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Marketing Strategy Assignment

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PRESENTED BY: Amarjeet (202003) Amit(202004) Anil(202007) Aniket(202006) Ramendra(202067) Sandeep (202069) Varsha (92077) Neeraj(202022)


We would like to express our greatest gratitude to the people who have helped and supported us throughout the project. Firstly, we would like to extend our sincere thanks to Prof Kashmira Chadha for her guidance and support throughout the semester, without which the conceptualization and solution of this project would not have been possible. Also, we would like to express our gratitude towards the members of Fore School of Management for their kind co-operation and encouragement which helped us in the completion of this project

BUSINESS DEFINITION - MICROSOFT At Microsoft, we're motivated and inspired every day by how our customers use our software to find creative solutions to business problems, develop breakthrough ideas, and stay connected to what's most important to them. BUSINESS DEFINITION - GOOGLE Googles mission is to organize the worlds information and make it universally accessible and useful.


Their target market would be largely those in teenage to middle age bracket, and anyone with a decent understanding of media technologies. This bracket, especially those from teens and young adults are immersed with the mass media and mobile devices more than anyone. B2B market like Microsoft windows os with nokia and android with Samsung This might be a good source of income: For Google as they can share ad revenue with Android supported device manufacturers like Samsung For Microsoft as they can share ad revenue with Windows supported device manufacturers like Nokia Another source of revenue is the default application store for android OS "Android Market Place". Right now google is filling its pocket from applications listed on Android Market and is earning money as transaction fees on buying an application through Google's checkout billing mechanism.


Target market for them is everyone who is online. The target markets are established business advertisers. They designed a searchable database and matrix to favor big business and established merchants with brand recognition. They've developed viral marketing and have attracted the attention of all sources of media for promotions both paid and free. This has provided them with a top dollar, revenue earning advertising medium yet disguised as an Internet search engine to the web surfer. They continue to develop more Internet advertising opportunities and technology to increase revenues from advertisers.



Microsofts Search Engine also known as Live Search, Windows Live Search and MSN Search is now known as Bing! MSN stands for Microsoft Network. MSN History MSNs search engine didnt start as a search engine; it began life as Microsofts content viewer for Windows95. By 1999, it became a web portal with search features; in a similar style to Yahoo! MSN Search held the market with about a 9% share, and was largely disregarded by searchers and search engine optimizations. In 2009, it was rebranded as Bing!, which seemed to strike a cord with searchers. Using a cleaner format and a decision maker branded image; Bing captured 30% of the searchers by 2011. Bing! (MSN) and SEO Microsofts answer to Googles AdWords and AdSense is AdCenter. AdCenter uses a smaller footprint and claims it delivers higher quality, more relevant traffic. Bing claims it focuses on faster, deeper searches. It aims to produce better results in searching, with fewer clicks and less work. Bing uses a cleaner initial search page, with the ability to see a deeper view of the search result page with a click. It also offers a visual search result. Bing, like Google and Yahoo says that original content is critical to SEO success on Bing. Relevant and attractive content that has meaning for the searcher is the first recommendation. Domain age seems to be more important to Bing than Yahoo and Google. Clear site architecture is an important factor for the Bing search engine. As with the other search engines, site maps and clear taxonomies are recommended to prevent broken links, missing pages or challenging navigation. Good links from higher ranked pages can also improve the search engine page rank on Bing. Link building is important for all three search engines, and Bing seems to be no exception here. Bing, like the other search engines also recommends a diverse selection of link types. Unlike the other search engines, Bing has been a Microsoft commercial product since inception. While some would argue it had identity issues in its early stages (MSN Search, Live Search, Windows Live Search, Bing). The introduction of Bing seems to have provided a major

makeover for the search engine. Bing seems to have resonated with searchers, and initial results for Bing have been very strong. Bing has miles to go before it runs up on Googles heels, but has already left Yahoo in the dust and is still moving. Bings slick graphic images, clean look and uncluttered format have been well received by searchers.

1. 1.

