Pike, who stated:
The bUnd Force of the people is a Force that must be
economized, and also managed .... It must be regulated
En Route to Global Occupation
by Intellect. ... When all these Forces are combined,
and guided by the Intellect, and regulated by the RULE
of Right, and justice ... the great revolution prepared
for by the ages will begin to march. It is because Force
is ill regulated that revolutions prove fallures.
Pike would end up doing more than any other figure of the
nineteenth century to prepare the way for this "great" revolution of
which he spoke.
Pike was hom in Boston in 1809.
He eventually settled in Uttle
Rock, Arkansas, where he became a Mason in 1850.
He "lived and
talked Indian, taught a backwoods s c h o o ~ studied law, got admitted
to the bar, [and] joined the Confederate Army," where he served as
Brigadier-Genera1.90Following the war "he located in Washington, D.C.,
uniting with ex-Senator Robert Johnson in the profession of the law. "9l
In Famous Masons and Masonic Presidents, H.L. Haywood de-
scribes Pike as "a powerful orator of the antique type who could hold
an audience for four hours at a stretch. "9
Haywood continues, "He
taught himself ancient languages; made a specialty of Zoroastrianism
and its 'lend Avesta'; read continually but never read anything be-
low the greatest "93 Pike was a literary genius with the ability to read
and write in sixteen ancient languages.94 Mackey says of Pike, "His
standing as a Masonic author and historian, and withal as a poet, was
most distinguished, and his untiring zeal was without a parallel."9S
Pike was also "a great student of the Cabala and the occult "96
His literary achievements in this area were numerous, including Ariel,
The Sephar H. Debarlm, Book of the Word, Legenda Maglstralla,
Ritual of the New and Reformed Palladium ( 4 grades out of 5), The
Ritual of Elect Magus, and The Book of AjJadno, which "contains the
prophecies concerning the reign of the Anti-Christ from the Satanic
point of view."97 Some of these went on to take their place among
the notorious classics of Freemasonry, but no other work of Pike
would gain the prominence of his 861 page book-Morals and Dogma
of the Ancient and Accepted Scottish Rite of Freemasonry-written
in 1871, which Haywood describes as "the Scottish Rite Bible."91
When Albert G. Mackey became the secretary general of the
Supreme Council in Charleston, he persuaded Pike to join the circle.
According to Haywood, "Pike soon became so captivated by the pos-
sibilities he saw stretching before it that he set aside his other voca-
tions and avocations, became Sovereign Grand Inspector General, and
devoted hitnstlf to the Rite until his death."99
"Intellect here Is a reference to the illuminati or the highest adepts of
Freemasonry-The Hidden Catalyst
Pike was placed in power in 1859 when, according to Mackey,
he was elected to the position of Sovereign Grand Commander of the
South em Supreme Council.
He remained the leader of Scottish Rite
Freemasonry until his death in 1891. In the 1860s, Giuseppe Mazzlni,
the Italian revolutionary leader and the worldwide director of
illuminized Freemasonry from 1834 to 1872, established relations
with Pike making him the head of the Illuminati's activities in the
United Stat.es.
Finally, on 20 September 1870 the constitution cre-
ating the new super-rite was signed into effect by Pike and Mazzini
Occult Theocrasy states:
The two founders divided their powers according to the
following plan. To Pike was given dogmatic authority
and the tide of Sovereign Pontiff of Universal Freema-
sonry, while Mazzinl held the executive authority with
the tide of Sovereign ChJef of Political Action.
Pike named the Order the New and Reformed Palladian Rite.
Historian Edith Starr Miller describes it as nco-gnosticism, "teaching
that the divinity is dual and that Lucifer is the equal of Adonay."
os It
is in fact Lucifer who is worshipped within this Rite of Freemasonry.
Miller goes on to state:
The Holy See of the Dogma for the whole masonic world
was set up at Charleston, the sacred city of the Palla-
dium. Pike, the Sovereign Pontiff of Lucifer, was the
president of the Supreme Dogmatic Directory, composed
of ten brothers of the highest grades who formed his
Supreme Grand College of Emeritus Masons. The Sov-
ereign Executive Directory of High Masonry was estab-
lished at Rome under Mazzlnl himself. to6
In a letter to Albert Pike, dated 22 January 1870 (leading up
to the founding of the new rite) Mazzlni wrote:
We must allow all the federations to continue just as
they are, with their systems, their central authorities and
their divers modes of correspondence between high
grades of the same rite, organized as they are at present,
but we must create a supreme rite, which will remain
unknown, to which we will call those Masons of high
degree whom we shall select With regard to their broth-
ers in masonry, these men must be pledged to the strict-
est secrecy. Through this supreme rite, we will govern
all Freemasonry which will become the one interna-
tional centre, the more powerful because its direction
will be unknown.
The main centers of operation for the Supreme or Palladian Rite
En Route to Global Occupation
were located in Charleston, Rome, and Berlin.
In addition to these
headquarters, Pike and Mazzini established four Grand Central Direc-
tories for the purpose of gathering information vital to political and
propaganda efforts. were, The Grand Central Directories for
North America at Washington, for South America at Montevideo, for
Europe at Naples, and for Asia and Oceania at Calcutta. "
09 Later on,
a Sub-Directory for Africa was founded at Port Louis on the Island of
According to Edith Starr Miller, "To recruit adepts, they planned
to use some members of the other rites, but in the beginning they
meant to rely principally on those among the initiates of Ancient and
Accepted Scottish Rites who were already addicted to occultism."
A thirty-third degree Mason, particularly, would be well received ev-
in any country, in any rite the existence of which is ac-
knowledged. Thus it was particularly the initiates of the
thirty-third degree Scottish Rites, who, owing to their
extensive international ramifications, were privileged to
recruit adepts for Palladism. That is why the supreme
rite created its Triangles (the name given to Palladian
Lodges) by degrees, but these were established on a firm
base, the lowliest of its initiates being brothers long
tested in ordinary masonry.m
On 14 july 1889 Albert Pike issued his instructions to the
twenty-three Supreme Coundls of the world, recorded by A. C. De La
Rive in La Femme et I 'Enfant dans Ia Franc-Maconnerle Universelle
(page 588). The following is a brief excerpt from his speech.
That which we must sayto the crowd is-We worship a
God, but it is the God that one adores without supersti-
To you, Sovereign Grand Inspectors General, we say this,
that you may repeat it to the Brethren of the 32nd, 31st
and 30th degrees-The Masonic religion should be, by
all of us initiates of the high degrees, maintained in the
purity of the Ludferic doctrine. m
It is important to remember that at the time of this statement,
Albert Pike simultaneously held the positions of Grand Master of the
Central Directory of Washington, that of Grand Commander of the
Supreme Council of Charleston, and that of Sovereign Pontiff of Uni-
versal Freemasonry.U
Speaking as the leader of Freemasonry, he
revealed the true character of his Order.
When Pike issued his instructions in 1889, Freemasons from
the thirtieth degree up or were, for the first time,
Freemasonry-The Hidden Catalyst 115
of the Ludferic nature of the Order. Today, however, the
belief in Lucifer is not revealed until a higher level
Pike intended the degrees leading up to the thirtieth degree to
serve only as a training school to gradually condition and prepare
the candidate for the ultimate acceptance of Ludferic initiation. Al-
though perhaps not in a blatant fashion, Masonic rituals and ceremo-
nies from the earliest stages are representative of occult rites. In Free-
masonry everything has a double-meaning. Thus the candidate is
practicing occultism throughout his degree work without knowing it
False interpretations are given to keep him from suspecting the in-
stitution to be anything less than noble and upright in purpose.
The success of a conspiracy depends on its ability to conceal
from the masses the truth of what they are working for. The conspira-
tors will, therefore, bring no more people into their inner circle than
what is absolutely necessary for the success of their mission. With each
new person initiated, the risk of defection or of leaks increases. This
is one reason why those atop the hierarchy are so careful to screen
out candidates along the way and reserve for themselves the right
to hand pick those promoted to the thirty-third degree (and beyond).
The logic is simple-why bring a hundred thousand into the know if
only ten thousand are needed to get the job done? '
Therefore, the hierarchy uses millions of innocent people as
dupes to serve as a shield between the public and themselves. These
people who devote countless hours to establish hospitals, to help the
and to do other good works unwittingly provide a cover un-
der whtch the adepts operate-a perfect public relations ploy. Who
would ever suspect a good works organization to be instead one mas-
sive conspiracy to usher in an occult New World Order? It is because
the idea is so outrageous that few people believe it But the inten-
tions of the society's leaders are unmistakably clear. The following
excerpt from Morals and Dogma explains the logic and intent of the
Knights Templars, of which Freemasonry is the continuation.
The tendencies and tenets of the Order were enveloped
in profound mystery, and it externally professed the
most perfect orthodoxy. The Chiefs alone knew the aim
of the Order: the Subalterns followed them without dis-
To acquire influence and wealth, then to intrigue, and
at need to fight, to establish the ... Gnostic and
Kaballstic dogma, were the object and means proposed
to the initiated Brethren. The Papacy and the rival
monarchles, they said to them, are sold and bought in
these days, become corrupt, and tomorrow, perhaps, will
En Route to Global Occupation
destroy each other. All that will become the heritage of
the Temple: the World will soon come to us for its Sov-
ereigns and Pontiffs. We shall constitute the equilibrium
of the Universe, and be rulers over the Masters of the
As a result of Pike's efforts, by the 1880s the United States was
well on its way to becoming the dominant power in the drive to usher
in the New World Order. The leadership role had shifted from Eu-
rope, specifically France, to the United States. .
. I discovered that some Masons and New Agers pnvately spoke
of the United States as the power that will usher in the "New Atlantis."
Occult tradition maintains that the world prior to the flood had be-
come unifted under a system of global government based upon ten
regions. This global civilization was known as Atlantis and was the
most advanced occult society ever. This is why God destroyed it
Unfortunately, it appears as if history is about to repeat itself.
Today we have come full cycle and are almost back to the way things
were in Noah's day-the world is on the brink of taking a "quantum
leap" into an occult based New World Order, which will consist of
ten administrative regions. This knowledge gives new meaning to the
words of Jesus spoken in Matthew. Concerning the time of the end
and of His return Jesus said:
As it was in the days of Noah, so it will be at the com-
ing of the Son of Man. (Matt. 24:37)
I now realized how literal Christ's words had been.
The Role of the Soviet Union
After learning about these things, there was one lingering ques-
tion that I had .... What was the role of the Soviet Union in all of
this, if anything? As I looked into this matter, I soon discovered that
the same forces that have gained control of America have always had
control of the Soviet Union, as they were responsible for the found-
ing of the Soviet state in the first place. What follows is a brief over-
view of the events leading up to the creation of communism and the
birth of the Soviet Union.
In 1847 an obscure intellectual by the name of Karl Heinrich
Marx joined one of the branch organizations of the lliuminati called
the League of the Just
Occult Theocrasy states, "It is a fact that for
a certain length of time Mazzinl [the European leader of illuminlzed
Freemasonry] and Marx were closely assodated."
Mazzinl and his
International Masons would use Marx to penetrate and subvert the
growing Socialist Labour movement
' So obvious was Marx's connec-
tion with Mazzini that, during the early days of the Russian Revolu-
Freemasonry-The Hidden Catalyst 117
tion, the revolutionaries called themselves Spartacusts (after Adam
Weishaupt's lliuminati pseudonym) before becoming known as Bol-
sheviks and later as Communists.U9
During the mid 1800s, the labor movement of France had be-
gun to organize hoping to improve the conditions for their working
class. Toward this end, they sent a deputation of French working-men
to England in 1862 "to observe the utility of Trade Unions in pro-
tecting the interest of the workers. "
Seeking to learn from their En-
glish counterparts they intended to bring about some peaceful changes
in their own country. lliuminized Freemasonry, however, saw in the
Working-men's Association "the very instrument they needed for car-
rying out their plans:m
Karl Marx, residing in London at the time, was frequently found
in the clubs and cafes where the working-men gathered. Having suc-
cessfully penetrated these circles, he was named to the sub-commit-
tee at the meeting in St Martin's Hall on 28 September 1864 when
the Intemalionale was founded.
The other members of the commit-
tee were Mazzinl's personal secretary named Wolff; Le Lubez, a French
Freemason; Cremer, the secretary of the English Masons' Union; and
Weston, the Owenite.
At the very first meeting of this committee "Wolff placed be-
fore it the statutes of Mazzini's working-men's associations, propos-
ing them as the basis of the new association. "
Although the stat-
utes were presented by Wolff, Marx later stated, "My propositions were
all accepted by the commission ... "
S So close was Marx's affiliation
with Mazzinl that he viewed Mazzini's proposals as if they were his
own. These "provisional statutes of the Intemalionale" were then sent
from London to Paris in the following November where they were
officially ratified and the French Intemationale was founded. n6
E. E. Fribourg, in his book L 'Association Internattonale Des
Travallleurs, published in 1871, stated that "the Intemationale ev-
erywhere found support in Freemasonry."
The support was particu-
larly forthcoming from the lodges of the Grand Orient
Nesta Webster, in her book World Revolution, published in 1921,
expressed her indignation:
It is difficult to write of these things calmly. For to de-
ceive the people, whose simple faith and lack of educa-
tion prevents them seeing whither they are being led,
is as cowardly as to guide a blind man into a ditch. Yet
this is what the exploiters of the Intemationale did for
the working-men.
This movement, which was completely dominated by the secret
En Route to Global Occupation
societies, eventually worked its way into Russia where, with the help
of existing Russian lodges, the assistance of Trotsky and Lenin, and
the outside support of the international financiers, it forced itself upon
the Russian people. Winston Churchill summarized these events in a
statement appearing on 8 February 1920 in London's Sunday mus-
trated Herald. It is worth repeating here.
From the days of Spartacus-Welshaupt, to those of Karl
Marx, to those of Trotsky ... this worldwide conspiracy
for the overthrow of civilization and for the reconstitu-
tion of society on the basis of arrested development and
envious malevolence, and impossible equality has been
steadily growing. It has been the mainspring of every
subversive movement during the nineteenth century;
and now at last this band of extraordinary personalities
from the underworld of the great cities of Europe and
America have gripped the Russian people by the hair of
their heads and have become the undisputed masters
of that enormous empire.
Churchill must have known something about these matters as
he had been a Mason himself.
It is only logical to conclude that if Freemasonry founded the
Soviet Union, it must still be the power in charge, pulling the strings
from behind-the-scenes. But what could have been the reasoning
behind Freemasonry's creation of such a ruthless dictatorial power?
The answer-If the role of the United States was to lead us into the
New World Order then Russia's role, being no less important, was to
apply the pressure that would make it all possible.
In order for the occult hierarchy to succeed in establishing a
world government, humanity first had to become convinced of the
need for such a governing body. The conditions had to be created
whereby people would accept this as an alternative. If the people of
the world could somehow only be convinced that nations were re-
sponsible for war and that peace could only be achieved if national-
ism were eliminated, then perhaps humanity would have finally ar-
rived at a point of accepting a One World Authority as its only alter-
native. In order to lead mankind to this conclusion, however, wars
had to be created, sparked, and fanned into existence by acts of ter-
rorism and military aggression. No part of the world could be left
unaffected by armed conflicts and violence. But such conflicts had to
be incited and the weapons supplied by someone.
Enter the Soviet Union. Nearly every major conflict in the world
over the past forty years has been the result of Soviet aggression or
instigation. At one point during the early 198()5 nearly one in every
Freemasonry-The Hidden Catalyst
four nations was engaged in some kind of war.m Almost without
exception the USSR was the main perpetrator.
This constant strife and fear that a conflict somewhere could
escalate into a nuclear war, has played on peoples' minds psychologi-
cally, wearing them down. It has caused them to desire world peace
more than anything else.
Now suppose that at some time in the future, a final conflict is
precipitated, say in Europe or the Middle East, and the Super Powers
are intentionally drawn into it What if one of the powers was de-
stroyed as a result, with additional destruction occurring elsewhere
in the world?
Humanity would be awestruck and overwhelmed by such de-
struction, and would now be prepared to accept a proposed One World
Government, which promises to prevent such a tragedy from ever
occurring again. Effectively convinced that nations cause wars, and
disillusioned by the needless loss of life resulting from such wars, the
people of the world would finally be willing to surrender their na-
tional sovereignty to a higher authority claiming the ability to pr<r
teet them from one another.
There is direct evidence to suggest that the hidden powers have
been planning for the eventual merger of the United States and the
Soviet Union all along, but not until after a prolonged period of Cold
War had accomplished their objectives. This evidence surfaced dur-
ing the Reece Committee investigations into foundations
during the 1950s. Norman Dodd, the director of research for the com-
mittee, had at one point during the investigation been invited to the
headquarters of the Ford Foundation by its president, H. Rowan
Gaither, who was a member of the Council on Foreign Relations.
During this visit Gaither told Dodd:
All of us here at the policymaking level have had expe-
rience, either In O.S.S. (Office of Strategic Services) or
the European Economic Administration, with directives
from the White House. We operate under those direc-
tives here. Would you ilke to know what those direc-
tives are? m
Dodd responded that he would, after which Gaither replied:
The substance of them is that we shall use our grant-
making power so to alter life In the United States that
we can be comfortably merged with the Soviet

Dodd, who was jolted by the frankness of the remarks, asked
if Gaither would be willing to repeat his statement before the Reece
Committee; to which the Ford Foundation president responded: "That
we would not think of doing."HS
Chapter Six
Secret Teachings of the
New World Order
It is not fair to assume that all Masons are aware of their
organization's hidden agenda. My discussions with past and present
members of Freemasonry have convinced me that an overwhelming
majority of Masons haven't the faintest idea of what their organiza-
tion is really all about In defense of these people who are being used,
I urge that the reader not be quick to judge.
All of us have been guilty, at one time or another, of jumping
into decisions without first having a reasonable understanding of the
facts. ln the case of Freemasonry, it would take months of diligent
study to gain a comprehensive view of the order, assuming that one
could obtain copies of its secret books, which is difficult to do prior
to joining. Once individuals belong to the organization and finally
have the opportunity to examine its doctrinal materials, few have the
interest or take the time to do so.
Most of the current members with whom I have :>poken, while
being well versed in the rituals and superficial workings of the or-
der, showed few signs of possessing any knowledge of the
organization's actual history or beliefs. Some members have belonged
to the Lodge for more than thirty years without having spent so much
as a single hour srudying its reference works. For the benefit of these
people and for those who are currently considering membership, I
have prepared the following summary on Masonic beliefs.
Masonic Theology
In 1986, in order to determine which Masonic books best rep-
resent the beliefs of Freemasonry, talk show host John Ankerberg
asked a couple who was studying Freemasonry to write a letter to
each of the fifty Grand Lodges in America. Ankerberg relates:
We asked that they address their letter to the Grand
Master and ask him to respond to the following ques-
tion: "As an official Masonic leader, which books and
authors do you recommend as being authoritative on
Secret Teachings of the New World Order 121
the subject of Freemasonry?"'
Twenty-five (50 percent) of the Grand Lodges responded. Ac-
cording to the survey, the following books and authors were the most
highly recommended by the Grand Masters: Coil's Masonic Encyclcr
pedta by Henry Wilson Coil; The Builders by Joseph Fort Newton;
An Encyclopedia of Freemasonry by Albert G. Mackey; Introduction
to Freemasonry by Carl H. Claudy; The Newly-Made Mason by H.L.
Haywood; A Masonic Reader's Guide by Alphonse Cerze; History of
Freemasonry by Robert F. Gould; The Craft and Its Symbols by Allen
E. Roberts; and Morals and Dogma by Albert Pike, in addition to a
number of other highly respected Masonic authors including Manly
P. Hall, G. Steinmetz, Thomas Smith Webb, and Louis L. Williams.
Since these are the sources recommended by the leaders of
Freemasonry themselves, it is only fair in examining Masonic theol-
ogy that we quote directly from these books or from other sources
written by the same authors. Therefore, unless otherwise specified,
statements will be taken from the above sources. The key document
that will be quoted is Albert Pike's Morals and Dogma. Because of
the book's availability in Masonic libraries everywhere, Masons will
easily be able to verify the following information for themselves.
Morals and Dogma can also be found in some public libraries under
catalogue number 366.1 although copies have become scarce.
Freemasonry Is a Religion!
Every Masonic Lodge Is a temple of religion; and its
teachings are Instruction in religion.3 (Morals and
Dogma, p. 213)
I contend, without any sort of hesitation, that Masonry
is, in every sense of the word, except one, and that Its
least philosophical, an eminently religious institution-
that it is indebted solely to the religious element which
it contains for its origin and for its continued existence,
and that without this religious element it would SC21'cely
be worthy of cultivation by the wise and good.
(Mackey's Encyclopedia of Freemasonry, p. 618)
It [Masonry] is the universal, eternal, immutable religion,
such as God planted It in the heart of universal human-
Ity. No creed has ever been long-lived that was not built
on this foundation. It is the base, and they are the su-
perstructure. (Morals and Dogma, p. 219)
Pike goes on to describe Freemasonry as
the custodian and depository of the grut philosophical
and religious truths, unknown to the world at Jargt>, and
handed down from age to age by an unbroktn rurrr.nl
122 En Route to Global Occupation
of tradition, embodied in symbols, emblems and allego-
ries. (Morals and Dogma, p. 210)
Antichrist in Nature
It Is typical of Freemasonry to omit the name of Jesus Christ
when quoting passages of Scripture. The following examples compare
Scriptures t2ken from The Holy Bible (KJV) with those used by Th<>-
mas Smith Webb in his book, '/he Freemason's Monitor (beuer known
as Webb's Monltcr).s
Bible (1 Pel 2:5) Webb's Monitor (p.92)
Ye also, as lively stones, are built up
a spiritual house, an holy priest-
hood, to offer up spiritual sacrifices,
acceptable to God by Jesus Christ
Bible (Matt 21:42)
Jesus salth unto them, "Did ye never
read in the scriptures, The stone
which the builders rejected, the
same Is become the head of the cor-
ner ... ?
Bible (2 Thess. 3:12)
Now them that are such we com-
mand and exhort by our Lord Jesus
Christ, that with quietness they
work, and eat their own bread.
Ye also, as living stones, be ye
built up a spiritual house, an holy
priesthood, to offer up sacrifices
acceptable to God.
Webb's Monitor (p.94)
Did ye never read in the scrip-
tures, The stone which the build-
ers rejected, is become the head
of the comer?
Webb's Monitor (p. 156)
Now them that are such. we com-
mand and exhort, that with quiet-
ness they work, and eat their own
These subtle omissions cause the initiate to think of God only
in a general sense, without the consideration of Christ
The name of Jesus is also omitted from Masonic prayers.
To offer prayer in the name of Christ, is contrary to the
universality of Masonry. Oud. Dec. Grand Lodge of Penn-
Views on the Bible:
The Teachers, even of Christianity, are, in general, the
most ignorant of the true meaning of that which they
teach. There is no book of which so little is known as
the Bible. To most who read it, it is as incomprehensible
as the Sohar. (Morals and Dogma, p. 105)
The Bible, with all the allegories it contains, expresses,
in an incomplete and veiled manner only, the religious
science of the Hebrews. The doctrine of Moses and the
Secret Teachings of the New World Order
Prophets, identical at bottom with that of the ancient
Egyptians, also had its outward meaning and Jts veils.
(Morals and Dogma, p. 744)
The Hebrew books were written only to recall to
memory the traditions; and they were written in Sym-
bols unintelligible to the Profane. The Pentateuch and
the prophetic poems were merely elementary books of
doctrine, morals, or liturgy; and the true secret and tra-
ditional philosophy was only written afterward, under
veils still less transparent Thus was a second Bible born,
unknown to, or rather uncomprehended by, the ChJis.
tians; a collection they say, of monstrous absurdities; a
monument, the adept says, wherein is everything that
the genius of philosophy and that of rellgion have ever
formed or imagined of the sublime; a treasure sur-
rounded by thorns; a diamond concealed in a rough dark
stone. (Morals and Dogma, pp. 744-745)
This "second Bible," which Albert Pike refers to, is the Kabalah-
an ancient book of the occult
Source of Knowledge
All truly dogmatic religions have issued from the
Kabalab and return to it everything scientific and grand
in the religious dreams of all the illuminati, Jacob
Boehme, Swedenbor& Saint-Martin, and others, is bor-
rowed from the Kabalah; all the Masonic Associations
owe to it their Secrets and their Symbols.
The Kabalah alone consecrates the alliance of the Uni-
versal Reason and the Divine Word; ... it alone recon-
d.les Reason with Faith, Power with Uberty, Science with
Mystery; it has the keys of the Present, the Past, and the
Future. (Morals and Dogma, p. 744)
One is filled with admiration, on penetrating into the
Sanctuary of the Kabalah, at seeing a doctrine so logi-
cal, so simple, and at the same time so absolute. (Mor-
als and Dogma, p. 745)
Source of Inspiration
LUCIFER, the Light-hearer! ... Lucifer, the Son of the
Morning! Is it he who bears the Lighn ... Doubt it not!
(Morals and Dogma, p. 321)
Source of Power
When the Mason Learns that the Key to the warrior on
the block is the proper appllcation of the dynamo of
living power, he has learned the Mystery of hu Ctllt
The seething energies of Lucifer are in hU handl and
En Route to Global Occupation
before he may step onward and upward, he must prove
his ability to properly apply (this) energy.
{Manly P.
Hall, The Lost Keys of Freemasonry, p. 48)
Basic Doctrine
The theological dogma of Freemasonry was explained in the
"Instructions" issued by Albert Pike on 14 July 1889 to the twenty
three Supreme Councils of the world. His words were recorded by
A. C. De La Rive in La Femme et L 'Enfant dans Ia Franc-Maconnerle
UntverseUe (p. 588}.
If Lucifer were not God, would Adonay (The God of the
Christians) whose deeds prove his cruelty, perfidy, and
hatred of man, barbarism and repulsion for science,
would Adonay and his priests, calumniate him?
Yes, Lucifer is God, and unfortunately Adonay is also
God. For the eternal law is that there is no light with
out shade, no beauty without ugliness, no white with
out black, for the absolute can only exist as two Gods:
darkness being necessary to light to serve as its foil as
the pedestal is necessary to the statue, and the brake
to the locomotive.
In analogical and universal dynamics one can only lean
on that which wUl resist Thus the universe is balanced
by two forces which maintain its equilibrium: the force
of attnction and that of repulsion. These two forces exist
in physics, philosophy and religion. And the scientific
reality of the divine dualism is demonstrated by the phe-
nomena of polarity and by the universal law of sympa-
thies and antipathies. That is why the intelligent disclples
of Zoroaster, as well as, after the01, the Gnostics, the
Manicheans, and the Templars have admitted, as the
only logical metaphysical conception, the system of the
two divine principles fighting eternally, and one cannot
believe the one inferior in power to the other.
Thus the doctrine of Satanism is a heresy; and the true
and pure philosophic religion is the belief in Lucifer, the
equal of Adonay; but Lucifer, God of tight and God of
Good, is struggling for humanity against Adonay, the
God of Darkness and Evil.
Pike continues to pervert the truth in statements made on page
567 of Morals and Dogma.
To prevent the light from escaping at once, the Demons
forbade Adam to eat the fruit of "knowledge of good and
evil," by which he would have known the Empire of
Ught and that of Darkness. He obeyed; an Angel of Ught
Secret Teachings of the New World Order
induced him to transgress, and gave him the means of
victory; but the Demons created Eve, who seduced him
into an act of Sensualism, that enfeebled him, and bound
him anew in the bonds of matter.
These doctrines are, in their entirety, heresy. Pike not only turns
the truth upside down, but he adds material. In short, Masonic doc-
trine places Jesus Christ under the control and at the mercy of Luci-
fer, labelling the Holy God of Israel a demon.
Teaches Universality
As with the New Age movement, the central theme of Freema-
sonry is universality, an attempt to unite all of the world's religions
under one umbreUa. To do so, it conveniently demotes Jesus Christ
from being the Son of God to being a mere spiritual master on the
same footing with Buddha or any other religious leader.
Masonry ... is Religion, a worship in which all good men
may unite, that each may share the faith of all.
Fort Newton, The Builders, p. 242)
Describing an experience he had in a London lodge with Ma
sons of various faiths, Joseph Newton writes:
It was a scene no one could ever forget, a vision-hour
deeply moving, at once a picture and a prophecy .... It
was most impressive, as if one were listening-in on the
future. It made me think of the words of a seer in a
sacred book of China: "The broad-minded see the truth
in different religions; the narrow-minded see only the
differences." ... Where else, except in a Masonic lodge,
could men of many religions meet, each praying for all
and all for each one? It taught me one lesson: If ever
there is to be a Religion of Brotherhood on earth, it must
begin with a Brotherhood of Religions. (The Builders,
pp. 223-224)
If Masonry were simply a Christian institution, the jew
and the Moslem, the Brahman and the Buddhist, could
not conscientiously partake of its illumination; but its
universality is its boast In its language, citizens of ev-
ery nation may converse. At its altar men of all religions
may kneel. To its creed, disciples of every faith may
subscribe. (Mackey's Encyclopedia of Freemasonry, p.
It [Masonry) reverences all the great reformers. It sees
in Moses, the Lawgiver of the jews, in Confucious and
Zoroaster, in jesus of Nazareth, and in the Arabian Icono-
clast, Great Teachers of Morality, and Eminent Reform-
ers, if no more: and allows every brother of the Order
En Route to Global Occupation
to assign to each such higher and even Divine Charac-
ter as his Creed and Truth require. (Morals and Dogma,
p. 525)
Masonry, around whose altars the Christian, the Hebrew,
the Moslem, the Brahmin, the followers of Confucius and
Zoroaster, can assemble as brethren and unite in prayer
to the one God who is above aO the Baalim, must needs
leave it to each of its Initiates to look for the founda-
tion of his faith and hope to the written scriptures of
his own religion. (Morals and Dogma p. 226)
In a Lodge consisting entirely of jews, the Old Testament
alone may be placed upon the altar, and Turkish Free-
masons may make use of the Koran. Whether it be the
Gospels to the Christian, the Pentateuch to the Israel-
ite the Koran to the Mussulman, or the Vedas to the
it everywhere Masonically conveys the same
idea-that of the symbolism of the Divine Will revealed
to the man. (Mackey's Encyclopedia of Freemasonry,
p. 133)
All of these beliefs are contrary to the teachings of Jesus who
said, "I am the way, the truth, and the life: no man cometh unto the
Father, but by me" Qohn 14:6, IQV).
Deification of Man
One of the many symbols of Masonry is a ladder, which is used
in the work of initiation. Mackey refers to this ladder as a
symbol of progress ... its three principal rounds, rep-
resenting Faith, Hope and Charity, present us with the
means of advancing from earth to heaven, from death
to life from the mortal to immortality. Hence, its foot
is on the ground floor of the Lodge, which is
typical of the world, and its top rests on the covering
of the Lodge, which is symbolic of heaven. (Mackey's
Encyclopedia of Freemasonry, p. 361)
Consistent throughout Masonic doctrine is the belief that man
reaches immortality not through the forgiveness of sin provided by
God when one believes in his son Jesus Christ, but rather through
good works. In the higher degrees this teaching is taken even one
step further when the initiate proclaims himself to be God.
Man is a god in the making. And as in the mystic myths
of Egypt, on the potter's wheel, he is being molded.
When his light shines out to lift and preserve all things,
he receives the triple crown of godhood. (The Lost Keys
of Freemasonry, p. 92)
In the closing ceremonies of the ritual for the Royal Arch
Secret Teachings of the New World Order
degree, the candidate is asked, "Brother, Inspector, what
are you?" and he replies, "I AM THAT I AM."9 (Ed Decker,
The Question of Freemasonry, p.9)
In the Bible, these are the words used in reference to God. When
Moses asked God to name himself, God said, "I AM TIIAT I AM" (Ex.
3:14, KJV).
Admitted Deception
Many honorable men have become Masons under the false
impression that Freemasonry is a Christian institution. Although cer-
tain ceremonies occasionally make use of Christ's name, this is usu-
ally in the form of a mockery (sometimes blatant, sometimes subtle),
unfortunately not often realized as such by one not grounded in the
Bible, thereby further confusing initiates' perceptions of the Order.
The Blue Degrees are but the outer court or portico of
the Temple. Part of the symbols are displayed there to
the Initiate, but he is intentionally misled by false in-
terpretations. It Is not intended that he shall understand
them, but It is intended that he shall imagine he under-
stands them. Their true explication is reserved for the
Adepts, the Princes of Masonry. (Morals and Dogma, p.
We teach the truth of none of the legends we recite.
They are to us but parables and allegories, Involving and
enveloping Masonic instruction. (Morals and Dogma, p.
Masonry, like all the Religions, all the Mysteries, Hermeti-
cism and Alchemy, conceals its secrets from all except
the Adepts and Sages, or the Elect, and uses false expla-
nations and misinterpretations of its symbols to mislead
those who deserve only to be misled; to conceal the
Truth, which it calls Ught, from them, and to draw them
away from it. Truth is not for those who are unworthy
or unable to receive it, or would pervert it. (Morals and
Dogma, pp. 104-105)
Truth becomes deadly to those who are not strong
enough to contemplate it ln all its brilliance. . . . The
truth must be kept secret, and the masses need a teach
ing proportioned to their imperfect reason. (Morals and
Dogma, p. 103)
The immoral character of these words should not come as a
surprise when considering the philosophy of their author, Albert Pike.
[A}ll truths are "Truths of Period," and not truths for
eternity. (Morals and Dogma, p. 37)
128 En Route to Global Occupation
Mandate for Blind Obedience
The first duty of every Mason is to obey the mandate
of the Master .... This spirit of instant obedience and
submission to authority constitutes the great safeguard
of the Institution. Freemasonry more resembles a mili-
tary than a political organization. The order must at once
be obeyed; its character and its consequences may be
matters of subsequent inquiry. The Masonic rule of obe-
dience is like the nautical, imperative: "Obey orders,
even if you break owners.""(Mackey's Encyclopedia of
Freemasonry, p. 525)
Thus a Mason is sworn to blind obedience without having the
slightest knowledge of what it is that he is really swearing to. The
oaths taken by candidates in the first three degrees are as follows:
Entered Apprentice (1st degree)
To all of which I do most solemnly and sincerely prom-
ise and swear, without the least equivocation, mental
reservation, or self evasion of mind in me whatever;
binding myself under no less penalty than to have my
throat cut across, my tongue tom out by the roots, and
my body buried in the rough sands of the sea at low
water-mark, where the tide ebbs and flows twice in
twenty-four hours; so help me God, and keep me stead-
fast in the due performance of the same.
(Captain Wil-
liam Morgan, mustrattons of Masonry, pp. 21-22)
Fellow Craft (2nd degree)
... binding myself under no less penalty than to have
my left breast tom open and my heart and vitals taken
from thence and thrown over my left shoulder and car-
ried into the valley of Jehosaphat, there to become a
prey to the wild beasts of the field, and vulture of the
air, if ever I should prove willfully guilty of violating any
part of this my solemn oath or obligation of a Fellow
Craft Mason; so help me God, and keep me steadfast in
the due performance of the same. (Illustrations of
Masonry, pp. 52-53.)
Master Mason (3rd degree)
... binding myself under no less penalty than to have
my body severed in two in the midst, and divided to the
north and south, my bowels burnt to ashes in the cen-
ter, and the ashes scattered before the four winds of
heaven, that there might not the least track or trace of
remembrance remain among men, or Masons, of so vile
and perjured a wretch as I should be, were I ever to
prove willfully guilty of violating any part of this my
Secret Teachings of the New World Order
solemn oath or obligation of a Master Mason. (mustra-
Uons of Masonry, pp. 75-76)
The severity of these oaths continues to increase with each
degree. Though these oaths have been taken from a book written in
the 1820s, former Masons have told me that the oaths have changed
very little over the past two centuries, and they are essentially still
the same today.
Jesus warned in reference to oaths, "Do not swear at all ....
Simply let your 'Yes' be 'Yes,' and your 'No,' 'No'; anything beyond
this comes from the evil one" (Matt. 5:34, 37). Christ gave us this
command for our own protection, yet many do not heed his words.
If a Mason finally discovers the underlying purpose of the Or-
der and decides to get out, these oaths serve as a most effective in-
timidation to prevent him from disclosing any secret information. As
a result, although a small percentage of Masons defect from the or-
ganization, only a few of them are willing to take the risk of speak-
ing out against it
However, Captain William Morgan of Batavia, New York {a
Mltson of thirty years) was one such courageous man, whose book,
Illustrations of Masonry, revealed the secret rituals and oaths of the
Masonic Order. This expose cost him his life.
When it was learned that Morgan had prepared the manuscripts
and was planning to publish them, Masonic leaders acted to prevent
the book's publication. Captain Morgan was kidnapped on 11 Septem-
ber 1826 and was drowned by several Masons in the Niagara River.
David Miller, the publisher, was also kidnapped; but the citizens of
Batavia, finding it out, pursued the kidnappers, and finally rescued
him. In spite of all the efforts by the Masons to prevent its publica-
tion, Morgan's book was published in 1827.
Freemasonry did everything within its power to deny its role
in the murder of William Morgan, but the incident threw the Eastern
States into an all-out frenzy. Innocent Masons themselves believed that
Morgan's execution was carried out by fellow Masons. During the
decade that followed, forty-five thousand Masons withdrew from the
Lodges over this incident Masonic reference works such as The BuiJd..
ers (pp. 217-219), Colt's Masonic Encyc/Qpedla, and others attest to
this fact Coil states:
Masonic defections spread throughout New England,
New York, New Jersey, Pennsylvania and Maryland ....
In 1826, New York had 480 Lodges with a membership
of 20,000 but from 1827 to 1839 only 40 or 50
were reporting to the Grand Lodge .... The Grand
of Massachusetts surrendered its charter to thr 11hllr 1111rl
130 En Route to Global Occupation
became an unincorporated body.
(Cot/'s Masonic En-
cyclopedia, p. 58)
In the years that followed, Freemasonry continued to refute
charges of the murder in spite of the fact that one of the three men
appointed to carry out the assassination confessed the entire account
on his death bed in 1848. The confession appears on pp. 11-16 of a
book entitled The Character, Claims and Practical WQT'kings of Free-
masonry, written by Rev. Charles G. Finney, the great nineteenth
century evangelist and longtime president of Oberlin College.
Early in his career as an attorney, Finney had himself been a
Mason; but he left the Lodge following his conversion to Christ, be-
coming an evangelist instead. He spent much of his remaining life
denouncing the evils of Freemasonry and had his life threatened re-
peatedly as a result
His effort culminated in a 272 page book de-
voted entirely to exposing the Masonic Order. What Finney learned
during his years as a Mason so alarmed him that it was largely re-
sponsible for his compelling drive and zeal in proclaiming the gos-
pel of Christ throughout the world. Because Finney was a man of un-
questionable integrity who is still widely respected today, I have
chosen to quote him at length. The following excerpts are taken from
his book, which was published in 1869.
It is high time that the Church of Christ was awake to
the character and tendency of Freemasonry. Forty years
ago we supposed that it was dead, and had no idea that
it could ever revive. But, strange to tell, while we were
busy in getting rid of slavery, Freemasonry has revived,
and extended its bounds most alarmingly .... I know
something about it, for I have been a Freemason my-
self.1S (p. 1)
Upon reflection and examination, and after a severe
struggle and earnest prayer, I found that I could not
consistently remain with them. My new life instinctively
and irresistibly recoiled from any fellowship with what
I then regarded as "the unfruitful works of darkness."
(p. 5)
I came to the deliberate conclusion, and could not avoid
doing so, that my oaths had been procured by fraud and
misrepresentations, and that the institution was in no
respect what I had been previously informed it was. And,
as I have had the means of examining it more thor-
oughly, It has become more and more Irresistibly plain
to my convictions that the Institution Is highly danger-
ous to the State, and In every way injurious to the
Secret Teachings of the New World Order
Church of Christ (p. 8)
Elderly men and women, especially In the Northern
States, will almost universally remember the murder of
William Morgan by Freemasons, and many facts con-
nected with that terrible tragedy. But, as much pains
have been taken by Freemasons to rid the world of the
books and pamphlets, and every vestige of writing re-
lating to that subject, by far the larger number of young
people seem to be entirely ignorant that such fact ever
occured. (p. 9)
Referring to Captain Morgan, Finney stated:
He .. was aware, as Masons generally were at the time,
that nearly aU the civil offices In the country were In
the hands of Freemasons; and that the press was com-
pletely under their control, and almost altogether In
their hands. Masons at that time boasted that aU the civil
offices in the country were In their hands. I believe that
aU the civil offices In the county where I resided while
I belonged to them, were In their hands. I do not recol-
lect a magistrate, or a constable, or sheriff in that county
that was not at that time a Freemason. (p. 10)
In his appeal to the Church, Finney proclaimed:
Believing, as I most assuredly do, that these works truly
reveal Masonry, could I be an honest man, a faithful
minister of Christ, and hold my peace In view of the
alarming progress that this institution is making In these
days. In your hearts you would condemn and despise
me if, with my convictions, I suffered any earthly con-
siderations to prevent my sounding the trumpet of alarm
to both Church and State .... Would you have me cower
before this enormously extended conspiracy? Or would
you have me sear my conscience by shunning the cross,
and keeping silence In the midst of the perils of both
Church and State? (pp. 269-270)
Can a man who has taken and still adheres to the oath
of the Royal Arch degree be trusted In office? He swears
to espouse the cause of a companion of this degree when
Involved in any difficulty, so far as to extricate him from
the same, whether he be right or wrong. He swears to
conceal his crimes, murder and treason not excepted.
Now, gentlemen, I appeal to you, Is a man who is un-
der a most solemn oath to kill or seek the death of any
man who shall violate any part of the Masonic oaths a
fit person to be at large amongst men? (pp. 270-271)
There are many seceding Masons throughout the land.
132 En Route to Global Occupation
Adhering Masons are under oath to seek to procure their
death .... Ought a Freemason of this stamp to be
fellowshipped by a Christian Church? Ought not such an
one to be regarded as an unscrupulous and dangerous
man? I appeal to your conscience in the sight of God,
and I know that your moral sense must respond amen
to the conclusions at which I have arrived. Be not of-
fended with my telling you the truth in love. We must
all soon meet at the solemn judgment. Let us not be
angry, but honest. (p. 272)
Prominent ministers who joined Finney in exposing the Masonic
institution included Rev. Torrey and Rev. Dwight L. Moody, both of
whom went out of their ways to denounce Freemasonry. Torrey re-
marked, "I do not believe it is possible for a man to be an intelligent
Christian and an intelligent Mason at the same time."
D.L. Moody
likewise put himself on the line. At one of his conventions Moody
invited Rev. Charles A. Blanchard D.D. to speak on the subject of Free-
masonry. Great opposition resulted, and certain individuals threat-
ened to stop supporting his schools if he continued to invite such men
to expose the institution. Responding from the platform, Moody stated:
Here is a man who knows what he is talking about and
you say unless I silence him, you will not support the
Schools. I say, if vital truth has to be sacrificed so that
the Schools live on-then LET TilE SCHOOLS DIE.
Such was Moody's stance on Freemasonry.
John Marshall, the great chief justice of the United States Su-
preme Court, wrote:
The institution of Masonry ought to be abandoned, as
one capable of producing much evil, and incapable of
producing any good which might not be affected by
open means.
Marshall was himself a famous Mason and had assisted in the
establishment of two Lodges in Virginia.
9 His biography is one of only
twenty-five appearing under the section "Statesmen, Founders, Offic-
ers" in the book Famous Masons and Masonic Presidents. He is in-
cluded in the same section with Albert Pike and Adam Weishaupt
Marshall must have therefore known something about Masonry. His
anti-Masonic statement came shortly before his death in 1835.
William H. Seward, secretary of state under Lincoln, wrote:
Secret Societies, Sir? Before I would place my hands
between the hands of other men in a secret lodge, or-
der, class or council, or bending my knee before them,
enter into combination with them for any object, I would
Secret Teachings of the New World Order
pray to God that that hand and that knee might be para-
lyzed, and that I might become an object of pity and
mockery to my fellow men.
Daniel Webster wrote:
In my opinion, the imposition of such obligation as Free-
masonry requires should be prohibited by law.
Ulysses S. Grant stated:
All secret oath-bound political parties are dangerous to
any nation ...
Other U.S. presidents who condemned Freemasonry include
John Adams, James Madison, John Quincy Adams (who campaigned
openly against the Order), and Millard Fillmore. Madison and Fillmore
had both been Masons and were therefore speaking from experience.
Several generations have come and gone since these men
warned the people of America and the world against Freemasonry;
therefore, some might argue that the Order today is not the same as
it was back in the 1800s. To see if this is true let us examine some
more recent evidence.
Current Status
In the February 1987 issue of The Northern Light, the official
publication of the Supreme Council for the Northern Masonic Juris-
diction, Louis L. Williams, a thirty-third degree Mason comments:
Universality does not mean Christianity although some
Masons think It should be so interpreted.
. .. from Anderson forward, efforts continued to re-
move all Christian references from Masonry, and those
efforts still continue to this day.

