Democracy, Elections and Voting Upon The Scales of The Qur'aan and Sunnah Shaykh Abdul-Aziz Al-Bura'ee Hafithahul-Llah

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Democracy, Elections and Voting Upon The Scales of The Quraan and Sunnah

Copyright Muwahhiden Publications 2012

Tobago, Trinidad & Tobago
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Democracy, Elections and Voting Upon The Scales of The Quraan and Sunnah

Translated by
Abu AbdurRahmaan Ali al-Filistinee

Taken from a tele-link done with Ash Shaykh Abdul-Azeez al-Buraee and
Muwahhideen Publications on 24th May, 2010, a few days before the national
elections in Trinidad & Tobago, where Muslims were encouraged to go out,
vote and participate in these un-Islaamic proceedings.

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Democracy, Elections and Voting Upon The Scales of The Quraan and Sunnah

The Obligation of Following The Messenger of Allaah .............. 5
A Warning Against Innovations in The Religion ....................................... 13
The Introduction of Imported Ideologies to the Religion ............................ 19
Reaching Out to Democracy ............................................................... 20
A Warning Against Democracy ........................................................... 23
Clarifying The Misuse of The Evidences Supporting Elections and Voting ........ 23
There is No Democracy in The Legislation of Allaah .................................. 27
Questions and Answers ..................................................................... 28

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The Shaykh began with Khutbat Al-Haajah, and then proceeded by saying:

As for what follows

Allaah says:


56 )

( 57 (

{And I have not created the jinn kind and the human kind except that they
worship Me, I seek not from them any provision nor do I need of them to feed Me.
Verily Allah is the All Provider, Owner of Power the Most Strong.}

And Allaah (Azza wa Jall) has created us in order that we may worship Him, He
has sent to us His messengers, and sent down unto us His revelations, in order for us to
worship Him upon insight.

Allaah says:

(51: 56-57)
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{And We have sent down to you (O Prophet ) the Dhikr ( i.e. the
Sunnah) in order that you may explain to them what has been sent down to them,
and that they may give thought.}

Allaah (Azza wa Jall) has ordered us to follow His book, as well as the Sunnah of
His Messenger ( ). As Allaah (Tabaaraka wa Taaala) has stated:

{Follow (all of you) that which has been sent down to you from your Lord, and do
not follow aside from He any Awliyaa, little do you remember.}

That which has been sent down unto us from Allaah (Azza wa Jall) are the Noble Quraan,
and the purified Sunnah, Allaah (Azza wa Jall) has said:

{And Allah has sent down unto you the Book, and Al-Hikmah}

What is intended by Al-Hikmah is the Sunnah.

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{and He has taught you that which you did not know, and the favour of your
Lord upon you is surely very great.}

Allaah (Azza wa Jall) states:


2 )

( 3 )

( 4 )

( 5 (

{Your companion (i.e. Muhammad ( )) has neither gone astray, nor
erred. Nor does he speak of his own desire, it is only a revelation revealed. He has
been taught by one very mighty in power (i.e. Jibreel)}

It is from here that the scholars took as evidence that the Sunnah is a revelation
from Allaah (Azza wa Jall).

Allaah (Azza wa Jall) has ordered that we follow the Sunnah of the Messenger of
Allaah ( ), that we follow in his footsteps, and that we take him to be our
example. As Allaah says:

{Verily there is for you (all) in the Messenger of Allah ( ) a good
example, for those who desire Allaah, and the last day.}

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Allaah also says:

{Follow (all of you) that which has been sent down to you from your Lord, and do
not follow aside from Him any Awliyaa}

Whoever these Awliyaa may be, whether they are our fathers, mothers, or friends,
whether they are a relative, or those in charge of your affairs, be it a king, or president,
etc., or those you take as a wali, wilaayah over you is specific and from certain angles
whereas complete wilaayah is only for Allaah (Azza wa Jall).

We are ordered with the obedience of Allaah (Azza wa Jall), and we do not follow
aside from Him such and such wali, or so and so of our friends, or those in charge.

Allaah (Azza wa Jall) orders saying:

{O you who believe do not put in front of Allaah and His Messenger
( )(anything)}

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Meaning, do not put in front of Allaah and His Messenger ( ) anything of
speech and action. Do not put in front of Allaah and His Messenger ( )
interpretations, laws or organizations. Rather, all of these things are to submit to the
Book of Allaah and the Sunnah of the Messenger of Allaah ( ).