Google Androids Marketing Strategy

Several little, focused, orthogonal apps vs. the one 'killer app' Furthermore, apply evolution's tried-and-tested formula: differentiate, select, and amplify. Initial batch of application candidates: To do list planner Event planner Invitations planner Shopping list planner Life mapper Casual games: Matching Sorting Seeking Managing Hitting Chaining Constructing Bouncing, tossing, rolling, stacking, and balancing Marketing and Strategy Windows 8 Mobile OS

1) Network Marketing The first and most known strategy of Microsoft is Network marketing. This is because each windows product is compatible with another windows products. Your office documents can be opened on most computers because of the number of people using Microsoft. Thus it has established the concept of Network marketing perfectly. 2) Regular product launches Microsoft is present almost everywhere, be it the music market with its Zune, the computer peripherals market, it is the market leader in operating systems, it has its own tablets, it has revolutionized gaming with XBOX 360, it is now8 involved in Cloud computing and it generally comes out and gives tough competition to the current players in the market. This expansion helps build up the deep pockets of Microsoft. 3) Follower strategy One problem in the strategy of Microsoft has been that it has had a follower strategy in the past decade or more. It has rarely come out with an innovation. Check Microsoft office from 2003 to 2010. You will see that except for graphics, they have been

almost the same products over and over again. In hardware too, there has hardly been an innovation in Microsoft. Ipod launched in 2001 and Zune launched in 2006. Need we say more. 4) Learning and adapting If you look at Windows, you will find that XP had the most security holes, Windows Vista had several too, Windows 7 has quite less security problems and Windows 8 too is expected to be even better in security. Thus Microsoft is learning fast and adapting to the environment. Microsoft knows that nowadays people need security and it is providing the same to them. 5) Build a cash cow Even though I am repeating this point, but this is important. Microsoft has a cash cow operating systems as its backup. And its whole empire is built on the basis of this cash cow. 6) Be customer focused There are a lot of jokes about the customer service of Microsoft but if you really look at it, then the reason why Microsoft is actually working is because help is available offline as well as online. Your computer might crash for any reason, but generally you are able to specify the reason for the crash and if you are a techie you will be able to rejuvenate it. Even a 10 year old nowadays knows how to correct windows. 7) Ease of use Make products which can be used by the youngest to the oldest in the easiest manner. Like Nokia in mobile phones, Microsoft OS is known for its ease of access. The start button has been revolutionary. 8) Build brand equity Today Microsoft is amongst the top 10 companies in terms of its brand equity due to many different consumer and business to business products that it has. Building such a high brand equity has paid off for Microsoft with it becoming a highly trusted household name. The above are some strategies of Microsoft which has helped in making Microsoft one of the topmost brands in the world. Can you think of some other strategies which have helped Microsoft grow? We would love to hear about it!

GOOGLE SEARCH MARKETING STRATEGYGoogle Inc., starting from just a smart algorithm, has developed a totally new business model, has become in a few years the world leading search engine, also google has developed winning applications as Google Earth, Google Video, Google Maps, Gmail, and is enjoying a huge success. Google, starting from scratch, has won the challenge against a giant like Microsoft and against the previous search engine market leaders Yahoo, Lycos, Altavista, Excite. These are the key reasons why the Google Search engine won: 1. - Google search had - and still has - a simple, clean, clear, minimalistic user interface. no frills, just the logo and the search box - easy and fast to load. And this was a key feature with the slow internet connections of the early years 1999 -2001 - while Yahoo and most of the other search

engines were more like generalist portals, full of confusion, full of useless features and useless links, full of annoying banner ads, heavy and slow to load. Google had a clear understanding on psychology of perception, and how the interaction eye/brain works, while the bigger competitors didn't. Bottom line : If the user visits a search engine, what he wants to get is simply that: just a search engine. A search engine that is fast and reliable. If the user wants a generalist portal, he goes to a portal, not to a search engine. Larry Page and Sergey Brin, the Google Executives, understood this, and this was what they delivered and made their users happy. Google had - and has - reliable search results (not always, but most of the time). Page and Brin's PageRank algorithm worked well. Google got good advice from VC's and from Wilson Sonsini Goodrich & Rosati. Larry Page and Sergey Brin have been advised and assisted since the beginning by John Doerr, VC Partner of Kleiner Perkins and by Wilson Sonsini Goodrich & Rosati, the leading law firm of Silicon Valley. In the following years, Google became a powerhouse with an impressive pipeline of new great products - Google Maps, Google Earth, Google Video, Gmail. And slim revenues. Google worked very hard on search engine. It seems that searching was much more important to them than just revenues and profits. The strategy worked.