As mentioned earlier, in certain Masonic degrees, as in the de-
grees of the earlier Knights Templars, various references to the life
of Christ had been placed in the rituals, serving to make the Masonic
organization appear open to Christians. These top dressings of Chris-
tianity have, from the beginning, been a deception. But more recently
the leadership of Freemasonry has become more blatantly anti-Christ,
admitting their efforts to remove any possible Christian commitment
from the degrees.
For example, in specific reference to the riblals of the eighteenth
degree, Louis Williams writes:
... no candidate for the Scottish Rite degrees shall be
required to assume any obligation to support any par-
ticular religious belief, except as Dr. Anderson states, "to
or. James Anderson was a renowned Masonic writer and a strong proponent of
universality of religion.
134 En Route to Global Occupation
oblige them to that Religion in which :ill Men agree."
The Southern Supreme Council adopted a universal IS"
under Pike in the 1860s. We eUminated any possible
Christian commitment In 1942 under Johnson. Any
matter of discord should be laid to rest, and the IS" of
the Northern Jurisdiction is For All Men and All
Time .. 2S
If the only religion of the Masons is "that Religion in which all
Men agree" which they admit is not Christianity, then what religion
is it? Clearly it is the religion of universality, which teaches that im-
mortality is achieved through good works instead of faith in Christ
This is actually a form of spiritualized humanism, which gives way
first to various principles of pantheism, and ultimately, to direct Lu-
cifer worship in the highest levels.
Even more recently, on 14 July 1987 the anti-Christ character
of Freemasonry was again revealed when the Associated Press re-
ported on the results of a study conducted by the Church of England.
The article, entitled Calls Freemason Rituals Blasphemous,"
appeared in the Indianapolis Star. It states:
Church of England leaders overwhelmingly endorsed a
report Monday that called Freemason rituals blasphe-
mous ...
The report-Freemasonry and Christianity: Are They
Compatible?" -said some Christians found Masonic ritu-
als disturbing and positively evil. "
The article continued:
Masons say their movement is not a religion and that
Its aim is charitable works. However, the report said
much Masonic language has religious overtones, includ-
Ing chaplains, rituals, and a secret name for God-
Although Masons pubUcly refer to their god as -rhe Grand Architect of the
Universe, a secret name for this god Is revealed In the Royal Arch degree. This
name Is "Jahbulon (also Jaobulon). Ed Decker, a former Mormon who took up
the study of Freemasonry upon discovering the similarities between It and
Mormonism, defines the name as foUows: JAH" is the Greek word for Jehovah;
"BUL "Is a rendering of the name, BAAL [the ancient demon-god); and "ON" Is the
term used In the Babylonian mysteries to call upon the [Ancient Egyptian) deity,
"OSIRIS"! The secret ritual book of the Craft prints the letters J.B.0.29
This name symboUcally gives the god of the mysteries (Lucifer) authority over
Jehovah (the only true God and Creator). No one Mason may pronounce the entire
sacred name" by himself, (apparently for fear that his soul would be eternally
damned). Therefore, it takes three Masons to repeat the name, each pronouncing
only one syUable. 30
Secret Teachings of the New World Order
The report called the name blasphemous and said: "In
Christian theology, the name of God must not be taken
in vain, nor can It be replaced by an amalgam of the
names of pagan deities."
It said Masonry smacked of heresy by promising salva-
tion through good works alone.
The report closed on an interesting note by revealing:
Many lodge members are dvil servants, bankers, law-
yers, military and pollee officers, judges, clergy, business
executives and shopkeepers.

If more evidence is required concerning the diabolical charac-
ter of the Masonic Order, consider the fact that Anton LaVey, the
founder and leader of The Church of Satan, gives repeated reference
to Freemasonry in his book, The Satanic Rituals-Companion to the
Satanic Bible. On page 21 of this book he concedes that modern
Satanism draws heavily on Masonic rituals and teachings.
Satanic Ritual is a blend of Gnostic, Cabballstlc, Hermetic,
and Masonic elements, incorporating nomenclature and
vibratory words of power from virtually every mythos.
One of the rituals celebrated by the Church of Satan is "The
Ceremony of the Stifling Air, better known as "L 'Air Epa Is. Accord-
ing to LaVey, this rite was originally performed "when entering the
sixth degree of the Order of the Knights Templar.
{It should be
remembered that the Knights Templars were the forerunners of Free-
In describing the requirements for the performance of
Epais," LaVey comments:
The coffin may be of any type, although a traditional
hexagonal style is recommended, as this is the type
depleted In the actual slgil of the Sixth degree of the
Templars and, combined with the skull and crossbones,
is retained in Masonic symbology .. ,33
LaVey continues:
The original Templars' rite of the Fifth degree symboll-
c:illy guided the candidate through the DevU's Pass in
the mountains separating the East from the West (the
Yezidl domain). At the fork of the trail the candidate
would make an Important decision: either to retain his
present identity, or strike out on the Left-Hand Path to
Schamb:illah, where he might dwell in Satan's house-
hold, having rejected the foibles and hypocrisies of the
136 En Route to Global Occupation
everyday world.
A striking American parallel to this rite is enacted within
the mosques of the Ancient Arabic Ortkr of the Nobles
of the Mystic Shrine, an order reserved for thirty-sec-
ond degree Masons. 17Je Nobles have gracefully removed
themselves from any lmpUcation of heresy by referring
to the place beyond the Devll's Pass as the domain
where they might "worship at the shrine of Islam.3-4
The leader of the Church of Satan concludes:
L ~ l r Epals is impossible to perform without an indis-
creet degree of blasphemy toward the Christian
ethic ....
The numerous manifestations of Satanism in Masonic
ritual, for instance, the goat, the coffin, the death's..head,
etc., can easily be euphemized, but the rejection of cer-
tain values demanded by L ~ l r Epals cannot be cloaked
in accepted theologies. Once the celebrant has taken this
degree, he embarks upon the Left-Hand Path and
chooses Hell in place of Heaven. Besides being both
ritual and ceremony, 17Je Stifling Air is a momento 1tWri
carried to Its highest power.35
At this point one might say, Alright, I can see your point that
Freemasonry is not a good organization to belong to, but why be
concerned about it if most of the people involved are not even aware
of its secret agenda and can therefore be no threat to society?" The
answer lies in the fact that Freemasonry encourages universalism of
religion even at its lowest levels.
From its earliest degrees, Freemasonry subtly conditions its
members to accept the false belief that all religions are pathways to
the same God, rendering Christ's atonement on the cross insignifi-
cant and meaningless. A widespread acceptance of this view is a pre-
condition for merging humanity into a system of world government
Without the existence of a synthetic global religion capable of unit-
ing the religions of the world under a single umbrella, it would be
impossible for the conspirators to succeed. Freemasonry provides this
umbrella It has already succeeded in preparing a significant portion
of our world's population to embrace its universalist worldview. The
Masonic religion is therefore not only a threat to the souls of its
members, but to the sovereignty of nations and to the current world
order as well; and for these reasons, I stand opposed to it
Realizing that the words of a contemporary Mason carry more
weight than my own, I have asked Reverend James Shaw, a former
thirty-third degree Mason, to close this chapter by sharing his own
Secret Teachings of the New World Order 137
experience with Freemasonry and his reasons for leaving the Order.
The following is his personal account:
Dear Friend,
Membership in the Masonic Lodge has in many cases become
a family tradition, with young men often joining because their fathers
and grandfathers belonged. Because of their admiration for certain
friends or relatives, these men join the Lodge without hesitation,
certain that the Order is based on noble aspirations. This was the case
with me. From the time I was a little boy, my mother encouraged me
to become a Mason some day like my uncle whom she greatly admired.
Her Impression of Freemasonry was that of a club where good men
met to plan on helping those in need.
"When I grew up, I married a fine woman who was a member
of the Eastern Star and whose father was a Mason. Although her fa-
ther would never talk to me about the Lodge, I was nevertheless proud
of him. Surrounded by people I loved who were Masons, I finally de-
cided to join the Lodge myself.
"Upon applying for membership in Indianapolis, I received a
letter from the Lodge within two weeks telling me I had been accepted.
I was instructed to be present at the Lodge at 6:30 p.m. on a particu-
lar day to receive my first degree. When the time came, I went to the
Lodge and paid my dues for the first three degrees after which I was
told to follow a man who they said was the Senior Steward. He took
me to the Preparation Room where he told me to remove my clothes
and to put on a pair of white pants (like pajama pants) and a white
jacket Before long, a man referred to as the junior Deacon came in
and told me to follow him. He took me to a door and put a blindfold
on me. He also rolled up the left leg of my pants and turned back
the collar of my shirt exposing my left breast After some conversa-
tion between the Junior Deacon and the man inside the Lodge room,
I was finally told to enter. Being hoodwinked, I could not see, but I
could sure feel! Something hit my left breast (it hurt). A man's voice
said, 'Jim Shaw, you are received into this Lodge on the sharp points
of the compass, which (and he jabbed me again) is to teach you never
to reveal any of the secrets of an Entered Apprentice Mason to any-
one unless he be a Brother Mason.'
I had come to the Lodge that evening expecting merely to be
told what a Mason was supposed to do. However, by the end of the
ceremony I had become disgusted. When it was over, my friend told
me it was something that all Masons had to endure; so I put it out of
my mind.
138 En Route to Global Occupation
"After one year I was appointed Senior Deacon. This was a big
jump for me as I had bypassed three chairs. I had told the Worship-
ful Master that I did not want to be a 'chairwarmer' but wanted to be
of service to the Lodge and go through all the chairs. I also joined
the Scottish Rite, and had become Prelate in the Lodge of Perfection,
studying for Master of the 4th degree.
"About this time I received word from an old Army friend en-
couraging my wife and I to move to Florida where he was living. I
didn't want to leave my job with the Post Office, but my friend told
me he could get me a Civil Service job in Florida. My wife loved the
idea of living there. So between the two of them begging me, I finally
agreed to make the move. My Lodge membership was transferred from
Indianapolis {which was in the Northern Jurisdiction) to my new Lodge
in Florida (which belonged to the Southern Jurisdiction). Although
the Ritual between the two jurisdictions varies somewhat, I found that
the essence of the Lodges was still the same.
"The Lodge in Florida was in need of good officers; and I soon
progressed to the position of Worshipful Master. I had to be elected
to this particular office, but that was no problem. I worked with Lodge
members in my Civil Service job, and there were numerous officers
of the. Scottish Rite who were also City Officials. In fact, I had a part
in the initiation of the Mayor of the city. It was in the Skull lecture I
gave in the 30th degree. He paid close attention.
"Soon I had served in many chairs and was given the Degree
of K.C.C.H. (Knight Commander of the Court of Honor). I had this
degree for four years when I, quite literally, entered the darkest pe-
riod of my life. My sight began to deteriorate rapidly as I was devel-
oping a cataract on my left eye. A friend of my wife recommended I
visit an ophthalmologist who she said was very good. I took her ad-
vice. After examining my eyes the ophthalmologist informed me that
. I had to have an operation on one eye and possibly on the other eye
as well at a later time.
"He told me he had to see me every day for a week before he
could operate because of an infection in my eyelid which had to be
treated. During these visits he began to share with me about Jesus
Christ and even read some verses to me out of the Bible. Although I
knew of many ministers and preachers who were Masons, particu-
larly those affiliated with the National Council of Churches, I had been
trained by my family to stay away from churches. My stepfather said
they were full of hypocrites and no one in his house was ever to go
to a church. And here I was, with a doctor who was working on my
eyes trying to read the Bible to me. On my job I began speaking with
Secret Teachings of the New World Order 139
a few people who I knew to be Christians, and they also told me about
Jesus. One went so far as telling me that no Christian should ever be
a Mason. In the meantime, the doctor continued sharing with me while /
he was working on my eyes. I tried not to listen, but deep inside I
knew he was right
"Just one day after I had returned to work following my opera-
tion, I received a letter from The House of the Temple in Washing-
ton, D.C. I had been chosen to receive the 33rd degree and was to
report to Washington in one week to accept the honor. Two men from
the Scottish Rite who were 33rd degree Masons decided to go along
with me to share in my time of joy. I remember being impressed by
the size and the beauty of The House of the Temple. It was at least
four times as large as our Scottish Rite Temple. After I had received
the 33rd degree along with my white hat and ring, we all had a big
feast and drank wine. It was all so much fun. Yet throughout this time
I kept thinking of some of the passages the doctor had read to me
from the Bible.
"Soon after returning home I received a call from the Secretary
of the Scottish Rite telling me to prepare for the upcoming Maundy
Thursday services prior to Easter. I can tell you that the Lodges al-
ways make a mockery of Christian Holy Days. Now I was Master of
all degree work and had to conduct the service.
"In the meantime my wife and I had begun attending church
with the ophthalmologist He was still helping me understand the
Bible and did not like the idea of me being a Mason. He told me he
didn't think I understood just how evil the Lodge really was, and he
urged me to read thoughtfully the books of John and Galatians. I stud-
ied these books and was on the verge of accepting Christ But to
become fully convinced I had yet to go through the Maundy Thurs-
day ritual itself.
"We were all in our places for the Maundy Thursday Rose Croix
service to begin, each of us dressed in black robes. I stood and clapped
my hands three times, and everyone rose to their feet I began to
speak, 'My brothers, we meet this day to commemorate the death of
our most wise and perfect Master-NOT as inspired or divine, but as
at least the greatest of all humanity.'
At this point I had to stop for a moment to think about what
I had just said. I was denying the fact that Christ was inspired or di-
vine, saying he was merely a human master no greater than Buddha,
Mohammed, Confucious or other religious figures. I felt a tear run
down my face, but I had to go on. I walked out to the menorah and
lit a candle.
140 En Route to Global Occupation
"The next speaker said his part and lit a candle on the menorah.
All spoke and lit candles. I was feeling sad and bewildered, wonder-
ing how I could go on; but I did We had the Black Mass, drinking
wine from a skull and eating a piece of bread-passing it around the
table-saying to each man, 'Take, drink, and give to the thirsty. Take,
eat, and give to the hungry.' Then we all went back to our stations.
As I got up, my knees were shaking. I knew what fear was, and I had
never felt anything like this since being shot at in the Army.
"I stood and began to recite the closing words. 'We now close
this commemoration of the death of our master. MOURN!! LAMENT!!
The candles were extinguished one at a time. I closed the ceremony
by saying, 'It is over; we must depart'
"I hurried to the disrobing room and got out of the black robe
and into my street clothes. S<>me men came around and asked me if
I was sick. I just said, 'Yes, I've got to go!'
"The very next day I wrote letters to the Blue Lodge, the Shrine,
and the Scottish Rite saying that I had attended my last meeting. I
was a Christian now and would not be back. That was 25 years ago.
I have never regretted my decision.
"During my 19 years as a Mason, I witnessed and participated
in numerous disturbing events, but the single most important reason
causing me to leave was the fact that Jesus Christ was not the one
being worshipped. Many gods in the Scottish Rite are revered and
many religions taught, but never is the Blessed Name of Jesus Christ
allowed. One is not even allowed to close a prayer in the name of
Jesus, but instead must use a vague reference to God, which could
mean anyone or anything. Teachings of the Kabbalah, Zend Avesta,
and the Gnostics are used along with astrology and the doctrines of
ancient false gods such as Osiris, Semiramis, Isis and Krishna. The
Hindu gods Brahma, Vishnu, and Shiva are also given reference as
deities. But whenever Christ was mentioned, it was only in the form
of a mockery.
"For these reasons I left the Masonic Order. If you are currently
a Mason, I urge you from the bottom of my heart to do likewise. It is
the only right thing to do.
"In Christian Love,
Jim Shaw"
P.O. Box884
Silver Springs, Florida 32688-0884
Chapter 7
The Coming World Crisis
By the mid 1980s I had assembled enough convincing evidence
that friends were forced to acknowledge the fact that there was in-
deed a plot to establish a New World Order. However, some of these
same friends could not see how a world government could be brought
about during our generation. They felt that too many people would
resist such an effort and that it could therefore never happen.
Between the years of 1985 and 1987 I began to think about
how something like this could happen during our lifetime. I believed
that a world government was possible, even probable, within the next
decade or two. But, how might it come about?
I felt that if I could develop a realistic example of how the New
World Order "could" be achieved, perhaps people would take the
threat more seriously and respond accordingly. So, in June 1987 I
prepared the scenario presented in this chapter. It has undergone two
revisions since that time to keep it with current findings.
I wish to make clear that there is no way of knowing exactly
how the final pieces will fall into place. Only God knows this. We only
know from Scripture that at some point a one-world government will
become a brief reality. I have prepared the following scenario to
present an idea of how the enemy might be thinking. My hope is that
we might be more discerning and less likely to fall into his traps.
There are many uncertainties. For one thing, we do not yet
know the full consequences of the Persian Gulf War. It could be that
the hidden powers believe this crisis was all that was necessary to
take us the final step, and that we will see steps taken in the near
future to install the New World Order. Most of the researchers in my
immediate circle, however, believe that a much larger final crisis will
be needed to accomplish this task, and that a little more groundwork
remains to be laid before the world is prepared to take such a quan-
tum leap." I personally lean in this direction.
The recent war with Iraq might have been only a dress rehearsal
for something much larger yet to come. The fact that Saddarn Hussein
142 En Route to Global Occupation
is still in power and is believed to possess at least three or four nuclear
bombs, seems to be an indicator of more trouble ahead. H there is
another Middle East conflict, it could result from, or start out very
similar to, the recent crisis; only this time, the chances of it escalat-
ing into a regional, or even a global conflict would be much greater.
One possibility is that the new order will be achieved in stages,
with the United States first leading the nations into a loosely knit
world federation under an empowered United Nations (something that
appears to be happening presently). A major global conflict could then
be precipitated at a future time to take humanity the rest of the way
in to an a!H>ut occult based world governmenl
Whatever happens, we may be certain of three things-a world
government will be formed; the Antichrist will be revealed; and he
and his world system will be destroyed by jesus Christ at His second
coming. The only thing we don't know is when this all will happen.
Before the nations of the world ultimately embrace a system
of global government, they must first have a reason to do so. Human-
ity, convinced that permanent world peace cannot be attained with-
out the creation of a powerful world authority capable of protecting
countries from one another, will eventually sacrifice the current world
order-seeing no alternative. Significant strides have already been
made in this direction since the tum of the century, and if history
repeats itself, further progress" will be made soon.
Two world wars have already been fought in the twentieth
century. In each case, an aggressive power was used to ignite a crisis
that drew in the rest of the world; and both times the aggressor was
defeated. After each war, a supranational organization was established
for the alleged purpose of promoting world peace, first the League
of Nations, then the United Nations. Each organization has brought
us one step closer to the realization of a one-world governmenl
The United Nations today is the closest thing to world govern-
ment that humanity has ever known. Unlike the incomplete League
of Nations, which consisted of only 63 countries and did not include
the United States, the United Nations consists of 159 nations, nearly
every country in the world. Its infrastructure is alkncompassing and
includes the World Court, the U.N. peace-keeping forces, and special-
ized organizations ranging from the International Monetary Fund
(IMF) and the World Bank to the World Health Organization (WHO).
It overseas dozens of additional agencies ranging from UNESCO to
UNICEF, covering virtually every aspect of life. The U.N. lacks only
the power to implement and enforce its strategies.
Could a third world war be used to finally lead mankind to
The Coming World Crisis 143
accept a New World Order? H so, how might such a war begin? Who
would be its main players? And what would be the outcome? To an-
swer these important questions, we must examine those areas where
current events and the blueprints of the conspirators coincide with
what the Bible teaches must yet take place.
A Possible Scenario
I believe that insiders will initiate a world crisis only if they
feel it is necessary to get the public to accept their New World Order.
The mere threat of a major world conflict could be enough to scare
the public into accepting such a change-especially when coupled with
the existing problems of world hunger and global debt, and the cre-
ated panic over the environmenl As their campaign slogan openly
proclaims, "Global Problems Demand Global Solutions!"
Historically, however, wars have been effective in advancing
the cause of world the fact is, major changes occur more
easily during times of crisis.
Unlike the previous world wars in which Germany was the main
instigator, the world's next major conflict will undoubtedly be sparked
by the hotbed of tensions surrounding the Middle Easl If not Iraq a
second time, then perhaps Iran or Syria.
This writer believes that Syria might play a significant role in
ushering in the New World Order, if not as an instigator of war, then
as a middleman for negotiating peace. It is too critical a nation to
remain on the sidelines for very long and, contrary to popular be-
lief, Syria-not Iraq-is the most powerful Islamic military state in the
Middle Easl It therefore merits close watching.
During the past several years, Syria appears to have been lay-
ing the groundwork for its own attack against Israel Syrian troops
now hold long sought after positions in Lebanon and have been pre-
pared for such an invasion since early 1_987. According to the U.S.
Department of Defense publication, Soviet Military Power, Syria has
also become the site of the largest Soviet arms build-up in the Third
World, having contracted for $19 billion in military hardware. It cur-
rently boasts the largest number of Soviet military advisors of any
Third World country.
The Syrian government, meanwhile, has effectively turned the
tables by falsely warning its people of a coming Israeli attack on Syria,
although Israel has repeatedly denied such allegations.
According to
the]erosalemPost, during one of Syria's propaganda campaJgns scv
eral years ago, it took a personal statement from Israeli Minis
ter, Yitzhak Shamir, to maintain peace. Shamir voi(cd hl8
"incomprehension" at Syrian nervousness," -which, he saicl, h:ul trllt
144 En Route to Global Occupation
gered several strong Soviet warnings to Israel in recent days. "
I be-
lieve the Syrian government was deliberately misleading its people
in order to justify its own -pre-emptive" strike against Israel down
the road. For these reasons, I have chosen to use Syria as our example
in this scenario (although a similar scenario could be constructed using
Iraq, Iran, or even Libya).
If the powers-that-be were to move Syria against Israel, it would
be Syria's fatal mistake, planned this way by the conspirators in or-
der to precipitate a world crisis. Unlike previous invasions, the Jew-
ish state this time would have almost no time to respond. Its back
would be to the wall quickly as Syrian MIGs would streak over Jerusa-
lem within four minutes. Israel would be faced with a very difficult
dedsion4!ither allow itself to be conquered, or else launch its nuclear
arsenal against Syria and possibly Iraq. In late 1986, -London's Sun-
day Times printed an article stating that Israel may have a stockpile
of as many as 200 nuclear warheads."
So we know that a nuclear
exchange is a very real possibility.
There is an Old Testament prophecy concerning Damascus, the
capitol of Syria, which has yet to be fulfilled. Isaiah proclaimed: -See,
Damascas will no longer be a dty but will become a heap of ruins"
{Is. 17:1}. As it is, Damascus is the oldest standing dty in the world,
never having experienced mass destruction. This prophecy must be
fulfilled sometime before the return of Christ
Having lost several thousand of its military advisors in the ex-
change and with world opinion seemingly turned against Israel for
her use of nuclear force, the Soviet Union could seize this opportu-
nity to do what it has long desired-move against Israel. Arab pres-
sure on the Soviets to invade Israel would add to the temptation.
If the Soviet Union came to the rescue of Syria, it would sud-
denly find itself on opposite sides with the United States. What could
happen next is unthinkable. Mankind will have been brought to the
brink of destruction.
Wicked men in high places have been contemplating such a
crisis for years. In a letter to the Italian revolutionary leader Giuseppe
Mazzini dated 15 August 1871 Albert Pike, the leader of the Wumlnati's
activities in the United States and the head of Scottish Rite Freema-
sonry at the time, described a distant final war, which he felt would
be necessary to usher in the New World Order.s According to Pike,
this conflict between two future superpowers would be sparked by
first igniting a crisis between Islam and Judaism. He went on to write:
We shall unleash the nihilists and the atheists and we
shall provoke a great social cataclysm which, in all its
The Coming World Crisis
horror, will show clearly to all nations the effect of
absolute atheism, the origin of savagery and of most
bloody turmoil. Then, everywhere, the people, forced
to defend themselves against the world minority of revo-
lutionaries, will exterminate those destroyers of civili-
zation; and the multitudes, disillusioned with Christian
ity whose deistic spirits will be from that moment on
without direction and leadership, anxious for an ideal
but without knowledge where to send its adoration, will
receive the true Ught through the universal manifesta
tion of the pure doctrine of Lucifer, brought finally out
into pubUc view; a manifestation which will result from
a general reactionary movement which will follow the
destruction of Christianity and atheism, both conquered
and exterminated at the same time.