{O you who believe, do not put in front of Allaah and His Messenger (
)(anything), and have Taqwa of Allaah, Verily Allaah is The All Seeing, All

He also says:

{O you who believe, do not raise your voices above the voice of the Prophet (

Meaning whoever gives precedence to the opinion of the people, or an action of theirs
over his, then this person has raised their voice above that of the Prophet's (
), and raised the voice of this individual over the voice of the Prophet (
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). So in order for us to take on the manners of the legislation, we must know the
right of Allaah upon us.

Allaah (Jalla wa alaa) says:

{Whoever obeys the Messenger ( ), then they have indeed obeyed
Allaah, and whoever turns away then we have not sent you as a watcher over

In this verse, there is an indication that the one who obeys the Messenger (
), in reality, is obeying Allaah. This is because the obedience of the Messenger (
) is from the obedience of Allaah. Similarly the one who disobeys the
Messenger ( ) has consequently disobeyed Allaah.

So, upon the Muslim is to know that he is dealing with Allaah and His Messenger
( ) when he is dealing with the Book of Allaah, and the Sunnah of His
Messenger ( ). And upon the Muslim is to take to the Book of Allaah, and
the Sunnah of His Messenger ( ) steadfastly and to uphold all of the texts,
whatever they contain those of order or those of prohibition and thereby act accordingly.
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Whatever they contain of orders to speak, or to remain silent, or the order to uphold a
certain creed, the Muslim sticks to these things, and holds to it, this is the sincere Muslim.

Allaah states:

{They say: "We are obedient," but when they leave you (Muhammad [
]), a group of them spends all night in planning other than what you say. But
Allaah records their nightly (plots). So turn aside from them, and put your trust in
Allaah. And Allaah is Ever All-Sufficient as a Disposer of affairs.}

It is necessary that the Muslim be sincere when he says that he is obedient to Allaah,
and the Messenger of Allaah ( ). As for one to go boasting before the
people claiming, "I obey Allaah and the Messenger of Allaah ( )" all the
while contradicting this in practice, or all the while having a contrary intention which the
people cannot see, then we seek refuge from this.

Allaah says:

{We sent no Messenger, but to be obeyed by Allaah's Leave.}

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Meaning, this is the purpose of Allaah sending the Messenger ( ). He sent
this Messenger ( ) in order that He be obeyed and not for the purpose of
boasting and pride, that one may say I am of the followers of such and such a messenger,
or I am from the offspring of a messenger and then afterwards not following him. What is
the good in this? Allaah states:

{We sent no Messenger, but to be obeyed by Allaah's Leave. If they (hypocrites),
when they had been unjust to themselves, had come to you, and begged Allaah's
forgiveness, and the Messenger had begged forgiveness for them, indeed, they
would have found Allaah All-Forgiving (One Who forgives and accepts
repentance), Most Merciful.}

He also mentions:

{But no, by your Lord, they can have no Faith, until they make you judge in all
disputes between them, and find in themselves no resistance against your decisions,
and accept (them) with full submission.}

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Here, Allaah is swearing by the negation of faith from the one who does not obey Allaah
and His Messenger ( ).

{But no, by your Lord, they can have no Faith, until they make you judge in all
disputes between them...}

What is understood from the verse is that one is not a believer until he makes the
Messenger ( ) a judge in his affairs, and then is in full submission to his rule.

In any case, this is merely a portion of the proofs, and the evidences in following
the Messenger ( ) are very many. There are evidences which mandate
following him, as well as others which prohibit his disobedience, along with others that
encourage his obedience, and mention the reward of the ones who adhere to his orders.
There are also proofs of admonishment mentioning the punishment of Allaah for those
who disobey him, along with other evidences which Allah (Azza wa Jall) made mention of
in His book.

Similarly, the Prophet ( ) warned us of innovations and newly
invented matters. This is evident in the two authentic compilations from Bukhari and
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Muslim from the narration of Aa'ishah ( ) who said: "The Messenger of Allaah
( ) said: Whoever introduces to our affair that which is not of it, then this
(introduced matter) is rejected., and in the narration of Imaam Muslim, (that he said):
Whoever does a deed which is not of our affair, then (this deed) is rejected.

In the first wording of the narration, there is warning of innovation, while in the
second wording of the hadeeth, there is a refutation of the people of duplicity, for
example, if one were to say: "I didn't innovate, rather I found the people doing this. If it
is an innovation then the blame is on another." We reply saying, No, your action must
be in accordance to the Sunnah. As the Messenger ( ) said: Whoever does a
deed which is not of our affair, then it is rejected.