A major advantage that Bing has over an engine like Ask however is that their market reach surpasses that of even Google. If we consider Microsoft's reach onto the desktop and through the Xbox console, they have access to a large percentage of searchers they just haven't been able to win their hearts and minds yet. Which is exactly why they've launched the Bing In On challenge (a wise marketing move to be sure). In this challenge they display Google and Bing search results side-by-side with all the branding stripped out and allow users to vote for their preferred set of results based purely on merit.

Universal & Social Positioning Preferences

Regular readers of Search Engine Watch may recall Nathan Safran's article from last month titled, Searchers Don't Want Social in the SERPs, Prefer Bing's layout to Google's. This article

discussed the difference in the current layout of a SERP page after stripping out the brand and with the universal and social results areas clearly indicated. The basic consensus was that 63 percent of those tested preferred Bing's layout related to social search (though not universal). Those stats broke down as: 1. 2. 3. 4. 36 percent strongly preferred Bing 27 percent somewhat preferred Bing 19 percent strongly preferred Google 18 percent somewhat preferred Google

The breakdown on universal search was a bit different, with Google taking 53 percent, Bing 31 percent, and 16 percent of those tested having no preference. If we look at this data alone one can infer that if a user has no opinion on a search engine going in, they are likely not to be heavily swayed by universal search presentation but may be swayed by social presentation due to the stronger preference recorded in the study. This all depends on how you're searching and why but overall I'd chalk this down as win for Bing. If only they had the chance to get in front of users. Further, users can be taught to appreciate having their social experience integrated into their search results, then a case could be made for the fact that more than integrated images and products, users will gravitate to results that include information on what their friends think and like.

It's important again to point out my bias. When Bing started integrating Facebook data in their search results back in May it was exciting, reason I got excited by this move was that they were doing what Google couldn't and that's integrate a large-scale Friends association into the results users are getting in their search results. We all know about Google+ and we have likely all noticed the +1 button and how it can influence the way Google displays sites with the x people +1'd this below the result. The problem is, the people whose opinions we trust the most over a wide array of topics don't spend a lot of time on Google+ or +1'ing things. I live in Victoria, BC and when I enter restaurants victoria bc not one of the results has any type of indication as to whether people I know like any restaurants there. Perform the same search on Bing and because they use Facebook to pull such data, I get two listings with a little Thumbs Up to the left of the result which, if I hover over it, will show me which Facebook friends liked it.

This may seem simple, but it could well be one of the most powerful features of all the engines. Consider again my search for a hotel. I can go to Expedia and get their reviews, I can also get the reviews of a bunch of people we don't know who may have different needs that we do, or you can go to Bing and see which hotels people like prefer. Essentially, Bing has done what Google has (thus far) been unable to do: provide a social integration based on a large-scale network of interconnected people. Facebook integration into Bing results is a huge advantage. And until Google can convince People to get a Google+ profile and start +1ing things, Bing will have a large advantage on this playing field. So, Bing It On!

But all of this is irrelevant if either of two conditions exist: 1. 2. Bing's search results are poor Bing can't pick up some additional market share

After all, what good are recommendations if I don't search on an engine or worse, if I do and get poor results and leave frustrated. Enter Bing's Bing It On challenge. Bing has created a page that allows the user to search and then displays, side-by-side, the results from both Bing and Google with all the branding stripped out and asks you to vote as to which you prefer (or a Draw if you consider them equal). After five queries they show you the results. I should note before you give it a try, the results don't include the above-mentioned social integrations, it's just a test of the pure results. When I tested it personally I got the following results from a purposely varied query set: 1. hotel las vegas (selected result based on the display of rating) Bing 2. digital projector (selected results based on quick jump to shopping and review sites near the top) Bing 3. buy organic coffee (selected result based on ease of accessing shopping on a buy phrase) Bing 4. define quizzical (selected result based on layout of definition) Google 5. leonardo da vinci (selected result based on image with the Wikipedia listing and layout of page) Bing

This was the second time we'd done a search on the Bing It On system but I didn't record the why the first time. In the first test I ended up with 2 Bing, 2 draws and 1 Google. When we were recording our reasons the second time we made ourself select a preference and thus there were no draws.