Should such a crisis be permitted to occur, the amount of de-
struction would be staggering. Humanity would tremble with fear
believing that man is about to destroy himself. For even if the Soviet
Union or the United States were eliminated as military powers, over
thirty countries would still have nuclear capacity. It would be a time
of despair and mass confusion. Add to this the resulting chaos of glo-
bal finandal markets, which are already on the brink of disasterj the
economic turmoil would only contribute to the world's state of panic.
Once such a war began, there would be no guarantee that the
United States or Europe would remain entirely unscathed. But, it is
important to remember that no matter how much the powers of dark
ness plot and scheme, in the end, they can only bring about what God
Js It a pure coincidence that the most powerful figures of the Middle East are
Freemasons? Have they been destined to trigger the conflict about which Albert
Pike wrote? A prominent Arab-Christian leader recently informed me that
according to his contacts in Lebanon, King Assad of Syria and King Hussein of
Jordan are both Freemasons. If this Is true, we could be closer to the New World
Order than people realize. (He was unce!Uin about whether Saddam Hussein
belonged to the same seaet society.)
A few months ago the son of this same Arab-Christian gave me a Masonic
document-a membership certificate-which he found in Lebanon, issued by a
Phoenician lodge located in Lebanon. However, the document notes that th<'
lodge is under the jurisdiction of The Grand Lodge of Jordan, which is und<'r tlw
authority of The Arab Supreme Councll. For at least several centurics,JordaniH"
been a bastion for the secret societies in the Middle East and ha., mut h mnr
influence in the region's behind-the-scenes politics than most p ~ o p k rt1dlz '11u
same Masonic symbol appearing on our dollar bill and found :alan< knt tl\:lllh
worshJp sites throughout the world, the all-sfc-lng ryt, I ~ pruntlnrntly til pbyrd
on the certificate.
146 En Route to Global Occupation
allows. Only He knows with certainty what the future holds. Thus far,
God has prevented the hidden forces from making their move. But
the time could soon come when the world will have become so wicked
and abominable in the eyes of God that He will say "enough is
enough," and He will permit the powers of darkness to succeed for a
time (Dan. 11:24).
As a result, man would be disillusioned and searching for an-
swers. Many would blame God for the devastation, not even consid-
ering the fact that it was man's own wickedness and willingness to
be deceived that brought it about For one professing to provide the
solutions, the time would be ripe. The real crisis is about to begin.
If You Build It, I Will Come!
The moment for which Satan has so long awaited and for which
his disciples have diligently labored, will have finally come. The con-
spirators will submit their power to one who will rise to the occa-
sion and whom they will recognize as their undisputed leader. Their
complete allegiance and devotion will be given to him-truly a first
since the Tower of Babel. He will be Satan personified and will have
all the powers of darkness at his disposal-capable of performing ev-
ery sort of sign and wonder imaginable. He is the one spoken of in
the Bible as the lawless one or the beast; he is also referred to in the
first letter of John as the Antichrist
For a while, he will remain in the background; his servants
overseeing the final phase. Tens of thousands of New Agers will ap-
pear on the world scene, fully organized, demanding that a one-world
government be established. This restructuring of the old order, they
will claim, is necessary to deal with existing global problems and to
prevent any future catastrophes from taking place. The international
media will give full coverage to this unfolding drama. Most of the
public will be unaware that this network had been organized specifi-
cally for this purpose years in advance; it will simply appear to be a
spontaneous democratic grassroots movement, held together by
people with a common pursuit-the desire for world peace and unity.
Every problem, no matter how small (or how fabricated), will
suddenly become a reason for why we need a world government The
most convincing arguments will have to do with the environment,
global debt, world poverty, and the prevention of war. A New World
Order, they will say, is needed because individual nations are no
longer capable of dealing with these complex problems on their own.
The New World Order will appear to come from the bottom up,
as something that the people of the world want It will come in the
name of democracy, non-threatening-not as a system being forced

The Coming World Crisis 147
upon us by our politicians. Too many people would become suspi-
cious, otherwise, sensing that they are being manipulated. Instead,
the inhabitants of "Mother Earth" will believe that they are in con-
trol of their own destiny, unaware of the hidden agenda of those really
in charge behind-the-scenes.
Most of those initially involved at the core of this movement
will in some way be connected with the secret societies, having in
common an obsession with mysticism and the occult-a fact not readily
apparent to the public. One popular battle cry among New Agers is,
"If you build it, I will come." More clearly put, if you build the New
World Order and put all the pieces into place, then I (the Antichrist)
will come and take my seat of power.
Once this movement goes public, it will gain momentum rap-
idly; many unsuspecting citizens who are not involved in the occult
will join the effort, simply because it seems like the most logical thing
to do. The call for democratic world government will sound most
At some point, the beast, or one of his representatives, will step
forth with what will appear to be a brilliant plan for Mideast peace.
The initiative will include some type of settlement between theJews
and the Palestinians, claiming to ensure permanent peace in the war
tom region. The agreement would probably guarantee Israel's secu-
rity and would allow the Jews to rebuild their long-anticipated temple,
in exchange for allowing the Palestinians to have their own home-
land with autonomous rule. The beast will succeed where others be-
fore him have failed.
His appearance will most likely be as a democratic leader, riding
into power on the back of the democracy movement, appearing as a
genuine man of peace. Whether he first emerges as a world diplo-
mat or as a religious leader (such as the pope or the Dalai Lama)
remains to be seen; remember, he could be someone who is still un-
known to the world. However, once he and his main accomplice, the
false prophet take their positions, discerning Christians will recog-
nize them for who they are.
The Antichrist will come to reside over an empowered United
Nations or, perhaps, over a newly created global authority, such as
the Federation of Earth, at first a loosely knit federation of nations.
However, it would most likely emerge rapidly into a powerful struc-
ture administrated on the basis of [probably] ten world regions.
A World Constitution will be proposed, and a
World Parliament will be created. World dtizens will bellrve tltcy h;tw
a say in matters, not realizing that occult-based secret socicUts art
148 En Route to Global Occupation
really the ones in control. If the New World Order, for example, were
to be based on a two or three party system, all that New Age occult-
ists would have to do is control each of these parties-something easily
accomplished since they were the ones responsible for proposing the
world government in the first place. These insiders would determine
the tempo of change and the rest of the world would follow their lead.
The public would be content because it would retain its right
to vote and choose candidates, seeing itself as part of a representa-
tive government But in reality, it wouldn't matter who was elected;
the result would always be the same: supporters of the Antichrist
would be running the system unchecked. As a worldwide system, there
would be no place to run.
Sovereign nations would cease to exist A single global economic
system would be established and anything left from the old order of
things would be purely superficial, such as languages, cultures, names
of countries, etc. Any real authority would now rest with an interna-
tional body controlled by Satan himself.
The disputing world religions will become unified, and as he
will be a master of spiritual intrigue, it is not inconceivable that, at
some point during his ascent to power, he declares himself to be "the
Christ ... If this were to be the case, he might also claim to be the
long awaited Messiah to the jews. To the Buddhists he would be the
fifth Buddha; to Moslems, the Imam Mahdi; to Hindus, Krishna. Those
Christians accepting this lie would unfortunately see in him the ful-
fillment of the second coming of Christ
But regardless, Scripture tells us that a majority of the world's
inhabitants will be deceived (Rev. 13 and 2 Thess. 2); thus, the rise
of the Antichrist will be extremely convincing to those who are un-
prepared and who are not firmly grounded in God's Word.
New Age principles, which have subtly worked their way into
many churches disguised as sound biblical teachings, will prevent un-
suspecting Christians from recognizing the Antichrist If he would
come proclaiming to be a servant of Satan, few would be foolish
enough to follow him. Instead, he will come in the name of Christ,
posing as an angel of light Discerning Christians will be astonished
at who steps forth to head the New World Order-possibly the last
person ever suspected.
jesus Warned of This Time
For false Christs and false prophets will appear and
perform great signs and miracles to deceive even the
unbeknownst to many, the term "Antichrist, in 1 John 2:18, may also be
interpreted as "in place of Christ"
The Coming World Crisis
elect-if that were possible. See, I have told you ahead
of time. (Matt 24:24-25)
The Christianity represented by the Antichrist will be a com-
plete counterfeit, saturated with all the pantheistic teachings of east-
em mysticism and the andent mystery religions-the same beliefs held
by New Agers and promoted by the secret societies. The topdressing
of Christianity will be necessary to make it acceptable to the public.
The focus will be on elevating self rather than God. It will be a
popular religion to a me-oriented generation seeking fulfillment in
the empty teachings of self-esteem. The false teachings of me-ism have
already permeated churches to an alarming degree. Most people do
not realize that self-worship and occultism go hand in hand. The na-
ive will actually be practicing occultism in the name of Christ, while
worshipping the father of lies. It will be the ultimate deception.
In 2 Thessalonians 2:9-12, the Apostle Paul warned:
The coming of the lawless one will be in accordance with
the work of Satan displayed in all kinds of counterfeit
miracles, signs and wonders, and in every sort of evil
that deceives those who are perishing. They perish be-
cause they refused to love the truth and so be saved.
For this reason God sends them a powerful delusion so
that they will believe the lie and so that all will be con-
demned who have not believed the truth but have de-
lighted in wickedness.
At first, the Antichrist will be remarkably successful in keeping
peace on the planet This is because most of the world's conflicts were
incited by his followers. With the prince of darkness now in power,
his followers will cease fomenting wars, giving him credibility among
the people as a genuine peacemaker.
According to Scripture, the length of his reign will be seven
years (Dan. 9:27). The first 3 1/2 years will most likely be used to
consolidate his power and to put in place any final mechanisms
needed to ensure absolute control of the world.
During the second 3 1/2 year period, his nature will be fully
revealed as he will demand the loyalty and worship of the earth's
inhabitants (Rev. 13). This moment will mark the beginning of the
great tribulation spoken of in Revelation 7:14. Regarding the reign
of the Antichrist, the Bible says:
And he was given authority over every trlbt, pe-ople',
language and nation. All inhabitants of the' C'arth will
worship the beast-all whose names have' not twn wtll
ten in the book of life belonging to th, J.antb thai WM
slain from the creatJon of the' worlcl (lew I\ 7hl)
150 En Route to Global Occupation
The tragedy is that most people will voluntarily serve this man
of lawlessness and his system, seeing him as their savior. He will have
a way of making people feel good about themselves, teaching them
how to get in touch with their "higher selves," and showing them how
to receive supernatural power. During this time, man will indulge in
every sort of perverted demonic activity that God has ever warned
against Evil will go forth in the name of goodness.
Of this time, it may be said that the principalities and powers
of darkness will be unleashed upon the world. The Bible warns: ...
woe to the earth and the sea, because the devil has gone down to
you! He is filled with fury, because he knows that his time is short"
(Rev. 12:12b). It will be Satan's moment He will receive that which
only God deserves-the worship of man, the worship that Satan most
desires and which he wants to deny to God.
In order to ensure that he will receive the world's allegiance
and worship, the Antichrist will force everyone
small and great, rich and poor, free and slave, to receive
a mark on hls right hand or on hls forehead, so that no
one could buy or sell unless he had the mark, which is
the name of the beast or the number of his name. (Rev.
The mark will probably be similar to the bar code system of
the Universal Product Code, each person tagged with their own per
manent identification number easily read by scanners. The mark, how
ever, will most likely come in the form of an invisible laser tattoo.
Those accepting the mark will be seen by God as submitting to
the worship of Satan and his system, a terrible offense in the eyes of
God-like spitting in his face. In Revelation 1 4 : ~ 11 God warns us:
If anyone worships the beast and his image and receives
his mark on the forehead or on the hand, he, too, will
drink of the wine of God's fury, which has been poured
full strength into the cup of his wrath. He will be tor
mented with burning sulfur in the presence of the holy
angels and of the lamb. And the smoke of their torment
rises for ever and ever. There ls no rest day or night
for those who worship the beast and his image, or for
anyone who receives the mark of his name.
The passage goes on to acknowledge that "this calls for patient
endurance on the part of the saints who obey God's commandments
and remain faithful to Jesus."
Yet those remaining obedient to God, refusing the mark, will
be pursued like animals. Many will be put to death. In Matthew 2 4 : ~
10, Jesus warned:
The Coming World Crisis
Then you will be handed over to be persecuted and put
to death, and you will be hated by all nations because
of me. At that time many will tum away from the faith
and will betray and hate each other.
Christians who are alive during this period and who refuse to
participate in this system will be seen as obstacles to world peace.
They will be labelled as uncooperative troublemakers and warmon-
gers. That remnant of believers determined to remain faithful to God
during the tribulation are repeatedly warned in Revelation 13 and
14 to take heart and to prepare for this time of persecution.
He who has an ear, let him hear. If anyone is to go into
captivity, into captivity he will go. If anyone Is to be
killed with the sword, with the sword he will be killed.
This calls for patient endurance and faithfulness on the
part of the saints. (Rev. 13:910)
Those families who are free of debt, who own some land on
which to grow food, and who own precious metal coins, which could
be used as barter for needed goods, will initially fare better than oth-
ers. However, eventually even they will find life difficult if they refuse
the mark. They might be unable to pay taxes, for example, since all
transactions with the new government will probably be conducted
via the mark. Those unable to pay taxes will have their possessions
taken and will be pursued. One might wonder, how will anyone be
able to stand under such intense persecution? But the same God who
warns of tribulation offers comfort and hope.
First of all, we know that the severest persecution will last for
a time only, namely 3 1/2 years (Dan. 7:25, 12:7; Rev. 13:5}. Secondly,
those who are pursued will find pockets of refuge where they will
receive help. Apparently some of those having accepted the mark will
fmally realize their mistake when they see the ruthlessness of the new
order against uncompromising Christians. They will recognize that
such a system cannot possibly be of God and will try to help those
being persecuted. Daniell1:34 states, "When they fall, they will re-
ceive a little help, and many who are not sincere will join them."
Finally, those who keep their eyes fixed on the eternal and strive
to please God during this period, whether they die or remain alive
until the end, are promised a tremendous reward in eternity with God.
And he said, "These are they who have come out of the
great tribulation; they have washed their robes and
made them white in the blood of the Lamb. Therefon-,
they are before the throne of God and serve him day
and night in his temple; and he who sliJ on 1M thruM
will spread his tent over them. Ntv"r aaun will th41y
152 En Route to Global Occupation
hunger; never again will they thirst The sun will not
beat upon them, nor any scorching heal For the Lamb
at the center of the throne will be their shepherd; he
will lead them to springs of living water. And God will
wipe away every tear from their eyes: (Rev. 7:14-17)
In the same spirit, Revelation 14:13 continues, ... Blessed
are the dead who die in the Lord from now on."
"Yes," says the Spirit, they will rest from their labor, for their
deeds will follow them."
Scripture indicates that there would even be a spiritual revival
of sorts in the midst of this persecution. Daniel11:32-33 states:
And such as do wickedly against the covenant shall he
corrupt by flatteries: but the people that do know their
God shall be strong, and do exploits.
And they that understand among the people shall in-
struct many ...
Daniel 12 goes on to say:
Those who are wise will shine like the brightness of the
heavens, and those who lead many to righteousness, like
the stars for ever and ever. But you, close up and
seal the words of the scroll until the time of the end.
Many will go here and there to increase knowledge.
Many will be purified, made spotless and refined, but
the wicked will continue to be wicked. None of the
wicked will understand, but those who are wise will un-
derstand. (Dan. 12:3-4,10)
The Bible makes it very clear that the time of the Antichrist must
come, but it also assures us that Jesus Christ will put an end to the
tribulation when He returns. Paul wrote:
Concerning the coming of our Lord Jesus Christ and our
being gathered to him ...
Don't let anyone deceive you in any way, for that day
will not come until the rebellion occurs and the man of
lawlessness is revealed, the man doomed to destruction
... whom the Lord Jesus will overthrow with the breath
of his mouth and destroy by the splendor of his com-
ing. (2 Thess. 2:1,3,8b)
Jesus described His coming in detail to His disciples:
Immediately after the distress of those days "the sun will
be darkened, and the moon will not give its light; the
stars will fall from the sky, and the heavenly bodies will
be shaken."
At that time the sign of the Son of Man will appear in
the sky, and all the nations of the earth will mourn. They
The Coming World Crisis
will see the Son of Man coming on the clouds of the sky
with power and great glory. And he will send his an-
gels with a loud trumpet call, and they will gather his
elect from the four winds, from one end of the heav-
ens to the other. (Matt 24:29-31)
Those who remain faithful to Jesus will be avenged. They will
receive their just reward, reigning with the Lord forever.
I believe that God wants us to heed His warnings and to take
His prophecies seriously, otherwise He would not have given them
to us. By His prophecies we are warned, prepared, and encouraged.
Unlike the thousands of psychics and spiritualists whose predictions
are mostly inaccurate and originate in the occult, the prophetic state-
ments of the Bible are proven and true. They are God's revelations
directly to His prophets through the Holy Spirit
You must understand that no prophecy of Scripture
came about by the prophet's own interpretation. For
prophecy never had its origin in the will of man, but
men spoke from God as they were carried along by the
Holy Spirit. (2 Pet. 1:20-21)
The Apostle Paul warned, "Do not treat prophecies with con-
tempt" (1 Thess. 5:20). And Jesus, speaking through His angel to John,
promised, "Blessed is he who keeps the words of the prophecy in this
bookw (Rev. 22:7b).
Some may consider the scenario presented in this chapter too
overwhelming. Yet the Lord has impressed it upon my heart to warn
people, particularly Christians, of coming hard times so that they might
be spiritually prepared. I must remain true to this regardless of what
the world might say or think.
The Rapture
Jesus said that no one would know the exact day of His return,
"not even the angels in heaven, nor the Son, but only the Father"
(Matt 24:36). However, from the multitude of prophecies given con-
cerning Christ's second coming, God clearly wants us to know when
this time draws near so that we might be prepared. The same may
be said concerning the rapture.
Over the years, two primary views have arisen within the
Church regarding the general time when God would rescue His rem-
nant from the earth. One view first became popular in the 1800s and
contends that God will take Christians from the world before the
beginning of the great tribulation. This is commonly referred to as
the pre-tribulation rapture theory. According to this view, those Chrh
tians referred to in the New Testament as being alivt tlw tclhu
lation are new Christians who will accept Christ fulluwlnK the ru1l
154 En Route to Global Occupation
The other view contends that Christians will go through the
entire tribulation period, not being rescued until the actual second
coming of Christ This interpretation is known as the post-tribulation
rapture theory and has been the more traditional view.
Other less accepted views also exist, placing the rapture at some
point during the seven year period.
The question of the rapture remains a source of debate within
the Church, as it is truly difficult to determine from the Bible the
precise moment when the rapture will occur. But regardless of when
the Lord takes His people home, too many Christians believe as they
do for the wrong reasons.
I have heard it said repeatedly that God will spare the Church
from going through the tribulation because He would never allow
Christians to endure such hardship or persecution. But people forget
that many in the early church were martyred for the sake of Christ
Nearly everyone of jesus' disciples died in. the face of persecution. And
these were the very ones who were closest to God. Are we to believe
that He had forgotten them?
And what about the millions of faithful Christians of our own
generation who have suffered death and persecution at the hands of
communism. Are they not as important to God since they have suf-
fered and we have not?
Some believers tend to confuse Satan's persecution of Christians
with God's judgment of a sinful, unrepentant world. They do not
believe that Christians will be persecuted, because God would never
judge His own. The fact is, the earthly persecution of Christians has
nothing to do with God's judgment. To the contrary, it is Satan, the
prince of this world, who persecutes us.
God's judgment falls only upon those who have denied Him or
rebelled against Hint; whereas the persecution of God's people is the
result of Satan lashing out in anger against those whom he is unable
to deceive or overcome.
During the time of the great tribulation, as described in Rev-
elation, God's wrath will be poured out upon those who take the mark.
This wrath will be in the form of plagues (Rev. 16:2). It will later be
followed by His judgment-eternal damnation (Rev. 14:9-12). Satan's
fury, on the other hand, will be experienced by those who do not take
the mark or bow to worship him. This persecution will be in the form
of imprisonment, torture, or death. Christians, however, should draw
comfort from the fact that Satan's persecution is limited to this world;
God's principle judgment against the wicked will last for eternity.
The Coming World Crisis
This ongoing battle is part of the spiritual warfare being waged
between God and Satan over our souls. It explains why those who
are doing the most for God are often the ones who suffer most
The life of the apostle Paul best illustrates this point He was
probably the most resilient and dedicated follower of Christ in the
early church. Yet, he suffered more tragedy, pain, and suffering than
anyone else of his time. He was pursued everywhere he went and
was eventually put to death.
Paul summarized his persecution in 2 Corinthians.
I have worked much harder, been in prison more fre.
quently, been flogged more severely, and been exposed
to death again and again. Five times I received from the
Jews forty lashes minus one. Three times I was beaten
with rods, once I was stoned, three times I was ship-
wrecked, I spent a night and a day in the open sea, I
have been constantly on the move. I have been in dan-
ger from rivers, in danger from bandits, in danger from
my own countrymen, in danger from Gentiles; in dan-
ger in the city, in danger in the country, in danger at
sea; and in danger from false brothers. I have labored
and toiled and have often gone without sleep; I have
known hunger and thirst and have often gone without
food; I have been cold and naked. (2 Cor. 11:23b-27)
Was this God's judgment against not It was
Satan's persecution against an unswerving man of God. Paul under-
stood the nature of this warfare and even took comfort in the fact
that he was being afflicted. He knew that his problems were a direct
result of his faithful service to Christ This enabled him to keep things
in perspective.
That is why, for Christ's sake, I delight in weaknesses,
in insults, in hardships, in persecutions, in difficulties.
For when I am weak, then I am strong. (2 Cor. 12:10)
Paul adds that all Christians must be prepared.
For it has been granted to you on behalf of Christ not
only to believe on him, but also to suffer for him, since
you are going through the same struggle you saw I had.
... (Phil. 1:29-30a)
Beginning with the first century church and continuing to the
present day, those who have suffered the greatest persecution have
commonly been those who were closest to God. Yet today the mts-
sage of self-sacrifice and suffering for the cause of Christ has aU but
disappeared from our churches. It is no longer aught that In
life must precede the crown. Yet jesus said to His disciples, "1( any
156 En Route to Global Occupation
one would come after me, he must deny himself and take up his cross
and follow me" (Matt 16:24). And John recorded Jesus as saying, "No
servant is greater than his master. If they persecuted Me, they will
persecute you also" Oohn 15:20). This theme remained constant
throughout jesus' teachings. .
Suffering is therefore obviously not just limited to the great
tribulation, but may be experienced in Western society and in the
world as a whole, prior to the rapture, whenever it occurs.
If we might soon face this type of persecution and deception,
what, if anything, can we do to prepare for it? Getting out of debt
and positioning ourselves so that we are less dependent on worldly
institutions is all good and well, and Christians are encouraged to do
so. However, physical preparation should not be our principle con-
cern. Instead, we should see to it that we are spiritually prepared.
Assuming that you are already a believer, here are some things
you can do to get ready for difficult times.
1. Be an informed and educated Christian.
Equip yourself to discern good from evil-truth from deception.
This involves striving to know the truth about what is going on in
the world around you and becoming aware of Satan's schemes and
tactics. However, while an awareness of current events and critical
issues is strongly encouraged, the most important step you can take
in gaining spiritual discernment is to know the Bible inside out Don't
take a preacher's word for what it says; find out for yourselft Know
what you believe and why you believe it How can you avoid being
deceived if you don't know what the Bible teaches? Someone may be
misleading you, but unless you are fluent in Scripture, you will never
know it The time for lukewarm Christianity and Bible illiteracy is over.
Be prepared to defend your faith at all cost; always stand ready
to give the reason for the hope that you have in Christ (1 Pet 3:15).
How can we expect others to come to love and to serve Jesus if we
can't tell them who He is or what He has done for us? Only if we know
and understand God's Word can we truly be effective witnesses.
Knowledge of Scripture must be accompanied by a life of example;
we must know (God's Word) how to live according to God's will.
An understanding of the Bible is part of the armor of God, which
Paul exhorts us to put on. Writing to the church in Ephesus, he states:
Be strong in the Lord and in his mighty power. Put on
the full armor of God so that you can take your stand
against the devil's schemes. For our struggle is not
against flesh and blood, but against the rulers, against
The Coming World Crisis
the authorities, against the powers of this dark world
and against the spiritual forces of evil in the heavenly
realms. Therefore, put on the full armor of God, so that
when the day of evil comes, you may be able to stand
your ground, and after you have done everything, to
stand. (Eph. 6:10-13)
2. Draw near to Christ.
The first step in developing a closer walk with God is to obey
His commands. Jesus said, "If you love me, you will obey what I com-
mand" Oohn 14: 15). Either we love Him or we don't! Are you hold-
ing on to something, or have you truly surrendered every aspect of
your life to Jesus Christ? It is important to root out any remaining
sins and destructive habits by committing them to the Lord.
Those who belong to Christ Jesus have crucified the sin-
ful nature with its passions and desires. {Gal. 5:24)
Since you died with Christ to the basic principles of this
world, why, as though you still belonged to it, do you
submit to its rules. {Col. 2:20)
Dear friends, I urge you, as aliens and strangers in this
world, to abstain from sinful desires, which war against
your soul. (1 Pet. 2:11)
Put to death, therefore, whatever belongs to your earthly
nature: sexual immorality, impurity, lust, evil desires and
greed, which is idolatry. Because of these, the wrath of
God is coming. You used to walk in these ways, in the
life you once lived. But now you must rid yourselves of
aU such things. (Col. 3:5-8a)
So I say, live by the Spirit, and you will not gratify the
desires of the sinful nature. {Gal. 5:16)
Set your minds on things above, not on earthly things.
For you died, and your life is now hidden with Christ
in God. {Col. 3:11>-3)
The more we die to self, the more Christ can live through us;
we must become less so that He can become more. The apostle Paul
applied this principle to his own life with amazing results. The im-
pact of his ~ u t commitment is still being felt today. Paul's devo-
tion is reflected in his testimony.
I have been crucified with Christ and I no longer live,
but Christ lives in me. The life I live in the body, I live
by faith in the Son of God, who loved me and gave him-
self for me. {Gal. 2:20)
Whatever was to my profit I now consider loss for the-
sake of Christ. What is more, I consider everything a l o s ~
compared to the surpassing greatness of knowing Chrlsl
En Route to Global Occupation
Jesus my Lord, for whose sake I have lost all things. I
consider them rubbish, that I may gain Christ. (Phil 3:7-
Are you willing to pay the price. to have this type of relation-
ship with God? If so, it will require making some personal saaifices
and commitments ... the type of a permanent nature. You must be
willing to give up absolutely everything! If anything is more impor-
tant to you than God, it must be surrendered to Him!
Purpose right now, to live in "daily" communion with Him, by
reading His Word and by talking to Him regularly. God wants our
fellowship and praise more than anything. This is part of living an
obedient life. If we reject the prompting of His Spirit to draw near,
our hearts will soon grow hardened, and we will no longer want to
be in His presence. Instead, we will want to hide from God. Don't allow
this to happen. You will have to know God intimately to make it
through the difficult times ahead!
3. Keep Ufe in its proper perspective.
This involves continually reminding ourselves of the real rea-
son for being here ... which is to love, serve, and please God. This,
we must remember, is the heartbeat of our mission.
Only that which is done for the Lord will last Everything else-
our earthly belongings, our physical bodies, our sense of prestige and
career accomplishment-will pass away. None of these things can be
taken with us. So why do we insist on placing so much importance
on things with no eternal value? Why do so many people love "things"
more than they love God?
Do not love the world or anything in the world. If any-
one loves the world, the love of the Father is not in him.
For everything in the world-the cravings of sinful man,
the lust of his eyes and the boasting of what he has and
doe.s--comes not from the Father but from the world.
The world and its desires pass away, but the man who
does the will of God lives forever. (I John 2:15-17)
As Christians we must see our earthly lives for what they re-
ally are. James reminds us:
Why, you do not even know what will happen tomor-
row. What is your life? You are a mist that appears for
a little while and then vanishes. Qames 4:14b)
The fact is, our body is only the temporary dwelling place of
our soul. Only our soul (our spiritual being) will live forever. So
wouldn't it be wise to place our main emphasis on the spiritual?
For you have been born again, not of perishable seed
but of imperishable, through the living and enduring
The Coming World Crisis
word of God. For all men are like grass, and all their
glory is like the flowers of the field; the grass withers
and the flowers fall, but the word of the Lord stands for-
ever. (1 Pet 1:23-25)
What God has prepared for us in eternity is far better than what
we leave behind Oohn 14:1-6). We must, therefore, train ourselves
to see the overall picture of our existence, remembering that we are
only temporary dwellers on this earth. Since our time here is so short,
let us live to please our eternal Father-not to satisfy the sinful
longings of our flesh.
Paul summarizes this issue of the temporal versus the eternal:
Many Uve as enemies of the cross of Christ ... Their
mind is on earthly things. But our citizenship is in
heaven. And we eagerly await a Savior from there, the
Lord Jesus Christ, who, by the power that enables him
to bring everything under his control, will transform our
lowly bodies so that they will be like his glorious body.
(Phil. 3:181>-21)
Whatever happens, conduct yourselves in a manner
worthy of the gospel of Christ ... without being fright-
ened in any way by those who oppose you. This is a sign
to them that they will be destroyed, but that you will
be saved-and that by God. (Phil. 1:27a-28)
This hope we have comes only through the Lamb of God, whose
blood was shed for our sins. Jesus said:
My sheep listen to my voice; I know them, and they
follow me. I give them eternal IJfe, and they shall never
perish; no one can snatch them out of my hand. Qohn
Since we have so great a hope, let us not fret over what may
happen to our possessions or to our bodies. Rather, let us seek God
wholeheartedly and submit our lives to Him on a daily basis. As we
do so, we will grow closer and closer to Him; and His Holy Spirit will
empower us with a boldness to do things, even in the midst of per-
secution, which we never thought were possible before. By keeping
our lives focused on Jesus Christ and the eternity that He has planned
for us, we will be able to persevere under pressure while maintain-
ing His peace and joy. '
Rejoice in the Lord always. I will say it again: Re-
joice! ... Do not be anxious about anything, but in ev-
erything, by prayers and petition, with thanksgiving
present your requests to God. And the peace of God,
which transcends all understanding, will guard your
hearts and your minds in Christ Jesus. (Phil. 4:4, < 7)
160 En Route to Global Occupation
First of all, you must understand what it is that God has done
for you through Jesus Christ John 3:16 explains:
For God so loved the world that he gave his one and
only Son, that whoever believes in him shall not per-
ish but have eternal life.
God sent his son to die in our place, so that we might be saved
from the penalty of our sins. Had we been perfect, this would not
have been necessary; we could have entered Heaven on our own
God created man perfect without sin. However, He gave man
the freedoin to make decisions; this included the right to choose be-
tween obeying God or following the empty lies and temptations of
Lucifer (Satan)-the master deceiver.
Lucifer was once a powerful angel, but rebelled against God,
wanting to be as God himself. Filled with self-pride and arrogance,
he wanted to be worshiped like his Maker. Rather than submitting
to the one Creator, he wanted to be exalted himself. (He apparently
suffered from too high a self-esteem!)
Having failed at his attempt, Lucifer was removed from God's
presence, and became known as Satan. With the creation of man, his
goal became to upset God's plan by luring man to make the same
mistake he made-desiring to be elevated to the position of God. So
he held out the forbidden fruit
"You will not surely die," the serpent said to the woman.
For God knows that when you eat of it your eyes will
be opened, AND YOU WILL BE LIKE GOD .... "
When the woman saw that the fruit of the tree was good
for food and pleasing to the eye, and also desirable for
gaining wisdom, she took some and ate it She also gave
some to her husband, who was with her, and he ate it
(Gen. 3:4-5a, 6)
The moment that Adam sinned, his seed became corrupted. As
a result, every future human being would be born into sin and would
wage a life-long struggle between doing what he knows is right (obey-
ing his spiritual conscience) and doing what is wrong (yielding to the
sinful nature of his flesh). Contrary to popular belief, sin is not only
learned, it is also inherited. Romans 5:12 states that" ... sin entered
the world through one man, and death through sin, and in this way
death came to all men, because all sinned" (also see Rom. 3:23).
When Satan succeeded in getting man to disobey God, it gave
The Coming World Crisis 161
him the right to condemn our souls; this fallen angel became our
accuser. According to Scripture, he stands accusing us before God day
and night (Rev. 12:10).
By yielding to Satan's temptation and choosing to live a life
independent of God's will, man inflicted upon himself the penalty for
sin, which is death (Rom. 6:23). Death, aa:ording to Scripture, includes
permanent separation from God and eternal damnation in hell.
Man's sin, therefore, presented what appeared to be an insur-
mountable problem, since only that which is perfect may enter heaven
and live forever with God. This standard of perfection had to be main-
tained, or else heaven itself would have become corrupt (This is why
Lucifer and his conspiring angels were dealt with accordingly.)
God could have allowed all of us to go to hell, a punishment
we justly deserve. But because of His great love, He chose instead to
intervene by paying the penalty for our sins Himself. God came to
earth in the flesh, in the form of Jesus Christ, to suffer and die in our
place on the cross. "But God demonstrates His own love for us in this:
While we were still sinners, Christ died for us" (Rom. 5:8).
In this one act of love and mercy God took upon Himself the
punishment for all our sins. He paid the price so that we might be
set free from the hold of death and have eternal life. This, completely
undeserving though we are, is God's gift to us. He did not have to do
this but chose to do it anyway.
Such an act of mercy runs completely contrary to the thinking
of the secular mind. We are not used to receiving something for noth-
ing. It seems unfathomable that God would do something like this
for us simply out of mercy or love. That the very Creator of the uni-
verse would humble Himself by coming as a man, to be mocked and
scorned, and to die a grueling death at the hands of His own creation
in order to save them, is incomprehensible. It defies all human logic.
It can only be understood as an act of extraordinary, unjustifiable love!
For he has rescued us from the dominion of darkness
and brought us into the kingdom of the Son he loves,
in whom we have redemption, the forgiveness of sins.
(Col. 1:13-14)
Once you were alienated from God and were enemies
in your minds because of your evil behavior. But now
he has reconciled you by Christ's physical body through
death to present you holy in his sight, without blemish
and free from accusation. (Col. 1:2122)
This is the good news of the gospel! Thrn Is nnthlna w ~ c 1111
do to earn this eternal life, for it cannot t)(' nhtalnrcl thwugh wutk
or human effort It is purely a gift from G11d 111 111
162 En Route to Global Occupation
The gift of God is eternal life in Christ Jesus our Lord.
(Rom. 6:23b)
For it is by grace you have been saved, through faith-
and this not from yourselves, it is the gift of God-not
by works, so that no one can boast (Eph. 2:8-9)
The gift of salvation is available only through Jesus Christ, be-
cause He is the only one who, as a perfect being-God in the flesh-
was able to pay the necessary price for our sins. It took a perfect
sacrifice to overcome Satan's claim to our souls.
Jesus answered, "' am the way and the truth and the life.
No one comes to the Father exoept through me." Oohn
For there is one God and one mediator between God
and men, the man Christ Jesus, who gave himself as a
ransom for all men-the testimony given in its proper
time. (1 Tim. 2:5-6 also read John 3:36 and Acts 4:12)
If Jesus is man's only hope for eternal life, and if we are un-
able to earn this gift, then what must we do to receive it? We must
accept the fact that Jesus paid the penalty for our sins and believe
that we have eternal life as a result of what he did. It's that simple!
Yet to all who reoeived him, to those who believed in
his name, he gave the right to become children of God.
Oohn 1:12)
Whoever believes in him is not condemned, but who-
ever does not believe stands condemned already be-
cause he has not believed in the name of God's one and
only Son. Oohn 3:18)
If you sincerely wish to accept the gift of eternal life through
Jesus Christ, simply pray to God in your own words. Do it right now.
Confess to him that you are a sinner and would like to be forgiven.
Tell Him that you accept His Son, Jesus Christ, and that you believe
His sacrifice on the cross was sufficient to cover your sins. Thank God
for what He has done, and ask Him to help you live the kind of life
that would be pleasing to Him. GOD Will HEAR YOUR PRAYER IF IT
If you have just accepted Christ as Lord, you now have eternal
life. Satan no longer has a claim to your soul. You are at peace with
God and have entered into a permanent relationship with Him. The
quality of this relationship, however, is up to you. Please allow God
to take "complete" control of your life!
As you grow in your Christian walk, you will gain wisdom and
understanding. God's Holy Spirit will convict you of what changes
need to be made in your life in order to serve Christ most effectively.
The Coming World Crisis 163
Repentance (turning your back on sin) is an ongoing process. God
will give you the strength and resolve to be obedient to Him if this is
truly your heart's desire.
It is important that you find a sound, Bible-teaching fellowship
and become involved. Worshipping Christ with other believers is a
very spedal privilege from which you will draw strength. There is
nothing more valuable than true Christians friends. They are depend-
able and loving.
Remember, however, that every church, no matter how sound,
has its share of hypocrites-people who hear with their ears but not
with their hearts. But we are all accountable to God and must not
compare ourselves to others. Rather, we must strive to follow the
example of Jesus, which has been revealed to us through Scripture.
Make a special effort to read the Bible every day, beginning with
the books of John and Philippians. Talk to God regularly, making your
requests known. He is always ready to listen. Thank Him for all that
He has done and delight in praising His name. Ask Him for opportu-
nities to share the good news of Jesus with your family and friends.
He will give you the words to speak along with the courage to do so.
Above all, "Love the Lord your God with all your heart and with all
your soul and with all your mind" (Matt 22:37).
As you grow in your walk, there will be moments of difficulty
and distress when your faith is tested. When such times arrive, re-
member, Greater is he that is in you, than he that is in the world"
(1 John 4:4b KJV). Take comfort in the fact that you are not alone in
your struggle. Millions of other Christians are facing the same obstacles
as you; so don't lose heart! Give it your all! Run to win!
Do you not know that in a race all the runners run, but
only one gets the prize. Everyone who competes in the
games goes into strict training. They do it to get a crown
that will not last; but we do it to get a crown that will
last forever. (1 Cor. 9:24-25)
The eternal victory is already ours through Jesus Christ Through
Him we are destined to win!!
Holy , holy , holy
is the Lord God Almighty,
who was, and is, and is to come.
Revelation 4:8b
Part 2
The World Constitution
and Parliament
Hear me, 0 God, as I voice my complaint;
protect my life from the threat of the enemy. Hide me from the
conspiracy of the wicked . .. . '!hey encourage each other In evil '
plans, they talk about hiding their snares; they say, "Who will see
them?" They plot Injustice and say, "We have devised a perfect
plan!" Surely the mind and heart of man are cunning.
Psalm 64:1-2a, 5-6
Although the World Constitution and Parliament Association
{WCPA} was not founded until1959, the events leading up to its for-
mation can be traced to the World War II Era, through the activities
of its eventual founder, Philip Isely. Isely first surfaced as a leader in
the one-world movement during the 1940s, serving as the Organizer
of "Action for World Federation" from 1946-50. He would later be-
come the Organizer of the "North American Council for the Peoples
World Convention," (1954-58). Soon thereafter, in 1958 and 59, he
went on to head the Committee for the World Constitutional Conven-
tion, eventually becoming its secretary general. These efforts, and oth-
ers, finally culminated in the official forming of the World Constitu-
tion and Parliament Association of which Isely became the Secretary
general in 1966.
The original "Agreement to Call a World Constitutional Conven-
tion" was first circulated by Isely and his accomplices from 1958 to
196 ~ . Several thousand dignitaries from around the world responded
by stgning this agreement The signers included former prime minJ.s..
W h o ~ Who In the World, 8th ed. (Chicago: Marquis Who's Who 1987-1988 ed.)
Part Two-The WCPA 165
ters and cabinet ministers, many nobel laureates, and other promi-
nent "world citizens."
As a result of this favorable response, work soon got underway
on the preparation of a world constitution. This process began in 1965,
in Milan, Italy, and it was continued in the City Hall of Wolfach, West
Germany, in j une of 1968. The Wolfach meeting was followed with
a call to hold a second session, which would be referred to as the
World Constituent Assembly-the new name given to the convening
of the World Constitutional Convention. (Perhaps it was felt that the
old name too accurately described the real intent of the WCPA-to
replace the constitution of the United States with a world constitu-
tion). During this second session, held in june of 1977, at Innsbruck,
Austria, the world constitution went under a further review, was
amended, and then adopted by participants from twenty-five coun-
tries. The resulting document came to be known as the Constitution
for the Federation of Earth.
The third Session of the World Constituent Assembly took place
in january, 1979, in Colombo, Sri Lanka. Here, a strategy was devised
on how to get the world constitution ratified by national parliaments
and governments. Since Colombo, there have been three additional
meetings of what is being called the Provisional World Parliament
1982 in Brighton, England; 1985 in New Delhi, India; and 1987 in
Miami Beach, Florida.
A total of eleven World Legislative Acts were adopted during
these sessions. They appear in Exhibit 01.
At the "productive" third session, in Miami Beach, a Provisional
World Presidium and World Cabinet were appointed to serve along
with the already established Provisional World Parliament These
entities are to serve as the Provisional World Government until
twenty-five countries have ratified the world constitution, at which
time we would witness the emergence of a full-blown world govern-
A fourth session of the World Constituent Assembly (or World
Constitutional Convention) was held from April 29-May 9, 1991, in
Lisbon, Portugal and the final ratification campaign for the world con-
stitution was launched. A more detailed history of the WCPA's at-
tempt to establish a New World Order is provided in the Plan for
Collaboration (Exhibit M}; where you can read an account of this
Plan f or Collaboration in Organizing a World Constituent Assembly for 1990,
(Lakewood, CO: World Constitution and Parliament Association, 1987), 1-5.
NOTE: Most of the Worrnation presented in this overview has been t2Jcrn rmm
the Plan for Collaboration.
166 En Route to Global Occupation
misguided undertaking in the words of the schemers themselves.
The following pages contain salient parts of some of the more
important documents I received from the WCPA, including various
letters on WCPA letterheads, lists of sponsors and collaborating or-
ganizations, copies of legislative acts alre2dy passed by the Provisional
World Parliament and excerpts from the world constitution.
Please examine these documents carefully and become famil-
iar with the terminology and tactics of the WCPA. Make a special ef-
fort to recognize the names of those involved, so that you will be able
to identify them in the coming months and years. By knowing who
they are and where they are coming from, you will not fall prey to
their cleverly disguised proposals.
Finally, if you are wondering what, if anything, you can do to
help stop, or, at least, to slow down the rapid progress of this move-
ment, please take note of the sample letter at the back of this sec-
tion, which you are encouraged. to send to your elected officials. In
addition, consider the survey on the last page requesting individuals
interested in a newsletter to notify the author.
Letters from the World Constitution and ParUament
Over the past few years I have received numerous letters from
the WCPA (note letters in Exhibits B through F), some of which have
been written to me personally by Phll Isely. I have chosen to present
a sampling of these letters spanning a four year period, representa-
tive of the correspondence sent out to Mmembers and friends" of the
WCPA. Although not fully reproduced here, there are at least two
pages to each letter since the WCPA letterhead commonly lists the
names of prominent members on both the front and back sides.
In examining the letterheads you will notice that WCPA mem-
bership is composed of prestigious leaders from around the world,
including current and former mayors, members of parliaments, prime
ministers, ambassadors, foreign ministers, key members of the United
Nations, Nobel Prize winners, prominent World Court judges, influ-
ential financiers and attorneys, as well as leading educators and reli-
gious leaders.
A high percentage of members are from Asia and the Far East-
in particular from India. This, of course, is where the religions of pan-
theism are rooted, and, therefore, where occult influence is strongest
Although every major world religion, including Judaism and Christi-
anity, is represented in the WCPA, participating members typically
Part Two-The WCPA 167
have a strong disposition to-
ward pantheistic beliefs, regard-
less of their outward religious
affiliation. You will also notice
that a disproportionate number
of members are in some way
connected with the United Na-
tions, especially through
UNESCO (United Nations Educa-
tional, Scientific, and Cultural
Organization). Here is a statis-
tical breakdown.
Out of 150 Honorary
Sponsors listed on one of the
letterheads, a total of thirty-four
were identified with the United
Nations; fourteen came from
the area of commerce, banking
or finance; and eight were
Nobel Laureates. As far as coun-
tries are concerned, twenty-six
came from India; ten from Ni
geria; nine each from the U.S.A.
and the United Kingdom; eight
from Canada; and six from Pa-
kistan. A total of forty-five spon-
sors came from the East Asian
Many distinguished
names appear on these letter-
heads (as noted in Exhibit A),
and it is important to remem-
ber that while these individuals
are certainly instrumental in
the forming of the world gov-
ernment, they are not the most
powerful figures of the one
world movement. They are
only the figureheads. The real
movers and shakers remain be-
hind-the-scenes. There is a
deeper center of direction, of
Exhibit A
lng. Reinhart Ruge. Mexico
Civil Engineer
Prof. Or. Dennis Brutus, Africa and USA
Poet: Universi ty Prof.. USA and UK:
Organi zer of Africa Network
Dr. Terence P. Amereslnghe, Sri lanka
Attorney: Editor: Covic Leader
At. Hon. Tony Benn, U.K.
M.P.: lmr. Cabinet Minister
Ch<lirmrlll ol Lnt>or
Hon. Gordon M. Bryant, Auslralla
Ci vic Lender : K M P.: Cilbinet Mini ster
Hon. Ramsey Clark. U.S.A.
Lawym. former Attorney General
Or. Oouji Guptil. India
M;oyor of Luckrtow. tfrr r(' ll'rrns.
Forrner Edotor: Professor
Gerhard Havel. Germany
Presi dent. e V
Or. Inamullah Khan. Pale/stan
Sec Gcn . World Muslim Congress
Or. Jur. Adam lopatka. Poland
President of the Supreme Court
Rev. Toshl o Mi yake. Japan
Monistcr and Peace
Chief Adenlran Ogunsanya. Nigeria
Lawyer . Potolicat Leader: x- Mayor Lagos
Hon. Madan B. Pradhan, Nepal
Fmr. Cabi net Minister and M.P.
Hon. Alex Oualson-Sackey, Ghana
Fmr Foreign Mini ster. and Pres.
Unotcd Nations General Assembly
Prof. Josef Slmuth, Czechosloralcla
Prof. Molecul ar Biol ogy: Fmr. M P.
and V Chnor . rederaf Assembly
Mrs. Hel en Tucker. Canada
Efectrc1 Deputy 10 Proplcs Congress
Philip lsely, U. S.A.
1f1lcgrlltive Cngi ncer. Writer
Mrs. Margaret lsely, U. S.A.
Bus irtrsswontHl :-. nc1
(Members of the Executive Cabinet)
Prof. Ram K. Jl wanmilra. Nepal
Pres Universal Corr espondence Org
Scott Jefferson Starquester. U.S.A.
Writer: Politi cal Scientist
Or. T. Nejal Vulroglu, U.S.A.
President, Internati onal Association
l or Hydrogen Energy: Professor
Or. R81hml Mayur, India
Urban Envi ronment lnstotuto
Emil Peter, Genneny
Gref!ns Party Activist: K-Town Couru ol
man: Secretary Gerrniln Br. WCI'A
168 En Route to Global Occupation
which this group is only the outward manifestation.
As mentioned in chapter 4, I received an additional letter from
the WCPA in late February, announcing that the location of its World
Constituent Assembly had been moved from Alexandria, Egypt, to
lisbon, Portugal, due to the Gulf War. This letter, received on 28
ruary 1991 would be my last correspondence from the Association
before this book would go to press.
In reviewing this letter (Exhibit F) you will notice the frequent
mention of the New World Order. You will also discover some dis-
agreement over the precise meaning of the term. Some insiders en-
vision a New World Order built around an empowered United Nations;
while the WCP A advocates a more radical, all-encompassing form of
global government Either version however, would move us into a
one-world system. It is possible that an empowered U.N. will serve
as a stepping stool toward the more comprehensive version of world
govOemmrldenC by.the wCPA.p I' Cf
onshtutlon aRJ ar lament Ammtm
1480 Hoyt St .. Suite 31 I Lakewood, Colo. 80215, USA I Ph. 303-233-3548
27th Man::h, 1987
To Participants in the Provisional World Parliament,
Officers and Trustees of theW ,C.P.A., and Other Friends:
Plans are moving ahead for the 1987 session of the P10vlsional World Parliament, to
be held from 18th to 28th June, 1987, at the Fontainebleau Hilton, Miami Beach,
Florida. More thon 200 delegates are now registered or expected from 30 countries.
With travel assistance, the number of qualified delegates could easily be multiplied
several times, from more than 50 countries, But this session of the Parliament will
certainly go ahead, and make history, in any event.
Recently added to the plans for the Provisional World Parliament and concurrent Inter-
notional Arh and Crafts Fair, is a "Children's Peace Cin::le." The Chlldrens Peace
Circle with various performances and events, Is being organized by MI. Yolanda
Ariyano and Yogi Shonti Sworoop. Yolanda, who is from Son Diego, Califomia,
brings to this project professional experience with similar events, music festivals, and
Arts & Crafts shows. Delegates are invited to bring their children, who may have
abilities to perform In the Chi ldrens Circle.Aiso, chi ldren who want to participate
ore encouraged to bring drawings, poems and art work on the theme of world peace
and human unity. Children under 12 years old may be accommodated at no extra
cost at the Fontainebleau when shoring room with parents. You may write to Yolan-
da Ariyana ot 4832 Aubum Drive, Son Di,. CA 92105 619/ 563-9934.)
After M ohe will
1 n addreso 'leach
Exhibit B
(lfiOr tpMill11 btl,._...,., _.. ftOI '*'""""'

