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GTU Project Report - Format

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The following document provides the Guidelines for Project 1 at the seventh semester of Degree Engineering Colleges. These have been prepared by the Council of Deans for Degree Engineering Programs so that students can present their work of the full semester well.

However if a College has got the Reports prepared by its students in a different format, the students may not be asked to change the format. If the Principals/ Heads of Departments of the
College find that their format has some merit, as compared to the format, specified in the following Guidelines, they may write to [email protected] so that the Council of Deans for Degree Engineering Programs may use the information to improve the Guidelines.

GENERAL PROJECT INSTRUCTIONS: 1 2 3 The total EXAMINATION timing PER TEAM will be approximately 20 Minutes including Presentation & Viva. Presentation has to be via PPT, preferably. Please ensure that the feedback form about the project is filled for every project separately by every external examiner. Each student has to prepare and submit at least 45-50 pages Spiral bound Report with CD-R (including CD case), consisting of .doc & .pdf format of report and .ppt format of presentation. The Report may be submitted to the Department within one week of the Project Viva Exam, after incorporating all the corrections, pointed out by the examiners. All copies of the Report with CD-R (including CD case) must be submitted on the day of exam. Total Copies of Seminar Report = Students copy + Copy for College Guide + Department Copy + Copy for External guide(s) who had allocated the project definition

Regarding the Industry Mentor as a Member of the Examination Committee: The Principal/ Director of every Degree Engineering College/ Institute may invite the industry mentor of a project to be the third member of the Examination Committee. Note: The University will pay the Travelling Allowance as per the University norms to the industry mentor, when he works as the examiner.

Contents: Page # 2 Format of the Report 5 Appendix 1: Format of the cover page of the Report 6 Appendix 2: Certificate by the Guide and the Head of Department 7 Appendix 3: List of Tables 8 Appendix 4: List of Figures 9 Appendix 5: List of Symbols, Abbreviations and Nomenclature 10 Table of Contents 11 Format of the Page immediately before the first Chapter of the Report starts 1

<Name of the Institute >

<Name of the Department>



ARRANGEMENT OF CONTENTS: The sequence in which the project report material should be arranged and bound should be as follows: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. Cover Page & Title Page Certificate Acknowledgement Abstract List of Tables List of Figures List of Symbols, Abbreviations and Nomenclature Table of Contents Chapters Appendices References

The table and figures shall be introduced in the appropriate places. 2. PAGE DIMENSION AND BINDING SPECIFICATIONS: The dimension of the project report should be in A4 size. The project report should be bound using flexible cover of the thick white art paper. The cover should be printed in black letters and the text for printing should be identical. 3. 3.1 PREPARATION FORMAT: Cover Page & Title Page A specimen copy of the Cover page & Title page of the project report are given in Appendix 1. Certificate The Certificate shall be in double line spacing using Font Style Times New Roman and Font Size 14, as per the format in Appendix 2. . 2


3.3 3.4

Acknowledgement - The Certificate shall be in double line spacing using Font Style Times New Roman and Font Size 12 Abstract Abstract should be one page synopsis of the project report typed 1.5 line spacing, Font Style Times New Roman, italics and Font Size 14. List of Tables The list should use exactly the same captions as they appear above the tables in the text. One and a half spacing should be adopted for typing the matter under this head. A specimen copy of the Table of Contents of the project report is given in Appendix 3. List of Figures The list should use exactly the same captions as they appear below the figures in the text. One and a half spacing should be adopted for typing the matter under this head. A specimen copy of the Table of Contents of the project report is given in Appendix 4. Figure copied from some paper or website has to be captioned with Courtesy of _________




List of Symbols, Abbreviations and Nomenclature One and a half spacing should be adopted or typing the matter under this head. Standard symbols, abbreviations etc. should be used. A specimen copy of the Table of Contents of the project report is given in Appendix 5. Table of Contents The table of contents should list all material following it as well as any material which precedes it. The title page and Certificate will not find a place among the items listed in the Table of Contents but the page numbers of which are in lower case Roman letters. One and a half spacing should be adopted for typing the matter under this head. A specimen copy of the Table of Contents of the project report is given in Appendix 6.


