Philippine Islands Judiciary Torrens System Title in Rem - BLP Coop
Philippine Islands Judiciary Torrens System Title in Rem - BLP Coop
Philippine Islands Judiciary Torrens System Title in Rem - BLP Coop
TORRENS Acquisition Art. 521, TITLE (Possessory SYSTEM 523 & 525)
Real Property Act 1858
P.D. 27 p.d. 410 - P.D. 2016 R.A. 7160 R.A. 9520 R.A. 5185
ANG BAGONG LAHING PILIPINO MULTI-PURPOSE COOPERATIVE with Reg. No. C-223-6825, TORRENS SYSTEM LAW Registration of Real Property Titles and Deeds, Copyrighted on August 3, 2004 with ISBN No. 971-93393-0-6, TORRENS SYSTEM Real Property Act 1858, Copyrighted on November 6, 2009 with ISBN No. 978-971-94674-0-3, and ANG BAGONG LAHING PILIPINO DEVELOPMENT FOUNDATION, INCORPORATED with S.E.C. Reg. No. A2002-00833-2002, as amended Article II & III, dated June 15, 2009 thereof with postal address at Rm. 302 Triple M Bldg., 1273 Batangas St., San Isidro, Makati City;
The acquired Property under Torrens System Law Acquisition in fee simple portion of land, known and identified as Lot No. _____________________________________, situated in the entire_________________________________________,containing an area of PHILIPPINE ARCHIPELAGO M - 8982 TORRENS SYSTEM 76,119,200 ___________________square meters in a hectares, more or less; that I have constructed my residential building and other improvements thereon, since the year 19 __ up to the present, continuously without any contest of any person or persons whomsoever and whatsoever; 73 IT IS FURTHER CERTIFIED that the said land was originally registered on the 14th day of March in the Year Nineteen Hundred and Thirteen (1913) in the Registration Book of the Office of the Register of Deeds of Bulacan Volume, 88 Page, 239 with Original Certificate Title No. 779 (Mother Title) pursuant to Decree No. 10139 issued in G. L. R. O. Record No. 8511, Case No. 84, Tracer No. 874 with Original Survey Plan-II-4509, approved on October 23, 1911 in the name of the late De Ocampo. This was Transferred to 8982 under Torrens System, and transfer to series Torrens System Title No.____________________________________, pursuant to Presidential Decree M - 8982 TORRENS SYSTEM No.____________ situated in the entire ___________________________________which is cancelled by virtue hereof in so far as the abovePHILIPPINE ARCHIPELAGO 1143 described MOTHER O.C.T. to T.S.T. to Series T.T. and Decree, where the land lies is concerned.1 P.D. No. 175, R.A. 9520, STRENGTHENING THE COOPERATIVE MOVEMENT by which Filipino can be properly guided the following Articles of Cooperation and By-laws, Paragraph 1,2,3,4,5, Sec.3 Cooperative Principles, Sec. 4, Powers of Cooperatives, Sec. 5, Privileges of Cooperatives and P.D. 410 notwithstanding that no tenant-farmer shall be ejected from the land cultivated by him P.D. No. 316, in accordance with the rules and regulations implementing Presidential Decree No. 27, pursuant to Proclamation No. 1081, dated September 21, 1972, General Order No. 1, dated September 22, 1972 as amended and decree order, done in 23rd day of October, in the year of our Lord, 1973. This judiciary instrument Torrens System Law in rem, res judicata. (Sec. 2 P.D. 1529), Section 48 of Commonwealth Act 141 in connection, Section 103 of P.D. 1529. It is conclusive upon the whole world including the government that most of the lands now occupied or possessed by the people throughout the Philippines are not covered by titles issued by the government. Section 1. The system of registration under the Spanish Mortgage Law under P.D. No. 892, effective February 16, 1976, Spanish Title unregistered land. (Sec. 2 P.D. 1529). This instruments under Section 194 of the Revised Administrative Code, as amended by Republic Act No. 3344; must be registered and recorded for taxation purposes under Presidential Decree No. 464, intended to confirm and register ownership of the land shall be based on the generally accepted principles underlying the TORRENS SYSTEM (P.D. 1529, Sec. 2). That the above-mentioned land is affirmed and confirmed by the Honorable Supreme Court EN BANC Decision as per G.R. Nos. 103727 and 106496, became Final and Immediately Executory, Promulgated December 18, 1996, and Supreme Court Resolution dated 11 July, 2000; 30 January, 2001 and 5 March, 2002 with warning: that no further pleadings will be entertained or the same land cannot be again litigated in any future action at any Courts of Justice in the Republic of the Philippines;