,,_ M. r.,
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Exhibit c
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World Constitution md Parliament
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140t-loy1 St. Sulle 31/U\ewood. C080115,USA/Ptt, 303-l333S41. r. .. ._ 37179$7 EARtH
Fol>1vary -April, 1987
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friond of Peaco and HOJmcnltya
At tl,;, tlmtt of global crhe1, we should like to Invite yov to por
In the Thhd s.,.Jon or th Provlslonol World Porlloment, OS a ......ay
to he lp conhol over worlcf tvenh ror lhe good or oil people on forth.
n,. Thhd Se,tlon or th PorUo ment will convef'e hom 18 to 28 of
1987, ot tfole Fontotnebleou Hilton, Mtomi 8eoch, Floticlo . Thh location ls
parHculorly convenient Jor delegates rrom Centro! ond South America and
thto Caribbean aeo. An agenda for the Th;,d Senlon h encloted, together
with a tf'ghhotion poge a nd rurther Informa tion.
The Provlslnnol Wotld Parliament oHen o construc tive W'OY for people who
wont peoc:t ond hvmcm welfa re (including both pri vate cit izens ond govern-
ment leoders ) to beain tokins charge of wor ld offpjrs .... o il in the conteJCt or
on emerging World Federation ond Democratic Non- Military World Govern-
ment. The Porltomtnt 1s orgonlzed under Art icle 19 of the Const itution for
the Federation of oncf convenes eoc:h yea r unti l reploc:ed by o fQ!'mally
elected World Parliament under o mtified Wodd Conditution.
"-"oiot obitctivts or the Third Senlon or the Provhiof'OI Wo..-ld Parliament
ore to wortc on implementation of World adopted ot previous
K'Uions of the Porlioment, to promote the campaign for rotificotion of the
Constitution for the Federal ion or Earth, to ta\:e oct1on on oth..r world pro-
b1""'' buc.h os world rood sueely, the Third World h!!! siluot1ort, world energy
>vpply, ond """"'" rlghh) and to o Provhlonol World Cobinel.
At pcev1oUI ttuions or the Porlioment, held tn England and in Indio,
eight World l.,e.gislotive IY\eosurts hove been odoptd. lhes
8ill '1, to outlaw nveleor weapons onc:l other weapons of rT'OSS dntruction,
ol"'d to estoblish o World Oisormoment Agency 1
2, I at o World Economic Development OrgoniMiion, which will
toblish o new global 1ydem of finance ond credit;
li11 13. (Of ownenhip by the people of Eorth oil oc.eon., and t.eobeds from
20 offshore, no exclusive e<.Of'l()mfc zones beyond territorial woten;
81 II I 4, for a Groduoto School of World Problems;
8;11 Is , lor P,ovlsiorOI District Wo<ld CO\J'hj
lil1 f6, fat on Emll!ffiJency Earth Res.c:ue Adm1nhtrotion, to bring carbon cfi-
OKide le"eh under control, tove the environm-ent, ond prevent
storvoHon OJ o result or global eUrnolfc cotoltroph.e;
Bill 17, lor a World Gaver,..,nl Funding Corpotolion;
8, foro Wotld Commiulon on Terrorism.
Wo'f' for rou to qualify as o fully occttdlled dtlogote to Ptavhlonol
World Porliomf!nt rue Bstd on the reghhot1on page. Upon receipt or your
teghhatlon, we will Jfnd you the oppropdote forms to fuUill the requirmenh
for on accredited deleoote, Jneludlng ohernatlve1 or (o) on announcement
which you con publtsh In pertodicoh ond papers; (b) on election pethlon
form; (c) o model resolution ror ocloption by on orgOnizotion, community,
unlvenity or Porliomentory body, which thereby designot11lh delegates.
tt' you o JI unobfe 10 otlend the Provisional World Pod foment, then we
Invite yov to tol<e pot I In the on- going oclfon program of the WOtld Comfl ..
h.Jtlon ond PoriiCJmtnt Associat ion.
.. .. Please let v1 heof from you s.oon, by return of the encloted reply form
n: .;::,' reghhot1on pogot, olso by penorol fetter.
0111.-.AY ...
"'"' "-"'-'"' .. , ,...,..,. "''I('" for Peoce and Humontty
.. 't'!
......... , ..... "''" .,. n..... ., ...... "'='-"' \'\JLIM'
,., .. ,,,."'_,,, "'..,.." Philip he1y, S.ctetory General Reinhort Ruge, Presklent
"Crl lis A &, Ulit Ulist And <k Hontsl
Exhibit D
GA . tH1
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UJorld Constitution a111 Parliament !t
1<480 Hoyl Sl . Sullt 31/ltkewood, 10215. USA/Ph 303l333Se
Torotu: 30352e21M, ond Alln: WCPA
Ga')' Kah
Dear Garyt
I _, glad lo hoa !10111 you by tolophono lodoy, and hopo you
will bo ablo lo participate actlvoly,
I reviewed yovr prev1ous nl, and bel1ev thot you could be
o paslllvoly contlburlng participant In ochlovlng lko abioctlvoo,
lor oclequote action In limo lor tko wrvlvol oF ...._,lty on Earth,
l'lllllp lsoly
Exhibit E
. . P 1 t(f
Worla Constitution and ar 1amen nmtm
1400 lloyt <; t. Suote 31/Lakewood CO 60215, USA/ Ph 303-233 3546 no 526-04(.3
rclelax. 303 S26 fH :>:l3
February, 1991
we are happy to have your recent support for, or inquiry the
World constituent Asserubly and the work of the World and
Parliameut Association. Enclosed is the latest Ortgtnally t
the World Constituent Assenobly was planned for Alexandrta, Egypt.
due to war re lated dangers, the location has been to Portuga
__ at the Troia Convention Center, 40 km. south of Ltsbon on the sea-
coast, as described by the .
On the days of writing this letter, no one knows whether the_ war tn
the Persian Gulf will last another week or several noonths. It ts certam,
however that a con1pn,hensive peace conference noust follow the war,
and the;e is talk of a "new world order."
We are ready for the peace conference. In fact, WE HAVE ALREADY
WORLD CONSTITUENT ASSEMBLY. The purposes are agatn,
in the enclosed reprint of an ad appearing in _SOUTH Magaztne. To the
agenda we have added two specific items: Mid-East Peace; and Global
Energy' Network, to replace oil and fossil fuels. . .
For the New World ('rder, almost all talk is in the terms of
re-arrangements of the balance of power soveret_gn natiOnS, .
enforced by preponderance of military power tn strate.gtc area.s, whtle
all nations remain sufficiently armed to deter Th1s ts NOT
a "new world order." Despite unprecedented advances,_
most persons who have been in charge of international relat1ons durtng
the past 100 years see no very slow to learn the fundamental requtrement
for world peDce. r
After the first World War, those who won pro<eeded to tnstltuttona tze
the systen of arn
ed national sovereignty in the forno o! the unwo_rkabde
League of Nations. After the second World War, the .vtctors contmue
the sane obsolete and dangerous system of arnoed soveretgnty,
inated by the noost powerful, in the Umted --
under which 100 new nations are still busy arnung thenoselves wtth
odern ... eapolls of ruass destruction, along with the U: N.
Now we have another opportunity to establish the hrst requ1rement
for survival, and constructive solutions to global problelloS: A
World Fedenotion of disarnoed nations, under a C<:>nstt.tutton for Federal
World Government. Nothing less. The Constttutton ts already drafted.
If this kind of peDce conference and world order sense to you,
then we ... elconoe your participatioll in the World Constituent /\ssenobly,
and the global ratification campaign to follow. You serve as a
delegate, help send a delegate, publicize the act10n, gtve money. .
/\11 those desiring to attend as delegates ar<' urged t.o complete their
r<'gistration and cr!'c.lcntials quicl<ly, including hotel r<'gt stratton. HERE

I , ..
"\\ 1
,, r1< mwllas our {ear wul d!'Sf'llir. ns <jiWII as our courage cmc '"I'''
Part Two-The WCPA 173
WCPA Letter to All Heads of State
The letter in Exhibit G, announcing the convening of the 4th
World Constituent Assembly, was sent to every Head of State in the
world in December 1990. The message is straight forward. "We are
forming a World Goverpment, can we count on your support?"
The letter cites Mid-East tensions, the looming threat of war,
and various alleged environmental problems as the reasons for why
a world government is needed. It then calls for a single global cur-
rency and financial system (paragraph 6) as part of the solution.
If the allegations were completely true and if the spiritual mo-
tivation behind these arguments was righteous, one might be half
inclined to go along with their proposed solution. However, we know
that this is not the case. Reading this letter will show you how seduc-
tive the rise of the world government will be for those who are not
alerted to its dangers in advance.
If the adjacent letter has been sent to every Head of State in
the world, why have our leaders not informed us of this plot? It is
difficult to imagine that they aren't taking this group seriously con-
sidering all the prominent world figures who are involved in it One
need only look at the names of the first three vice presidents listed
under the executive cabinet, to realize the seriousness of this threat,
(Tony Benn, former Cabinet Minister, United Kingdom; Gordon
Bryant, former Cabinet Minister, Australia; and Ramsey Clark, former
Attorney General of the United States; see Exhibit A).
There are only a few other possible reasons why we haven't
been warned: 1) the letter got intercepted by a top aide and never
made it to the Head of State; 2) the letter was taken seriously, but
the receiver was fearful of taking a stand-realizing the powerful forces
behind this effort; or 3) the letter was taken seriously, but the leader's
attempt to expose the conspiracy has failed because of one-world
interests who control major press and media communications.
A possible fourth reason is that the Head of State is himself
involved in the plot I wonder how many times a president must
licly mention the phrase New World Order" before he qualifies for
this category?
Whatever the case may be, none of the above scenarios work
in our favor. This is why you are urged, once again, to send the let-
ter at the back of this book to your elected officials. We must hold
them accountable, or else the world government will soon become a
12th December 1990
To All Presidents, Prime Minister s, Kings, .
and Other Heads of Governments and Nat1onal Parliaments
Just when the relaxation of tensions among the super-powers was
giving hope for the dawn of a new era, where the resources of
Earth could be used to serve only nee.ds, a new
crisis and rapidly escalates, th1s ume tn t.he By
this, we are forcefully reminded that the world IS loaded w1th
weapons sufficient to kill everybody on the Planet a dozen or
fifty times over again in a few days.
Meanwhile, the mad arming of more nations more
continues while new generations of weapons go mto produc_uon,
and an number of crises situations loom on the hortzon,
if we survive the current one.
War could end civilization any week. But war is not the only
danger. Climate changes are creating havoc. If not
turned around, the rise of carbon dtox1de m the atmosphere and
surge of climatic changes may become 1rrevers1ble,
culminating in the fatal of peopl.e on Earth
because of crop failures tn most countnes resulttng from
unfavorable weather.
It Is time for all nations to abandon their disastrous pre-occupation
with military power and confrontations, which in the end solve no
problems and can only lead to misery and death for ..
It is time to re-direct the resources, the technology, the sc1enllftc
talent, the people power, and the money squandered by
competing military and struggles, mto common global
campaign to save the environment, to climate and
to restore Earth to conditions for healthy llv1ng for all tnhabttants.
Jt is time to see that the climate crisis makes the use of fossil
fuels obsolete and dangerous, and war ove.r oil an?.
consequently to give, top priority for the 1mmed1ate transition to
solar and hydrogen technologies and other. sa.fe ener.sr sources,
available to all countries without monopolistic cond1t1ons.
It is time, also, to escape from the constraints of obsolete.
financial accounting, which chain development to. the scarctty
past savings at high interest rates; and to establish the alternative
of a rational global system for abundant Jow-<:ost credit base?
soundly on the availability of people to work and produce, ustng
a common global currency.
During the past four-and-one-half decades since the end of
World War II, many unsolved global, regional and supra-national
problems have accumulated. Many unsolved problems have by
now reached extreme crises stages, each complicating the others.
These unsolved problems underlie the emergencies which are now
erupting into armed conflicts.
We are convinced that to solve global problems peacefully, and
to administer human affairs on Earth intelligently, a WORLD
GO.'ERNMENT is required - a democratically organized Federal
World Government.
Exhibit G1
Part Two-The WCPA 175
Page 2 -- To All Presidents, Prime Ministers, Kings, Queens and other Heads of Governments
Only World Government can provide the security and authority necessary to
supervise disarmament, and quickly eliminate all nuclear weapons and ottler
weapons of mass destruction.
Only World Government under a World Constitution can provide the necessary
civilian framework for a World Legislature, World Executive Agencies, and
mandatory World Courts, all to act directly, decisively and without bias in areas
of global and supra-national problems, to achieve peaceful and rational solutions
for the mutual benefit of all Inhabitants of Earth.
People all over the world are ready for World Government -- a constitutional
democratic world government, under which national and local governments retain
jurisdiction over strictly internal affairs. Many people have been ready since the
end of World War II. People In their capacity as Citizens of Earth have been
taking action towards World Government for many years. Some people have, In
fact, prepared a complete Constitution for the Federation of Earth.
Upon thr Initiative of these people, a World Con>tltuent Assembly Is now called,
to convene at the end of l'.pril, 1991. The purposes are: to submit the Constitu-
tion for the Federation of Earth for review, and for amendments where improve-
ments may be needed; and then to launch a rapid global ratification campaign .
Enclosed is a copy of the Call to the World Constituent Assembly, which invites
delegates from the national governments and the people of all countries.
We who sign this appeal to you, are ready for Democratic Federal World
Government, under a ratified World Constitution. We have already joined as
Honorary Sponsors of the World Constituent Assembly, and as signers of the
Call to the World Constituent Assembly. Many of us are also ready to serve
as delegates to the World Constituent Assembly.
National Parliament to elect delegates? The Assembly will convene at
Alexandria, Egypt, In the Montazah Sheraton Hotel, beginning on 29th April,
Your Excellency, time is short to avert extreme catastrophe for everybody.
Now is the time to assure the dawn and full blooming of a mw era for
humanity on Planet Earth.
We shall anticipate your affirmative reply, and appointment o: delegates!
luf'i'-1 &:-w
Dr. Kalman Abraham, Hungary Tony Benn, M. P., England
Exhibit G2
Call to a World Constituent Assembly
This Call to hold a 4th World Constituent Assembly {Exhibit H)
in Alexandria, Egypt (later Usbon, Portugal), at the end of April1991,
was mailed out by the Preparatory Committee to everyone associated
with the WCPA.It was accompanied with a letter, sample advertise-
ments-which we were encouraged to use to promote the convention-
and the necessary registration forms (Exhibits 1-L).
In this Call, the organizers were even more blatant about their
objectives than in preceding documents. Note the paragraph at the
bottom of the first column on the first page.
176 En Route to Global Occupation
If you had any lingering doubt over whether this organization
is a threat to our national sovereignty, consider it gone! Although the
document promises to respect -the jurisdiction of national govern-
ments over their internal affairs" (col 2, para. 2), we know that the
real power would rest with the world government and those who
control it Furthermore, once a world government is in power, who
is to prevent it from forcing its influence upon the internal affairs of
nations as well?
The WCPA does not consider the United Nations to be part of
the solution. Yet It reproduces the U.N. logo on its proposed world
constitution; and more than one-fifth of its members are affiliated with
the U.N. How does one account for this?
Apparently the WCPA has been destined to replace the U.N.,
much like the U.N. replaced the League of Nations. The same group
of people were involved in both cases; only the names had changed.
This created an illusion of progress.
Behind-the-scenes, the WCPA is connected with the U.N. in a
similar fashion (otherwise it would not be using its logo). However,
it does not want this fact publicly known. Instead, the WCPA wants
to create the false impression that it is something brand new, an in-
dependent organization representing only "the people of the world."
Such an image is essential if the insiders are to have any hope of
pulling their plan off.
In the second column of page one, the document goes on to
call for the immediate forming of a world government and implemen-
tation of a world constitution ... which just happens to be waiting
in the wings, having had no input from humanity at large. It then
announces the convening of the World Constituent Assembly, listing
the qualifications for delegates to attend.
Please study this document closely. Notice how every effort has
been made to create the appearance that those in charge are acting
on behalf of democracy. In the future, remember not to accept some-
thing just because it carries a topdressing of democracy. We must al-
ways look beyond the surface.
Also enclosed in the registration packet was a cover letter of-
fering further details of the convention and encouraging delegates
to publicly advertise the event, indicating that the Preparatory Com
mittee was indeed preparing to launch the final ratification campaign.
The packet included several sample advertisements, which had
been designed for our use. Look for these advertisements in occult
magazines and newsletters throughout the world, placing like-minded
New Agers on alert for the final push. Eventually, as this campaign
To con .... ne on tht 291h dey of APRil.. ltil
1\1 UuM" Qt IUIJIIJ9 lhls C1tl h1 19t9, lllHIIInfly It
coulronll'!-d wrth rnauy global pt'>blemt.
of most "oplt On lht P'-'"' ThtM
r.l""'lflr' tHwiNwnr. hr.cnuse of
c.nrhun tflodcto utd nthor poUuhmlt In IIW\
lllfllO,pllC'I,. llllf"ftiOU Ullf\'C'ItAI diMSif'r 100ft
di"nth ol huudttdl or 'million t Ot
No ...,.,.. '" Sltl,. white weapons ternetn 11tlmtw1
ttll1 rndr '" ' '"" 111 11 n(ltlce. a nd whll ou.,u
W('Arots ol ' '""' ftc:,.hvcUon r.onUrtue to bcJ <:ftvetof)e(ll
I'Hid "' nnUous gal t nuclrtu
htunnu "lltvlvl'\ l ll' Uncatcncd bywl\ft
evf!n mou deMfy
t 1 he f'COIIOIHI "S of COunt t iC', I!HC Ctlpplt'd b
d'!bts, l nck o l IUttdlhp, Ulltmployn'lenl lt rtd lntlatlo:
J\df'Qi tRIC tif' Vf"lopll'll"nl enel envhonmrntel rtpah CMnnof
9!") lo1 wtH11 tmtll n n('w p loh nl liwmr;IM lt1
lu ..lltutNf. ct""''9""" to pf':\t:clutltuunn Hre ds.
nnd ltV:tl.'tln.'thlt ('t ll)t gy tHtt$1 bo
dr11t.ol"p,.d V"ery npl t1ty to rrtAcl! the usfl
, polluting
l ossll lu,.ls, 11f"lort,l;t!ll)tt for nuclear flttl on
whlr.h ,.nd t )'t:'U roduce Ot
ar I he
ronrl ,,rwfucllot pt>r of world POrul llor, Is
lor HtAtty whlfe popul-l'lllon Is
Eotllt'' SUJlpty 13 rnd:mgcrcxt by of
the" nt"""'"'" tteAih ol ptnnkton. ""tf dc:thucllot1 ol

tttosl nf dt("
WIIh tnr.tMShif! prorftl('lk)fthyd.,.ufeAIOIOCf"U"' "l
both fnthr;tty ,.,d ttgtk'tJifue. lode ""'IISieJ "'fJ
IW't!tHrttriJotthtQ. ""'" '""' Cfl Mle disposal
I hr rAJt.,bllill("ll lnt (MOC:Iucllou with ltJghly
lu :'1 lrw couuh""' nrco h'(:r('a.thl(l g:t(t
t> .. and .. hAW! nols-. tr11d reducing
lh'! n.ud Of'I)OJ"tunfllr.t lOr most
,......,.,. Ill tlli'IIIW' t:tMthl.-" to (KirnHIW'fl
liN'" .., .. ,. .,., I ,,,n,..., IHlir-, lu lfw: olrnospfl("'" r:'lrld
rk101'f'tllnd :UISit"((
ftNII t';ttU('ttfllfiU'"l Whk:h lt;'Ut$(C4t(1 llo11i()n,."tl bOttdMl(o-l,
l"Citl :uttf and exp..1rwtlng dc-Sf!tl s. tut
o4 lhf" ttorf'ttl' ol f'lf1V'hOrunPnlltl probiNnt which
b"Ct,IW" QJ.t)b."tl I'Ual1lrms Ol CC)Irunon COhCeln to
(lf'Oplfo f'vr> ywlvuo
M1ny mllllnus of peo('Se Gletl\ttly 1o ,,.,.,lt,rfu9'fl' hewn
uniiUhle !Oon. Including 111g1
pec:tntttou nl the peor"''e or s ome counhles.
I wt"ll.u ... Ptwhonrnenlal heaflh. tnd bttalc
humnn ughls "' o !.O long u
oiii)C!'\1(' 'ltnounts or money. resourct s11nd
VINtlttlr': for nrrnnluf"uls. l"fld ql ve prlnritles tor
tuUit;uy '""PO .. .(',, this "'"' Morte of Etu lh fl
111111,,, cfollnt"l P<"l )'C"' with no !.:Jiety for f'lnyl)uft.
I he U IIIO IIIIIOUitl l)('fldS IO be SJ)enllnsleod Olltt'SCulttg
hont d f'nvhonmr.nll l celesiJI)rhea,
lhf" rrodur:ll()lt ol good' l"tld services for Pf:3Ctful
f h<- ptoblems menUoned hettl n, Atwell
,, m11ny btor.n ccumuJeUng for nllny ye1u1
r'.nlutloH!l lire rnw quickly. 111d slmvltl'lntOusiY
In "''"' 'Y <'ftt.C'.,, In order In everl or rnlr1hnbe ;tobat
rtwlug the pnsl<tO )'O"II.IInd
'""'l"' thnt st>lullons "' uot
f'O!'I!'Il1l to trt"Qollnlr. 'untmg ,o,..,tnlnn nnllous ncllht"r
,, .. ln-;lrt,. nf th,. I lull,.cf NAllt1' OtQttnlt41Jon.
To ftvbe net ttnpr.mtnl edequa. .. tolullont lo
ptobJemt lnd Olhtrt whlct\ hentctr.d nellon l
bouncSarJ ... It well 11 tOt g'oba.l problemt wflJc:h wtl
conunue lo erht In lht ututt, ttqvlru World
Oo"t"'"'fnt ""ned'e tty. rtolku1Miy wllhln the tlmt
lt11me ltlJowed by If'- Uhetne nature o1 t Oflle o1 Hwt
probtftmt By Wot&d Oovttnmtlll ,..... mean 1 ltdtrel
workl QOW4tnmenl th.el II dtmocrallc In II own lhvelurt
a nd dnlguH tOt clwiUtft admlnlthttton. WOf1d
Oovaml'llt'nt t1, In ft ct, fftt Ursl PfatllcAI t qutremanl 101'
tmvtvl And PIOOts,JI., no1 1 dttlm f<H lhfl lutue a ltar
hu betn d11hoyed by untolved
lht fedeal Wotld Govetntne11t mutl l nctude " " elecltd
end "'fHC!tOnl tllwt Wortd Pltllftmtnt, gi ven
aulhollr to ftnAc l world dheclly to Aolve workl
r rohlf'mt f'l nd provide l()t' lhO ft'llttnftgemenl Ol9loh11111nd
ltentnf'IIIOill'll tlteht: I W01 l d end
;lttn vlhotlty 10 lmptement the YrOtld
leplslelion dhtc:Uy. whllt respecting thefurtsdlcllon or
nftiiOMI governmen11 over their l nltttlll alltha; World
Cour ts hleh 111 grvenmancfiiiOty fvt lsdtetloo: World
to prot ect hu1n1n tights 1nd to ke,.p
frorn b.comlng lyutonlcat: adtqutle
means for direct enforcement and llnuelng; and tl
oenc111 of 1 00V9tnment tor Et tlh neceuery end
livi ng
Blfore ft6alll World Oowernmtnlls llllbllthtd "World
Consututlo" 'IQ'Uht>d, to '"- U'tt
llmlls. end 1truetura of lhe World
Oovernmnt: et\lt to df'flnt how If of the oons. petls
tnd IIQt"ncltt nf the Wo'td OowtMnPnl wtn bt Ofqtnltt'd
tnd witt ope IOQf'lhftr
...... ,. ol ""!)top .. on Earth ,,. eon, ututlon
tOt ledtttl WOttd Oovenment must al so protect both
r'g.hlt, CIIIIUtel dJ'9rtJtles And the
P'\OC:tfulturl)(flcUtW'I ol nauo,.l governments. over thek
'"'"'* allelrt AI lht t.emt lhne.lht WOfld
IO de:IJn.t how WOt'ld gowernttttnl trrd ,..tlonaJ
90'l"e'ntnt:nls cen WOtl jolnUr lo aotwe some oroblemt
t nd edmlnlsler tomeelftff' l whlcht\aww bolhk\lerneland
tUPf l na.lk>NI aspect
f't-patln.g ltuly lldf"qulll.e Wnrld CousiUuUon (Of f.trth
tlth.t much time, rOth.tnllfllty, a vety dt-cauale WOfld
ConsUiuUon hnt ahtiH'fy tH-en f"tf)tlred OYet A perkxS o1
nine yeert, nd duri"'IJ severtl ptevtQous HUlona of a
orkl contlllutnt tstmbty, 10 thai no time need be lost
hy tf'J>tllh.g .,..,,,hit Alrtftdy be-.n ccomplltf'\.ed. Thlt
Wotld ContUtvtk)n II ltnown tht CONSTITUTION
prowfslonal tnd llagebro
although tUM to lrnt:ndn'lill\1&,
Btlore llntl tallllcllon. howe.,.,. more counttlu 1nd
MOre people h<Mn dlllerent pertt of Elf'lh nttd an
opportunity to rtvfew tht Earlh COf'slllutlon. end "' u
tomt lmptoemtn1t by tmtndrntnl are needed.
APRIL, 1991.
THE PURPOSES ol lhls Wotld Consllluenl Auembly
lhelllnolude lht following:
t. To review lht Conslllutlon for tht Ftdtrallon of Earth
which ""'" b ll'ken 11 the b11lc documet'lt
dellbPutllont AI tht Assembly:
2. to tflnskinr 1111d ck'h11te """'lhlellmondtt1ftflls .nd to
tmendmtnlt ttrhkh mty be deemed
Exhibit H1
lo launch 11 IIMI and onJd gtobt C:ltnpeJgn for
uulfk:aUon of lh41 llotnf'Mtd EAtlh ConstllvUon by the
r-orJe An d ol EArth:
4 To Rs,.lst lhft futtctlouln.g or the F'f ovltiC')f.,.t
Workl r:ull.ntMt"U "' Pto'tlsb'lel World Clblnet.
ellr.edy Otg:tnh:t'd I\IHde II nf tt10 ConsUtulfOft
ff'W lhr o l Eltl lh, Ul tllllhl Ettlh (Otl SIIhtlfon
has t:Jc.r.n tlfJNt by 111 tufndcut numbnr of COUilhltot ot
rl"nf'J,. '" on ht-yOtwt tho rwovtsk'H\1111 pe
!\ lu n"''"' In nttl Jl"l)et of nl
ti 'C tt tt"l lll p4'"HI Uttft'-IMt" " nlt efMfy Rdopted by lhe
l 'tnyflrwt"' Wnftrl
1ft! lOCA.tiOH feu "" We>t td
s,tu,ll bt cttoc:kted "' " mrtllng of the PttPitlllory
CnmniiiN" 1('1 the ,\uemhly btlote IM end of IOfl:t.
to the Wl)tld CoutllhH"nl A.,entlily tue
lnYIIt'd hmu h o th lhr uMIOIII\1 gnverntutntt 1111nrt the
pt-t>flifo! ol on tho lnlll)wing twltft
A I rumu:-.Uult:'lll'lUY('IIIIIW'IIhf\1 HntlouAI f)Aitlftttt.,ltl'\ nf
uf unU0110t tollt.,tug
fltl'l rnu htlltt l!t"f Wf)l lt l (;Htto: li' l'""' A'\"W'tuhly rmd
un ,.1,tiwt II r : . .. , .. lllullu11 ln Ill I Nll'fl\lllluull'ndh
w: llwlut'llt ftttldl.,tlllltttt
f hu tloltt ttlt htlll 1 lllltltlt., IHIIf.tt 1 ,111Jif, IIUU Itt
t tlllbtltll,
two lf,lrpl' lrs ''""' bntwoen 2.000.000
thnn ; .UOO.OOO Ill I"'C'I')ulttllon;
llutr, hrm cnttttl tlt:/'1 ht!IWt-en 7 ,000,000ftnd
,,..,., lh:m :!ilfll')l'),,....,ltt pO('I\IlJ\tlt)u:
r mtt hunt cot ttlhlcs 10.000.000 nnd
thnu 00.000,000 In poruC.,IIon:
Five d(' trnnl es hotf\ counllloea With 80.000.000 or tT\Oft
In populnllon.
8 r 10111 pt'npfc (W ni'Ht -p0V(!t11111fllll"l OfQIUIIUt)ons 0t
th1'1 Cnll to lho tttt WOfkl
Constlhtet1t 1\ucntbly. end ecceptlo the Constitution
lor the rrderellon of Eerth u lhe batlt lo.o