Bing: The Choice of a New (Search) Generation?

Bing has a huge problem. I've never heard anyone say they're going to Bing something when they need information. You get into an argument in a pub, you'll Google it to settle the debate. While people may prefer Bing results in a blind test, will those five people who preferred Bing in my sample now head home and start using it? Probably not old patterns are hard to break. Ask Google, they developed a great social network but people kept using Facebook because old habits die hard. What this does mean, however, is that Google needs to tread very carefully. The biggest threat to Google right now is that if they come up with either a format people don't like or a results set that is completely unsatisfactory even for a short while users may jump to Bing as a backup. If they do, and Bing keeps up a results set people seem to prefer, Google could very well lose users. In addition, the potential for further integration of Facebook data into Bing and additional integration of Bing results/advertising into Facebook they could grab both market share and more importantly advertising revenue from Google.

March 2012 US Search Market Share Report in SEARCH by Jin Han April 11, 2012 at 2:44 pm | 3 comments digg The share trends among the top 3 engines continued this month, with slight market share increases for Bing and Yahoo!

1. 2.

Bing Powered engines (Bing and Yahoo!) picked up the 0.5ppts share the Google Google Powered now represents 66.3%% of the market and Bing Powered has over a

Powered engines lost. third of the US web search market at 33.7%.


AOL saw a slight decline of .1ppt in share, while Yahoo! gained slight share for the Bing experienced a share increase of 0.4ppts to now represent 18.0% of the US search The overall search market as defined by these 4 engines saw a slight decline in query

2 month in a row. 4. 5. market. volume despite March having 2 more days than February. PRICING: BING VS GOOGLE The pricing model of both Bing and Google search engine is the same. The both earn revenue from the advertisers and they are free for the users. BRAND POSITIONING OF WINDOWS 8 MOBILE OS VS ANDROID OS The mobile development community is at a tipping point. Mobile users demand more choice, more opportunities to customize their phones, and more functionality. Mobile operators want to provide value-added content to their subscribers in a manageable and lucrative way. Mobile developers want the freedom to develop the powerful mobile applications users demand with minimal roadblocks to success. Finally, handset manufacturers want a stable, secure, and affordable platform to power their devices. Up until now single mobile platform has adequately addressed the needs of all the parties. Enter Android, which is a potential game-changer for the mobile development community. An innovative and open platform, Android is well positioned to address the growing needs of the mobile marketplace

With its user-centric, democratic design philosophies, Google has led a movement to turn the existing closely guarded wireless market into one where phone users can move between carriers easily and have unfettered access to applications and services. With its vast resources, Google has taken a broad approach, examining the wireless infrastructure from the FCC wireless spectrum policies to the handset manufacturers requirements, application developer needs, and mobile operator desires. MANUFACTURERS: DESIGNING THE ANDROID HANDSETS More than half the members of the OHA are handset manufacturers, such as Samsung, Motorola, HTC, and LG, and semiconductor companies, such as Intel,Texas Instruments, NVIDIA, and Qualcomm. These companies are helping design the first generation of Android handsets. CONTENT PROVIDERS: DEVELOPING ANDROID APPLICATIONS

Google has led the pack, developing Android applications, many of which, like the email client and Web browser, are core features of the platform. OHA members, such as eBay, are also working on Android application integration with their online auctions. Mobile Operators: Delivering the Android Experience After you have the phones, you have to get them out to the users. Mobile operators from Asia, North America, Europe, and Latin America have joined the OHA, ensuring a market for the Android movement.With almost half a billion subscribers, telephony giant China Mobile is a founding member of the alliance. Other operators have signed on as well. TAKING ADVANTAGE OF ALL ANDROID HAS TO OFFER Androids open platform has been embraced by much of the mobile development community extending far beyond the members of the OHA. As Android phones and applications become more readily available, many in the tech community anticipate other mobile operators and handset manufacturers will jump on THREE LOSERS IN OPERATING SYSTEMS Source: Mobile Forecast 2012-2015 Here we see how Symbian, Blackberry and Windows Mobile have fallen over the past three years from their dominant 1-2-4 positions back in year 2009. Again, for all the complaints about RIM, Blackberry OS is not doing nearly as badly as Symbian and Windows Mobile. Lets now see the four growing OS platforms. FOUR GROWING SMARTPHONE OS PLATFORMS Source: Mobile Forecast 2012-2015 The Android growth pace is breathtaking. Apple's iPhone has been relatively flat, only modest growth in the past three years. And Windows Phone has slight growth. MICROSOFT IS THE PARASITE SUCKING NOKIA Microsoft Parasite situation is shown in two graphs, which illustrate the same picture. On the picture on the left, we have Microsoft Windows Mobile transition to Windows Phone. The light green color is Windows Phone sales without Nokia. You can clearly see, that Microsoft was a dead OS without Nokia. The yellow part is Nokia smartphones on Windows Phone and you might think this is good news for Microsoft. They are getting a 'lifeline' and are not quite dead (yet). But then there is a Parasite situation from the side of the dying patient, who is being cannibalized for the survival of Microsoft. How is Nokia taking it?