3.9 Chapters The chapters may be broadly divided into following sequence 3.9.1 Introduction to Project 3.9.2 Brief History of the work 3.9.3 Literature Survey 3.9.4 Working / Implementation of the Project work/ simulation 3.9.5 Result Analysis 3.9.6 Conclusion The main text will be divided into several chapters and each chapter may be further divided into several divisions and sub-divisions, as required. Each chapter should be given an appropriate title. Tables and figures in a chapter should be placed in the immediate vicinity of the reference where they are cited. Footnotes should be used sparingly. They should be typed single space and placed directly underneath in the very same page, which refers to the material they annotate.


Appendices Appendices are provided to give supplementary information, which is included in the main text may serve as a distraction and cloud the central theme.

Appendices should be numbered using Arabic numerals, e.g. Appendix 1, Appendix 2, etc. Appendices, Tables and References appearing in appendices should be numbered and referred to at appropriate places just as in the case of chapters. Appendices shall carry the title of the work reported and the same title shall be made in the contents page also.


List of References The listing of references should be typed 4 spaces below the heading REFERENCES in alphabetical order in single spacing left justified. The reference material should be listed in the alphabetical order of the first author. The name of the author/authors should be immediately followed by the year and other details. Website citation has to be very specific not like google.com or wikipedia.org . Figure copied from some paper or website has to be captioned with Courtesy of ____________ A typical illustrative list given below relates to the citation example quoted above.

REFERENCES 1. Ariponnammal, S. and Natarajan, S. (1994) Transport Phonomena of Sm Sel X Asx, Pramana Journal of Physics Vol.42, No.1, pp.421-425. Barnard, R.W. and Kellogg, C. (1980) Applications of Convolution Operators to Problems in Univalent Function Theory, Michigan Mach, J., Vol.27, pp.8194. Shin, K.G. and Mckay, N.D. (1984) Open Loop Minimum Time Control of Mechanical Manipulations and its Applications, Proc.Amer.Contr.Conf., San Diego, CA, pp. 1231-1236.



3.11.1 Table and figures - By the word Table, is meant tabulated numerical data in the body of the project report as well as in the appendices. All other non-verbal materials used in the body of the project work and appendices such as charts, graphs, maps, photographs and diagrams may be designated as figures.


TYPING INSTRUCTIONS: The impression on the typed copies should be black in colour. Single spacing should be used for typing the general text. The general text shall be typed in the Font style Times New Roman and Font size 12.

***** 4

Appendix 1


<Font Size 18><1.5 line spacing>

<Font Size 14>

Submitted by
<Font Size 14><Italic>


<Font Size 16>

In fulfillment for the award of the degree of

<Font Size 14><1.5 line spacing><Italic>

<Font Size 16> in

<Name of the Department>

<Font Size 14> Institute Logo

<Name of the Institute with City>

<Font Size 14>

Gujarat Technological University, Ahmedabad

<Font Size 16><1.5 line spacing>

December, 2011

Appendix 2
<Name of the Institute> <Name of the Department> 2011
<Font Size 14>

Date: This is to certify that the dissertation entitled SEMINAR/PROJECT TITLE has been carried out by NAME OF THE STUDENTS under my guidance in fulfillment of the degree of Bachelor of Engineering in <Branch Name> (7 th Semester/8 th Semester) of Gujarat Technological University, Ahmedabad during the academic year 2011-12.


Head of the Department .

Appendix 3
Table No Table 5.1 Table 5.2 Table 5.3 Table 5.4 Table 5.5 Table 5.6 Table 5.7 Table 5.8 Table 5.9 Table 5.10 Table Description Page No

Appendix 4

Figure No

Figure Description

Page No

Appendix 5

Symbol Name


Appendix 6
Acknowledgement Abstract List of Figures List of Tables List of Abbreviations Table of Contents Chapter : 1 Title of chapter(page 1 starts) 1.1 1.2 1.3 1.4 1.5 Chapter : 2 Title of chapter(page 5 starts) 2.1 2.2 2.3 2.4 5 5 6 7 1 2 2 3 4 i ii iv vii x xi

2.4.1 2.4.2
2.5 2.5.1 2.5.2 Chapter : 3 Title of chapter(page 10 starts) 3.1 3.2 3.2.1. 3.2.2.

7 8 8 8 9

10 10 10 11


Appendix 7
Format of the Page immediately before the first Chapter of the Report starts

<Title of the Project>


<Name(s) of the student(s)>

In fulfillment for the award of the degree of


<Branch Name>
Institute Logo

<Name of the Institute with City > Gujarat Technological University, Ahmedabad


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