One delegte hom tech tatlfylng non"''ovetnment.t
otgatdzaUon of 5.000 mtmbett 01 mot:
an. d<l<lgolo ,.,, lolnlly by ,. .. ,. , tttyl"9
go<temmenlftl OtQI '''"'IIous wUh combined toiM
ntetnberthtp ol 5.000 01 mofl
One dtletl etected Of appointed by a lllylng
COft-.munfty, Of by 1 OOUP of flllfylng communtUet.
IOIA11ng 25,000 or fUOt_, In populeUon:
tndMdunl teeHfhl9 700 Of tnOfe tlgnAtur"
011 olf'cllon ptlllllon -owed by the PttpotIO<Y
whn puhllth edveUtttt.fntt
which Ute W04ld Contllluenl Alttmbty
tttnO<oee by tho clelettn. ., tel>
to "'"' the of the
PtOpotftiOfy and be pltoet<lln pe<lo<llclll
havtng total co.nblned chculaUon of 21.000or mo,.
'"' NCh clotetolo oo odvtt11tlng:
Toget""' wlllt llo clel011o1oauch atoctod by the Wo<lcl
Conttttutk>orl And P"emtnt AttocleUon, end by the
P,owlolonot WOtld CoblnoL
C. Oclr.g"ktt P'tVIO\Itfy KCtedUtd to lht ProvltiOf'tl
Wotld r"'"'u.,lottl Ot etwlout senlont of tht WOtld
Contllluftnl " utmbly. ntutt obtain tenewtd
cr&dentiAit by ont of Uw mtlhodt dtfMed heren.
0 AI dcltQftlll tnUtt takt ratt In I 2-day pta Hnlon
. Othtni AUOn COUIII eonchtc:ted by the Prtplfllory
Comtntn... befoto l>elng ted ot oce<odllod
clefogolet In lht WOtld Contllluenl Autmbly.
OUAATIO,. ol tl>e Wotltl Conttlluent Atttmhly
bt9fnnl"9 on tl>e 1tth dey ol April t "'"''"be nlong
as lt mty to eompte .. tht one seuol'\. Of In
Mvtlfaloub-a .. tona. u clocldocl by lhe cleletaloa.
ALL FURTHER DETAILS for lht org11nllAUon. conduct
er\d financing of lhe 1991 Wodd Con.tlllutf11 Auemblt
"""" be decSdtd and manaqed by 1 Pttpltllory
Committee. untU the Auembly, lltell, tuumet ru
ttsponslbtllty. The Commi11H 1NH bt
compo1ed of dttegetu eppolnted Of e'-c:ted by lho11
nel1onal govttnmentt. Pl'"lmtnlt. Of htldt of nellonel
gowernmentt, end by thott nongo'ltrnmentel
CHganltallont and comi'NJOII1ts which 11Ufy thJt Can,
togelhtr 1fll'llh ecceptance of the complete pte.n fOt the
World Assembly Otlglnoltcl by lho WOtld
ContUtuUon end Auocl.atlon., lnd ln
c()f'ti.C)Iny with RYe tach hom the PrO't'ltaon.AI
W01td and lbl WCHid ContUiuUon nd
PuiiiLmenl AttoclaUon.
THII CAll II ,ORMALLT IUU!O ol t .,.ollng ot tho
rrep orv Commtn" lor rhe 1H1 Wor1d Contlltuent
Ant mbty on 2hl July. 1981. In Wethlnglon, D.C ..
wtth preu to nnounet lhot
Callln walout counlrltt eround lhe WCHid. Sfontrt 111
lnwiiM both before and ener fttuance.
COfiiUIUefll Anembfy t1 AltundtiR. Epypt, t lltl
MonlftUh Shereton Hote1. beglnr1lng on 29th April IHt.
and contlnuk'lg 101' I on days. Further '"-'Ions may be
tfQtE: This h taned by
ti WIII !VInrk ut tll<toUhttukllll'l l ' '""" M
ul fn1lh At.. .. "111
11\1111''1"1 " '" .. t hi thtl ,...: ..... , "'"'' '"'
t . ... _______________ _
Ptolen lon - ----------
Addttlt 0 .,- ,. _ - .,. ,. ., w- - _ , , _ .,
.... . ..... . . . - -- - -" - -O"tn -- -
2. N1un
3. Name ______________ _

.. Neme
&. Name
_________ _ ___ ouo ___ _

___________ Do .. ___ _
RAT1FICATION 0, Tl418 CAll It lrwllocl by Nottonot
Oowen.._lt Nollontl Porttomonla. bocutlvo 14oodool
'Netlo,.l TN Unlled NeUone Oeneret
Attembfr. Non-Oovernmentaf Otgenlaatlona,
Communlfln, Pollllcol Ptllfloa. - olhor gtO<IPL
Rallllod by--------------
Ollk:lol Signaluroa- Seat---------
Olio of RolllaUon ----- ------
1480 14oyt Stroot. Sullo 31, loltow..,.... ""' -
Part Two-The WCPA
gains momentum and acceptance, these advertisements and related
announcements will begin to appear in mainstream publications as
well. The most attractive of these articles, entitled Earth," will
probably be the first to appear in public news magazines.
Nattte _ _ _____________ _ _ Date. _ ____ Telephone. _ ______ __,_
Addr cs---- ----- --- ------------ ---------- Telefax. __________ ___
Cily _ ____ _ __ State_ Postal Zip ______ Country _________ _
(NO rr:r !'lease ciiP.ck your agreement with each statement, and 1111 out all blanks which apply to
YO<Jr personal registration.)
I. _ 1 hNcby dcriMc my acceptance of the draft Constitution for the Federat ion of Earth as
the basic docutttent for review and debate at the World Constituent Assembly and agree
lo abide by the Rules of Procedure lor the Assembly. '
2. __ I pledge myself to allend lhe daily sessions of the World Constituent Assembly faithfully,
unless prevented by circumstances beyond my control.
cxper.t to obtain my credentials to serve as a delegate by one of the following methods,
os checked:
(a) __ B! advertisements or announcements printed In one or more perlodical(s) having total
crrculation of 25,000 per delegate joining in the same advertisement. (Any
advertlsetnent must include the information contained In the model advertisement
form provided by the l'reparatory Commillee or t he W. C.P. A. Printed news
are acceptable, providing they contain the essential information about the World
Constituent Assembly, and delegates attending.)
(b) _ _ By resolution of an organization or organizations with membership totaling ,,000, such
organiution(s) having also ratified the Call to the World Constituent Assembly.
(Note: Obtain model resolution form from the Preparatory Committee.)
(c) By other method defined In the Call to the WO<Id Constituent Assembly.
- -specify:
(NOtE: All l'eoplcs Delegates must show proof of credentials obtained by ONE of the above
methods, as required by the Call to the World Constituent Assembly. Delegates to previous sessions
of the WO<Id Constituent AS5embly or Provisional World Parliament must obtain renewed and
updated credentials by "'"' of these methods. No delegate wi ll be seated without proof of
credentials, as well as completion of this Registration Form.)
- Addltlor>al Information:
Date of Birth _______ Place of Birth. __________________ _

Languages understood _____________ ______________________________________________ __
Name of Spouse _ _ _______ _ _ _ _ Children ______________________ _
Profession._________ _ _ ________ ________ _
Author of
Ace or
Exhibit I
1480 Hoyt Street. Suite 31 /lakewood. CO 80215. U.S.A.
Phone 303-233-3548: Telefax 303-526-2185 and 303-233-4800
lith January 1991
Dear Residents of Earth:
Despite rumblings of war, the time has come for every organization and
every person wanting to participate in or assist the World Constituent
Assembly, to make definite preparations to come or send delegates to the
LOCATION -- Montazah Sheraton Hotel, Alexandria, Egypt;
TIME -- 29th April to 9th May, 1991.
Decision on the location was made at the meeting of the Preparatory
Committee at Lucerne, Switzerland, in November. A further report on
this meeting, together with a ballot for the election of the Directorate
for the Preparatory Committee, will be sent soon. My purpose in this
letter is to urgently request rapid action to prepare delegates to attend
the Assembly. Please take care of the following:
CREDENTIALS: Each delegate must have credentials per the terms of
the CALL. Delegates to previous sessions must renew their credentials,
since previous credentials are no longer valid. Therefore, be sure to
establish your credentials in ONE of tlie following ways:
1. A Resolution passed by one or more organizations with total member-
ship of 5,000 or more. The resolution must include a statement of
support for the World Constituent Assembly and its objectives. A
model resolution form for organizations or communities is enclosed.
Be sure to complete every part of the resolution, including the number
of members of the organization. Please note: delegates to the
Preparatory Committee are not automatically delegates to the World
Constituent Assembly.
2. An Advertisement or Announcement or News Release published in one
or more periodicals, having total circulation of 25,000. The advertise-
ment or announcement must state the purposes of the World Constituent
Assembly, the dates and location, and the fact that certain individuals
named in the advertisement are attending the World Constituent Assembly
as delegates. Three model advertisements or announcements are
enclosed for your use:
a) A long form, headed FIRST PRIORITY FOR SURVIVAL;
b) A short form, headed "I Am Tired of Wars and Threats of Wars";
c) Copy of the ad which appears in the February issue of SOUTH
magazine, paid for by Philip and Margaret lsely. You may put the
same ad in some other magazine, with explanatory note that you
will attend the World Constituent Assembly as delegate.
d) In addition to the model advertisements, we enclose a model news
'\se, which you may be able to get published free of charge.
'ws rele:- 'Tlust include all essenti:-' rnation atv- he
If you are tired of living under the threat of-wats and war priorities- "''
To Participate In and Q.;:,:.W
The Most Important Global Event of 1991 \i (':
Federal World Government for Humanity, under which an elected and fairly representative
World Parl iament will have authority to enact world legislation to solve world problems, a
World Executive responsible to the World Parliament will have authority to directly
implement the world legislation, and World Courts and a World Ombudsmus wi ll have
mandatory jurisdiction, while dis-armed national governments retai n legitimate authority
within their boundaries.
WHEN: 29th April to 91h May, 1991.
WHERE: Alcl(andri a, Egypt at the Montauh
Sheraton Hotel.
NCO or Peoples Delegates: Any qualified person
who obtains oedenlials showing endOfsement by
organlz.utons (one or several) which endorse the
Assembl y and have t otal membership of S,OOO or
more; or by public announcements giving full
Information. Obtain deft-gates forms from address
Government Delegates: Appointed by the Heads
of Nati onal Governments which endorse the
Assembly, or elected by Nati onal Prliament s.
1. Attend as a delegate;
2. Nudge your Government to send
3. Get an to send a delegate;
4. Assist another person to attend as
6. Get a copy of CONSTITUTION FOR
plus PLANETHOOD, for S10 (U.S.)
incl uding airmail postage.
1480 Hoyt Stt('N. Suite 3 1
lakewood, Colorado 80215, USA
FAX: (JO.J) 526-218S or 003) 2}3-4800
fThls ad paid fot by Philip & IStly who
are delegates to the World Constiluent Msembly}
Rapid disarmament undet global supervision;
Use of mOfH!y and resources s;,ved by disarma
ment to save the enviroment and serve hufllaln
A new s,lobal finance and credit sysrem, giving
ample lowcost funding for useful projects and
production, whether public or prfvte enterprise.
uslns a single world cunency;
F'lnandal credit based on people avllable to
work, thus guaranteeing full employment; past debts
retired without austerity penalties:
Rapid global uansillon tO safe and sustainable
energy; rogetherwilh a very massive global campaign
for rt.forestation, soli reomlneorallutlon and all
measures necE"ssary to cope with the Climate Crlsl1
and prevent wi despread starvation;
Adminstratton of the oceans, seabeds and
atmosphere as the common heritage of humanity.
Peaceful solutions made possibl e io all
supranational problems;
SPONSORSHIP: The growing list of nearl y 200 eminent
Honorary Sponsors from 60 countries will be sent to every
rt'spondent Sponsors indudt> Nobel laureates; Supreme Court
Ptesidents; U.N. Ambassadors. M.P.'s, Business Executives,
Lawyers, Scien'tlsts, Professors. Environmental etc.
l Name: Dte: ___ _
: Address: -----------------
0 Rush del egate information to participate In the Worl d
Constituent Assembly.
0 Send draft Constitution tor thf" Federation of hrth, plus
Pl antthood. airmail S 10 (U.S.).
l 0 Enclosd is S ----(U.S. Oollau)
(Checks must show co,esponding bank -in USA)
182 En Route to Global Occupation
1 of ____________________ _
will attend as a Peoples Delegate the World constituent Assembly which
convenes from 29th April to 9th May, 1991, at Alexandria, Egypt, in the
Montazah Sheraton Hotel, with delegates invited from the people and from
national governments of all countries.
Purposes of the Assembly are to review the Constitution for the
Federation of Earth, for which I affirm general support, and to debate
and adopt possible amendments, then to prepare a global rat ification
campaign for the inauguration of democratic federal world government
given authority to supervise disarmament and solve supra-national
problems. For a copy of the Constitution for the Federation of Earth
and other information, send $5 plus $3 for postage and handling to the
World Constitution & Parliament Association, 1480 Hoyt Street, Suite 31, .
Lakewood, Colorado 80215, U.S.A. The constitution is available in
English, French, German, Spanish, Arabic, Chinese, Italian, Thai, and
a few other languages.
Exhibit L
Plan for Collaboration in Organizing a World
Constituent Assembly for 1990 (1991)
The Plan {Exhibit M) was prepared in late 1987, in conjunction
with the proposed 4th convening of a World Constituent Assembly.
The original target date for this meeting was December 1990. How
ever, it was later changed to April29-May 9, 1991 and the selected
meeting site was moved from Alexandria, Egypt, to lisbon, Portugal.
According to article 9 of the proposal {Exhibit M2), Preference
for location shall be given to a country whose national government
or legislature has already given Provisional Ratification to the Con
stitution for the Federation of Earth." If the Preparatory Committee
abides by its own rules, then apparently, Egypt and Portugal have
already ratified the world constitution, since they were the consid
ered meeting sites.
The final ratification campaign began at the convention in
Usbon. However, based on what I already know, the WCPA Is not
expecting this campaign to bring us into a world government over-
night They realize that it may take a few more years of concerted
effort and preparation. Hence, there will probably be more such
meetings in the near future.
Part Two-The WCPA 183
Note the effort to compare the current endeavor of the WCPA
to the endeavors of our founding fathers leading up to the acceptance
of the U.S. Constitution {Exhibit M3), using this historical event of
1787 as an example of how a Constitutional Convention, held for the
purpose of making only minor revisions, can lead to the production
of an entirely new constitution.
The document ends by presenting a ten point plan {Exhibit M2)
that was to result in the convening of the 4th World Constituent As-
sembly. Everything went as planned except that the date and loca-
tion of the meeting was changed. It is hoped, in the not too distant
future, a few hitches will develop!
C'onr. ltlN lnq that vllr l ous a nd organi-
tlltlOnl lltC! nov 9ettlnq Interested In
t'(\nvenlnq a Wor lc1 Con!>tltutional C'C"nvention
o r Korld ConAtituent 1\sse.-hl y, a nd In
draft J nCJ ' of a I tutlon (or world
Coveornf!Wtnt , It sec111s to a
C'Otn""C"Cn f'lt'ln rnr "'""have. plan
to rr('lf'(l&c, but outl lnlnq thr plan, ve
fllhoultt J lk& to m.bke & brlef h istorical

Not all rf>rr.tln .. n<N 1 world
A.1t""'"'b1y re hMI1hr vtth th,..
lnOtJ hl-.tnry of work fn thl!\
C':trt hd on hy thf" world Constitution an"
rbr tlo.-nt I on, hi-911\nlnC) In usa ..
nth,.rr. ..,,,. not fa._ It hr vlth th,. suho;UntJal
In th,. of thh proj,.ct, to
thf" J'W'Iint of the MIC'If1tlon of the Constitution
'"' th,. r('f'tcr;\t IC'n or r.:ut.h ot. the
r.,.rtlt'ot nf th,. W<lrld
h,.ltl at Att!;tcfa. ln .;Jun,.. f'f 1911.
Otltf"r" not ,,. ..,ll7fl> thr r,.l,.v.lnr.c:" t"f
nf th ... Provl-dnnbl W<td1
r.-..r t l:. ..... nt tn thr i\C'C'C111!pl i!".h.,.nt nf thr
rn , .. , .. hr l,.f rrviPw. wto want tn
th,,t tllr t'uq.,nhJ\t tnn t'l[ thf' l':.('St;lons of th ..
Wor ttt Cnur.t It urnt and the dreft lft9
or th-: Cnnstttutton for the rtduatlOn of
rar th waG e1Hr lrd forward fro !\taqt to
Jr\ tn ordn Jy fashion. T'o bt"C)ln with.
19"1' onwards .. we have at all tlaooes souqht eM
the participation of both naUonal
and the people of all countriea.
The orl<jlnal To Cal l A Morld
Const 1 tutJnnal Convent lon. circulated fr0tr1
1958 to 1961, was drawn in terms of Inviting
both national or notional
par llotll"nts an(1 people of t a ch country to
tiN'Id r1r)Niete:". Scvt'r&l tho1JS&nd
porsonB frt'\111 all over the world a lgntd thl11t
1\(J'N'IIW'nt, lnc ludln9 a nmnbe c or
rriM and Ceblnet Mtnhtere. f'lany
Nobel r.aoreates, Dnd others of 1
tUst.tnct l nn. When the Cell to the tint
attis l cm of the world c onstitutional
Convention vas issued in 196), five Htade of
E:t lite and Govtrruaent were a.-oruJ the
$lgners froa aort than 50
C'tl'lll1tr l,.s of all tht ytara
pa ue-d, and 300 reophe
co""'lt.t.ed themeelvee to attend, It bca.-e
neaaery to eke the d echt on to convene the
fir st dreltln9 ltlllon In 1968, even U no
<JOVet n-.enta tent dele9etta, the
Jnvl tlt lon rtNlned open.
Under t.heae Meet ing In th"
City Hell of Molfoc:tl, Weat GerNny, work wa1
begun et the 1968 aeetlon by peoplPa'
de:le91U1 only, on tht teak of t1ebet.Jnq and
draftlnq the world conatttutlon- "htch cae
to be knovn the Conatlt.ution for the
reduetiOfl o( ruth. Jn thh d r aft.ln9 wor k .
tht' dthqett e follovt'd an orderly proC'f'n,
uairt9 e1 lhtlr Qulde Tht
OutllM tor the O.hate: end oratllnca of a
world Conetltutlon,"' which had
at the 2nd Prtparatory
at Milan, Italy, In U6'\. rollowtr.q the' 1961
ai'IOI'I, a apechl dC"eftlhoCJ or
Co-lttee of Detail, vorllld lnttonafvely for
.ore than tvo -onths to .. a first
.treft. Thla ftret t1uft waft thf-n autudtt,.ll
to .::n then 1, 000 all OYPt th .. vnr ld
lor 1tudy and Arter recetvlh1
the of Df'tatl a9aln
and rtepart:d a rt:hed draft. Thr
draft vae then clrC'\tlatt-d woddwtl1e vtlh a
M'W Call to the eecond lf'lllon, now callt-d
the world Conatltuent "''tllt>ly. The revlaP.tt
du(t, and the call with lnvllltlon to aend
dele-gatee, vaa unt to all national qovern-
nta, wU 11 people.
lfhen tht 2nd Staalon of the World Conatttuent
Alteflllbly -.t at lnnabructl, Auitr la, ln June
of un. thoae ditltqttee eoncuned with
drlftln<J a vorld conetltut l on vent over t he
aub11ithd draft ptreqraph by puaqrph,
by ltnhnee, end Made varloua
a,.endtnentl before utu1tttln9 to the plenary
aeulon. Artr IIIUCh dtbatt, t he
C'Onlt.lt.utlon for lht rtdf'Ulton of l-lrth wa1
adopted vl th only one dhetnt:ln9 vote and
lnltlelly alqntd by llB participants fro. 25
countr l ta of 6 continenti. 1\t the UM t.IN,
1 Unheraal Call for Jtatlflcat.lon by the
Nat.lon a 1nd People of !rth val heued.
Subuqutntly, both the Cell for ltatlfteatfon
and the z.trth Conetltution vere aent to t.he
Hationa and to all national 90Yecn-
Exhibit M1
flr-(('lre a fln<ll rntlflc::ation ve oC
Wnr td Cnnl'lt I tut I on and Part h.W'nt
el.,tlnn nM nf th,. Ptovlslnnd Wf"'rld
ror 1 tn,..,..,t, hl.\vl" l'\nt Jclr"'tMt a fourth
r.C"nllllon o( the- World AIUcllbly In
fut.ure, to rtvJ('v the C'ontStitutton
(('IC the rt>dN lit ion o f E"'t lh o'lnd to All'lend
fomltt ln vl-v of OOth
')rnw tr,
wnrll c dr:l'tt l'nr1 l)fl'')wlnq t nt,.fCl'tt In
n w<'tr ld <.'('l nf'lt 1 tu,. 11t w(' !lhoultt
to otrf"r n('lw th& Col tnvln9 pre"poul for
l'fiOvlng ahead raphtly end effee:tlvelyt
1. 11.11 thno;,.. ttrr.lllntt i) world Cnn-:tltuttnnat
Convf'nt Jon or We'll ld C'onstl tuf'nt Assr-lllhly
are tnvltf'd to vort together for the neat
In with ttorld
const 1 t ut ton and Pee llaaent AssoelatJon
a1Mt the world rarlh111ent and
ruw ltdnnttl wnr ld with
Dl to thf' npxt N('!rld
dud"'9 ll\ttt"r part of U90.
2. Since the CC'Instltutlon for the
of corth Ia ttftdy now. ts
In tlllrquatr for the problem of today and
also of th<" 2l nt cent ury, vas
ond sessi on!\ of a Wotld
tllf'tH Ao'lrflilly with ('"'rt iclpat I on
hy fro111 a\1
t"Ou lin,.ntr. , hlltl achltved wodtl -
wlde cl cC'UJat ton .,nd act't'rt-
oncf', ther,.fore the Cnnst ltutton (('lr thf'
,,.de rot I on of I!J tak<'n as the ba.-le
c'ocu.,.nt of the but open to
thtuouqh rt>vlf'w and
). '-"Y
u>op or lncHvt6ua\ wlr.h-
lng to 1n or ndttta
to the E.art.h Constitution shall b
Jnvl ted to prpr pcecise propoal fa)
for ollendMnt Jn 9ood and tyle
tn ndv&nce o! the 1990 Aestlllbly, &\lch
propofttd tuend.ent (8) to be aubml t ted
ftrat to a commi ttee to revtew
propoaed ft1Mndments .
4. Tho 1990 shall be called the 4th
Scnalon of the Wor l d Constttutnt
s. The world constttuef\t Assellb1y of 1990
ehall be COIIIPOcd of dtle<Jtea lnvlted
ape-cUte towards the objec-
tlvt of dtlftOCratlc vorld 90vernMtnt
undtr a t:t'lnst ltutlon for wor Jd
rederet ton, dur the past )0 yeu1.
n. Two rJ.,cttd/tlpf"l()lnted hy tteeh
"II('U,, .. nM lon3l organh:at Inn wl th
cut tv,. MrmiW">r !I cuvf of lfll"tnbtr:'l
tn .,. ll","'t:l !'l,..vf'u fountr ff'n, And
r\flfNIttt"j tn t hit'! rl;m.
Onr _..,.t,...r rlf""Ctt-d/,,ppolntf"d hy ttaeh
n:\ti.,.,AJ Ot4J&nfznttt'lrl, or fnttr-
nAtton:.l nrq.-.nh.:.tlnn$ with octhP
9f0111"1' In Jf'r.l th.-.n r.evt"n cnuntr lea,.
fra. both national 90'1trn-.ente or
national parllaM'nt, and fr011 people of
ell countr lea.
' ror doing aetioua vorlt, the 1990 World
conat itutnt Asetbly shall or91nhtd
to continue for pe:r lod of two fi'Onthe,
the work l atllfactorily
C'C"WWIpleted before then.
7, budgot ror tho 1"0 AseoJObly ohll bo
prepared which vt 11 enable the eeaalona
to continue Cor tvo tiiOntha, eoverift9 the
ep.,.nsea o f aM ( Jnence
ctrlve shalt be or9anl ud to rehe the
neeea&ary runda both govern-ental
and non-9overn.ental aO\Ircee vell In
1. Thf' location and date for the lttO
Ao .. JObly ohllll M fbd by tht Pur-ro-
tory COtlfllttee (aee point 110, btlow) at
leaat one year in advenct.
9. Preference Cor ahall be 9hen to
a country vhose national governl'riP.nt or
l egislature haa already 9lven Provhlon&l
Ratlftcatlon to the Constitution for the
rede ratlon of Earth.
10. Tha Pr,.paratory COJ!Iflllttf'e for thflt U9n
4th seaalon of the World conatttuettt
"Mb)y, ahall. lnc:ludea
A. rhe elected hy the rrealdtu
o f the PrO'Ilalonal World
whldt haa beton etahl tahe-d under
lt of the Conttltutlon Cor the
Ft'deration of E.arth.
a. 't'wo ".cera appotntd by tach Nat tonal
Covern-ent or Nat tonal t.e9ialature
whleh glvea provS.lonal retlftcatlon
to the Constitution for the l'ederetton
of E-arth ln advance of conventn9 th
4th session of the World Conatituent
c. Five lftf:tllbera elected by the Eaec:vthe
Cabinet of the WOrld Conatltution and
PatllaNnt Aaaoclatlon, aa the organ-
hatton vhlch haa ...ade the -.oat
aubatanthl and conetruc:tlve and
vhlch 1t9ru to thlo plan Cor tM lt90
World Constituent Aeaellbly, end egree
to 1uke prCIIIIOtion of the AaaeMbly
deftnt>d heretn a jot part of ita
pr09r .. dut inq the next three year e.
Thoe whO &9t@'e to thta phn ahall C'Otlle
thtAelvra or other to N-et no
ll'ltfor then Nl'lvf'!WM-r, Jt88, to deflnl} oll
d,.t.JJe, to 8 ttort the bud9et, to '"""
ctf'ftnltlve Catl to the 1\aat..,ly, lnd to
eatabJ iah all M"Cestary .or kine, eub-
eo-ltteea. of thla Metl"f NY be
Nfopalt or sucb loeatfon ahall bt
deterlned by June, 1918.
Part Two-The WCPA
Sponsors and Collaborating Organizations
(NOTE: Exhibit N reveals some of those sponsors and collabo-
rating organizations who have endorsed the agenda of the WCPA and
are willing to have their names identified with the organization in
order to encourage the participation of other people.)
world constitution, together with a l>lorld
Parliament and a World Government function-
ing under that constitution.
One further historical reference may he
made, on this 200th anniversary of the
drafting of the Constitution for the Federal
Government of the U.S.A., and that is to the
circumstances under which that long enduring
constitution was actually produced in 1787.
As some of you may recall, that Convention of
1787 was actually convened to correct the
defects in the Articles of Confederation,
rather than to draft a new constitution for a
strong federal governme nt, although a number
of the delegates were of the opinion that a
strong federal government was required. As
it happened, one delegate had the foresight
to come to that 1787 Convention with a clear
and detailed draft of a new constitution for
a strong federal government for the United
As may be seen from history, a comprehensive
outline or the complete draft of a
constitution, if well designed , can serve as
a very propitious beginning for e ffective
work by a Consti tutional Convention.
(Partial List - More Beine
Each Collaboutln& Or&&ntzAtlon Names Oelecateb) to the Preparatory Committee
8ase CO<.Witry ORGANIZATION 8ue C....try
N k u.s.A. Encll>ll Speakinc Union Sri Lanka
t.wor ()(. T. p. Amtrasln&f\t-, Pres.
Prof. Dennis Brutus, Prt11dent Conservation Soc. India
Acboye Orcaniution Nl&erla Or. TeJ Prakash Vyas, Pres.
K''lf'l o-ld PNt J.O. Af>o)-e, Pr-es.. Environment Preservation Society India
All India Campln& Association India A>huto>ll Upadhyaya, 0\airf><non
Zulfy Lalani, Pusidtnt