So based on this, every action must have the prophetic seal of approval, and it
must be derived from the actions of the Messenger of Allaah ( ), and
whatever is not so, then it is rejected from its doer.

{This day, I have perfected your religion for you, completed My Favour upon
you, and have chosen for you Islaam as your religion}

These are the words of Allaah (Azza wa Jall). So anything which the Prophet (
) did not do, say, or approve of, then it is not of the religion that Allaah had
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completed, or of the favour which He perfected, nor is it of the Islaam which Allaah is
pleased with.

Also, in the narration of Al-Irbaadh Ibn Saariyah where he states that: "The Prophet
( ) advised us with a very articulate sermon which, caused the hearts to
tremble and the eyes to shed tears so we said: "O Messenger of Allaah, it is as if this is the
advice of one departing, so give us a (wassiyyah). He said: I advise you the observance of the
Taqwa of Allaah, and that you listen and obey, even if a slave were to be in charge over you, for
whoever of you lives on, will see much differing. So upon you is to stick to my Sunnah, and the
Sunnah of the rightly guided successors. Hold to it, and bite down on it with the molar teeth. And
beware of newly invented matters, for every innovation is a going astray. He is saying here that
unity and harmony is attained by returning to the Book of Allaah, and the Sunnah of His
Messenger ( ), upon the way of the righteous predecessors. And truly the
discord and disarray comes with innovation, and newly introduced matters. The Prophet
( ) expressed this in the best of ways.

Likewise, may Allaah bless all of you, the Prophet ( ) used to warn
against innovation in the beginning of sermons saying: ...The best of words are the words of
Allaah, and the best of guidance is that of Muhammad ( ). The worst of affairs are
the newly introduced matters and every newly introduced matter is an innovation, and every
innovation is a going astray, and every going astray is in the hell fire.


Jaami at-Tirmidhi
Khutbat Al-Haajah
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There are many narrations in which the companions narrated this warning of the
Prophet ( ), which Shaykh Al-Albaani mentioned in his Book "Khutbat Al
Haajah", in which he compiled its chains of narration, and different wordings, may Allaah
have mercy upon him.

What is intended in this hadeeth, may Allaah preserve all of you, is forewarning
against innovations. This, and the one who introduces an innovation, it is as if he accused
the Prophet ( ) of falling short, and that he was traitorous with the message
that he was sent with, and that he hid something of it and failed to convey it to the
people. This is a very dangerous accusation, and refuge is sought with Allaah.

So the religion is complete, it is not in need of completion, nor is it in need of an
organization to come along, and place a suggestion box for those who have any
suggestions, these types of things apply to worldly matters. As for our religion, Allaah
has completed it (Azza wa Jall), and it is not in need of completion. As you just heard in
the previous verse:

{This day, I have perfected your religion for you, completed My Favour upon you,
and have chosen for you Islaam as your religion}

Allaah (Azza wa Jall) says:

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{Verily, this Qur'aan guides to that which is most just and right...}

This verse indicates that this Qur'aan has encompassed all things which people are in need

{Verily, this Qur'aan guides to that which is most just and right...}

That which is most just and right politically, economically, socially, in regards to the
methodology of calling others, in teaching, in conveying, etc...

{Verily, this Qur'aan guides to that which is most just and right...}

Meaning in every affair...

{Verily, this Quraan guides to that which is most just and right...}

In every time...

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{Verily, this Quraan guides to that which is most just and right...}

In every place...

{Verily, this Qur'aan guides to that which is most just and right...}

For all of the people.

You find this verse pertinent to everything however when you look at it from any
angle, you find this verse to be general. Hence we see that the Qur'aan is guiding to every
just and right matter.

We are not in need of any crooked methodologies, nor are we in need of astray
fundamentals, rather upon us is to hold to this monotheist religion.

The Messenger of Allaah ( ) says: I have left you all upon the clear
path, its night is like its day, none will stray from it except the one upon sure destruction. He also
said: I have not left any good except that I have led you to it, nor have I left an evil except that I
have warned you of.

Sunan Ibn Majah, al-Hakim and Musnad Ahmad
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These words manifest the benefit of his Sunnah, his methodology, and that which
he called to. Therefore we find that the matters of the religion are completed upon that
which is right, in the best of aspects. There is no deficiency in it in any way.

