Protection Case Studies
Protection Case Studies
Protection Case Studies
AGRA Muradnagar
03 04 05
02 03 04 05 06 07
400kv/220KVICT#4atDadri GasTripped DirectionalEarthfault 400kV k Dadri GT2 Tripped Dadri GT4Tripped Dadri GT1 Tripped Dadri GT1 Tripped GTbackUpEarthfault GTbackUpEarthfault GTbackUpEarthfault GTbackUpEarthfault
Rihand Dadri HVDCBipole trippeddueto Unbalance h d d l dd b l DCharmonicprotectionExcessive unbalance Dadri Muradnagar Dadri end tripped MuradnagarDadri endtripped clearingthefault Dadri Panipt LineTrippedwhichwason thesamediameter. Z1& Z2diatance Z1 & Z2 diatance protection
AGRA BusBMuradnagar
ICT ICT BusAMuradnagar 400KV 400 KV Rishikesh 220kv Coal 220kv Gas Railway
02 03
Dadri Dadri
04 05
Dadri Dadri
Dadri HVDC
InsulatorPollution:AdoptionSilicon ProfileInsulator fl l
LineMaintenance:Needforadoption ofModernMaintenancePractices f d
UnderVoltageprotection LowForwardPowerprotection
LBB of Buscoupler-1 Operated due to scheme problem while loading BusVINDHYACHAL 2 through V-J-3 line VJ3 LBB of Buscoupler-1 Operated due to scheme problem while loading BusVINDHYACHAL 2 through V-J-3 line LBB of B f Buscoupler-1 O l 1 Operated d t scheme problem while l di B t d due to h bl hil loading BusVINDHYACHAL 2 through V-J-3 line LBB of Buscoupler-1 Operated due to scheme problem while loading BusVINDHYACHAL 2 through V-J-3 line
Case1:TalcherKaniha Observations:
LBBprotectionwasfoundoperatedforthecircuit BreakersofthefollowingSt IIGenerator Breakers of the following StII Generator Transformers: Generator#3 : None Generator#4 : BothBus#3(2952)& Bus#4(2752) Generator#5 : BothBus#5(3852)& Bus#6(3652) Generator#6 Generator # 6 : OnlyBus#5(4152) Only Bus#5 (4152)
NOcontactof Triprelay86
LBBstart BinaryI/O
Case C:UnwarrantedOperationofLBB CaseC: Unwarranted Operation of LBB Case1:TalcherKaniha 250306 Solution: S l i Relay7SV600ofSiemens makehasabinary inputrelayratedfor17 300V d h i l d f 17 300Vandhasa operatingthresholdsettingoptionof17Vor 74V.Thesettingselectionisbylinksatthe 74V The setting selection is by links at the cardleveloftherelay(notontherelayfront panel). Thresholdincreasedto74Vbyadoptingnew linkposition. link position.
GeneratorDifferentialProtectionOperation p
GeneratorRotorEarthFault GeneratorTransformerBuchholzProtection LBBProtection
UnderVoltageprotection LowForwardPowerprotection
DifferentialProtectionOperationOn Throughfault:7No h hf l
Recommendation sent to site for replacement of existing f Tripped on Gen differential protection f during through fault at 400KV Panki relay. Stability of existing Gen diff relay is not adequate due end. CT got burst. to increase in fault level level. Recommendation sent to site for replacement of existing Tripped on generator protection relay. relay Stability of existing Gen during tripping of 220KV line diff relay is not adequate due to increase in grid fault level. TRIPPED ON GT DIFF PROTECTION. DTH relay maloperated
Case B:Operationof87Gwithlinefault CaseB: Operation of 87G with line fault Case1:Dadri Gas: 261106 Observations: Allthe4GTGgeneratorsofDadri Gastripped onGenDiffProtn (87G)duringfaultat400KV on Gen Diff Protn (87G) during fault at 400KV Dadri Ballabhgarhline1 Siemens make 7UD21relay is in service in all Siemensmake7UD21relayisinserviceinall theGTGs&STGs.ButrelaysofGTGsonly operatedduringtheincident. operated during the incident Linefaultclearedwithadelayof145ms.