c ...... ___.. _ Palcl tan
All India Ctlme Prenntlon Society Lndla Federation of _ .. suan I
e. p, Nlcam, Pruld<nt Johnoon S. Kh&n, S.cy-C.n-
AII India Fed. 8ackwatd Clauc1, India Fellowthlp oJ R.ttonclllation, India lndla
.. T 'b Mathe CtOf'Ct Seq
SctM,cluled Canes N " Froe World Republic w. Cerrnany
and Rellslouo Mlnorltlts Emil o. Poter
Ram Awadhuh rruldtnt Fu.-.dcao Cldadf' da Pat Brazil
1\mcdC'an Mo ... tmeot f;'Ofld Cov' t U.S.A. Mauricio A. Ribeiro, Extt. V.P.
Arnold ft. ner&Jer, Future In Our Hands Malaysia
Arkedas Independent Newspaper Turkty Sczn Krishnan, President
India German Branch or W.C.P.A.
W. Germany
Emil 0. Peter, President
Or. Sandhu, Secretary Ccselhcha.ft fur Bcdrohte Volker w. Cermany
Se<:retary Jndl Timan Zulch, President
Assn. Cultural Conce}o Cornunero Sprlln Global Futures Network
O;.mlel c;, de Culla, President Reshml Mayur, President
Assn. des Etudes lntern.atlon lcs Tunbla Ewbe.nk, President
Rachld Or Iss, President
Association for Voluntary Action India Gospel fahh Minion
Ashutosh Chakrapanl, Excc:.Secy Rev, Ebenezer Jackle-Otoo
Association for World Education Denmark Cram Man1alam Sultanpur
Aa&e Rosendal Nleben, Pres. Shankarbhal N. Patel, Pres.
&>r>&Jolle>h American rri<Trl!Np """' 6aotldesh Cnmoou
Cote d
Kh. Sole man Ahamed, Chah man Mufrad Jamal, President
Banladesh Branch of W.C.P.A. Ban&ladtsh Green Aun. Prott'ction or Life Finland
E.A. Anwarul Majid, President faro President
ao&ladtsh Human Rl&htt Comm. &an&ladelh Croupe Solaire le Son Samarhan Cote d'I"Yolre
Rev. Or. Couln Cedieu, Pres.
Akram H. Chowdhuty, tC)' en. Movement or Iran Iran
Bethel Apo>tollc Cllurd\ Cote d'holre Dr, Adnan Mezarel, Preo-
.. of Lndla lndla Indian Housewin1 Federation
"" Miu Lianmen&l FaN1
Jt. Secy
Dr. DauJl CuptaC, Presldtnt Jamaica Indian Youth loc Dev- t Coop. India
Action roup Ashh Kumar De-, President
Qr. Roy Johnston, Pruldent Inn. des Alfalres lntemation.alu france
Ct:tltre fOf Communkatk>n 6: Oev. kldla
Swapan Mukhtr tee, SKJGen. Rodny Danltl, Chairman
-....-- Colt d'holre lnlt&rated Rural Comm. Dev. Soc .. lrw:li
Chrlst Apostolic "-"""'"'" P. SaepM:n, Pro&ramrne Coord.
Pstot A.A. rln&uwadt, Pru. Int. Ann. of Educators W'ld Peace U.S.A.
Ol<lstian Youth fello....,lp Nlcerla Dr Charles Mtrcleca, Exec. y_p,
Uwul&be, Cote d'Jvolre Int. Council Ovbtlan O>urch<s Cote d'lvolre
Church ol Ovln, Inc. r. F. Hunon., Presldmt
Rev. Bcutkon Yapl Jean, Prts. tnt. ftderadon of Rtli&ions n-,uand
Civil Suvlce lnter-natlonaJ Sri Lria Or. Suchar-t KosoUcitiwon&,
Samson Jayuln&"" Nat. Secy Cote d'lvolre International Friendship Lea&ue Portu&al
Cote d'lvoire &rand\ W .C.P.A. Mar-io franco, Coordinator
Or. P. K. CloverHc:rn&ns, Pres. lnltmatlonal Keitel 1nstitute
CCMA"H:.ll for Dtv .., EnvlronmtntaJ Maur1tlu1 Ms. Sumlko Nls.hino, V.P.
Studies and Conservation lnttrnatlonal Peace: Orcanl:.atJon Pakbtan
Rajtfl A-wotar, Chairman Am)ad Mahmood, Seelary
Dpdlkbud 1./rllvenltu Haoanuddln lnclonsla
Jr. Huan 6aorl Japanese Brand> of WCPA
Detrt environ. Constrvadon Or&: India Or. Takesht Karvkl1 Pres.
Or. s. L. HotSha, Sccy Jopan Women Council World fed. Japan
k U.S.A. Mrs. Suml Yukama, Pres.
Earth Licht Networ Justlcla y Pau
Ms. 8ever1ey l. &refl'let, Pres. Joan Comls, President
E15llse de Otli"Yranct L&nka Jathlka Sarvoday
Rev. Tslku Koku Ol z.ldonu India Shrarnadana San&amaya
En&ll>ll Speoklns Un on Dr. A.T. Arlyaratne, Pret.
S. D. Pandey
Cote d'lvolre
Sri Lanka
Note to OroanlEOtlons: Pleeu eltllmlnt thlo list carefully, If any
correction 11 needed, pleue lnfonn tho Secretary of the Prepanltory Committee, Pleue
ttlclude both the name and poaltion or Utle of the contact peraon for en orqanl:tetion,
If a chanoe 11 needed, wellu any chanQe In address. Thank you, The Secretary.
&ase Country
Ln&ue ol World Puce Ore. Ni&erla Service Clvll International
A. 0. Os.acuona, lr., Pres.
Sanowar Houafn, Nat. Stcy
M"dras Croup India ServJclo Pa.z 1 JusUcla
w. l. ArrutNra), Chairperson
Nelson CutbckJ, Coordlnelor
Mauritian &ranch ol WCPA Maurlthn
Smokln& & tltoak::ant 8an&ladesh
Mauritius Action Ol!arm- t Peace MaurJtlu:s Human Service Auoclatlon
Soodhakur Rami1.Jiah, Prtsldent
Md. ManiNnman, Seer
Mayan lndlsenous Cornmunlty Mexico Soc. lor Northem Samar O.v. Philippines
Hunbatz MHl, Presldtnt
Ll- Col. Pedro 8. Mtrlda
MIJIC'twdum rro}ect, the U.S.A. Soc:. Protect. to Animals
Srl Lanka
Or. J.l\. Knvtlman, rresldf'nt
D. H. 8alac:n.ndra, President
Mlo. Soldau de Dleu Cote d'lvolre Sotaen Nl&erla Limited
Rev. Aboua Thomas, Pre,.
Solomon 0. "&hotaon
Movm't fOf 'I' Of'ld Polhic.af Union OtniT\Irk Srl Lanka Branch ol 'II'CPA Sri Lanka
Joraen Laursen VI&. Preslknt
T. P. Amer&lln&he, Pres.
Nat. CooocU of Christian Olurchts Cote d'lvolre Sedloh-Asla Cooperation
Apostle J.'l'. Mensah, Pres.
Ms. Anna C. Erlkuon. Pr-es.
National You1h Or&aniutlon Bangladesh Tantanla Env!ron.mentaJ Society Tan&anla
M. Faztul Haque, Pres.
Huneln J. Chomba
Ntpal Branch ol WCPA Nepal Third ll'orld Network ol Sci. Ora. Italy
lion. M. 8. Pradan, Pres.
M. H. A. Hanan, S.cy-Geo.
Oduwa Club Nitria Telve Apostles Church
Cote d
Odl&le T. Fell, President Rev. baac Mensah, Prct.
One World Movement England Uolon of Arab Jurists Iraq
Errol !. Harris, President
AI-Mallkl, Secy-Cen.
Oecumtnlcal Social Echo round. Nigeria United Club
Johnson 0, Melooah, Pres. MD Mo .. mmel Haqut, Dlr.
Oscar A. Komero Cathedra Costa Rica United Clobe Association India
Lie. J. Artavla Alplzar, Dlr. Prof, N. R. Kaley, Pres.
PanAfrlc:a11 Peace Con3ress Nl&eria United Natlono Assn. ol Nl&erla Nicer Ia
Chief Akanbl Sannl, Secy Mrs. Tina Uwe-chue, V. P.
f'an African Council Ni&erla United Peoples U.S.A.
Eben t\dt. "dtnokan, Secy-Cen. Robert Rosamond
Papua New Culnea Inn. Med. Ru. Papua- UnlvtrMI Correspondence Ora. Nepal
Dr. Michael Alpers, Pres. New Gut nee Prof. R. K. Jlwanmltra, Pres.
Partido Verde Spain Unlv. Creat l!n>that>ood Solar Line VeM&ueta
Or. lost L. Barcelo, Pre-s.
Oomln&o Dlaz Porta, Pres.
Paz y Cooperaclon Spain '&'ar and Puce foundation u.s ......
Jo.qutn Antuna
Ms. Selma Brackman, PrH.
lnt - foundation foe Survival u .s . s.R_ '&'eltloderalluen e.V. W. Cormany
and Development of Hurnenlty C.rh&rd Hntl, President
Pentecostal Church of God Cote d'hoire World Cltluns Anembly u.s-A.
Bishop K. A. Charlu, Pru. Dr. L. W. Creon, Chalrpenon
People's hut. India World Chlxens Realstry, Canada Canada
Acdon and Re-s.euch Mrs. HeJe.n Tudcu
R. N. Hota, Adm. Olllcn' World Constitution t Parll&m<:nt u.s.A.
Pra&resslve Group of Bombay India (Ciobal) Philip btly,
Dr. D. M. Spenar World Democracy News u.s-A.
Provisional World C.blnet
GLOMl Rick Wlcko, Prnld<nt
Dr. T. Ameraoln&he lSrl Lanka.) World Federalist Youth Stilanka
Marcaret bely (USA) Tllak Ameruln&M, Seer
Philip bely (US"l World Con. Electlono Movement Stl Lanka
Ratamlnh Ra)da (India 8, S. <U\awardh&roa. Pru.
Reinhart Ruse (Medco) World Health Found. lor Peac:. Ollie
Rainbow Coalition, Calllomla U-S. A. Dr. Carlos Warttr, Pres.
Scott J. Starqutster World Muslim Concron Paltlatan
Royal Relcn Mlnbtry Cott d'Jvolre Dr, I. Khan, Secy-Goneral
Rev. Cedric Somlan '&'orld Survival Foundation U.S.A.
Sakal Chluno' Conference Japan Patrick Fox, Secy
cf Peace and Dt-mGoeracy 1rorld U.lon lntematlonal India
Rev, Dr. 8. Tsuchlyama, Pres. Samar Buu,
Sa vt Our Sho<"s U-S-A. Youth and Studt<lts 1./rllon Comoros
Ms. Beth S. Le-eds, Pres. Akbat All Saleh, President
Save the CIUidrtn Austria Youth lor O.v. & Cooperation
Dr. Olaf H. Pontratz, Pres. Jan Pakulski, Secretary
Humanl8t Movement of lren Iran South Aola Auoclatlon of NOOo Paklotan
OTHER ORGANIZATIONS ARE INVTTED to )oln u CoUaboratln& Orsanlutlons.
Please complete the suppoctln& resolution, which may be adopted by anf orcanlutlon In
an1 part of the world deslrln& to assist thls endeavOf for the aurvlva and welfat of
humanity on Earth. For further lnJocrnatlon, write tot PREPARATORY COMMITTe!
loc the Wocld Corutltuent AJ,.mbly, UIO Hoyt Street, Suite 31, Lakewood, Colorado
102U, USA. FAX 303-$26-211' or )0.}-233-4&00. Phone ()03) 23.}-)J .. or
(No collec1 calls.) Contributions lnvlt.OI
lor the World Constltuenl Assembly
atWJ the Prolslor,l World Parllarne.nt
DR. KilLMAN III)R/1111\M, Hungary
M.l'l Euslntt"q Govt. Mfnisteq
I''"' Nat. Au thorJty for Protection
nl f' wlrorunf'nt
lllt. MIILCOLM 1\0JSE.SIIIIIIl, lnrlln
EcououlstJ M.P.,
wM l)eJ) Olrec; tQr UNESCO
PI\KIIRUDDIN /\liMED, 1Janglado5h
ttt"erut f'04'rlsn Srcrel:uyr Amba.s.sador
to rAO, YuaosJa-.la, Creec:r,
to U.K.
l\etrltttr, Solicitor; M.P., Minister of
Lnbnt J AttorMy G4!utoral; Dean Faculty
of I ftw, Unlv. West IJwlies
t o the U.N.; ""' fotelgn
Mlulster ol Ecuador; Ambassador t o
e.e.c., llaly, Pe ru
I)R. KIIMI\L II. 111\T/\NOUNY. Egypl
l' n(, C'lf t!<'olc,r,y <.' nho U'"l
ln l. ( ' tKI\11l1nlh11 hw llw111m
I)U. 1'1! 1 H!t\ J f\Kllt\ I\Jr!ftVI1., N,ll w."'y
t It Wl'1'\ M IHI 'Otf"l f)f FlntUI('rl
Authur "l'll'umhtj!t In wny
lllt. <:OIIIN Cl!llll!ll, <:<>1< d'lvohe
trur au l'f'cl;t&t'&lr ('t 1
Autl1111t, l f" n.._.,
OR. Wll.III!RT K. CIIACIJL/1, Toumulo
1\lub ... '\"ftcb-- IO United Natl011'11
founrc Mlnl,tf'r for WaiN, Economic 1\fhalrs
0rve"ll'\pll1f"nl Chntn., U.N.
)' CIIN' 1\pplic.-. tlon of nnd
lf"t'111W'IIORY to 197.5-79
IJI\. SRII'f\11 CIII\NDRIISI!KIIIIIl, lu(ll o11d US/\
and I!COIOnlst; was M.P. eud
Mhthter ol !'tate tor ltcal th &. romlly Ph'mulngt
Pro,. at Universities In India and U.S.A.
Plli!NCII CIIIINC.IIIM, Soyche lles
Uhhop or St'yrhf' llt'$ ;,nd Arch bishop or thr
ProYince of the Indian Ocean
lnwyeq M.r., Playwright; Edltoq waJ
Minister Education, Social Welfare end
l'sychoiQ&IStJ Psyd110logy;
1\ulllOtl Sidney lillhnon Pdu Doole /\ward
OR. 1)/\VIO 0/\UDI!, G.rmany anti US/\
Ptole'50f of Jurisprudence and l..ftw,
at Cambridge, Oxford, UniY. Calif. , etc;.
C:hlef Justice, 19fttr-90; was Lawyer, M.P.,
Me:1nber Coustltutlo11al Conl erencesJ
1 f'ncht-r and Joumalist
OR. /I DEM YO hUr.OtJI, Nlgerlo
U.N. Under Sec. Ger1 and r..x.,c. Sf!c. U.N.
r:,..onon1lc Comm. forJ\frlca alnce 1975; Pre f). ,
l\fllr.4n il nn. Public Admin. & Mngt. H-83:
Author books on New lnt. Economic
DR. DAVID EllSTON, canada and U.S./I.
Prof. Political Science, Unlv. Q)Jcaso,
Unlv. Cellfor111a, Queens Unlv.J was
Pres. 1\m. PoiJtlcal Science Assn.,
Author severe.1 books on Political Scleuee
Mayor of Phlladolphla lnte 191J
rrofeuor, Lawyer, JournallstJ
l!dllor of Law and Life weekly!
Cov' t Minister 197lll -10
Nobel Chemistry, I n}l Pres. In I.
Union of C.ystallography 11..a1 f\ul'-
100 scientific articles
Principal Ecologist lor Stale Commlllte
lor Pooplo EducaiiO<>I Head ol l!eotosy
Lab, Moscow State UniY.
KIIURSIIED 1\L/\M KilliN, India
GoYcmor of State of CCJI!ll wes F'orel511
Mlultter of Jndl&
liON. JUSTICI! MICII/11!1. KIRBY, llutrllo
Prtsldrnt, C:oort C'll AppeAI:s, c.;o, u t
of New South Wftlf"3J Chru\u., UNl!SCO
oo Rl&hU of reo.,Jcu on f.xec. Cttee
Conunluloo of luorb11
1\ttoruerJ Nuclear A.se Peace
Olr. lnst. of Earth's Crusta Metnbtr
Supreme SoY1et USSR 1971-191 Chnnn.
Presidium E. Sib<erle.n Olv. Academy ol
DR. JUR. 1\D/\M LOP/\ TKII, Poland
Oer,uty, f irst Pres. Supre me Court1
l'tes. Polh h Lawyers Assn. 1972-S It on
Exec. Cttee. Int. lt)s t . Rights of Man
Oir. Cen., National Medica l JnJt.j was
Mlnbler o! Heohh, and of Educatlont
Owmn. U.N. Ui'lherslty was
PrHident, University of Jordan
Mem. Notional Councll1 was Mkllsle<
Slate lor Foreign 1\Jfai<SI Min. Lobo<
and Public Senlce
DR. ALl A. MAZRUI, Kenya and US/\
l'ror. PoUtkal Sc. a ud llumanltles at
Makerere Univ., Harvard, Northwestern,
Unlv. Michigan, State U. New York, etc.
Dlr. 1\Jrlca n S.c. World Order Models
Prof. Chemlstrn was V, 0Hmc;ellor UnlY.
Rnja.sthan and Delhh Pres. ludlan Chemical
Soc.J participant In dozens of Jntt'rnational
Exhibit N3
lllt. JUit. LIIZI\Il MOJSOV, Yucoslovla
Collect ive l'resldcncy l;l'r-IIJ
1911 Ut l'ru, of )2nd
Sc:ulun ol U.N.t tenn. Rr.p. to U.N.
J9G9-11.11 O.rtnn. Sc:curlly Council J97JJ
liON. JUSTICI! M.J./1. MOONS, Ne lloorlo111ls
llccenl l'ltsldeut Cour t of Nether ..
lnHcls, t'lt.d of Courtt AdvocMe
t:rtM:tnl .,,.. f.(.t shtcc I?Ci(i
1\, T. MOOtlTIIY, laukn ruul U.K.
or Mc:rn, Cmb:\SSy to luUoncsln
t:hh:\, <;.., m:my, Th.,UO\t"KJ, nntl '
l'1khl:'1tJ Ulr.h <:umntl:nluu<'r lu tJ.f<. t?GJ -t.J
l'IIMI Mrm. U.N. ICC' 1\\ht
lllt. I. ('; . MIJIH;&JJ.I:.SC:U, Uotn:.ul:l
l't4'1f. C.lK"tnhll y, Uul'f. llttr.h.nest
(ret.); luuucr -..uulster l!docntJon a1td
f't es. tl0tni\11Jnu t\cadtlll)' or WO\J
V. l'tr. COt-cll of Stnttl nctiYc: In front
C'lf N.'\tloHrtl
JOSI!I'II 1\, MIIIIIIMnt, Kr11yo
M. 1'. slu1.c l ?f.JJ wM Minister (If Stntc,
:md Mlttlstcr AUnlrsr V.f'rc:s.
of Kc:uyo, 19titiJ Asst. Se-c. MoYcmcut
lor Col(lulol f'r cetlotn 19.52-'&
rttor. Ott. MVCNC Coonoroun
Sec. Cc:n. f'l'ln /\frlco.n Moyernc:lt or
Christian fulellcctuobr Prof. fllstory; Co-
Pre,, World Coetf. ncllclon &
CofouucJer, Uulon ol Ulock Wlrhcrs
l'ltOI'. G/11\ltii!L OLIIKUNLI! Nlcorla
Olrcctnr Ccnc:ral., Hleerl.1n Lstllutc of
lntctnoiiOital 1\lfaln
liMOS l>raol
Nonlhll of l'nmcc's U.C:st
Fooolcn Novel of ""
1'1101'. Ll!N/1110 !'Ill, llungnry
l'hy!llc: h11 rt<'' Ollie(' lor TechrwiCir,y
1\(-vrot uucut 1?7a .. (;('u. s ...c. lh"'C:rtt lm;
/\c;nktny c!l 11rs. 1nterco:;uos
t:ouull A\tlhctr 2n Sdcntlfic; Articles
1'1101'. M. S. 111\JIIN, hullo
lllr., IKIInn School Int. Studies 196,71, l'rol.
Int . AI l. Nclru UuiY. 1?7J ottwnrti!IJ
f:J t, AUnhs of Ni111, 1'98'1-S(,, huthur,
''""" lu World Alfnlu, Studlu on Nou-AIItmucut
C:hcmlsH y l'cut. et mnny ,. ,ivcrsltlc-s tndla
U .. c;.A. o.nd U.K.t Olr ., lncJI"'' bulltute ol '
St:-icHCC'Sl Fou:wlhte Third World
SdcuccsJ V. l'tcs. hldiftlt t\cad. Sciences,
Aulh, JOO rcKD.tch Pfr.ers
01\. S. K. SI\XIlNJI, India and canada
Ollcctor, hlltrnr'ltlonal Cooperative
1\lllotiCe, ""-Ut now Consuflomt on
Social .!< Economic O.v.j
f aa.lty EnvJronrnt.ntal Se .., York UnJv.
01\. CLI!NN T. SI!I\OORC, U.S./I.
Nobc:l Prize Chooulury, ""' Chronn. U.S.
1\lonolc l!oer&r Comm. 1%1711
OJltl Jonncr Choncc:Jior Unlv. Celli. ot
!lorkei<YI llssoc. Dlr., Lawrmce llerkeley
Lobs.J Pres. Int. rta llorm Assn1 was Pre.s. ,
lnl. Chemical Sciences In O.velopment
PROF. DENNIS BRUTUS, South Africa & U&\
ducat and Poet; Prof. at 1evensl Unlv1,
U .s,r., and Enviend olnce 1983; Chrmn.,
Africa Network: V.hel. Union of Writen
of 1\frlcan People; Many a-ni.
Ott. KI!WI\L SINCI-1, India
J'orerc, Seeretery, J972-7'J 1\mbossedCM" to
Cntnboc.lle, Sweden, Finland, U.S.s.n..,
the U.S.A.J 111&h Cornmlsdoner to U.K
Pakbton1 Cov't deletate to numerous lnt.
conferences1 Prot., \'blt1n& Profusor et
UnlYcr&lt lcs In USA
Olr., C:eutrc for nesearc;h on Svstelnoble
Af;rlc. II llunl Oev.J was l>lr. Gen., Int .
U c;c lleaearch lelSt. In Philippines, l'res.,
Int. Peel. A&rlc. Rese1rch Systems for Dev.f
1\ulhot 200 researc:h piJpen
of SIJdchnJ was 1\mb. to ltely
11\0, and Llbya1 Union Minister ol Slolt
lt"Hon dtle&alc '""'"Y Int. l'rc:s.
or Owtuu., various ctlee:s and couutlls on
ccoloc,y, n1lnorltles, trade Uld: denlop4nent.
fnully pfannlnt, etc.1 Author, nurnerous boolu
Co-louttdc:r, then Stc.Cen., Southwest
Africa People's Or&ilnlutJonl WCLS lc:11der
SIV/1!'0 delegallon lo U.N.; Now: of
Mineo & lnduotry
TOMOS, China (Mongolia)
Wellkno wn Chinese oil pe.lnterJ Dun of
!'Inc /Iris, lnol<r Mongolia Normal Collece
Lawyer1 Member many U.N. Comrnlttee:s
on lc-co l mntters ltlCI. Law ol Sea,
lew, etc;., Re&istrar at
Nobel !'cace Prlte "n: llrchbbhop of
Cape Town, !llsl10p of Johao.,.sburgt
wat S.c. Cen., S. 1\frlcan Cound! Ch..-chet
Dlt. GI!OitGI! WIILD, U.S./I.
Nolocl Lnurcole In l'rof. ()lolotJ ot
I lnrvord t lnce 19J,, Peor

TrJbunol At llotne since J9101 ltadlns partlclruut,

speaker tnany peace <=on'tentlons afl<l rnovernents
DR, 011 VIO Ill/IN W Ens land
l'tof. nrwJ Olr. ltese.-.rdt lru'Utute or
Photosyutlw:tlsJ /\uUIOf" UO pubUc;atkN
011. L Y /ILL W II TSON, troland
UlolotlsiJ ConservotlonlstJ Televltlon rroduc:er
and trescnter, BUCJ orcanlz.er of hUmerO\a
l'rol. l!ngllsl., Poetr PuliiiZe< rrlu ,,7,
l,rc:s. and Ow.ncelfor Am. Academy Aria
and Letten.
Lawyer, l'rot. Constitutional law, Yarnw
Uoolv. tlnce 196&1 Mlnlstor of Justice 1911o4Jt
Mc:"'ber of Syem slnee .,121 0 1alrman
Council Mlnlste,.. 1911-&61 V. Prea. Int.
1\un. ol Constitutional 4w U&7
Profe11or of Chemistry: Nobel Prize In
Chemlotry, 1954; Nobel Prize lor Peeco,
1962; Lenin 1970; !'rei, Unu1
Pa 1111119 I not. of Science 1 nd M..Siclne
Exhibit N4
IIONOR/\1\Y Sl'ONSOltS 51!COND 1\0DENDUM, ''May, 1970
(!Cil 1\1\ltYIK, M.J., Norwf\y
r:ull:uncntl ot le&tln&
scnrl\1 years hom 1'171fJ Chairman,
Norwcghm Nobel Cotnmlttcto.
1!011'/\RO /\SNtR, U.S./\,
1\c:\Ofl Pres. Screen Acton Culhi, 19at .. a'a
' ('.olden Clobe Rnd 1 Euuny 1\..,ards.
ItT. liON. TONY OENN, M.P., Unhcd Kln&do111
Parll:)meut sln<:t" 19}()J was C1trmn.
Lobor l'arty; wl\s Minhter ol Tt-chnology and
Pocq we.s 5<:-c. ol State for Industry. and
Ia< Energy.
SllllfHI 1\IIUSll/\N, LL.ll., lndla
Stulor 1\dvoc..'\le a t Svprcme Covrt; Minister
of tnw 811d lwtiLe, 19]7 .. 791 Lc:.dcr ln<lia
Del. to U.N. Conh. law of Sea1 Trcas.
Bharatlya Party, 1979-16.
Computer Sdcntht roet; Author,
lnfnrlnatlon Procculng ol Chinese Laugu11gc,
lln&uhtlc:s RHd Modern Science, V.Pres.
8eljln3 1\ssn; Prof Buddhist Culture.
Senior Judge, Supreme Court, Northwest
TtrrltodeSJ Olr., CanadiAn lnst. Admin. ol
Justlc.e, and Can3dlan Judicial CouncJ11
1\dv., Human Rights Institute.
01\LKRISIIN/\ Y. 005111, India
1\rchl teet and rlanneq Dlr ., then Chrmn.,
then llenn, for Envlr<>tuncmtal Planuln&
and Tech., 1\hmedobad, since l972; Olr. Va.stu-
Shllpn round. for Environmental Oesl&n
J\1 f.X/\NI>I:.R OV"C:flK, Cnchroslovnkla
i';es. ol r:ecJcrflll f\Sstmhlyl Uc:ghmin& In 1962,
w11s Mem. thrn Sec. Central Cttee
of CP ol SloVIkla, then Ctedoslovaklar then
Metn. Exe-c. Ct tte rre:3ldlum, then Oalrman
of fed. Assembly, 1969, a&;,ln currently.
l'llOF. llR. 11/\NS.rETEil OUERR, Germany
l'hydclst Mem. Olrtoctornte
1nst. fur Physik, l97l-on, then Chnml., from
1917i Chnnn. Od. Global O'allef'\&CS Networkl
on l!xec. Commit tee Creehpeace.
OR. llOI.I' EIJBI!RC, Sweden
Joumallst; Editor several Newspapeu; M.P.,
17U-lr1 l)el. to l}.N. 19l26h Governor,
V:ttml;\1'<1 rroJ. 1967-71t Ocl. lo Ols.;,;rrna-
mf:ut Stockholm tnt. renee ln.st.
197l ..7Sr 1\uthor, 1\ Hotse Jn the Cosmos,
atld on political, ecological subjects.
NlO e.KJ\NGI\.Kl. C.;,;meroou
Sec. Cen., Or& /\lrlcon Unity, 1972-7'1
1\dvlser to rresldcncy since .,,,, M.P. many
yr.,n; "'ns Min. /\flairs, Puhlk
llc;llth 6. r'op., Lnbottr Welfartl
0.1. to sev. h1t. U>bor Conh.l Pnty Se<:y.
111\l RAM JI\KHAR, ln<lla
M.P.1 Speaker ol l.ok Sabha, 1710-Us wn
Pres. Commonwealth Parliamentary 1\nn.J
lion. Speaker, I 91} Session of Provisional
World Parllarnent.
JAN KI\ROL M.D., Poland
Prof. EpldetnloiO&YJ Pres. Polhh Acdemy
Sciences, 19MSIJ Mlnlller, Uuhh c\ Social
W.Uort, 1761-721 M.P. sln<:e 171ll Chunn,
Presidium, Ecolo&lc.al Sodal Movemellt.
BEN M. LEJTO, Netherlands J\ntlltes
M.P., 17J7-621 Lt. Gov. 1761-70, then
Governor, U69-I)J wa.t Pres., ll-ank of
Netht'rlands Ant. "''701 now Mem.
Council o( State of Netherlands.
U.s.S.R. - Astronomen Prof. Astrophysics,
Moscow Univ. since 191f61 V.Pres., Astronom-
Ical Council, Soviet Acad. Sciences since
1'72J Chrmn. Cttee Jor Space Research}
V.Pres., Soviet Peace Cttee, and USSR--USA
friendJhip Society.
HON. KE!l/\ M'lll\ YE, Senegal
Judge at Int. Court Justice, The Hague, since
U12, V.Pres. since 1917t lmr Pres. Svpferne
Court, Sene&ala Jmr. Chrmn. Comm. on Human
Rl&hts, and Int. Cttee on Comparative L.aw.
MIHAJLO MIIIJIJLOV, Yugoslavia, llvln& USA
Fonner Prof. Zatreb Unlv.J l1ter Lecturer ..00
Prof. Unlvs. In US/\1 V .Pres., Democracy lnt.J
CouunentUor, Radio Free EuropeJ on Ed. Brd.
Kontlntnt, Trlburia, Forum Ma&ll author
Planetary Consclousncn.
M0111\Mf.O EZZEOIUI! MILl, Tun41o
Oply Sec. Ge.1., then Sec. Cen., lnt. Tele-
communh;atlons Unlocl, Chlel Del.
of Tunisia to I.T.U. Conferences.
R.IIM Nl'f 1\S MIROIII\, ln<lia
M.P., Ra}ya Sabha, since 19671 fmr. Minister
llome 1\llalrs, ol Supply and Rehabllltatlon,
of External 1\Ualrs, of Communlcatlon.s, of
Textiles, ol Health t Family WeUarer Hon.
Pres. '1/orld Fed. ol U.N. Anoclatlons.
Founder, Publisher and Edltor of SclenUUe
1\mcrlcan slnee 19UI then Oarmn. Boardt
TruJtee many human welfare orcanlutlons.
Pro!. Computer Sciences, 19U-'7, then
Dean Moth., then Rector UniY. Solla, 177)-
791 M.r. Since 17761 now Pres. llulgarlan
/\cad. Selene .. ! Hon. Pr ... tnt. Assn. Unlw I
l!x, Cttee Int. FOt.ltdation for Survival and
Development of twmanlty.
PROF. JOSEI' SIMUTH, Czechoslovalda
Prof, Molecular lllology, poclallst Cen"
lngenerlng of F00<1, Int. Legis. lor Control
ol Rocomblnant ONA.
Olr., 1\lrlca hut. of ussn 1\c.Gdeln)' SclefiCH
since 197GJ 11it\$ Minister Plenipotentiary,
l:mbDS$)'1 Prof. SociGI Sciences)
AulttOr many bookSJ son of 1\ndre:Y Gromy1<o.
Canada - Lawyeq fmr, Member Perllarnent1
fmr. Minister Comrnun., Md of Revenue1
Oel. to U.N. 177'76t Gen. Counstl and CEO,
Flrestoue Canada1 Chmn/CEO Clobescope, fn<:,
Clobcscope, Inc.
OR. 11. ROilERTO lli'.RREill\ CI\CI'.RI!S, llondurM
Prof. Jut. Law, ltonduras UuJv.J 1\ntb. to U.N.
191)-BGI V.O,nun. U.N. Lcsal Mcrn.
Court 1\rbltntlon, The lta&ue slnce 1977, Spec.
on law of Seal 1\mbassador sev. countries.
Fihn Olr. and Screen WrJ1er1 Aeademy Award,
Best Olr., "llorn on 'th ol July," 1990, also
!lest Picture, Best Olr., "Platoon, 17861 other
pictureS! Sa!Yaclor, 'fall Talk Radio,
Exhibit N5
IIONOI,\1\RY SPONSORS - 1\DDENDUM, 20 1\prll, 1770
1\liKU I\BIJIII\K/\R1 Nlg.rla
Buslrtut Polltlchm.
OR. SAMIR AMIN, Egypt and S.nogol
Olr., U.N. 1\frlcftn Jnst. l!conomlc Oev.
ond rhmnln&l 1\frlcart Dureau In Senegal
of Third l'orld Forrn1 Prof. E!cooomlcJ,
Oil. NfiSSIR El.OIN EL-/\SS/\0, Jordan
Ro)'el /\cademy hlarnlc Clvllh:allon
former Mlul!'tt"r of
r.ducaUont f'res., Unlv. of Jordtm, 1961-IO.
lllt. lleNRY R. C/\SSIRI:R, Frnnce
l>h., Man Me<JI;, ht r!dur.fttlon for lJNP.SC01
I'' oducer TV docv111culntles, end Uulv.
Tr.::tcher of TV oud public nffahs pro&rarn-
lnhl&l to many developln&
on u.se of Mass Media.
Pli!TI!R YI\N OIJK, S.J.D., Netherlnds
l'rof., lntemaUont'l Law at Utrecht Ul\lv.
aud Unlw. Chnou. Netherlands
lnstllute llunan !lights since 19821 O..legale
10 U.N. USI, 1733, and 19861 author.
Scc-Cen, then rresldcnt of rartl /\lrlcaln
de l'lndepcndrncca l'ctlve ln many
or&;,nltatlonst phortnllclstJ polltlchm.
Prof. Chemlstry1 rtcent Minister oJ Sdence
& Technologr1 was V.Clan., Unlw, ol Jos1
recent Pres. Nl&erlan /\cademy of Sciences.
Social Worker, welfare of Wfllnel"' al"'d
chltdrt[l_l Mem. Parll;'lmtnt, 1'6rt-70J
Mlnloler lor Soclol Wellore, 1767-701 ""s Sec.
Gcu. V. Pfes. All tucJia Women's Couf.
Wrller1 former editor, ThueJ author many
books1 V.rres., 1\uthor's Lengve ol Arntrlca,
19U-H, then rre 197,!01 Prolessor at
Yale, slnee 197'1 0-aneellor, American
1\caderny Arts and lettets, 1911-1',
R YSZI\RD Kl\rlJSCINSKI, l'oland
JotNnelhtl wllh Sttnud;,r Mlodydt, then
l'olltykn uutll U6J, U\t'11 cones. rollsh
Puss A&C"ncy, n11d Kulturna 0f'puly Owum
Poland 2000 Ctlee, Polish /\cod. Sciences.
OR. JUL U\C, Norwoy
rrof. of Soli ScltltCeJ Rector 1\lrlc. u .
Norway, 1961-7 h then a,mn. A&rlc. Co\aldl
NorWAfl rreJ., Horwtala" /\cad. Sclertce
and Letters, l976-nt author I books.
UR. Bl\l KRIStiNA MI\UI\N, India
Ecor10nlsl and llonkeq l!>ec. Olr. k1t.
Morelory fUild, 17'6'0. was Exec. Dlr.
then Deputy Gov. Rt"Se-rve D.ank of 1ndle1
on many U.N. and ludla CornrnltteeJ on
Economic Oel Man. Oev, lrut.
Astronomer at rarlt Obsenatory, then
Olr. of Nice Observatory! Cfll. Se<:., Int.
lltrooomleal Union 1"1-671 then Olr.
Jnst. 1\strophyslque, ParlsJ and Owm".
Nat. cu .... Scientific and Tech. Culture
Prot. Nuclur Phy;lcs at SW Jnst., then
Pro!. Biophysics at Calculi& Unlv.1 and
VIce Chancellor 1777131 Member Parlla
ment since lH'1 V, Chrmn. Rafya Sabha,
Pres . Foundation for nvlronmtntal Conaer
wallon, an<l World Council lor Blosphere1
l!dltor, Environmental Cousenatlon, since
t91t Sec.-Cen. several Int. Confs. on
environmental Future1 Prof. at mauy unler ..
slt1e:s1 author maoy boo&cs1 leisure lntere.sh
developlna new ldeat Into plans foe" action.
Lawyeq Pro!. at Unlv. Cen. del Ecuador
since 17ns MlnlSier FO<el&n Allalu, 1767-
611 was Pres. Jnter-Amerlce.n Comm. Econ.
CooperatlonJ Mem. U/'1 Human Rights Comm,
Oarrbter before Supreme Courtl Ambassador
to U.N. """I Pres. U.N. General
1\nembly 176'6l1 Minister Forel&n 1\llalrs,
1 "' 661 was 1\mbassador to USA, Mexico,
and Cuba1 Pres. Chana U.N. Assn.
OR. Sl\ Yl!. QI\SSEM RESIUTIII, 1\lghanlslan
lilstorlan, Writer. Olplomt1 was Editor,
Kabul M&l Mlnlsler ol Information, 19"-
ns Pros., Gow't Economic Plannln& Brd.l
then Minister Flnancet V.Chrmn., Constllu
tlon Draftlnc Comm.J /\mbasndor to U.N.
and to I c:o<.ntrles1 0..1, to NonAll&r>ed
JIRJ SI!QUENS, Czechoslovokla
Film and TV Olrec1or1 Head Jllm dept.,
Union of Czoch. Oramatlc and Film 1\rtlstss
Head Oept. fllln a TV Olreclln& ol 1\eod.
Perlormlng 1\rtss Olrector many Jllmo, TV
aerlals, documentarlts.
Wrlteq wa.s Pres. , 1\ssn. Hebrew Wrltt:UJ
/\word !rom Clly of Jerusalem, Blalllc
Prize of Tel-Awlv, Newman Prize ol N.Y.
IOOW A SOfOLI\, Nigeria
Lawyer, Advoc-ate of Nlaerlal rectnt
Central Sectelary, Nl&erlan Bar 1\ssn., and
ol International liar 1\ssn,
Cenetlcbt1 Dlr. Gen., 1ndlan Council 1\grlc.
Research on<l l!duc.l Olr. Gen. Int. Rice
nenarch lntt.l Owrnn. UN Cttee on
Science and Tech. for DeY ..J rres., Int. Fed.
ol 1\grlc. R .. earch Systems lor 0.
OR.. SOL TAX, U.S,/\.
Prof. Emeritus Anthropology Unh, Chlca&OI
Edltot, Current 1\nthropo!OJJ one! World
Anthropolo&YI Pres., Int. Union Anthn>po
logical and Etlnologlcal Sc., U'l-76J Olr.,
CouncU lor Study of Marl<lncl, U6)-7,,
OR.. WALT!R 1!. 1liJ.RJUNc, Austria
Pro!. ol Physics, Unlwenltlet of Be<ne,
of VIenna, ol Mus. lnst, Tech., of
Wuhln&tont Author 120 ocltnUilc papero.
Prof. Economlca: fmr, Preo, Greelc Econ,
Ann., Prea, Medltemsneen Social So, Re-
aeerch Cen., Rector, Untv, Salonllca.
Exhibit N6
192 En Route to Global Occupation
Design and Action for a New World
Design and Action For a New World, is the principal document
being circulated by the WCPA to promote its global agenda (Exhibit
0}. The publication reproduces bills that have already been passed
and enacted into World Law by the Provisional World Parliament By
showing how much progress has already been made toward the form-
ing of a world government, it is hoped that credulous personalities
from around the world will begin to support the Plan, creating a band-
wagon effect
The eleven bills that have been enacted at the first three ses-
sions of the Provisional World Parliament are listed on the front cover.
Bills 1 through 5 were enacted as World Law in Brighton, England,
in September 1982 at the first session of the Provisional World Par-
liament Bills 6 through 8 were enacted at the second session held
in New Delhi, India, in March 1985. The final three bills became World
Law in June 1987 at the third session of the Provisional World Par-
liament in Miami Beach, Florida. Bills 2, 7, and 11 deal with global
finances and Bill 5 concerns the establishment of a World Court Sys-
tem. These four bills would most adversely affect Christians.
These acts and others yet to be proposed will become enforce-
able once national governments ratify the world constitution. They
cannot become legally effective within a given nation unless that
nation suspends its existing constitution (or significantly alters the
same) and accepts the new world constitution. This would most likely
occur in the United States through the holding of a constitutional
The WCPA Itself realizes that the ratification process "may take
five or ten years or longer." Thus, according to its own projections,
the formation of the world government would occur sometime be-
tween 1993 and 1998, since this document was printed in 1988.
On page one of Design and Action you will notice a "Partial
List of World Problems" (Exhibit 02}, which the WCPA cites as rea-
sons for needing a world government Of the forty-nine problems
listed, a total of fifteen deal with the environment; seven relate to
military concerns (disarmament, prevention of war and terrorism),
six have to do with world hunger or poverty; and four deal with in-
ternational monetary matters.
Notice that the WCPA cannot make up its mind as to whether
we are heading into a global warming or a global ice age (Exhibit 02;
Problem 115} .... But whichever the case may be, it is a reason for
a world government
Part Two-The WCPA
The WCPA effort to form a New World Order is not based on
need but on the hidden agenda of the occult secret societies to bring
the world under their control in order to usher in the reign of their
"World Teacher": the Antichrist
Exhibit 01
Design and Action
'3or A New World
Eleven Major Bill s Enaclell rnto World Law At The First Three Sessions 01 The
Provisional World Parlia1nent
Oroanlnd undar Attlde XIX of the Conmuuon for the ol
metino on .Cth 10 17th 1$12, at Brighlon, E.notano.
on 151h 1o 251h March. 1815. et Ht O.lhf, Ind ...
and tt&h &0 28lh Ju,_, 1817, at Mlooltnt &.ed\. Ftotida. USA.
8allf1, toOuUawNucfNrWeaponaendOthorWeapons of Maaa
Desttuction, and to Create a Workj Oiiarm.arnUflt Agenc.y
8iH 12. fo. a Wcn-ld Or&anll.ahon, 10
lniUQUflll a New WOfkJ Economic Ordr
BUit3. l0< the Ow-ship. AdminlatrotJon ond oe .. oopmont or
llwo O.:.ona ond Seabeds of Eorlh u 1he Common t.r.rotoge ol
tlwo P-.,ple ol Eonh
Bill 14, lor a G11duata School of Wortd PrOblems. 1-5 pat1 ola
World University Sy,'-m
Bll IS. for PrO.Uiooal Obtrtct Wort4 Courtt
BMI t8, for an Earth Reacue Adminlslratlon.
pi.rtlc:ularty to AYe the Environment. logethor with a h$1 of 35
bet*ils rnuC1ing from the lmplem.nttUon of Bdl t&
Bltl 17, for 1 World GovernrMOt funding Corporation, to
finance I he enthe program Indica led by all mu .. suJOS In
lhll booklet
BUI a. lor W0<1d Commfulon on Tonorlsm
B. I tQ, to Prot.ct Life and Nature on Planet Earth, and IO Create
a Global Mlni1lty ot Envlronmenl
Bill 110. lor o World Hydrogen Ene<gy Syatom Authority
BJII 111, tor ao Earth Ftnenclal Cr.cllt Corpor ...uon
C.U for RatUJeet'on of the ConatltuUon tor II Ftdorwllon of
p.gos 3 6
poges 10 II
1>011" 12 13
poges 14 IV
pagtt 27.29

Pll n 3>
Earth . tooetntr wllh a diagram for Wotld Gtrvurnmont 39 40
Calf to the ProvlalonaJ Wdttd Patllamtnt In aide hont and IJ.-ek covurs
(which require ll world legialuturt and a world government Itt h:vit nnd 111\JIIt'nu.:nl udc,luutc linl utioru.)
nei'INITION: World prublem which troneccncllliHiwtul .-ml rcc,uircllwl bululicm:t Ill.:
wurkcll out uud impl.:mcnh:d un u .:luhul ur trutui nul iullul either i 11 t culitdy Mu:.t w ... l,(

ovcrluv und Utlil rclul4:d to other world JHul.llt.:nUI, unc.l inter rclulctl llot1luttuuli
1. weapon. apread of nucl .. r threat of
nucl .. r war and nu.elr.u winter.
2. Othtr wupone of ma .. de1tll and dutruction.
3. lrada in annamcnta; many local war
which eoutd militor1 Jt&Ocrutlnr prNaurt
for lj:C-ner tion or wupon .
i . 1'ht prCM:e.. dillurmomenl! by whet
wnHuhlltl or muhil trul1 how the llra lt:J}' of
nuelur lr-:1ue? what world PQiitical requirtmenlt for dit
!J, Convcrion from armamtn ... to a p ... c:dul world econ
omy. 1'lle decentroliution and tub-tontradine ol well pont
production and mUitary RicO, pcrvadinr all
whic:h c:-tdt I rUt PUIIIjjUrt MCai net diaannamtnl
6. Neurly a trillion dollert 1a.;enl annually on war prtpar-
aliont, duminatina and pr,oritiN.
wa&tinr mon'y ond ond the wurld't
dtntilic: toltnla.
1. Nudetr tntrJ)' production, whlch tpreedt thtceptbility
to nuclear W1:6AJ.10n . lu.:t.a ulu.ulvtJ
problem. and up.en.1 door-t /or t.enori"" to tttl nuclear
8 Third world dtbt and development: lmpo11iLIIily l4
continua rec:ye;lin1 and debt aul.:rity tuuditiunt
of .:tobtall'inuc:iul infrat lruc:iur wtt iiUut
9. Tran1iti1Jn to Now Wurld Ot'dc:r; llllw con t ill
be Wht kind uf 1\c:w linu.nce, credit
money I)'Mllt11'1, whieh Clln flltUtt
lulll.'mplo)'mont lilt wCirk fur ... n. nd wlubu.l
HI Kupid lntrl tlll ol diux1do in utmo.t)hl!l'l.', wlnc:h
"'">' in CMIUd)'ll tnt c dimutt(; chlllllln. C02 iucuuu
.:utnintt (rum L11rmna ftlluil fud. mlilhtve de: turc:lutl un. uud
de 1\liftt:tllilation uf 1110H1
ll . Add r in, and twn11 ntdonl uir $lvllutiun.
12 Suil ttrO.iGn, lo ullltI.Oil, inl'h' lll ul o o ..r .
ol waencullur.JI $hJuctivtl)', lmt mmc cic:

13 UltCif wOc.HJ and aninut l d11011 for Ct1Uti n1 tlj.ircudinll
uncl lu111 ot fl.'tlility.
lo&. IUaptd cullinar or ruin fures111 fur wood nd l.lfticult un.
ltudinw tCIIo... of and aloU11t clunulic d itatcr L(ICIUIOC
funat11 oro needed to ob1orb C02.
JS. Thrut ol a utw icc 11 or mehine polar cap; WMch?
It ow 1100n? Conlt((Ut:nc:u? Cun thi be Tht: Kkibul
campaitr' required.
16. Global trnition (t'Qm f'utl a nd nuclat eneray
to .. f and tuatainable aupplie:a.
17. of hiU.n not dependent
on oil, co ...I ot nucl11r powe:r.
18. lJ-.e of lond to produce l...,bocc:o, aloohollc L.veuwu.
har.nlul dru.c. uuar. nd to .. , i.fy meat diets, mukine
11horuawa o( hmd (or cuentio.l (ood production.
J9. condit ion which art incrc!aainc andpreodu111,
rt.uhinll in llr.rvation and or million or pco,llt:
Cauu and cure?
20. Prn1ure ol populadon oo rno"rCN, and di(tiC'Uitic of
binl1 cuntr.,l: Huw mony c:an Eurth t''"Y?
t.i111,1u1lr1huhun u( world fuvd r.:.Muhin.,; 1n
pr\:d ululnultihon. rnwlcin.r l n m;al
thrttut to civilhatinu,
'l'r,u umutiuunl J,ul luti>n offr.:lllh w11h:r II UJJJIIin, Truns
4.111 limit-.f frc11 h wutcr utJJ)Ii
Oc.'"' Jlllllutlnn whicll threul11n1 t-: urth' fih and
vanrc:u II'UJIJ! Ii-. l'ullutiun vi uccQII frtltnlrututvort, drdl inc
und pumpinae of oil: It ow lonjf C:o6n tint 10 un L.dur< nf
lh uc:hn?
24 Cl.lima b)' natiou of 200 lttil\111 (the udu11i.,e
tconomie "one under ufsca11) whieh c:ontuin mw.t
or cuil >' uc;c.an rc1ourcu
:l5 ut of pt!l!llitldce t u I>\."1.J>h: .,...hich
111lu wutld trudc in (oud, whill.' .:et mnre virull.' nt.
26. r.ruwiu"' of world t UIJIII)' on 111i ni uw
wult:r acqui ft:tll. incrutt of IWIUiution iu h ut dry PftUI
plu i.lir conditioninr; trite 1ituulicma oon.
2'1, lt ... pWity u( chun.:-.'111, in h .. -elmu
IOi l <!wl un.:mployme.:. t. oc:il und ccumnuniay instbihtiu,
unrun""tn adveuc ecolojlical im,l:tCta,
28 Oitplu4.:4tment of noatur41l nw maanial11 by eynth('hC'II,
rtuhma in o(livhh,kJdll (I( in raw
IJrududnw: ruM.
29 Vnu dip"riliet bttwun hi technoi.J*.Y lmd
mnnuAI lubor ur low techn(I IOiY cconomie11 pruct.lloll or
trun1d11r o u1tu Lcu.lit
ao WorldwiJIII I'Urtll ucbllnU .IIIUU,
pu.fliaii.'IUJJIOymenl, aociul
31. Or in und rctr tduc;..ttd p.... 1n
d.vdu1.W countriote.
lluw lu prl.'.,t:nl luxtcul (c uu.l.:ur
puwor. ufr hurt dl' wdltlnltiu,) 11111 -. lt ll utl: live''*"
uf ror It fl.' und .. t .. .:ic .. lly ll lol.:
J:l 1\,riH. trude huHil.'f . vuvt hl''"""" "' w... l.:vol.
int>qutt .. Lic ucctu "' u:'-"Uhtll 11ml 111u1ktl. miiYtm-.' llf
imh1111tic:tt lv 1\IW Wltll.' cuunlllt:ltl
Jl ri oatuh&litll O(nuohi n.iiii.IRIII
:t..r, I'IIAtlllt ll tl wi.," 411>1..1 vf nutut;&) to:l"lll.t:
CUifllll llll u( (;luii.JI lur
mcnt un,J ,lcv-.IOJIIIIInl
3G uf lllllll)l"rc wud li h,.lutlu ,.. !'tl'"''"'
-.;apllllolli"ll tt iJ " lul>oiiJUtiJ'-'t.l
31 l::tluuc, rM' I ,t l .111ol l" ltlh',ol 1111.,), '"""'"
W;)fw, lllul I" ul.t.:h l u( 11.1011:'--11
3H ur III IIY\,.IIil'lll ll ... , ... .,,.,11 ... h ... llll l lllllol l
IJ.ul.llhi ilflt:ll. ( lj frct:dhlll u( truvd uud t Jl.ll I! hili VI' loUd
w1,1 k jmniLII.'?
Vivlutiou &llld llrutccltun ufliUII \1111 rtt.: IHa Pmlc:t:ll\111
uf u1invrit)' r i11h1.11 Ou pee al ..o l u1vt'
f.,r twch uJ JXIIItcril)'?
40 many (,}fili i> DtHI nt.1ny .:uu"
.... Co or politu::ul unJ
umlcr what cvnJilitnl1
42 loc:.nl prubl.:rn tu li>U(Ir.A """""-'1 f.Ad .. u,
ludini 10 ill tabilitica und
43 AUcmplit lo UCaJJ rrom l:lobal probltmt> by
t.hul ie bad and thttt '"ll l)tnbtcrneon t..oa;olv<!d loc:.ll>' or by

41. Tcth.:hi nt: ubuut tan.J w(lrltJ rrobltm o:u thut
JI":Uj tlc will be: to lhc ptot.'t:full)' ;uul wutk "ut
Jttubl.:mll (l)r thu t:lnu1um
-15 l...m.:uai:c barril.',.,. wnrld tu
htu:uc t-.'31c3rch, rt:porliUI) ,,r he
IG r .. r lc:.. dtrt d( t.:Y<rtUncul!i und
lol-llilm;,l p:tr1l;llnt'ula. ll('vnll'hc: l.inltf i:l,.h:ti iJollllti( .,I
t.llthlliro' ....l i l!or ....,ui, .d '''1"11\t wurloltrt:tlllo Jl< .II. r ..
un. llol Ill lv l ht! tu:coltt:uy ,., li<IU J,,' -. 1.1l l lllu rthUI
,:t.. h.t l litu,,J fll tlh lith:.
17 .all."._ .. r .....d lnl.u uwd .. 1 "'" '1":.1,

.. ,.).,
Wllh IUII fl.lll >.: lllld .:f111J{11 UUI IoHl. l u < UJIC ,l lo'iltl.t(ol)' "' llh iu lor
rd11hl t'rtbllllll ol l li\i111: m .:,,,l h
..JU Uig d111m wl1h h ill up lj\lld.l}.l.4lllbca '''"I<"
I:J ,,f f,.l ,.,.Jviu_. ""''''l' "l'h ttl
Exhibit 02
( 1 he 11111 ll'd Qllhro Cn.ttSIhhon lor the Frdentlon ot Eartt I" lvalll'lbletrom the World Comlltutlon
1<18011oyl";tllt"l 80? 15 USA 1tn .Cc:o!')iet. SSOOeach: Sormorecoples, S300t1Ch)
c v

:t: 0
.. 0
:r:: 0
.. 0
- :r: 0


"' <(
Exhibit 03
t-"111 ond
_ Wotor s..,u.,
and Watetwcryt
1-food ond

"' ...
amf Space
,-Tho Atts
and Information

ond Travel
Multi -Not ionol
f-ond Income
-Service Corps
ond Porltt
196 En Route to Global Occupation
The proposed organizational structure of the world government
is revealed on page 40 of Design and Action (Exhibit 03). Accord-
ing to the diagram, "We, the People" would sit alone at the top of
this New World Order.
Do Christians really believe that they would have freedom of
speech and worship under such a system? There has been only one
other time during the post-flood era when the world became unified
under a single system; this occurred at the building of the Tower of
Babel in ancient Babylon. God responded by dispersing mankind and
causing him to speak different languages. Had God not intervened,
mankind would have become enslaved under the first Ludferic priest-
hood, established by Nimrod, the founder of the Ancient Mysteries
and of pantheism. Is it a pure coincidence that Freemasonry, by its
own admission, traces its roots through the Ancient Mysteries to
Climate Crisis
The single greatest propaganda effort by New Agers over the
past few years has come in the area of the global environment Count-
less environmental problems have been cited as reasons for needing
world government Climate Crisis, printed in February 1989 by the
WCPA, offers "global solutions" to these alleged crises (Exhibit P).
On pages 2 through 8 of this publication is a "World Patriot
Letter," which was sent to all Heads of State on 10 February 1989.
{According to the WCPA, it is no longer acceptable to be a patriot of
one's own country. We must now become patriots of the world in
order to save the environment) This letter (excerpts of which are re-
produced in the exhibit) was the fourth appeal of its kind sent to world
political leaders since July 1988; yet we have heard nothing about
the WCPA from our leaders.
On pages 2 and 3 of the letter, the WCPA lists a chain reaction
of events, which, it warns, will occur soon to the earth's climate if
our environmental problems aren't solved at once. The letter contin-
ues on a lengthy discourse about the severity of the crisfs, before pro-
posing the WCPA's solution which is, of course, the formation of a
world government (point B, page 6 of letter).
As part of its efforts in this direction, the WCPA points out that
the Provisional World Parliament has already passed World Bill 16,
creating the Emergency Earth Rescue Administration (Exhibit P3).
The WCPA is basing its main argument for a New World Order
on its weakest cases-the threat of an impending climate crisis. To
present his case, lsely relies on information from such alarmist New
Part Two-The WCPA 197
Age organizations as the Earth Regeneration Society, the Institute for
a Future and the Worldwatch Institute (bottom of page 7; see Exhibit
P4) of which Isely is himself a member.
Many of the supposed environmental crises listed by the WCPA
are scientifically debatable; others are completely unfounded. While
there are legitimate concerns regarding the environment, the sever-
ity of the situation has been drastically overstated to create a "climate
of panic," which is necessary for the acceptance of a world govern-
Isely's gloomy scenario is constructed on the Theory of Inter-
glacial Periods. This theory holds that ice ages last about ninety thou-
sand years and are separated by brief inter-glacial periods of ten to
twelve thousand years. According to lsely, we are nearing the end of
one such period and are rapidly approaching the next ice age. In or-
der to reverse this trend before it is too late, we must therefore es-
tablish a world government that will save us from destruction.
The problem with Isely's inter-glacial theory is that it is based
on theories that are based on other theories. At some point, these
theories began to be presented as fact in order to support the hid-
den agenda of globalists. Isely is quick to argue, "This is fact, not
theory." (page 4, paragraph 2)
The most logical and scientific explanation of how the world's
geography and climate have gotten to the present point is offered by
Dr. Walter Brown, former National Science Foundation Fellow with
the Massachusetts Institute of Technology. His book, entitled In the
Beginning, is available for $9.00 (plus 10% shipping ) by writing to:
Center for Scientific Creation
5612 N. 20th Place
Phoenix, Arizona 85016
Dr. Brown's evidence may surprise you. It contradicts Isely's
conclusions by revealing that the earth is much younger than previ
ously thought Brown's conclusions, based on years of scientific re-
search, contradict Isely's theories of inter-glacial periods.
Plan for an Earth Financial Credit Corporation
The following plan is being referred to by the WCPA as "The
Key to a New World Economic Order" (page 1 along with other parts
are excerpted in Exhibit Q). The plan offers unlimited, interest free
credit to "all worthy projects" and proposes a single global monetary
system and currency, while guaranteeing jobs for all. Many of these
jobs would be in the area of cleaning up the environment The plan
also promises billions of dollars of annual savings resulting from zero
i' PROVISIONAL letter, Individually addressed, sent to the
, .: :"' Pre-sidents, Piame Mtnasfers, Kmgs, Queens, Sohans, and
\;t.'i' .. D Tn other Heads of Governments of all countries on wth.)
T ..... x:303-S3-95f)C Alln WCPA
t80HOV1SLSu.te31 I lakewood,C0802t5USA I 303 233358
Organized under UIE
$1"1V1ft9 Vrttlt tfl i
seu110tt 01 "''
wontt> rAntMMFNr
Or. Terence P, Am(!lft'llnoht

l l <l.A
Hon. Shettl nH All MonQ\11\0
Sit I 01'11Rnalnh II' M,l",
lt t.rlln
h1<1 n,.tuhrut nuqf'
n.ArMrt-.JC:V (AOUI
.,, .. ., ... , . .,
rtlihp ,,.,.,
(\r f\oy JOhMlntlf'l
fl:'tfn Aw:yfl.,...h c;.uqh 1.4 r
,, .. ,.(': nl '""'""'IOI'Vt

lOth February, 1939
Your r:xc:ellen<:les
l'l'l'sldents, Prime Ministers, Kings, Queens, Sultans,
and other lll'ads ol C.overnments ol All Countries on Earth
Your rxrl'l lency nnd l)(>cision Maker:
We wish to repor t a suCCI'sslul first meeting ol the Preparatory Commlttl'e
lor the World Constituent Assembly, which is to convene at the end of
1990. We mentioned this meet ing t o you in our previous letters appealing
for World f'lntrlots, under dat es of July August 18, and September 1,
1?83. The meeting was held in t he Sky Garden room of the St. Moritz
In New York, Oil 19 and 20th November, 1988.
II feature o l the rneet lng was a special luncheon on November 19, attended
by lh<', Unltec1 Nations Ambassadors or Oeputy Ambassadors lor twenty
1\ t luru"fK"'n, the plan f('lr the World tuent AS'if'mbly
t? rt)UYf' ll<' 11C'AI tltt' C\r 1990 wn,. (ully and ctrn(t C'tf the
< " ll"tltut lnu f()f t i K" I of F..arth was to ench one pre\ent.
wo< grvrn to t he problem of clirnat chang. 11
report 011 1111" first 111eeting of the Preparatory Committee was later
to th 1\mhn.s,,dou at th United Nations of all countries, including yours.
In 1hh letter to llc;tdS of Governments, for ac:ti(\41 by
\\'C'drl 1':\trint'i, we wi\1. tC' ttive particular Attention to the problem o(
which been widely publicized during the '""'
C"outrnry to most warming prt"dictions, there
gnoct l\'\ wtll as extensive scientific and re:ports In
tiiC' new<, to 1>!-lleve thl\1 a different scenario Is most likely and therefore
dl liNen! strMgy required to deal with the problem. '
rlr<t, we will "nmnri>.e th most likely sequence of events and then
situation in greater detail: '
Thr muth f<"I'W'I' tf'd iflC'reast' in averagf" global temperature means
vNy li!lle. llny Vi('f'lti.t should ""peel gross error when basing
P' NtirhOII'i on averaging of extremely variable: temperature! or
Rather than a general global warming, there is
<'VIdcnt nnd docn111ented both a warming at lower latitudes and a
C'CW\IIIIA t't hlgllt'r latitudes. The cooling originates from increast'd cloud
cover of moisture-laden air moving polewards.. The sun's rays
will r.et down lonfl\ to melt the ice Th" sea are
nnt hke ly tn rl<' I owlanch are not likely to get flooded. Grain growing
nmt :tgriculturnl produ<":tion caunot shift to latitudes
'iiU)\V rover ;md c;hortcr growing seasons wHI make crop
lllOrC" nnd mort" ('('rtain.
Exhibit Pl
'-'rf! on '
.1tine:ntal pic.
,...mge on
Vnlcanoes wi II bf-gin to Nopt mo
doing so. Earthquakes wl.
It in the daily news.
& \
:ntly becaus.. this pressure. Tht 1 are
more nt and violent. Read all
Erupting volcanoes will emil great amount s of carbon dioxide Into the atmosphere
and will also spread smoke and dust over wide areas, t hus reduclns the amount of
reaching earth.
1\y thi thne, rapid descent into the ""'' Ice ag" will be lrreve<slble, If not long
before. The ice age will probably last about 90,000 years, the same as pre(ous ke
rivilitalion will be mostly a few million people may survive to
be-gin agin, provided nuclear weapons nre not exploded also during the turbulence of
the next two decade!.
It may be- noted that with the increa,ing snow and Ice, vast amounts ol water
absorbed from th" oceans wi ll be stored in snow ond glaciers. The sea levels will
th('n recede, unt get higher .
Exhibit P2
.ajor dlong wlth .. . eral other act... ,,ot descrlbt c::reln,
,,mM< n ... oc able to 6 carbon dioxide levels back down to around 270 parts per
lllillion, >nd maintain this rr>ter-glacial balance for many thousands of years, with the
elimination of cl imote<hanging ch1otofluorocarbons.
l'he'"'U! are the major e lements of Earth rescue campaign which must go
lorward qnirkly if we are to survive. Th<' same sort of combined remedy would be
rrqu1red evt""n if tilt" effect was going to result in meltins the Ice caps
d111if1J; thC' frw yNtr,._, t1owevtor, tl.to rf'"ftlity or What iS ftlready happenin& With
N!th w:n ruittr. :"\ml ;'\t the ... timro. rr'lulres mteh spet"dier RCIIon. Rather
mrltl"& irr '"'"P"' ;md lowl:l.d' rnaln ha1:1rd' ttt overcome in )0 or
lllO )'<':'lr' .,re univrr",l t"'r(\p f:.llurc,, fnnrl and starvfttiM, hurrlrAnes and
lirr' .--11 iu tiK" rontcxt nf a terminatin& period, unless corrective
measures are rapidly.
II rnoce drtailed outline or the nc:essary nrtlon (except for CFC control) Is slven In
IlK" r-nclovd ll' orld legislative Rill /16, recently adopted by the Provisional World
rnlliament, to put into ellect an EMERGENCY EARTH RESCUE 1\0MINISTRATION.
Ple"se study World legislatle Blll /If.. /It least )() othet environmental problems are
'K'lved at the same time by implementing 8111 16.
Tn t"'ur ry o11t thi'\ campaign on the maulve global scale that Is essential,
thrf"C C"ondi t ion.s are required:
A. The r:unpaign must bf.' concelved, organixed, and carded out IS a slobal trlllion-
r1e>llor ., yr-ar and privntr work campaign, c:ontlnulnK over a period of at
20 yr"" The first c:oHple of y .. ars may start with thn A trillion.
lhe ratnp<lign ran '"'"PIC'\y all avail3ble persons. lncludlns those unemployed and
thO\f' in nat ional armies.
1\, The can be fully and carried out only In the contet of the
rmd t he of a f-'ederal World which
is givf"n ot;uffi.-irll t constitutl()nal authC'tt ity and finances to do al1 that is necessary.
Ot hNwh<' , civil izat iOf'l is fini$hed.
f;. l it<' money, am1 hJman now used fM national military purposes
IIHJ'it divt'rt<'d to a global carnp;dp,n for <1ur mutual survival on Earth.
0ttr "PP('AI <lmf tf"'qttl"'it, tltf"rt-rnrf", h thnt you as a Head of Government will take
htnnt"rli:.tr o;tf"p!!i:
Exhibit P3
ll'orld Patriot letter page 7
I. Please study what we have written very carefully.
2. Invite the lleds of Governments nl other countries to an emergency meeting
here the problern and the remedy can be discussed very honestly, and action
planned accordingly.
). .lnln with other lleads (If Government to convene such a meeting, If you a
;nint lnvitntion to the Is better - but please do not walt too long.
II. luvltC" IHC"IIIM-rs of our Initiative to the- to explain and to serve as
Comr to a mef"ting yourself, even If It Is by the Heads of
nf other
(,, 1'1:'\n on ctclrg,:.tc-1:, nr come yourself, to participate In the \florid
( ' fl l l'>tilurnt .. .cnhly t.ich will at the end of 1990. We will further
f'lrasc sturly th<" drnft of the Constitution for the of Earth
De r nn:h:uu1.
rrply wishout dt'l;)y, dir,..ctly (')f your Ambassador. Let us know what
ynn will c1tt. lll<"rf" i'li nt'\ time: to
Most youu, lor adequate action In time for the S..vlval of Humanity on Earth,
.. ... "

Integrative Engineer
Civil Engineer jLember Parllamen

Dr. Terence P. Amerasinghe, Sri lanka Margaret bely, U.S.A.
Attorney-at-Law Businesswoman