More than fourteen centuries have passed upon it, wherein all the while, people have
been following the proofs of the Qur'aan and the Sunnah of the Messenger of Allaah (
). They go into them, finding in the proofs from the Qur'aan and the Sunnah
that which they can conduct their everyday lives with.

They find in the Qur'aan and the Sunnah that which they can conduct their business
transactions with, they find in the Qur'aan and the Sunnah that which they can conduct
their political needs with, they find in the Qur'aan and the Sunnah that which they can
maintain every aspect of their lives. With the Book of Allaah, and the Sunnah of the
Messenger of Allaah ( , they are not in need of anything else.

As you brothers know, in the time of the righteous predecessors, some of the
crooked methodologies were imported from the Greeks. Their books were translated
into Arabic, hence the knowledge of philosophy entered into the minds of the Muslims.
From this came very deviant innovations, the innovations of the Mu'tazilah, the Jahmiyyah,
the Ashaa'irah, the Qadariyyah, as well as others. This occurred as a result of the
importation of ideologies from the non-Muslims because they had not been sufficed with
the Noble Qur'aan. Yet whatever has happened has happened, and misguidance has
spread, and the Muslims were afflicted. These innovators negated the Names and
Attributes of Allaah, and changed them from their proper meanings. Things which are
not a secret to anyone occurred, the likes of which took place with Imaam Ahmad and
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others from the scholars who were jailed due to the tribulation of the creation of the
Quraan. Notice how the Muslims became divided when their hands reached out to the
(ideologies) of the non-Muslims.

For this reason brothers, the Muslims have that which is sufficient for them, we are
not it need of the Jews, or Christians. Nor are we in need of any innovator from here or
there, or anyone upon crookedness. We are not in need of anyone astray or any
disbeliever, or heretic, we have that which suffices us. We have with us that which
suffices us in all aspects and affairs of life.

So similarly, when the people reached out to the non-Muslims and adopted from
them their awry practices, they became disarrayed, likewise is the situation in these
times. When the Muslims reached out to democracy, they became divided, they split up
into sects, and became scattered here and there.

Allaah (Azza wa Jall) says:

{And hold (all of you) to the rope of Allah, and do not become divided.}

And what is intended by the rope of Allaah is the Quraan. Meaning, provided that
you all hold to the Book of Allaah, you will not become divided. And from here it
becomes known, that the Book of Allaah does not divide between the people, rather what
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divides the people are skewed desires, this is what has caused division amongst the
people. These desires are what took the people off of the straight path, caused enmity
amongst the people, caused discord amongst the people and caused amongst them that
which is not a secret to anyone.

Notice, may Allaah bless all of you, how when the people reached out to
democracy, how they began to fight amongst each other, and how they began to compete
over position. Notice how they began to mock one another, and come out with rumours,
both true and false, and each works hard at shattering the others image in society in order
that the people not elect him. Each wishes to prove the other not to be trustworthy, in
order that he becomes the better alternative. While the Messenger of Allaah (
) says: Whoever asks for position of authority, then do not give it to him.

Do you brothers know that democracy considers a righteous and wicked man to be
equal? And that it considers the man and woman to be equal, even the righteous man and
the wicked woman to be equal? The scholar and the homosexual are equal in the sight of
democracy, the scholar and the adulteress are equal in democracy. This by Allaah is a
most unfair judgment and this is by Allaah a most unjust ruling. This by Allaah is
contradicting to the guidance of the Messenger of Allaah ( ).

Allaah (Azza wa Jall) says:


35 )

( 36 (

Bukhari and Muslim, on the authority of Abu Musa al Ashari.
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{Shall We treat the Muslims on the same level as the criminals. What is the matter
with you? How do you judge?}

And He says:

{Or do those who earn evil deeds think that We shall hold them equal with those
who believe and do righteous good deeds, in their present life and after their
death? Worst is the judgment that they make.}

Allaah also states:

{...and the male is not like the female.}

May Allaah bless all of you, democracy has mixed all of them together, and made
their men equal with their women, and their righteous equal to their wicked, an
indication that it is a corrupt system, which is not from Allaah, nor is it from the guidance
of the Messenger of Allaah ( ).

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And so it is upon the Muslim, to stay clear of these (matters) and these
fundamentals which are in opposition to the legislation. Upon the Muslim is to hold to the
Book of Allaah and the Sunnah of the Messenger of Allaah ( ), even if by
doing so he contradicts his entire society. If in doing so he is in opposition to his whole
community, he shouldn't think anything of it.