Case B:Operationof87Gwithlinefault CaseB: Operation of 87G with line fault Case1:#Gas: Cause of operation: Causeofoperation: a)CTsusedare5P10classandofdifferentsize &shapeforphase&neutralside(forGTG & shape for phase & neutral side (for GTG Generators). b) Relay restraint function starts at 3 times In b)Relayrestraintfunctionstartsat3timesIn. FaultsharedbytheGTGgeneratorswereless andrelayfailedtoproviderestrainingaction. and relay failed to provide restraining action
Case B:Operationof87Gwithlinefault CaseB: Operation of 87G with line fault Case1:#Gas: Remedial action: Remedialaction: a)Relaytobereplacedwithasuitableonefor suchapplication. such application b)DelayinreceiptofcarrierfromBallabhgarh endtobeinvestigatedandresolved end to be investigated and resolved c)Asanimmediatesolution,settingof87G increasedfrom20%to30%. increased from 20% to 30%
DifferentialRelay RR I2 O Io I1
I I1+I2 2
I=I1 I2
CaseE:TrippingofmultipleGeneratorsdueto unclearedsystemfault f
Case1:FGPS Observations: 271007
GTG1atFGPSwasrunningon130MWloadwith220KVPalla 1andSamaypur1linesconnectedtoBus1&STGwas yp generating67MWwith220KVPalla2,Samaypur2linesand GTG2HVCBconnectedtoBus2atFGPS.220KVBuscoupler breakerwasclosedandGTG2wasoutofbarduetolow schedule.Totalpowerfailuretookplaceat07:22hrs. h d l T t l f il t k l t 07 22 h Theincidentwasinitiatedfromanunclearedfaultin16MVA, 66KV/11KVTransformer3feederatPallasubstationofHVPNL andfaultwasfedfromFGPSthrough220KVPalla1&2lines. d f lt f df FGPS th h 220KV P ll 1 & 2 li
220KVPalla1&2 GTG1
2x100MVA, 2x100MVA, 230/66KV, Z%=11.5
CaseE:TrippingofmultipleGeneratorsdueto unclearedsystemfault l d f l
S.N . 1 07h:22m:03s:375STG tripped on GT Standby Earth fault (51NGT) protection. a) Uncleared Fault in 16MVA, 66KV/11KV Transformer-3 feeder at Palla substation. b) Neutral current was just above relay setting of 250A and relay correctly operated after 1.5sec delay. BusBar differential relay rightly operated due to snapping of conductor from Bus-2 PG clamp on the 489B isolator at FGPS connected to Palla-2 line Palla 2 and within the zone of Busbar differential protection of Bus-2. The fault should have been cleared in back up by tripping of Palla-1 line instead of GTG-1 tripping. Protection relay settings need review. Event Observation / cause Remedial measure
07h:22m:12s:62507h:22m:12s:625 BusBar differential protection of Bus-2 operated and 220KV breakers of Palla-2, B/C, GTG2 HVCB, and Samaypur-2 opened. Bus-2 became dead. Bus 2 GTG-1 was running connected to Bus-1 with Palla-1 & Samaypur-1 lines. 07h:22m:15s:875GTG-1 tripped on Overcurrent & Back up impedance protection.
The switchyard at FGPS has been recently taken over from PGCIL and hence monthly Thermovision scanning and attending of hot spots is suggested.
CaseE:TrippingofmultipleGeneratorsdueto unclearedsystemfault f
Case2:Farakka Observations:
Unit # 2 4 & 5 tripped on generator back up Unit#2,4&5trippedongeneratorbackup E/Fprotection(51NGT)asMaldaFarakkaline trippedduringtestchargingofMalda Purnia tripped during test charging of MaldaPurnia line(byPowerGrid). Remedy: IncorporationofDEFinlineprotectionandco ordinationwith51NGT.
CaseF:TrippingofGeneratoronGTfield protectionsalongwithlinefault f
Case:Farakka on27th &30th April2007 Observations:
GT/UATBuchholz1/PRV/OSRrelaysofU2andsome offsiteHTTransfomersgotenergizedalongwithdisturbance offsite HT Transfomers got energized along with disturbance in400KVFkkDurgapur/Maldalines. Cause: EHVinterferencesinagedcables. Remedy: Replacementofoldcontrolcablesandlayingofcontroland powercablesinseparatetrays.ProperArmour/shield earthingatoneend&glanding. earthing at one end & glanding
CaseI:PTfailureleadingtoGenstatorearth fault.
IncidentsofGenerator95%StatorEarth ProtectionOperation P t ti O ti
TALCHER KANIHA 2 1 12 Aug 08 12-Aug-08 10-Nov-08 Tripped on stator earthfault protection due to problem of PT Unit w as running at 378 MW w ith mills BCDE in service. At 00:01hrs, unit tripped on Generator stator standby earth fault protection 64G2. In GRP, 95% Earth Fault Relay of Generator found in operated condition. All 12 PTs ( R, Y, B of PT A, B & C ) w ere
T e s T & re p
11-Feb-09 11 F b 09
Tripped on stator earthfault p pp protection. NaOH dosing carried out w hen Mixed g Bed Ion Exchanger resin w as exhausted.
L a c e.
CaseI:TakcherKaniha Observations: On080808U#5trippedonRotorearthfault.Unit d hf l justcamebackaftergeneratorOH. Cause: cable from Exciter to GRP insulation damage cablefromExcitertoGRPinsulationdamage. Learning: Duecaretobetakenwhilehandlingcontrolcables Due care to be taken while handling control cables duringOHjobsofExciter. p CaseII:Sipat 6timesunitstrippedonREF DeficiencyofRelay CaseIII:VindhyachalExciterfailureatU#10
19-Aug-08 SINGRAULI 2 19-Aug-08 SINGRAULI 4 Allahabad line 1 tripped due to line fault. LBB of bus 2 operated due to relay problem and bus became dead. Unit2 2 & 4 along w ith lLucknow line g sw itched to bus 2 got dead. Allahabad line 1 tripped due to line fault. LBB of bus 2 operated due to relay problem and bus became dead. Unit2 2 & 4 along w ith lLucknow line sw itched to bus 2 got dead.