ze s leader U.N. Delegate ' Sessions President, Global Futures Net...,rk
Nigorlo hdlo
N0TE: Much of the factual and scientific basis for the analysis in this letter Is drawn
from the comprehensive and well documented book, SURVIVAL OF CIVILIZATION, by
engineer )ohn llamnker, written together with Don Weaver; research by the Earth
lleReneration Society, and by the Institute For A Future1 several (but not all) studies
po1bli5hed by the ll'orldWatch Institute; and corroborated by daily newo repo<ts during
the p3st live years in the New York Times and elsewhere.
ADDIJION: To fully one! exrediliOU11y Implement the rescue'""" cllmote cotostrophe,
os derintd herein, olso the simultoneovs lntrodueUon oF o new globol finance
ond erecfil system, whkh will be f.,lly oxplolned In the next Iotter.
Part Two-The WCPA 201
military spending. All of this sounds incredibly inviting to a debt
ridden, war-tom society ... at first glance.
The main portion of the plan has to do with World Legislative
Act 1111, authorizing the establishment of the Earth Financial Credit
Corporation. Here are some highlights of the bill:
Article 1 states that the new global money and banking system
will be activated as soon as ten nations have ratified the world con-
stitution along with Bills II 1, 2, 6, 7, and 11.
Article 3 reveals that the amount of credit available to a given
nation will be dependent upon its birth rate. Those countries with 2
percent or more annual population increase (which includes the poor-
est nations of the world) would receive the least help, while those
with zero or less population growth would be eligible for the most
(I wonder what this would do to the already alarming abortion
rate since developing countries would be forced to choose between
life and money. This bill would hurt third world countries and would
further widen the gap between rich and poor.)
Article 5 sets forth the conditions for credit eligibility. Note the
following provisions of the article.
1. Receiving credit would be dependent upon whether or not
the applying nation has ratified the world constitution.
3. Any request for credit would have to be approved by the
Earth Financial Credit Corporation.
7. The new monetary system would be based on Earth Dollars.
8. Each participating country could have any existing external
debt cancelled by handing the responsibility for repayment over to
the Earth Financial Credit Corporation (EFCC}. The EFCC would then
pay the loans back to lenders in Earth Dollars, according to its own
(This action would prompt national governments to join the
New World Order, otherwise their banks would end up with worth-
less Earth Dollars, which could not be used in their local economies.)
Article 7 addresses the question of leadership. According to Part
A of the article, the first twenty-five national govemments1to partici
pate in the new global system would be able to name one represen-
tative each to the board of directors of the EFCC. There is a catch,
however ... Part 8 of the same article reveals that an additional thirty
members of the board of directors would be appointed by the vari-
ous organs of the world government itself. The bottom line is that
those who originated the world government would always retain
control, holding a majority interest
202 En Route to Global Occupation
(Those countries, whose leaders are part of the plot, would
obviously be among the first twenty-five to join the New World Or-
der, and would therefore help to run the system; while those coun-
tries that would not join in right away, would suffer enormous eco-
nomic consequences. This prospect, insiders hope, will provide a
strong incentive for nations to rapidly join the new system.)
Article 10 authorizes the establishment of a Procurement Agency
whose purpose would be to expedite "the widespread and universal
acceptance of the Earth Dollar global financial system." In other words,
this agency would be charged with the task of promoting and imple-
menting the system as rapidly as possible, making it a very powerful
organization. It would oversee the development of global trade and
commerce on a regional basis. Article A-3 (d) of the charter goes on
to state: "The solicitation, sales, and contracts to accept and use Earth
Dollar Credit Accounts and Lines of Credit may be comparable to the
manner in which the acceptance and use of any credit card system is
now achieved."
(It is my projection that international credit card companies will
be among the first to join the system. This will produce a chain reac-
tion, forcing other institutions to rapidly follow suit)
Article 14 discusses the subject of monetary valuation in mak-
ing the transition from the old system to the new. According to this
proposal, those existing fmancial institutions that join the new world
system within two years would "be integrated with the new system
on the basis of 100% valuation .... " Each year thereafter, the valua-
tion rate would drop by 10 percent for new financial institutions join-
ing the system. Those corporations holding out twelve years or longer
would therefore have no transfer value left
This would, in effect, put institutions run by "uncooperative
Christians" out of business within a few years, except for the trans-
actions that they might be able to conduct with other uncompromis-
ing Christians. Such transactions would probably have to be in the
form of bartering arrangements.
You are encouraged to review this plan carefully. Be skeptical.
Even though it sounds appealing, remember who is behind the plan-
ning of all of this. Ask yourself, "What will it be like when the sys-
tem forces everyone to take an invisible mark in order to buy or sell?"
How will Christians be treated by a predominantly pantheistic (oc-
cult) world leadership when they refuse to cooperate by taking such
a mark? Please do not allow yourself to be deceived into supporting
this effort (Read Revelation 13 and 14.)
Article 1: o;onu :u t f' ll n alional gn\'frlllllC'Ill\ h:\\'('
r:tl ifin'tlinn In I he ('Aut!>l ilution feu
lht Ftckl:tli un n f E:uth, :mel h:wrnhor;uifirtl \WulcJ
Hil l e; ill , H2, Hti.IO.:mcl II II (tlli"l'(' f), t hf"ll
:111 E:tr lh J=iu:uui:ll <:tr di t (;.Hpma limt hr
mgalli7('il ;mel :Hti\'aud ao; a tli\'illiou of t hr Wmld
l:fonmnir lk\'dopmrnt (hg:mitat ioll. fnr t hf'
JIIIIJ>O<I'' n1 inttclchuitlf.t 1hr new E:\11 11 fin:l UCf',
nnlir. monry ami h:u1ki11Ft
luitial rnolviny, linc;JC> of cu'dit in E:ut h
l>ollau ht ('i\fnd:H<"d on thf' nf Sl billion
rm r ach million of populiuion for rnuntrit.\
haviug n:ll ut:ll popu lation incre:tse r a iC5 hy birth of
rnnr<' thttn ;umu:lllr. Sl .S bill ion tloltan ptr
miJi ion of pOpui;Hion for ('0tti11Ti('S having ll"IUrtll
pnpul:uirm in< T:li('S or h<'lWCf'll :lnrl2C;\, $2
bil lion rl<lll:lr\ pn million of populat ion for
fOIIHtti f'< hildun 11:1h11 :1l pnpul:\tirm iun(';1\r niH'!
of hrl\\'l'('ll :uul I "f., :mel .12.5 hill inn rloll;n111 JX'r
mi lli on uf pnpui:Hicm fnr ha\'ing 7.C'fO m
It" populalitlll Atowth.
Ar lids 5: Th<" manner or txttnding the- rf'volving
l .ints c"1f C..:r<"<l it shal l hf in the form of an oHrr IO<"ach
C'Ount ry ddining thr IC)I:'l amou111 o( the Line of
Crf"tlit per Auicle 3. tO bt" acthated under the
following terms:
I. PttJvisional ratHic:atiou of the- Constitution for
the Fedtration o( Earth is a prertc1uisi1e to activat ing
Line- of Credit.
S. Specifir proposal$ and projtt<'IS for thl!' U$t o(
ned it or hmds 3d\anctd J.>(f the Line of Crtdit must
br subnlillecl for apprma1 by the Eanh Financial
Credit Corporation.
7. T hr l .inc:- or Clrtlit will hf :tC('()UIHI'd in term\'
of t-::nth which all at no time- a lower
\alur than li .S. A. Dnl l;1rs or inttrn:uion;l(
(Sp<'<'ial l>nth' illfit Righi !), whichevf'r is high('r iu
:1t thr lime c,( txchange.
R. F.;trh rountry ;trrrpting a Lint" of urultc
thf' c ondir io ru spC'dfitd hcrrin rn:ty turn nnr CUflf"IH
fXf('tual (kblc; for rq,;1prwnt hy thr
Fi n::HH i:1l Crfclit Corp<nat io n, under thC' followi ng
p tnC('cl u H' ;
a ) Announce It) nttlitoJ<; 1h:11 til(' cuuntty j<;
atHJHiug lh(' I.i nt of C tf'dit f10111 EFCC, ami is
it\ (lppto\'Cd f':< lf' ll!ft l (kbts (or r('paynu:nt
IC'' t r<"cli tCH'\ hy the EFCC.
h) Appro\(' I' d<"bts :ut dtfiued
ac; the habncf' cluC' on original prindpal or
fm \'illitl ptojtrtc;, f'Xd 1111ing loan\ for 111ilitmy
H ptHJlO<('<;, :md rxduding TC'qdnl
iniC't('o;;( and r'UII<:ntly cl nr.
r) Nn fmth('f c.xtnn:\1 deht\ I ll:'\)' h(' C"C'Htlr;tCIC'11
('Xrrpt tlunngh til(' f.F(;(;, nr othrr <tJr:f'lldC\ of tilt-
World 1-:c OJif11nk l>tvdftprn<'nl
(\\' EJ>O) ot of tltr f'IIIC'tp. i ng Wo11rl (:m' ('lllllll'lll
mulr1 tlu- fnr thr Ftdt' lt\t icm nf 1::anh .
cl) J hr ckhtll> :lli'\lttnrcl by tht F.FCC hr
IC'p:lid to t tnl itcHs in F.:111 h Dollar-s. whkh sh:-11 1
111'\C'I IX' \';tlurd h(')ow (l<lf \\' ilh u.s. nollars, and
o;;h:d l he paid on :w h::t\i!>duting thr nrxt
2Cl rr:n c; aht.t n the c.kbcs br tht. EFCC.
c) t\11 \uh<;rqurut in ttt('JC>I nn dcbts br
the EF<:(: sh:lll,c.. :tl nn thtassurned
pritH ipal.
Exhibit Ql
Au icle 7: The Board of Oilecton lor the EfCC
he cornposeU :u follows:
Port,.(- I he firM 25 natirnwl toacctl''
Rc,olvin,; lincs ol (:trtJ it txtcndnl by the f.auh
f i n:mri:al Cttllit Cotpor:alinn 1rtay t .uh na rnc C'lnc
to the 8("Jar<l n( Oit C'rtorl o( thr FCC
each to sent- a Y"OIT tr ru\ . t\hcr rnou than 2S
rountrir s ha"f afCf'pted Liors of Crcr1il, then for tht
tiC"Ction of suc<"rs,ive tcrnn for l>irrclon. each
national RO\'f'JIIIOC'Ot ,_haJI nornin:ue onC' c.:mditlate
and rhr ol 25 Dirn:IOIS ha ll bt rlr<rrd by a
combint'd \ Olen( the na tional govC"nrnents.
Pnrt B- t hiuy :ultlitinn:tlntt mhr u nf t ht Rtl:tul nf
t>iarc ttH\ of thf EfCC he riNI<"d :u follo ws:
10 d ntrc.l by the Provi,innot l Wotld (;abinrt
S dM:ted hy the f\n::.rcl of llitNtnn of thf'
World Eroroenic 0<-vrlctprnrnl Otkaniz.ation:
!'t f'frctrd hy thf' llo.ud oi llitrC"tou ul thf'
Wor1d Gcwrwmrut Fumli n CHtporation:
5 r-lf'c:tnl h)' thr Bu;ud cf llirtnrs o( 1he
t:.,tth RMCur
!t C"lrcurl h y Board ol Truntts of th<'
World t>isarma mf'nl AgttlC'y.
l "tw f)itt-ctm '''hc c-IN1ct1 umkr l'art flu( Artldf'7,
may hr C"h-. tt .. l in " hnlr or i n p;ttl JUinf to the
ua min,; nf n\ftnbru nf thr Board of Dirtun hr
p:u tic ip;tting s:ovcrnmrnu ..
Tot-ncour:.gr tht' rxisting
banks and fin:mcial institutions in m3king tlu:
transition to the nrw financial systtm. which is not
b=-St'd on p rior saings and dOf'S not prior
savings 10 cxtrnd Lints ot Crf'tlil or makt
rt'Cosnition shall be givtn to the net taJh aueu of
rooJXratins banks and financial inuhutions in the
following mannn-:
nle net caah assets of those hanks and fin ... nch'l
hntitutions which"' by ronnart tCl join in ud
ro-oJXmle with tht new financial I}' Sirm within 2
rran from o( l:\unchinR: o( th('
EfCC. shaH be- intqratt'd with tht ntw system on thC'
Article 10: To rprditr thr inaugur;ttion :111cl
ami r:lpid clr,rfopmr nt of thr [fCC, ;4
Prn(' Uttm tnl Urparlmt nl ffl tly br uncl r r
\C'" p;u;tlr hy chr I' to\ Worhl
J'itrli:lllf't\1. \\'hrn f'\l:lbll\luc1, thC' PJOC\IIt'lllt'Ul
l)('p:nntrnl Jhall "' ork in dosC' ('O-(Ipnation wilh
lhC' I.r CC in o rdrt to rxp<'dilt "'idesprud anti
gtneral accrpt:mcr o{ the Linf's of Cre-dit and of all
Hnanri:.l inuoducrd by th t Uuh
Financial GrNiil Corpor:uinn. as wrH :u by oth(' r
fi nan< ial agt'ndt ('Jtablishrd by tht Provisional
Wolld Parl ia rnrnt.
b:tJis of ''<&lu;.uion of their net cuh "''M'IS in
tt'rn\1 o( Earth Doii<An, with inttrtat to IJe
t..aid at 10' Cor 10 ytan on such net ash assets
u.K'd in the new system. The net a sh
as...'-tll u( thott banks and financial institutions
"'hirh to join durins: Srd yc-ar ol oprration
ol EFCC >hall bt accounrrd at ol
tog:ethtr with 9' intcrtlt Cor 9 years. ll1t: net cash
or thOtrt which to join durins tht' 4th ytOtr
be accounte-d at 80" of \'alu;uion togtthC'r -,..ith
intrrest at 8'4 Cor 8 years. Ami M> on, umil tht 121h
ynu, when the old system will haYI:" no uansftr Yalue
to the nrw systrm.
Exhibit Q2
Part Two-The WCPA 205
A Constitution for the Federation of Earth
The Constitution for the Federation of Earth (excerpts of which
appear in Exhibit R) was first adopted during a meeting of the World
Constituent Assembly in June 1977 at Innsbruck, Austria. The docu-
ment was signed by approximately 135 participants from twenty-five
countries and is intended to replace the U.N. charter to become the
centerpiece of the New World Order. This intent of the WCPA is clearly
described in the following statements, appearing on pages A and B
of the document:
... Whatever illusions remain that adequate progress
can be made through negotiations among sovereign na-
tional governments for the solutions to the inter-related
global crises confronting humanity, must also be dis-
The inescapable alternative for humanity today is the
establishment of a democratic federal world govern-
ment, given adequate powers and means to provide the
framework within which supra-national problems can
be solved for the good of all ... (page A, paragraph 2
and 3)
But before democratic world government can be estab-
lished, agreement is first required upon a World Con-
stitution which defines the powers, the structure, the
composition and the functioning of the world govern-
ment-as well as the procedure by which it shall be in-
augurated-while at the same time protecting the legiti-
mate jurisdiction of national governments over their
internal affairs.
One approach is to amend the Charter of the United
Nations. But after 30 years of proposing amendments,
the progress of humanity under the U.N. remains stalled
in the dark ages of only slightly modified international
anarchy, entrenched by the military establishments of
rich and poor nations alike. While we support every
humanitarian effort under the U.N. to alleviate world
problems, the fact is that the United Nations is organized
throughout to preserve national sovereignty. Even the
least change is blocked by veto powers of each perma-
nent member of the Security Council.
Another way to achieve world government is for people
and statesmen of vision to act directly to convene a new
set of delegates who are given a mandate to prepare and
to begin the implementation of a constitution for world
government-specifically designed to serve the welfare
206 En Route to Global Occupation
of humanity. This line of action was developed by a
series of calls and conventions during recent years, and
must now be completed to give new and practical hope
to mankind. (page 8, col. 2)
These words make it clear that the WCPA expects the lead role
for establishing World Government to be passed from the U.N. to The
Federation of Earth. Once the world government, authorized by this
Constitution, is in power, it could expand its role at anytime it chooses.
Nothing would be able to prevent if from doing so.
The Preamble to the Constitution {Exhibit R3) reads like a page
out of a new age/occult manual. It states that we are on the thresh-
old of a new world order, a new age of peace and unity, where the
interdependence of all life and the oneness of humanity will finally
be achieved. In closing, it submits that "the greatest hope for the
survival of life on earth is the establishment of a democratic world
The following excerpts from the articles reveal the comprehen-
sive nature of the constitution's provisions:
Article I, point 4 reveals that the world government would regu-
late virtually every aspect of life.
Article II, point l. The world government would be
passing. The information provided resembles the description of the
beast's authority given in Revelation 13:7-8.
Points 4-7 reveal the political and administrative structure of
the government The world would be divided into twenty World Elec-
toral and Administrative Regions and ten Magna-Regions.
Point 8. The new political boundaries will not necessarily con-
form to existing national boundaries-meaning that nations could be
split up.
Article m, point 2 may lead to the seizure of all personal weap-
ons required for ielf-defense.
Points 14 & 17. The world government would control all as-
pects of international trade, banking and finance.
Point 21 relates to plans for controlling population growth and
solving problems of population distribution.
Point 37 relates to the designation of a world language.
Article V, sec. A, point 3 permits the World Parliament to "re-
ject the international laws developed prior to the advent of World
Article VIII, sec. G pertains to the establishment and operation
of a Planetary Accounting Office, Planetary Banking System, and Plan-
etary Monetary and Credit System.
Part Tw<rThe WCPA
Article IX. The World Judiciary branch of the world government
would interpret the rights of world citizens (including Christians) and
would issue rulings regarding the sentencing of those who refuse to
concede to the demands of the world system (possibly due to reli-
gious convictions).
Article X. The Enforcement System branch of the world govern-
ment would enforce the decisions of the World Judiciary and other
governing bodies. One means of enforcement would include the de-
nial of financial credit to those who fail to comply with world law
(Sec. D, point 2).
Article XV, sec. A. A total of twenty World Federal Zones will
be established for the purpose of the location of various organs of
the world government
Sec. B. Five World Capitals will be established, with the World
Presidium proposing the locations for the same. One of these capi-
tals will be designated as the Primary World Capital. The other four
will serve as Secondary World Capitals.
Article XVII, sec. A. The World Constitution will be transmitted
to the U.N. General Assembly and to each of the national governments
for approval, with a final ratification vote held in a popular referen-
dum of the people (points 1 & 3). If a national government fails to
submit the Constitution for ratification within six months, then the
agency of the Provisional World Government, which is responsible
for the worldwide ratification campaign could override the national
government by conducting direct referendums with the people.
The contents of this document are blatant enough that no fur-
ther explanation is required. Discerning Christians will recognize the
If you are not a Christian and remain skeptical as to whether
there would be any real danger in embracing such a one-world sys-
tem, please bear in mind the occult forces behind this movement-a
fact which is well established. Whether one cares to admit it or
the very existence of this international occult endeavor indicates that
life of more than a physical realm that can be touched or seen.
It comes down to a war between good and evil, a battle between God
and Satan over our souls. Our struggle, therefore, is not against other
humans but against the demonic principalities and powers that are
secretly directing this effort through misguided, but willing vessels.
Ar ticle
Article II
Article I II
Article IV
Article V
Sec. A
Sec. 8
Sec. C
Sec. 0
Sec. E
Article VI
Sec. A
Sec. 8
Sec. C
Sec. 0
Sec. F
Article VII
Sec. A
Sec. 8
Sec. c
Articl e VIII
Sec. A
Sec. 8
Sec. c
Sec. D
Sec. E
Sec .
Sec. G
Broad Funct tons of the World Government
Rule Structure of World Federation and World Government
Grant of Specific Powers to the World Government
Organs of the World Government
The World Parliament
Functions and Powers of the Wor ld Parlla.-ent
of the World
The !louse of Peoples
The House of !lations
The House of Counsellors
Procedures of the World Parliament
The World Executive
Functions and Powers of the World Executive
COi!l)OSit lon or t he World Executive
The Pres ldlum
The Executive Cabinet
Procedures of the Wor 1 d E xecut 1 ve
Limitations on the world Executive
The llorld Administrat ion
Funct tons of the World Administration
Structure and Procedures of the llorld Admlnlstoatton
Departments of the llorld Admini stration
The lntegrat tve Complex
Deft nit ton
The World Civil Service Administration 18
The World Boundaries and Elections Ad11tntstratton 19
Institute on Governmental Procedures and World Problems 20
The Agency for Research and P hnn lng 20
The Agency for Technological and Env I ronmenta 1 Assessment 21
The World Financial Administration 22
Exhibit R1
Article I X
Sec, A
Sec. 8
The Wor I d JudI c tary
Jurisdiction of the World Supreme Court
Benches of the world Supreme Court
Seats of the World Supreme Court
The Collegium of World Judges
The Superior Tribunal of the World Supreme Court
Article The Enforcement Systera
Sec. A Baste Principles
Sec. B The Structure for Enforcement
Sec. C The World Pollee
Sec. 0 The Heans of Enforcement
Article XI The World Ombudsmus
Sec. A functions and Powers of the World Oni>uds,_,s
Sec. 8 Coi!l)osltlon of the World Ombudsmus
Art lcle XII 8 I 11 of Rl ghts for the Cit hens of Earth
Article XIII Directive Principles for the World Government
Article XIV Safeguards and Reservations
Article XV World Federal Zones and the World Capitals
Article XVI World Territories and Exterior Relat ions
Article XVII Ratification and li!l)lementation
Sec. A
Sec. 8
Sec. C
Sec. 0
Sec. E
Ratification of the World Constitution
Stages of 1"1llementat1on
First Operative Sta9e of llorld Government
Second Operative Stage of World Government
Full Operative Stage of World Goverruoent
Article XVIII Amendments
Article XIX Provisional World Government
Sec. A Act tons to be Taken by the World Const Ituent ly
Sec. 8
Sec. C
Sec. D
Sec. E
Work of the Preparatory Coarnlsstons
of the Provisional World Parliament
of the Provisional World Executive
First Actions of the Provhtonal World Government
Unlvenal Call far Rot lOcation of lt.e Con,tltutlon fO< the Federation of Earth , , , , A
Call to tho World Contltuenl As,.mbly of 1977 . , , , , , , , , , 8
Diagram of World Government under tt.. Earth Constitution , , , Back Cover
Exhibit R2
210 En Route to Global Occupation
Rrallzlng that lh,.anlty today has coooe to a turning point In history and
that wt> are on the threshold ol a new world order wlll(.h pr0111lses to usher In an
era nr peace, prosprrlty, jus\l(r and ha,.,ny;
Aware of the Interdependence of people , nations and all life;
1\ware that man's abuse of science and technology has brought H ... anlty to the
brink of disaster through the production of horrendous wuponry of 11ass destruction
and to the hrlnk of ecological and social catastrophe;
Aware that the traditional concept of security through military defense Is
a total I ll usion both for the present and for the future;
1\warc or the misery and conr ll cts caused by the ever Increasing disparity
between rich poor;
Cnnsclous or OUI' obl lgtlon to pos te rity to save l'umanlty from Imminent
lotol onnlhllollnn;
Consc ious that llwnanlly I< !lnr te the existence of diverse nations,
race< c rerl<, lflcologlcs and culturrs that the principle of unity In
dlvrrsltv Is tlor has ls for a nrw age war shall he outlawerl anrl peace prevail;
when the eAilh's total rc5ourcr <hall be equitably used for human welfare ; and
when bas ic'""""" r ights anl r<ronslbllltles shall be shared by all without
d I<C! ImlnAtl on:
Conscious of the Inescapable reality that the greatest hope for the survival
or life on earth Is the establishment of a de1110cratlc world government;
llr, rlt l trns or thr worlrl, hereby resolve to establish a world federation
to be govrrnd In accordance with thIs ConstItution for the Federation or
Exhibit R3
Letter of Concern
The letter on the following page is intended to serve as a sample
of what you may wish to send to your congressman and senator. If
you would take the time to write a similar letter in your own words,
it would be more effective, particularly if written by hand. Your elected
officials will see that you cared enough to take the time to person-
ally correspond, rather than just sending a form letter. However, if
necessary, you may rewrite or type this letter word for word. What-
ever you choose to do, please act now!
Although we will probably be unable to stop the forming of the
New World Order, there are things we can do to help slow it down.
Writing a letter is just one step. If the people of this nation would
wake up and repent and call out to God, perhaps He would intervene
Part Tw<r-The WCPA 211
and push back the plans of the adversary. I therefore exhort every
individual reading this book to abandon sin, to lead a holy life, to
pray to God on behalf of our nation and world, and help elect Godly
men and women to public office.
In addition to writing letters and getting your own life in or-
der, you can help by sharing this message with as many people as
possible. Inform you friends, relatives, and neighbors. They will not
be able to deny the evidence in this book. If you are a pastor or leader
of an organization, take the time to inform those entrusted to your
care. You can make a difference! Commit yourself to prayer, and God
will show you what to do.
If you would like information on obtaining copies of this book
for mass distribution, or if you would like to have this writer share
on your radio program or at your church, please contact Huntington
House Publishers at 1-800-749-4009.
Also, if you do not have the addresses of your elected officials,
you can obtain them by calling their offices. You will find their of-
fice number listed in the Blue Pages of your phone book, under United
States Government-Congressional and Senate offices.
Dear (name of elected offictal),
In recent months there has been much talk by the president,
leaders of the U.N., and various members of Congress about a New
World Order. As one who has become enlightened to the real mean-
ing of this term (a one-world government), I wish to express to you
my personal grave concern over the implications thereof.
As a dtizen of the United States of America whose rights are
protected by our unique Constitution, I do not wish to become a
"World Citizen" placed under the authority of a world government
and a world constitution. It is not the obligation of this country to
come under the rule of the United Nations or any subsequent global
governing body. To do so would not only be unamerican and uncon-
stitutional but extremely dangerous to the religious and political free-
doms of our dtizens.
I therefore urge you to do whatever possible in your position
of power to protect the sovereignty of this nation. This includes op-
posing any calls to (hold) a Constitutional Convention or other at-
tempts to significantly alter our Constitution.
We are not part of a eommunity of Nations." Rather, we are
an independent, sovereign nation. Our forefathers came to the shores
of this land to escape the religious persecution and lack of freedom
212 En Route to Global Occupation
in other countries. Would it make sense for us now, after two hun-
dred years of struggling to remain free, to betray our founding prin-
ciples and to once again submit ourselves to the authority of others?
This position does not mean that we shouldn't share our mate-
rial blessings and God-given resources to help the less fortunate in
other countries. To the contrary, American Christians and Jews have
done more to help others than any group of people in history. This,
however, is a far cry from yielding our national sovereignty to a one-
world government
Please be reminded that as an elected official of the U.S. Gov-
ernment, your Constitutional duty is to faithfully represent the inter-
ests of the citizens in your district As a voter to whom you are re-
sponsible, I have taken this opportunity to voice my concern and to
urge you to take appropriate action.
Rest assured, if you support U.S. involvement in the emerging
New World Order in any way, I, along with a growing number of
voters in your jurisdiction, will respond accordingly at election time.
If, on the other hand, you remain loyal to the Constitution of
the United States and to the people protected by it, you will receive
my utmost support at the polls. I will be watching closely.
May God grant you wisdom in your decision!
A Concerned Constituent,
(Your signature)
The Lord foils the plans of the nations; he thwarts the purposes
of the peoples. But the plans of the Lord stand firm forever, the
purposes of his heart through all generations.
Psalm 33:1 o-11
Part Two-The WCPA 213
A Note from the Author:
I am currently considering the publication of a monthly or
quarterly newsletter to keep interested readers up-to-date on new
developments concerning the matters discussed in this book. At this
point, I am merely trying to determine whether or not a need for this
type of publication exists. As it is extremely costly and tiine consum-
ing to do a quality Christian newsletter, I do not want to make a hasty
decision for the sake of good stewardship.
Assuming there would be enough interest and that it is truly
God's will for us to proceed, I would most likely begin publishing a
newsletter within twelve to eighteen months of the publication of this
book. If you would like to be placed on the mailing list for such a
news bulletin, please print your name and complete mailing address
on a piece of paper and enclose it, along with any suggestions or
comments you might have, in an envelope addressed to:
P.O.Box 509283
Indianapolis, IN 46250..9283
I will personally make an effort to read each letter, as your
thoughts and input are greatly appreciated.
Since it could be some time before we would launch such a
publication, we ask that you keep us posted of any change in your
Also, if you or any friends possess significant information re-
lated to the topics discussed in this book, you are encouraged to mail
your information along with the appropriate documentation to the
preceding address. Please highlight or underline the specific informa-
tion that you are wanting to call to my attention. Your information
could be used in future books or publications to keep the American
people and Christians throughout the world informed. Although I have
a small network of researchers already in place, it is impossible for a
few people to stay current on everything that is going on in the one-
world movement For this reason your help is needed.
In order to save time, I will only write back if I have a major
question; otherwise, you may assume that your information has been
received and reviewed. Thanks for your input!
Chapter 1-Giobal Economics
1. Archibald E. Roberts, The Most Secret Science (Fort Collins: Betsy Ross
Press, 1984), 56.
2. Ibid.
3. Ralph Epperson, The Unseen Hand (Tucson: Publius Press, 1985), 165.
4. Myron Fagan, The /1/uminati-CFR, Emissary Publications, TP-107, 1968.
(Fagan, now deceased, was a well-known Hollywood film producer and
playwright His lectures on the history and activities of the Illuminati
resulted from hls personal experience with Illuminists who came to
dominate key areas of the lnternatinal motion picture industry.)
5. William Hoffman, David (New York: Lyle Stuart, 1971), 45 (according to
Information provided ln the Sixry Families, by Ferdinand
Lundberg, 1937).
6. Gary Allen, l11e Rockefeller File (Seal Beach, CA: '76 Press, 1976), 29-31.
(According to Professor james Knowles who prepared the detailed study
"The Rockefeller Financial Group.")
7. Ibid., 24.
8. "Exxon Corporation," Industrial Manual (New York: Moody's
Investors Service-A Dun &: Bradstreet Corp.), 1986 ed., Vol. 1, 2823.
9. Hoffman, David, 35.
10.Ailen, The Rockefeller File, 26.
Il.Ibid., 26-33; and Hoffman, David, 121.
12. Gary Allen, Rockefeller-Campaigning[ or the New World Order (Belmont,
MA: American Opinion, 1974), 15.
13.Ailen, The Rockefeller File, 3233.
I4.Ailen, Rockejeller-Campaigningfor the New World Order, 15.
15. Catherine B. Dalton, Constitutional Money and the Banking Procedure
(Oreana, IL: Illinois Committee to Restore the Constitution, 1985), 4.
16.Dr. john Coleman, The Federal Reserve Bank, Greatest Swindle in
History, 26-27.
17 .Allen, The Rockefeller File, Introduction.
18. Rene A. Wormser, Foundations-Their Power and Influence (New York:
The Devin-Adalr Company, 1958), 32, 100-105.
19.Ibid., 214-218.
20.Ibid., 201.
Notes to Pages 25-31
Chapter 2-Giobal Politics
1. John Robison, Proofs of a Conspiracy (Boston: Western Islands, 1967),
74, 84. This book was originally published In 1798.
2. Nesta H. Webster, World Revolution (London: Constable and Company,
1921), 18.
3. Ibid.
4. Ibid., 20.
5. Count Egon Caesar Corti, The Rise of the House of Rothschild (Boston:
Western Islands, 1972), ix. Originally published by Cosmopolitan Book
Corporation in 1928.
6. Nesta H. Webster, World Revolution, 25.
7. Ibid.; and Albert G. Mackey, An Encyclopedia of Freemasonry Vol 2
(New York: The Masonic History Co., 1921 ), 843. Originally published in
1873, and more commonly known as Encyclopedia ofFreema-
8. U.S. George Washington Bicentennial Commission, The Writings of
George Washington Vol 20 (Washington, DC: U.S. Government Printing
Office, 1941), 518; and Ralph Epperson, The Conspiratorial View of
History (Tucson: Epperson, 1986), 2.
9. Louis T. McFadden, Collective Speeches of Congressman Louis T.
McFadden (Hawthorne, CA: Omnl Publications, 1970), 2.
10.Archibald E. Roberts, Emerging Struggle for State Sovereignty (Fort
Collins: Betsy Ross Press, 1979), 148.
11. Catherine B. Dalton, Constitutional Money and the Ban/ring Procedure
{Oreana, IL: Illinois Committee to Restore the Constitution, 1985), 3.
12. McFadden, Colkctive Speeches, vi.
13.John Steinbacher, Senator Robert Francis Kennedy-The Man the
Mysticism; the Murder (Los Angeles: Impact Publishers, 1968), 5l; and
Ralph Epperson, The Unseen Hand (Tucson: Publlus Press 198 5) 166-
168. ' '
14. Catherine B. Dalton, ConsNtuNona/ Money and the Banbinu Procedure
4. 0 '
15. Gary Allen,Rockejeller-campalgnlngfor the New World Order (Belmont,
MA: American Opinion, 1974), 15.
16. Eustace Mullins, The World Order (Staunton, VA: Ezra Pound Institute of
Civilization, 1985), 33-34.
18.Ralph Epperson, 'the Unseen Hand, 196.
19.Ibid., 196-197.
20.CounciJ on Foreign Relations, 1990 Annual Report, New York, 185.
2l.Ibid., 185-186.
22.Ibid., 184, 187.
23.Ibid., 202.
24. Rene A Wormser, Foundations-Their Power and Influence (New York:
The Devln-Adalr Company, 1958), 209.
216 Notes to Pages 31-39
25.Council onForelgnRelatwns 1987 AnnuaiReport,NewYork, 103; and
Council on Foreign Relations Report 1990 Annual Report, 142.
26.CFR 1987 Annual Report, 104; and CPR 1990 Annual Report, 141.
27.CFR 1990 Annual Report, 6.
28. Ibid., 4.
29.James J. Drummey, "The Internationalist, The New American (12 March
1991): 27.
30. William E. Dunham, "Correction, Please!" '11u! Review of the News (9
April1980): 37-38.
31.Phoebe Courtney, The CPR, Part II {Uttleton, CO: The Independent
American, 1975), 4.
32.Roberts, State Sovereignty, 203.
33.Gary Allen, The Rockefelkr File (Seal Beach, CA: '76 Press, 1976), 77.
34. Christian Warner, "World Dictatorship and the New Age Movement,
Newswatch Magazine (September 1986): 26.
35.Gary Allen, "Who They Are, The Conspiracy to Destroy America,"
American Opinton (October 1972): 65.
36. Steinbacher, Senator Robert Francis Kennedy, 17-18.
37.Ibid., 23.
38.CFR 1990 Annual Report, 176 ..
39. Wormser, Foundatwns-Thetr Power and Influence, 209.
40.Archibald E. Roberts, "Bulletin-Should the United States Participate and
Encourage Development of the United Nations Organization, Commit-
tee to Restore the Constitution Ouly 1986): 4-5.
41.1bid., 5.
42. Ibid.
43. Epperson, The Unseen Hand, 198.
44. Lester B. Pearson, "The United Nations," '11u! World Book Encyclopedia,
1969 Edition, Vol. 19: 25, 37. Oohn D. Rockefeller, Jr., gave $8.5 million
to the U.N. in 1946 to buy the site along the East River where the
headquarters would be built)
45.James J. Drummey, "The Internationalist," The New American, 29.
46. Edmund Jan Osmanczyk, "United Nations Charter, 1945," The Encyclo-
pedia of The United Nations and International Relations, 2d Edition,
47.Epperson, The Unseen Hand, 206.
48.Roberts, State Sovereignty, 185.
49.Ibid.; and Epperson, '11u! Unseen Hand, 207.
50. David J. Smith, "Ten Kingdoms Along with the Beast," Newswatch
Magazine {March-April1984): 7.
51. Ibid.
52.Jim Lucier, "Bilderbergers," American oplnton (November 1964): 62.
53. Epperson, The Unseen Hand, 207; and Roberts, State Sovereignty, 186-
54. Roberts, State Sovereignty, 189.
Notes to Pages 4().59
55. Ibid., 189-190; and Epperson, The Unseen Hand, 207.
56. Dennis L. Meadows, Donnella H. Meadows, Jorgen Randers and William
W. Behrens III, The Limits to Growth-A Report for the Club of Rome's
Project on the Predicament of Mankind, 2d. Edition {1972; rpt
Washington DC: Potomac Associates; New York: Universe Books, 1974),
57. Christian Warner, "World Dictatorship and the New Age Movement,"
Newswatch Magazine (September 1986): 19.
58. Shirley West, "History of the Club of Rome," The Eagle Forum {Summer,
1989): 7.
59.Mlhajlo Mesarovlc and Eduard Pestel, Mankind at the Turning Point-
The Second Report to the Club of Rome (New York: E.P. Dutton & Co.,
Inc./Reader's Digest Press, 1974), 9-10.
60. Christian Warner, "World Dictatorship and the New Age Movement,"
Newswatch Magazine {September 1986): 19.
61.David]. Smith, "Ten Kingdoms Along With the Beast," Newswatch
Magazine (March-April1984): 12-15.
62.Mesarovlc, Mankind at the Turning Point, 203, 205.
63.Ibid., 201.
64. West, "Club of Rome," 7.
65.Meadows, The Limits to Growth, 196-197.
66.Mesarovlc,Mankind at the Turning Point, 143, 147.
67.Ibld., 206.
68. The Trilateral Commission, The Trilateral Commlssion-Questions and
Answers (New York: North American Office, 1986), 2.
69.Dalton, Constitutional Money, 5.
70. Zblgniew Brzezinski, Between Two Ages-America's Role In the Techne-
tronic Era (New York: Penguin Books
1970), 300, 304.
7l.Epperson, The Unseen Hand, 239.
72. Robert W. Lee, "Confirming the liberal Establishment," American
opinion {March 1981): 35.
73.The Review of the News (21 July 1976): 32.
74.Congressional Record-Senate, 15 December 1987, p. S18146.
Chapter 3-America's Shadow Government
1. "The RockefeUers," narr. Walter Cronkite, CBS Reports, 28 December
2. William Hoffman, David (New York: Lyle Stuart, 1971), 164-165.
3. United Press International, "Big Bank Dominance of Firms Described,"
Arizona Republic (7 January 1974).
4. Gary Allen, The Rockejelkr File (Seal Beach, CA: '76 Press, 1976), 69.
5. Alvin P. Sanoff, "Behind the Demise of Family Newspapers," U.S. News
and World Report (11 February 1985): 59.
6. Allen, The Rockefelkr File, 75.
7. Hoffman, David, 50.
8. Ralph Epperson, 17ze Unseen Hand {Tucson: Publius Press, 1985), 386;
218 Notes to Pages 59-83
and Allen, '/be Rockefelkr File, 44.
9. "Occasional Letter, No. 1," Genenal Education Board {1904).
IO.Hoffman, David, 51.
II. Allen, The Rockefelkr File, 45.
13.Epperson, 'J1Je Unseen Hand, 298.
14.Ibid., 386; and Hoffman, David, 51.
15.Epperson, 'J1Je Unseen Hand, 386.
16.Allen, The Rockefelkr File, 46.
17. Re.ne A. Wormser, Foundattons-'17Jeir Power and Influence (New York:
The Devin-Adalr Company, 1958), 142-143.
18.Allen, The Rockefe/Jer File, 45-46.
19. Catherine B. Dalton, Constitutional Money and the Banking Procedure
{Oreana, IL: Illinois Committee to Restore the Constitution, 1985), 7.
20.Adam Ulam, A HisU>ry of Soviet Russia {New York: Draeger Publishers,
1976), 102.
21. Gary Allen,Rockefelkr-Gampalgnlngfor the New World Order (Belmont,
MA: American Opinion, 1974), 9; and Dalton, Constitutional Money, 7.
22.Allen, Rockefeller-New World Order, 9.
23. Wormser, Foutldattons, 163-164.
24. Eustace Mullins, The World Order {Staunton, VA:. Ezra Pound Institute of
Civilization, 1985), 35.
25. "The CFR(I'rilateral Commission Connection" (Kerrville, TX: F.R.E.E.,
26.Mullins, 'J1Je World Order, 35.
27. "State of the Union-Bush Seeks to Inspire Support for his Persian Gulf
Mission," Congressional Quarterly (2 February 1991): 308-310.
Chapter 4-The New Age Movement
I. Webster's New Co/Jegiate Dictionary, 1977 ed., s.v. "mystic."
2. Nevill Drury, Dictionary of Mysticism and the Occult {San Francisco:
Harper and Row, 1985), 76, 212.
3. John Steinbacker, SenaU>r Robert Francis Kennedy-'lbe Man, the
Mysticism, the Murder (Los Angeles: Impact Publishers, 1968), 29.
4. Ibid., 29-31.
5. Encyclopedia of Occultism and Parapsycholggy, 2d ed., s.v. "Thule
Society," andJosephJ. Carr, The Twisted Cross (Lafayette, LA: Huntington
House, 1985), 107, 109.
6. Steinbacher, SenaU>r Robert Francis Kennedy, 30.
7. Christian Warner, "World Dictatorship and the New Age Movement,"
Newswatch Magazine (September 1986): 26.
8. Ibid., 13.
9. Steinbacher, SenaU>r Robert Francis Kennedy, 12.
lO.Counctl on Foreign Relattons, 1990 Annual Report, New York, 196.
11. Who's Who In the World, 8th Edition {Chicago: Marquis Who's Who,
1987-88), 499.
Notes to Pages 83-96
12.Warner, "World Dictatorship," 26.
13.CFR 1990 Annual Report, 191, 201, 203.
14. Who's Who In the World, 8th Edition, 499.
15.Dennis L. Meadows, Donnella H. Meadows,Jorgen Randers and William
W. Behrens ill, 17Je Limits U> GrQW/h-A Report for the Club of Rome's
Project on the 2d ed. (1972); {rpt Washing-
ton, DC: PotomacAssociates;NewYork: Universe Books, 1974),196-197.
16. Warner, "World Dictatorship," 20.
17.Peter LaLonde, "Special Report-The World Future Society's Worldview
'84," The Prophecy Newsletter (1984): 12; and Warner, "World Dictator-
ship," 21. {The Prophecy Newsletter is today known as the Omega Letter.)
18.LaLonde, "Special Report," 12.
Chapter 5-Freemasonry
1. Thirty Year:s- Work-The Books of Alice Batley and the Tibetan Master
DJ,whal Khul (New York: Lucis Publishing Company, date unknown), 29.
2. Allee A. Bailey, The Externalisation of the Hierarchy (New York: Lucls
Publishing Company, 1957), 511.
3. Thirty Year:s- Work-The Books of Allee A. Bailey and the Tibetan
Master Djwhal Khul, 29.
4. Cardinal Caro y Rodriguez, The Mystery of Freemasonry Unveiled
{Hawthorne, CA: Christian Book Club of America, 1971), 226.
5. Ibid., 238.
6. Ibid., 227.
7. Ibid., 226.
8. Facts of Scottish Rite (Lexington, MA: Northern Masonic Jurisdiction,
1984), 3; and Freemasonry-A Way of Lifo {Indianapolis: Grand Lodge
Free and Accepted Masons of the State of Indiana), 2-3.
9. Facts of Scottish Rite, 3.
10.Ibid., 5, 12.
11.AnctentArabic Order Nobles of the Mystic Shrine {Tampa: International
Shrine Headquarters, 1982), 2.
12.17Je New Encyclopedia Britannica, 15th ed., s.v. "Freemasonry."
13.The Encyclopedia Americana, 1986 ed., s.v. "Masons."
14.The New Encyclopedia Britannica, 15th ed., s.v. "Freemasonry."
15.The World Book Encyclopedia, 1986 ed., s.v. "Masonry."
16.J.S.M. Ward, Freemasonry and the Ancient Gods (London: Simpkin,
Marshall, Hamilton, Kent & Co., 1921), 342-344.
17. Albert Pike, Morals and Dogma of the Ancient and Accepted Scottish
Rite of Freemasonry (Washington, DC: House of the Temple 1966) 207-
208. Originally published in 1871, in Charleston, SC. ' '
18.Ibid., 329.
19.Thomas Smith Webb {Past Grand Master), The Freemason's Monitor
(Cincinnati: The Pettibone Bros., 1797), 39.
20. Henry. C. Clausen (Sovereign Grand Commander), Masons Who Helped
220 Notes to Pages 96-104
Shape Our Natwn (San Diego: Neyenesch Printers, 1976), 111. Printed
under the authority of The Supreme Council (Mother Council of the
World), House of the Temple, Washington, DC.
21. H.L. Haywood, Famous Masons and Masonic Presidents (Richmond, VA:
Macoy Publishing and Masonic Supply Co., 1944), 97.
22.Albert Pike, Morals and Dogma, 248.
23.NestaH. Webster,SecretSocietiesandSubversiveMovements(Hawthorne,
CA: Christian Book Club of America, originally published in 1924), 32-
24.Ibid., 63.
25.1bid., 49.
26.Collier's Encyclopedia, 1985 ed., s.v. "knights templars."
27. World Book Encyclopedia,1969 ed., s.v. "knights templars."
30. Collier's Encyclopedia, s.v. "knights templars."
31. World Book Encyclopedia, 1969 ed., s.v. "knights templars."
33.Collier's EncyckJpedia, s.v. "knights templars."
36.Pike, Morals and Dogma,
37. Webster's New World Dic/Wnary, 2d College Edition, s.v. "seignior" and
38. Edith Starr Miller, Occult Theocrasy (Hawthorne, CA: The Christian Book
Club of America, first published in 1933), 143.
39.Ibid., 144.
40. Collier's EncyckJpedia, s.v. "knights templars."
41. World Book Encyclopedia, 1969 ed., s.v. "knights templars."
42. Webster, Secret Societies, 51-52.
43.1bid., 52. This information was taken from Michelet, Proces des Templiers,
II, 1841, 284-364. This work consists largely of the publication in Latin
of the Papal bulls and trials of the Templars before the Papal Commission
in Paris contained in the original document once preserved at Notre
44.Ibid., 53. This information was taken from G. MoUat, Les Papes
d'Avignon, 1912, 241.
45.Ibid., 51. Taken from Michelet's Proces des Templiers.
46.Ibid., 53.
49.Ibid., 53-54.
50. Pike, Morals and Dogma, 817-818.
51. Webster, Secret Societies, 54.
Notes to Pages 104-111
53. World Book Encyclopedia, 1969 ed., s.v. "knights templars."
54. Miller, Occult Theocrasy, 144.
55. World Book Encyclopedia, 1969 ed., s.v. "knights templars."
56. Miller, Occult Theocrasy, 144.
57.Ibid., 145.
58. Pike, Morals and Dogma, 820.
59.1bid., 821.
61.Albert G. Mackey, An Encyclopedia of Freemasonry (New York: The
Masonic History Co., 1921), 639. Originally published in 1873, and more
commonly known as Mackey's .Encyclopedia of Freemasonry.
62.Ibid., 640.
63.Pike, Morals and Dogma, 816.
64.Ibid., 821.
65.Mackey's EncyckJpedia of Freemasonry, 346.
66. Ibid., 842.
67.Ibid., 843.
68. H.L. Haywood, Famous Masons and Masonic Presidents (Richmond, VA:
Macoy Publishing and Masortic Supply Co., 1944), 152.
69.John Proofs of a Conspiracy (Boston: Western Islands, 1967),
60. Origmally published in 1798.
70.Ibld., 106.
7l.Nesta Webster, World Revolution (London: Constable and Company,
1921), 20.
72.Mackey's Encyclopedia of Freemasonry, 346-347.
73. Webster, World Revolutwn, 20; and Count Egon Caesar Corti, The Rise
of the House of Rothschild (Boston: Western Islands, 1972), ix.
Originally published by Cosmopolitan Book Corporation in 1928.
7 4. Haywood, Masonic Presidents, 151-152.
75. Robison, Proofs of a Conspiracy, 86.
76.Ibid., 87.
77.Webster, World Revolution, 13.
78.Robison, Proofs of a Conspiracy, 86.
79.Facts of Scottish Rite, 4.
81. Chuck Sackett, What's Going On in There? (Thousand Oaks, CA: Sword
of the Shephard Ministries, 1982), 13. As taken from History of the
Church [D.H.C.], Vol. 4, 550, 552.
84. W.J. McCormick, the Christian, and Freemasonry (Belfast: Great
. Joy Publications, 1984), 96. As quoted from Official First Day of Issue:
Mormon Temple, Salt Lake City, UT. (Brigham Young: inset) 5 April1980.
(USPS) '
85.lbid., 18.
Notes to Pages 111-117
86.Miller, Occtdt Theocrasy, 207-208.
87.Pike, Morals and Dogma, 12.
88.Mackey:S Encyclopedia of Freemasonry, 563.
89.Miller, Occtdt Theocrasy, 210. . . ,
90. Haywood, Masonic Presider:ts, 132; Kirban, Satan s Angels
Exposed (Rossville: Grapevme Book Distributors, 1980), 159.
9I.Maclzey:S Encyclopedia of Freemasonry, 564.
92.Haywood, Masonic Presidents, 133.
94.Kirban, Satan:S Angels Exposed, 159.
95.Mackey's Encyclopedia of Freemasonry, 564.
96.Miller, Occtdt Theocrasy, 208.
97.Ibid., 220.
98.Haywood, Masonic Presidents, 133.
100.Mackey's Encyclopedia of Freemasonry, 564.
10I.Kirban, Satan:S Angels Exposed, 157-158; and Ralph Epperson, The
Unseen Hand (Tucson: Publius Press, 1985), 223.
102.Miller, Occtdt Theocrasy, 215.
105.Ibid., 216-217.
106.Ibid., 217-218.
107.Ibid., 208-209.
108. Kirban, Satan :S Angels Exposed, 159.
109.Miller, Occult Theocrasy, 222.
1ll.Ibid., 216.
113.Ibid., 220.
114.Ibid., 221.
115.Pike, Morals and Dogma, 817.
116.Kirban, Satan:S Angels Exposed, 157.
117.Miller, Occtdt Theocrasy, 219.
118.Ibid., 218. bli
119.Gerald Winrod, Adam Weishaupt (Clackamas, OR: Emissary Pu ca-
tions, 1937), 48.
120.Webster, World Revolution, 178.
121.Ibid., 179.
124.Ibid. d llin
125.James Guillaume,KarlMarx,pan-Germaniste Arman Co ,
1915), 9 as quoted in Nesta Webster, World Revolutum, 180.
126.Nesta Webster, World Revolution, 180.
Notes to Pages 117-130 223
127.E.E. Fribourg,L'Association/nternationaledes TravaiJ/eurs, 1871,31
as quoted in Nesta Webster, World Revolution, 181.
128.Webster, World Revolution, 181.
129.Ibid., 182-183.
130.John Steinbacher, Senator Robert Francis Kennedy-The Man, the
Mysticism, the Murder (Los Angeles: Impact Publishers, Inc., 1968), iv.
Originally printed in the Sunday mustrated Herald, 8 February 1920.
13I.McCormick, the Christian, and Freemasonry, 116.
132. "Now at War: 1 in Every 4 Nations," U.S. News and World Report (28
March 1983): 11.
133.James J. Drummey, "The Internationalist," The New American (12
March 1991): 29.
135.Ibid., 30.
Chapter 6-The Secret Teachings of the N.W.O.
1. "Freemasonry on Its Own Terms," The John Ankerberg Show-News and
Views, No. 0586, 1986, 1.
2. News and Views, 1.
3. Albert Pike, Morals and Dogma of the Ancient and Accepted Scottish
Rite of Freemasonry (Washington, DC: House of the Temple, 1966), 213.
Originally published in 1871 in Charleston, SC.
4. Albert G. Mackey, An Encyclopedia of Freemasonry (New York: The
Masonic History Co., 1921 ), 618. Originally published in 1873, and more
commonly known as Mackey's Encyclopedia of Freemasonry.
5. Thomas Smith Webb (Past Grand Master), The Freemason's Monitor
(Cincinnati: The Pettibone Bros., 1797), 92.
6. Manly P. Hall, The Lost Keys of Freemasonry (New York: Macoy
Publishing and Masonic Supply Co., 1931), 48.
7. Edith Starr Miller, Occtdt Theocrasy (Hawthorne, CA: The Christian Book
Club of America, 1933), 220-221.
8. Joseph Fort Newton, The Builders-A Story and Study of Freemasonry
(New York: Macoy Publishing and Masonic Supply Co., first published in
1914; latest printing 1951), 242.
9. Ed Decker, The Question of Freemasonry (Issaquah, WA: Saints Alive),
10.Captain William Morgan, Illustrations of Masonry-By One of the
Fraternity Who Has Devoted Thirty Years to the Subject (Batavia, NY:
CoL David C. Miller, 1827), 21-22.
ll.Ibid., 3 of Introduction, written by the publisher, Col. David C. Miller.
12.Rev. Charles G. Finney, The Character, Claims, and Practical Workings
of Freemasonry (Chicago: E. Cook Publications, 1986), 17. Originally
published in 1869, by the Western Tract and Book Society.
13.Henry Wilson Coil, Coil's Masonic Encyclopedia (New York: Macoy
Publishing and Masonic Supply Co., 1961), 58.
14. W.J. McCormick, the Christian, and Freemasonry (Belfast: Great
224 Notes to Pages 130-145
joy Publications, 1984), 27.
15.Finney, Practical Workings of Freemasonry, 1.
16.Dr. Alva). McClain, "Freemasonry and Christianity," The Sword of the
Lord (5 December 1975): 9. Dr. McClain was the long-time president of
Grace Brethren Seminary in Winona Lake, Indiana. This article was a
reprint of an earlier lecture delivered by McClain.
17.McCormick, the Christian, and Freemasonry, 141.
18.Ibid., 111-112.
19. H.I.. Haywood, Famous Masons and Masonic Presidents (Richmond, VA:.
Macoy Publishing and Masonic Supply Co., 1944), 128.
20.McCormick, the Christian, and Freemasonry, 112.
23.McClain, The Sword of the Lord: 9.
24.Louis L. Williams, "Universality and Christianity," The Northern Light,
Vol. 18, No. 1 (February 1987): 6-7.
25.Ibid., 7, 18.
26.Associated Press, "Church Calls Freemason Rituals Blasphemous," The
Indianapolis Star (14 july 1987): 10.
29.Decker, The of Freemasonry, 8.
31. Anton Szandor LaVey, The Satanic Rituals-companion to the Satanic
Bible (New York: Avon Books, 1972), 21.
32.Ibid., 54.
33.Ibid., 59.
34.Ibid., 56.
35.Ibid., 56, 58.
Chapter 7-The Coming World Crisis
1. U.S. Department of Defense, Soviet Military Power 1986 (Washington,
DC: U.S. Government Printing Office, 1986), 133.
2. Post Diplomatic "Jerusalem Incomprehension at Syrian
Nervousness," The Jerusalem Post (12 April1984): 1, col. 1-2.
3. Ibid.
4. "Israel's Nuclear Prowess-A Leak by Design?" U.S. News and World
Report {10 November 1986): 8.
5. Salem Kirban, Angels Exposed (Rossville, GA:. Grapevine Books,
1980), 158-161.
6. Myron Fagan, The 1/lumlnati-CFR, Emissary Publications, TP-107, 1968.
This letter between Pike and Mazzini is now catalogued in the British
Museum in London (according to Salem Kirban, Angels Exposed,
164). Parts of this letter are also quoted in Descent Into Slavery by Des
igh-ranking government liaison Gary Kah warns that national
sovereignty will soon be a thing of the past. Political forces
around the world are now cooperating in unprecedented fashion
to achieve their goal of uniting the people of this planet under a
New World Order.
Because of his background in government, Gary Kah was
invited to join the WCPA (World Constitution and Parliament
Association), overseeing the planning and implementation of the
one world government. For the skeptical observer, the material in
this book "should serve as ample evidence that the drive to create
a one world government is for real," including reproductions of the
original WCPA documents.
The author further demonstrates that there is an ominous
cooperation between the globalists, who are promoting the one
world government, and the burgeoning New Age groups, who are
promoting a new religion. If our countrymen do not begin to resist
this global government, sovereign nations will cease to exist and
a single global economic system will be established.
Kah has received a myriad of honors for his scholasti c and
professional achievements: Governor' s Commendation for out-
standing service to the State of Indiana; the A.C. Wall Street
Journal Award for Outstanding Economic Achievement; Who's
Who Among Students in American Universities and Colleges;
International Youth in Achievement Award; IBC's Men of Achieve-
ment Award; Who's Who in the Midwest; and Who's Who of
Emerging Leaders in America. .". ..

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