Thus, may Allaah bless all of you, you will find that the ones who have adopted
democracy, the ones who encourage elections, are the non-Muslims. Therefore the
Muslims who say that elections are part of the religion, they are saying that non-Muslims
have beaten the Muslims to this good, and upheld it before the Muslims! What praise for
the disbelievers is greater than this?!? Surely the one who says this has praised them
greatly, and raised their stature high.

Dear brothers, do you know that the ones who call to elections and say that it is of
Islaam are stumbling around with great confusion. Sometimes claiming that elections are
a necessity implies that elections are forbidden in Islaam. Eating a dead animal is
considered a necessity if the person becomes forced to eat it due to necessity. But we do
not say that we are forced by necessity to eat bread, or to drink water, we can't say we
are forced by necessity to do so because these things are legal (in Islaam). Rather the term
necessity is only used when something is in essence forbidden. So whoever says: "We
are forced to partake in elections by necessity." then this is a ruling by them, that
elections are forbidden.

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Other times they make the claim that voting is from the religion, and that the
religion has legislated it, and they use proofs to support this claim which they (***tape
unclear***) in, and these texts are not evidences for what they wish. Instead, they
interpreted the texts to intend what tthe do not and they made them mean what they do
not mean. It is not an evidence for what they are claiming; it does not support what they
are upon.

For instance, they claim that the parliament of the prophet of Allaah, Musa (
), consisted of 70 men. As Allaah (Azza wa Jall) mentioned:

{And Musa chose out of his people seventy (of the best) men...}

Are they not ashamed when claiming that the prophet of Allaah, Musa ( ) was a
democrat? This is trying to carry upon the text, that which it does not support.

Furthermore, what is ironic is that the verse is in fact a proof against them, not for
them. The prophet of Allaah, Musa ( ), did not campaign these individuals, and
then order his people to elect them. On the contrary, he himself appointed these men.
And democracy rejects that one be appointment, rather it must be a majority vote.
Hence the verse is flipped and becomes a proof against them and not for them.

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What is likewise bizarre is that they say that prophet of Allaah, Yusuf ( ),
was a democrat. They say that he campaigned himself saying:

{"Set me over the store-houses of the land, (as a minister of finance in Egypt)"}

And that he qualified himself saying:

{I will indeed guard them with full knowledge}

They say this shamelessly, and carelessly, all the while ignorant of the fact that their
words are presented to scholars, and are subjected to research and debate. So how will
they repair their image, if they are exposed as being untruthful?

In addition to this, this verse is in fact a proof against them, not for them. And
why is that? This is because the prophet of Allaah, Yusuf ( ), did not campaign
himself, rather the king appointed him when he said:

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{"Verily, this day, you are with us high in rank and fully trusted."}

Then Yusuf ( ) chose the position which he wished to hold, and chose to be in
charge of the store-houses, meaning in charge of selling the seeds by which the vegetation
is planted. This is of course because he knew that he would not see his brothers unless his
profession was in this field. Had his profession been in the field of warfare and dealing
with rivalry and so forth, he would not have been able to meet his brothers again. Rather
he looked for a position which would cause him to meet his brothers. And this is from his
intelligence, ( ).

So here we see that he was appointed by the ruler, and appointment is not a
democratic fundamental, hence making the verse a proof against them, not for them.

Another example is what they ascribed to Abd Ar-Rahmaan Ibn Awf, ( ),
in the succession of Uthmaan Ibn Affaan ( ), that he consulted the Muhaajireen
and the Ansaar, and found that they did not wish any other than Uthmaan ( ).
This story, in this way was mentioned by Ibn Katheer without a chain of narration,
therefore the story is not authentic.

Yet if for arguments sake, we were to say that it was in fact authentic, it is against
them, and not in their favour. That is because the Islaamic state at that time was spread
out all across the land. It had reached out as far as Ash-Shaam, and Yemen, and Egypt,
etc... As this spread occurred in the time of Umar Ibn Al-Khataab. So when the people
were asked, only those in the capital of the Islaamic state were asked, and that was
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Madinah. As for the rest of the citizens, they were not asked, that means that the
minority ruled over the majority, which is something rejected in democracy. So, may
Allaah bless all of you, it is a proof against them, not for them.