Source: Mobile Forecast 2012-2015 The damage to Nokia is so enormous, that while Microsoft the Parasite sucks the life out of Nokia, Nokia will not survive this and will disappear. This is a certain road to death. Nokia's smartphone operations are far too heavy to live on this rapidly vanishing market share. Feature Address Size File Types Levels Basic Syntax Boolean Proximity Google www.google.com Largest - 1 trillion? Bing bing.com ?? Yahoo! search.yahoo.com Second largest web, ppt, xls, doc, pdf, xml, rss, rdf, swf

web, pdf, msoffice, mac, corel, swf, web, ppt, xls, doc, pdf rss, xml, kml, kmz Simple and Advanced (form) Simple (form) and

Advanced Simple and Advanced (form)

+ to require common word or + to require common words - to exclude, "phrase" number, and to stop auto stemming or stop auto stemming - to exclude, "phrase" - to exclude, "phrase" OR upper case, single words - eg Simple: AND, OR, NOT in OR in uppercase. labour OR labor caps. Nesting ( ) Can use * at end or beginning of a No sequence of words to require those words to be near each other. Also use * as a wildcard in a phrase -- "three * ducks" or somewhere in query. Can use * as a wildcard in a phrase -- "three * ducks" (Not as good as at Google)

Truncation/ Automatically stems some words and stemming looks for word variants. Turn off with + Can use ~ to pick up some variants and synonyms. ~invest for investment, investing, investor.

Will pick up related terms - Automatic singular, this might include singular / plural and some variants. plural forms. Turn off with Turn off with + +.

Restrict by Advanced Search: Date first indexed - No date 24 hours, week, last month, 2 months, 3, 6, last year Show Options: Latest, past 24 hrs, past week, past year, date range. ** Field Search

Advanced Search: Pages updated - 3 months, 6 months, year

Advanced: Filters for Title, Format, Advanced: Specify Advanced Form: URL, Domain and Site site/domain, country/region, words in title or url. and language. site/domain, file format,

country, language Domain site:utoronto.ca forestry- pages in site:au health - pages about the utoronto.ca domain that mention health with Australian forestry country code. Use site: with search terms. site:utoronto.ca find pages at utoronto.ca loc:au- find pages in Australia (any top-level domain for Australia) or allintitle:solar heat - all words in title intitle:solar heat - solar in title, heat anywhere intitle:"solar heat" - phrase in the title. intext:milton poetry words in text. URL allinurl:milton poetry pages with No - but can use url: to inurl:archives both words in url check if site has been inurl:milton poetry milton in url, indexed by bing. Eg poetry anywhere url:www.websearchguide.ca contains:wma finds pages feature: finds pages with with Windows Media audio links to other filetypes: files. eg, acrobat, audio, flash, image, script, shockwave, video, vrml. filetype:pdf search only pdf files. filetype:pdf - also doc, rtf, originurlextension:pdf Also doc, ps. ppt, xls, rtf, swf, xml, xls, ppt Also xls, ppt, doc, tixt, rss. xml, rft, rss. to link:www.utoronto.ca - pages that No point to a URL info:www.websearchguide.ca brings up information about the site. inanchor:magic pages that have magic in the link text. link:http:// www.websearch guide.ca Pages that link to a particular url. Can combine with other terms. Must have http:// linkdomain: websearch guide.ca tutorial pages that link to domain and mention tutorial * Uses Yahoo site:au- find pages with Australian country code Site Explorer -site:utoronto.ca - find pages at utoronto.ca. Can also use domain:utoronto.ca

Title Text

intitle:"solar power" intitle:"solar energy" basics looks for "solar power" in title and basics anywhere.