22 Sep 08 22-Sep-08 DADRI COAL 1 22-Sep-08 DADRI COAL 3 22-Sep-08 DADRI COAL DADRI GAS DADRI GAS DADRI GAS DADRI GAS DADRI GAS 4 GT-1 GT-2 GT-3 ST-1 ST-2 ST 2 22-Sep-08 22-Sep-08 22-Sep-08 22-Sep-08 22-Sep-08 22 Sep 08 Dadri Panipat line 1 tripped due to fault in panipat end line isolator fail Severe fail. dip in B phase voltage w as observed. All air preheaters of unit tripped causing boiler trip. Dadri Panipat line 1 tripped due to fault in panipat end line isolator fail. Severe dip in B phase voltage w as observed. All air preheaters of unit tripped causing boiler trip. Dadri Panipat line 1 tripped due to fault in panipat end line isolator fail. Severe dip in B phase voltage w as observed. All air preheaters of unit tripped causing boiler trip. Unit tripped on Under Voltage Unit tripped on Under Voltage Unit tripped on Under Voltage Unit tripped on Under Voltage Unit tripped on Under Voltage
12-Aug-08 UNCHAHAR 4 9-Sep-08
One of the ID Fan 4a channel developed earthfault causing tripping of 6.6KV bus A. All the drives in that bus tripped(FD, PA fans, Mills). Unit tripped as PA p Header pressure w ent low Unit#4 w as running at 504 MW w ith seven milling system & w ith TDBFP-A & B .Sipat -Seoni 765 KV LINE-1 out going feeder Breaker Y phase pole got opened . Generator Transformer Back up earth fault protection 51NGT opened.Unit tripped on this electrical clas
After isolation of Tie Transformer-4, Sec-F supply w as being extended through tie betw een Sec-A and Sec-F. For normalising 6.6KV station bus (7S1), (7S1) incomer breaker from Station Transformer 7 w as closed and tie breaker tripped on interlock. Immediately i Unit w as running at 70 MW w ith mill B and C and three oil guns in service after synchronization at 15:55 hrs. At 16:35 Hrs Unit Bus A supply w as change from reserve source to main source from UAT-A.UAT-B breaker w as also tried but it did not close .So U
Case N:Bus IItrippingduetolinefault. CaseN: BusII tripping due to line fault . Case:Badarpuron100509at13:11hrs p Observations: 220KV BusII became dead due to operation of 220KVBus IIbecamedeadduetooperationof BusbarDifferentialprotection(CAG34)atthe timeofZone1faultin220KVNoidaline.Unit #4&2tripped
Learning: Reviewofrelaysettingisrequiredtobecarriedout periodicallywiththechangeinfaultleveland network/systemconfiguration. network / system configuration
UAT capacity low, it may happen with existing setting. PE to suggest renedial action action.
Type of core Typeofcore Ratio Kneepointvoltage p g Screenearthing
Setting g
TRIPPED ON UAT B Korba Unit 6: BKorba Unit-6: repeated BUCHHOLTZ RELAY failure. Old cables to be PROTECTION ON 01.07.09 AT replaced as per revised 00:11 HRS. FAULTY CABLE OIN-32 Sl no-11.2 g) REPLACED. SYNCHRONISED ON 01.07.09 AT 05:14 HRS.
CoordinationIssues 15UnitTrippinginayear
CW motor breaker failed to clear fault in motor TB and 6.6KV bus incomer tripped. 415 Volt supply to Turbine LOPs lost DC lost. LOP came in on lub oil pressure. Cause of CW breaker failure to be studied and healthiness of breakers to be ensured. During g testing, tripping of breaker from trip relay to be checked.
Tripped due to operation of GTR relay. No other relays / protection operated which is leading to operation of GTR. IBT 2 TRIPPED ON POLE DISCREPENCY. DISCREPENCY CW PUMPS TRIPPED ON COOLING WATER FLOW LOW. UNITS 1&2 TRIPPED AS CWPUMPS TRIPPED No reasons found
Internation al Protection
3rd Character
4th Character
H: High Voltage device M : Moving g during water test S : still during water test t t t W : weather condition
CaseD:GeneratorPTprimaryfusefailureat KorbaStII K b S II Observations: Primaryfuse(6.3Arating)failedin6occasions atKorbaStII,500MWunitsbutwithoutany at Korba St II 500MW units but without any primaryfault. U i Unitstrippedon3occasions.PTfusefailrelay i d 3 i PT f f il l couldnotoperatefastenoughtoblockthe voltagedependentrelays. l d d l
CaseD:GeneratorPTprimaryfusefailureat KorbaStII K b S II
Analysis: y MostlymechanicalfailuretookplaceinPTprimary fuses. Delayinoperationoffusefailblockingrelayisunder studyforsuitablesolution.