All of what they use as evidence, it is in this manner that they use it. They stumble
left and right, and flip-flop in their affairs. All the while, whatever they exert of energy is
really being exerted in defence of the disbelievers, and their ways and fundamentals.

Democracy is far from the book of Allaah, and the Sunnah His Messenger (
). This is why we say to them, there is no mention of democracy in the Book of
Allaah, and the Sunnah of His Messenger ( ), nor is there even a root for it
in the Arabic language.

Furthermore if we were to take democracy in our hands, and place the Book of
Allaah and the Sunnah of the Messenger of Allaah ( ) on one side, and the
fundamentals of America, and the Jews and Christians on another, where then would we
place elections and democracy? Would we place them with the Noble Quraan? If so
where are the proofs in it to support them?

Or would we place them in the methods of America? This is the reality.

Therefore the child resulting from fornication should be ascribed to his mother,
and the affair taken back to its origin, and we should return this method back to its
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For this reason brothers, it is important that we recognize that this method is
askew, and is not in accordance with the Book of Allaah, nor is it in accordance with the
Sunnah of the Messenger of Allaah ( )

Upon the Muslims is to beware of immersing themselves in elections, whether it be
in a Muslim country, or non-Muslim. Upon them is to be pleased with what Allaah has
given them, and not pay any mind to these things. And in reality, the matter is easy, no
matter who wins; in the end they are all non-Muslim.

Likewise is the case in the Muslim countries where you find someone to be very
good when campaigning and trying to get elected, then when they reach the position
which they desire, they change, and become ill-mannered with the people, save those
whom Allaah has mercy upon.

For this reason, may Allaah bless you all, upon the Muslims is that they refer to the
Book of Allaah, and the Sunnah of the Messenger of Allaah ( ).

May Allah grant us success in attaining that which He desires, and is pleased with,
and all praise is for Allaah the Lord of the worlds.

May Allah bless you our Shaykh, and reward you with good. The brothers have posed a few
questions regarding the topic

In the name of Allah, The Most Beneficent, The Most Merciful.

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Questioner: How do we respond to those who say that voting for the better candidate is the lesser of
two evils?

Shaykh: I say, may Allaah preserve you, that merely participating in the elections is the
greater evil, because it is an acceptance of equality. For instance if someone were to say
let us vote on whether to accept the Quraan or not, and we were sure that the Quraan
would win 100% of the votes, it is not legal even if this is the case to do so; because if we
were to do so, we would have subjected the Quraan to being accepted or rejected.

So the essence of elections and voting in itself is contradicting the Quraan and the
Sunnah of the Messenger of Allaah ( ). And Allaah (Azza wa Jall) says:

{The male is not like the female}

And He says:

{Would We make the Muslims like the criminals?}

And He said:

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{ Or do those who earn evil deeds think that We shall hold them equal with
those who believe and do righteous good deeds, in their present life and after their
death? Worst is the judgment that they make.}

Thus, the one who participates in elections is pleased that the Muslim and the non-
Muslim be viewed as equal, and the obedient to Allaah to the disobedient, and the man to
the woman. So this affair in itself is disobedience to Allaah, and Allaah is the one who
grants success.

May Allah bless you our Shaykh.

Questioner: Some take rulings which came from Shaykh Ibn Baaz and Ibn Uthaymeen, may Allah
have mercy upon both of them, and with these they rule elections to be legal in Islaam?

Shaykh: I say, may Allaah preserve you, if their proof in doing so is the Quraan and the
Sunnah, then there is a specific answer, and if their proof is Shaykh Ibn Baaz, and Ibn
Uthaymeen, then there is a separate answer for that.

So if they say: Our proof is the Quraan and the Sunnah. The Quraan and the
Sunnah annul voting from head to toe, and brand elections as being misguidance, and
wrong. Hence it is mandatory upon us to stay away from them in accordance with the
Quraan and the Sunnah of the Messenger of Allaah ( ).

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As for our scholars and Shaykhs, their rulings must be examined, because there
may be in their words conditions which the ones asking cannot fulfil. Furthermore, if
they say that Shaykh Ibn Baaz and Ibn Uthaymeen are our proofs, we say that Ibn Baaz and
Ibn Uthaymeen rule sects such as the Ikhwaan Al-Muslimeen, and the Tableegh, and the
group of Jihad, and the likes to be of the groups upon sure destruction. So are they
prepared to accept these two Shaykhs rulings that these groups are of the groups upon
ruin, and that it is not permissible for anyone to join the like of Al-Ikhwaan Al-Muslimeen,
or At-Tableegh, or the group of Jihad? If they accept this ruling (***tape unclear***)

And if they were to say that they do not accept this ruling from them, because it is
contradicting to the legislation in their opinion, then that means that the proof is the text,
and in this case the text is supporting of our argument that elections are wrong. This is
what we have to say about this matter, may Allaah bless you.

