Waiver of Rights

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Savings & Loan This Waiver of Righis for the Afined Forces of the Philipp;nes 2012,by and day of February, madeand enteredinto lhis Assoclalion, (AFPSLA), lnc. among: wid 1. Fe CoronelNanqu of legalage, Filipino, ow of the lateCol.TomasG Nanquil il, city. Talayan Village, Quezon at Jr. with fesidence 13 SilayStreet, J. 2. [,4a.LourdesCecile N. Ranada,of legal age, Filipino,marriedto Emmanuel City, Talayan Village, Quezon with residence 13 SijayStreet, ai Ranada, B. married Olivial,4argarila Nanquil lo lll, 3. TomasC. Nanquil, of legalage, Filipino, City. Village, Quezon Talayan with residence 13 SilaySlreet, at wjth marriedto Gilda L Nanquil, of 4. Raul RobertoC. Nanquil, legalage, Filipino, Village, Quezon City. at Talayan residence 13 S;layStreet, wilh io G. maffjed Alminda Nanquil, of 5- OscarRamonC. Nanqujl, legalage,Filipino, St., residence 8 llc Donnelle ConcodeVillage,NIIARoad,Tambo,Paranaque al City. wiih R mar ed lo Salvador Fortin, Fe N. 6. [,4a. lililagros Fortin,of legalage, Filipino, I\,4anila. Streel, Sampaloc, residence 1029Constancia at with R Fil;pino, married Ruby Nanquil, to oflegalage, 7. Rene PaulWilliam Nanquil, C. Cily. Village, Quezon ai Talayan residence 13 SilayStreel, with iaw, herebydeposeand state, We, after havingbeen duly swom in accordance THAT: 1. Weareseven(7)oltheeighl(8)legalheirsofthelale,TOIVASG.NANQU|LJRwhodied on January 9.2006: interests rights which or whatever shares, we 2. As legalheirsof the deceased, are waiving we may have over the proceedsof the termjnationof the account of my aie legalheirwho in TO[,4AS NANQUIL. withAFPSLAI favorof another G. JR. husbandfather. N. CARI\,'|EL]TAEUFEMIOI [,'lARlA THERESA be my daughler/our sister, happens to facls and for alTlegal this to 3. We are execuiing aflidavil attestto the truthof the foregoing intents and ourooses. we nave hereLnlosel oLr lands Lns IN WITNESSWHEREOF, at day ot





Fortin C. Nanquil


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n"p,oti"tne ot fitffi
BEFORE IVE,IhiS Name Fe CorcnelNanquil

tr lt\l\ i?s

personally appeared: dayof Febtuaty.2012, SSS/DLNumber 03-0163283-6 03 4793980-5 03-37702514 o3-78045454 03'93580224 33,1438063-3 88-080060 Placeof lssue City Quezon City Ouezon City Quezon City Quezon C Quezon jty City Quezon Cily Quezon

N. [,4aLourdes Cec;]e Ranada c. lll Tomas Nanquil, RaulRoberto Nanquil C. OscafRamonC. Nanquil I\,4a. lVilagros Fortin Fe N. PaulWilliam Nanquil C. Rene

and idenlities who acknowledged evidence ofthejf tespective io whoexhibited me the foregoing (consisting 2 of OF ihe AFFIDAVIT UNDERTAKING beforeme that they execuled forego;ng afiixedby them iot were volunlarily pages), signatures the inslrument on lhat their respective as the andthattheyexecuied instrumenl lheir and theirrespective ihe purposes staiedthercin, and act orincioals'ffee voluntarv anddeed. Witness handandsealthismy 2012. dayof February,


R 31 2012

Doc Nq.'J*; series 2b-t{ or



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