372592 can no longer be used as evidence of land ownership. Under the same land decree, land not under the Torrens System shall be considered as
IN WITNESS WHEREOF, I have hereunto affixed our signature at the City of ____________________, Philippines, MAKATI th this ______day of ____________________, 2012. 16 FEBRUARY
TTc 00000001
PRESIDENTIAL DECREE NO. 1143 INSTITUTING THE TECHNICAL DESCRIPTION OF THE PHILIPPINE ARCHIPELAGO MAKING THE PHILIPPINE ISLAND INTO TWO PARCELS. WHEREAS, the Republic of the Philippines has a serious problem of the land distribution; WHEREAS, the Infrastructure Projects and Economic Development of our country are seriously obstructed by the ownership of the said lands; WHEREAS, remedy should be well founded to streamline the distribution of our said natural wealth; NOW, THEREFORE, I FERDINAND E. MARCOS, President of the Philippines, by virtue of the power vested in me by the constitution, do hereby decree and order the following. SECTION 1, The Republic of the Philippines shall be made in to two (2) Parcels as Parcel and Parcel II; SECTION 2, The tie point of both Parcel I and Parcel II of the Philippine Archipelago should be Binondo Church, Manila; SECTION 3, The Bureau of lands was instructed to institute the Technical Description of Parcel and Parcel II of the said Philippine Archipelago; SECTION 4, The area involve of the Technical Descriptions of Parcel I and Parcel II of the Philippine Archipelago are to include the water between the islands; SECTION 5, The scale that should be used is 1.2,500-000 SECTION 6, The Technical Descriptions of Parcel I as are follows: from BCM to Sta. 1 S. 42 deg. 37E., 161 kms. to sta. 2 S. 11 deg. 12E., 231 kms.; to Sta. 3 S. 45 deg. 30E., 579 kms. to sta. 4 N. 61 deg. 30W., 50 kms.; to Sta. 5 E. 27 deg. 18E., 598 kms. to sta. 6 N. 08 deg. 37W., 484 kms.; to Sta. 7 R. 12 deg. 21E., 318 kms. to sta. 8 N. 19 deg. E., 301 kms.;
to Sta. 9 S. 17 deg. 20E., 600 kms. to sta. 10 S. 02 deg. 37E., 173 kms.; to Sta. BCM S. 88 deg. 56W., 162 kms. with a total area to include the waters in between the islands of 30,695,700 hectares. SECTION 7, The Technical Descriptions of Parcel II as are follows: from BCM to Sta. 1 DUE to EAST 375 kms; to Sta. 2 S. 43 deg. 27E., 337 kms. to sta. 3 S. 23 deg. 46E., 404 kms.; to Sta. 4 S. 28 deg. 87W., 245 kms. to sta. 5 N. 65 deg. 37W., 310 kms; to Sta. 6 S. 42 deg. 35W., 457 kms. to sta. 7 DUE to WEST 90.00 kms; to Sta. 8 N. 66 deg. 25W., 104 kms. to sta. 9 N. 40 deg. 17E., 532 kms; to Sta. 10 N. 44 deg. 13W., 243 kms. to sta. 11 N. 12 deg. 16W., 340 kms; to Sta. 1 S. 42 deg. 37E., 161 kms. to sta. 2 S. 11 deg. 12E., 231 kms; to Sta. BCM N. 40 deg. 28W., 162 kms. with a total area to include the waters in between the islands of 45,424,500 hectares. SECTION 8, The Title to represent Parcel I and Parcel II of the Philippine Archipelago is TORRENS SYSTEM LAW M - 8982 under Real Property Act. 1858 and registered in the Torrens System of Land Registration Operation in rem. SECTION 9, All legitimate occupants of lands in the Philippines who by law are qualified to acquire land should first consent the holder in whole or in part of M - 8982 TORRENS SYSTEM TITLE REAL PROPERTY ACT 1858. The Section 3-5-6 and 7 for Parcel I and II of the Presidential Decree No. 1143 is the Approved Plan and Technical Descriptions of the Land entire the Philippine Archipelago is containing a total Land area of SEVENTY SIX MILLION ONE HUNDRED NINETEEN THOUSAND TWO HUNDRED (76,119,200) HECTARES. Signed into Law by Former President Ferdinand E. Marcos Specified to the Finality Entry of Judgment Supreme Court dated January 15, 1996 The Section 8 and 9 is the only True Original Land TORRENS SYSTEM TITLE Law Real Property Act. 1858, to present Entire Philippine Archipelago and the only Owner of the said Title with consent and power to convey the real private property under TORRENS SYSTEM TITLE. That all approved plans of the lands approved by the Director of Lands is with in this Section 6 and 7 of the above mention Law therefore, any conveyance of the undersigned is within the METES AND BOUNDS of this Law under the new Philippine Constitution.