May Allah bless you our Shaykh.

Questioner: Is the matter of elections open for Ijtihaad? May Allaah reward you.

Shaykh: Know, may Allaah preserve you,
Ijtihaad is not acceptable in every affair. Nor is every opinion which is produced
acknowledged. Except an opinion which has some substance to it.

Firstly, may Allaah preserve you, this is a matter which involves belief, and falls
into Al-walaa wal-Baraa, and involves the belittlement of anothers honor, and it entails
attacking them and shattering their public image.

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We have noticed, that the questions which are posed to some of the scholars which
legalized elections, are asked in a way that makes them think it is just another profession,
and that the elected one takes this position and changes what they can, and that this
position is similar to that of a teaching position. This is what you notice, even if they do
not say it just like that, this is what is understood from the question; that this position is
just another job. But when they ask, they do not say to them that the mans voice is made
equal to the womans, and that the scholar, and the disbeliever, and the rebellious, that all
of their voices are equal. They do not tell them that these people when they are admitted
into parliaments, that the rule is not for the Quraan and the Sunnah, rather the rule is for
the majority, and the right belongs to the majority. So if the majority is in favour of the
disbelieving law, it is the one implemented, and the texts of the Quraan and the Sunnah
are set aside.

The questions are posed to the scholars in this manner. I even read a question in
which Shaykh al-Fawzaan was asked, about the elections in Kuwait, which he ruled as
being lawful. But the questioner then said: But Shaykh, affirmation takes place. The
Shaykh then said: Affirmation of what? Disbelief? The questioner replied: Yes. He said:
If that is the case, then it is not permissible. So the ruling changed when the question

This being, may Allaah preserve you, that if the matter was merely, for example a
faculty position in a school, and one, if elected, can change what he can, and each can
have their opinion, if this is the case, then it is a matter of Ijtihaad.

But being that the question was not asked correctly, and the fact that they gave the
Shaykh the impression that it is merely a position (which is, once attained by the
individual, it is at his discretion to do what he sees fit), in this case the evil is great if the
text is clear in exposing the evil, regardless of who issues the ruling.
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And we witness in the countries where the elections are held, that perhaps the
situation escalates to the point of bloodshed, and even the women fight. This has occurred
before where the women fight until the men come and split them up, may Allaah bless all
of you.

All of this is the result and cause of elections. May Allaah preserve you, things are
made forbidden (in Islaam) with less proofs than this, so far less with all of these proofs?
May Allaah bless you.

May Allah bless you our Shaykh.

Questioner: Many of the Muslims who are intending to participate in the elections, which is to
take place in a country named Trinidad &Tobago, many of them intend to vote for an organization
which is known as the U.N.C., the head of which is a woman. In addition to this there are some
who claim to be people of knowledge, who permit voting for this organization, so what is your saying
pertaining to this? Benefit us, may Allaah benefit you.

Shaykh: I say, may Allaah preserve you, the Messenger of Allaah ( ) said:
A people who put a woman in charge of their affairs will not be successful. This goes even if the
woman is righteous, she still falls into the meaning of the hadeeth, and the people who put
her in power will not be successful, so how much more so if she is a disbeliever?!?

Abu Bakrah( ), was called to go with Aaishah ( ) to make
amends between Ali ( )and his rivals. He said to them: Who is your leader in
this? They said: Aaishah ( ). He said: No, I will not go with you, the
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Messenger of Allaah ( ) said: A people who put in charge of their affairs a
woman, will not be successful. And the result of this trip was what occurred in the Battle of
the Camel (which took place between some of the companions), and look at how much
bloodshed occurred in that battle.

So may Allaah bless you, if the situation is that the one campaigning is a non-
Muslim, and on top of that a woman as well, in this instance there is no more room for the
legalization of this matter, except with sickly arguments, which are presented by the
people of desire, and the likes of which the scholars of evil issue rulings in support of.

For this reason, may Allaah preserve you, no mind should be paid to this persons
opinion, nor should any mind be paid to this persons rulings. The prohibition here is
clear, and this is something which is not hidden to someone of intellect, which is that this
is an argument of falsehood.

