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Bulletin 2012.11.11.pentecost 24

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Church of the Holy Family

The Episcopal Church in Mills River

The Twenty-Fourth Sunday after Pentecost November 11, 2012

Please observe silence after the Altar Candles are lit

A bell rings three times; the people stand.

Hymn #9:

Not Here For High and Holy Things Book of Common Prayer pg. 355

Salutation and Collect for Purity Hymn #432: O Praise Ye the Lord Collect of the Day Ruth 3:1-5, 4:13-17

BCP pg.236

Psalm 127: Unless the Lord the House Shall Build Hebrews 9:24-28 Hymn #656: Blest Are the Pure in Heart The Holy Gospel: Mark 12:38-44


The Sermon The Nicene Creed Prayers of the People, Form VI Confession and Absolution

The Rev. Robert Lundquist BCP pg. 358 BCP pg. 392 BCP pg. 359

The Peace All who hunger gather gladly; holy manna is our bread. Come from wilderness and wandring. Here in truth we will be fed. You that yearn for days of fullness, all around us is our food. Taste and see the grace eternal. Taste and see that God is Good.
Words:, Sylvia G. Dunstan (1955-1993) (c) 1991 GIA Publications, Inc..; All rights reserved.

Offertory: Hymn #397:

Come to the Water Now Thank We All Our God

All Baptized Persons are invited to receive Holy Communion

Healing Prayer is available at the right rear of the church

The Great Thanksgiving: Eucharistic Prayer A WLP #857: Holy, Holy, Holy Lord

BCP pg. 361 Insert

The Lords Prayer (traditional) Hymn #707: Take My Life and Let It Be BCP pg. 366

Post Communion Prayer Announcements The Blessing Hymn #686: The Dismissal Coffee Hour Come Thou Fount

The Flowers are given to the Glory of God In Memory of Wes and in honor of all veterans By Paul and Terri Karlsson

We give thanks for those who serve God and us today. Altar Server Altar Guild OT Reader NT Reader Greeter Linda B Carol B/Diane C Rita V Z Ann O TBA Chalicist Listener Intercessor Usher Prayer Counters Warren S Liz S Dick S Liz Sm/Linda C Diane C Bob M /Jim N

Last Sunday at Holy Family Attendance: Tithes & Offerings: YTD Worship 55 Actual $2,925 $82,515 Budget $1,900 $85,500 Difference +$1,025 -$2,985

This week at Holy Family Nov. 12 through Nov. 18

Monday Wednesday Thursday Next Sunday 6:30 pm 7:00 pm 6:30 pm 10:00 am Open AA Meeting Choir Rehearsal Open AA Meeting Holy Eucharist

~Announcements and Events~

The Holy Family Lunch for November will be Wed. Nov. 21 at 1:00 at the Asiana Grand Buffet in Skyland on Rt 25, 1968 Hendersonville Hwy to celebrate Jim Brush's 88th birthday. The restaurant is on the right shortly after Long Shoals Rd. Contact Evie Brush at 891-9326 and help celebrate Jim's birthday After todayss service, the Rector will present the second in a series of 5 classes on the Blessing of Life-Long Same-Sex Relationships in the Episcopal Church. Please stay for no more than 1 hour to learn more about this provisional rite, approved for use beginning Advent I, 2012. Stan Pacana and Linda Sue Barnes are new members! Healthy snacks are needed for Bak Paks. We are working with other churches in our area and will supply Paks for children at Mills River Elementary the first week of each month. Place contributions in the container in the hallway. Monetary contributions are also welcome. See Cissy Ford or Liz Spahr .

Ingles Cards The sign-up sheet for Ingles gift cards is on the bulletin board in the hallway. When $5000 is committed, the cards are purchased and Ingles returns 5% to us to assist in our Outreach projects. The cards make great gifts for those on your Christmas list. Can you offer a helping hand? Spend 1-1 1/2 hours per week helping a child at Mills River Elementary improve their reading skills. Contact Ann Crisp at the school or Liz Spahr for more information. Mills River Methodist Church has begun a Wednesday afternoon tutoring program and needs volunteers. E-mail is [email protected] Shannon Barber. The Angel Tree This is always a fun and popular Outreach project. We will provide gifts for 10 children at Mills River Elementary and their preschool siblings. The tree will be up next Sunday so you can select your "angels" and begin your shopping. Gifts are due at the school on December 10. Teresa Kelly and Michele Burnette are coordinators and can answer any questions. Our lunch servers at the Hendersonville Rescue Mission on Thursday, Nov. 15th from 11:50 to 12:45 are Ann OBrien and Jaye Peterson. Outreach Opportunity - We will be providing Thanksgiving baskets for the families of eight children at Mills River School. Your donations of non-perishable food or monetary gifts are welcome. Food items can be placed in the kitchen prior to Sunday, Nov.18, 2012. Deborah Miller is coordinating this. Thank you for helping with this project. We have been invited to sing to the community at the Mills River Holiday Market Saturday, Nov. 17th at 10:00 a.m. If you would like to participate with our choir please let Terri know this morning, and come to rehearsal this Wed. from 7 to 8 pm. Church Secretary Ellery will be in the office on Monday and Tuesday the week of Thanksgiving. Wholly Living, will meet this Wednesday from 12:30-2:30 for a pot luck lunch and discussion on Joan Chittister's book The Gift of Years. Please call or email Pat Bell, [email protected] or 828-335-8668.

Faith Formation Classes

Sunday: 9:30 am: Nursery Care through age 3. 6:30 pm: Adult Class with Leslie Stott in the church.

Youth Group in the Annex Childrens Class in the small classroom

The people of Holy Family, Ministers The Rt. Rev. G. Porter Taylor, Bishop The Rev. Robert Lundquist, Rector The Rev. Jody Tomberlin and the Rev. Diane Livingston, Deacons The Rev. Posy Jackson, Honorary Associate The Church of the Holy Family is a parish of the Episcopal Church in the Diocese of Western North Carolina Mail: 419 Turnpike Road, Mills River, NC 28759 Phone: (828) 891-9375 Website: www.ourholyfamily.org [email protected] Vestry
Dick Smith [14] Senior Warden, Robert Miller [12] Junior Warden Mickey Bainbridge [12], Michele Burnette [13], Jim Neal [14], Susan Seacord [13], Liz Spahr [14] Karen Davis, Treasurer Liz Spahr, Outreach Chairperson Ellery Aldrich, Office Minister Terri Karlsson, Music Minister Molly Pace, Daughters of the King Mary Frances Burkett, LEM Coordinator Louise Rooney, Altar Guild Coordinator Mary Frances Burkett, Clerk of the Vestry Asia Szrek, Nursery Jaye Peterson, Flower Chair

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