Links Page

SiteExplorer. Grouped By More results from Web Site No More from this site. Set Preferences to get this display. Major sites listed in left panel. ** Yes - no date No

Cached Page

Yes - with date

Yes - with date Yes - In Advanced Search

Search w/in Yes - bottom of page Topical Grouping Sometimes shows "searches related to" at top or bottom of page. Also Show Options Wonder Wheel **

Categories and Web Groups Search Assist related - depends on query - searches and concepts. different for health, travel, shopping. ** Related searches (shows on 1 or 2 word queries)

Real Time **

Twitter feed embedded in web search Bing Twitter - separate Latest News in search results in scrolling box. (Appears search - only for US. results: tabs for news, rarely) Also News block. photos, video, and sometimes Twitter. Show Options: Latest automatic. Spelling correction automatic. Search suggestions as you type. Search suggestions as you Show Options: Timeline - view of type. topic over time. ** Show Options: Various views of Shortcuts for definitions, pages. ** conversions, financial quotes, calculations, Define - definitions from web. weather. Number range 2000..2004 Recognizes addresses - map search. More listed Features under Web Search correction Spelling correction automatic. Shortcuts dictionary, encyclopedia, travel, weather. Create an open shortcut. Search Assist gives suggestions as you type . Also shows concepts prevalent in the results. SearchScan - McAfee alerts for malicious sites.

Search Aids Spelling



Translate Yes. Translator Show Options: Translated Search **

Also Google

Also Microsoft Yes. Also Babelfish

Personal Search Tools

Google SearchWiki for search history, Search bookmarks, notes browser

History for Customize add session. ** enhancements for display of search Google Custom Search - make your Save & Share - to save results ** own search engine history on computer. Use Windows Live for online Search Pad - save and storage. ** share links, pages, notes. Requires online account.** similar Preferences lists settings for search features and display Video filters Images Local and Maps - bird's Video - Yahoo Video and eye view on maps for US, others including UK and Canada. Some YouTube. street views for some US New Music cities. ** Local and Maps (Canada Local search - products and services weak) near an address or by zip/postal code. US and Canada. Also Google Maps News - 7,000 sources for locating places. Yahoo Answers - QnA Scholar - journals and scholarly sites mixed quality. Book Search - snippets, table of contents, and some full text. Large Subscriptions access collection. for for-fee databases. News Archive 200 years All Google Trends - view interest in a topic through search volumes, occurence in news, and geographic location. More through Google Labs and Other Google Services Yahoo Services for Yahoo Tools Searchers Images images show

Verticals & Search Alerts Tools Image Search select images that contain any content, news, or faces. Video Search TV, educational, personal plus YouTube. News Search (25,000 sources) and News Alerts BlogSearch Google Groups - search public discussion

Toolbar Subject Directory Sponsored

Google Toolbar and Desktop Search Open Directory Project Ranked Google AdWords

Windows Live Toolbar None

Yahoo Companion Yahoo Directory

Yahoo Marketing and MSN Yahoo Marketing


Ad Center

Product Differentiation

Android is open source

Windows Mobile is a proprietary software

Can be easily hacked, manipulated, and molded to All apps must be created with the end user in mind in fit any functionality terms of functionality Second largest app store Hardware minimum specs set forth by Microsoft must be adhered to Major partnership with Nokia

Major partnership with Samsung

Around 500,000 applications with an app removal Around 100,000 applications with an app removal rate of rate of 37% 13% User Friendly Complicated

THE WAY FORWARD Google Brand Positioning Pricing Product Differentiation Sales Promotion Maintaining its brand equity No Change More innovative Search More aggressive campaign Bing Getting rid of the niche tag No Change More innovative Search

advertising Similar Tie-ups on the lines of the one with Yahoo, Integration with all MS products

Android OS Brand Positioning Pricing Product Differentiation Sales Promotion Best Android OS Affordable to Premium Range More innovative Android Apps More aggressive advertising campaign

Windows OS Best Windows OS Affordable to Premium Range More innovative Windows Apps Tie-ups with Samsung on the lines of Nokia

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