How can I elect a woman, and put her in charge over myself? Rather one is to be
quiet, and stay away from these affairs, and be like the rest of the citizens. One is not to
participate in elections, and if some calamity comes along from above, while so and so is
in charge of a particular area, if you can be independent of this persons services then
praise be to Allaah, then remain independent of this person throughout time. And if some
necessity forces you to utilize her services, in a particular affair, then present the matter
to her, just like every other citizen. We do not get involved in their affairs, or in electing
them, or the likes. May Allaah bless all of you.

May Allaah bless you our Shaykh, the questioner also adds that the ones who legalize electing this
woman, make the argument that if the woman is capable, then it is ok to elect her.

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This is based on the standards of the non-Muslims, as for the Muslim standards, this
is totally non-existent, and it is not permissible to give a woman these types of big
positions. As the woman is the most lenient of them.
The woman is a mother, a wife, a sister, a daughter, and so on. As for a woman
being in charge over an area, or a judge, and the likes, then this is something which the
legislation has not permitted.

Yet, may Allaah bless you, if a person has permitted these types of affairs, then
there is no way to take him away from this, and Allaah is sufficient for us, and He is the
Best Disposer of affairs, and Allaah does what He wills.

May Allaah bless you our Shaykh.

Questioner: How do we deal with Salafi brothers who encourage elections, and defend those who
call to them? May Allah benefit you.--

Shaykh: My brother, may Allaah bless you, this Salafi who agrees with elections, is one of
two types of people. Either he is ignorant of the legislative ruling, or he is on his way to
Hizbiyyah. You must recognize this. And how many brothers we witnessed who got
involved in elections, and then get drugged into Hizbiyyah?

Hence, if these brothers have jealousy for the Salafi methodology, we advise all
those who ascribe themselves to the Salafi Manhaj, to observe the Taqwa of Allaah. This is
something prohibited in Islaam and these affairs are merely worldly affairs. The one
campaigning comes along and says, I am going to make applications easy for you; I am
going to give you such and such So the affair is merely a worldly one, not a religious
one. They only speak of Halal and Haram in order to justify their positions. So it is clear
that the affair is merely a worldly one. It is enough lying for the one campaigning, when
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he promises them that he is going to do such and such for them, and that he is going to
benefit them somehow. This is false, and prohibited, and upon them is to observe Taqwa
of Allah (Azza wa Jall), and that they be conscious of Allaah, and we ask Allaah guidance
for ourselves as well as for them.

Questioner: Some compare voting similar to the testimony of ones trustworthiness, what is your
statement on this?

Shaykh: May Allaah bless you, the phrase testimony of ones trustworthiness is
referring to elections, it is the same thing. But the ones who use this terminology felt that
the people started running from the word elections, so they began to use this phrase

What are the qualifications of this woman which makes her considered fit to be of
the trustworthy ones? What are the qualifications of the ones campaigning which make
them fit to be acknowledged as someone trustworthy?

Furthermore who are these testifiers? The ones who testify ones trustworthiness
are the esteemed scholars of Jarh wa Tadeel.

In addition to this, each of the opposing sides claims that the trustworthy one is so
and so. How farfetched is this?!?

This is fabrication, this is deception! These people must observe the Taqwa of
Allaah, do they not fear the punishment of Allaah, when they deceive the people and
claim that elections are a testimony of ones trustworthiness?!? This is lying to the people,
and deceiving them, and plotting against them.

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Sufficient for us is Allaah, and He is the best of disposers of affairs, and aid is
sought in Him.

There is no difference between the word trustworthiness and justness. The answer
does not change whatsoever.

Who is the one who testifies ones trustworthiness? The ones who do this are the
scholars of Jarh wa Tadeel. After all, who is this trustworthy one? Has this person met
the criteria of the trustworthy? That she be trusted, and considered to be just?

This is Haram, to convince the people that so and so, who is not Muslim, that this
person is trustworthy. This is transgression; this is displacing the words from their proper
places. Where is the trustworthiness and justness of the one who disbelieves in Allaah
(Azza wa Jall)? Sufficient for us is Allaah, and He is the best of disposers of affairs.

(The final question was not translated)

May Allah reward you with good our Shaykh, and enter you into paradise, and make this in you
scale of good deeds.

You as well, may Allaah preserve you all, and bless you.


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