In The United States Bankruptcy Court For The District of Delaware

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Chapter 11 Case No. 08-11586 (KG) (Jointly Administered)

MOTION AND ORDER FOR PRO HAC VICE Pursuant to Local Rule 83.5, Local Rules of Civil Practice and Procedure of the United States District Court for the District of Delaware, and the attached certification, undersigned counsel moves for the admission pro hac vice to represent Maricopa County Treasurer (Maricopa County) in this action. In addition, because Maricopa County is an agency of the State of Arizona, undersigned counsel moves that the requirement to associate with local counsel be waived under Del. Bankr. L.R. 9010-1(c)(ii). RESPECTFULLY SUBMITTED this 18th day of September 2008. By/s/ Madeleine C. Wanslee Madeleine C. Wanslee Arizona State Bar No. 012590 Gust Rosenfeld P.L.C. 201 E. Washington Street, Suite 800 Phoenix, AZ 85004-2327 Telephone No. (602) 257-7430 Facsimile No. (602) 340-1538 Email: [email protected] CERTIFICATION BY COUNSEL TO BE ADMITTED PRO HAC VICE Pursuant to Local Rule 83.5, Local Rules of Civil Practice and Procedure

The Debtors in these cases, along with the last four digits of their federal tax identification numbers are Mervyns Holdings, LLC (7931), Mervyns LLC (4456), and Mervyns Brands, LLC (8850).
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of the United States District Court for the District of Delaware, I certify that I am eligible for admission to this Court, am admitted, practicing and in good standing as a member of the Bar of State of Arizona and pursuant to Local Rule 83.6 D. De. L.R. submit to the disciplinary jurisdiction of this Court for any alleged misconduct which occurs in the preparation or course of this action. I also certify that I am generally familiar with this Courts Local Rules and with Standing Order for District Court Fund effective 1/1/05. I further certify that the annual fee of $25.00 has been paid to the Clerk of the Court for District Court.

By /s/ Madeleine C. Wanslee Madeleine C. Wanslee Arizona State Bar No. 012590 GUST ROSENFELD P.L.C. 201 E. Washington, Suite 800 Phoenix, AZ 85004-2327 Telephone No. (602) 257-7422

ORDER GRANTING MOTION IT IS HEREBY ORDERED counsels motion for admission pro hac vice is granted. Date: The Honorable Kevin Gross United States Bankruptcy Judge

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CERTIFICATE OF SERVICE I hereby certify under penalty of perjury that on the 18th day of September 2008, I served by first class, postage prepaid mail, true and correct copies of the foregoing Motion and Order for Admission Pro Hac Vice upon the following parties: Counsel for Debtors: Christopher M. Samis Daniel J. DeFranceschi L. Katherin Good Mark D. Collins Richards, Layton & Finger, P.A. 920 N. King St. One Rodney Square Wilmington, DE 19801 and Neil B. Glassman Bayard, P.A. 222 Delaware Ave., Ste. 900 Wilmington, DE 19801 U.S. Trustee: OFFICE OF THE U.S. TRUSTEE 844 King St., Rm. 2207 Lockbox #35 Wilmington, DE 19899-0035 Counsel for Official Committee of Unsecured Creditors: Karen B. Skomorucha Ashby & Geddes, P.A. 500 Delaware Ave., 8th Fl. PO Box 1150 Wilmington, DE 19899

By /s/ Madeleine C. Wanslee

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